Get Good for Christmas 2: Keybinding

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Preach Gaming

Preach Gaming

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It's probably the most important thing you will need to learn but when you do it can be applied to every game you will ever play... with a keyboard at least.
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@Onionring007 6 жыл бұрын
i became a keybinder while leveling a new char. every time i got a new ability i keybinded it and learned it that way
@SwedetasticGames 6 жыл бұрын
That is really not a terrible idea for newbies.
@XIpraise 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah my friends recently got into wow and I made them learn that way lol
@Chiiyuriii 6 жыл бұрын
Where have you been 10 years ago when i learned it..thats a really good way of doing it
@Onionring007 6 жыл бұрын
just thought more people would do it that way
@matobi91 6 жыл бұрын
Yea that’s how I’ve been learning although I do have e experience from other mmo’s. 1-4 on keyboard 5-+ on my mouse, which I have always done. Now learning to use q-e-z-x-c as well
@James-StJames 6 жыл бұрын
This one is special for me because keybinds have had single biggest impact on my interaction with gaming in general over any other advise ever given me by Mike (and that really is saying something). Anybody genuinely just starting out and wanting to improve: Listen Up. You will never turn back and you will never forget. First video I ever saw by Preach was Protection Paladin Basic Tank Guide 4.3 P1, which I found after looking for a guide for a new player getting into tanking - I'd been playing since late Wrath and was interested in improving and moving on from DPS. It quickly became evident that this guide was light years ahead of the many others I had watched before, mainly because of Mike's overwhelming charm and natural charisma (not to mention an obvious mastery of the game). I became hooked to Preach's vids and immediately watched everything he was producing at the time and in the past, giving me an insight into different classes and specs that was eye opening. Needless to say I was a clicker at this time and every now and then Preach would casually mention keybinds in a video, but I couldn't beleive it could make that much of a difference. I probably resisted for about 6 months before commintting myself to what what turned out to be about a year of slowly forcing the adjustment to being keybound, but it was worth it. This was 2011 and I was a poor player, but the improvement doing this has made is hard to overestimate and I cannot reccomend it enough. Sticking with Preach eventually netted me a Cutting Edge achieve on Mythic Garrosh (with the help of an awesome guild of course). I have stuck by him ever since. If its any use, the first keys I used were 1-4, SHIFT 1-4, R, F, and then SHIFT Q/W/E/R/F. Thats 15 spells or macros to get used to, and now I use the keys on the bottom row and have expanded further right with the numbers and top 2 rows. I put similar spells in the same keybinds when I switch classes and specs, for example Taunt is always SHITF-R for me, regardless of tank. If you're new I hope this helps, but just checking out Preach's back catalogue can provide all this knowledge and pure comedy gold to boot. Thanks Mike, you're a catalyst for debonair.
@TehFiishy 6 жыл бұрын
2 videos in a row that doesnt start with "HOLLA BALLERS!"?! Are you ill preach? Are you being held hostage? If the 3rd video doesnt start properly I'll take that as a yes to the hostage situation and im calling the cops!
@kevjp5987 6 жыл бұрын
TehFiishy that's more of a drama time thing
@TehFiishy 6 жыл бұрын
He starts practically every video with it. I started following him in Early Cata and its always been holla ballers.
@SilentaryXIV 6 жыл бұрын
If I had a guess, he's doing it to make his videos seem more professional and legitimate. New viewers outside of his already established audience won't get that it's just his thing and might not take what he's saying as seriously. I do miss hearing it all the time though.
@TonyMolin 6 жыл бұрын
Fascinating! I am no clicker, and I thought I never was, so while listening to this, I realised my own story! I started with D2 & Age of Mythology, in AoM I didnt know a single buildings button, in D2 I changed spells by opening the spellbook, (s), pick a spell, cast it and after a while upgraded to changing spells on my scroll, then casting. Then I played Tibia, all spells are words Type Exura (gran/vita) for heals, exori (gran/vis/flam) for damage, etc, you couldn't type while fighting so you were forced to bind them... and ever since quitting Tibia, like 5 years after beginning, I've never been a clicker in a single game. And my tips for beginner-keybindings are abit different. Pick a button, and pick a role for that button, for instance, my Q is Always a last resort button Demons bite for DH, Howling Blast for DK R is my main damage Chaos strike for DH, Obliterate for DK Shift A interrupt Ctrl Q CDs Shift R trinkets Shift S healthstone Alt R food Alt F flask Shift Q pot Ctrl A taunt F random pull mobs-button, throw glavie, heroic throw, etc etc Make patterns, dont force a spell somewhere just because
@adamn2993 6 жыл бұрын
I just taught myself to key bind like a month ago from your video Preach, thank you for that. My biggest difficulty was that I didn’t want to ruin my raid schedule, I as lucky enough that my guild took a break at the end of ToS so I was able to learn without worrying about under preforming in my guild raids. Not a chance in hell you can go from clicking to key binding and be ready enough to raid in like a week. The biggest thing I noticed is that you get to watch the game rather than your buttons. You get to see your abilities, the motions and the animations. I been playing assignation rogue and I never realized how cool of a animation kingsbane had. You enjoy the game so much more seeing everything rather than staring at your tool bar and mouse.
@BJBaye 6 жыл бұрын
Unlearning that muscle memory can be a pain, too. Thankfully, most people don't need to. In my case, my disability and muscle issues started making it difficult for me to play at all a few years ago. I could play every now and then, but basically only questing and it would often take me a whole expansion just to reach max level, because playing would leave me in pain afterwards for quite some time. Finally, this last month, I figured out the combination of accessibility options (eye tracker, click to move, and voice commands through voice attack) that lets me play the game. I could even return to healing, my favourite part of the game. I'm nowhere near as good as I used to be, but at least I'm playing again. Problem is, I still have that muscle memory. I keep reaching for the keyboard and mouse to do things in the heat of the moment, unless I put them out of my reach. Even when they are out of reach, it still leaves me thrown, trying to remember to use my voice commands instead. (And I still need the keyboard for things like alt-tabbing, and a few other things that I don't do often enough to be painful.) Eventually, the voice commands will become instinct. I've already managed to pick up a couple of them by habit now. ('Press 5' is my placeable AOE. Using it for healing rain on my shaman, Efflorescence on my druid, and Death and Decay on my death knight.) Just, hopefully, I can start to pick up others. Before I cripple myself by trying to reach for the keyboard all the time.
@l_Nightbot_l 6 жыл бұрын
You are awesome. A true example of willpower. Keep it up man!
@jerodf70554 6 жыл бұрын
You have blown my mind. Wish I had something resembling your determination.
