Millennial Parenting on TikTok Is WILD...

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Haylo Hayley

Haylo Hayley

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Oh, boy...
instagram: halohayleys
tiktok: halohayley
Thanks for watching!

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@cleocat1098 4 ай бұрын
Motherhood shouldn't be an aesthetic, the most important thing has to be the happieness and wellbeing of your CHILD!
@Nopee906 4 ай бұрын
It's not about aesthetics. It's about losing our village. People are going to the internet to find the communities they should be reaching out to in the real world, but it's 1) expensive to do a so in most cases 2) Hard to find the right circles when their are so few and 3) not having time or energy to do so. So "I'm a silky mom" "I'm an almond mom" "I'm a crunchy mom" is really just "I identify as part of this community" There's loads of examples of this even outside of parenthood.
@heath6802 4 ай бұрын
Parents of that generation really seem to be having children to serve as dolls to show off or an achievement to announce instead of actually being parents
@Judys-Stuff 4 ай бұрын
@@heath6802 I think it's not just that generation, older parent-child relationships were also based on showing off your kids/ representing how good your parents are at parenting.
@DarkGuardianSilvers 4 ай бұрын
@DrAngelKins 4 ай бұрын
​@heath6802, that has been a thing since I don't know how long. Some parents either show you off or not take care of you, but usually it's a middle ground
@Lavender_Chan 4 ай бұрын
All children deserved parents but not all parents deserved children.
@DarkGuardianSilvers 4 ай бұрын
one of the wisest statements ever
@Demurerose 4 ай бұрын
Any parent video has this comment.
@ShadowYetSleepy 4 ай бұрын
@@Demurerose It’s an easy way for people to get likes. For it’s unfortunately been overdone even though the message is true
@Im_nothim34 4 ай бұрын
​@@ShadowYetSleepyhow is it an easy way to get likes people can say what they want to say
@ShadowYetSleepy 4 ай бұрын
@@Im_nothim34 Because of course it’s a highly agreed comment and I agree to it of course. But I’m not saying they’re not allowed to say it though for if they want to say it, they can
@Nancho0o7 3 ай бұрын
a child learning to read is **NOT** ending their childhood??? I volunteer at my local preschool and those kids were so excited when they learned how to read their first word. How is it that some parents just can't handle basic human skills???
@mrdino-h6v 2 ай бұрын
fr!, my brother started reading at the age of 5 and he loves it. He can sit and read for hours to hours on end, learning him to read at a early age helped him much in school he got good grades and still is to this day. He just ended 6th grade with mostly A points in reading and writing bc me and my father helped him read at a early age.
@ErutaniaRose 2 ай бұрын
They devalue education tbh. I was a kid who loved to read and was shamed out of it thanks to ableist schooling and being undiagnosed but equally shamed. I hope all kids can find the joy of reading in whatever way works for them. ❤️
@silverspire567 2 ай бұрын
I LOVED reading even before I started school; I had a high reading level for a preschooler not because I was forced to grow up early, or whatever bullshit she said, I just liked reading
@janmeyer3129 2 ай бұрын
I was reading well before school - mainly newspapers and magazines, because that was what was around the house (apart from “Squik the Squirrel Possum”, a whole lot other of sauce bottle labels, shoe polish tins etc) - but absolutely LOVED the chanting the words all together ‘reading’ about Dick and Jane we did in class when I started school. Was as much fun as singing in a choir. It was only at the start of second grade, when we were allowed to choose a book for silent reading that I made the connection between the two sorts of activities.
@giovannavalero1933 2 ай бұрын
My child is 4, and I thought I can't describe the feelings I got when I saw him writing his name for the first time. Education is something I take seriously.
@DavidCruickshank 4 ай бұрын
When parental abuse and neglect becomes ✨AESTHETIC ✨ 😨😨
@Artsyastet 4 ай бұрын
It should not be an ✨Aesthetic ✨ 😃😀
@That_Russel_Pup 4 ай бұрын
Good ol’ ✨aesthetics✨be promoting ✨child abuse✨
@iamrealderpy33 4 ай бұрын
Fr this was my childhood I would not wish it on my worst enemy
@ScentsibleJournal 4 ай бұрын
More like neglect. Not particularly abuse
@Digital_d0ll 4 ай бұрын
@@ScentsibleJournal could be both
@SillyWolfGuy 4 ай бұрын
“I’m a silky mom so naturally I love going bankrupt, giving my kids mental health issues, and feeding the American obesity rates”
@daft_j 4 ай бұрын
it feels strange considering i struggled with weight as a kid. yea, we had to switch when i was a kid and i was still chubby! we should teach varieties of eating food and how to establish a good relationship with food. have some treats here and here, but also let's make eating healthy fun and enjoyable!
@Octowoman2419 4 ай бұрын
“i’m a silky mom. of course everyday they get a happy meal and Mac and cheese and I don’t care if they get diabetes and heart disease or even terminal illness because at least foods like that make them happy let kids live fast and die young 😍”
@jovanarosic3606 4 ай бұрын
​@@Octowoman2419 my friend's mom was leting her eat only meat and snack bc she didn't like It. She only forcing her to eat corn. She's having problems now 4 ай бұрын
Also, the whole family is allergic to discipline
@alexanderkelsey-gi4qn 4 ай бұрын
Yep, and her fortitude is equal to a strand of silk as well..
@kimmeeb 4 ай бұрын
The “not going to the doctor unless it’s severe” is something that SERIOUSLY messed me up as an adult. I have gone to work while deathly ill and extended my recovery by weeks because of it. And it’s not just physical health; i let mental health problems fester unabated because they “werent that bad” and ended up in an inpatient psychiatric facility because of it. That shit hurts kids way down the line
@MorganMagpie 3 ай бұрын
I talked myself out of "bothering the doctor" so many times when I was in a situation that was flashing a red light because it just got incrementally worse, and dealing with it day to day took up 80% of my mental energy. My doctor was like... if your nerves are on fire and your limbs are losing feeling, that is something he darn well wants to know! The number of times I've mentioned something that has just always been there and he just stares at me, deadpan. He has actually head-desked in my appointments. He now makes a point to reaffirm, "Yes, this is something we need to talk about," to drill it into my brain. I got it into my head that I can have X amount of things wrong. So I can talk about my migraines, but is it more important that the room spins now and then? There are loads of things like that, and he's trying to get it into my brain that it's his job to decide what's important with me and that having more than one problem isn't "a bother!"
@Rodrick_pookie 2 ай бұрын
What do you work as?
@randomwhatever5403 Ай бұрын
Yeah not only does that denial of healthcare threaten the lives of the kids and yeah it still it fucks you up when you get older too. I was experiencing extreme abdominal pain unrelated to menstruation, and my momma told me "we will only go if you think it's actually something cuz we don't want to go there and not be anything" and I was like 16 I had no idea what a burst appendix is like all I knew was it was The worst pain I've ever experienced in my life. I was curled up on the couch crying from extreme pain and I literally begged my mom to "please just tell me what it's like what is am I supposed to know! I don't know what I need to look out for!" and she just didn't. She refused to. She just told me that well let me know if you think we actually need to go. I would have died on that couch. If it was something that would have threatened my life I would have just died on that couch on my own as she went back to her room because "we only get treatment if were sure we actually need it". She also took away my health care when my doctor said I needed to get a diagnosis and medication because she fought I was being "lazy" if I was diagnosed and she didn't want me "using drugs" It took me so long to unlearn that awful mentality because your taught to ignore your pain. It took me till I was like 19 to realize you can take painkillers like It's okay to just do that. I didn't even really think it was an option till I was about 18 and then I realized a bunch of people actually do that. And I still struggle with that. I went through many years of extraordinarily bad cramps every single period without ever using painkillers, and I still feel bad using them. But like I finally actually go to the doctors and use medication, but it still feels weird to me.
@goosehubtheshipnerd 13 күн бұрын
Let’s talk almond moms I go to the doctor but I can tell when herbs or a doctor can fix it
@Thejigholeman 4 ай бұрын
"don't take them to the doctor unless they are REALLY sick." That reminds me of something my father (boomer) did to me years ago. I was having diarrhea every few hours, and told him i needed to go to a doctor. he told me i had a "nervous stomach" like my grandma. a few months later it was diarrhea every few minutes. again he told me it was just my nervous stomach. i told him i had nothing to be nervous about, but he insisted that a nervous stomach could cause trouble even when not nervous. Eventually it was about a year since my problem started, and i was in the bathroom for 24 hours straight. just chugging water hand having diarrhea for 24 straight hours. He FINALLY says "fine, maybe something is wrong" and got me a test kit from my doctor.... turns out i had Cdiff for a year. i was sick for a year and nearly died, because my father decided he knew better.
