Final Fantasy VII Rebirth and XVI Are Opposites

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4 ай бұрын

Comparing my experiences with FFVII Rebirth and XVI

Пікірлер: 69
@mr.a8036 4 ай бұрын
FF16:good gameplay,marvelous story FF7rebith: marvelous gameplay,good story.
@mcslobthethird7804 4 ай бұрын
Both have depressing endings too
@kevinburke1325 4 ай бұрын
FF16 did not have a good story smh. Everyone cried and Everyone died smh. Main thing of the entire story. No sense in playing.
@mr.a8036 4 ай бұрын
@@kevinburke1325 have a good story because there are no kingdom hearts bullshit, contrary to rebirth…Numen=darkness. Ff16 have even an encyclopedia for story and war political history. Ff16 do not have stratified gameplay like ff7, with mini game,challenge,crafting,elemental and buff and debuff. Don’t be a fan boy.
@kevinburke1325 4 ай бұрын
@@mr.a8036 you obviously live easy gameplay and depressing stories smh. Making G9d the bad guy isn't good. I bet you anything the creators of the game got struck by lightning.
@kevinburke1325 4 ай бұрын
@mr.a8036 everyone died and everyone cried making all the lore of ff16 nonsense and unnecessary. Also, they made God the bad guy. Tell me you don't like final fantasy without telling me you don't like final fantasy. You must have depression.
@rinas6550 4 ай бұрын
Rebirth is easily 10x better than 16 for the characters and story alone. Even though I hate mini games and in the first 15 hours they were literally non stop and always mandatory… there has to be at least 100 mini games. But at least that retains the spirit of the original.
@pololoco89 4 ай бұрын
16 was an utter failure in every conceivable way
@Valentien23 4 ай бұрын
@@pololoco89 nah thats a reach
@disabledspoon942 4 ай бұрын
@@pololoco89found the 50 year old🤣🤣 don’t be mad when 17 is also action since it’s selling 1.5x better than Rebirth did
@someguy233 4 ай бұрын
I personally really loved XVI; it was my goty until I finally got around to baldur’s reach in November. That being said, I strongly feel that rebirth is all in all a better game. That’s saying a lot, I *really* liked XVI. If rebirth didn’t have so many mini games and padding with world intel, it might be my favorite final fantasy period since the ps1 era.
@gentronseven 4 ай бұрын
How does preferring turn based make you 50? There have been action rpgs since the original final fantasy game came out.
@CastleNightTCG 4 ай бұрын
DBC, great video buddy! I like both games, but 7 has a special meaning to me, being the first game you did a lets play with. You made a lot of great points that I agree with. I'm looking forward to the rest of your Rebirth lets play! Thanks DBC! 🙌
@kermitwithamustache3885 4 ай бұрын
FFXVI: has cooldowns FFVIIRebirth: doesn't have cooldowns FFVIIRebirth annihilates
@dxxb 4 ай бұрын
Smashed it DBC, amazing video!
@alirelax8761 4 ай бұрын
I like the way you are talking like (under the mayo) channel are you guys brothers ?
@gentronseven 4 ай бұрын
The real world just simply isn't all dark no matter what is going on so I think 7 is actually more realistic. I like Clive and the characters in 16 are great but the world feels dead
@mcslobthethird7804 4 ай бұрын
To be fair, 16 was made by the people that make 14, an MMO, so the side quests being that way isn't too surprising. Some of them were pretty fucking dark though.
@kevinburke1325 4 ай бұрын
If only they actually made 16 like 14. They didn't do that though. I was hoping for a full single player version of 14 without having to pay monthly. Guess they couldn't do that and instead got an everyone cries and dies story.
@Scerttle 4 ай бұрын
I think a good way to solve 16's monotony would have been to have loadouts you could save. For the most part I didn't want to screw with my build too much until I got a new eikon cause... well... it was a pain. If you could save a loadout, then mess around, you could always fall back on that save. Feels like a miessed opportunity.
@crobinson2624 4 ай бұрын
It’s kinda like Final Fantasy. Seven rebirth was developed by their A-Team and final fantasy 16 was created by their B team.
@Scerttle 4 ай бұрын
Well, they were created by different teams, but FF16 was made by Creative Business Unit 3, the devs behind FF14. Different approaches to development.
@crobinson2624 4 ай бұрын
@@Scerttle in some development companies, mainline series games are handled by the developers A team and side series games are handled by B teams, that way you keep the quality of your mainline series strong while developing your secondary team’s experience.
@Scerttle 4 ай бұрын
@@crobinson2624This is true. Each of SE's CBUs has A and B teams for sure.
@AlwaysOnA3Bar 4 ай бұрын
I enjoyed 16 more, just because it was so different. The boss battles were definitely the highlight of that game. 7 still has the best characters in any game I’ve played but the open world wasn’t for me.
