Three years ago, my mom was on her deathbed, and she told me one day that she saw a door open. She wanted to go through it, but couldn't reach it, as it then closed. I still remember how disappointed she was, and I was crying.. About one week later, she died, and from what she told me, I believe that door opened again, and she was able to pass through it, this time. As a Christian for most of my life, her testimony just hard cemented my faith in Jesus. In my mom's last days, she was calling out to Him, so I know she is in Heaven. She was so dedicated, too, and faithfully prayed for me every night, sometimes even in the middle of the night, at her bedside, when she was alive, and I will never forget it. As Romans 8 says, no matter what happens in this temporary stay on earth, absolutely no one or nothing can separate us from His Love.. To be absent from the body, is to be present with the Lord. I can't wait to be reunited with her, again, this time forever in our Home. :) დ
@stevemiller63682 жыл бұрын
Arneth, what a moving testimony about your mom. I'm so glad that her experiences at death confirmed your faith. My mom went to be with Jesus in December and had some deathbed experiences as well, which provided another layer of evidence for my faith.
@ArnethProductions2 жыл бұрын
@@stevemiller6368 God also strengthens our faith when He speaks to us in His Word. He directed me to Psalm 56 recently, and to especially verse 13. It is Written: "13For thou hast delivered my soul from death: wilt not thou deliver my feet from falling, that I may walk before God in the light of the living?" Praises to God! My deepest condolences on your mother's passing.. Jesus loves you and God bless you დ
@stevemiller63682 жыл бұрын
@@ArnethProductions Thanks for the encouragement...I'm in His Word daily.
@marshahirt29332 жыл бұрын
@radscorpion8 Жыл бұрын
That's great Arneth. It turns out there are many many near death experiences people have had with other Gods as well. Isn't it great that all the religions seem to have similar near death experiences? Maybe there are multiple Gods out there, or maybe people create their own afterlives.
@TayDaley Жыл бұрын
Ever since my fiancée died suddenly in 2021, I’ve been obsessed with this topic. There were some strange occurrences leading up to her death including her saying she could see her grandma who had passed away almost exactly one year earlier. Thank you for posting this video, Sean!
@sanjosemike3137 Жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you are healing. God bless you and good luck. Sanjosemike (no longer in CA)
@stevemiller6368 Жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry for your loss. My first wife died of cancer in her 30s, leaving me with our four small boys. Thanks for sharing her deathbed experience.
@MissingSean Жыл бұрын
@@stevemiller6368blessings and peace to you and children. Godspeed
@forresthawkins6621 Жыл бұрын
Mine died too shalom
@davidgingerich22308 ай бұрын
WOW Sean McDowell and Steve Miller. Your both awesome and interesting and yea very intelligent. Thanks for the video. God Bless you both❤❤❤
@smalltownmomma80243 жыл бұрын
2 things 1. I’m an OTA and worked in healthcare for 15 years, my first job I had a patient at a nursing home whom Id seen over a span of 3 months off and on. The last time I saw her I was told its clear she’s going to pass as she had brain cancer and had declined. I went in to see her and yes cognitively and physically it did look like she was a shell of who i knew. I asked her to work with me for therapy and she smiled and politely declined saying “No, Im waiting to meet someone.” Think she’s just confused I asked her who she was waiting on. And she looked at me confused why I didn’t know and said “My Lord is coming of course!” She said this joyfully. It gave me chills. And she died that day. And I was talking to the nurses who’d worked for years and they all confirmed she said that same thing, and none of them were surprised, it was commonplace to see that before death😨 2. A physical therapist once told me the phenomenon of people perking up before death in the dying, there was a term in healthcare workers something about a songbird singing its last song before dying, and Ive seen that several times as well. I wasn’t a follower on the first experience, actually was still delving in New Age at the time, so supernatural experiences were things I sought out previously, God used that curiosity to finally convict my heart and bring me out of the darkness into his marvelous light about 13 years ago 🙌🏻
@stevemiller63683 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for sharing both of those experiences! A few of reflections on your comments that tie into the evidence: 1) "It gave me chills." That shows how powerful these experiences are. Often, those who experience them may regard them as the most impactful experiences of their lives. And secondarily, those chills can spread to people like me who've never personally experienced and NDE or DBE. Relatives have told me about accurate crisis apparitions in the middle of the night where they "woke up in a cold sweat with my heart pounding." And when people discover that the first experience you shared is quite common, where someone says a person from the other side is coming for them, and they soon die, this adds yet another layer of evidence, since typically doctors can't predict the time of death this close. (See an article on this in the British Journal of Medicine) 2) Your second thought is often called "Terminal Lucidity," and is again well-documented in the professional literature. Even people who have been dying of brain-destroying illnesses and have been comatose for some time often become very lucid just prior to death, seemingly to say their good-bye and thank you and such before leaving. 3) The end result for you was that these experiences caused you to seek, so that "God used that curiosity to finally convict my heart and bring me out of the darkness into his marvelous light." So in your case God used these experiences to get your attention and cause you to seek. And as Jesus said, "Seek and ye shall find." Some who question such experiences seem to think that if they were of God, that Jesus would appear to everyone and give them the gospel. But I suspect that these are more like "general revelation" that motivates us to seek. I just read a physicist who saw the order and complexity of the universe, which caused him to seek, until he found Jesus. Similarly, I see this as the nature of such "dreams and visions" of the dying. They don't give people the entire story, just as Paul's vision on the Damascus Road didn't give him the entire story, but led him to talk to others who could give the rest of the story. God seems to value seeking, especially long-term, committed seeking ("when you search with all your heart"). Thanks so much for sharing!
@smalltownmomma80243 жыл бұрын
@@stevemiller6368 wow thank you for your reply! Yes I think you’re right, i think he allowed those experiences with me to cause me to seek Him out, although I was trapped in deception for a time, it really has given me a grounded foundation that the supernatural exists in an Ephesians 6:10-18 kind of way, there are dangers in dabbling in the occult and a reason why God says to stay away, and that there are supernatural experiences God allows us to have, not weird mysticalthings but like my salvation, or finding my birth mother in a way that couldn’t have happened the way it did naturally. And seeing His hand in my life even when I was in rebellion. He is so good🙌🏻
@stevemiller63683 жыл бұрын
@@smalltownmomma8024 All important points. Thanks for sharing!
@Goodboy-ip7ue2 жыл бұрын
My mother passed away three years ago, we were at her bedside when she passed, she never mentioned lights, doors opening or someone waiting for her but then again she wasn't religious.
@ursalaoutrageous9249 Жыл бұрын
My dad, in his last six months, often ‘saw’ and spoke to his deceased family members in the back bedroom of our home. He would even encourage Mother to go back there and see them, they were so real to him. He was in the hospital when he passed, but when we arrived it seemed as if he had been looking in the corner of the room and his expression looked as if he’d seen something that made him happy.
@stevemiller6368 Жыл бұрын
That's very common for the dying, over 80% according to the study in the New York Hospice where they asked patients daily what they were experiencing. Isn't it interesting that it's practically always the deceased they report seeing. If it was hallucinatory, you'd expect most to think they're hanging out with their living friends. Thanks for sharing, and so sorry for your loss.
@MrMuruks3 жыл бұрын
My grandmother who worked in a hospice have had several experiences. Being in one of the most secular countries in the world (Norway) many of those departing are atheists. But one of the patients were particular hardcore, always angry at the christian nurses, spewing a lot of hatred and generally being very unpleasant. When he were close to his death my grandmother were going to his room and when she opened the door he was almost gone. But he had a very strange and terrifying grimace on his face, she says that she had never seen something like that in any persons face or even thought the muscles in the face could stretch like that. His face were turned toward the window. My grandmother instinctively shouted towards the window in norwegian (even though she did not see anything): "depart from him in Jesus name!". And instantly the man regained consciousness and came back. But from the moment he came back he sobbed profusely for a long time while mumbling something like (not very easy to translate mumbling to english): "the dark shapes came to take me, they came to take me" etch. Some minutes later he suddenly asked for a bible and got one. He spent a couple hours alone reading the bible and then he died. But this time there were a peace over him and his expression. My grandmother say that the difference between when he were dying a couple hours earlier and this time were like the difference between night and day.
@tonybasoni84433 жыл бұрын
Sorry, but this like everything else here is unbiblical nonsense. This is all the very opposite of what the Bible teaches. But it is what the Godless world and its fake manmade antichrist christianity teaches and believes. It is all nothing but deception.
@MrMuruks3 жыл бұрын
@@tonybasoni8443 can you tell me specifically which point about this that is the "opposite" of what the bible teaches? I have studied theology and I dont really think you have any idea whatsoever about what you are talking so bombastically about.
@tonybasoni84433 жыл бұрын
@@MrMuruks ,....Yes, of course. #1, God is not concerned with anyone but those Jesus came to redeem. He is only concerned with his few chosen ones, his elect. #2, There are no supernatural visitations and God absolutely does not save people of their death bed. #3, And especially atheists. #4, Because he had a strange look on his face, has no meaning whatsoever. #5, There are no dark shapes that come to take people. #6, The expression change to his face, again has no meaning. #7, And reading the bible for a couple of hours is not going to change anything. As I stated for your edification, this is all nothing but unbiblical nonsense. It is all the opposite of what the Bible teaches. If you do not understand this, then you better throw out everything you think you know and start over. Studying theology is a guarantee that you are going to be led totally astray from Biblical truth, and this is clearly what has happened to you. The entire church is apostate and has nothing to do with the God of the Bible. They have invented their own God/Jesus and their own 100% fake Christianity. It is this 100% counterfeit christianity that is on display here in this video, and in the comment section.
@stevemiller63683 жыл бұрын
Thanks much for sharing an experience from Norway! I see nothing biblically that says such an experience isn't possible. From studying DBEs, I think God is giving people at death a final chance. Your report is consistent with this hypothesis. Hospice is helping me to care for my mom presently and has helped us in the past. Yes, many in hospice are telling me of their experiences with DBEs. They are around death 40 for their vocation and are helpful to consult concerning their experiences.
@tonybasoni84433 жыл бұрын
@@stevemiller6368 ,....Sorry, but you are 100% wrong, there are no final chances. That 100% unbiblical idea only comes from the apostate churches 100% false, manmade freewill gospel. Everything you are compiling are the words, emotions, feelings, hallucinations of the spiritually dead. It all comes from those that are 100% outside of the kingdom of God. The whole issue is, you have no actual Biblical understanding. Everything you think you understand only comes from your unsaved, corrupt, evil mind of a man, (and from other unsaved men). It is all a 100% carnal understanding, and it is totally wrong. The Bible is only correctly understood by the spiritually alive, and the spiritually alive have nothing to do with the Godless church and its counterfeit christianity. You are all steeped in deception. Those few that belong to Jesus are not steeped in deception.
@genesesciberras6412 жыл бұрын
My dad suffered from dementia, he lost nearly all his speech and he had forgotten all about us for weeks, 3 weeks before he died when I was talking to my mum on the phone, he suddenly shouted out my name and I quickly told my mum to pass her mobile phone to him and he talked to me so clearly and asking about his grand kids, it will be forever in my heart
@stevemiller63682 жыл бұрын
Genese, yes, such instances of "Terminal Lucidity" are quite common in the medical literature and are the subject of a number of good studies. My mom had been going down mentally for some time and two days before she died pulled my mom aside and very lucidly told her to take care of me after she was gone. Yet, nurses saw no signs that she was dying. Her heartbeat and oxygen levels were fine, but she knew she was about to go.
