Everything INFJ [Extremely LONG]

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@feeblemind 4 жыл бұрын
I stream www.twitch.tv/Infinityreign come hang out when I'm live I could use it lol.
@AkilahOsa 3 жыл бұрын
Me: should I say hi or should I not say hi to feeblemind 🤔. 😏 I say hi. I : Hi 👋😀👋 Hi
@sirlancealittles 3 жыл бұрын
I am a Clinical Psychologist with 30 years of experience dealing with people. I was branded a INFJ quite sometime ago. I never really accepted that evaluation because placing 'labels' on people puts them into a box. It limits their potentiality and personal growth. At worse, it can destroy a individual's self determination and freedom. I have never encountered a 'classical' INFJ before. Why? Because certain characteristics of this personality type have many subgroups some of which overlap other MBTI personality types. That being said, I will describe the characteristics of how a 'orthodox' INFJ thinks, behaves and responds in strict accordance with the MBTI Personalty Test. Be forewarned, I find some INFJ 'stereotypes' rather funny. And will approach such in a humorous fashion. INFJ's posess a wonderfully unique sense irony and will immediately recognize the silly 'stereotypes' others have attrubuted to them.....So lts break some myths about INFJ Personalty Types. When a INFJ gives you the dreaded 'Death Stair' they are not sttempting to understand you. They are wondering if you're carrying a gun. Killing INFJ's is a pleasurable experience. Why? Because everyone hates a smart ass. INFJ's frequently experience 'Sensory Overload' issues. They love Forests, Parks and Woodland areas to recharge their batteries. Why? Because trees don't talk! A squirrel cannot complain it has 'Daddy Issues'. Pine trees do not suffer from 'gender identity' problems. And I have never seen a bunny rabbit strung out Crack Cocaine. Solitude is bliss. Never say to a INFJ, 'I do not understand', They will run away screaming or jump infront of a bus. No one understands them. INFJ's sometimes don't even understand themselves. Why does a INFJ 'Door Slam' people? Because it's called a Coping Mechanism. They dislike being emotionally hurt. There is nothing strange about this behavior. Everyone deals with stress differently. Some people become acholics others pill poppers. INFJ's will just run away and pretend you never existed. INFJ's have the psychic ability to absorb people's emotions. No. This is phenomen is called 'Transference'. If you continuously talk about your problems, a INFJ will unconsciously adopt some aspects of your emotional state. However, INFJ's posess strong identities which prevents them from going completely insane. INFJ's are the most honest, compassionate and sensative people on Earth. Not really. Mother Nature just screwed them up genetically. They're brains are hard wired to respond during crisis situations. A 'diehard' INFJ will instinctively sacrifice their life attempting to save yours. No questions asked. Why? I have no freaking idea. I didn't invent the rules. Ask God. I'm sure She knows. INFJ's think differently than others. Yes. They think outside the box. They live outside the box. They have never actually seen the box. What does it look like? Does it contain groceries? INFJ types are occasionally arrogant, cold towards others and aloof. This is actually true. Being omnipotent has its drawbacks. INFJ's have a difficult time sugar-coating the truth. Being overtly honest is their trademark. However, if they sense someone cannot handle the truth, they lie to protect that person's feelings. INFJ's are stubborn yet will openly admit to errors in judgment and making mistakes. INFJ's think too deeply. They want to solve everyone's problems. They get frustrated when people ask for advice, then completely ignore their recommendations. They do not understand why everyone keeps making the same mistakes over and over again. Eventually, a INFJ will simply give up. The phrase 'People need to learn the hard way' was invented by a INFJ. So was the 'unfriendl' button on Facebook. INFJ's do not respect authority because they have developed their own Moral, Ethical, Spiritual and Cognative belief systems. Mature (older) INFJ's care very little about how people perceive them and less about the impressions they make upon others. INFJ's enjoy approval and acceptance (like everyone else) but infrequently compromise their princepals to simply fit in. Do not mistake a INJ's confidence as egocentrism. There is a difference. INFJ hate themselves. They feel alone within the world and misunderstood. Being a INFJ a curse. Consequently, a small minority INFJ's often experience psychological Depression, Alienation issues and Avoident Behavior problems. The phrase, 'You are your own worst enemy' accurately describes a INFJ's perception of themselves. The most admirable personality traits of the INFJ are (1) INFJ's care more about other people than themselves which makes them a easy targets for emotional exploitation and abuse. Never play 'Guilt Games' with a INFJ. They already persecute themselves (subconsciously) for being different. They don't have the ability to forgive themselves for past mistakes, A INFJ's unforgiving 'Guilt Complex' is an integral part of their personality. INFJ's have occasionally been known to slowly kill themselves over time, believing they deserve such suffering. 'Hell on Earth' is their punishment and they willing accept it....sometimes. Not always. (2) Once you secure the trust of a INFJ, everything about them suddenly becomes clear. The stereotypes vanish. They are people you want within your life. They have incredible insight into human nature and will identify your weaknesses and lift you up from darkness. Seeing the world through a INFJ eyes is the greatest gift they can offer. It would be impossible to understand a MBTI typology without stating the negative traits of a specific personality group. The 'Dark Side' of a INFJ is rather frightening. Never test their 'Authenticity' or personal dignity. Do not play games with a INFJ. They have limitations like everyone else. A INFJ can determine your intentions or plans within minutes. Literally. This Hyperobservient behavior is quite unique. Avoid getting into heated arguments with a INFJ unless you are prepared to be intellectually, emotionally or psychologically castrated. They have cognitive resources almost beyond understanding. A vindictive INFJ will never stop until they destroy your life (this has nothing to do with physical murder). Such behavior is almost Psychopathic in nature (hence the concern INFJ's may be catorgized as possessing a psychiatrist disorder rather than a Personality dysfunction). INFJ's are not prone violent behavior. The good news is they give up easily, This is where the Door Slam or simply walking away from a argument comes from. If a INFJ loves you, be prepared for lengthy romantic rituals. Box's of candy, flowers, poems, lovely e-cards, teddy bears and such. But be careful. A INFJ understands how to manipulate situations to their advantage. Including the human heart. Once they reveal their true inner nature however, you will begin to understand why only 2% of the world's population are INFJ's. They are just so dam charming. INFJ's dislike small talk, idle conversations, superficial people and hypocrites. Life is too short talking to such individuals (but they understand its occasionally necessary to be socially accepted) INFJ's are not spontaneous. They just pretend to be spontaneous. Their minds are always attempting to 'connect the dots' even when there are no dots. Avoid getting into deep conversations with a INFJ. They are walking encyclopedias. They will jump from topic to topic then back again to support a idea or theory. Male INFJ's are 'scattered brained' in the worst way possible. But there is method to such madness. The are searching for the correct answer to a specific problem. And 95% of the time they will discover it... or have a complete nervous breakdown trying. Occasionally, you will notice them acting rather mysterious, doing unusual things or just behaving weird. Get used to this behavior. It has absolutely nothing to do with you. The INFJ is just going through a 'stage' or experimenting with something that interests them. Like building a Thermonuclear Bomb or discovering a cure for Herpes. Never tell a INFJ they possess a 'Old Soul'. They are terrified of being reincarnated again. INFJ's are aware that neither Heaven or Hell wants them. Why? Because God doesn't want the extra competition or deciding who should run the Universe (Him or a INFJ) and Satan can't deal with a INFJ pestering him for all eternity. That would be considered cruel and unusual punishment. Aliens will never abduct a INFJ. There are some things too bizarre even for Extraterrestrials. So next time you accidentally encounter a INFJ, break all COVID 'Social Distancing' issues and hug them. They are a endangered species. Literally. Whatever purpose they were created for has already been accomplished. I like to think they represent the noblest form of humanity. A personality type which everyone aspires to immulate....Intelligent, Wise, Caring, Altruistic and Protective.
@AkilahOsa 3 жыл бұрын
@@sirlancealittles 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I'm really sorry for laughing, but I couldn't help it. The part about slowly killing themselves had me in stitches 🤭. And being their own worst enemy 😅... Wait 🤔🤨..... this isn't supposed to be funny, why did I laughed.....😨 I'm literally the worst. 😓 Please ignore whatever I just said, I hope I didn't ruin your day. 😒 Or maybe I'm over thinking things again, I really need to get out of my own head right now 😐. Anyways I really enjoyed reading what you wrote, that's all I wanted to say 🙂. So bye-bye now. 😅😁👍
@sirlancealittles 3 жыл бұрын
@Akilah Bee It's true. INFJ's absolutely hate certain aspects of their personality. Can you image knowing the future outcome of other people's problems... and noone takes your advise. A few people broke into the United States Capital building... and the police let them in! No questions asked! Are these people mad (cops not protesters... well... ok.... protestors too). A woman got shot by a police officer. Please tell me people have common sense I beg you. 6 million years of human evolution and Mankind hasn't learned anything yet? ... except the invention Netflix and KZbin audio books? I try really hard to keep my opinions to myself. But chances are 60/40 that everyone will sadly die from COVID a few years from now. 'Goodbye' human race, 'Hello: to whatever animal that will eventually replace us. Probably Raccoon's or French Poodles. Hampsters? Dunno. Another KZbin maker wrote me back saying, "Mr Lynch write a book if you want to express yourselves, don't post comments on my KZbin channel with such long winded observations" She was 15 years old. Call me back when puberty hits! . Here is the problem. First INFJ's don't make dozens of videos talking about themselve. We dislike attention and sure as hell don't want to be verbally admonished by individuals with a teenage 'Superiority Complex' You will instantly recognize a non INTJ on KZbin because they don't use scientific graphs, use statical presentations or suddenly become MBTI experts reading a Wickapedia article. What is wrong with this picture? I would have a 'Joygasm' meeting a real INFJ. But my lord, you only have to watch certain KZbin videos to understand these 'folks' have a distorted interpretation about a specific MBTI personality groups. Carl Jung was brilliant. But not everyone that came from his mouth was gold. He even admitted that. And guess what. There are more than 16 MBTI Personalty Types living on Earth. ALOT MORE. My question is why do people want to psychology immulate a minority MBTI personality classification like a INFJ. I cannot pass judgment upon these individuals because I'm NO Jesus. Your core personality is incredibly wonderful (unless your Ted Bundy). Enbrace the person you are because you were made that way for a reason. DNA and Genetics were not something a caveman invented 40,000 years ago. They serve a purpose. They have biological and international meaning. And the funny thing is the older you get, the more perspective you gain about your personality. Isn't that incredible? Listen to Frank Sinatra song, 'I did it my way'. Live the lyrics. Or better yet, remember what the ancient Greek Philosophers used to say. 'Know Thyself'. Because I got news for you, In the end that and your memories are the only things your taking with you when Grim Reaper pops in to say 'hello'.
