Elizabeth Holmes Prepares To Make The BIGGEST Sale of Her LIFE

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White Collar Advice

White Collar Advice

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Now that Elizabeth Holmes has been convicted she will sit for a Presentence Investigation (PSI). The PSI is a document that will influence the life of every individual who has been
convicted of a felony in the federal criminal justice system. Unfortunately, individuals don’t learn about the process that
leads to the PSI until it’s too late to influence the outcome.
Elizabeth Holmes--or any federal defendant--should understand:
1. The process that leads to the PSI.
2. The steps an individual can take to influence the PSI’s outcome.
3. The PSI document and its ramifications.
1. Process Leading to the PSI:
After an individual has been convicted of a felony in federal court, the judge will order federal probation to complete a
Presentence Investigation Report (PSR). In this case, this PSI will document the life history of Elizabeth Holmes, who, as we know, was recently found guilty of fraud for her role in leading Silicon Valley based Theranos.
How soon will it take for Elizabeth Holmes to sit for her probation interview?
The meeting usually takes place 30-90 days after the conviction. Sometimes, that initial meeting with a probation
officer can take place within a week of the conviction.
Where does the investigation begin? Since Ms. Holmes is in the community, the federal probation officer will likely visit the defendant in
his residence. Alternatively, the federal probation officer may initiate the investigation at the office of federal probation,
or at the office of the defense attorney.
We’ve worked with far too many defendants who describe horror stories about their being unprepared for the

Presentence Investigation. As a consequence, their sanctions become much more severe than could have other wise
been the case.
Several reasons contribute to an individual’s being unprepared for the Presentence Investigation Report. Some of the
more common reasons follow:
1: Anxieties about the criminal justice process kept the individual in a state of denial. Intense and conflicting
emotions can cloud an individual’s ability to reason logically. In many cases, the stress can paralyze an
individual. Defendants who invest themselves in fantasies about prevailing during a trial with an acquittal do
not think about the consequences that can follow a conviction until it’s too late.
2: The Presentence Investigation happens so quickly after the conviction that the defendant didn’t have time to
educate himself on the implications of this process.
3: The defense attorney, who may have been an extremely skillful litigator or strategist at trial, failed to
appreciate the magnitude of influence that the PSI document would have on the sentencing and incarceration process.
Ms. Holmes has opportunities to influence outcomes of the presentence investigation report. At the very
least, she should ensure the report’s accuracy. Equally important, however, is for her to take proactive measures that may have a
positive influence on the presentence investigation and post-conviction process.
Ms. Holmes could take the following proactive steps:
Prior to meeting with the probation officer, she could write a narrative that would explain, but not
excuse, his current circumstances.
She could take steps to document any mitigating factors that might positively influence the way a
probation officer or judge perceives his overall character.
She could reach out to individuals in the community who may offer character references and validate
the defendant’s contributions.
She could prepare a list of references that might corroborate extenuating circumstances that led to
the conviction, or show that she is much more than what the criminal conviction may suggest.
Elizabeth Holmes could document a record of good works that would be included in the finished PSI report.
Ms. Holmes can prepare her family members for the reality that a federal probation officer may
make unexpected and uncomfortable inquiries about her character.
She may improve her profile by engaging in some type of activity that would suggest his suitability
for a less onerous sentence.
We encourage defendants to begin preparing by recognizing that they
must deal with the world as it exists and not as they would like it to be. Although she is new to the
justice system, the probation officer writing her PSI is not
new. Probation officers interact with individuals who’ve been convicted every day. Those interactions
make many probation officers cynical about anything a defendant says. If Ms. Holmes can accept that reality, she can take appropriate measures.
Justin Paperny
P.S. To learn more about the probation interview, click the link below:
jp@whitecollaradvice.com - 818-424-2220
Visit www.whitecolla... to access our federal prison blogs
/ whitecollaradvice

Пікірлер: 111
@Lightwing 2 жыл бұрын
I hope to never go to prison in my lifetime, but your videos are so educational!
@WhiteCollarAdviceOfficial 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much!
@dani01949 2 жыл бұрын
Same, I'm not even American but I like to learn how their justice system works.
