Homeless San Jose State Professor Forced To Live In Her Car

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Len Ramirez reports on adjunct professor at SJSU unable to afford housing in the South Bay who lives in her car (8-30-2017)

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@benmak917 6 жыл бұрын
Poor woman, she will be more happy teaching English abroad in Asia.
@MeliMeli66 6 жыл бұрын
yes that is a great idea and a better quality of life.
@edwink1467 6 жыл бұрын
They LOVE a white teacher teaching English, seriously. Go to Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, or even China. They will pay her really good money.
@lenac3587 6 жыл бұрын
It is assume English taught by a white person is authentic because it is their native language so no dilution.
@benmak917 6 жыл бұрын
@@lenac3587 Dokladnie, kiedy za oceanem w latach 80' hinduski nauczyciel angielskiego zostal przyjety , studenci (bylem jednym z nich) zbuntowali sie na jego ciezki akcent. Zostal szybko zwolniony.
@edwink1467 6 жыл бұрын
Except that's not true. In fact, most "White" people do not speak English as their first language unless they are from an English speaking country like the UK, US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and perhaps South Africa. What about all the German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Austrian, Hungarian, Finish, Polish, Ukrainian, Russian....etc? An Asian born and raised in an English speaking country would speak English better than someone from... let's say Spain for sure, but it's a shame most people in Asian countries only care about who looks like they speak English.
@w2385-i2s 6 жыл бұрын
Students should demand that most of their money should go to the teacher, not the administrators.
@nonegiven3814 5 жыл бұрын
a lot of that money goes to pay for retired teachers. she is learning/or not,, the hard way,, what you spend on your education better pay you at least 2x's in income to make a college degree worth it.
@nonegiven3814 5 жыл бұрын
@Truthfears Guilty no need to make America socialist,, time people wake up and learn to determine the cost of a degree vs the pay of the career they are chasing. (healthcare is a scam too,, they arent curing anyone,, the FDA only requires 1% to be cured and no more than 15% to be harmed--think about that) healthcare banking because people dont have the commitment to fast every now and then
@nonegiven3814 5 жыл бұрын
@Truthfears Guilty we are minimalist,, we dont buy anything,, retired in our 40's,, was very poor growing up......didn't like it much so I made a plan and followed through. your looking for excuses instead of solutions that dont involve other people or their $ to put it into action------make her husband get a job,, a show of effort.
@nonegiven3814 5 жыл бұрын
@Truthfears Guilty lol keep dreaming,,, for the record i am very anti walmart,, but if it makes you feel better,, keep thinking that,, keep being a failure wondering why nobody told you the secret to success
@talldarkhandsome8587 5 жыл бұрын
@tygrahof9268 6 жыл бұрын
A college can pay a masters degree teacher $30,000 a year to teach 4 classes? They are getting a deal, and simply ripping her off.
@ItsNotAllRainbows_and_Unicorns 6 жыл бұрын
I know a French professor at a college (Merrimack College in Mass.), who even after 35 years of teaching is paid less than a high school teacher after reaching tenure of just 10 years. I think it might be less like 4 years, but I am not too sure.
@lenac3587 6 жыл бұрын
Why the hell is college so damn expensive if the lecturers are paid peanuts struggling to make ends meet?
@ItsNotAllRainbows_and_Unicorns 6 жыл бұрын
Lena C www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/5fexcy/why_is_college_so_damn_expensive/
@mimi1o8 6 жыл бұрын
Student debt = slavery
@tygrahof9268 6 жыл бұрын
Yet it is accepted by the colleges as satisfactory. The colleges need to be held accountable!!
@TheCoolOwen 6 жыл бұрын
We need dorms for professors
@Wardell43 6 жыл бұрын
@AtheistCook 6 жыл бұрын
good idea!
@jonathanjames8765 6 жыл бұрын
They should simply be paid as they deserve.
@Wardell43 6 жыл бұрын
She is in California, They talk about Living wage yet they pass laws that jack up the rent and tax the crap out of everyone. She needs to fill out resumes in other parts of the country and move instead of hoping to be part of the snotty crowd that forgot how to smile and laugh. California died years ago so I'm saying, she is an Educated White Woman that made a choice so why is she in the news??
@CTorres_1993 6 жыл бұрын
SJSU does have professor dorms. I think it's in CVC. From what I was told, it is still expensive.
@thestruggleissoreel6175 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this story. I lost my teaching job to a layoff and ended up living in my car. I also racked up college loans trying to get a degree that I was told would help me keep my job, but I still got laid off. There are a lot of people who are still painfully naive about what's really going on in America.
@justicewillprevail1106 6 жыл бұрын
Times have changed... God bless this woman. Stay strong.
@xtusvincit5230 6 жыл бұрын
For God's sake move to another state.
@Wardell43 6 жыл бұрын
That is why I make fun of all things California. They create a problem then demand that the taxpayers fix it!! I don't live in California. I'm a deplorable living in a Southern Flyover State!! So they can kiss my ar$e! And you are right, she is part of the problem! An educated White Woman that doesn't have enough sense to come in out of the rain!!!!! Every year, every disgruntled teacher in the country implies they are going to leave the state that they are in if they don't get a raise. Please Leave!! Bye bye!! Don't let the door hit your where the Good Lord split you!! We have 95 million unemployed workers and teacher don't think they are responsible for most of that. In fact we have roughly 22 million college graduates that can't find work in their field. The Teacher support the Politicians that are sending our jobs overseas with Very Bad trade deals
@macbuff81 6 жыл бұрын
Definitely. I am not sure what is holding her in that location, but I could imagine that she could make as much money teaching somewhere where she could afford rent.
@adambrady6675 6 жыл бұрын
Hubby needs to find a job
@denniszadok9986 6 жыл бұрын
Hubby needs to get a job as a dishwaher or some other menial job. Tired of seeing illegals do work that these proud Americans won't do.
@totallyamazing3638 6 жыл бұрын
@americanpatriot3667 6 жыл бұрын
Homelessness is easy it has no face it can happen in minutes
@josboersema1352 6 жыл бұрын
Another reason to have a good set of camping gear and survival stuff, this society has failed. Capitalism ends when it has taken all the land that does not belong to them. Everyone needs their right to land restored as a natural and God given inalienable right. People do not understand that, they are too busy with their phoney "smarts" about some propaganda they heard on TV. Jesus, Capitalism, Constitution, Socialism, Communism, The Republic, democracy, peace ... I guess that is more or less all that is in 99% of the minds of Americans these days, judging from youtube comments. Ideological words jumble about in their minds as loose blocks, as shrink wrapped plastic toys, devoid of meaning but heavy in emotion: hate, love, ferociousness and pride. They all think they are so learned and deep, because they are _Americans!._ They know the truth by instinct ! Not even one in a hundred has puzzled seriously about these grave topics on their own: economics, companies, trade, work, natural resources, debt, speculation, housing, the State .... Knee jerk prejudice from dawn to dusk, The End. "We don't have to hear, because we already know, we are the Indispensable Nation." Therefore this culture will die. Americans will end up homeless on the continent their forefathers conquered. By the way, quite offensive that the college / school is possessed by such anti-social people that they cannot even resolve the matter of a sleeping place for their own professor. There is no room anywhere ?! Nobody has a room or a shed ? Shame on them, shame on America, shame on the world. Ever higher towers of glittering luxury, endless money war, but a _professor_ does not even have a place to put a bed ! Sleeps in a chair !!! Unbelievable how sick this culture is, and how sick humanity is that they let this happen one way or the other. (Of course we don't get the whole story here, but there are many such stories and it seems to accelerate.) We need our land back, person by person as a right. This whole thing that started in Babylon is a failure. This whole thing that started since the last ice age is ending in failure. Stop stealing our land by whatever trick, called Capitalism, or Socialism or whatever other lies.
