How I Cured My Chronic Fatigue: Nat Pescetti's Recovery Story

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CFS Health

CFS Health

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@boldleafstudio 8 жыл бұрын
The timing of this video was so perfect for me! Had CFS years ago (along with multiple other health issues). Long hard battle fought for my health....years of work. I'm a "health nut" because of it. Extremely disciplined food-wise. Got the "flu" 2 months ago and just a week or so ago had to face the fact that I have relapsed. Major trauma over the last 2 years has worn my body, mind and spirit down. I definitely was working from a place of fear. The trauma was so huge and long lasting that I worried what it would do to my health. I feared it. My health was so precious to me. I couldn't get sick. I just couldn't. Yet, here I am. I am so, so glad that I saw this video to find the missing link in my recover so early on. I will shift my perception, my hyper-food can/can't eat food list, my fear. I always viewed my health as a battle. The never ending battle. Heck, a lot in my life I feel I'd had to fight for. After this video I'm looking back and realizing that I've always got my boxing gloves on (not personality-wise. I'm a very kind, caring and compassionate person). I mean, how can you really achieve anything in life that you want unless you fight and never let up? That was me. But why should life have to be such a battle? I realize that I have so many, "I must", "I need to's", and "I have to's". That is so exhausting. I think my body is giving me a wake up call. It's been trying to tell me but I have been to busy fighting to listen. Thank you both for this post. It has helped me to stop, be quiet, really listen and to take off my boxing gloves.
@phoebeclarke3427 2 жыл бұрын
How much did it cost you,Nat?!!
@karinboyle188 8 жыл бұрын
what a great interview! definitely resonated with me. I thought I'd found the 'cure' from cfs years ago and was going to write a book about how I'd fully recovered. Lots of trial and error to find what worked for me. I didn't write the book though as I was so happy to be well and wanted to get on with life. 5 years later I had a major relapse and was confused and terrified that I would have to go through it all again. During the last 6 years I've had times where I stuggled with what have I done wrong to be sick again and not recover fully...and there's lies the problem! I had to learn to just let go and let my body tell me what it needed. Sometimes it tells me with a loud bell, other times very subtle. BUT what is so good about this interview is that it confirms what I believe and needed the reassurance... to keep trusting myself. Thankyou so much.
@tammyrobinson1613 8 жыл бұрын
Oh my. Your story sounds similar to mine. I, too was a nutritional 'freak' I was called. I was a nutritional educator for 28 years and a professional trainer. I had my own business running around 5 states while being a single mom. I even worked holistic fibromyalgia and CFS conventions with Dr Tietbaum and other so called fibromyalgia/ CFS patients.I also had a lot of trauma as a child and an adult. I spent 10s of thousands of $ on detox, changing diet, supplements, tests, various protocols. I'm just now realizing 5 years after it started and 2 years after I lost my vary successful business that I need to deal with my deeply buried emotions, ptsd, and thoughts before the nutritional protocols will take hold. And my perfectionism! Thank you for the interview Toby and thank you for sharing your story.
@7oracle 8 жыл бұрын
+Tammy Robinson Thanks for sharing Tammy! I believe the lyme/mold/etc. theories that are so popular are completely on the wrong path. We really need to focus on the mind!
@tammyrobinson1613 8 жыл бұрын
+7oracle , I'm believing this more and more. 90% of recovery stories I've read and watched all encompassed the emotional and spiritual part. The more and more I've studied the nervous system, etc, the more I've realized the tension in our bodies/mind effects the immune system to not work effectively.
@natsnumbers 8 жыл бұрын
+Tammy Robinson Thanks for the comment, Tammy! Gee whiz, we got a lot in common. Sending lots of support your way...
@Bachconcertos 3 жыл бұрын
Give the cure already - I don't want to sit through a lot of talk. People are suffering - please get to the point - the healing please.
@debbiepalmer1094 3 жыл бұрын
Oh my gosh, just let her speak! We want to hear what she is saying and you interrupt continually.
