The Expanse 2x10 Reaction | Cascade

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@blackpaw29 Жыл бұрын
God I love the moment Bobbie see the ocean for the first time, the sublime soundtrack, the wonder on her face, seeing water stretching to the horizon, despite the filthy surroundings, just magic.
@nottopcat5956 Жыл бұрын
One of my favourite scenes in the show. Her face conveys so many mixed emotions in such a subtle way and the music and lighting is perfect
@MotelsonMars Жыл бұрын
So wonderful to finally see someone who appreciates the Bobbie/ocean scene as much as I did. It's one of my favorite scenes in the whole series. Beautifully acted and scored, and so much meaning behind it, for her, for Lopez, for Frank DeGraaf and for the dream of Mars.
@funnylilgalreacts Жыл бұрын
The fact Lopez, who died so long ago, was in my mind… fantastic storytelling
@illuminati1618 Жыл бұрын
One of the best things this show does is showing the different sides of characters. I love that it shows Errinwright in a different light and makes him so much more believable and human. Love rewatching this with you and seeing your reactions. Thanks to all those involved for sharing this.
@funnylilgalreacts Жыл бұрын
Not only that, it also shows what a great actor Shawn Doyle is!
@jamesholland5761 Жыл бұрын
@@funnylilgalreacts thank you!! You're exactly right! That with the writing, chef's kiss!!
@gerardlacroix6015 Жыл бұрын
The actor really sold the ambivalence of the character. I really find his character interesting and nuanced. Which is something true for most of the characters in fact... I mean, not a long time ago we saw Avasarala use torture and commits war crimes... Yet we also see why she did that, and how it plays in the bigger context. The Expanse is really well written.
@HereBeDragonsYT Жыл бұрын
Frankie Adams, who plays Draper, is Samoan New Zealander. It adds another level to the ocean scene. Like she is connecting with her ancestors, who were the first people to explore the Pacific Ocean.
@Mannchini Жыл бұрын
This show has so many great moments, but Bobbie seeing the ocean is a really emotional one. So well acted by Frankie Adams.
@thontor Жыл бұрын
The plants on Ganymede are grown hydroponically, which means they are grown without soil using water-based mineral nutrient solutions. Unless you are growing your plants hydroponically, you don't have to worry about minerals or nutrients being in the water. They should be getting what they need from the soil.
@KingApeiron Жыл бұрын
Bobby's built different, falling off a building ain't gonna stop her. Also her hair is so marvelous.
@WalterLoggetti 3 ай бұрын
For who have ever read all the book we know she is built different. Sgt. Draper rocks!
@charlie53echo Жыл бұрын
Wow. The saga of Xander and Samuel just gets darker and juicier...I'm so invested.
@blairworzella Жыл бұрын
I'm late to the party or just not well informed. What is this? Where can I find the full story? What is going on?
@bretthake7713 Жыл бұрын
​@@blairworzella four months later and... Same lol I did see this flash in one other video but didn't pause it. I thought it was expanse 2x1 but can't find it now
@Sir_Alex Жыл бұрын
The convincing "Amos" method 🤣 .... I love the part when Bobby meets the earth people and realizes how really is the situation for them
@tadcooper9733 Жыл бұрын
There IS something hidden inside the
@berlindude75 Жыл бұрын
Also Alex's foot, as he told us. 🤣
@Mannchini Жыл бұрын
The cheese 'aint real, but the love that went into it is.
@rodentnolastname6612 Жыл бұрын
A subtle thing I love, as Roma is searching the video files, he keeps glancing nervously back at Amos 🤣🤣🤣
@grafffuller3265 Жыл бұрын
Again, thank you Xander for all that you do for Angela. You do a wonderful job. The best.
@erezodier252 Жыл бұрын
If I remember correctly, the reason for Mei's and Katoa's disease is a consequence of mutations from living in space due to lack of a magnetic field like on earth. Even though people go to Ganymede to gestate (as it has a magnetic field), I'm guessing that it would be inherited. The disease was made up by the authors, btw.
@jsbrads1 Жыл бұрын
I thought it was a genetic deficiency that only children in low orbit can survive a few years.
@juliasmith960 Жыл бұрын
I love that Amos bashes the guy with a can of chicken. 😁
@blackpaw29 Жыл бұрын
And is eating from it later, the ultimate pragmatist.
