Farmhouse Fury: Collecting Our Fury Animals in Ireland

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The Corner House Project

The Corner House Project

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@carolinerobinson8442 8 ай бұрын
@thecornerhouseproject 8 ай бұрын
Thank you very much indeed Caroline, this is very very kind. Look out for your name at the end of the next video. Thank you for watching and the Super Thanks :-)
@jeanhawken4482 2 ай бұрын
Goats are amazing land clearers. Chooks are fun and produce eggs. Donkeys require the same care as a pony and far too many of them are kept in miserable conditions.
@thecornerhouseproject 2 ай бұрын
We can't wait to get goats, they look a lot of fun. Chickens probably first as we will be more ready for those sooner than goats, but there is no rush, they will arrive at some point :-) Thank you as always Jean :-)
@johnoneill5812 9 ай бұрын
Its not a home without a cat. My wife and I bought our first house in December 1984 just before Christmas. The first thing we got for our home was a cat... have been without one or two only a few months over the past 39 years. Ireland is certainly lovely but I have to admit that the video of the drive was very distressing. The combination of driving on the left, very narrow road, and buildings & fences only a few feet from the pavement would be a difficult adjustment for someone from Canada. If I ever make a trip to Ireland I will pay Dawn to be my chauffeur :)
@thecornerhouseproject 9 ай бұрын
Hi John :-) It has been really odd not having cats around while we have been here, even though we have been flat out with renovating the farmhouse, working is never the same without the supervision of a cat. When we moved to our last house, which was rented, we weren't allowed animals so our good neighbour adopted our then 6 cats, that was 2019. We left the Guinea pigs in June and been petless since then. The day this video was recorded we were so excited, and then one week later we went and collected the remaining brother. So two cats very quickly became three.... and who knows how many next lol. I was in Canada last year and the roads are so wide it was amazing and the open spaces too. You won't need to pay Dawn to drive, 1: She is a bad passenger so better off driving and 2: She just loves to drive. As always John, thank you so much for always watching and commenting :-)
@bill90405 8 ай бұрын
Its not hard, i came from US. u just leave airport and follow the car in front of you! Most roads are so narrow you cant be on the wrong side. Slainte!
@pitsnipe5559 9 ай бұрын
See, I knew there was a reason I liked you guys, your cat people! 😻
@thecornerhouseproject 9 ай бұрын
That must be the reason we have always looked forward to your comments. Are you bonkers like Dawn too? lol Since the cats have been here, Dawn is back in her element as Crazy cat lady. We have more toys here than pets at home and we can't have one of anything, it has to be three! "Well we have three cats and they need one each" is Dawn's reasoning lol. On a whole she is just a crazy animal person and nothing is every to much trouble for her. As always, thank you for watching and commenting and a bonus thank you for being a cat person too lol.
@SweetOne. 9 ай бұрын
Really nice to see some of the Irish countryside. You can never go wrong having some mousers in the house in the country. Mr. Bluebird might not be so pleased though lol. ROFL my dad used to call me Spud (Sputnik). So glad that knock on the bonce wasn't worse.
@thecornerhouseproject 9 ай бұрын
Our previous cats used to bring us frogs from out of the garden, so who knows what these will bring in living out here. Well hopefully Egg the Robin will stick around and torment the cats by staying in the Hawthorne tree knowing he is safe. As they say Janie, where there is no sense there is no feeling so it was worse than it looked, it was a nice little gouge lol. Spud, what a great nickname. Lukas gets called all sorts by me, currently Charlie Lum. No idea why, just a name that stuck lol Thanks for always watching and commenting, it means a lot to us x
@tracybush8115 9 ай бұрын
Hahaha, LOVE cats! They're so sweet. Congrats on the new arrivals to your home - 1 son, 3 cats (yes I'm fast-forwarding as I know you end up with 3.) This was fun, thanks.
