Рет қаралды 659
#cooling system
in operation the engine cooling system works by circulating coolant through the engine and absorbing heat from the engine block and cylinder heads
#components of an engine cooling system
#radiator #coolant #water pump #thermostat #cooling fan #hose and conetors #expansion tank
የማቀዝቀዣ ክፍሎችና ስራቸው
ስራው ሞተር ውሰጥ በመሽከረከር የሞተሩን ሙቀት መቀነስ
የማቀዝቀዣ ዋና ዋና ክፍሎች
#ራዲያተር #ኩላንት #ውሃ ገፊ #ቴርሞስታት
#የማቀዝቀዣ ፋን #ኤክፓንሽን ታበከር(ዲስኮርተ)