Helping a Black-capped Chickadee Named Dimi | How Do Birds Survive in the Cold Weather?

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Lesley the Bird Nerd

Lesley the Bird Nerd

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Our feathered friends are incredible winter survivors. Even still I worry, especially when extremely bad weather is coming or one of the birds isn't doing so well.
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If you have a sick or injured bird in your possession I can not help this bird in any way it is strongly advised to contact a local vet or wildlife official before any decisions are made. It is very easy to do more harm than good when handling any wildlife.
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#LesleytheBirdNerd #Birds #Birdwatching #coldweather

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@GiacomodellaSvezia Жыл бұрын
Please don't call your emotions useless. The pain you feel on behalf of other sentient beings is caused by what I consider the noblest quality of all social beings: Empathy.
@celestinaanderson3979 Жыл бұрын
Omg I'm crying at how touching this is. You are such a compassionate person and your love knows no bounds. I'll be thinking of lil Demi and hoping she returns safely. She knows you love her and that's the most important thing❤❤❤
@LesleytheBirdNerd Жыл бұрын
I've cried too over Dimi but I keep being hopeful that she is going to show up again soon. I really love her. Thanks for the kind words and wishes to Dimi
@micahbirdlover8152 Жыл бұрын
@@LesleytheBirdNerd I like Demi sweet little chickadee 😊
@keyinadreese7536 Жыл бұрын
🥰🐦 bless your Heart ❤️ for taking care of the those birds 🦅
@LesleytheBirdNerd Жыл бұрын
Thank you. :) I hope she comes back to me soon
@keyinadreese7536 Жыл бұрын
@@LesleytheBirdNerd I believe she’ll come back you’re awesome🦅❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
@micahbirdlover8152 Жыл бұрын
@@LesleytheBirdNerd how do can those birds to trust you it's adorable 🤔🥰
@HowdyHandbags Жыл бұрын
The price of love is grief. I’m sorry for your loss. Maybe she’ll return again. They sure love you too.
@everlyoshea Жыл бұрын
I've learned most of my lessons from animals. They seem to bring spiritual growth which filters down as practical, physical growth. They really are messengers. I hope Dimi returns to you healthy and happy.
@LesleytheBirdNerd Жыл бұрын
100 percent agree with everything you said. I hope that I see my little Dimi again soon too. Thank you for your kind words.
@cindybarton8562 Жыл бұрын
@carmenjansma1396 Жыл бұрын
Please let us know if she returns 🙏🏼
@Danika_Nadzan Жыл бұрын
I agree completely, Everly. And Leslie, I'm always touched by your dedication to your bird friends...they're so lucky to have you! It's hard to remember when you're caring for loved ones that you must also take care of yourself, otherwise you won't be able to continue that loving care! Best wishes to you, and I hope little Dimi returns!🥰
@janacollins-maguire4942 9 ай бұрын
Thank God the birds have you as their friend. I envy your relationship with all of them. Thank you for your loyalty! 💜
@lynncanada1915 Жыл бұрын
If you can see an issue, and can help without causing harm, maybe the universe put her in your heart for helping?
@squarewave808 Жыл бұрын
That's very nice of you to be so dedicated to our avian friends. In my opinion the very best, and most genuine, compliment a person can get is the trust of an animal. They have to open themselves to so much potential danger by lowering their guard around us, and I just can't think of a better testament to a person's character than when an animal gives you the seal of approval. I remember the first time I was ever able to touch a house finch visiting my feeder. I felt so honored! 🙂🐦
@LesleytheBirdNerd Жыл бұрын
It's beautiful that's for sure :)
@annalisa14 Жыл бұрын
You know what happened to that Inca Cheif and the gold hungry Spaniard, Pizzaro…. ? From letting his guard down and not turning on his trust ometer…
@matthewlopes8689 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing your thoughts Leslie. It's so hard to not get attached to these wonderful little critters, you do so much to help them!
@LesleytheBirdNerd Жыл бұрын
Absolutely, I'm glad people understand the struggle with becoming attached to them. They are just so innocent and full of wonder. Thank you for the kind comment.
@Biggestfoot10209 Жыл бұрын
Never,never ever bring a wild creature into your home, it will kill them. They are wild for a reason. Let them be wild and free like they were intended to be.
@leonidaslantz5249 Жыл бұрын
I am glad to live under the same moon as you,Leslie.
@LesleytheBirdNerd Жыл бұрын
That's such cute thing to say :)
@hunnybunny4u259 Жыл бұрын
Oh Lesley,I worry about my birds too. I haven’t been seeing my “Pretty Bird” when I whistle for her. But I know things happen out there in Natures World. You have such a wonderful heart for birds. You are a true Bird Whisperer. 💙💫
@LesleytheBirdNerd Жыл бұрын
Aww I'm so sorry. I hope your Pretty Bird shows up again soon. I've had birds disappear for as long as a year and then show up again.
@sloanekuria3249 Жыл бұрын
I stopped trying to "keep myself" from feeling deeply towards wildlife friends; instead I choose to actively practice respect for their agency (not taking a paternalistic responsibility for their choices) and I have to give myself time and space to fully experience whatever grief arises when their journeys conclude, as all journeys must eventually. Hang in there, Lesley. Getting tough sounds pragmatic, but getting softer, treating yourself with warmth, patience, and generosity - I have found it more effective in the long term. Loving deeply is a gift, and that gift needs special care sometimes. I think it's deeply human and totally normal.