@Karl_Marksman 6 жыл бұрын
Ahah I just pictured a vanilla warrior tank with voice commands. Instead of the sound of incessant key tapping, he's yelling SUNDER ARMOR SUNDER ARMOR SUNDER ARMOR.
@l_Nightbot_l 6 жыл бұрын
Screaming out loud like a true warrior
@krisfernalld3581 6 жыл бұрын
Glad I figured this out right on my own. Set a general function for the non-number keybindings (aka f = interrupt, e = movement, and r = major cooldown) and then grouped the number keybindings in sets of threes that performed a different general rotation (aka 1-3 = ranged and openers, 4-6 = basic rotation, 7-9 AoE, and 0-= = cooldowns).
@OmegaCJS 6 жыл бұрын
I don't think I could ever go back to clicking now, its just so much better with keybinding. I tend to use Q,E,R, + Shift QER for basic spells, 123 for longer cooldown spells, Shift 123 for cooldowns, fx for defensives, c for movement and mouse 1,2 for utility and interrupts. Really awesome series of videos, can't wait to see the next one.
@Lmfaocj 6 жыл бұрын
As someone that plays a lot of games. I think that this is a really good tutorial. One of the most important things is to remember to associate each key with an action. example "R = movement ability" instead of "R = Heroic leap"
@lafysa8654 6 жыл бұрын
Feel free to use me as an example! You saw my gameplay when I wasnt bounded, I was occassionaly misclicking things, fucking it up and just generally playing like shit, getting grey logs. Miraciously, after learning my class a little through your help on stream
@iguanodon1999 6 жыл бұрын
i have alot of friends getting into wow recently im really happy this mini series is coming kind of like the guides but for the basics of the game itself
@witchcult6384 6 жыл бұрын
Mery Xmas Preach, (and other users that usurped my beloved internet) Generally just a watcher but you struck a deep interest of mine with this vid (that started with a Neilyo keybind vid back in the day), so wanted to reach out with a bit of feedback. 1.- Some spells dont have a GCD: Keybind them so you can press them together with the next ability in your rotation (separate fingers) 2.- Use your easiest to reach keys such as Q, E, R, F etc for abilities that require high reaction speed, or anything worthwhile. (e.g. dont put your hearthstone there) 3.- Mainly for people with interest in Arena: Targeting in arena also benefits greatly from keybinds.. (not having to tab 3 times before you target the right person makes the difference between landing cc or a heal going off) For example: Mousewheel up, press, down to select arena target 1, 2, 3 You can use SHIFT mousewheel up, press, down to set focus arena target 1, 2, 3 It takes alot of time to get this into muscle memory, but its worth it! Any spell you bind, that is meant for the focus target, uses SHIFT. (same modifier as set focus target) Silence = F Silence focus target = SHIFT F Stun = E Stun focus target = SHIFT E This seperates your average rogue from the monster that double cc'd your dps and shadowstep kicked your healer in 2 seconds. (something impossible with tab targeting and lackluster keybinds) 3.- Preach's good advice to bind similar spells across your characters, CC, Mobility Just another opinion on the internet guys, use it as you will, it helped me a great deal.
@corbeaubm 6 жыл бұрын
It's worth noting that you can integrate all aspects of learning into one smooth process as long as you take it a step at a time - usually, as Preach said, about 4 buttons at a time. When I pick up a new spec, I always start by making ~4 weakauras for my main buttons, and practice the spec using just those ~4 buttons with just those ~4 weakaura cooldown/priority reminders. Then I can integrate 1-2 more at a time, buttons and weakauras both, when I feel like I'm missing information (rather than being overwhelmed). It's super smooth to pick up new specs now, especially since I use the relative position of my interface reminders to roughly mirror key binding placement on the keyboard.
@DruidsoftheBeastShadowsong 6 жыл бұрын
Also, I freaking love your videos Preach! I mean, seriously. Your approach to the game is amazing, how you encourage people being in a guild and your whole view of Wow, as well as just having fun and hanging out with people is something a lot of more people should adapt from you
@drew7319 6 жыл бұрын
it took me almost 6 months and many many attempts before that to learn how to finally keybind after 10+ years of clicking and thinking it was fine and acceptable
@RockMiach 6 жыл бұрын
What an excellent series so far. Thanks m8!
@EmpyralSolstice 6 жыл бұрын
It's been interesting learning keybinding as a new player. And its completely true that you need your own keybindings that make sense to your brain and fingers. Like I could never get on with TAB targeting and always clicked targets, so I changed TAB to Z and it just works better for me. I assume Z is a really weird targeting key, but hey ho. Thanks for this series Preach, I've been especially meaning to overhaul my UI from the default and you've given me the motivation to do it!
@xalian17 6 жыл бұрын
This is the best method ive found on teaching how to key bind -- level a NEW character from 1-110. Deliberately think where it would feel most fluid for you and keep it simple (for example, don't put common rotational buttons far from each other). From there, slowly start key binding your main and alts as you are leveling this new character. By the time your new toon is 110, most of your account should be fully key bound. This a MAINDATORY process to progress in skill. If you are ok with having mediocre output but crippling your potential, then stay clicking. There will always be that one person who tops the meters while clicking or does good damage in a BG, but in truth, even in a "hardcore casual" setting, clickers cannot keep up. The game just moves too fast to click.
@phelanii4444 6 жыл бұрын
Before I started playing I saw one of your videos and started playing with keybindings. It was really good cause I could learn the keybinds to abilities as I went along. I can't even imagine playing without keybinds now.
@clintmcbride7830 6 жыл бұрын
Moving from clicking to keybinding was the single best improvement I made to my gameplay performance. I would suggest doing one group of keybindings at a time. I did my core rotation first, then my rotation fillers, then my offensive and defensive cooldowns, then my utility and ccs, then everthing else. And yes, make as much of your keybinds universal across all your classes and specs. Ex. all of my interrupts are the same, all of my defensives are the same. I even try to make my rotations similar, all resource builders share a button, as do the spenders. and all primary use on cd abilities. Healers are the only role that i have to get more creative with. Seriosly guys everthing in this video is 100 percent true. Thanks preach, I wish it was out about 4 years ago lol.
@Mael6469 6 жыл бұрын
When I got my Naga, the most effective way I found to learn was level an alt and start with nothing but the mouse buttons and keybindings. Since you get your spells slowly, it was easier to get used to hitting them and get that muscle memory working right.