@sirlancealittles 3 жыл бұрын
Sorry for the Typo mispellings. Auto correct is quite annoying
@ElvenWisdom 6 жыл бұрын
This is very good. You are right, INFJ depression is complicated. It has to do with becoming down when our humanitarian ideals and values are not met with accuracy about what we observe in the world. INFJS can get depressed because: 1. They observe many negative human crime events in the world, and it makes us deeply sad about humanity since we often believe so strongly in our ideals of people being as aware about themselves as we are being so in tune with our emotions. It's tough to be an empath at times. 2. When we feel inefficient or ineffective within our lives. And realize we didn't get things done we thought we should have. 3. When we negatively compare our own levels of success or pace with others. We do move in a free spirit flow and don't follow society. It's best not to compare. 4. If we let or feel we let anyone down. We do care about how others feel, and how we affected them. We can be the WORST self punishers. It's not really a chemical balance, but more a deep hole we can get in when we too deeply SENSE the world around us. It's best to learn detachment with the world, which is why INFJS can at times appear de-attached by others. It's an enjoyable coping mechanism lol. Once we sense the sunshine again, we come back out to play with others.
@NicStride 5 жыл бұрын
Sounds like an INFP dealing with the FI-Te axis, unable to reconiciliate their own deep inner world with tribe values? The detachedness also seems a lot like the INFP 'aloof' and 'strangeness'. Check out Michael Pierce's INFP videos. :)
@goofyahhh254 5 жыл бұрын
@@NicStride yes interesting
@goofyahhh254 5 жыл бұрын
Infj here . Agree w everything except part about sensing - i would add that infjs third function is introverted thinking or the inner 10 yr old which can make you cold, distant and unlovinf because of perceived judgement-like thoughts and a spiral down into negativity. The cause is built up resentment because of our need to please others without considering ourselves in the mix.
@Indictedheart 5 жыл бұрын
I am an INFJ-T. Very hard to cope with. Combined with my clairsentience. Can be so overwhelming.
@Bemadabava 4 жыл бұрын
As an INFJ with bipolar my depression is super super complicated. My own depression, on top of other people’s emotions are very difficult. Taking calls for people who are upset I could feel all of their pain, I could feel the joy and excitement just as much. This seriously messes with me I had to switch jobs and stop taking these calls
@SimplyThabani 4 жыл бұрын
"hopefully that makes sense" aid every INFJ ever lol
@SumFlyyyGuy 4 жыл бұрын
All of us are upset you left out the s
@SumFlyyyGuy 4 жыл бұрын
@@DiscoveryWonders it's the feeling aspect, so likely anyone with an f in their spread will say something like that from time to time. From the infj side though, we seem to say it almost daily.
@TejetejatyTJ 3 жыл бұрын
100 percent facts. People misunderstand us and that our biggest concern. Well it's my biggest concern.
@withlovesophiex 5 жыл бұрын
It's like I hate most people but also care so much what they think, need them in my life etc.
@feeblemind 4 жыл бұрын
yeah its double-edged sword really and younger INFJs really struggle to deal with it. I've basically turned Fe off for the most part outside of feeling guilty for stupid things like calling out of work for being sick I'll actually feel shittier because creates more problems/work for others even though im sick. Shit like that still happens but outside of that I don't let me Fe run out of control anymore.
@chillingdudex 4 жыл бұрын
Okay I guess I'm not the only one that feels that way lol
@steffpeek 4 жыл бұрын
@rodgaskins 4 жыл бұрын
and Sophie that's a good thing we need more of ;)
@rodgaskins 4 жыл бұрын
@@feeblemind I love when people call off work I treat it like a holiday and gives everyone at work the opportunity to miss the person who called off. You should feel good about being able to give your co-workers that valuable experience nothing at all to feel bad. Not to mention you give them a chance to execute their function as a business and find a way to operate without the valuable assets you bring.
@racheljohara91 5 жыл бұрын
I always felt different from people around me but in a way that I couldn't put my finger on. It was nothing obvious and tangible, I wasn't acting strange or anything, but somehow me and everyone else didn't "get" each other, especially in social situations. I'm so glad I started studying this and found out there are people like me, I can make sense of things a lot more now. We are a rare breed but I'm glad there are a group of us.
@feeblemind 5 жыл бұрын
Glad it helped. even if it was a lot of running on and boring to sit through. Was going through some shit myself ( still am ) and just wanted to get my thoughts down. Didn't expect so many people to take them seriously. I'm used to being misunderstood and I pretty much had to accept people can't truly just understand each other so sometimes I need to try to explain myself better lol
@feeblemind 5 жыл бұрын
TLDR you're not alone there's few of us but we are out there struggling along with you.,
@mightymouse1005 5 жыл бұрын
Ots always been like even tho I can blend into any group of people or atmosphere I've ALWAYS been on the outside looking in...always in a group but never part of the group. It leaves a hollow feeling inside like you did t have a home or belong
@aluckyshot 5 жыл бұрын
@@mightymouse1005 so true.
@hugmc 5 жыл бұрын
Rachel Freeman yes we are different. After a stroke and I am 59 years old now. But accepting I am who I am. Happiness just bubbles inside of me every day. And so at peace. 🙏
@purpledaydreamer9682 4 жыл бұрын
Me reads : "extremely long" Me: YEEEESSSSS
@theblackhole05 3 жыл бұрын
For realll
@suelamb5287 2 жыл бұрын
I was actually looking for long because of the project I was working on, to listen while doing. I didn't even have the graphics up, and kept getting hit with..."ooohhhh, that makes sense!" I need to hear hard concepts many ways to have gathered enough perspectives to hone in on the takeaway. Something in the way you explained that empty, what's wrong with me feeling when Fi experiences loss, for instance. And the feeling when you find something important and meaningful to share with the world and even those who love you best dismiss it as incomprehensible triviality. I once offered profound insight into the experience of a disabled student I case managed. My highly trained colleagues around the meeting table looked like I was speaking alien, and a chorus of crickets followed. Later, though, his mother told me I seemed to really "get" her son. Maternal intuition meets INFJ educator.
@firebolt95 8 ай бұрын
@ElvenWisdom 6 жыл бұрын
Also here is why INFJS don't tell people what they need to hear and are more interested in boosting others up...or silent....because we KNOW deep down inside, everyone figures their stuff out in the end. We don't want to rob anyone of the experience to grow on their own. So we focus on the good when we are around others, because we know one day they will awake to the "bad" within and fix it. Maybe not anytime soon, but we are confident others will figure it out as much as we have about our own issues. Our "lies" to others are born out of great respect for others, and only to an INFJ would that ever make sense.
@ironsnowflake1076 5 жыл бұрын
What you just expressed here is so true... goosebumps, thank you for so eloquently explaining what others may see as disingenuous about our personality type :)
@MCPanda-bl3nc 5 жыл бұрын
Lol yes for most part, but there are times I will definitely meddle if it means saving future people getting affected by a person that could easily improve with me guiding a bit. There's also another time I meddled and told my sister's boyfriend why she was crying one time bc she tends to shut out everyone else when dealing with emotional/personal problems & honestly if I hadn't explained what was behind it, it could've been a lifelong problem between them. Her bf was very understanding, even ended up feeling guilty and my sister also asked me why I did it qhen she's the type that prefers not to say anything and I explained. I said it to her face. She understood of course, feeling deeply read but she still saw my point and why I felt I had to do what I did. If anything it did more definite good than any harm. He understood the dynamics between us and our cousins then. She's also been getting better at standing up for herself/expressing to another why what they did shouldn't be taken lightly (omg her roommate hadn't known what it was like to be in trouble probably so she would brush off certain significant mistakes with "peace" ✌... I had to help her find the right combination of words to address her roomate with).
@aldacapuchino3912 4 жыл бұрын
High Elven Wisdom And Love YES ❤️
@Zagadu1 4 жыл бұрын
Yes id say we dont tell people that but for me its been kinda a curse my whole life until recently this year i future out im an infj, for me i realise i just want to have friends and have people like to a fault sometimes, and i dont want to make people feel bad by me seeing through them and then telling me there faults and how to change there life. Sadly i can see how to help others change there life but can't seem to figure out how to fix mine, and in the end, i still have no friends am and alone (sadly my favourite place) anyways. u seem to know what's up m8 good thoughts.
@kalmonte5118 4 жыл бұрын
High Elven Wisdom And Love Amen, this right on the money, thank you for making it a reality for me, more clear.
