Helldivers 2 - Autocannon Sentry Is My New Favorite Stratagem (Solo, Helldive Difficulty)

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sentry gang rise up
0:00 Loadout
0:50 Gameplay
#helldivers #helldivers2 #helldiver

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@Basedconka 4 күн бұрын
I do like that these new forest planet give a reason to not always bring eagles
@Sky_Guy 4 күн бұрын
They also giga-buffed a lot of the orbitals. I think stratagem balance is in a fairly good place now, when it used to be just a strict upgrade to use eagles.
@protonjones54 4 күн бұрын
and then you get to the planet and it has orbital scatter increase on every mission... then you switch planets
@victornguyen1175 4 күн бұрын
I sort of wish the way they encouraged diversity was to allow different ways of dealing with things with varying skillcurves, rather than just outright making things unviable outside of player control. You see it throughout the game with things like Orbital Scatter and and these trees. Instead of having ways to manage the challenges, stuff like Orbital Scatter and these trees just make stratagems randomly useless.
@stuflames4769 4 күн бұрын
The biome is rad. Canyons can also be problematic for eagles and orbital strikes, both.
@BombatGeneral 4 күн бұрын
Variety is the spice of life
@amysakalov6915 4 күн бұрын
Helldivers trying to shoot through dead enemies: failure Enemies shooting through other dead enemies, terrain, walls, the planet, space & time: Killing Spree
@Cz_Dani 4 күн бұрын
frfr like nursing/bile spewers and heavy devastators be shooting through everything
@FrekLZ1 4 күн бұрын
autocannon sentry has always melted titans and chargers, ive used it since launch, when my first bile titan mission i was only lvl 15 and didnt even have a 500 yet. sentries in general have been slept on.
@sergioh2015 4 күн бұрын
Well they were kind of weak if not used properly, now you can pop them a little more randomly and they can still be effective
@Snotnarok 4 күн бұрын
Seriously. I have played with people who're like "They're bad because they get destroyed so fast" Why are you throwing them near the enemies?? Throw it to the left and run right. Throw it in an open field, stand next to it and let it support you. Throw it at the top of a bug nest and run in on the other side and start clearing out the bugs. Throw a mortar in and watch it pummel a bot base and go in after it's cleared out a bunch of them. They've been slept on AND misunderstood.
@dwallace8731 4 күн бұрын
Exactly. They've been good since day one
@wazawoo 4 күн бұрын
They did also buff the durability a couple times recently
@datqn7244 4 күн бұрын
I have a teammate that always has a full sentry load out. Except the team kills madness, they actually work very well.
@steelwitness 4 күн бұрын
imagine how scary it would be if they crawled up the trees and used them to jump on you
@cybbles 4 күн бұрын
Shh don't give them ideas...yet! Imagine Stalker "patrols" sitting invisibly around maps, possibly in trees!
@8-7-styx94 4 күн бұрын
Hmg sentry - great ammo economy little downtime and can sweep smaller enemies off the map Gatling - Clears hordes faster than the hmg but will run out of ammo too quickly on it's own. It gets swamped easily, but for a small patrol it will devastate them EMS - stun lock EVERYTHING except BTs cause meh though they appear to target this one first before any others Mortar clears out swathes of enemies but can be overrun quickly pair with either ems or hmg to give it a solid partner Rocket - eats bugs for breakfast, then lunch, and then takes a break around dinner time for some bots. Autocannon - Rockets faster brother, kills things quickly with it's 3 round bursts but often over commits ammo to a single enemy. Sentries are best used in pairs, like EMS + mortar, or Mortar + HMG, or Autoocannon + Gatling. Each of them has a niche role but pairing them together is how you get the best results. If you must only take 1 sentry take the EMS, stun fields and slows are vastly more useful on their own. If you have any questions hit me up here or ingame, I play with sentries every round. A great build to try is EMS, Mortar, Rocket, Stalwart. For primary take anything with medium pen to cover the stalwart, as well as maybe some thermite grenades and a grenade pistol for nests.