@zeni11x 6 жыл бұрын
Firstly i want to say thanks for these videos. Your content is what made me successfully transition into keybinding a few years ago and my gameplay is so much better and enjoyable for it. I also managed to get my wife to keybind after showing her some of your vids(she is now addicted to Drama time). Love your work(and Ghosty *tips fedora "my cream pie").
@MGShadow1989 6 жыл бұрын
What helped me was the point about interrupts, and extending that to other abilites such as movement, defensives, self heals, and so on - I tried to mirror as many things that are similar as I possibly could.
@Mr-qt4xr 6 жыл бұрын
I worked at a company that used IBM software(no mouse input, all keyboard) still and they were impressed how fast I could navigate and learn key commands. All from years of relentlessly hitting keybinds on every global cooldown on world of warcraft!
@riccolauritzen8948 6 жыл бұрын
I remember starting to keybind, the important thing to remember is allso wich finger you use to press what. So your index finger is gonna be really fast for things like QWERT and Shift QWERT so binding stuff like weapon abilities and defensive cd's really worked well for me on those keys, FG is allso good binds, S is usefull to. Once you get used to some binds on those keys you can start using stuff further away and really make it fit you. I wouldnt recommend using You number keys above 5. So only bing stuff to 1-5 and Shift 1-5 because then its all very much centered to the left of your Keyboard meaning you will have an easy time just doing everything with your left hand whilst using mouse for stuff like movement etc (Disingage I got bound to Scroll down on my hunter ). And try to be consistent, so that say you got Your Buff Cooldown set to E or R keep it the same on ALL characters. I started keybinding from you Preach and now I am top 3 dps in my mythic raiding guild. So it really does make a difference!
@Karnagie 6 жыл бұрын
The subconscious mental processing you mention in this video reminds me of how you train yourself to become more fluent in foreign languages. Trying to remove the translations - as in thinking of them as their own words rather than their foreign equivalents to native words - really cuts down how long it takes to mentally process each word being translated in the sentence, same can be said for the character’s ability rotation in relation to keybinds
@sarphog 6 жыл бұрын
I've got to say it. I find it amazing that there actually are people at max level who actually needs this advice. This is critique about the game by the way, not the players themselves
@dannymachin6192 6 жыл бұрын
I think people who tried making the switch from clicking to binding got discouraged because performance drop.
@sarphog 6 жыл бұрын
Doubt it. I think the game is so face-roll at the early levels that you don't need to learn keybinds to progress, which have led them to click instead
@BJBaye 6 жыл бұрын
I've been playing (on and off, anyway) since vanilla. Trust me, people have been clicking since vanilla, when you could easily die when leveling if you didn't know what you're doing. It has nothing to do with that, but rather with people being used to Windows/Mac and using the web. Everything you do on modern computers is clicking. It actually becomes instinct to click first, especially for people who are starting out with this game.
@briancates3576 6 жыл бұрын
B.J. Baye agree 100%. I learned to play wow in vanilla by clicking, and I kept at it all the way up through cata. I took a break for MoP and when I came back in WoD, I started fresh and forced myself to keybind from the very beginning. I'm now a MUCH better the difference is night and day.
@cheddar07 6 жыл бұрын
the game has just never been good at telling you that you should hit keys instead of clicking, unsure if you have mad a fresh level one on a new account recently but it does do a much better job at telling you that you should be using the keyboard for spells. maybe it will get better.
@ymcha9278 6 жыл бұрын
For any that are new to keybinding (if any), here are some comfortable keybindings: 1, 2, 3,4, (and 5 if your fingers allow) Q, E, R, T F, G, V (and C if you want to unbind you character window) Use the same keys with shift and/or control depending on how many keys you need. Also you can use the F keys depending on how long are your finger and how small is you keyboard. You can also keybinding your extra mouse buttons and/or the scroll weal (but i like playing with my camera mid combat so i don't use it for spells).
@MInquisition 6 жыл бұрын
Something that's super quick, works for all classes, and is pretty intuitive if you're not afraid to use your thumb/pinky to hit alt and ctrl: I keybind all my characters with Elv-UI's alt / shift mod tool. All my mainline stuff is like 1-6 (tiger palm, blackout kick, rising sun kick, jab, FoF) Any spell that's a situational, but similar to a spell on my mainline is alt+1-6 (spinning crane would be alt+4 while FoF would be 4, jade lightening would be alt+1 while jab would be 1) All my defensive and utility spells are shift+1-6, with the strongest or longest CD being further from 1 (Black Ox Brew --> Fortifying Brew, Ice Barrier --> Ice Block) My interrupt is universally Q, My healthstone is universally E, Major cooldowns on X and C (I can hit them with my thumb without disrupting anything else) A short CD on V (something like havoc, it entirely depends on what feels right. For my brewmaster, it's purifying brew w/ ironskin on C) And an odd spell here and there is on MB4 and its alt/shift variants, it's usually something I can aim with the mouse but isn't a modifier on a mainline ability (Blizzard just becomes alt+1, but a shaman totem that's important to aim would go there)
@David-qj2ze 2 ай бұрын
After 13 Years of playing with Gamepads like the Logitech G13 or Razer Tartarus, I am finally switching back to a normal keyboard, meaning I have to basically learn the game from scratch, so the video was very helpful for that.
@RMunderscore01234 6 жыл бұрын
My key binds are - Q-E-R-F-V. The same as SHIFT Q-E-R-F-V, 1-2-3-4 for big CD's. Shift-W for cone stun, Shift-S for a snare (Ham string) Interupt is Shift-Space. I use Mouse Button 1 Mouse Botton 2, Mouse Botton 3, Mouse Button 4, Middle Mouse Button. Shift - Arrow Up is mount up. Q-E-R-F-V are prioritized so E-R are the most active used, Q less likely to be pressed within 30 secons, V for keys like execute. Shift sets of keys for more 1.5 min spells.
@timbrazeal4 6 жыл бұрын
Your original videos in cata moved me from never clearing a raid when it was current to US top 50. Keep it up homie.
@KevsShwaShwa 7 ай бұрын
I love to play all specs and classes. In order to transition spec to spec smoothly I always put certain abilities on the same keybind. Defensive are shift 4 and shift 5. Interrupts on E and if there is another like a stun like Fel Erutpion I put on Shift E. Trinkets on Q and shift Q etc. However due to this, I find using any weakaura UI set up insanely difficult. Since I put abilities on my bar in a specific order and on certain keybinds, seeing abilities in a weakaura UI in a different order will have me hitting the wrong button because I associate that position with a button press on my mouse since I use an MMO mouse. Put the ability centrally in the same order as my bar and I can read the information very quickly. Find keybinds that make the most sense with the spells you’re using and the order you use them in. Preach gets it spot on.
