Fisker Bankruptcy Update: American Lease Deal & Chapter 7 Push

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Gentlemen ́s World

Gentlemen ́s World

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@Jonesy-c9x 5 ай бұрын
I am a member of the FOA and based in the UK. For me this organisation is already providing more coordinated information than anyone else to date. Of course Patrick you have been great and guided us owners through difficult times. All I want is to keep my fantastic Ocean Extreme running, insured and for parts to be available. The FOA is the only chance we have to make this happen. I’m not made of money but have donated towards the funds for FOA to fight for us. I’ve already lost so much money on the car, all my shares are worthless but I do have a beautiful beast of a car. I will contribute and do all I can to support and remain part of our select owners group. If this helps with parts and SW updates in future then it’s totally worth it. I’m also heading to Chevalier in London next week to get a second key fob. Keep up the great work Patrick. I for one really appreciate it 😎
@gentlemensworld 5 ай бұрын
Good Morning, thank you so much for the lovely words thank you. So glad to hear you love your ocean and that you had also such a great experience with the FOA I also think they can do a lot and also donate already some money as the good thing also is that there are no fees at all and you can decided by your own that you donate or not. That´s cool with the key fob how much did you payed for and please also enjoy the great pubs in London have good memories with them ;-)
@Jonesy-c9x 5 ай бұрын
@@gentlemensworld Patrick. I am heading to Chevalier in north london early next week to get a second key fob for my Ocean Extreme. They charge £320/€380 for the physical fob and to connect to the Ocean and pair it directly on the spot. I am told it takes around 10 minutes to pair it. I will update you once it's done.
@gentlemensworld 5 ай бұрын
Intressting would be really cool to hear your experience with it. Sure 320 pounds are pretty much money anyhow better having a secound in case of loosing the first one. Thanks for keeping me in the loop
@cityblue0202 5 ай бұрын
What car company did you use for insurance because I was going to buy a fisker but the insurance was £1850 a year and I have full no claims. My id5 is only 600
@Jonesy-c9x 5 ай бұрын
@@cityblue0202 I am with Admiral Insurance here in the UK and I insured my Ocean in late December 2023 for £700 fully comprehensive and with decades of no claims protection. I have no idea what it will be when the policy comes up for renewal just after a Christmas but my hope is that the American Lease deal may provide a spares option moving forwards and reduce the current problem of the Ocean being totalled with the slightest problem as it is right now resulting in stupidly high insurance prices. I am expecting my current insurance premium to increase but I hope it will remain viable as the car needs to be managed out of its current ‘zombie’ status to maintain the AL fleet. It may of course be wishful thinking.
@TheEVAddict 5 ай бұрын
Very much interested in the American lease deal period. It sounds like they are willing to work with us, which is great and we can work on parts from there. Sadly, it looks like the cloud went down today.
@gentlemensworld 5 ай бұрын
Hi Brother sorry for the late reply but been in holidays as you know. Let´s see after the email from Fisker looks like Fisker is not really willing to support third party stuff...
@rmorales1029 5 ай бұрын
Patrick, please keep asking videos about your Fisker so we can learn from experiences with your car. I think the Fisker journey will last for quite a while now that American Leasing will be the entity we Ocean Owners will be working with into the future. Also, FOA appears to be very engaged and I appreciate what they have done to date and I can see that they will be helping us owners out for quite a while until hopefully processes are in place to secure parts, maintenance and possibly warranty issues. I have joined FOA and I’d like to continue hearing from you on what you are seeing or hearing about FOA’s efforts. Thanks Patrick and great job w/your videos.
@gentlemensworld 5 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for your encouraging words! I'm really glad to hear that you find my videos helpful. It's comments like yours that keep me motivated to share my journey with the Fisker. I'm definitely planning to continue posting updates about my Fisker Ocean. It's been an exciting ride so far, and I agree that American Leasing's can be some good partner if things are going to get done right. Regarding FOA , I share your optimism. Their engagement and efforts to assist us with parts, maintenance, and warranty issues have been commendable. It's great to hear that you've joined FOA - the more of us involved, the stronger our community becomes. I'll definitely keep sharing any updates or insights I come across regarding FOA's initiatives. Thanks again for your support and for being part of this journey. Stay tuned for more updates and feel free to share any of your own experiences or questions - I'd love to hear from you!
