How Should Christians Feel About Aliens and UFOs?

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Answers in Genesis

Answers in Genesis

4 жыл бұрын

In this presentation Dr. Faulkner gives a biblical response to questions of whether the earth has been visited by spacecraft piloted by extraterrestrials, aka UFOs, and will answer the question of how Christians should feel about this topic.
Dr. Danny R. Faulkner earned graduate degrees in physics and astronomy and is distinguished professor emeritus at the University of South Carolina Lancaster, where he taught over 26 years.

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@TM-ym9to Жыл бұрын
Let's not forget that the 'spiritual realm' is more 'real' than the physical realm we see.
@CyrusBee Жыл бұрын
@garybobst9107 Жыл бұрын
It's a simple matter of parallel dimensions, in many cases. In others you simply have lost tourists, be polite to them if they drop in for a visit.
@anthonycrumb5753 Жыл бұрын
Yes that's why a lot of religious people live in a world of total fantasy and self induced delusionment, faithful Christians having complete faith in crucified god man who was supposedley the only begotten son of a father god born of a virgin (like a lot of other gods). IF the spiritual realm you so fervently beleive in is so real then PROVE IT !!! you prove it beyond "reasonable doubt" I'll believe it as well but I will take nothing on religious faith. Live in your fantasty world I"ll stay in this one.
@TM-ym9to Жыл бұрын
@@anthonycrumb5753 it's called 'Faith' and all the evidence you need is right in front of you. Do you see the wind? No, you don't but you see the effects of the wind. You still believe it and that the air will help keep you alive. Religious people...Now that term is an interesting one. You do know that 'religion' simply means a set of beliefs to which one lives by? Everyone in one way or another has a religious belief by which they live by. So, by your words...we 'all' live in a fantasy and self induced delusion world then. Some believe we are just random bits from nothing and others believe we have destict aspects that point clearly to the fact that we have been design by a greater being. You simply look deeply into the complexity of our biology and you can see blue prints and design all around you. Don't get caught up in the delusional new religion of evolution. If evolution was real we'd all be progressing forward molecularly. Instead, molecular regression is happening. In fact, we know that our genetic DNA structure from generation to generation has been regressing for thousands of years. Seek and you will find. But I challenge you not to look for a religious belief per say, but look to the real possibility that all evidence is indeed pointing to the fact that we were designed by someone. Don't box yourself in, be open.👍
@MaryOKC Жыл бұрын
@@TM-ym9to .. . True that.
@erik.schlegel Жыл бұрын
As a Biblical (Young Earth) Creationist, Christian, and fellow science and sci-fi enthusiast I agree with most of what is presented here. My only critique is that I sense the overarching dismissive tone may amount to a missed opportunity to help people further frame their thoughts in this matter. If I understand correctly, these events will only increase as we near the End Times, and this seems to align with the mass sighting events, and the recent release of information from the US gov't (e.g. the 'TicTac' footage, et-al). Surely, much of what is seen by casual observers may be readily explained by manmade objects and myriad natural phenomena (planets, meteors, lenticular or noctilucent clouds, ball lightning, weather balloons, etc), but it is the percentage of events which cannot be explained that compels us to dive in to the subject headlong. And yet, it is not good to dwell on these mysteries. Unfortunately, I have learned that if you spend enough time listening to people on this subject you will find there is an extreme overlap between the occult/poltergeist/supernatural, and unidentified aerial phenomena. So strong is the overlap that I have concluded these apparitions and manifestations have the same cause. Our enemies know how quickly our minds stray from The Lord, and how much we are drawn to mystery. And for each kind of mind there is a devilishly cunning strategy to deceive and distract. For those who foolishly deny the existence of God (Ps. 14:1) there are "aliens" to reinforce the evolutionary world-view. For those drawn to the paranormal there are "ghosts", etc, etc. Critically, as Christians, we must not let our time be wasted on these corrupt things. Phil 4:8 tells us to think about pure and truthful things, and Ephesians 2:10 tells us that God prepared good works for us to do before we were even born. This is how we aught to spend our time and focus our attention. Don't let your curiosity in this matter steal any more of your valuable time, as I have let it steal mine. There's nothing worthwhile in it.
@johnanthony8951 Жыл бұрын
Wait till you find out that Elijah, Jeremiah and Immanuel were contactees. Elijah took a ride in a UFO.
@Name.IsKenji Жыл бұрын
Galing gagi
@johnanthony8951 Жыл бұрын
@Joe dirty71 the earth is billions of years old. Humans have populated the earth for millions of year. Other humans have visited here and interbred and that is what we have multiple races of humans. Evolution is a vital part of creation, as is reincarnation.
@johnanthony8951 Жыл бұрын
@Joe dirty71 It's definitely not the common view of reincarnation. My suggestion is there is only energy, we can visibly see coarse energy in its smaller particles (we still do not know all the parts of an atom) but the finer particles of energy are still unknown to our science. This energy is called "spiritual" by some religious and philosophical texts, but it is actually just primal energy. Sentient beings have a piece of energy that has been labeled "eternal soul" or "spirit" by many before us, but this energy cannot be created or destroyed, it is part of the primal energy that caused the big bang. This energy has been thousands and thousands of personalities(temporal physical entities). Our evolutional path is to gain virtues through our life journeys, to progress. Kinda simple, just natural.
@erik.schlegel Жыл бұрын
​@Joe dirty71 While I am sorry to hear you feel that way, it is entirely understandable that the above seems more than a little crazy. Your stance certainly enjoys the company of millions of other people, but then again, so does mine. From context it seems the problem is that we start from two diametrical points which then ripple throughout our worldviews producing entirely different conclusions. My starting point is the Bible's starting point: "In the beginning GOD". Conversely, your starting point is likely something along the lines of: "We calculate from present redshift observations that roughly 14 billion years ago there was an unthinkable quantum event which was followed by a period of rapid expansion driven by something theoretical which we call the inflaton field. When the primordial plasma cooled enough, the standard model and hydrogen atoms condensed out of it. Through the newly-born force of gravity, hydrogen turned into stars which, through fusion, produced some of the heavier elements (up to Iron) that we see today. And then supernovas came along and produced the other rest. Today, something is causing the universe's expansion to accelerate. We don't have a scientific explanation for that yet, but we call the effect Dark Energy. Also, something caused the galaxies to form and behave the way they do. We don't know what that is but we call it Dark Matter. Unfortunately Dark Matter and Dark Energy are not currently directly observable, so we can't prove anything yet. In fact, it's possible that physics has either a huge gap or is very wrong, we don't know yet. If we ever figure it out, we'll update our science books." Truthfully, big bang cosmologists know the theory doesn't have anything to say about the actual origin of the universe (what caused the big bang, what actually exploded, or what existed before the big bang). Some cosmologists conclude that existence had no beginning at all, others say it doesn't actually matter. Being a person who studies science and philosophy for fun--even ideas that don't agree with the Bible--I know more than a little about what the secular world has to say and why it reasons the way it does. I celebrate your right to dismiss my statements, even unfairly. But, if I may, often when people express themselves by denigrating others and using profanity it is because they're going through some difficult times and are looking to release some of that stress. If this is true in your case, I hope things get better for you soon. If this doesn't apply to you, for your own sake, please consider a healthier, and more productive mode of communicating with your fellow humans. If this suggestion upsets you further, I humbly and sincerely apologize. I'm not trying to ruffle your feathers here.
@andrewg.mvisser5027 Жыл бұрын
Chuck Missler has a fantastic biblical video about these UFO's and where they come from. It is a must watch.
@ambu6478 Жыл бұрын
I'm a believer and follower of God as Creator of all there is, but over the years I have witnessed things that could never be explained by science or today's technology. These sightings do not decrease my faith in God in the least.
@Cuffsmaster Жыл бұрын
sure you have
@brandonanthony9488 Жыл бұрын
Everything can be explained with science. Lol. That's a fact. It's just modern humans can not decipher nor where to begin looking nor how
@Cuffsmaster Жыл бұрын
@@brandonanthony9488 "modern humans can not decipher or when it being looking" That is true in your mind become you have to make an excuse for fact not fitting what you want to believe. Simple and normal Fundamentalist reaction to avoid truth.
@zebadiahbowling9716 Жыл бұрын
I asked God one time and was told, " there are many places in the universe."
@Cuffsmaster Жыл бұрын
@@zebadiahbowling9716 "I asked God one time and was told ... Three are many places in the Universe" LOL well at last god is smart enought to know that now unlike the Old Testament. But really it's a wasted question for common sense should tell you that.
@veritasjustus8543 Жыл бұрын
demons,fallen angels... were just calling them aliens
@timothywilliams2916 Жыл бұрын
Strictly speaking ET = Extra Terrestrial meaning not of this earth. Angels and fallen angels are not of earth so ETs are real and fully documented in the bible.
@veritasjustus8543 Жыл бұрын
@@timothywilliams2916 Yeah...just said that in less words
@allenchang6185 Жыл бұрын
So angels or demons means alien for Christian’s? If we found a planet similar to earth(already have btw just no evidence of living things yet too far) with alien fish etc they are fallen angels or demons for Christians?
@Perroden Жыл бұрын
Actually I just call them fake. I havnt seen one credible video of "aliens"
@Perroden Жыл бұрын
@@allenchang6185 no, obviously.
@makt122 Жыл бұрын
You guys should definitely do a follow up to this since the recent news.
@polish-hammer8365 11 ай бұрын
My entire town watched 3 orbs floating in the air from north to south. It would start as one big orb, then split into 3 forming a triangle, then rotate then split apart and leapfrog each other then form one large orange orb again. 3 towns seen it including a cop who watched a video of the ufo but said the owner of the tape didn’t want to release it.
@natanaelveres3669 Жыл бұрын
I want to say that it seems to me that God spoke to me personally through you on this subject. I was watching this tape sometime around noon, and I started watching Christian television in the evening. Among the things I looked over was this documentary extremely similar to this video, only to realize at the end that it is your very documentary. Some may think it's a coincidence, but it seems to me that the probability is too small. I want to thank you and encourage you to continue what God told you to do because you are clearly helping people like me.