@thecraftcuckoo 6 жыл бұрын
I found it really interesting when you were talking about infj and memory and looking back at things and being able to remember negative things better etc. Even when I think about positive things from my past I look at it in a melancholic way so if I remember times with friends I start to think about how those days are gone and if I think about my Grandparents I just start missing them. I can't just think about things as they are, everything has a deeper meaning or a sad poetry about it. It really does my head in! Great vid. Very interesting thanks.
@feeblemind 6 жыл бұрын
no problem.
@Stucks_ 6 жыл бұрын
Preach! 🙌🏻
@missredumbrella 6 жыл бұрын
The Craft Cuckoo I totally agree ...even though I don't want to.
@karaquick395 5 жыл бұрын
Right! IUT the vid. He said absolutely nothing to the wide audience but INFJ's took it all in & understood. Lol. I would not attempt to explain myself it never seems to come out like I want to express.
@kalmonte5118 4 жыл бұрын
He is right on the money for this one, history was my favorite subject in school. I just recently learned what all this is, its like a freaking revelation.
@Maya_Ruinz 5 жыл бұрын
I constantly fall into Ni Ti loops, its the bane of my existence. I can convince myself of anything if I let myself get carried away.
@feeblemind 5 жыл бұрын
@chrisrush555 4 жыл бұрын
Getting sober and getting to the root causes of why I drank brought me to realization that I’m a INFJ . Being an alcoholic and an INFJ is a SOB!
@leolinox 4 жыл бұрын
"Religion is for people afraid of hell, spirituality is for people who have gone through it."
@mikayuki9838 4 жыл бұрын
You're a bit naive and selfish
@leolinox 4 жыл бұрын
@@HalalCorner-Online I do believe thr there is truth in all religions, I'm just referring to considering ones religion the only truth. Some people merely repeat what they hear, without going within.
@My-Name420 4 жыл бұрын
Dear Leo. I stand with you. I do not believe in man made religion as others might. I do however feel that there is a greater power and we as an inferior species can not possible stamp a name on this greater power and say ‘ok this is what they want/need from us to achieve....(insert achievement here). Spiritually is felt and is unique to each individual.
@mikayuki9838 4 жыл бұрын
@@My-Name420 if you believe in a greater being then why do you think that it would stay silent and not manifest itself? Or you think that it isn't that powerful?
@My-Name420 4 жыл бұрын
Is everything you see and feel not enough for you to believe that our world isn’t manifested enough? Or the miracles that pass by unseen? I don’t believe we were created to understand ‘god’ or what you call their ‘power’ what if it is actually just part of their DNA so to speak? The human race is always asking for more. Don’t be so greedy. Learn to accept what is and find peace that you don’t always need more....
@jett888 4 жыл бұрын
I think getting OUT IN NATURE is a healthier response than sitting behind a computer gaming. I believe we actually NEED to push more AWAY from the matrix of the digital!! Eat cleanly, MOVE and take steps to be healthy and put yourself in beautiful natural situations. ❤ Be your best advocate and LOVE and Trust yourselves!!
@rodgaskins 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah it's hard to get hurt on the back of a horse you trust and even when you do it's never really hurts too bad ;)
@nicky9148 3 жыл бұрын
Yes!! ❤🦋🦎🐝🍄🐾🌹🌞🏞
@livelyara 3 жыл бұрын
@julesg98 3 жыл бұрын
I mean yeah, and no, gaming has delivered me from many dark, dark, nearly suicidal times. Being able to connect with people without having to to actually be around them has really been great for my mental health and those bad days.
@Rawrieatjoox3 5 жыл бұрын
When you were talking about the family/blood topic it resonated so so much. It wasn't until recently that i finally accepted that it just isn't that important to me. No one should suck it up and force themselves to hang around people that we simply don't like or agree with. For years i felt guilty that i didn't care much, telling myself i should and that i was acting weird.
@kimberlybass1824 6 жыл бұрын
I’m told I’m special, complicated, not like other people la di dah. Never spent time on myself (as you said). I have been on this alien path * 50 years. Only spent last 5 on who I am and very done putting others first. Too much of that with very small return. If this video had been available sooner, save myself all the questions with no answers. I am astounded at the depth in which you understand this and 100% accurate. Thank you for the best gift ever. My life just changed in many important & dramatic ways, needed this knowledge more than ever. My friend you are a little too hard on yourself. I hope I am wrong and you don’t put that on yourself. We do lighten up as we get older. I am so much kinder to myself than in years past. Again, thank you.
@aprilpambianchi9888 3 жыл бұрын
Same here...I finally had a complete breakdown and thankfully I happened upon a great few in therapy. I was able to begin to love myself and forgive myself and a friend that is into personality types and all that goes along mentioned after a talk about my disfunction upbringing that the reason I struggled so much and felt I was in a sense jaded and just very confused about myself was that u was an INFJ and I started looking into it and it was staggering to learn there was nothing wrong with me, I felt, as you do that if I had learned this about myself a long time ago I probably could have led alot less tragic life, been much happier and made MUCH better choices and led a much more healthy mental, emotional and physical life. I share the importance to as many ppl as I feel will benefit from it hopefully to help them to avoid the atrocities I endured simply not being educated about this. The guy is spot on and I literally identify with every point he made and it was very refreshing to here as it is rare we are understand or meet many like us and it gets quite lonely and frustrating feeling like you said like the alien, I always said I felt like I got left accidentally and was forced to live amongst and adapt to a world I was so different from. Always been told things like I seemed like I didnt belong here and I was such a perfect girl to marry and i would say no I'm not perfect but would think to myself thats because im a chameleon and I make ppl happy and feel loved and special important and pretty lol( I'm a cosmetologist) always ended up with narcissist men but I have also the last few yrs worked on healing and finding myself and more introverted as I have processed all this and now am in a relationship with an INTP, we literally met in the strangest way and felt instantly drawn and have not left each others side and we are best friends and do everything together and rarely disagree but never fight, have argued a couple times but nothing detrimental. He was very jaded as well and had a history of disfunction and treated horrible in relationships as well and it was the best feeling in the world to both of us to not be emotionally, mentally and physically alone and we are inseparable and very protective and nurturing to each other and it has in turn allowed me to get off all my depression and anxiety medicine for the 1st time in 20 yrs and we enjoy every moment probably because we were so neglected before. It so very frustrating to be an INFJ but I can say the more I have learned and understand i embrace it and find it to be quite a special way to be and despite the negative aspects I am very comfortable and thankful I am who i am and not have it any other way. Now that I understand my brain and how it works thanks to videos like this and other finds. Whole new world I'm getting to experience and just try to share with all who will listen and receive it and ofcoarse you know that gives us types great pleasure to protect others from avoidable heartache. Hope life is being good to you ad well and happy to communicate with a fellow INFJ🙏☮☯️🙋‍♀️💜
@donellandrews3990 5 жыл бұрын
Bro, your outing us. We like to be cloaked. Your telling them how to find us. 😂🤣😃
@feeblemind 5 жыл бұрын
I'd like to be found for once
@FadedOwl84 4 жыл бұрын
@@feeblemind that made a tear fall and I high fives myself for finding this n u...wow that went strang. No really I began to hit play but read your descriptions for this and paused. Like normal the comment pulled me in. Then my focus was on you. So my question is how can an broken hearted empath be found. When one stop looking is the answer. Ok sorry for rambling on your comment space . I'm going back to my corner and putting my cloak on....infj* wtf does this mean info junkie? Yep officially the weirdo. Aka fadedowl . This will never be read. One high person maybe one feeblemind nope. Whoa just read that backwards - jfni gnihtyreve. What lang does that sound like? Lol. Man I cant stop it's like something intj everything isnfmas
@feeblemind 4 жыл бұрын
@@FadedOwl84 wtf did you just say lol?
@FadedOwl84 4 жыл бұрын
@@feeblemind you said you'd like to be found...and well it spun out of control my apologies.
@feeblemind 4 жыл бұрын
@@FadedOwl84 what no just re-read what you wrote lol I don't know what you were even trying to say it's all misspelt and grammatically fucked XD
@susansakka4874 6 жыл бұрын
I think we don't have a firm core set of values because we are all about mentally exploring the gray area between the black and white. We can understand a very wide range of points of view because our brains are always exploring the depths of everything.
@scarlettstott7570 5 жыл бұрын
I think you also gain new info and perspectives by talking to others with an open mind (no set ideas before starting the conversation)
@philipdru4782 4 жыл бұрын
what you are describing is more like Ne, which INFJs dont use as much as Ni. you may be an INFP
@sirmeurtrier6951 4 жыл бұрын
philip dru nah this is definitely an infj. Infp don’t like the grey area in my opinion.
@philipdru4782 4 жыл бұрын
@@sirmeurtrier6951 not liking the grey area is exactly what drives Ne users to deconstruct those grey areas. Ni primarily creates these grey areas, you may call them abstractions, which are "grey" to an outside point of view. You may want to focus on cognitive functions, Ni versus Ne instead of stereotypes of MBTI because those are extremely inaccurate.
@Stucks_ 6 жыл бұрын
As a fellow INFJ male, I relate to all of this so hard, especially when you mentioned that you feel that your life is going in cycles. I find this as well with relationships, emotional issues, life events etc. It’s something I’m trying to consciously break and be more aware of my decisions and values. Thank you for the excellent video!