@LesleytheBirdNerd Жыл бұрын
I appreciate your thoughtful words, thank you :)
@XDeniseIreneX Жыл бұрын
I also appreciate this so much and needed to read it. I'm saving it for when I need a reminder. Thank you from me, too. ❤
@micahbirdlover8152 Жыл бұрын
@@LesleytheBirdNerd Lesley you don't have to worry bird's know how to Care themselves 😊☝️
@SweetStuffOnMonarchLane Жыл бұрын
Oh Lesley, this brought tears to my eyes. I didn't realize the extent of the physical and emotional hardships you go through caring for your birds and bringing us along on your journeys. I assumed some, but didn't realize just how much. Caring people, like most birders are, do tend to be givers in all areas of life to the point of hurting our own selves in the process. I've been having a bit of a rough patch myself, but in some ways it's been a good thing, and currently is providing me a way I can help where I'm being "directed" to help. Let's just say lately I've been getting some "otherworldly" signs, especially surrounding the word "Chickadee" which is weird because that's what my mom's nickname was for me when I was little. We were very close, but unfortunately she died of cancer when I was a teen. She was just like you and I and so many other empathetic souls that love, care for, and endlessly worry about those (especially innocent wildlife) we are drawn to help. Being in the medical field, I really wanted to figure out what was wrong with Dimi's foot/leg and fix it! I read a few comments where people were advising you to get a heated jacket, and when I looked them up, I saw that they sell heated gloves as well! I also wanted to mention to you, if you didn't know already, that they make roosting boxes specifically for song birds... I got one for Christmas! Picture a regular nest box, turned upside-down so the entrance hole is at the bottom. There are wooden dowels inside the box for the birds to grasp as they sleep, and there are no air vents in the top so that as their body heat rises, more of it stays inside (same reason why the entrance hole is at the bottom). There are smaller boxes and also larger, rectangular ones that hold more birds, and have entrance holes on either end. I think you're supposed to take them down in the warmer months so that nuisance birds like House Sparrows won't nest in them and then monopolize them when it gets cold again. Anyways, I'm donating this money to you so that you can put it towards a heated jacket or gloves or a roosting box or anything else you need it for... spa day? 😀 I don't pay for TV, and you have given me so much value... beautiful pictures and video, amazing facts and stories, all brought together with your calming voice and gentle demeanor (not to mention bird sounds... that White Throated Sparrow!)... so I want to show my appreciation for all you do, and I know my mom would approve! Take care of yourself Lesley... you're not alone in these struggles, you're on the side of what's good and right in the world, and sometimes that's the hardest place to be... but you're with very good company.
@LesleytheBirdNerd Жыл бұрын
My gosh, I don't even know what to say, everything that you wrote, all of your thoughtful words and contributing money to me so that I can buy good heated gear or some roosting boxes. It's so kind of you and I appreciate it a great deal. I'm going to look into a heated vest, and also roosting boxes. I've been wanting to set up some roosting boxes for the birds since the end of summer but things just never worked out. After my experience this winter though I'm going to invest in a few over the next several months so I'll be ready for next winter. Thank you for letting me know about keeping them in over summer. Your mom sounds like a special woman, and I think the fact she called you chickadee is heart warmingly sweet. :) She did a great job raising another compassionate being in this world. Thank you again for your always kind words, and help. I've learned some things from you with regard to the birds over the last couple of years, and I appreciate that. Have a wonderful weekend.