@jimboanimations4041 3 күн бұрын
I do feel the 2 mortars is a bit weak on bugs due to their more aggressive nature and how they like to get up close, but they can still put in work in the right situations. They feel more bot oriented in how they can attack from cover and have the damage + armor pen to hurt the bigger targets. The HMG is great as an on-demand fire support due to its agility and low downtime, but it does struggle with bigger swarms. The Gatling wildly outclasses the HMG for defensive situations when it can be placed at chokepoints or on high-ground, but the slowness does hurt its capabilities against spread out foes. It's a bit niche, but undoubtedly has its place alongside the HMG. Rockets are probably the most well-rounded sentry for their ammo economy, small splash and high armor-pen. It is vulnerable to being overrun, but an EMS supporting it allows the rockets to clear the vulnerable targets left behind. The Autocannon might as well be a sniper turret. The range, power and armor penetration is nearly unmatched by the other sentries, and even the biggest foes will get brought down with less than a dozen rounds. It's weakness of being sluggish makes it the most in need of support (rather than being the support for you), but the ship upgrades you can get helps to minimize this issue. The Tesla is admittedly the weakest of the bunch, but still a great pick for area denial. It has infinite ammo, a lower-than-average deploy time, no struggles with aim, and enough damage on its direct hits to kill Brood Commanders in only 1-2 hits. The additional chains clear pests, and they come with enough health to survive being swarmed for a little bit. Their main weakness really comes down to a lack of range, but even that doesn't matter for most bugs. Do make sure they have support against Chargers and BTs, however. I am not a sentry veteran, but I thought I'd share my thoughts based on my experiences. I have loved them since I first deployed the HMG during a bug mission, and have been frequently using them after their recent buffs.
@ln6148 2 күн бұрын
My doctine for sentry has always been one defensive and one offensive on terminids. Defensive -> Machine gun sentry/gatling both are good, Offensive -> Autocannon On bots i use double offense. Rocket + Auto cannon. Sometimes a shield generator. How to use sentry? Anticipate when a bug breach will occur your sentry guns should ideally be placed down before a bug breach. Throw the defensive sentry 3m infront of the autosentry at an 80 degree angle offset. This will bait the chargers to the defensive gun if needed and drop the auto on a small hill. On bots throw them in a horizontal line facing the enemy. Weapons and support statagems The idea here is to defend your sentry guns not run in and handle everything your self. Support Stratagems include, eagle strafing run to gun down the bugs as they beeline your sentry guns and gives much more range. Can drop it basically on your sentry guns and they will be great for super close in support. Also works in tree planet. Recoiless, spear, quasar are all solid picks to throw off chargers and help with bile. Flame thrower is how you die in front of your sentry guns. Best primary are assualt rifles for accurate sustained fire to kill the chaff before they mess your sentry aim up. Shotguns like breaker sometimes lead to sentry tk. My favorite is the ar23a, or jar 5 its dps is really good for fast clear of chaff closing in on the sentry guns. Always look for places to put your sentry guns as your playing. With the machine gun sentry it should be down on every encounter including before the patrol turns the corner to minimize bug breaches. If a bug breach does happen fall back slightly and drop the auto.
@hckr_-gh7se 4 күн бұрын
sentry gang -rise up- slowly turn around
@Beepinex 4 күн бұрын
the MG sentry buff (vs bugs) was slept on imo, when the gatling sentry caliber got buffed it affected the mg sentry too. its also only 2/3 the recharge (120 vs 180s) so its excellent chaff clear when thrown to the side of an engagement
@jimboanimations4041 3 күн бұрын
Agreed. The MG is also good for for its agility as well. The faster turn rate and instant shooting allows it to take down things like Shriekers and Hunters easily, and makes it more reliable on the go to clear out the lesser enemies. It is even alright on bots as well, given it can keep up with the guns of the chaff and cut through Berserker parties. The lack of heavy armor pen does make it suboptimal for bots overall, but I'd argue it as still being a little better on bots in comparison to the Gatling.
@Sky_Guy 4 күн бұрын
I feel like they definitely stealth-buffed all the spewers in the game. Bile titans also feel like they're guaranteed to get at least one tick on you no matter what. I bet that's why we saw them nerfing the spewers/flame hulks to have more consistent damage and less buggy one-shots.
