How Disney Commodifies Culture - Southeast Asians Roast Raya and the Last Dragon (Part 1)

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Xiran Jay Zhao

Xiran Jay Zhao

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@clxwdy Жыл бұрын
As an Indonesian person, it NEVER occurred to me that this was meant to be “south East Asian representation” I wrote it off as just a throwaway movie for Disney to make a little extra cash. THAT’S how much the “representation” spoke to me. I didn’t even realise that’s what they were trying to do.
@DharmaPunk111 Жыл бұрын
Exactly what I felt too. It just felt like a giant advertisement to sell toys to kids.
@alexanderticonuwu7591 Жыл бұрын
Honestly, same. Never even realised it was supposed to represent SEA until I watched this video.
@alexanderticonuwu7591 Жыл бұрын
@caitlyncarvalho7637 I never watched the movie so maybe there are some Southeast Asian stuff in it but when I first saw clips and ads, I thought it was some half assed movie based on Chinese culture. And why conlang? Well, if it's a fantasy world only based out on SEA and not actually set on Earth, then why not?
@alexanderticonuwu7591 Жыл бұрын
@caitlyncarvalho7637 Conlang maybe? I don't know a lot of Slavic names to compare it to anyway but the few I've heard of, it feels kinda out of place. But as I said, I'm not an expert.
@alexanderticonuwu7591 Жыл бұрын
@caitlyncarvalho7637 Hard to explain. Like, you know how there are sounds and words that are associated with a language that you then mish mash to make up a name in said language? Like Jirako Sakurasama is a Japanese name I just made up on the spot. It has the R sound that goes to a K sound which kinda looks like a Japanese name on paper. And that's what I feel about Ilosovic. The -sovic sounds stereotypically Slavic but I don't think I've ever heard of that as a Slavic name. I can look it up but I feel that'll bias me here since I know barely any Slavic names.
@soulshadow219 2 жыл бұрын
Remember everyone, Disney made a movie called Coco depicting a Mexican holiday called Dia de Los Muertos and then tried to trademark that same holiday. They literally tried to trademark a whole country's holiday to make money. So before you defend Disney and call everyone else racists remember that Disney exists to just make money. They don't genuinely care about proper culture representation. And just because there was an effort made in bringing diversity, that does not mean it frees it from criticism. If SEAs say Raya is not a good representation of them then it's not a good representation. You can still consider Raya a good movie if you enjoyed it but just take away the label of SEA representation/inspiration. Just because the cast was diverse does not mean you can't call them out on what they did wrong. You can't claim to be representing a group of people and then silence any negative opinions on the movie.
@falconeshield 2 жыл бұрын
I hate that Disney moved on from European and Arabic inspired fairytales (to take as theirs) to foreign cultures that aren't American. Guess Disney ran out of folklore stories to copyright.
@Fusilier7 2 жыл бұрын
Sadly, Disney has hijacked our European stories and folklores too, making it difficult for us to tell our own stories. Our British stories such as Pooh Bear, Mary Poppins and Alice in Wonderland have been Americanised by Disney to the point, no remembers they originated in the UK.
@idek7438 2 жыл бұрын
@@Fusilier7 Pretty sure everyone is aware those stories are British considering all of the characters speak in a British accent in those Disney movies and some of them are explicitly set in London.
@Fusilier7 2 жыл бұрын
@@idek7438 Winnie the Pooh is British, however, Disney owns the copywrite, seizing it from Pooh's own author, A. A. Milne, and Stephen Slesinger, their families are not entitled to royalties from Disney, so Winnie the Pooh is in a legal limbo in the UK, we have the original story, but most people will be more familiar with the Disney version. Disney's Mary Poppins was also changed from its source material, such as leaving out class struggle and labour rights, very British topics during Victorian times. Disney may depict British aesthetics, but they do not always represent Britain, the Americans may speak our language, yet they still fail to understand Britain. BTW: there is no "British" accent, there are English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish accents, so take your pick.
@RandoSando. 2 жыл бұрын
Didn't they also trademark hakuna matata and the norse gods?
@conho4898 2 жыл бұрын
Y'all see how Colombians love and embrace Encanto? Raya has never been loved like this by any community in Southeast Asia. Why? Because Disney decided to blend every culture together into a monolith, turning it completely unrecognizable from any Southeast Asian culture as a whole. Filipinos note how they feel more culturally connected to Moana and Encanto than they do with Raya. Vietnamese note how the film is clearly more culturally inspired by non-Sinitic cultures, so while Vietnamese culture is Sinitic, Raya holds no cultural connection to Vietnamese. In Disney's "effort" to include every Southeast Asian cultures, they alienate every single Southeast Asian culture.
@wesleis.oliveira6103 2 жыл бұрын
As a latin person who is not from Colombia. I found it interesting that Colombians and a lot of other latin countries love and feel connected to Encanto. They choose one country but other latinos from different countries saw similarities or things in common. We Brazilians don't even speak spanish, but seeing Antonio's room look like the Amazon, the music, the plants, the animals, the interracial afro-indigenous family, it's not for us but we can see ourselves on it. Elena of Avalor is also by Disney and blends all latin culture and is really hard to enjoy their takes on the culture. It just feels generic and clearly Avalor is "Mexico but with everyone else's culture on it".
@goosegas2087 2 жыл бұрын
This is the movie that made me skeptical about Encanto.
@Bluey306 2 жыл бұрын
@@wesleis.oliveira6103 and, like, i watched Encanto with my extended Chinese family and _we_ loved it and felt connected to it too. like only a generation ago, the entire family lived in one big house just like the Madrigals - that alone felt so relatable to us, and then some - even the parts that were different to our culture made us feel closer to the story, oddly enough. maybe it's because it's not spending majority of its story/world-building trying to cater to everyone outside of the culture - in doing so they're able to tell a story that's just so rich and so full that plenty of people outside the borders of that culture can still enjoy and see a little bit of themselves in it., now i want to rewatch Encanto (again!)
@corneliahale7871 2 жыл бұрын
@@wesleis.oliveira6103 Agreed! I watched with my family and although we could recognize it wasn't Brazilian it really hitted home because the culture is close enough. The clothes, the food, the music, the colonial architecture are all different, but a huge family living in the same house, the ethnicities, the forest (I live in semi arid, but still) the personalities are all... Us.
@sleepyselkie225 2 жыл бұрын
As a half Thai woman I agree, I watched this movie with my Thai mum and the only thing she vaguely recognised was the food and some of the clothing.
@schwarzerritter5724 2 жыл бұрын
This whole situation reminds me of the King of the Hill clip: "So are you Chinese or Japanese?" "I lived in California for the last 20 year, but first come from Laos." "What?" "I'm Laotian." "What ocean?" "It's a landlocked country in South East Asia. It's between Vietnam and Thailand." "So... are you Chinese or Japanese?"
@emolovetree 2 жыл бұрын
I'll never forget cotton Hill being the only one who knew he's Laotian
@ojal_maha 2 жыл бұрын
I feel you. I'm not SEA (Nepali) but people keep asking me if I'm Chinese and it's kind of annoying, I won't lie. People either think I'm Indian or Chinese. Heck, some random man stopped my mum in the streets to ask if she's FILIPINO. I'm actually done with society now
@pyrrhicvictoly 2 жыл бұрын
@@ojal_maha It's amazing the amount of linguistic hoops people will jump through when this could all be solved if they just learned to ask "what's your ethnicity?" Like, "are you X?" is never a good look coming from random strangers. Especially the random strangers who think they're more "cultured" and start throwing out guesses for less common ethnicities just to avoid asking if you're Chinese.
@jeffreygao3956 2 жыл бұрын
I'm gonna ask Caucasian Americans if they're Dutch and see if there's a reaction.
@plantlady42069 2 жыл бұрын
I shouldn't have laughed so hard but maybe i did cause thats way too real!
@SchaffrillasProductions 2 жыл бұрын
It's funny, a few days ago I actually finished writing and recording a video comparing Raya and Encanto (solely in terms of their themes and messages - I have no cultural authority whatsoever on either) where I really tore into Raya. After recording, I was worried that I was too harsh on Raya. After watching this video, it's clear I wasn't harsh enough. Really incredible eye-opening video; a tremendous effort from everyone involved. Glad this dropped before my vid cause now I have a chance to plug this and direct my audience to it. Looking forward to watching Part 2 (hopefully sometime that isn't 3am on a Friday night rip me)
@TheIqram12 2 жыл бұрын
Probably you need to become harsh more XD
@funkydink7871 2 жыл бұрын
I enjoy your channel so much! It's cool to know you also watch Xiran. Can't wait for your video!
@DarkEspeon40K 2 жыл бұрын
Just release a separate Encanto video and then roast Raya by giving it the worst rating in your next tierlist and just link this video lol
@minheo03 2 жыл бұрын
lmao good to see you here roasting this dude
@shipperina2213 2 жыл бұрын
Hey! One of my favorite youtubers!
@capybara0106 2 жыл бұрын
The other problem with Raya is over inclusivity. Raya try to represent the entire southeast Asia, so when an Thai, Indonesian, Malaysian, filipino, etc watch Raya, you can only sort of point out things that you’re familiar with your culture. I’m Indonesian and when I watch Raya, I can only point out the 1 second batik scene and Raya’s keris inspired sword. I think they should’ve just focused on one country like Encanto(which I love much more than Raya). Encanto only focused on Colombian culture and they really nailed it. They cast actual Colombian voice actors, singers, and staff. They also have Spanish song and phrases in the movie.
@beansMAN433 2 жыл бұрын
Felt exactly the same. I could only point out Arnis, the rest are just "familiar but it's not my culture".
@tivaspotato 2 жыл бұрын
it tried to represent all of sea by lumping us all together it ended up... not representing any of us lol. im indonesian too and encanto is much better than raya imo.
@fluxcapacitor21 2 жыл бұрын
It’s like they always say: when you try to please everyone, you end up pleasing no one
@geoffreyrichards6079 2 жыл бұрын
My guess is that they wanted to have an original story rather than basing it off of a classic that might be in the public domain. You’ll notice that nearly all of their films for the past decade have been original IPs - even “Frozen” took a lot of liberties with the material it was loosely based on.
@angelvu 2 жыл бұрын
Same I’m Vietnamese and they really missed out. All of SEA cultures are vastly different, idk who’s idea it was to combine everything 😭 Encanto also resonated more with me than Raya.
@mabelsan1133 2 жыл бұрын
The lack of actual southeast Asian animals is genuinely heartbreaking when you realize how many cool ones could have been there
@aeliasstatic4376 2 жыл бұрын
I wonder what could've been had they decided to focus on a specific culture like Encanto did with Colombia. Think of the missed possibilities 😭
@Jumpoable 2 жыл бұрын
Oh yup. That too. Some weird "armadillo"...? HELLO they are from South America.
@reib.2853 2 жыл бұрын
@@aeliasstatic4376 IKR , but speaking in Disney language , think of the money they could have cash in doing one by one representation of each 11 SEA countries 😀than piling them all in one movie that wasn't very business minded of them !
@gilnahnu 2 жыл бұрын
@@aeliasstatic4376 exactly. ive always thought the raya movie should have focused on a certain country instead of a whole mix of them. im good with one of my sea fams being represented correctly rather than all of us being " represented " and cluttered together
@khango6138 2 жыл бұрын
As a biologist from Southeast Asia, my disappointment is immeasurable....
@rosamy2017 Жыл бұрын
I feel like Lindsay’s original tweet was actually pointing out the lack of proper representation of Asian cultures. We keep seeing stories where Asian cultures are fantasified and mashed together inside a easily palatable western frame. They aren’t necessarily bad, but wouldn’t it be nice if we had more than just that?
@danielorlovaquinn 9 ай бұрын
Ya the hate she got was completely uncalled for
@necrofish00 6 ай бұрын
Lindsay's tweet was about the world being in harmony, but everything changed when the Devastating Event happened. Now they must travel to each devastated faction pursued by the Cause Of The Devastation to reinstate the Harmony Of The World. Her follow-up tweet was literally explaining this. I think it's a huge disservice to Lindsay - who got run off the internet for 2 months because of people refusing to engage with her actual words and fighting over this misinterpretation - to say "I feel like her tweet is [literally the thing she explained she was not saying and has nothing to do with her point]".
@Macrochenia 2 жыл бұрын
"Surface-level representation" sums up Disney's commitment to diversity quite well.
@emhullum4120 2 жыл бұрын
Disney is passive progressive.
@nanashi2146 2 жыл бұрын
@@emhullum4120 As opposed to?
@sundalosketch4769 2 жыл бұрын
@@nanashi2146 aggressively digressive. They'd be out of business so hard if they tried bringing back old views and stereotypes of all cultures outside of white Americans.
@nanashi2146 2 жыл бұрын
@@sundalosketch4769 I've never heard the term "aggressively digressive" before that's interesting.
@sundalosketch4769 2 жыл бұрын
@@nanashi2146 Idk if it's a real term but it sounded fitting hehe
@lentao81 2 жыл бұрын
I watched Encanto, and you can see and feel the love for Colombia. The movie, despite focusing on one country is still good representation, not just for Colombians, but also Latinos as a whole. Because the success of one gives the opportunity for other Latino creators and ideas to shine in the future. Why couldn't they have done the same thing with Raya? Choose one out of the eleven South East Asian countries instead of trying to mash them all together, cause these countries, while they do share similarities, are not the same. It's honestly so sad to see Disney put so much care in movies like Encanto but then that same level of attention isn't put into South East Asian inspired ideas. And despite being South East Asian myself, I found myself relating more to Encanto than Raya, because Encanto has an identity, and Raya was having an identity crisis with trying to be everything at once and it just didn't feel familiar anymore.
@minvi152 2 жыл бұрын
exactly, i’m SEA not colombian but it’s clear encanto was like a love letter to colombia
@LMedici 2 жыл бұрын
Colombia* not Columbia, Columbia is the historical Name used To describe the female personnification of the United States. While it May Sound similar to Colombia, the two words dont even Share the Same ethymology and have nothing To do with each other.
@lentao81 2 жыл бұрын
@@LMedici Apologies, it was a genuine spelling mistake (・_・;)
@junjunjamore7735 2 жыл бұрын
What matters more is story and character though, Moana was also an amalgamation of Pacific Island cultures (like Raya is for SEA), and I think it did well with what they did as a Pacific Islander myself.
@minvi152 2 жыл бұрын
@@LMedici i’m so sorry and thank you
@FeraNelia 2 жыл бұрын
"People kept saying "listen to POC", and that's obnoxious to hear when people of color who weren't Southeast Asian decided to speak over us" It's so damn sad how this keeps happening every time with discourses about representation of cultures, it's devastating.
@XantaliX 2 жыл бұрын
Also it's such an american way to adress a group of other cultures by a term related to COLOR OF THE SKIN, when that is an issue that's primarily a conflict in US culture. Usually when they say "POC" all they think of is someone who's not pale white, which is, in itself , racist too. I say this cause a similar issue arised a few weeks ago in twitter (ugh), where a japanese artist was blamed of "whitewashing" when making a fanart of Encanto with a more pastel pallette and bullied into erasing it, and the entire hispanic community stood up to defend this artist, and the response of these people was so poor they basically stated tha there's no white people in latin america or they don't have a right to speak up for anything cause "privilege", and that just ADDED FUEL TO FIRE. So yeah I hate that the people who make statements like these think they are doing a good thing when in reality they just make it worse.
@emblemblade9245 2 жыл бұрын
Few things make me as frustrated as this bullshit. It’s heartbreaking to see how little cooperation people who all are fighting for the same general idea have with each other
@muhamadsayyidabidin3906 2 жыл бұрын
@@XantaliX they're just stupid. "POC", bullshit. they only used the term "POC" when they were caught red-handed as justification. I just remember a while ago a person from us get deported from Indonesia because she overextended her vacation visa and even encouraged other people to come here despite the rising number of covid cases. then she played victim by saying the officials kicked her out because she's black and part of the LGBTQ+ community, which is not true. Nobody cares about your race here (there's still exists some ethnocentricism and feudalism here, but nothing about races). just don't mess with the law here. it saddens me that on the internet nowadays, people who have nothing to do with the said culture get more attention than the real people who live in that culture. I've seen north African people get into heated arguments with ignorant westerners that keep saying there are no fair skin people in Africa. or seeing people harassing others because a word from other languages vaguely resembles N-word and many more. such stupid behavior from the supposed "superpower" country.
@sundalosketch4769 2 жыл бұрын
@@XantaliX That's a thing too with this dark skinned Chinese woman in Genshin Impact named Xinyan. People kept calling her black on Twitter and whoever drew her with pastels or in a lighter skin tone were just "whitewashing" racists. Completely ignoring the fact dark skinned asians (naturally or not) EXIST and that lighting and art style exists.. I've also recently learned they're trying to "westernize" latinos by forcing the term "latinx" because "Your language should be more inclusive to more than only men and women." When in reality Spanish is already pretty inclusive enough, it just has masc and fem tones to it which is too deeply imbedded within the language to have it all get written out in favor of having inclusion that's already there. This has been happening with nearly all cultures and languages that differ from Americans in general and it almost makes me embarrassed to be American/live here.
@schwarzerritter5724 2 жыл бұрын
To put the way Raya sees Asia into perspective: It is like a movie about Frida Kahlo casting Celine Dion as the main character and marketing itself as representing authentic Brasilian culture, because it was filmed in New Jersey.
@ninisdesk 2 жыл бұрын
I’m Viet and I feel like the writers of the movie missed such a HUGE OPPORTUNITY. In Vietnamese folklore, we are DESCENDANTS OF A DRAGON… A WATER DRAGON! Like I’m not super well versed in my own cultures folklore but dang…. They missed a big one.
@天朝鹰派一一漢武帝華 2 жыл бұрын
龙的后裔?呵呵~、越南人也配自称为 “龙” 的后裔?你们配吗?你知道“龙”是多么地尊贵吗?
@rashes2286 2 жыл бұрын
@@天朝鹰派一一漢武帝華 比率
@concushroom8168 2 жыл бұрын
@@天朝鹰派一一漢武帝華 tf
@chaook 2 жыл бұрын
They could have just copy-pasted a Lý dynasty dragon with elephant trunk and tusks and all the scaly glory smh
@ussinussinongawd516 2 жыл бұрын
@@chaook Apparently the original design for Sisu was based on Nagas, (an Indian creature brought to Myanmar and eventually Laos and Cambodia) although they ended up going with the furry elsa dragon in the end. :/
@Valkanna.Nublet 2 жыл бұрын
The irony of the Elllis situation is that her attackers making everything about culture and attacking actual SEA people they were embodying the White Savior idea, and actually acting more racist than anything Ellis did.
@kagitsune 2 жыл бұрын
This! It was just so clear that Ellis was "whipping boy of the week". Ugh, I can't stand these self-congratulating racists.
@tiffanyh629 2 жыл бұрын
Racists and colonists tbh
@SunsetTwist 2 жыл бұрын
This!! And it's the same shit that took away any enjoyment I had for Encanto, despite being latina myself.
@mittenista 2 жыл бұрын
Let's be clear - Ellis had a target on her back because she was a woman who was unapologetic outspoken. The people who came for her didn't care about Raya, racism, POC, or South East Asia. They'd been stalking her, attacking every single thing she did, said, or posted, generally doing whatever that could to silence her. Now her voice has been silenced, another spot had opened up for their fellow racists to step into, and women in the public eye have been warned, once again, to stay in their place. It's enraging, but what can you do?
@mittenista 2 жыл бұрын
@@LucasSantos-ss6ou Yep! They were a flock of vultures, pecking away, waiting to swoop in for the kill. It's honestly sickening.
@OverlySarcasticProductions 2 жыл бұрын
Hot damn. Genuinely, I think this is how all media analysis of this type should work. I also feel like it takes pressure off the individual participants, who in this communal format don't feel like they need to have a 100% comprehensive and flawless or "objective" opinion on the work overall, covering every single conceivable base and preempting every counterargument - and can instead focus down on the details they choose and their specific perspective/precise areas of expertise. Also the attempted trust message didn't work for me at all, and this really helped me figure out why it fell flat. Incredible work pulling this together! -R
@elenat.a8297 2 жыл бұрын
@bobamilku 2 жыл бұрын
@sinvector8020 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Red! As a Vietnamese myself, this video is a real breath of fresh air.
@carterlove7293 2 жыл бұрын
This kind of review definitely allows for people to speak out on the specific aspects that bother them or which they feel confident in discussing, and it's absolutely fascinating. As a viewer I feel much more immersed hearing one person discuss one specific aspect of the film, because it feels richer and more accurate, rather than having one person discuss every questionable aspect of the film half-deep. I am not Southeast Asian, so I can't necessarily comment on the content itself, but this type of formatting makes it much easier to focus on each aspect the speakers are criticizing and actually internalize what is being said. I'm a sucker for film criticisms and reviews and this is the most I feel I've learned from any of the videos I've seen before, simply because the formatting and in-depth discussions are so neatly presented.
