Glenn Quagmire is Not a Good Person! (And That's OK!) (Family Guy Video Essay)

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Kitty Monk

Kitty Monk

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@smuglytherat Жыл бұрын
I don't care if Quagmire is not a good person, but it's obnoxious that the writers just hope we forget that a lot of the time then try to make you feel sorry for him. Either keep him as a joke like Herbert or don't
@theanimeunderworld8338 Жыл бұрын
I think that's the issue In a decade where people will just say #cancel(blank) Quagmire would have been one of the first to go because of his actions You can see that they put more on redeeming Quagmire because the rest of the Griffins are becoming hollow shells of their former selves Quagmire has become ingrained into Family Guy, most of the good moments now come from him and his transition out would be harder than with Cleveland
@aleksabanjevic8316 Жыл бұрын
I agree, I don't mind his dark jokes, I mind them trying to make us feel sorry for him at times. Herbert is a perfect example, even when he did play a hero to save Chris from a nazzi, we didn't wote for him cuz we felt sorry, the other guy was a bigger threat and the whole situation was a joke, no part was meant to be taken seriously like with quagmire trying to save his sis from an abusive relationship (a guy doing that is serious, a senior citizen pedo fighting a senior citizen nazzi is a joke)
@jaohonaxa Жыл бұрын
It especially feels like they’re doing that in the more recent episodes. Like they’re almost aggressively trying to spin him as this dignified and conscious person so we all forget about the fact that he’s a rapist with supposedly hundreds of abandoned kids.
@aleksabanjevic8316 Жыл бұрын
@@jaohonaxa also a pedo, a necro, a zoo and I honestly wouldn't be shocked if incest wasn't off the table
@blitz0590 Жыл бұрын
⁠@@aleksabanjevic8316Technically he did sleep with Ida once. Granted he didn’t like it but he did it.
@icecreamhero2375 Жыл бұрын
12:08 I wish you showed a clip of Joan from Clone High.
@Sun-Wukong-The-Monkey-King Жыл бұрын
@TheForhekset Жыл бұрын
Quagmire was nice to meg, and everyone is mean to meg. So he can be good sometimes, but uasly hes a rapist for laughs so pretty evil.
@angrytheclown801 Жыл бұрын
I mean Quagmire is a horrible person yes, but it's not like anyone in Family Guy shouldn't be shot into the sun. You're fully right, but if someone comes in thinking Glenn is an outlier, hoo boy they're in for a shock.
@gilbertotabares8196 Жыл бұрын
KittyMonk: "if anything you're worse than Brian" Me: easy now. Brian has racked up a much larger rap sheet since that episode. They're about even now.
@LowellLucasJr. Жыл бұрын
Quagmire's hypocrisy towards Brian was what really killed it for me for the character. To me, from that point on, he's just another schmo.
Жыл бұрын
Another whatnow?
@Metal_Groove45 Жыл бұрын
Quagmire hitted on an underage Meg, which is much worse than Brian hitting on Lois!
@princessmarlena1359 Жыл бұрын
I despise Brian, don’t get me wrong. But Quagmire is the last person who should look down on him, let alone dump on him. If Joe treated Brian this way it would be a lot better (and more funny), but Quagmire has devolved over time and actually became more like Brian.
@saxogrammatikus4195 Жыл бұрын
Quagmire and Brian are to simililar thats because they don't like each other.
@Park-jf1wc Жыл бұрын
Perhaps subconsciously Quagmire hates himself and he sees himself in Brian.
Brian might be a drunk loser but Quagmire's a rapist
@DJPrimeAmvs Жыл бұрын
​@@saxogrammatikus4195Brian doesn't even hate Quagmire
@rodrigobueno8652 Жыл бұрын
@@DJPrimeAmvs he start hating him back
@dragonzee3326 Жыл бұрын
Im glad people are calling out quagmire on that dinner rant. Like Peter said in season 1 "Ill be damned if im gonna be lectured by a pervert."
@TheLikenessOfNormal Жыл бұрын
Yeah I wish that scene had ended with Brian taking a long sip from a glass of water. "I'm gonna tell Ida you're a rapist."
@etarver13 Жыл бұрын
@@TheLikenessOfNormalIda’s debut came after the rant.
@TheLikenessOfNormal Жыл бұрын
@@etarver13 coulda sworn it came after. But regardless, he could instead tell Joe. Or simply say that he's not going to be lectured and talked down to by a rapist.
@Ash_Yu 9 ай бұрын
Brian needed a "this is why you suck" speech, but Quagmire wasn't really the one who needed to give it. But this was the point in Family Guy before Brian got regularly called out, when the fandom had become really sick and tired of what his character had become. So the speech was good to hear at the time, no matter who it came from.
@Mangoboi699 5 ай бұрын
@@TheLikenessOfNormalglenn had sex with ida too
@RenoReborn Жыл бұрын
Quagmire's speech to Brian ruined the show imo. After that point, Brian's character was redefined and Quagmire was treated as the one in the right despite the fact that Quagmire is an actual sexual predator and Brian is just kinda up his own ass half the time.