@IanHillan Жыл бұрын
Hey! So it's definitely not a spoiler to say that we haven't seen the last of lasagna, but that when it reappears, it's not gonna be in any way you expect. Katoa. The kid's name is Katoa. You're right that Amos and Prax together is an interesting dynamic. And Holdens character arc is on an interesting trajectory. Naomi's line: "Every shitty thing we do makes the next one that much easier, doesn't it?" is one of my favorites. Nico is awesome, and another great example of how The Expanse writers can get us caring deeply about bit parts with just a couple of scenes. More of that coming soon. And yeah, it's great to see how Earth has become. Errinwright 'fessing up was a great twist. He got super worried about Mars having sole access to Mao's weapons program. And I love the Cotyar/Chrisjen/Bobbie story. "Fuck you, ma'am" cracks me up every time. I can't think of anything you missed. Great job Xander 🙂
@funnylilgalreacts Жыл бұрын
Bobbie not giving 2 effs who Chrisjen is makes her so amazing to me. I’d be terrified to speak that way to either and they are so fierce!
@cinedelasestrellas Жыл бұрын
Fans sometimes call this trio “ABC.” Avasarala, Bobbie, Cotyar.
@KevinLyda Жыл бұрын
The Holden guilt thing just seems totally normal to me but I'm half Irish and raised by a former nun so guilt is kind of like gravity - always there tugging away. Also, is anyone vaguely tempted to tell Angela not to get one of those Belter neck tattoos just to see what would happen?
@funnylilgalreacts Жыл бұрын
I might just get tatted
@KevinLyda Жыл бұрын
I like how they paint and tattoo just by waving a device over things. Sure would make painting jobs way easier.
@GreenBoxStudio1 Жыл бұрын
I have drummers neck tattoo, it’s my favourite out of the many I have
@charly03090309 Жыл бұрын
Holden feels responsible for all the deaths on Eros, as he answered the distress call which triggered everything. Remember he started off as a slacker who did not want responsibility. But he also is a very moral person who was taught to take responsibilty for his actions. His greatest fear is probably a repeat of Eros, and is prepared to do what he feel he needs to to save the world. Either way I think he is having a hard time with the responsibilty and guilt
@artdogg50 Жыл бұрын
I too think the Eros situation continues to haunt him. People forget sometimes that as captain, and it's probably true of any military style captain, any action you take will tend to have consequences, good or bad. Naomi admitted that it's a terrible position to often be in.
@CodeMonkey76 Жыл бұрын
It's not so much that her and her friend happen to have the same disease, but more that parents of kids with the same disease went to the same doctor for treatment, and the kids made friends through having that common connection.
@xtifr Жыл бұрын
Ganymede is indeed big! The largest moon in the solar system, it's actually bigger than the planet Mercury! This comment brought to you by the Pointless Trivia Delivery Service, Ltd. PTDS! Providing the facts you don't need, when you don't need them!™ :)
@funnylilgalreacts Жыл бұрын
I appreciate PTDS!
@AustinStarDust Жыл бұрын
Fun Fact: In the books, Alex Kamal's ancestors were from India who settled in the region of Mars as did many Texan which led to a cultural melting pot. Which explains Alex's love of country music. This was one of my favorite episodes of season 2. Lots of great moments, and I really liked Nico.
@aartsst3227 Жыл бұрын
Amos’s story to Prax hits me every time, 😢 you can tell he knows that world in a way no one should - Nico is awesome -so many actors in this show take small supporting scenes & just absolutely crush their performances - Chrisjen & Bobbies interaction is pure gold they are still adversaries…. but you never know… And Hang on to your butts - the next few episodes are gonna hit like a freight train full of lasagna!
@austinfallen Жыл бұрын
The four members of the crew represent different aspects of the whole. Naomi is the mind, Amos is the body, James is the soul, and Alex is the heart. Each one alone is flawed, but together they are unstoppable
@snakesnoteyes Жыл бұрын
Like Buffy and the scoobs.
@artdogg50 Жыл бұрын
I think that's kind of how I see everyone too for the most part.
@jsbrads1 Жыл бұрын
Star Trek did it better, Spock all mind, Doctor all heart, Captain is the synthesis of the two.
@austinfallen Жыл бұрын
I thought Spock was the mind, bones was the heart and Kirk was the libido lol
@snakesnoteyes Жыл бұрын
@@jsbrads1 different doesn’t equal better. Not having a synthesis component is just a different way of looking at how teams function that allows for a more ensemble feel to the cast.
@wnightshade Жыл бұрын
Xander is killing it, as always! I just finished re-watching the whole series with my son, and this reaction series willbe my third watch-through. This show might be my favourite piece of media of all time.