@abdulkadirorhan6284 4 күн бұрын
I sometimes come across titans that spit almost 10 degree more than expected. And remember a couple clips happening to others. İt spits you jump to the side lets say but in the situation you are about 15m away from it. at spit prepare animation start you run to side a bit then dive to the side to be more safe but its spit comes at your diving animation starting location. I can try more but helldicers 2 crashes made me delete the game. For a full campaign ı had reinforcement bug disconnect and outright crash at the start of the game ı insisted on it and played 5 matches of the same campaign. İf it wasnt for panda planet that attacked three planets ı would have left the game early. I know managed democracy doesnt easily spread by itself but ı am too tired to do it with broken hands
@CMSonYT 4 күн бұрын
it's even worse than it used to be
@hungcuong606 4 күн бұрын
Stealth buffed ? They told you in the big patch
@hungcuong606 4 күн бұрын
They no longer one shot you now but have bigger spread
@protonjones54 4 күн бұрын
@@abdulkadirorhan6284 stop playing on a shitbox
@Kyrox2 4 күн бұрын
I wonder if the nursing spewers are getting the peak physique passive. It gets left on weapons that folks drop so it's some kind of modifier that isn't tied to players.
@mattwing05 4 күн бұрын
Autocannon sentry has been one of my mains since the beginning. Only problem is when youre on the run from a bile titan, it gets destroyed fast if you dont throw it far enough away
@nicholastreadwell3195 4 күн бұрын
Forest planets are my fav so far, so immersive
@halomemes 4 күн бұрын
Same, dude.
@slappyrad 3 күн бұрын
Yes ❤ I bring it on nearly every bug mission and it’s always been OP. A must-have! It’s especially helpful when taking out big nests, gives me cover so I can get to work. I’ve even used it to finish taking out nests when I’m out of grenade ammo and strats are recharging. It also takes out Spores and Shrieker nests very nicely, and can do so from pretty far away :) Also I’ve found it to be the safest sentry aside from the EMS. It’s so good! Also yeah nursing spewers, ugh my bane. Two shots with the grenade pistol will do it, and/or stun grenade and flamey. Helps when they’re lined up so they can friendly each other and the pack with them.
@crackhead15yo 4 күн бұрын
Galling turret for small bugs auto cannon for heavy great combo. Also suggested using your sentries more often since the cool down is pretty low on them.
@Vik-711 4 күн бұрын
fun mission, great commentary :D
@rangersnut 4 күн бұрын
I have just gotten the game a few days ago and have been really having fun. I enjoyed your video and subbed.
@slappyrad 3 күн бұрын
Welcome aboard, Helldiver!
@rangersnut 3 күн бұрын
@slappyrad Thanks fellow helldiver.
@Josh71158 4 күн бұрын
Apparently the bushwhacker can 1 shot nursing spewers with the all barrel shot mode
@hungcuong606 4 күн бұрын
Technically 3 shot as you just unload all three buckshot at the same time right on it face
@protonjones54 4 күн бұрын
that's pretty dope, can it one shot regular bile spewers?
@hungcuong606 4 күн бұрын
@@protonjones54 no, the bushwhacker can’t penetrate the regular head armor Though they can die from somewhere around 6 buckshot to the sack which is 2 shot from all barrel mode
@irunswithaxe 4 күн бұрын
I really like the Autocannon Sentry and the Gatling Sentry as a pairing. Rocket Sentry is better on planets with a greater line of sight, like the more sandy, desert locations.
@harladon6229 3 күн бұрын
So awesome to see this video! Love the autocannon sentry - even in team play. I usually throw it to the side of the action so I can draw fire from the swarm and let the sentry work.
@gatekeeper99924 4 күн бұрын
i wish the canons on the emanciptor were as strong as the standing sentry
@bondyang590 4 күн бұрын
Get well soon takibo❤
@protonjones54 4 күн бұрын
I heard he got diagnosed with ligma
@user-gg7zq1zp7u 2 күн бұрын
Glad you finally jointed the rest of us Sentry lovers :)
@bryx309d 4 күн бұрын
Don't dive vs. the Nursing Spewers, you dive and they still get your feet, just keep running to a side
@Cz_Dani 4 күн бұрын
yepp i do the same thing it works 99% of the time
@Nate4Life01 4 күн бұрын
spewers always have laser tracking when youre diving for some reason, in order to avoid them you need to run & strafe away
@EdwardLewisIV 4 күн бұрын
The machine gun sentry has a super fast cooldown. Its basically ready every breach. You can basically just use them on cooldown like a OGB.