@davidclark573 Жыл бұрын
There are 110 religions on this planet and christianity is just one of them. None are the true religion. I find it interesting that the only reason a person is of a particular religion is because their parents were of that religion.
@natanaelveres3669 Жыл бұрын
​@@davidclark573 I think there are more than 110 religions in this world. And I think there are 3 possibilities: they are all true, they are all false, or only one is true. Of course they cannot all be true because they contradict each other. Then one of the other two options remains. And of the two options I chose to believe that Christianity is the only true religion. This does not mean that my faith is blind and that I have no evidence to believe what I believe. And the argument that if you were born into a religious family that necessarily means you have to believe what your parents believe? I think for myself and I don't agree with everything my parents think. And I know people, some personally, who were not born into a religious family and decided for themselves to believe the truth.
@davidclark573 Жыл бұрын
@@natanaelveres3669 No one would expect you to say christianity is not the true religion. Remember 99% of all people of a religion are that religion because their parents were of that religion. Christianity believes in ghosts. Oh my
@colinmaddocks9352 Жыл бұрын
@chadluke5454 Жыл бұрын
When I read your comment, I stopped watching 22 minutes.
@colinmaddocks9352 Жыл бұрын
@@chadluke5454 Yes painful... Wasn't it Paul who kept talking till very late at night once and a young man fell out of the window? No disrespect to Paul of course. I look forward to meeting him and many many others one day soon. I'm in the UK where are you? Take care brethren.
@Lukandon Жыл бұрын
If there's one thing that's missing from this, it's answers to people claiming they literally met ETs face to face and are in communication with them. My mother believes in all this stuff (including crop circles being caused by ETs) and has an unhealthy obession with it. She also follows people who claim to have met ETs. Unfortunately, she's not a Christian, so showing her this wouldn't help. She's a New Ager and a member of the Bahai Faith religion. Would appreciate prayers that she comes to Christ.
@nicoleackerman205 Жыл бұрын
Have you ever heard the stories of people who are Christian who said they came face to face with them because there accounts from them as well.
@theresalarson9416 Жыл бұрын
Jesus - I lift this person’s mom to you & ask that she be delivered from destruction into saving knowledge of your love.
@jlrjlr8949 Жыл бұрын
Has your mother ever lied to you?
@Lukandon Жыл бұрын
@@jlrjlr8949 Yes, but why is that relevant?
@jlrjlr8949 Жыл бұрын
Lukandon, I’m a Christan and have faith in God just like you and any other Christian. I’ve seen One ET type and my eldest son saw a different type. My church pastor use to ridicule the belief in extraterrestrial life and get down on a few of us that had experiences saying we had been drinking or smoking something. He and a few others swore they saw Jesus Christ walking on the beach shore. They are the first I’ve ever heard saying they had seen Christ walking on a beach. No one has ever said that. However, one day he had a UFO sighting and was all bent out of shape. I just gave him a taste of his own medicine asking if he had smoked or drank something. He doesn’t ridicule us anymore and is still our pastor. Maybe someday you will see this for yourself. It will not affect you in any way but, you will know that our Lord is greater than what we have been taught.
@natc2191 Жыл бұрын
One of the most fascinating lectures, I've ever heard.
@JamesBrown-fd1nv Жыл бұрын
Trying to explain spiritual things to lost people is like trying to explain your favorite songs to a deaf person.
@hennyberends8521 Жыл бұрын
Great presentation Dr Faulkner.
@johnm7257 Жыл бұрын
If the spirit realm is all around us, the Bible says the kingdom of heaven is right in front of us. Then the beings that are native to that realm could easily be assumed very to have the capabilities of transferring between the dimensions. Now if some of those beings are masters of deception and wish to rules over the earth and all of creation. Would they not have perhaps spend decades implanting the acceptance of aliens as a possibility? And then when the timing is right, present themselves as our creators and walk the earth with us. The Bible in its prophetic riddles could easily interpret this as a possibility of the great deception in the end times. All the lights in the sky moving beyond human comprehension and defying the laws of physics, why couldn’t those be the inter dimensional beings as mentioned before manifesting in creation. Satan fell like a bolt of lighting from heaven, a bright object moving at speeds like lighting, given dominion to roam to and fro over the earth. In my belief this is what we see, I don’t have all the answers but if tomorrow aliens landed a craft on the lawn of the White House and said they were our creators I would know they are just deceivers from my faith in the Almighty God.
@cathy7382 Жыл бұрын
Yes, satan can appear as an angel of light, to become obsessed with UFOs is spiritually unhealthy, it's better to be concerned with serving God, and to grow in our faith, satan loves to keep our minds distracted, and deceived
@GeneralKato Жыл бұрын
Satan has not fallen from heaven yet! Only after he falls from Heaven he learns his time is short and thus starts a war with the remaining Christians on earth. Which is soon. Yes, we will be blamed for all bad that happens here on earth and of course we will not bow to the coming worldwide Sunday Law (not by choice (forehead) nor by force (right hand). At of this moment he still goes to and fro and up and down. After his fall he can’t go back up again. If you read carefully without prejudice or prior knowledge it will come to you. Read it as a child. Or ask Him, He can open your eyes if you need it.
@khaliyl21 Жыл бұрын
You would have to go back to the ancient Sumerians who said visitors from another planet created them. The Anunnaki
@ellesio6726 Жыл бұрын
@@khaliyl21 All pagan religions refer to fallen angels as their creators, it is a deception. We know "Apkallu"the mythological seven "wise men" who were the teachers of humankind. In ancient Mesopotamian myth, it was believed that the gods created humankind= Satan's scam
@mercurialshift5793 10 ай бұрын
You should realize that we live in an infinite universe with many worlds. Some worlds are within ours. Some worlds are far away. God would not create a universe full of demons. That’s an insult to god. Demons are something else. There is the light and there is the dark. Some of these entities are highly spiritually evolved and they are much more powerful than the dark entities that plague the earth. Basically the bible was written by human beings and has been edited over time and things are left out. Plus you can’t take it all literally. All religions point to the same god. They just have different interpretations.
@bestlifeforhim Жыл бұрын
This is an excellent talk! I used to be an old Earther until years ago now. I admit that I thought it was weird when I heard Christians say man lived along side dinosaurs. Although I was never an evolutionist either. It started with the realization that the whole universe reflects God's Glory. And that everything in the universe revolves around the sun and The Son. And then I realized there is no life in space and that earth is indeed a special place meant for God's Glory. Then the more I looked into it (young earth) the more I saw. And I feel like my eyes are opened. Such an interesting topic bringing together faith and reasoning.
@jenniferkayersperez125 Жыл бұрын
READ THE BIBLE MAN did exist with certain dinosaurs read JOB...................and some Dinosaurs were on the ARK
@BheartL Жыл бұрын
The Bible does mention a dragon in it and a dragon could be considered a dinosaur (as we’ve seen them illustrated). They are reptilian, scaled skin, and have wings like a pterodactyl. Fossils found also have proven man to have been around the jurassic age.I believe man to have been around since the beginning of earth.
@ashlimyers207 Жыл бұрын
Please check out Standing for Truth channel on youtube you will thoroughly enjoy it
@pjcouture9944 Жыл бұрын
Ok so when did you realize heliocentrism is a lie and the earth doesn't spin or move? When did you realize nasa is Not A Space Agency and they are HIDING creation, along with scientism. When did you realize the sun and moon are NOT 93million miles away and 275000 miles away?? When did you realize space and the universe DO NOT EXIST the way we are shown??
@jenniferkayersperez125 Жыл бұрын
@@BheartL It actually mentions dinosaurs. Check out Chap 40 verse 15 of JOB tell me what you think...
@namelessnavnls8060 6 ай бұрын
I saw something weird in the sky one day when I was sitting in my car. It looked at a glance like a single pteradactyl-like creature. It flew over the woods around my house and disappeared behind one of the trees between me and it. And later when I reported the incident to my family, they thought it might've been a large crane or a heron of some sort. Those aren't really common in our area but they _do_ occasionally pass through. So often times, the things we see in the sky have explanations.
@ashlimyers207 Жыл бұрын
If there IS ANYTHING out there… it’s not alien, it would have to be fallen angel.
@charlied8882 Жыл бұрын
It’s a deception to get people to worship demons and worship Satan.
@samuelthygerson6009 Жыл бұрын
@@lennysrubber_boots1908 That is an interesting statement, I would be delighted to learn more of this. I believe fallen angels do not have bodies of flesh and bone, therefore are spirits, it would be interesting to see your pov.
@samuelthygerson6009 Жыл бұрын
@@lennysrubber_boots1908 no fallen angel can ever obtain a physical body. We obtained physical bodies by choosing to come to a fallen world and learn to trust God and obey Him to live with Him again. We shouted for joy to come to earth.
@coolbreeze6198 Жыл бұрын
Even the devil appears as an angel of light... wondering stars. And yes a demon can possess a body and a fallen angel can appear as probably anything it wanted. Be not deceived 👍🙏🙏🙏
@samuelthygerson6009 Жыл бұрын
@@coolbreeze6198 The fallen angels kept not their first estate, being damned for eternity, never to receive a physical body of flesh and bone.
@kennethfink7060 Жыл бұрын
I saw a black triangle Christmas weekend in Friedburg, Germany, 1980. It was as big as an aircraft carrier, absolutely silent, and at no more than 1000/2000 feet overhead. Moved far too slow to be an aircraft, and had a light at each point. I dont just believe, I KNOW.
@EdwardSnortin Жыл бұрын
Did your life feel different afterwards?
@moose8339 Жыл бұрын
Those are enemy black triangles - bad aliens who are working with the evil cabal (the military-industrial complex) on this planet. The saucer-like ships are usually good aliens, per "The US Navy's Secret Space Program & Nordic Extraterrestrial Alliance" book 2 by Michael E. Salla, Ph.D
@michaelmartin3257 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video!