@pinkcupcake4717 2 жыл бұрын
Well hi Red, great seeing you here!
@Demosthenes6666 2 жыл бұрын
Two hours of Xiran Jay Zhao hosting a roast of a Disney film, bringing their channel full circle? Our family will eat like kings for weeks, oh my god.
@theta682pl 2 жыл бұрын
Don't you mean, 4 hours?
@magnificloud 2 жыл бұрын
Four!! Four hours!!! We are being fed!!! I've been waiting for someone well-versed or researched in Raya to complain about it eloquently for. Months.
@Mizu-AM 2 жыл бұрын
imagine if she released a p3 😭
@AndieStardustDraws 2 жыл бұрын
& friends*
@bestpoubelle5332 2 жыл бұрын
@@Mizu-AM according to their Twitter they may release a part three diving into the queer aspects of Raya and how they relate to SE Asian queer culture 👀👀👀
@flwrryssynd 2 жыл бұрын
I see that A LOT of SEAsians love Encanto and what I’ve noticed is that Encanto tells a story about generational trauma that’s not just familiar to many Colombians, but it’s also familiar to SEAsians. The elders having heavy expectations on their children/grandchildren, the elders wanting to have full control over their children/grandchildren’s lives and having that one family member that’s ignored or antagonized is very familiar to SEAsians because we live it. We experienced it. And I feel like that was what Raya was missing. Yeah it was nice seeing one or two things that represented my culture, but I couldn’t emotionally attach myself with the story because it’s not something I’ve experienced as a SEAsian.
@specialtramp 2 жыл бұрын
It's almost as if the more specific the characters and setting, the more the story is able to explore relatable human themes and bring the audience into the story world rather than just throwing a bunch of references together and calling it "representation."
@flwrryssynd 2 жыл бұрын
@@specialtramp exactly
@yuki97kira 2 жыл бұрын
I feel seen.. As a southeast asian that loved encanto lol
@fluidthought42 2 жыл бұрын
I've noticed the same thing about Coco. And both Coco and Encanto are similar examples of cultural appropriation done, if not right, then at least much better than in Raya.
@blusafe1 2 жыл бұрын
@@fluidthought42 By definition, accurately representing a culture is not cultural appropriation.
@MelodyLovelace 2 жыл бұрын
I was trying to figure out why the "dragon nerd" dialogue irritated me so much, and this just explains it perfectly. It really does feel like it's trivializing a very spiritual thing. I'm Indian, not SEA, but our cultures also have highly spiritual elements and I would feel icky if someone called themselves a "Ganesh nerd". It was just so out of place and strange, especially in the context of the SEA setting.
@RoyalKnightVIII 2 жыл бұрын
Christians have been very weirded out by dragon worship since forever since their dragons ar, for the most part, associated with satan or evil in general
@nihilism1652 2 жыл бұрын
Oh my God, Ganesh nerd sounds so blasphemous, I'm Pakistani and I can't imagine ever describing myself as an Allah nerd wtfffffff this is so BADDDD 💀💀💀💀💀
@RoyalKnightVIII 2 жыл бұрын
@@nihilism1652 god otaku
@nihilism1652 2 жыл бұрын
@@RoyalKnightVIII otaku 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
@minheo03 2 жыл бұрын
​@@RoyalKnightVIII westerners just like to apply their beliefs onto others eh. It's the "I'm the centre of the world" attitude for me
@KM10HM12 2 жыл бұрын
Before defending Disney please remember that Disney tried to trademark “Dia de Los Muertos” - a whole as holiday. They also tried to trademark “hakuna matata” a fcking language. ALL FOR MONEY. So please note that they don’t care.
@progunjack5556 2 жыл бұрын
So, Encanto is bad?
@cybergalacticnova 2 жыл бұрын
Also attempted to sue Mattel for Ever After High when EAH came first and Descendants is a rip off.
@acrsclspdrcls1365 2 жыл бұрын
@@progunjack5556 Disney is. Encanto was the bomb.
@searchingfororion 2 жыл бұрын
Me, a "you photograph pale so you must be white" person who lives in a barrio filled with Latin individuals from *everywhere* : Uhh, if someone tried to commodify dia de los muertos and gatekeep or tell individuals they had to pay royalties/ect to have their services, make/buy pan muerte or dress accordingly - this otherwise quiet neighborhood would most likely riot. I'm not exaggerating. *Even I* have an ofrenda - That is one of the most dangerous and stupid things I've ever heard them try to pull (and I'm rather well educated in problematic Disney history). I can't think of an "American" or similar cultural equivalent to the amount of disrespect and outrage it would cause for them to do to another holiday.
@searchingfororion 2 жыл бұрын
@@RC.- I remember that being addressed in the live action Mulan response video. If it wasn't here, I think it was dreamsounds or someone else prominent talking about (on the outset) the issue of Mulan being an automatic outright GirlBoss prodigy from the beginning.
@drartemisa21 2 жыл бұрын
I remember arguing with several Asian Americans on Twitter trying to calmly explain how I, a SEA woman, did not appreciate how our feelings were being put as a monolith and that their "defense" of this movie was in no way helpful to us as SEA or Asians in general. Plus what good was their harassment of a white woman who never commented on the culture when there's so many ways they could weaponize their voice against genuine racist discourse. I remember being bemused at one response where she basically said "what you say doesn't matter, I'm Asian American and I'm offended so bye".
@pandaws 2 жыл бұрын
Asian american is usually so disconnected from their Asian root but always view themself as a true, one and only POC voice that matter. Just because they're from 1st world country and more fluent in english
@bootyspoon4675 2 жыл бұрын
Those with the least skin in the game are usually the ones who take the most offense, in my experience. It's like they know the conversation doesn't really involve them, so they have to shout louder and be angrier to make up for it.
@monogatari... 2 жыл бұрын
they really put the AMERICAN in Asian american, new day new entitled assh*le in Twitter
@reigenxal 2 жыл бұрын
Asian American voices still matter because they’re still asian I don’t like seeing how non immigrants constantly look down on american asians but i do agree the harassment was a little uncalled for because all Lindsey really did was say raya in a way was like Atla :’)
@JustAStranger2840 2 жыл бұрын
@@reigenxal As a SEA, I’ll be completely honest; the answer to that is resentment lol. We’re *way* too aware that Asian-Americans will always have more of a voice than us when presenting our cultures to the global market purely by virtue of the “American” in their identity and where they live. Personally though, my concerns about this come from wariness and worry, not condescension. I can’t help but be nervous for these diaspora because it’s pretty obvious that they’re so disconnected from their roots, they are most likely the ones who will misrepresent or speak over us in a bid to cling to whatever representation they can get from the American side of who they are. When they could just, I dunno, ask us? We’re not that hard to find online-
@ladymeserole 2 жыл бұрын
"Even if it's bad representation, we want it to do good, otherwise people might think our culture isn't marketable and they'll never make a SEA film again" = the saddest thing in this entire vid 😢 This is what Disney and other megacorps do, they make people prioritize things being marketable over everything else.
@whatever5401 2 жыл бұрын
@jesusbrito5165 2 жыл бұрын
You know what's the worst part that it is really sad that no one questions their authority, there's no challenge to their colonial power. American corporations OWN the international cultural production. So the rest of us CAN'T make ourselves visible unless we are liked by them. We have no power. So we HAVE to be marketable to Disney or have no international recognition at all if they don't think you are pretty you are condemned to be invisible even at you own local cultural market that often rathers to make money of the big foreign corporation instead of investing in local artists. Why aren't we all buzzing about a SEA film, make by SEA artists about themselves and in the native language of some of this SEA nations? Trust me it's not because people hate subtitles. It's the USA cultural domination of the world and they happen to be corporocracy.
@Karin-fj3eu 2 жыл бұрын
This reminds me of people wanting to support/pretend it's good when it comes to stuff like Nekopara Carboy paradise because otherwise they'll just be like see there's no market for this! Even though they just didn't do it nearly as good as the catgirl nekoparas... And with a lot of features lacking, like not even really having romance when that's supposedly the whole point of it. Or, yk, female main characters in situations/franchises/genres etc where there's usually be male characters. If it's bad that means someone didn't write a woman good, doesn't mean something with women can't be good.
@jeffreygao3956 2 жыл бұрын
In short, a hybrid economy of capitalism and socialism is best, Teddy Roosevelt was right, and Ayn Rand was dead wrong!
@wjzav1971 Жыл бұрын
When Catwoman and Elektra flopped, the message big studios took away from that was "Female superheroes don't sell." instead of "Maybe we should hire more competent writers and directors to make female superhero movies."
@WarriorAuranae 2 жыл бұрын
“Netflix’s *Klaus* did this better” holy sh!t, if that doesn’t smack sense into you I don’t know what will 😆 I really liked that movie, and was honestly not expecting the level of good storytelling and Saami representation it provided. Probably b/c they didn’t advertise it: all I knew was that it was a new take on the legend of Santa Claus, and the animation was really good. I don’t remember ATLA ever claiming representation either, it was clearly an American show that drew inspiration from East Asian culture in looks and martial arts. If Disney hadn’t claimed so much “representation” in Raya we wouldn’t have needed this video. 😔
@junirenjana 2 жыл бұрын
Yep, exactly. The biggest problem with claiming this movie as a faithful rep of SEA is that it can, and does, influence how those who don't know abt SEA view the region. For example, I've seen lots and lots of comments circulating translations of words in the movie (including words like binturi, which, as the vid shows, is completely made up) as if they are accurately representing (the very diverse!) SEA languages. Worse, more often than not there is no clarification on the possible word origin or something, just plain "dep la means 'strangely beautiful'" without mentioning that it's Vietnamese. The very fact that the whole Kumandra seems to share the same language itself is not helping. If anything, it perpetuates the "Asians are monolith" stereotype even more :(
@Rebochan 2 жыл бұрын
I had no idea it was based on Sami culture. And I live in Finland! I know it's out of season, but thanks to this comment, I'm going to watch that movie for the first time. You're right, the marketing really didn't make it stand out.
@WarriorAuranae 2 жыл бұрын
@@Rebochan I'm American so I can't tell which country or culture the majority of the film is based on, but there is a group that joins in partway through they explicitly name as Sami, and I heard positive reviews of the portrayal. Would love to hear your thoughts after you see the movie 😊
@jordanpatton3622 2 жыл бұрын
I love Klaus! (=
@RM-cn8pw 2 жыл бұрын
1. How did Klaus do this better if “this” isn’t even what it was doing? 2. Disney hadn’t claimed so much representation in Raya, therefore, we don’t need this video. 3. Regardless of if they had claimed that, they delivered representation, so…
@WiiMan25 2 жыл бұрын
Heavily-Americanized Filipino here. When I look at Sisu, I don't see a majestic divine dragon. I see a My Little Pony.
@theflickchick9850 2 жыл бұрын
Hell, I'm super white and even I had issues with Sisu. I hated that they made the female dragon look...stereotypically female instead of like actual SEA dragon art.
@damianthorne2532 2 жыл бұрын
@@theflickchick9850 r/PointlesslyGendered, I guess?
@whatever5401 2 жыл бұрын
Apparently the original design for Sisu was based on Nagas, (an Indian creature brought to Myanmar and eventually Laos and Cambodia) although they ended up going with the furry Elsa dragon in the end. They basically placed marketability over authenticity and respect
@SMN9a 2 жыл бұрын
Thai here. Agree
@plantlady42069 2 жыл бұрын
@@theflickchick9850 just like Disney same-facing female humans too. Elsa, Anna, Rapunzel, and beyond. same giant eyes and button nose while males are super varied in Disney's media. Dragons are such interesting subjects, especially visually, Sisu could have looked so much better.
@nessaaaaaaa7 2 жыл бұрын
the funny thing is that disney plus wasn't even available in a lot of southeast asian countries when this movie came out. i live in the philippines, and cinemas were closed, so i had to pirate it 😒 disney plus still isn't out here yet. i personally enjoyed raya, but i think it's hypocritical for disney to say they're being "inclusive" when they didn't even release the film in the countries they were trying to represent.
@coldfish2000 2 жыл бұрын
True! I don't even know anyone who has disney plus and we were in the middle of the pandemic so ordinary people can't go to a cinema or rent (unlike rich people who can rent a special cinema or pay for Disney plus) If it was readily available the Pinoys can carry this movie however COVID said NOPE 😂
@naethavenir9422 2 жыл бұрын
It’s kind of a “privilege” that other countries can go to movie theaters and have Disney+ in their countries yet we Filipinos don’t even have it yet at all. Of course, yelling privilege isn’t the right word for this discourse but it just seems unfair that everyone can freely post NWH spoilers in memes or theories yet we still have to wait for a long time for it to come to streaming services, and even then, those services are region-locked probably and we have to resort to pirating, I only watched Encanto because it was available for pirating!
@donkeykong3628 2 жыл бұрын
@@naethavenir9422 did you try using a VPN? I once tried to access a website that wasn't available in the country I'm in, so I used a VPN and it worked
@Nerobyrne 2 жыл бұрын
See, that costs money. It doesn't cost anything extra to animate people from a certain region, but actually releasing the film there is hard work!
@Viva_Cynefin 2 жыл бұрын
ya true
@Burning_Dwarf 2 жыл бұрын
Dragon geek/hobbyist here; Sisu is in no way, shape or form a dragon, it is a mlp inspired flying ferret. Each country has their own distinct dragons and styles, this is worldwide but esp apparent in EA and SEA. The dragon variety to choose inspiration from was mindboggeling and yet they go for a unicorn ferret... WTF
@annejia5382 2 жыл бұрын
Huhu MLP inspired is the word 🤣
@GeneralArin 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly the concept art that was more Thai inspired dragons would have been do cool, and I was honestly disappointed they picked this one. I almost threw them a bone saying maybe it's easier to animate and looks better in motion, but it still fell flat compared to other shows and movies. Give the girl dragon tusks cowards.
@irkendragon 2 жыл бұрын
Also a dragon geek, dragons have continued to evolve throughout culture and media as long as they've been represented, they're rarely strictly mythologically accurate in animation or film (even the winged, fire breathing flying DnD western dragon is a relatively new media creation, historical western dragons are more snake-like). And though not a traditional Naga, adding fluff to dragons in media is something that's been going on in pop culture since "Spirited Away", and fur/feathers in general often show up as an accent feature in historical dragon art. Sisu still reads as a dragon, (by this I mean a serpent-based mythical creature) though it's not the design I would have preferred them to use either. I'm a fan of the earlier concepts that were closer to a traditional Naga.
@zapan_26g.g.95 2 жыл бұрын
This dragon is fucking ugly
@radiationshepherd 2 жыл бұрын
Its a cute cartoon design lol
@anzahanifathallah 2 жыл бұрын
the Lindsay Ellis Raya/Avatar discourse was genuinely one of the dumbest, most insane things to ever come out of Twitter, and that's saying SO MUCH.
@MammaApa 2 жыл бұрын
Twitter is a hellhole and everyone should stay away.
@Jeff_denHartog 2 жыл бұрын
@@MammaApa Exactly, I quit Twitter and came back to Tumblr last year, best decision of my life tho..
@extrules 2 жыл бұрын
It honestly made me have gamergate flashbacks. It is one of the reasons I think the online left does more harm than it can ever help.
@Roseforthethorns 2 жыл бұрын
I’m really glad to have heard another breakdown of it, this time with more of the context. I didn’t think Ellis deserved the harassment she got
@vividao4123 2 жыл бұрын
@@extrules Online anything is bound to do more harm because of all the problems being on the internet causes.
@dawnchesbro4189 2 жыл бұрын
Also, neither Raya nor ATLA/LOK are isekai stories! Isekai specifically is where someone is pulled/transported/reincarnated to a vastly different world, reality or universe, often those realities are magical compared to the non-magical existence they left behind. So an example is Spirited Away with Chihiro literally "spirited away" to the spirit world. It just shows how shallow people on the LE cancel train really were. They wanted to virtue signal and destroy the image of a popular YTer out of a trumped up sense of righteousness.
@Kingdom_Of_Dreams 2 жыл бұрын
What the heck is "isekai"? Just say "fantasy stories inspired by real cultures in history" 😂 That's what Lord of the Rings is. LOTR is directly inspired by Finnish mythology and ancient Scandinavian culture.
@nadyanathania3847 2 жыл бұрын
@@Kingdom_Of_Dreams isekai just literally means another world, as in, you get sent into another world. some examples are alice in wonderland and the wizard of oz
@chubomikz7104 2 жыл бұрын
@@Kingdom_Of_Dreams Isekai isn't just "fantasy", it's a kinda specific genre where a person from a normal world is transported to another fantastical one, think Chronicles of Narnia
@notme8652 2 жыл бұрын
@@Kingdom_Of_Dreams usually in isekai stories the mc brings something from their world that amazes the fantasy world so much that the mc becomes the ruler or soemthing similar
@pinkcupcake4717 2 жыл бұрын
@@Kingdom_Of_Dreams Isekai is a subgenre of fantasy anime and manga, once called "Portal Fantasy", where a human from our modern world is sent off into a high fantasy otherworld and has to adapt. Bringing along modern knowledge or a token piece of modern technology like a cell phone is common in the genre, but not required. Spirited Away, Chronicles of Narnia, A Kid in King Arthur's Court all can fit into the genre.
@bondyaliano 2 жыл бұрын
I am a Southeast Asian. And while I did enjoy watching "Raya and the Last Dragon" as it is, I don't think the term 'representation' (of Southeast Asia) should be used to describe the movie. If they say it was only 'inspired' partly by Southeast Asian culture & elements then it's fine. But even looking at the cast chosen to voice the characters, they are mostly of East Asian descent. I don't understand why Hollywood always thinks that all Asians are interchangable like that.
@TrueMentorGuidingMoonlight 2 жыл бұрын
That’s because “diversity” in Hollywood is shallow and skin-deep. They don’t see people from the lens of unique ethnic groups, but from racial groupings based on physical features. It’s an extremely asinine and degrading viewpoint for them to see all Asians as a monolith where “representation” is just plucking a few random East Asians and calling it Southeast Asian appeal.
@toolatetothestory 2 жыл бұрын
@@TrueMentorGuidingMoonlight I mean what did you expect, they stole the whole human races concept from the Nazis to play different immigrants against each other so they wouldn't complain about the Government back then, but only complain about each other. And they still use it for some reason. Because they just don't learn from history.
@danielasarmiento3101 2 жыл бұрын
They dont really care about diversity and that each asian country is different , they just assume all asian countries are the same , same thing happens with hispanic culture
@TrueMentorGuidingMoonlight 2 жыл бұрын
@@danielasarmiento3101 Ironically the same treatment is given to white people too. Netflix Witcher barely had any Polish actors despite the franchise being extremely Polish, rooted in Polish fairytales. But nah, they just hired a bunch of English actors for the white folk and a bunch of tokenized POCs to fill the screen every frame. Funny how being Caucasian isn’t considered diverse despite the massive variety of ethnic groups in Europe, like Anglo-Saxons, Scots, Franks, Slavs, Nords, etc.
@enduringbird 2 жыл бұрын
I think this is indicative of race overall in the United states. We don't see culture. We see color. It's weird and ignorant. It's not that way with just asians.
@jazzycat8917 2 жыл бұрын
Raya is the anti-Encanto. Encanto revels in its Colombian-ness, its present in every facet. Raya is just another messy blended fantasy world, with a vaguely SEA aesthetic. And it'd be a slightly different conversation if thats how it was always pitched, but Disney doesn't get to preach to everyone about how they did such a good job representing real world people and culture when thats not what they did. They made a movie for (white) American consumption, they didn't make Raya to represent SEA people.
@RadenWA 2 жыл бұрын
They prolly learnt from Raya. Imagine Encanto was originally meant to be in a vague central/south american country then they pick a specific country after people’s reaction to Raya.
@pogo8050 2 жыл бұрын
This is what people chased Lindsay off the internet over holy sht
@ItsJustValHere 2 жыл бұрын
@@RadenWA That's exactly what I was about to comment. Encanto is a really good movie, but if it randomly included chilean cultural aspects that didn't fit, as a chilean I would have been so weirded out by it.
@RadenWA 2 жыл бұрын
@@ItsJustValHere heck, I’d be fine of Raya kept the culture borrowing within SEA, but then they put in a snowy Viking settlement, a desert with African animals and some futuristic dress from Star Trek and I’m like 🤦‍♂️ do we not even have enough culture for you?
@Katie08822 2 жыл бұрын
@@RadenWA No, Encanto was described from the very beginning as a story about a family of Colombian witches. I remember reading that before even the trailer for Raya came out, back when both films were still in early production.
