How To Enjoy MMOs Again | Asmongold Reacts

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How to enjoy MMORPGs again.
by @LuckyGhost • How To Enjoy MMOs Again
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@Kalesh06 Жыл бұрын
I just love the excitement every time he talks about his mom. She really was an amazing mom from what I can tell.
@xbox70333 9 ай бұрын
No wonder he's well adjusted
@WarFoxThunder 9 ай бұрын
@ghostplanetstudios Жыл бұрын
I’m gonna keep it a buck: GW2s painting style graphics aged better than WoWs. WoW fans act like that Disney-Pixar/Fortnite look retail has isn’t lame AF in 2023, and unironically talk about classic like it’s this beautiful game, when that shit looks like N64. Talking shit about how another game looks is the biggest glass of cope on the counter. Those WoW subs be down boys. People don’t connect with Azeroth like that anymore. Meanwhile GW2 is growing. I came back to GW out of curiosity after XIV but have played most everything else out there. The game is beautiful, especially in later zones. If GW2 looks like shit I dunno what that even says about WoW these days. Straight up
@quinlanmelvin3063 Жыл бұрын
It’s time for something new , honestly these days I don’t enjoy most games in general but I’ve kind of noticed that I’m doing more irl things and it feels like levelling up 😂
@DustinJames-mk1gl Жыл бұрын
One thing I found is that playing an old game you know and love but with new restrictions, can make it fun again If you know runescape, ironman mode is a great example, with many other gameplay styles made by content creators When I'm bored in Diablo 2 remastered, for example I will play with a less powerful build than I did the time before Instead of running around with the meta skills and armor, I'd just goof around on a niche build and try to make it work
@codyfindley5225 Жыл бұрын
Ayo i got bored of games now I level up lmao man's life is a manga now
@NapoleontheLesser Жыл бұрын
Fr fr, I've always found mmos like hamster wheels even after 3 days. Go do something irl that's fun, clubbing, hiking, pottery, the options are literally endless
@TheOneGreat Жыл бұрын
Then you maybe don't like gaming anymore. That's fine. But there are hundreds of amazing games out there. The further away from AAA and lootboxes and MTX the better.
@jcon2060 Жыл бұрын
"doing more IRL things and it feels like levelling up" -- sanest MMO enjoyer.
@Cazvolaine Жыл бұрын
Talking to people on the internet was once a new and exciting experience. MMO's came about in this time. I don't know how to put that genie back in the bottle.
@stephenmessana5712 Жыл бұрын
BINGO, I couldn’t put it into words but this is literally the reason MMOs are less intriguing to me. And also none do it as well as the oldest early MMOs
@vashe9 Жыл бұрын
people were less toxic before, no twitter, no instagram, no tik tok no stupid "influencers" and their community... Less toxic people were playing games, it was a thing for more "geeky" people. I miss the time when playing Everquest, DAOC, Wow... was only a thing for "geeks". And... wow servers were limited to ONE language, it's easier to interact with people in your first language.
@pizzafacemcbride3582 6 ай бұрын
I think it could get taken back, at least in part, when MMO's are made in a way where community (that is, world-community not just guild-community) matters. Where you make a name for yourself and where you're dependent on the players in the world around you, where you have to build community to thrive. It looks like Ashes of Creation is taking the MMO back in that direction. Let's hope so at least.
@Officialmryuck Жыл бұрын
My grandmother introduced me to Zelda back in 1990. Me and her were literally gaming buddies. 🙏
@Aethelhald Жыл бұрын
I did this when I came back to Classic WoW when it re-launched in 2019. I decided that instead of my goal being to get to max level then raid for the best gear, instead my goal would be to enjoy the quests and storylines, explore the zones, collect unique quest rewards and so on and so forth, and eventually hitting max level and raiding would just happen naturally once I was at my true endgame. It gave me a totally new experience of WoW which ended up being just as good as it was when I played it for the first time back in 2005. I made sure to explore and finish quests in every zone. I went out of my way to quest in zones I never bothered to quest in before - like Stonetalon Mountains (which as alliance you generally ignore). I read all the quest text. I completed zones I totally ignored back in the day, like Azshara, whose quests I would abandon and then never go back because they wanted me to spend 10 minutes swimming to a little island in the middle of a giant sea, or travel to somewhere in Eastern Kingdoms and then back to Azshara again for some ridiculous reason. I made notes of quests that were too high level, or which I couldn't find a group for, then went back when I could solo them. I felt completely and utterly immersed in Azeroth again just like back in the good old days. I wasn't stressing out to do the same raid again and again and again to get this or that BiS item, I was logging in to chill the fuck out and enjoy a new zone or a big quest chain I had never done before.
@Aethelhald Жыл бұрын
@@kevinc8955 I thought I hated raiding too. Turns out I just hate it when raiding becomes mandatory, like when you joined a guild, signed up for a raid, and now they're relying on you for that spot because they don't have many healers. It's ok the first time, but then the next Thursday I'm like "fuck, I want to do literally anything else besides raid tonight, why did I put myself in this position." Like, Karazhan is my all time favourite raid. Actually it's probably tied with ZG because that's the first raid I ever did in WoW and it's nostalgic as fuck to me to raid in there, but overall Karazhan is probably my favourite. In TBC I got to level 70, attuned to Kara, signed up, then raided it for around a month as often as we could. I enjoyed it the first couple of times, then I started to think "man I want to do other stuff, I was looking forward to chilling out questing and listening to a podcast tonight." By the end of the month I was so fucking burned out on WoW I quit - even the thought of double-clicking on the WoW icon on my desktop made me feel disgusting. I logged in one final time a few weeks later, gave all my money and stuff away, deleted my characters and uninstalled it. That's how sick it made me feel, having to treat WoW like a job I have to turn up on time for every night. Took me over a year to reinstall it and I just went back to good old Classic, chilling out, levelling up, on horde this time - played horde for the first time ever, exploring Barrens, doing quests, shit I never did before, and just like that it was back to being the best game in the history of gaming again. I prefer it when I'm just casual, in a guild, and sometimes they'll whisper me and say "hey someone dropped out, wanna fill this spot?" and if I feel like it then I go and I have fun, and if I don't I just say nah and carry on having fun whatever other way I want to.
