This is exactly what I needed to create a top brakelight for my BMW C650GT topcase. Thank you! I have been searching all over with no luck until I happen to run across your video.
@kevindubuisson79062 жыл бұрын
Truly excellent work and a great idea. The manufacturer should offer this as an OEM option.
@vartikcsaba4 жыл бұрын
You are born to be engineer!
@Dmaoa3 ай бұрын
Also if someone cannot build lights from led chips, you can buy the high end point/round/no housing style leds from the truck shop (talking about eu ones) which will have heat sinks, you can get some that does not replace the old 5w lights but the bigger 16w lights (ofc the led has less w, but gets hot, thats why you get the one with heat sinks) and you can stack them next to each other. Im not talking about bulbs, im talking about sealed whole light housings the size of a cherry, so they wont get water leaks ans stuff. Just buy 3 or something like that, or buy 6 from the really small ones.
@EpicHardware Жыл бұрын
i like your style. Just for safety i propose to added a fuse around 1a should be good and a small resistor in the leds so they don't get burned if the voltage goes to 14.4v
@mbahgejil32576 ай бұрын
thanks for the tutorial 👍
@AltairAlphonse4 жыл бұрын
2:26 Parkside drill, the tools of the workers ;)
@patriotbarrow3 жыл бұрын
Thank Christ for LIDL.
@paulguitar46623 жыл бұрын
Fantastic video. Well explained. Thanks for sharing!!
@DjSkipAlexander4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video I love this idea right up my street.
@cristian8219874 жыл бұрын
ma bucur ca am gasit canalul tau,foarte informativ, subscribed.
@ak101farhan3 жыл бұрын
Doing your job right! Keep it up mate.
@Dmaoa3 ай бұрын
Guys if you have skills to cut it so it flows with the bikes design, or really just care more about safety than looks, maybe put it on a case that you only take for road trips, then go to your local truck store (in europe, so you get the ece rated product) and shop for semi trailer reflective tape. It works best if you use it horizontally tho. You can get solid line of tape, or precut rectangle shapes meant for curtainsider trailers. You can get solid red, solid safety yellow, or white. Yellow works best, red is second imo. The material and the adhesive might change according to the original meant use, i think the precut rectangles meant for a curtainsider are the hardest to take off😂. All adhere well, almost all are 3m. Also you have 2 thickness. The thicker one is the older style uses a technology so it has 2 layers, which makes it rigid, can only put them on straight surfaces, and can separate. The newer style is thin, it has an aluminium base, can put it on any shape, any bend or curve or edge, and doesnt separate. Stay safe. Also you can put it on the inside of your car door (facing the same way your door card/panel would, when you open your door all the way), so its visible when the door is open all the way, and in between. Or you can put it on the surface where your door lock mechanism meets the fixed latch, (like volvo does from factory on the FH, S90, XC90, V90, V60, S60), however this way if its open all the way, it cannot be seen from the lane next to it. Or put on both dimensions, make them meet, or design them in a shape, or you can shift them so one is higher than the other. Same on van barn doors and so on so forth, can have lots of uses. House gates that open outward onto a street, anything that if you operste it, a driver can bit jt etc etc
@jaimea27223 жыл бұрын
Hi. Nice video. I have a question, want to add a brake lamp to my motorcycle (Kawasaki KLR 650). Will use a small round LED lamp that I purchased that is sold as a rear fog lamp. My plan is to connect it to the brake lamp wiring to act as a brake lamp, "but" I also want to be able to turn it on in foggy or rainy weather as a "rear fog lamp" does, overriding the brake light system and keeping it on all time, what would be the wiring for such a switch ?
@KickinRoad4 жыл бұрын
Hai cu mai multe episoade din partea ta, ești genial, nu te lăsa!
@DrewNapolitan Жыл бұрын
I installed 2 new LED brake light as you instructed, one light works and second light doesn’t work. The second one only works if I connect red wire directly to battery. Any suggestions?
@curly_luke4 жыл бұрын
The reason for the COB LED drivers isn’t regulating voltage but current because the hotter the LED the more current it draws which can lead to melting wires. Just FYI. I could be wrong tho 😂 Nice work, love your tests.