@AintnothingbutAGthang2 жыл бұрын
My grandma died dementia as well and I was rite there and she's Spanish and I asked my mom what was she saying and she said that she sees her uncle and cousin and they're telling her to come on and angels 😇 wow
@stevemiller63682 жыл бұрын
@@AintnothingbutAGthang Thanks for sharing! I do think that witnessing experiences in our own families often provides a layer of evidence that adds credibility to all the large-scale studies. It sounds like something a loving God would do to help us through "the valley of the shadow of death." Instead of going it alone, your grandma was accompanied by loved ones and angels!
@joemchang2 жыл бұрын
@@stevemiller6368 your mom told your mom? You have two moms?
@joemchang2 жыл бұрын
@@stevemiller6368 your mom told your other mom. You have two moms?
@VGiacobe Жыл бұрын
Years ago I had a landlady that’s treated me like a daughter. Couple years after I moved out I heard she was sick, through her son. Few days after, I had a very real dream with her. On the dream she was young and healthy. I asked her “what are you doing here? I thought you were sick.” She hold my face with both hands (she usually did that) and said: “I feel better daughter”! Got the news of her passing at around 3 am that night.
@stevemiller6368 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing! That's precisely the "crisis apparition" experiences that the Sidgwicks, William James and other great intellectuals found so prevalent in their survey of 17,000 people. The timing of such experiences should give pause to those who say there's no evidence that we survive death.
@MCdreamfaerie10 ай бұрын
Oh my gosh 😭
@VGiacobe10 ай бұрын
@@MCdreamfaerie I’m convinced life continues. I usually have these dreams when I’m very close to the person who passed.
@lloyd6683 Жыл бұрын
My father was on his deathbed in Philadelphia. I was in Oklahoma. My sister called and said I need to come quickly because he doesn’t have long. I got on a plane. My brother in law picked me up at the airport. We rushed to his house. I hurried up stairs. My brother and sister were there. He was barely breathing. I held his hand and he tried to smile and then he passed five minutes later. He waited for me.
@stevemiller6368 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing! That ties into the many cases, such as the deaths of Jefferson and Adams, which provides evidence for mind over matter, as people seemingly will themselves to live longer.
@cladkerson8479 Жыл бұрын
I had the same experience with my grandma. We were very close and I was a five hour drive away when I received a call to get to the hospital as quickly as possible. When I arrived my Dad said everyone had been in to see her except me. I entered into the room and could not even speak but simply took her hand. My Dad told her I was there to see her. Soon after I left she passed.
@golucky68 Жыл бұрын
@sanjosemike3137 Жыл бұрын
This is actually fairly common. Many people who are dying can "negotiate" with God and extend their lives in order to wait for loved ones. Sanjosemike (no longer in CA)
@matthewrabern28932 жыл бұрын
Wow what a great interview and topic. I have been a hospice nurse for many years and cared for many through end of life and been witness to a number of crisis apparitions and moments of terminal lucidity. It is so common we actually prepare people for what is often called a “surge” of energy immediately preceding death. But your description, Dr. Miller, of that being a moment where the mind is separate from the brain is the most logical and beautiful way of describing that phenomenon. I promise I will incorporate that in my nursing practice. Thank you again for your research and interview and thank you Dr. McDowell for sharing this.
@SeanMcDowell2 жыл бұрын
You bet!
@jeanne89 Жыл бұрын
My dad saw two men standing behind my brother in the hospital and asked my brother who they were. My brother turned around and did not see anyone and told him that (we were going to take my dad home from the hospital that day so that he could pass away at home). 28:16 My brother left the room to go to the nurse’s desk to sign the release forms for my dad. When my brother returned to the room, my dad had passed. My dad had a type of lung cancer which caused him to struggle with breathing. He was using an oxygen and was so fearful of not being able to breath. When my brother came back into the room, he noticed that my dad had thrown his oxygen tube across the room-which was so odd because he he could not breath without it. My mother-in-law asked me, two days before she died, who the man was sitting on the bed in her hospital room. I told her there was no one there; she ignored me and told me that he had been there all day. We were not with her when she passed. Neither my mother-in-law nor my dad were afraid at all of the apparitions. They were believers.
@SeanMcDowell Жыл бұрын
Wow, thanks for sharing here.
@stevenhensman2541 Жыл бұрын
Let me tell you my friend God thank you have cancer By one click of his finger God can do anything But this is our school we come here to learn There isn't no death death does not exist God-bless you my friend
@stevenhensman2541 Жыл бұрын
When it comes for us to pass and for us to pass away days before our vibration our vibration will raise we all Mediums We see the next world and our loved ones You passed before us
@ggpmf Жыл бұрын
@@stevenhensman2541there is is the great enemy that Christ came to defeat.
@SharonKwest2 жыл бұрын
After my brother passed, for a couple seconds I saw him standing next to the bed looking at me smiling. I could only describe his face as looking perfect and glorious.
@SeanMcDowell2 жыл бұрын
Wow, that’s amazing.
@stevemiller63682 жыл бұрын
@@SeanMcDowell That's quite common...and impactful! Those are experiences we don't forget!
@Bella-yb6gg Жыл бұрын
That was not your brother. It was a demon spirit and I tell you this in love. There are MANY scriptures saying the dead know nothing and sleep in the grave. Its in the old and new testaments. Demons do this to deceive people from believing what the Bible says
@lorrainemarchesano3651 Жыл бұрын
@Bella. Then why did Jesus say today you will be with me in Paradise? Why did Paul say absent from the body present with the Lord? Why did Jesus see Abraham Moses with the disciples? This is hurtful what you said and you should be more careful. My Bible says that believers are in heaven
@bozomahoney Жыл бұрын
@Bella-yb6gg you are correct. Apparitions are demons.
@ryanranard5187 Жыл бұрын
What fascinates me are the people who die on the hospital bed and come back and can describe what someone was doing in another room in detail or something similar to that.
@carmennooner2027 Жыл бұрын
My Japanese mother spent the final four days of her life in the hospital. She had cancer and my sister and I cared for her at her home until it became impossible for us to keep her comfortable. She married my dad, a Caucasian Nebraska native, and lived around English speakers for the majority of her life. She had always wanted to travel to Japan to meet distant relatives, and was blessed to have made that journey in the last year of her life. But she had all but forgotten her native language so her elder sister went with her and acted as guide and interpreter during the trip. The day before my mom died, my sister and I were visiting her (though we weren't sure she knew we were there) and she was conversing with "someone" in Japanese. One of the nurses told us she had just started doing that on that morning. She wasn't reaching out to anyone, nor did she have her eyes open. When we spoke to her, she didn't give an indication she knew we were there. None of us were Christians at that time. She died in 1985 and I became a Christian in 1988. My sister got saved in the early 90's. We still talk about this incident off and on to this day. To be clear, I had been at the bedside of three other people when they took their last breaths, prior to the day my mom died and none of them did anything out of the ordinary. All died from cancer and all were on morphine for pain, so I consider the circumstances under which they were being cared for were almost the same. I believe the Bible is the Word of God and I know that Jesus warned of hell a lot! It's difficult for me to comprehend that my mom and my dad are in hell, but I have to trust God's Word and be careful not to pick and choose the things I like and twist the things I don't like. I will find out after my final breath, per Paul's words, "absent from the body, present with the Lord". Then I will know!
@stevemiller6368 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing. These deathbed visions are so numerous (over 80% of patients in an in-house hospice center reported them when asked daily.) that they're almost intrinsic to dying. Sure, it may have been the morphine in your mom's case, but with deathbed visions being so common, your mother may have very well been conversing with someone on the other side. Since God is patient, not wishing that any should perish, for for all to come to repentance (II Peter 3) including your mother, I suspect that a lot of last minute tidying up of things goes on before people take their final breath. In fact, since "the other side" may indeed be rather timeless, there may be lots of "time" to work through things like repentance, comprehending the teachings of Jesus, etc. Since God is both loving and just, I agree that we can trust Him for such things.
@Dusk-vi3ze11 ай бұрын
The night my mother unexpectedly died, I was dreaming that I was putting 3 plants on my dad and brother’s grave. I put plants because they didn’t die like cut flowers. I was awaken by the phone call and while waiting in the ER I remembered my dream and knew she was gone. The dream of putting plants that wouldn’t die gave me peace of knowing that my mother, dad and brother didn’t die either
@gailpurcell1649 Жыл бұрын
Great conversation! In the book Imagine Heaven (near death experiences), there were some people who ended up on their way to hell and cried out to Jesus. It was so terrible and worse than you can imagine until they asked for help from Jesus and then Jesus brought them into His presence.
@stevemiller6368 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for mentioning John Burke's book, he has a lot of good things to say, tying it into Scripture with a pastor's heart and an engineer's mind.
@heatherredden6642 Жыл бұрын
I LOVE THAT BOOK TOO!! Why do people find it so hard to believe Truth… I AM the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob…”AM” means they’re NOT DEAD!!
@shanaschutte984811 ай бұрын
Everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord, will be saved! 😊
@kellyschroeder89993 жыл бұрын
I really appreciate this. As a believer who’s a nurse and dealt w patients dying as well as family and helping them it leads me to greater faith in believing God has not forgotten anyone including those I know and love as they leave this world. I do believe our Abba gives any and all an opportunity to grab hold of Him in the end 💗💙🙏🏻🙌🏻
@stevemiller63683 жыл бұрын
Kelly, Hospice is now helping with my 90-year-old mom. The nurses are telling me of their own experiences, which dove-tail with my research findings. Thank God for nurses! And yes, I too think that people are often given a last chance to get things right with family and friends and God in the end. Many reports from DBEs find this being reported by the dying. It makes me wonder if even the comatose are experiencing such things, but obviously can't report if it's at the end.
@kellyschroeder89993 жыл бұрын
@@stevemiller6368 Yes I often just whisper to those dying alone and sometimes there are tears and some eyebrow movements. Only God truly know. Praise the Lord for his goodness and greatness 🙌🏻 God Bless as you continue what you do and may our Abba give you all you need as you help your loved ones 💙🙏🏻
@stevemiller63683 жыл бұрын
@@kellyschroeder8999 Thanks for your encouragement and for your ministry to the hurting and dying!
@lesliebee89183 жыл бұрын
@@kellyschroeder8999 ❤️
@tonybasoni84433 жыл бұрын
KS,.....Sorry, but you are mistaken. You are a believer in the worlds fake christianity, not the actual Christianity of the Bible. What you have spoken here is the very opposite of what the Bible teaches, but is in line with what the 100% apostate church teaches. Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!
@courgette34012 жыл бұрын
My mum had a near death experience. Afterwards she was never fearful of dying. She believed that something nice happened after you died. She never became religious at all but she had a lovely peaceful death. I sat with her and she was ready to die and just slipped away beautifully.
@missyo4652 Жыл бұрын
Worked in Hospice as an RN and probably attended 50 or more deaths…every single one of them had “The calm before the storm” (As we called it)…they all would “wake up” and talk to loved ones usually 24-48 hours prior to passing. Some would mention things that went in around them during their less coherent time. I have ALWAYS told people to keep talking to their loved ones when they don’t seem to be able to hear because they absolutely still hear you!!!
@missyo4652 Жыл бұрын
They also typically report speaking to loved ones gone before or loved ones being in the room with them…some were less peaceful, but that’s a whole other episode I think!
@stevemiller6368 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for adding data from your own experience...50 or more deaths! Yes, Terminal Lucidity is well represented in the research literature.