@valeriaswanne 4 ай бұрын
Tbh doctors are crap and probably would have said the same thing. Unless you are REALLY REALLY sick, they really don't care so long as they get paid
@BabyMonkeyDefender 4 ай бұрын
Dammit so much! I'm a boomer, but the last thing I'd do was ignore my daughter if she came to me with something bothering her! Kids or not, they know their bodies better than anyone! What kind of parent invalidates their child's concerns about their own health? I don't know what my daughter was born in, as I don't follow the boomer gen x millennial thingy, but she was born in 1992. Thankfully she is the kind of mother I was; attentive to her child's needs and responds to her kid when he goes to her with something HE knows is wrong. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I'm surprised your little self survived! That's a lot of fluid you kept losing for an entire year, or more! I hope he felt horrible after he found out he was way wrong. Love to you and that kid in you who had to suffer so long.
@effysparkle9865 4 ай бұрын
I’m so sorry for you. And still I would say kids get sick a lot, and while their immune system is down from sickness it’s not always the first thing to go to the doctor where they can (and probably will) get exposed to worse illnesses, so I do think that, BUT (!!!) if a child is having diarrhea for over 24 hours that’s DEFINITELY a valid reason to get to the doctor (as diarrhea is a very serious symptom) there’s a place of in between that parents today are neglecting because everyone and everything has to be “all out” and to the extreme otherwise it doesn’t count 🤷🏻‍♀️ but it goes all ways.
@Apopcyp 4 ай бұрын
Diarrhea is the most common cause of death for children under 5 worldwide. Children have a different physiological ability to cope with water and electrolyte loss. They will dehydrate much quicker than an adult. It’s likely that you initially had “run of mill” diarrhea initially and that weakened your immune system to be able to fight off the bacteria which later caused the infection. It’s insane you went so long with that infection, I’m sure not exactly how long someone can have C. diff, but in my experience with patients so far in my 5 years of working in a hospital, I’ve only seen it active for ~ 1 month or it would come and go for a couple weeks at a time. I don’t have kids of my own (yet), but I worked on a Children’s’ ED unit for a couple months and initially, I would sort of get irritated at parents who brought their kids in for things that could’ve been a normal doctor’s visit. But then we had a kid brought in who should’ve been brought in much much sooner… I realized I’d rather deal with a day full of negative flu and strep tests from overly cautious parents than a single case of negligent parenting
@Wolfie54545 4 ай бұрын
It’s like when someone tells a women “anxiety” is causing her problems.
@hellsworld1 4 ай бұрын
Honestly, half of these are actual forms of abuse- even mildly.
@DropDread 4 ай бұрын
Very true, at any severity, abuse is abuse
@kitty79er 4 ай бұрын
honestly the only one that only seems a little weird was the first one, no where near as bad as the other ones tho
@kathyortega4021 2 ай бұрын
Ikr, some are just downright neglectful like the almond mom😭😭hopefully the almond mom kids don’t get a deadly disease😭😭😭😡😡💩
@kitty79er Ай бұрын
@@EmilystarshineYt i know i said they were the ONLY ones who were ONLY a LITTLE weird....
@AnabobAnabanAna94 3 ай бұрын
The video of the mother sobbing in front of her child really upset me. I’m not saying that you should hide emotions from children but breaking down like that must have been really scary. Children look to their parents for reassurance and guidance so for the child to see their child so sad and exhausted probably confused and scared him beyond belief. Also, a two year old is not going to understand emotional stability as there are many people in the world a lot older that still don’t competent the subject. I hope the mother realized that that was not an adequate way to educate her child.
@veronicawilson7594 Ай бұрын
Yeah my mom was completely emotionally disregulated and threatened to kill her self in front of me for the first time when I was about 3. I'm now 28 and have no relationship with her, still have nightmares about her somehow being given responsibility for my care again. If you aren't able to regulate your own emotions you shouldn't be alone with kids ever
@katg8064 4 ай бұрын
"why do i need to stare at them while they practice? That doesn't do anyone any good..." ....why do you need people to watch while you work out? That doesnt do anyone any good...
@Poopiepies 4 ай бұрын
And they were outside on the football feild! Could she not just take a few laps around the field while watching him if she “had to” squeeze in a workoutout?
@sorensharp4377 4 ай бұрын
Hearing “why do i need to stare at them? that doesn’t do anyone any good…” breaks my fucking heart. What have we come to as a society that you can’t see the value in watching your own child be happy and express themselves? shouldn’t you WANT to watch your kid doing what matters to them?
@goosehubtheshipnerd 4 ай бұрын
This is like saying why do I need to train my animals so that both our lives are better 😑
@Sarah-l8r2w 4 ай бұрын
Especially because she is working out there obviously hoping that people will stare at her.
@Eggs_hatching 4 ай бұрын
For the parent that thinks books ruin childhood... I got a childrens book for their kid... its called "Matilda" I think they will relate
@erika-paigehutch3930 3 ай бұрын
@MasterGamer-f4n 3 ай бұрын
I love that movie!
@BracedFourImpaction 3 ай бұрын
I have another. Madeline. Girl growing up in an orphanage. Books literally open imagination. If anything, books help your kids act more like kids. As a bookworm, I'm prideful in my immersion in books since being a child (I'm now 15) and my widespread imagination. Some parents are just dumb.
@C4t4clysm1c 3 ай бұрын
@revival_of_the_canned_justice 2 ай бұрын
@Ronnie-f5h 4 ай бұрын
as a person who was given unsupervised internet acess since an extremly young age. giving kids that sort of acess from a young age is a TERRIBLE idea. the internet is not a safe space for children. its never going to be. i got lucky, and just ended up a weird theatre kid (with a bit of a fanfiction phase thrown in). some people had it WAY worse and got HORRID ptsd. dont give your kids their own devices until theyre AT LEAST tweens. and supervise them while theyre on the internet until theyre at least teens.
@madokami03 4 ай бұрын
As someone who started on the same path as you (theatre kid stuff, fanfic and other phases) but didn't end up so lucky (got groomed and did end up with PTSD). Yeah, the internet is just not a safe place for children, whatsoever honestly. No matter how careful and safe you are online when you're that young, it's just such a slippery slope. And I worry with the declining rates of general education levels in this new generation, it'll make these children even more vulnerable to people out to prey on them
@Ronnie-f5h 4 ай бұрын
also, your kids WILL, and i mean it, are bound to find inapropriate things on the internet. i found out what a rimjob was at eleven because of this kind of "chuck a device at them and we'll be fine" parenting. kids are curious by nature and will find this stuff if you let them on the internet without active supervision. and its hard to even tell that they know about this stuff if you're not being attentive with your parenting. its hard to imagine that, but you cant just think youre special and your kid will turn a blind eye, because kids are naturally rebellious and if something is labelled as "innapropriate" they'll be curious about it. im not saying dont let your kids on the internet, just dont give it to them unsupervised until they're teens. and "supervised" means youre activley watching and interacting with your child while they're on the internet.
@qwmx 4 ай бұрын
The internet is a wild west.
@jfzzlc 4 ай бұрын
These mothers claim they don't want to rob their children of their childhoods, yet they are actively allowing them to enter a world where they will be forced to mature at a very young age. 💀
@zurirobinson2749 4 ай бұрын
I've been on the Internet since the mid/late 2000s as a little kid and saw some SERIOUSLY messed up shit. The scary misinformation that I believed, the unsupervised conversations with adult strangers... I now believe that the whole Internet should be for 13+. I am terrified for children today who have TABLETS- at least I had to physically sit at a comouter where my parents could see me!
@christina2850 4 ай бұрын
When I hear the word "silky" I automatically think of the Silkie Chicken breed...we aren't the same lol.
@toulousegoose1150 4 ай бұрын
The little fluffy chickens are so much better.
@SoggyWeetabix 4 ай бұрын
@Bookwormqueen96 4 ай бұрын
I automatically thought of Silky from Teen Titans (not teen titans go) 😅
@2okaycola 4 ай бұрын
🤣 they’re so pretty
@Ugliesteffingskirt 4 ай бұрын
I think silky nutmeg ganache
@luvviiin 3 ай бұрын
as someone who had unlimited screen time as a kid, i am all for limiting your children screen time and NOT giving them their own device until their at least in 6th grade.
@TheStar121 2 ай бұрын
Fr bro when I was like 8-12 I started getting my own devices but my parents made sure I wasn't spending all day on them. I was mad at first, but looking back, they only did it because they cared about me. But now they've changed. My sister and I are allowed to spend all day on our phones, and nobody tries to stop us. I've been working hard to find hobbies outside of screen time, and I think I'm doing pretty well, but my sister just spends all day on KZbin shorts, and it's clearly had an effect on her behavior and the way she talks. My dad complains about it, but I think he should step in and do something about it if he cares so much. So yeah. Limit your kids screen time. They might not like it, but it'll be much better for them in the long run. (I kinda wish my parents were even stricter about screen time tho cuz I had unsupervised Internet access and it messed me up)
@KiraJ-ru7ll Ай бұрын
Yeah it messed me up fr
@dashaash5903 Ай бұрын
Schools in my country working with rules about no phones in school, but it's been 2 years and nothing changed. School constantly needs kids to have phone to get something from internet for classes, or contact parents for some reason (idk why students needs to do that, when teacher can).