@monsterpatbro1041 5 ай бұрын
I still like my FOO, especially since i got 2.0 and now the key fob update. I just joined FOA. I 🙏 we get support. Even better a buyer that continues building the Ocean.
@gentlemensworld 5 ай бұрын
So great to hear you love your car and agree with you 100% on FOA at least somebody try to do something for us and that´s better then nothing!
@EM.1. 5 ай бұрын
American Lease should work with Magna to create a new Fisker company minus HF/GF control.
@wizzyno1566 5 ай бұрын
😂 Thats a childish dream. They're strip mining cheap assets, thats all. They don't have the skills, intention or money to create a new car company. And Magna have been badly burned by the FO, both financially and reputationally, they wouldn't touch it again with a barge pole.
@gentlemensworld 5 ай бұрын
What be really cool if this would happend. May and there always possibilites that American Lease could be willing to get a car manufacture let´s see anyhow I think it keeps wishfull thinking but would be great.
@Coolcatgrooves 5 ай бұрын
The problem is that the cost is going to be very expensive to keep the car running by paying the car note.
@gentlemensworld 5 ай бұрын
Let´s see latest updates is that American lease is supporting also with then we would have around 10.000 cars and could get parts for an good price also the good think is most of the parts used in other cars also - thanks a lot for your comment
@Coolcatgrooves 5 ай бұрын
@@gentlemensworld Just a side note, when you first began, I enjoyed your videos. I like the style the excitement that you had and your honesty. Personally, my experience with Fisker is ruined. I hate this whole thing. It would’ve been cool if Fisker became a great card I think your videos would’ve helped a lot of people. I still think that the FOA did something quite remarkable to LEAP over law firms to get a seat at the table so for those people who probably don’t owe on their car halfway done paying I think it’s gonna be a good thing for them but that said I think parts service connectivity is going to come to premium which is the worst thing Wun could think of because if you put $75,000 for a car and then now you don’t know when it’s gonna get serviced or how much it’s gonna cost let alone if it dies when will someone fix it is a horrible thing so I guess let’s wait and see but I think the main focus was getting parts and that I believe was wrong
@gentlemensworld 5 ай бұрын
Thank you so much. Well as you noted quite well the super excitment of the car is gone for sure also at my end don´t get me wrong there been a lot of potential but as also mentioned in the video is a bitter pille to swollow now while we mroe or less know the show is gone to invest more and more in that car. Thats for sure my expectation to Fisker are 0 and I can´t say that less straight forward this is a scam game if you look what potential been out there! 100% agree what you saying in your comment btw. In the whole mass I just like to say that people the communtiy is holding together and I´m happy that there people out there as FOA to help and volutiere that we at least getting some support what Fisker should have offered. That what I was drying to say is it sh..t that we may need to take more money into our hands yes. 100% confirm, is the wholes situation sh..t Fisker was pushing us into 100% confirm could go one I think my point is clear. Am I happy that at least there are people out there giving free time to clean up mass is now created yes I value that this is the only think I can say and therefor I support FOA because the try at least to get trust back to people and do something where Fisker just let us alone. I didn´t like to attac you for your comment sorry if it feelt like that and I hope my reply making this clear. I´ll get anybody points as I also think about why we need to pay more and more for a car with that promises not hold but is not FOA fault is cleary Fiskers issue and we need to also take this into consideration my rage is against Fisker as well as yours!
@Coolcatgrooves 5 ай бұрын
@@gentlemensworld It's all good. I appreciate that the FOA is doing its best to get the parts, and maybe software is a good thing for those who are okay with paying for an unreliable car. I'm fighting to ger my money back from this scam.