@jkyles10002 жыл бұрын
The Mark Twain dream brought to mind an experience that I had that I think is worth sharing. Back in 1991, my father took his own life. He was sort of susceptible to this because he suffered from PTSD (fought on the beaches of Iwo Jima during WWII) for most of his life after WWII. He took anti-psychotic drugs and when they switched them, it really flipped him out and that's when he shot himself. Anyway, I believe God spoke to me about this through a dream. I got a call about 8am about what he had done earlier that morning. In the midst of hearing this and the trauma I was experiencing, I suddenly recalled a dream I had around 5:30 that morning. I never ever remember dreams (only a handful in my life), but this was very different from anything before or since. While all my dreams have no sound (I think), this one was quiet and still and felt very clear and intensely like I was staring down observing my dad's house like a bird in a tree. I know this sounds fake, but it's not, but in the front yard was a casket with a white blanket covering it with a large red cross on it. I could see the trees in the front yard. Now, upon remembering this dream, and this is very important, I thought, "Wait, this one tree in the front is no longer there because a couple of years ago a car wrecked in the front yard and knocked it down and it was removed." Then, I wondered if this was correct or not. Anyway, I of course, travelled the next day (4 hour drive) to my dad's to meet with family and so forth and purposely drove over to his house to see if the tree was there or not----and it was! That meant if I had conjured up this dream in my imagination, it would have had no tree in it as I remembered it. But, instead, it was exactly like in the dream. The tree that had been knocked down was in another area of the yard altogether. Is it possible that the shock of hearing about my dad's death created an instant defense mechanism where I thought I had a dream when I really didn't? It's possible, but it was so different from any dream that I remember waking up from it and being troubled by it and then dismissing it and going back to sleep. So, I think it was real. Could the tree part be another mind trick? I just don't think so and instead believe it as kind of evidence that God showed me this while my preconceived idea was wrong. I do believe it was God's way of telling me his sin of killing himself was covered by the blood of the cross and that he was safely in God's hands.
@stevemiller63682 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for sharing. You're thinking this through the way so many do, trying to come up with several hypothesis and narrowing down which hypothesis best fits the facts of your experience. That's so cool concerning the tree!
@madelynHernandez5577 Жыл бұрын
This is nice. Its horrific to think that suicide victims will go to hell.
@Kredwhiner3 жыл бұрын
Our experience isn’t connected to a death, but one night my husband and I dreamed significant and very real dreams… that were almost exactly the same. We both knew our dreams were from God.The dreams were super random and detailed but, before telling each other we had the dreams, we both knew what they meant and they meant the same thing to both of us. The dreams changed both of our hearts and helped us in dealing with a situation we were very concerned about regarding a dear friend.
@SeanMcDowell3 жыл бұрын
Wow, very interesting
@jeffjamesmusic Жыл бұрын
Since people are sharing (and thank you Sean for doing this video!) my brothers good friend Eddie, was going through pancreatic cancer for months and I hadn’t seen him, thought of him, or had the chance to ask about him in several months. One night I had a dream that I saw him and he looked really great. “I said with a little shock in my voice “Eddie! How are you doing? He smiled at me and said “I’m doing much better, man!” The next day I found out that he had passed.
@stevemiller6368 Жыл бұрын
That is so typical of crisis apparitions, which have been researched by some very qualified academics (Cambridge and Harvard). I have a chapter on them in my book on Deathbed Experiences As Evidence for the Afterlife. Was it a super vivid dream? The precise timing of these experiences, to me, challenges naturalistic explanations.
@donnac21223 жыл бұрын
Thank you Sean and Steve. Very interesting discussion. I like how your questions really cover the topic well Sean. You are an excellent interviewer.
@beam38193 жыл бұрын
Hi, very interesting indeed. A friend of mine died of cancer, he always used to dress very casual. The night he died a mutual friend, in fact the only atheist friend of ours said that he had a dream that our dead friend visited our atheist friend exactly at the time he died and he was in a very classy suit and hat, which was very unusual. Our atheist friend told us that he came to say good bye. As a nurse I have experienced a wast difference between non belivers whom often died very scared and the christian often died with such peace and almost golden glow in their room. You just wanted to stay there because the love and peace was almost other worldly. Thanks for sharing. Amazing how commen this is. Such a good death when loved one is seen bye the dying person and they can pass over with joy in seeing relatives that had gone before them and they all where reunited. Awesome studies. Love that this research is out there. God Bless you all!
@stevemiller63683 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing, Beate! That brings up the interesting point of why certain people report visitations and others don't. I'm reading G. Scott Sparrow's book I Am With You Always, about reported visitations by Jesus. He notes that the experiences he's found were not from the mystics/monks/super-spiritual, but from "ordinary" people. His hypothesis is that such visions come to people who need them. Perhaps your friend needed the visit more than you. Interesting about the classy suit and hat...I wonder what that was all about? But the timing is a key factor when assessing such events evidentially. If it was truly at "exactly at the same time" as the death, it's difficult to explain such an event in a purely physicalist/materialistic worldview, especially after the British Census found such reports to be vastly more common (440 x, specifically) than they should have been if chance were the only explanation.
@tonybasoni84433 жыл бұрын
Brea,.....You are steeped in deception, and a 100% fake christianity.
@MrMuruks3 жыл бұрын
@@tonybasoni8443 not at all
@tonybasoni84433 жыл бұрын
@@MrMuruks ,.....What are you referring to?
@MrMuruks3 жыл бұрын
@@tonybasoni8443 just answered you with the same weight of reasoning you used yourself :)
@belle-v7q3 жыл бұрын
I have enjoyed this talk (haven't heard it all ) and reading so many of the comments below! This wouldn't qualify for a NDE or DBE but I remember a very prophetic man who I have heard speak many times telling us about being in a class about worship years and years ago. In the middle of the class his teacher received a call that his wife and children had been killed in a car wreck. He said the next session was on "the sacrifice of praise" (or sacrifice of worship?)- and everyone expected the man to go home but he insisted on doing the session. They sang, "God is so good" over and over and over and everyone was bawling. At the end of this session the man had a vision and he saw one of his children in heaven and the child said, "Daddy, we're here now and you're still there. But when we worship Jesus we are all together." It was something like this- I'm not getting the exact quote, I don't think. I've always remembered that...there is so much reality that we have only had glimpses of as humans. Another more recent one- a dear friend passed away- she was a strong believer, and her son shared that he was so shaken up after it had all happened and they had taken her away. They had tried to resuscitate at his house and it was all hitting him and he said he heard his Mom say (after she had passed and body was out of the home), "I'm fine, my boy." And instantly he had peace. These types of experiences are just one piece of evidence- the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus is huge in pointing us to the Bible as the Word of God.
@deliberativedisciple3 жыл бұрын
Why would God do the unthinkable and undermine His own Word? "Communicating with the dead," was explicitly prohibited in the Bible and punishable by death. But now it's a wonderful source of light and truth? The only way to test the spirits is against the Word of God, and supposed messages from beyond the grave fail immediately.
@belle-v7q3 жыл бұрын
@@deliberativedisciple I hear you- I think there's something very different from going to look for these experiences/anchoring your faith on them (clearly forbidden to consult spiritists and mediums in Scripture) and receiving a message like this as a gift. Even the story of Saul and the witch of Endor is quite interesting- he was clearly biblically wrong to go looking for a word from a dead person, seeking it out thru a medium- but the part where Samuel actually shows up and rebukes him causes one to ponder.
@deliberativedisciple3 жыл бұрын
@@belle-v7q The details of that story make it clear that that spirit was not actually Samuel once you can wrap your head around the fact that the Bible can say, "Samuel" and also mean, "the spirit imitating Samuel" without saying so explicitly. For instance, "coming up from the ground," "Old man," "Why have you disturbed me?" all point to this being a demonic deception, which aligns perfectly with WHY God forbids communication with those spirits. It's because the living know that they shall die, but they dead know nothing. Ecc.9:5 It's not just talking about their bodies. verse 6 "Their love, their hate and their jealousy have long since vanished." Scripture clearly teaches that no dead loved one is even capable of comforting someone still living because their thoughts and even their love have vanished. Our identity, without the activating and entropy fighting power of God's breath of life in us, is dirt. Gen 3:19. Dust YOU ARE and to dust you shall return. This is why the resurrection is so critical. Without it, we are just piles of organic molecules. Study 1 Cor. 15 and see how clearly all of our hope of salvation is totally dependent upon our physical resurrection. There is no life with Christ apart from the resurrection. John 14:3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. (so we're definitely not with Christ prior to His 2nd coming and the resurrection) Dan. 12:2 and 13 And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth SHALL AWAKE...13 But you, go your way till the end; for you SHALL REST and WILL ARISE to your inheritance at the end of the days. This is a super-duper important concept because beliefs matter and error has consequences. Believing that we have an innately immortal soul opens us up to demonic deception. We cannot afford to be confused on this point.
@armadaministries62833 жыл бұрын
I believe because I have seen. I died and went before the Judgement Throne of God, I was surrounded by His Holy Judges in a giant white amphitheater-like courtroom. They brought up my entire life in a split second, there is no time there, they judged me on everything I had ever said or done, and then Jesus appeared and saved me! It is all true, the Scriptures are all true, He is our Advocate, Intercessor, Redeemer, Mediator, Defender, Atoner, Attorner. I was not a believer at the time and practiced Buddhism, occultism, kabbalism, etc most of my life, those "spiritual" paths are all deceptive and demonic. The Scriptures are to be read literally, not figuratively or metaphorically. When you appear before the Judgement Throne of God you NEED to have Jesus by your side, you will not be able to plead your own cause, the ONLY way to the Father is through the Son, without the Son we are all like filthy rags before the Father, I literally stood before the Throne of God and was thrown on my face by His Brightness and I was literally covered in filthy dirty oily rags that looked like garage rags...and I had never read the Scriptures! It is all True. Blessed are those who believe without seeing.
@mrsq1173 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your experience
@beam38193 жыл бұрын
Wonderful, I am so very glad you experienced Jesus as savior. Being a non christian at the time, did someone in your familie had christian belifs. Or did someone you can think of, like a grandmother etc pray for you sometime maybe. I am curious, because I have heard about that prayers can literally save people without fate when encounter near death experiense? God Bless You!
@ClassicRockJWM3 жыл бұрын
How long were you dead?
@bernadettematera-stacey19823 жыл бұрын
What an awesome story! Please can you explain how it was that you 'died'? Was it a dream of dying, or did you really have a NDE? And I am keen to know how exactly Jesus saved you from the Judges' verdict. May I ask what He said and did please?
@armadaministries62833 жыл бұрын
@@ClassicRockJWM no idea, maybe just a few minutes.
@cindybrown7527 Жыл бұрын
My sister had a falling out with her best friend and they had not spoken in 15 years. One morning my sister told her husband about her dream that was so vivid. Said her former best friend had come to the front door and my sister was shocked to see her. The former friend said “I’m leaving now and wanted to tell you how much our friendship meant to me before I go.” Then the former friend smiled and walked away. My sister woke up, told her husband then went to work and came home at noon. Husband told her to look at the newspaper online. This former best friend had unexpectedly died the previous day.
@stevemiller6368 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing this. The timing is remarkable, giving evidence that this was not just a chance dream that just happened to correspond with reality. Typically, if you inquire further, your sister would say that the "dream" was qualitatively different from other dreams, even before she heard of the death. This is quite widely experienced, as one large-scale study in England found from four percent of people reporting premonitions in their realistic dreams (See "Phantasms of the Living"). If these stats hold from Americans, that would be over 13 million Americans.
