How to Play Mental Magic

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The Trinket Mage

The Trinket Mage

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Пікірлер: 65
@joefahey508 Ай бұрын
memorising every single cascade card would be hilarious
@MeaCulpa2018 Ай бұрын
Turn 4 Selective Memory, exile the entire library, and pass the turn to make your opponent loses by drawing sounds like the funniest way to win ever
@chasm9557 Ай бұрын
I feel like Selective Memory would end up banned after the first time that happens.
@FiveFootFall Ай бұрын
Not banned, you would just be encouraged to try something else in the next game. The game is about testing and expanding your card knowledge, not necessarily about winning.
@dorded.1650 Ай бұрын
Follow that up with demonic consultation, ballustrade spy, thoughtlash, undercity informer, leveler, goblin charbelcher, hermit druid, divining witch, mirror of fate, phyrexian devourer etc. This format is "play and protect cards that would require thassa's oracle to win" without having to play oracle
@AgentBacalhau Ай бұрын
Gotta watch out for that stuff, the opponent can respond with instants that make you draw and suddenly you just killed yourself, might be worth to lab maniac first for safety if you can
@ceeprime Ай бұрын
Untap, during my upkeep I cast savage summoning and thoracle
@vincentsissom4180 Ай бұрын
Got an idea for an interesting version of it. Basically, if you can't think of a card, you can do a random card through Scryfall that has it's Mana Cost and Color Identity.
@itslexactually Ай бұрын
So completely ax the part where it tests game knowledge, got it
@vincentsissom4180 Ай бұрын
@emilysmith2965 You can still name something if you want, but if you can't, or just want to play random stuff go, you can do that.
@FiveFootFall Ай бұрын
That would help grow a player's game knowledge and brain library. Sounds great!
@snowhusk 21 күн бұрын
​@@itslexactuallykinda, but lends itself more towards "how do I tie this all together" puzzley aspect of playing magic.
@snowhusk 21 күн бұрын
​@@vincentsissom4180if by "mana cost" you mean like in the reminder text on some cards that care about different mana costs, then I dig the idea. There's some card I can't remember right now that cares about different mana costs (not cmc) in the bin, and it has something like "2B and 1BB are different mana costs" in the reminder text
@izaiahsundquist6877 Ай бұрын
Judge Tower is my favorite alternative format
@Sinazok Ай бұрын
When I was younger, I played by similar rules when there was time to kill and no Magic cards available. We used anything we could find, which was usually a deck or 2 of playing cards. We'd pick Standard/Type 2 or we'd choose a block and everything you played had to be from that. There wasn't a way to look up cards, so we did our best with what we remembered. We only ever did 2 colour decks and lands you played were basics with their relative position indicating which of your 2 colours they were.
@theauthenticsimpsoni 29 күн бұрын
I played this a long time ago and there are noticed things that made it more fun. Don't have any repeat cards in your deck with the same art. It makes Thoughtseize awkward when you accidentally draw a second copy of a card when you named the first one. Put lands in your deck so you can play utility lands, like Ancient Tomb, Volrath's Stronghold, or Academy Ruins. If someone does something that's a bit ridiculous you can just ban it (such as exiling the entire library). If the entirety of Magic is too much, you can limit it to Standard, Pioneer, or whatever your play group knows.
@traycarrot 27 күн бұрын
Do people not name Library of Alexandria immediately with it? How do you fight Mishra's Workshop > Trinisphere (3) or Vault (2) + Key (1) or Sol Ring (1) + Lodestone Golem (4) or Thorn of Amethyst (2) 😮?
@electra_ Ай бұрын
this sounds so fun, as someone who's followed the game for a long time but dowsnt have a big collection
@geeknseek Ай бұрын
Hardest part about this format is finding an opponent who is roughly of equal knowledge
@FiveFootFall Ай бұрын
This format can help others accumulate that knowledge. Initially they start with cards from their own decks, then the decks they've faced, and then the cards they've been looking up online.
@treetheoak8313 Ай бұрын
Yeah you're gonna stomp or be stomped half the time. But I guess the sheer randomness of your draws might do it too.
@traycarrot 27 күн бұрын
I think you don't need much card knowledge. Maybe I'm underestimating it, but I (again, probably incorrectly) feel like knowing the top 100-ish Vintage Cube staples is going to get you pretty far.