@avad9635 6 жыл бұрын
Oh Boy!!!! How complicated we INFJ's truly are! It's really so extremely hard to put into words the way our inner, external, emotional, hollow, deep selves work! In my humble INFJ opinion, I believe we are quite the conundrum. So simple, yet so complex at the same time. I absolutely love what you have to say and feel you are so spot on with everything you have said so far.... Im an hour and some change in.... I always have said that my best quality is being able to adapt. I've always felt that I have been great at being a chameleon. Put me in any type of environment or situation and I can quickly adapt and most surely survive. The problem (well, one of the ones I feel I have when it comes to my personality) is no matter how good I am at adapting, somehow it always seems so fake. I always feel like an outsider and a fraud. I feel so deeply, with such passion and empathy yet so secluded and on the outside at the same time..... Love your video! You nail it! Trying to explain the unexplainable.... No wonder your video was 3 hrs long.... As an INFJ thats why I clicked on it. Not disappointed.... I feel you to the core!
@virg0love823 5 жыл бұрын
Ava D~Facts👌🏾well said! You expressed my thoughts and feelings and put them into words exactly! I'm not the only one yay☺️
@StevenLeMieux 4 жыл бұрын
This yes.....this to a t
@groverhall1117 3 жыл бұрын
Awesome statement, felt like I wrote it myself 🤯👍
@jvc8947 5 жыл бұрын
Personality disordered and abused INFJ’s must get professional help to experience any long term healing. We simply cannot identify our own junk. Other people’s junk...we got that covered. Also-if you are connected to a habitual taker-get away. One therapist typed me as a 9 and my current as an INFJ. I’m unsure what I would have been before the world got ahold of me. I think the worst thing is unhealthy INFJ’s have a lost identity.
@rodgaskins 4 жыл бұрын
Problem is if your being abused it's not you that needs the help is it. Professionals helping the wrong person is no help at all ;)
@JustAZillennial 4 жыл бұрын
In my own experience, I've been involved in an abusive relationship, went through the door slam, struggled with depression, PTSD, trust issues, communicating what I went through with others for fear no one would believe my story, and holding grudges against the abuser. We naturally bottle our feelings, but after extreme experiences, holding it all in will lead to deep depression and mental breakdowns, especially if we know we're going to run into the abuser again at some point. In my case, I became terrified of my abuser and broke down crying uncontrollably at my job randomly throughout the day, because of the mental manipulations and inability to express myself, and had to tell my managers everything. Although, I've accepted the fact that I could not help my abuser and have moved on with my life, I know the struggle abused INFJs have to go through. Although reading the abuser's true intentions is easy, telling someone and leaving the relationship is the hardest thing in the world to do. We have this mindset to "Commit" "Be strong" and "I can reason with this person and help them change", so unless we research toxic relationships, we'll never know that not only CAN'T we help this person, they don't WANT to be helped.
@rodgaskins 4 жыл бұрын
@@JustAZillennial I just can't imagine Jesus walking away saying, "I just can't help that person" so I think your right my experience was plagued with the "Commit" "Be strong" reasoning perspective and it is hard to accept we cannot make the choice of another person's free will no matter how hurtful that choice is. I do believe in all divine wisdom there is help for all so the notion people, whoever they are, can't be helped seems like a modern cultural phenomenon embraced by our labeling habits and the effect it has on a persons identity. So maybe labeling someone as toxic or abusive is truly our bad and we should more appropriately and clearly speak to the true cause the "choice" they make. If you label a child as stupid and his whole life he is treated with that stigma of coarse it will accentuate certain behaviors. On the other hand there I imagine is a divine nature in shame and I imagine it is not God's desire shame exist but does exist due to the nature of man's choice to sin and the following consequence. God's wrath is in his divine design not his will ;)
@JustAZillennial 4 жыл бұрын
@@rodgaskins I believe God is sovereign over everyone and everything on earth. Nothing is a mistake or a coincidence. I don't believe narcissists or toxic people have no hope whatsoever. God is the one who changes hearts and minds, not other people. He can use people, but in the end, He gets all the credit. In my case, the narcissist claimed to be a Christian, just to manipulate my mind. She twisted scriptures to try to get me to do or believe things she wanted me to. I had no freedom to be myself. I felt like I was in a cult. My pastor's wife was the person I went to after leaving, and she befriended me and helped me. I'm over my trust issues, and am making friends, but I've learned to set boundaries since then, and I know what I believe and stand for.
@100krolex9 4 жыл бұрын
INFJ's find a way
@katarina4786 4 жыл бұрын
I feel like "loop" is very much a key term to the INFJ experience. I'm constantly actively trying to escape a self-fulfilling prophesy of the same repeating dysfunctional patterns. I try to combat this by implementing a more optimistic approach to "the whole" - if that makes sense - and stop myself from believing the intrusive thought of recurring failure being inevitable. It's quite the paradox actually - being that the act of believing in the pattern subsequently reenforces its accuracy; again, feeding into the self-fulfilling prophesy. I've been trying to fight this phenomenon for a few years now in hopes of proving to myself that it doesn't have to be that way (because I truly believe that it doesn't) but honestly, it's. so. difficult. to fight this inherent sense of inescapable "destiny".
@fmarquez1983 3 жыл бұрын
@JonasAnandaKristiansson 6 жыл бұрын
Okay. This is the best INFJ-video I have seen. Well done and strong intellect!
@feeblemind 6 жыл бұрын
ugh thanks Idk about strong intellect LOL
@JonasAnandaKristiansson 6 жыл бұрын
Believe in thyself
@Rabbitromance 6 жыл бұрын
TheAwakenedINFJ I got a necklace that says that from my bf's family. We really need to remember to believe in ourselves.
@JonasAnandaKristiansson 6 жыл бұрын
Yes!! It's so so important =) Take care!
@telemahostelemahou7406 6 жыл бұрын
@@JonasAnandaKristiansson There is a difference between real INFJs and Beta Males
@eliterun6214 6 жыл бұрын
This is like the INFJ masterclass. Thanks for posting! This was pretty great. 2:17:00 in and still watching
@feeblemind 6 жыл бұрын
yeah if I could just get paid to remake a master class and get the money from it =), unfortunately, this is demonetized so I do it out of my goodwill enjoy lmao.
@Rabbitromance 6 жыл бұрын
I was confused for so long and I've been doing a lot of research to figure out what I may be. Simply because I feel I mirror people often and I can't seem to have my own personality. Thank you sir for you're time I'm not an infp, I'm an infj. I'm working on trying to put my needs first so I don't lose myself to a lot of the people or get taken advantage of. Again, thank you. Hearing you talk made me feel a little less alone. 💖
@feeblemind 6 жыл бұрын
lmao thanks.
@patriciamorrow2698 4 жыл бұрын
Same here with mirroring. I lose myself in relationships...even when making a conscience effort NOT too...lol i still do it anyway
@christiw7155 4 жыл бұрын
I had trouble with figuring out my type as well because I mirror other types and I had a hard time answering the questions on the tests. I first tested ISFJ, also got INFP a few times. When I started looking into those personalities they just didn't seem to fit quite right. When I started studying the cognitive functions I finally figured out that I am an INFJ. I have gotten the correct results on the test at personality hacker. Their test seems very accurate. I think I drove my husband crazy because I asked him to take several versions of the test and he always got the same results. That goes to show how much as an INFJ I act differently in different situations because I mirror others. My husband described it well that I am organized when I need to be, but my ultimate goal is taking care of others. So I'm organized when it helps me take care of the people I care about.
@jayrun4341 4 жыл бұрын
I've binged a lot of infj videos but so far this one is the most accurate and real one for me that I could relate to. Thank you, it really helped me confirm that I am actually an infj
@dix_pack_of_sixie 4 жыл бұрын
This was a great video, thanks for taking the time to do it. One caveat, if I may? At 41:10 It is stated (paraphrasing) "that your purpose is what other people make your purpose, and good luck with having to deal with that". Since we all love seeing various perspectives, it only makes sense to consider maybe INFJ's are essentially born as the "stem cells" of society. Stem cells become whatever blood cells the body needs. So in essence, the body makes the stem cell's purpose. So while you are correct that other people make the INFJ's purpose, maybe it is only so that the INFJ can become whatever society needs during those specific times in history. I think the true purpose of the INFJ is to help others in any way that helps them satisfy that desire to help and do for others. I'm not sure they could achieve this overall goal if they were able to decipher their purpose from what their perceived purpose is.
@missredumbrella 6 жыл бұрын
In my younger years I was more extrovert for sure. Loved to socialize despite being looked at as weird or odd. I went to the biggest free parties in the UK back in the 90s to meet all types of people and party. Now I'm 42 and I struggle even if I force myself out. I've become more recluse as a protective method as sadly I attract narcissist types. So I'm somewhat stuck.... 😳
@andrewbillek9209 5 жыл бұрын
I agree with you about attracting narcissist types.
@zp6097 4 жыл бұрын
Hi, INFJ here, 44 year old male. Same, very outgoing and party yep earlier in life, now I’m basically agoraphobic. I’m not loving Humans right now. I can basically only connect with animals. I’m healing but still, people suck.
@feeblemind 6 жыл бұрын
If you guys at all enjoyed this video please upvote it takes you 0 effort and time and cost nothing I'd appreciate it
@Bayoubebe 6 ай бұрын
I agree with your thoughts on “don’t date according to type.” I’ve been married to my husband for 22yrs. We struggle in the area of communication and future planning/ goals. I’ve recently discovered that I am an INFJ and he is an ISFJ. As INFJ’s do, I researched his type and it’s helped me to understand things so much more clearly. He admitted that he does not “see things” in his mind and he loathes what ifs, hypothetical and philosophical conversations. I live for these things. He lives for the moment, maybe 1 week at a time. Luckily, our daughter in an INTJ and I could not think of a better type for an INFJ to have in their life. INTJ’s can have these long poetic philosophical conversations, but their also analytical and can bring our idealism down to earth. Beautiful thing!