@LesleytheBirdNerd Жыл бұрын
"Heart-warmingly" I meant, not "Heart warningly" My gosh, that typo and auto correct slipped past me. Which only now I'm learning isn't even a word. I made it all up, haha. So 'Heart-warmingly' is my word invention, ha, oh my. Hope you got a little laugh out of that :)
@SweetStuffOnMonarchLane Жыл бұрын
@@LesleytheBirdNerd You're so welcome Lesley... thank YOU for what you do! I think so many people have learned to appreciate birds because of you, and I think a lot of the time that eventually leads to a greater appreciation for nature in general... something we really need right now. I've been trying to get people to check out the work of Douglas Tallamy. He has devoted his life to researching how important native plants are to ecosystems and I've just been amazed reading about his work and watching his videos. What really clicked with me is how he talks about how certain native caterpillars (and other insects) will only eat certain native plants (anything from "weeds" and wildflowers to bushes and trees) so when those plants are replaced or displaced with invasive plants, the caterpillars disappear along with them. He said a nest of Chickadees, for example, will consume 5,000 to 6,000 caterpillars by the time they're able to be on their own! So it boils down to: no native plants=no caterpillars=no baby birds, etc... not to mention no native bees, butterflies, even our own food supply is affected. I knew native plants are important, but for some reason, I didn't really grasp how important, but the way he relates them with everything, it clicked with me and is inspiring me to plant more native plants on my own property to help the birds so they can have enough food to feed their babies. I don't understand why nurseries are even allowed to sell invasive plants whose seeds are obviously not going to stay within the confines of a person's yard and eventually get spread around... then they compete with and take over wild areas, while being useless to insects and animals. I'm sure greed and money is involved as usual, ugh! Sorry I'm going off on a tangent, lol! It's just so important, and I feel like, geez, if I didn't even think about it, I bet there's a whole lot of other people that are ignorant to it too, and if they knew, they would do things differently in their own yards. It's crazy just how intertwined pollinators are with birds and, well, a lot of other living things, plant and animal. There's a video about the importance of native bees too, that I found SO interesting that I wish EVERYONE would watch called "Bee Extinction: Why We're Saving the Wrong Bees." You should check it out if you get time, I bet you would find it really interesting too. It was a real eye-opener to me! Anyways, yeah, we didn't get my roosting box put out this year either. The ground was already frozen by Christmas and I want it to be on a pole with a squirrel/predator guard so the birds have more protection, so... need to wait until it's warmer. I'm glad you'll be able to use the money for something you need... I wish it could've been more. While I was watching this video about little Chickadee Dimi, something was just telling me you could use it. Then my mom popped in my head, then I looked out at the closest bird feeder to our window to see a Chickadee look right at me, knowingly tilt her head and stare at me, and then I was standing at the kitchen counter deciding/thinking about it and I reached into the candy bowl (which still had some Valentine "conversation candy hearts" in it) and pulled out a candy heart and it said, "chickadee" on it! Isn't that weird?! It was like my mom was sending me these signs and finally just saying, "Chickadee, just do it!" Hahaha! Like, get the message already! 😆 🤣 She really was the sweetest person, and would've given the shirt off her back if someone needed it. She would've loved your videos! Haha, that darned auto correct is always changing what (I think) I'm writing too... sometimes for the better and sometimes not, lol! You would think it would know what I mean by now! 😆 Hmmm, maybe I'm glad it doesn't...! Alright, well, I should get going. Sorry I tend to blab on and on! Take it easy, only 22 days til Spring!!
@LesleytheBirdNerd Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for mentioning that guy, Douglas Tallamy. I've always had an interest in native plants but it's never went far enough, not like the birds. Just as you explained though, the importance of the entire ecosystem and how the absence of particular plant species trickles down, and how the presence of invasive ones also trickle down to other wildlife. It is such a delicate balance out there. I have a deep fascination for bees, and learned last year that our beloved bumble bees are having serious problems. Breaks my heart. I'm going to watch that documentary you mentioned as well, thank you :) Wow that was your experience with seeing Chickadee? Oh my gosh, the way everything is so connected you, we are all one. I believe there is so much more to this world than we are able to realize in our human form. Too funny how you described it though, your mom is like, "I'm trying to tell you something here". haha. No worries about the "blabbing" hahah I can be like that too so I totally get it. It was a pleasure reading everything you said. You take it easy too and I'm so looking forward to Spring as are my birds :)
@SweetStuffOnMonarchLane Жыл бұрын
@@LesleytheBirdNerd Yes, I totally agree with everything you said! The interconnectedness... human and beyond... physical and metaphysical... never ceases to amaze me. I try to pay attention as well as I can, but modern life can be so distracting, especially when you have ADHD (Inattentive type) like me, lol! It's 10 times worse! 😆 🤣 Yes, I hope you can check out that video about native bees, especially if it's something you're already interested in. I think it was less than 10 minutes long, but wow, SO important. My husband and I don't use pesticides or herbicides, only in the most *extreme* cases, and we have Rusty Patch bees on our property! They were put on the endangered list in 2017 I read. I know the calendar says Spring is coming, but we got at least 4 MORE inches of snow today! I noticed a week ago when we had an unseasonable warm up the bird calls were sounding different and I saw some territorial squabbles between the Chickadees. Maybe that's what happened with Dimi, or what I hope happened anyway. Part of me hates not knowing, and part of me doesn't want to know... I'm sure you can relate. I felt the same when I heard about Hermoso. 😥 I guess the more we have to love in life, the more we have to lose, but I definitely think we are better to have known that love and I have to believe that someday we will all be reunited. In the meantime, we just have to learn from how they lived... their humor, their quirks and uniqueness, their perseverance... all of it, and hope we do the same for others. 😀
@kwd-2023 Жыл бұрын
Bird lovers all over the world are going through the exact same things you detail here including all the thoughts and emotions with the birds we interact with daily. We're out there feeding and caring for the birds and animals that exist in our little chunk of the world making sure they have the best possible existence.
@clarahalfin399 Жыл бұрын
Blessings to "Little Chickadee Woman" Dimi!!! It's very possible you will see her again - your food offerings were all calorie dense and with your extras efforts Dimi got multiple feeds. So likely your supplementation got her through the worst weather. Even with her handicap she looked bright eyed and otherwise healthy. We Love You Lesley!!!
@suzannederringer1607 Жыл бұрын
Fimi is indeed precious. We want to save all animals, protect them - but our powers are limited, and we must care for ourselves also. Nothing on Earth lives forever. ❤
@oceanwoods Жыл бұрын
One can’t change the world. But we can change one life.
@Paul-gy6mh Жыл бұрын
God will reward you for caring for his birds. You got Demi through the winter!! Praise Jesus!!!