@xenajordan260 Жыл бұрын
frr thats lowkey how i feel, quagmire made a whole speech about brian and he does half of the stuff he does, shi he even does worst things then brian
@zirconium2014 Жыл бұрын
dude brian is a sexual predator too! many episodes hes honed down on underage teenagers! theyre all terrible fucked individuals
@jaohonaxa Жыл бұрын
At this point it almost feels like they deliberately dragged down Brian’s character so they could use him to make quagmire look better. Feels like every time brian does something bad the first thing people comment is “quagmire was right”, just ignoring how hypocritical that speech was
@robbiewalker2831 Жыл бұрын
@@jaohonaxas if “Not All Dogs Go to Heaven” wasn’t enough.
@Purplethingyt Жыл бұрын
Also at the end of the day Brian is a dog. What's quagmire's excuse?
@jaohonaxa Жыл бұрын
What especially annoys me is how people are so quick to defend him with: “Yeah but he’s honest about who he is”. A) Not always, and B) Being honest about being a horrible person does not make you less of a horrible person.
@anonsage7869 Жыл бұрын
i think a better defense that isn't always articulated well is that we can respect his consistency. You can respect someone you dislike. Despite being a shit person, he has integrity. (Secondary definition)
@jaohonaxa Жыл бұрын
@@anonsage7869 I disagree he’s been pretty inconsistent over the years. Like all the times he whines and moans about how lonely he is about being single and not having a family while simultaneously running from his mountain of kids and still treating every woman he encounters as a one night stand.
@whiteboard7thstreet Жыл бұрын
@@jaohonaxathe duality of man
@cinotrashductions744 Жыл бұрын
He's still better than Brian
@anonsage7869 Жыл бұрын
@@jaohonaxa that is the consistency my guy. wanting to find the one but being fearful of commitment because he is very aware of how awful he is as a person.
@falloutjustcause Жыл бұрын
I don’t like how the writers put brian and quagmire against each other. That episode where Quagmire tells brian why he hates him so much is so annoying because like despite brian being a bad person. He’s not worse than a quagmire; a literal rapist lmao. In fact most the shit Quagmire called Brian out for doing, is shit he did himself. That’s my biggest issue with the character is how self righteous he can be and how the writers frame that as good compared to brian. Somehow knowing you’re a piece of shit is better than not knowing, but that only works if the shit the self righteous person is doing is on the same par; and say whatever you want brian has never raped anyone lmao.
@SilverScribe85 Жыл бұрын
Why doesn't Fox just fire those writers and bring in competent ones
@cosmok-1367 Жыл бұрын
It's basically the same principal as Bojack Horseman. Just because you know you're a piece of shit, doesn't make you any better. The fact you are self aware of your actions is far worse, because you know you are doing these bad things, yet you're doing nothing to improve yourself. And while Bojack did get better as the seasons progressed, he still continuously falls into old habits and puts the ones he loves in danger until they are the ones to distant from him. Qugmarie is no different. Sure, he has his moments and episodes, but he always reverts back to his old perverted self over and over again.
@TheLikenessOfNormal Жыл бұрын
@@cosmok-1367 Yeah, I don't see how they've started considering "knowing your a bad person and being bad anyways cause its who you are" is in any way morally superior or good. Quagmire being aware he's in the wrong over these things actually makes each of those things several times worse because that means he knows the damage he's doing, the pain he's inflicting on others and it means nothing compared to HIS pleasure. While Brian may also be looking out for HIS pleasure, he's also not an amoral monster that will indulge in those pleasures at the cost of hurting others. He may delude himself into thinking one action that is hurtful wouldn't be. But he's not totally blind to reality. And that episode was entirely about Brian trying to overcome his fault, which is his ignorance of his own actions and how they affect others. Brian reaching out to try and understand why Quagmire doesn't like him is literally him trying to be a better person legitimately and understand how his actions effects others and their feelings. Its him trying to be better then what Quagmire accuses him of being.
@scorpion6328 Жыл бұрын
It’s so weird. And look, I get why people don’t like Brian. The writers have done little effort to make him likeable since the first Quagmire-Brian feud episode. But I’ve noticed that a lot of Brian’s most vocal haters seem to give Quagmire a pass for his awful behavior for some reason.
@theatlantean8036 Ай бұрын
Brain tried to get with a minor and let Stewie get abused by a teacher because she was hot. He actively stops Stewie from telling Louis and shoved his arm back in its socket. He's arguably worse
@justinlynch3 Жыл бұрын
Yeah Glenn not liking Brian is certainly the pot calling the kettle black, that's for damn sure. Honestly they should had Joe become Brian's rival. He's a good man, loyal friend and husband, doesn't partake in any of the womanfiying Glenn and Brian both take part in. Worst we've ever seen Joe do is the join the guys at a strip club. Glenn's speech would of made perfect sense coming out of Joe's mouth. But Glenn Quagmire? It baffles me how Seth Macfarlane felt that Quagmire of all people was justified in calling Brian out on ANYTHING.
@TheLikenessOfNormal Жыл бұрын
Seth was off the writing staff at that point.