@thecornerhouseproject 9 ай бұрын
Hahaha this made us laugh as we both think, in a nice way, that you are nuts, as are we lol. We couldn't have left the third one, also the Mum's son, on his own in the shed he was in at the breeders house, especially with his poorly eye, so we went to pick him up a week later, poorly eye and all. 1 son, 3 cats and who knows what we will end up with in the future.. I don't think I am allowed a lama though, maybe an alpaca, I will buy Dawn some flowers before I mention it. Thank you so much for always watching Tracy and your great comment :-)
@Debbie-kt6ck 9 ай бұрын
😂😂 you and my sister would get on so well Dawn, we call her the crazy cat lady, most she’s had in one go was 14 - kittens mostly she gets them all speyed and finds them new homes., but keeps the older ones. My Rosie was a ginger cat I had her for 23 lovely years ❤
@thecornerhouseproject 9 ай бұрын
They sound like they would get on like a house on fire. We did the same with keeping some. They were the ones nobody wanted. In the end, the poor first two still had kids with them even at 18 years old. They were all spayed and chopped once they had a litter or two as we weren't breeders, just love cats haha. Sadly most have since passed away. Wow, 23, that is nuts. Must be so hard when they finally go 😞 Gingers are different to other colours, they seem to be more human dependant, or is that just Dawn spoiling them all the time haha. Thank you so much for watching and commenting 😁
@dorygeancunningham8027 9 ай бұрын
My one cat sat here on me to watch the video, once she heard the meowing. I am the person people call and say hey we have this cat or dog, will you take it, and I will say yes…my husband would like us to not have phones…lol. Now I have questions…you picked up 2 and now there are three. Did one stow away? Oh and Dawn I bought two very larger carriers that zip together for long road trips so I can put a small litter box in for them, because one of our cats gets car sick just driving down the driveway.
@thecornerhouseproject 9 ай бұрын
Hi Dory, it is always great reading your comments, so thank you so much. When I editing the video, each time the mum was meowing, her two sons would look round to see what was wrong with her. Oh no, I am pleased no one has Dawn's number out here in Ireland as there are so many cats and Dawn, like you would say yes to them all, you husband may be on to something with no phone haha. So, the third cat..... The mum and son were for sale for €100 as a pair. There was also a second kitten but he had a poorly eye. We left him there and Dawn all the way home was saying "we should have got the third one". I promised the two cats on the way home they would love where they were going and how spoilt they would be. It wasn't fair to leave the third, so one week later, in the car we climbed, drive for 2 hours there and two hours back. To the vets all three went. The third has a condition in his eye, which needs a little operation to fix. Both boys had their first injections, back this Friday for their second. Please don't tell Dawn there are larger carriers available hahaha. I think this one can have a little little tray in it, but we kept our fingers crossed on the way home. We have always been lucky with them not being car sick. We once went to my Mum's for Christmas with 11 kittens roaming free in the car for 3 hours. They seemed happier being able to walk about and look out the windows. Anyway, I could ramble all night about cats so thank you again for watching and commenting :-)
@gwencroud6678 9 ай бұрын
I really enjoyed you're video today. The cats are a look cute and I can't wait to see more of them . XxxAuntie Chrissie xxx
@thecornerhouseproject 9 ай бұрын
Dawn is even more happy than she was with getting the house and land as now we have loads of room for who knows what animals hahaha. Merry Christmas Auntie Chris xx
@karenashworth5743 9 ай бұрын
3 years ago I lost my 2 cats within a week . They were 16 and 17 respectively. I vowed I would never have another pet and yet here I am 3 years later with 2 cats. They were dumped on our street and nobody else could take them . I named them Kevin and Perry because they were just like teenagers.
