How to Stop Watching Porn | S2E16 - The Authentic Christian Podcast

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@GBNTV 2 жыл бұрын
Pornography is dangerous and evil. We hope this episode can be of good encouragement to everyone to run away from it at all cost. Subscribe to keep up with upcoming episodes where we dive more into tough topics. #quitporn
@hanzohasashi1116 Жыл бұрын
I can vouch for the fact this is by far one of the worst, if not the worst addiction you could have. It’s destroyed a lot for me, it’s not just the habit of watching it, but what it does to our brains and eventually our bodies. Even when I kicked it for a bit it still seeped into my relationship. Made me think I wanted something I didn’t. Now I’ve lost what I had, which is actually what I want. Please anyone struggling with this, fix it now. Don’t end up like me or worse. I hate who I’ve become. It’ll ruin you’re relationship with those you love, those you could potentially love and the love for yourself. I love you Meghan, Lyric and Serenity. I’m deeply apologetic for allowing the devil to use this tool to take you from me. Hope God has a greater plan for you all…
@SlothLordS Жыл бұрын
I'm 13 and I admit I have watched pornography. Many people think that it's just pictures or videos to make you happy. But it is precisely like drugs, Something you intake to make yourself feel good. Watching porn literally changes the way you think. And afterward, you almost always feel guilty and awful. Even if you stopped, I recommend that you tell someone you love and trust how you feel. You will feel a lot better. It's probably the most challenging thing you can ever do. Please pray for me and my family.
@MegUSN52 2 жыл бұрын
As a female, one thing that I wish would be addressed in Christian podcasts, websites, KZbin videos, etc. is that pornography is not just a male issue. You did very briefly mention it in this video. I don’t believe that pornography (or addiction in general) discriminates and is very much an issue for all people regardless of male/female. Hyper sexualization is so ingrained in our culture today and permeates pretty much all of society. Yes, I know that the Bible is always our primary and first point of reference, but I believe there needs to be as many Christian resources out there for women overcoming pornography addiction as there are for men. Many of today’s women Christian leaders/speakers only gloss over it or don’t even speak about it at all. And, in my experience, pastors/preachers/reverends also direct it more towards their male congregation. This is a real issue (sin) that grapples with all Christians, male or female.
@sagacio2008 Жыл бұрын
I think this video is not intended to portray this grave sin, pornography, as something that is troubling mainly for men though you and someone else might have taken it that way. The point this video is trying to come across and the point that should be taken for me and everyone watching this is that this is a real struggle for everyone regardless of males or females and the only way to overcome it is to flee from it as the entire society is going down the road of perversion.
@joshuacook903 Жыл бұрын
Can confirm that instagram is full of pornography. I deleted it last year because it was causing me to lust too much. When I would try to overcome lust, and go on week long streaks of not lusting, I would go on instagram, see posts that were pornographic from pages I wasn’t even following, and the temptation drove me to lust. So good riddance to that app.
@thedynamicsolo4232 Жыл бұрын
Elimination traps is half the battle Joshua....praise God and good job brother. CJ
@louisedwards3640 2 жыл бұрын
I love this broadcast. Pls pray for me guys. I've been battling this demon for years
@Deshon_Holmes 2 жыл бұрын
The most important thing is to have conversations with your children about these things. I’d say about 95% of young men in America struggle with this so those conversations are needed. Thank you for this word brothers!! Keep speaking truth
@KaptainSchmidt Жыл бұрын
Although I'm not christian, i like this podcast.
@robertbankston4943 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the FULL TRUTH I was molested as a child starting at 3 years old...that happening in and in itself opened me up to the evils of porn...keep helping people and warning people about thr truth...share God's word and help people go free
@dougmoore5252 Жыл бұрын
Catholic voice here, yes I was addicted to porn, but it was Gods grace from confession that ultimately made it possible to overcome this sin. Not my strength but by the grace of God.
@frankgordon8829 Жыл бұрын
When you look at porn, like a computer that downloads things, your brain downloads it & Satan will bring it back into your memory & oft times embellishes it when you're tempted. It's hard to "unsee" this stuff.
@michaelthompson8470 2 жыл бұрын
Tonight was the time that I decided to change something for good. I decided to look for a good source and fell to you three. I have been exposed to pornography since the age of 8 and it has become a large and dangerous part of my life. This really help me and I thank you for the helpful words of god which you have spoken about this terrible addiction which i and many others have been enslaved to
@CoyTheRedNeck 2 жыл бұрын
I hope you have been successful so far and from now on!
@louiskemp3005 2 жыл бұрын
thank you for your series. being a young Christian, it helps to have resources like your podcast. I have watched both seasons and it has help me so much with my faith. so really thank you guys
@GBNTV 2 жыл бұрын
Can't share enough how much this means to us. THANK YOU for taking time to watch both seasons. We are truly grateful. This encourages us so much! - Tucker
@tysissom4739 2 жыл бұрын
I was doing some Bible study today and I started to think about Rush (my 3 year old boy.) when he was born I was scared because I realized I had to make sure I do the right things and raise him to do the right and guide him to be a follower of God.. and I started thinking Rush isn’t his first name. His first name is Malachi, I wanted him to have a Bible name, it just popped in my head one day and that’s what we named him, but I didn’t even know what Malachi meant. So I googled it today and Malachi means “God’s Messenger.” I believe God gave me Rush to save my life and I believe God gave me that name, to tell me He was always by my side and He never gave up on me. I gave my life to God two weeks ago. Just thought I’d share this with y’all.