@SwedeRacerDC Ай бұрын
This seems interesting, but also very hard to find a balance with it. It feels like a format that you need to study if you want to play it. I could definitely see it being fun, but I also have a good memory and I can't imagine a lot of people wanting to play with me, especially if we play once and I just destroy them.
@FiveFootFall Ай бұрын
You don't really have to study, but it does favor those with good memories. It's really fun! As long as you can remember what you're trying to play (name or card text) you can look it up, and next time you'll know more.
@FiveFootFall Ай бұрын
The way my friends and i played we each had our own 60-card pile. This avoids certain combo exploits from having a shared deck.
@cryptidcrafts666 Ай бұрын
Me and partner have been trying to find uses for our bulk and OMG this will be a fun way to use it! Thanks, Mage:)
@hoooplah Ай бұрын
Lots of good videos this year - I know this isn't typically a gameplay channel but watching a game of mental magic would also be fun.
@shmackydoo Ай бұрын
Great stuff, this is the format I've been looking for 😍 Also, love the nails, been looking for a color and gray/silver is a great look
@carolinedavis8339 Ай бұрын
My favorite variation is one I learned about during a Limited Resources signoff: Mental Mental Magic, no cards at all, you "draw" a hand of seven cards at the start that, until revealed, have no characteristics, but once revealed, are locked in. So you could "draw" a hand, intending it to be Black Lotus, Show and Tell, Omniscience and some free counters, but if your opponent goes turn 1 Vexing Bauble, then maybe instead it's a completely different hand.
@kylewidmar3177 Ай бұрын
I JUST watched your podcast where you mentioned this and FELL in love with the idea. Cannot wait to try it out, I also cannot wait to make a banned list 😂
@kentdeterding9333 Ай бұрын
This sounds like a lot of fun. Can't wait to bring it up while I wait for my next commander night to start.
@airyninartclass4903 Ай бұрын
This video starts with my birthday, I was scared for a second!
@arxius7114 Ай бұрын
Always had a another best format you never played
@TheLuckySpades Ай бұрын
Turn 1: land cast thoughtseize as Demonic Consultation, name Autochron Wurm, win unless the pile is very specific
@ccandour Ай бұрын
got me intrigued after the magic mirror episode, cant way to try it out in our play group :)
@toadfrommariokart64 Ай бұрын
on what episode did they talk about it?
@kiltr4p851 29 күн бұрын
The amount of notetaking required to play this looks insane.
@xenosai371 Ай бұрын
Oh I’m surprised that Max Makes Magic’s archive didn’t make an appearance. I mean unless I’ve just killed the joke like my voice. Oops. Does sound insanely fun too if you have exact wording of pet cards known by memory
@DoctorDoorknobsForever Ай бұрын
A more competitive version of the format: If you forget what the card was changed to, it gets exiled from its respective zone.
@danielbrock4936 Ай бұрын
There is another format I enjoy playing is the one where a random person picks an enchantment and that enchantment is applied to everyone entire game
@traycarrot 29 күн бұрын
Because it's so focused on midrange, the initiative probably destroys the format. Every 1 or 2 mv accelerates into the dozen 3-5 mana creatures, then act as blink/protection effects. I could be wrong, though. I'm just going off of Vintage Cube play patterns. After thinking about it, accelerating out Glorybringer or your own initiative seems decent as well (if they can't Force of Will, Force of Negation, Subtlety, Commandeer, etc).
@majinvegeta6364 29 күн бұрын
I think it's time we just made it official and banned winning in commander. Winning ruins the game for casual players and should only be allowed at cEDH tables. Also, using tutors, boardwipes, counterspells, wheels, infect, eldrazi, slivers, combos, reserved list cards, or mana rocks that cost less than 3 mana makes you a bad person who should be permanently exiled from all LGS and playgroups. In fact, we should do away with life totals entirely. Dealing damage to your opponent makes casual players feel bad. All creatures have indestructible. Exiled cards are just shuffled back into your deck. Everyone has an Elixir of Immortality in the command zone. All must lands enter tapped, playing lands that enter untapped is too powerful and should only be done at World Championship level tournaments. All games should take a minimum of 72 hours to complete and end in a draw. Otherwise, what's the point of even shuffling up to play? No combos even if they need ten cards to pull off, and all alternate win cons are banned. All spells can not be countered, bounced, redirected, or interacted with in any way. All stax pieces are banned. No one can play more than one land or spell per turn, even if a card would normally allow it. Copied spells have no effect. Finally, because this is a social format, you have no input as to what cards go into your deck. Your opponents vote on what cards you are allowed to use. We'll call it "Strictly Worse EDH"
@majinvegeta6364 29 күн бұрын
Building a "theme deck" that does not include a themed snack is a betrayal of the "Spirit of the Format" and should have you immediately disinvited from all play groups everywhere. We should keep a list of all players who ever win a game of commander so they never get to do so again!!!