@johnjaco5544 2 жыл бұрын
I hope she spends all the time in a county jail
@amyturbiner6364 2 жыл бұрын
My goodness your videos just get better and better. For everyone reading Justin and Sam totally prepared my dad for his probation interview. he had his letters and narrative. The probation officer told my dad how impressed he was with all the work he did. He got a great recommendation. My dad's lawyer told us it would be a 20 minute interview and no need to prepare anything. Totally wrong! The interview was longer than two hours. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
@beachbum1523 2 жыл бұрын
Good luck to your dad.
@WhiteCollarAdviceOfficial 2 жыл бұрын
Amy, thank you. Your father is fortunate to have your support and advocacy. We are thankful you encouraged (demanded!) he call us. He’s done all the work and set the right example on how to prepare. We have made huge progress as a team. Again, thank you for the message.
@SkyelarEagle 2 жыл бұрын
Norway prison is nice
@philipc4272 2 жыл бұрын
"That interview went GREAT! I didn't give the probation officer ANYTHING!" 6 months later: "Hey, why did I get 20 years?! I didn't give the probation officer ANYTHING!"
@WhiteCollarAdviceOfficial 2 жыл бұрын
Well said!!
@dee2936 2 жыл бұрын
My attorneys encouraged a narrative. And my probation officer was a bright light in this entire process. We talked for 3 hours. He was great. My attorneys as well.
@WhiteCollarAdviceOfficial 2 жыл бұрын
Love hearing these stories! There are a lot of lawyers out there who embrace this process. Great work!!
@sportsbadcalls334 2 жыл бұрын
She can't have it both ways: a goody-two-shoe nursing/bonding Mom with substance abuse issues can't exist in this case. The Judge already gave the new Mom extra time from conviction date (1/3/2022) to sentencing date (9/26/2022) to bond/nurse. Now if this seemingly ethereal Mom all of a sudden falls ladened to a serious substance abuse it will only tell the Judge that he didn't give her more time for nursing/bonding but to help her indulge in substances. The Judge would most likely hit the roof. I guess the Judge could remand her to testing with a new revolutionary invention that expresses a drop of breast milk in milliseconds into a mammal-tainer for immediate testing of substances by a 'trade-secret device called the Louis Pasteur'. The new mantra 'all babies have the basic human right' to have their nursing mothers locked up immediately when substances are shared with babies.
@internetpolification 2 жыл бұрын
I suspect the Elizabeth Holmes who had the audacity to defraud people for so long, and who actually smirked and laughed at the prosecutor during her own trial, when his questioning floundered somewhat, the Elizabeth Holmes who thought she could con a jury by staring at them every time they entered and left the courtroom, will be an Elizabeth Holmes who doesn’t do anything at all that you advise. She will believe she is superior to the probation officer and will rely on her expensive lawyers, paid for by other people.
@PungiFungi 2 жыл бұрын
It just galls her that a jury of lesser people convicted her. Here she will have to answer to another one of the little people and I am hoping she will act accordingly… and the interviewing officer will let her have it in his/her report.
@newhorizon4066 2 жыл бұрын
Should issue a warning to the PO instead: "Hey, dude (or mam), watch out: she's moving in for the kill..."
@mga2899 2 жыл бұрын
Great opening. Richard Burton could not have done better.
@WhiteCollarAdviceOfficial 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@froggreen2067 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you, that was awesome
@WhiteCollarAdviceOfficial 2 жыл бұрын
You’re welcome. Thank you!
@philipc4272 2 жыл бұрын
Why do defense lawyers not understand the importance of this interview? Or do they simply not care because they can't bill for it?
@PungiFungi 2 жыл бұрын
Because this interview often means the interviewee have to admit some level of guilt and accountability.
@k.d.r. 2 жыл бұрын
This is so important. So many people are misguided about how important the probation interview is, and if she's appealing, she's in a bind!
@WhiteCollarAdviceOfficial 2 жыл бұрын
You said it! Our team produces this content to educate. But in the end it means nothing if the defendant does not act on the information. Thank you for watching.
@k.d.r. 2 жыл бұрын
@@WindyOldBird Right. That's precisely why I'm thinking she's in a tough bind.