@chickadeecentral Жыл бұрын
I hope Dimi is OK! A lot of times after I start hand-feeding chickadees a lot and I stop for a couple of days, the chickadees all leave the area. Sometimes I won't see them again for weeks, months, or seasons. I hope you get to see her again sometime soon! Such a touching, heartwarming story
@robertganther3695 Жыл бұрын
We have turkeys that come to our bird feeder everyday. There was a crippled hen turkey we named hoppy. She made it through the first winter when she was young. She lived in our backyard all winter since the other turkeys rejected her. She disappeared in spring and didn't see her again. We prayed everyday that we would see her again. In January almost 2 years later she showed up out of the blue and still knew us. There is always hope. She is in her final season and still shows up. We never gave up on her.
@annalisa14 Жыл бұрын
Nice 😊
@SW13333 Жыл бұрын
Great story! Do you have a setup for her to sleep at night or if the weather's too cold? Says alot that she came back. Birds remember certain humans - especially those they trust. - Stephanie
@robertganther3695 Жыл бұрын
@@SW13333 Wild turkeys roost in trees overnight but we had put down hay where she liked to lay during the day during the winter.
@chickensalad3535 Жыл бұрын
I hope Dimi returns. Thank you for nurturing sweet baby Dimi.
@mischiefmouse Жыл бұрын
Lesley, it's normal to get attached to our feathered friends. I pray you experience healing from these losses 🙏🏼 Remember that our heavenly Father cares for these little ones, more than we possibly can. You are demonstrating His love in caring for them (and His love for each one of us, His human children!). Thank you for sharing with us. Be well ❤🙏🏼
@gertrudewest4535 Жыл бұрын
You and I could be sisters... I fret and go to great lengths, hikes to care for my beloved bird friends. I am pretty hardy and can take the physical exertion. These birds are the love of my life.
@H-nx8wr 4 ай бұрын
We are here to be stewards of nature, doing what we can in gentle ways to protect, this is what you were doing with Dimi.
@heavenbound392 Жыл бұрын
Such pleasure watching birds. God gave us the birds and all animals for our enjoyment. I also watch the deer pantry in Maine. They feed deer oats and acorn for the winter months.
@leeobrien8638 4 ай бұрын
This reminds me of the hope given in Romans 8
@heavenbound392 3 ай бұрын
@@leeobrien8638 amen brother.
@earFront Жыл бұрын
I sure wish more people had the capacity for empathy and kindness as you seem to have. Thanx so much for helping our critter friends.
@BornRemaining 11 ай бұрын
No matter how much heartbreak I go through helping critters, I just can't stop. You too, huh?
@johnnyhag675 Жыл бұрын
What a special relationship you have with your little avian friends. Dimi is so cute. God bless you for looking after them so well. Beautiful up close shots of them. Thanks for sharing.
@TechOutAdam Жыл бұрын
Seeing her remain strong with only one little leg is the strength we all need to resemble. ❤ also, those emotions are not useless. Don’t lose your spirituality because “nature”. It’s not the emotions, it’s how you handle them. Numbing yourself comes with problems too.
@karenburrows9184 Жыл бұрын
A vet told me once (and I've never forgotten it) a bird can get along just fine with a hurt or crippled leg or foot, they have remarkable healing power. What they can't get along with is a damaged wing or beak. I remember this each time I watch my birds in the yard. It helps me judge. Equally important is to remember that we meet these wonderful creatures at the edge of their world, where ours meets theirs. We visit, but we can never cross that line, for neither belongs on the other side. Be well, Lesley. Your health is as important as theirs - they're relying on you for that extra food in winter.
@LesleytheBirdNerd Жыл бұрын
Thanks so much, Karen. It is true, as I've seen plenty of birds over the years with a bad leg or foot, and they've lived on for years. Thank you for the wise words about how we interact with them in their world. I believe you are right about that.
@indioloco6600 Жыл бұрын
The only bird that tells you it's name.
@cherigreen4471 Жыл бұрын
Aw you have such a sensitive spirit and I completely understand your need to help these beautiful creatures! I got teary eyed when you couldn’t find your sweet little Dimi. 😢 However you did your best and that is all you can do. As you said it is nature. You truly are the Bird Whisperer! I love your channel and God bless you for your kindness! 🥰
@LesleytheBirdNerd Жыл бұрын
It's pretty incredible that a wild bird can have such an impact on us emotionally. They are all just so wonderful, I love them.