@senpafl4405 4 ай бұрын
FF16 to me actually felt like an Anti-15. 15 was just filled to the brim with often annoying filler content, the fighting system was a clunky, unbalanced mess, the story was everywhere except in the game with no proper exposition whatsoever, and the RPG elements went everywhere and nowhere. 16 tried to be a laser beam, it did everything exactly the other way around, but this also meant they ditched the few redeeming features of 15. Thus, 16 had no RPG elements whatsoever and no interesting dungeons and no world worth exploring. FF7 Rebirth overall manages to find a decent compromise in many regards. But the minigames at some point are just excessive and the lack of an actually working dodge button infuriates me. Also, a lot of content felt like quantity over quality. Give FF7R more of the Eikon fights and the dodge button from 16 and the dungeons from FF15 and get it a more quality over quantity approach to the side content and we have pretty much the perfect RPG
@Scerttle 4 ай бұрын
That makes a lot of sense. It wouldn't surprise me if there was a mandate from management to keep it to the basics. FF14 has LOADS of side content with a wide variety of game styles, so it's not like CBU3 is scared of doing that sort of thing.
@Ponder557 4 ай бұрын
Great video! I personally needed FF16 to happen, as it is a full story and Remake was amazing, so far Rebirth has me constantly smiling, however I'm a little nervous on where they're going to leave the game for part 3, which only slightly overshadows my enjoyment.
@OneWingedDemonSlayer 4 ай бұрын
I love both but then again my only final fantasy games completed are OG7, Crises Core, 7 Remake, 16, and Rebirth
@Maximusbyronus 4 ай бұрын
Great video dude, very interesting comparison. I'm glad that FFXVI and FF7Rebirth are vastly different games. One does not replace the other in a sense. I think FFXVI could have used some platforming (since they were going with a DMC action gameplay style) to make the environments more fun and interesting to explore. More elemental strategy and more weapons for Clive. I also felt that FFXVI needed a minigame and Queen's blood, as you said, would have been perfect. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is a dream JRPG for me and I'm savoring every moment.
@jasonsmith530 4 ай бұрын
Astute observation
@DayFul 4 ай бұрын
I like 16 for what it is but the driving force of the best Final fantasy games is the party that we get together and go on an adventure with. 7's cast has such variety that your going to find a few that you really like. I really enjoy characters with big personalities so Yuffie, Barret and Cid always stood out (Yuffie and Barret are scene stealers in Rebirth what a pairing).
@xkey_blade9558 4 ай бұрын
I need to say Rebirth feels like a modern 90‘s Sytle FF and I hope that is the Route where they going for Future Mainline FF. I hope Rebirth sales are better then FF16 that they don’t make wrong decisions. Because many don’t will pick Rebirth up because they don’t want play Remake. And also Media seems to over complicate the Story 😅. Don’t get me wrong I liked FF16 also, i only think FF16 Style is something what they can bring back with an new IP 😊
@Jammineyeonline 4 ай бұрын
Right now, nothing compares to rebirth! XVI is an action game, Rebirth is a full RPG. Don't get me wrong, i love XVI! But Rebirth is pure Magic. The entire time, i felt like i was watching a disney movie when they were at their Prime!
@smackdaddy710 4 ай бұрын
Dave you hit the nail on the head!
@AVClarke 4 ай бұрын
FF16 is Game of Thrones: Final Fantasy Style.
@knaz7468 4 ай бұрын
Interesting video. I haven't seen anything about 16. Rebirth was (is) amazing. Every single second, ever mini game. I had so much fun in my first playthrough and am now doing endgame achievements. And yes the piano game is crazy difficult.
@handsomeDRAC 4 ай бұрын
Piano is easy
@naiasonod 4 ай бұрын
FF7 Remake/Rebirth toss 16 straight into the trash in terms of story and gameplay alike for my own feeling about it. 16 is very cinematic, I'll give it that. So is FF7. Pretty equal in that regard. In terms of story, good lord there's not even a comparison to me. FF7 is bigger, brighter, far more developed in terms of its lore and setting and it has the benefit of not feeling so monotone. 16 feels like the whole world is a set piece for what the characters are doing. FF7R's world and setting have gotten a glow-up that really makes it feel like a world in which the main story characters aren't the whole reason the world exists or the only people in the world that are doing much of anything significant. And 16 really did a fantastic job of walking in Game of Thrones' shoes, right down to turning into a bewildering dumpster fire with a garbage ending that does no justice at all to how well it started and all the promise it showed along the way. 16's ending, like Game of Thrones' show ending, does a superb job of snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory and making everything to that point feel like you were stupid to have bothered from the beginning because precisely none of it mattered and the ending is some kind of phoned-in rubbish that feels like crap because it IS crap. FF7 doesn't have that problem. At all. Not even a little. So yeah. 16 starts strong and has a lot of promise...right up until it falls on its face and slides across the finish line like it suddenly died and only got to the finish at all due to inertia. You know how 7 is gonna end more or less. Now that Rebirth is out and we've had lots of time to digest Remake, good lord this isn't even a discussion. 16 is gonna die in obscurity and wind up being the FInal Fantasy 5 of the modern era; it was almost good. Some people will love it, but for the most part, it is not and will never be one of the greats. The FF7 remake trilogy is going to be the magnum opus of everything Final Fantasy has ever done right and been reknowned for. The OG FF7 turned heads and attained a legendary status rivaled by nothing else in the series. This remake trilogy? This is video game history unfolding before our eyes. They're gonna bring this home. 20, 30 years from now, the FFR Trilogy is still going to be a marvel to remember. 16 is gonna be the FF5 of this era. Ain't nobody gonna be denying that it's a thing that happened, and it isn't exactly terrible, but it's not one of the greats. It's not even close to almost maybe kinda-sorta being one of the almost-greats. FF7 is getting this remake treatment because, objectively, it is the greatest of all time so far. Opinions may differ, but whether one thinks 4 is the best or 6 is the best of maybe even 8 or 9, are they getting this kind of billion-dolllar glow up? Are they ever going to? I kinda think not. 16's very pretty. It's pretty ok to play. The story carries good water up until the big finish, where it shits itself and dies in the most spectacularly bizarre way that feels like they just stopped trying right at the final push to the finish line, but it's not like it's a horrible game in the altogether. Don't compare it to FF7 though. These don't belong in the same discussion unless we're just going to be highlightning how FF16 could've been great, maybe even one of the GOAT's like FF7, but it just falls critically short in ways that might seem trivial to some, but are objectively huge.