@jessepacheco4857 5 жыл бұрын
@@josboersema1352 You're so right my friend. Owning good land with access to running water is the best investment you can make. I work in the city, but live in a van while I'm there. My home is a 100 acre property with a creek and a pond. My co-workers think I'm crazy, but l think they're just as crazy for spending $600,000 for a house with no land. I couldn't fathom spending that kind of money and live 10ft from somebody.
@josboersema1352 5 жыл бұрын
@@jessepacheco4857 Wonderful you can get that kind of land. It's strange almost, how land is everything to some people, while others say "I don't know what I need land for." I always say: everything is on land, moves on land, and goes back to land; land is everything, land is life. If some people cannot muster the creativity or work ethic to make something of their land: no problem. There are two options: 1. They can die from laziness, problem solved. 2. They can find employ with someone who wants to bother steering them around and giving them a 'job' in turn for skimming off some profit from their labor. That option 2 is what most people do nowadays, but which was rightly thought of as low only a century ago ! This solution solves unemployment, because land is work. People don't understand either that most types of _work_ (ultimately, all types) happen on land an need land. A programmer, needs an office (that is land), etc. It is not only about farming people ! (sigh). I am able to rent about 110 m² for next to nothing, and have a nice vegetable garden on it, with solar powered irrigation. It is a lot of fun (and work too :-). What's better than eating your own clean vegetables ? The odd thing though: the law forbids me to sell my produce, even though I have a reseller and even accidentally made use of it, earning some money (which I returned when I found out it was illegal). This is what people in the west call freedom. You can eek out some vegetables for your own, so long as you don't bother getting into the market and threatening the gangsters of money with their big agricultural businesses that ruin the world and seem to now be murdering all insect life around the planet. I guess humanity is next after that, if the trend continues. Good luck on your land. The people who call you crazy now might beg you later to show them how to live ... Maybe there is hope, in and after the consequences. We need to have our land back, person by person, and if someone is an idiot - just as most of them are with the vote - tough luck, maybe those people should learn to realize how stupid they are so that they better themselves. Having your land is not only a right, it is even a duty, IMHO. It is a essential necessity to keep the economy stable. I mean: equal value of natural resources, by right freely for all, person by person, with the right to rent out, without the right to permanently destroy/damage, and this can only be done by that Nation (not internationally ! that would be an epic disaster). Sorry to go on about it, but the devil is in the details with this kind of thing.
@danlivni2097 5 жыл бұрын
"I started the companies Atari, Intellivision Colecovision, Blockbuster, Tower Records, Toys R Us. I was a multi billionaire at one point, but all my companies went under. Now i'm homeless."
@rickyparker4552 6 жыл бұрын
California is just too DAMN expensive!!!! Move out!!!!
@unfilteredvoice3535 6 жыл бұрын
What's going to happen is that people who can afford it will move in - the rich. And middle class workers and below, will move out.
@unfilteredvoice3535 6 жыл бұрын
What the hell are you smoking. Keep telling yourself that. Legal immigrants have been a major contributor to the U.S. economy. Furthermore for decades, the higher cost of living in California is NOT the result of socialism and legal immigration. It's because of the competitiveness of the area - the job market, goods and services, quality of living, quality of education. Whenever there is high demand of goods and services, with little resources, price will always go high. California has Silicon Valley, Los Angeles - Entertainment hub of the world, and then San Diego, that attracts millions of people all over the country and the world for investment. California also has the top universities and colleges in the nation. Will all these top resources, competition is high, thus the market will elevate the price. Hence taxes will also increase. This is simple economics for you. Legal immigration is contributing to the economy of the U.S. I'm not sure what you're smoking, but you are way off. California is becoming a state of the elite, where working class people cannot compete with the rise of inflation due to the competition of the area. Sure, you can toss in the sanctuary laws, but whether you like or not, those people also contribute to the economy. I'm guessing when you say "immigrant citizens" you are referring to non-white immigrants. Well, California has all of the top companies that operates all over the world. Of course, it will attract people all over the globe. This not a unique scenario. Superpower nations have always attracted immigrants all OVER the globe. Before the U.S. it was Spain. Generations ago, it was Rome. Yeah, immigration has always been part of history, and an integral part of the growth of the economy - especially if the goods and services are delivered all over the globe. It seems from your comment, that you do not like ANY type of immigration, and you'd already impressed your firm believe that it's not a good future when there's any immigrants. Well, I would hate to say it, but California is still one of the top economies of the world. There's no denying the fact that it generates a GDP even surpassing Britain. The future is not dark for California, however, the demographic will change as it will push out those who cannot afford it. Those immigrants that you so hate, also built that economy.
@orangecountyanthony1613 5 жыл бұрын
A lot of Californians are now Texans! Good jobs, good schools, good weather! Cheaper housing.
@guyinthechat9533 5 жыл бұрын
​@bdpride You're the one that sounds like an uneducated idiot - comparing the price of the toll roads and property tax to the cost of living in CA. LOL. Maybe you should try to get a real job and move out of your trailer? Maybe work in tech like me. Oh, you don't have any computers skills? I don't doubt that since you can't write complete sentences. I moved to TX from CA so your comments are hilarious. The only thing Anthony got wrong was the weather - CA weather beats TX weather hands down. Stay safe out there KZbin comment warrior.
@johantenma6182 4 жыл бұрын
@Patriot Jefferson lmao the United States is the result of legal immigration
@MistressGlowWorm 4 жыл бұрын
Yet we pay administrators 250k a year?
@jamesmcconnell1041 5 жыл бұрын
Poor woman, I pray for you. I survived the wicked who took everything from me with a broken spine, and live in a single room occupancy in Pittsburgh on SSI. Thank goodness I am not homeless. I pray God makes your life better.
@LiseWrigley 7 ай бұрын
May your life get better too James.
@David-jj7dy 5 жыл бұрын
What an incredibly wonderful woman. I've been living in my car for five years. My dog has passed away. No family . male . and too no drug or alcohol in my life. She is right . she is very generous to her students and true to her self. Generous too to her ex and loves her dogs. What a wonderful soul she has. Hopeful And bountiful blessings to her and her loved ones coming her way.
@aubsta1 6 жыл бұрын
The reporter's characterization is incorrect when he says "new professors are struggling". Adjunct aren't necessarily new professors.