@billytheweasel Жыл бұрын
@@Aethelhald Same, essentially. I like seeing what the devs have come up with, following quest chains to see what's in store - not just get it over with to get the next epic loots. When I'd put too much into crafting/trades, just to have it scrapped the next expansion - it caused me to just let that crap go. I usually had sh!t going on in life that was a priority and couldn't commit to anything in-game. Just a casual, but a casual that bought a fookin house. Retired early on a tropical beach now, with some time, and looking into restarting WoW if the lag is ok here. Just want to see what they came up with now.
@mattbettinson4576 Жыл бұрын
The result of a disciplined mind
@reedmayne Жыл бұрын
I'm doing the exact same thing rn on WOTLK classic and it's an awesome experience.
@Djfjfjrhhrjrhrhfj Жыл бұрын
I've been saying this for so long. I never understood how people enjoy rushing through the entire game just to grind for gear. Then what? You get the best gear and complain that there is nothing to do since you rushed through the entire game/expansion in a couple of weeks. Slow down and actually enjoy the journey. To each their own, but I would instantly get bored if I played the game the way 99% of MMO players approach the game. Just gives off sweaty degenerate vibes to me. They chase short term dopamine hits instead of focusing on enjoying the game long term.
@jpteknoman Жыл бұрын
in BDO i get more fun when i decided to just ignore the events and most of the daily quests and just do whatever i feel like doing each day. what an MMO needs for a good social experience is mechanics that make the existence of other players relevant.
@billytheweasel Жыл бұрын
yep, can't commit time but appreciate the random social aspect when available. good!
@Naeidea Жыл бұрын
Why no love for GW2? It's such a good game.
@akhsdenlew1861 Жыл бұрын
Becouse GW2 is a GAME, not a job. And MMORPG players have this.. job complex ( cus they are jobless in real life). in GW2 you log in to play and not to work. And people can't have that.
@Authura Жыл бұрын
How to enjoy MMOs again: Play GW2
@DVFHAFYT Жыл бұрын
Pfff just played it yesterday, braindead combat, being praised by npcs for doing braindead combat. And I am only judging the start of the game, you know, the most crucial part, which they completely screwed up. No, I will not wait until I reach level XX when the game becomes fun, it needs to be fun from the start, and it isn't, AT ALL.
@ghostplanetstudios Жыл бұрын
Great perspective. Over the years I’ve been in the genre I’ve dialed things back to maybe 1 or 2 MMOs I play at a given time, and I just rotate those out now and then. Mix in some single player gaming and I’m managing to still have a good time all around
@flipper_the_rabbit Жыл бұрын
Wrath of the Lichking was the peak of dailies. I used to love getting the aircraft dailies. It mixed it up so much and it was a blast.
@LyricalViking Жыл бұрын
So basically what I got out of this is to set goals so you don't get burnt out doing pointless things even if it's beneficial to do them. So choose a aspect of the game you like and focus on it. If you like exploring then go off and explore, if you like skilling then go do that, questing? Gotya covered. Just don't get sucked in the usual grind fests like doing dailies.
@cameronphenix2096 Жыл бұрын
I've recently got back into Runescape. I'm having a blast. I stopped trying to tryhard and am just taking things at my own pace. getting as far into quests without help as possible, picking skills to train at random, exploring parts of the map I've never really been to before. Playing without caring like I did when I was a child.
@fredq6118 Жыл бұрын
Lovin' it! If I may recommend a cool spot in the game, it's in Shilo Village, go east of the gem mine to the north-east corner of shilo and go upstairs and talk with the NPC there. That was a new experience for me the other day :D
@xMiNdWaRpx Жыл бұрын
"I won't play GW2 because it looks like shit" - Played Classic WoW
@Kuroganemk2 Жыл бұрын
37:25 Think the problem for some when quitting an MMO are the people they play with and the lack of anything other than that one MMO connecting the internet friendship.
@beachday4439 Жыл бұрын
Mmo dungeons should have things like the skulls from halo 3. The grunt party skull or can't use a certain weapon. And you find and unlock different things in the over world to change up the dungeons and unlock special titles and stuff.
@whoopsie321 Жыл бұрын
MMOs were peak when all the knowledge wasn't available with youtube or google. Everyone min/maxes now and I do it too but I definitely enjoyed mmos way more back when the internet was still young and you had to go onto the forums and look up guides/builds/ask bad ass players in game what their spec and talents were etc. I guess that's why the beginning of a new mmo is so fun. Can't wait for Ashes but you damn well know its going to be figured out pretty fast within a month or two.
@vashe9 Жыл бұрын
definitely true... and if you ignore all this information you'll be blamed anyway (or just lose against "meta people")
@Dan-Scott 11 ай бұрын
Doombreed getting Ashes of Alar on our first and only kill was the most legendary moment of our lives. His dad has passed away the week prior, we had been working on KT, and it was the last week before you no longer needed it for BT. The guild wanted it down but everyone was understanding if Doombreed didn't raid. But he did, and once we moved Chocolock away from tanking the warlock, and let Heaffen take over, the kill came quickly. Seeing the mount drop, there was no guild drama, we all agreed, Doombreed got it.