@danewirostek1903 Ай бұрын
Shoutout Pheonix Comics
@ribbontoast Ай бұрын
heck yeah phoenix shoutout!
@captainkarnage9874 Ай бұрын
Proxy vintage is my favorite way to play 60 card constructed It's BS a lot of the time but I never feel even slightly salty when I loose
@traycarrot 27 күн бұрын
I can only assume this is just unrestricted proxy Vintage without the deck building part. I'm just porting every Vintage deck into this format and it seems ridiculous. You have free counters at every mana value from 0-7 (except 6 I think) BUT ALSO the fucked up mana to power out whatever gnarly shit on T1. I think you'd have to construct a pile without any 0-2 CMC cards or risk people getting abso-fucking-lutely obliterated by Vintage plays. Take a shops, initiative, or Gaak list and see if you can't find a way to T1 Lodestone Golem, WPA, or GakVine someone (with backup 😂).
@roarkkariyama Ай бұрын
The extra effort required for this format makes it unappealing to me but kudos to anyone that can actually enjoy it.
@Magnivore519 Ай бұрын
I will sell you my mental magic collection.
@rosewarrior706 Ай бұрын
Cards that reveal the top of the deck sound powerful, also what stops demonic consultation declaring something with a unique mana value then passing turn?
@dorded.1650 Ай бұрын
DC doesnt care about mana value. Name a land and win. No need for thoughtseize and friends. Plenty of other cards to exile your library exist outside of DC. To me the format looks like combo town where you dont need to cast the oracle.
@FiveFootFall Ай бұрын
Remember the spirit of the game is to test and grow card knowledge. Tricks like that which exploit the limitations of the format would be applauded for their ingenuity but then it's on to the next game immediately where you would likely be expected to try something else.
@alexanderblixt1221 Ай бұрын
@@dorded.1650 If you just settle for exiling the library and passing, you are going to lose most of the time. The opponent is just going to untap and cast a draw spell targeting you if they have any cards that could do so at instant speed (which, in this format, they almost certainly do).
@MK-13337 28 күн бұрын
​@@alexanderblixt1221 Yeah if opponent has any blue cards in hand it's pretty easy to cook up a card to either draw or win. 1R 1G and 1W all have either gift a card or other ways to make opponent draw at instant speed. 2B is blood pact, single white is always angel's grace, 2R is the end the turn card. Most CMC (and opponent is likely not hellbent) will prevent decking at instant speed or win.
@dorded.1650 Ай бұрын
Unless banned selfmill/exile of the entire library seems like the best strategy by far. Why play t1 thoughtseize when you can play demonic consultation, name a land, pass turn and win? There are plenty of other cards like that (oops all spells), thoughtlash, leveler, use charbelcher etc. Doesnt seem midrangey unless you ban combos
@tuisku444 Ай бұрын
I thought this video would be about 3 card blind. You don't have to own any cards to "play" it and you don't really even play it. Thanks for the video.
@tsukikofudo Ай бұрын
@NStripleseven Ай бұрын
Thoughtseize to make your opponent name all of their cards is kinda funny
@mgmed0368 Ай бұрын
Turn 1 demonic consultation exile library pass
@dennisfernandes1675 Ай бұрын
Primeiro video desse cara que eu literalmente nao entendi porra nenhuma, que loucura.
@Eeveeking133 Ай бұрын
My group does this but only modern legal cards are allowed
@BS-bv5sh Ай бұрын
Very cool, but I don't think I'm smart enough to play this
@MrBiosh0ck Ай бұрын
So this is impossible for new players
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