How Matthew and Luke Abuse Mark's Gospel?

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James Tabor

James Tabor

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@mysticwanderer4787 Жыл бұрын
I have just completed Dr. Tabor's Mark course and I will say it is by far one the best courses on the subject of the Gospels and well worth the reasonable cost of the course for those interested in the subject matter. I have a bachelor's degree in religion and have been exposed to many viewpoints concerning religious texts and can say that this course is masterfully done. This is not a theology course as most are but an academic examination of Mark and as such requires the student to discard old paradigms and see this influential work in an entirely new way.
@StannisHarlock Жыл бұрын
It is hilarious that in biblical order it was decided that Mark should go between Matthew and Luke.
@JK-qo4zp Жыл бұрын
Yes they did. And Acts is also just propaganda to present the disciples as united, contrary to the split we see in galatians 2
@iamhudsdent2759 Жыл бұрын
How do we know that Matthew and Luke used Mark as their source, that they embellished or altered Mark? How do we know that Mark's account came first? Could not Matthew and Luke simply be accounts of the life of Jesus from different angles and different witnesses? After all, if you ask thee different eyewitnesses independently to recount a man's life, you will get different stories with differing emphasis. (I recognize that historically scripture has been altered to conform to doctrines or beliefs. But what is the solid evidence for Mark having been first, chronologically, and used as a template? Is this not an educated guess?)
@punkykenickie2408 Жыл бұрын
Wikipedia has a good summary under 'Marcan Priority'. It mostly seems to be that Matthew and Luke often agree with each other but not Mark, and that Mark misses out some things like the nativity and resurrection that seem like very odd things to leave out if they were in a source he was using as a reference (ie Matthew or Luke).
@RadicalCaveman Ай бұрын
It's not just similar material. It's highly similar or identical wording in a great number of instances.
@svemory Жыл бұрын
It's all about Mark! And Thomas and early strata of John. Appreciate the special mat in Luke but he makes a mess of other things.
@MarkAsbury-n3e Жыл бұрын
This guy is missing or forgetting some very basic bible principles. Mark was written to the Roman viewpoint they didn't care about the birth of Christ, so Mark being the most straight forward gospel always to the point and full of action
@RadicalCaveman Ай бұрын
We don't know if Mark was written for a Roman audience. We don't actually know where any of the evangelists lived.
@Kennylaggins Жыл бұрын
Ok ok 1.25 speed. Engage!
@abidinginchrist3139 Жыл бұрын
It’s not hatred, it’s perspective they all have special things that meant something to them. Mark is written in Peter’s perspective it would make sense that he would remember the rebuke. Im sure it was a very serious lesson for him. God had a purpose for what stood out for each writer.
@RadicalCaveman Ай бұрын
There's really no evidence that Mark is written from Peter's perspective.
@Kathy00007 Жыл бұрын
I just heard a Buddah story exactly like the widows mite story. But instead of a mite, all the old lady had to give was a half eaten pomegranate. SAME STORY!
@jdaze1 Жыл бұрын
There are two ends. One for Judah per jer 31. And after those days, one for house of Israel. In the 3rd day. Hosea 6:2-3. The 1st century was a shadow or former rain for the latter rain in the 3rd day. (After 2k years).
@dadedowuh Жыл бұрын
It's not lost and forgotten anymore
@donnakeizer1468 Жыл бұрын
Mark was a teenager, first of the gospel.....
@kurakuson Жыл бұрын
What account of below, of Jesus, was Mark presenting to the earliest account of Jesus? And Jesus answered them, “Have faith in God. Truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. Mark 11:22‭-‬24 RSV
@kurakuson Жыл бұрын
@S So This response sounds a lot like current day evangelical commentary on the text and not what James Tabor would say about why the inclusion of the text in early Mark.
@Robert_L_Peters Жыл бұрын
Thank you
@donnakeizer1468 Жыл бұрын
James is biblically illiterate.
@thomasrhodes5013 Жыл бұрын
Oh Donna, just, ''stop''.
@donnakeizer1468 Жыл бұрын
@@thomasrhodes5013 you should be ashamed of yourselves.
@thomasrhodes5013 Жыл бұрын
@@donnakeizer1468 Why should I?