@ミツ-n7d 2 жыл бұрын
I’m Tahitian and tbh Moana had similar issues for me with representation. While Polynesian cultures have a lot more similarities than differences, we all have our own distinct traditions and histories when it comes to clothing, dance, language, and societal structures. While there were a lot of familiarities to me and my mom when we watched the film, it also felt like we were watching everything blended into one thing to the point it was only just that-familiar.
@nusquamnemo4780 2 жыл бұрын
To be fair, the creators sort of set Moana in a Disneyfied version of the time the Polynesian expansion stopped before resuming, around a millennia ago or something, so the blending of cultures was intentional, as current cultural differences developed over time. For the navigator song (I think the English name is We Know The Way????), the singer Opetai'a Foa (apologies for potential misspellings) blended words from various Polynesian languages. That is not to say your criticism is invalid. We all deserve culturally specific representation! But at least there was a specific artistic intention with how the cultural elements were handled. Was this justified? Could the filmmakers have done differently? That's not for me to say, that's for the Pasifika community to determine. But, at least, they weren't trying to be culturally indifferent.
@randomjunkohyeah1 2 жыл бұрын
@@nusquamnemo4780 It would be cool if they had him sing straight-up proto-Polynesian, I looked it up and that is a linguistic reconstruction that has been made. It would make perfect sense with what you’re describing. But I know that reconstructed ancestor languages can be… a little bit tricky to work with, to say the least. Especially one with comparatively little research put into it as opposed to one like PIE, or at least I imagine so.
@iprobablyforgotsomething 2 жыл бұрын
@ ミツ -- It sounds like they did a way lazier and more offensive version of what AtLA did, which was taking inspiration from a lot of sources, except unlike AtLA (which tried to be very respectful of its source cultures, and to not copy anything exactly as it was irl into the show), they put on their Expert Authority voice and claimed it all as one culture. . And maybe really thought it was all the same because they didn't do actual research as scrolled past google search results and grabbed this and snagged that, here and there, without even visiting the source site to verify what they were actually looking at.
@iprobablyforgotsomething 2 жыл бұрын
*"didn't do actual research so much as scrolled" . (typo)
@Cosmiichu 2 жыл бұрын
but that's not really disney's fault, they can't make a movie that everyone will relate to
@AccentedCinema 2 жыл бұрын
This is not a roast. This is cremation!
@imveryangryitsnotbutter 2 жыл бұрын
Oh ye gods! My roast is ruined!
@Yuunarichu 2 жыл бұрын
@Kettie5 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah and then you launch the urn into the sun
@thelastoutcast9266 2 жыл бұрын
Wild accented cinema spotted!
@Aldrius 2 жыл бұрын
@@imveryangryitsnotbutter But what if... I were to take a shallow interpretation of a foreign legend and turn it into a blockbuster disney movie? oh ho ho. Delightfully devilish, Bob.
@1988foxtrot 2 жыл бұрын
"Are we really defending this American corporate product just to get back at some KZbinr?" Yes... yes they are. Never underestimate just how low and how petty these virtue signalers are.
@jacobc8036 2 жыл бұрын
They will do anything to help….unless it requires actual effort past a like or a hashtag.
@andynonymous6769 2 жыл бұрын
Some people just find it cathartic to insult people online I guess
@KoiladaScrewYTHandles 2 жыл бұрын
People are doing this with Encanto right now, crying about whitewashing and bullying artists such to the point that _actual LatAms (Latin Americans)_ and especially those from Colombia have created an entire hashtag (#ShutUpGringo2022) to tell them that they're wrong, what they're claiming is whitewashing is not, and to shut up and stop "defending/fighting for" them. The Americans, as predicted, have tried to fight back with the claim that gringo is a slur (the most hilarious one being a slur against black people specifically) and have turned to attacking the people they claim to defend. LatAm has been dealing with this this hilariously by taking the piss out of them; even created a whole professionally sung and mixed cover of We Don't Talk About Bruno (We Don't Talk About Gringos/No se habla de Gringos) to mock them. American keyboard warriors are something else, man.
@RKNancy 2 жыл бұрын
@@KoiladaScrewYTHandles ikr! A lot of the things they do are legit harassment, but because they are on the right side of their black and white political isle, they get a free pass. Honestly, American political system is the dumbest system I have ever seen.
@amandahealey2216 2 жыл бұрын
@@RKNancy Thank you! Somebody finally agrees with me!
@dangernoodledee111 2 жыл бұрын
"If her identity is so interchangeable with other SEA ones, then she was never meant to represent anyone." That honestly caught me off guard. This whole video was great insight for me, but that line in particular was just excellent and a bit of a mic-drop.
@thefolder3086 2 жыл бұрын
Hi. I have something I want to share about it as well. Most likely no one would read it but thanks if you do Before anyone is going to say anything about it, i am south East Asian (Im Thai ) and I actually have a pretty different opinion on the video. Now it’s ok to disagree I just want to share my opinion as well. - I actually like the idea of trust because it’s uncommon in south east Asia.The fact that it’s a real problem that happens in the region today is a good way to make a compelling story as well as sharing your message. I would say I like to see that more often of the movie based on that culture to represent the problem of that culture as their main theme to get the message to the people of the culture and let them reflect on it. But i don’t think the way trust and unity is portrayed here is a good way to do it. I agree with the video that we unity as a monolith isn’t really a good way since we and kumantra itself doesn’t share anything in common between different regions. Though I still see trust and unity being possible in south east Asia. Not as one thing but as multiple. It’s not about becoming the’s about accepting differences. About showing that it’s ok to have different culture, different lifestyle and different philosophy but we can try to understand each other’s perspective. We don’t have to be the same to be together. Being different but accepting each other is the way to go. Modern south east Asia do have an attempt at unity as well as seen in asean , a union of south East Asian countries. I do agree that they should not use the ellite class as a representation of trust. Using the ellite makes the story a bit cheaper and trying to make her a “princess” isn’t good enough for me. It would be much more compelling to see someone who’s not the ellite, someone who’s the underdog to give up themselves and trust the other. I don’t really agree with the part where they say raya lack of family and community trust is a bad representation. She has always been portrayed as an untrusting outcast of her tribe and no one in her tribe or the other tribe does it that way and it’s why she should learn to trust each other . I think the ending of the movie is a bit too easy. With people immediately regaining trust even though they are the exact same untrusting person a long time ago is a bit odd. I would say it shouldn’t be seen as an immediate thing and I would say having then either slowly assemble together after the crisis is solve is better. They don’t need to all immediately recover they just have to show the hope and the start of a new age. Not the end process. Ik it’s a Disney movie and it has keep it simple but I could see this being made with only a few tweaks. I think the idea of self discovery and trying to yourself out of the family expectations but still support the family is a good idea for a plot since it’s also a thing in south East Asia and it’s a massive problem I do struggle with. But i don’t think the way Disney do it is flawed or bad in anyway . It’s just kind of a creative liberty. I agree the dragon and drune are really cheap and are only there to be a force for the character. I think it would be better with human as both the good and bad guys or treating the dragons and drunes as human like character or make the dragon behave like actual south East Asian spirits. For sis design, it sucks. I’m not sure why they make her pink and purple and give her almost amphibious skin down the back since in south east Asia these dragons usually have scales . The calmer tone down appearance is probably a marketable choice but i don’t have as much problem with it however I think a more animalistic dragon who are still capable of being kind an emotional would work better. The lack of jewelry and pattern bothers me a bit as afaik thai nagas have a lot of jewelry and a very distinctive pattern on the horn which Disney try to do with the horn colo but it’s a bit too mild to be recognizable. The pattern should be carvings and the horn should have a rougher surface with flowing patterns and traditional shape with tone down edges more like a crest instead of just being a smooth rhino horn with marbeling blue color. The pattern they put on the horn are also the wrong type of pattern as well being generic Traditional pattern. She looks less like a dragon and more like Awkwafinas fursona than anything else.and since these dragons aren’t always aggressive and intimidating but are also capable of kindness and joyfulness when they want to I feel like a more traditional looking Naha won’t hurt her characters personality.her original design seems to have slight kirin reference which is odd but is removed from the new design anyway. I personally like the idea of mix matching south East Asian culture but then Disney put an additional layer of whitewashing over it which makes it a bit weird. As well as mixing some of the geography which makes some moment real awkward like the non snow proof house of spine or the fact that there are shrimp paste from tail despite tail being a mostly desert biome and even in the earlier version with s still a grassland when irl Indonesia as an island make these from small shrimp and krill . I also don’t get why they stuff in snow and desert into it which do exist in south east Asia but aren’t the main point. I would like to see more grassland and rainforest representation as well. Though I do like how they use the dragon shaped river like the ma Khong river of mainland southeast asia. Where Nagas are believed to live. The geography of tail though being critiqued a lot by the video is actually representative of how the capital of many south East Asian capitals. All kingdoms of Thailand have their capital built on artificial islands dug by massive canals and ankor wat is surrounded by a lot of water. The water act as good waterway communication and trade route for mainland countries and to protect them from foreign attacks in term of war. Though the isolation of tail is likely from the Drune as without them it would likely look more like talons . I feel like talons without trade have to turn inward to get resources . They can grow plants on floating rafts like how people did in tonle sap Cambodia. I would like to see that being represent as well. It might be contraversial to say this,but though the movie itself as an underrepresentation of south East Asian culture, this video itself has an underrepresentation of mainland south East Asian culture where most of the films took inspiration from so the video say something from the mainland come out of nowhere when they actually do have south East Asian roots. I would like to see more people from Myanmar,Thailand,Laos,Vietnam,and Cambodia working on this since from the video the team seems overwhelmingly Indonesian and Filipino . Though I think this movie needs more maritime south East Asian influences as well. Now I have to say I can’t speak for all south East Asian or south East Asian countries. As I said it’s ok to have different opinions but it’s ok to share them as well. (Pls don’t cancel me ) This is my opinion. Feel free to agree or disagree.
@goldenbunnies4143 2 жыл бұрын
@@thefolder3086 woah this is well written and interesting. You should upload this as a comment instead of a reply to a comment, that way it’ll get more attention
@thefolder3086 2 жыл бұрын
@@goldenbunnies4143 I did It gets two likes ;-; Thx for reading tho
@goldenbunnies4143 2 жыл бұрын
@@thefolder3086 ofc! You clearly took a lot of time to write it all out, and your thoughts are very well put together. It’s so detailed, and a really good read after watching the video. I’m not sea so I don’t have an opinion on this, but thank you for sharing yours!
@thefolder3086 2 жыл бұрын
@@goldenbunnies4143 thx! Idk how to get people to notice this but I’m glad at least someone did. I’m actually a part of a mostly south East Asian game developer team who makes a south East Asian inspired sci fi game so I’m pretty much familiar with blending culture but we try yo make sure it still keeps some authenticity but ofc we won’t brand it as super authentic. I also wanna hear your opinion as well even if you aren’t a native just to see how people think about the movie.
@dana_0612 2 жыл бұрын
As southeast Asian, there's a lot of myth and folklore Disney could make a movie from... Even Southeast Princesses are badass in the past! In Malaysia alone, there's so many princesses and strong ladies that worth of inspiration... You want a beautiful yet badass princess that beat up men left and right? Puteri Walinong Sari... You want an independent and intelligent Queen? Cik Siti Wan Kembang... You want a princess that could do magic? That could change her appearance to a witch just like snow white step mother but not evil? Puteri Gunung Ledang... Or you want a siblings conflicts between two celestial princesses? We have puteri Santubong and Puteri Sejinjang... Heck, I wouldn't be mad if people make the movie just to make the sisters have their happy ending... This is just in Malaysia... But no, they just want to take the Southeast asian aesthetic and mashed it together into a mess that I as a southeast Asian can't relate... And it was supposed to be southeast Asian inspired movie! AND DRAGONS? Really? How much cliche can it get? We have tigers, we have myth birds, we have giant crocodiles, etc... and the only thing that they could come out with is a dragon? AND ITS NOT EVEN MAJESTIC LOOKING! Edit: SOMEONE FINALLY MADE ANIMATION OF PUTERI WALINONG SARI!! AHHH!! I'M SO HAPPY!! you guys could watch it for free😆
@saiko2062 2 жыл бұрын
Filipino here and I honestly wouldn't have minded a Malaysian-focused Disney movie in place of the failed cultural representation Raya is and those stories you mentioned seem really cool too! SEA has a lot of cultures and stories and I'm seriously disappointed that Disney came up with this I mean, past Disney movies were inspired after actual stories, why couldn't they have done the same thing with Raya, right?
@dustyrose192 2 жыл бұрын
Non SEA here but i want a story about the mythical crocodiles so bad. Im sorry with the shit show you guys got, you deserve a lot better
@dana_0612 2 жыл бұрын
@@saiko2062 right? And I'm sure Philippines also had their own badass women in the past whether in history or folklores... My biggest problem to relate with Raya is that they didn't really insert Southeast Asian struggles and problems into the movies... How can us SEA people say "hey! I could relate with that! I'm facing the same problems too!" if nothing be relate to except for sprinkle of SEA aesthetic here and there? And I also agree with you that Disney should take a whole lots of steps back and maybe focusing on just one culture from one country at a time...
@dana_0612 2 жыл бұрын
@@dustyrose192 yeah, it's kinda suck to see that people are still thinking that East Asia and Southeast Asia shares same exact cultures... Disney is all about magic and fantasy... It's kinda disappointing to watch Raya because SEA's folklore is everything about magic and fantasy... And about the mythical giant crocodiles, it is very popular lores in Malaysia, especially in Sarawak... There is a few version of it but the most told version is that there is a warrior from Dayak descendants. He is so strong and invincible that he is feared by his enemies. One of his enemies kidnapped the warrior's wife and found out that the warrior's weakness is he lost his invincibility if he got into the water. His wife got murdered, thrown into the river and he went berserk, but unfortunately killed by his enemy. His body along with his wife sunk into the river. Their body was cursed by a "god" to be a giant crocodile that inhibited a river named Batang Lupar since then. Many believed that the same crocodile had resurfaced in 1940's and had killed 14 people. The crocodile died when people shot him in 1980's with 40 shots of long nails, not bullets, because bullets didn't do anything to it. But many believe that the crocodile is not Bujang Senang, instead just a normal saltwater crocodile. The real Bujang Senang is still living till this day. Just googled "bujang senang" and you'll see how big the crocodile is.
@diannegoh9451 2 жыл бұрын
Time for us Southeast Asians to make more of our own movies and films! I'm no filmmaker myself but will happily support any efforts. I heard about a video game being created featuring Southeast Asian creatures so let's have our own movies too! (because I understand a lot of Asian characters in games feature East Asian characters). No need for other people to create it for us then get all frustrated when it isn't done right.
@coolperson2048 2 жыл бұрын
Not as a Southeast Asian, but as an Arab I kind of relate to the struggle. Watching Aladdin (the original), i had gone in with the expectation it would be about an Arab princess in Arab culture. But the movie represented a culture that was some kind of mish mash of everything around the middle east (and for some reason India too?) and none of the voice actors were Arab. Jasmine was sexualized and most of the traditional arab features were reserved for the villainous characters. And it hurt so much because Arabs are also underrepresented, and this is all that we get? After watching Raya, i felt a similar feeling. I hardly see any southeast Asians make it big here in America, and it would have been such a great opportunity to make some southeast Asians big if they actually casted them. And why couldn't they focus on one country, like Thailand or Malaysia, why are they still doing this mishmash thing again? From one underrepresented minority to another, I'm really sorry guys :(
@inkasaraswati7625 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your perspective! I was wondering how previous attempts like Aladdin were received, this was enlightening.
@hillomunkkiseni 2 жыл бұрын
Me and my partner *just* watched Aladdin the other day and even our white af European asses with limited knowledge on all the Middle Eastern and Indian cultures noticed and were confused by the movie not being able to decide which culture(s) it was trying to represent, and movies like these 2 are such a lost and misused opportunity, and arguably might do more harm than good as they further muddy the waters of what is part of culture X and what is culture Y in the eyes of white people, and POC do not feel accurately or sufficiently represented. It's especially tragic as these are products made for kids, so the white kids see some weird generalizations of an entire region that isn't actually accurate to any part of the region and grow up thinking that's accurate, whereas POC kids have just very vague "representation" that doesn't feel like it fits but then their white peers use it to stereotype them. Like heck, in my middle school class, there was one Roma boy, and he was mockingly called "Aladdin" simply because he was slightly darker than us white kids (and well the stereotype that all Roma people are thieves certainly made this connection even easier to make as Aladdin is also a thief), even though Roma people have nothing to do with anything in Aladdin, but like also how could the kids have known that as the movie Aladdin doesn't even itself know either what culture and ethnicity it's trying to be, if only it had been more explicit in "hey, this is happening in this geographic location in this culture and ethnicity", people might not have been so insistent on misusing the movie to stereotype and mock all people who simply look "not white, but not dark enough to be black either". Sorry for the ramble, I go off on tangents easily and seeing you bring up Aladdin which I just rewatched and noticed the cultural identity crisis it has (which I understandably never noticed before as a white kid) just made my brain go brrr xD I'm sorry for the disappointment with the movie, and I really hope in future we will see movies with actually good representation for everyone's sake, I know I would genuinely want to learn more of all sorts of individual cultures and preferably directly from the source, no more of these bastardized generalized versions made by white people for white people.
@coolperson2048 2 жыл бұрын
@@hillomunkkiseni no no I don't mind the ramble, it was very interesting to read lol. I totally agree, these kinds of movies do end up doing more harm than good (and im really sorry about that roma boy, that must have have been horrible)
@rotisserie8444 2 жыл бұрын
Right? Like I’m tired of the world mixing up south Asian and arab culture. We’re not even remotely the same and it’s so annoying to see people think that Indian/south Asian culture is interchangeable with arab culture when it’s not at all.
@MohamedRamadan-qi4hl 2 жыл бұрын
@@rotisserie8444 except for the islamic influence on the region of India. We are not related at all
@TheQwertyisdead 2 жыл бұрын
The fact that they mashed these cultures together and tried to be so "inclusive" in a single movie speaks volumes of their intentions. They wanted this to be THE movie, the ONLY movie, that represents South East Asians. A one-and-done with no follow-up. They didn't plan to make any other movies focusing on these cultures, so they needed to cram it all in there and get it done with, to cross it off their list and forget about it.
@aradraugfea6755 2 жыл бұрын
Dig for even a little while and you quickly learn that Southeast Asia isn't even KIND of a monolith.
@TeganThrussell 2 жыл бұрын
In trying to include everyone, they excluded everyone.
@bluubandette8871 2 жыл бұрын
That's why it sounds like The last Airbender. The creators did mash culture together and made it work because its a fantasy world. I thought Disney was already getting away with designing young Raya as Korra. I'm not mad at it just feel "Meh" because they could've done something better
@davidegaruti2582 2 жыл бұрын
I mean they did one movie about the arab/islamic world : Aladdin This is nothing new in the disney lineup
@TheSameYellowToy 2 жыл бұрын
​@@bluubandette8871 Yeah, plus A:tLA/LoK never claimed that it was representation for a certain culture. Sure, it had a lot of cultural influences, (Feudal China, Imperial Japan, Tibet, Inuit peoples, Thailand, hell there's arguably references to Venice, NYC, and rednecks too) but it never claimed to be accurate to a certain culture. (Disney's made that blunder before too. A lot of Chinese people love the 1998 Mulan movie despite all its inaccuracies not only because it's good, but because it clearly wasn't trying to be a historically/culturally accurate period piece. But so many Chinese people hated the 2020 Mulan movie because not only did it suck, but because Disney made such a HUGE deal about how they were going to be super accurate to Chinese culture this time around...and then made something so fundamentally misunderstanding of Chinese culture that it made the 1998 Mulan movie look like a factual documentary.)
@psychonaut1502 Жыл бұрын
They could've cast the woman who sung for Jasmine and Mulan, Lea Salonga. She's Filipina and has acted in many things before and has a great singing voice.
@jeffreygao3956 Жыл бұрын
One mistake does not a failure make; The discourse is still far superior to Raya and the Last Dragon.
@jeffreygao3956 Жыл бұрын
@Caitlyn Carvalho Well, Borat is a parody anyway; I wouldn't expect anyone to take it seriously. But you're right: Look to Mongolia for a better example of what Kazakh people are like.
@jeffreygao3956 Жыл бұрын
@Caitlyn Carvalho I have not seen that and honestly, I probably won't for some time.
@jeffreygao3956 Жыл бұрын
@Caitlyn Carvalho Makes sense. And for what it's worth, I'm an American who knows for sure Kazakhstan is Central Asian.
@melodiclogic9904 Жыл бұрын
@Caitlyn Carvalho did y'all never learn soviet history? most of Central Asia was part of the Russian Empire before the revolution and WW1, and was integrated into soviet socialist republics. Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, even Mongolia was a soviet Republic. both Mongolia and Kazakhstan are almost "cousins", with their culture of Eagles, Nomadic life, diet and cuisine, hunting and their tribes, both share cultural similarities. obviously there are differences but Kazakhstan isn't Eastern European by a long shot.
