How To Stop Snacking | Reversing My Heart Condition Story (SVT)

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Kale Brock

Kale Brock

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@maryannafan 3 жыл бұрын
Hi! I had SVT. I was diagnosed when I was 8 years old, and my episodes used to be so bad that I had to rush to the hospital, and be medicated... Then when I turned 13 years old, I had an ablation and I am SVT free, kind of. I'm 27 years old now, and I just started feeling extrassistoles, almost everyday, which are like strong heartbeats sometimes two at a time, kind of like the ones you'd get from the start of an SVT episode. I also have SVT episodes, that only last seconds... and that's enough to disrupt my whole day, especially because of my mood and anxiety afterwards. I went to the cardiologist and did and Holter, Eco-Doppler and ECG. He says everything is fine and this events are normal, triggered by anxiety and eating habits. So, to anyone experiencing the same as me, this is my experience and I hope it helps. Sometimes we feel like this is all that's left, worrying about when will it happen again. But you can manage it, by managing your stress and anxiety levels, and by eating clean, and KNOWING it isn't life threatening.
@firstname8262 Жыл бұрын
@harbonigga Жыл бұрын
Take magnesium glysinate, stay hydrated, your episodes will most likely go away.
@LavishHim 11 ай бұрын
Get rid of cane sugar from your diet, and your SVTs will disappear. Yes, this is what I did and it worked.
@kristieryder7783 2 ай бұрын
This sounds IDENTICAL to my story.
@allwedoisurf 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing your health story with us, I commend you for seeking out healing/restorative alternatives at such a young age. It's truly amazing how our bodies can thrive when given the proper care and balance is restored. I too was introduced to health and nutrition as a teenager, but for me it was due to being overweight. Since then I've dedicated a significant portion of my life to researching, experimenting, and enjoying different types of foods, diets, etc. When it comes to snacking, I find I can last until lunch without a mid morning snack. However, just as you described, right around 3:30 in the afternoon I almost always need a small snack to hold me over until dinner. My breakfast is high in carbohydrates; homemade sourdough bread toast with avocado/butter or peanut butter/banana, so maybe i'll try to change that up and see if that helps with my afternoon hunger pains. On another note, most of my life has also revolved around surfing and so I'm stoked seeing another surfer so intrigued by diet, health, lifestyle awareness. Keep up the great work!
@KalesBroccoli 5 жыл бұрын
Sweet!! Awesome josh - try removing the toast in the mornings (not that it’s evil) and see if you can glide through past 330 :) pet me know how you go!
@bellajia223 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing. I have been experiencing this also and my first thought was to see if lifestyle change will help. I’ve been eating badly for the past 2 years. Now I’m cleaning it up and will try to do like you did. I don’t like meds and their side effects so plan to do this right away. I’m 63 and have had mitral,valve replacement 3 years this June so want to get back on track for a healthy heart.
@Herzog5823 3 жыл бұрын
Update on my health. Since reducing sugar - including the sugar in fruits- starting Sept 15, 2020, I have had just one tachycardia episode mildly start - and that was because I forgot my morning meds. Plus I am down 63 pounds and do not need to lose any more. I also feel better if I avoid focused workouts, instead I just stay active but I am careful. Again, thank you Kale. You gave me my life back.
@Geoman2123 Жыл бұрын
Sugar doesn’t impact me, I think caffeine is my trigger
@Herzog5823 Жыл бұрын
Update. Had a great full year on my low sugar for my tachycardia. Meds reduced to lowest doses and cardiology was happy. Basically, see you in a year. Then I came down with two separate cases of breakthrough covid. The first one affected my heart but the cardiologist specialist said it was temporary and would go away. It did and I was doing so well. A year later I had the second case of breakthrough covid and it also affected my heart (it hits your weak spot) - this time it was too much. So I have had to proceed with additional cardiac procedures. However the medical staff all want me to continue the low sugar diet and I think it is still giving me an assist I would not have without it. All my routine blood work and tests are great. Everyone who reads them are acting surprised at my fantastic numbers, so that is good. My heart structure is really great I was just told, it is just my “electric” has been affected by the second case of breakthrough covid.
@jacquelinedella-santa2451 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you, I have heart arrhythmia, this is so encouraging
@Minecraft2Mama Жыл бұрын
I was recently diagnosed with SVT I'm 40yrs old.. It's extremely scary for cause of the episodes daily.. thank you for this video...
@WalturdTheCat Жыл бұрын
I'm 48, I've had SVT for 4 years. I seem to be getting more episodes as I'm getting older. Dr put me on both Dialtezem and Metoprolol, both of which gave me super high blood pressure and awful side-effects. I took salt, alcohol, caffeine out of my diet. I'm working on quitting smoking. If you haven't learned the ice on face trick, please look it up here on KZbin. How many episodes do you have? How have you been since diagnoses?
