FIRST TIME Hearing Depeche Mode - Enjoy The Silence || Such A Mesmerizing Sound!!

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Seton Hill Studios

Seton Hill Studios

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@setonhillstudios Күн бұрын
*You can support the channel with KZbin Channel Memberships or through Buy Me a Coffee. Never expected, but always appreciated.❤Links in Description!* I absolutely love the sound of this band and I cannot wait to hear more! What's next?!
@PatrickCronk Күн бұрын
pronounced " Depesh Mode"
@reallymysterious4520 5 сағат бұрын
Next song from them is Policy of Truth
@cemode7394 15 сағат бұрын
Depeche Mode is one of the most influential bands. With a career still active for 45 years. With 15 studio albums, more than 50 singles, and a large number of hits
@setonhillstudios 15 сағат бұрын
Can’t wait to hear more from them! This tune is killer! 🔥🔥
@boqndimitrov8693 21 сағат бұрын
A legendary band with a huge influence. Without hesitation, I recommend EVERY one of their many hits! A small spoiler - don't always expect the same thing from them; they have their own style, but part of it is their tendency to experiment! 😊
@cr16219 21 сағат бұрын
To many, one of, if not the, most iconic songs from the time it came out until now.
@cemode7394 15 сағат бұрын
@ninawildr4207 15 сағат бұрын
Ty ty ty for reacting to DM ❤❤❤
@happymethehappyone8300 Күн бұрын
Depeche Mode "People Are People" 🔥❤️🔥
@steves9905 2 күн бұрын
well DM is a rabbit hole to fall into. THE foundational alt wave synth band of 80's and 90's. Quasi-goth, danceable
@njg247 2 күн бұрын
Ain't that the truth.
@erinoflaherty302 Күн бұрын
Oh yeah Personal Jesus!!!
@patriciagrant4913 Күн бұрын
You should check out the live version. It's fire!! Live from Germany. Depeche Mode is a British band from the 80's. They still perform.
@StephenRoss-pj9ih Күн бұрын
Depeche Mode was part of the soundtrack of my youth back in the 80s, and early 90s. “A question of lust” is one of my favorites!❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
@nancysmith38 Күн бұрын
Industrial and his haunting vocals…. ❤
@ninawildr4207 15 сағат бұрын
Check out I Feel You from their Devotional tour ❤❤❤very rocky
@Ed7501 2 күн бұрын
My 2nd favourite band grwing up in the 80s... saw them 3 times. they are great live!
@johnapplegate1289 Күн бұрын
In concert,they use a live drummer. Very deep, very rich catalog.
@njg247 2 күн бұрын
Oh my goodness Steven, you've hit gold here. Been going since 1981 and still going strong. They are phenomenal live. They have such a catalogue to explore that it's hard to know where to start. They are hugely influential. They started out as a synth band from Essex in England and experimented with sounds often derived from everyday objects and materials. They were often ridiculed by the British press but when they broke America in 1988, they had the last laugh. They went from the starkness of clean synths, to dark, brooding swirling anthems that resonated with their fans thanks in no small part to the marriage of thoughtful lyrics and deeply human subject matter, always against their mesmerising, unique sound. Dave has oodles of charisma on stage and yet they have never taken themselves seriously despite earning millions of fan. You could say they are the one of the biggest "cult" bands to exist. If you want to have taste of them live, I suggest their Live performance of Never Let Me Down Again but really there are so many others you could try. I'll leave it to others on here to recommend their faves too.
@rhphotocdn 2 күн бұрын
Great Band! Pronounced De-pesh-mode. Also look into their hit Personal Jesus.
@matthewdrake4385 2 күн бұрын
I love Johnny cash's version of that one.
@themakeityourselfrecipegir6819 Күн бұрын
My number one favorite song of all time
@bhart62 Күн бұрын
They were HUGE back in the day. I remember their autograph signing at Tower Records, SO many fans showed up and it totally shutdown the Sunset Strip!
@Gira21Gramos Күн бұрын
They're still huge! Their last tour sold out arenas and it was soooooo good.