@darrenmiller69272 жыл бұрын
I like being the fly on the wall when the smart guys talk, lol. Fascinating. I could not stop watching, again! This is my second time watching this specific discussion. Much love from California.
@stevemiller63682 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the encouragement Darren! On being "smart," I don't see myself as being smarter than the next guy in general. My brain just works in such a way that I can stay motivated to keep studying something for years, keep up with all those notes, and then write about it. If you measure "smart" by easily remembering names and numbers, I'm not too bright.
@maetaylor23913 жыл бұрын
@49:00. I was 7 when this happened to me. My grandad shared some important info with me and said he was gone now.. woke up crying and ran into hall as my parents were getting call.. his message has proved a God send throughout my life..
@stevemiller63683 жыл бұрын
Mae, how many years ago did this happen and how real is it to you now? Was it much more real than a dream when it first happened? Thanks so much for sharing!
@maetaylor23913 жыл бұрын
@@stevemiller6368 Hi Dr. Miller, it was almost 25 years ago.. and for some reason feels like yesterday. So much more real than a dream and my parents still remember me coming and telling them what happened. He was sitting in front of me and just talking with bright light behind him. It was loving but urgent.. and it's strange too because he was always sick and older when I was alive but seemed strong and peaceful.
@stevemiller63683 жыл бұрын
@@maetaylor2391 Thanks for clarifying! Those details help to tie your experience into the vast research on such experiences. Whereas ordinary dreams are typically not remembered clearly, if at all, crisis apparitions are typically experienced as real, or even "realer than real," and can't be forgotten. Mark Twain said late in his life that the memory of his vision hadn't faded at all, but was like recorded in pictures in his brain. Your comment that it "feels like yesterday" is quite compelling. No wonder this has been so meaningful to you throughout your life!
@moondustgirl21323 жыл бұрын
There was a NDE account i watched a few years ago where the woman said she went to a beautiful place first, which she thought was heaven, but then she saw a dark cloud which grew and grew til it enveloped her and she was suddenly in a dark, horrible place. So it's possible that unbelievers first enter a place of rest for a short while, then go to their final destination.
@bernadettematera-stacey19823 жыл бұрын
Scary! A famous atheist had a NDE years ago. When he had recovered, he claimed Heaven didn't exist, because he saw nothing. He had a scathing tone about it too.
@bernadettematera-stacey19823 жыл бұрын
BTW, there is a very good book by nurse Trudy Harris. She's a hospice nurse, and so full of compassion for dying people and their loved ones. Her book is about DBEs, and it's such a comfort to believers in Jesus.
@SomeoneSomewhere1984 Жыл бұрын
Reminds me of Pilgrims Progress where there is a door to hell at the gate of heaven. Terrifying.
@whitestone48053 жыл бұрын
Hi Sean. Quick thank you first of all for the conversation you facilitated with Phillip Yancey. It was so sensitively handled and your care and respect of him and to him were palpable. This topic is very enticing to folk, both Christian and those seeking “ something” outside formal organised religion. I read many years ago a book by George Ritchie called “Return from tomorrow.” It’s impact has stayed with me. It was written pre-internet, no channel to promote, no dvd to sell and he had to be persuaded to tell his story (in print) He also went on to become a leading psychiatrist, so obviously passed some pretty stringent tests regarding his mental health. Like other accounts I have followed (Howard Storm, Ian McCormack) the experience changed him profoundly and the encounter with Christ had an authenticity that surpassed being just “spiritual” and somewhat ethereal and nebulous in nature. Also; other, much darker possibilities were revealed and, in the case of Howard Storm at least, actually experienced. So shockingly that he can barely talk about them without showing spontaneous upset and emotion of a kind that simply cannot (I believe) be faked. I concluded two things. What we know (and indeed experience) here and now we only experience in part. This is of course scripturally attested to. Faith is never, ever a nice neat package however sound the theology or attached we are to it culturally or religiously…..otherwise that’s what we end up putting our faith in, a denomination or organisation (or priest or pastor) a concept basically, not The Living pre-existent God of all creation and the saviour He sent. These NDE experiences demonstrate something else beyond theology really, some other reality which we reject or ignore quite likely at our peril. However, the spiritual adversary of man is a deceiver from the beginning and scripture tells us that he can/will masquerade as an angel of light. !!! We must never put God in a box, but definitely, definitely test the spirits. The eternal God, His Holy Spirit who is with us leading us into truth, and He who conquered both sin and death and rose again in the flesh and who is one with the Father and The Spirit simply cannot be divided. They are one. I commend with all sincerity to call on His name alone. He who is able and willing to save. Jesus…Yeshua Thanks for covering the topic Sean.
@aubreemiller90443 жыл бұрын
I am impressed with your responses to the comments Mr. Miller. Thanks for taking the time and thoughtfulness.
@stevemiller63683 жыл бұрын
Thanks Aubree! I think these discussions are very important. Sean has created a wonderful platform for people to get their candid thoughts and experiences out there, which makes this discussion a true learning experience for all of us. The comments keep me researching and learning as well.
@kalm911chick93 жыл бұрын
I wanted to thank both of you for this second video; I watched your previous one on NDE awhile back and found it very interesting. I had a distinct experience that is related to the discussion (but I have questions...) This experience involved my father, who died of terminal lung cancer ten years ago (I was in my mid-40's). I was devastated when he passed and cried myself to sleep every night for the next month. Then one night I had an experience some might call a vivid dream, but it was unlike any dream I had ever had before (or since). After falling asleep, I suddenly found myself on my parents back porch. The breeze was cool but the light was warm. I was sitting in my dad's wooden rocking chair and barefoot, so I could feel the wooden floorboards warm from the sun. The trees, grass and peanut fields behind the house (they had moved to farming country after retiring) were exactly as I had last seen them. I even saw the 8-point buck that had been on the property the night he died. But there was one difference; everything, including the sunlight, the air, the plants/trees -- they all seemed to be...alive, but in a sentient (not just biological) way is the only way I can describe it. There was a glow and what seemed to be a shimmer/pulsation to the atmosphere and landscape. The light floated on the air and seemed to dance; the blooms on the peanut plants seemed to twinkle and wink at me. Then as I started to look back toward the door behind me, my dad was there. He was smiling and wearing one of his favorite outfits, right down to his favorite boots. He looked healthy and about the same age he had been when I was a teenager. I leapt up from where I was sitting, calling out to him as I jumped straight into his arms. I could feel the crispness of his cotton shirt, and through it the warmth of his shoulder, on my cheek as we hugged tightly. He laughed and chuckled in the same way he always had, calling me by the nickname that was something he - and only he - had called me my whole life. He spoke softly in my ear, telling me that he was fine and I was going to be okay. After a few more seconds of that fierce hug, I was suddenly back in my own house and gasping at how real it had all felt. I still remember every single detail (sight, sound, touch, sensation, emotion) as if a frame-by-frame film is playing in my mind every time I think of that experience. I have NO DOUBT AT ALL that this experience was from God. The sense of peace, happiness and gratitude I had was overpowering, immediate & long-lasting. I believe now that not only was God giving me the comfort I needed at that time, but strength I would need for what would turn out to be some extremely difficult years since then. I know that I did not see or talk to my dad's ghost - I saw and talked to him in his heavenly body and I think it happened in the home he inhabits in heaven now. I guess my question about this would be...where does that fit in to what you discussed? This happened well after he died, it lasted long enough for each of us to speak briefly (not just a quick glimpse) and it was a visual/auditory/tactile experience. I'd be curious to know how often this happens to others. I don't know because I've only ever told one other person in the ten years since it happened; it was my cousin and his reaction made me decide to just keep it to myself until now.
@tonybasoni84433 жыл бұрын
K911C,.....This experience was absolutely not from God, it was from your unsaved, corrupt, evil mind. It was nothing but self delusion, and self deception. If you were a Christian, none of this 100% ungodly nonsense would have happened. It only happens to those outside of the kingdom of God. Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!
@kalm911chick93 жыл бұрын
@@tonybasoni8443 Listen Linda, I'm sorry I couldn't come up with a sweet & loving way to tell you this so let me just say...go stuff yourself. No one asked for a troll's opinion
@tonybasoni84433 жыл бұрын
@@kalm911chick9 ,.......You are a perfect example of what the church produces. You are steeped in lies, darkness and deception. When given the actual truth for your edification, just like you totally blind, lost, and deceived mothers and fathers, you revile the bringer of truth and call him a troll, just as your mothers and fathers did to Jesus. You are steeped in a 100% fake christianity. If Jesus came back tomorrow, you would do to him just what your mothers and fathers did. Woe unto you! Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!
@coachmarc20023 жыл бұрын
@@tonybasoni8443 if you had the truth you claim to have and the love of Christ in you it would show in your comments. Because the exact opposite is what shows up you betray your father the devil who is the father of lies.
@tonybasoni84433 жыл бұрын
@@coachmarc2002 ,.....What you fail to understand is, to the spiritually dead, love is hate, and hate is love. The truth is a lie, and the lie the truth. This is why you see the actual love I gave as hate and the opposite if what it actually is. As I stated, if Jesus came back tomorrow, you would say to him what you have said to me. You would call him a troll and tell him you don't want to hear anything he has to say, just as your mothers and fathers did. You are all steeped in a 100% fake christianity, Out of love, I have come to warn you, but you revile me for it. I have simply stated the truth of Gods word for your edification. You all like your mothers and fathers shout, give us Barabbas, crucify that Jesus troll, we do not like what he says. My comments are steeped in love, this ungodly woman's are steeped in hate, but you have reviled me and not her. This again just shows what the 100% apostate church and its fake, antichrist christianity produces. The two guys in this video have nothing whatsoever to do with the God of the Bible. They like all of you, are 100% outside the kingdom of God, just steeped in lies, unbiblical nonsense, darkness, and deception. Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!
@Introvertoque Жыл бұрын
My father passed away this year and his death bed experience strengthened my faith. Thank you for talking about it and looking forward to reading your book.
@stevemiller6368 Жыл бұрын
I’m so sorry for your loss, but glad that it strengthened your faith. I was very close to my parents and lost both of them over the past decade. It hurts, but I look forward to seeing them on the other side!
@heidihaga Жыл бұрын
You should study familiar spirits in the scripture
@tfelder6882 жыл бұрын
My grandmother was very ill and mentioned she was "going home next week" the week before she passed away. She was a believer, Jesus took her home
@SeanMcDowell2 жыл бұрын
@Cool-Aid5564 Жыл бұрын
Both of my children gave me past life stories when they were 2. Both are confirmed to me. My moms mom was there when my dads mom died. She said right before she died she told her "they are comning down the stairs to get me, i have to go now, wow they are beautiful, and then, mom? Im comming mom." Then she died.
@stevemiller6368 Жыл бұрын
The experience of your mom's mom has been reported in many, many deathbed visions. The timing of this experience, coinciding with her death, speaks volumes when so many similar experiences corroborate it. Dr. Christopher Kerr talks about this in his peer-reviewed articles and book, from his study in the New York hospice.
@forresthawkins6621 Жыл бұрын
Excellent you both work so well together as communicators. You should team up again for another topic
@fdoy Жыл бұрын
My mom was in the hospital waiting for surgery on her stomach. I walked in and she said to say hello to a Henry near the TV. No one was there. She died unexpectedly the next day.
@donovancumby5835 Жыл бұрын
Was henry a family member?
@leeannott498 Жыл бұрын
What a good ending! I really learned a lot! Thank you, Steve! I will get the book. I bought your Near Death Experience book!