@TheStar121 Ай бұрын
@@dashaash5903 yeah the excuse kids give is always "but what if i need to contact my parents!!!1!1111!!!1" just let the teachers do it if it's that important. and for the internet kids not have laptops provided to them by the school?? that's how it is for me, but idk about other schools
@dashaash5903 Ай бұрын
@@TheStar121 we don't, we had computers for informatics classes, but we weren't allowed to get in class to use them without teacher. Some of school in my country don't even have computers and they just use books to teach about it🤷‍♀️
@ljoanshevchenko5884 4 ай бұрын
The lady being mad about a child knowing how to read early is WILD to me, you’re literally raising a human being that NEEDS to learn how to read, why gate keep it so they “stay kids longer” wtf
@notmydidea 2 ай бұрын
its not even "staying kids" its "staying naiive and easily manipulatable and gr00mable"
@Hmclaughs 2 ай бұрын
Kids are literally learning machines, they crave it!!! So bizarre
@Nox_eatsrocks 4 ай бұрын
im surprised these moms dont give their kids a tablet right as they come out the womb😭
@genieinalampproductions4431 4 ай бұрын
"Out of the womb, give 'em a screen before they're in the tomb!" -one of these moms, probably.
@Nox_eatsrocks 4 ай бұрын
@@genieinalampproductions4431 HAHAHA
@Moongirlgacha_roblox6643 4 ай бұрын
Nah I’m suprised these moms don’t shove their iPad in the womb for the fetus
@sharihazlett3774 4 ай бұрын
Give it time. They'll bring 1 with them and hand it to them
@LiterallyAllNamesAreTaken 4 ай бұрын
you’re not far off, I saw a video of a mum giving her daughter a tablet for her 1st birthday.
@brose-bg3ks 4 ай бұрын
Back in my day my siblings and I drank water from the hose, badly scraped our knees from falling off our bicycles, yet still had to wash our hands before eating and were taken to the hospital for illnesses. Oh I’m 23 btw, not 70.
@therealopaartist 4 ай бұрын
My mom was a combination of strict and lenient. She didn’t care where we went as long as we stayed in the neighborhood and came home before the streetlights, and if we DID want to leave to go to the park or something we had to ask her or our older cousin to take us (they playground was literally two blocks over and right up the street). We had snacks and tv and stuff but that was limited. Had a healthy amount of technology AND going outside. Going too hard in one direction messes your kid up.
@MissShinyLemon 4 ай бұрын
@@therealopaartist Thank you!! Something my mom always was "too much is never good, and too little can be just as bad." She's amazing. Unfortunetely for other kids, most parents can never find the middle ground between being strict and lenient.
@N0EL-7007 4 ай бұрын
@@therealopaartist I had it similar. I actually wasn’t even allowed to go in the front yard alone until I was around 12-13. I wasn’t allowed on social media and just in general had moderation. That said I was also allowed to have snacks (but it was still limited and you had to ask) and from quite a young age I had a CRT TV in my room, but it was mostly for my DVD’s so I wasn’t consistently watching unless it was a movie, and I didn’t use cable until I was older. I had screen time although as I got older as long as I was being respectful and responsible I wouldn’t have much of a limit. I also never really had a set bedtime, but I already struggled to sleep so it never made a difference. Id just be asked to settle down at a certain time. We were always encouraged to go outside, like most kids would before technology took over, and I enjoy sports so naturally we would be active and away from screens. I feel like my parents were strict enough while also allowing free time and in a way giving us privilege and an enjoyable childhood, but we had to earn it.
@TessaToby 4 ай бұрын
i am 12. we still do this.
@sbielec30 4 ай бұрын
And you learned that water needs to run a few minutes before drinking out the hose 😂
@murderercrow 2 ай бұрын
10:12 [TW: child depression] I learned how corrupt the government was at like 7-8 because the justice system failed me. I remember feeling very distanced, very apart and different from other kids. I remember how the joy and childish whimsy from my life disappeared and I learned to hate and for a long time I just ran autopilot on hate and I am just learning how it feels to show your affection to other people. I remember feeling very misunderstood and disconnected. I remember being on recess and just walking in the garden, walking without any destination or purpose. I was soulless. I felt empty. Parents, be parents. Don’t be a political figure to them. Don’t take their childhood away. Don’t raise them with a political side.
@Moony_paws 2 ай бұрын
can you help me through that because people don't care about children enough
@aresartur4753 4 ай бұрын
Every time she's saying "I'm a silky mom.." I hear - "I don't care as a mother...." disgusting 🤢
@Curlyheart 4 ай бұрын
I just hear "I'm a incompetent person who lacks the basic knowledge of how much you should let your child eat in a day."
@ritzritzer7836 4 ай бұрын
What is silky exactly? I'm really confused about what that means. 😂 I thought she meant like silk sheets at first.
@CarbonatedCondensation 4 ай бұрын
@@ritzritzer7836I think it’s meant to be the opposite of crunchy. I don’t really know how to explain it, but ReallyVeryCrunchy does a really good exaggeration of it
@kitty79er 4 ай бұрын
@@CarbonatedCondensation no the creator put the def in the video, they are someone who practices more lenient style parenting and is doing so with tech and easy access or something similar to that because i'm to lazy to look back at it
@HoldingOn-kd8ib 4 ай бұрын
It’s just the inverse of “crunchy” and no, this isn’t a lack of care. You should let your kids eat when they are hungry.
@gnarlymarley7348 4 ай бұрын
As a millennial parent, WE DONT CLAIM HER!! this is so gross.
@anillegalblonde 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for being a normal parent
@christineeleonorepoppe6745 4 ай бұрын
As a millennial parent please let's not claim any of them 💀
@Aisha-Nyxn 4 ай бұрын
OH MY GOSH FINALLY!!!! I've found some good millennial parents! Thank you so much for not following these stupid TikTok "trends" 😭
@Baseball_bat.1 4 ай бұрын
Im glad you’re the normal millennial parents
@LoudieD123 4 ай бұрын
I hate that millennial parents are being targeted for being “crappy” parents. 😅 Most people seem to forget that these are also gen-z parents, not just millennials.
@forestjester3738 4 ай бұрын
12:56 , actually that TikTok is made by a woman who does 2 sentence horror story content, that was one of them, they’re supposed to be shocking, she has two sons and no daughter, her sons don’t know about what she films about but they kind of act as a co-actor for some 2 sentence horror stories involving kids and the like (like horror revolving around monsters under a bed or something of the like) so she doesn’t expose it to him, Im pretty sure the story wasn’t written by her as well
@virtual123hug 4 ай бұрын
Bro reading was half my childhood. Happy Hollisters, Nancy Drew, Beatrix Potter, Percy Jackson. Don’t deprive your kids of that.
@MusikGirl23 4 ай бұрын
Same! Story is that when we moved 3 days after my second birthday, all my parents had to do was stick me in my new bedroom with my little rocking chair, a stack of books, and my favourite stuffed bunny. They were good for at least an hour…obviously I wasn’t reading many words at that stage, but just looking at the pictures and remembering the stories was good. Now, forcing younger and younger children to LEARN to read when it is not developmentally appropriate yet is different, and every child is ready at a different point. I was reading some words and things at 3, but really took off around age 5.5 when it was fully introduced to those of us who were ready in kindergarten. Funny thing that readiness…we only had 2.5-3 hours of school a day, yet we still managed plenty of academic skills along with playtime outside, phys Ed class, music, and indoor playtime (I remember the play kitchen setup in the classroom and the doll house very well). It’s possible to do both.
@dans-jr3eo 4 ай бұрын
I WANTED to read and I’m a minor
@sanr10luvs 4 ай бұрын
Morris Gletsman? As a gen alpha I LOVE his books
@virtual123hug 4 ай бұрын
@@sanr10luvs ooh I haven’t heard of his books but they look really good
@sadgirl2.0 4 ай бұрын
Jacqueline Wilson, Enid Blyton, and Diary of a wimpy kid and dork diaries 😭 I'll be forever grateful to my parents for buying me so many books ☺️
@stefansalvatore7576 4 ай бұрын
“I’m a silky mom, of course my kids have unsupervised access to the internet and will probably be groomed by multiple creeps, which will therefore cause them tons of issues!🤪🤪”
@Curlyheart 4 ай бұрын
Some say its a hostel inhabitanting the strangest creeps...
@dwliejk-vd7pt 4 ай бұрын
It is virtually dropping off your kid in a big city at night without teaching or warning them about anything at all
@sarahbfan86 4 ай бұрын
About the dr thing. There are parents who take their kids to the dr for every sniffle and cough and the kids get antibiotics everytime. Which is bad. Its creating drug resistant strains of thing our immune systems can fight off if given the chance. Kids get colds and coughs and its ok to just let them be sick. You're not a bad parent for not taking them to the dr for everything. Kindergarten is no longer Kindergarten. It's the new 1st grade. There's no naps. Its full days with a curriculum and homework. School is pushed earlier and earlier and now we have some of the lowest rates of reading fluency ever. School is not about learning to socialize and giving every child the best education possible. Its about getting you ready to work to the schedule of a bell and not question the boss.