@donnakeizer1468 Жыл бұрын
@@thomasrhodes5013 they are defaming My GOD. I don’t like it, all biblically illiterate,
@thomasrhodes5013 Жыл бұрын
@@donnakeizer1468 I know you are full of ka ka. You are describing your "God'' in terms of a potential dating prospect which your remarks plead to placate. The man, Jesus, presented this instruction to direct a path to life. Apparently neither Tabor nor you have any lively notion as to what that path is.
@thomasrhodes5013 Жыл бұрын
Mark calls it a kingdom od God while Matthew calls this a kingdom of Heaven. This forensic study may be a semantic difference without a distinction. I am inclined to follow Mt as the end is a place or garden of occupation. The passages were likely left out because their significance was not understood. I don't think this was Theo-political avarice. Tabor doesn't appreciate the significance of the removed passages any more than the apostles did. In fact, Tabor has introduced this contention in order to generate fake controversy to further his book sales.
@youngknowledgeseeker Жыл бұрын
Matthew may have been using Kingdom of heaven as a substitute for kingdom of God out of concern for overusing the word God and/or out of respect of an intended partially Jewish audience.
@RadicalCaveman Ай бұрын
For Jesus, the Kingdom was on earth, but ushered in by God. Or at least, that's the impression his sayings give. So Mark is probably closer.
@rainbowkrampus Жыл бұрын
It's all politics. Consolidating power, addressing criticism and expanding into new demographics. I'm not sure that they abuse Mark however. Mostly in that I'm not sure that abuse is the right word. If Mark is indeed derived from Paul's ideas, then Matt and Luke are right in line with continuing his legacy of finding new ways to monetize the cult. Different peas, same pod.
@todradmaker4297 Жыл бұрын
In what way is Mark derived from Paul? Other than the crucifixion and resurrection, Paul doesn't say anything about Jesus' life, miracles, or sayings.
@rainbowkrampus Жыл бұрын
@@todradmaker4297 The life of Jesus is the derivation. That is, the expansion on the source material. The theology in Mark all comes from Paul.
@donnakeizer1468 Жыл бұрын
Do you hate God, just hat is your problem.
@donnakeizer1468 Жыл бұрын
@Graveyard skull you forget their is a devil. Satan, serpent dragon, Lucifer, AntiChrist rev. 12.9 same entity different roles. Did you ever think the devil is causing you the problems, don’t blame God,....all GOd wants is you to repent, get into HIs word start at Gen. 1 go to U B READY - FOG OF WAR, The Persecution, Listen to those you might learn something.
@donnakeizer1468 Жыл бұрын
@Graveyard skull go to the best startvat the three world ages shepherds chapel then Genesis 1 Shepherds chapel DOnt Ludendorff to anything negative not true. The best scholar in the world, I have studied 25 yrs. you will find it so wonderful, ask the Lord ypto open your eyes and ears.
@donnakeizer1468 Жыл бұрын
THESE are JESUSs Chosen vessels. 1 JOHN 5.7 GOD the Father, GOD the Word Jesus Christ read JOHN 1 came to earth in the flesh,and GOD the HOLY Spirit 3 in 1 ....... all biblically illiterate.
@todradmaker4297 Жыл бұрын
Could you explain what is going on in Mark 1:10 to1:11?
@pheelz3259 Жыл бұрын
Matthew was a direct eye witness, Luke was an eye witness of Paul. Mark was an eye witness of Peter. Mark was the first of the gospels written and Matthew and Luke did paraphrase Marks gospel as it was written first. With Matthew & Mark they had already started to go through the transformation of a new heart and that's why Matthew and Luke steer away from saying certain words like Mark did. Mark had not started to go through the transformation yet. And again Mark was there with the 12 Apostles and was eye witnessing directly from other eye witnesses. Matthew and Luke's testimony is of their own and of other eye witnesses of direct eye witnesses.
@donnakeizer1468 Жыл бұрын
One is a side view, other straight on.