@justinlynch3 Жыл бұрын
@@TheLikenessOfNormal Ah ok
Жыл бұрын
would have
@TheLikenessOfNormal Жыл бұрын
@@justinlynch3 But also to add to why that would be an awesome idea. Bonny tried to run away with Brian and they got sick of eachother incredibly quick with their relationship breaking down and Bonny going back to Joe. So there's that added element that could be included in the conversation like "And you think if you did get with Lois that it would be any different then when you got with Bonny? You see, you're empty Brian. There's nothing in there so you look at what others have and covet it jealously, whether its Lois, or Bonny or success, even happiness. That's why you can never keep a girl, that's why you're always craving more and that's why you couldn't leave me alone when you found out I didn't like you, even though you slept with my wife. Work on yourself Brian, you need to be happy with you before you can be happy with anyone else." Or something like that and then just wheeling out of the restaurant.
@scorpion6328 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, I don’t know what the writers were thinking. I don’t care that Brian was called out for his BS, but they literally picked the worst character to be in any position to call anybody out.
@ryuudraco592 Жыл бұрын
Glen will always be my least favorite. And i genuinely hate the argument "at least he admits it", because 1 that doesn't make it better, 2 when he does talk about the stuff he does or has done he usually says it without remorse, literally saying "it's about giving back" when he gave meg roofies and told her to call him if she goes to jail, 3 he's still done way worse then Brian has ever done. Yeah brain has fallen and is a pos but last i checked he doesn't grape anyone and genuinely wants a relationship
@TheLikenessOfNormal Жыл бұрын
Yeah, I don't see how being an unabashed rapist is any better then someone with a bit of an inflated ego (who in reality is severely depressed and trying to not show that to others so acts how he does and with a lack of awareness, also because dog) or why it would give you ANY moral authority. "I know kidnapping women to use them as sex slaves is wrong, but it just feels so darn good!" - Probably Quagmire explaining the women in his trunk to Joe.
@reallyoriginalname1221 Жыл бұрын
Brian's a bit of an asshole and up his own ass. Quagmire is a legal sex offender and is on the register
@lexyruse603 Жыл бұрын
Imo the best person to give that speedh to Brian would have been Chris. Dont get me wrong, Chris is definitely a perverted teen but he USUALLY doesnt take it too far or at least not intentionally. And a majority of the time Chris treats the girls hes with with respect. Plus Chris constantly calls Brian out and it works so much better because its not over the top. Chris seems to have a love hate relationship with Brian. They don't make every encounter Chris has with Brian a rivalry. He gets along with Brian but isnt afraid to call him out on his bullshit. So imo Chris giving Brian the speech would have been better.
@Ash_Yu 9 ай бұрын
I feel like Chris has called out Brian before. Multiple times. The Quagmire speech stood out because it came from outside the family. That's why Joe would've been the best replacement imo
@lewisbarclay9113 Жыл бұрын
You're absolutely right. Quagmire was the last person who should have said what he said to Brian. Less we forget the scene were he ran away in horror from his illegitimate children.
@roberttreacy8271 8 ай бұрын
Yeah, to hear Quagmire of all people do this, I’m like “Oh, like you’re any better, Mr. Sexual Predator?”.
@nicholasrodinos4701 Жыл бұрын
I kinda want a discussion of Meg and the idea of nature vs nurture in terms of how she came out. Meg's a terrible person, her creeping on Brian, and the time she roofied her brother so that a gay guy she had a crush on could rape him. My question is, how much of that is her genuine awfulness, vs how much of it could be attributed to Peter and Lois, especially considering how disturbing they are.
@pandasys129 9 ай бұрын
Nature loads the gun nurture pulls the trigger There is no 'evil' inside of you nor goodness, you are who you are because of the things that happen to and around you. You are the sum of every experience you ever had
@sarahsims6164 Жыл бұрын
Do you know what the worst part of Quagmire's hate for Brian is? It completely came out of nowhere! In the earlier seasons, they were shown to be on pretty good terms with each other. Sure, it does reflect the problems with Brian today, but still.
@Julayla Жыл бұрын
Unless you remember that moment in the New Brian episode with Stewie (who was talking with Brian to come home) reacting to the woman's leg and causing her to leave with Quagmire, not noticing Stewie, blaming Brian for doing that being the last straw for him
@icecreamhero2375 Жыл бұрын
Before they didn't talk much. Maybe he just didn't want to show it. He didn't start being overt with his dislike of Brian until Brian tried to get Quagmire to like him.
@minhhoangang2278 Жыл бұрын
Quagmire hates Brian because he hates dogs. You know he’s a cat person, right?
@tombstonejones9581 Жыл бұрын
I guess you forgot the episode where Brian turns into the dating coach and bags Cheryl Tiegs?
@sarahsims6164 Жыл бұрын
@@tombstonejones9581 that was after Quagmire revealed that he hates Brian.
@live4life551 Жыл бұрын
And let's not forget that helf of the reasons he hates Brian is for things he had no comtrol over like barking, pooping, or just being a dog Brian giving into his instincts is one of the most consistent things about the show
@minhhoangang2278 Жыл бұрын
Because Quagmire hates dogs, everyone knows that he only likes cats.
@lordnul1708 Жыл бұрын
Generally to me, a good chunk of the cases where someone tries to argue that "they're making him sympathetic" tend to be cases where he's in a scene where they're trying to make it out that someone like him is worse because "they either lie about it or act like he can't say anything because he does it too". Ultimately, I think Quagmire's Quagmire is the only episode that really did it right, the rest fall short of the mark.