@josephheuneman5613 Жыл бұрын
There’s a great book called..alien encounters by Chuck missler, he’s a physicist and Bible professor he believes that aliens are inter dimensional beings and traverse between dimension, he also believes they are fallen angels, also he explains the theory of dimensions so that you can understand it easily, you can get the book on line…
@eldinwebster2155 Жыл бұрын
Why would Fallen Angels need a craft to get around. They don’t need a craft to be in charge of Principalities and powers. They already have access to this earth. The crafts still need to be explained.
@tychocollapse Жыл бұрын
@@eldinwebster2155 Certain phenomenon take on shapes that meet human expectations of what the phenomenon is. Like a mirror of our understanding.
@markanthony3275 Жыл бұрын
The Bible says there are no aliens. It says that in the creation account in Genesis where twenty plus words are used to describe the function and purpose of the sun and moon ( because they benefit life on earth) and it only uses five words on the stars "He also made the stars..." Right there, you already know that there is no life out there of any kind, because all the life is on planet earth.
@josephheuneman5613 Жыл бұрын
@@markanthony3275 I agree they are fallen angels there’s no aliens they are demonic, this book I was telling everyone states that, I don’t know if you ever heard of Chuck missler he’s a true Christian and he teaches on KZbin, he died a couple years ago but he is one find teacher of scriptures…
@jeremiahbuie4251 Жыл бұрын
@@eldinwebster2155 possibly bc they remains of the fallen that couldn’t get back into the stars. Check out whats on the other side of the Ice wall in Antarctica. Admiral bird. Earth is most likely hollow. Even according to some text of the Bible. Especially true Hebrew translations.
@stevengoranson664 Жыл бұрын
50 years ago I and my family lived in a small town when one night we were watching something big and bright doing things that a plane or helicopter can't do. There was no sound and as we watched it one of the cops came and stopped at our house because he knew us and we also had a good view of the object. He chased it down a mile east of us and saw it land in some woods. He then watched it fly away too fast for anything we had ever seen. He came back to tell us what he saw and we still wonder what we saw that summer night. The weather was clear and it was no airplane we saw that night.
@jlrjlr8949 Жыл бұрын
I’m very happy to hear your story and mention nothing of it being demonic. You saw what you saw and that’s it. We have nothing on our earth technology that can do things like the object you saw.
@nancymarihart1835 Жыл бұрын
Great lecture! Thank you 😊
@alantasman8273 6 ай бұрын
The similarities between Alien and Demonic encounters is stark. They include, levitation, telepathy, the ability to walk through walls, missing time, the ability to defy the known laws of physics, mutilations and sexual molestation to name a few.
@stevenewman1393 Жыл бұрын
😉👍Very well nicely done and very informatively executed and explained indeed 👌.
@user-ji1oo2lp5b 10 ай бұрын
All the things you said are true. However, he is wrong.
@EduardoGonzalez-uf1vf Жыл бұрын
There is this thing about a FIRMAMENT. That no one can SHAKE!!!!!!!!!
@isasof1122 Жыл бұрын
@francescocosentini9264 Жыл бұрын
water above the firmament.
@kennethhalstead7091 11 ай бұрын
Had an evangelist at church one time say that he believed in the end time he believed there was a good chance one would land to deceive Christians. But in reality he believed it would be the enemy (satanic) for the purpose of deceiving us. A thought anyway.
@humejephcott4543 Жыл бұрын
Is there a clear and simple explanation as to why we must differentiate between real extra-terrestrial beings and the various and multitudinous created normally unembodied spirit beings that are described in Scripture and make numerous appearances, sometimes individually or in pairs and sometimes corporately?
@nickshively1192 Жыл бұрын
I believe in aliens as much as I believe in the media. 😏 “Discernment is not knowing the difference between right and wrong.” “It is knowing the difference between right and almost right.” ~ C. H. Spurgeon
@dimitrik43 Жыл бұрын
But... But... Almost right is still wrong.
@allenchang6185 Жыл бұрын
So you don’t think there’s a possibility of another living thing in the universe knowing how big (hundreds of billions planets) universe/universes is?
@moose8339 Жыл бұрын
During his near death experience (NDE) in Heaven Rev. Howard Storm asked about the existence of other worlds and was shown infinite worlds. He was also shown examples of what people on other worlds looked like. When he asked if there were other worlds, he was told, "Yes, the universe is full of other worlds. There are other dimensions of other physical universes and those are filled with other worlds." So, there are worlds in our physical universe that's unlimited number of worlds and inhabited worlds with intelligent beings, and then there are other dimensions with worlds beyond counting, beyond number. The action of the Word of God, the Son of God, the Spirit of Christ -- nothing is apart from that Spirit. He has been everywhere. What About Jesus & the Need for a Savior? In the famous abduction story of Rev. Barney & Betty Hill, they asked the pilot of the UFO - their abductor - what he knew about Jesus. He replied, "Jesus is Savior of 12 worlds of which yours is the most evil." Jesus wasn't a carpenter on every single one of these worlds. Our world is on the lower level of spiritual development. In many of these [other] worlds Jesus didn't have to go and be crucified and die on the cross for their sins. There are worlds where people are perfectly good, have no sin and don't allow evil to be a part of their lives. There are worlds where the people have chosen good and rejected evil and lived a life profoundly in the love of God and of their neighbors. Jesus could go to these worlds and just bless them and they happily accepted Him. Can you imagine a world where Jesus came and people said, "Yes, we knew and understood this is what you wanted us to be. Thank you for being a revelation. From the beginning of time we have known you and understood the way you wanted us to live." This world, Earth, is unique because of the degree, not only of temptation, but the willingness to accept temptation and failing the testing that we are in. What Other Beings Look Like: When I asked to see what other intelligent beings looked like, images of beings were paraded in front of me. They started off as humans and then they got a little stranger looking, and a little stranger looking, and then they became unrecognizable as human beings and looked very weird. I said, "Okay, I get it. They can be shaped in very different ways. Fine, I get it." In other words there are worlds in which they have this kind of shape (Ed., human) and worlds where they take on very different kinds of shape. But the shape of us in this world is of little importance. What is important is our spiritual being because we are beings of light - beings of love. In a sense, this tent that we live in now is not who we truly are -- and in our immortal bodies we are glorious. In this body it's more like a little pup tent, or prison. -- Howard Storm NDE
@zoa1-99....... Жыл бұрын
@@moose8339 Ezekiel 1 17-21 They went in any one of the four directions they faced, but straight, not veering off. The rims were immense, circled with eyes. When the living creatures went, the wheels went; when the living creatures lifted off, the wheels lifted off. Wherever the spirit went, they went, the wheels sticking right with them, for the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels. When the creatures went, the wheels went; when the creatures stopped, the wheels stopped; when the creatures lifted off, the wheels lifted off, because the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels.
@kevhynaleks2631 11 ай бұрын
Why you want to believe in the facts? The facts don't asking faith from you! Or you believe in the chair you sitting? No, you don't need to believe in the chair. Very same with the UFOs. If you open and searching the facts deeper in the topic, you would see there is no need faith in the reality. UFOs are here, of course with the aliens inside. We know very less about them, but their existence is unquestionable. They know more about the nature of our world, they able to manipulate space and time, they owning the gravity. They not care about our orthodox christians, who runaway from the facts, because not fitting with their ideology. Instead to search the facts in the name of truth. They are parts of God's truth, that's why they know more about the nature of His Creation.
@timothyvincent7371 Жыл бұрын
When I was a young boy there was a flying saucer craze and my Sunday school teacher was firmly convinced they were "angel's chariots". There are biblical descriptions of aerial phenomena like fiery chariots or Ezekiel's wheels in the air. Today we would assume a technological explanation but angels, fallen or not, would have been seen up until recent history.
@moose8339 Жыл бұрын
Per a minister, Frank Stranges, the Dead Sea Scrolls say Ezekiel boarded a space ship and left Earth on one of them. The first chapter in Ezekiel was taken apart and translated from Aramaic where Ezekiel was attempting so hard to explain what he saw using the technical language of his generation. He saw a wheel within the wheel. He said the eyes are high and terrible. That word eyes is interpreted windows. So you've got a wheel going one direction and another one counter clockwise. And he said the thing landed. The scrolls claim - much to the dismay of authorities in Israel - that Ezekiel came aboard the silver bridge and walked over the silver bridge into this craft and sat down. He saw the Earth disappear in between his knees. Frank said he got 2 calls from Israel claiming he should be put to death for revealing this information.
@bradleyjones3391 10 ай бұрын
@RitzRed 2 ай бұрын
@@moose8339The world of Gods probably have,high technology… That shouldn’t be strange at all 👍
@Ohmy1956 Жыл бұрын
What’s exciting to me is the promise that God will make all things known
@paulpz04 Жыл бұрын
About 2 yrs ago I saw what can only be described as a UAP because I'm quite sure it wasn't an object but I did see something spectacular..I was on a long stretch of empty backwoods road that connects my hometown to its neighbor and at around 10pm I saw what looked like a beach ball sized orb of orangish glowing plasma suddenly appear about 700ft off the ground to the left of the road and above the tree line in my line of immediately spawned a copy of itself next to it and then that new orb spawned an orb and so forth until there was a line of 6 orbs just hanging in the dark night sky..all were equally sized, perfectly round, and equally spaced from each other and they formed what was almost a straight line but had just a slight curve to their formation, from what I could tell a geometrically perfect curve..then began a sequencing of the orb on the left disappearing and then immediately an orb would pop up on the right side of the line over and over..this whole thing from start to finish, where they all blinked out/off at once, was about 20 secs I'd say and was a rattling experience..I believe it to be spiritual but can't say for sure, could literally be ANYTHING beyond our scope of knowledge but I do have a strong feeling that it has to do with frequency, I think that changing the frequency of the mind or body can somehow create a conduit to the realm that we cannot typically interact with but very much exists, physically I've only watched a few min of this and don't know where he's going with this but I sure hope he's not texting to debunk UFOs or UAPs because they're def real, I just don't think they're aliens nor biological (but who knows, I remain open)..but as a devout believer in God I just hope this guy isn't a debunked because that would be a disservice to the integrity and intelligence of Christianity as a whole to be so close minded and ridiculous
@paulhease1007 Жыл бұрын
Paul, I agree with you-- I think the speaker was much too blase in debunking demonic spirits. I think all the evidence (the angel of light, deception aspects, etc.) points to demonic. He said over 80% are hoaxes no way!!!!!!!!!!! WAY TOO MANY people have seen what you have seen--even my own father and he pissed himself he felt so scared.