@midimusicforever Жыл бұрын
When my grandma died, the nurses said that the entire room was filled with a peaceful sensation after. She was a Christian.
@stevemiller6368 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing! That would be called a "shared death experience," where those who are not dying experience something of the person's death.
@melanielinkous87463 жыл бұрын
I rarely dream but 3 weeks ago I dreamed that my pet ducks were flying in a GORGEOUS blue sky. Woke up, didn't think much of it until I went outside and found a pile of feathers in my yard. Of course I was devastated, but I feel that God granted me that vision or dream to let me know that they were together and at peace.
@tonybasoni84433 жыл бұрын
MK,.....That is ridiculous.
@rebeccaippolito912 Жыл бұрын
@@tonybasoni8443I know it's been a year since you trolled this thread and you probably won't see this post. But other people will.. YOU sir.. are the reason so many people have moved away from Christianity!!! For me it took the worship of Donald J Trump... but I had forgotten the pastors and decons of southern churches who used the Bible to condone OWNING other people.. i had FORGOTTEN all the people who were burned alive in the name of Jesus!! DT brought out the direction of the evangelical church who have persecuted LGBTQ persons... let's just say you are right about them NOT seeing heaven simply because of who they love or what gender they identify as... let me give that to you people as a "gift" that you can pat yourselves on the back for... then I say you you>>>>> if their destination is sadly Hell according to your "dogma".. the WHY can't that be enough punishment for them?!?!? Why do Christians go out of their way to obsessively make these people's lives HELL ON EARTH?? Because that is what you are doing with all the hatefullness that you try to disguise as "loving concern".. do you NOT understand that every time you condemn LBGTQ persons.. that you are putting a target on their backs?!?! Because there are a vast amount of people who have justified violence against them BECAUSE of your rhetoric. I have said my peace.. I doubt I have gotten through the thickness of who Pauline Christian Fundamentalists are incircled with.
@maureenchurchill26893 жыл бұрын
My husband was very ill, in fact he died within the week. He was lying on his back greeting and shaking hands with friends òf his who had died . He was smiling and pursing his lips as if kissing someone and then waving at them. At one stage he said "mom (she had died many years) don't do that leave my feet I'm coming" he said "bye mom" a few days later he died.
@stevemiller63683 жыл бұрын
Wow...what an experience! And since research finds over 80% of the dying reporting such experiences (when interviewed daily in a hospice setting), it appears that this is almost intrinsic to dying. When people start saying that they not only see the deceased, but speak of them coming to accompany them to the other side, this is indicative that the end is near. My mom began talking to the deceased a couple of days prior to her death last month, and she wasn't even diagnosed with a terminal illness. Thanks for sharing!
@marilynmoreno37943 жыл бұрын
My oldest son passed away 4 1/2 years ago of UVeal Melanoma. We were doing hospice at home but had to transfer him to the Hospice facility during the wee hours of the morning for help. I stayed home to sleep for awhile and my husband went with him to the facility. I was taking a shower in the morning to go to the facilty, and I heard him call me. He said " uh ma". My husband later confirmed it was at the time of his passing. To me, he was saying good-by During the next month, he would appear to me 4 times for just a second with his big beautiful smile he had. Just like he was before he got cancer. Whole! I praise God for the times that he came for a visit. It was glorious!! Never saw him again in the flesh. Have seen him several times in my dreams. Waiting for the glorious day when we will be united.
@SeanMcDowell3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing
@stevemiller63683 жыл бұрын
Marilyn, Thanks so much for sharing such intimate experiences! I presently am caring for mom at home with the help of hospice, so your words are an encouragement to me. What you experienced is quite common, which should be an encouragement to you. The first "visit" would be called a "crisis apparition," which are quite common and have been studied extensively. The next ones you experienced are called After Death Communications, which have also been studied quite a bit in recent times. Both the Harvard grief study and subsequent studies find that what you experienced is 1) not odd 2) not an indication of psychosis and 3) is healthy for the grieving. I have a section dedicated to each of these experiences in my book, if that would be helpful.
@garywilson7992 Жыл бұрын
@@stevemiller6368 these two videos have been so fascinating to me. And you discussed a multitude of things, that I always wanted to know, but had never heard them discussed before, and with such clarity. But there’s one thing I didn’t hear you talk about or even mention, and so it’s a question that I’d like to ask. And I would assume that you are at least aware of it, but for whatever reason’s you didn’t talk about it. But Instead of me just asking the question, maybe it would be better if I explained the situation. I have been a Christian for many years, as my Son was also. He’d been ill and struggling with alcohol for a few years, but I’d been praying about it, and I knew that my Son had been also, and also knowing that he was the most firm believer in Jesus Christ, of anyone that I had ever personally known , because with him, it didn’t even require any faith, it was simply a fact. But he didn’t wear it on his shirt sleeve, nor was it necessary to be a believer to be his friend, he was a very kind hearted man, but he knew what he believed, and why, so he could defend what he believed, if challenged, or if someone was very disrespectful towards it. So I had no doubt that God would heal him, it was just a question of when. And I remember it was just a few days before we took him to the emergency ward early Friday evening 6/1/18, I had prayed to the Lord, that this had been going on for quite a long time now, and so whatever he was going to do, I prayed he’d get on with it. We took him to the hospital around 6:30 pm or so Friday 6/1/18, and at 6:52 pm the following Sunday, he passed away. He was only 37, and had never married. He was a college graduate, and also had attended and graduated from a Audio Engineering School, and had his own recording studio business, as well as a concert promoter. But to say that my wife & I were shocked & devastated is an understatement, and it didn’t make any sense to me that God would allow him to die. But it didn’t cause me to lose my faith, I knew there was a reason for everything, and we can’t see the future, but God can, and I knew that God was sparing him from something, that awaited him, and that he knows how the story will end before it ever starts, and though it was a tragedy, it was at the same time a Mercy & a Blessing. But that doesn’t mean that I wasn’t suffering emotionally, and my wife was suffering so immensely, that I was worried about her, and she wasn’t open to any comfort I could try to give her. And in spite of my faith, in knowing what I did, I wasn’t dealing with it well either. But to try to speed the story up, I’ll try to condense it the best I can. By saying that for the last 5 years, I have been given undeniable evidence, in a multitude of ways, that is so profound, that it doesn’t even require faith, or very little, because I don’t know any of the details. And my wife & I both have not only been been relieved from our grief, (though we still grieve in a way, from missing him,) we know it’s temporary, and we’re even able to feel joy and laugh again. And I don’t see how we ever could have, if we hadn’t of discovered what we did, and it’s changed how I view death; And I’ve caught myself purposely remembering people who had died, some of them, many decades ago, who were in the spring of their life, who died of cancer, auto accidents, suicides , and the Vietnam war. And so I can remember it differently now, without the terrible emptiness, because I no longer have to think of them, of simply being asleep, waiting for the last day to be Resurrected to life. And not that that won’t be an even greater glorious day, to have both a Spiritual & Physical Supernatural body, but knowing that they are very much Consciously Aware, and Joyful, while they wait along with the rest of still left in this physical realm. And I’m reminded almost every night when I view my two home security cameras, where I see floating Orb’s & what looks like shooting Stars, that can change directions in mid flight., and on a few special locations, there’s so many, that it looks like a snow storm. I’m also given all kinds of little sign’s, that are varied, and too many to describe. But the most incredible of all, my pet Cocateil who I’ve had perched alongside of me for 16 years in my office, has developed a very close relationship with people that I can’t see, but they’re just as real to him as I am. And he’s not a patient bird, when he feels that they should be with us, and he’ll call them, and look around in every direction, until one or more of them comes. And I don’t know why they would, for just a bird, but someone always comes. And we always have at least a few visitors whenever I play music through my speaker’s. Now all of these things I mentioned are completely different than the assorted types of evidence that you‘ve talked about, and that people have experienced in the comments. And though they may not be as wonderful as the types others have experienced, they are nonetheless wonderful to me, and I have a library of video clips I have saved for five years, and it’s the type of evidence that wouldn’t take any faith, or trust for what I had said I experienced. There especially Spiritual to me, and I haven’t shared them with anyone other than my wife, in not wanting to chance exploiting them, just to validate them. But I’ve been surprised, considering how common place security cameras have become, that I haven’t read anywhere, of other’s who have experienced and know the same thing that I do. But after listening to this video, and reading all of these comments, it was reassuring to me about a conviction that I’ve had for a long time, that the Lord is not limited in the different number of ways that he can comfort people. And one is not necessarily better than another, when it accomplishes what it was meant to do.
@charlenewillams55103 жыл бұрын
I saw my son's death two weeks before it happened. It happened very much like I saw it. I was not dreaming, I closed my eyes and saw it and immediately opened my eyes and asked God to take me instead.
@CedanyTheAlaskan2 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry for your loss. May he rest in peace
@darrellanderson66503 жыл бұрын
My wife had an experience when she was 18. Her grandfather appeared to her on the basement steps and told her that he could not be at her graduation. Her mother noticed her stop on the stairs and asked her what was wrong. She told them that grandfather had passed away. Her parents assured her that he was ok. Within an hour they got a phone indicating that he had passed away.
@tonybasoni84433 жыл бұрын
DA,......Your story (like all the others here) is nothing but 100% unbiblical nonsense.
@darrellanderson66503 жыл бұрын
@@tonybasoni8443 That may be but it is real.
@tonybasoni84433 жыл бұрын
@@darrellanderson6650 ,....So then it is the Bible that is not real, and not your experience? That is blasphemy. You are steeped in delusion and deception. Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!
@darrellanderson66503 жыл бұрын
@@tonybasoni8443 I have come to realize that no one fully understands scripture or the love of God and Jesus Christ. The intent of the video was to encourage believers and help atheists and agnostics realize that there is life after death. Not sure why you would take issue with this.
@tonybasoni84433 жыл бұрын
@@darrellanderson6650 ,......The intent of the video is to snare as many as possible into the Godless worlds/churches counterfeit christianity. Everything stated by these two ungodly men is false, it only comes from their counterfeit christianity, that is in reality the God hating worlds manmade religion of scientism. There is not life after death. When one dies, they sleep and await judgement day when all will be awakened from their sleep to be judged by Jesus. Again, everything spoken here is a lie, it does not come from the Bible, it comes from the fables of ungodly, unsaved men.
@nirak61223 жыл бұрын
This is absolutely amazing to hear! My sister told me recently that our dad (in Germany) who is just coming out of intensive care, met our mum and his dad while under sedation. He very nearly died of a severe attack of sepsis. There are also my own experiences I can mention, I’m not sure how this works biblically though. .
@stevemiller63683 жыл бұрын
Karin, thanks for sharing! I assure "mum and his dad" are deceased? Again, this is a very common experience. Biblically, I don't see anything that says things like this can't happen. In the Transfiguration, we see Jesus talking with the long deceased. I'll talk more about the Bible and such experiences in volume two, probably sometime next year.
@nirak61223 жыл бұрын
@@stevemiller6368 Yes Indeed they are both deceased. My father also witnessed his father (who he saw recently, see my first comment) on his deathbed - and has described this as an experience which helped convince him about the afterlife.
@stevemiller63683 жыл бұрын
@@nirak6122 Thanks for clarifying Karin. And your comment that this experience "helped convince him about the afterlife" shows how such experiences can "bear good fruit," which is a part of Jesus' test to see if something may have been of God.