@dg.262 Жыл бұрын
Pray: The Serenity Prayer 🙏 ❣I love how you care for our birds. I lost my little Cockatiel girl that I was madly in love with almost 3 years ago. She was only 11 years old, but I was blessed to have her in my life since she was a fluffy little fledgling. My grief is still great and I think about her and talk to her every day. Ziva was bonded to me too. She was on me or with me all of her waking hours. She would stand on my head or on my pillow guarding me when I rested or nappef. She took showerd with me and we shared meals. She loved goung on car rides with me. She was perfect and sweet and comicle. Ziva was an extremely intelligent bird and she truly lovef me in with her entire body. She was an extremely loyal little creature. You're doing everything right please don't be too hard on yourself, because I have been and my health suffered for it. Be well and stay strong ,please. The world needs more gentle and in tuned with nature people like you. Tears and hugs ❣ Pray the The Serenity Prayer - it helps to heal. 😊
@dg.262 Жыл бұрын
Please excuse all of my typos ❣
@RossLougheed Жыл бұрын
I just love your channel, your compassion, and teaching us not only about all our feathered friends but how to follow your example in being compassionate to them. Thank you again for all you do, for who you are. Your friend, Ross, Boise, Idaho, USA
@charliesmart3008 Жыл бұрын
Lesley - I may not know you in real life, but you seem like a genuinely wonderful person. The way you see the world is incredibly touching, and your videos have brought me immense joy. You're the sort of person that I want to be in this life. Thank you so much for sharing your love of birds, and I'm glad that you're learning to show yourself the same care that you do our avian friends.
@LesleytheBirdNerd Жыл бұрын
Wow, thank you for those kind words, Charlie. It's a great joy to affect people in that way. :) You're so welcome, I'm glad that you find joy from these videos, take care.
@VitalityMassage Жыл бұрын
After I lost my dog, other people's animals and wild animals became my pets. I love them all. I have feelings for them. It's ok to cry. In fact, it's healthy. (I don't catch "colds" because I only eat whole, healthy, organic foods. No wheat or dairy. No mass produced meat.) They're all special and we're all tiny parts of God.
@randyrejer4219 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing this story about Demi.
@lynnspillane8651 Жыл бұрын
Thank you as always, for sharing this video and story of Dimi. Your compassion and empathy for the birds amazes and touches me! ❤️ I sure hope little Dimi returns soon! Stay well!
@francineh.7825 Жыл бұрын
It's hard to not get attached and I've given up trying not to and instead just accept that I will feel heartbreak. I had a mother deer who would always bring her fawns to my yard and she came to my house for 2 years and then one year she was gone. I still think of her often. I hope little Dimi is safe 💕
@fluxerflixer1 Жыл бұрын
Leslie, what you do for those birds is priceless. I am praying for Dimi. I know those feelings of guilt all to well. And I know the attachment one gets to these beautiful birds. I lost Napoleon (my green cheeked Conure) October-12-2020, and I have never gotten over it. I want you to know watching your channel has brought me much happiness and peace to help me cope. Thank you for all you do and God Bless.
@thegrand4965 Жыл бұрын
it comforts me to know youre out there caring for these little beings
@lavslady Жыл бұрын
As an old woman who has mobility problems, I watch the birds and squirrels that come to the multiple feeders and birdbath I have in and around my huge Cherry Tree out my front room window. And Lesley, you have my heart. Watching how you hand feed the birds and name them, and learning so much about nature and the birds that come to my view. And now, watching you devote yourself until you, yourself get ill, is just heart breaking. There are just some things that I have learned over my long and happy life...some things are just beyond our control. I have been watching your videos for several years now, and have learned so much from you. Give yourself a break. We love you!!! 🥰🥰🥰
@bohditony Жыл бұрын
Thanks to this channel I have become familiar with birds in general. Such amazing strength bravery & smartness in just a few ounces. Love watching them. Rescued a few. Have few with no toes but keep reappearing. ❤ to this channel thank You 🙏
@LesleytheBirdNerd Жыл бұрын
I'm so happy for that. Thank you for the kind words.
@janetbarr7239 Жыл бұрын
You are amazing! Out there in the cold for them!
@calliepicketts212 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for all that you do for the birds !
@Bryan-oo5kw Жыл бұрын
Sweet little chickadees, I'm so glad you care for them so!
@mrsjudys Жыл бұрын
You are a very kind young lady! God is a kind and caring creator. 💕
@janetbarr7239 Жыл бұрын
Well documented circle of emotions that nature takes us on!
@f_r_e_d Жыл бұрын
i hope you see fluffy demi again. reminds me of when i found a limping mourning dove on my walk from work. looked like it got attacked by a stray cat. i brought it home and took care of it for about 4 months and finally released her when she started flying around my apartment. i was so happy to hear the coo/whistle in the early mornings
@Katzmommy777 Жыл бұрын
You have the purest of hearts, Lesley! ❤ It’s incredible to hear the lessons you have learned from Dimi. That little bird has now left a mark on our lives through you. Please know that you also deserve the same care and love you give these birds. Look out for yourself too. And although you may be limited in the number of birds you can personally take care of, you have been teaching us how to take care of the bird friends in our backyards. Your reach goes far now. ❤
@LesleytheBirdNerd Жыл бұрын
Helen than you for these thoughtful and reassuring words. I appreciate them so much right now. Much love
@GaiaCarney Жыл бұрын
Helen G - you’ve said it best 🕊
@micahbirdlover8152 Жыл бұрын
@@GaiaCarney I love your picture 🥰
@marylongoria9431 Жыл бұрын
Thank so much for what you do for all the birds, please Lesley take care of yourself!🙏🏻
@repetemyname842 Жыл бұрын
Good job, Lesley, I know these birds appreciate the heck out of you. As do your viewers. Take care of yourself. Milwaukee sells a battery powered heated vest, you might need to invest in something like that to help keep you warm while out doing your good deeds. We will keep our fingers crossed for Dimi.