@scotane7753 5 ай бұрын
I have had svt for last 7 years or so age 54,,have been on beta blocker but am currently halving the dose and learning about Electolytes,,sodium/potassium calcium/magnesium,,potassium especially is responsible for heart rate regulation,,plenty of valuable information on youtube about this,,which doctors seem to over look.
@freddyz7629 Жыл бұрын
i have SVT episodes ab once a month that last several minutes and sometimes up to a half an hour or more. they also seem to happen at the worse times like when i’m out in public or doing an activity like a sport. i don’t want to go on meds or get the surgery. what foods should i be eating and what should i stay away from?
@pausabate9910 5 жыл бұрын
Great health story!! I think the key is not to open your mouth when you're hungry!! Just kidding, water and stopping to snak are good advices. Thank you!
@Hoho-ww5yh Ай бұрын
Hi kale. Thanks so much for sharing your stories! It is wonderful 😊
@GlenKimpton 3 ай бұрын
What kind of heart rates are you guys getting with yout SVT? Im fresh out of hospital with a rate of 260 and a troponin dump from the fun! Had it 3 times in my life. 17yrs old mtb riding. I walked for 10 second pr so. Went away so i kept riding. No problem. Then again 2 years ago at 45yrs old going hard playing soccer. Then again last week. Thus time for no reason other than i was sick with the flu. It seemed to be a slower rate that previously even though it eas considered high at 260. Just curious how high others are? I hate the beta blockers they gave me this time. And not keen on oblation. But not sure what to do now!
@johnlloydencabo.pacardo997 3 жыл бұрын
Is your SVT triggers with exercise like walking? or it comes without any reason like even when you're resting. Thank you i hope you could answer me. Get well ♥
@Herzog5823 4 жыл бұрын
I had to find you on youtube to thank you. I ran across your story about tachycardia and the sugar in your diet. I was diagnosed in 2016 and my life has been very restricted ever since. I used to be a rider, enjoying the sport of dressage very much. Then I became afraid to risk getting on a horse as I never knew when my tachycardia would hit. I did not want to drive although one doctor on an er visit said since I felt it coming on I could just pull the car over. Not good. My 10,000 daily steps fell off and of course I gained weight. My riding weight had vanished. The first two weeks this past September I had seven days of tachycardia. Then I was drained and had to recover. September 14, I recalled reading a comment on a tachycardia group I had joined about sugar maybe having a role. So I researched it that night and read your story. I decided that I could certainly do this. I am a severe celiac as well so I knew a lot about diet. I went over my diet and stripped the sugar mostly out of it. I do have a lot of internal damage due to undiagnosed celiac so there are quite a few vegetables I love but cannot digest. I eat the vegetables I can, plus chicken and fish. Not much processed food. No gf cookies,candy etc. Anyway I am very excited! I am on day 26 with zero tachycardia - none at all. I am driving and becoming more active. Not at riding weight yet, but I have already dropped 8 pounds without even thinking about it. I found the sugar craving has disappeared. ( I used to eat a lactose free, gluten free ice cream that I loved.) I have a tablespoon now once a day, mostly because I do not want to toss it out, lol. I do not crave it. Again, thank you so much for sharing your story. (The photo is a picture I took where our kids now live, the Florida Panhandle. Love the beach but I do not surf.)
@Herzog5823 3 жыл бұрын
Update! On day 50, still tachycardia free. Also down 14 pounds since September 14.
@hugoglzjr 3 жыл бұрын
@Herzog5823 3 жыл бұрын
@@hugoglzjr On another comment here I have shared my most recent update. Still doing well!
@footkinetics 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing. I was a national class runner... I got A.F (Atrial fibrillation) which really hit me (young, fit - why me?? [possibly electrolyte imbalance & training too hard under stress])… it hit me physically & psychologically. Have had a few bouts after the initial... but haven't had a bout now for a long time [ :-) ]. I'm mindful of a healthy lifestyle; I still run, box, do HIIT... & taken up surfing... & I'm vegetarian (although my sleeping patterns could improve). I noticed that you had a "Neck Hammock" eye mask (4:03 in vid.)... which comes with the "Neck Hammock" device. Recently (about a week ago) I got this myself. How are you finding it? In surfing you do need good neck ROM, which is why I got it... my neck ROM isn't great... hoping it improves with this device.