@ironheadtheotaku3983 3 күн бұрын
As sentry enjoyer i was bringing AC sentry with gattling sentry before rocket sentry buff, now i use rocket and AC most of the time. Main thing is to deploy them on highground so they dont kill your teammates. However most of highgrounds are stratagem-bouncing surface, so you have to simply remember which of them are usable. Most of the time i also bring EAT-s with me, so i can try the surface with it before placing sentries
@Dominicmesh000316 4 күн бұрын
It'll murk factory striders too. Not as fast but it's effective
@dman7668 4 күн бұрын
I always take a mech suit now during forest missions. The trees blocking stadegems from above means you need to shift to more on the ground strats
@ln6148 2 күн бұрын
Bout time my brother figured it out. Im so proud of my little Takibo, you've finally graduated.
@Hamppdur 4 күн бұрын
As someone who loves the flamethrower, the bile spewers and nursing spewers have an enormous amount of health. I’m genuinely confused on why am I able to kill a charger and behemoth faster than an armored bile spewer. One of them takes nearly an entire cannister while shooting into their face.
@DBLEB 4 күн бұрын
Apparently "soft-bodies" have increased resistance against everything else except explosive damage, including the tick AND main damage of the flamethrower :(
@Hamppdur 4 күн бұрын
@@DBLEB well then……that’s so frustrating but appreciate the info!
@user-yp7bm8yv7i 4 күн бұрын
The autocannon is great at absolutely destroying the two spewers. Only problems are its slowness and little ammunition.
@Hamppdur 4 күн бұрын
@@user-yp7bm8yv7i yup, used to rock the ac a lot and now, the new armor goes with it like bread n butter.
@midend 4 күн бұрын
jar feels like a straight upgrade to dcs in many situations
@derkaiser9881 4 күн бұрын
With this armor set the poor handling is irrelevant so yeah. Though even without it, I much prefer the Dominator when fighting bugs.
@DMXKonCur 3 күн бұрын
I actually really like the Crossbow with the Flame/Arc Thrower. Lets you handle bug holes and pretty much primary the support weapon. Bring the supply pack or laser drone to support and it’s nasty.
@Viper3220 3 күн бұрын
The fact that a single tree can thwart the greatest bomb in our arsenal is actually the perfect commentary on this game lmao
@jimboanimations4041 3 күн бұрын
Sentries have always been good, but they required a strategic eye to be taken advantage of. The Autocannon in particular can be frustrating due to how sluggish it is, but it destroys just about whatever you shoot with it. I've been looking to max out my sentry upgrades in order to use them to their full potential right now. I can only imagine how busted sentries like the Autocannon would be with a faster turn speed.
@TheShock88 3 күн бұрын
It makes sense they maybe buffed nursing spewers, bile spewers are armored and slower, nursing spewers are easier to kill but more agile in every way, so it wouldn't surprise me if they buffed them.
@seductive_fishstick8961 4 күн бұрын
Gatling sentry is extremely good at horde clearing. Auto cannon for chargers and titans. Then ether a spear or flame thrower depending on if you take a back pack or what 3 start you pick
@Jabokrazy 4 күн бұрын
I was using the Eruptor yesterday with the peak physique passive, and i didnt feel like my crosshair was any faster. It worked on the Stalwart, the AMR, the autocannon. Just not the eruptor for some reason.
@sevastiancastillo7225 4 күн бұрын
Hmg emplacement is pretty good. It’s good for when you have high ground and or want a good fallback point to hold a line.👌
@noneayourbusiness5149 3 күн бұрын
Bug blood is green. And if you're up close with them enough, your armor WILL get covered in green goo. The red blood is 100% yours. If you go through a mission without taking any damage, you'll never seen any red on you, but you could end up covered in green goo.
@gardeford 3 күн бұрын
Autogcanon and machine gun sentry. the buffs to the machine gun sentry made it very good for bugs and its constantly off cooldown
@lperez3000 4 күн бұрын
I wouldn't be surprised if the fix to peak physique introduced a bug that also increases spewer aim.
@jegantdragoch.7088 3 күн бұрын
funny thing is that people want a city map and they dont realize or think that eagles would be near useless if buildings get in the way of the eagle's UNLESS one can blow up and make buildings fall on top of enemies might be really really cool
@philipps1158 4 күн бұрын
What I Always do is a nice placed gatlin sentry next to a breach where others cant wipe them. I drop them the Second the call in Happens so it cleans everything until the first charger Runs Out. They fast Tracking and lots of ammo helps with that a Lot. I often combine it with the Orbital air burst to kill everything but the heavys on the spot. These my team deals with. Had multiple thousand kills runs even in a Team with that. They nursing spewers allways Tracked Like that btw. Trick is to run sideways the Second they start. Diving still makes them hit your legs because they turn their head so fast
@jis11 4 күн бұрын
1:02 if you have to, you *can* drop a 500kg or a support weapon/resupply pod into a hole. It's not great, but it closes the lair
@VortaBlack 4 күн бұрын
Spewers are bugged and OP. They can spew at you through other bugs, dead or alive, but you cannot shoot them. They should not be able to spew through bug corpses because that way they are perfectly covered from your fire and can keep shooting at you.