@colette1651 2 жыл бұрын
As a Myanmar, I can understand that you didn't get anyone from Myanmar since the country is in chaos currently. When I watched Raya, I didn't really see a lot of culture representation of my country except from similar clothes. Not like any other cartoon has done but I had some expectations from Raya. I thought it would have at least done good representation for other countries until I see your video. Amazing video presentation
@2nd_Directorate 2 жыл бұрын
See, and that is the problem. If they just had done the movie (bit more dilligent maybe) without all the touting about representation, you maybe would have just watched it and thought, "Hey, i know that!". But with all that build up, you NEED to deliver. And that failed (again) at that.
@darkness74185 2 жыл бұрын
@@2nd_Directorate I've not really seen any corporate media (except documentary I guess) that brags about their "cultural representation" and then ended up actually do anything meaningful (if any) with it. It's 99% of the time straight up pandering because they know white critics will praise them for it no matter what and generally people desperate enough for representation would accept it no matter what
@Martin-yh7vi 2 жыл бұрын
For what it was, the movie was entertaining to say the least. However, it wasn't something I truly sought for after watching. It was just surface level representation here and there. Characters kinda looked like me and some food and clothes that are native to SEA i got to see; But that's all really.
@norachris9518 2 жыл бұрын
Ikr.Since I saw the movie I've always thought about how it is so similar to Avatar.I'm burmese as well yet I couldn't tell which countries culture are represented when I watch only clips of it.While in other disney movies related to representation you could really tell which is which.
@YoureRightIThink 2 жыл бұрын
Hey are you still under military dictatorship? I haven't read or looked up anything about your situation since the coup. Hope you can have more quiet times soon.
@GamerZakh 2 жыл бұрын
Working through the presentations now, this is so much more refreshing than most coverage of Raya out there. I'm Malaysian btw and hated the (lack of) 'representation' there was in Raya. I mean, they don't even know how durian are cut...
@BeautifulEarthJa 2 жыл бұрын
Durian! Don't know it as a caribbean person but know of it cause my Malayalsian colleague during my PhD would not shut up about it lol. I hope to try it one day.
@GamerZakh 2 жыл бұрын
@@BeautifulEarthJa Just keep in mind there are many types, like bitter and sweet. A lot of people hate one kind but love the other.
@shinkamui 2 жыл бұрын
in the same boat as Veronica hah. Heard so much of it from a malaysian friend in an mmorpg of all places, and now i'm hopelessly curious
@TheIqram12 2 жыл бұрын
yeah even most of reviews are basically "well at least they tried" and just brushed it off lmao.
@Annelise-Ho 2 жыл бұрын
Yes! I love durian! My dad was born in Malaysia and he absolutely loves it. Back in 2019 I had the pleasure of visiting Malaysia with him and we went to a durian farm it was awesome as I had only ever gotten to try durian that was previously frozen here in the US
@there2745 2 жыл бұрын
This is sort of related but as a Mexican, Coco made me happy because Mexicans were ACTUALLY being represented. I know that out of every Latin American country, Mexico is the most well known and mostly “represented” but it’s always base level. *The nachos, cinco de mayo, tamales, and just dropping a random “hola” or Spanish phrase is *not* good Mexican representation. What Coco got right it that even though many people on the the team where not Mexican time was taken to study the culture. They understood the meaning behind the holiday “Día de los Muertos”. I know when people see different Latin American countries being represented they usually say “finally a Latin American country that isn’t Mexico” but I feel it should be acknowledged that when we are represented, it’s usually not very good. I’m glad my country is used in media but when it’s base level or just reinforces negative stereotypes I don’t count that as being “represented”. *(If y’all wanna know: many traditional Mexican household do not eat nachos and when we do, it does not look like the Americanized version of it. Tamales are traditionally a celebratory food, so it doesn’t makes sense for the Mexican characters to eat them basically everyday. Cinco de mayo is not really a big deal in Mexico, the day is mostly only celebrated in the state it took place in, Puebla. Most Latin American countries speak Spanish, so having someone speak Spanish doesn’t automatically make them specifically Mexican. If you want Mexicans to be aware someone is Mexican just by talking, use specific Mexican slang, like “wey”, or words that have Nahuatl origin or that ARE Nahuatl since it was the original language spoken in most of the Mexican area before Spain came.)
@nihilism1652 2 жыл бұрын
This is actually so interesting, the information you've given that is. The fact that most representations are shallow or downright villainous (in most actions movies smhhh) is so crappy, honestly. Proper representation is so important because for example, I live in Pakistan and because of the nature of mainstream American media I didn't really understand any Latin American culture let alone Mexican until watching Coco, which I absolutely loved. Finding out how Disney treated the woman who inspired coco and their trying to trademark such an important day made me not want to watch the movie afterwards, but I'm so glad that it's an actually GOOD representation of Mexican culture and experience! I've watched Mr. Iglesias since and I personally really liked it, however I don't know how accurate that is. I also started one day at a time so now I know a little about Cubans as well, and I'm so glad that I do! Please let me know if you have any recs with good Latin American representation! They don't have to be American, as long as I can find subs I'm good!
@DanPhantomFan 2 жыл бұрын
Because Pixar made it and they actually put effort in their movies, unlike Disney Animation Studios.
@FlyingFocs 2 жыл бұрын
Fun fact: evidently, the original script for Coco revolved around a boy who lost his mother and learned to come to terms and let go on Día de los Muertos. They then DIDN'T go with this script after realizing it missed the point of the holiday, and rewrote it into what it is now.
@nmg6248 2 жыл бұрын
@@nihilism1652 If you like zombie movies, Juan of the Dead is a very funny Cuban movie
@rougestarlight4308 2 жыл бұрын
Como que los tamales son comida de celebración? Como así? El tamalero no pasa por tu casa o que pedo?? Los tamales son comida de los estudihambres así como los tacos de canasta, mucha gente come eso como parte de su dieta diaria porque es una comida conveniente y llenadora, no vengas con mentiras, los tamales no solo se comen en la Candelaria
@rociomiranda5684 2 жыл бұрын
As a Costa Rican, believe me, I feel you. The enormous cultural and ethnic diversity of Latin American countries is also treated as a monolith by non-Latin Americans. We aren't all Mexico. Funny fact: since Costa Ricans aren't represented anywhere anyway, I identify with Belle, although she's French, because we're both bookish girls with wacky fathers.
@naldinhotiradentes8538 Жыл бұрын
Are you Dealing with a gaston ?
@ember9361 Жыл бұрын
yeah, and i've had many people blue screen as I say I'm latina and brazilian lol
@flore2243 Жыл бұрын
yeah, we're all small colonial towns in which live people who doesn't know how a to speak a bit of english... its funny 'cos google earth exist and you can google EVERY city in the world and if they do this, they'll discover 1. we have buildings, 2. every city and culture is quite different from each other, 4. we know better english than they know spanish...
@error-try-again-later Жыл бұрын
Example: salsa music _always_ being associated with Mexico when it's WAY more popular in other SA countries 💀
@flore2243 Жыл бұрын
@@error-try-again-later example: tango = salsa
@lysander3262 2 жыл бұрын
This video taught me about trust. It taught me never to trust Disney with culture, land, or your money.
@jeffreygao3956 Жыл бұрын
Plus, Deadliest Fiction represents Southeast Asia better.
@jeffreygao3956 Жыл бұрын
@caitlyncarvalho7637 Probably because Disney said Raya was accurate and didn't follow through.
@jeffreygao3956 Жыл бұрын
@caitlyncarvalho7637 Depth first, representation afterward is what I would say if I was honest...but is this a prank?
@rainsnowfall220 9 ай бұрын
@caitlyncarvalho7637 Its not racist to represent a culture in a fantasy context but making sure what kind of representation you want to go for is important. It is also important to know that cultures which may share similarities can be wildly different.
@YolandaHalfAlmonde 9 ай бұрын
​@caitlyncarvalho7637Bruh you trust polluting corporations with your workforce and money everyday, but with cheap entertainment, thats when you draw your line. Must be so hard to not watch Disney movies, well done, you've changed the world for the better 😍👍
@dogfishthedogfish 2 жыл бұрын
i haven't finished this video yet. but this topic coming up reminded me of how when raya was announced i saw so many other south east asians including myself being really excited to see themselves in the big picture. and then when it came out it was radio silence. i didn't even know the movie was released until i saw someone bring it up in disney queer discourse. but i get why too. the movie being "sorta maybe your country maybe possibly a little bit" really annoyed me when i found out and i never watched it because of that lol. the story's probably not that bad, but the disappointment after all our excitement still kinda sticks
@georgeoldsterd8994 2 жыл бұрын
The story kinda sucked too. I got what they were going for, but it just felt so bland, and after watching the film i though "Great, almost two hours of padded runtime, only the beginning and the end have anything genuinely engaging happening."
@Isabelle-hv6ny 2 жыл бұрын
The story is shit. xD And the message is worse xD
@roguishwretches 2 жыл бұрын
fellow southeast asian here, yeah it did really suck :( I was really happy thinking "aaw Disney's making something that takes inspiration off of my country and its neigbors" and was ultimately disappointed, at the most the inspiration seemed surface level at best not to mention on sissu's design. good god she looks like an elongated unicorn, that is NOT what our dragons look like from what I remember too, the story was okay, it could've worked, but the pacing was awful
@dogfishthedogfish 2 жыл бұрын
@@mattybrunolucaszeneresalas9072 oh yeah! disney queer discourse is the absolute worst. thankfully i wasn't really there for any raya stuff since i avoided that movie ^^'
@tumbke 2 жыл бұрын
As a SEA myself, i was pretty skeptical… i wanted to love it so much but i just cant… 😭😭😭
@tiadelmundo5295 2 жыл бұрын
"There are more Filipinos in Steven Universe than there are in Raya and the Last Dragon" The way I CHOKED-
@jeffreygao3956 3 ай бұрын
Because there are!
@AnnaKin 2 жыл бұрын
"Raya didn't represent Southeast Asians." "Oh, it didn't?" "Well...." *whips out receipts and Powerpoint presentation* Seriously, thank you for putting this together! I learned a lot!
@Fusilier7 2 жыл бұрын
I'm Scottish, and I feel the same way about "Brave", despite the marketing of Pixar's first princess, apparently forgetting about Princess Atta from "A Bug's Life", and taking place in medieval Scotland, it did not represent Scottish culture well. It was more like "Renaissance fair the movie", an American pop culture interpretation of medieval history, and representing Celtic heritage, so instead the movie has a lot of Scottish stereotypes kept alive by Hollywood, such as kilts covering the nether regions, Scottish accent jokes, haggis, Scots as violent Jocks, treating Celtic heritage as a monolith, and Scotland as a primitive, empty country. The Yanks also have a bad habit of thinking the Highlands represents ALL of Scotland, as a result, the rest of Scotland remains underrepresented in American media, and much of Scottish culture is left out in favour of the Highlanders. If you want a film that represents Celtic culture and Celtic people, watch "Wolfwalkers", and that was actually made by Irish filmmakers.
@bib4eto656 2 жыл бұрын
Oh yeah, I found the "it is all for naught" accent scene ... Strange? Why would someone from the Highlands be taught what is essentially "Queen's English", DESPITE IT NOT EVEN EXISTING AT THAT TIME. Modern British accent is a relatively new thing. Haven't seen Wolfwalkers yet, but I recommend the other animations by the same team (they're more Irish than anything though) - The Book of Kells, and Song of the Sea. Now, Song of the Sea - that's a genuinely beautiful movie.
@morganqorishchi8181 2 жыл бұрын
And Scottish and Irish people got shouted over by non-Celtic people in the United States who loved Brave, too, just like how SEA get shouted over when they talk about Raya. Disney makes a theme park rendition of a culture or multiple cultures and then sells it to other cultures without much thought given to accuracy.
@maxgrozema1093 2 жыл бұрын
Luckily Disney will never do the same thing for my home region(north eastern Netherlands), because I would cringe for being compared to general dutch stereotypes.
@skeletonpark7828 2 жыл бұрын
Celtic cultures are so underrepresented. I'm English but I've lived in Wales most of my life and it's annoying how little Wales or Welsh culture is represented.
@YoureRightIThink 2 жыл бұрын
@@maxgrozema1093 oh I hope mine neither
@ramp8536 2 жыл бұрын
Really funny here in the Philippines how Encanto, a mostly Spanish-inspired animated film, got magnitudes more attention and love over here than the "South-East Asian" Raya, which I didn't even know existed until I saw other people on twitter talking about how they've never heard of the movie. Could be the post-colonial mentality talking, but damn did Disney miss hard on this one.
@himasekiwari155 2 жыл бұрын
Yeh same, I think the reason we like it cause we relate to some degree (300+ yrs of ol spain tho i wish More Filipinos, Media and the country would be interested or search more about pre-col philippines czuse its fascinating anyway back to topic) since you just knowing about it recently isnt really ur fault i guess bec it wasnt talked as much cause: One. Its on Disney Plus which it isnt even in many areas of SEA Two. Its a disappointing movie (it would have been better if disney said its INSPIRED by the variety of culture in SEA.)
@canyou7670 2 жыл бұрын
It is not a post colonial mentality Spanish and Mexican influence is part of being Filipino. Many People (Filipinos) actually don't know what is Filipino because history is not prioritize and only one Ethnic group is prioritize or Ethnic boundaries are being destroyed.
@anuarbin 2 жыл бұрын
@@himasekiwari155 If you bother to look, you will pre colonial Philippine is very different. IMO Spain is worst colonial power compared to British in the preserving native culture aspect.
@user-oo1pd5dc3t 2 жыл бұрын
Not just you, I read a lot of comment from Malaysian that says Encanto feels really relatable to them because of the family oriented theme and the mixed skin colour.
@PsycheTrance65 2 жыл бұрын
The unavailability of Disney+ in the Philippines probably contributed to people not hearing about it ...but then again, ang lakas natin mang-pirate ng movies so i guess its indicative na di siya nagclick sa atin haha
@mikeyfrederick1232 2 жыл бұрын
"Don't join in conversations that you don't have the full context of" words to try and live by... this video was a masterpiece..thanks for putting this type of content out into the's needed
@2nd_Directorate 2 жыл бұрын
The joining in is not the problem. Thinking you allready know everything is. Everyone needs these discussions, irrelevant of the stand of knowledge. How could we otherwise learn. And life experiences are still valid, regardless from where we all hail from. As long as the willingness to learn is present, there shouldn´t be a problem.
@emilyrln 2 жыл бұрын
Counterpoint: Twitter will implode if it can't run on context-free outrage bait… wait, that actually sounds amazing 😂 For real, it's a pretty good aphorism to try to live by. The internet would be a much less toxic place if we could all restrain ourselves from jumping into other people's ponds and flailing wildly, so to speak. We also need to give room for people to learn and grow, though, so we'll have to find a middle ground. Not assuming "I'm right" is a good start, as is listening to others with an open mind.
@ggundercover3681 2 жыл бұрын
@@2nd_Directorate that's basically what Op is saying. because essentially people say the original statement to people who act like they know everything when they know nothing. interesting to realise how words can be different but the meanings are the same with context
@negarsardari3176 2 жыл бұрын
It’s like they learned nothing from Aladdin, if you blend a whole region together none of them are going to feel connected to it. Encanto impacted so many different ethnicities because it was relatable beyond the “look at me I’m giving you representation!!”. It was set in Colombia, and it honestly was a tribute to its culture. Whereas Raya just fell flat because it was unrecognizable beyond ‘some Southeast Asian culture’.
@lexezlao Жыл бұрын
tbf I don't think Aladdin was supposed to give representation, all the Arabian stuff was practically stylistic, with Raya though they would not shut up about how they're trying to represent
@landmindssoul4636 Жыл бұрын
I think atla and genshin and alladin were more about being "inspired" loosely. Trying to inspire their fantasy world meanwhile raya tried to go with "rep" and failed at meeting that expectation.
@MartinaValla Жыл бұрын
Thing is, no one was supposed to feel ethnically or culturally connected to Aladdin, it was just a fantasy movie, but I understand there was a specific statement on this movie that claimed specific cultural connections?
@byulharangforlife 10 ай бұрын
Exactly. till this day i see tiktoks of south asians and arabs fighting over whether Aladdin is southasian or not. like... it's none and both at the same time.
@coffic 9 ай бұрын
Clearly India was much more successful at appropriating Aladdin with Padmaavat 😁
@marinemanaphy101 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like the proof that the mob cared more about dunking on Lindsay than it did about critiquing Raya is that this video has to open with a discussion of Lindsay herself at all, tbh. Like her tweet by itself could never justify this level of discourse, and the fact that she has to be discussed in this video specifically because that’s become such a foundational part of online Raya discourse says a lot about who and what was the priority in the discourse - and it wasn’t the feelings of SEAs.
@regulate.artificer_g23.mdctlsk 2 жыл бұрын
it's almost as if it was coordinated to go down this way, like the discourse was manipulated to devolve into Lindsay harassment
@CompSomAnichi 2 жыл бұрын
Man...that sucks.
@gentlerat 2 жыл бұрын
I think the issue was that Lindsay already had two groups of ready political enemies. 1. Socially liberal people originally mad at her for being two degrees of separation from Buck Angel. 2. Socially conservative people originally mad at her abortion documentary from a decade ago. The pandemic just allowed for all of them to all gang up on her at once, whether justified or not, and the Raya thing just gave them an excuse. But none of their issues had anything to do with Raya or SE Asia. Edit: I should explain that these groups were jumping on after an intial argument that DID have to do with Raya and was as this video stated, started by an author of Asian descent, but by the time Lindsay made "Mask Off" she was addressing just about everything else anyone had ever been mad at her for, with the Raya issue almost entirely lost.
@grnmjolnir 2 жыл бұрын
@@gentlerat And Leftists like me are: "What the fuck did she do so wrong? Twitter is full of sharks it would seem. "
@TheShicksinator 2 жыл бұрын
@@grnmjolnir it's all pent up impotence. They can't change anything real but they can feel powerful for a moment by dragging somebody.
@yumeng4686 2 жыл бұрын
I remember when the Ellis drama on twitter went down, I was so pissed off when a white guy showed up on my reply to LE "supposedly" to support my voice. In reality they're there to see her cancelled, and I yelled at him for it. Halfway through the video now, and let me just say, hearing fellow South East Asians complain about how people generally skip us when it comes to representation? So effing gratifying. Like no offense to anyone (especially East Asians but you do be the most visible Asians around here), but we're mostly tired of being excluded from the narrative when Asians are invoked, because apparently to them we don't look Asian enough. I, as a native Filipino, am tired of being told I was colonized for 333 years so the Spanish influence makes me not Asian enough. To think I was so giddy that one time I visited Singapore and the taxi driver told me I look Malaysian, because finally I'm actually recognized as South East Asian and not some random brown female-looking person, because a fellow South East Asian recognized me as kin. We SEAsians don't get a lot of chances to let ourselves be heard. So Xiran-dada, thank you so much for this.
@Tamaki742 2 жыл бұрын
The least they could do is let the culture show in the clothings and Sisu (someone actually redesigned Sisu into more of a Balinese/Javanese naga and she looks cute there), but they couldn't even do that.
@M00NL9GHT 2 жыл бұрын
why is it always the white men 😭
@LadyAhro 2 жыл бұрын
I despise how the Internet decided to treat her when she definitely wasn’t the first person to even make that comparison. White men (like Honest Trailers) had already made that comparison. People wanted an excuse to just rip her to shreds. Peak moment of the left eating their own considering her right wing detractors never managed it in the past. Her explanation video (because she only had a few ill-chosen old comments to actually apologise for) was absolutely heartbreaking.
@user-te1ju9gp9j 2 жыл бұрын
@@LadyAhro exactly on the part that people aside from ellis were already making the comparison. i remember those popular movie or tv instagram pages posting things saying young raya’s outfit looked like korra’s n comments along the lines of saying “we’re getting another legend of korra”
@TheUnluckyEverydude 2 жыл бұрын
@@M00NL9GHT I think for the same reason it's always teen white girls for us. There's a weird fetishization going on I think...
@ChainedThoughts 2 жыл бұрын
Finally! Finally someone has pointed out that 90% of the cast are EAST ASIANS. NOT SOUTH EAST ASIANS. The lack of representation in this movie is so disappointing. Why market it as SEA representation when we saw NOTHING that even screams SEA???? Even when you said that the Heart palace took inspiration from Istana Negara, I was like; WHERE THOUGH???? As a Malaysian, I see Istana Negara all the damn time since I was young and I don't even see a lick of it. That tiny ass dome? Hell no. In Malaysia, we also have a large number of indigenous people and even then, not even 1% of their culture were even represented in Raya. Another thing I disliked about Raya (apart from the whole lack of representation), is the story itself. If trust was such a big theme in Raya, why was it portrayed to blindly trust everybody?? You can't teach children to just trust anybody they meet because that's not how the world works and I agree that Sisu shouldn't have preached about trust because her situation with her siblings is NOT the same with what happened with Raya. I'm still a bit sus about the whole 'betrayal' thing cause they only just met and have known each other for at least..... a few hours. So that deep level of betrayal is so.... shallow. If Raya was only angry with the Fang tribe because she wanted to save everyone, then I'm okay with her being angry. Yet, all she cared about was just one person. How are you supposed to lead your people if you don't care about your people? Even THAT is not the South East Asian way. I don't even want to get into the ending. It was so stupid. Fang didn't get punished because they were.... sorry. What about doing time?? Sorry, I got too heated. I'm just so frustrated with this movie.