@katierucker2870 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, my mom was never neglectful but she didn’t have us go to the doctors for every cold that we had. People back then did have chicken pox groups for the kids to build immunity before there were vaccines. It sucks, sure, but that’s how it was at the time. I obviously would opt for my kid to have a chicken pox vaccine but I think building immunity is also important and not neglectful.
@thesillinessiscontagious 2 ай бұрын
For the first one, I had unlimited screen time and had tablets with unrestricted access to it when I was 3-4. Many years later as a teenager, it frustrates me when I see parents do the same thing my mother did. It really f#cked me up, because I seen a lot of disgusting sh#t I shouldn’t have when I was 5 and I just hate the thought of other people going through the same thing I did because the parents couldn’t be bothered to properly raise them..
@olicityfan1150 4 ай бұрын
That mother mentally breaking down in front of her kid really makes me mad! My mom has done the same thing with me for years because she has a bunch of mental issues, but that has caused me to have a bunch of mental problems as well!
@CDScarber 4 ай бұрын
Preach. That poor kid is in for a lifetime of walking around on eggshells.
@reformedbroski8988 4 ай бұрын
Also a mother in stress infront of their child causes many issues mentally for the baby down the line. Her behavior was absolutely disgusting.
@user-bi8ko7kc6h 4 ай бұрын
You want what makes it even worst. No one, literally NO ONE having a mental break up then set up a camera.
@sierrabird2460 4 ай бұрын
RIGHT! like you can cry in front of your kids that's fine. But don't emotionally abuse them and tell him it's his fault.
@maevokaya1067 4 ай бұрын
​@@sierrabird2460I've cried in front of my kid, but apologised afterwards.
@mitsu-irenou 4 ай бұрын
whenever i see parents like this, it just reinforces my belief that there should be a test people need to past before becoming parents. like these people are not equipped to be raising entire humans
@Aisha-Nyxn 4 ай бұрын
I agree, actually! We have licenses for driving, why not for parenting too?
@ElinWinblad 4 ай бұрын
@@Aisha-Nyxnbecause then you’d be governing ppls body and most ppl are against that
@Aisha-Nyxn 4 ай бұрын
@@ElinWinblad ohhh… I see where you’re coming from… but it’s still not right for children to grow up with horrible parents!
@twideslauriers7875 3 ай бұрын
@@Aisha-Nyxnbecause it would only be enforced on people of color and queer parents. having an autism diagnosis officially can already get your kids taken away regardless of any other circumstances
@quittingforeverandever37282 4 ай бұрын
ok why is NOBODY talking about 7:15 ?! that’s so messed up, what on God’s green earth would make you want to feed your kids rocks, dirt, sticks, sand, and… shopping carts?!
@retaliationeffort2864 2 ай бұрын
I think she means putting them in the mouth instead of actually eating it. The only concerning one is the sticks as it can puncture the intestines if actually swallowed. My cousin used to eat dirt as a kid. He’s a little weird but perfectly fine.
@little1133 4 ай бұрын
The unlimited screen time thing really depends on the parent. Me and my siblings had unlimited screen time, but our parents actually parented us. The unlimited screen time wasn't out of laziness in parenting. We were also taught internet safety and actual computer literacy and computer science, so we could put our unlimited screen time towards something useful and productive, and fun! My sister is now a digital artist and my brother is due to graduate with a degree in computer science this year. Me and my other brother are going non-computer related routes. My point is, a lot of people demonize the technology part when it's really all about the parents.
@headphonesaxolotl 3 ай бұрын
I only got "unlimited" screen time around 8th-9th grade. 3 ай бұрын
I was like 5 or 6 years old when I didn't have a phone yet. We had a family computer, Windows 7. I had like only 30 minutes of screentime allowed and I remember playing the Friv menu games and watching roleplay gaming videos. It was the best time.
@starofgalaxies 4 ай бұрын
I hear Selkie parents instead of silky. Honestly a seal woman being held captive who will abandon her kids as soon as she gets her hands on her seal pelt again sounds like a step up from Millennial parenting.
@spacebear1483 4 ай бұрын
Me too haha! I was like what does tv have to do with a shapeshifting seal woman
@bradleyharris774 4 ай бұрын
These kids are being set up for failure. We can sugarcoat it all we like, but these kids are going to grow up with a shitton of issues and now way to handle them. However, if there's a bright side to all of this, it's that in 30 - 50 years, the Therapy and Nursing Home Industries are going to be booming.
@alexanderkelsey-gi4qn 4 ай бұрын
Silver lining, I guess.
@goosehubtheshipnerd 4 ай бұрын
Hey I’m studying physchology Well all I can say is IM RICH HAHA (We’re screwed)
@elainascott7496 4 ай бұрын
I am so afraid for these kids. Already there are kids of Gen X'rs who are in their 20's who are at the level of middle schoolers that I have met, and I was in shock. Like, society is going to fall apart if we can't give these kids the upbringing they need.
@ahstiasummers5583 4 ай бұрын
At this rate of education with parents who think teaching their kids proper manners and how to read is "robbing them of their childhood", there won't be enough new workers in such industries to support that boom
@kathy159 4 ай бұрын
Kindergarten is not the Kindergarten that we had. They have classes like math,English, SS, gym, and so on.
@vexywexypoo 4 ай бұрын
I still had that. I didn't in preschool, but I did in Kindergarten
@user-bi8ko7kc6h 4 ай бұрын
Already like that in Asia decades ago.
@sandy_carpetsthesecond5013 4 ай бұрын
Australia calls PreSchool Kindergarten, so she was probably confused and started talking about PreSchool and Kindergarten.
@goosehubtheshipnerd 4 ай бұрын
For me kindergarten was fun and now it’s no different from 7th grade AND I HATED 7th GRADE
@skybunny6258 4 ай бұрын
What does SS stand for?
@ehe453 3 ай бұрын
My mom couldn’t make it to my softball practices because she had to work, but she stayed in her car to do her work and if she finished early, she would come out and she would put off her work during my game so she could watch me and the other parents always cheered for me when she was not there
@PreppyCircle 4 ай бұрын
Gen alpha here! My parents were the “gentle” parents. But they did it right. They still punished me, gave me healthy food (even though it was harder because I’m autistic), and they don’t shove an iPad in my face. I do use on but I watch a lot of tv too. What gentle parenting is, is parenting without abuse. A lotta millennial parents need to know that. Just to say it again, I’m autistic so I need the gentleness a bit.
@dianelipson5420 4 ай бұрын
I want you to know I hear you. I really think the only criticism is for people who are disguising neglect and they say they’re gentle parenting, but they truly never learned how to do it. I think the thoughtful applied gentle parenting is terrific, no criticism here.
@WhiteWolf-lm7gj 4 ай бұрын
​@@dianelipson5420Yeah, gentle parenting is the newest thing people misunderstand and misuse
@erika-paigehutch3930 3 ай бұрын
Gentle parenting is parenting with natural consequences instead of abuse you're right bub
@TrainWreck24-7 3 ай бұрын
Me too. However, I was given an iPad at 2. The difference is that my mom actually regulated it and made sure what I was watching wasn’t brain rotting bullshit. I have a life outside of technology, which is something I can’t say about some of the people in my school.
@Michelle-DiPalo 3 ай бұрын
​@TrainWreck24-7 My son is 8 and I did let him use my tablet to watch appropriate videos or games at times when 2/3, he was also always regulated with it. To this day, he doesn't have a TV in his room. He does have a Switch and a VR headset, but needs to earn his game time by completing homework and chores. When he's not using screen time, he loves to read, draw and even started making his own comic books.
@Miss.831 4 ай бұрын
When one of my nieces was little she was staying with my sisters mom (my dad’s ex wife), ended up getting sick and she wanted to deal with it in a natural way. My niece suffered for days and now is paraplegic, had a feeding tube, now she can feed herself somewhat, can’t talk. She’s now 25. My sister blamed her mom for it because she was never informed on nothing until she was actually taken in. She had cocci-meningitis. Don’t ever wait, if she was brought in sooner things would’ve been different.
@Nico_DiAngelo 2 ай бұрын
“Now I dont know what a ‘silky mom’ is supposed to mean, but it’s just a pretty nickname for ‘not very good’” DAYUMMMMMM🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
@plutonix5792 4 ай бұрын
7:40 That kid might grow up to walk on eggshells all the time, or be incredibly reluctant to recieve help from anyone out of fear of being a burden. There's nothing wrong with sharing your emotions to your kid, but straight-up having a mental breakdown in front of them while telling them "I'm exhausted because of you," is going to plummet their self-worth.