@theoneandonly1802 4 күн бұрын
When it comes to Sentries it has to be a combination of both Gatling and high velocity. While gattling is taking care of smaller units cannon is taking on big ones. Both of those sentries must be close to each other.
@genesisproject1908 3 күн бұрын
10:04 spewers track you almost perfectly if you dive, but miss if you jog sideways. Make it make sense.
@soloistpro 2 күн бұрын
I really like the Machine Gun sentry now. Its tracking is much faster, and the cooldown has been reduced so you can call them in so often it's crazy. You could've called in two of them while you were defending the civilians to help with the chaff.
@Dominicmesh000316 4 күн бұрын
Where u been? AC sentry has been a beast since launch. Been a semi-permanent part of my loadout since I unlocked it lol
@gonzalomartinez6219 3 күн бұрын
Countersniper got a huge handling buff, you don’t really need the armour to feel it good. Against bots is very good, it’s super stealthy and can 1S a lot of enemies.
@user-ev4uh4iy3s 4 күн бұрын
10:24 This is why I no longer use "bomb attack" on the eagle in this kind of map, Now I use eagle110 rocket pods or eagle machine gun because the attack angle is less likely to be blocked.
@thatguyinthechat66 4 күн бұрын
My main loadout for bugs is flamethrower, eagle strafing, cluster and gaitlin sentry. Sometimes quasar, railcannon strike, and autoloading sentry. Depending on the mood lol
@monocyte2210 3 күн бұрын
I always run autocannon and gatling sentry for bugs. Great for supporting tramamtes and when doing objectives. Its like having two extra teammates with you
@DuncanWilliams-cx9px 4 күн бұрын
Ima start using sentries because the forest map is kicking my ass big time 😂
@forlornfoe352 4 күн бұрын
Ahahaha, those 500kg going all over the place. That's how it feels to be an average orbital enjoyer on planets with orbital scatter debuff. Autocannon sentry has always been amazing, if positioned well. Rocket sentry is better now thanks to splash damage and smarter ammo consumption, but I still prefer the average MG sentry + AC sentry. Great work managing to extract from that mess.
@MutedAndReported3032 4 күн бұрын
Don’t sleep on the Rocket Sentry, that thing’s a beast, shreds Titans just as well as the AC Sentry
@EdwardLewisIV 4 күн бұрын
DCS is a monster against the bots. Especially with your accuracy. A lot harder to use on a hunter world. Its basically a baby AMR that does less durability damage.
@gaetandutoure5273 4 күн бұрын
bushwhacker is the perfect way to make ennemies too close back off, it has insane knockback power and sends brood commander 20m away with the three shots, but i have also really fallen in love aswell with turrets from the start, which is why i always go, 2 red, 1 blue, 1 green, perhaos try the defense position next? really a lot of power against automatons
@Dornpunzel 4 күн бұрын
Every other day: "My new favorite Stratagem....." 😀
@patrickhuffman9632 4 күн бұрын
What's up legend.
@ipuffin_2139 4 күн бұрын
you should consider bring in a grenade launcher, its super fun on bugs. also, as a sentry user, i really like using the gatling sentry for bug breaches and to cover retreats.
@xperience-evolution 4 күн бұрын
I use the auto canon turret regularly since I have it. Also the Gatling turret.
@TheLongWind 3 күн бұрын
Are you using the built-in upscaling takibo?
@vividwizard6166 4 күн бұрын
Is the armor worth getting the warbond for? I won't be able to get the next warbond if I get it because I don't play much and for some reason practically no super creds spawn in level 9's but it seems really fun from what people have been saying.
@ZacharyMcCallum-vu3ms 3 күн бұрын
2:17 me realizing I probably need to upgrade my ship more to handle helldive difficulty
@Scarpheon 4 күн бұрын
How are you killing the bugs so quickly? I have the flame ship upgrade and it's not as effective as yours?