@thecornerhouseproject 9 ай бұрын
We wish we could give two hearts to your comment. Losing one animal is horrible, two in a week must have been devastating. Now two cats again! I think like any animal lover, once you find the animal for you, it is hard to be without them. It sounds like they were dumped on your street on purpose as "something" knew they would be taken care of. Kevin and Perry - WE LOVE IT! Thank you Karen for watching and commenting :-)
@TheHavasu_77 6 ай бұрын
I have two kitties, I’m also a crazy cat lady at heart! 🥰❤️ I like to joke and say that since I was born in 77 and I’m Gen X, I grew up feral and was raised by my cats instead of parents. 😂 We were all latchkey kids and our parents worked all the time, but we turned out fine. ❤ Also, thank you for showing us the lovely Irish countryside!! 💚💚💚
@thecornerhouseproject 6 ай бұрын
Aww just love cats! Always have, I love all animals but cats for some reason I find the most fascinating! They’re such odd little creatures, so full of fun and then so grumpy and aloof at the same time! I was born in 72 and Ben 74 so GenX here too. Always had cats when I was growing up and dogs, hamsters, birds, rabbits, tropical fish…haha no wonder I lean towards animals! Haha No problem at all, it is just so easy to show beauty around here, it’s all around and wherever we go! It’s bloody amazing! 😻
@j.c4007 9 ай бұрын
Bonsoir, vos vidéos sont toujours pleines de rebondissements, très dynamiques, pleines d'énergie !!! C'est super !!!😊 * Vous roulez à gauche? Je pensais que vous étiez en Irlande ? Peut-être est-ce l'Irlande du nord alors?
@thecornerhouseproject 9 ай бұрын
Tout d’abord, merci d’avoir regardé et commenté. Nous essayons de varier nos vidéos et de montrer ce que nous faisons parfois lorsque nous ne réparons pas la maison. Nous conduisons à droite ici en Irlande, j'avais la caméra face à nous et elle a tourné l'image dans l'autre sens donc on dirait que Dawn est sur le côté gauche de la voiture. Elle était vraiment du bon côté. Merci d'avoir regardé et de vous être abonné :-) ----------------------------------- Firstly, thank you for watching and commenting. We try to vary our videos and show what we sometimes get up to when we are not repairing the house. We drive on the right here in Ireland, I had the camera facing us and it turned the image the other way so it looks like Dawn is on the left side of the car. She was on the right side really. Thank you for watching and subscribing :-)
@janechamblesswright119 9 ай бұрын
Well done! May they live long, happy lives with you both! Leitrim. Yes. Nothin but bog and the WILD goes on forever. Those fields you pass when outside of lovely Leitrim? The ones with no rushes? A local person tells me they are commonly called “Protestant Fields” - which I find hilarious. 3 winters ago, a tiny blur with a tail whizzed past my feet when I was taking the dogs out - it moved so fast, we didn’t even know WHAT IT WAS. I put some food out - ( which was my undoing…) and we finally figured out that someone must have dumped a small feral kitten along the road….? Not-My-Kitty has gifted us with - Hoagy, Harpo, and Hannibal. Bing, Bob, Duke and Zoot, Cab Calloway, Django, Einstein, Edison, and Tesla - Tige amd Uno (aka Bitty-Head, as far as I can figure we may have developed the first miniature cat - as he refuses to get BIGGER….) All of these characters live their best lives outside of the house - as 2 bullmastiffs and an English bulldog would see them as Scooby-Snax. They have a series of houses I’ve built, with warm blankets (some are actually HEATED blankets) and the run of the studio… Two good meals a day - and we love them to bits. Yeah - I’ve grabbed several of them and had them spayed. Some have struck out on their own to wherever it is that cats go - and it seems the spayed ones disappear into the unknown? No ginger cats - we’ve cornered the market on black cats, Black and white, and the occasional tiger - some with long hair? If you would like to add to your Pussycat family - just let me know, it’s only a matter of time before somebody here surprises us with something new? And we are MUCH closer than Galway. Enjoy your Christmas - and may it be filled with love, joy, warmth and light.
@thecornerhouseproject 8 ай бұрын
Aww thank you! We will give them their best life, there are so many cat toys and paraphernalia around they won't have any time to be bored! It sounds like your "not my kitty" happened across the right person too! I love how your family of fluffy babies has grown and that's exactly how we ended up with so many cats over the years too! What great names too! Yes, you can really tell the difference in the land the whether or closer you get to Leitrim. Love the wild and untouched nature of it. It really feels like you are living in a different world! You'll be the first on our radar when we think.. "ooh another kitty or two is in order!" Our two boys are off for the their vaccinations today and to get an appointment for the new year snip too...but shhh they don't know that part yet! We hope you and your family of four legged friends have a very happy Christmas too! 🎄 😘
@kathryncooper7452 8 ай бұрын
They're gorgeous.