@carterlove7293 2 жыл бұрын
This video is an almost two hour long roast. I think you can afford to get a little heated.
@ChainedThoughts 2 жыл бұрын
@@carterlove7293 Good point.
@franknstein5376 2 жыл бұрын
@@carterlove7293 PART 2 as well. In total it's basically 4h!
@DracaliaRay 2 жыл бұрын
This movie was so disappointing. I know nothing about Asian culture, but the story itself was horrible. Also, f that creepy ninja baby. That thing completely broke any immersion I tried to have.
@garrusvakar1an503 2 жыл бұрын
Malays getting more annoyed about a movie for cultural insensitivity than the racism of the Bumiputra policy is a whole mood tbh
@SYCHOp999 2 жыл бұрын
I really didn't think the "Asia as a Monolith" problem was as widespread as it is still. I had a woman at a bar get actually angry with me because I specified having traveled to East Asia. She said that East Asia is "just Asia" and then argued that India should also be part of East Asia if I was going to differentiate them. Fucking wild
@EnderElohim Жыл бұрын
They don't even know Turkish people also actually asian XD Thanks to racism and hate toward Turkish people nobody give a fuck about Turkish people anyway.
@RandomSwiftie13 Жыл бұрын
As an Indian I can't even at this take 💀😭😭
@NikeshDahal-yz1bf Жыл бұрын
@SimsyHazel 8 ай бұрын
Indian that are racist towards east asians: 😮
@sundawg911 2 жыл бұрын
The Lindsey Ellis drama was unnecessary and performative. There was no reason to blow it up. She clarified what she meant and the trolls decided to do what they love and try to destroy a person.
@hoykfnvnnesnxnnensncjforkx1616 2 жыл бұрын
Many people attacked her about talking about lgbt issues years ago saying she doesn't have the place yo discuss them....when she is in fact apart of the community.
@Gabriel071293 2 жыл бұрын
And on her video "Mask Off" she showed evidence of just how much and how deep haters were willing to search for every single minor thing that's she's ever said that could be in the slightest "controversial", which only goes to show how hateful these people are Gosh like Lindsay is not perfect but no one is, and she has always been much more sensitive, empathetic and well-researched than most of the KZbinrs out there She brought a sense of sophistication and commitment to her work we hadn't seen before on this platform
@shingshongshamalama 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like it's noteworthy how a man's voice throwing out a lukewarm take, even in jest, got zero reaction, but a woman throwing out basically the same take immediately started a huge internet riot involving heaps of harassment and aggression.
@_kirb_ 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly I always got the impression that people were desperate for something--anything, because they were waiting to have an excuse to hate her. There's a few youtubers that are like that; they pretty much do 99.999% of things right but earn a hate crew regardless that are neurotically obsessed with taking them down.
@fearoffrying 2 жыл бұрын
For someone who built a career on criticism, she sure couldn’t take it or differentiate between valid criticism and trolling. I used to enjoy her videos but she showed an embarrassing lack of humility and accountability. Screaming about her experiences with sexual violence in order to silence hurt viewers with valid questions about her past content soured her to me forever. She’s not some poor bullied helpless girl, she has no sense of accountability, and abruptly left KZbin and tried to guilt trip her audience into continuing to pay her staff who she essentially fired with no notice months after the controversy died down and she had returned to releasing content.
@m.i.a.826 2 жыл бұрын
Finally, calling out the performative and violent reaction to Lindsay Ellis' tweet. The initial backlash was so irritating as a SEAsian person and a fan of Lindsay. Discussion is all well and good, but using SEA representation as a weapon to harrass someone is so frustrating, I can't even talk about it. It wasn't the first time I experienced the Western-focused internet losing their minds and yelling over SEA voices regarding SEA issues. Thank you for hosting these voices and these comments. Ngl I was wary of the video thumbnail and title, but in the end you stayed true to the values you've established from the start, and I'm glad. Cheers, Xiran!
@chubomikz7104 2 жыл бұрын
I was so glad that Zhao pretty much immediately dug into why the way Lindsay was treated was 99.99% utter bullshit. Unfortunately, the people that need to hear this (those that were *salivating* at the chance to dogpile a big creator) aren't going to listen, or worse yet, could come after Zhao and the team that helped put all this together for daring to be thoughtful adults about it. I especially appreciated the part where they put into words what I had felt about the situation the whole time: What do these people going to bat for big corporate product and viciously attacking a KZbinr *think* they're accomplishing? It's pretty obvious at this point that it was never about lifting up a SEA piece of work.
@nadyanathania3847 2 жыл бұрын
you ask these people which countries are south east asian and they'd show you china at best
@liriodendronlasianthus 2 жыл бұрын
Here's the thing, we just celebrated CHINESE New Year and a lot of WHITE PEOPLE took the opportunity to try and cancel me for not calling it "LUNAR New Year" and accused me of not being inclusive. I'm Chinese. Chinese New Year is a different date from Lunar New Year in other countries. I believe in social justice too but it's ridiculous when people who don't understand my culture decided they needed to teach it to me??? To be fair, I use a pseudonym online and not my birth name but the term Chinese New Year isn't offensive in any way. They also call it Tahun Baru Cina here, which exactly translates to Chinese New Year.
@katipunanball4799 2 жыл бұрын
@@liriodendronlasianthus yeah, people outside of a culture trying to educate native people in it is literally a colonizer mentality, it’s so frustrating
@frdla4124 2 жыл бұрын
@@liriodendronlasianthus its just fucking stupid HAHAHAH i swear white people take more offense than the actual peiple themselves
@Whatlander 2 жыл бұрын
It is genuinely baffling that anyone could make a "travel from place to place" adventure story "inspired by" the vast array of diverse Southeast Asian nations, yet still go with a lukewarm pastiche of cultural aesthetics. They might as well have had Raya find all the pieces in her home kingdom, if they had no intention of exploring distinctions between the regions/communities she passes through.
@J-manli 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly, as over used as the comparisons to ATLA is, the story concept of Raya would have been MUCH better as a series with the majority of a season in one nation.
@An_Actual_Rat 2 жыл бұрын
It is interesting how they chose to make every place a very bland location instead of havin not-indonesia, not-malaysia, and so on.
@HAYAOLEONE 2 жыл бұрын
@@An_Actual_Rat And it's 'wrong'? I don't get the hysteria.. Watched the movie and thought it was nice. A nice fantasy movie. Seriously don't get the framing and forced outrage.
@madsmbrc.g8644 2 жыл бұрын
@@HAYAOLEONE When your story tries to represent a culture, in this case many cultures, yes it is.
@HAYAOLEONE 2 жыл бұрын
@@madsmbrc.g8644 Hello. I asked you nothing, young human. The movie is animated fantasy for kids. Aren't you tired of whining like a needy old woman? Bye, non/barely 'Asian' young human.
@caradine898 2 жыл бұрын
Looking forward to the next Disney Princess, "vaguely central African woman from non-existent country" For real though, in my experience, authentic representation from any given culture is just... more interesting and makes for better and more unique storytelling. Different perspectives can find new compelling ways to tell stories. It was nice to get some legit analysis from those more familiar with the topic of conversation. Great work :)
@jazzycat8917 2 жыл бұрын
**Look nervously at Iwájú** Tbf they did specify Lagos, Nigeria as the setting for that but given its a sci-fi who even knows if they'll bother to make it distinctly Nigerian or end up with amorphous afrofuturism
@user-dg3ug7ny5d 2 жыл бұрын
I can see this as the starting idea for a movie on Australia. I've been waiting for one on our Indigenous/Torres Strait Islander Peoples for decades, but I know that it's going to be so messed up and actually become offensive if it ever happens. 'Moana' is currently our only representation from down here, and Polynesian culture is completely different. Even more so when our peoples are much more land-centric in comparison (some saltwater and desert Nations never actually seeing open water), and water in our collective culture is relative to inland river systems and lakes. However, some Nations are also across our multiple island groupings, so that may be how Disney thought they could represent us in 'Moana', too. If this ever does occur, particular representations like "language on Nation" is going to be very difficult, as you're not allowed to speak in language on other peoples' Nation i.e. it's disrespectful to speak your family clans' language, when you're in another clan's area grouping. Like I mentioned earlier, we also have freshwater, saltwater, and desert communities, which creates these cultural distinctions that Disney likes, but then they need a villain for their stories... You can see where this goes.
@sarahwatts7152 2 жыл бұрын
I've been disillusioned with Disney ever since I learned the truth about Pocahontas. Now, I watch Disney princess movies for the colors and animation...while trying not to think about how a bunch of white people mess with traditional stories & cultures.
@dertrix37 2 жыл бұрын
Nah they just turn all the black characters into animals for the duration of the movie.
@darao.4907 2 жыл бұрын
@@jazzycat8917 i think it will be distinctly nigerian since it’s specifically set in lagos so i have hope
@NJcba123 2 жыл бұрын
1:11:30 “SEA is haunted as hell”, couldn’t agree more. Almost everything in SEA culture is related to GHOST in some way.
@4rs0ngrr40 2 жыл бұрын
Ghost? Maybe, but mostly spirits
@zaqareemalcolm 2 жыл бұрын
i like how all of SEA collectively decided one of the scariest things to encounter in the night is a random ass ghost/monster lady disemboweling your organs and/or eating fetuses
@JohnWick-rh1zz 2 жыл бұрын
@@zaqareemalcolm of course,ghost is scary,that's why i never go outside at night
@rachelciel3330 2 жыл бұрын
There's an origin legend here in Indonesia about that and it's also tied to be really religious. So, once upon a time, when the earth is yet to be dwelled by humans; the spirits, jinns, demons, you name it, all live on earth as much as they liked, they're incorporeal beings so their presence didn't really bother the corporeal beings such as animals and the like. Until one day, it's decreed that humans will start living on earth so every spirit was banished over the seas. So, where did they go? You guessed it. The bunch islands in the middle of the sea. After getting banished to the islands, the spirits remade their civilizations on the islands, some hoped to return to the 'main land' but couldn't go that far off beyond the peninsular area which encapsulated the continental-based SEA countries, which is the reason why SEA countries had a lot of ghost stories and superstitions. Of course, a lot of intermarriages and shared cultures also boosted this. We love us our horror stories.
@4rs0ngrr40 2 жыл бұрын
@@zaqareemalcolm or r@pe you. Yea... There is a myth like that in my country
@whatalsaid 2 жыл бұрын
I think MY biggest complaint with this movie, as a southeast asian (Filipino) is that it wasn't a musical. Like there was literally no excuse for this movie NOT to be a musical. From the stuff I read online, they wanted it to be very "Action" centric. But Moana was very action centric and is ALSO a musical, and is hands down one of the best Disney movies to come out in recent times.
@Lexivor 2 жыл бұрын
I agree completely. They made the same mistake with live action Mulan.
@AllenWalker15735 2 жыл бұрын
This is the only Disney Princess movie without singing and it upsets me. Disney princess songs are a great narrative tool for Understanding the protagonist on a deeper level. Without it Raya feels a bit off.
@whatalsaid 2 жыл бұрын
@@Lexivor To be fair, the original Mulan was BARELY a musical. There's like, four songs in it before it decided to become a straight forward action movie, and after that, the only song we get to hear is "true to your heart" by 98 degrees. If I were directing the live action Mulan, I also would've just cut the songs.
@CrystalDragen 2 жыл бұрын
@@whatalsaid I think I saw a video somewhere that that was the point. The first half of Mulan is lighthearted and we are going to slay the huns with our awesome training and become heros! But then they reach the massacared village and reality hits. There is nothing glorious in going to war. Also the movie was supposed to be nostalgic clickbait and the music was what separated it from the other Mulan incarnations. All the other remakes had music + 1 Emmy bait song. Why not Mulan? To make it "realistic and edgy?" Bruh we saw how that played out.
@chengarqordath 2 жыл бұрын
@@CrystalDragen Especially when Mulan uses those songs very effectively. "I'll Make a Man Out of You" is both a great training montage song, and reinforces all the gender themes of the movie. Then there's "A Girl Worth Fighting For" and the ending of them finding the wrecked village, which as mentioned was an incredibly effective way to shift the mood. Just saying, the animated movie used it's songs extremely well.
@cheezemonkeyeater 2 жыл бұрын
"I am east Asian, not southeast Asian." It's amazing how many people don't know there's a difference. Or, for that matter, that there's a significant difference between Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and Mongolians. It's like Shakespeare's famous line, "It's all Greek to me." Only with Asians. And this is my problem with racial discourse. Although our current racial models are certainly less narrow-minded than the old Negroid/Caucasiod/Mongoloid model, they're still very obsessed with arbitrary physical distinctions and people largely just use it to lump lots of people together regardless of how similar or different those people are. To me, what should matter most is culture.
@maras00jr49 2 жыл бұрын
Same with Europeans. Even though there many different cultures with hundreds of years of history, we are all just white.
@Mica_T 2 жыл бұрын
@@maras00jr49 the byproduct of American cultural hegemony and ignorance.
@1DMapler18 2 жыл бұрын
@@Mica_T I would argue that that was intentional as the US grew over the centuries
@cauzie8281 2 жыл бұрын
I am Vietnamese but many people ask if I am Chinese, Japanese etc. I shrug it off but it’s still a bit weird you know? I don’t hate people though!!
@izmirs. 2 жыл бұрын
when they say asians, theyre talking abt east asian. Indians are not even considered asians anymore lol.
@ZedCactus 2 жыл бұрын
I'm not sure why they DIDN'T adapt a SEA story... most of their big movies have historically been (loosely) based off of stories and fairy-tales from different countries/cultures. It would be interesting to know what the initial plans, motivation and inspiration for the movie was and why.
@yuki97kira 2 жыл бұрын
Omg yes... Id like to hear SEA myths and legends being adapted (correctly) by big corporations...
@morewi 2 жыл бұрын
Because the animation industry is full of people that are inspired by anime and avatar and its a negative feedback loop at this point. A lot of them are Asian diaspora actually so get used to this type of show/movie
@syafiqjabar 2 жыл бұрын
And Disney Channel Asia actually had a series of animated shorts highlighting stories from South East Asian countries. I think it was called Tales from The Ring of Fire. They could have looked at that.
@LukSter18998 2 жыл бұрын
@@yuki97kira do you think only conglomerates can make animation now
@elainestegeman8317 2 жыл бұрын
Read Raya and the Last Dragon the art book. It goes into detail about what the team was thinking.
@victoriascott3137 2 жыл бұрын
Wait why didn't Disney just do what they did for Encanto? For Encanto Disney chose 1 South American country and based the whole movie off Colombia. Disney could've chosen 1 southeast Asian country and based the whole movie on that one country. It would still technically be SEA and it would probably be more accurate culturally. I don't know if all the voice actors in Encanto were all Colombian, but still it wouldn't have hurt Disney to include as many SEA voice actors as they can and have them sing in their respective languages.
@nadyanathania3847 2 жыл бұрын
why only milk 1 country's culture when you can mesh 11 and get more money and brownie points? meanwhile those 11 countries has hundreds of cultures so yeah!!
@blubbydragon5381 2 жыл бұрын
I think it comes down to the reason for Disney making each movie. Encanto is meant to be a nice animated flick for the holidays. The movie honestly doesn’t have a lot of expectations in the company other than to make money and be received positively, so they let the creative team who started it have more freedom. On the other hand, Raya is supposed to be the next addition to the Disney princess brand. It had a ton riding on it such as marketing tie-ins, toys, merchandise, maybe a future addition to a Disney park. It was the big production that executives took control of, which suffocated most of the actual meaningful cultural representation in order to make it more marketable to as many audiences as possible. This is all only what I think though
@Little1Cave 2 жыл бұрын
From what I’ve read, all the cast for Encanto were either first- or second-generation Colombian. So far as representative casting goes, Encanto blows Raya out of the water. Lol
@StarlightPrism 2 жыл бұрын
With Encanto, it seems like there was a lot of love and appreciation for the culture. With Raya, it felt more like a cashgrab, Disney wanting to check off "Southeast Asia" on their animation representation list.
@StarlightPrism 2 жыл бұрын
@@blubbydragon5381 Encanto has no shortage of merchandise. That said, I wonder if you're right about Raya being ruined by executive meddling. One of the most immediate and noticeable inaccuracies was the design of the dragon. Sisu looks more like an Eastern dragon, something that westerners are very familiar with. But concept art shows designs more accurate to SEA dragons. They KNEW what SEA dragons looked like but went with an Eastern design, and the only explanation I can think of for that is that they thought the Eastern design would be more palatable to western audiences.
@mariacamilafadul9212 2 жыл бұрын
In terms of the lack of SEA cast to voice the characters, I completely agree that they botched it. You know how I know they were lying to cover their asses when they talked about choosing East Asian actors to voice SEA characters “because they were the best for the job”? Because Encanto had a bigger cast of characters and only one country to pull voice actors from, and yet somehow they succeeded in getting and entirely Colombian and Colombian-American cast to voice the characters. And yet they couldn’t find, like, 12 good voice actors in ALL of Southeast Asia, or hell, even diaspora SEA voice actors? Yeah, I call bullshit
@mlpfimstories2245 2 жыл бұрын
They also could have recruited a group of Norwegians, Swedes, Danes, Icelanders, and/or Faroese to voice the characters in "How to Train Your Dragon." Almost 21 million people; they could've found enough voice actors. Yet one of the only HTTYD voice actors with any Scandinavian descent is Kristen Wiig, who is part Swedish. Most of the rest are U.S.ian, Canadian, English, or Scottish. They also could have found some Sámi voice actors to voice the Northuldra in "Frozen II," and some German ones to voice the characters in "Tangled."
@reib.2853 2 жыл бұрын
@@mlpfimstories2245 "How to Train Your Dragon" is a dreamworks movie btw , not disney .
@hoominbeeing 2 жыл бұрын
@@reib.2853 Irrelevant. It's still a valid argument. If you're going to criticize Raya for not having SEA actors, then you would also criticize How To Train Your Dragon for not having Scandinavian actors. Unless you like double standards.
@biazacha 2 жыл бұрын
@@hoominbeeing this recks of “All Lives Matter” if you want to point out how HTTYD failed do a video about it, don’t use it as a reason to minimize the subject of THIS video. Also the marketing from Dreamworks is totally different: they keep it as a fantasy with viking folklore elements, or Kung Fu Panda that was marketed as a “love letter to kung fu movies” they never used other cultures as a marketing tool, they made explicit what and why they’re using element of other cultures - no the case with Disney and Rays.
@hoominbeeing 2 жыл бұрын
@@biazacha I didn't bring it up. This is a reply to the reply of someone who brought it up lol. Secondly, yes, you do have a point. If a show specifically states it's trying to accurately present a culture, then it should try to be more accurate. Thirdly, what's wrong with all lives matter?
@wraithwrecker_ 2 жыл бұрын
I'm about halfway through the section covering Ellis, and my god. Wow. The presenter has clearly laid out what happened and is putting forward what I think amounts to an authoritative account of the events. Their commentary is sharp, precise, and brilliant. Massive respect to everyone involved in this entire project. Edit: Fuck yeah, that was awesome. I'm ready for part two.
@BirdPeopleArentReal 2 жыл бұрын
I really liked the Ellis part, too! It covered a lot of things I knew were true, but didn’t want to speak out because it’s not my place to do so, as well as adding a bunch of things I didn’t even think about. Lindsey Ellis is my favorite creator and I get so passionately angry about the lasting mental damage these armchair “activists” have given her, and at least now I definitively know I have a right to be angry with the way the bullshitters handled the situation
@squeezie_b8895 2 жыл бұрын
@@BirdPeopleArentReal …if you left the review of the Ellis situation thinking that they were giving you the green light to be angry on her behalf, then perhaps you weren’t paying attention. it’s incredibly reductive to say: the people mad at Lindsay Ellis were the REAL racists all along! Lindsay Ellis said something stupid, was criticized for it, doubled down instead of apologizing, and then was canceled bc many of her supporters couldn’t get over her lack of apology and those who’ve always hated her used it as an excuse to dig up every other stupid thing she’s ever done or said, and that whole drama eventually eclipsed the original criticism about Raya and SEA representation in Western media. This was not the Defend Lindsay Ellis Hour, and that being your primary takeaway makes you complicit in the very same behavior being criticized in the video. It’s not about her.