@Alexrex77 6 жыл бұрын
Brilliant Preach. Thanks so much man. Thanks to you I changed to keybinding years ago and began to enjoy the game a lot more :)
@icresp4263 6 жыл бұрын
This is pretty much how I've keybinded all my characters for the last 7 years. All similar abilities on similar keybinds.
@TheAssirra 6 жыл бұрын
Fun coincidence, i got a new keyboard with a left column of buttons which basically makes me learn my keys all the way from scratch and then this video pops up.
@schlager0406 6 жыл бұрын
@preachgaming thank you for this series! I have been watching your vids for a while and absolutely love these topics. My favorite so far is the key binding video although I have taken a lot from all of these.
@InkDevil999 6 жыл бұрын
I like to play different classes all the time so i decided to make a universal keybinding system for myself. 1-5 are just spell Q: Protection cooldown (the one you use the most) Shift Q: Protection cooldown (The oh shit im going to die one) E: Interrupt Shift E: Stun (also a kind of interrupt) R: Healing (The basic healing spell) Shift R: Healing (Spell or cooldown) Shift Space: Movement speed (the one you use the most: Ghost wolf for shaman, Cat form for druids and so on.) Ctrl Space: Movement speed cooldown Ctrl can be added to all of them but i dont usually use them because the spells i would put there i can access from the addon Opie and that takes up WAY less keybinds for never going to use or might use someday spells. I have a mouse with 2 sidebuttons and use them for AOE for the most part Most if not all classes can fill these keybinds and it makes it so much easier to use the same keys on all characters.
@InkDevil999 6 жыл бұрын
Hmm never seen it like that. I don't thing i have ever misclicked Q and E before but you are right it coulb be dangerous but i have VERY small hands xD.
@triglaw9023 6 жыл бұрын
I member when I started I set my keybinds 1-9 + the 2 bottons between 0 and backspace. I also had shift 1-9, but I never used it. I wanted to change my keybind so I can use them easily (pressing keys 8 or 9 was annoying) and I watched some videos on keybinds, mainly to see what keys people bind. After that I changed my keys so every ability is close to ASDW with shift and control modifier and alt for pets.I finnished my keybinds right before the raid and went to hc farm with fresh keybinds that I never used in combat. 1st few bosses were annoying with new keys (specialy strafing A, D instead of Q, E) but I got used to most abilities by the end of farm in the same day. And then next few days I got used to all my ablities. I think the imporant part is to have a system where you have your most used abilities close ASDW (or where your movements keys are. Reason for that is so your hand isn't moving around which makes it easier on muscle memory) with shift modifier for CDs and so on...
@triglaw9023 6 жыл бұрын
The system will be different for everyone, but for me, it is like this: 1-5 main and most used abilities, 6 something that I don't always use, but it can still be used sometimes, Q for any short CD (10-30 sec), usually aoe or taunt for tanks, E for utility (like grip, heroic leap), R interrupt, T something with long cd (5 min) or something that I don't frequently use in combat, F defensive, G health pot/healthstone. Then I have shift 1 on use trinket, shift 2-4 CDs, shift 5 potion, shift Q something simmilar to Q, shift E movement, shift R 2nd interrupt like aoe interrupt, shift T 2nd defensive (like AMS) or something that can be usefull on occasion, shift F for CR and shift G for stun. Then I have control modifiers for abilities I rarely use like path of frost, taunt on non tank spec,... but are still usefull on occasion. My racial is always control E (unless it is something that can be macroed to any other CD). I also have F1 and F2 for abilities that can be in 1-5, but aren't that often used or not enough roon in 1-5. With that I quickly got used to my abilities and when I made new class, I used the same systen and never had to relearn where are my abilities when switching classes.
@reidroberts6130 6 жыл бұрын
If you have the Razer Naga mouse, you have 12 buttons accessible by just your mouse thumb. If you use the bartender4 addon, you can have access to a 3x4 grid that is identical to the thumb buttons. You can then have a second 3x4 grid with a modifier key, such as ctrl, which I use. This means 24 abilities available with just your mouse hand plus ctrl for half. @Preach Gaming
@itskhro 6 жыл бұрын
Try to check what is the easiest for you to press alot. Shift-Q might be A keybind, but that doesnt mean its comfortable to spam for your filler for example. I have filler spells across the board on R and F, Fireball/Pyro, Frostbolt/Ice Lance, Solar Wrath/Lunar Strike, Drain Soul/Unstable affliction and so on :) And thats because next to WASD, i find R and F the easiest to spampress.
@ArgentumEmperio 6 жыл бұрын
Here's a REALLY good analogy that makes keybindings in World of Warcraft a MUST to learn: Every. Single. Professional. Uses. Keybindings. It doesn't matter if you are a digital artist, a football player or anything actually because keybindings are shortcuts. You are working with sound, okey I need to add a reverb - I click on the keybinding to open the menu, I use the scrollwheel to get the sound correct and then I go back to the other processes I need to work on. A swimmer is competing in a particular type of swimming contest like butterfly-swimming. You need to know how to do it so you learn the mechanical way to do it. Your arms, your legs, your body position, etc.; all of it is down to muscle memory so you don't go "How do I need to have my arm again" whilst swimming. You are a student studying physics. I don't think I need to go any further than to point out that ALL formulas in physics and math are derived from studies that have proven themselves useful or applicable in some area. You don't _need_ to know the formula for air resistance to know that in most cases its so small that you don't have to apply it, its another way to use a shortcut. You are at a test working throught 20+ questions, you have memorized each formula and they are derived in your memory from somewhere. ALL professionals and ALL good players share this one thing: use your time to memorize the basics so you can use them in your sleep. Make it as easy as possible to do the most advanced things in a game or at a test so you don't have to sit there and think away your time and fail. The final example I will provide is something a math teacher once told me... "If you are doubtful whether or not you have answered a question correctly, leave it. You have at one point heard or learned the correct way to do things and messing with your own memory usually leads to you making changes that makes it from subpar-bad to worse"
@glyakk 6 жыл бұрын
There are always going to be people who claim they are better at clicking, but this is just a testament to how good they are at the game, not to how good clicking is. There are a lot of people who are fast hunt and peck typists. Some maybe even faster than the average touch typist, but that is obviously not the fastest way to type. This is not even a debatable topic. It's a fact that clickers are handicapping their own ability. If you refuse to learn keybindings that is fine but don't think you are maximizing your ability by choosing that route.
@PainfullySubjective 6 жыл бұрын
well articulated :)
@R.S.R-x8g 6 жыл бұрын
I use my Razer Naga 1-12 buttons on the side, then i have shift and alt + 1-12. Think this is sufficient enough or should i try to keybinding (on keyboard)?