@KalesBroccoli 5 жыл бұрын
Love the neck hammock it relieves cervical compression from paddling for me
@KalesBroccoli 5 жыл бұрын
I hope your AF stays under control :)
@hugoglzjr 3 жыл бұрын
How are you doing?
@footkinetics 3 жыл бұрын
@@hugoglzjr - good thanks. No reoccurring bouts of AF 👍
@hugoglzjr 3 жыл бұрын
@@footkinetics love to hear it God bless!
@auq21 4 жыл бұрын
I have anxiety high bp , recently diagnosed with sleep apnea and I’m overweight. My cardiologist told me that my svt will go away if I loose weight eat right and of course use my sleep apnea machine how I’m supposed to. However, this takes a lot of work and even though he says I can get rid of them and they won’t be where for the rest of my life it scares the hell out of me when they happen. They last for a few seconds but still scary so I’m trying to learn how to manage my diet better to control then and hope my hard work will pay off and get rid of them as well.
@auq21 4 жыл бұрын
Electric Elizabeth seems like it. He told me to loose weight and eat better and of course use my CPAP machine. I have lost some weight so I’m on the right track. My diet had definitely gotten better and because if they I don’t have them as often. I have also been trying to work on my anxiety. He doesn’t think they will last my entire life. And I noticed they get worse if my bp is high or it’s that special time of the month. (TMI I know but it’s the truth lol)
@auq21 4 жыл бұрын
Electric Elizabeth how long does your svt episodes last?
@auq21 4 жыл бұрын
Electric Elizabeth oh ok. I have had more than 2 for sure. I had a Holter monitor and in about 2 weeks it happened 4 times. However. Mine only happened for about 5-10 seconds and sometime shorter than that. So I’m assuming that’s what he said for me to get healthier because it maybe due to my poor diet and exercise and I read sleep apnea can cause svt as well and I was just diagnosed with that around the same time as my svt started to get worse. I had had them more since my pregnancy 4 years ago. But it was very infrequent and was told to eat better then as well but nothing showed on the monitor then . I didn’t get alarmed until they started to happen more often and this time it showed on the Holter monitor. But I also have never had an abnormal ekg.
@auq21 4 жыл бұрын
Electric Elizabeth I don’t have one but I do have a therapist to help with my anxiety. I have read and been told that svt whole bothersome is harmless but you know that doesn’t keep me from freaking out about it either you know lol! I think it’s because it’s a viral organ that gives me anxiety. If it was like an arm or leg I would not overthink it and freak out as much.
@saskjoe1968 3 жыл бұрын
@@auq21 0
@keerucreativitykannadasong1812 3 жыл бұрын
I am svt surgery in 5day ago.. But filling no change 😭
@harbonigga Жыл бұрын
It didn’t fix your svt?
@VrajaVilasini Жыл бұрын
I drink sea salt every time I’m in the water 😂😂
@LavishHim 11 ай бұрын
OK listen up! I too have SVTs. One day I found that with every dessert, soda, or sugary snack, the SVTs would start up. ->So, I gave up cane sugar.
@DocLois2010 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent video...
@daniellekramer93 4 жыл бұрын
I have SVT too!
@davidsolomon1175 3 жыл бұрын
Hows the SVT doing now? Still stable ?
@KalesBroccoli 3 жыл бұрын
@SihamYihya 5 жыл бұрын
Loved it! Thanks!
@KalesBroccoli 5 жыл бұрын
😁😁 hope ya well mate x
HI Kale, Thanks so much for sharing your story. I have SVT episodes (never recorded on a monitor however) only a night when I'm sleeping. They are very freaky and strange when they are happening and wake me right out of a deep sleep. I try not to panic and I use methods to get back into rhythm. I'm not looking for medical advice, but can you think of why they only happen at night while I'm sleeping? Would love to know your thoughts. Thanks in advance. I also lead a healthy lifestyle. Eating at night does trigger them sometimes.
@KalesBroccoli 4 жыл бұрын
interesting. High blood sugar perhaps - see if it correlates with specific foods or drinks for dinner
Kales Broccoli Yes I’ve On that. Thanks for the reply.
@MegaSheric 3 ай бұрын
Sleep apnea perhaps
@jiggagirl0073 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve been dealing with SVT for three years now and I’m at the end of my rope to be honest. I would love to get back to how my life was prior to this diagnosis. It has totally changed my life for the worst. I’m so happy that I stumbled across your video. Im going to try your suggestions and go from there. Thank you.
@harbonigga Жыл бұрын
Just go get the ablation
@LavishHim 11 ай бұрын
Kill the sugar, you will see the SVTs calm down within one week … keep the carbs low - no white foods - soon your episodes will disappear! And you’ll loose a good deal of weight! Fruit is OK unless overdone!
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