@minhhoangang2278 Жыл бұрын
If Quagmire really hates dogs so much, why didn't he tell Brian that reason, instead he just criticized Brian?
@awesomo925 Жыл бұрын
People tend to forget that these are characters and you don't have to bend over backwards to defend them. Quagmire is a horrible human being, he's also very entertaining. A character can be both.
@lilith4961 Жыл бұрын
You have a good point about Quagmire not having any moral ground to hate Brian so much.
@rodneybever9583 Жыл бұрын
Just so you know, planes don't just pull up and say "fill er up". Fuel has weight and they fuel the plane for the distance it has to travel. That is why it is important to be honest about weight and luggage and why some obese people are weighed. It is safely for all in the plan that relies on this. Having said this yes, it is the pilots responsibility.
@robby7499 Жыл бұрын
Quagmire has no right to call out Brian since he is a frickin' r@pist who, mind you, has thousands of children of his own he doesn't bother acknowledging and the few times he did, he ended up putting them up for adoption. His whole speech is riddled with holes: like religion. Sure, I don't think people are stupid for believing in God, but their beliefs inform their actions. I am okay with people having religious beliefs, but it becomes problematic when they try to pass legislation based on those views. Brian is a hypocrite, but Quagmire is the last person who should lambast someone for their actions, especially when he does worse.
He's also a pedophile. It's been hinted in one episode that he kidnapped a child and in another he sleeps with a 16 year old
@theconqueringram5295 Жыл бұрын
I'll say this, Quagmire and Brian were my favorite characters in Family Guy, so Quagmire's rant against Brian kind of represented the decline of both characters from S-tier to a-holes for me.
@danielnidhiry5796 6 ай бұрын
what bot that problematic joke in early seasons
@IIIGioGioStarIII Жыл бұрын
With the speech Quagmire gave to Brian on their character, the only point he made that was valid was the fact that Quagmire acknowledges that he isn't a good person and accepts that. Brain's problem (and majority of the cast) think that they are good people and perfect just the way they are. My biggest gripe with the series is the horrific treatment done to Meg.
@greggpeterson2443 Жыл бұрын
Yeah they treat her like shit and when she gets mad everyone acts like she's the bad guy I mean Glenn quagmire has treated her better than her family
@Rieky22 Жыл бұрын
Just because he knows what he’s doing is wrong doesn’t give him the right to talk like he’s righteous. But if you know what you’re doing is wrong and just don’t that’s even worst
@IIIGioGioStarIII Жыл бұрын
@@Rieky22 oh I agree he has no right to talk like he is better. I’m just making the point that he acknowledges his own deviances. The issue with the vast majority of the FG characters is that they do not. Quagmire reminds me of my grandfather from my mother’s side of the family. A guy who is just a real piece of crap but knows they are and will tell you to your face. Me personally, I can at the very least respect Quagmire for that honesty but would still find him extremely repulsive.
@IIIGioGioStarIII Жыл бұрын
@@greggpeterson2443 ikr. Meg is one of the very few characters in the series that deserves better
@etarver13 Жыл бұрын
My biggest issue with Quagmire’s rant is that some of the things that Quagmire said could’ve been countered, but the writers were more concerned about keeping the flow of the rant (and having this self-righteous rapist character) rather than sticking to the facts. For instance, that part about dating women for their bodies. Brian should’ve been outraged that Quagmire remotely compared himself to him. Hell, Brian’s intentions on dating women for their bodies wasn’t that bad back then. I’m basing his behavior from season 4-8, and Jillian is the only instance where he dated a woman for her body (even then his feelings for Jillian were somewhat genuine to the point he dated Lauren Conrad partially because he wanted to force himself to get over Jillian). There were three instances were he dated or attempted to date women based on the normal initial attraction (Shauna, the lady he promised to be a magician for her kid’s birthday party, and Caroline; and the case of Caroline, he delayed having sex with her because he wanted to build a stronger foundation with her). There were also two instances where his feelings for a woman grew deeper (the bachelorette lady and Lois). Meanwhile, during this period Quagmire perved on Lois, slept with his friend’s wife, drugged the bachelorette lady, slept with corpses, had a bunch of tagged Asian women in his trunk and garage, and slept with Caroline when she was with Cleveland (Cleveland at least didn’t know that Caroline was dating Brian, Quagmire most likely knew Cleveland was seeing Caroline). The only time his relationship with a woman was normal (initially) was that maid Joan whom he married, but freaked out once he remembered he was a perverted degenerate. This is the guy Brian let him talk down on him. A sick freak who is truly a predator of women. At least Brian does pull psychotic bullshit like this. Also, at least Brian’s feelings for Lois isn’t cheap, it’s genuine (back then). When Quagmire slept with Loretta, it was for cheap thrills which is way worse, and Cleveland forgave him (yet Quagmire is giving Brian shit for his feelings). If the writers didn’t consist of manatees (don’t completely agree with “Cartoon Wars”, but Matt and Trey were on to something), realistically, Brian should’ve been the one storming out pissed off. Not only because of Quagmire watering himself down and daring to compare himself to Brian, but for Quagmire’s early statement about Cheryl Tiegs leaving him is the reason for his awful rapist ways.