@KP-fy5bf 7 күн бұрын
Yeah adjunct professors on average make 20k a year. It's pretty pathetic pay but it's also under the assumption that the job is part time. Also the amount of adjunct available are a dime a dozen which drives the pay way down. I still don't understand why the pay is so low regardless but nonetheless she's not a professor
@dontbelongherefromanother 6 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry this is happening to her. She deserves better. Please hang in there, it will get better
@matthewfusaro2590 3 жыл бұрын
How do you walk into a classroom with a smile knowing at the end of the day you don't have a house to live in? I don't know how this woman does it.
@mc1rgene751 7 жыл бұрын
I have never seen so many mean, un-adult comments, shame on all of you. You may one day (with any luck) be in her place with any luck. She is also 50 years old, the chance of her being able to fine a job in the Bay Area or even Seattle that would pay her for a decent place to live for herself, husband and dogs is very slim or non-existent. She is doing a hard job, trying to education young adult minds so that they may go on to a better life and job. I was also an IT professional (two degrees) when the dot com crash and 911 hit. I lost my very well paying job with great benefits and all my savings. I was never able to get back into IT, I ended up doing a lot of low paying demeaning jobs to keep a roof over my head and feed myself. Finally I ended up with my own business in the marina trades until I took a fall that shatter my left heel. I was forced into early retirement, I don't receive enough each month in retirement to live, less than $700/month, at 67 there are few jobs that will pay a living wage, so I drive Uber, almost 4 years and I'm damn good.
@JoyHarrison 7 жыл бұрын
I really think that she'll have to relocate in order to find somewhere affordable to live. Also, when you go to college now, it's best to choose majors that make you highly marketable. It's not in your best interest to have student's loans for degrees that are not gaining you jobs that can put a roof over your head.
@dattape2828 6 жыл бұрын
if you cant find another job of equal pay or responsibility, then you probably were not that good in the first place. get a reality check.
@LK-pc4sq 6 жыл бұрын
It sad what this country has come to! Falling wages, the supper rich aka the 1% owning more then 40 of the US wealth, the gun murder issues, sky rocketing education....I bet if you knew what was coming 20 years ago you would have immigrated to Europe where employees, housing and medical care are protected.
@rodknight4446 6 жыл бұрын
XBOX 360, You make it sound like you are above this happening to you. This can happen to anyone. It doesn't matter how many degrees you have or how much work experience you have.
@blackworldtraveler3711 6 жыл бұрын
MC1R Gene I won't be in her place. What many baby boomers are dealing with today I've planned for over 30 years ago. I'm retiring at 50 in less than two years. I was smart and moved where I could afford to live in my 20s. Lived within my means and saved/invested. Heck I've got 6 months sick time with full pay,LTD after that,and almost $400k emergency fund among other things if I get hurt. And I could just retire early because I'm retiring anyway in less than two years at 50. No dogs to feed,spouse to support,or insane student loan debt that's more than twice the salary like this woman.
@nhomer100 5 жыл бұрын
I moved out of California in 1990, and that's the best decision I could ever made. I'm a CNA and I made a lot more money then her as a professional. But I'm blessed because this job gives me the flexibility to work two full time jobs. Been in the health care field has given me the opportunity to always been able to provide for my family.
@pamle1 3 жыл бұрын
She probably should have made a quick retreat after the dot com bust. It must be a humiliation to retreat when many room temperature IQ "coders" can succeed because they make more money.
@Mpompadour 2 жыл бұрын
Thank goodness I was in the healthcare field. I never went without a job in my 45 years of working. I made very good money with it. I had only a high school diploma. Bought and paid for my own home, (divorced) raised 2 children on my own and have since retired. The secret.............I had a TRADE. You can go ANYWHERE if you have one and if you are GOOD at it, you'll always have work. Most college degrees are WORTHLESS and cost you thousands. In the end you are strapped with a HUGE college debt and no way out of the endless spiral.
@Mpompadour 2 жыл бұрын
@やった😎 Hi, I went to a local Dental Laboratory and applied. They hired me back in 1978 to make teeth. I absolutely loved my job right from the very start. I retired in 2017. Anyway, it's a little bit science and art, if that's your thing. Mind you, the starting pay is not the best, but I can tell you if you stick with it and learn the trade, yes, it's a trade, you will end up making money. My Mom told me when I was just a teenager, get a TRADE and you will have a job for life. She was absolutely right. You can do this job anywhere in the U.S. Also, you are indoors, at a desk 90 % of the time, not on your feet, and when you get older like myself, you can make it till you are ready to retire. Also, if you stay with it long enough, (I believe 5 years is the minimum ),you can go and take a test called the CDT which stands for Certified Dental Technician. They have different categories depending on what you specialize in, Crown and Bridge, Dentures, Orthodontics, etc. I took and passed my test many years ago. You don't have to have the diploma, but it was a personal goal for me and showed employers I was serious about my job. Also, like I said, I was NEVER out work or a job to go to. The healthcare field is always in need of people. If you want to know anything else, just let me know and go check it out if you are interested! 🙂
@LiseWrigley 7 ай бұрын
What is a CNA?
@dmartinez9496 6 жыл бұрын
It’s terrible to think that she’s a college professor and she’s homeless. It sounds awful that rent and the mortgage is so high in California. I give her a lot of credit for staying strong for the sake of her husband and their two dogs.
@MikeTyson-ig4vf 11 ай бұрын
:Professor" She offers society NOTHING of value! Never seen a homeless carpenter or handy man in my life!
@angelaonthego 6 жыл бұрын
Even with all the other factors-With that student loan payment is what’s really killing her. Why on earth would a bank lend $143k to a person with that kind of salary expectation? Modern slavery. Prob owes $ on the car, too.
@1caramarie 6 жыл бұрын
There is no way a master is that expensive. I'm betting she was living with student loans thinking that she would be making a lot more with a simple masters. You can get a doctorate with a lot less, if you are not using the money for living and treats.
@oneeyedman99 5 жыл бұрын
They probably didn't lend her anywhere near $143K, but it's that much now because of interest and penalties. That's how these places make their money, by charging fees so outrageous that they come out ahead even if only a fraction of it gets paid.
@243wayne1 5 жыл бұрын
AND she drives a newer VOLVO. What !?
@The_Absurdistt 3 жыл бұрын
That's exactly it! Modern legal slavery. Bankers know exactly what to do and who to do it to....
@BillDaBurgerEater Жыл бұрын
No bank is doing that, its the government.
@Entropian2012 6 жыл бұрын
why is the husband unemployed there is always work to be done like dishwashing It's what I do I only make 1000 a month but it is better then nothing.
@Shinobi33 6 жыл бұрын
Entropian2012 thank you. Exactly. What's his problem? I would never let my wife or live in girlfriend struggle to support me.
@annapaulikonis2433 6 жыл бұрын
Entropian2012 GodBlessYou.I would do the same thing.U have dignity and a good work ethic.Ya gotta do SOMETHING.I hope u are OK and have a good life.