@tonybasoni84433 жыл бұрын
KW,.....This is all absolute deception. It is the manmade stories of the spiritually dead. It is not reality. None of this nonsense works Biblically. These people are all 100% outside of the kingdom of God, and just snared into the Godless worlds fake christianity.
@davidmckenzie50852 жыл бұрын
steve ive been a christian to my best ability for a while now ,that is the best ive ever herd.thank you for your time god bless you. thanks to you also sean for the video
@stevenhensman2541 Жыл бұрын
Hello my friend Those worlds that we go to is beautiful It is so much beautiful there And color I have been there And yes I was with Jesus Christ I died 32 years ago 12 minutes The white light is the Lord An tunnel The beautiful stairway Angels of glory In our loved ones that passed before us Let me tell you there isn't no death It does not exist I came back with gifts I am a clairvoyant medium The law told me I will have gifts I did not know what he meant Anyway God-bless you
@marythemichiganmastiffmom3611 Жыл бұрын
We asked my dying grandfather if he wanted something to eat and he said “They told me not to eat” We will never know who “they” are but that was the last he ate or drank and was gone a few days later
@lellyt2372 Жыл бұрын
My mother was the most alive she had been for months the night before she died. Dad said she was like her old, vivacious self, laughing, cracking jokes and just having a ball. She then slipped into unconsciousness and died the next morning. My Dad was watching sport (which he hadn't done for a while becausehe was in and out of conciousness for weeks before he died) and although he thought we didn't notice, he was talking to someone who could only be my mother (based on the things he was saying and how he was saying them) and couldn't wait for us to leave. My sister was supposed to be staying overnight with him and he abruptly changed his mind at the last minute and sent her home. Then he went home with my mother 🙏💔
@stevemiller6368 Жыл бұрын
Two good accounts in your own family. Many would assume these are hallucinations until they look into the professional research on Terminal Lucidity and After Death Communications. Thanks for sharing!
@MCdreamfaerie10 ай бұрын
As a nurse I’ve had a handful of strange experiences. Someone died and in the next room a lady said her husband was in her room. I thought her husband was dead or she had dementia (she was a Walky talky so we don’t do much 1 on 1 cares for independent patients and I worked night shift so I never talked to her) The next day I saw her husband and I was like ohhh my he looks exactly like the guy who died in the next room. And she didn’t have any form dementia. She was of sound mind.
@MichaelAGuzman Жыл бұрын
When Stephen was being martyred he saw into heaven and saw Jesus standing at the right hand of God.
@kellyschroeder89993 жыл бұрын
Amen. Real people inside. Hallelujah Jesus 🙌🏻
@FPVMike3 жыл бұрын
Seam, just wanted to say thanks for doing these. i have been loving these interviews about some really different apologetic arguments and things i've never really thought about as credible evidence. deathbed, near death, case for heaven etc. Amazing work!
@tonybasoni84433 жыл бұрын
FPVM,......This is all 100% unbiblical nonsense, all Christians know this. The guys in this video have nothing to do with the Christianity of the Bible.
@sanjosemike3137 Жыл бұрын
Most nurses and people who work at hospices routinely see "evidence" for the afterlife. In fact, one of the best ways for atheists to accept God is to just volunteer at one. They will accept God after about 3- months. Sometimes shorter. Sanjosemike (no longer in CA) Retired surgeon
@stevemiller6368 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for reporting in from the medical field. Yes, much research on NDEs and DBEs is found in nursing and hospice journals. If evidence for the afterlife can be gleened from people's experiences at death, hospice nurses are often there to experience it and report on it.
@Jimwin2 Жыл бұрын
7 years ago my uncle died of cancer. They found it when it was already in its last stage and was told he only had 3 months MAX. On his day of passing I was with him every second until he breathed his last breath. There was no evidence of a death bed experience. I wish these experiences were more common, for his sake and for mine.
@stevemiller6368 Жыл бұрын
I've been there at several of my relative's deaths and only one, my mother, had DBE experiences. I think that God gives the experience to those who need it, either personally, or to bolster the death of those around them. I've never had such visionary experiences, except for a possible demonic attack early in life, when I was preparing for ministry. I kind of think that without such a direct experience with God, I was motivated to get much deeper in my theology and apologetics, which ultimately helped me to have a more effective ministry. I do believe that almost everyone may have some sort of visionary experience before death, if you tally people's reported experiences with angels, NDEs, DBEs, dramatic religious experiences, etc.
@marylamb6063 Жыл бұрын
My Hindu grandmother died and came back to life. She saw Gabriel, who spoke to her. She have never heard of Gabriel from the Bible nor the Quran. Gabriel showed her a glimpse of heaven. She said that she remembered that everything shined like the brightest sun in the universe. There was total peace. She saw animals too. Gabriel looked like a man, a young man. He had no wings. In a moment she was brought back to life on earth and was angry.
@stevemiller6368 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing your grandmother's experience. Sounds like a near-death experience, which I talked about in a former interview. Typically, those who see angels don't see them with wings. I know of no heavenly beings designated as angels in the Scripture that are described as having wings. (There are some winged heavenly creatures, but they're not called angels.)
@ggpmf Жыл бұрын
This makes me think this wasn't real.
@pastorbrianediger2 жыл бұрын
This was an interesting interview. I know that when I was 13, my grandpa Kurt was in a hospital in Texas, and he was going to die. I was in Kansas, and I woke up from a deep sleep at about 1am. It felt like he was in my room to say good bye, but I didn't hear or see him. That next day, my mom called to tell me that he had passed at about 1am. I also know that some of my mom's family had experiences with my grandma De after she passed. And another friend of mine has had some experiences.
@SeanMcDowell2 жыл бұрын
Very interesting, thanks for sharing.
@pastorbrianediger2 жыл бұрын
@@SeanMcDowell Happy to!
@karlahardesty9076 Жыл бұрын
2 incidents in my family. In the late 1950s or early 1960s, my greataunt was dying. She waited for my mother to make it home from Alaska before dying. Mom got there and I was told my greataunt said "Jesus," indicated she saw Him, and then died. Then, in 2007, my mother had been unresponsive for several days before she died. We knew the time she passed as I was sitting with her when she took her last breath. All but my older brother had made it to her bedside. When he arrived and was told she had passed, he asked what time. At that time he was waiting for his connecting flight and her mom's voice saying his name. So he wasn't surprised she had already passed.
@stevemiller6368 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing these experiences. Your great aunt experienced a deathbed vision, and yes, many say they saw Jesus. Respected evangelist Billy Graham used to tell about his grandmother seeing Jesus at her death. Your older brother probably experienced a crisis apparition, which has been studied a great deal and typically happens within 24 hours of a death. Amazing timing. Thanks for sharing!
@hoyvintagecycles29362 жыл бұрын
I had a dream after my aunt died, whom I didnt know if she was saved or not, where she called me on the phone and said " I made it there"
@nicholasmburu11983 жыл бұрын
Visions, trips and crowded rooms by David Kessler is a magnificent book on deathbed visions.
@eftixismeni2010 Жыл бұрын
When I had my NDE I saw a friend of mine who had passed away two years prior. He first presented as an orb of white light and morphed into how I remembered him at his best. Although still white in color and ethereal. We spoke telepathically. It was the most beautiful and loving experience I ever felt in my life/death. Prior to that experience I didn’t believe in an afterlife. Since my NDE I’ve been left with psychic abilities and I’ve researched everything I could get my hands on when it comes to metaphysics, the universe, energies, different religions, quantum physics, etc. I’ve also received training in reiki and ThetaHealing. I have to say this - when you are dying you know without a doubt you are dying. It’s a beautiful experience.
@SpicyCurrey Жыл бұрын
@carolcarter59664 ай бұрын
This happened to my Mother in law and my youngest grown daughter. She was in a nursing home in Vicksburg MS and had just been laying there not recognizing any of the other family or the workers. She was near death and they called the family in. My daughter started asking her to wake up and have a cup of tea with her. The next day they called my daughter and told her that her Grandmother was awake and wanted to see her. She went right away and her grandmother didn't just talk to her in her bed. She got out of bed and spent several hours talking to her and having tea. She finally went back to bed and resumed the coma like stance. She died the next day. This was observed by not just some of the family but the staff of the nursing home did too.
@Greywolfgrafix3 жыл бұрын
Just ordered Dr. Miller's books. Near Death Experiences and Death Bed Experiences Vol 1.
@SeanMcDowell3 жыл бұрын
Cool, if you remember, write an honest review for him online when you’re done…
@Nunya13873 жыл бұрын
I’m so glad he’s back!! Mr. Miller is so nice! His books are awesome too!!
@KellyO Жыл бұрын
My grandmother saw her deceased daughter that had passed 5 years earlier standing in the hospice room with all of us a few days before she died. My atheist family brushed it off as an effect of the morphine.
@mrsq1173 жыл бұрын
Excellent video and discussion. Please do another for volume 2 of the 2nd book
@stevenhensman2541 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your wonderful programmes they are brilliant they are teaching the world
@selahr.2 жыл бұрын
I have been with several people while they crossed from life to death, and I’ve spoken to several people who work with Hospice agencies who have experienced the same thing, and I agree with Dr Miller than it appears God/Jesus gives people a final chance to accept Him or reject Him before they take their final breath. And for those people who have moved to acceptance of their death and/or have made their final decision about God the dying process tend to move smoother and faster. Those who haven’t accepted their death (maybe they are still waiting for one last person to come say their goodbye) or who have really been struggling with God and are still in a debate with themselves over if to accept or reject God seem to linger and struggle much longer. It is not uncommon for non-believers, especially conflicted non-believers who maybe used to believe or were hurt spiritually and avoided faith as a result of that injury, to report more dreams or visions of the afterlife or people who passed as if God is trying to show them “This is real and it’s not too late to decide.” It’s their own “wrestling with God” opportunity. The Jewish faith also describes a an adjustment or transition period after bodily death in which the soul transitions from the Earth to the afterlife, and that they believe this transition is harder and longer based on your readiness or acceptance of joining God or leaving your family. As a mental health therapist I have also seen that most clients report some kind of intimate and personal sense of a presence of their loved one visiting them near the time of death, and often helping them make peace with accepting the death (even when the client doesn’t believe that’s possible or is adamant that they weren’t ready to accept it or feel it). Most people don’t report these experiences because they fear they won’t be believed, they’ll be labeled crazy or incompetent, or that they will offend or alienate others who don’t believe or didn’t experience the same kind of thing). I do understand one of the criticisms of research that I think you were trying to bring up… which is has research been done about these experiences in a way that hides that this is what is being measured/investigated. To reduce bias that maybe people are telling researchers what they want to hear. For example, are researchers asking about a variety of cognitive events, hallucinations, imaginations, vivid daydreams, lucid dreaming, intuition, etc., along with questions about crisis/grief/death experiences to hide the lead so to speak. If not, that would be an interesting addition.
@stevemiller63682 жыл бұрын
Great to hear from a mental health therapist! Your comments are quite valuable. Concerning the potential problem of patients "telling researchers what they want to hear," large study of deathbed visions done by Osis and Haraldsson interviewed doctors and nurses about their patient's experiences, so that I assume nobody was asking the patients leading questions. Regarding Christopher Kerr and his fellow researchers in the New York Hospice, they indeed asked patients if they'd had any experiences and in each of their published studies, as I recall, they told exactly what was asked, so that it would be consistent.
@IAMSMITH11 Жыл бұрын
Its all about the soul - the soul is immortal.