@staarry 2 жыл бұрын
@@squeezie_b8895 you’re apart of the problem lol
@ginkiba3 2 жыл бұрын
@@squeezie_b8895 it's not anyone's fault, or even Lindsay's fault, that the loudest, most vitriolic critiques came from white people.
@mhawang8204 2 жыл бұрын
@@squeezie_b8895 Did you watch the LE section of this video? They sincerely look at Lindsay’s tweets and explained why it was never about culture. The two American produced IP’s have multiple similarities in narrative and structure. They just happen to both take inspiration/aesthetic from Asian cultures. It’s fair to compare them; many did before Lindsay’s tweet but got no backlash. It was not a stupid tweet. She shouldn’t have to apologize. Let’s be honest. The online mob would not go away even if she did, because they didn’t care about SEA representation or Raya or that tweet. It’s all about weaponzing the situation to drag her.
@Lotan_ 2 жыл бұрын
I honestly find that the line "Listen to POC voices" is used far more as a bludgeon to push certain views, rather than actually listening to what the people of said group really think on the matter in question. I remember once that someone quite aggressively used "As an Asian POC" to shut down criticisms I had about the cultural appropriate of Romani (Gypsy) culture, *MY* culture, with what I can only assume was an implication that I couldn't say what was and was not appropriation. What their grounds were for that opinion, I have no idea, but I'd hazzard a guess it was probably "I'm right. You're wrong." That's probably the logic behind it's use in this whole debacle as well.
@MEOWMIX3DS 2 жыл бұрын
i definitely get this!
@pogo8050 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah no sht. It’s never used in good faith. Anyone who talk in this mechanistic new speechy way is just regurgitating talking points.
@Chordata7 Жыл бұрын
Romani here and thank you!
@Lotan_ Жыл бұрын
@@Chordata7 Ayyy Opre Roma 🖤
@minticedtea Жыл бұрын
If I had to guess they somehow missed the memo you are speaking for your culture. It’s a good overall mentality but there will be weird folks anywhere.
@EoinTremont 2 жыл бұрын
It just sounds like Disney had no intention of making any more future movies representing any individual culture within the SEA region (or different SEA countries) so they just crammed it all into one just to check “SEA Representation” off their list. Versus Encanto having its setting in Colombia, it feels like they have future plans on making other movies representing the other Latin American countries/cultures. Also as a side note, if Disney intended to make a romanticized SEA movie like Raya, they still failed miserably. The final product didn’t want you traveling or getting to know SEA or it’s people at all since it’s so blatantly a hyper-fantasy world.
@BambiLena666 2 жыл бұрын
Even though I hate to say it but I think Encanto is what it is because of Lin Manuel, not Disney themselves. I think Disney wouldve been perfectly happy to just land Miranda (since hes puerto rican that would prob be enough for disney execs) and their cultural advisors to make a movie, but they ended up traveling and spending time in Colombia, Lin Manuel with crew, in order to get a better feel for the culture and music. Miranda being the current golden hen of hollywood, probably had enough pull to make Encanto properly.
@bluubandette8871 2 жыл бұрын
Nope they rather chase whatever Clout internet kids like to watch the most. "Coco" was published after Hispanics were getting dragged out of America without their children. "Reboot Mulan" & "Raya" appeared after the beating and harassment of Asian- American during Covid-19
@BambiLena666 2 жыл бұрын
@@bluubandette8871 You really think it takes like a few months to do these films? Or do you think Disney is in on the grand conspiracy train? The Mulan actress was cast in 2017, years before anyone even knew covid existed, in a line of crappy 90s disney live action reboots with Lion King, Beauty and the Beast and Aladdin. production on Coco started in 2011. Maybe the final release date had something to do with it, but overall, these movies didnt happen over night, they were in the works for years.
@thefurry7165 2 жыл бұрын
If they really plan on continuing to represent Latin American countries, I just hope they stay away from Argentina. We already have our own media industry, which is strong and partially internationally recognized, we don't need multi-million dollar American company putting their hands on us, especially after how many times they directly screwed up our economy and democracy. Although tbh like 9/10 of our population are direct descendants of WW2 European immigrants (translation: we're white) so they'll probably just pretend we don't exist as they can't use us for diversity.
@k.nguyen7895 2 жыл бұрын
@@bluubandette8871 Bro you think they made an entire feature 3d animated film in a span of 5 months????
@isaurar7884 2 жыл бұрын
I legitimately cried when you revealed that you were going to be using your platform to bring Southeastern Asian voices to the masses for a Raya breakdown, as someone who's grown so used to "I'm not from this group but I've looked into/researched on my own and here's what I've found" it was extremely moving to me in terms of getting representation out there. I've greatly enjoyed the first part, so I'm excited to see what the second has in store. Honestly, the biggest heartfelt thank you to everyone who worked on this! It's so amazing to learn all these things.
@DanetteBall 2 жыл бұрын
After Lindsey Ellis was repeatedly hit over the head with that command to listen to POC voices by people who were clearly trying to drag her down rather than actually uplift POC, I'm more than a little psyched to see an in depth educated take from some of said POC. This is going to take me several sessions to finish, but I suspect your takes are going to be very contradictory to what those who appropriated and weaponized your "voices" implied would be so.
@MissSpaz 2 жыл бұрын
So sick of white people getting offended on POC's behalf. Or on behalf of any marginalized group- I'm disabled and have seen people get all up in arms over shit they label ableist without taking disabled people's opinion into account.
@monicaaboites5053 2 жыл бұрын
@@MissSpaz yes like what happened with the fan- art of Encanto. The problem was that Sega (the girl who complained) believed that the latinos we would be greatful with her.. When on fact, a lot of latinos got mad with her. Sega and Ellis made a storm in a glass of water.
@Niobesnuppa 2 жыл бұрын
@@MissSpaz It's projection, really; they make themselves feel better and less racist by attacking other white people for doing something wrong or clumsy, so they can pat themselves on the back and assure themselves that they can't be racist since they've affirmed that they're morally superior to the person they're harassing. They're irrationally afraid of being percieved as racist, so they can't accept that sometimes people make mistakes or sometimes things come out wrong, or that alright people can still be ignorant, because then they'd have to accept that there's a chance they themselves hold some racist views, and so instead anyone who they see saying something that can be percieved as racist, has to be a cartoonishly evil villain, rather than someone who just needs some education.
@chrisheartman9263 2 жыл бұрын
Even without looking at the redesigns of Sisu, (in her dragon form) she looks like a vague dragon/mythological creature from a Barbie film.
@hastiborhani3492 2 жыл бұрын
Even barbie had better dragon designs (rapunzel)
@Gfriend_Buddy99 2 жыл бұрын
Barbie... She's from my little pony...😂
@rroes7319 Жыл бұрын
@singingflowers7456 Жыл бұрын
she looks like a rainbow Falkor
@annierminx Жыл бұрын
gigantamax bibble
@AmandaTHT 2 жыл бұрын
As a Southeast Asian, I have been thinking about this for quite a while. I personally did enjoy the film (mostly because I am incredibly homesick) but I can't help but look at this movie as waisted potential. Its clear that the film only decided to integrate "diversity" and "SEA representation" in its aesthetics and design. The story and narrative itself, including the character's personalities/motivations, do not resemble SEA (of any of the 11 countries) culture at all. I always find it annoying that "culture" is boiled down to an aesthetic. In reality, culture determines our normal. It determines the things we like to talk about, how we engage with the world, how we engage with each other. That element of care in terms of representation was not there. I highly doubt that this film was actually made for Southeast Asians in the first place. If it was it would not have lumped our cultures into a monolith and it would have been more careful with its casting. I think, more so, the movie was for non SEAs and marketed toward Asian diaspora.
@shanicek5188 2 жыл бұрын
Right? I did enjoy it, but I also felt like it had so much potential 😭
@fie97 2 жыл бұрын
Back when i was a kid. I watch thailand action-hystorichal-mystic movie on my local tv (i am indonesian) it was a really famous movie with 2 or 3 part of it. I remember thinking that the story was based on Indonesia (my country) when i was abit bigger i learned that, that movie was based on their own country. But bcs of how similiar the tradition-culture-and geography of their land and the people i thought it was indonesian movie. I was so wrong lol. Now i thi j that movie was the best representation of what SEA is. Anyone who wanted to know what is southeast asian should watch that movie. Bcs before we blend with other culture and other religions. SEA is what looks like in that movie. It was really famous movie amoung SEA. but i forgot what that name of it. I'll comeback here once i found out!
@fie97 2 жыл бұрын
Guys it was Ong Bak!
@AmandaTHT 2 жыл бұрын
@@fie97 I'm Indonesian too!!! I've never watched that movie but I'll watch it as soon as possible...thanks for the recommendation!!
@RandoSando. 2 жыл бұрын
So glad you covered the absurdity of the Lindsay Ellis situation. She got canceled over a joke dozens of other people made before her. Ridiculous, especially since the creators said the comparison was fine months before this shit went down
@ThalesWell 2 жыл бұрын
This is the first I'm learning that she resigned. It's a great loss. And what was gained by harassing her? Only more pain and grief in the world.
@BrightWulph 2 жыл бұрын
Twitter seems to have an extremely unfair hate boner towards her, these people want her to be held accountable for every little "transgression". Which is complete madness, these Twittards are conducting a modern-day witch hunt, but they'll claim she "had it coming" for whatever perceived wrongs she has done. And will look at you dead in the eye and say with a straight face and conviction in their voicez that they "did the right thing." -_- I'm not going to pretend Ellis is a saint, but she certainly didn't and doesn't deserve this constant barrage of hate and vitriol she's been getting over the years.
@Stettafire 2 жыл бұрын
I think she was the target of a lot of hate (I don't know why) before that point and folk just used it as amumition. I think the actual discussion was just a backdrop for these people. I don't adore the lady and I'm not a fan, but I don't care for sending death threats on Twitter.
@leonineKelter 2 жыл бұрын
I hate twitter. Literally these 14 year olds who never go outside would much rather ruin every celebrities career over the tiniest things regardless of context instead of do something productive. I've literally seen them cancel a Mexican content creator for speaking Spanish because he knows dream or something and he therefore has to be a bad person in every way. Likd. Shut up.
@leonineKelter 2 жыл бұрын
All of these white kids on Twitter are running around ruining the good representation that is Encanto and then saying that everyone who makes LGBT headcanons are ignoring the message o the movie. Me, a Colombian person has been harassed by kids too young to be on Twitter telling me I can't relate to characters in my own way because a couple assholes decided to overlook representation for their own headcanons, cmon.
@StarlightPrism 2 жыл бұрын
As a wildlife nerd, I totally agree on your point about the wildlife and I didn't expect ya'll to bring it up, lol. SEA has so much interesting and unique wildlife they could have taken inspiration from! One thing I found so dumb about the backlash to Lindsay was that people were acting like she was dunking on this work that was really important to SEA representation and storytelling, but most of the Raya feedback I heard from SEA audiences was either negative or "meh". What I heard was largely the same critiques from this video, and it just made the movie feel like a cynical Disney attempt at lazily profiting from other cultures.
@StarlightPrism 2 жыл бұрын
It's like you say in the video, it all just comes off as Disney putting cultures on a checklist. Multicultural Disney Princesses, gotta catch 'em all! I found it especially disappointing because they put a lot of effort into making Moana culturally accurate. They hired cultural consultants, and the entire cast (save for the chicken) was Polynesian. Sure, there were still some criticisms from the Polynesian community, but a lot of them did like it and if nothing else, it was a step in the right direction. I was looking forward to Raya because I thought it would do the same, and was disappointed to hear from SEA viewers that it fell flat.
@sincerelyyourssophia 2 жыл бұрын
not gonna lie, i started tearing up when the speaker mentioned Philippines' bayanihan. it made me realise that no popular media can represent Filipino or SEA culture in the genuine way that members of SEA do. no matter how hard they try, they cannot touch SEAs hearts without SEAs spearheading the project
@jbpeony7872 2 жыл бұрын
honestly as a filipino, Encanto feels more like representation (Due to being a spanish colony before, we have a lot of latin culture in our own) than Raya and Encanto was for Columbians.
@mentosmariel 2 жыл бұрын
That lip pointing scene lolol
@misseli1 2 жыл бұрын
I get what you're saying. I am Latina, though not Colombian, and I still connected to the movie. Because even though it wasn't meant to be a broad representation of all Latin America (which would have been unreasonable since there are roughly 20 Latin American countries depending on who you count) there were still cultural elements of Colombia in the film that other Latin Americans could recognize and relate to. And because a movie that's based on family conflict and reconciliation is something anyone can connect to regardless of country of origin. Had it tried to be this vague representation of all Latin America, it would have been all over the place.
@Cecilia-ky3uw 2 жыл бұрын
How spanish is the phillipines?
@jbpeony7872 2 жыл бұрын
@@Cecilia-ky3uw as much as 300+ years of colonization can do. Spanish words for everyday things, influences on the food, in the architecture of old homes, the way public spaces are built with a chapel. Universities named after saints, Christianity wasn't from here. I'd say 1/8. The other 7/8 are other SEA countries, China and America.
@lapeace_8362 2 жыл бұрын
@@Cecilia-ky3uw To be exact, Spanish occupation in the Philippines lasted 333 years long. Even our language, until now, are heavily influenced by Spain.
@bubz4994 2 жыл бұрын
I am American, and I will never cease to be utterly flabbergasted by how unbelievably easy it is to meet people of absolutely every ethnic background in this country, yet somehow the people with the most power and resources, IN AMERICA, always make the most BASIC mistakes when it comes to authentic portrayals of other peoples’ culture. I literally do not understand how this could be possible without weird and shitty values being involved. You could make the very basic effort to reach out and choose not to. This is a great video, thank you for posting this Xiran.
@talynhastime9343 2 жыл бұрын
American entertainment has a long, long history of Orientalism and ethnocentrism. Hollywood’s ideas of Asian countries are stuck in time in many cases. Yes, I don’t know why they refuse to do actual research when almost every Hollywood movie hits international theaters. They’re willing to adjust certain parts of a film for Chinese audiences but not other Asian countries. The simple fact is that Hollywood has never really given a shit about accurate representation of ANY country. It is only when audiences and foreign governments complain that Hollywood gets its head out of its lazy racist ass and does something about it.
@PoisonedFlames 2 жыл бұрын
@@talynhastime9343 And, to add, the only reason why Hollywood concedes to changes for China and involves Chinese (and now SK) actors is because of the money factor. Afaik, Hollywood makes billions from China box offices or something ludicrous like that. All about the money. Not surprising at all, smh.
@bubz4994 2 жыл бұрын
@@PoisonedFlames James Somerton made a very fascinating video called The (Gay) Chinese Problem that evaluates things mostly from and LGBTQIA+ point of view but specifically outlines the thing you are talking about with regards to Chinese market influence on Hollywood and how it is influencing things. It was very good I highly recommend checking it out actually
@bubz4994 2 жыл бұрын
@@talynhastime9343 I think that it’s because since the beginning of America’s independence it has sought to see itself as a global standard by allowing anyone from anywhere into the country and therefore being a melting pot of all cultures. Americans tend to see America as a microcosm of the entire globe but the problem there is that America hasn’t allowed people to truly represent their roots, and I say that as a person of European ancestry who knows almost nothing about their German and Bosnian background. This inevitably bleeds into hollywood, and you are 100% correct because it applies more intensely to people who aren’t of European origin, with often disastrous consequences for them. Media in this case is certainly reflective of the biggest underlying issue with America, it essentially lied about its goal of being a melting pot. It really just wanted people from the globe to assimilate without regard for their cultural roots.
@delunimbus 8 ай бұрын
@@bubz4994 Yeah about that guy...
@johanna7254 2 жыл бұрын
People harassing Lyndsay Ellis off the internet while simultaneously ignoring the opinions of SEA people who they claimed they were defending... I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Like, that was so, so dumb. All of it. I actually decided to leave Twitter because of it. lol
@joannamarieart 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah I was never much on Twitter, but that insanity ensured I'd never step foot there again. One of the craziest 'chronically online' things I've ever seen.
2 жыл бұрын
As someone who has seen Raya and hasn't seen any of the promo material beforehand (literally watched it cuz I was scrolling thru disney+ and saw a dragon in the thumbnail), I didn't even know it was supposed to be South-East Asian representation. I am not from Asian descent and since they took a bunch of different cultures and mashed them together I just thought it was like ATLA and they made another Asian inspired fantasy. To be fair, I also didn't give it much thought since the overall message of the movie kinda sucks like I wanted Sisu to shut the hell up so many timessss. Raya did nothing wrong not trusting these sketchy people like WHY IS EVERYONE SO MAD AT HER. LAST TIME SHE TRUSTED SOMEONE IT DESTROYED THE WORLD. Like why are none of these people trying to actually EARN her trust instead of just expecting it smh the entitlement.
@idk3284 2 жыл бұрын
Ayyy same- Idk this supposed to represent SEA till now-
@flatline-timer 2 жыл бұрын
i'm from asia and i didnt know until after i saw the promo after watching the movie lol
@lexezlao Жыл бұрын
atla is East Asian + Inuit inspired cultures
@drafezard7315 Жыл бұрын
@@lexezlao I think somebody's forgetting the Sun worshipers's who's culture is based on the Aztecs.
@lexezlao Жыл бұрын
@@drafezard7315 I forgot about that too
@eliza6971 2 жыл бұрын
Unrelated -- I took mushrooms and read Iron Widow last week and cried because Yhizi's thoughts on love are so beautiful and I just wanted to tell you that.
@phoenix_waffles2122 2 жыл бұрын
Hol up
@nicolehughes7863 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing fren.
@ayamothy4628 2 жыл бұрын
I love how you just casually mention the mushrooms you took-
@rayewb6507 2 жыл бұрын
Maybe I need to do that before I finish the book. 🤭
@LoonyHalfBlood 2 жыл бұрын
Mushrooms is the way to go when you really wanna feel that shit hit your soul. I've cried on mushrooms every time I've taken them and it's such a cleansing feeling.
@lessoriginal 2 жыл бұрын
It really is as simple as people stanning or hating someone, because the backlash that Ellis faced was NEVER about Raya. Raya was just a crack in the door that people who have hated her FOR YEARS used to drive their hate train into her face.
@stang9806 2 жыл бұрын
Love how their hate train also made Ellis relive her trauma.
@hinasakukimi 2 жыл бұрын
a lot of them were reactionaries/conservatives pretending to be "sjws" too. this is what pisses me off about online activism sometimes. don't dogpile people, but if you do anyway, at least pay attention to *who's dogpiling alongside you*
@kerri6011 2 жыл бұрын
I've noticed people, usually white people will use racism as a way to attempt to cancel someone as some sort of "gotcha moment" at the expense of the people it actually it affects, but they usually don't care
@nessmarie6044 2 жыл бұрын
@@kerri6011 THIS!!! it makes it almost impossible for us to speak on issues now without people grouping us with them. actually, they don't even acknowlege them they jsut think it's us who feel this way
@cookiemocher388 2 жыл бұрын
@@kerri6011 even worse is that when it comes to racism, nobody's perfect, everyone has implicit bias, especially if you're the majority race in your country, acting like it means you're an evil racist" simplifies the term racism to the point where it almost doesn't mean anything anymore, and winds up making it hard to tell which people are actual racists, now when it comes to discussing racism, it seems to become a shit show
@baizhuwaitingroom7057 2 жыл бұрын
As a Slav, when I was a kid I used to be sad we somehow always got overlooked by the big studios, especially us Slavs that aren't Russian - I can't remember a single film centered around us that didn't come from our own regions. But the older I got and the more I educated myself, the more relieved I felt big American corporations never laid their hands on our cultures. In fact, I wrote my dissertation about the shit they've done in the past and the insight I got while doing my research was eye-opening. Anyone that has trouble seeing why it's so important to talk about it and give those people zero slack, just imagine this is being done to your culture and history. Just thinking about Disney treating Poland that way makes me outraged. As an artist - I also know what goes into creating a pitch, story, character design. I know some things, if you are willing to, aren't difficult to research. If you are in doubt, ask a native. Just like you said in the video - the artists might have been meaning well, but that becomes irrelevant with shite direction. I don't know much about SEA culture, but it's just mind-blowing nonetheless, seeing the seemingly willful ignorance and lack of care present at every step of the movie. 💀💀
@ОльгаЮрьевнаСолодилова 2 жыл бұрын
Most of the time american movies feature us russians, we are not happy. So it is actually good that hey don't notice you.
@chingizzhylkybayev8575 2 жыл бұрын
You seriously use "Slav" to describe yourself? Why would you play into American stereotypes like that...