@vaughansport 6 жыл бұрын
I LOVE THIS ! Hi, I am Lae. And I too was a "Clicker". But Now, Thanks to Mike ! I'm on my way to being a better gamer and Enjoying more of the games as my awareness of the "Action" around me grows. I found it helped to start with My clicking frames shortened up, and made a few alerts of spell/action ready . Once I learned 4 or 5, my Hand and Eyes wanted more! So I removed 2 more spells/actions from my " Clicking frame". Down to only 3 buttons I click! woot ! TY =D
@joshcameron2719 6 жыл бұрын
Two years ago after watching preach for the first time I switched to key binding, it was totally worth it
@WarMonkeyPlays 6 жыл бұрын
Also love: binding interrupts to mouse wheel.
@zeozelos 6 жыл бұрын
Another thing that can help which helped me is i started a nee lvl of whatever class i was maining at the time and slowly boind the keys as i got new spells
@PainfullySubjective 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the Christmas gift, Preach! (this type of videos)
@Shayoni 6 жыл бұрын
Mice with a number pad on the side are one of my favorite gaming inventions
@linkSCO 6 жыл бұрын
Having just got a friend to play WoW, I told him about the advantages of key binding over clicking . He proudly returned to me saying he had keybound everything but noticed his deeps wasn't any better.....He couldn't see the benefits of having everything bound cos he kept having to stare at the keyboard..... Yup, everything was bound to keys 1-9 😂 partly my fault for not being a tad clearer, I guess. Poor guy nearly had a heart attack when I explained my set up (not dissimilar to yours Preach) fingers crossed he develops his own set up, if not ill be linking him to this video and the rest of the 'get better' series!! Holla 😎
@decasin271 6 жыл бұрын
Let me first of all start by saying, thanks so much for the vids preach thanks for the help. I was never really a clicker but i always tunnel my vision on the action bars, so i found that using some kind of book or object the only blocks the sight of the action bars has really been helping me out, when i first started I couldn't help but keep looking down at the action bars so I just had to force myself not to by putting a book in front of it, call me ghetto but its really been helping :)
@Phbickle 6 жыл бұрын
I'm loving this series! While I've had keybindings down since vanilla, even with the same mindset as you recommend (ex. 4 is always my interrupt, 2 is always my most spammy attack like Lightning Bolt or Mutilate), the video UI video was the first time since vanilla I've forced myself to move away from WoW's UI. I've played every xpac except for WoD and until 2 days ago always used the Default UI.
@willjones1696 6 жыл бұрын
Another bloody huge thing that helped me [or hindered me... for a while] is to stick with ONE CHARACTER/class until you can play confidently without really hesitating. Switching between characters, like I did because I have commitment issues, will reset your muscle memory and confidence... especially so when you are trying to get into keybinding.
@chiguy_ 6 жыл бұрын
sad to say that I have only been TRULY key binding for the past 3 years (out of 11 with playing wow). and like you said. it has taken me time to change.. I started playing wow on a laptop using the pad and only used the number (no f-keys). I know I know so bad, but moved to a normal pc got a mouse then upgraded that to have multiple buttons, and started there first with 2.. then up to 10. it has taken a while and with the little breaks i have taken I had to retrain some of the newer ones I made but they are getting better. Also, I have made any interrupt be the same one which was killer advice you gave that long ago. just makes sense. keep up the fun vids cheers.
@randomfeller 6 жыл бұрын
I was a clicker from Vanilla till the start of Wrath, when I got interested in tanking. I don't use any numbers for keybinds, because I really suck at hitting them, so I use Q-R, A-F, Z-C, along with the mouse buttons on my Warcraft Legendary Steel Series mouse. I use all the buttons with a Shift modifier and without, except AWSD, so I can still use the movement keys, which are mostly for strafing. I added a few new keybinds every few days, until I got comfortable with them in my daily gameplay, and haven't looked back since. A lot of people do scoff when they see keybinds on movement keys, but it doesn't hinder my mobility in the least ;) Make your keybinds comfortable for you. No one can tell you the "right" way to do it. I had people tell me I did mine wrong for a few years, even though I ran circles around them. It's not a cookie cutter thing...
@jannichkuhn6580 6 жыл бұрын
Ive use keybindings since the burning crusade. I can still get into trouble with my keybindings every time a new expo hits. It takes time, but dayum is it wurf. Listen to good ol preach, he knows what he is talking about.
@pharynx007 6 жыл бұрын
i think learning to keybind at level cap is the longest way to learn to keybind. i think it would be FAR faster, to just start a new character, and level til you have every spell your class has and keybind as you get them (most classes get their last spell at like 75 or so) but yeah, keybinds are extremely personal, and i think everyone elses bindings are crazy. though if you learn to keybind from someone else, your keybindings tend to be similar, at least for a while. and having your general abilities on the same key is also really useful, as you said. my filler, interrupt, taunt, short CD's, long CD's, self heal(or main spam damage as a healer) are all on the very nearly exact same keys.
@Cranefluff 6 жыл бұрын
I use the normal numbers (usually 1-5) for dps rotation, R for artifact abilities, F for interrupts, shift modifiers for less used damage abilities and movement abilities, f1-f4 for cooldowns, two mouse buttons for aoe spells, and the occasional number pad for rare utility spells and mounting. It looks like a lot, but compared to other people it is super simple. If my memory is right, Bajheera presses ctrl+shift+middlemouse just to use execute. Its all about what you grow use to, whether its moving one finger towards 5 for execute or moving three fingers to different buttons for execute.
@jangofresh1019 6 жыл бұрын
My keybind set is basic, but efficient, practical, and comfortable/easy to reach the buttons. 1-4 are left alone and reserved for spammable or most major damage abilities. Everything else is bound to a single letter. Managed that by just adding Ctrl to my UI element hotkeys (character pane = ctrl+C). I also like alphabetically associating certain spells with their corresponding letter when it makes sense and is still viable. So, for instance, Fan Of Knives is bound to F on my Rogue, Envenom is E, V for Vendetta (that may or may not have been in reference to the movie as well), etc.. What I've done also allows for full range (and quite precise) of movement with my character even while using abilities. It's nice. For me, anyway.
@KnightLiker 6 жыл бұрын
Probably worth mentioning also the Ctrl + options. I use F, Shift + F and Ctrl + F for cc abilities, also Ctrl + numbers could be good for long DPS CDs (Shift + numbers for shorter ones), R and variations for defensive CDs, Q/E for self heals + taunts and things like that...