@kalebbowers8132 5 жыл бұрын
I’ve never felt so understood. Like thank you for putting my thoughts into words
@feeblemind 5 жыл бұрын
@paxshanti108 3 жыл бұрын
I’m 2 hours in - and I love that you’re absolutely determined to wrap up at this point. When I can clearly see there’s 1.5 hours still to come! INFJ AF!! 😂 Back to listening!!! 🥰
@feeblemind 3 жыл бұрын
yeah I tend to do that. I start concluding but end up summarizing everything over again for an hour and then possibly think of something else to say.
@paxshanti108 3 жыл бұрын
@@feeblemind So familiar to me! My kids even started taking advantage of it when they were little. If they had a friend over, and the other mom and I were talking, they knew full well the “5 more minutes” warning was meaningless!
@elizabethstafford5773 3 жыл бұрын
I took the test three times and got the same results. INFJ. Literally described what I thought was undescribable, me. It made me feel more connected to the planet.
@jungleent9714 4 жыл бұрын
It’s weird hearing someone who thinks like me lmao im glad im not alone
@sirmeurtrier6951 4 жыл бұрын
I’m a musician and I’m creative but maybe because I value that. I definitely get what u mean by us knowing more about things.
@dreamweaver8331 5 жыл бұрын
We get the vision, but struggle to bring it into the physical world Turning knowledge into action creates working knowledge The first steps are the hardest to take, then due to the way we pick up things quickly, we ascend quickly Design your dream, then start with the smallest of steps. You'll slowly rise
@reaper7264 5 жыл бұрын
I think INFJ people get their comfort in knowing someone else is happy or comfortable. I always feel when someone is uncomfortable and trying not to show it. I then feel I have to change that.
@michaelfisher6921 4 жыл бұрын
It felt like I just watched you take my brain and present it publicly. Even the narcissist part. I’ve recently discovered it’s an actual “personality trait”, so obviously I’m going to binge into for confirmation. And, yeah, you nailed it. Even the narcissistic part. Because I’m even questioning if it’s narcissistic of myself to look this far in. But, growing up like I am, was rough in a small town. But, like everyone else, when I matured, settled, and starting finding myself, I was able to control my emotions A LOT more. It’s just beautiful to see there’s other “aliens” or chaotic people out there.
@feeblemind 4 жыл бұрын
@adedi1440 4 жыл бұрын
So basically I am the walking definition of a contradiction and inconsistency😔
@baileyab47 4 жыл бұрын
I love your perspective of the shadow functions being support functions. Like for example, embracing extroverted feeling while being in touch with introverted feeling (our own values) so we don’t give too much away/get lost in other people’s values.
@heatherofthe7 5 жыл бұрын
Your voice is so soothing and calm. I could hear what you’re saying rather than blocking out all the usual “shouting” or abrupt sounds so many videos have
@feeblemind 5 жыл бұрын
weird but thanks xD
@somyatiwari8071 5 жыл бұрын
It is the most informative INFJ video I have seen on KZbin. Thanks for this!
@AmbiCahira 5 жыл бұрын
Oh man I can't believe I found this right after taking sleep meds because I saw the title and knew "All this was important to an INFJ" so I feel like I really want to watch it! I'm going to have to watch it over a period of time of maybe even a few days but hopefully less but I'd love to hear it all and when I have I'll edit this comment. :) Thank you for all the hard work that went into this. 💜 Edit: I thought I would have a lot to say but surprisingly I can only say I agree. You hit such great important points and your voice was just so relatable in how you speak and also so relaxing. I'm not used to listening to other INFJs because I don't know any INFJs outside of myself so I think this was a new experience to listen to someone for this long and still feel comfortable/not drained afterwards. I relate so much to the binge watching periods too, holy smokes. That unwind downtime is kind of my favorite time but when it passes and I'm over it I feel relieved because it gets so intense of just eating shows like it's nutrition.
@groverhall1117 3 жыл бұрын
Totally concur
@dreamweaver8331 5 жыл бұрын
I've felt utter despair for such a long time I've just realised that I've felt rejected by the world, but it's me who has rejected the world until very recently
@feeblemind 5 жыл бұрын
same glad you realized it. We can't change the world until we learn to accept it.
@adoseofmandi 2 жыл бұрын
16 They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. (‭‭John‬ ‭17‬‬:‭16‬ ESV)
@brucebruno842 4 жыл бұрын
A good visual for Ni is a "magic 8 ball". You ask it a question, wait, and get an answer. Sometimes though, it just throws out information without asking a question. A very complicated function, since most of the thinking is "just" below the surface, and so much is happening in such a short moment down there. It pulls various pieces of knowledge from a pool of already certified knowledge and assembles an answer out of those pieces. It's like solving a problem without any emotion or thought involved. It just does it, and does it quickly.
@Soul.Heart.Mind. 4 жыл бұрын
One of the things that INFJs can do re their pasts and taking lessons is journaling or somehow externalising their thoughts on past experiences so that they can look at it outside of the self and then kind of understand it through an Fe cognitive function before reinternalising it. Okay you do go on to talk about that :)
@eliterun6214 6 жыл бұрын
I really enjoyed this video and the thoughtful analysis that went behind it, so I thought I’d offer my opinion and engage in a little dialogue. As an INFJ, as long as I know the rules of a role, I can play any role well. In a professional capacity, I’ve hired and fired people. I’ve had zero problems with that because I know exactly how to play the role of “good manager”. I think that in situations where I don’t know the social rules it becomes very hard for me to act confidently. Thus rules & structure and my knowledge of them are essential for me to function well, but within a set of known constraints I can literally do anything. That’s how your Fe can get you to be able to do anything-once you’re confident in the general social rules of a situation, you can confidently act in any way that operates within the framework you’ve created with Ni-Fe, for good or for evil. Also, I do not bluntly speak my opinion, ever, unless I’m channeling my Se hardcore & thinking out loud. I know that in order to get results, it is usually more effective to get buy-in without pure, blunt opinions, so my Fe (and probably Ti) is obsessed with expressing things in the way that will lead people to the solution without damaging their sensibilities while also yielding the best result. I also lived in a chaotic (non-stable) childhood, so I may be particularly focused on Fe in a way that many other INFJs are not.
@kalmonte5118 4 жыл бұрын
Dude, I freaking cry like a baby, 3 times, while listening to this,.
@lpsglitterpaws8536 2 жыл бұрын
What you said about family is so spot on!!!! I have heard this…””my family knows stories of me, but they do not know me”
@KRobs601 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this. I resonate so with much of this. At 8:55 you talk about not valuing family. All my life, my family looked to me as the harmonious person who orchestrates family gatherings.. it wasn't until recently that I realized I don't value family as I thought. I actually mimicked their values. #INFJ
@julesg98 3 жыл бұрын
I grew up in a very toxic home, with a lot of emotional and at times physical abuse. From an early age I saw through a lot of fakeness, manipulation, and hypocrisy. I am only close to my one sister, and everyone else I could never talk to again and be perfectly content. I have found the ones I truly value and love is my kids and my few close friends
@KRobs601 3 жыл бұрын
@@julesg98 Totally relate! The fakeness is real and I honestly don't think they know it consciously. Creating my own family and loving myself fully has changed my whole life. Wishing you sweet peace🖤
@marcyharris4769 3 жыл бұрын
@@julesg98 my mother I believe is a narcissist. I was called stupid constantly. Had some physical abuse. Set me up for a life time of abusive relationships. Take care of yourself ❤️
@taff360 5 жыл бұрын
Cool man! Nice to meet you, we appear to be quite freakishly similar. Refreshing to hear about your experiences and to relate. It really helps build a better understanding of our apparent behavioural inconsistencies, and their underlying drivers. It also helps identify areas to focus more time and energy on, to improve and develop a healthier lifestyle. Best of luck. Cheers!
@feeblemind 6 жыл бұрын
Also I I didn't mean unconscious... I meant subconscious I mess up words alot when I'm talking which is why I prefer writing loll.
@goofyahhh254 5 жыл бұрын
Same! It's a "lot" by "infj" standards roughly speaking. But we're only aware of it because of our function stack.
@rodgaskins 4 жыл бұрын
@@goofyahhh254 lol why I love programming everything you type has to be first clearly defined. Language is such a fickle mistress occasionally showing herself to receive her love from you. Then again maybe "mistress" is a good word to use but it kinda just happened ;)
@rasbaby7 6 жыл бұрын
I’m rlly enjoying this video! I’m a little over 2 hours in... so much has already resonated with me. When you talk about the stereotypes, particularly that we’re psychic. So so true about the way we connect dots, watch historic patterns and kind of predict a few possibilities. I’ve always loved that and you described perfectly how we naturally put things together & come to conclusions. I also love how casual this feels, how you’re talking very candidly, authentic and very “infj” of you to present the information this way.... Considering our strongest parts, what are some careers do you think we’d thrive in?This video is great, I can focus on my weaker points for improvement & development!
@feeblemind 6 жыл бұрын
yeah I do all my videos this way Heavy editing and scripted pre-recorded stuff seems fake to me and no matter who is saying it I don't feel connected to it. As for the job I mean you can do anything you're not limited to anything depending on your type I think that's bullshit. You should know what kind of role you want to play i guess really. Generally anything involving repetitive work is gonna slowly eat away at you
@JalesaErics 4 жыл бұрын
I know you dont like making mbti videos, but this video is really really good. You did a good job explaining and its helpful. Being an infj, I think you again understand how to give people what they are looking for.
@reaper7264 5 жыл бұрын
I think we are not understood to a lot of people and therefore seen in an unfair light.
@donellandrews3990 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you. I just listened to every second all the way through and wow. Thank you. I am not struggling because i learned the hard way. But this is good for the new healers.