@baizhuwaitingroom7057 2 жыл бұрын
@@chingizzhylkybayev8575 and what other word should I use then? America isn't the centre of the world, I'm not familiar with their local stereotypes lol
@baizhuwaitingroom7057 2 жыл бұрын
@@ОльгаЮрьевнаСолодилова yep, always the caricature villains. there's also Anastasia but...
@hellformichelle 2 жыл бұрын
@@chingizzhylkybayev8575 In my European country, it's extremely normal to identify as a 'slav' or slavic. Not everything is about America all the time
@KaeMcSpadden Жыл бұрын
There are so many SEA actors and actresses they could have hired like Michelle Yeoh who is Malaysian or Brenda Song who is half Thai or the creator of Amphibi,a Matt Braly who is Thai and incorporated Thai culture into his show.
@mariaconner8650 9 ай бұрын
Amphibia has better SEA representation and portrayal.
@KaeMcSpadden 9 ай бұрын
@@mariaconner8650 it did. And even his mother was brought on to voice Anne’s mom.
@mariaconner8650 9 ай бұрын
@@KaeMcSpadden You know what else has better SEA representation? Khan Kluay.
@tiarac243 9 ай бұрын
Seriously!! Amphibia was so good!
@seyspectra 8 ай бұрын
@@mariaconner8650Molly McGee too
@dickstarrbuck 2 жыл бұрын
The fact that Ellis' life was changed because a bland tweet is crazy.
@DusBeforeDawn2008 2 жыл бұрын
Classic case of "my hounds will never eat me". Tread carefully if your fanbase is full of toxic people hungering for a pointless fight that won't help anyone
@IrvineTheHunter 2 жыл бұрын
@@DusBeforeDawn2008 Is it really a "my hounds will never eat me" like were they Ellis's dogs?
@overgrownkudzu 2 жыл бұрын
@@DusBeforeDawn2008 it wasn't really her fanbase though, it was a specific part of left twitter that hates any and every popular vaguely progressive influencer and will hunt them down, combined with nazis and alt righters using the moral panic to further the whole thing.
@MEOWMIX3DS 2 жыл бұрын
@@overgrownkudzu twitter also apparently had some sort of grudge against her already so it was a lose situation
@MisBabbles 2 жыл бұрын
Her Mask Off video is worth watching - does a good job genuinely dealing with what happened from her perspective.
@rumba38 2 жыл бұрын
I’m Filipino American and I remember the casting made me so frustrated with the lack of SEA actors. I’m still mad about it. Among the actors I’m familiar with and who worked with Disney are Lea Salonga, Deedee Magno Hall, Brenda Song, and Dante Basco. Disney could’ve at least had some of them voice someone or sing in the movie but we didn’t get that. Disney had/has no excuse for the lack of SEA actors in a movie marketed for Southeast Asians and it makes me so frustrated
@shandya 2 жыл бұрын
I remember couldn’t even mad anymore I just laughed when I realized Daniel Dae Kim’s character looks exactly just like him
@NinHawAssassin 2 жыл бұрын
I do wonder how many actors are actually willing to do voice acting work though.
@car0ndelet 2 жыл бұрын
@@NinHawAssassin you won’t know if you never ask them to audition
@kailawkamo1568 2 жыл бұрын
@Luis Suazo YO that movie was whitewashed af
@det.bullock4461 2 жыл бұрын
@@NinHawAssassin Deedee Magno Hall, Brenda Song, and Dante Basco all voiced cartoons before. Basco was the voice of Zuko in Avatar: The Last Airbender, Deedee was Pearl in Steven Universe and Brenda Song is currently Anne Boonchuy in Amphibia.
@mrsmi1ey 2 жыл бұрын
As a white dude, I realized about a decade ago that I'd grown up in a country/world that completely caters to me. I'm familiar with the struggles of black and brown minorities in America and other countries, but have only recently started learning about the massive lack of SEA and other Asian representation. Thank you to everyone involved in this, as you can know that you've educated at least one person with your hard work (but I'm sure it's many, many more). I'm only half way through, but I'm gonna watch both parts of this beast.
@possummagic3571 2 жыл бұрын
Good man, here's a cookie. 🍪
@mayanur8399 2 жыл бұрын
out of topic but ur username is also a name for a prestigious school here in Malaysia...
@toolatetothestory 2 жыл бұрын
As an American dude. Lemme tell you, most media, except the one from our own countries, also doesn't give a shit about any European country that isn't England (sometimes the good guys) or Germany (always evil). As a German, I have yet to see any American media that gets us right. None managed yet. Most can't even use a single comprehensible German word.
@bdfortes 2 жыл бұрын
@@toolatetothestory That's it! They can't even get the so called Western culture right. But actually, if you really want representation, you should go out there and do it yourself. Stop waiting for the United States to do it all for you, because the only ones they will get right will be themselves and maybe England.
@lukatosic09 2 жыл бұрын
@@toolatetothestory as a slav I'm just used to us being portrayed as either evil gangsters or evil terrorists. Or evil dictators
@aisyahzainuddin497 2 жыл бұрын
As a Southeast Asian, I have never felt so comforted and informed about my own cultural presence in media ever in my life
@caesuracrossing5473 2 жыл бұрын
Disney put so much love into both Encanto and Coco, but skimp on Raya, Princess and the Frog (First black Princess who isn't human for half the movie), allow Pixar to pull the same stunt in Soul making the Black lead not really be a black lead. Disney tried to trade mark "Day of the Dead" so they could market Coco. 😑 so I'm not suprised with their treatment with Raya. Raya on its own is a decent movie. I agree with the points made.
@Light-ro5bp 2 жыл бұрын
Even in those first two movies which are considered the best in terms of representation, it’s very clear they watered down some aspects of the culture to appeal first to an American audience, from plot points like the Land of the Dead having a border system and class disparity or just minor details about a culture like coffee being for grownups, which is understandable since the head writers are American themselves. One could say this issue could be easily solved by having writers or consultants from those cultures in the writing team, but then again powhatan people were consulted for Pocahontas and were blatantly ignored to the point that the main consultant was “ashamed to have her name on the project” so it seem Disney is just happy to get those faux representation points while ignoring the people they are trying to represent.
@revolution1237 2 жыл бұрын
As a quick aside, while the Princess and the Frog do have a problem with the representation of the first Black Disney Princess, I still love it, regardless. I may not have the same views as you do, but I understand where you're coming from.
@thatrantinggirl7376 2 жыл бұрын
@@revolution1237 i think we can simultaneously like princess and the frog but also admit that the representation wasn't great :/
@dcscruz2970 2 жыл бұрын
@@Light-ro5bp the border thing in Coco made me hate rewatching the movie and more when it came out with how children were being put in camps and... Abused. Cause border. Yeah
@dcscruz2970 2 жыл бұрын
Also yeah soul would've been more fun without the cynical kid soul being annoying for the most part. Just a music teacher wanting to make it big by his own standards and seeing it wasn't up to his own hype and learn to live again. Like soul music is so good why waste it aaa
@angelicalivio5587 2 жыл бұрын
I'm so glad the question of "who is Raya for?" was brought up because it was a huge part of the discourse for me and the rest of SEA twitter that i could interact with, shortly before (because, like said in the video, the marketing was surprisingly very little) and during Raya's release. Disney+ is only available in 2 out of 11 SEA countries. Most of my friends are huge disney fans, or just movie junkies in general, and we had to go through a huge process (unfortunately, sometimes involving sailing through the seas, if you know what I mean) just to see Raya. I myself didn't see Raya until a few weeks ago. Eventually we concluded that it was never for us. Disney wanted our attention, our expectations, and the hype. But that was it. It was made for someone else, with a thin coat of SEA culture plastered on.
@angelicalivio5587 2 жыл бұрын
also, small addition, but I always thought Tuktuk was of Filipino (Bisaya, specifically) origin! Raya knocks on Tuktuk to get their attention, and "knocking" in Bisaya is "toktok" or "tuktuk", which is an onomatopoeic word. It would make sense in the in-world naming process too. Raya would name her pet after the action she constantly repeats to get their attention. I found it cute.
@angelicalivio5587 2 жыл бұрын
last addition: while watching Raya, the main thought in my head was just: where are all the forests? And the rain? Because if I would describe my experience in rural areas as a person from SEA, it's that it's very hot, but also very wet. PS. the snowy area shocked me quite a lot too. Because the last thing I can associate with SEA is snow, let alone a whole tribe/community that's based on a completely snowy landscape. It was quite jarring.
@jjhaya 2 жыл бұрын
​ @Angelic A you forgot why there's not much forest and rain in the movie because it's part of the plot I believe, cause Sisu's the only water dragon left, and also when she died then all water disappeared causing the Druun to attack. I don't know if there's much desert in SEA countries? Bao Trang from Vietnam I guess. I'm also Bisaya and yes "tuk-tuk" means "knock" but I think it's an interesting coincidence cause "Tuk-tuk" is the name for tricycles in Thailand and probably what they intended. I don't know about that place where it's snowing, found that weird too.
@angelicalivio5587 2 жыл бұрын
@@jjhaya i see! I only watched Raya once, so I may have missed that detail. Still, it would've been interesting for forests to be featured maybe before or after the Druun attack. It's such a big part of our terrain after all. It would've been nice to see all the forest-dwelling creatures and even a whole society that adapted to the forest landscape (and how they would adapt to the hydrophobic Druun). I think it's a missed opportunity.
@HoaTruong-km9rk 2 жыл бұрын
@@jjhaya you sometime have snow in the high mountains, one i know is the Phan Xi Băng mountain in Việt Nam. It's the highest mounatin in Việt Nam but even so snow is still an occasional thing. That's all I can think of about snowy places in Southeast Asia, there are lot's of tribes live in cold place on those mountains with thick clothes, thick wooden house, etc.. but of course not such a snowy mountains like they bring it back from Alaska. But since Disney built Raya world as a whole planet, ofc there be a lot of geographical problem Inaccurate to only SEA geo and weather. After all a planet can't only have wet forest all over. the geographic in Raya is very confusing honestly And yeah, Bao Trang or Ninh Thuan in Việt Nam is also one of the only desert in SEA, and i mean the desert is really small though, and mostly is sand dune. And seriously, as a Vietnamese it's so much harder for us to pin point our culture in Raya compare to other SEA people since our culture is influenced by china , so Disney would avoid us a lot and narrow down our rep to only some Vietnamese world like Ba or "đẹp lạ".
@whatisupbruh2738 2 жыл бұрын
The LE situation is really tragic all the way around. The way she was driven off the platform due to bad faith critics, the silencing of actual SEA voices by white peers in order to berate her, and most of all: the actual criticism of Raya going unnoticed due to everything…..
@mysryuza 2 жыл бұрын
Literally like bruh
@spiderlily723 2 жыл бұрын
...she was drive out by insulting the very people she made content about, dismissing fandom as childish little game you grow out of and going so far her own ass she publicly insulted professional actors on twitter. Not the 'uWu she coldn't critique this movie cause she white' she tried to sell you as the reason.
@mhawang8204 2 жыл бұрын
@@spiderlily723 Nice “list of sins” you have there. I won’t even get into how none of that is true. It doesn’t matter now. We’ve lost a thoughtful video essayist who contributed a lot to nuanced media criticism, while you successfully “canceled” a microcelebrity you clearly resent. Congratulations. Who’s your next target?
@spiderlily723 2 жыл бұрын
@@mhawang8204 She mocked fandom on regular basis, dismissed entire anti-culture (which is responsible for a lot of fandom harassment) as 'just some mean comments, groew a thicker skin' and you can quite literally find how she tried to mock a Hannibal actor for supporting a queer content creator if you do a simple google search about it. I kinda don't regret that she can't continue to use her very real influence to give a free pass to people who harass, suicide-bait and doxx people on the regular over what fiction they consume. I'd say it's karma tbh. While this video summs up the Raya situation, it gives 0 context to other very real reason to Ellis's alleged harassment. Also, she was nominated for HUGO AWARDS the same year AO3 got it. There ain't nothing 'micro' about her celebrity status. xD
@spiderlily723 2 жыл бұрын
@@mhawang8204 It's also hilariously, given this video, that you choose to dismiss a egit criticism of Eliss's harmful influence from actual victim of it 'cause she does some good videos' pandering to most mainstream issues. That's some prime irony right there.
@mountainrock7682 2 жыл бұрын
As a Filipino, I feel culturally more connected to Moana (and Encanto) than to "Raya and the Last Dragon". This is just my (Hispanized) Austronesian identity speaking.
@GMBoyYT 2 жыл бұрын
To Be Honest, The Director Was A Mexican-American And I Am Mexican American.
@whatever5401 2 жыл бұрын
As a Vietnamese person, that one clip from a Craig of the Creek where a Vietnamese kid made bánh xèo made me feel more represented than the entirety of Raya and the Last Dragon
@quasi8180 2 жыл бұрын
Avatar the last airbender raya and the last dragon the titles are almost the same
@zionreigo2593 7 ай бұрын
Exactly my thoughts. Concept from Encanto and Setting of Moana.
@waddledeeart6019 2 жыл бұрын
I can see why people would raise eyebrows at Ellis' original tweet, since a lot of non-Asians (from what I've seen) have been consistently comparing asian media in general to ATLA. It's as if to say that ATLA is "peak Asian representation", and these works cannot stand on their own without that comparison. But Ellis quickly clarified that she was not saying they were the same, just because they shared Asian themes...It's ridiculous that she was attacked like this over a misunderstanding that she clarified almost immediately. I'm heartbroken that this video is how I find out that Ellis has left...I assumed she was taking a break. Drama aside, incredible video. It's fantastic seeing a community come together like this to make their voices heard! I hope this gets the attention it rightfully deserves.
@joannamarieart 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, after the Twitter storm that her tweet caused, she was harassed online nonstop for the rest of 2021. She made a post to her Patreon in December that she was essentially quitting the internet indefinitely.
@regulate.artificer_g23.mdctlsk 2 жыл бұрын
the campaign was successful. y'know, people should be wary of these happenings. now that Ellis is down, who knows who the next victim would be? (I still remember that clip from another video about Lindsay's harassment where a screenshot of a tweet shown says something like "Jenny Nicholson will be next" or something (doubt it, though). I think it was from Hbomberguy's video? I can't remember.)
@sandrols7 2 жыл бұрын
@@regulate.artificer_g23.mdctlsk I know it appeared on Lindsay's video on the whole matter as well. People were saying things like 'Jenny Nicholson/Sarah Z' will be the next. It's ridiculous and disgusting to say the least!
@mittenista 2 жыл бұрын
@@sandrols7 Proof that it was never about them caring about POC, Raya, or SEAs. It was always about putting a woman in her place because she dared to be outspoken.
@PapillonBleuNoir 2 жыл бұрын
It wasn't about sharing Asian themes wtf. Nowhere near that. The story and the plot was extremely similar is what she was saying. It had nothing to do with them both being Asian inspired. That take is what made people criticise her in the first place even though it's completely unrelated.
@mageofdoomsie1598 2 жыл бұрын
Encanto ran where Raya tripped. Encanto I feel was much more successful because they had one specific focus for location: Colombia. One of the most popular songs is a love song to the country of Colombia. It wasn’t an amalgamation of South American countries like Raya was with Southeast Asian countries. That focus even pertained to the casting, many of them being 1st or 2nd generation Colombians. They focused on the cultural diversity of Colombia, instead of the diversity of a handful of SEA countries. It was more real, and it hit very hard with many South American people. Now, this is coming from a white woman, so please correct me if I missed something, but I also feel Raya failed in the aspect of showing off the culture. It felt more like SEA vibe and aesthetic, I mean they didn’t even include any of the languages from what I’ve read except for the naming of places. Again, it’s just the aesthetic, and we don’t learn anything about it. Raya focused on a fantasy world, giving fantasy magic, fantasy language, and fantasy places. This was mentioned a few times in the video with the “catering more to white peoples perspective” topic. Encanto was like “That’s nice….” and created multiple songs using only the Spanish language. Some songs were English with a mixture of Spanish, and some were just English, but all of them are far more relatable to the culture its representing (according to many Colombian/South American people on public forums). (Also, that “eating spaghetti I with chicken soup and calling it Pho” line absolutely killed me, just made it to that part of the video.) Asian countries are some of the most diverse countries, but we were only given a fantasy world instead of a true SEA film. Again, this is just how I view it as a white woman, so I am fully willing to learn and correct myself if I missed or misinterpreted something. We never really get educated on the other regions of Kumandra. We got shown the basics, but then nope we gotta keep the plot moving! Like the video said, we’re never told what separates them, what makes their culture different from the others except for the basic aesthetic views. A lot of the details have to be dug out by the viewer, and people who aren’t SEA might not catch on to that as easily. This also goes with the secondary characters. I disliked Noi as a character, mainly because yea, a martial arts baby raised by monkeys…whew. Raya as a character to me felt….bland. Her only flaw that we’re shown is her distrust. Her failures come from her distrust, and her distrust is looked down upon. That never made sense to me either. Raya basically caused the dragon gem war thing and a genocide of people via smoke monster by trusting someone who betrayed her. This is highly traumatizing. She gets told the whole movie to just…get over it and start trusting again. If you got bit by a dog, it would take you some time to trust the dog again. Someone shouldn’t force you to go pet the dog again when you aren’t ready so you can “get over it”. This is not a good moral. If someone hurts you, you shouldn’t immediately trust them again. At the end, everyone blames Raya for killing Sisu, and this is what pisses me off the most. Nimaari was fully ready to pull the trigger on her crossbow. She was squeezing it as Raya tried to stop her, and Raya’s actions caused Nimaari to put full pressure on the trigger and firing it at Sisu. For those who aren’t knowledgeable in firearm safety, you should never EVER have your finger on the trigger until you’re ready to shoot. If you’re finger is on the trigger and you aren’t aiming or ready to fire, you are putting yourself and those around you at terrible risk. An example: You’re shooting targets with your friend, and you are walking to fix a target with your gun with your friend walking next to you. You are silly, and are walking with your gun out and your finger resting within the trigger area. Whoops! You tripped and your gun goes off because your finger was on the trigger. You friend collapses in pain because the bullet struck them. Trigger safety is one of the first things you learn in firearm safety. With this knowledge, it is my conclusion that Nimaari, who has been trained with a crossbow, was fully intending to shoot Sisu. She was squeezing the trigger, ready to shoot. Nimaari is at fault for this, yet Raya is blamed because she didn’t trust Nimaari enough to not shoot. I’m sorry, but if someone was pointing a gun/crossbow at my friend, trust is the last thing I’m focusing on. I don’t play those games. And I agree! Raya was practically gaslit the entire time because of her trauma and distrust of people who hurt her. I also want some opinions on this, do you guys think Raya was “queerbating”? I’ve heard this going around but never really found any concrete argument on why it is or isn’t. People point out that Raya and Nimaari have “sexual tension” and that they’re gay for each other obviously, and that Disney didn’t make it happen because of advertising purposes. Do you think thats the case? Or are people reading too deep into it? Note: This may get edited as I continue to watch/re-watch the video to make sure I got all the information correct.
@WhistleAndSnap 2 жыл бұрын
Hiya! Fellow white chick here (like, fifth or sixth gen USA citizen, but some Irish-American and Italian-American roots that still play a bit of a role in my family life/upbringing) and I feel VERY much the same way you do. Specifically wanted to talk about the queer-baiting notion though, because that seems to be a place where you and I differ, and something I feel a bit safer dipping my toes into - so I wanted to say that yeah, I TOTALLY got sexual tension vibes from Raya and Namari. I was half-jokingly saying in the first scene I saw them in as adults "Omg just kiss already". BUT that could just be my personal fondness for the old "enemies to lovers" trope (and it's subsequent variations) talking.
@sheilawidjaja7331 2 жыл бұрын
Hi. I'm Chinese-Indonesian here. Please note that this is just one perspective from a SEA in regards to the queer element that happened in the movie and that I am speaking about this from what I saw after living in Indonesia for quite some time. I am also still waiting for what the presenters are going to put out so, please don't take my word as bible, as I am not the cultural authority about this subject and that I am speaking about this from my own experience. If you ask me, the queer element that happened in the movie was extremely dangerous because there are two Muslim-majority SEA countries that strictly do not welcome this and they are Malaysia and Indonesia. I am speaking from a perspective from someone who has lived in Indonesia for quite some time and I can attest to the fact that it is very normalised for you to turn on the TV and see live televised public canings of two men who just had intimate relations with each other. When it comes to the LGBTQ community in Indonesia, we have this culture called the banci culture, which is where guys dress in a very effeminate manner. However, from an Indonesian perspective, the LGBTQ culture is still viewed as something that is very foreign and Western because we still strongly believe that marriage and romantic relationships should be between a man and a woman so, it was rather shocking to me that Disney placed that in a movie that was trying to appeal to the SEA audience, as two of these countries do not welcome this sort of thing. For me, that queer element screams ignorance to the Indonesian local laws, which could've gotten Disney into some serious trouble. If Disney wanted to have a queer princess, they should've chosen Thailand as a SEA country they wanted to "represent" because it is much more welcoming to the LGBTQ community than Indonesia otherwise, not only does it scream ignorance, it also screams cultural insensitivity.