@K_Wags11 Жыл бұрын
Take me back to the runescape days, early 2000's. Waking up at 6am on a Saturday sitting in Ventrilo/Teamspeak as your friends log in one at a time, just to play the day away.
@blehbleh6162 Жыл бұрын
Wish he’d give GW2 a chance. If he goes into with an adventure mindset he’d enjoy it. He doesn’t have to stay forever. In fact GW2 is best played as a nine forever game. Theses so much stuff to do if your not hung up on needing to have an endless gear grind.
@TerminalM193 Жыл бұрын
While I agree, the starting process in gw2 is rough as hell. Atleast it was back when I played it years ago...
@Caitmonster Жыл бұрын
@@TerminalM193 They've definitely streamlined the new player experience and even give out a mount at level 10 for free instead of having to wait for POF. Not to mention they revamped leveling rewards and polished up some of the early game world bosses.
@zachrice8478 10 ай бұрын
Garden warfare 2?????
@NoobahSteve Жыл бұрын
he says GW2 looks like shit but on multiple occasions asmons mentioned that he doesnt care what a game looks like graphically as long as the game play is good. The hypocrisy. its sad cause GW2 gameplay is some of the best in the genre.
@PhantomMiria22 Жыл бұрын
He played classic wow, thats the worst looking shit there is. And a lot of times when he listens to or describes stuff he would like in an mmo GW2 has all of it.
@jacknapier2089 Жыл бұрын
@@PhantomMiria22 Playing Turtle WoW vanilla varient, WoW is more laxed and simpler times, whereas Guild Wars 2 is an action oriented game with an easy skill floor to high ceiling.
@NoobahSteve Жыл бұрын
@jacknapier2089 but his gripe is the aesthetic not the gameplay. He has yet to experience the gameplay of gw2 thus only neglecting the game due to looks and it contradicts his perceived point of view when it comes to playing games because they are fun and not necessarily for their graphical fidelity and style.
@Avaheim Жыл бұрын
I respect his opinion on GW2, but it 100% the kinda game he would love
@smasheroni2703 Жыл бұрын
Will never play GW2 then describes the perfect social MMO and GW2 has it all 😂wish he would give it a shot because it is really good but its all good I respect him not wanting to
@Runninpressure Жыл бұрын
I don't normally comment but this video has me needing to plug a great throwback MMO I don't even currently play, but one gamer to another it hits on every thing video points out. It satisfies that old school itch. Its "Return of the Reckoning" I know I know its a private server, but don't knock it unless you've checked it out.
@VirtuaLarz Жыл бұрын
Highly recommend Guild Wars 1. It's older, but it's more of a cooperative RPG that respects your time. It's almost like an "mmo-lite", but the game is fun at the start and you don't even need to play with other IRL people.
@lordkroak6670 Жыл бұрын
MMOs were fun to me when I was in middle school (2005-2008). I have yet to really get back into MMOs since then. I try for a week or two then quit. But I have been wanting to play one with my friends. Not mainly to play just to spend time with friends.
@ForgeOtter 9 ай бұрын
My favorite recent example of the new adventure and figuring things out people didn't know, new world tanking gems. I remember being a tank and every group said they didn't need one because a full dps group is the same because tanks couldn't hold aggro. No tanks knew that you needed a gem to taunt.
@kruxiscast3944 Жыл бұрын
Definitelly agree on change your genre if you can't find fun. At least for the moment. I had a WoW break after playing from end WOTLK -> Start WoD. I played so much and patches were confusing and bugging me and we had internal issues in the guild and i stoped WoW. I tried other MMOs but couldn't get to it. So i made an MMO break, just playing mmos occasionaly. Got into Esports games and singleplayer, here and there maybe a short period MMO with some friends. Now when i got invited to the Shadowlands Alpha i came back to the game. I was super excited, everything was new and cool and OMG the areas. I made a new class i've never played before (Fury Warrior at that time) and just started exploring the alpha realm. And i got my joy back in an instant. After skipping WoD, Legion and BfA ENTIRELY (except for gamescom testing BfA). Unfortunatelly now i am sad i skiped it cuz man that content was FIRE. And now i am in the same spot. I played so much Season 1 and grinded so much M+, grinding gear here, get into the meta, get fully equiped, learn my class as much as i can, that i started to become more inactive during the week (also due to work) so i basically dont play WoW atm, only logging in sometimes, mostly on saturdays to do the Raid (assist the lower Raid roster as Tank) and log back out after a Transmog farm after the Raid. Playing Elite Dangerous now and some minor other things. Checking some good old RPGs like Gothic. Just to recharge my battery, getting maximum hype for upcoming season 2.