@underwaterpanther 4 жыл бұрын
So much resonates thank you! Wasn’t sure about maybe being an INFP. Still 90% convinced I’m an INFJ.
@feeblemind 4 жыл бұрын
ok glad it helped im always available via discord if you wanna ask more questions or anything. Cheers
@SomeKindofW1derful 6 жыл бұрын
Holy Fuck. This is unbelievably accurate ugh finally something with actual depth into this crazy process thank you!!!!
@thelillypad9567 3 жыл бұрын
What you said about money... is spot on
@quintuplebanned4267 4 жыл бұрын
Woah, how old are you? You aren’t hollow. We aren’t. We just need purpose in our lives. Be very careful about drawing conclusions at a young age, because so much will change. Specifically thinking, which depends completely on your context and needs. I had undiagnosed depression and ADD for decades, so I learned, without even realizing it, how to develop introverted thinking to structure myself, and my time to compensate for this. Once I got on meds, I realized I’d been over-achieving to such a degree, that people actually thought I was naturally inclined toward details and organization, which brings with it an entirely new set of crappy expectations. But remember that age changes so much of our understanding about ourselves, this is never discussed, in any depth, unfortunately, on these KZbin videos, but I imagine I looked at myself much in the same way at the age people who make these videos seem to be. Seriously though, I’m in my late 40s, which is unreal to me, but I see it all so differently now, and so will all of the INFJs.
@chrismoerke6464 3 жыл бұрын
Sooo very glad to have found this INFJ podcast. This answers so many questions for me. Thank you so much!!!!!
@ariadgaia5932 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for stating that many INFPs confuse themselves for INFJs! It caused me to go retake the Myers Briggs Test to refresh my memory on what I am. I'm an INFP or "Mediator"~ But I do share a lot of common points with INFJs! :)
@JorganIsDead 6 жыл бұрын
As a highschooler, I've yet to run into a fellow INFJ in person😂 and most people just think I'm weird
@feeblemind 6 жыл бұрын
highschool is rough for everyone one way or the other especially outliers to society who don't fit in the majority. This is nothing wrong and you should never feel anything is wrong with you because of it. things and people change drastically after high school and you shouldn't worry about what people think of you in this very short time frame of your life. Although honestly, i feel most criticism people had of me in high school were pretty spot on and it wasn't until I learned to deal with the criticisms properly that I think i really developed as a person. You will probably never run into another INFJ in real life to be honest and even then theres a strong possibility you won't even like each other at first lmao. At least for me I actually tend to very much dislike INFJs especially upon first meeting them because I can tell they are hiding and lying about lot of things because it is something we do to maintain appearances. I don't know how old you actually are but if you want an easier time in highschool than learn to build appearances. I fit in with every click in HS because I adapted my actions and words to each group and the me who hung out with the popular kids was very different from the me who hung out with the anime kids lol. That being said it's a pretty fake way to live and sometimes you can start confusing which you is really you and blah blah blah. So honestly my tip is just to be yourself and work towards self-improvement. Be someone you can be proud of not everyone else. You want to be in better shape? work towards it... it's much easier to do when your young. Want to be able to talk to girls easier? work on it. Strive to be your own ideal not everyone elses. Those are basically your two options in my opinion anyway. goodluck
@wckd4u 6 жыл бұрын
I feel you man. I went my entire high school career a loner. Not a single friend. I was a bit resentful that others didn't seem to want to talk to me and isolated me or excluded me and I can only see now that has actually made me appear more unapproachable. It might be awkward at first, but if I can give you any advice, just always be kind and cordial to others. Be willing to help or step in where you can. And if you want to participate in something, just go for it - for yourself, without expectations for friend or something coming out of it. That stressor can be really off putting to getting involved. Also I recommend focusing on personal hobbies because I certainly feel like I wasted some valuable time in my life where I could have learned a lot or developed a skill instead of focusing on my friendship challenges. Because life after high school is a lot bigger and you'll be glad you have yourself to lean on and real skills or talents to show for it. It will make making new friends easier later in life.
@missredumbrella 6 жыл бұрын
I manage to keep one friend at a time... But it's not forever.
@ElsieDee001 5 жыл бұрын
Nicholas Branson Just keep in mind that everyone in your high school is still trying to figure themselves out. You are way ahead of them. Stay true to yourself. I myself was a very painfully shy person, and always very in tune with what others were feeling, if not thinking. I wish I knew I was an INJF when back in high school. I just thought I was very different. It would have helped to know I was an INFJ.
@karenrooney1391 3 жыл бұрын
I meet them often we attract each other
@boobae3520 4 жыл бұрын
I have a happy personality, but i have always carried this sweet sadness inside me...why is that sadness beautiful to me? I have learned that it causes me to be creative. I just accept it. I never want to let it go. Society thinks differently i'm sure.
@eirikmurito 4 жыл бұрын
Infj base stats: HP: 0 ATTACK: 0 STAMINA: 0 INTELIGENCE: 0 MAGICKA: 10
@mastermindrational1907 4 жыл бұрын
Can’t believe this hasn’t gotten a like in 2 weeks this is awesome
@mastermindrational1907 4 жыл бұрын
I’m INXJ but usually test INTJ. I get the INFJ humor and love it.
@anitacarrier9386 4 жыл бұрын
I am a university psychology student, and for the past three years I've conducted this personality test to see if it would change but it doesn't lol. I was a little pessimistic about INFJ's being the 1% of character types until we did the test in class, there were over 30 people in the room and I was the only INFJ. Tbh it annoyed me 🤣 made me realise why I am So misunderstood and feeling different to others.
@jungleent9714 4 жыл бұрын
My friend keep saying that personality changes is that true cuz I’ve been a INFJ my whole life im 21 btw lol
@anitacarrier9386 4 жыл бұрын
@@jungleent9714 Well I the strange thing is I used to believe this too. In my current view personality is separate to character and yet they are very intertwined. Personality is your true self, what is personal to you (inward) whereas character is what we display to the outside world, the role we play. Those who stay true to themselves will display true personality through character, however, many people wear masks, for social acceptance this then interferes with the ability to stay true to oneself. I am currently 45 years of age and have always been a non conformist, therefore I do my utmost to not let the world change me, trying more so as I age to stay true to myself, which brings much inner peace however, others may not accept you but that's ok, I don't live to be validated by others, I find you in displaying my inner self regardless of people's judgements 😊 therefore in answer to your question my opinion is character can change but personality is a beautiful unique personal gift that is unchanging.
@marcglueck9274 2 жыл бұрын
Not sure how this resonates with others that chose to listen, but for me it was very informative and fitting. I used to tell my parents that “I didn’t feel things like the other kids did”. Love, Death, victory, defeat and everything in between. Im an infj-t sigma empath and I’ve gotten ahead of myself and extrapolated some imaginary outcomes that had possibly but low probability when I was stressed or angry or what have you. The point im trying to make is that it’s been a very difficult existence and my 3rd and 4th cognitive functions weren’t serving me well because they were under developed and because I was grasping for straws in some cases I was still able to paint a workable picture in my head to the negative and convince myself when in reality I was bridging mental gaps to make it what I wanted to fit my case. Now it also helped to realize that negativity was ever present in my memories immensely more than happy thoughts even though I’ve been working on that for a while because I know how dark I can paint my reality when my mind goes sideways!! I just never understood that there was a definitive reason behind it. Im most likely gonna give it another listen because some of the points you were able to make impacted me so much. Im 38 years old and I’ve never met anyone like myself. I just found out about all this business 7 months ago. Im so happy to have it come to my attention and the little bit that I’ve learned has already helped me in so many ways. Now im rambling!!😂😂. I do want to send a heartfelt thank you from the bottom of my heart, know that you’ve helped me understand more than all the other top 10 type videos I’ve been digging through since I’ve realized there was a tangible reason for my mind to work the way it does. It’s almost textbook in so many ways!!! I really felt like I was some kinda alien or misfit all these years!!! It’s amazing to know that there are more of us out there. Hopefully after I understand myself better I can help others like us because it is hard!!! It’s hard to find any solidarity when no one’s ever seemed to pick up what im laying down. Now a lot of pieces have come together and I can see the picture with more clarity and that’s worth a fortune to me!! Thank you. 🙏🏼🙌🏼
@johnerher8495 2 жыл бұрын
This was an eerily accurate description of me. Especially the details about being drawn to the military and the natural athleticism,or picking up sports easily.
@StevenLeMieux 4 жыл бұрын
This is insanely acurate like listening to myself but someone else speaking it out loud 😳😲 alot resonates and great advice as well thanks man.
@The.blessedbee 6 жыл бұрын
best video on INFJs on youtube I've found so far, helpful insights away from the stereotypes that had me questioning whether I actually was an INFJ because I am not a psychic special snowflake that jumps at every opportunity to sort out everybody's relationship problems...
@dreamweaver8331 5 жыл бұрын
You're good really It's not other people's fault they don't see things like we do We've got a gift and a curse No one else can help us but ourselves, but we can help everyone else Our nature is a complex phenomenon I feel you bro
@marcglueck9274 2 жыл бұрын
Fantastically explained!! Thank you. 🌪⛰🌊🔥♒️🤡🧙🏼‍♂️💫❤️‍🔥
@minigol91 6 жыл бұрын
the part where u said we need to find out what we really value instead of the people around us was so true.
@devonrexcatz 4 жыл бұрын
Thankyou for this in-depth and insightful content. I'm an INFJ and a Libra...its tough going. I don't know what I want and at 63 you think I would have pretty much figured it out by now. We are a unique breed indeed.