@setitheredcap2677 3 жыл бұрын
These are all great and interesting discussion points but I watched the entire video and still have no clue how to heal this :(
@miaowcat09 8 жыл бұрын
I love the quote- "we are a bunch of shamans!" It's a spiritual initiation for me too. Actually knew it was when it started. Totally agree! I have learnt through shamanic ceremonies that my body knows far more than my brain. And my body knows more than anyone else- just as this video says! Thanks for this vid.
@AI-ch3if 4 жыл бұрын
Here are some good reasons to rethink attending shamanic ceremonies:
@paul2019monte 6 жыл бұрын
What a great video! So much that you both share are things that I have finally started to claim for myself. Especially "those dark nights" . I agree that it is a spiritual change to go through this and start coming out the other side. I guess this much suffering has to either kill you or change you at the core.
@slapshot1x 7 жыл бұрын
The issue I am having with CFS is I have to work...Therefore I have to use Adderal, caffeine, etc. jest to get through the day. Its a viscous cycle of profound fatigue, insomnia and crashing-every-single-day. Will never be able to heal the adrenals, etc.
@michaelgscott4289 7 жыл бұрын
that sucks
@michaelfortune9997 6 жыл бұрын
Chris Penney you should not be drinking coffee
@DG-xg2zq 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much to both of you. I'm trying to get over glandular fever and been poorly for my 5th week. I am now looking at things from a different perspective and a bit more spiritual. I can relate to everything you talk about throughout your video. It's so reassuring to know I'm not going crazy here on my own. Thank you so much 😊
@KarenUrOl 8 жыл бұрын
WOW!!! thank you!!!! you just helped me get on that new perspective path for real! i really needed to hear my thoughts being confirmed! the brainfog has been so severe that i couldn't express it in words yet, but this made so much sense!
@CFSHealth 8 жыл бұрын
+Karen Olaussen So glad Karen! Keep going my friend and get the most of the program! :)
@TunaFishYT 8 жыл бұрын
+Toby Morrison Hello, I still don't know much about this subject and also only 4 minutes in the video haha.But I was going to ask (hoping you see this or anybody that can relate), can CFS affect people differently? I ask this because I've videos and read articles about being bed bound. When I see or read these things I feel like a weenie complaining because people have it way worse. My muscles don't ache nor do my joints. I was reading Web MD symptoms (self diagnosing is nasty but sometimes useful) and a thing that stood out was coldness in the extremities. I thought i got Raynauds passed down from my mom which constricts blood flow in some arteries. But the main thing is memory loss, it's so severe right now; somedays better than others. To the point where I'll walk into a room forgetting what i was doing,stopping in the middle of a store forgetting what I'm getting or how i got there or not remembering driving home 15min . Also, the brain-fog and low energy is mentally and physically debilitating. Other than that, headaches, and depression for the last 4 years (2 being extremely severe). The saddest thing to me though is that i can't read anymore, sometimes cant focus or want to go to sleep constantly and other times just can't remember. Like honestly lol, i turned 19 in august, this is complete hogwash. Thank you for your time to whoever reads this
@KarenUrOl 8 жыл бұрын
+TunaFishYT Watch the rest! your symptoms seem normal, i relate to them all. Of course, the symptoms are different to everyone. I don't have leg pain, cause I've never strained them. My head has very severe symptoms, brain fog and headaches cause memory loss and huge concentration problems. The areas you have your main symptoms are usually the places you have used and strained the most!
@TunaFishYT 8 жыл бұрын
+Johanne Sunde Thank you so much! it makes sense, from time to time I have to take sleep aids to go to sleep some nights because I can't stop thinking. I get headaches from thinking too much most days lol. I really appreciate your input
@KarenUrOl 8 жыл бұрын
+TunaFishYT You are very welcome! Me too, I take melatonin for sleep, and some days in the middle of the day as well just to get a nap and calm down the body after being wired of doing too much. What helps me tremendously is leaning about mind mastery and how I can change my circumstance and symptoms by thinking and focusing differently. I recommend you searching for it here on KZbin!
@chrism7028 8 жыл бұрын
Thanks to you both for being such an inspiration. Thanks for sharing your stories and giving those with CFS options for how they can recover. Can't agree more that the Internet was full of sad stories of CFS years ago, so having you two here is magic. Respect to you both for your positivity, it's certainly contagious.