@NotAnotherTheory Жыл бұрын
So Nikola Tesla created the blueprint of UFO's and the American govt stole it, a a time there was only sightings in USA, until the world pointed it out and got suspicious now you get these sightings everywhere. It's just advanced technology.
@Creationadmiration Жыл бұрын
I've seen one less than 50 yards away, definitely not shaped like a saucer but dead silent, just hovered for a bit and didn't make a sound. All of a sudden it slowly rose about 30 feet and took off vertically at an angle and was gone almost immediately. Never seen anything like it but was super interesting. The surface of the craft moved in a way we couldn't reproduce. If it was an angel that's cool if not it's worrisome
@CDPW 11 ай бұрын
Shouldve taken a picture of it.
@SpaceDad42 6 ай бұрын
No, you didn’t.
@GODSPEAKS898 Жыл бұрын
Great presentation. This is what I have been telling people for the longest time. Thank you for bringing clarity to this discussion. 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾😊😊😊
@youshouldread Жыл бұрын
Be ready for them to show and say they put us here. They are really, but they are extra dimensional being. This will be the strobg delusion.
@kevhynaleks2631 11 ай бұрын
Eedheeot presentation. Saying nothing about the reality, and trying to hiding tge facts...
@seanmcclure Жыл бұрын
I always say this. God gave us his word and what he wanted us to know. If he creates life on other planets he wouldn’t tell us. We would spend all of our time looking for the others and not him.
@oldfart269 Жыл бұрын
I remember a preacher from my younger days who said that the Bible being silent about space aliens doesn't necessarily mean that there aren't any. It just could mean that God didn't have to send Jesus to those planets.
@emenem6131 Жыл бұрын
Pretty amazing to me that Paul said “….if we or an angel (messenger which covers man and beyond) from heaven preach another gospel than what we first preached let him be accursed.” ( paraphrased) Galatians 1:8 Very important, he repeats the point immediately. Paul’s point: there is no other gospel no matter who tries to tell you different….even a messenger from the heavens. Interesting, and I’m not sure why this hasn’t been driven home by the faithful. Maybe it shall be 😏 Stand firm in the faith….Paul was perplexed at how fast believers were abandoning the true gospel for another that had been brought in by false teachers. Questioning the original gospel. So he drives it home, even if a messenger from heaven comes to make you question the gospel………of course I’m just trying to encourage believers who struggle with this what if aliens landed and we knew for certain they come from beyond…..wouldn’t it follow them that the work of Christ for our redemption could not be true? No, at least the apostle Paul said so. I bring this up only because I’ve heard some say this alien thing is the most important news in history and would DESTROY the church. Is that true though? We are told by Christ the Lord himself that the gates of hell wouldn’t even overcome the true church of believers. Sorry not a short comment…. I take encouragement at times from Answers In Genesis and others cause we all walk this long road. Liked
@JamesBrown-fd1nv Жыл бұрын
It would confirm the Bible because flying saucers are literally mentioned in Zachariah ch5. An epha is a measurement of grain, which is in a saucer, bowl, or dish on the scale. The talent of lead is the weight of judgement, and these things are wickedness that is linked to Mt. Shinar in Babylon. The end of this earth takes place where it all started.
@johnanthony8951 Жыл бұрын
Sounds like Saul wanted a monopoly on his religion, lol. He almost accomplished this in the Church of Rome, but Martin Luther protested against this dictatorship and created a less toxic version of the false religion Saul the Pharisee started.
@jiggs3218 Жыл бұрын
@@johnanthony8951 His name is paul not saul,he totally changed when the angel of the lord appeared to him and became one of the faithful in God spreading the gospel of Christ far and wide
@johnanthony8951 Жыл бұрын
@@jiggs3218 Jmmanuel met him on the road to Damascas, he was temporarily blinded by a bright burning herbal potion. He did change, but still was very confused and blended his old faith into a new one. The Truth is there is a Creator who deserves honor, but giving gods the honor that the Creation deserves is a disgrace.
@jiggs3218 Жыл бұрын
@@johnanthony8951 I don't know what God's your on about,there's only one Yahweh the great i am,and his goly sporit spoke througg paul,so there was no confusion,you as many others don't know God's word,anyone who can criticise paul has the devil as their spiritual father,repent of your sins and ask God for the truth in the name if his son
@christianking8668 Жыл бұрын
More importantly how should you feel about something telling you how to feel?
@deniseireland6154 Жыл бұрын
@glenacebrown9995 Жыл бұрын
Really interesting! I especially appreciated the analysis of the Drake equation. It's often touted as a proof of the huge probability of extra terrestrial life 👽, but that seems pretty flimsy consider all the unknowns.
@andypandy4078 Жыл бұрын
I thought even many atheists believe the chance of life existing anywhere is hugely improbable with a figure far less than 1 in a figure as large as that of all the atoms in the known universe. Hence the reaching for the concept of the multiverse which by definition is infinite and do evrhtjong must happen infinite times. But of course it will forever be unknowable and could very likely be a load of complete rubbish created by desperate materialists.
@moose8339 Жыл бұрын
Psalms 33:6 "By the word of the Lord were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth." Mankind was the only thing God blew His breath of life into so that Adam would have a "living soul." That means that all the "host" in those "heavens" are also human/human-like beings that have God's breath of life in them to make them "living souls." God created everything else (inanimate objects) by speaking them through words into existence; i.e., "And God said "Let there be light..". The stars, moon, sun, planets, etc. do not need a "living soul."
@zoa1-99....... Жыл бұрын
@@moose8339 Thus the heavens and the earth were completed, and all their hosts (Genesis 2:1). He MADE the angels too, not just us!
@sharonbraselton4302 9 ай бұрын
yes we aline bit gid or demn uñkers q ir naßter chef
@chirho777 Жыл бұрын
Cool, thank for the video. When leaving the south rim and on my way to the north rim grand canyon I saw a lenticular shaped object, classic ufo just sitting ahead in the sky a few miles ahead. The exact feeling I had was that's not supposed to be there. I was driving I guess 55mph and when I looked back it was gone. Hope you do a video of bigfoot next 👍🏽
@thomasjohnston2889 Жыл бұрын
I've been through it all. As I studied the unknown.The unknown came to me and presented themselves. God allowed it for that time. Once you know,now there is more than us.
@jeffcoker734 Жыл бұрын
Please explain
@edwill62 Жыл бұрын
WRONG...God does NOT withhold anything from us He gives liberally and IF there were things or other beings on other planets HIS plan of salvation would be there to and HE would WITNESS of that simply NO there is NO MORE than what God has already given and has allowed to be known.
@Lanceadd Жыл бұрын
“The unknown came to me and presented themselves “. Yup…I experience the same thing after eating refried beans!
@cowel8734 Жыл бұрын
@@Lanceadd Lol 😆 😂 I spit my food out reading that.
@JamesBrown-fd1nv Жыл бұрын
@@edwill62 You are wrong, the Bible says that these beings have been here before the flood, after the flood, and in the end times. It also tells us that they are wickedness and that they will rest on Mt Shinar, which is where Babylon, the Garden of Eden, and the tower of Babel was. Go read Zachariah ch5, 5-11 carefully.
@AndrewKuttor Жыл бұрын
So how would you correct your statement IF something living is found?
@renaecarpenter1298 Жыл бұрын
Thank you
@coralhahn3389 Жыл бұрын
You can share how people should think biblically as believers and THAT will shape feelings. You never ever tell people how they should FEEL about something if you want to come across wise.
@markanthony3275 Жыл бұрын
An excellent point! I was going to make that comment myself.
@jessemartinez8360 Жыл бұрын
I respect His point of view but I really disagree on how he's going about giving his presentation! I agree with you can't tell people how to feel!
@erik.schlegel Жыл бұрын
Agreed, but don't you think they coulda just used the word "feel" without really thinking about the implications? Could just be bad word choice, right?
@randybonner9870 Жыл бұрын
I think people really don't know what to think or how to feel. So in my opinion , it can be said as , " I think I feel like or I feel I should be thinking this way or thinking this way makes me feel like .... personally I think there's a lot of wrong headed teachings of the Bible still going on.
@MaryOKC Жыл бұрын
I saw flying orbs, two of them and watched them for about 10 minutes flying to and fro and was fascinated with them but then I closed my blinds and went to bed. That’s not all I saw…I saw what looked like a human being dressed in all yellow like a rain coat jacket and wide rimmed hat and he was illuminated and tall against the dark…he lit what was like those torches you place on the road if you break down…in the morning I walked out to the back of the hill where the orbs danced around and I also looked for the burn marks from the torch and nothing…this all took place on a rocky hill behind our home (neighborhood) around 9:30 at night…I was 9 months pregnant and UFOS were seen before in South Dakota.
@schofrenzy3444 Жыл бұрын
There demons
@Camaro300 Жыл бұрын
@@schofrenzy3444 bru
@Truth537 Жыл бұрын
Only in
@zoa1-99....... Жыл бұрын
@@schofrenzy3444 "Alien/ET" means NOT from this planet Earth, that includes God, Satan, Angels and Fallen angels! God Created Earth and isn't even from this universe, he created it. THAT is an example of an "Alien" without ANY disrespect to our Father in Heraven! It's like, take the Giganotosaurus, a Dragon, being called "Dinosaur" in modern times.
@michaellietz6672 Жыл бұрын
Question: Why do we glimpse but never catch UFO's? Maybe we can't capture time travelers as they may go back even further in time and repair any catches?
@davidbenner2289 Жыл бұрын
This World is it. People, animals, vegetation, life, all down here.