@joemann79714 жыл бұрын
Well, if you're regulating current, you are changing the voltage to maintain a constant current. It does sound like you're right though. I don't think the reason for the drivers is for the wires though, but the LED itself. If a hot LED pulls more current, it will get even hotter, and pull more current until it burns out. If the wires are melting, it means you don't have any sort of fuse in the system, which is down right dangerous. The wires themselves should be able to handle at least as much current as the inline fuse. If they can't, you should replace them with a higher gauge wire.
@curly_luke4 жыл бұрын
@@joemann7971 you are right idk what I was thinking at that moment. The led will just burn out.
@joemann79714 жыл бұрын
@@curly_luke I mean,.too much current will melt a wire. So, at least you know what too much current does, but that's also why fuses exist.
@curly_luke4 жыл бұрын
@@joemann7971 Yeah, I know but that's just unlikely in this scenario :P
@joemann79714 жыл бұрын
@@curly_luke It's still better to be overcautious than overconfident. Overconfidence kills. Overcautious just makes us overspend on things we didn't actually need. :-P
@cteodorbogdan3 жыл бұрын
For better and longer results you need a led driver also to install.
@multimediaproductionz2 жыл бұрын
@5:24 how do we know which positive wire (blue vs green)to choose for the auxiliary brake light? I located the black (ground) wire but don’t know which positive wire to pair up with.
@SteinarPladsen2 жыл бұрын
6 Volt LED's? Not 12V? (OK, 2 x 6Volt Paralell) Did you use white color (red plastic on the box)
@hitardo4 жыл бұрын
Great work! It is not for everyone, but very good.
@bigbluechopper243 жыл бұрын
Great video as usual. Is it worth adding an inline fuse to this setup?
@SergiuGabor3 жыл бұрын
Could be useful. I honestly forgot 😅
@joemann79714 жыл бұрын
brilliant video. I may have to do something like this soon.
@dannyohana78024 жыл бұрын
Great video, I have a Dl 1000 too and can't find the breake light wiring, can you show me the where is the wires? Thanks.
@sunnycloudy13373 жыл бұрын
la ITP ce ti-a zis de semnalizari? sunt curios :)
@bram21063 жыл бұрын
tutorial for cheap motorcycle please, matic.
@zisungureanu3 жыл бұрын
Salut din nou :) Se pare ca dau de tine peste tot .Vroiam sa mi conectez luminile la top case ul meu(pozitie+ frana) dar cumva sa nu zmulg firele cand il dau jos de pe mobra ,decai cautam un contact destept ca sa nu necesite demufare ...(sa intre si sa iasa automat cumva,ca cum intra pinii la top case in suportul de pe mobra ).Daca ai vre o idee de contact din asta ,da un semn.Mersi
@siddhesh28884 жыл бұрын
Any suggestion on 1157 type or P21/5w type red LED taillight/brake light bulb ?
@dragosh1004 жыл бұрын
Sergiu, acele led-uri din semnalizari, sunt tot genul acela ca de la stop ? Adica COB la 6 sau 12V ?
@SergiuGabor4 жыл бұрын
Da, același tip de LED de 10W, doar ca produc lumină calda si au nevoie de aproximativ 12V.
@RedLabz4 жыл бұрын
Un test pentru filtrele de aer când faci?
@SergiuGabor4 жыл бұрын
In viitorul apropiat o sa testez si filtre de aer, auto si moto.
@RedLabz4 жыл бұрын
Mulțumesc pentru răspuns. Dacă s-ar putea face și o comparație între cele sport și cele normale ar fi super 😁!
@erikhamilton48663 жыл бұрын
Didn't come here for instructions on how to leave shit on your bike, came here for instructions on how to add on a 2nd light
@felipe-nt-d8 ай бұрын
Sergiu, where are you? What happened?
@TheSteelGamer4 жыл бұрын
Si omologarea RAR cum ai obtinut-o?
@uvwuvw-ol3fg2 жыл бұрын
Agreed, normally brake lights need 45° viewing angle to increase the visibility at the distance and in the fog but these LED's have 120° viewing angle.