@ForViewingOnly 8 жыл бұрын
Thanks guys, I enjoyed this video a lot. I've actually got the flu right now, the kind of flu where you have no energy, no appetite, and your skin hurts. Every time I get sick like this it messes with my head and I wear myself out even more wondering how much I should eat, drink and sleep. I find it near impossible to listen to my body because there are so many things that get in the way like fear of getting CFS again, fear of deviating from my meal plan, not knowing how much to rest... you know, that fear of being bed-bound again. I'm so interested in what Nat said about trusting that your body knows better than any professional or dietician... I've never reached that stage, but I think I really need to if I am to move forward.
@natsnumbers 8 жыл бұрын
+ForViewingOnly It takes practice - but you will get there. Hold tight and be patient with the flu. ;) Just talked to my sister on the phone (never suffered from chronic illness) and she said that this winter her whole family have had a cold for like 2 months straight. *L* Redefines our standards of perfection.
@florenlebaron4346 4 жыл бұрын
It's not in my head!
@helenwilliams9175 8 жыл бұрын
This video is awesome, you are both such shining lights, Thank you
@CFSHealth 8 жыл бұрын
+Helen Williams Thanks for saying thanks! All the best in your journey!
@grahamkeil2253 8 жыл бұрын
Thanks for a great interview!!!
@cocoacanella 3 жыл бұрын
“Can you trust yourself more than anybody else, more than a lab coat, more than you or me, more than some practitioner? Can you trust yourself? And beyond that can you trust yourself enough that you’re going to take care of yourself?” Brilliant! I think this question pretty much sums up the illness. “Can you trust yourself”.
@cocoacanella 3 жыл бұрын
When you said, “no matter how bad my life gets and no matter how much suffering I’m going to go through and going through right now, I’m still here”, this brought literal tears to my eyes. I really resonate with her story. The thinking nutrition and exercise would cure everything, the need to be in control constantly, especially with food and exercise, the perfectionism seen in so many people with this issue. Thank you for sharing this story! I am well along my journey to recovery after 15 years of dealing with this. The biggest milestone for me has been to learn how to be myself and speak up about my needs, to learn how to say no. I still have some rough days where I am quite drained or brain fogged but I finally feel like I am living again and I know that in time I will push past all of this. I have had to learn to be kind and gentle with myself and to create firmer boundaries with people.
@melissaann5909 6 жыл бұрын
where can I follow her youtube channel ?
@ryan4896 5 жыл бұрын
@forgetmeplease1414 8 жыл бұрын
Amazing to see you interview her! Your program has helped me in many ways. I was stuck in about 50-75% recovery, and realized what she mentioned in one of her own videos is what I was lacking. I kind of lost myself in illness and got off my life path. Realizing that this is a huge piece of the puzzle I almost ignored.... honestly delighted to see you and her talking together!!! And... I just watched it a day or two ago, and found this tonight, how awesome!
@yarakodmous8818 8 жыл бұрын
Two beautiful people, great messages from both. Thank you Nat for reminding us of the super powerful being that resides in us and animates us. Becoming aware of that eternal all knowing force allows us to surrender control to it and to trust its clues towards a richer and more conscious existence.
@byoutifulmusic 7 жыл бұрын
great insight from both! enjoyed watching and listening. reminded and reassured even illness has a place...serves a purpose. Amen.
@fransinclair3356 8 жыл бұрын
thankyou, it is so nice to hear about people with the same stuggles, helps me know I am not alone in this
@Sonya-cx8dd 6 жыл бұрын
this was so helpful for me. I love you both so much.
@LunaVexa 7 жыл бұрын
Oh god this gives me so much hope
@unlimitedpubggaming7046 5 жыл бұрын
We can eat pulses in cfs please reply please
@florenlebaron4346 4 жыл бұрын
You, on the right, are so cute!
@whatup53 7 жыл бұрын
Shit how do I get it back
@rebeccachan2348 8 жыл бұрын
How can i do what you do?
@tmitchell6552 8 жыл бұрын
She's beautiful
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