@etienneg.1289 Жыл бұрын
“Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond,” Reagan proposed.
@demetriusjohnson5358 Жыл бұрын
I see exactly where you/he was going with this. Wow.
@mrhow2712 Жыл бұрын
Boom!... You hit the nail right on the coffin. There have been a lot of government employees on their deathbed who admitted and warned that there was a plot to make people believe in UFOs and to then have a fake alien invasion using real technology, killing hundreds of thousands of people all around the world. He said they would do this to unite the world under one ruler. It makes sense I mean how else are you going to get the Muslims and the Jews to get along?
@JamesBrown-fd1nv Жыл бұрын
Someone wants a universal government, economy, and religion. The formation of the OWG NWO is Satan inspired because he wants to sit on the thrown of David and receive worship as God. The Bible tells us all about it.
@joeebenhoe6042 Жыл бұрын
I agree with the speaker, but that does not mean the devil will not use ETs to deceive. I recommend the book, "Unmasking the Sons of God."
@leftgrrl Жыл бұрын
The devil used one ET in Bethlehem for a start. Parked the saucer right over a stable and set up a whole misdirection thing that has run and run for centuries. Hate the player but got to admire his skilled playing there.
@joeebenhoe6042 Жыл бұрын
@@leftgrrl I can't completely disagree with you. The question that needs to be answered is, "What is the origins of the these ET"s?" I truly think you'd fine my book interesting.
@sharonbraselton4302 9 ай бұрын
thatß right or démiñß we got demiñ appß
@karricompton Жыл бұрын
Chuck Missler (now in heaven) spoke in depth about how he believes fallen angels are deceiving people to believe in aliens.
@AmberBrownMcCall Жыл бұрын
How are they able to morph?
@KT-od6zq Жыл бұрын
@marcustorres1442 Жыл бұрын
"Thank you for your vast insight and knowledge of Creation and your courage for telling it like it is". GOD bless your ministries and your families. (Including all your animals). 😇✌🏼💪🏼🧠🙏🏻👍🏻
@thetexican3468 5 ай бұрын
This dude does not have vast insight. His explanation of why the Drake equation results in 0 is shear intellectual dishonesty.
@jeanninecathcart627 Жыл бұрын
What is a round solid metallic blue object flying across the sky from horizon to horizon at fantastic speed in about 15 seconds called? Answer: A UFO. That's what I saw. Satellites don't fly that low.
@timtherrien7843 Жыл бұрын
How does someone who is used to seeing F15s or 16 explain a sighting of the B-1 Stealth Bomber before it is released to the public? New tech doesn't happen overnight and without R&D. I will stick with misidentification until covincing evidence is presented. Not trusting does not require going off the deep end.
@Dominator37 Жыл бұрын
@xCAPTNxBACONx Жыл бұрын
I saw a ufo from no further than 20ft away. Don't let these bible thumpers convince you you saw a weather balloon. The only reason we haven't found proof of life else where is because of technology limitations. As science progresses, I believe a lot of what we've been told all our lives will start to unravel. Thats what I believe is the reason its hidden from us. If all the sudden its revealed that the bible was a tool to keep humans obedient, then society would crumble and governments would too.
@plantsomething Жыл бұрын
I saw on 58 years ago. 1964. It hovered over a lot behing our house. No sound. Disc shaped. Lights. It was about 100 ft high. It stayed about 15 min,before moving over a cemetery ,again only two lots from yours ( acre lots) Hovered awhile an then shot up faster than lightening comes down. I believe God created. Not only earth but many worlds. He is a creator. Ezekiel saw a wheel in a wheel in the sky. There's etchings in caves, The universe is ever expanding. God is perhaps still creating an has been forever. Guess we will never know. When you see what I saw it makes you think differently. In 1964 there wasnt anything near this on earth, still not. Again,i do believe in God. I just feel he's not revealed all his greatness to us.
@Dominator37 Жыл бұрын
@@plantsomething i believe you.., i saw a huge disc with a friend, same thing no noise and ultra violet blue.. but i am a follower of the LORD JESUS CHRIST and this sighting did not scare me what so ever..! Jesus predicted in the last days that the nations would be in turmoil, and there would be strange events , evil omens in the sky, Pestilences, famine and mens hearts would fail them for for the fate they see coming on the earth… ! What if millions and millions of people just vanished , could a so called alien ( DEMON ) from some sort of space ship explain this as removing Christians for the better sake of the planet..? Jesus said if possible the elect would be deceived ! God has never failed me and i am his witness, and he is coming soon ! Are you ready ? JESUS SAID; I STAND AT THE DOOR AND KNOCK, IF ANY MAN HEAR MY VOICE AND INVITE ME IN I WILL COME IN AND DINE WITH HIM… REVELATION 3;20
@vxenon67 Жыл бұрын
I saw a white dot in the dark clear sky. It moved in a zip zag pattern. Before that I saw a white streak super fast in a straight line which I knew was meteor entering Earth as it vaporized. The zig zag one left-right-left-right I don't know what that was.
@paulhease1007 Жыл бұрын
it was an angel of light (Demonic spirit) defying the natural laws of physics.
@NotAnotherTheory Жыл бұрын
Nikola Tesla
@jlrjlr8949 Жыл бұрын
The zig zag pattern you saw may be what I saw while in the Army stationed at Baumholder, Germany. They were red orbs. Like a ball on fire. Just minutes before (20 minutes) I saw two round UFO’s. One shot a lightning type weapon to the other and disintegrated the other. Nothing no hit the ground. I reported the incident to an Army Major and we both observed the orbs in the sky for about 10 minutes. The Major reported the orbs and the incident I saw of one UFO destroying the other to higher command. Weeks later I asked if he received any further info on the issue. He replied he didn’t receive any feedback.
@nschilk Жыл бұрын
So what's the conclusion about flying saucers depicted in Egyptian hieroglyphs?
@scottperine9820 Жыл бұрын
Truth is vital. Way, Truth and the life.
@zoa1-99....... Жыл бұрын
"Alien/ET" means NOT from this planet Earth, that includes God, Satan, Angels and Fallen angels! God Created Earth and isn't even from this universe, he created it. THAT is an example of an "Alien" without ANY disrespect to our Father in Heraven! It's like, take the Giganotosaurus, a Dragon, being called "Dinosaur" in modern times.
@leethomas556 Жыл бұрын
I've certainly seen things far more confusing than starlink satellites, especially in the era of drones that cannot answer
@shadowlandstudios86 Жыл бұрын
@firstchurchofmars Жыл бұрын
Did I misread the title? I’m 10 minutes in and haven’t heard a word about Christianity or the Bible…at what point does that happen?
@stravevane Жыл бұрын
It is scattered throughout... Much more towards the end
@endlessnameless8181 Жыл бұрын
These "truth" comes in around 15 minutes in. The truth is people believe in aliens because they've made people believe we are not the center of God's creation, but a spec off to the side somewhere with no importance at all. All based on mathmagical lies and Tv and the science preachers in their white lab holy robes! The Bible tells us the earth is flat! That's the truth. People are going to fall for a fake alien invasion one day when it's Jesus coming in off the clouds and they're going to go to war.
@sandorhegedus8872 9 ай бұрын
People need to be prepared for this not lied to.
@supersilverhazeroker Жыл бұрын
i have a question.. what's gods purpose for creating gazilions of stars, most of which we can only see with hubble telescopes etc. if there's nothing out there other than stars and planets?
@RitzRed 2 ай бұрын
There are probably a whole world,out there… But i think the religions,governments, military and the ruling elites hide it from ppl… So they can have control and keep them,as slaves both in minds and body… The truth is they can lose their power… And ppl can see all the lies… God/his son our creator don’t want the humans,to live in a lie…
@Repent_today Жыл бұрын
Pastor Mike on KZbin channel “Michael Hoggard” refers to the Bible in relation to UFOs. His channel is an excellent source for information on this topic from a biblical view as well as other topics such as DNA, etc.
@stevefmelb Жыл бұрын
Whether we are alone in the Universe, or we are not is equally terrifying (Arthur C Clarke)
@christiantompkins6423 Жыл бұрын
That’s only if you subscribe to the copernican universe model.
@stevefmelb Жыл бұрын
@@christiantompkins6423 I only subscribe to the proven evidence/common sense/probability model. PS Anyway. it in no way relates to the possibility of aliens/UFOs in the vast universe(s). Only a minute portion of which has yet been observed.
@christiantompkins6423 Жыл бұрын
@@stevefmelb what does an accurate view of cosmos have to do with common sense?
@stevefmelb Жыл бұрын
@@christiantompkins6423 No, what I believe is 'common sense'.. Based on 'an accurate view of the Universe(s), as at today, proven scientific evidence and associated probability, it proves we have only scratched the surface as to the existence of aliens/Ufos etc. Which happens to be the question. I guess you failed to comprehend.
@christiantompkins6423 Жыл бұрын
@@stevefmelb you’re pretty condescending aren’t you? Most of our culture would think you lacked ‘common sense’ if you told them dinosaurs aren’t 65 million years old, or that Darwinian evolution is a fantasy, or that extraterrestrials don’t exist, or that the earth is only about 6000 years old. But I digress.
@gerbertron3226 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for telling me what to think and how to feel about your reasoning
@PaulBunyun1954 Жыл бұрын
@zuhalter0071 11 ай бұрын
I live between Lewis-McChord Airforce base and Mt. Rainier. I've seen more UFOs than I care to look into to identify them. But, last month, they were doing test flights with their F-18s, and that was really fun to watch!
@dalebrown6460 Жыл бұрын
As I was reading in the word on one occasion, I remember it distinctively." Be kind to the alien"! ? Didn't quite understand as the word unfolded. I took it for face value and will continue to obey as best I can. Merry Christmas to all and aliens as well?
@jeremyray010 Жыл бұрын
What "word" was that? Not the Bible, God's Word. If so I'd like to know the book n verse, I've never read it.