@DaWoWzer 6 жыл бұрын
Pro tip, just buy a Razer Naga or a mouse like that, it makes the step from clicking to keybinding 10000000 times easier
@Zork787 6 жыл бұрын
As some people have already mentioned, any kind of MMO Mouse will work just as well for your keybindings without having to change anything other than perhaps creating a few modifier keys for your second and 3rd action bars, heck there's a plethora of them on the market now and a majority of them aren't super expensive anymore, a quick amazon or google search will get you on your way.
@Dxwill10 6 жыл бұрын
5:42 couldn't have put it better myself. I think to myself sometimes "wtf am I doing why is this my keybind for this spell? Well yeah I guess it would take months to relearn the muscle memory" Very well put and something any new keybinder should keep in mind when they bind spells for the first time. Same with me for my interrupt, mine is always X lol. Even in other MMOs, interrupts is always X haha good lord the science behind key bindings is way more interesting than I originally realized.
@Astonsayswhat 6 жыл бұрын
My favorite keybinds are F1-F4; Shift+1/2/3/4; and Shift+Any Key that's easily reachable with your left hand. Good one click keybinds are the button left to your 1 key and the Tab Key. The last tip from my side is to never keybind anything on a combination like Shift+W. Since those are your movement keys and you want to be able to use keybinds while moving and not accidentally hit them when walking and using any other Shift+Key you have assigned.
@ossiantansley6583 6 жыл бұрын
I recommend using an MMO mouse, like the Razer Naga, for playing wow. MMO mice have 12 buttons on the side where your thumb is. It's the same amount of buttons as the number of spell slots on wow actionbars, so it's super easy to add bindings to all your spells. All of the buttons are easily accessible to press with your thumb, although buttons 1 to 6 are a bit easier to get to. With shift/ctrl/alt held down you can bind all your most commonly used spells to buttons 1 to 6 and shift-1 through 6, and cooldowns/less commonly used spells to the others.
@Magicmano123 6 жыл бұрын
I dont even understand how someone can play without keybinds. When I started playing WoW when I was like 9, early Wrath, the thought of clicking my spells with my mouse didn't even come into my head since the buttons were already bound by blizzard and the default UI. So I honestly can't understand why someone would even start to click their spells. Maybe the fact that I played Starcraft: Broodwar before my dad got me into WoW is why? I will admit that I am still a partial keyboard because I use the numpad for spells. All of the numpad, F, G, T, and 1-4 on the top numbers.
@BruceWillis57 6 жыл бұрын
Magicmano you use the numpad for spells lol so you have to take your right hand off your mouse to use spells?? That honestly is probably worse than being a clicker haha. Get a razer naga and replace the numpad bindings with the new mouse ones and youre good
@Magicmano123 6 жыл бұрын
Thats why I said I'm a partial keyboard turner. I'm sure the next episode for this will be talking about using the mouse for movement. Thought process from when I was a kid was since I'm right handed I its easier to press than with my left. 11 years later here I am.
@goosebottleYT 6 жыл бұрын
right? i dont get it why numpad tho lmao
@jelleh2705 6 жыл бұрын
What's even the point if you bind stuff to numpad? You're defeating the purpose.
@Magicmano123 6 жыл бұрын
Jelleh how is it defeating the purpose? I'm pretty confident I could out perform a clicker, and I'm confident that someone who uses their mouse to move could out maneuver me. If I need to turn fast, this blinding glare type ability, I will do it with the mouse at the last second, otherwise it's just alot of q w e strafing to move.
@sayersgraham 6 жыл бұрын
Razer Tartarus left hand keypad. Keybinds I can activate with only my left hand are: 24 spells, 5 movement keys (forward, back, strafe, jump) as well as, alt, shift, escape and tab. My left hand runs 33 keys in combat without ever looking at the keyboard or even having to think. It's a thing of beauty.
@student702 6 жыл бұрын
Great stuff, as usual Preach! Keep up the good work! The same principles apply for setting up mouse button bindings and bindings for healbot/grid (if those still exist). "Keybound"? As a RET Paladin, I used a Razor Orochi with two buttons on each side. I would also put a little drop of Elmer's glue on some keys, and it would harden into a better nub than the factory nub.
@archipendragon8337 6 жыл бұрын
Advance keybinding tip is to: 1) know which spells you are using frequently and 2) bind them to keys that is easily reachable. For example every key around your movement keys can be accessed easily; binding spells in your rotation and reaction spells to those will be a good idea. Unbind backpedal and use Strafing
@davidmcfall9169 6 жыл бұрын
we keybind our spells because we don't want to look at them. if we look at what we're doing, it makes us slower. by not looking and KNOWING what we're pressing, we become better at what we're doing and we get faster at doing it.
@GrimoireM 6 жыл бұрын
Coming from FFXIV, I hope WoW's Addons let you set your hotbars exactly how you want. I personally have everything from 1-N (plus the alt variations of those keys) all set aside for abilities. I only use my mouse (and mouse buttons) for movement & camera. My reasoning for that is simple: Treat your rotation like you're learning to type with only your left hand. From that core idea, comes a few things: - Your most frequently pressed button(Your main dps or healing spell depending on spec) should always be on F. Everything else stems from that. - Limit the use of Alt/Shift/Ctrl as much as possible. - Your thumb will naturally want to hit left alt, and your pinky will want to hit Shift/Ctrl. As a result, reaching too far to the right with your index finger will only bring you pain. Hence the limit at 6YHN. - Cluster your abilities so that similar things are grouped together. Similar length cooldowns you stack should be together, AoE abilities should be together, etc. - Following the above logic, give your pet abilities on their own keybinds. They have their own cooldowns, but if WoW's anything like XIV, you can mash these while casting your own spells without a problem. Might as well make it easy. - The less frequently you press each ability, the further right and higher up it should be. Everything from 456 to VBN will only be handled by your index finger most of the time. Best to not overburden it. A good rule of thumb is everything over a minute should be on the top row. - Situational non-dps related utility and pre-fight buffs should not be on your main keys. If you don't press these at every opportunity, don't put them near stuff that matters.