@thecornerhouseproject 8 ай бұрын
They are little buggers. Alan, the third cat, one we went back to get a week later is going to the vets tomorrow. You will need to catch up with the videos Kath to find out why. Happy new year to you all :-)
@helenangelful 9 ай бұрын
That was a great video. The drive is so scenic, Ireland is just beautiful. Congratulations on your two 'family' members, have you names for the cats? I see you have a left hand drive, how do you manage on the relatively narrow roads? Enjoy this week in the Corner House.....😊
@thecornerhouseproject 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for watching and commenting, as always. Two new family members which, within a week, became three. Peaches is the mum. She already had that name. Her two sons, which weren't named are called Steve & Alan. Dawn always wanted a cat called Steve, and now she does lol The car is a right hand drive and I am just a numpty with the editing. My phone switches it when using the screen side of the camera. This won't happen soon and video quality should be much better. Have a lovely Christmas 🎄🎁
@guyprot-zq1dz 9 ай бұрын
Bonjour de Paris, bon courage, vous êtes trop mignons 😊
@thecornerhouseproject 9 ай бұрын
Merci beaucoup. C'est agréable de vous voir et de commenter. And for the rest of us that don't speak French like Google translate does... "Thank you very much indeed. It is nice to have you watching and commenting."
@Mitch-Hendren 7 ай бұрын
Great to see you driving down roads i drive 😋😋 i have an inset stove takes the place of the open fire but gets a lot hotter uses less fuel and is a lot cleaner .. But, can you just repair the wall where the smoke is issuing from . Its probably a loose stone/mortar that was made worse with the crashing and banging to uncap the chimney . By the time the smoke gets to the top of the chimney theres very little heat left. Its just warmish air and smoke
@thecornerhouseproject 7 ай бұрын
We will get a stove for the living room and bedrooms in the end. Sadly the smoke in the bedroom from downstairs is coming from gaps in the wall but also clean out the top of the wall from the rubble section. To re-motar we would have to do it with the tiles off :-( As you say though, the saving on fuel and the extra heat is the way to go. It is costing a fortune to running the open fire in the bedroom lol.
@kategreen-adarkcarnival6747 9 ай бұрын
Loved the video guys! I used to have 3 cats who lived to a ripe old age and were very much family members, so know how you feel about them! Thanks for the journey down to Galway - good to see the landscape in winter. Also thanks for the humour! Kxx
@thecornerhouseproject 9 ай бұрын
You are most welcome for the humour, we don't take things too seriously and have a lot of fun and it is nice that it shows. I think our two eldest got to 18 which were the two original mums back in 2004 of 3 litters Travelling anywhere here is a pleasure, even on the roads we always travel. So many lakes (Lough), the Iron mountain and no traffic. We are really looking forward to Spring to see everything bursting into life. We love it here. Thank you Kate for always watching and commenting :-)
@MommaOG 9 ай бұрын
Hello I like your channel I just subscribed 🙂💐
@thecornerhouseproject 9 ай бұрын
Hi and thank you very much indeed for subscribing, it is really appreciated :-)
@anniedavis4569 9 ай бұрын
Love to you see both driving along and great seeing the beautiful cats
@thecornerhouseproject 9 ай бұрын
Thanks Annie. Driving here in Ireland is a pleasure each time we go out, even to the shop 10 minutes away. The wide open space, the pure lack of cars, the rain and the rainbows and then some sun, it is beautiful. The video doesn't do them justice really, and as I type, Dawn is saying.. "Do you want some bedtime biscuits.... you are so cute and you are very special". They are bloody cute I will say that much hahaha. Thank you for watching and commenting Annie, it means a lot to us :-)
@CynthiaEvans-i2f 9 ай бұрын
Cute kittens!