@LesleytheBirdNerd Жыл бұрын
Thank you the kind words and for mentioning the heated vest. I should look into that. Sounds like something I definitely need. I'm keeping a look out for little Dimi :)
@micahbirdlover8152 Жыл бұрын
@@LesleytheBirdNerd I love inky 🥰
@bertanelson8062 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this sweet video. Yes, love teaches us great lessons.
@user-rd7ig5ht5l 4 ай бұрын
You are a wonderful person my dear friend. It's not many people who would treck through the snow covered forest are very few. Thanks 🙏
@k-9lover5349 Жыл бұрын
You don't how much your helping me by helping the birds.. thank you . 🐦💞
@Monicacride Жыл бұрын
Thank you! One with nature. ❤️ Serenity Prayer. God love you.
@lindamon5101 Жыл бұрын
Please take the best of care of our Leslie! Nourishing soup& rest is best! Love all around you!
@LesleytheBirdNerd Жыл бұрын
Thank you very kindly, Linda. Much love
@lynncanada1915 Жыл бұрын
Totally understand your care for and of them...wear same shoes 👍
@spirithorse4989 Жыл бұрын
Good message for those of us who struggle with the harsh reality of nature.
@floydmorrison2025 Жыл бұрын
What a wonderful video. You're such a beautiful person, Lesley! Your empathy and tenacity knows no bounds. Here in southeastern CT, we've barely gotten any snow all winter, which I attribute to global warning. I'm guessing most Canadians are like "What's global warming?" lol. I will be praying for Dimi's safe return. What a tough little bird, I love her so much! BirdsWalkingDown builds the most incredible nest boxes that I've ever seen, that was kind of him to send you a couple. He inspired me to put up my own boxes this year. Please take care of yourself, so you can continue to take care of your little feathered friends, and be healthy and mobile to greet Dimi upon her return. Thanks for another fantastic, heartwarming video!
@MaritimeHomesteader Жыл бұрын
Wow very awesome. Thank you for taking care of the birds in your area. We put out feed all winter. It makes a difference especially when it’s very cold. Their survival rate goes up tremendously when they have a food source when it’s really cold. Blessings. 🙏🏽
@mwilson3602 Жыл бұрын
You're a gem Lesley. Black capped Chickadees are my favorite. I know how you feel because I know which birds visit my feeders and worry when I don't see my regulars.
@GaryT1952 Жыл бұрын
That was beautiful beyond words Lesley...proud to be a member of the birding community
@LesleytheBirdNerd Жыл бұрын
Thank you very kindly, Gary. The birding community is awesome :)
@karal6968 Жыл бұрын
You did well Dimi was given a few more days because of you. Your words give much wisdom please continue
@D3lor34n Жыл бұрын
Your channel grew on me, i'm not the biggest bird person myself but the way you structure your videos and the beautyful shots you create are very appreciated. Keep doing what you're doing.
@1jessebell 7 ай бұрын
Awe, I pray Dimi is okay. I love your care you give these sweet souls❤❤
@marianneb.7112 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for caring for all the birds, Leslie. Of course you love them! In the process you are learning to better care for yourself as well. Much respect and sympathy to you. May God always bless you and the birds. 🙏💙
@wyomingadventures Жыл бұрын
I totally understand how you feel. I'm especially attached to birds all my life. And I have had pet birds all my life. It's hard for me to see them in a pet store. My pet birds are out of their cages all day. I feed outdoor birds with many feeders. Seeing the moose in your video reminds me of a calf moose I fed all winter because someone killed it's mother. It's very hard not to care about the wild animals we're blessed to see. I do know they aren't with us for long sometimes. But I think it's better we care about them than not caring about them. Your story about Dimi has touched my heart. This is why I love your channel Leslie. I hope Dimi comes back and if she doesn't you gave your all to her. You are an amazing person! Thank you for looking out for our feathered friends. ❤️
@tramarherrera6685 Жыл бұрын
Leslie, thank you for all you do for all God's little creatures. But please take care of yourself, you are important too. ❤️
@LesleytheBirdNerd Жыл бұрын
Definitely, I learned that lesson loud and clear the last couple of months :) Thank you for the kindness and concern
@SeanRhoadesChristopher Жыл бұрын
So heart breaking when our little friends vanish with no explanation! 💔🛐 I’m praying for Dimi to be okay, while I also pray for the broken hearted, the downcast, the abused, the homeless, the sick, the needy, those who mourn, those on the verge of giving up, the hungry/thirsty, those in war torn countries, those suffering from natural disasters, the marginalized, the widow, the fatherless, the refugee, the foreigner, those with mental illness, those cursed for the sins of their parents, and Jimmy Carter in his final days to be rewarded for his good deeds and example to us all. May Jimmy rest in the bosom of Abraham.
@BigKevsPlace1 Жыл бұрын
Yes. Stay positive because as you say “nature is nature”.
@juliamadison5701 Жыл бұрын
What a lovely bunch of sweet bird friends you have ☺️
@lonzo61 Жыл бұрын
I don't know who's sweeter: Lesley or the birds she feeds. Wish we had all that snow down here in Ohio. It's been one of the mildest winters in memory. I like winter when it snows!