@princessmarlena1359 Жыл бұрын
Pretty much how I felt about Quagmire, I just didn’t put it into proper words compared to your post. Good job.
@Eric6761 9 ай бұрын
The problem wasn't the speech, just whose mouth was coming
@pixiedream1938 Жыл бұрын
We know that trying to make us feel sorry for him, doesn't work and for him to criticize to make Quagmire he shot himself in the foot, The episode about his sister is the best Quagmire episode, even though it's hard to watch
@humanwolf1984 Жыл бұрын
Glenn should be in prison for all of his sex crimes & murder i agree with her.👿
@Channeleven2345789 Жыл бұрын
I can forgive the rant, someone had to call Brian out, fine, but the whole new dynamic between the characters wore itself out very quickly, and it gets to the point you don't give a shit who's right or wrong in the situation. Especially when Quagmire does just as much, if not more brutal damage than Brian. Brian has fucked up royally, though by the end of it he's just an insufferable douchebag, Quagmire had dated Meg, a teenager, he ruined Cleveland's marriage and second relationship, you can cut Brian a little break because he shares the same household as Lois whereas Quagmire goes as far as creeping in the bathroom stall, among other things. I take issue with the rant because, quite frankly, the wrong person did it. If it were, I dunno, an old flame that realized how far Brian has fallen then that would make more sense. It's this dynamic that basically killed the show for me, I have the stomach for edgy content, but knowing another 'hilarious' instance of Quagmire beating the shit out of Brian because... because, I know what to expect.
@soulresonance4073 Жыл бұрын
I love all the American Dad references! Gotta love this extended universe😂
@DrakeKnight99 Жыл бұрын
See Beetlejuice is funny and has redemming qualities like giving up a fortune for Lydia or , my favorite, when he almost dies for good but manages to pull hinself back and show the villains what happens when he gets truly pissed off
@sirensong237 Жыл бұрын
The thing about Family Guy, is, nobody is a good person.. much like It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.. you never root for them. You’re more okay when bad things happen to them, because they deserve it.
@Garinovitch Жыл бұрын
I really hated the episode with how Quagmire acted in the episode when Brian dated Ida. Sure Brian started out rough but it really felt like Brian and Ida were forming a positive relationship, and sure Brian made the mistake by trying to insert himself as a father figure to Quagmire who was already fully grown. But I really hated how Quagmire forced Ida to pick between him or Brian, and Ida chose Quagmire. It's a little fucked up, Ida shouldn't have been forced to pick on or the other, and I thought that's what they were gonna do, but instead they made it out towards Quagmire being the right one. I dunno, maybe there's a detail I missed, but the episode didn't sit well with me.
@mattjohn4731 Жыл бұрын
Quagmire is slime, gives us single guys a bad name. To be serious tho, when I drank I was often selfish and not upfront on dates or relationships. And it was time to cut the crap
@histrigaming7344 Жыл бұрын
I think Family Guy can have those characters, because it's self aware enough to understand it's just a TV show
@SilverScribe85 Жыл бұрын
The thing I hate most about Quagmire is his attitude towards women, mostly in regards to what he said in that episode with Cheryl Tiegs. Even then, I never believed Tiegs being Glen's "one true love" to be genuine; especially since he's used that line on so many other women before. This attitude he has gets especially annoying when he goes after Brian almost every episode. Sure, that dog has some VERY huge issues under his belt but NO ONE in the Griffin household is without flaw...not even Lois, the woman Quagmire has lusted after for decades. In short, I wish this guy was his usual likeable self again from the old days...not to mention the rest of Family Guy as a whole
@TheLikenessOfNormal Жыл бұрын
Well even the Tiegs episode falls flat in that. Quagmire actively is a shitty person who tries to ruin any chance Brian has with Jillian, Brian in response goes for Cheryl Tiegs. Of course both of their behavior shows neither of them actually loved those two women as they both viewed them as objects and nothing else. But AFTERWARD Brian apologizes to Quagmire, says that it was wrong for him to do that and he crossed a line and was sorry. Quagmire then flips him off, splashes him with his car and leaves Brian wet, alone and with no money stranded in town. Like even the episodes where they drag eachother down to the same level Brian is the one who apologizes and realizes he was wrong.
@SilverScribe85 Жыл бұрын
@@TheLikenessOfNormal How exactly, is ANYONE supposed to find this material funny
@lexyruse603 Жыл бұрын
​@@TheLikenessOfNormal Okay quagmire is bad but in that episode Quagmire didn't ruin his chance with Jillian. Brian was trying to move on from Jillian in that episode and went to Quagmire's class even though Quagmire made it clear to Brian he didn't want him to be there. Brian forced Quagmire to let him into the class failing to realize it was a hook up class, not for love. So Brian used those tricks on the new girl he liked and it failed. Brian only went after Cheryl to get back at Quagmire for giving him"bad advice" and only THE. did Quagmire go for Jillian.
@doomdimensiondweller5627 Жыл бұрын
Also I was confused what race Quagmire was supposed to be. I am Romanian and people always joked that he was Romanian because he has a lot of features Romanians typically have (a big head,black hair and olive skin) but no quagmire is Asian.