@judynelson5386 2 жыл бұрын
This is so interesting- thank you!
@WhiteCollarAdviceOfficial 2 жыл бұрын
You're so welcome!
@lornarettig3215 2 жыл бұрын
I still think she is in total denial about her behaviour in all of this. I don’t think she will be able to even come across as humble and contrite, because she is neither humble nor contrite. When you said about ‚I know you‘re busy‘, as though EH would say this to a Probation Officer - she is used to terrorising, bullying, and firing (so immediately getting rid of) people who even question her. I genuinely laughed at the idea of her respecting and being deferential to a Probation Officer. She‘s furious that she‘s being held to account and she won‘t be able to hide it. And if she doesn‘t have any money for restitution, I hope they thoroughly investigate who paid for her 8-figure defence. Her behaviour merits financial ruin and poverty for her, not the best legal defence that money can buy.
@WhiteCollarAdviceOfficial 2 жыл бұрын
One thing I can guarantee: when restitution is involved they thoroughly investigate every last penny. She will be forced to submit to a detailed financial analysis. She will submit and sign these forms under penalty of perjury.
@JohnSmith-eo5sp 2 жыл бұрын
She is a good actress, she can act contrite - - she is smart therefore she will display contrition
@juuliq6 2 жыл бұрын
Well, there are many things to take into account here. Her bullying tactics only came into play in her own company, where she was in a position of power. The dynamic isn't the same, and with the Probation Officer, she would be aware that any rash or irrational behaviour would be observed by many people - looking bad is something that all narcissists want to avoid. People were surprised by the lengths of her "poise and self-control" during her trial, so I would assume that she can be very polite and even shy - if it benefits her, and if she has REHEARSED. We didn't see her throw a fit when she was convicted on four counts, did we? She hasn't been called a master manipulator for nothing, and I don't think she would have made it this far if she wasn't skilled with pretending, keeping appearances and, yes, appearing humble and contrite.
@JohnSmith-eo5sp 2 жыл бұрын
@@juuliq6 Good point
@lornarettig3215 2 жыл бұрын
@@juuliq6 Well, let’s see! She showed her true colours on the stand when she was still too pig-headed to own her behaviour and was put on the spot by unsympathetic questions by the prosecution. Maybe you also have experience of such personalities but in my experience, she simply won’t be able to do it, even though she wants to. She isn’t contrite or humble, and someone used to people trying to manipulate them (Probation Officer) will not be fooled. That’s how I see it anyway 🙂
@mistitraylor8507 2 жыл бұрын
The information your give is amazing & could help so many if only they would listen
@WhiteCollarAdviceOfficial 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you. Listen, then ACT!!!
@seanferguson5460 2 жыл бұрын
Fascinating. This is the side of the procedure that we never see on Law and Order. If most defendents don't have someone who can give them knowledgeable advice, other than you, I imagine that they are badly missing out on a more lenient decision than their mitigating qualities would allow. If Holmes tries to get away with the bafflegab that got her in trouble in the first place or with a battery of "I don't knows" she is looking at hard time.
@sportsbadcalls334 2 жыл бұрын
"bafflegab' can you patent the word before Elizabeth decides that you stole another one of her trade secrets?
@barbthomas8783 2 жыл бұрын
This was so interesting to hear the details of a sentencing, and how the felon can still have some control/impact on their life. Holmes still appears to me to think she won’t get much time, if any. Am I reading this wrong, or do the rich live in another reality. I want her to clean toilets, not be able to go outside and get a dish towel to dry off from a shower that was flooded. Eat crappy food, be cold at night, have creepy cellmates, read the only books available and eat all your meals in 3 minutes......my experience was quite horrible. I don’t pass a day being thankful for not being in prison. You are excellent with your insights and I do wonder how her lawyers will approach this. Very good video.
@hope46sf 2 жыл бұрын
Your videos are very down to earth as well as eye-opening! Thank you. So far, it seems EH feels she has done no wrong. If she expresses regret for her actions now, will the probation officer be able to discern regret for getting caught from genuine remorse for how she impacted so many people?