@zabaleta66 6 жыл бұрын
@Ryan James Your trolling isn't clever.
@rebeccagutierrez1401 6 жыл бұрын
My husband never got a college degree, but let me tell you something. He ALWAYS worked. He ALWAYS had a job, any job to support my family. If a man is able bodied, he better get that body to work.
@justsomeawesomedude2608 6 жыл бұрын
Entropian2012 What will 1000 a month get you in California?
@trishagreaves-holden1707 5 жыл бұрын
Heartbreaking to see this happening world wide. Best wishes for a better future for all of you.
@notanomad9320 6 жыл бұрын
They need a remake of the old song and run with this one; "Do you know the way out of San Jose"
@kamalakrsna 6 жыл бұрын
Hahaha ...
@hujajiblamble3337 5 жыл бұрын
I was homeless while working for almost three years. I can feel her pain.
@darleneachille491 3 жыл бұрын
How are you doing?
@jamilarichardsongeisler2383 6 жыл бұрын
I hope her situation improves. I was born and raised in California but live in michigan. I paid $420 for a 4 bedroom house with a huge garden and garage. I'm a single mom but do not live in poverty. No foodstampes, no welfare, I work. I hope that she moves out of California. I get homesick but California is not worth living in extreme poverty and/or being homeless.
@bassinbillRC5300 6 жыл бұрын
Same here Jamila. I moved out of So California back in 1989 to the state of Georgia. I have a three bedroom, two bath house. My wife works full time for a supermarket. I work part time and drive for Uber. We live very comfortably here in Georgia. We pay $510 per month for our home and with utilities, food, and car insurance we make it. Unless you are grandfathered in a home you bought in the 1980's or the 1990's with a low mortgage payment, you just cannot afford $2000 per month rents either in LA or San Francisco.
@wisdomandlove1661 6 жыл бұрын
Except the person has a high paying job or very good business income. Such as Doctors, Nurse practitioner, Police captain, tenured professor which she was trying to get, mid to top government jobs etc
@sheri3135 6 жыл бұрын
I live in California, I would love to move, but the weather is what keeps me here....There are cheaper places to rent then San Francisco, that is why everyone in San Francisco is moving into my neighborhood causing rent in my neighborhood to go up. A lot of people cross over the Golden Gate bridge, and sleep in their cars because there is nobody including gas stations that will let you use the bathrooms after a certain hour in San Francisco !
@ercushkakulmetov7458 5 жыл бұрын
The heating bills in Michigan must suck
@Sirhc2023 5 жыл бұрын
How much is your electricity bill for winter month?
@Mbuzisana 6 жыл бұрын
This is heartbreaking.
@johnanderson8046 7 ай бұрын
By definition, an adjunct faculty member is a part-timer without full tenure. Such positions, like any part-time job, were never intended to provide "full" financial support.
@natashao0517 5 жыл бұрын
Education does not equal wisdom!
@morelovenaresh 4 жыл бұрын
Natasha O yes
@megandia1510 4 жыл бұрын
She is smart, just not financially smart.
@leonhenry4861 4 жыл бұрын
Just a different type of wisdom.
@willwarden2603 6 жыл бұрын
An adjunct professor is a part-time job she’ll need to get a second job.
@sallyclay1974 4 жыл бұрын
There's a crisis in Cali. The rents r too expensive. My daughter lives in LA. She has to have a roommate, to survive. It's horrible, when studios start at 1800 a month. Sickening.
@briantravelman 6 жыл бұрын
She's not the only one. Silicon Valley employees are also living in their cars, because rent is so outrageous. There you have it. Capitalism and Liberal policies at their best.
@frankdawe5156 6 жыл бұрын
Totally agree. The ordinary working stiff cannot survive in this screwed up economy. On the one hand you have the greedy corporate bastards and shareholders who care only about stuffing their own pockets, and on the other hand there's the left wing lunatics who force you to pay more and more taxes to support their bleeding heart programs.
@abrahamgomez653 6 жыл бұрын
You know blaming liberal policies instead of conservatives is whats wrong with you. Capitalism is flawed.
@hellasowb3036 6 жыл бұрын
Not enough liberal policies. If there were more liberal policies there would be Rent control...But since the demand is so high to live there and limited housing the free market dictates sky-high rents. There is a reason there is 40 million people in California. If there were more liberal policies there would be housing assistance, food assistance, heat assistance... I don't know the area very well but she could live in a studio for $995 in Oakland less than an hour away www.apartments.com/415-15th-st-oakland-ca/b9zj4kc/
@abrahamgomez653 6 жыл бұрын
hellasow b its a get rich scheme that upsets our economy and causes recessions. Recessions are not inevitable, thats what the fed wants us to think.
@hellasowb3036 6 жыл бұрын
Recessions are inevitable if Republicans are in charge. Every Republican since the 1900's has had a recession. www.usatoday.com/story/money/markets/2016/11/20/trumps-turn-republican-presidents-rule-recessions/93976832/
@Rl082992 6 жыл бұрын
God bless her!! She's strong!!!
@samsongabriel4087 5 жыл бұрын
I respect her a lot for paying those loans back. What a rip off. People, don’t pay loans that are so fraudulent you can’t survive. Feed yourselves first.
@joeryan8022 7 жыл бұрын
Rents in SV are gone nuts but her biggest problem is debt . Taking on that kind of debt in your 50's is crazy
@luisadderson6404 6 жыл бұрын
Joe Ryan there's a program for people like her but sadly people don't think about grants. I have never had a loan in my life. I've always applied for Grant roughly 8K a year. This have helped me for 4 years. It's not much but it does cover about 30% of my bills
@vickybiagini950 6 жыл бұрын
The problem is humans have to try and survive for too many years. We are living longer, but that doesn't equate to quality. It's tough trying to make it everyday, especially in a failing body. We should all stay around thirty. lol
@johndanielsforJesus 6 жыл бұрын
I can relate to this professor. I've been doing it for over 10 years.
@talldarkhandsome8587 5 жыл бұрын
John Daniels I hope it turns around for you, sir.
@UserName-ii1ce 5 жыл бұрын
Why? After 10 years why haven't you realized that it's gonna keep going that way unless you change something?
@Bmewrite 5 жыл бұрын
@@UserName-ii1ce If it was as simple as changing something, then it wouldn't be happening to him.
@clallen2000 6 жыл бұрын
Couldn't she get a roommate? Also, she is in one of the most expensive areas of the country. She would do much better in Tennessee, Mississippi, or Alabama where cost of living is much cheaper.
@nancycharest9914 5 жыл бұрын
She is not a full time employee, though.
@romaholcomb7768 6 жыл бұрын
It would be ironic if she teaches socialism.
@erichodge567 6 жыл бұрын
Roma Holcomb, what does socialism have to do with it? She lost her job in the tech bust, which was just another turn of the capitalist boom-and-bust business cycle. Then she went out and did what everyone tells you to do, get more education and training, which are expensive these days; therefore the $140,000 debt. Finally, this woman is WORKING. As far as I can tell, socialism was no part of her problem.