@TheLikenessOfNormal Жыл бұрын
Pretty sure he's caucasian. He's an American veteran, the son of another American veteran and his mother is also caucasian when we see her in the show.
@doomdimensiondweller5627 Жыл бұрын
@@TheLikenessOfNormal Ok I am kind of right. His Grandfather is Japanese. I thought his father was Japanese I got confused.
@sippeon9047 11 ай бұрын
​@@doomdimensiondweller5627is hos mon or dad japanese?
@woolph58 Жыл бұрын
After Cleveland got a spinoff show Glen asks Peter for his own spinoff to which Peter says "Quagmire, you're a rapist."
@heavyglamrocker1987 3 ай бұрын
Yep, blud has got to be a real sicko when even Peter himself finds him disgusting.
@turbobist2889 Ай бұрын
Isn't peter also a rapist?
@rjshadow4321 Жыл бұрын
Quagmire in one episode has no problem being 16 or his daughter so age doesn't mean much to him.
@kjmusic99 7 ай бұрын
Rhode Island’s age of consent is 16
@hannahlarge5738 Жыл бұрын
the live chat on the premiere for this video was glorious. may two mins of normal chat followed by 100+ people just spamming the word "giggity" -one of the best online experiences i've had in ages.
@zuloph Жыл бұрын
You doing okay Kitty? Your voice sounded a bit off this video. Not so much sick more so as just a bit strained. I'm guessing it has something to do with all the conventions you've been going to lately. Don't be afraid to take a couple days if you need to rest up!
@Julayla Жыл бұрын
Honestly, Quagmire is one of the worst for me. And I'm kind of glad I don't watch too much of Family Guy anymore.
@doomdimensiondweller5627 Жыл бұрын
Also I see people say that Quagmire likes to dominate women. He doesn't he is a submissive it is shown many times. People love to hate on male doms and female submissives but so many horrible people are male subs. Like Cyrax for example. Femsubs straight or gay are valid.
@NeshaBoo21 11 ай бұрын
I strongly dislike how Loretta's character was done as the only black woman on the show. Everybody including the audience hated her. She was voiced by a white woman who also hated playing her. They made her do selfish and deplorable actions and even mocked her during her death. I just feel like as one of the only black women to ever be on the show she should have been treated much better
@sclarinet9088 8 ай бұрын
I'm honestly "glad" Donna came out of it. But i hate how shes not really "Part" of the show. I personally think it would've been better if they had a sorta, "Bob & Linda" relationship since everyone in the show pretty much have a bad marriage it would be nice to see a dynamic change.
@edsova5089 Жыл бұрын
27:55 how old is Ida Quagmire's dad/mom? Quagmire is 61 according to the show, so Ida must be quite old. I read somewhere that Ida is 75, which means she was 14 when she had him
@chad9186 Жыл бұрын
No one really remembers Drawn Together. The best example of a character trying to be that way is Johnny Bravo. And Im starting to have a theory that Bumhauar had a vicectamy
@peterversionone Жыл бұрын
Joined late. Quagmire is the only person I hate to my core
@LowellLucasJr. Жыл бұрын
From getting it on with random giraffes, a cheerleader tied up in the bathroom stall, or trying to make Hitler work, Quagmire's just a dirty joke character. Sure he's funny, but very hard to.look at morally. It's kind of funny people are trying to redeem him when he's just a scummy character much like other residents of Qhahog. I blame the direction of the writing team as they go out of their way to make nearly every character that way.
@clayallen4955 Жыл бұрын
Quagmire’s thai is actually good Thai. My wife is Thai and she translated it for me. I can’t really repeat it in a comment lol.
@TennoWolf Жыл бұрын
Is it as dirty as it would seem for the scenario?
@clayallen4955 Жыл бұрын
@@TennoWolf it’s not dirty it’s just him calling them names and saying he paid their father good money for them etc
@ChannelMiner Жыл бұрын
10:25 i like the part where kitty monk says "it's monkin' time" and monks all over the bad guys
@garynaccarato4606 Жыл бұрын
I think part of what made his character good is even though the thing he did was bad you can still laugh at the absurdity of the things he does.
@Casual-Sage Жыл бұрын
Plot twist: you shouldn't like any Family Guy character as a person, because they are all horrible people lol
@TheDarkCeratosaurus 11 ай бұрын
what about meg?
@jayyy1677 10 ай бұрын
Joe is nice and Chris
@jayyy1677 10 ай бұрын
Cleveland cool as well and his family
@icecreamhero2375 Жыл бұрын
Part of the fun of Family Guy is that all the characters are jerks. It's all gags and nobody is actually getting hurt. He does have funny moments. I would be nice if Quagmire got comeuppance a little more often. He has a few times.