@adamwaite7218 10 сағат бұрын
Ultimate version live in berlin!!!!!!
@joanbecenti8938 Күн бұрын
Great song and video. It was a interesting period in which the 1980’s had ended and before grunge had hit. Club music was becoming increasingly popular and alternative/college radio was at it's peak. Great times.
@bringmechoc Күн бұрын
They are fantastic live too. One of my favourites is Personal Jesus but they have so many good songs.
@setonhillstudios Күн бұрын
I’ll have to check that out! Someone else suggested that too!
@brandonjones1349 4 сағат бұрын
I agree. Great live!
@evelynne2846 Күн бұрын
I think the live performances (of all their songs) are so much better than their videos in that the audience participation is nothing like I've ever seen before. Plus they are still touring with huge audiences and sound and perform the same as in the 80s. Thanks for reacting to this great band. I'd classify it as techno rock.
@chrisoakley5830 Күн бұрын
I wasn't a big Techno music fan in the 80s, but Depeche Mode were really cool, I loved this song from the first time I ever heard it.
@Prone2Thrill 21 сағат бұрын
Violator was a huge success and a great LP but I fell in love with them much earlier when Music for the masses came out
@IvanDem99 Күн бұрын
These guys started late 70s and are still active. Dave Gahan is one of the best front men you'll ever see. They have sooooo many songs over their long career, but one I always recommend is a live version of Never Let Me Down Again. You'll see why we call him the Puppet Master.
@phasemalfunction5286 2 күн бұрын
track was written in 89, and on the 1990 album Violator. This was at the point where they were introducing instruments other than synths, which has something that has progressed over time. Started out a synth pop band in 81, Vince Clark left after first album (see Yazoo and Erasure), and writing was taken over by Martin Gore. Some track to check out: Leave in Silence, Blasphemous Rumours, Everything Counts, Walking in my Shoes, Home, Barrel of a Gun, A Pain That I'm Used to, World in My Eyes, Condemnation, Its No Good, Strangelove
@JohnPaul-hm2ys Күн бұрын
I first heard DM in the background music of the movie Summer Lovers in 1982. Luckily every movie had a soundtrack album back then. I was hooked by Just Can't Get Enough and then song after song. I have seen every tour concert that has hit Philly or New York since, always more than once. People Are People and Behind The Wheel are among my favorites.
@examiner71 Күн бұрын
You would’ve liked the live version with the drummer.
@MissSelene2000 3 сағат бұрын
You have to react to the live version in Berlin. The energy from the crowd and the band is amazing.
@cemode7394 15 сағат бұрын
Dave Gahan: "And that's why, if you notice, in the video, you'll see that I only sing one line in the whole thing every now and then, repeatedly: "Words are very unnecessary". Because you got all these beautiful scenes, beautiful photography everywhere, and you look at this fantastic photography, so words [are unnecessary], and I'm a king, obviously, I'm supposed to have everything."
@bryanCJC2105 Күн бұрын
Depeche (De-PESH) Mode was one of the biggest bands of the 80s and 90s. They would sell out stadiums. Their music was one of the defining sounds of the 80s and 90s. Depeche Mode is one of my favorite bands. They started out with a very synth-pop-disco sound (which was awesome) and then after Vince Clarke left the band, became more of a moodier industrial-synth-pop band that sent then into the stratosphere. There are a lot of songs to choose from. I was going to list my favorites but I couldn't keep that list small. I'm sure others here will give you a great range to choose from.
@jayrtee Күн бұрын
Even the king, the most powerful of us, searches for the moments of silence to regroup and repair. I know them from their earlier albums. with "People Are People" and "Somebody" being my favorites. But I can get into some "Master and Servant"...
@danrumble74 2 күн бұрын
Dee-Pesh "Strange Love" is 🔥 Also.. People are People.
@lotusladylotus6159 13 сағат бұрын
Another great band, and reaction. 💙Btw, it's pronounced 'de-pesh' Mode 😉. They were a big deal on the Montreal club scene too. Other suggestions: Personal Jesus (you'll love it), Policy of Truth, and Strange Love, would be a good sampling to begin with. Where possible, watch concert / live performances, because frontman Dave Gahan was a real presence on stage.