@Fluffykaiis2291 6 жыл бұрын
Since I've got all the classes levelled and I play most of them I bind mine to have similar mindset behind them all; All interrupt on F, Offensive gap closing abilities like Charge, Shadowstep, Deathgrip, Blink etc are all on E with additional movement things such as heroic leap on E, Z is my landing solution to stop deaths from falling, Mount has been bound to ¬ with Shift+¬ opening up a radial menu for when I need different mounts such as the vendor or 2 person ones. I have a 12 button mouse that follows similar principals, button 3 is always artifact ability, button 6 is always a self heal, button 5 for execute or stun, 7,8 and 9 are offensive CDs, 10 and 11 are defensive CDs and 12 is racial ability. Aside from rotation stuff being on 1-5 on the regular keyboard, all the other keybindings I have are individual to each class and I just remember which one has which bindings for what. I went from having no keybindings to doing all of mine in one go and then altering some of them to what felt more comfortable, I knew it wasn't recommended to do it that way but I'm better at learning all at once rather than gradually; it took me about two months to get used to all my characters but I don't recommend learning to keybind in that way, it's easier for most to do it a few at a time like Preach said.
@buckyyy5500 6 жыл бұрын
holy crap, ive been waiting for this! Thanks Preach More videos like this!
@Minandreas213 6 жыл бұрын
The way I like to describe keybinding is like walking or riding a bike. THESE THINGS ARE NOT EASY. They took all of us a fair amount of time and effort to learn to do, and for most of us we did them when we were very young, when our mind is MOST capable of learning new things. But now you do them every day without the slightest bit of conscious thought. You never THINK about where your left foot needs to go next in order to keep walking. There was a time when you did. But now you just do it. And that is why this will not only make you a better player, but it will also make the game more fun for you as well. Because it effectively reduces your actions on the screen to extensions of your subconscious. Clicking requires that there always be a certain level of obvious interface in between you and your characters actions. It's more immersive to remove that interface. It just FEELS better when throwing that ball of fire comes to you like walking does. Without any thought at all. If you want to learn to keybind the biggest advice I can give you is to ban yourself from clicking. Literally. If you've modded your UI, you can easily make your bars invisible. Set up the keys that you are learning and then hide the bars so it is impossible to click them or even read them to know which key does what. You will learn SO much faster. It will be frustrating. There will be times where you press a button, and its wrong, and you try another, and its wrong, and again, and its wrong. And you will rage. But we learn fastest when the penalties are big. Because when you fuck up and blow your cooldowns when you meant to fireball, that is going to stick in your head bigtime. And next time you forget where fireball is, you wont try that button. Because you know its cooldowns. And voila, you've just memorized one of your keybinds. This skill will improve your use of every program ever in a computer. This skill makes me twice as fast as my older co-worker who doesn't do this. I do autocad for a living. And I have redesigned all my most used commands and rebound them all near ESDF (my movement buttons in games) and she thinks I'm a veritable wizard with how fast I get things done.
@PhaseLotA 6 жыл бұрын
I jumped in hard to Keybindings in the middle of TBC having been a clicker from Vanilla Beta till then. And I mean hard, I bought a Nostromo and Naga combo, keybound EVERYTHING and rebuilt my UI all in the space of two days. 2 Points - 1: Make this for you, if you want something somewhere, put it there and keybind it that way. No matter what. 2: Don't do what I did. Whilst I've found myself drinking and eating with one hand, while main tanking Blackhand with the other, It didn't start this way. I was beyond shit for a good year because I took on too much at once. But god is it worth it to do this stuff in the end.
@Vrynix 6 жыл бұрын
If someone finds they're lacking a bit of room for binds on the keyboard, that is to say they don't really like using modifiers, a good solution is to switch movement keys from WASD over to ESDF. It frees up more keys for convenience.
@SamCastaneda87 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah I did this as well, great improvement.
@SamCastaneda87 6 жыл бұрын
If you main dps however, you can actually delegate all the movement to the mouse (I find it particularly useful for melee dps). My set-up is quite unique but works great: LefClick - slide left; RightClick - slide right; LeftClick+RightClck - move forward; and moved the camara-lock (right click by default) to a side button on my naga.
@Oblivaddict 6 жыл бұрын
This. Gives you an extra couple of buttons to the left of your movement keys. Q and A. Typically I'll use them for speed boosts (Q), stances/ stealth (A), which seems to work out well between characters. W then becomes Strafe left and R is strafe right. But with a shift key modifier I get access to 5 extra keys right next to my movement keys.
@TheTorridestCheese 6 жыл бұрын
You can also replace your turning keys with your strafing keys. You turn with the mouse, so it frees up Q and E (or W and R if you do the ESDF method).
@baefloyd 6 жыл бұрын
I always recommend just dumping the turn, and backpeddling keys. You don't need them, I have only Q(strafe left) W(forward) E(strafe right) for movement. Frees up another set of buttons, and helps you break bad habbits of keyboardturning, or god forbid backpeddling.
@noctem9 6 жыл бұрын
Great advice, thank you. I keep all of my defensive, offensive CD's, and interrupts on roughly the same keybinds across all classes and specs so there's no question or hesitation that I can perform the ability when I need it. Super important for PvP. Also, get rid of keyboard turning!
@Mazzmaker69 6 жыл бұрын
I went from keybinding to clicking......once during a Dark Shamans fight when my keyboard broke in the middle of the fight.
@RFerrer 6 жыл бұрын
This whole Clicker/Keybinding discussion, and I’m just sitting over here in the corner feeling like a mutant because I use a controller to play. Yes, I’m serious. It’s got four buttons on the right, three in the middle, the two middle joysticks each have a different function depending on which way I push them (I.E. Left on the right joystick is Strafe Left and Right is Strafe Right, while on the left joystick Up is Autorun, Down is Sheathe/Unsheathe, Left is Target Nearest Friend, and Right is Target Nearest Enemy), the two central joysticks themselves are buttons you can press and which have functions, and four buttons up top, one of which is jump. This is something I’ve been doing since Vanilla (I never played an MMO before then, so when I saw that World of Warcraft used a keyboard I was like “WTF is this?!?”, and promptly went out and bought a controller), although lately I’ve been thinking I need to break that habit and get used to playing with a keyboard, not least of which because the controller I use isn’t working as well as it used to. I can no longer turn left or walk backwards on it. Because of that, I’ve been playing a weird hybrid lately where I’m moving with my mouse while holding my controller left handed to do my attacks and occasionally jumping to the keyboard when I need to move in reverse. So yeah, I really need to learn to play on a keyboard, finally. At least the buttons on a keyboard last a lot longer than the buttons on a frequently used controller.
@pent321 6 жыл бұрын
i saw the 1 - = as the default when i started playing and i didnt know i could click so i used keybinds my entire wow carrier xd
@Theaikro 6 жыл бұрын
Prepared so you never used more than 12 spells?
@pent321 6 жыл бұрын
obv. i changed them eventually but i started with keybinds is my point.