@domwatts8314 Жыл бұрын
This ol' lady of 55 understands what is meant about tribalism in MMOs and I was one of the worst offenders for literal decades. Coming from EQ then EQ2, WoW was our competition as it launched 2 weeks or so after EQ2. WoW slowly over the years decimated our playerbase as many people drifted to WoW even though we were the Top tier guilds killing World Bosses and server first-ing so much, Raiding around 6 hours a day with 2 time zone guilds with great people, even THAT couldn't keep people from bleeding to WoW. Because of my negative outlook on WoW I played EQ2 for 16 years then left for Aion/Tera/Rift/SWTOR/FFXiV/ESO/GW2 etc after so many bad decisions by SOE for EQ2. Alpha'd/Beta'd (waves to old Betacake site LOL) like crazy over the decades just in search of something that I actually couldn't put my finger on what was so missing from my gaming, but I STILL would NOT play WoW. Playing Lost Ark recently in Bot World forced me to really think about what I missed in my MMOs and why I had not really found an MMO home since EQ2. I finally succumbed to my stupidity in boycotting WoW and have been playing Dragonflight now for around 3 weeks and have been feeling some nostalgia, even in the not so great textures of the older zones I am finding some sort of comfortability. LOL I have yet to create a guild or join one as I am on both a Horde server and an Alliance one, to see where I really want to land, but I am feeling more comfortable in this game than I have in so many years now. It almost feels like Home, and that I never felt even in Aion when I was Asmodian commander for over a year and a half and worked hard every day in that game with my Guild. Hopefully the feeling lasts even though I feel so far behind in WoW and I regret my negative reaction to the game for so long. That said, the MMORPG landscape is THIRSTY for SOMETHING NEW! AoC or Pantheon has been the brass ring for many of us looking for a new game but I am guessing neither of those will hit the spot either, if they ever release. I think the fact WoW has such a large population still, accounts for a better in-game experience than a barren landscape many MMOs suffer these days.
@domwatts8314 Жыл бұрын
@DeadManWalking Thanks for your thoughtful reply! You see WoW now exactly the same as I see EQ/EQ2 so I think part of what you are saying also applies to me in a way also. I am taking characters NOT through Exile (past the first forced encounter) and instead going back to the older parts of the game and really see massive differences in xpack to xpack as they advance, and see the underlying changes being made so certainly see where you are coming from. Frankly, when WoW did this Level Squish I read about, I would have probably quit at that time and I am betting many did! Again though, I have not entered into anything solid yet like raiding etc but am feeling a bit of "Balm for the Soul" as it were, probably with the similarities in mechanics and even in environments to a degree and the music.. so much like EQ2 in ways! Plus, I have possibly been fortunate enough to not encounter any bots in WoW which seethe in every darn game I play anymore, possibly because I am playing more in the older areas. Never having raided in WoW yet so I cannot speak to end game as I can for the other games I've played but I do see videos and so many similar mechanics over the years between the 2 games but then, they do share quite a lot. I wish I had not missed those cool, formative years of WoW, and I expect I would have enjoyed it greatly and possibly still be playing it 18years later if I could have gotten over being myopic about EQ2. They say you can never go back to your first Love once you have a hard breakup. Might be what is up for you and I both! lol Trying to recapture a period of time that will never come again now Social Media is such a thing and people are so connected outside of the games we play! Be well & Game On!
@misanthropicattackhelicopt4148 Жыл бұрын
@DeadManWalking This is very true back in the 2000s when it came out you had to earn certain skills like elite mounts and certain quests for your class the removed them also they didn't have quest markers on the map showing you where to go you had to read the quest and it would say something like south of undercity near a cave and you actually had to go exploring to complete it I hate, hate quest markers they really killed the adventure part of video games. Now people just fly from quest marker to quest marker not reading the text the creaters may as well just put kill 5 trolls instead of wasting time with texted the way its gone.
@Merknilash Жыл бұрын
So basically you were in your early 30s when EQ1 came out. What a time to be alive. I'm surprised you stuck around for EQ2 though. The week WoW came out, EQ2 got slaughtered.
@Merknilash Жыл бұрын
@DeadManWalking they definitely made everything bland but I think that's because they distilled the game down to a gearscore grind with raid tiers as a model that they've used for literally 10+ years now as they churn out xpacs every 2 years which was their stated goal back in the late 00s. As a result they stripped away things like meaningful professions - remember when we had unique potions, or tradeskills that had cool stuff like anti-venom and throwing nets? All gone. No toys allowed, everything must be optimized for raiding skinner box.
@domwatts8314 Жыл бұрын
@@Merknilash Yes, yes it did indeed! LOL I stuck with it though as did some friends at the time and the rest is history. Waiting for Diablo Server Slam tomorrow though so I guess there is something to do this weekend other than putz around in WoW! :D
@talkingdot Жыл бұрын
Dailies are okay for games if you complete them by just playing the game not going out of your way to do some kind of quest
@olwynskye417 Ай бұрын
Taking a break from ESO, because I burned myself out. Read guides to rush my butt to the endgame and ended up too tired to take part in it. Now installing other MMORPGs to play for couple of months, but when I continue ESO I will not read guides on what skills are best but instead level the kind of character I want to play at that moment and explore places I want to visit. I can always respec my character for endgame content if whatever I end up with isn't ideal for it.
@chiro6069 Жыл бұрын
If it was just solo play than sure, these tips will greatly refresh things up. Then you join group content, become friends, trying to keep up with them and fall down the loop hole they have been (still are) for 10y.
@PanjolArt Жыл бұрын
i've never getting bored of mmos, been playing mmo since 2005/2006 trying out new mmos ( new mmos or old mmos ), i know almost all of the mmo on this video. that's how i avoid mmo burnout.
@rubhan94 Жыл бұрын
20:05 I remember a few years ago I logged back into Rift and everyone on my friends list were just random characters and numbers because of server migration. It was pretty sad to see.
@PaiOeShi Жыл бұрын
every few months i remember how much i miss open world pvp mmos with actual risk vs reward. I love lost arks combat, but thats it. Man I miss Shadowbane....