@bairfreedom Жыл бұрын
My uncle died of liver cancer. Said there was a man in his room who he did not recognize who would not speak to him. Said the man would get right up on his face, was a shadowy figure. My uncles dad (my Grandpa) got all of the sudden upbeat before he passed away. He started singing hyms and was so excited and KNEW he was going to die the next day. He stopped singing, and died immediately after. My grandmother died and visited my cousins (same side of the family) both of them in the same night. The older sister talked to her for a few min and she left. The younger sister (cousin) Saw her when she was getting up to go to the bathroom on the middle stair landing. She immediately went right back upstairs and hid under the covers. Lol But they both confirm this to this day and they are in there early 50's
@stevemiller6368 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing both the positive and negative. The "shadowy figure" may have been part of a distressing experience, which is quite common.
@MCdreamfaerie10 ай бұрын
My dad only just told me ab how his mom died and came back the day before she died and she said “next time I’m going and I’m not coming back. Don’t stop me”
@stevemiller63686 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing! That's quite typical. Many seem to know when they are dying, especially when the angels or deceased relatives tell them that they've come to accompany them to the other side.
@starlynnfiegener29393 жыл бұрын
Last chance to know God’s love and perhaps receive one is dying, makes sense to me. Makes me think of the dying thief on the cross as Jesus spoke some of His last words about forgiveness...
@MarlinePutter Жыл бұрын
My mom passed away 6 days after she told us the Angels were with her we asked her if they were communicating with her and she replied that they were supporting her she was very ill and died peacefully
@stevemiller6368 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for your report, which is consistent with so many who die shortly after reporting seeing angels or deceased relatives.
@therealkillerb76432 жыл бұрын
I am watching this just before having to go to church, so I might not be able to finish it before it's time to leave. However, one of the problems not yet addressed is that the "message" that such people often "bring back" or testify to, is the complete opposite of the Christian gospel. IOW, people who have never made a confession of faith, never expressed any trust in Christ, will tell of being welcomed by "the light" and told that all their problems are over, they enter a wonderful place of peace and joy with loved ones, etc. If such "testimonies" are real, it makes a mockery of the gospel; for these people denied Christ, yet are still "welcomed" into bliss. Therefore, presuming such accounts are accurate, we need to remember that there are spirits, and there are spirits. Not all encounters with the supernatural are from God. As I was typing this, Dr. Miller does state that this might be because God is showing them some love and beauty, so if true, do these people actually repent of their sins, embrace the gospel and confess Jesus as Lord? Because it appears that these experiences do not drive people to Christ, but like morphine, simply deaden the pain of living in a sin cursed world, giving hope without Christ.
@stevemiller63682 жыл бұрын
I very much agree with you that not all reported encounters are from the Lord. Thus, we don't need to believe everything we hear. Yet, even in cases of lost people, I believe that God is very patient, wanting all to come to repentance. And according to Romans, "the kindness of God leads us to repentance." Thus, perhaps God is still working with their hearts, giving them a final chance to get things right before they die.
@Jan.13 Жыл бұрын
Many answers to my questions in this video. I hope to find the book in Greek Thanks for posting this.
@Demas2423 жыл бұрын
Fascinating video. Thank you for sharing!
@1960taylor3 жыл бұрын
In light of the evidence, how could this still even be questioned. 100 million experiences only one has to be right.
@dco88863 жыл бұрын
It’s crazy how much and often it happens once you start researching it 🤯
@dgladen Жыл бұрын
My grandmother said she saw her mom around the time of her death. She also saw her deceased husband and a little girl she called an angel. The little girl would visit my grandmother often several months before she passed. My grandmother did have a few hours of clarity prior her passing but not to say her goodbyes. It was her excitement seeing those she loved who passed over. The little girl i think might have been her 1st daughter Anna, who passed in infancy. My mother claimed she saw her grandmother too. My dad had a really positive experience 10 months after my mom passed. He saw my mom in the kitchen one morning. He said she was opening cupboards and when she saw him she stopped and said, I am just checking up on you. Then she disappeared. Daddy was not into anything Supernatural but he did love the Lord. I knew when he had seen her it was a visit to prepare him for his death. After this experience he literally had lost his spark for life and passed 2 months later. Their deaths were 11 months apart. When my grandmother passed she called me on a hotel phone in Mexico. The phone woke me up around 2am. It rang again just as I was falling back asleep. Both times I answered it but nobody responded. I thought it might be my son trying to reach me so I called the front desk. I said I got 2 calls just now and I think they got disconnected. Do you have any messages for me? They said that the phone didn't ring and they didn't pass any calls to me. There were no messages. Then confused I tried not to worry about my son thinking he might have gotten into some kind of trouble in a cantina. Then I clearly hear, Debbie dear pick up the phone. After returning home to the states, the same thing happened again. This time I heard Debbie dear why don't you pick up the phone? For 2 weeks after her passing we all experienced what seemed to be my grandmother either calling out loud, hello! Knocking on my wall in the middle of the night as she regular did in life to get up and toilet her. I had plaques leap off the wall and land at my feet. My kids alarms would go off at crazy hours. Then everything stopped. So what was it, a failure spirit or my grandma reaching out to us? Nobody felt any fear. We would smile and say grandma mom was here last night. Even in the daytime things would happen. I have lived in haunted houses where the hair on your neck would stand up and shivers would roll through your body. I knew they were demons. But my grandma? I don't know. The word says the dead know nothing. That when we die since the day of Pentecost.... we go to be with the Lord or to hell. In otherworldly ghosts are demonic impersonators. Didn't the witch of Condor raise the spirit or ghost of Samuel? Samuel scolded King Saul for disobeying the command to not connect with the dead. Samuel told Saul he would die for his sin and he passed the next morning if memory serves me well.
@stevemiller6368 Жыл бұрын
You said, "The word says the dead know nothing. That when we die since the day of Pentecost.... we go to be with the Lord or to hell." I'm glad to see you using the Scriptures, which I too trust, to try to make sense of your experiences. Throughout the Bible we see God, angels, etc. communicating with us from the other side. In Jesus' transfiguration, he spoke with Moses, who had died and been buried in Old Testament times. But also I believe that malevalent creatures exist on the other side, spoken of by both Jesus in the NT and people reporting distressing/hellish NDEs. So rather than dismiss all as demonic or accept all as of God, we should examine each case. In your grandmother's case, it's typical in deathbed visions to speak of seeing deceased relatives on the other side. If it doesn't seem to contradict Scripture and bears good fruit (two tests of such things in the Bible), I tend to accept them as from God and thank Him for them. If they cause fear and doubt or are just annoying, I suspect evil might be involved and pray for it to stop. Note how Paul got annoyed at a prophetess who was saying correct things over a period of days, but became annoying and he must have discerned over time that a malevolent spirit was involved.
@dgladen Жыл бұрын
I said since the day of Pentecost but I meant since the resurrection of Christ. When he arose 500 others did too. I actually am writing a book on my Supernatural life time experiences. I'm not so cut and dry as some about it all being demonic. I knew when my dad saw my mom he was going to pass soon. My life is packed with experiences that I am sure as a Christian I will get criticisms for some of it. I also have 2 angel experiences. One that appeared as a young man at a car accident and another to warn me of danger. I enjoyed your interview and agree with you on many levels. In this day of deception we must remain discerning and vigil.
@stevemiller6368 Жыл бұрын
@@dgladen Yes, "we must remain discerning and vigilant!"
@Greywolfgrafix3 жыл бұрын
Loretta Lynn had an experience similar to this. She saw her father calling out to her then disappeared. She learned he'd died at that moment. I'm assuming a crisis apparition.
@ericgatera71493 жыл бұрын
Fascinating. I need to delve through this research. Made me curious. Thanks to both. And happy feast of 'Christ the King'.
@amandapanda3162 жыл бұрын
My grandma was telling me about when my great grandma was dying she said she saw Jesus Jesus was talking to him. My grandma said her mom was looking past her and talking to Him as if my grandma wasn't even there. I dont think she had dementia or anything like that
@stevemiller63682 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing Amanda! I was shocked to find in my research that what you describe is quite common!
@marythemichiganmastiffmom3611 Жыл бұрын
In August 2001 My grandfather’s good fishing buddy and his wife were out fishing in the Bahamas.....He turned to his wife and said “we have to go home, Floyd just died” she asked “how do you know?” And he replied “I just saw his boat” grandfather had sold his boat 8 years earlier after a stroke (it was a unique boat, hand and built by him and named Floyd’s Dream)
@m.stubbins29515 ай бұрын
My husband died in December of 23 his last day he had terminal lucidity and clarity all day described meeting my mother my sister and my two brothers and said they were fine he asked for forgiveness from God among other things and call me and talk to me for several minutes and then told me he loved me and 30 minutes later he was dead.
@nirak61223 жыл бұрын
I had a very strange experience just over ten years ago - an elderly lady friend of mine had died in hospital, I had spent most of the day with her as there was no family around for her. I went home at 9pm, the hospital called at 9.30 that she was dying so I went back. sadly as the hospital was half an hour away, she had died in the meantime. After her death I was literally haunted by her for 9 months in recurring dreams, of her trying to convince me that she wasn't dead. At one stage I actually beiieved it and got very confused! I had known her for 11 years, and during that time I came to faith in Christ. There were some times when I offered to pray with her - she always refused. She wasn't in the slightest interested in hearing about faith in Jesus. What were those dreams about? Anyone else had any similar experiences?
@AnastasiaR3 жыл бұрын
It sounds like possibly her denial or at least the spirit of her denial followed her even in death. I think the best thing you can do is to pray for her, even now. It's also possible that these dreams have more to do with your own fears for her. One thing about your story which sounds hopeful is that when she was right near the end, she was thinking of you and she knew you were a follower of Christ. It's very possible that she accepted Christ in some way that day. She was close to the end and I'm sure that your presence couldn't help but light her way. I'm sorry you went through this. I know that you know that God had reasons for every part of it, and what a mystery to contemplate. God bless you
@Eyesofmars20403 жыл бұрын
Just because it’s supernatural doesn’t mean it’s from the Lord.
@SeanMcDowell3 жыл бұрын
Very true!
@stevemiller63683 жыл бұрын
I very much agree, and thanks for this warning! Thus, don't believe everything you hear, but test everything. I believe that there are malevolent as well as benevolent entities on the other side, so we must never assume that just because something is supernatural that it's automatically good. But similarly, we shouldn't assume that all such experiences are "of the devil" just because some appear to be. I see too extremes: 1) assuming that all DBEs/NDEs are of the devil and 2) assuming that they're all from God. I think a Scriptural view is to use discernment, for example: Does it bear good fruit? Is it consistent with what we already know about God? Were all statements of fact true? Do we have a good reason to believe the person?
@lesliebee89183 жыл бұрын
Someone posted on a social media apologetics group thread that Betty Eadie, who wrote "Embraced by the Light" was a Mormon. I didn't know that but remembered her being a guest on Oprah in the '90's. A born again Christian acquaintance (who left Mormonism) commented on that thread saying she had read the book years ago and thought it wonderful. When I saw a copy of the book at Goodwill for a buck I bought it, wanting to see for myself what it said. Having it around kind of creeped me out but I finally got around to reading it. Her experience lined up with Mormon theology; 'pre-existence', this life is a test and then we 'go back to God' -- things like that. There were even three visitors dressed in brown that showed her around.