@dragon_girl909lol7 4 ай бұрын
My mother used very similar tactics when she was raising me and it really messed me up. I am still working through these issues in therapy. I cannot believe that that mother can claim that she is teaching her kid "emotional regulation"
@rhiannonm8132 4 ай бұрын
this happened to me too, i specifically remember once being yelled at because my birthday party was too much work or too expensive or something. i was honestly too young to really conceptualize birthday parties lol, they just decided that had to throw me one to be good parents and then they got mad that i was making their lives harder… getting emotional in front of your kids and then blaming them for it is not teaching them to handle emotions, it’s just guilting them for existing and being children/needing to be taken care of/wanting normal childhood things. parents love to hold kids to their crazy standards. a kid is going to cry and need things and want to play in the mud.
@nala7829 3 ай бұрын
100%. Don't stonewall, but definitely don't vent about your kids to your kids (or anywhere they could hear.)
@erika-paigehutch3930 3 ай бұрын
I was thinking about that too, if someone I view as an adult above me cries I will habe a panic attack because so many adults cried to me when I was growing up and I was always told how stressful and much me and my siblings were
@-Apathy- Ай бұрын
One of my parents does this to me all the time. Even threatening suicide or breaking dishes over head and stuff. Now I lack empathy lmao
@wizardvrse7338 4 ай бұрын
I mean this in the most respectful way. You and your sister are two of the loudest Australians I’ve ever seen, and I’m here for it. 😂
@pringlebatch 2 ай бұрын
Does her sister have a channel too? 😃
@wizardvrse7338 2 ай бұрын
@@pringlebatch yeah hers is called Drama Kween or something like that. But just a heads up she is L O U D and some of the takes. ..she’s cool, I just don’t agree with her every time.
@Matilda-y 2 ай бұрын
I would love this channel if it wasn’t for the loud yelling talking. She’s going to damage her voice talking in that way.
@kimikolee7313 2 ай бұрын
4:48 I remember when that one mom was legit mauled on the internet when she spray painted her child’s toy Christmas tree to fit her beige aesthetic. Then saw a comment how “the goth baby gets more color exposure” so I looked up the goth baby. There is a mom who is goth, and she dresses her baby in black. The nursery, crib, decor, and her baby clothes were all dark. But guess what? The goth mom had a WHOLE ROOM of colorful toys and painted walls. She gave her baby “color exposure” so this way her aesthetic didn’t stunt her baby’s growth. You can still have your aesthetic, just make sure you actually help develop your child and not hinder it
@thefoxden9051 4 ай бұрын
I remember my grandmother made me sit down to do a Pratice reading/writing work book every summer, only for 30 minutes a day. I always hated it as a child because I always thought summer was meant to be fun, but looking back, I'm happy she did that. It helped improved my reading and writing skills. It was the same thing with math. So, seeing parents nowadays on how they raised their kids, it makes me grateful for having a good family, but makes me sad that these kids are not getting taught properly. I really hope things change soon.
@Chevy-os1tp 4 ай бұрын
Bro mine did the same
@someoneschannel9734 4 ай бұрын
lol my parents were exactly like that. Back then(the 2000s) they restricted my TV time, video games, and even playing outside until I finished all my work/chores heck even summer I had workbooks. Even in my early teen years My ipod and Internet usage was limited till I got chores done. I thought I wasn’t having as much fun like the other kids but looking back im glad I was raised right.
@goosehubtheshipnerd 4 ай бұрын
I loved reading enough we didn’t have to do this with me Not to brag but by third grade I was the highest reading level And you know what I’m sad that there will be even fewer kids to achieve this now
@qwmx 4 ай бұрын
​@@goosehubtheshipnerd Same case here. Bibliophiles UNITE!
@T8ertottt 4 ай бұрын
The fact that some parents are doing this now scares me.
@LovingGodLovingOthers 4 ай бұрын
I have like 4 millennials in my family and they all parent like this, with iPads and not teaching them anything just letting them be independent toddlers basically. I wish I could tell them what they’re doing is soooo bad but I’m not close enough with any of them to give advice plus I’m not a mom yet (I am in my mid 20s so I’m not too young to not know any better or something). When I went to buy a toy for one of the baby’s birthdays recently, there were so many good learning toys for babies but they were almost all toys you need your parents to help you play with so I felt really disappointed and actually worried & upset for the baby
@serinadelmar6012 4 ай бұрын
None of the millennials I know parent like this. There has always been dumb parents or there wouldn’t be these parents. Also the fact that Millennials are parents now? You realise that the oldest Gen Z is now 27 and some millennials now have adult children. That first lady was no way millennial.
@mrce420.7 4 ай бұрын
​@@serinadelmar6012 she definitely could have been, the comment above you is right man, lots of them are doing this.
@CatsSmore 4 ай бұрын
Naw watch 90% gen alpha be absolutely rude and entitled. And when us gen Z people have kids we’re gonna have to deal with our kids being absolutely bullied
@CorruptedKarma 4 ай бұрын
Millennials been parents for a long time, these aren't millennials
@louderthanwordsInclusivity Ай бұрын
Also, public school is not the only school, and daycares can often be problematic and even abusive and neglectful depending on the region you live in and what you can form. Not to mention even HOMESCHOOLING can offer structure, routine, and social interaction, so much so that over the past ten years every study done has show MODERN homeschoolers to have superior social adjustment, social skills, social diversity and emotional maturity to both private and public educated children and adults. In the modern age, there are more opportunities for socialization as a homeschooler than any other option, due to the countless homeschool groups and meets, co ops that meet daily, field trips, science fairs, forest schools, and so much more. My fiancé was homeschooled and quite literally was in a homeschool band, he traveled and toured with them even and ended up branching off and playing with diverse people from that, he also met with homeschool groups daily, did field trips, did authentic long term projects with groups of other people he had both long and short term relationships with without any adult intervention so he developed skills for self guidance and problem solving as well as navigating diverse social interactions. And he also had a pretty good structure, waking up daily, starting school fora couple hours, then going to meet with the co op to free play for 1 hour, do group projects for a bit, work on whatever the co op focus was for that day, then free play for longer, then they just chilled and did whatever they did as a family for several hours, then he had music lessons, computer class, Boy Scouts, or band practice with his friends depending on the day (all of this is after school hours so he saw tons of non homeschooled kids as well). He also got chances to volunteer as well on one day a week as a part of his structure. I met him at a youth group when he came to play music there at an event actually. This idea that anything but public school and day care means unstructured and un socialized is so outdated and ignorant at this point. Not to mention that MY children attended day care for a month before I pulled them, after one of my sons medical issues were being neglected and , made worse by them and they let him marinate in poop for so long his booty was BLEEDING, and the other son has bruises and bites that were unexplained every day. My kids were miserable, declining, becoming withdrawn, and having a fit every morning. When I pulled them and began just staying home and working with them, they blossomed, and if anything we had a BETTER and more beneficial structure and routine at home, starting the day with breakfast activities, often outside, then spending a couple hours playing at the park with other munchkins, then therapies, then free play inside or outside with art materials, and some days we went to the children’s museum, indoor play ground, zoo, etc…. With OTHER kids. napping when they were tired, as it should be at that young of an age quite honestly. I just don’t understand why everyone thinks that public school and daycare are the only good options, especially when we have evidence and data proving otherwise. The only data that says anything contrary, doesnt! As it only compares daycare attendees to at risk children of lower income homes, single mother homes, or homes that aren’t actually engaging in any type of ECE, home education, developmental stimulation and developmentally appropriate activities, or social interaction and special excursions. It’s comparing those who’s parents work and come home, feed the kids and go to bed after a sitter kept the kids alive and not much else all day, to day care.
@ksmiley013 4 ай бұрын
And I can confirm that some parents use sports as a big babysitter. My daughter is 8 and does soccer. We have practice twice a week. Parents will drop their kids off and be gone. These are 8/9 year olds!! The coach is constantly sending out group text sayings, so an so needs mom, no mom insight. It just really errks me..
@oliviaelderberry9423 4 ай бұрын
Listen... I'm homeschooled but... I've been taken to the doctor, had electives that weren't at home, went to summer camps, and learned about things when I was old enough to learn about them!
@CheesburgerCheesburger-n6k 4 ай бұрын
It can still have side effects. Like being not socially good, having only a few friends
@oliviaelderberry9423 4 ай бұрын
@@CheesburgerCheesburger-n6k For your information... I have a lot of friends in each place I go. And although I wasn't always, currently I can be pretty good in social places.
@Elsie-hs5jb 4 ай бұрын
Yes! I am also homeschooled and I too have done extracurricular activities outside of my home. I kind of hate how people have this stereotype that homeschoolers are unsocial because most of the homechoolers that I've interacted with are some of the most friendly and social people I've ever met.
@oliviaelderberry9423 4 ай бұрын
@@Elsie-hs5jb Ya... so many incorrect stereotypes!
@nala7829 3 ай бұрын
​​@@CheesburgerCheesburger-n6kAnd public schooling can cripple social skills because you never have to learn to make real friends, since you're forced to work with your cell - I mean class - mates 😅. Public school could theoretically help some people, but for the majority who naturally want friends, homeschooling is healthier - way easier to make friends without depression or social trauma!