@RaoulKunz1 Жыл бұрын
Regarding Sadavir Erinwright: He's Not a moustache twirling villain, there are none in the Expanse. He's a patriot that veers towards nationalism and he's pretty much Avasarala's creation. "Earth must come first." Everyone in this narrative is the Hero of his own story and the people we as a watcher despise are People who follow their interests, it's just that those don't allign with "our" heroe's. Love your smart and reflected reactions and I swear I won't accidentally spoil anything!😅 Best regards Raoul G. Kunz
@sirflappington2484 Жыл бұрын
Amos is my favorite character, there’s so much beneath the surface that the show asks you to pay attention and figure out on your own, dropping hints here and there of course
@LeeCarlson Жыл бұрын
Alex sending his lasagna with the crew is a demonstration of his "mothering" of the crew even when he can't be with them himself.
@charlie53echo Жыл бұрын
"Sorry Xander, for working you to the bone." Re-reads the saga...shakes head. Dark.
@funnylilgalreacts Жыл бұрын
::::evil cackle::::
@spacemanspiff3052 Жыл бұрын
Sometimes lasagna is just lasagna . . . OR IS IT? Just teasing! I loved this episode!!! Bobbie and Christian at their best! I work in the plant health field, so I totally geek out over Dr. Prax! Hey, hope you have “Werewolf by Night” in the express line of your reaction queue. Rock on!!!
@davedahl4461 Жыл бұрын
I love this episode Holden is becoming more and more unhinged. In the book Naomi accuses him of acting like Miller.
@funnylilgalreacts Жыл бұрын
He 100% is acting like Miller, but still trying to be Holden
@jamesholland5761 Жыл бұрын
@@funnylilgalreacts I've always referred to this stage of Holden as going down the Miller rabbit hole!
@gawainethefirst Жыл бұрын
He wanted chicken. Amos gave him chicken…the hard way.
@funnylilgalreacts Жыл бұрын
@johnbarleycorn_ Жыл бұрын
I hadn't realised how little Bobbie's trauma at the loss of her team actually comes across in the show. It's part of her motivation here because on one hand she's suffering the loss and is up for a rematch with whatever killed them, but she's being ordered to throw them under the bus for political reasons.
@funnylilgalreacts Жыл бұрын
I feel like you can feel that conflict, the sense of duty to Mars and the sense of loyalty to her team. She did very well portraying that. I’m glad they got a second go round to really push that Travis wasn’t at fault but she needed to say he was.
@jeffreyelliott713 10 ай бұрын
Bobbies eventual rematch with vac suit boy might be one for the ages 👀😉
@moleman1976 Жыл бұрын
Just wanted to leave a note letting you know how much I enjoy your reactions - especially these Expanse reactions! This is probably my favorite series over the last decade, and it's my favorite sci-fi series ever, and I've really enjoyed reliving the early episodes through your eyes! You are definitely paying attention, and the transformation in your attitudes towards certain characters have been mirrors of my own. You're doing a fantastic job, and I can't wait to see you react to what's coming - it will knock your socks off!
@vidarCRC Жыл бұрын
Well, you hoping Miller is still alive is not a miracle. It's a testament to the incredible writing in this show. Bobbie's realization that most people on Earth have it rough puts her whole concept of earthers into perspective. Martians are trained to think that everyone has free food and stuff handed to them and that they have an easy life on Earth. Everyone goes through constant change in this show. Next episode is great. Here there be Dragons...
@meadmaker4525 Жыл бұрын
I've been living for Sci-Fi since reading Frank Herbert's "Dune," and watching the first Star Wars movie in theaters when it came out. Yeah, I'm old. Anyway, The Expanse has got to be some of the best Sci-Fi I've ever seen. Every episode is just so compelling. You could watch the whole series in a sitting and I'd sit here and watch it with you. As an aside, I hope the recent Dune movie is somewhere on your list. There have been a number of poor attempts at bringing that story to the big screen, but Denis Villeneuve's work is an absolute masterpiece.
@nicodetorenwachter227 Жыл бұрын
We love you, Xander! It really shows that you are a fan of the show with the episode edits =) Can't wait for the next wall of text to waste my time!
@Harv72b Жыл бұрын
Yes, I think it's high time we all give Xander a hand! Too soon? 😁
@funnylilgalreacts Жыл бұрын
👆👉👇👈🫵 maybe not a full hand…
@scelonferdi Жыл бұрын
The point of Ganymede's magnetosphere is that it shields against particle radiation at surface level. This allows dome farming, as not everything has to be buried under meters of rock.
@doug3691 Жыл бұрын
[Xander: " . . . so as not to arouse the suspicion of my captor."] "The lasagna is off the table!" -- So MANY quotable comments! My cheek muscles are getting sore, from so much smiling. Thank you.