@feeblemind 4 жыл бұрын
not knowing means you try more things it just gets tiring after awhile tho lol
@devonrexcatz 4 жыл бұрын
@@feeblemind I've tried a million things. You have no idea. Nothing has stuck or become a real passion. It's very frustrating tbh. I feel flawed, lol.
@feeblemind 4 жыл бұрын
@@devonrexcatz you're not alone lol I literally cant get into anything and leaves a general empty feeling all the time. It's why I get frustrated alot.
@davidmosher9470 5 жыл бұрын
I have consistently typed INFJ. One time I typed INFP.
@patriciabailhaodasilva5928 6 жыл бұрын
Spot on INFJ doing martial arts.Great video.
@Jamesbond1862 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much for a very impressive and thorough review. I've also wondered why suddenly everyone are INFJ, but You explain that very well. I have previously felt that I should change in many areas, but now I understand that it is less important. I now understand better who I am. I will also follow your advice on working on what type of personality I really am, and give it some time. My impression is that you contribute bigtime to many people. Keep up your good work
@Makos33 4 жыл бұрын
The best video I have seen of an INFJ mind. Intelligent and authentic. Thank you! I would love to see your views on ENTPs .
@leighabowers3663 4 жыл бұрын
Everything you're saying makes absolute perfect sense.
@feeblemind 4 жыл бұрын
yeah its like i'm a genius or something.
@thatinfjgirl 6 жыл бұрын
This video and your "Why I Hate Being INFJ" are gold. Thank you for this. I related a lot to your stories, especially with dealing with friends and 'knowing' things that they're not ready to hear. And your definition of true friendship. What you said about depression and why so many people may be mistyping as INFJ makes so much sense, although there are depressed INFJ's too. If INFP's, or other types, are detached from their Fi, then they may relate more to INFJ descriptions. That's my working theory for now.
@feeblemind 6 жыл бұрын
thanks for the words enjoy.
@randomactivitiesco.5848 4 жыл бұрын
We have a core value of truth and I can prove it. Ever been jealous? That comes from a value. You, INFJ, know people are meant to have one person and your inner drive won't let you deny it. People are meant to pair up for life. Jesus flushed out humanity and the restrictions we need to adopt to function with eachother in the sermon on the mount. I found that sermon so easy to digest because I just know. It all makes sense intuitively. Also, INFJs understand that family is so important, that we understand how important it is to get away from unhealthy family! This will hit you eventually, as you realize you can set boundries and door slam. You are human too.
@christiw7155 4 жыл бұрын
I agree with the confusion over being organized. I am very organized at work as a nurse because it helps me to take care of the babies and find the supplies I need. At home I have some organized areas, but I do agree with you that it is overwhelming to get rid of things because I have connections to the things I have. But I do function better when my things are organized and minimalist because my mind is so busy and cluttered.
@crazy4clevage294 6 жыл бұрын
I’m new to this “typing core traits “ thing but I got to tell you THANK YOU! It eases the burden of feeling so alone and awkward. I’ve spent 46 yrs trying to understand and actively working at trying to compensate my tendencies like lack of social norms and ghosting . I haven’t yet tested to see exactly which specific type I am but you definitely have helped make things sooo much clearer as to why my “defaults” are what they are. I’m definitely going to delving a-lot deeper in this but if you have any advise I would greatly appreciate your input.Thanks again for your lengthy time making this video for those of us that have always felt lost.
@feeblemind 6 жыл бұрын
yeah my best tip is dont take it overly serious. Lot of bad information and lot of fakes out there who try to use this to make money off people. Just do self reflection and really look at yourself.,
@aluckyshot 5 жыл бұрын
@@feeblemind you're a smart man.
@feeblemind 5 жыл бұрын
@@aluckyshot lol not really.
@04Ronman 6 жыл бұрын
Awesome! Just took the test and you gave me so much insight here, glad to know we are not alone.
@feeblemind 6 жыл бұрын
cool enjoy
@fatimaez-zahrazouhar3593 4 жыл бұрын
Before finding out MBTI I've always told that I should be like others "sociable" primarily and billion times I was buried by sadness inside because I was guilty why am i like this whyyy? But when I figured out that I'm a rarest type of person I didn't get astonished cause I didn't match any person all the times I've a principles and I get really bad & regretful when ppl don't have similar principles as me or don't get how I'm really behind that smile with this digital community I'm much thankful because I can analyse and realize many blurred things to some extent and I can appreciate and value myself for facing all these struggles whithin myself and society and I've hope for the better however we're too way different .To all infjs you're not alone we're together and try to be strong the world will not understand your core but we can cause we're similar ❤ I love you
@devradenny8354 4 жыл бұрын
Honestly, you are making me not a freak. Thank you. I feel I'm a lazy person, hollow, negative. Guilt is the feeling I feel most if I try putting myself first. I have no passions, no meaning in life. No purpose! I've always thought myself just a piece of shit!
@miahleissa9599 6 жыл бұрын
I've always been interested in a somewhat detached sort of way in what people think and feel and most interesting to me, is how they arrive at that...wherever they are on anything. It's that journey to conclusions that is intriguing to me when trying to understand people. That led me to always be interested in topics such as psychology, sociology, philosophy, history and quantum physics, as well as world religions and other aspects of cultural differences and sameness. ;) I'm ok with study without feeling that I have reached any firm "conclusions" on most topics. I don't feel like I will ever really understand humanity. I feel our human brains interfere with our ability to truly ever do that, but the examination and processing, the observation and feeling ... all of it.. is so fun and interesting! lol Learning about these personality types and that I am an INFJ, has been interesting, so far. My first experience was a tangible emotional feeling of relief...that I am truly not "alone" in my perspectives, which has been a pervasive feeling throughout my life and has caused me pain as a younger person. For me, just one or two people who are close to me that I can exchange ideas and feelings with is enough to make me feel satisfied. I have never felt I required much social interaction at all, nor have I felt it was possible as long as I lived with integrity. As a child, feeling somehow "different" from others caused me to feel sad at times, but mostly, it just caused me to view myself as an observer of life more than a player. Now that I am an old woman, I can see how having this personality type has both contributed to my life experience in wonderful ways and caused confusion and pain in others. It's as if our most precious gifts are also our most difficult things in life. Overall, I'm so grateful for both sides of the coin. Everything is so intense for us, no matter how great we may get at "floating". It's as if we are living multiple lives at one time in some ways. What a fantastic experience! ;)
@melmor5075 3 жыл бұрын
My feelings are mutual on every word, thank you for sharing. It's a wonderful feeling to know that I'm not alone after all. And you're right, it is amazing walking the INFJ walk, and knowing how to love on a level not known to many. A person loved by an INFJ will never forget how it feels. I think that's where we leave our INFJ mark, in the hearts of the people that just need to feel truly loved, faults and all.
@JustAZillennial 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for elaborating on the empathy thing. It's so hard to find a true INFJ nowadays, so people seem to jump to delusions when it comes to that. People we're extremely close to, if they're going through things that hurt them deeply, it can hurt us deeply. If I've known someone for a while, but never got past the small talk, their problems, although I can understand them to a point, don't affect me as much unless I've gone through them personally. For example, I've gone through emotional abuse and have completely moved on with my life, but because of my experience, I've gained a lot of knowledge about narcissists and emotional abuse, so I can understand anyone who's gone through it, and can empathize with them. For the most part, if I can't help someone with their problems, I can feel bad for them, but like an INTJ, I don't know what to say to them to help them. On the other hand, people who complain about their problems, just to vent, annoy me.
@emissy3113 4 жыл бұрын
I think we do have main core values that make us who we are, not just picking up others values...
@Jwet1100 5 жыл бұрын
My revelations about typology and my personal mbti as an infj has been as much of an eye opening/relieving experience as it has been a burdensome one. I feel enlightened with the heaviest of hearts and i wish i could wish it all away.
@leighatkins22 5 жыл бұрын
Introverted thinking is for processing rhe data you have collected, and INFJs gather a huge amount of data from their sensory inputs. It's important coz the data is only available to the gatherer and the conclusion can only be passed on to be used by others after the processing is done.
@What-sr2pk 4 жыл бұрын
Hello. First of all nice video. Accurate as well. But I just wanna say some things. As an INFJ I feel like I was born , meant to be a loner. And the reason for that is I feel like I am made to understand others and be in service of them. Especially children. This is why one of my future goals is to voluntarily work for children in Africa. And Im not complaining anymore. I dont mind being single for the rest of my life, but seeing a smile put on a childs face by me means so much more than just having the normal casual life. I wouldnt mind having a understanding boyfriend who I can do amazing things with for the wellbeing of humanity, but so far, it seems like Im here to just be alone. I just wanna say that; no matter what type of personality you are everyone is a misfit in a way. When you look at the world; it is just not standardized for individual lifestyle but more for the higher collective=richer ones. Yes being an INFJ doesnt makes things easier but at the same time, we can make things better *only* if we learn how to function as a mature INFJ. In this materialistic world, it feels hard to be a part of it, but I think most of us are here to help the world to evolve in a more positive way. You know? I see alot of deluded people, taking this personality thing too far. I personaly find it helpfull but its like people are so unhappy with their lives that they always try to fit in boxes like this: "INFJ" "Taurus" Egirl". All Im saying is even if one is the most rare individual on this planet, if that individual is doing nothing to help the planet and humanity, what has that individuality of a value? You know? Im just brainstorming here,but yeah. I was personally raised in a muslim family, converted to buddhism at age of 14, went vegetarian at age of 15, and now Im 23, working with children in kindergarden and I feel so fullfilled in my life right now. When you do things that has a meaning to you and a positive impact on others; you will just expand and expand. no boxes needed to fit in :)
@thenrepeat9124 6 жыл бұрын
I dont have a tv or watch news either. I don't agree with all of this but i like that you're willing to expound on these things. The subject is so vast! Very difficult i would think to keep from generalizing or mixing signals from one's perspective. I think that some of us are hyper-aware of other dimentions or depths and our attention is naturally pulled toward complexity beyond what is necessary on things that others move on from. And we are attuned to the roles that everything plays. We want to b conductors of harmony and order while we sometimes fixate on the unchangeable. Then we need time to plan around that obstacle and navigate so that everything ends up perfectly. Everything.