@renehinojosa1962 6 жыл бұрын
You've been watching too much Fox News. It's funny that too many people like throwing labels around without any of understanding simply because they hear it on Fox. You're just as guilty in spreading propaganda, basically, like a stooge.
@romaholcomb7768 6 жыл бұрын
I accept you comment, and maybe your right. I have stopped watching all members. I don't trust them anymore. Have a Great life.
@SuperThischannel 6 жыл бұрын
In a Socialist society she wouldn’t need to pay for the student loans or worry about no housing, you smug, unsympathetic, shit stain.
@lefthanded5473 6 жыл бұрын
Roma Holcomb Shes in her situation due to capitalism.
@far574 5 жыл бұрын
Jesus Christ god bless this lady. Nobody should be forced to live like this.
@garysmith5268 5 жыл бұрын
Volvo’s are pretty good actually.
@johnk1639 5 жыл бұрын
$2500 a month! That is crazy. I make more than that, and I live in one of the cheapest states.
@jessepacheco4857 5 жыл бұрын
Yup.. That's why l live in the south east. Cali weather is nice, but not worth dealing with all that mess. Had we gotten immigration under control, it would've been a nice place to live.
@clairecheatham1076 3 жыл бұрын
i only make $2000 a month and i live EXTREMELY comfortably in tennessee!
@Michelle-pn9xt 3 жыл бұрын
You are probably working fulltime. I do not think she is. She is support her husband too! That is part of the problem. Why isn't her husband working??
@LuckyDuckie115 6 жыл бұрын
Kinda sad considering $2500/mo is on the high end for adjuncts.
@sandraperales996 6 жыл бұрын
I don’t understand, students are barely getting by, yet live better than this professor. What’s really going on?
@bv2011 6 жыл бұрын
The students will lead the live of this professor the day they graduated, when repayment of the $143K student loan kicks in. By now I hope we all can see that this is a system meticulously crafted to get us all trapped in the modern-day slavery.
@blackworldtraveler3711 6 жыл бұрын
Sandra Perales Students living on their student loans.
@bringsik100 6 жыл бұрын
BlackWorldTraveler I still don't get it. why you have to take a loan to study?
@poopstreek 6 жыл бұрын
She got a worthless degree, and strapped on 143K in debt for it. Not that hard to understand.
@Shinobi33 6 жыл бұрын
Sandra Perales a deadbeat husband doesn't help
@jamilahadade4412 6 жыл бұрын
I can understand her situation because I have a similar problem because I only receive $700 per month social security & worked at a school as a teacher assistant for 25 years. My pension is $400 per month which totals $1,100 per month and I have to pay rent, utilities, food and other everyday expenses. I have a small dog which helps me from getting totally depressed. I am disabled and 68 yrs old and it’s tough getting around. I’m in New York City and it’s not cheap. I truly understand this ladies problems. I hope the school where she is employed will consider helping her out by raising her salary. Geez it’s incredible that people from other countries get more benefits than Americans that were born here. She’s in my prayers God bless her. She’s a brave and strong woman. I wish her the best.
@MaxineAGGuess 6 жыл бұрын
I pray that you get a beautiful home soon! Ignore the negative comments as you know your situation. Unless they have walked a mile in your shoes, they don't know. Be safe.
@dorissharp2206 Жыл бұрын
I hope and pray that LIFE is much better for her now!! 🙏🙏🙏
@natashahaselton6710 6 жыл бұрын
Also, regarding car/van dwelling, I really think she should trade in n go with van etc but there's So much on How to do that life..finding dump stations and showers and using solar panels, she can Cook in her van with mini stove, they even have small fridges now. She already has the Minimalist life, utilize it. He could do pet sitting, etc, writing, film, this whole you have to have a house is So limiting. She has great job, I mean she could Utilize all that experience with van life, do some videos, there's whole communities doing it now. I live in RV and Loooove it. It Does take some adjusting, but I have a home, a nomad home but a home. It's what you make of it. She just needs a bigger vehicle, with a bed, fold table, chairs that turn and she can have small TV or computer, tiny sink, stove, heck they have vans with wet baths and toilets. Converting van is option to. But if car is it, there's ways to set it up where you can still live well, it's Perfect opportunity to get out in Nature, take longer commute. Have camp in BLM areas or State parks and commute during week, camp weekends and write about, stop Limiting oneself to the debt home, bills, stuff. Just saying, Get creative.
@KB-si5fx 6 жыл бұрын
My family left California over a decade ago when the cost of living started rapidly inflating in our community. So glad we're not living there anymore.
@Timbrock1000 6 жыл бұрын
THIS SHOWS THE FOOLISHNESS OF RENTING INSTEAD OF BUYING. When you rent a home, you are subject to the local market price changes in the cost of housing. When the economy accelerates, so does the rent. When the economy slows, the rent stagnated, but rarely goes down. Regardless, it's inevitable the rent will increase, and will do so at a faster rate than inflation, while wages lag behind the rising trend. BUYING a home on the other hand protects you from increasing housing costs. With a fixed-rate loan, you and the lender enter a contract that guarantees your monthly payment remains the same, no matter how much the market increases. I live in the Denver area. Denver has and still is an expensive market. I used to rent an apartment for about $600/ month. In 2005, I bought and moved to a condo comparable to the apartment. My mortgage + HOA dues added to about $620/ month. Today, 13 years later, my old apartment rents for $1060/ month. Me, thanks to the mortgage, I'm still only paying the same $620/ month! If not for buying a hone, I would be unable to afford a place here at all! Let's also look at other advantages of buying. Lower auto insurance costs, tax deductions, having control of whether I have a dog, choosing what color I want the walls to be painted. Oh, and of course there's equity! Working toward ownership and ending monthly payments. If I need a loan, I can get a home equity loan. I paid $62,000 for my condo in '05. Today it's worth over $140,000. I could sell it easily in Denver's hot market, and walk away with nearly $100,000 ! Renting sucks, buying rocks!!!
@Timbrock1000 6 жыл бұрын
While there are risks in both renting and buying, buying tends to carry far fewer risks. Home buyers should be no dfull of what home they choose. They should have it inspected by a licensed expert to find probable issues. Renters can generally move when their lease expires. Still though, buying carries fewer risks, and far greater rewards than renting.
@articulatemadness 2 жыл бұрын
Bullshit. Renting is just as a slippery slope as buying. Taxes in a market like Chicago or Denver will EAT YOUR ASS UP. Buying means you have all the cost of renting plus the added bonus of fixing shit when it BREAKS. Good luck with that idiot.
@Podeon2013 6 жыл бұрын
We need SOCIALISM in America.
@rampar77 6 жыл бұрын
I lived in So. Calif for almost 40 years. I have a MS in engineering, went thru several recession and was unemployed many times. Finally I woke up and moved to another state where I discovered heaven. My family live in a 10 year old house at less than 15% cost of an equivalent in Calif. That lady could find a job in another state easy.
@CT97559 Ай бұрын
$2500 a month for a professor is an INSULT!!