@e1123581321345589144 Жыл бұрын
6:34 there is an old saying that no plan survives contact with the enemy. But even though in warfare plans are usually useless, planing nonetheless is indispensable. The best commanders are those who both know to prepare ahead and are capable of making quick decisions on their feet when something unexpected happens. p.s. I really like how you keep your hair tied up and out of sight :P
@15Redstones Жыл бұрын
The two children having the same disease isn't surprising, since they met and became friends at the one doctor who specializes in that specific disease.
@funnylilgalreacts Жыл бұрын
It’s more suspicious. Strickland is SUS.
@rodentnolastname6612 Жыл бұрын
Of note; Alex singing on the Rosi was a promise he made to the fans at a Con if they kept supporting the show. He bugged the showrunners constantly to squeeze it in. 😃
@stefanforrer2573 Жыл бұрын
probably should have focused his energy on not harrassing women instead of trying to get a song into the show.....
@TheCognient Жыл бұрын
Ganymede is the largest moon I. The solar system and is more than twice the size of our moon.
@rivercitymud Жыл бұрын
Late on this, but Xander you've been doing a great job. Both in print and visual media, a good editor is by definition one you don't notice, and I've been able to breeze through these videos.
@grafffuller3265 Жыл бұрын
We've said it numerous times, but we LOVE your reactions. You have connected SO well with this show. It is a blast to see your reactions and it is always fun to hear your theories. Okay, the lasagna thing didn't work out (this time), but you still understand the overall story (really well). Even in this episode, you and Amos are still on the same page. We love it when you say something, and he repeats it shortly there after (almost word for word). Love how Naomi is getting how they are all changing. Each time they do something (against their conscience, it makes the next time, easier). Some VERY profound words. She also sees how the innocent and naive man she fell in love changing...and she doesn't like it. We love the conversations that Prax and Amos have. They both are GREAT at what they do, but they are COMPLETELY different people. Prax sees that Ganymede is already in the cascade toward a dead rock, for the plants are not getting what they need (good germs), Amos is a protector...and he's attached himself to Prax (in finding his daughter, Mei). No better friend than Amos, but also no greater enemy, either. You have fairly good jokes, compared to mine. "For Prax Mei or Mei not be able to find his daughter." Yikes. Sorry, not sorry. It's a Dadjokes type thing. Each episode, we get a little more information about Amos' past...not by him telling about his childhood, but snippets of his way of thinking. In this episode, he talks about bullies, and what he's seen them the ones he loves, and possibly even himself. It seemed too much like a visceral reaction to us. Bobbie is a fighter, one to never give up. Yes, she may fall from a building on Earth, but she will find her way (eventually) to the beach/ocean that she had targeted. It was neat, too...that both Nico and Bobbie have been taught information about the other, but that information is not the FULL truth. Nico has had his name on the list to become a doctor since the age of 17, and he is now 52...and he still cannot GET a job (the one that he's best suited for). So, yes, there is overpopulation. Yes, there are a LOT of people on BASIC, but it is not ALWAYS because they are lazy, but that there are just not enough jobs for everyone. Whereas it was taught that ALL Earthers are lazy and drug addicts. Conversely, Nico's information about Martians is also inaccurate, though with a smidgeon of the truth to make it palatable. So, Bobbie got to see "behind the curtain" of what Earth wants to let OTHERS see, but in this case, it may be MORE the long run. The best science fiction novels/TV series/movies are reflections of our current problems expanded and blown out of proportion...but in thsi case (especially since this show is NEAR future stuff it should resonate even more with us). We really aren't too far from that, now. We send our children to go to university to learn a discipline, but rarely do they graduate to doing that with which they have been trained for...making the education almost worthless. In one area, it isn't (for now), for it is enabling our children to be ABLE to that when they get a job/career after schooling...they can take what they HAVE learned to learn something actually practical for the jobs that they can actually get. Maybe a cynical point of view, but I've seen it in our children and all those around us. The Universities are a joke. Trade schools are actually better IMO. Love how Cotyar found Bobbie, made a way for Avasarala to give her the information that she needed to realize that she wasn't going crazy, but then also escort Avasarala back to safety...when needed. We love his sense of humour, too. He is a great protector. "That's drinking music." You called that one. Spending time with Alex, as he sweet talks the Rocinante to doing what she needs to keep our crew safe. That was a cool effect, too...for the show (swallowing the part of the beer) flipping, also with the camera work. It really worked. Oh, almost forgot about Errinwright's confession and