@gentlemensworld 5 ай бұрын
I can totally understand you point I´m also frustrated payed that much and got not even halve out of it...
@maxxbom777 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for your information Patrick. I'm from Austria and have been waiting for my FOE for 2 months now, which is already at the dealer. It feels as if the dealer doesn't want to or isn't allowed to sell the car. I signed the purchase contract 2 months ago. At the price according to the website. It's a lot less than you and the first Ocean owners paid. It hurts even more when the cars are now being sold for $14,000. It's probably better to back out of the sale and buy a used Ocean. 2. Do you have more information about the FOA? Because I suspect that they can't do anything for us few European owners.
@gentlemensworld 5 ай бұрын
Servus, mache es dann am besten mal auf Deutsch, wenn es für Dich ok ist? Ich starte mal am besten FOA was viele am Fahrzeug nur sehen ist leider wenn was kaputt geht und die Ersatzteile nicht geliefert werden können. FOA ist erst seit gut 2 Monaten gegründet also mit der Zeit und ohne großen Finanziellen Hintergrund kann man auch nicht mit Wundern rechnen, jetzt noch nicht. Aber ich muss schon sagen das was ich gesehen habe ziemlich gut ist so sind viele Ersatzteile schon identifiziert und auch die Hersteller angefragt worden (viele Sitzen übrigens in Europa) es gibt mittlerweile auch schon zusagen das die geliefert werden. Das heißt die Arbeiten jetzt dran wo wir die Fahrzeuge evtl. reparieren können was auch in der EU gemacht wird. Das zweite Thema woran sie arbeiten ist die Infrastruktur was die IT angeht und die spaltet sich in zwei ebenen 1. Die Clouds und Server die viele service des Autos Steuern (Navi, Apps, Wlan aber auch z.b. Antriebstrangs daten bzw komplette Systemüberwachung). Wenn die wegfallen können im schlimmsten Fall das Auto nicht mehr fahren. Die zweite Ebene ist die Software selber sie Arbeiten daran, dass man den Code bekommt und wir dann auch Zukünftig Bugs beseitig bekommen und aber auch endlich mal die Feature freigeschaltet bekommen die wir auch bezahlt haben. Und Software ist halt auch Weltweit die selbe... Alle diese 3 Sachen sind elementar wichtig für uns in Europa und es arbeiten auch Leute aus Europa an Lösungen für Europa. Ich lasse generell immer alles hier bei dem Kommentaren stehen und versuche bisschen neutraler zu sein da es mir wichtig ist das jeder seine Meinung frei äußern darf und das eben auch andere Meinungen da sind das das Bild rund wird. Ich persönlich muss aber verstehen das ich die Aussagen das FOA nichts für Europa machen kann nicht wirklich richtig, ich glaube viele Leute verwechseln FOA mit Fisker selber und vor allem denken Sie ah da kann jemand jetzt sich darum kümmern das wir unser Geld für das Auto zurück bekommen. Tja da ist FOA vielleicht besser in der USA aufgestellt da Fisker Inc. insolvent ist und wir nicht genau wissen wie die verstrickungen Europa sind da hilft aber nur ein Anwalt und Beten (sorry für die Worte jetzt) da die Firma doch keine Kohle mehr hat wenn wir jetzt unsere Autos zurück geben wollen liegen die Chancen was zu bekommen eh fast bei 0 das ist schlicht die Falsche Erwartung was FOA angeht das gleiche in den USA übrigens lang einem Nackten in die Taschen...FOA ist übrigens Kostenlos und Wohltätig eine Non Profit also nicht bei zu Treten macht für mich alleine deshalb schon keinen Sinn weil man muss ja nicht bezahlen. Aber wie gesagt muss jeder selber für sich entscheiden und ich bin auch kein FOA Mitarbeiter oder sonstiges ich freue mich nur wenn jemand hilft und wenn was dabei raus kommt umso besser...weil von Fisker kannst Du einfach nichts erwarten! Zu Deinem Auto problem, also ich weis nicht für ein Auto das auf dem Hof steht über 2 Monate warten ist schon arg, ich denke die haben evtl. mit der Insolvenz zu kämpfen da ja die Fisker GmbH in Österreich pleite ist oder halt auch damit das dein Fahrzeug jetzt nach Amerika geht wegen dem American lease. Kanns aber leider echt nicht sagen, ich kann nur sagen das Fisker Deutschland auch nicht Antwortet oder sonstig Aktiv ist. Vielleicht ist dann ein gebrauchter besser für Dich. Hoffe das hilft dir ein wenig.