@kjprodouctions9050 11 ай бұрын
And we love it
@peterversionone 8 ай бұрын
Just said it on your latest quagmire video. Quagmire I believe started hating Brian when New Brian showed up. Quagmire let Brian stay at his house, and asked Brian not mention a woman’s leg that was coming over. Stewie mentioned it, and blamed Brian. From new Brian to Jerome episode. Only time Brian was around Quagmire is when Brian was already with Peter. Never by themselves again
@Dovah_Slayer 11 ай бұрын
Honestly trying to give glenn any form of moral high ground is destroying any enjoyment of the character hes the overt pervert that's his point in the show how can he EVER have the moral high ground you take away the comedy and all you're left with is a hypocrite
@robertprice5243 Жыл бұрын
I like how you included yourself on having to deal with pervs cause your too good-looking
@nicoletravis8702 11 ай бұрын
how is she not mentioning how bad quagmire treated brian? Brian deserves better
@idreadFell365 Жыл бұрын
Brien Griffon is also not a good person yet he gets a lot of flack from everyone. How is it ok for a human to not be a good person but it’s unacceptable for a dog to not be a good person in a wacky cartoon where bizarre things happen?
@HistoryDocumentary44 Жыл бұрын
Cleveland is probably the most moral person on spooner street and Peter and quagmire are least moral Brian is a stupid dog he has human intelligence but has a voice of reason sometimes like when Peter and Lois overworks Stewie it can be said the quagmire and Peter have good moments but they have done way worse crap than any other character
@geardog24 Жыл бұрын
Sad thing is he's probably the last decent character in the entire show now. 😔
@samsea0489 Ай бұрын
No he’s not. Quagmire had a sudden character change
@jeromelancashire3278 Жыл бұрын
"Quagmire has never done anything without an ulterior motive," He helps Chris with his homework, He trained Meg how to fight when she was getting bullied, and he violently murdered his sister's abusive husband, all because he genuinely cared for the people he was helping.
@JoSheperd Жыл бұрын
Ah yes he is an angel
@jeromelancashire3278 Жыл бұрын
@@JoSheperd He's not but he's hardly The Devil.
@JoSheperd Жыл бұрын
@@jeromelancashire3278 almost
@jeromelancashire3278 Жыл бұрын
@@JoSheperd I feel like he walks a middle line
@JoSheperd Жыл бұрын
@@jeromelancashire3278 uh no he is still a sexual predator
@spookyanimecatloving101 Жыл бұрын
yes quagmire is funny and smart but still he’s an super pervert, an horrible father and an terrible friend and the list goes on and on and so on and so on I mean yes like I said he’s funny and smart but still he’s an super pervert and so much more, even though I personally think 💭 they should of kicked him out of the neighborhood well in my honest opinion yeah, anyways, he’s not an good person and an super pervert yeah!.
@ianskiver6246 Жыл бұрын
My favorite part of the video was when kitty said “It’s Monkin Time!” And just monked all over quagmire so cleveland didn’t have to
@titangirl161 Жыл бұрын
THANK YOU FOR FINALLY SAYING IT!!! I always hated that speech. Not because of the content, all criticisms were valid and mostly true, but because with Quagmire saying it, it just felt disingenuous. If it had been anyone else, say Joe even, I would've been cheering, all for it. But it makes Quagmire look like even more of a hypocrite
@mathieuleader8601 Жыл бұрын
Amazing to think that Quagmire appeared in the What A Cartoon short as the pilot for that backdoor pilot
@Nonjola Жыл бұрын
Is anyone on Family Guy good? The nicest characters are probably only Bruce and Aida.
@gordonfreeman466 Жыл бұрын
gloves? you would need a whole damn hazmat suit at the highest rating grade, and a bubble around you for good measure
@A.A.Gcomics Жыл бұрын
As the show went on I hated quagmire he’s such a hypocrite whenever he’s around Brian he always has something to say and always bringing up his son quagmire has abandoned so many women and kids but I’d say the worst character is lois she’s horrible to her family
@mr.protagonist5639 Жыл бұрын
I disagree with this one. Quagmire doesn't get involved with his kids which is a clear choice although it does suck. Brian pretends to be a dad when it benefits him and then abandons the kid all over again, which from personal experience is worst. If we're talking about how they deal with their kids I'd say quagmire is better off slightly.
@samsea0489 Ай бұрын
First of all, if Quagmire didn’t want to get involved with kids, then he shouldn’t have had unprotected sexual intercourse to begin with. It’s his own fault. Second of all even though Brian is a terrible person, he didn’t choose to give up on his own child Dylan. Dylan chose to leave so he can take care of his drug addicted mother and at least Brian tried to be a decent father. And how is Quagmire decent in terms of kids when he keeps abandoning them?
@nicoletravis8702 11 ай бұрын
@jboy667 7 ай бұрын
quagmire's defense is "I admit it." but as they say you don't like people who are like you
@akira2174 3 ай бұрын
I agree to every argument, and i know that he is a hypocrite, creep, and a Pervert. I still find him funny, and he stays my favorite character.😅
@FrancisR420 Жыл бұрын
Women not reporting abuse and therefore the police not doing anything about it is the exact opposite of what happens in real life where the police don't do anything for women who report abuse And even abuse the women themselves, so nobody bothers reporting it. I've personally been berated by a police officer while explaining that I'm unsafe and asking for help. There's an overarching victim blaming moral for that whole episode, That shit was gross and irresponsible.