acknowledgement of his wrong doings. No one expected him to actually "man up" and do the right thing. That was definitely unexpected. Where is Mei and Katoa? It is like searching for Waldo. Wow, didn't know that you were originally from Flint, MI. Interesting. Yes, clean definitely something we take for granted, but even in the most prosperous nation on earth...we have "accepted" this, but also through corruption...we also have allowed our fellow citizens to accept something "less than" acceptable. Tragic. Just think...of being on a space station or an airless rock of a moon/planet...trying to scrape by with what we on Earth take for granted, THEY see as precious. Water/Air is actually more precious than gold (or any other precious metal or stone of significance). Look at the pioneers going West on the their wagons...and midway through the desert, we see their treasures strewn across the landscape...which they happily would've exchanged for a simple WATER. It changes our perspectives. It makes us look at what is REALLY important. That is why MOST Expanse viewers...side with the Belt. We "get it". I know Marie and I are thankful for the authors of this story and the producers of this show...for they are showing us TRUTHS in the guise of this narrative...that hopefully will transform us to being better stewards to what we've been given on this Earth, at this time. Just saying... Yes, there are always many different ways you can look at the titles for this show. Each one ALWAYS has different interpretations. With the information that Avasarala gave Bobbie, it puts all the heirachy in the Martian government/military on the suspect list. For someone was watching this test that Jules Pierre Mao was putting on for them...showing off this new bioweapon that he's concocted from the blue goo (protomolecule). So, the question we/should we trust Cpt. Marttins? Well, we know that you don't (becuase of his look), but is this a red herring OR is he showing his true self...within the story. Is he just a hard ass military officer, that is trying to whip his grunt, to do what she's been told...and leave the thinking to the officers? Hmmm. Makes you wonder. Right? Thanks for this (and every reaction). Talk to you, later.
@mrphusion7505 Жыл бұрын
In fairness, Holden didn't make things worse. Both of the crew of the Somnambulist (means sleepwalker, by the way) were going to die AND all of the supplies were going to be stolen. So a few thousand people benefited from what Holden did.
@hellomark1 Жыл бұрын
"There's things floating there, you can see it!" Aww Lake Ontario hasn't been *that* bad for awhile, she'll be fine :)
@wtimmins Жыл бұрын
All hail, Xander!
@Luzarioth Жыл бұрын
In the books Bobby had a realization right here: The whole "Martians train under 1G to be prapared to invade Earth" is BS. She couldn't even have dreamed about this many people in one place. If Mars attacks, Zivilians with Knifes and Forks could overrune anything they could throw at them xD
@bryanm1225 Жыл бұрын
Keep in mind that the Martians would be coming with power armour. All the cutlery in the world isn’t going to defend against that. ;-)
@Luzarioth Жыл бұрын
@@bryanm1225 Tell that to the Martian Marine, not me :P
@geeko7867 Жыл бұрын
11:56 🤣 What was that ? I know video editing can be a lonely job but take heart editor ! We're with you ! 🦊
@Daedalus273 Жыл бұрын
Part of Holden's eternal squinting-face is that Steven Strait is nearly blind without his glasses, and I don't think he does contacts. In the behind-the-scenes interviews & footage I've seen of them on-set, he's always got his glasses on when he's not in front of the camera.
@sparrowlt Жыл бұрын
I know i have repeated this coment arround in youtube.. but Bobie scene with the sea is quite touching for me.. i live quite near the coast and im lucky.. i get to see the sea every week and its a short drive to see it.. but a large percent of current population live quite away from coasts and cant afford trips to the coast.. My mother herself didnt got to sea the sea until she was well in her late teens and she lived barelly 40kms away from it ..because there was no means back then for them to do just a trip to the coast.. cant imagine how much people today havent seen an ocean except for movies, TV and photos
@shannonbaron7302 Жыл бұрын
A great show and a great reactor, what more could you ask for... Altered Carbon ;)-
@KingApeiron Жыл бұрын
AH your plant is in soil but most of the stuff on Ganymede is in hydroponics. In hydroponics systems the water is the only source of minerals so it can't be distilled or they'll die.
@funnylilgalreacts Жыл бұрын
I totally forgot about the soil
@Karatejin Жыл бұрын
I havent watched The Expanse, yet. I think some of my students recommended me that one. I will add to the list!
@LeeCarlson Жыл бұрын
Martens is a Martian Political Officer, filling a role much like the Political Officer aboard the Soviet submarine Red October in that movie.
@W0NK042 Жыл бұрын
Practise standing: Big toes op around 13 > Had to re-learn how to stand/balance/walk > Balance took a couple of months > Yes, you feel as silly as you look > Know exactly how Bobby feels.
@miff227 Жыл бұрын
did you miss the part where the Mafia people said they are taking the WHOLE shipment AND the ship? That's when Holden intervened. He likely saved her life in that encounter.