@NotAnotherTheory Жыл бұрын
alien is a new word - it can also mean foreigner,
@moose8339 Жыл бұрын
You have to be discerning and differentiate between good and bad aliens -- as there are both; whether physical or spiritual. This life is a battlefield and there are consequences for how we use our free will.
@richardrogers668 Жыл бұрын
Although I have never believed in alien spacecraft, I once saw a UFO in the 1960s that puzzled me for a long time. It traveled across the sky like a satellite, but it would wink out and then reappear a short distance along it's path in an erratic pattern. Quite some time later, I learned that a satellite called Echo 1 had been launched to study the possibilities of satellite communications. It was a 100 foot reflective balloon that was inflated after reaching orbit and was used to bounce radio signals back to ground stations. After being in orbit for some time, it had been punctured by micrometeorites. It was the faceted surfaces of this partially deflated silver balloon that was reflecting light as each surface happened to be lined up just right to reflect light in my direction. It was pretty strange looking until I had the facts to understand what was happening.
@iamshredder3587 Жыл бұрын
Interesting story. And it speaks well for you that you processed the event and information logically and rationally... and didn't just speculate or jump to wild fantastical conclusions and myth like about little green men from outer space visiting earth from their home planet nonexistron. We sure could use alot more of that in this crazy world. And 1960s? Wow. A long ways before my time haha bit sounds like an interesting period to be alive in ... and an important decade for the free world. Though not all in a good way. Take care.
@davinawonderling9361 Жыл бұрын
@@iamshredder3587 Nonexistron is the appropriate name for their home planet: it likely does not exist 🛸
@bradleysmith9431 Жыл бұрын
Last year I was driving home at night, I was in the country about 10 miles from the nearest airport. When all of a sudden 3 lights in the shape of a triangle appear over the horizon going across the sky, then 3 more, and 3 more appeared. I pulled over to get a better look. It was a crazy and my first thought was america is being invaded. There were enough that they were lined up across the sky and would disappear in the same spot. Other people pulled over as well, but no one knew what it was. They looked like they were no higher than 5,000 ft up but made no noise. After a few days I finally found out I saw Elon musk's satellite train. It was out of this world experience that was frightening. But I know what it was now. Oct or Nov of 2021
@melissadadzie59 Жыл бұрын
These “aliens” are demons, just like ghosts are demons. Remember 1/3 of the angels fell with Satan…that’s what these things are. Jesus cast out demons…nothing has changed. “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. Jesus came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” ‭‭John‬ ‭10:10‬ ‭ESV‬‬
@davinawonderling9361 Жыл бұрын
@@melissadadzie59 I believe it.
@rockman2840 Жыл бұрын
@DanielEstill Жыл бұрын
Around Min. 36, I was taught that new stars do not come into being in space and the only one that ever did that we know of that formed was the star that the wise men followed to get to Jesus... Again was taught that in school. Any advice and articles from AiG?😅
@theparadigmshift74 Жыл бұрын
I just had a horrific sleep paralysis episode, days after seeing flying craft in my country home many years ago. I was totally unable to move or speak, there were 3 grey aliens above me and i was paralyzed with fear because of the experince and how they looked esp their black eyes. I kept just trying to say Jesus, and i finally did and i woke up in my bed scared to death. Just had a dream about their presence again, kept getting waves of goose bumps and now i open my youtube to see this video on my feed!
@museluvr Жыл бұрын
Seek a priest on this. 'Aliens' aren't aliens but fallen angels. Pray and seek spiritual guidance.
@SimpleAmadeus Жыл бұрын
That sounds very likely to be demonic. Maintain trust in Jesus. His authority and power can defeat them easily. Find help from genuine(!) Jesus-centered Christians with strong belief if you can. I'll pray for you too. By the authority of Jesus, I command these evil spirits to leave you alone and to never come back. May God bless your life and the lives of those around you.
@DavidVonR Жыл бұрын
I had something similar happen to me. One night, I awoke paralyzed and I felt an alien presence to the left of my bed. It's nothing but hallucination.
@c.scottburcham2236 Жыл бұрын
I had the same experience before I was saved...two episodes to be exact. Small gray aliens around me...horrific!!! I've never heard of speep paralysis before that...this was Google, etc...
@theparadigmshift74 Жыл бұрын
@@SimpleAmadeus thank you! Thats a great idea i want to join a bible study
@whitefiddle Жыл бұрын
I just found this; over two years old. And I'm guessing you're still not embarrassed by this.
@danielcherney8708 Жыл бұрын
Should he be👀
@whitefiddle Жыл бұрын
@@danielcherney8708 Dunno...a good man would be.
@bonysminiatures3123 Жыл бұрын
embarrassment to his degree , i actually don't know how he obtained one whilst fighting against his beliefs , his pen must have been on fire...
@thetoad7367 Жыл бұрын
You have a very angry personality, stop attacking people for their belief in God. Have some respect for people you'll go far in the world.
@whitefiddle Жыл бұрын
@@thetoad7367 Well, I don't normally respond to toads, but since you seem to have missed the point: the clown act we just watched is not about his belief in his god, it's about his incompetence in rational thought. Glad I could help.
@---Free-Comics---IG---Playtard Жыл бұрын
If you're being told what to feel, you're not feeling it - you're thinking it.
@samuelmidzi8240 Жыл бұрын
Im from Zimbabwe(some country in africa) if i go to Paris i might be termed as an Alien (foreign). if angels visit us we can term them aliens(although they are rightly are called angels) which just means foreign although in peoples minds it now means some character in a movie.
@digital_element Жыл бұрын
I would like to hear theories on what the Sasquatch, and Dogman species are as well.
@dimitrik43 Жыл бұрын
Replace UFO with Sasquatch and you have the same thing, especially about what was said early how people think to see what isn't (the shark thing). If such existed and where living in woods, then there would be already undeniable evidence. There isn't.
@digital_element Жыл бұрын
@@dimitrik43 lol, you have no clue. Sorry, but you're ignorant. I don't mean to be rude. I know what myself and countless others have seen.
@schofrenzy3444 Жыл бұрын
@ChildofYHVH Жыл бұрын
They describe a flying vehicle in Ezekiel. I think it’s Angels or even fallen angels.
@JamesBrown-fd1nv Жыл бұрын
They are shaped like saucers, bowls, and dishes. Read Zachariah ch5 5-11 and you will learn about "their" likeness in all the world. Although an epha is a measurement, it is in the shape of the container. The talent of lead is the typical unit of measurement and it is a judgement, the spirits inside the epha are wickedness.
@lesgrossman4636 Жыл бұрын
God is big enough to create life anywhere…. It’s the scientific community who’d have their minds blown when the realize that 90% of what they’d thought was right is in fact wrong…. It’d be something that I’d buy popcorn for before watching it unfold
@EnigmaEightEighty8 Жыл бұрын
Awesome information. God bless you abundantly.
@christopher7725 Жыл бұрын
44:09 - can you communicate this to the AIG news hosts. They say evolutionary sciences are false because “the science is always changing” yet you said right here that science changes based on evidence. So what is AIG’s stance on changing sciences based on new data??
@drea6717 Жыл бұрын
Star link got mine and my neighbors family all kinds of scared for a minute or so while we were having a campfire together, it was scary looking until my neighbors husband said it was star link and then we all just laughed. I truly thought we were under invasion there for a moment😂🤦🏼‍♀️
@cedriceric9730 Жыл бұрын
@ABones-bm3vq Жыл бұрын
reading this while on starlink is quite funny
@harleylady361 Жыл бұрын
💯💯🙏🏻❤️🙌🏻 For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.
@sharkraycr9019 Жыл бұрын
I've seen very clearly, almost a dozen different UFOs in my local area. Even during the bright daylight. One flew very slowly right over my van. It was low enough to hit with a rock.
@fingerbang8256 Жыл бұрын
My grandmother was an eye witness to the flying saucers in Washington state in 1947. The crafts were seen from Yakima, WA that day by multiple people and were absolutely real. She was an amazing God fearing woman and my favorite person on earth. The sighting was enough to make her believe like her faith in the lord. Rock Solid.
@iamshredder3587 Жыл бұрын
Excellent presentation AIG..and it's an interesting topic that I think is quite important to address and get the (actual) "truth out there" about. It's really a far bigger and more prevalent (and more harmful and dangerous) problem than I used to give it credit for. Turns out the truth of the matter is actually far different and far more fascinating than I had realised before. Far more creepy and disturbing also! (But far more Biblical and Biblically-reassurung as well. Of course. )) I was never a "true believer" in the whole ET thing and growing up it was mostly just the occasional weird and wacky sci-fi needs and wild (wildly confused) conspiracy theorist types who were. Most people kinda made fun of them really. But I did have alot of misconceptions and confusion and unanswered concerns about the matter and particularly how it applied to and what it meant for Biblical Christianity. Which frustrated me. However that all changed and I'm glad to be able to see and understand it awhole lot clearer now and am grateful for that. Particularly it was Gary Bates truly excellent book on the matter that was a real eye opener! (And later other speakers and ministries like AIG and iinformation like this) Have to say it was and is one of, if not THE, favourite all time books of mine! And I almost wish sometimes that I could go back and read it for the first time all over again. 😄 Thankyou to the Speaker (and AIG)... I've long enjoyed and respected all of your presentations and talks and information that I've come across, and hope to come across many more in the future. May God bless continually. 😌
@AR-ss4bl Жыл бұрын
What is your point here? What did you learn on the subject
@iamshredder3587 Жыл бұрын
@@AR-ss4bl Well my good Sir, to answer your most thoughtful and kind of questions to the best of my ability and with all due respectfulness, such as you gave me..... The answer to the both the first and indeed your latter question as well is quite straightforward and clear. As you see buddy, with both the questions of what my point is here AND with what I may or may not have learnt here is the proper answer is .... oh you'll be so shocked when you see how obvious the answers are haha! You'll be like "oh my its so clear now, how did I ever miss that!" Ready? 🤔🙃😁 Here it comes! 😬😬😬 Answer: IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! There. Its a valuable lesson of which you'd be wise to remember in the future ! Yes, you're welcome. 😁🙄
@OverlordShamala Жыл бұрын
@@iamshredder3587 So, you believe anything that challenges the bible is the work of the devil. You're cheer leading the orator. Gary Bates is a creationist proponents, he rejected evolution & science due to the fact that its discoveries goes counter to his faith based beliefs. So, he rejects them. And he has argued simply that anything that challenges his faith based biblical beliefs is the works of the devil. Then he starts preaching thinking that's evidence.