@thecornerhouseproject 9 ай бұрын
Thank you Cynthia, they certainly are. Running around like horses all over the house at present. It is a good job we got the floors done haha. As soon as the floors were complete, we knew it was time for cats to arrive. We were suppose to wait for our Son to come home before getting them, BUT, as Dawn said, she was looking for a bed for him, which just so happened to end up being two cats and then three. Thank you so much for watching and commenting :-)
@ronaldlucas5360 Ай бұрын
@thecornerhouseproject Ай бұрын
The cats thank you! 😉 🐱
@Cuernavacachica02 9 ай бұрын
The scenery along that drive is fantastic!!! It really makes me want to be there!! I have family who live in South Carolina, who were from England and Ireland, and looking at it makes me realize they must’ve felt right at home in that part of our country! -well, except for the castle! 😂😂😂😂 the kitties are beautiful!!!
@thecornerhouseproject 9 ай бұрын
It is all fantastic. Really rural, cows for neighbours and nearly only tractors pass our door once a day. We have never been to the USA but I think the wilderness would appeal more to us that the bright lights and we really wouldn't be there for the hustle and bustle of all of those people. I can see why someone from Ireland would go for the space out there too, there is so much of it. We need to have a read about the castle to find a date for it, bloody old I am guessing. We have Neolithic standing stones around here and also burial grounds dating back to 4000BC. You can see stone just stood at the side of the road if you know where to look. The cats are great, spoiled rotten as I am sure you can imagine having Dawn as their mum lol. Thank you for always watching and taking the time to comment :-)
@claredeegan6643 8 ай бұрын
Absolutely love the cats! Big cat lady, Rob is a dog man. I do love the gingers, we had a big ginger tom when I was a kid called Jake, unfortunately he jumped on the stove when it was on and burnt his four paws. Unfortunately life went downhill from there as he never recovered and wouldn't allow the vet to treat or cover them. So don't let them need your stove. Your cat carrier is super, never seen anything like it, they found a great home x
@thecornerhouseproject 8 ай бұрын
Oh you and me both Clare, they are such lovely little characters, while also being absolute assholes at the same time! One of them keeps stealing little bits out of our sons room and bringing downstairs at the moment! Gingers seem to have a different way about them don't they? Oh god that's awful with Jake! That is my biggest fear with them. We built a huge range guard out of our old guinea pig house the day before we picked them up, so fingers crossed they don't meet the same fate as Jake as they are into everything! It's a really good carrier...normal carrier size zipped up and then loads of space for them when you drop the sides. It's been great having multiple cats again, makes me smile to see them all playing and then curling up together! ♥️
@wandajacobs9862 9 ай бұрын
Hello! is the story of my beloved ginger cat. On a day trip north of where we lived in Wisconsin we went to a place called Tim's Hill. When we arrived there we started our trek up the hill and saw a young ginger cat and she saw us. She followed us up the hill for a while but then we lost sight of her. We wondered where she went. We looked for her on our way down but didn't find her. Once we got to the bottom of the hill we saw her sitting at the bottom looking around. Well she saw us and came running to us. I picked her up and she wrapped her front legs around my neck and literally gave me a hug! Of course she came home with us. We were together for 19 years. I loved her so much and she loved me. My Ginger girl....20 years later and I still miss you! 😢
@thecornerhouseproject 9 ай бұрын
Awww what a fantastic way to find your perfect pet. I bet in your heart you were hoping to find her again on your way back down and couldn't believe it when she came to you. Ginger girls are fairly rare and Peaches, the mum of ours is the first ginger girl we have had. She is very timid but we are getting there. 19 years is incredible and terribly sad that you still miss her after all of those years. Thank you for watching and for sharing your great story with us, cat people are a special breed. :-)
@Bently2849 9 ай бұрын
Love your new family members! My boy ,amber, is the light of my life and we both miss PC who passed away earlier this Fall. Almost makes me want to find a new kitty to join our family. Good luck with the kitties. Have you decided on names yet? Please let us know when you do.