@dumpsterdawg Жыл бұрын
Really enjoyed your reaction.... especially the part between the speaky part and the super speaky part🙂🙃👍 Good job as always Xander🙂🙃👍
@peterdrewer2574 Жыл бұрын
Earth's magnetosphere provides some protection from radiation caused by the charged particles in the solar wind. In this story the same is assumed for Ganymede. So, it is a favoured location for having children in the outer solar system. In the real world while there's a reduction in radiation on Ganymede, it isn't nearly as good as Earth. Any port in a storm I suppose...
@bryanm1225 Жыл бұрын
And Jupiter gives off a load of radiation too IIRC.
@peterdrewer2574 Жыл бұрын
Yep. The wiki on Ganymede isn't too bad an introduction to this stuff on the astronomy side. For human occupation of the solar system shielding of various kinds would be a fact of life. If some locations require slightly less then that's one of the small graces...
@ZeFraank Жыл бұрын
The nutrient rich water is very important for hydroponics as there is no soil containing the nutrients and minerals needed for plants which is what they have for a lot of the green walls on Ganymede. Your potted plant should be fine for quite a while without nutrient rich water unless you're thinking of starting your own hydroponics.
@funnylilgalreacts Жыл бұрын
I totally forgot that soil was necessary for my plans, but not for plans and hydroponics. Distilled water is completely devoid of those nutrients that it needs. Being that I’m in dentistry I know the difference between good and bad bacteria for the mouth, both are necessary to much of one of the other is very problematic.
@KevinLyda Жыл бұрын
Also, just as an aside on the lasagne thing, remember they don't have cheese. I had cheese made from cashews at a vegan restaurant in California once and it was really good. And I've made eggplant lasagne for vegetarian guests. Still, must be an interesting challenge to cook in the Belt. Like the noodles - can you raise chicken eggs in space?
@martensjd Жыл бұрын
This is a good question: can you raise chicken eggs in space? They're much bigger than, say, human eggs and gravity may play an important part in their development. Added: they ran an experiment with fertilized chicken eggs on a space shuttle in 1989, and several of them hatched.
@Moricant Жыл бұрын
IIRC the books mention them using “fake eggs” but doesn’t elaborate further. Powdered maybe?
@KevinLyda Жыл бұрын
@@Moricant I guess you could reproduce it chemically? Like, recreate the proteins and lipids? You could do that with dairy too I suppose.
@Moricant Жыл бұрын
@@KevinLyda Yes, sort of a more advanced version of the egg and dairy substitutes you can buy for vegan/vegetarian diets today. Makes sense with so many Earthers living on basic as well as all the people living in space.
@jsbrads1 Жыл бұрын
I’ve also had cashew cheese at a cafe in Los Angeles. Terrible!
@snakesnoteyes Жыл бұрын
I’m just wiggling in excitement for you to see the next few episodes. The first things Chrisjen said to Bobbie were about how things really were on Earth, undermining Martian propaganda. Bobbie then sees this for herself when she breaks out. A fun thing to think about is how the Martian embassy is built to deliberately keep Martians from seeing anything that would contradict their propaganda. I wonder if that’s going to affect choices she makes.
@wombat5334 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, Amos-Prax is a great combo - they bring out lots in each other.
@ballroomdru Жыл бұрын
Xander is an amazing editor. He is doing amazing work for you.
@ErisianThreeFourteen Жыл бұрын
0:43 "It wouldn't be me if I didn't ruin a ship name. They can't just name a ship Bob, can they?" We are Legion (We are Bob) 2016 Bobiverse Series, Dennis E Taylor.
@L1VE3V1L Жыл бұрын
Subbed the moment I saw you’re watching the expanse. Disgustingly underrated show. My favourite show, OF ALL TIME. No one is bad, no one is good. From all perspectives the show gives you, you can understand all the choices that are made by all sides. Amos’ life story is one of the most tragic I’ve ever seen. You’ll have to watch to the very end to understand why. But there’s a reason he is the way he is. And he’s SUPER protective over any child in harms way……but still a fucking psychopath, but he’s Holden’s pet psychopath, that only does what holden says. It used to be Naomi, but she betrayed him.
@PHDiaz-vv7yo Жыл бұрын
As a doctor, I absolutely love the Nico scene. Although my selection process in 1993 was a little less competitive. Working in the NHS is getting comparable to 24th century New York for patients on Basic
@miller-joel Ай бұрын
20:36 Amos was going to turn that guy's face into lasagna.