@Adrian-ut2ug Жыл бұрын
My way to really enjoy mmos is doing the only contents I really like: Exploring. Mmos have awesome world with really cool character progress where story doesnt matter that much. Its perfect for me. I like to find the most interesting class and Explorer the world while Im leveling up my character and enjoying character Progression. At max level I do as much content as possible as a casual so in most mmo regular raids and normal dungeons. When I explored the base content and hamster wheel would start I quit and Move on to the next game. There are enough game to keep me entertained this way for months and often a new content just drops when I finish a game so I play through the new content on casual level.
@dancode9738 Жыл бұрын
Leaving your computer on is good for lifetime of computer. Every time you power off and on it is very hard on electrical components. Better to sit on in sleep mode than power down.
@ViTooRHaring Жыл бұрын
I think the problem is the genre itself. I remember playing Priston Tale (was the famous MMO here in brazil) you were just thrown into the game and you were free to do whatever you wanted (there wasnt much to do, was basically kill monsters to level up) but that was the point, to do what you want. But what do you want? What could they bring to us that is new? We already have dungeons, raids, world bosses, questlines, professions (I hate this ones), etc... this is all PvE content and I think it's time to have a PvP focused endgame content, but not like New World or Albion, something new that make us like to play the game, we are tired to play against the same mechanics in bosses and run to a place were you don't take damage and etc... I think the PvE is important but the PvP is what make people stay. We need a MMO with just 1 mega server, enough of that server bullshit, we need also a MMO where the max level is hard to achieve but as soon as you are next to it you can play the PvP content, a game where craft your gear or drop it is more difficult than a RnG, a game where your new gear doesn't make your character unkillable, just some advantage to not make PvP a MinMax content. Well, just some thoughts about what would make me like MMOs again because the way they are treating MMO with massive dumb quest lines and repetitive content are making me give up on this genre
@Ohhelmno Жыл бұрын
Btw, what’s with guild leaders always leaving their guild minutes before a raid? It feels like every time this has happened to me it’s been as we were forming for raid and always “I’ve been thinking about this for awhile and I’m done” and it’s like dude we have 1 day left in our lockout you couldn’t have said this on Tuesday?
@jamesaydelette5660 Жыл бұрын
It’s called move on to a new game and come back at a later date there is so much to be played
@Slavic_Socialist Жыл бұрын
Can’t disagree more, GW2 has been a more fun experience than any other one I’ve played lately tbh. It looks amazing with tons of thought put into every area, and doesn’t look like a shitty cartoon like WoW
@ClownCapp Жыл бұрын
tbf the artstyle thing isn’t really an argument lmao. Although I do agree that gw2 is superior
@Slavic_Socialist Жыл бұрын
@@ClownCapp It’s like he watched a low res quality video of someone playing it for 1 minute and decided he didn’t like the graphics, I agree idk how that’s even an argument against it lol. Asmon should seriously try playing GW2. The community is superior by a long shot too, I hate the elitist mentality in WoW. I joined a guild finally and everyone is always telling me my name is cool and never ran into any assholes yet lol
@RockandStoneVForKarl Жыл бұрын
There hasn't been many big new mmo releases in a long time, we only have had New World (not counting Eastern ports to the west) That is one major release and its already been a year and a half. Compare that to 2011 with RIft and Swtor, 2012 with Guild Wars 2, 2013 had Neverwinter, 2014 had Wildstar, Elder Scrolls Online, and Destiny Nowadays companies wanna chase the feeling of mmo progression without actually developing the ambitious scope of an mmo.
@RockandStoneVForKarl Жыл бұрын
@@minuette1752SAME HERE BRO SAME FUCKIN HERE I loved every second of that game and I played it from launch to shutdown, had around 2k hours which for a man in school was a lot (casual for a real gamer like asmon though) Everything I wanted in an mmo, shame it couldn't find its footing.
@DoXLocK Жыл бұрын
kekw beating sunwell in tbc... let me tell you what i did in tbc. back in the day ma and a frind found out there is more than warcraft 3, yes its calles world of warcraft. man, it was so fun to run around explore the world, meet other players, run acros the whole as a ghost. i remember one time, when a quest was bugged and it showed me to complete the quest in darnassus.... as a tauren druid.... i didnt even know what darnassus is. at this time we were in thousand needles and had no idea how to get there. so we went to feralas, died and run as a ghost from feralas to darnassus. it was amazing xD
@RobertSmith-lh6hg Жыл бұрын
Having fun depends on what you like. Identify what's fun for you and do that. Simple. If you like min-maxing and chasing BIS builds, go for it.
@Djfjfjrhhrjrhrhfj Жыл бұрын
The point of the video is people who obsess with min maxing and aren't having fun though. They just do it because it's what you're "supposed to do". Most people don't know how to have fun, they need to be spoon fed the fun.
@thanganbabp5570 Жыл бұрын
for a good social experience mmos need to have shared worlds where you can affect one another, and levelling challenges that make you need each other enough to kickstart meeting people
@bluntman1138 Жыл бұрын
ASMON needs to do a video watching all the SWTOR cinematics
@Brandypop Жыл бұрын
Hearing the intro story about how Asmon's mom let him stay up reminds me of my aunt and uncle who legit would set up Halo tournaments in their house and say "Well, if you go to bed, that means you forfeit." My aunt bought me XBox Live when it came out and was my first friend on it. We still game from time to time. Shared family hobbies are awesome.