@gwaiwohng2181 5 жыл бұрын
She's 143,000 in debt... Wow. It's tough 😥
@dianaverano7878 Жыл бұрын
Why not go to another state where her rate as a professor can make her rent a house. You dont need a big place. Just a room to sleep, get a bath.
@dixiepeach8698 6 жыл бұрын
With all the American wealth & SO MANY AMERICANS THAT LIVE IN HOMES THAT ARE HALF EMPTY, why cant someone help a working homeless lady with a bed & shower? People are so willing & able to critize & attack the homeless. Would it hurt you to give a women a bed to sleep in at night. You dont have to feed them, just maybe lend them a bed on a cold winters night. To whom much is given-- much will be required. Everyone will stand before God one day. You never know when you may entertain an angel unaware.
@bassinbillRC5300 6 жыл бұрын
We did just that Dixie Peach. We gave a homeless guy (a member of our church) a room to live in for three and a half months. He saved enough money to get himself a place to rent. We also pitched in and got friends and family to buy him dishes, furniture and other household items. We thank God for our health, roof over our heads and God's love.
@dixiepeach8698 6 жыл бұрын
William Prieto --God bless you.
@annapaulikonis2433 6 жыл бұрын
Dixie Peach I couldnt have said it better myself.People need to band together and pull their resources too.
6 жыл бұрын
She has dogs who wants to bring in or rent to dogs who will tear down their home
@christinenewhouse1264 6 жыл бұрын
Dixie I hope one day you can help the homeless..You sound like a caring person with a big heart...All I can do is give them food/money...God bless.
@terencehennegan1439 5 жыл бұрын
Some people are amazing this lady is one of them. She deserves better. Wish you well 😇
@armandodiaz5342 6 жыл бұрын
The Lady is welcome to stay with me. I'm also homeless. She's Smashing!
@Michelle-pn9xt 3 жыл бұрын
She has a husband who is not working, and she is working part time. She needs a full time job, and she should not be supporting her husband. Why isn't he working?
@josephinetracy1485 3 ай бұрын
Low brow sexism..
@472water 6 жыл бұрын
@garysmith5268 5 жыл бұрын
She also supports her husband, who’s unemployed, and lives in the glovebox.
@ireneduke5022 4 жыл бұрын
Plus a poor dog...
@Snowboy2015 3 жыл бұрын
@JTDyer21 4 жыл бұрын
$143,000 for student loans and living in her car. Classic example why student loans are a scam.
@rogerplessen5246 6 жыл бұрын
Shame! We need micro housing at low price.
@Shinobi33 6 жыл бұрын
Roger Plessen If I ever buy a home it'll be a micro one.
@chineseslaves1971 6 жыл бұрын
Just small homes, don’t have to be micros or tiny. People need to know when to move. There’s a whole big wonderful world out there. If God really wants you in a certain place there will be housing. If the housing isn’t there he wants you to move. Don’t stick around to be consumed by an area. It may be horrible at the time but it’s to make way better things happen. You don’t have to stay in an area. There is money in other states to be made.
@utubefreshie 6 жыл бұрын
OR Coop Community housing. Like shared spaces with other people. I live in a major East Coast city but pay only $500 for rent. I refuse to rent the $1.5 to $2k apartments around here because it's just not worth it. Sure, you're living with roommates and that's a bit of a sacrifice I make, but if I'm just coming home to sleep in my bed and spend most of my day out and about at work or socializing, then I don't need to be paying more than $500 for my living space. I don't have some fancy job but I have a city agency job that provides me decent benefits including a pension when I retire. And I like how I actually have disposable income every month that I just sock away in the bank. Life is some amount of luck, sure, but it's also a huge amount of just trying to make the right/common sense choices along the way.
@kamalakrsna 6 жыл бұрын
TOTALLY agree ... it's a BIG aspect of the housing problem COST TOO MUCH .... i blame the government. theres PLENTY of land ... materials are not SO much. its the zoning regulations & building codes - out of touch w/low income people. Let there be an area where micro houses are legal.
@TheMonolake 4 ай бұрын
Tragic really incomprehensible !!!
@ceropride5590 6 жыл бұрын
That woman is amazing. I thank god i have a place to slesp.
@BillDaBurgerEater Жыл бұрын
"Forced"? Sounds like she just made a lot of bad decisions...borrowing money for crap degrees, marrying an unemployed man she has to "support", living in San Jose instead of something more affordable, keeping 2 dogs....that's just what I learned about her the past 3 minutes, imagine all the horrible decisions she made over the past 30 years.
@Shinobi33 6 жыл бұрын
Her husband is the one holding her down. 2 people working can definitely find an apartment even a bad one in a crap neighborhood. But homeboy won't do his part and puts it all on her....... Then yea I can see why she's struggling.
@kap1526 5 жыл бұрын
@Patriot Jefferson it actually depends on the job. Majority palces wont take you. All you got is start your own business. Like u kidding me????? 4 ppl applying for a job 1 is disabled the other are 30 year old with good health who are you hiring? WOW WE DONT THINK SOMETIMES DO WE !
@chineseslaves1971 5 жыл бұрын
Never stick around for a city to eat you up alive. Cars are meant to drive you out as well as in. You have to do crazy things in a crazy world. A side business, a full time job. Don’t worry about it if everything is sky high where you are...it just means it’s already been discovered. The fun is in being a discoverer and getting in before the whole world knows. Fly the coop and see the beautiful country.
@fazbell 6 жыл бұрын
California is not paradise if you can't afford to live there. I am retired in Thailand on slightly less than she earns and I have few money problems. I am certainly not in danger of being homeless. Something is severely wrong with an economy where a teacher cannot afford an apartment.
@fazbell 6 жыл бұрын
True....part-time work is supposed to be a SUPPLEMENT, not your main income. I know that full time community college teachers in Alabama earn at least 40 thousand dollars a year, sometimes more. That, plus full benefits. Something is not being told here.
@Fastlanedann 5 жыл бұрын
@Fred. i am Chinese American, I am retired living in Phoenix, Arizona. My monthly check is less than $1500.00 month. I also contemplated moving to ASIAN countries ( Thai, China, Vietnam, Philippines). questions; Do you find language a problem? medical/ hospital convenient? how about the thief, pickpockets? cleanliness of the place? I watched many youtube videos, Although interesting; I question the trustworthiness, I would like to hear from someone who actually living there.
@jasontomica8938 4 ай бұрын
​@@FastlanedannHopefully you're still on here, but I can respond. Cause I know this comment is over 5 years old. Yes, I find it very difficult when you MOVE overseas unless you have a lot of Money. It's not so easy like people think it is when they say. Oh, you can live like a king when you go to Thailand or the Philippines. That's totally false. What happens when you need medical care? Medical care is not cheap in some of these countries. They tell you it is, but it really isn't. There's hidden cost. You have to come up with cash to pay them up. Front, or there's a land dispute between you and the owner. You could get killed. There's all kinds of issues in other countries and politics that we don't understand because we're from the United States here, so it's totally different situation. It's not all roses and flowers and butterflies. If you catch on what I'm saying. And that's if you're on a fixed income, you have to be very careful
@roninbudo 5 жыл бұрын
@annienguyen3476 5 жыл бұрын
roninbudo she has 140k student loan debt and 2500 a month in the bay is really nothing at all.