@stevemiller63683 жыл бұрын
@@lesliebee8918 I've heard that this report contained a lot of strange theology, etc. I haven't even read it because I don't really trust any one person's testimony, particularly if that person writes a book about it (possible monetary motive). Rather than read the popular reports of NDEs via popular books by people who claimed to have such experiences, I stuck with cases reported in large-scale studies by respected researchers, where there was a higher chance of authenticity, screening for mental illness, less motives for lying or embellishing (van Lommel's patients were interviewed again years later to check for consistency), etc. In this area, as well as any other, we must use discernment, "test the spirits," check the theology (we do have evidence for the Jesus' authority on theological matters), and not be naive. Thanks for bringing this up. Again, I've not read that particular book, but I've read others questioning its teachings.
@daman73872 жыл бұрын
@@lesliebee8918 wow thanks! I recently saw an interview with her and it makes a LOT of sense she is a Mormon
@flolou8496 Жыл бұрын
At a minimum, certain NDE experiences I feel confirm what our ''God-Given'' earthly-conscious experience tells us in a small quiet voice that goes something like this: ''your identity is eternal, you will have free-will and choice outside your earthly body when your brain and body are dead ''
@lapetitemoma Жыл бұрын
Good discussion on this subject matter. Thanks.
@Let_Jesus_Rescue_You Жыл бұрын
I've seen my uncle as he was dying in an operating room after being thrown from a car when he was just 18 & I was only 8. I woke up feeling peaceful & saw him in my bedroom. He said goodbye... without saying anything to me. He vanished & his mom called to tell my mom about 15minutes later. He was in another state when he died. About 7 yrs ago my mom [his sister]died of COPD at home. I had a vision of her face as I was putting away towels. She stuck her tongue out in a joking manner. I told my 2 younger sisters while they were at my Dad's house where she died. While they were there on Skype chatting with me.They paused a long time...I thought they'd come back on to make fun of me. Instead they both told me that they'd individually dreamt that our Mom struck her tongue out at them! They told me if I'd not told them about my vision of her they'd not have known they'd had the same thing happen in a dream! I told them to tell my Dad...they did & they told me he broke down & cried. We felt she is in Heaven sharing her joy & playfulness because her life had never had her behaving in that way. We'd each hoped so but weren't certain of where she might be... So now we know. I've been Blessed with many God Events like that one. God is Wow! Maranatha! ☺️💓🙏🏻 💞
@stevemiller6368 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing those experiences, Ava. They are consistent with that huge study of crisis apparitions by the Sidgwicks. The timing (the vision corresponding with the time of death) is remarkable. And the fruit of the experience is good in that it put you in awe of God's power.
@ThePowerAndControlWheel Жыл бұрын
My mum saw her mum, she saw a lady too but didn't know who she was, folks put it down to her dementia .. I never believed that. She got up, walked into the front room of the care home, didnt usually do that because she had become so heavy she fidnt like getting out if her chair .. walked by herself .. sat in the armchair .. and died .. carers found her there shortly after. My nan died in hospital, grandad didn't know and walked into the hospital lobby and collapsed and died, nobody had told him.
@stevemiller6368 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing about your mother. Those deathbed visions are quite common, and often quite meaningful for both the dying and those at the bedside.
@fcastellanos573 жыл бұрын
Very interesting topic. I am a Christian fully committed to the truth where ever it leads. I would ask the Doctor, how do we reconcile the teachings about after death that is in the Scriptures ? I know there are some passages like the rich man and Lazarus purporting to be the after life but after consideration this is parables of contrasting the Jews and gentiles and the change that is going to take place. The basic premise of the Old testament is that we are a union of body and spirit. We need both, we are not either one by itself. One thing to consider about NDE and ND of people who actually have died, is that those people when they have those experience have not died. There may be a prelude to dying that our minds create or become very sensitive to spiritual things, and I do not dismiss the paranormal accounts, but if we want to stay faithful to the Scriptures, we have to conclude there in silence at death as the Scriptures affirm. Psalm 115:17 says “It is not the dead who praise the LORD, those who go down to the place of silence;” and there are many other passages that basically let’s know there is no awareness after death. That is why we hope for the resurrection since death is Jesus’s last enemy, otherwise why worry if we are going to be existing and alive after death any way, albeit without a physical body. There may be a qualitative distinction between the saved and unsaved at death because of the Holy Spirit in the Spirit of the saved person,, but as the Bible says, we die with the hope of the resurrection, which is what Paul also taught in several of his letters. Good topic to continue investigating.
@stevemiller63683 жыл бұрын
Thanks for introducing us to one of the theological controversies that is relevant to studying these phenomena at death. I recently read Bart Ehrman's book defending that line of argument, so I don't know if that's where you're coming from, or from certain religious groups that teach this. At this point in my theological journey believe that the most natural interpretation of the Scriptures is to believe that the soul can indeed separate from the body, perhaps at time prior to death (as Paul argued that it was possible to have happened in his case in II Cor. 12) as well as at the time of death. I know that there are many verses to consider here and that each of us may see them differently; but, for example, in the Transfiguration Jesus meets with two old testament figures, who are very conscious and apparently talkative (not silent). Then, of course, the thief on the cross: "Today you will be with me in paradise." Obviously, their bodies would both be in the tombs that night, so that to be with Jesus in Paradise would have to be in the spirit. Again, I've read the other interpretations of the conversation at the cross (such as Ehrman's), but to me it's most natural to take it (I did spend a few years studying Koine Greek) as speaking of a soulish survival immediately after death. I may or may not have time to extend the discussion of this topic, but I do very much appreciate your bringing this up, as it is indeed relevant to this discussion. I just want readers to know that there are different positions on this doctrine.
@Dudeswagmaster7 ай бұрын
Another interesting pre-death dream is Abraham Lincoln. A couple days before his death he had a dream where he was at a funeral, he didn't know who's it was, he asked one of the people attending the funeral whose funeral it was. The person said, "It's the presidents" There are some things that might prove this wrong like statements saying that the body that Lincoln saw wasn't his own but still, pretty interesting.
@stevemiller63686 ай бұрын
I indeed looked into that account, so thanks for bringing it up. For my latest book comparing Christianity to NDEs/DBEs I researched famous people who reported visionary experiences and put some in a chapter. I found so many, and they can be quite compelling. I may do further research in this area.
@sharonlovely74963 жыл бұрын
You are a great interviewer
@SeanMcDowell3 жыл бұрын
Thanks. I enjoy it!
@naturalisted17143 жыл бұрын
I'm agnostic. I will say that the one and only thing that cannot happen after death is an experience of no experience. Only experience is experienced. If naturalism is true, then Generic Subjective Continuity is true. Sam Harris discussed it in his recent podcast "The Paradox of Death" (full version).
@davidhinson63023 жыл бұрын
Mind blown
@davidhinson63023 жыл бұрын
Do you know where I can find a full version without paying for the monthly sub ?
@philtheo Жыл бұрын
Super interesting. In the cases where people saw a deceased love one, is there a way to distinguish whether it was their actual deceased relative or (say) a demon masquerading as an angel of light, so to speak? I wonder for this reason. I had a close relative die when I was a kid. Shortly thereafter, when I was asleep in my room, I suddenly awoke to see a figure of this relative - at least that's what I initially thought. At first it made me sit right up in bed. However I immediately noticed the figure was completely black and surrounded by a rainbow-like aura. The figure stood in the doorway to my room. Again, I originally thought it was my deceased relative, but I quickly realized it might not be, because the vibe I got was something scary and threatening. This made me duck under my bedsheets. When I peeked again, it was gone. So I don't know what that was that I saw. Was it my deceased relative trying to reach out to me but unable to fully manifest themselves or something along those lines? Or was it a nefarious entity? I still don't know to this day. But I can still see the whole vision or apparition or whatever it was clearly in my mind today.
@stevemiller6368 Жыл бұрын
Biblically, I don't think we can say all are good or all are bad. Instead, we need to use discernment with each case. We don't want to "despise" it or "quench the spirit" if it's something from God (I Thes. 5:19ff); yet, we know that Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. In your case, as opposed to many cases of "crisis apparitions" or "after death communications," it has signs of being sinister. It looked evil and caused fear and confusion. "There is no fear in love," and "God is not a God of confusion." Surely both the godly and ungodly can experience something like this. After all, Jesus was tempted personally by the devil. I had a vivid dream of the devil torturing me while I was at a Christian school studying for the ministry. I never told anyone because I was embarrassed and didn't think it would edify anyone. Now I wish I'd been open to others, since I suspect many experience such things.
@valentinasaltykova11702 жыл бұрын
I had a dream 6 weeks before my brother died. The dream was of me running up a car garage steps trying to catch up with my brother and he ran out to the car park on the 6th floor. I watched him standing on the edge and he fell off, when I ran to see his body on the ground he was gone. I was very disturbed by that dream and felt like it was a warning from God. I told him the next day that something will happen to him in either 6 days, 6 weeks or 6 months and he laughed it off. 6 weeks later his car crashed in a tree and blew up.
@stevemiller63682 жыл бұрын
I certainly don't see the Bible indicating that such premonitions in vivid dreams are impossible. In fact, we often see them in the Bible (see Joseph, Daniel, etc.). Since you were "very disturbed" after the dream, I assume it was more vivid than a normal dream, setting it apart as something special. My normal dreams are typically stream-of-consciousness nonsense, that I recognize were merely dreams after I wake. If I had a super-realistic dream, it would stand out.
@annbrucepineda80932 жыл бұрын
I witnessed my mom's deathbed experience after living with cancer for twelve years. My grandparents died before I was born but my mom, shortly before she died, called out to her mom. She had only called my uncle Uncle Jim but she called out Jimmy before she died. She was a Christian, a devoted wife and mother who seldom complained but cried out in pain when forced into a wheelchair at the so called rehab center because her long bones had been destroyed by the cancer. I called her oncologist, begging him to authorize her return to Baptist Hospital. I think she had been given morphine in the commercial rehab center to disguise the severity of her condition. She had hallucinations never experienced before.
@stevemiller63682 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing! My mom passed almost exactly a year ago and called out to her "daddy" a couple of days prior to death. This is quite common.
@brucevaughn43747 ай бұрын
Excellent show guys 👍🙏😎
@louvisciotti9293 Жыл бұрын
I'm looking at this from a Christian perspective, so here is my question. Regarding Thomas Edison and Steve Jobs. They both rejected Christianity and there seems to be no evidence that they ever accepted it. So why would they see "beautiful things (Edison)" or see something so beautiful to say, "Oh wow!"? If they were non-Christians, wouldn't they have seen something much worse? Again, I'm asking from a Christian perspective and I'm not pretending like I know their hearts or what private prayers they may have prayed throughout their lives. Also, I have no knowledge of what they may have thought or did (last minute conversion) on their death bed. Update: I wrote this comment before I watched the entire video (shame on me 😄). Sean addresses this issue starting at the 57:43 mark. Not sure I totally agree with Dr. Miller's answer.
@stevemiller6368 Жыл бұрын
Glad you went back to see how I addressed this issue, though briefly, in the interview. I do think that a lot of soul work is often going on just prior to death. After all, God is patient with us, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. (II Peter 3:9) And how does he seek to bring people to repentance? Often, the kindness of God leads us to repentance. (Romans 2) So I wouldn't take it past God to allow even evil people to experience His love toward the end, giving them one more chance to repent. Lots more we could say there, but I appreciate your thoughts.
@Lillaloppan2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so very much 🙏😊!
@sharonedwards92233 жыл бұрын
Wonderful interview!
@SB-qv3yo Жыл бұрын
what about having heaviness and depression for no reason 3 days prior to family members death? Lifts immediately upon their passing?
@stevemiller6368 Жыл бұрын
I recall some people reporting more of a strong feeling, rather than an actual vision of the person.