@thecornerhouseproject 9 ай бұрын
Oh they make such a huge difference in the house... toys here, toys there, baubles broken, cat litter and the gorgeous armour that goes with it... enter the scented nappy sacks! We haven't let them out yet and I think Dawn would keep them in forever. They are running all over the house like horses and have found their favourite spots in the kitchen, normally by the range... which is now in a huge cage so the cats don't get burned. It is so sad when a pet, who is a massive part of your home passes away and it does make you say "no more" but... we don't really mean it, we really mean "just one more". So really you know getting another is the right thing to do and we look forward to you commenting and letting us know when you get him lol. The next video (I think the next) is where we had just got the cats and explain the kitten doesn't have a name, but that was 4 weeks ago now, and as the video explains, we called him Steve. Then we got his brother a week later and called him Alan. Their mum already had a name, Peaches, so already she is called Mrs Peach, Peaches McQueen, Peachy Pie and anything in between. Thank you so much for watching and commenting. If the KZbin info is right, I do believe you have just become our latest channel member, Thank you so so much. Please look out for your shout out and secret wave. The wave will be very subtle, so watch carefully hahaha.
@colettelavery7452 9 ай бұрын
Ben your commentary in the car was spot on.Very interesting to hear you talking about all your plans and the cats.Dawn seems so comfortable and happy driving our Irish narrow roads. I am sorry to hear that you cannot keep your open fireplace's.Would you be able to put the stove into the old surrounds. Take care and God bless.
@thecornerhouseproject 9 ай бұрын
Thank you very much indeed Colette. We have said before that it doesn't come naturally to us with the camera which is why we waffle so much I think, so it is nice to know when my waffle was worth it hahaha. Dawn is a good driver... dreadful passenger, like really really dreadful so she is happy driving. The only downside is that she has missed out on so many beautiful sights as she navigates the windy roads over this neck of the woods. We are looking at stoves we can recess if possible in the hope we don't have to sacrifice too much of the original fireplace. The bedroom fire works very very well but when it isn't on, the cold does come down the chimney, so a stove is probably for the best in there. Thank you Colette for always watching and always commenting, it is lovely to read your comments :-)
@carolinerobinson8442 8 ай бұрын
Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas in your new home 😘😘😘😘
@thecornerhouseproject 8 ай бұрын
Thank you so much Caroline and thank you again for the super thanks! Hope you and Geoff and the rest of the family have a really lovely Chritmas and a Happy New Year too! X😘😘😘
@Bently2849 9 ай бұрын
Thanks so much for sharing the kitties names and glad they are now inside kitties until better able to be outside. None of mine have ever been out side and Timber shows no desire to go out at all. Thanks for the wave(s) and look forward to your next postings. I lived near Newbridge (on the Curragh) on and off for 10 years so am loving seeing all of the scenery as you drive to Galway! Happy holidays in your new home!
@thecornerhouseproject 9 ай бұрын
One of our previous neighbours has a cat that doesn't care about going out. It sits in the garden for 10 minutes and goes back inside. These three have already noticed there is something the other side of the big brown thing which opens and closes quickly. Peaches was up at the window today chattering to the birds, so I think she may be the hunter. The two boys just fight and run everywhere sideways crabbing. We haven't been anywhere really, only locally, but hopefully in the Spring we will have some time to venture further afield and start to see Ireland. I am looking forward to visiting the north west coast and hope to see some whales or dolphins, oh and the puffins too. Happy Christmas to you too. It won't be long until the next video I doubt as we are trying to catch up and get up to date.
@williamkendall7412 2 ай бұрын
Please show lots of your animals and pets, especially your cats! I am a huge cat fan but, unfortunately, due to advancing age and increasingly poor health, I've decided it best not to have anymore pets as I fear they would outlive me and I don't want to put them through that. Unlike many, i know my pets are fully capable of love and emotions. Thanks for your videos, my friends.
@thecornerhouseproject 2 ай бұрын
When the time is right we will start getting ready for animal and I am sure sure they will feature a lot as we are animal mad. Until then we will just have the cats supervising and giving that unapproving look, as cats do haha. Thanks William :-)
@jamesgause9546 9 ай бұрын
I enjoy the beginning)g of the episodes with the birds and cuckoo. Merry Christmas to you both and your family. M.
@thecornerhouseproject 9 ай бұрын
Hopefully you like the rest of the content too and not just the intro hahaha. The bird sounds are an actual recording from when we came here in May for 5 days to start clearing the house before moving over in June. Dawn and I hadn't heard a cuckoo since being kids. When we came in May they didn't stop all day. We are very much looking forward to next year when they start to call again. Thank you for watching and commenting, it means a lot.