@WhiteCollarAdviceOfficial 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you. In this case, while she will not be accepting responsibility, she can still and should invest the time to tell the probation officer more about her life, details that influenced her childhood and her plans for the future. Only she can do that work. Since she’s appealing, no regret or remorse is coming. That said, she can still mitigate.
@brianduncan5758 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@WhiteCollarAdviceOfficial 2 жыл бұрын
You’re welcome!
@ToldAlthea 2 жыл бұрын
This is awesome. Simply awesome.
@WhiteCollarAdviceOfficial 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you!!
@DavidWilliams-qr5yj 2 жыл бұрын
I do not doubt that you know what you're talkin about. Can you explain why so many attorneys are giving their clients bad advice going into the probation interview??
@Gwynnecox 2 жыл бұрын
There is NO way a probation officer would be that polite. I call bullshit My ex's probation officer treated him like garbage, even called him an idiot.
@TomMarvan 2 жыл бұрын
Interesting video, thank you for sharing. You mention that a probation officer works very hard to attain their status. What is the typical career path(s) (including education, experience, age, income) of such an officer that will be interviewing Holmes? Thank you again.
@calendarpage 2 жыл бұрын
I believe Ms Holmes is not married to her wealthy partner. You mentioned their home and lifestyle as an indicator of whether she is able to pay fines, but as long as she's not married, I wouldn't think that his wealth has anything to do with her individual ability to pay for her crimes. Is this correct? I know that years ago, some men would stop working or get very low paying jobs in order not to have a good income for alimony payments. The courts started to see through this, and it's not as easy to plead poverty as it once was. Could Holmes just not work and avoid any fine repayment? I'm sure she'll never repay all of it, but can she avoid repayment by not having an income?
@bionicpuma2920 2 жыл бұрын
EH is married to Billy Evans. However, Judge Edward Davilla won't order her to pay back any investors a dime since he's a corrupt Obama-appointee judge.
@PungiFungi 2 жыл бұрын
She can collect cans.
@dr.d101 2 жыл бұрын
As long as her probation officer is a male over 70 with a military background …. It will be an easy sell evidently lol
@PungiFungi 2 жыл бұрын
In San Fran? Probably Holmes’ worst nightmare: an African American woman.
@TristouMTL 2 жыл бұрын
You have helped thousands of defendants, yes, but think of the countless probation officers you've helped, too! They must find their jobs so frustrating when they have to interview someone who was told to just show up, answer the questions, and get it over with and are completely unprepared with no idea of what's coming, how it system works, or what the probation officer needs to do his or her job. Making the system better, one person at a time :)
@chelseaj2356 2 жыл бұрын
I absolutely love your videos! While I am not criminally or legally compromised, I did a partial JD in California and was fortunate enough to work in the field. I find your advice to be so sound and realistic. I’ve interacted with judges socially. It’s their job to appear stoic, but they are human. Proactively writing a narrative (and having a trusted lawyer review it) is fantastic advice! Probation reports are better with demonstration of vulnerability and humility - I have yet to really see these qualities in Ms Holmes.
@JohnSmith-eo5sp 2 жыл бұрын
Holmes has displayed the ability to act with a wide variety of temperament. I hope for her sake she starts showing contrition. I've had a taste of jail myself and I know she won't like lockup - - On the other hand she might get Camp Cupcake
@WhiteCollarAdviceOfficial 2 жыл бұрын
You are kind. I appreciate your thoughtful comments and support for our work. You said it well: while Judges appear stoic, they are human. They can be influenced in both good and bad ways. Judges value authenticity and hard work. Federal Judge Benita Pearson once told me, "Justin, defendants must prepare for sentencing like it is a full time job. They must do the work. Some do, some do not. I can tell."
@bionicpuma2920 2 жыл бұрын
Judge Edward Davila is corrupt and will sentence EH to 2 to 3 years and won't order her to pay back investors a dime. Her sentencing guideline score is irrelevant as is her pre-sentencing report. Most judges are morons and corrupt. If you don't know that then you obviously haven't been paying attention in your own profession.
@chelseaj2356 2 жыл бұрын
@@WhiteCollarAdviceOfficial Well said! A civil court judge once said to me that if nobody is happy with his ruling, he knows he made a fair one! They are DEFINITELY human. The stoicism is part of the job. Keep up the fantastic videos!