@neilpatrickhairless 2 күн бұрын
Love Depressed Mood 🙌🏼
@samjacobucci7854 Күн бұрын
De-pesh-mode is how it's pronounced brother
@brandonjones1349 Күн бұрын
Absolute Banger! Perfect soundtrack for exactly when I heard these guys the first time. In H.S. I was into punk n metal. A goth chick named Petra played this one night we were hanging out. I fell in love immediately. With the band, and her. Shes no longer with us, but we stayed in touch til the end. Thank you for this one brother. I really mean that. 🤜💥🤛
@setonhillstudios Күн бұрын
Great tune for sure and can’t wait to check out more! Such a unique sound!! 🔥🔥
@ZlatkovDarko 9 сағат бұрын
Check their live performances, for example "Stripped" or "Never Let Me Down Again" - Tour of the Universe Live In Barcelona 2009
@stevenseul361 Күн бұрын
Should of done the Live version it's Amazing and longer. Don't be afraid to look at other reactors. They know the landscape of the land.
@pardeeplace4480 2 күн бұрын
They've had a long and consistent career, kind of the AC/DC of synth pop
@jameswormington9978 Күн бұрын
You need watch the Live Video from Berlin ... the song will go from an B+ to and A+ !
@styrenebuilds6851 2 күн бұрын
Usually with Depeche Mode you'll get the single / radio edit version then about 15 dance remixes of it.
@MarjorieStoker-oj8fh Күн бұрын
Look at an American group called Sparks late 1970s you've got to beat the clock you will love them
@JeffTiberend 2 күн бұрын
Awesome band! You should react to their 2014 Live in Berlin: A Film by Anton Corbijn. This film was from their concerts that were filmed in Berlin in 2013 on November 25 and 27.
@karaokekraziness3891 2 күн бұрын
Their name is pronounced duh-pesh mode. One of their most popular songs was People Are People, which is an eternally relevant song. I did a cover of it a few years ago on my KZbin channel.
@toddgilleylen3438 12 сағат бұрын
The whole album is a classic. 1991.
@nancysmith38 Күн бұрын
Recommend St Paul and the Broken Bones- Grass is Greener, Call Me or Broken Bones and Pocket Change.
@cainealexander-mccord2805 Күн бұрын
P.S. They didn't even have a drummer at this point in their career. They had a fourth member, Alan Wilder, and he dabbled a little bit live, but they didn't add a drummer till the "Exciter" album in the early 90ss. When I saw them live, suddenly with another keyboard player (Peter Gordino) and a drummer (Christian Eigner) I was like, "Oh no. They're gonna screw it up!" And guess what? They didn't. It was excellent and thank god they did. They needed a drummer. RIP Fletch
@setonhillstudios Күн бұрын
Oh wow!! No drummer?! That’s a crime! 😂
@cainealexander-mccord2805 Күн бұрын
@@setonhillstudios It's a wonder I even noticed them.
@setonhillstudios Күн бұрын
@@cainealexander-mccord2805 🤣😂
@TheCarlclark12 Күн бұрын
Thank you for listening to Depeche Mode (pronounced D'Pesh like the word mesh with a P Mode). DM is my second favorite band next to KISS. I know that is a huge difference in genres but I love all forms of music. I would like to suggest some songs that you should check out in the future. People Are People, Master And Servant, Just Can't Get Enough, Stripped, Blasphemous Rumors, Fly On The Windscreen, Stripped, Never Let Me Down Again, Strangelove, Route 66, Personal Jesus, World In My Eyes, Policy Of Truth, I Feel You, Walking In My Shoes, Barrel Of A Gun and It's No Good. There is more but that should keep you going for a bit. You are going to get an amazing range of music from them. They are mainly know for their synth pop sound but in the 90's they started adding guitar and drums and it will definitely surprise you. Again, thank you for checking out DM and please keep doing what you're doing. You may not know it but you really do make people's lives a little better with your show and I happen to be one of them. Let's go!