@jensmom604 6 жыл бұрын
Adjunct faculty are like temps. They are hired semester by semester on a contract basis. No benefits. I worked at a university for years. Adjuncts were treated like dirt and looked down on by tenured professors. They were lucky to get an office and phone, usually having to share. Their classes could be given to tenured faculty at the last minute, if the tenureds' classes were cancelled due to low enrollment. I saw this happen several times. Whoever said colleges aren't political?
@petermautner4436 5 жыл бұрын
Tenure . Khazar priviledge .
@lanafaith3277 5 жыл бұрын
I love this woman. May God giveher strength!
@RAUDEZA 6 жыл бұрын
I was raised in San Jose and i am appalled at what has happened to my home town. I realize that this a complex issue. Restrictions on Zoning, high taxes, poor planning and of course the obvious influx of obscenely overpaid tech workers have all contributed to this horrible situation. Its obscene how some here are blaming this on one single thing or even this individual professor. I'm not certain why the blame has any political affiliation either. Clearly the issue of gentrification is a bi-partisan issue. Additionally, i love how people always praise "free markets" as if it is somehow omnipotent in conception. You say "supply and demand", I say "Price Gouging opportunism and greed". Free markets only really prevail when they are healthy and sustainable, Not what we are seeing now. This housing crisis is clearly artificially inflated. I think the near financial meltdown of 2008 would have taught us that, particularly about sustainability. As i Understand people are buying relative small homes in San Jose and Palo Alto for 1.5 million and beyond. Often for 30 and even 50% above asking price. Consider the following, consider Detroit, a working town, a disproportionate amount are mostly factory workers in the auto industry. What would happen if google , facebook, twitter, ebay, and all the tech giants decided to get smart and leave they bay area? let's say they go oversees where there are more favorable taxes etc. what do you think happens to all the overpriced and "over-paid for" houses and mortgages? well, almost instantaneously, those become Sub-prime mortgages. why you may ask? because they bought into those mortgages already at the high end. "Home Owners" are so upside down on that Mortgage and the average non tech worker could never afford what they originally paid for the home. Think of what that does? Forecloses at an exponential rate, a free fall essentially. Especially for those who opted on variable rates. The point is, this is all heading to an event horizon because it is not sustainable and this time the crash will be even greater than 2008.
@barbusie5217 6 жыл бұрын
Feel Better now ???????
@threeone6012 6 жыл бұрын
Put interest rates back to historical norms and you'll see prices for homes come down fast. 50% drop within months. We're living in an artificial bubble.
@utubefreshie 6 жыл бұрын
@AGR's Yours is probably the most intelligent/thoughtful comment in this whole comment thread.
@HeresMyView 5 жыл бұрын
@Patriot Jefferson, best explaination. 👍👍👍👍😁😁😁. In summary, causes of city decay: 1. Illegal immigration cost billions of dollars - heathcare, education, housing-, depressed wages, low skill labor, uneducated illegals, poor n unhealthy. Strained resources. 2. Bad liberal govt policies - Santuary city, incentives for illegal immigrants, crimes, drugs and violence. 3. High taxes imposed on ctizens to take care of problem 1 and 2 above lead to high home prices, rents and inflationary high prices. 4. CA has become a "Communist State", one party state. 2016 n 2018 election ballot showed hardly any Republican runniing. So State govt has mismanaged CA. S. Francisco is a shithole infected with human feces!! Budget crisis n bankcrupt. So politicians rely on # 3 above. And the vicious cycle repeated leading to #1 n # 2. Why do think the immigrant caravans keep comming - encouraged, promote and inventivize illegal immigration.
@Personne119 6 жыл бұрын
This is an outrage. The leadership of the Cal State system ought to be called out. Disgusting how San Jose State treat their employees, $2500 a month is not a living wage.
@MoveToUSA 6 жыл бұрын
The title should be corrected as "San Jose State Adjunct Professor....". Then many people will not be surprised!
@Michelle-pn9xt 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly! and add that she is supporting her unemployed husband...
@philbates7975 5 жыл бұрын
There is something seriously wrong with the world that allows this to happen. Where is the incentive for those students if their professor can not even afford to live in proper accommodation?
@bpxl53yewz29 5 жыл бұрын
My friend is an adjunct professor too and gets less than she does. The school doesn't even provide parking for the adjuncts and because parking permits are so expensive, he parks almost a mile away from campus. Meanwhile the Dean gets millions.
@jaswinderparmar3567 6 жыл бұрын
To really assess the situation I gotta ask what her husband does, what does he contribute? Also san jose is tough unless you're rich.
@timelessmusicfamilymusic9175 6 жыл бұрын
It makes me thankful I live in Texas, I'm far from making a high salary, but can say I can pay all my bills with no problems. I strongly believe if I lived in California, I would be living in my car🚘 or a tent,😢
@annapaulikonis2433 6 жыл бұрын
Timelessmusic Familymusic God Bless Texas.
@jessepacheco4857 5 жыл бұрын
Depends on what part of Texas. I just moved from fort worth and holy hell the rent out there was insane.
@realazduffman 5 жыл бұрын
Paid too much for a degree without the right ROI. She needs to move to a different part of the USA.
@SSJvegito501 5 жыл бұрын
I undestand how difficult this is. I am also currently living in my walmart parking lot during the day and planet fitness across the street as I work the night shift. I got the gym membership so I can take showers. Sometimes you worry bc someone might say someything.
@Michelle-pn9xt 3 жыл бұрын
Are you married?? Her husband needs to help.
@mmmoroi 4 жыл бұрын
Who could not sympathise with this lady when you hear "I hold on to this (cast iron skillet) because it's the hope that I 'll have a home again"? Good luck to her as it is a long lane that has no turning.
@GREENLALI 6 жыл бұрын
She can probably rent a room.
@Vesemer_Sairo 6 жыл бұрын
she earned a degree and still can't afford even a tiny apartment? wowww somethings wrong here.
@ladycharsw 6 жыл бұрын
She could teach in an elementary school or HS. Also her husband should get SsI or SDI if he is disabled.
@abyssiccoronation 4 жыл бұрын
There's no outrage warranted when you consider her backstory: after she lost her job, she incurred nearly $150k in college debt and decided to stay in a metropolis known for its inflated real estate value. Adding insult to injury, she also supports her unemployed husband. Another case of "PLEASE FEEL SORRY FOR ME DUE TO MY MANY BAD DECISIONS".
@SBB123 2 жыл бұрын
Nope, even if moved which was like me, no guarantees of a job and it was worst .........moving does not guarantee job and that now you have the moving cost debt added......WORST
@wearenotalone7187 6 жыл бұрын
@shwt121 6 жыл бұрын
We need to focus on removing 'Spanky' from office- once that happens things will start to look up...and for god sakes, make sure that Kavanaugh never gets his 'appointment'.......its an appointment for Trump to do any damned thing he wants and will have a Supreme Court Justice who will pardon him every time.