@chelseaj2356 2 жыл бұрын
@@JohnSmith-eo5sp I have a feeling anything but her comfort zone will be punishment. Hopefully, it’s long enough for her to learn a lesson - like don’t put major pharmaceutical logos on your documents.
@lauraesteves7884 2 жыл бұрын
Great video very informative and true
@WhiteCollarAdviceOfficial 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for watching!
@muhgate 2 жыл бұрын
Very interesting insights and viewpoint. Unfortunately audio quality dropped after the intro at 2:40 remaining for the rest of the video.
@grantstewart457 2 жыл бұрын
You are a good man Justin
@WhiteCollarAdviceOfficial 2 жыл бұрын
You’re kind. Thank you.
@ericaknesek3266 2 жыл бұрын
I really enjoy your channel ! 👋🏻
@WhiteCollarAdviceOfficial 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you!!
@beachbum1523 2 жыл бұрын
When she meets with the probation officer, should she speak in her natural tone of voice, or her feigned "female baritone" voice? I know that may sound a bit sarcastic, but I'm really serious. If she speaks in her natural tone of voice, that's going to illuminate the charade she's been carrying on for so long. If she continues to speak in her feigned "female baritone" voice, that could be seen as a (serious?) sign that she has no intention of keeping anything real.
@WhiteCollarAdviceOfficial 2 жыл бұрын
I do not think the probation officer is concerned about her voice. Her probation officer, as I expressed in video, will want to know more about her life and any mitigating factors--in her own words.
@bionicpuma2920 2 жыл бұрын
Your entire take on her voice is bizarre. It's a meaningless trait regardless of whether or not it's true.
@rgtinkess 2 жыл бұрын
I am curious, and I hope what I say makes sense, but you make a strong argument that very often the convicted handle the probation interview incorrectly. If I am correct, this comes about largely because a lawyer guides ,directs, or sways the convicted to handle the probation hearings or interview(s) in a way that will negatively affect their sentence. Certainly you suggest a far better option than what you suggest most lawyers do. I like your premise about "writing about who you really are" and such. But you make it sound as though most lawyers end up disregarding what seems like much better advice given the evidence you suggest. Am I understanding this correctly? If the evidence is clear that your approach helps...then why not use it? Again...hope that makes sense....oh...and fantastic video...
@PungiFungi 2 жыл бұрын
Elizabeth Holmes will blow it not only through her lawyers, but to take this advice means an admission of guilt and she still believes she is innocent.
@krisstewart7926 2 жыл бұрын
Great video! Who gets her book royalties? I assume she will write several.
@PungiFungi 2 жыл бұрын
One of them will be no doubt be titled: It’s Never Too Soon to Say Goodbye to Abuse.
@donparnell309 2 жыл бұрын
The court can order her royalties be seized to pay restitution to her victims.
@christophercripps7639 2 жыл бұрын
As for restitution, IMO this shows up a bit of the pitfalls of the start-up valuations of the Unicorns based upon expectations. Holmes was once thought to be a billionaire. If she had even 1/4 of that in solid (real) assets she could pay restitution towards the $140 million attributed to the counts of her conviction.
@rweems5796 2 жыл бұрын
I’m curious and a bit confused. What is the story, or perhaps, tapestry, that this narrative is to convey? It sounds a bit like a resume. Or is it an ‘oh woe is me’ appeal’? Or, is it simply a tool by which the convicted can convey who they are as a person, including the the good and virtuous across the arc of a life, and, of course, the warts, the crime and conviction. It’s that last bit, the narrative regarding the conviction, that troubles me. How is it possible for a convicted felon to believably express remorse when it’s obviously intended to reduce the sentence? Im not contending that they don’t have incredible remorse, just that the key players (parole officer, prosecutor and judge) would likely be quite immune to weepy pleas of ‘I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to do …’. So, do you mean that the narrative must encompass enough of the arc of the convicted’s life so that the expressed remorse, or excuse, or explanation, when considered within that life story/ narrative, that it is believable? Very interesting. And indeed, that would be an incredibly challenging document to write. But, I must look at the role of money and education in this. If I, with a doctorate level education and excellent writing skills, would find this a challenging thing to write, what impact does marginal literacy or just plain inability to write coherently (I’ve taught at college level, truly many college grads just cannot write well) have on someone’s ability to prepare this narrative? Your video pointed out a fascinating, yet hidden (to me, at least) and weighted to benefit the ‘haves’, component of our justice system.