@setonhillstudios Күн бұрын
@@TheCarlclark12 Thanks for all the recommendations and the kind words! It really does mean alot to me to hear some encouragement! Have a great one and Let’s Goooo!! 🔥🔥
@kimcutts6153 Күн бұрын
🇬🇧 😂😂😂 SteVen, you are funny. DE-PESH MODE (pronunciation). But I will let you off. 😅
@yirajavier8108 Күн бұрын
Depeche Mode - Your own Personal Jesus, check that title out.
@yirajavier8108 Күн бұрын
Or The policy of Truth or it’s No Good , I think everything Depeche Mode is good! last concert attended in Madison Square Garden was Amazing! Gosh you are bringing me way back. Thank you!
@eggy1962 Күн бұрын
Pretty sure their song People are People will interest you……they hit everything percussion wise they could find in and around the studio, the lyrics are still very apt too……Another good one is Everything Counts 101 remix….
@larsgutheil5520 Сағат бұрын
It‘s „De-pesh“ Mode (French!) 😊 A legendary band from England with 100+ million records sold, on one level with groups like Led Zeppelin, U2 or Pink Floyd. They were THE band of 80‘s and early 90‘s British synth and wave pop, broke to global mainstream with albuns like Music for the Masses (1987) and Violator (1990). They have been releasing successful albums ever since. In Germany, they had more Top 20 hits than the Beatles. Last year, they toured globally to over 3 million fans. Introduced to RnR Hall of Fame. Cited as influence by Techno and House DJ‘s as well as alternative stars like Linkin Park and Nine Inch Nails. If you want to dig deeper, „Personal Jesus“ or „Never let me down again“ would be obvious picks. I‘d recommend to try less over-used songs like „Precious“, „Barrel of a gun“ or „It‘s no good“. All great!
@plushstitches5146 2 күн бұрын
Hi there. Depeche Mode (pronounced DEH-PESH) has so many great songs. You should check out "People Are People". I was in high school when it came out and it was one of the few songs (along with the B-52s "Rock Lobster") that ALWAYS got everyone on the floor.
@jimmywilmore1881 2 күн бұрын
They actually date back to the early 80s with “Speak and Spell” and “Just cant get enough” in 1981. Not until the late 80s did their music mainstream. They very quickly found a following the clubs and dance bars. Being gay I can say they were well received by the gay community and the extended play versions of DM songs with the synth sound gave the DJs the freedom to blend the music giving the effect of one continuous song. Hours of dancing back in the late 80 early 90s. Must hear “Personal Jesus” ‘89, “Just can’t get enough” ‘81 and “Policy of Truth” ‘90. I would say your next reaction should JUST CAN’T GET ENOUGH. Cheers!
@plushstitches5146 2 күн бұрын
I grew up in San Diego. My best friend was gay. We would always go to Peacock Alley in Hillcrest. So many phenomenal nights there on the weekend. As a straight female, they were always so welcoming and the BEST dancers
@jimmywilmore1881 2 күн бұрын
@ yep been to PA many times. I lived in LA at the time
@cainealexander-mccord2805 Күн бұрын
Hey bud! And you hit my non-Queen favourite-and please, De-Pesh-Mode. Like Queen, there's almost too much to say about this band. I got into them 30 years ago after Freddie died-I used to clown them back in my early headbanger days, then I sat down and listened. And more importantly, watched. Their live stuff is amazing. Martin Gore, the guitar player, writes the majority of their stuff, but Dave Gahan, the singer, has started writing for the last few albums and that, too, is excellent. When this came out, you couldn't get away from it. (This album actually saved Gary Numan from retiring. His wife brought this album home and he found out that keyboard players can go dark, and the rest is, as they say, history. If you ever want to go down to the dungeon, just say the word.) As for the video, don't read too much into it. They love this guy, Anton Corbijn, and his videos are a mess, but I'm not paying the guy, so.... You'll get lots of suggestions for further DM and they'll all be great, and I'll be here for every one. Love your channel!