@LesleytheBirdNerd Жыл бұрын
The birds, definitely the birds :) Haha, thanks for the sweet compliment. I hear you about wanting snow in winter. It's just not the same without it. :)
@Starclimber Жыл бұрын
You're pretty much an excellent human, Lesley. Thanks for all of the kindnesses you extend to your bird buddies
@marybennett8657 Жыл бұрын
You are an angel with special powers and the birds love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️💙💙
@switcheyephotography5722 Жыл бұрын
Always help when your heart tells you to. You'll feel good for it, and it's the only selfish thing that's good to do.
@ittybittykittymama7582 Жыл бұрын
We have a flock of song sparrows who live in a viburnum bush at the base of a small hackberry tree on our property here in the mountains of East Tennessee. These tiny morsels of life are so cute in the morning as they sit together in their tree, turning their faces to the quickly warming sun. Later, they line up along the top of our wooden fence, singing for their breakfast. The quickly refilled feeder is a big hit with them and they take turns gobbling mouthfuls of seeds. All through the day, they continue taking turns at the feeder and can easily empty a five-pound hopper in one day. At evening, they all sit facing the setting sun, warming themselves in its last rays before the chill of night settles in. Then they fill their bush with soft songs and twitters as they prepare to sleep. We really enjoy these little songbirds, whom we refer to as "The Choir." They stay with us all year through and we make sure to provide plenty of fresh food and water. In the spring, we provide live mealworms as a special treat. How rewarding it is to help our little feathered friends! We rejoice in the late spring when the babies join the flock and we weep when a pile of tiny feathers says that the hawk who lives across the valley has taken one of our sparrows to feed his young in their nest. Nature is beautiful and it can be cruel, but cooperating with the Maker of all things in caring for the birds is a wonderful way to spend our time. After all, His eye is on the sparrow, so we can know that He watches over His children.
@mrs.g.9816 Жыл бұрын
Who wouldn't love these beautiful little creatures? I know how hard it is to balance necessary self-care with care and compassion for those you love. Birds know when they're loved and who they can trust. They sense your compassionate heart. May you stay in good health, and may all your little friends continue to bring you cheer!
@brianseybert2189 Жыл бұрын
All I can say is, thank God there are people like you in this world. Weather or not you ever get to see Demi again, at least you gave her a fighting chance. Our cat has been gone for about a month, the same questions enter my mind as have for you over Demi. 3 years ago our cat was gone all winter and was retuned, only due to a microchip. But his previous absence allows me to have faith that he will be returned to us or find his way home. All I do for the birds in the winter is make sure the feeders are clean and full. After a storm I always go out and clean off the snow and ice. No matter how cold or blustery I still go out every morning and have a cup of coffee with the birds. Stay Well!!!!
@adbarrett5498 11 ай бұрын
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE your videos!!! Thank you for being YOU!
@justathot5173 Жыл бұрын
Hugging you so tightly, you kind, sweet dear.
@shutupshelley1793 9 ай бұрын
Lesley, you have truly made my bird world soooo much more wonderful! You have enriched my natural love for birds with amazing information and personal insights and observations. I cannot find words to explain how much your channel has influenced not only my "bird world" , but my life in general. For example, I used to kinda be pissy at blue jays for being noisy and bossy, but now I'm embracing their breathtaking beauty and teaching them to catch peanuts I throw up to the sky! You know, Lesley, when people look back at their lives and wonder what, if anything, they have done to make a mark on this world, I can 100% assure you that you and the knowledge you've shared have *DEFINITELY* made a humble yet wildly profound impact on my everyday, simple life here in northern Michigan. Thank you. 😊
@emptynestgardens9057 Жыл бұрын
Yes please take care of you first. Just like the instructions by the flight attendants before the plane takes off. Thanks for all that you do. 🥰
@ecaidies Жыл бұрын
Thanks for helping out the birds.
@tracypfau3896 Жыл бұрын
Keep us apprised of big Dimi! I have hope she’s got that hippocampus working bigger and better than the other ones❤❤❤❤
@maryclarafjare Жыл бұрын
It's good that you're adjusting to Nature and realizing that you also matter, just as much. 😊
@LesleytheBirdNerd Жыл бұрын
@gertrudewest4535 Жыл бұрын
I disagree about limiting your attachment. Love and loss is a part of life. You are stronger than you think.
@LesleytheBirdNerd Жыл бұрын
That is true about life, and you could be right about my approach to attachment. It's something for me to fully understand but I definitely need to take care of myself too.
@gertrudewest4535 Жыл бұрын
Yes, you do!