@fakecubed Жыл бұрын
You're doing a good job picking up on stuff. This was another great character episode with a bit more mystery thrown in. I'm sure you agree season 2 is better than season 1. A lot of the reason for that is the development of the characters, both the main crew and many of the rest. I'm happy to say it keeps getting better and better. There aren't very many characters who are just 1-dimensional with no character development and even characters who are around for just an episode or two can really surprise and enthrall.
@davidedwards1705 Жыл бұрын
19:01 THAT is a Martian Marine.
@LeeCarlson Жыл бұрын
The genetic condition that Mei and Katoa share is apparently common among Belters (and shared by Anderson Dawes' youngest sister).
@j9lorna Жыл бұрын
Nature loves equilibrium. "Pure" Distilled water being a solvent takes salts from plants. Not so bad if you are adding minerals like Epsom salts but yeah, not the best. Ever do ourdoor gardening? You'd love the allotment community over here.
@lyannastark628 Жыл бұрын
Awww, I love your RIP Lopez (all the way back from episode 4.)
@b_g_c3281 Жыл бұрын
10:20 Yes, there's something important about Alex's lasagna. 😏It's one of his primary 'Love Languages' 🤓😁
@peterretep4009 Жыл бұрын
It's not that they were going to take 10% as they normally do, Holden was probably going to let that happen for the sake of discretion. But when the goons passed Amos and Holden, they sensed that it was probably going to be different this time. Regarding the shared sickness : Prax briefly mentioned earlier (I think, might be later too, but it's not a real spoiler regardless) that Ganymede is one of the only places in the belt with a natural magnetosphere, which helps alleviate the symptoms, so Belter families with kids who have this disease tend to move there (if they are able). So the disease is rare in general, but comparatively more common on Ganymede than elsewhere.
@wagnarokkr Жыл бұрын
11:56 xander is everything okay
@petersmith6513 Жыл бұрын
RE 5:30 Amos doesn't need fixing because the guy isn't broken. Being upset about Amos being different is like being frustrated at a dolphin that can't fly. That magnetic "fixing" isn't a fix - it's taking something away forever. EDIT: Xander, try the Red door first. Primary colours before secondary colours and a heart is more vital than a cog.
@Yggdrasil42 Жыл бұрын
Amos seemed to think he needed fixing a few episodes ago.
@tjerkkorving Жыл бұрын
Surely dolphins should be able to fly. They can jump out of the water already. They just lack the persistence to flap their fins hard and long enough.
@remliqa Жыл бұрын
Amos is broken and may need fixing. There problems is the resource to properly fix him would be exorbitant and would change Amos , probably makes him less useful.
@reverance_pavane Жыл бұрын
The problem is that Amos feels that he is broken because he doesn't react the same way as everyone else around him. That is quite sufficient to question whether or not there is something fundamentally wrong with you, which is an entirely different question. Remember that Amos (at the moment) does not, in his own mind, have strong human connections with anyone around him. He is using the crew to guide him as to when it is appropriate to act and when it is not. But as more people trust in his judgement (which will happen more and more as things fall apart), he will realise he has lessons to teach and will connect to people through that. Plus I just love his future relationship with [SPOILER] (who cows most people but not him).
@petersmith6513 Жыл бұрын
@@reverance_pavane "The problem is that Amos feels that he is broken because he doesn't react the same way as everyone else around him." I agree, I just think that is a very dangerous standard of describing someone as "broken". I think a fairer way of saying things is that Amos is a bit lost at the moment. He took an emotional punch, and he processed it, and that was new to him. None of that is someone carrying a sign screaming, "fix me! right now!". Simply put, Amos needs to feel comfortable about being uncomfortable.. What he doesn't need is parts of him to go away forever..
@paulbrock2107 Жыл бұрын
Damn it. I just binge watched your reaction to this amazing show. Now I have to wait. Bagh!!!!
@dmann05 Жыл бұрын
When the camera is behind Bobbie, we see the ocean the way she sees it. It's beautiful and sparkling, something she has dreamed of seeing her entire life, something she and every Martian dream of for their planet. Then the camera flips and you see she is on a narrow strip of sand and rock and the water is dirty and the city wall is close. Then at the end after Chrisjen leaves we see her from inside the tunnel as the Martians approach. So much cool visual storytelling happening in that scene. I loved every interaction between Chrisjen and Bobbie. Amos knew exactly how to handle Roma but Holden letting him do it is also character development. Amos and Prax are a great combination. This book is crazy, and you have a long way to go. Get ready!
@WingManFang1 Жыл бұрын
Bobby was able to survive the fall because like all Martian marines she trained for 1G forces, that is the gravitational influence of Earth. They trained that way to invade if they had to. She’s already stronger than non enlisted Martians.