@chasprimmer8173 4 жыл бұрын
I get u all the way in all u said. Especially the fam part. Great video . Ty
@DaredeviIGR 4 жыл бұрын
I would disagree on not having cores values and principles pouring out from yourself. That being said, I understand the thing you mentioned about feeling a pull from others in terms of what is right/important/etc. That used to be a case when I was younger. Yet, I have spent a lot of time alone to the point I ended up thinking a lot about what I deem important and now I am in a position where I can pretty confidently say I do not know a single person more confident, steady and ready to fight on behalf of their beliefs. I will allow to be pushed till it reaches a point some core value gets violated. Then there is no more pushing back. I will agree however that at first, trying to figure out what you deem important is VERY, excruciating hard on you. Guilt is included exactly for the reason you mentioned. But now I can confidently say, deciding my core values helped tremendously. For example: I always try to be kind, even in cases I do not respect the other person which is pretty easy nowadays to affirm. That is one such strong belief of mine. Kindness. I can usually figure them out from the first few words/sentences. Back then it was a feeling/intuitive process. Now I combine intuition, logic, past experiences solidified by patterns I've already come across and tested, some attention to physical details (lips,hand,etc) and other stuff. This is one thing I completely agree with you. Its not very good saying "oh you are an INFJ? So, you are good at this, this and that. Forget the rest they are bad. I disagree. Everything can be used and developed for good. As Jung himself said a)“The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.”, b) “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate”. I see the whole MBTI partly as a way to define what is conscious/unconscious but even still I find it lacking. I believe its true strength lies in realizing what is mostly undeveloped. Back on topic, I have full knowledge on how wrong my assumptions might be. Now this might be laughable, but my past resembles Hikigaya's (basically in 25 years the only character I felt close with and to a ridiculous extent). For whatever reasons I got hurt, reached some very dark conclusions and consciously moved from feeling to apathy. I brutally suppressed any feelings by replacing them with hardcore, concrete logic. I think I could blast away most INTJs out of the universe by sending them to an emotional state where they would feel attacked (tbh, I have such a state myself in which I am still prone to). I recovered through some very hard work and now I've reached a state where logic and feeling seem both, well logical. I see some test questions asking which one do you choose and I'm thinking "Well, it doesn't work like that". Another question I get annoyed with is "Do you think with your head? Or your heart?" and I think "well it depends on the people, on the situation, on the necessities and to the knowledge of what would bring everyone to the better conclusion and if that's possible. Am I irritated by the situation? Am I impartial or partial? If I am partial for example, I will switch feeling with logic many of the times due to a sense of justice. Well you get the point. A couple days ago I found a quote from Jung (I got into MBTI a week ago so I did some research on the fundamentals). "Where wisdom reigns, there is no conflict between thinking and feeling”. In any case, it has become a pattern in my life where I am kind to everyone, everyone thinks I am something they can push/toy around with and then, at some point (usually in a very public place) they think "oh we can push him around to do what we want". Being with my back against the wall, you all probably know what comes next. Then I usually see some sort of fear/hatred into their eyes that will never go away. Oh well, screw them I say, although I'd like to reach a point of avoiding these situations. But I've come to realize that the people that will definitely come to hate/feel bad around me, are people who are not OK with themselves.
@noidea8791 4 жыл бұрын
2 seconds in already sub and liked just on your voice alone, sooooo calming
@feeblemind 4 жыл бұрын
Weird that some people feel that way I feel my voice is annoying lol
@tiwiogunye 3 жыл бұрын
@@feeblemind whaat ?? Your voice is so calming. I love it
@davidcarty2194 4 жыл бұрын
Omg. When you described the money my jaw dropped. I yell peopke i hate money all the time. And i get the same response over and over. There is no way you hate money. Im just learning about all this. After 40 yrs im finally learning who i am. And the family part. Wow. Im just blown away.
@Bayoubebe 6 ай бұрын
Man this was good! I’ve watched a lot of these videos and first time yours popped up. I’d love to know how you, as an INFJ, was able to put your thought and understanding into words. I have such issues focusing and putting what’s in my head out into the world. ❤
@feeblemind 6 ай бұрын
Being in a really dark place made it pretty easy. This video is quite old I don't even remember what's in here tbh. I was living off a bag of rice and basically one bad day away before disappearing permanently. I just had nothing but free time to sit in my own mind thinking of things. The person in this video is basically a completely different person I can't really relate to anymore. So asking me any infj stuff or questions about then isn't going to get you any answers sorry.
@Bayoubebe 6 ай бұрын
@@feeblemind well hopefully you’re not in a dark place anymore. you made a good piece of content and it was relatable to so many ppl. and cheers to whatever personality you are now🫠
@Rurichin 6 жыл бұрын
I'm almost two hours into the video now and I died at the part where you mentioned about not minding to have a tsundere girlfriend omfg XD Btw the part where you talked about an INFJs values really helped me because it confirmed the confusion I had when it comes to that matter. I've had that confusion for a long time now and I can finally be sure about it so thank you. It feels good to hear about things that you can relate to and that actually makes sense. If you don't mind, I'll now continue to watch the rest! ... ... one more thing, I never went to the one party I was invited to by one of my closest friends... but I had a valid reason for it. I had to do my homework, as well as my intense fear of new people etc. I do regret it though because I felt (and still feel) really bad about turning her down :')
@feeblemind 6 жыл бұрын
I have a soft spot for rowdy playful women. It's actually caused me more problems than good in the long run lmao.... I'm just not a fan of quiet shy girls because well... we'd never do anything other than sit in silence all day and personally I do enough of that on my own so for me ideally someone who shares similar interest/core values as me but has more flair and extraversion would be nice. I am actually pretty eccentric and flashy myself I just don't showcase it because well I keep all that locked away in my little fantasy world in my head. Anyway it's pretty interesting reading all these comments lmao I don't know how this video got so popular or why people are even enjoying it but I'm glad they are however, I primarily do twitch.tv work and video game related stuff so this was more on a random whim during a pretty depressing few weeks I was having. So TLDR don't expect anything else because these random thoughts/epiphanies only happen when I'm at my lowest and retreat into my own solitude.
@Rurichin 6 жыл бұрын
feeblemind aww that's understandable. I think people may have found this video interesting to watch because of the many things they can relate to. I paused the video yesterday because of a headache so I'm back to listen to more of it haha. The part about sharing that you pooped this morning, I share those things as well. I even shared one of my friends' "awkward" secret of having taken a pill that made her pee green while she was there (I did it because I wanted to help everyone relax because the whole atmosphere felt quite awkward). However I had no idea it was something you "shouldn't" share until she gave me that "WTF??? WHY" look, but that made it even more funny at the same time as it made me feel guilty. I made a face and tried laughing a lot more, to make her feel better about it, and make her and everyone else laugh with me too, so towards the end she found it funny as well, thank God. Anyways, it's somehow exciting listening to the way you are as a person because of how there are so many things that I'm like "YESS I DO THAT TOO". And regarding how I shouldn't expect more videos like these, don't worry. I feel like this one is enough, although I wouldn't mind to listen to more
@feeblemind 6 жыл бұрын
yeah, sometimes I would reveal things about people like that too mostly because I think people take stupid things way to serious and get embarrassed about very stupid things when I've done some REALLY embarassing stupid shit that makes what they are so embarassed about pale in comparison. Also I'm an interesting person not a very nice one lmao. 90% of the downfall of my twitch channel is the fact I have a very useless ability to point out every flaw in everything ever within a few minutes and it's all I do. I wouldn't call it complaining because at end of day I don't care that much but people get tired of me pointing out everything wrong with their favourite games or people lmao.
@ilovebeats6600 6 жыл бұрын
Sanaries your bad"
@spiritofadmetos9992 6 жыл бұрын
Your introverted -extroverted feeling comparison at about 38:00... Yes, I have never heard that put into words before but right on!
@supertouk 6 жыл бұрын
Really good video. After watching this I am more convinced that I am an INFJ as well. For a long time I felt misunderstood, but not by other people. I felt that I misunderstood myself. If that makes any sense. It was really difficult for me to type myself with the tests as I was always coming up with INFP, INTP, INTP... very rarely did I come up with INFJ. The only way I came up with that was by looking at how the different types reacted when under a lot of stress. I've been trying to pay more attention to where I am right now and to come up with what is important to me & what my values are. I actually feel more healthy than I have in a long time. Haven't binge watched any seasons of shows in a long time now and feel good about that. This was a very long video, but well worth watching. I've bookmarked this as I want to watch it several more times when I'm in the mood. Thanks.
@mightymouse1005 5 жыл бұрын
I don't consider what I have as depression because I don't have the self hate that symbolizes depression. I get very introspective and melancholy and just need alone time to decompress and evaluate things....
@superwin06 6 жыл бұрын
I had a bad day but this helped me feel a little better somehow. Thanks for the effort!
@feeblemind 6 жыл бұрын
Awesome, we all have bad days I have many especially lately. I'd like to do more videos like this but I really don't know what else to talk about.
@goofyahhh254 6 жыл бұрын
feeblemind I would suggest to just act on intuition. What you feel like doing and act on instinct, impulse. Then make a video about it. Just my opinion, my two cents
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