@sirstriped5233 9 ай бұрын
One thing I agree with that most MMOs suffer is unlocks during progression to show prestige
@0megaFTW Жыл бұрын
My mom wasn't the one who would let me stay up all night, but she was definitely the one who was there to take my picture when I 1 shot Mega Man 3 so she could send it in to Nintendo Power for me.... a great balance
@craigwithee Жыл бұрын
In vanilla I leveled a tauren hunter to level 40 but when I got my kodo mount I thought it looked so dumb that I deleted the character and rerolled mage. Good times...
@sagiriseira Жыл бұрын
do a mmo tier list it would be a blast
@Primarina341 Жыл бұрын
I love FFXIV but i reached the point where all i had left to do was hardcore content and it all requires so much time i just dont have anymore.
@lmunchl4189 Жыл бұрын
Eso has all of those except the guild challenges. Game is great and the content is very fun
@AnonYoBizness Жыл бұрын
I remember way back in OG pre bb Maplestory's I had the Steelys Kunai stars at lv 47ish, and when i went to Ludi PQ, everyone would add me to the party and Whisper me about it, since it was like a end game character Kunai. How did i get Steelys you ask? During the first Maple event, i got a Maple claw drop and someone who got free end game gear from a quiting pro and traded me them for the Maple claw i ruined with 100% scrolls. This memory always sticks with me and can only really happen in an MMO..... been chasing that high ever since but these companies don't get it anymore imo.
@kevinrath3988 Жыл бұрын
Im always remember my mom when asmon tell story about his mom . I hope she live a long healthy live
@metallixro Жыл бұрын
How to enjoy MMOs again: turn back time and be a care free teenager again ;)
@akhsdenlew1861 Жыл бұрын
@@BaithNa as someone who played MMORPGS for 20+ years, i disagree with the assumtpion that you can actually find an MMORPG that suits your needs. First of all, most people don't even know their needs when it comes to MMORPGS.. The MMORPG genre is a sinking boat for 10 years now. The people who used to play it and loved the genre, ( mainly thanks to WoW) are now very old and cannot play OR they play but since they are old and wierd, nothng satisfies them. And the New generation, would of course rather play any other type of a game than an MMORPG.
@metallixro Жыл бұрын
@@akhsdenlew1861 100% agree with this. New MMOs are the best example of the game industry shifting over the past 20 years from a bunch of nerds making the best games they can make and hoping people like them and buy them to corporations designing videogames with the sole intent of making players spend as much money as possible. I remember being outraged I have to pay monthly for wow and look at MMOs now lmao :)))
@ianflurrance8438 7 ай бұрын
Nothing makes me happier than hearing Asmod light up when he talks about his mom.
@robciksj Жыл бұрын
The reason why playing multiple MMOs does not work is the reason we want to be good and dominate others - we need the best gear, and knowledge about game, and in a result, we do not have time to play multiple MMOs. For single-player games that do not matter because we are alone but in MMOs there are other people and we want to dominate others - that makes us feel good.
@therpginger5886 Жыл бұрын
0:39 let's talk about the true displays of smash bro skills the players that played donkey kong grabbed you and ran off the map.
@Triariusrex Жыл бұрын
That's why i like SWTOR, feels accomplishing finishing all the stories
@DeadByDerek Жыл бұрын
Ive been playing AFK arena as a f2p player for years now. its a good game
@szilagyimiklos4757 Жыл бұрын
When you need a whole guide to enjoy something, its probably not the thing for you anymore
@Osprey1994 Жыл бұрын
The hamster wheel is the analogy I have been using for a long time. The week to week tasks and daily content are the hamster wheel. The stuff Zack talks about is the horizontal prog that can be rewarding, but for some of us it's not. I find that as soon as I notice the wheel, the gameplay loop, I am likely to stop playing the game relatively soon. Also, Velganos was easy especially if you ran solo. Deskaluda was braindead, and so is Kungie. Kungelanium is essentially a target dummy, he sits there turns a bit, jumps a bit, but he is dead easy. Now if you want to say OG Carl was a bitch, then yeah.
@Necreyy Жыл бұрын
Gosh i‘ve quitted Wow in Shadowlands and just listening to this makes me feel exhausted
@Zanathal Жыл бұрын
I love when he talks about his mom :) Hes always so happy about it
@Oxxygen_io Жыл бұрын
Lineage 2 was my goat. I played sooooo much. I also met my wife there, 2004, started dating in 2006. Now celebrating our 13th anniversary on Sunday ❤️. Good times , but I never ever wanted to play a game so badly before or after. I guess we all get that one game.
@endymionduni5683 Жыл бұрын
Still kinda surprised Asmond isn't playing GW2. Has he never tried or did he try and not like the start? Edit: ok I arrived at where he comments about GW2. Sounded sort of vague. I guess it's just not a design choice he likes?
@olavjensen1590 Жыл бұрын
Especially since he mentioned at least once he likes jumping puzzles. I could be wrong but GW2 is the single MMO that if any MMO did, it made JPs popular. Got like 20+ just in the core game, lol.
@JamieBarrington Жыл бұрын
I started playing FFXIV again after a 7 yr hiatus. I lost my old character in my divorce on our shared account (yeah, the divorce got really nerdy and I lost out, lol). So once again, I'm a sprout, but having a blast starting fresh. I did get gear shamed today though. I was just leveling a new alt job and the people in Limsa Liminsa laughed at my outfit. I apparently wore rags to the 24 hour fashion show they have going on there, lol. No worries though. Most of the people on the game are pretty awesome. I forgot how addicting Dungeon Roulette was. One great thing about FF is they don't expect you to log on every single day. Play when you want to play. Log off when you want to log off. It's supposed to be fun, not work.