@lavignemorte 8 ай бұрын
Garbally Castle, Co Galway. Now I'm really intreagued where you have been. We were living on the Mayo Galway border by Lough Corrib. 😊
@thecornerhouseproject 8 ай бұрын
We were on our way to Athenry to pick them up. I see you're now in France. For some warmer, less rainy weather maybe? Lol
@lavignemorte 8 ай бұрын
@thecornerhouseproject Well kind of. We both loved Ireland, I grew up in Wexford although I was born in England. We moved from the south of England to Mayo in 2014 seeking a simple life with animals and some land. I think perhaps we were a little too remote. We had always yearned for France but in 2014 we were too scared to make the move then. It's all turned out well but Ireland is still in my heart. Moving 2 horses 2 dogs and 6 cats to France was a mission 😆
@thecornerhouseproject 8 ай бұрын
WOW, we just sold all our furniture, even our beds and came with just personal stuff. We can't imagine having to move animals too, we didn't even bring cars hahaha. I am so pleased your did take the leap and move as we can't believe we are here now and doing what we are doing, but so so pleased we did. Land and house we have, now we just need the animals, after clearing all the land. Thank you for commenting, it is lovely to learn about the people who watch us.
@LewisC1944 9 ай бұрын
The cats are obviously enjoying their new life with you. Wonderful countryside please do a drone video in the spring when it really will be the Emerald Isle. Happy Christmas to you all and have a day off. XX
@thecornerhouseproject 9 ай бұрын
They seem more than happy and spoiled rotten as you imagine Carol. We are really looking forward to the Spring when, like you said, it will truly be the Emerald Isle, it is greener than green. A day off 🤣🤣 Happy Christmas to you to xx🎄
@simonworthington3330 9 ай бұрын
Watching a close up of Bens face 😁 😁, getting confused is your car a left hand drive or camera screwing our brains again . Wow size matters with the chimneys and not allowing your open fire now. Cats omg i hope it does not land in the fire. Wow a country corner house farmhouse needing a Jack ass 😆 😆. Goats are fun for mowing the undergrowth for sure and love to jump up on things. Chickens will need an enclosure at night against predators and chicks from birds of prey.
@thecornerhouseproject 9 ай бұрын
Watching a closeup of my face highlights my huge nose lol, I have my Dad to think for that! Yes, the camera spins and messes with my brain, let alone yours. Dawn's phone doesn't do that only mind. Yes, 9" for an open fire, 6" for a log burner / stove, so I will have to settle with 6". Goats will happen, but we have a LOAD of farm land work to do first, so if you are ever bored Simon, the N4 road is about 15 minutes away :-) Yes, the chickens can be prone to being eaten by Pine Martins, Foxes and Buzzards, of which we have a few. We have already thought about the best way forward with them.... other than the cooker! Thanks for watching and always commenting :-)
@sharonschauer3257 9 ай бұрын
So sweet! I have three of my own. I will always have three whether hubby agrees or not! ;)
@thecornerhouseproject 9 ай бұрын
We love your attitude. We have three at the moment but anything could happen between now and, well, tomorrow hahaha. We will stick at two, I mean three for now as we now have the land, we can get more animals we have always fancied. Not sure I am allowed a Lama though haha. Thank you for always watching and commenting 😁
@coby6417 9 ай бұрын
@thecornerhouseproject 9 ай бұрын
@user-fu8cj2tp8h 9 ай бұрын
I enjoy your video's but it seems your car is LHD in part of your video's & when you show the road you are driving on your video changes back as though you are driving in A RHD car The video's (presumably controlled by the passenger) are shot from the LH seat meaning, that is if the driver is on the right!.... can you please make sure that aspect is consistant... through your video's.... Maybe I am just being perdantic but the constant change is confusing!....Marcus, In Melbourne Australia...
@thecornerhouseproject 9 ай бұрын
Hi and thank you for commenting. It confuses the life out of me too so you are not alone. As with the sound improving a couple of months ago compared to our earlier videos, the quality of the video will also improve. Thank you for sticking with us even though the camera was flipping back and forth and once we are up to date with our videos, hopefully you will notice a change in quality. Thanks again for taking the time to comment :-)
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