@Cz_Dani 4 күн бұрын
30:40 didn't notice that forklifts explode and throw you like barrels
@c.wubby.u861 4 күн бұрын
Autocannon was always great sentry (if placed correctly) I've never understood why they never gave the rocket sentry some anti-tank rockets or high staggering power equivalent to the autocannon. And wow the 500kg sucks on this planet......
@goudenso8618 4 күн бұрын
I haven't gotten the last 2 warbonds yet? Which one do yiu recommend i take first?
@bradc4277 4 күн бұрын
I won’t tell you what to decide but I will say the biggest deciding factors are the peak physique set, camos , new booster, vs the polar patriot’s having the tenderizer..
@miguelberetta7887 4 күн бұрын
Sentries have saved my ass too many times to count
@ScamyKAZE 3 күн бұрын
13:05 "aim for the bushes"
@turtleeatlettuce9704 4 күн бұрын
Main purpose auto cannon in patch : Destroy horde and weak enemy Actual gameplay : MELT FUKING ANYTHING. They should patch Auto cannon give big enemy first priorities instead rocket sentry
@vdigitalbeatsv 3 күн бұрын
the charger at 23:06 LOL
@damienmcdonald7610 4 күн бұрын
Nursing spewers have always killed me more than any other spewer because of their tracking, my advice is dont dive because they catch you while you still on the ground, just run sideways from their spew. My opinion rocket sentry is better vs bots, AC sentry is better vs bugs. Finally the DCS is a beast vs bots but against bugs i feel you really need medium AP with fastish rate of fire or spread with the exception of the incendiary breaker or blitzer.
@Rain_Gauge 4 күн бұрын
So when we say a "Hunter World" or "Nursing Spewer World" does that mean the entire planet, like all missions will be those enemy types?
@MutedAndReported3032 4 күн бұрын
Nah, it’s mission specific
@Eagle-eye-pie 3 күн бұрын
Do you mind if I get this flamethr…… Charger: Actually yes.
@nizzynick9298 4 күн бұрын
Notification squad
@Lord_Vaas_710 4 күн бұрын
any1 else on the swamp planets specifically have their 500kg just never explode? I had to give up on it and replace with orbital railgun
@Hamppdur 4 күн бұрын
Yeah, same, I just go with orbitals and turrets on this map as the trees kinda nerf eagles lol
@Glorybast84 Күн бұрын
You need prioritize stims when u get damaged
@GiulioBonadeo 4 күн бұрын
no one, absolutly no one :.... Bile Titans: 14:47 HAWK TUAH !!!!
@bagasfb007 4 күн бұрын
Wkwkwk the meme 😂
@tomduke1297 4 күн бұрын
just shoot the sporespewer with your main, it only takes like a single magazine.
@PostRook 4 күн бұрын
You can't do that anymore they've had their armor increased so you need AT.
@tomduke1297 3 күн бұрын
@@PostRook oh... didnt know that. maybe the dominator still works? thats the only main i use.
@itriyum 4 күн бұрын
Nope, the bile titan spit still destroys any sentry without trouble, personal experience.
@faessle4067 4 күн бұрын
Flamethrower is the best against bugs
@Saint-Sadistic666 Күн бұрын
with nurseing spewers and bilespewers dont dive just sprint to one side and also they got nerfed last patch LOL
@pianoekket 4 күн бұрын
Next time, bring shield instead of 500 lol. I would have lost this game within the first 10 minutes without shield
@aquilakbeeeh8325 4 күн бұрын
1:56 Bro how did you not get damaged from the spewer....and having the worst luck I have ever seen in a video.
@Trypragmatic 2 күн бұрын
It's ammo efficiency is very poor
@LethalOwl 4 күн бұрын
I'm jealous that playstation players get it way easier on 9s than PC players do xD The difference in enemy count is insane.
@djhaka7380 3 күн бұрын
This guy and his attention span man smfh
@sggt_doris8356 3 күн бұрын
You should see what it does to a factory strider 🤌
@grungyemu 4 күн бұрын
Finally: Sickibo 🥷 Divers Die Twice
@Hamppdur 4 күн бұрын
As someone who loves the flamethrower, the bile spewers and nursing spewers have an enormous amount of health. I’m genuinely confused on why am I able to kill a charger and behemoth faster than an armored bile spewer. One of them takes nearly an entire cannister while shooting into their face.
3M❤️ #thankyou #shorts
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