@nonanimeprofilepic 6 жыл бұрын
why would she wanna go to a shithole like mexico?
@laragravenor5750 6 жыл бұрын
@@nonanimeprofilepic that car is a shithole. I live in South Africa and my home was paid for long ago. Mexico's cost of living is lower.
@starlite556 6 жыл бұрын
Things started to look up once that POS . Obama was out of office.
@talldarkhandsome8587 5 жыл бұрын
Sonny Haskins lol what a sad sap of a human you must be..DJT owns you idiots and is always in your sorry little brains..and to smear Kavanaugh who I'm sure is 1000x the person you are is the icing lol
@albertmarchesejr9423 5 жыл бұрын
God bless you hope your situation improves
@pebblepod30 6 жыл бұрын
If that's the Professor, well not much hope for the average student with housing.
@HeresMyView 5 жыл бұрын
When prof cannot solve her own problem, how do expect she can teach problem solving skills to the students. Poor students. It's a pity. You are duped.
@Kimchiman216 5 жыл бұрын
Well depends.. I went to sjsu. And makes 170k per year. Bought a home last year. I'm an Engineer
@lordoftheflings 5 жыл бұрын
Why doesn't she just move? Plenty of colleges and universities that pay better and are in affordable parts of the country.
@aztecnra9473 6 жыл бұрын
$143,000 in student loans? ...WTF?
@ercushkakulmetov7458 5 жыл бұрын
welcome to capitalism
@adiintel1 5 жыл бұрын
@Radio Surfing Grupo Cidade you increase it on taxes
@kanalkehidupan7637 5 жыл бұрын
Love you professor.... Keep strong....
@LilannB 6 жыл бұрын
Homeless making $2500 a month and 140K in debt with student loans. Did she also support Obama?
@aceman42 5 жыл бұрын
she has $130,000 in student loan debt and in her 50s and only making $2500 in california. that was not a good decision on her part. shouldve taken a 2 year nursing degree. youll make six figures in california working even in assisted living facility which is a dime a dozen in california taking care of old people as easy as just giving their scheduled medication for the day.
@dbserpents2405 5 жыл бұрын
Yeah that's the problem with the whole follow your dreams and whatever your passionate about concept that's spoonfed to us by the media. People end up with worthless and oversaturated degrees.
@natashahaselton6710 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah it's high rents, too many foreigners who are Rich and can afford the high rents because many of them are not required to pay taxes here And greedy seedy landlords etc. Then there's the student loans that interest just forever compounds..to be professor you need a Doctorates so yeah, her loans would be high. She Could knock them off if she taught in a really bad inner City area however I think that's a lot tougher to get into requirement wise. If husband waiting on disability could take forever. What she Could do, is get small storage, and get van. Van life can be quite comfortable, OR get small trailer, live in mountains or BLM land if close enough. There so much in Van Dwelling though that no reason to be miserable, it's just knowing How to convert a van into nice small studio like place, use gyms for showers, she could use University showers. And live alternative lifestyle, do some tutoring on side etc. Being Houseless doesn't Have to be the end all. I think we Really need to start thinking Alternative Housing, tiny homes, van-bus dwelling (better for environment and density etc)
@bsridhar3806 6 жыл бұрын
It would help educating yourself before posting. First, the rich and foreigners working in California - everyone of them is required to pay all taxes, including the deductions toward Social Security. Second, all their education, training before they came to work in the US was borne by their home countries. In other words, we in the USA get educated and trained workforce for which we contributed zilch.
@loganpollock1689 6 жыл бұрын
Another California success story! I do feel for you. I gave up a job as an Assistant Professor and went back into the military because I could live better like that. Best wishes
@DoomCycle 5 жыл бұрын
And the corporatization spreads Workers unite
@haha5809 5 жыл бұрын
respect to this woman
@ZombieProdigyUS 6 жыл бұрын
Her first mistake is that loan. Dont pay it and file for bankruptcy. Boom clear slate. Next, try to find a job that pays while being a professor on the side. (Mostlikely a secondary school admin)
@ZombieProdigyUS 6 жыл бұрын
Truth Be $old In most cases they are, but sometimes they do get granted bankruptcy. So generally speaking, no they dont get it granted, but sometimes it can happen
@jensmom604 6 жыл бұрын
Zombie Prodigy School loans cannot be erased by bankruptcy.
@ZombieProdigyUS 6 жыл бұрын
@@jensmom604 There is loopholes for people in her situation
@monabiehl6213 5 жыл бұрын
She can't find a roommate?
@fasteddie9055 6 жыл бұрын
The white middle class is feeling the negativity of the economy in 2018. This lady is an example and there will be millions more joining her as time goes on. BTW , there isn't a simple solution strategy anymore either. AMERICA: THE HEAT IS ON!!!!
@blackworldtraveler3711 6 жыл бұрын
Fast Eddie None of this is going on where I live. More to be a Southern California thing. Seems people won't leave to find work elsewhere until it's too late. She had her chance to leave after she lost the administration job but chose to stay and get into a $150k student debt and get a job there. Now she's has no savings and close to that age discrimination range I hear so much about in California. Well I'm in Tulsa,Ok. I'm in a 3rd world country according to people in California. At least I have a $160k/yr. career,upper middle class area,home paid off in ten years,debt free,close to 2 million in 401k and Roth IRA,and saving/investing more than what she makes each year. I'm almost 50 and retiring in two years or less. This is why when someone from California say I live in a 3rd world country and would never live here. I take it as a compliment.
@alomonwo 6 жыл бұрын
When educated white people be living like this you know it's bad.
@blackworldtraveler3711 6 жыл бұрын
Alex Munoz Only bad for people that don't use common sense and math.
@crucisnh 6 жыл бұрын
Imperial America I think that the problem here is beyond what Prez Trump can fix. Don't get me wrong. I think that he's doing the right things. But he can't fox what's wrong with California. It's beyond any president's purview. He can't toss out the far left government of that state, nor can he force CA to abandon the laws that are choking off the construction of new housing, be it houses or apartments. Arguably, what might be best for CA would be for a LOT of residents to leave the state, because it may just be that the population is too great, in combination with its insane laws that are causing the economic realities of supply and demand to drive up housing costs so sky high that even a professor with a good job to be unable to afford to get a decent apartment. In short, something drastic has to change in CA if they're ever going to get housing costs back down to reasonable levels and still working within the realities of supply and demand.
@Shinobi33 6 жыл бұрын
Fast Eddie hey genius this story was posted in Aug of 2017.
@skullandbones1832 7 ай бұрын
Another day in paradise Phil Collins (1989) 🙏
@joeguzman3558 6 жыл бұрын
2 dogs too ???????
@aneev609 6 жыл бұрын
Animals can provide great emotional support. If you haven't had one, you'd never know.
@ercushkakulmetov7458 5 жыл бұрын
white people like their pets I knew a white homeless guy with 2 dogs and without a car or professor job
@raltoriche9128 Жыл бұрын
Need to leave Califonia. And let that state have no residents
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