@maryclarafjare Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for helping the babies
@gordroberts53 Жыл бұрын
Far far in the future, there waits a very special place in heaven for you Lesley❤️
@LesleytheBirdNerd Жыл бұрын
Aww you're so kind, thank you, Gord. I hope all my feathered friends will be there waiting 🐦💙💜
@gordroberts53 Жыл бұрын
@@LesleytheBirdNerd 💕 of this I have no doubt 🙏
@russelder9743 Жыл бұрын
Lesley----what a lovely heart you have....I remember those cold days here upstate NY also...I certainly dont make a trek like you do....I had trouble in my own property with the wind chill...just seeing your hands I was thinking your way tougher then I am...that one Chickadee is beautiful red on bottom and green on thinking about bringing it into your wife and I have thought the same at times...your such a blessing to these birds and also to little Dimi...a farmer where I live told me as a farmer you cant name any animals as you might get attached...I know you talk change and being realistic but I think your too full of love for these creations to change too much....stay safe God Bless
@LesleytheBirdNerd Жыл бұрын
Oh it gets pretty cold on the old hands that's for sure and I seem to much wimpier than I was in my younger years. Either that or it's colder than they are saying it is, haha! Yea, I don't know how well that would be to take Dimi inside, It's nice to know that others think the same things when seeing birds in distress :) Maybe one day I will get my training as a wildlife rehabber and open something here in my area. We sure could use something like that here. Your farmer friend is right you know, naming these birds adds so much more to them, but then again if it weren't possible for me to see each of their distinctions and unique behaviors I would probably never had named them. I guess names or not there is no refuting the fact that all of these birds are truly different from one another. :) You're right, changing my approach to these birds too much is probably not something I will be able to do. Thanks for your kind comment, Russ Take care.
@durcanmarsh4690 Жыл бұрын
Lesley, you are my go to for all kinds of info on our sweet baby feathered friends and I enjoy all of your video's immensely. I hope someday my sweet cheerful feathered friends trust me enough to come take the seeds or meal worms or suet treats from my hand or palm, like they do for you, as that would be so delightful! You are blessed and I send you a ton of happy thoughts and Sunshine 🐦🌻🐦🌞🐦
@way_truth_life_of_love Жыл бұрын
You gave her so many good yummy strengthening moments and made us all love and appreciate her- what a gift! Please take care of your precious self and remember Emily Dickenson’s poem: Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul…
@jenniferhall4880 Жыл бұрын
I can understand the obsession of trying to care for animals outside with limited resources. There's a stray cat that showed up last spring and I'm trying so hard to keep it alive all winter here in Michigan. I don't get much rest because I constantly worry about it. But I have to remember that this cat is God's cat. He's responsible for its ultimate well-being in the end. Trying to let go of my worry and give it to God. It isn't always easy. He's the one who cares for the animals. Not me. But, I 100 percent understand the love and worry you gave for such fragile animals.
@dsc4178 Жыл бұрын
Those little birds are tough and smart
@janacollins-maguire4942 Жыл бұрын
I would get so attached too, and her little leg being hurt. Thanks Lesley for all you do for the little babies. Take care of you too!! ❤️🐦
@Oltoir Жыл бұрын
What a lovely video and story!
@LesleytheBirdNerd Жыл бұрын
I am happy that you enjoyed it, thanks a bunch for the nice comment.
@donnawoodward3163 Жыл бұрын
Yes! I also am so touched by your beautiful story and video of those winter woods and your sweet, dear bird families.. I'm so sorry for the pain of it all. Caring so deeply, feeling so much, comes with a price in this polarized world. Wanting and needing to be there for them, especially during these harsh frozen temperatures and doing it, wow... You brought much needed food, companionship, hope and of course love to each one, especially Demi😍 Having that soul connection with each one is so important. But of course you and your body's well being is as well as frustrating and upsetting as I'm sure that has been for you. Your heart is joyfully giving service to them. The every increasing light of wisdom and understanding shines through as we follow our heart's passion. But so often there is deep pain along with it Bless you, into full strength and health. Bless your heart and spirit navigating the harshness of this world. Bless these beautiful souls who came into this world as birds and chose to be a part of your loving tribe💞✨🙏 Your heart has encouraged me so much, thank you for your service to us all😘🙏✨
@VelwynBenirus Жыл бұрын
Thank you for being so wonderful to these sweet little things. I’m glad you were able to learn from them, I can empathise with your concerns and I imagine it was really wearing you down your concerns. Glad you’ve found a balance :) Thank you for being such a wonderful channel and a wonderful person. Your videos are very heartwarming.
@nachig4754 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Leslie for sharing as always, I know exactly what you mean, your thoughs and reflexiones sore through my mind every time I try to help to the feathery friends around my home, I hope Dimi is ok, and I can wait to see her soon in one of your videos. You are a kind soul, take care yourself. Blessings .
@lawrencegreen8952 Жыл бұрын
Lesley, buy and use a hand warmer. You can also buy battery-powered socks. As Alaskans remind us it isn't the cold that injures and kills, it's the lack of preparations for the cold. In winter, some starve; others ski, feed the birds or go skiing. Love your videos! "Every bird, every tree, every flower reminds me what a blessing and privilege it is just to be alive.” - Marty Rubin
@sharirohde Жыл бұрын
Lesley, I love your heart for Gods creatures. I love my birds, but I am also attached to our foxes that live up here at 10600 feet with us. We had a few sick foxes lately ( mange) and it is heartbreaking when they no longer come around. I deal with the heartbreak like this. I tell God that someday in heaven they will be with me healed and whole. They will remember my help here on earth and surround me with their healed and healthy bodies. I will see them again someday, but healthy and thanking me for my love and attention. Hope you find peace and love in all you do with our feathered friends! ❤️❤️❤️
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