@Cloudy0559 4 ай бұрын
9:49 School and a structured plan for the day on a regular basis is extremely important for children to have, i have a friend who was homeschooled until 4th grade and suddenly being in such a new environment and learning how to interact with people (especially because it was the same people on a regular basis) from scratch was very very hard for them. They pretended to be sick and even got themselves sick for real just to avoid going. Even on days they knew something they would have enjoyed was happening. Not growing up with that structure had a massive negative impact on them and still affects them sometimes now. Don't do this to your kids.
@stepht5 Ай бұрын
The majority of homeschoolers are not that way. My kids range in age from 44 to 23 and we homeschooled all of them, 30+ years of homeschooling. Nearly every homeschooler we know either went to college or trade school and have done well, they all know how to interact with other people just fine 🤷‍♀️
@Cloudy0559 Ай бұрын
@@stepht5 Then you did good. I'm not saying homeschooling is bad, there are lots of homeschooled people that are doing great, I'm just saying if it's done wrong there can be extremely negative things that come from that. My friend's experience wasn't the typical homeschooling, and they didn't get enough social interaction. There's a right way to do things, and while your kids got it, not everyone is so fortunate. I'm glad yours are doing good though.
@Silly_spanish_birb 4 ай бұрын
7:52 my mom did this when I was little and it made me feel like a disgusting *thing* and led to suicidal thoughts and hating myself, I’m still afraid to talk to my mom about it because I don’t want to burden her
@angelluv__ 4 ай бұрын
It was beige moms and now silky moms?? We are so doomed
@AlSidre 4 ай бұрын
at the beginning silky mom just meant someone who is not crunchy (nature obsessed mom who thinks everything modern is toxic and lives like an Amish person) and who does give their kids the occasional junk food sometimes and lets them watch TV because she needs to get shit done, but as always people run with it and ru8in it that is why we can't have good things.
@Curlyheart 4 ай бұрын
@_VR_8 4 ай бұрын
silky mom in the american world means “proud of being obese”
@lizh6420 3 ай бұрын
So silky is basically a nice way of saying inattentive and lazy!
@AngelMum-ve6vu 4 ай бұрын
Beige moms want their kids to have the mental institution experience early 🥰
@noahbossier1131 4 ай бұрын
It’s because of the accessory baby trend. Many of them were teen pregnancy’s.
@noahbossier1131 4 ай бұрын
This is what’s causing gen alpha to be such terrible people. Because many of these kids were(and are) the accessory babies born in the 2010s that were born to a large minority of(a lot of) teenagers who wanted to showcase their cute baby as if they were a furby accessory trying to copy the celebrity (spesficially the kardashians and Kyle Jenner) accessory baby trend which resulted in the aesthetic of parenting and having a cute baby without any of the actual work needed to raise a baby to a functioning human being with good literacy skills, a reasonable education and basically becoming a functioning person. Oh and teen mom the tv show(which despite showing some of the darker sides and contributing to a decline in teen pregnancy’s some dumb kids still took inspiration) . It’s made even worse because now TikTok and instagram reels glorifying pregnancy at young(like teenage) ages for aesthetics even if said person was not ready or willing to handle responsibly raising a future adult and showing none of the true consequences and sorrow that comes with ruining your and a future humans life, instead being filled with instagram photos of cute mommy and baby in matching outfits on highly staged photos with no hint on how difficult it is to raise a human being. anyway The baby was never supposed to grow up as a person and become a functioning human being but to be a silent being with no thoughts of it’s own to dress up and show off to instagram and Pinterest. Essentially a doll. However when that baby started to grow up into their own person and becoming a human being because as it turns out baby’s grow up to be a functioning adult. The parents has no desire to be a parent and does not know how to raise a functioning human so they dumped them in front of iPads in order to get them out of the way and basically negelect them. The consequence is that now we have an entire generation of kids who have not been taught basic lessons and how to be a functioning person. This is scary because they are our next doctors, artists, writers, musicians, librarians, mechanic, firefighters, plumbers, etc. and they end up with social media addicitions and have shockingly short attention spans thanks to overstimulating KZbin shorts and they were never taught how to be a successful person who thrives in society all because they were treated as disposable photo props to get more IG likes. To be clear not every parent is like this and there are many parents trying to raise their kids good and teaching them to be a good person but it is concearning how the accessory babies are now being turned into monsters at shockingly young ages. I really hope people wake up and realize that this is a problem and how we need to educate kids and prevent toxic Tate influences on boys And toxic trends on girls. We need to let kids learn positive values and teach the, about diversity and how to be a good person and helping other people and doing good things and working hard to achieve whatever goals they want. We need to fix this and help prepare kids to be a functioning good adults so that they can succeed and it even affects the kids who weren’t accessory babies because the peer pressure to act more mature than before has ramped up significantly as the moms of the accessory babies shunned kid appropriate outfits and acting their age and stuff because they wanted the babies to be dressed up in adult fashions for instagram photo ops and have engrained that acting like a kid is stupid and that they go from accessory Baby to hot young adult with no inbetween in their minds which warps them to act like an “adult” when way too young and if a kid simply acts like their age group they are often picked on by accessory babies which means that a lot of kids are now under peer pressure to grow up way to fast because the accessories kids that dominate the school and act like monsters towards everyone else. It’s because they were never taught how to be a good. Person. And it’s because of the parents who wanted accessory babies for instagram rather than raising a human. Like it’s the 30 year mellenials who take their kids only to instagramamble play areas, dressing them up for photo shoots every week in new clothes, going on instagramamble vacations and even having another baby only for clicks. This is the reality of the situation we are seeing the consequences of this in real time. The kids were never taught how to be a person and because of that they have almost no manners and learned all their lessons from toxic influencers and or consumerist influencers. It’s because the parents neglect them instead of providing moral lessons on how to be a good person, teaching them right from wrong, or even providing them good tv shows like BCG, and bluey instead dumping them in front of iPad content farms that rot their attention spans without any moderation causing them to have no imagination and tech addictions and then for the boys watching toxic influencers like Andrew quagmire tate and his merry band of Herbert the perverts(it’s a family guy reference). And for the girls being brainwashed into acting like adults and buying skincare that burns their skin instead of age appropate skin care. It’s a whole mess that we need to do better with our next generation of people because we need to stop treating kids like they are just instagram photos and they aren’t babies with on and off switches but babies that grow to toddler then kid tween teen until they become an adult who should be able to do basic functions in society. I am legit concerned about the next generation and them being addicted to content farms rather than quality shows with educational and entertainment value and not being taught basic morals like don’t steal the cookie, everyone is equal, clean up after yourself, don’t rudely interrupt other people. or even helping them get to grade level reading and stuff(and I’m not counting kids with disabilities, like autistic and adhd kids) to function in society. like I literally heard that sped kids with disabilities and autism etc are literally doing higher reading levels than regular kids because a lot of the regular kids were never taught. It’s legit concerning.
@noahbossier1131 4 ай бұрын
Also a lot of them are trying to copy Kim kardadhian
@ElinWinblad 4 ай бұрын
As a millennial I would have lived the neutral look but on earth/natural side I hated the bold colors etc on everything and our entire ancestry only recent times have we shoved bright colors into kids faces 365 days a year - but disconnected from nature
@blossomtheopossum 4 ай бұрын
Yeah they're microdosing the asylum to prepare those kids for adulthood in therapy
@Angelitaswift 4 ай бұрын
People who are grateful for their parents ->
@iloveeggsandbacon 4 ай бұрын
what are you even pointing at bro
@perz0n._. 3 ай бұрын
the girl who 'pretended to k1ll her own daughter' was just doing a pov roleplay, it was just a horror story she wrote
@_.nateingale._ 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, I'm glad people are bringing this up, bc I don't want her roped into this kind of content
@perz0n._. 2 ай бұрын
@@_.nateingale._ literally i watch her all the time its just horror stories
@DropDread 4 ай бұрын
I have parents who treats my little sister (11 year age gap) EXACTLY like the first mom. She gets unlimited screen time at a VERY young age while I can't have any sort of social media/multi-player games and I used to have a screen time limit that went from 1 hour max to 3 hour max over the span of a few years. At some point (in my teen years) I had no devices at all. My sister is literally just past the toddler stage and she's had 3 phones and 2 tablets I believe. Crazy.
@PasteilloTheCat 4 ай бұрын
And yet you're the older sibling??- tbh, if anything, she should be having limited screen ngl.
@DropDread 4 ай бұрын
@@PasteilloTheCat yes... by 11 years.
@PasteilloTheCat 4 ай бұрын
@@DropDread yeah ik.
@thebest12123 4 ай бұрын
@DropDread 4 ай бұрын
@thebest12123 yeah 😭 she's been through 3. She has 1 phone and a tablet currently. Pretty wild, right?
@YourgrlBrookie 4 ай бұрын
This is absolutely disgusting. Let your kid be a kid before they grow up to be an adult and realize that they never had time to actually be a kid. Stop doing this before your kid sends you to the retirement home.