@normalsizetom 6 жыл бұрын
Playing overwatch made me a lot better at associating spells with certain keys and bringing that into wow. Very fast paced without thinking about what you need to hit too.
@LukesGamerRoom 6 жыл бұрын
Spot in with this,one mate. Couldnt agree more. Especially the similar binding thought processes across alts. Interrupt being one key. Self heal another. Threat reduction abother. Big dps cool down blah blah blah
@kevinhadj82 6 жыл бұрын
After 13 years of wow, I am still changing some key binding and making new macros on a regular basis, it is an ongoing process. I will never be done with it (also because the game is evolving). And yes, highly agree, any "global" function should be mapped on similar button accross all your toons, interrupt, dispel, movement, defensive are all generic spells.
@dustinnaughton2955 6 жыл бұрын
I have keybound all my spells & macros to my Corsair Scimitar mouse buttons. Don’t have to touch my keyboard. I also use WA2 to keep my focus on the centre of the screen. My dps has improved dramatically since my clicking days in MOP.
@DruidsoftheBeastShadowsong 6 жыл бұрын
I began keybinding in Vanilla around level 45, where I had 2 abilities on keys, later on in Dungeons and in Molten Core, that's when the majority of my abilities got Keybound and at End of Vanilla, all of it was keybound. Now a days about 90% of my abilities have key bindings, except for long-cooldown ones such as Tranqulity, which you don't want to blow by mistake due to stupid fingers. So a few abilities I still click, but it's to prevent screw-ups.
@ivanbujic2761 6 жыл бұрын
It's like driving a manual car for the first time, you can't practice at neutral, you have to drive in order to learn, don't give up guys, everything comes with practice :)
@gamergod9182 6 жыл бұрын
As someone who plays a lot , or rather ALL the classes and specs on and off, what helps me is to have my action bars setup so they mirror my keyboard layout. That way I don't really have to rely on muscle memory too much.
@thespanishinquisition5526 6 жыл бұрын
Just start a new character and keybind everything, the gaps between gaining spells make it really easy to learn the bindings
@BigIsaac91 6 жыл бұрын
God I'm glad I moved away from using WASD to move. Years ago I switched to using SDFX (left/forward/right/back) and never looked back. With Shift and Alt bound to 2 mouse buttons, I get access to more binds without risking wanker's cramp from the unnatural finger positioning on WASD (I have quite large hands) Basically, my most used abilities are on G and A, V is for interrupts, E for "AoE stuff", W for self-heals and dispels, etc. Variations on the same stuff is then just Shift and Alt plus the same button (i.e. V=interrupt, Alt-V=CC, W=dispel, Shift-W=selfheal)
@pendeyo 6 жыл бұрын
now that is just disgusting
@nicholasward8358 6 жыл бұрын
I play with a total of 42 keybinds, it becomes really easy once you get used to it.
@malindastevens1016 6 жыл бұрын
I actually do a combination of keybinding and clicking. My main openers and filler I use the number keys, but there's a couple odd spells I click on. Here's my opener on my fire mage: Fire Blast x2, Pyroblast (if hot streak achieved), Pyroblast again if wrist legendary procs, Fire Blast while pyroblast is being cast and hope for another hot streak. If I don't get the hot streak then I tend to click on my Phoenix Flames for a time or two to get the hot streak to pop or I'll cast fireball or scorch if I'm out of phoenix flames charges. So with my set up I'm basically hitting 3,3,1,1,3 (click click) 1,3, 2 (fireball) then continue on, hitting 3 for fire blast whenever it has charges, using 1 for pyroblast when I get a hot streak then again immediately after if I get the wrist proc. I will also click on my counterspell, blink, combustion, and mirror image, though I did get smart and keybound my slow fall to mouse button 1 on my gaming mouse (only has two buttons besides the usual) since it's much easier to click that in a hurry if I fall or jump and the height is more than anticipated. One thing I can't get a handle on is mouse movement. I'm a notorious keyboard turner but I am more accurate that way because I'm primarily left handed but can't use a mouse left handed and when I try to turn quickly with the mouse I end up with my camera practically up my toon's tuckus lol.
@xxxxxrandom 6 жыл бұрын
A tip to anyone who has special macro buttons on their keyboard. For example I have 18 special macro buttons on the left side of my keyboard that I can use with my little finger. i have used bartender to create shortcut bars in my UI in the same form as the buttons are in my keyboard. Then the rarely used abilities I can just look at my ui to see the location of the key I need to press.
@furthurondown 6 жыл бұрын
I keybind to the number pad, shift and alt to modify, UI looks like a series of number pads sitting next to each other. Perfecto
@DarkClown06 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for mentioning universal cooldowns. Some of my friends have their interrupts at different keys on different characters and it drives me crazy. All my characters have a Q interrupt, "E" is a movement ability, "V" is the Taunt on my tanks, etc.
@SupaFly1005 6 жыл бұрын
I remember keybinding when I played CTF for quake 20 years ago. Playing this game at any level of raiding requires some keybinding. I can't imagine raiding without my keybinds.
@Silvertaurus_ 6 жыл бұрын
Back when I was learning keybinding about 10yr ago, I built a keyboard out of my action bars. So I didn't have to look at my hand but had reference on the screen.
@jmbrady1 6 жыл бұрын
I have everything keybinded in a way that feels natural to me, which you might hate the set up
@Biggs117 6 жыл бұрын
Especially for DPS specs, interrupt, root/stun/snare, CC of any kind should be either the same key or set of keys across specs. As soon as I got used to that, it made content like M+ a hell of a lot more manageable.
@krim7 6 жыл бұрын
MY keybinds: 123456 QWERT ASDFG My movement buttons are ZXCV. C is forward, X is backward, Z and V are left and right respectively. I also use shift if I need more buttons. My main spells are all on QWERT45F. 2 is always my interrupt. A is always my speed move (like charge, ghost walk, charge, etc.).
@MrToroin 6 жыл бұрын
my Interrupt always sits at Q and Stuns/displacements are at alt Q, also movement spells are all bound to ^ or alt ^. To do the same sort of spells on the same keybinding and have it across multiple chars makes picking up a new class or specc much easier, since you already have adecent amount of skills bound and have trained your fingders to do so.
@Katrienne65 6 жыл бұрын
I forced myself to switch to keybinding years ago. What really helped me was using a Nostromo. No idea why but my brain was able to learn the keybindings this way. I also use the razor hex. So on my prot pally (and my other char), all my rotation is on the nostromo, and all of my defensive abilities are on the hex keys.
Get Good for Christmas 4 : Addons
Preach Gaming
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Best Keybinds for World of Warcraft: An Optimal and Scientific Approach
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