@moose8339 Жыл бұрын
@@OverlordShamala During his near death experience (NDE) in Heaven Rev. Howard Storm asked about the existence of other worlds and was shown infinite worlds. He was also shown examples of what people on other worlds looked like. When he asked if there were other worlds, they said, "Yes, the universe is full of other worlds. There are other dimensions of other physical universes and those are filled with other worlds." So, there are worlds in our physical universe that's unlimited number of worlds and inhabited worlds with intelligent beings, and then there are other dimensions with worlds beyond counting, beyond number. The action of the Word of God, the Son of God, the Spirit of Christ -- nothing is apart from that Spirit. He has been everywhere. What About Jesus & the Need for a Savior? Jesus wasn't a carpenter on every single one of these worlds. Our world is on the lower level of spiritual development. In many of these [other] worlds Jesus didn't have to go and be crucified and die on the cross for their sins. There are worlds where people are perfectly good, have no sin and don't allow evil to be a part of their lives. There are worlds where the people have chosen good and rejected evil and lived a life profoundly in the love of God and of their neighbors. Jesus could go to these worlds and just bless them and they happily accepted Him. Can you imagine a world where Jesus came and people said, "Yes, we knew and understood this is what you wanted us to be. Thank you for being a revelation. From the beginning of time we have known you and understood the way you wanted us to live." This world, Earth, is unique because of the degree, not only of temptation, but the willingness to accept temptation and failing the testing that we are in. What Other Beings Look Like: When I asked to see what other intelligent beings looked like, images of beings were paraded in front of me. They started off as humans and then they got a little stranger looking, and a little stranger looking, and then they became unrecognizable as human beings and looked very weird. I said, "Okay, I get it. They can be shaped in very different ways. Fine, I get it." In other words there are worlds in which they have this kind of shape (Ed., human) and worlds where they take on very different kinds of shape. But the shape of us in this world is of little importance. What is important is our spiritual being because we are beings of light - beings of love. In a sense, this tent that we live in now is not who we truly are -- and in our immortal bodies we are glorious. In this body it's more like a little pup tent, or prison. -- Howard Storm NDE
@moose8339 Жыл бұрын
During his near death experience (NDE) in Heaven Rev. Howard Storm asked about the existence of other worlds and was shown infinite worlds. He was also shown examples of what people on other worlds looked like. When he asked if there were other worlds, they said, "Yes, the universe is full of other worlds. There are other dimensions of other physical universes and those are filled with other worlds." So, there are worlds in our physical universe that's unlimited number of worlds and inhabited worlds with intelligent beings, and then there are other dimensions with worlds beyond counting, beyond number. God is the very definition of infinity. His creation is infinite. The action of the Word of God, the Son of God, the Spirit of Christ -- nothing is apart from that Spirit. He has been everywhere. What About Jesus & the Need for a Savior? In the famous abduction case of Rev. Barney & Betty Hill, he asked his abductor what they knew about Jesus. The Captain of the UFO told him that "Jesus is Savior of 12 worlds of which yours is the most evil." Jesus wasn't a carpenter on every single one of these worlds. Our world is on the lower level of spiritual development. In many of these [other] worlds Jesus didn't have to go and be crucified and die on the cross for their sins. There are worlds where people are perfectly good, have no sin and don't allow evil to be a part of their lives. There are worlds where the people have chosen good and rejected evil and lived a life profoundly in the love of God and of their neighbors. Jesus could go to these worlds and just bless them and they happily accepted Him. Can you imagine a world where Jesus came and people said, "Yes, we knew and understood this is what you wanted us to be. Thank you for being a revelation. From the beginning of time we have known you and understood the way you wanted us to live." This world, Earth, is unique because of the degree, not only of temptation, but the willingness to accept temptation and failing the testing that we are in. What Other Beings Look Like: When I asked to see what other intelligent beings looked like, images of beings were paraded in front of me. They started off as humans and then they got a little stranger looking, and a little stranger looking, and then they became unrecognizable as human beings and looked very weird. I said, "Okay, I get it. They can be shaped in very different ways. Fine, I get it." In other words there are worlds in which they have this kind of shape (Ed., human) and worlds where they take on very different kinds of shape. But the shape of us in this world is of little importance. What is important is our spiritual being because we are beings of light - beings of love. In a sense, this tent that we live in now is not who we truly are -- and in our immortal bodies we are glorious. In this body it's more like a little pup tent, or prison. -- Rev. Howard Storm NDE
@HisServant77 Жыл бұрын
Love the entire talk and subject going through the various items. :) I tend to link some of the sightings to demonic activity myself. Not all of course, but some. Mostly because even if it's a natural mis-identification, the enemy uses that to deceive the people. So, the deception is tied to the demonic in that way. I also believe that in the book of Revelation where it speaks of the three unclean spirits that come out of the mouth of the beast and deceive the nations, are of course unclean spirits BUT they will claim to be Aliens. They're described as looking like frogs, and the general public ID of lgm look a bit like that. Big heads, big eyes, fingers that are bulbous, all that (and green haha). So I think belief in aliens is going to be greatly used in these last days by the devil, and possibly directly in the book of revelation.
@trulyso734 Жыл бұрын
Yeah ok, may well be used as part of current last day deceptions in a great delusion drawing people away from being firmly rooted in the biblical truth of God.
@user-ne7mq1hp6w Жыл бұрын
Even Columbus with his evil intentions came out in plain sight, definitely why the secrecy to UFOs if it's not about deceptions.
@mercurialshift5793 10 ай бұрын
The last days will be caused by climate change. The ETs are here to help us solve these issues at a time when everything is at stake. They have mastered science and technology we can’t even begin to understand. Keep an open mind. The bible was written by humans and god wouldn’t create an infinite universe run by demons, would he? Demons are something else. Dark energies keep us from evolving spiritually. We must learn how to raise our vibration and consciousness which is consistent with many spiritual traditions. The church just took anything like that out because powerful people wanted to be seen as the only authority. The gnostic texts were untouched and discuss this kind of thing. The bible was edited.
@robertcampbell6349 Жыл бұрын
A more important question might be assuming ET's exist, are they coming to Earth given the insane energy needed to accelerate to relativistic velocities and difficulties keeping organic life forms alive in deep space, are they visiting Earth? My opinion is no.
@lumberjack4944 Жыл бұрын
I never understood how Christians could deny extraterrestrial life out there in space but they believe in a God that lives out there if you don't believe anything else exists outside of man what do they worship
@daysofnoah Жыл бұрын
The prince of the power of the air.
@c.scottburcham2236 Жыл бұрын
Thank you! He missed it in this presentation! sad.
@sharonbraselton4302 9 ай бұрын
@chasebradshaw9314 Жыл бұрын
How will you explain wormwood or planet x will it be a deception ?
@abandoninwy1 Жыл бұрын
we had 4 bull sharks pulled from pathfinder reservoir in Wyoming a few years back
@jamesfortune243 Жыл бұрын
Humanists have this unusual idea that finding aliens would somehow cause a contradiction with the Bible.
@moose8339 Жыл бұрын
They are confused. There is no contradiction. Ps. 33:6 says "By the word of the Lord were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the word of His mouth." The only thing God blew His breath of life into (per Genesis) were humans in order to give them a "living soul." Therefore, the 2nd half of that verse is telling us there is human/human-like life in those heavens into which God blew His breath of life.
@sharonbraselton4302 9 ай бұрын
cybrige àliné ai havé kive soul
@spconrad9612 Жыл бұрын
As long as they are open to hear about Jesus, I'm all for it. 🤩
@iacon Жыл бұрын
They're fallen angels and want to eat or breed you. They saw Jesus, they know Him, they rejected Him. They deserve absolute death and dismemberment. I'd say the same for us, but Christ covered us with His blood and I believe on Him. The fallen made their choice WHILE THEY SAW HIM IN HEAVEN. No forgiveness. They deserve death.
@johnshelton1141 Жыл бұрын
If God created intelligent life forms in other parts of his universe, he will let us find out when we are ready.
@awakeningfaith2290 Жыл бұрын
Ha Amen !!
@robocop4209 Жыл бұрын
Well thats the thing, they gonna have their own God and never heard of Jesus..confirms we make religion
@spconrad9612 Жыл бұрын
@@robocop4209 if they exist in the universe, God made them, so they that have ears to hear let them listen. 😊
@rogueraven1333 Жыл бұрын
How do you take pictures of the moon and venus?
@Hot-digga-d-dog 9 ай бұрын
When we figure out exactly what they are and everything I will know how to feel until then I will feel curious about them
@Number4lead Жыл бұрын
I think whatever is being experienced likely came through portals, rather than planets light years away. Of course there is the possibility of unknown planets that could be much closer.
@zoa1-99....... Жыл бұрын
Amen! "Alien/ET" means NOT from this planet Earth, that includes God, Satan, Angels and Fallen angels! God Created Earth and isn't even from this universe, he created it. THAT is an example of an "Alien" without ANY disrespect to our Father in Heraven! It's like, take the Giganotosaurus, a Dragon, being called "Dinosaur" in modern times.
@sharonbraselton4302 9 ай бұрын
yes we do
@rdpurdom Жыл бұрын
I agree with a lot of what I’ve heard here, as uncommitted as it all was. Of course. This subject doesn’t allow for a strong, definitive conclusion. There simply isn’t enough solid evidence. Tge science we do have points solidly in the direction that we are alone in the universe regardless of how many “scientist” we hear telling us how “arrogant” it is of us to think we are the only ones! The universe is vast, beyond our ability to comprehend. The question always arises, if God created the universe, WHY? According to tge Bible, God doesn’t do things (create) without a purpose. Just because we don’t (can’t) understand that purpose doesn’t mean there was no purpose! As vast and I comprehensive as the universe is, the “plan of God” in its entirety, is infinitely more impossible to understand by our compatibly feeble minds! These things are spiritual in nature and therefore unable to be understood by a mortal mind!