@Squirrel_the_RockHound 4 ай бұрын
5:40 as if dirt is dangerous?? I used to make “soups” of dirt, leaves, rocks, sticks, and hose water in rusty pots outside and actually tried them. Never truly been sick, and that’s not the worst of it
@promisemochi 4 ай бұрын
i had a good friend growing up whose parents remind me of that one girl. they only bought junk food, sodas, sugar cereals. not a single fresh fruit or vegetable - and they had the means to. when i'd stay with them, they'd only serve us soda not water and fixing us breakfast was taking cereal and spooning sugar on top of it before giving it to us. my friend was under 13 and had numerous health problems. a little indulgence is fine but there's a point where it becomes a form of abuse and neglect. not caring about your child's health equals not caring about them period.
@Volundur9567 4 ай бұрын
Poor kid.
@lucilock713 4 ай бұрын
i love the minimalism clean girl aesthetic, but if i were a mother, id love my kid more. anything they love, i love and it would be a part of the aesthetic of the house, no matter the colour or vibrancy
@MorbidMaximus666 4 ай бұрын
Exactly!! Like it looks good and all, but it can still look wonderful while accommodating your child’s preferences. Colorful spaces can look great!! It really just requires having an open mind; you can be an artist and a loving parent.
@XXAnimeLover-AceXX 3 ай бұрын
2:22 reading is my favourite thing 😭
@Buttah._.Buttah 22 күн бұрын
Me too😭
@effysparkle9865 4 ай бұрын
12:42 actually, the more you’re exposed to artificial sugars and white sugar at a young age the more it will effect not only your long term health but your eating habits as a grownup, those ingredients also effect the brain for young children in the immediate time as they are developing, so all health professionals and organizations will definitely tell you to avoid these for as long as possible in your child early years. As long as the child likes what she’s given and as long as it’s not hurting her relationship with certain foods (which is not shown on the video so I wouldn’t know about this specific child) it’s all the better to avoid certain foods, she will have her whole life once she’s old enough to eat industrial ultra processed foods if she ever chooses to.
@Spingebil 2 ай бұрын
Then don’t let them go trick or treating in the first place so they don’t get exposed to white sugar that way. You might as well give them the healthy treats yourself instead of gaslighting them into thinking that they’ve collected the candy by themselves.
@AGarrett_ Ай бұрын
​@Spingebil but trick or treating is a great socialization activity that they can often do with their friends. My husband and I are going to take our kids trick or treating, let them pick 7 candies from their haul for themselves, mix in healthy snacks like these that they can have and make little treat bags with the rest of the candy for family members.
@Spingebil Ай бұрын
@@AGarrett_ The above comment was being a total buzzkill with all that stuff about “white sugar” so I responded accordingly. It’s not gonna kill your child if they have a reasonable amount of candy.
@SquishySeaBird 4 ай бұрын
It is important to show your children emotional regulation through modeling, but absolutely not in the way that mom did sobbing at her son. I would always say ‘mamas very upset right now, I’m going to go take a break to calm down, take breaths, and then I will come back and we can talk about this’
@TherianBuddies 19 күн бұрын
@avan7ika 4 ай бұрын
the backgroud is so Indian grandma's house coded its beautiful
@Moo-2310 4 ай бұрын
11:53 From experience, those bear fruit rolls are DISGUSTING. Unless they've changed the recipe, those should be considered child abuse on their own lol.
@Moo-2310 4 ай бұрын
@-.FloofFox.- I know right, how do you screw up what is essentially dried smoothie that badly? I'm cringing thinking about the taste and I haven't had one in like 6 years.
@Cute_cuppa. 4 ай бұрын
I loved them as a kid….:(
@Ruby_theswiftie13 2 ай бұрын
I loved them omg
@Sayorithejellyfishy Ай бұрын
Fr, they were vile 😭
@snigdhadas6284 2 ай бұрын
9:39 My uncle did that to his baby. He lives in a village, and his daughter got pneumonia and he took her to his neighbour who does not have the experience like a normal doctor does. My dad gave him money to take her to the city and treat her. He didn't do that UNTIL 90% of his daughter's breathing had stopped. Everyone was extremely worried about her but she luckily survived.
@-brxken-7789 4 ай бұрын
The fact that I know many teenagers who would make better parents than this Is concerning😭
@goosehubtheshipnerd 4 ай бұрын
I’m not having kids OH HO NO
@goosehubtheshipnerd 4 ай бұрын
I’m a teen I’m sure I’d be good at it IF I DIDNT HATE KIDS WITH A PASSION
@-brxken-7789 4 ай бұрын
@@goosehubtheshipnerd Real😭 I mean if you tell me to look after your kids will I do it well? Yes. Will I be nice to kids? Most of the time🌝 Do I like them? No. Especially certain teen years
@SarahHill-jh6gs 4 ай бұрын
​@@-brxken-7789 I may like kids but I'm scared of them screaming and getting physical. And my parents will shove my younger siblings on me but they do the least for their own children. Not to mention them not wanting kids but still have us. Like why do older siblings have to take their parents' role?
@aliminasirz 4 ай бұрын
​@@goosehubtheshipnerdNobody really asked lol
@nil_yildiz13 2 ай бұрын
the crunchy mom is giving me so much deja vu to my childhood bc my mom used to be exactly like that
@CatsSmore 4 ай бұрын
There’s a huge difference between gentle parenting and letting your children do whatever the hell they want.
@ash..10 4 ай бұрын
12:25 lets be honest when the kid is old enough to go trick or treating by themself or with a friend theyre gonna be eating ALL the candy they receive or atleast most of it bc they know they'll get it replaced with "organic" stuff :/
@rxxrcousin 18 күн бұрын
"My 1-year-old has a tablet" is a crazy sentence.
@elohi 4 ай бұрын
Halloween candy theft is the cruelest thing EVERRRRR
@_VR_8 4 ай бұрын
these “mothers” are so mentally ill its scary
@QuantumOverlord 4 ай бұрын
'Are you worried they would step on a venomous spider': Most australian thing ever. I mostly worry about ticks and lyme disease here, I forget sometimes that in Australia you are one spider bite away from death.
@lisa_vxng 17 күн бұрын
"or a venomous spider" the australian jumped out :DD (my first thought was a shard of glass but hey asdhkdf all are unpleasant)
@elohi 4 ай бұрын
I was the child in the library at recess, yep that was me. Chronic illness kid. 📕
@ramenaddict1676 4 ай бұрын
Seriously, the library was my sanctuary. I was an avid reader as a kid.
@elohi 4 ай бұрын
@@ramenaddict1676 saaaaame
@thebest12123 4 ай бұрын
The library is the only safe space in school.
@sheilyath_coc 4 ай бұрын
autistic person here, i was also always the kid in the library at lunch
@MusikGirl23 4 ай бұрын
Yep, loved the library. Still do (was just at my favourite local one yesterday!)
@Doub1eSpark 4 ай бұрын
Giving your kid screens at that young of an age is how they discover Little Miss Rarity and Smile HD and not sleep for a week. I was lucky I was monitored that young and my parents made sure to play the same games I did to make sure I was safe when I got time on the computer.
@liamtheman2099 4 ай бұрын
Jeez Louise, if KZbin Kids was really going to be the kid version of KZbin. Post something actually kid friendly, not something claiming to be kid friendly but should be banned.
@Doub1eSpark 4 ай бұрын
@@liamtheman2099 they don't claim to be kid friendly though. They add warnings in the title, but KZbin messes up and labels them for kids because of colorful animation and pony characters. It's not on the makers of the content, but the people who should be monitoring it and actually checking before putting it on KZbin Kids.
@liamtheman2099 4 ай бұрын
@@Doub1eSpark Yeah that’s fair.
@Curlyheart 4 ай бұрын
I saw a gore image on Roblox back in 2011.
@toonkrijthe7565 2 ай бұрын
Lol, my kids are in their early twenties. When young they hated it when I limited their internet time. But recently they thanked me for it because it learned them that there was a world beyond the internet and other screens.
@toodlescae 4 ай бұрын
I could read and write by the time I was 3 and I was born in the 60's. We didn't even *have* pre-school then. I had a great childhood. 🤷‍♀️
@Flamingghost1025 4 ай бұрын
Same, but I was born in the 2000s
@redraven7948 4 ай бұрын
As someone who has 3 kids (2 boys & 1 girl) im EXTREMELY thankful they are all grown. "aesthetic", "silky", "gentle" etc parenting (IMO) are just stupid, unrealistic & in some instances not great for the child. Its like they want attention,likes,clout, engagement etc for the Internet.... But they dont seem to have much interest in the childs happiness, well-being,mental health or how it actually effects the child. (IMO)
@SodapopJensen Ай бұрын
I was the kid that would rather be in the library reading and recess and im doing fine. I wasn't ever allowed to stay inside during recess so i brought my books outside usually but i would have stayed inside if i could have. I was reading 5,000 page books since i was 8 and i still had a childhood. Reading didnt end my childhood
@kerisaltchannel3817 4 ай бұрын
9:06 the dog poop, bugs, rusty nails and broken glass: oh hello there
@neurodivergentnetizen4535 Ай бұрын
I once heard of a mom of a neurotypical 18 month old being handed an iPad...with a communication app, because his older sister/her older daughter had severe verbal apraxia and she was curious to see what would happen. He ended up with a slightly larger vocabulary than average a year later. Another time, I saw a video of a severely disabled eight month old playing with an iPad. His arms were too stiff to play with anything else. Notice that neither kid was in a "typical" situation. Most babies/toddlers under two don't have a use for electronic screens.