@DarkandDeath4 2 жыл бұрын
Thai SEA lesbian woman here, so I check some boxes. I totally agree with Sheila Widjaja below here in regards to sensitivity with broadcasting queer content under the SEA aesthetic/cultural curfuffle. SEA consist of 11 separate, highly diverse and distinct cultures and countries that do not share the same political, ideological, or cultural values. I truly wished that Disney would stick to a singular country to derive accurate representation from instead of "Pan-SEA". Thai people are much more accepting and welcoming towards LGBTQ+ people and content, even if our laws don't protect LGBTQ+ people, or give them the right to marry, the Thai people make it our responsibility to respect each other. We make many of our own media and shows about it (however, most do not nearly get enough fame or budget both locally and internationally but that's a whole other can of worms). As a Thai lesbian woman, I could clearly see the tension and the queerbaiting going on between Namaari and Raya. I see it as queer baiting, and only that in the movie, since there is no sincere attempt at declaring that there is an actual romantic relationship between the characters. It's sexual tension, not romantic tension. I thought it looked promising in the trailer, but it actually surmounted to nothing in the overarching film. Also, Namaari and Raya don't exactly have the healthiest relationship dynamic going on, especially in the film. Those portrayed in fan arts and fanfics however, those we can get behind. Some may actually support a remediation on their connection. However, Disney is, and will forever be, a coward when it comes to genuine representation of LGBTQ+.
@nugrahadwianggoro 2 жыл бұрын
Not queerbaiting but definitely queer coded (you can google that). Asian countries' entertainment do this more frequently since the 2010s as a silent representation due to sensitivities mentioned above. But then again this is Disney we're talking about, I'm sure they're aware of this so not making Namaaraya (I assume that's the ship name lol) a thing is possibly more about revenue from conservative countries
@carterlove7293 2 жыл бұрын
I am not Southeast Asian, but I am very queer and would like to comment on the topic of queerbaiting in Raya, and honestly, queerbaiting in general. I personally am of the opinion that queerbaiting as it is often used in discussion - most often in anime, where characters of the same gender (commonly males) are shown to have strong bonds, but don't end up together - doesn't really exist. KZbinr KrisPNatz has a fascinating video on this specific topic, if anyone is interested, but the debate of queerbaiting isn't particularly relevant to this discussion, so I'll leave it there. In my opinion as a queer individual, queerbaiting is nonexistent in Raya and the Last Dragon, purely because in order to be, as you'd say, Baited By Queer Representation, there has to be a genuine expectation for said queer representation before viewing the particular media in discussion. And in my opinion, the vast majority of media that is accused of queerbaiting doesn't present this kind of expectation at all, Raya included. Raya does not present you with a story that is about queer characters or their lives, it presents you a story about saving a fantasy world with the help of dragons and magic. Raya is not presented as a character drama or a psychoanalysis of Raya (the character), it is presented as a fantasy adventure or quest. This is where the queerbaiting angle becomes flat, because queer stories can't really exist without queer characters' emotions or experiences being the core of the story and plot. They are not the core of Raya's story. And the main reason for this is that the characters in Raya and the Last Dragon are bland and one dimensional, with plights few people can relate to and personalities that aren't fleshed out. We get almost taunted with Raya and Namaari's antagonistic relationship, which definitely had the potential to be interesting, but neither Raya nor Namaari are given enough character focus to create the kind of tension necessary for a character drama. Dark and Death nailed it in saying that between Raya and Namaari, there is sexual tension, not romantic tension. This is another thing that disappoints me about Raya and the Last Dragon. The queerbaiting issue could be sidestepped by saying that the fantasy adventure at the core of the film doesn't leave much room for deeper character development. But the fact that the world presented to us in the film is so uninteresting and unexplained and unpleasant to think about for the cultures it's supposed to be representing, shoves that argument to the ground, because we didn't even get a good fantasy adventure in place of the potential queer themes (or even just a good platonic, non-queer character drama, I'd take that over what we got). All in all, this film fails at everything that could create queerbaiting in the first place.
@brodstarpadpen6949 2 жыл бұрын
Lindsay made a statement that was true. And it caused her books to be reviewed bombed her channel to be under fire and her career ruined. People would rather not hear anything bad about a movie by a billion dollar company they like than let a woman live and have an opinion
@morganqorishchi8181 2 жыл бұрын
A lot of people are so devoted to Disney that they treat it kind of like a religion, and have hated Ellis for pointing out Disney's mistakes for a long time now. It's honestly sad to me. Y'all know the corporation isn't going to love you back, right?
@quasi8180 2 жыл бұрын
@@morganqorishchi8181 i love disney but even i can admit to their flaws in representation and buisness practice and yes even sometimes some stories are a bit meh at times. Its ok to critise stuff we like. I personally did enjoy raya but yes it can be frustrating in story and representation.
@GuiSmith 2 жыл бұрын
@@quasi8180 Honestly, acknowledging the flaws in something you like or love is often a key part in really loving it. The defensiveness from the Disney Defenders™️ feels pretty fragile under the microscope.
@crowdemon_archives 2 жыл бұрын
@@GuiSmith it just reminds me of people in Japan who dog-pile others because someone dared to use fairly minor (but QOL) mods in FFXIV lol
@MissRedZelda 2 жыл бұрын
The people who started the dogpile didn't actually care about Raya, Disney, PoC, racism, etc. They were a combination of, as Lindsay put it, "diet NAZIs" who hate her for the simple fact that she's a woman on the internet, and the vultures from the Omegaverse lawsuit. Hell, when Lindsay left, they pretty much stated who they were going to go after next. One even tweeted; "Jenny Nicholson, you're next."
@caitlinsnowfrost8244 2 жыл бұрын
Even as a white person I can confirm the problem with the word "dragon." There's a creature from Germanic and Alpine folklore called the Tatzelwurm that gets labeled as a dragon all the time because "wyrm" is used to mean "serpentine dragon." The issue is that the Tatzelwurm isn't remotely draconic in any way- it's a feline/reptile hybrid with the head and forelegs of a cat and the tail of a snake. And it doesn't even fit what most Westerners would argue defines a western dragon- it doesn't breathe fire, but rather poisonous gas. If we Westerners can't even correctly decide for *ourselves* what is and isn't a dragon, it's no wonder the term gets applied to any remotely serpentine creature from other cultures.
@vexaris1890 2 жыл бұрын
The thing is: in academia, a dragon is just a vaguely serpentine mythical creature. That's it. A basilisk is also a dragon. There's dragons with human heads. The ancient egyptian mythical serpent Apep is also called a dragon; the mesopotamian mushkhushshu are also called dragons. 'Dragon' isn't clearly defined; they can have no legs, up to six legs, wings, no wings, horns, no horns, the face can vary (from reptilian to mammalian to human), and so forth.
@jeffreygao3956 Жыл бұрын
I just say dinosaurs and pterosaurs are dragons.
@caitlinsnowfrost8244 Жыл бұрын
@Clawsfuchsia In the furry fandom (I know, I know) I've also seen 'noodle dragon' used to refer to creatures that resemble these serpentine beasts but aren't meant to be any specific creature from Eastern folklore. ("Noodle" being a reference to how they're shaped, of course, and also a term of endearment similar to how snakes are called "danger noodles".)
@lilcrowchild Жыл бұрын
Noodle cat then?
@LeBatteur 9 ай бұрын
“Dragon” isn’t really a class of creatures as it is shorthand to describe a specific set of features in mythological animals. A hydra could be a “dragon” the same way a long could be a “dragon”, but a hydra is not a long, and vice versa. Calling something a “dragon” is akin to calling something a “mammal” or a “fish”. It covers a lot of ground but you get a specific idea of what type of creature is being referred to.
@auricstorm 2 жыл бұрын
I think sometimes English speaking audiences need to remember that saying "SouthEast Asian" is still like saying "European" (or "American")... There's so many countries (or States) within that label that anything other than "inspired by" could apply. We'd be pissed off if we had English-french-German EU stories, or families that blend Texan& Canadian tropes
@geoffreyrichards6079 2 жыл бұрын
I dunno. I’ve seen plenty of stories with mixed-European cultural aesthetics and they don’t seem to get as many complaints.
@thatsdisco 2 жыл бұрын
@@geoffreyrichards6079 well, it is connected with the fact that lots of European countries try to make bigger films and shows by working together with studios from other countries. And it's also very common for people in several regions of Europe to have mixed heritages of European countries, so that can also be a part of it.
@piriyaj1347 2 жыл бұрын
It’s even worse than Europe because we live such different lives. Thailand and Malaysia for example are right next to each other, but mainly one is Buddhist & the other is Muslim. Very different universes of belief, education, and general behavior of men/women/LGBTQ (Imagine lumping the Christians and the Hindus together in one fictional character). Many countries around here are also under dictatorship, while others are democratic. We don’t share the currency or free movement of people like Europe either.
@c.w.8200 2 жыл бұрын
@@geoffreyrichards6079 Yes, European countries just don't have these vast cultural differences, at least nowadays.
@hillomunkkiseni 2 жыл бұрын
Many European countries have indeed developed some semblance of shared "European culture" and I can absolutely believe differences between 2 SEA countries/cultures are larger than between 2 European countries/cultures, but I'd still like to point out that US people are the absolute worst at making others out to be monolithic, as they like to project their own situation of one country with 50 states that in the end despite some differences at least share a government and language and infrastructures etc, whereas in Europe the different countries are truly different countries, not comparable to the differences between US states at all. Many European countries have within themselves a diversity comparable to differences between individual states. Also about what Geoffrey said: it doesn't get that much negative attention to do things mixing European cultures, because at least here within Europe, people generally do know what our differences are, so most people watching it can still trace the elements back like "this part is inspired by X and this by Y" (many US people already fail at this, they recognize something is European but not necessarily which country/culture it is from), but because of our racist eurocentric biased worldview we white westerners don't know about the differences between SEA countries/cultures, so stuff like this movie just reinforces not being able to distinguish what is part of what culture.
@obaewankaenobi9711 2 жыл бұрын
Hi, I'm Kae or obaewankaenobi, and I was able to give some input on this wonderful video alongside a group of amazing South East Asians. I want to say thank you for watching and thank you Xiran for giving us this space and allowing me this platform to talk about what Raya has meant to me as a transracial SEA adoptee. For all the other transracial adoptees I've seen comments from, I see you, I support you, and I love you. Please feel free to reach out to me whenever, for whatever. Hearing about your experiences means the world to me
@darao.4907 2 жыл бұрын
thank you for your contribution it was really insightful ❤️
@Elvalley 2 жыл бұрын
You could have been some rock from mars who hadn't contributed anything to the video, and I'd still give you a thumbs up just for the user name. Anyway, hank you and the rest of the team for this. As someone with zero knowledge of SEA, this was... I'd say "enlightening", but that has "now I believe myself qualified to talk about things I only have one KZbin video of knowledge about" vibes. So I'll leave it at "nice learning experience".
@Confusion7182 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for your contributions! And I love your username :D
@fives5555arc 2 жыл бұрын
General Kaenobi!!
@EmoDontMix 2 жыл бұрын
The odd thing about Disney is that when I was younger, Disney actually had a whole division dedicated to southeast asia under the name Disney Channel SEA. And I recall as a little malaysian girl, watching a show talking about the many myths and traditional tales from various countries in SEA called "Legends of The Ring Of Fire" is super cool! Every episode is dedicated to a folktale story from each region. Like this one episode that focuses on a tale from Indonesia on "Why the Sun chases the Moon" SEA folktales are batshit crazy and the potential is endless. They've done it before with references and they can do it. again... but we mustn't forget Disney being the cash cow it is, it doesn't matter that the movie is terrible as long as it turns a profit. P/S: The show "Legends of the ring of fire" is considered lost media and we have Disney to blame by archiving and basically making it impossible to access anywhere
@fa1ruz 2 жыл бұрын
Girl, when was this show airing? Never heard of it. Sayangnya
@EmoDontMix 2 жыл бұрын
@@fa1ruz it aired such a long time ago but i remember when i was like 7 or 8, coming home from school and watching this while eating lunch
@YanoLBP 2 жыл бұрын
And now Disney Channel Southeast Asia is defunct.....
@origamicake 2 жыл бұрын
Okay, when I first saw Sisu's design my only reaction was 1) that dragon literally has Elsa's FACE which is creepy as fuck 2) it reminded me of the meme with the distorted wolf faces about how some animations distort features because "how else will they know it's a girl or a boy" and I'm glad to know that people agree with me
@JCOdrjones 2 жыл бұрын
The real tragedy is that Ellis was never wrong. People acting like Voltron, Dragon Prince, and Kipo don't exist.
@vithepiltoverenforcer8778 2 жыл бұрын
It doesn't matter. Twitter is a toxic pit of hate and hypocrisy, where facts don't matter and everybody is triggered over something. Lindsey was always on borrowed time, same as anyone with any kind of social media presence. Best thing anyone with any sense can do is keep your head down and let the monster eat itself.
@JCOdrjones 2 жыл бұрын
@@vithepiltoverenforcer8778 Ever since that mistermetokur video on her, it was a ticking time bomb for any little slip up to be taken over by those who view her as a full on symbol of something vaguely progressive. Therefore taking down her would take down... progressive stuff. Chud logic
@vithepiltoverenforcer8778 2 жыл бұрын
@@JCOdrjones Yup, and being done by those that tout themselves as "progressives."
@KariIzumi1 2 жыл бұрын
To be entirely fair, fandom has disavowed Voltron for very good reason.
@DrawciaGleam02 2 жыл бұрын
@@KariIzumi1 I think it's because how the writers dropped the ball in the last season right?
@robinronin 2 жыл бұрын
Sorry but before I even start watching, I NEED to vent about this somewhere, so here we go 😬 As a white person I couldn’t judge the use of asian-related cultures, but as someone with C-PTSD, I COULD judge the disturbing gaslighting Namaari did to Raya. Imagine murdering someone’s friend, then telling them they are responsible for their friend’s death and not you, then trying to run off with the only thing that can save the world after a group of people entrusted you with it and then pretty much died for you, and you ONLY turn around when you see that you can’t get away, and then EVERYONE JUST FORGIVES YOU NO QUESTIONS ASKED. This is such a terrible message to teach little ones. Namaari was the reason the world was destroyed, she betrayed Raya multiple times, hunted her for years to kill her, murdered her friend and only chance to save the world, left her to die, and everyone was just like “that’s all ok now :)”. Raya was abused by Namaari for YEARS, and the writers made it seem like no big deal. It’s disturbing. Namaari started out as a child and could grow into a better person, but NOT LIKE THIS. The survivor should never be forced to hold their abuser’s hand through that process. Namaari should have left in the end, and it should’ve been shown that Raya still suffered after what Namaari inflicted on her. Ugh. SO MAD.
@krscartwright4951 2 жыл бұрын
If you care about one person's trauma, you have to care about the others. Saying she deserved to be left alone and basically cast out is still wrong. Sure Raya has trauma..that doesn't mean namari doesn't..she was literally indoctrinated from birth. Just because she did things that are wrong doesn't mean she deserves to be wronged too..there's been a fuck ton of people IRL who were indoctrinated by religion, and do awful things that they wouldn't have done otherwise. It doesnt mean that what they do isn't wrong or that they shouldn't face consequences, but Saying that because she did bad things, she deserves bad things isn't right.
@robinronin 2 жыл бұрын
@@krscartwright4951 I’m not saying she deserves bad things. I’m saying she doesn’t deserve to instantly be by Raya’s side. She needs to do her healing away from her victim. Raya is her victim. Namaari is Raya’s abuser. This was completely ignored; instead, the main abuser (Namaari) got all the benefits, whereas Raya’s trauma was entirely forgotten and erased from her character instantly to accommodate Namaari. Abuse victims should NEVER be saddled with the responsibly to fix their abuser, as it only extends the trauma of the victim. I said Namaari should do her healing away from Raya, and it should be shown that Raya suffered because of all the terrible abuse Namaari inflicted on her, and I stand by that.
@lsmmoore1 2 жыл бұрын
@@robinronin I do too. Messages of "trust" can be good, sure, but not when they are couched in a context of abusive things that happened, or other things that need real resolution. And Raya does that in both contexts - both in the case of nations at conflict with each other that don't actually talk out their differences all that well and just sweep them under the rug without resolution as they "come together" - and Raya just "forgiving" her abuser. Both those messages are bad - they are part of the same poisonous dynamic, and they don't actually help us solve problems in the end, cultural or interpersonal. Cultural problems need to be solved by discussing the real problems to help us move forward and not sweeping the issues under the rug, and abuse problems need to be solved with time away from the abuser. And Raya failed to do both. Whereas ATLA actually succeeded in that area - and demonstrated how some of the problems are still unresolved, because problems like that don't just clean up lickety-split. And you can't solve abuse issues while your abuser is still there - but you can't instantly expect the time away to heal you, either. Work still needs to be done. And just because everything doesn't resolve instantly doesn't mean things are hopeless either - it just means that progress happens in stages.
@krscartwright4951 2 жыл бұрын
Ok, but I never said I don't agree with what you're saying, I only pointed out that it goes both ways... so idk what the defensive tone is from, like I literally agree with you. . .
@pheonixrises11 2 жыл бұрын
before I watched the movie, I heard they were shipped together and was thinking namaari would be the bad guy with a good heart that shows hints of caring for raya, eventually getting a redemption arc. after watching, I was disturbed and wanted them nowhere near each other ever again post-credits. there’s just too much that namaari has done to raya for there to ever be a relationship
@ez3748 2 жыл бұрын
sorry if this has been done before (pls point me to them!) but the idea of a bigger youtuber using their editing/writing skills to help amplify the voices of people who aren't well represented on commentary youtube is so exciting. i really hope we can see more projects like this!!
@Ghoulia17 2 жыл бұрын
I would recommend checking out Tiffany Ferg if you’re interested in things like this! It’s not the same situation, but she did have a group of smaller youtubers come on her channel to discuss the “Kibbe Body Typing System” from their perspectives as people with very different body types (some of which are not often portrayed in popular media). More of a body positivity video that a culture-focused one but it was very cool to see and I liked it !
@katziliaf 2 жыл бұрын
Definitely! It really shows the topic viewed from all kind of angles, from a source you know doesn't randomly pull it off of Wikipedia.
@annejia5382 2 жыл бұрын
@@Ghoulia17 i also watch tiffany 💙
@Dhorannis 2 жыл бұрын
I (German, white) noticed a while ago, how skewed my perspective of asia was. I used to work as a teacher for foreigners who wanted to visit a university in my country and needed to pass a certain test. As the company I worked for was originally chinese, I expected a lot of the "Asian" looking people in my classes to be from China. I was terribly mistaken. Many of them were Indonesian, one was from Singapore, some were Malaysian and so on and so forth. I knew that Asia is no monolith, but this was still an eye opener. Another big oof was when I talked to a colleague of mine who also looked sort of but not quite East Asian to me. Her eyes for example had the almond shape and the slight tilt inwards that many Europeans associate with the "Pan-Asian" look, but they seemed a bit too large and her skin too white. She grew up in Germany, so I had no accent to analyze. I could hear some differences in certain accents of my students, so it was quite easy for me to differentiate an Indonesian accent from for example a Chinese one at that point. But I could not see whether my colleague was from for example some area of China or maybe just someone of mixed decent. To make things worse: I only knew her nickname and not her actual name. At one point, I just asked where her family was from and she answered: "Russia" What a way to get hit by your own racism 😅
@yuki97kira 2 жыл бұрын
This... The many times i was angry how people were like "tan skin, double eyelids is not an asian look"and im like.... Oh wow.. Everyone here doesnt exist.. Me, a tan skin, curly haired, double eyelid asian doesnt exist... Bye bye time to disintegrate i guess. Ignorance is fine if youre willing to learn.. But ignorance is never fine when you take it as facts.
@Inspirit-gp4dp 2 жыл бұрын
Was she tatar?
@williamblue356 2 жыл бұрын
@@Inspirit-gp4dp going off of what you gave her physical description I highly doubt she would be tatar as they look like a mix of Slavic and Iranian. I think it's possible that she could be either a descendant of the indigenous peoples of Siberia who speak many languages including uralic, turkic, tuvan, yenesian, ainu, and inuit languages. or possibly a descendant of one of the two mongolian populations in Russia, the kalmyks and the buryats.
@ussinussinongawd516 2 жыл бұрын
@@williamblue356 there is different groups under the name Tatar and some are much more turkic than others. Crimean Tatars are the most european and Siberian Tatars are the most Siberian/Asian.
@error-try-again-later Жыл бұрын
Here in the UK, most people include Middle Eastern ethnicities under the Asian umbrella (including people from those ethnicities themselves) so I grew up with kinda the reverse of this 💀
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