@moose8339 Жыл бұрын
During his near death experience (NDE) in Heaven Rev. Howard Storm asked about the existence of other worlds and was shown infinite worlds. God is the definition of infinity - He is infinite and so are His works. Rev. Storm was also shown examples of what people on other worlds looked like. When he asked if there were other worlds, they said, "Yes, the universe is full of other worlds. There are other dimensions of other physical universes and those are filled with other worlds." So, there are worlds in our physical universe that's unlimited number of worlds and inhabited worlds with intelligent beings, and then there are other dimensions with worlds beyond counting, beyond number. The action of the Word of God, the Son of God, the Spirit of Christ -- nothing is apart from that Spirit. He has been everywhere. What About Jesus & the Need for a Savior? In the famous abduction case of Rev. Barney & Betty Hill, Barney asked the Captain of the UFO what he knew about Jesus. The reply was "He is Savior of 12 worlds of which yours is the most evil." Jesus wasn't a carpenter on every single one of these worlds. Our world is on the lower level of spiritual development. In many of these [other] worlds Jesus didn't have to go and be crucified and die on the cross for their sins. There are worlds where people are perfectly good, have no sin and don't allow evil to be a part of their lives. There are worlds where the people have chosen good and rejected evil and lived a life profoundly in the love of God and of their neighbors. Jesus could go to these worlds and just bless them and they happily accepted Him. Can you imagine a world where Jesus came and people said, "Yes, we knew and understood this is what you wanted us to be. Thank you for being a revelation. From the beginning of time we have known you and understood the way you wanted us to live." This world, Earth, is unique because of the degree, not only of temptation, but the willingness to accept temptation and failing the testing that we are in. What Other Beings Look Like: When I asked to see what other intelligent beings looked like, images of beings were paraded in front of me. They started off as humans and then they got a little stranger looking, and a little stranger looking, and then they became unrecognizable as human beings and looked very weird. I said, "Okay, I get it. They can be shaped in very different ways. Fine, I get it." In other words there are worlds in which they have this kind of shape (Ed., human) and worlds where they take on very different kinds of shape. But the shape of us in this world is of little importance. What is important is our spiritual being because we are beings of light - beings of love. In a sense, this tent that we live in now is not who we truly are -- and in our immortal bodies we are glorious. In this body it's more like a little pup tent, or prison. -- Howard Storm NDE
@philmstud2k Жыл бұрын
What about interdimensional DMT machine elves?
@jacobbradley8290 Жыл бұрын
In a world full of lies the Truth sounds crazy
@jimharvard Жыл бұрын
i graduated from Harvard with honors and worked for NASA briefly. i then went on to law school. i have read the Bible twice, cover to cover and am a born-again Christian. i could not disagree with your assumptions and conclusions more strongly. first of all, Jesus Himself told His Disciples that "in My Father's house are many rooms and I go to prepare one for you." thus, from Jesus Himself, we have verification that "His Father's house" is a multi-faceted reality. humans can never know "what" the reality of God's existence is nor "where" or "how" He and the Trinity exist or in what form. however, we can trust Jesus in that He and His Father and the Holy Spirit exist in a dimension that appears to have multiple "places" or maybe multiple "inhabitants." we also know from the Old Testament and the teachings of Jesus that this earth is NOT the final reality for humans. when we die, those who are "saved" and "believe in Jesus" go to a place called "Heaven" and those who are not believers go to another place called "Hell." Jesus was adamant that Heaven and Hell DO exist and that they are separate "places." now we may also confidently know - as Christians - that there ARE "other beings" that God created other than humans. these "other beings" are the Angels. further, the Bible teaches that 1/3rd of God's Angels rebelled against God and were cast out of Heaven. Jesus talks about the "fallen Angels" inhabiting earth and "the higher places." we also know that there is one other "extraterrestrial" that absolutely exists and that is Satan - who was Chief among the Angels and who led the rebellion against God. the Bible tells us that Satan inhabits this earth also. so as a CHRISTIAN, there is NOTHING "unbiblical" about believing that God did create the "other beings" listed in the Bible and God "may" have created additional beings somewhere else in the Universe when He placed humans here on earth in THIS part of the Universe. however, Christians cannot know whether these other beings are "good" or "bad." and CERTAINLY Christians should NEVER place any "faith" or "worship" in a "benevolent" Alien coming to earth to help humans solve all their problems. the ONLY "extraterrestrial" that Christians know for sure that will come to earth to solve our problems is Jesus Christ. i join with you to CAUTION all Christians to be careful how they view the topic of "aliens" or "UFO's." this is a topic that an intelligent "Christian" can explore so long as the Christian NEVER leaves Christ or the teachings He left for us to follow or their unwavering FAITH in Christ as our Savior and Lord. it is as fallacious to say that God "absolutely did not" create any other living creature in this Universe other than humans as it is to say "it is impossible for a Creator-God to exist in this Universe." both views require information and understanding that is beyond human knowledge.
@jimharvard Жыл бұрын
@@algernon_2023 i have tried to live life as both an intelligent and "learned" person as well as maintaining an enduring faith in Jesus Christ and Biblical teachings. I believe a Christian can be both "in this world" regarding knowledge and learning that humans can acquire while still keeping one's faith and ultimate salvation in God. after all, God Himself gave humans their "brain" and "desire for knowledge of this world." my bottom line is simple: i will continue to learn things and explore new ideas and findings of "science" but i will remain on THE JESUS TEAM until His return. if a UFO lands on the National Mall beside the Washington Monument, i will NOT consider WHATEVER happens next to be "of Jesus." I will continue to read my Bible and pray to Jesus and His Father until such time that the REAL JESUS shows up and saves His Christians.
@dezertfox3681 Жыл бұрын
These are extra-dimensional beings; they have not suffered the fall from Adam and Havah, therefore, there is no moral frailty in Genesis. These beings left their first estate and manifested in our physical realm. Their sin is not in flesh, but in spirit, hence they can never be redeemed. The idea for life on another planet is to attack the Bible, and then disguise the identity of who and what these beings are, and what they are endeavoring to do. It also reinforces macro-evolution. I believe this to be part of the end times deception.
@jimharvard Жыл бұрын
@@dezertfox3681 i respect your opinion, however, i cannot accept that God created this universe which is "infinite" - a concept that humans cannot understand - and then only choose one planet among BILLIONS to place life upon. your view would also seem to be inconsistent with the words of Jesus who assured His Disciples that "in my Father's house are many rooms and i go to prepare a place for you." this statement could easily be read to mean "my Father's house" as the entire universe and "i go to prepare a place for you" as another planet. and as to the idea that believing in UFO's and/or Aliens "reinforces macro-evolution" - i don't see your connection there. of one believes in God and that God/Jesus were the Creators of this universe, inhabitants of other planets would have been "creations from God/Jesus" NOT as a result of "evolution." i believe that there may have been small alterations of animals on Earth due to "gradual changes" in physiology or behavior over long periods of time, however, i DO NOT accept or believe in "human evolution" from "apes." i believe that ALL "life" was created by God everywhere in the universe. now, as to Aliens having a "soul", i'm not sure of that idea. the Bible states that humans were created in "the image of God" and there are also other passages that reference the human soul. whatever the concept of a "human soul" is, i believe it is completely unique to "humans."
@markanthony3275 Жыл бұрын
You can tell there is no life in the physical realm outside of earth by thinking about the creation account in Genesis. Twenty words are used to describe the function and purpose of the sun and moon, (because they preserve and enhance life on planet earth)...but only five words are used on the stars ..."He also made the stars". I think in these last days that the devil would like nothing better than to open the door to distraction away from the truth of Jesus Christ...and other life outside of earth is one way to do that. Another way is to get people obsessed with books that were never accepted as part of the Bible , like the book of Enoch for example. Enoch was never accepted because the word of God can contain nothing false...and Enoch's authorship is falsely attributed to the Enoch of Genesis, when we know it only came into existence in the second century B.C.
@greenthumbpatriot3295 Жыл бұрын
Aliens are demons fallen angels nephilim whatever you may call them, possibly the Antichrist.
@willlywillly Жыл бұрын
I am engineer and scientist and became an engineer because science was suppose to be about the truth...which used to be the case more so before Covid. When you make up a lie namely evolution, that nothing plus time equals everything, you got to keep making up more and more lies to cover the lies you already told. And you get really good at telling lies about everything. I have always thought the same way you discussed in this video. It just makes me feel really good that I have someone else much smarter than I to put words to my thoughts. I love you guys and how you teach the world and all the universe was created in 6 days. Its not your words but the Bible. When I took Biology in college 35 years ago, my professor said they were trying to create life. Scientist should be able to create life since it was all an accident, right? I am still waiting and don't believe they have gotten any closer. Until someone creates life from a pile of mud and water, don't even talk to me about evolution.
@dinohall2595 Жыл бұрын
Scientists actually have created proto-cells with self-replicating nucleic acids in laboratory settings. Also, the origin of life (abiogenesis) is a separate topic to evolution. Regardless of how life arose, we know it evolved from the overwhelming preponderance of genetic, paleontological and anatomical evidence.
@madwax1360 Жыл бұрын
The REAL question is, why would an ET want to go anywhere near these violent, arrogant, and ignorant humans?? Focus on fixing that, then you may start seeing them more.
@sharonbraselton4302 9 ай бұрын
@AmberBrownMcCall Жыл бұрын
We can’t say what doesn’t exist. We can say we haven’t measured “it”; but to claim we “know” all variables is inaccurate and impossible. We can only state what does exist. As a Christian, this also includes spiritual knowing.
@jasonworthington5429 Жыл бұрын
This guy needs to be introduced to Chuck Missler’s nephilim videos.
@damianwhite504 Жыл бұрын
Chuck Missler was a raving lunatic
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