@GHANSHYAMSir364 жыл бұрын
It's good
@nicusor864 жыл бұрын
such lights are the perfect invitation to get rides on hoods, as the lights are exactly at eye's level and brightness makes you confused about the effective distance. I wouldn't even be sorry if I would have the chance to be involved in an accident with such creation, just hope the idiot in front of me has insurance strong bones and doesn't even try to open mouth towards me. rahaturile astea le faceam la 7 ani cu sania si bicicleta, ce dracu...
@PopaAlexandru.4 жыл бұрын
Dai sfaturi ilegale . Acel autovehicul a fost omologat pt circulatie cu anumite lumini ,teoretic .Practic cel din spate poate fi orbit noaptea cand pui frana si te 'pupa' ; desigur,in momentul in care esti urcat cu targa in ambulanta , soferul i-si va cere scuze . Inca nu se pune problema cu RAR sa stea pe drum pt lumini dar la o adica te poate faulta - la un accident cu victime daca victima e jurist se lasa cu dosar penal . Sa nu uitam ca asigurarile fac orice,orice numai sa nu plateasca ... Topcase-ul trebuie sa fi tare sa-l montezi incat sa acopere stopul ... de altfel nu ai vazut niciodata o capita care merge pe drum? Oricum scuza soferilor care te lovesc e "Scuza-ma nu te-am vazut" . Ledurile se alimenteaza in curent constant ! Asta fac driverele de led ,asigura ledului un curent constant . Semnalizarile merg intermitent pe cant stopul e continuu . Cei care au apreciat 200lm e ok pt un bec de frana probabil ca erau sariti de pe fix ,niste prosti care nu stiau ce zic - e undeva prevazut in normativele europene cat si ce trebuie sa fie la frana . Lumina de "parcare" in romana se numeste de pozitie ,daca vrei poti sa stationezi in parcare si cu luminile de pozitie dar e acelasi lucru cu a da drumul la incalzirea locuintei vara .
@PopaAlexandru.4 жыл бұрын
Dai sfaturi ilegale . In Codul rutier se specifica clar ca e interzisa folosirea altor lumini decat cele cu care a fost omologat autovehiculul . Se ajunge in justitie iar aceasta e finantata din taxe si impozite pe care si eu le platesc . Pana se legalizeaza asta cu modificarea luminilor pe autovehicule terog sa nu mai dai sfaturi ilegale .
@tscomponents334 жыл бұрын
Legislația se aplică autovehiculelor, remorcilor si tramvaielor (art.101). Daca te uiți atent și îți pui ochelarii, poți observa ca este vorba despre o motocicletă. Indiferent de legislația țării, materialul video este produs pentru un public international unde regulile pot fi diferite. Daca omul îți prezintă cum sa faci ceva, decizia de a proceda la fel sau nu, îți aparține.
@PopaAlexandru.4 жыл бұрын
@@tscomponents33 Motocicletele sunt incluse in categoria autovehiculelor . Omul respectiv da sfaturi ilegale cum sa modifici instalatia de iluminat a unui autovehicul desi e prevazuta expres interdictia de modificare . Nu ma refer la legile din alte tari deci despre ce vorbesti? Dealtfel si tu faci referire la o lege romaneasca . Din ce afirmi in legatura cu internationalul unde regulile pot fi diferite ( incertitudine) rezulta ca pot face ce vreau cu legile ca la o adica ma dau turc (de ex) si torn chestia cu pot fi si sunt cel mai corect om . Si in legatura cu ochelarii ,am unii de aviator ca eu nu mai merg cu motorul ca poate ai un chopper . Cat despre observatia cu motocicleta eu credeam ca e o masina taiata in doua .
@nicusor864 жыл бұрын
@@tscomponents33 legislatia se aplica vehiculelor cu motor. un prostanac care monteaza asemenea tiganimi merita sa faca o discutie cu ventilatorul de racirea radiatorului si sa plateasca si daunele pe cat de smecher este (din pacate asigurarea lui, deci si a ta, cand se ridica preturile pt prea multe accidente).