@setonhillstudios Күн бұрын
Definitely can’t wait to check out more! Such a unique and captivating sound for sure! 🤘🏻
@matthewgoodA1206 Күн бұрын
When I saw Depeche Mode live many, many years ago, this was unfortunately the only song I knew. (Ex-girlfriend surprised me with a ticket.) But fortunately, that show kick-started my fandom, and today they’re one of my top groups. Always liked the video, that idea of just seeking silence alone. Also, the premise of the lyrics is very cynical and jaded to me, but at the same time they’re incredibly eloquent. Quite the combo. Lastly, don’t know if one exists, but I think an a cappella version of this song, if done well, would be excellent.
@redmaynard 2 күн бұрын
When I got married, I walked down the aisle to Somebody. My parents were against it until they heard the lyrics, and it made sense.
@annesmith2259 Күн бұрын
@matsfrommusic Күн бұрын
I have to say I've never heard of anyone not knowing about this band and I say that because of their long career, first album released in 1981. Personal Jesus I suspect you do know, if not by them then covered by Marilyn Mansion or Johnny Cash.
@setonhillstudios Күн бұрын
I wasn’t even on this Earth yet in 1981! 😂 Definitely can’t wait to check out more! Incredible sound! Have a great one and thanks for hanging out! 😁
@paulocarvalho6480 2 күн бұрын
Ooh Steven. You have no idea of what you got into. DM is a very deep rabbit hole. Once you get in, there's no way out. You can search as far as you want, but you will not find an exit. Pretty much any song is a hit. Playing live they're even better. Martin Gore (the short blonde guy) is a true genius both composing and lyricist. Dave Gahan isn't flashy as many other singers but he delivers exactly what the song needs. Alan Clark and Fletcher complement Martin's work with the keyboard. They are a fantastic band. Unfortunately, Alan left to pursue other projects and Fletcher passed away a few years ago, but they keep going on. "Everything Counts" live is a must like all of their songs. Great reaction and for your information, this video was shot in several different countries including Portugal, France and Italy.
@njg247 2 күн бұрын
You nailed it.
@marcfinch8915 Күн бұрын
This was one of their best selling titles. Not my favorite of them though. They've got a lot of stuff to discover. I recommend »Never let me down again«, »World in my eyes«, »I feel you«, »Stripped« and »People are People«. Because this band put so much attention to sound design you should listen to the studio versions first.
@xyxyqw Күн бұрын
Hi have to react DM live,cause they are better...I recommend their "Personal Jesus" live on regards
@Justaperson717 Күн бұрын
@matthewdrake4385 2 күн бұрын
Its pronounced Dee- pesh mode. Talk about classic new wave going back to the early 80s. Just cant get enough, people are people, master and servant. Their 1989/1990 album violator was them at their best. Policy of truth, personal jesus, world in my eyes.
@sarablack2547 Күн бұрын
Please do can't get enough next it came out before this and shows you where they started. Personal Jesus and people are people are also good.
@nancysmith38 Күн бұрын
One of my favorite bands- studio versions are best- so many sounds to hear-
@stevenseul361 Күн бұрын
No That Live in Berlin is mesmerizing and Longer.. I've seen around 200 concerts and nothing compares to Live.
@stacielindsey3894 21 сағат бұрын
Pronounced: De Pesh mode. lol.
@LesKrupa Күн бұрын
Not uncommon for those into hard rock and early 80s metal to be into Depeche Mode. Different approaches to the same thing, dealing with society’s bullshit
@t.a.k.palfrey3882 Күн бұрын
I enjoy your channel greatly. I also get a kick from hearing how, in common with most Americans, your pronunciation of any band name which isn't based on American "English" is bastardised so badly. It's hilarious, and makes my 75-yr old brain make somersaults. In this case, Depeche Mode chose their band name from the popular 80s French fashion mag, which translates as "Fashion Update".
@setonhillstudios 17 сағат бұрын
Haha 😂 Yeah, I’ve jacked up about every band name there is! More to come too I’m sure! 🤦🏻‍♂️ Have a great one and thanks for hanging out!
@LoriCollis Күн бұрын
Pronounced depesh
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