@xConundrumx Жыл бұрын
Good work naming the chapters Xander, shees ... imagine editing that... Notice how Amos is slowly shifting who he takes his decision queues from. Less and less from Naomi and moving over to Praxx. Once again his lack of emotional and morale compass showing through and forcing him to rely on others for his choices.
@TheParagade Жыл бұрын
Regarding the scene with Nico where they talk about the living conditions, I don't remember if it ever gets mentioned in the show, but in the books they talk about how there's 30 billion people living on Earth. There's way too many people to keep employed and about half of them are on basic assistance.
@michaelmaguire4147 Жыл бұрын
24:00 remember Amos said that he grew up in a brothel.
@shannonbaron7302 Жыл бұрын
Hot Tip, all you need to do to your water is dechlorinate it before you feed your plants. Put an air pump and airstone in a bucket of water for 24-48 hours filters off the Chlorine into the air, do it in the laundry or outside.
@funnylilgalreacts Жыл бұрын
@michaelcaudron9883 Жыл бұрын
Garfield the cat cartoon! well done Xander!
@anguspham2051 Жыл бұрын
Bobbie is a strong woman...I know for sure would fall head over heels for Avasarala the moment she says the F word.
@user-cz1yu1tc8e Жыл бұрын
Ocean scene is sooo beautiful.
@jamesholland5761 Жыл бұрын
Great reaction Angela! This is another favorite!! So much happened! You highlighted the important parts so well! So nice to rewatch this through your eyes! Doing great and Xander's editing is on point! As stated in another comment, Holden is going down the Miller rabbit hole! Erinwright coming clean with Chrisjen! Doyle's performance is so good! Bobbie getting to see the real Earth society! Also the acting of Franke Adam's seeing the ocean says so much without speaking a word! Her and Chrisjen meeting by the ocean! Two wonderfully strong women! About Amos and Prax..... do yourself a favor and pay special attention to the dynamic between Amos and Prax! It will serve you well! I know you will but it's extremely important to me personally! Thank you for sharing and looking forward to the next one Screaming Firehawk!!
@Jcewazhere Жыл бұрын
Somnambulist == sleepwalker. Arbagast == old general, or PI in old Hitchcock movie. IRL lunar ascent vehicles had easy names like Eagle, Spider, Falcon, and Snoopy.
@davidhart1674 Жыл бұрын
Chrisjen: "It was being tested on Ganymede... by your own government." Bobbie: "Fuck you, ma'am." Emphasis on the *ma'am*. 😝
@mmagnenat Жыл бұрын
@funnylilgalreacts Жыл бұрын
Or… hear me out, don’t, and get more edits 😈
@rodentnolastname6612 Жыл бұрын
The missing son's name was "Katoa" and his father's name is "Basia Merton". Keep that in your back pocket, its minor but it'll come up again, No SPOILERS.
@Luzarioth Жыл бұрын
This is the MCRN Bob ! Prepare to be boarded for a routing inspection !
@funnylilgalreacts Жыл бұрын
Bob getting routed. Sounds intrusive 😂
@Educated2Extinction Жыл бұрын
Regarding the thugs on the Somnambulist, you seem to have forgotten that they were going to take everything, and there would be no reason to leave Santichai and Melissa alive. Holden correctly read the thugs as they were boarding the ship.
@arik_dev Жыл бұрын
Great job Xander, woot woot!
@solomchuk Жыл бұрын
This is completely off-topic, but regarding "seeing the ocean for the first time". If you ever find a copy of a 1997 German movie called Knockin' on Heaven's Door, I highly recommend that.
@harlankovacs6276 Жыл бұрын
A massive amount of the earth population lacks jobs (overpopulation) ,so earthesr trained from the childhood at a job they want to do and wait until a slot for this job is unlocked.During this time they do not received any money or anything at the expection of the "Basic" ,a pseudo money who can only buy standard food. So most earthers wait all their life only surviving ,waiting to find a job just to have the opportunity to buy something they want other than food ... and start living their lives. That's the cruel reality of earth in the expanse and most marsians and belters do not know that.(Imagining earthers are paid for free and lazy people) This scene with bobbie on earth is the moment where she realised Mars is spoiled.
@TheAntibozo Жыл бұрын
Bet the writers are kicking themselves for not employing the lasagna as you predicted.
@lyannastark628 Жыл бұрын
Oh my goodness! Hello from a fellow Michigander!
@Irgendjemand1986 Жыл бұрын
The relatively weak magnetosphere seems to result in all kinds of new and shiny diseases popping up, like what Mei and Katoa have. They both needed a pediatrician for treatment for the same sickness, and they met.
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