@Manmeetsboy Жыл бұрын
thank you, brian is not a good errson by any means, nut people trying to say that quagmire is much better, and use the " At LEaST HE's HOneST abOUT iT" argument is just so fucking dumb quagmire is much muuch worse than brian, quagmire is literally a rapist, he tries to blame brian for going after lois even tho he did the same thing for years both are terrible people, but trying to say that quagmire is a better person is funny tbh brian was one of the best family guy characters ever but the writers ruined him ansd made him what he is today
@skylarwhiteyo1946 Жыл бұрын
giggity giggity googa
@annaconigliaro2907 2 ай бұрын
I love that Matt was upset about the Marge scene because it does go really far. Matt gained some respect in my book
@zzakarie Жыл бұрын
I fucking lost it when you said “ he… he turned blue”
@tatkkyo9911 9 ай бұрын
I find it funny that they actually do put concrete on and under graves. Not every where does it but some do it to prevent the ground from sinking in over time. Rip adam west
@axels3188 8 ай бұрын
I agree that Quagmire is not a good person and he was not the right person to point out Brian’s faults when he does trie or be a good person it make him look worse.
@andrewdeluca7352 Жыл бұрын
I feel like straight man Quagmire works best when he is juxtaposed with horndog creeper Quagmire or when the other characters are deranged lunatics.
@mileygray7794 8 ай бұрын
Maybe quagmire hates Brian because he reminds him to much of himself and he hates himself 😅
@carmel9583 Жыл бұрын
I just want Brian to get a win
@cameronspalding9792 Жыл бұрын
@ 20:12 I didn’t read that part of the episode as ‘choking yourself is ok’, the way I always saw it was that he choked himself so frequently that he was able to fake his own death and use that against Jeff
@Eltrio2 9 ай бұрын
Quagmire should have been the one to die in "And Then There Were Fewer," not his girlfriend.
@EboArmadillo 4 ай бұрын
The hairs on Quagmire's chest should be shaped like 6's and 9's.
@chad9186 Жыл бұрын
And that's okay. Well not really
@edsova5089 Жыл бұрын
Would Quagmire and Mrs. Cartman be a good couple?
@alorapendrak9752 Жыл бұрын
Doesn't matter Eric would slice him into pieces.
@johnbrewer62 Жыл бұрын
Does he know what a condom is or not. When Chris dressed up as one he didn't know what the costume was.
@redjirachi1 Жыл бұрын
I bet if you gave this script to Mr Enter he would get an anger-induced aneurysm half way through the video
@heavyglamrocker1987 3 ай бұрын
I wonder what Mr. Enter's up to? 🤔
@Damuko Жыл бұрын
oh please bless us with a Drawn Together video someday, i miss that terrible show so much quq
@Charadoesthatgaming Жыл бұрын
24:25 what did Brian say? I never actually watch that much of the show and need some context on what he said
@firepuppies4086 Жыл бұрын
... wait did the episode with Joan come out before Clone High? Because.... If I had a nickel for everytime Nicole Sullivan voiced a girl named Joan who turns a sex freak into a semi honest man. I'd have two nickels
@ratlifer2050 Жыл бұрын
Quaqmires hipocrisy just makes me hate him more
@MrJomalley123 Жыл бұрын
I really dont like him for being a massive hypocrite
@Mystiq81 Жыл бұрын
I absolutely hated the way the show wrote Loretta. I thought the episode where they had her sleep with Quagmire was abhorrent. Since they don't know how to write for teenage girls, I guess that is the excuse for how they wrote Loretta. I'm tired of Black women only seen as abrasive and bitchy. We have other qualities just as other women of other races. I almost quit watching the show and wish I had.
@chancedream1583 Жыл бұрын
do you mean Roberta the daughter or do you mean Cleveland's former wife Loretta?
@Mystiq81 Жыл бұрын
@@chancedream1583 Cleveland's wife Loretta. The not knowing how to write teenage girls was their excuse for the way they wrote Meg. I think that is crap as well.
@chancedream1583 Жыл бұрын
@@Mystiq81 Yep Loretta never did anything important to the plot, she was just Cleveland's wife before the episode where she cheated on Cleveland with Quagmire which meant that the writers really don't know how to write quirky black characters as a lot of them are Jewish men coming up with these plotlines
@peterversionone Жыл бұрын
Just noticed, where is Quagmire’s mother. Brian’s retort to Glenn was awesome
@keyboardwarrior3702 Ай бұрын
I have a theory that clarifies the Brian/Quagmire dynamic. He lost his true love(Pearl) and didn't want a loveless/turbulent marriage like... Pretty much the rest of the cast. Except for Quagmire! So Brian starts mirroring this behavior. While everyone else makes empty insults- Quagmire tries to stop him by giving valid criticism. He gives Brian that speech specifically because he's the only one who can. When he's saying "At least I'm honest about who I am" he's not excusing his own behavior. He's trying to tell Brian "Stop trying to be me- you aren't-and you don't want to" Neither of them understands what the other actually means- they keep escalating and emulating each other.
@moxxiedemongamer3019 Жыл бұрын
Well Quagmire may not be a Good Person but he's the Funniest character in Family Guy
@garynaccarato4606 Жыл бұрын
I definitely don't think that Quagmire was intended to be a 100% good and upstanding individual and I don't think that it was ever intended for us to 100% sympathize with everything he does.
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