@juuliq6 2 жыл бұрын
"...What are your plans for the future..." * crickets * Lawyer 1: (Please don't say it) Lawyer 2: Ms. Holmes, we've been through this! Lawyer 3: (I knew this would be waaay above my pay-grade...) Elizabeth: I'm going to start Theranos 2.0 and begin the next Great American Empire that rightfully belongs to me!
@billykuan 2 жыл бұрын
She's rich from a family with wealth and access to the best legal advice. Why wouldn't they know this? They do. The average person will not but a criminal lawyer with a staff, C'mon.
@uwewinkler2820 2 жыл бұрын
it all depends how much money the lawyer is being paid
@kyralise 2 жыл бұрын
Have you ever seen the movie, Defending Your Life?
@WhiteCollarAdviceOfficial 2 жыл бұрын
I have not. On Netflix? Where can I find?
@ericaknesek3266 2 жыл бұрын
I would say they’re probably is a huge possibility that she’s going to use her child as a get out of jail in less time card I hope that doesn’t happen because it’s been mention that’s why she had a child to begin with to use as a bargaining tool you know I’m a mother now and my poor child will not have a mom
@sandraromero986 2 жыл бұрын
I hope she gets 30 years!!!!!!
@johnjaco5544 2 жыл бұрын
Hope she sits in solitary confinement for her complete stay.
@manchitas3531 2 жыл бұрын
Watch her pull the baby she bred for this purpose as her get out of jail card
@WhiteCollarAdviceOfficial 2 жыл бұрын
It is a mitigating factor, but it will not keep her out of prison.
@MeaHeaR 2 жыл бұрын
é Power-Phull
@juuliq6 2 жыл бұрын
Hahah, I was kind of hoping you would conduct the whole interview and type down her possible - vague - answers!! 😂
@WhiteCollarAdviceOfficial 2 жыл бұрын
That’s a great idea! I will do video on how the lion share of defendants respond. Thank you!!
@mistitraylor8507 2 жыл бұрын
At sentencing are attorneys required to read character references that have been sent in on the defendants behalf?
@PungiFungi 2 жыл бұрын
😄😄😄😄 what character references? The ones she made up or paid for? She couldn’t even get anybody to testify for her.
@mistitraylor8507 2 жыл бұрын
@@PungiFungi it’s a general question
@JohnSmith-eo5sp 2 жыл бұрын
Dear WHITE COLLAR, You seem to care for this woman, or at least her fate?
@WhiteCollarAdviceOfficial 2 жыл бұрын
I do not know her. I do know the majority of people who go through the system regret how they prepared for sentencing and prison. I know she has a family and people that will always stand alongside her. My goal is that she--or any defendant--invest the time to introspect and access how their actions impact their victims and family. Only then, can they build a better future.
@JohnSmith-eo5sp 2 жыл бұрын
@@WhiteCollarAdviceOfficial Well that is a good explanation of impartial motives
@juuliq6 2 жыл бұрын
@@WhiteCollarAdviceOfficial So, in short, yes. Obviously none of us know her, and I kind of remembered with a start how easy it is to construct a mental image of a person based on everything we've seen in the media, despite not knowing the actual person... with this, I'm definitely guilty as charged (pun intended) 😅 but I'm also an empath, so...
@beachbum1523 2 жыл бұрын
JP didn't post this vid for EH's benefit. He posted it to illuminate the importance of preparing for sentencing. EH should have contacted Justin well over a year ago. I get the impression she still thinks she's something special. Methinks a rude awakening awaits her.
@JohnSmith-eo5sp 2 жыл бұрын
@@juuliq6 Elisabeth Holmes father-in-law claims the media has got her all wrong. He has been seen talking to the press defending his daughter-in-law. He dresses himself very mundanely while in public speaking to the media outside the courtroom a few weeks ago.
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