@sibrand100 Жыл бұрын
"Why are you alive?" Damn son, no Brady strategy guide for that one😢
@Voxrar Жыл бұрын
Ok yeah, I checked and my PC has been 'up' for 10 days, but I use sleep mode when I am not at the computer. Guess I should hard shutdown more often.
@andrewaylett8 Жыл бұрын
i played wow for almost 2 years at a internet cafe back in the day, before i made my first gaming PC
@thenikko8292 Жыл бұрын
mortal online 1 launch was so chaotic back in 2010. ppl didnt know where to look for rescources where to find metals and how the crafting was even working lol for a while (about 3 months) ppl would fight in fur and bone armor and weapon. with some cuprum or bleck weapons showing here abd there... Duels and pvp would last for ages cuz nobody is doing damage lol THEN one guild found how to make metal. GOOD METAL. Grain steel and steel. the first time a guild showed up for a community event wearing all steel gear? they were ballin!!
@boyscodon909 11 ай бұрын
thats why Ragnarok never been bored to me i just hop from this sv to that sv
@chrislyngar9081 Жыл бұрын
I had much more fun playing Diablo 2 after being in a WoW guild, because I was the guild tank, so I would run 5 man dungeons over and over and it got me into the I could farm bosses mindset.
@Thisguy2532 Жыл бұрын
Reminds me of destiny and D2 I spent so much time so much thousands of hours probably the most I ever invested into a video game and then elden ring came out then I spent over 400 hours on then I played other games I never played like cyberpunk, god of war ragnorok also took a lot time from it then I played some other smaller games like gaurdians of the galaxy, I replayed Arkham knight and Jedi fallen order, then I recently went back to destiny and I’m enjoying it
@RoryCMahan Жыл бұрын
Dailies are fine, but they can't be important to progress. They're a nice thing to include for stuff like useful resources that are relatively common because you can get them in other ways, but if you've done those other ways and want more, here's some dailies.
@Domaister420 6 ай бұрын
The Hamsterwheel was ElderscrollsOnline for me. At a certain point, where people told me: oh do your crafting dailies, identify magic items everyday, do your dungeon saily and so on. I wasnt even max level but everyone told me i should do this, otherwise i am f*cked when i am max lvl
@CB-wj6oh Жыл бұрын
I’m that person in the golden year of their MMO. Just started endgaming my mmo of choice & I love it 🥰
@Oscar_Le_Slouch Жыл бұрын
My favorite MMO currently is Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis. No over the top grinding, classes and combat are so fluid, hilarious community, Plenty of guilds, Symbol Arts aka Memes, cosplaying, and it’s the best Waifu creator ever! I have yet to find a character creator that top this. Story is pretty good and since it’s open world the map is giant made of 4 regions! And end game is fashion lmao. Definitely worth a try since it’s free.
@Luc3ntiX Жыл бұрын
Nowadays my irl mmo is more fun than any game out there, still waiting for that new mmo to see myself return to one
@JeffKeens Жыл бұрын
What made me enjoy MMOs again, is not comparing myself to other players. Back then I allways wanted to be in the top % of players. But who gives a shit about that, it is just burning you out in the long term
@JayKurusaki Жыл бұрын
MMO should have an endgoal where you don't need to repeat task over and over, then come back to it from time to time when you feel like it, daily task should stop being a thing and just leave it as a weekly or monthly task so you dont have to login everyday, with this you wouldn't feel burned out and you can complete tasks without logging in every single day
@NexusBecauseWhyNot Жыл бұрын
That hamster wheel metaphor is the best way to describe what kills my enjoyment of a game the most. I have played hundreds of games where the dopamine of doing a dumb 5-minute activity every day would hook me for months. I played Genshin from the second day of release up until a week after Chasm was released, I was full cock and balls into that game, 100% on all the regions, all the characters I could get my hands on at level 80 or 90, coming every single day for a mere 60 primogems daily. Was the hardest I was ever hooked on a daily system and I have no clue why it felt better than the other games. I also played Azur Lane, AFK Arena, games like Clash of Clans that get me to open it daily to collect afk resources, or games that have a chest system that unlock after a certain number of hours, games like Warframe that are an endless grind (that dumbass Mastery Rank pushed me into 3k hours on that game and now to progress it further I have to play the content I don't enjoy). What the hell makes these game's dailies be so satisfying but then when I miss a daily in others I don't give a shit (League has a daily, nobody cares at all about it, some don't even mind it's existence). Probably the fear of falling behind, maybe the sunk-cost fallacy comes into play, but adding a daily into a game makes it an instant hook with the risk of burnoff players never coming back...
@vashe9 Жыл бұрын
Same for me with Genshin... I quit around the same time, some day I woke up and asked myself "Why am I wasting time and money on this shit ?" then uninstalled it
@dobermanownerforlife3902 Жыл бұрын
Maybe Everquest ruined me on raiding . The leveling experience and grouping seems much more enjoyable than raiding. Hard-core WoW is very tempting. If they actually make a server that locks out dead characters, I will be trying it.
@akhsdenlew1861 Жыл бұрын
the addon does it for yu.
@0kaiKai Жыл бұрын
Hamster wheel is entire Lost Ark btw
@timadams3975 Жыл бұрын
After playing so many MMOs you will finally decide that you don't want to invest that much time into a game anymore. Bad thing is that most single player open world games these days are only like a couple of weeks before you beat them. That's too short. Luckily some single player games like Starfield and Nightingale being released this year may have some long term playability if I want to play them for a while.