@TrampyPulsar 4 ай бұрын
Biggest gripes with 16 is the lingering MMO designs that Yoshi-P brought into a single player experience, notably the overly long drawn out exposition, also despite being a single player game, 16 gives you little-no party dynamics. Also the eikon unlock system sucks because its a loadout system, not even DMC was loadout based, you just unlocked skills and weapons and just used them. Granted Rebirth isn't much better incorporating ubisoft towers to replace genuine exploration and railroading the player despite having an 'open world' then dumping all the minibosses/super bosses behind chadley's ubisoft towers. And there were definitely too many minigames, and again, with all the good items/material locked behind them instead of being in the world for you to find by exploring.
@OfficialDjTalksick 4 ай бұрын
Idk you can literally ignore the towers and turn off the mini map and just go out and explore, good luck in gonGaga and cosmo canyon lol
@TrampyPulsar 4 ай бұрын
@@OfficialDjTalksick Thats not what I said though, the towers replaced natural exploration. IN the OG game, you go explore, find something, and get rewarded, in rebirth, you go find one of chadley's tower minigames, and get 10 points which you need 40-80 of to buy something good
@OfficialDjTalksick 4 ай бұрын
@@TrampyPulsar you get plenty of rewards exploring purple chest for instance, rare materia that you need to find a way too same as the og the tower is more just chores and extra stuff but they do give handsome rewards for those materia from chadley you can make some amazing builds with it
@TrampyPulsar 4 ай бұрын
@@OfficialDjTalksick All 2 of them hidden in the world for cait sith, the rest are next to rest stops on the main quest.
@rinas6550 4 ай бұрын
It’s wild to be that square enix could produce rebirth but has been producing boring slog after boring slog for every other ff game for a decade..
@Dd25476 4 ай бұрын
cool vid
@VetNovice 4 ай бұрын
Rebirth is a good game, not wonderful. They fucked with a lot of classic scenes. (Dyne, Aerith, Weapons, etc). Some like it, I didn’t? FF16 story wise is way better, gameplay about the same button mashing. FF7 Remake / Rebirth is a button mashing game. Yuffie scenes are funny, but you meet her in Costa Del Sol instead of outside of Mines. Taking Cid’s smokes away is criminal. Some liberties were really well done. But FF7 Rebirth was best when it kept to the OG script and character work on the side. Multiverse stuff is poorly executed and confusing. Things don’t line up in a clear way and it convoluted the powerful scenes. Zack and Cloud v Seph is “cool” but it loses the purpose over why Cloud fights Seph at the very end. Also Dio is hot as hell wtf.
@Ridghost 4 ай бұрын
FF16's Story was good until about 50% through. After 50%, the dialogue started turning from Game of Thrones into Kingdom Hearts. Barnibus rambling about consciousness and other such nonsense. The characters lacked agency, and thus felt flat and one note. Everyone just agreed with Clive, even when the evidence pointed in the exact opposite direction. The few who gave the story levity ended up dead. 16 had one hell of a start, but people who claim it sustained that level all the way through... I question if they actually finished the game.
@user-bz7qg5xw6h 4 ай бұрын
Hated 16. Absolutely hated. Worst installment in a long time. Barely felt like FF. I'd play 13 over 16.... Like.... lol.
@TKMRacer28 4 ай бұрын
16 was sooooo shit, which was so disappointing given the reviews were amazing…
@TKMRacer28 4 ай бұрын
16 is shit, FF7 rebirth is mega. Don’t get me wrong though, I’m happy if people like 16!
@zetascorpii49 4 ай бұрын
Yeah ffvii rebirth is good. Ffxvi is.. well not
@pololoco89 4 ай бұрын
I truly feel like rebirth’s lack of sales was due to 16 being an absolute shit show and people losing confidence in the project
@stormy6029 4 ай бұрын
XVI wayyy better than VII Rebirth. The sales agree bbyyyyy
@handsomeDRAC 4 ай бұрын
You obviously haven't played rebirth yet.
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