@maxxbom777 5 ай бұрын
@@gentlemensworld Hi Patrick, Deutsch hilft mir ungemein!!! Habe deinen Kanal noch nicht lange am Schirm und da du alles in Englisch machst, hat Google für mich übersetzt. Ich habe eben ein Kommentar auf Adam´s Everything EV gesetzt, wo ich mich über die FOA wundere, warum sie sich so für eine Handvoll Autos einsetzt. Ich werde auf jedenfall dranbleiben. Mit meinem Händler habe ich heute telefoniert. Es fehlt nur mehr die Wasserpumpe (die auch schon beim Händler sind) und dann die Freigabe der Auslieferung von Fisker direkt. So ist sein Letztstand. Und er hält sich an die offiziellen Kanäle von Fisker (welche das auch immer sind…) Wir hingegen, tragen halt alles vom Internet zusammen und bilden uns dann eine Meinung. Wer weiß was davon alles richtig oder falsch ist. Wenn der Wagen in meinem Besitz ist, gibts ein Abo, da wir dann auf uns gegenseitig aufpassen müssen. cu
@gentlemensworld 5 ай бұрын
Servus, ja perfekt kein stress bedeutet ja nicht das wir hier alles immer in Englisch machen brauchen freut mich wenn es Dir dann eben auch hilf in Deutsch zu sprechen ist für mich auch einfacher. FOA ist wirklich gut klar du brauchst ja ein Ocean sonst macht der Club für Dich ja auch kein Sinn ^^ Adam hat seinen verkauft also glaub ich nicht das er Mitglied ist kann ich aber nicht sagen er berichtet auch eher über die ganzen finanziellen Details von Fisker weniger über Service etc. soweit ich das beurteilen kann aber das dann ziemlich gut. Also leider hat Fisker wenig bis keine Kanäle mehr die Infos waren eigentlich schon immer sehr mager ich hatte damals einfach Glück auch wegen dem Kontent das ich mehr Service bekommen hatte, das hat sich auch erledigt wollte mal wieder mit den AP sprechen die nehmen nicht das Telefon an oder rufen zurück vielleicht gibts die aber auch nicht mehr. Ich hoffe das klappt alles mit Deinem Auto dann vor allem sehr gut das auch die Wasserpumpe gleich ersetzt bekommst. Und klar wir Besitzer passen aufeinander auf die Community ist echt der Hammer muss ich sagen alles klasse leute. Wünsch Dir was Grüße
@TonyPalk-qh6zb 5 ай бұрын
Sorry D but you are wrong about UK owners. One of the board of FOA is UK based and is building a roster of UK techs already
@gentlemensworld 5 ай бұрын
So true here also checked that up thanks for the comment
@darthinsanitus8510 5 ай бұрын
American lease….due to the sale agreement….won’t be updating other people’s software…just there own fleet
@gentlemensworld 5 ай бұрын
What say so, too but let´s see
@davedempster7658 5 ай бұрын
Please point out to FOA not to take money off UK Ocean owners. They cannot do anything for any Ocean owners outside the US. Thank you.
@gentlemensworld 5 ай бұрын
Hi thanks for the information I´ll adress that also to FOA if ok for you. My understanding is that they doing effort around the globe also people from the UK are involved and even one of the first 5 boardmembers of FOA. Thank you for the comment I´ll come back to that topic because I also sit in the EU. BTW FOA is free and there are no fees at the moment.
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