@jacqli69 Жыл бұрын
Not really possible to enjoy MMOs once you've grown older. You can play them to accomplish something, but the satisfaction is shallow and short-lived, and the process is not fun anymore. The genre and concept of playing in a huge world with other people doesn't feel fresh and exciting anymore. Killing the same mobs over and over, overcoming huge adversity, seeing your numbers go up as a result of the time you've invested - it was fun when we were dumb teenagers. But with age, you understand (at least you should) that the time commitment isn't worth it. You realize that you're unable to just immerse yourself in the world, as you're painfully aware that doing so means you fall behind on the content checklist you have to do. You try to listen to people's advice "just play it casually and you'll have fun again", you try doing that but you fail. There's something in your head that's blocking your enjoyment of the game if you don't push the content quickly. And if you do, you become exhausted and burned out. And you slowly realize once again, that it's all not worth the time. Putting 10 hours into raiding just to have a chance at loot casino isn't enticing enough anymore. Even if you get that rare piece of gear, you feel happy for only a short moment. Then you realize you're only one step closer to your goal. And even if you achieved your goal, your happiness will only last for a day or two, before you put the game down until the next update. And then you have to repeat the whole process all over again. And you're reminded once more, that all the time you've put previously is meaningless now. Eventually, you repeat this process with enough MMORPGs, you count all the years you've lost to this genre, and you become painfully aware it's all not worth it. You vow to yourself to never play an MMO ever again. You still have that desire to achieve stuff in MMOs, but you now have enough wisdom to hold yourself back, to prevent yourself from getting trapped once again. Life is painful. You want to relive those great moments you had in MMOs as a teenager, but you're now too old and have a different perspective on life.
@Gibs6051 Жыл бұрын
would love to see you play Raid shadow wallet, you would tear it apart
@milentiusgaming Жыл бұрын
lol call of dragons talking point: you can scroll in and out this huge seamless map.... WOW scrolling, what a breakthrough in the mobile gaming, never saw that coming.
@torchlord11 Жыл бұрын
Funny thing is Neverwinter Nights had the solution to preventing burnout by allowing the community to build their own worlds and then letting the fans be the Dungeon Masters that control the adventure which throws new experiences into the eventual boring content that inevitably comes for other games. Unfortunately, it didn't solve the path for the game creator to get financial compensation for the freedom they allowed players by doing this.
@connerwiseman3977 Жыл бұрын
i always get raid shadow legends ads on your videos and sometimes i’m too busy to click the skip ad button & i want to bash my head against the wall every time i hear them
@profoundresolve Жыл бұрын
Ever since I unlocked the secret of getting up or playing a different game for a little while, I've began enjoying mmos again. No life them for a bit, then take a break. I promise there are other good games out there. Get into a nice story game, or try out a fighting game. Something you can invest in for a little while. I know it's blasphemous but you can also take a bike ride around the neighborhood. It's good for you. And if you've got a book or a podcast or an asmongold video just put in some earbuds. EZ.
@quakersman Жыл бұрын
ngl that "why are you alive" hit
@Lucentile Жыл бұрын
LFM Chillmanders. I remember dailies (Chillmander + Commanders).
@Zack_Wester Жыл бұрын
for me I would prefer weeaklies and not dailies. because I think its easier to keep player staying if they can log in ones or twice a week and do all the tasks for the week. because lets face it in most MMO the Daily quests and task takes 30-40 min (10-20 if you know what your doing and not unlucky). great if you can log in everyday for 30-50 min 7 times a day to keep on track. problem is many peaple can´t do that they can play 2-3 hour on a wednessday and friday. after 30-50 min we are done nothing else to do and we got 1-2 hour of game time (and we get 5 days worth of daily behind every single week). now if all the weakly task took 4 hour to complete you could do 30 min each day and be done after 6 days or play for 3 hour twice a week and be done. both player are at the same point at the end of the weak one not been favored by the other. another thing is burn out. I remember in wow whit some daily quest yes they was fun and all that but when you did them daily they sort of become boring quickly. then there was another quest player did only ones a week player remember that foundly. 7:30. Im going to chimp in 5 cent here. Devs need to unlearn to balance the game to perfections. let classes swing wildly from weak to week like we did in the old days, you can´t have a meta if the meta change weekly before peaple have time to figure out what the meta is. thats why I think wow classic sort of failed it was static, peaple draged up there old meta builds from 200X and just used that, and it never changed. let one week rouge doudging be super efficient in PVP next week Tank Paladin is super efficient. because if its imposible to keep up whit the daily change player will just stick to what they like to do not whats the most efficient.
@unlimitedslash Жыл бұрын
Want a challange? Play King's Field or Shadow Tower already.
@GB-sz2tg Жыл бұрын
I love mmos but hate playing with other people
@Nersify Жыл бұрын
Then you don't love mmos ; )
@ProxCQ Жыл бұрын
5:50 when I find myself doing that is when I quit. If the game has scheduled content with small windows of time, I quit. If I have to make alarms on my phone to tell me to login for something, it is no longer a game, that's a job and I am out.
@nicks4914 Жыл бұрын
Ah man, Vent......brings me right back
@ProdigalBeard 11 ай бұрын
I'm happy for people that followed the original video's advice and found love for their old MMO again, but it didn't work with RuneScape for me sadly. After starting FFXIV, RS offers me nothing except memories of friends I'll never speak to again and how fun things used to be before wiki's became bible for methodology on everything or when you're trying to learn new bosses with clanmates getting berated for missing a mechanic. Bummer, but RS now just isnt the same (OSRS isn't a grind I want to do since maxing wasn't enjoyable at all)
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