@Poopiepies 4 ай бұрын
8:00 this is emotional incest/ enmeshment at its finest. That kids going to go around feeling responsible for mommys emotional state 😬😬
@rqmennn 2 ай бұрын
My mom wasn't a crunchy mom but we also were never allowed to see doctors either. I didn't go to the dentist until i was 13. I broke my tooth on something 2 years prior, and food got stuck in the gap and brushing couldn't get it out. So eventually i got a serious cavity and needed to have a root canal done. But she still wouldn't take me to go. I couldn't eat food with that side of my mouth for a full year, and just talking or sleeping on that side would make me cry out in pain for almost an hour. It took my grandma intervening to make an appointment for me to finally get it done.
@HarisCountrys 4 ай бұрын
I'm honestly glad I have Gen X parents. Although I'm now admittedly chronically online 24/7, I was raised without a phone until I was like 13, so I guess I had a childhood that wasn't fully online (and my parents monitored what I watched on the family computer).
@ash_tray 4 ай бұрын
7:35 As a mother, this is the only one that I can semi-relate to and am ok with, sue me. Key word is SEMI. Growing up, my mother showed absolutely no sad emotion. She never cried in front of me and insisted that I keep my emotions inside as well (aka suck it up, people have it worse than you, I’ll give you something to cry about, etc) which led to a LOT of issues. I think in this video, she was going a bit too far and is almost treating her child as her therapist, but I think it is healthy to let your child see that what they are doing is having a negative impact on you. I think it’s OK to cry in front of your child and to tell them that what they’ve done is hurting you. But I do think there’s a fine line between that and dumping all of your issues on your child which was what my father did. Treated me as his shoulder to cry on and someone to tell him he isn’t a bad person, dad, etc. Having your dad sobbing to your chest almost every other week at 9 was so odd. My twin sons are 4 now, and when it’s been a particularly hard day I will cry a little in front of them. I do not have full on meltdowns as I feel that could traumatize them, I save those for when I’m alone. But, they will ask “why you crying mama?” And I will explain kindly and calmly what they have done to hurt my feelings and I redirect them to show them how to make things better. They ALWAYS apologize on their own, and come with me to make things better without feeling scared or guilty. I plan to keep being a healthy amount of vulnerable with my children.
@AmberShaktii 3 ай бұрын
Unfortunately this is not a good practice at all. When you have breakdowns or show stressed or sad emotions in front of your child, they have to put aside their own emotions to deal with yours. This causes parentification. I’ve seen psychologists address this very issue and it makes sense. Children learn self regulation by YOU attending to THEIR emotions, not the other way around.
@Lupapap 3 ай бұрын
​@@AmberShaktiiYep this is so true. I love my mom but she always gets mad over the littlest things and I'm always the one who's at fault. I have to put all my feelings away and comfort her. Then it's a cycle
@POTATo-Swiftie 4 ай бұрын
3:54 when I was younger, I got SO EXCITED when my mum was watching me practice. It made me motivated, try harder and get excited that she was interested in what I was. This mum is delulu
@IndirectHydrox 4 ай бұрын
I’m only 2 minutes in, all I can think about is…I was already reading novels when I was in first grade. Reading WAS my childhood, to the point where before I was even 9 years old, my mom removed the light bulbs from the ceiling fan in my bedroom in an attempt to get me to go to sleep on school nights instead of staying up all night reading books. But I solved that problem by just going out in the hall, turning on the lights, and sitting on the floor to read.
@MusikGirl23 4 ай бұрын
Haha! Definitely, I was into the Beverley Cleary novels early in grade one (Canadian here) and plenty more. My mom went so far as to check my bookmark in the morning to see if I had read past the ‘allowed’ point. Problem is I had insomnia, and reading helped instead of tossing and turning forever…she didn’t understand.
@IndirectHydrox 4 ай бұрын
@@MusikGirl23 The first novel I read was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 🥰
@jazzzzz.y 4 ай бұрын
When I was younger, my mom would let us go trick or treating and at the end of the night, we'd go home and choose 10 candies we want to save. (me and my sister never finished our candy anyways so we weren't bothered by it) Then the "switch witch" would come and take the rest of the candy and in return we got a small gift. Then when me and my sister got older my sister found out the switch witch wasnt real so our mom told us that she would take the candy to the dentist office because our dentists give that candy to the army men who are fighting in the wars. I feel like my mom did the right thing by doing this.
@lupinsredjacket3191 4 ай бұрын
That's actually genius. Mind if I steal this tradition & apply it to my own (future) kid/s?
@jazzzzz.y 4 ай бұрын
@@lupinsredjacket3191 yeah!
@gggrid 4 ай бұрын
*Headcanon* she is totally a sister/cousin of the tooth fairy 😂
@cupofdirt5386 4 ай бұрын
The cooler aunt that everyone loves, then one that’s gives you $50 bucks when you see her kinda aunt….
@jazzzzz.y 4 ай бұрын
@@cupofdirt5386 real
@GiddyGeese 2 ай бұрын
Those books where my EVERYTHING when I was a kid
@naevachMaoMao 4 ай бұрын
Raising children should be about letting them have their own personalities and letting them grow into unique personalities, not what you decide to do! Now in our future all the kids are doomed!🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️
@chrisjuliette 3 ай бұрын
4:15- lol i was that kid, my mom would sit in the bleachers and play phone games bc she didnt understand my sport (field hockey) but when my sister was in RUGBY she would go insane for her at her games (in the us rugby isnt a very popular sport for most people, my mom didnt know what rugby was til my sister joined) i saw one of my teammates moms trying to get my mom to look up and cheer for me but she didnt so she felt bad and would cheer for me even tho i wasnt her child. edit: i dont talk to my mom anymore btw lol
@AloyImpact 20 күн бұрын
Thats crazy as hell
@theyadorelara487 4 ай бұрын
8:50 when i was little,i would brush my moms hair AGGRESIVELY then one time she got sick of it,she brushed my hair the same way i brushed hers and i never hit her again
@Ash-zp7ey 4 ай бұрын
This has to be it's own special kind of child abuse because what the fuck?
@tomatotruck Ай бұрын
Given the shenanigans we've seen for the past few years in the medical field (first hand and second hand on my part), i can understand the rise in people trying to look after their health on their own; also the rise in homeschooling I understand and encourage. HOWEVER, self medical care can be taken to an extreme and obviously bump over into neglectful behavior. Homeschooling also has to be done correctly. My mom didn't just let us do whatever during the school day, we did our chores and we did our school before we were let loose; it gave us a lot of freedom for activities thrown in the mix though, and there definitely are ways to socialize outside of school (sports, museums, libraries homeschool groups etc.). We loved it, and God willing me and my wife will get to do it with our family one day.
@Charlie00193 4 ай бұрын
I'm 15 years old and only got my own devices when I was 13, and a phone a few weeks ago. The fact little kids have devices and TV's proves it isn't the kids, it's the parents
@nexderman2419 4 ай бұрын
Okay, on that last one, I personally have watched it. It is a two sentence horror story skit. She has a whole series of them, only a few of them show her son. That was a skit, and not her being a boy mom
@nexderman2419 4 ай бұрын
I don’t even think she has a daughter
@firefoxxox9367 4 ай бұрын
Same, the lack of research honestly makes me sooooo annoyed, this isn’t the first time she’s has done it either….
@chuuchuru2806 4 ай бұрын
oh thank god I'm not insane lol, I could've sworn it was the two-sentence horror story lady but nobody else was pointing that out
@salem5141 2 ай бұрын
My mom couldn’t handle watching me so she stuck me in front of the tv all day. Then that backfired when I couldn’t go without a tv at night growing up- I got so used to loud sounds
@em..lovescats123 4 ай бұрын
1:47 ...what does this mean? i spent most of my time as a kid reading books 😭😭 it did not ruin my childhood, in fact, i think it made my childhood better.
@th3Autumnwind Ай бұрын
My mom is just a good mom, its why i love her sm
@Hexiad 4 ай бұрын
Silky is actually an ancient word that means Terrible.
@anene4914 4 ай бұрын
I was so shocked when I babysat these American kids who had ipads, TV in every room, ate candy and chips instead of food when they were hungry and occasionally got fast food. Their mother excuse for this was because she had a traumatic childhood where her parents tried to force her to eat nasty healthy food. And for all the electronics, the excuse was that she didn't want them to be bored, but also she didn't want them to go outside and play because it's "too hot" outside. It made me furious. Some people should not be parents.
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