@JK-qo4zp Жыл бұрын
Not true. And especially not true for today's gospels. "Matthew" writes about Matthew in Mt 9 9 and he and "John" write about "the disciples." Mark never mentioned witnessing Peter, and Luke admits that he used other sources in his introduction, just like he admitted that many did wrote something. And Papias said that Matthew was written in Hebrew and contains of Logia. he says about Mark that it was not written in order and also containing of Logia just like Thomas. Both doesn't fit to today's gospels. He also doesn't mention John, Acts and Luke because they didn't exist. Mark also doesn't claim to be a witness and the tradition also doesn't say that he met the 12. And Papias moreover speaks about two John's, John the elder and John the disciple. He only met John the elder. And today's Matrhew and Luke used Mark as a source and copied and changed it. Moreover Jewish Christians only had one gospel in Hebrew. And they didn't believe what today's Christians believe
@donnakeizer1468 Жыл бұрын
@@JK-qo4zp Mark was just a YOUNG lad
@robbielee2148 Жыл бұрын
​@@JK-qo4zp absolutely the earliest followers of the Way were Jewish & had their own Gospel in Hebrew or possibly Aramaic. They also were adoptionist, denied Paul & the virgin birth. Sadly they were declared Heretics & all their writings were collected & destroyed. Furthermore their leaders were at first banished & later killed outright. These facts were what led me to give up on Christianity. As if Jesus' own family & followers didn't have the truth yet if so, how could the Holy Spirit allow such truth to be utterly destroyed.
@edwardpearce9668 Жыл бұрын
​@@JK-qo4zp Many were fluent in other languages. Aramaic widely spoken as also Greek and Roman. The gospels that were most popular are now lost or considered non Canonical psuedo gospels such as the Gospel of Peter. The Holy Spirit was a Feminine entity so was not considered the Father of Jesus. God has 7 spirits and Heavenly Hosts *Here is The Father. Matthew was written by a rector He manipulated stuff for his agenda. The New Testament is a collection of carefully selected scripts antisemitic yet having to rely on the Tanakh. John and Luke are credited to The Father John anointed in the Way (Christ) by Yeshua a witness and Luke a witness to the lies and antichrist of Paul/Saul. Its how you read it he is not supporting Paul as Christians think but showing Pauls contradiction of the Anointed (Christ is the Father) Yeshua. The grafting into the vine (opposing the parable? Jews who didbnt come to the wedding feast), shaving heads , ignoring the Spirit of the Truth warnings from God, the account of his capture and more (authority Roman Law verses Rabbinic Law), Defamation of The Chosen Head of the Church (Peter as was John in the Twelve anointed in the I Am the Way given specific authority by Yeshua (antipast) His inventive antisemitic justifications using Greek Orthodox (Pagan) doctrines to convert as many Greeks as possible. Paul was never given the authority anointing as with the Twelve. Read and understand the Warnings of Yeshua regarding the fake Jesus. El ay va ina
@donnakeizer1468 Жыл бұрын
In Rev. 20 you will have to stand in front of Jesus Christ at the White Throne Judgement. God help you.
@donnakeizer1468 Жыл бұрын
Rev. 20. 11-15 AND I saw a great white throne and HIM.. JESUS CHRIST and in REv. 22 Jesus is talking bout the ones rewriting the bible. Study to show yourself approved. All biblically illiterate.
@donnakeizer1468 Жыл бұрын
@@logicsetsyoufree9052 look up evil it means tumult,, Get a STRONGS Exhaustive concordance, God doesn’t create evil.
@donnakeizer1468 Жыл бұрын
@@logicsetsyoufree9052 you dealing with a scholar here,
@donnakeizer1468 Жыл бұрын
@@logicsetsyoufree9052 soon you will find out if Gods Word is real, we have EZEK. 38/39 happening soon. Warwill be upon us. Very soon, Mark 13 wars and rumours of wars, earthquake ( Syria/turkey ) days of Noah Gen. 6 Shepherds chapel, have you ever seen giant Skelton’s ,go to Amos 2.9 the Amorites were the heights of cedars, the cedars Of Lebanon were the tallest in the world 40-100 ft tall, not like Og Of Bashan his bed was 9 cubits in Deut. 3.11 he was king of 60 cities land of the giants, they are returning, pure evil, cannibals, they were the sons of God that disobeyed God and came to earth and took wives and had Gibbor, giants, Rephraim, GEn, 6 Book Of Enoch Jude 1.6 . Check out the red haired giant that ate one of the military in Kandahar, Afghanistan 2000 had to be shot in the head, because when they shot him in the chest he rejuvenated, he didn’t die until he was shot in the head, like David had to chop off Golaiths head. They are returning and are here now.. watch out, he may eat you. Go to Mark 13, Matthew 24 and Luke 21. Study.
@jorndebello7317 Жыл бұрын
​@donnakeizer1468 God doesn't real my dude
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