@nba3927 Жыл бұрын
I’ve been having such a hard time and I think it had part in ending my last relationship, please pray for me thank you
@charlesadebolu617 Жыл бұрын
God bless you all. I know the spirit of the Lord is speaking through you guys.
@fabisinrilindis8483 Жыл бұрын
I've been dedicated and devoted as a Christian but lately I just find myself watching pornography from time to time. I'm struggling to break away but soon find myself back in it. I need help. I feel useless cause I promised God I wasn't gonna go back to it but I did again .
@seekthetruth7074 2 жыл бұрын
This video is also available on their other channel the Authentic Christian Podcast. Thank you so much for covering this topic. Love you guys
@GBNTV 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you! It means a lot to us!
@evanwilton9569 2 жыл бұрын
I'll say when it comes to this kind of "private sin", my mind always goes to a herd immunity concept. Like God won't send everyone to hell if we all have done it. Which is obviously wrong.
@trincey Жыл бұрын
Glad I found this video I learned a lot. Very helpful and it changed my mindset for the better.
@davidkruger1750 Жыл бұрын
Hey guys I am a Christ follower who has struggled in this area I am over it but it is a real monster 👿
@baldhead7705 2 жыл бұрын
Awesome show brothers, I'm in complete agreeance with everything you said, that's like NAMBLA North American man-boy love Association, it's very very disturbing the way things are in the world today never thought I would ever live to see it
@yojonah7168 2 жыл бұрын
Please keep me in your prayers
@richardbarton6146 Жыл бұрын
Men have a huge problem. Lust, and fear of Marriage because of the financial risks involved. Men get screwed by women in the court systems of America! So looking at pornography in their minds and having a imaginary lover is safer than getting Married. But, it is sin, and defiles us. So what do we do?
@outlooktravellers Жыл бұрын
Hi, from my perspective, how to defeat any sin is by separating feeling from words as you read a verse rebuking that particular sin. putting feeling aside momentarily or on mini pauses in the surge of feeling allows for the word to settle in - satisfying - hence breaking the urge or desire to go to the former feeling you had on pause so to speak.
@covingtonwilliams5314 Жыл бұрын
I really like this video, it really gone help a lot. All of these pornography things are not good at all for God’s people and it’s very dangerous because it can cause us to commit lust and sexual sins. It’s cause us to view people in sexual ways and not the way God want us to view people. By the Grace of God, I pray that all of these pornography things will be destroyed and gone.
@LeoNardo-cm6ch 2 жыл бұрын
Great to watch these men, they unearthed the truth.
@truthchannel796 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for producing your series.
@GBNTV 2 жыл бұрын
Hey thanks for taking time of out your day to watch!
@richardsoderkvist6383 2 жыл бұрын
It's so sad young kids are being exposed and getting into this sick garbage at such a young age . When l started in this l was 1819 . By God grace and help let's keep this garbage out of our lives much better for us all.amen.
@ahmog Жыл бұрын
when you are troubled or sad.. there's no mood. Really. Then turn to Jesus who can accept our shortcomings
@kqvso7923 2 жыл бұрын
This video was Gods message to me
@scodoguy5581 Жыл бұрын
It’s amazing that just a brief thought. Will make you think about it longer and before you know it you’re involved in something you can’t control and it’s in the driver seat.
@sagacio2008 Жыл бұрын
I struggled with this for years and I have been porn free for some years though I did relapse in some very stressful times and I hate going back to that old time when I feel so miserable and guilty and shameful after watching it. With that being said is there any other alternative that I should do to relieve my stress? I just don't want to deceive myself and try to compensate myself with cheap pornography.
@thedynamicsolo4232 Жыл бұрын
A long time ago, this kind of hooked me. It's gone now, but a big part of getting rid of a bad habit, even in stressful times is replacing it. I will watch a good movie, take a nap, listen to classical music, clean my kitchen, finish a project that is sitting there waiting for completion. Its just like temptation, recognizing that it is there and saying "I'm going to focus on something else RIGHT NOW". The Holy Spirit is our new conscience and you will start to feel/see/hear temptation right away. There are still things that pop into my head and I have to "Take every thought captive to Christ". I'm getting better, but even at 56 it is still the "War within". You will overcome this brother, keep praying to God. There are sins we just don't drop in a second. It takes YEARS to kill off some sinful habits. Getting back up, dusting off, confessing your sin to your HIGH PRIEST takes it away and helps you know that you are loved and that HE is the power behind you that will help you beat the temptation. God bless you brother. CJ "My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge" Hosea 4:6
@yahushaisthedoor2696 2 жыл бұрын
Shalom Praise Yahuah, thank y’all needed to hear this. May y’all be Baruk In Yahuah’s Shem
@anthonyrobert2070 2 жыл бұрын
its way earlier then that bc everyone has a phone it’s literally right there in your pocket
@GBNTV 2 жыл бұрын
You're right. It's crazy how fast anyone can access it. We hope this episode can be of good encouragement to everyone to run from that stuff at all cost. Thanks for watching!
@richardsoderkvist6383 2 жыл бұрын
These are the days of Noah and Lot meaning Sodom and Gomoraha we got to be continually constantly on guard having on the whole armour of God.
@Nixon_dixon3451 Жыл бұрын
So many things said about instagram is how I think about it🔥🔥🔥 great conversation and video!
@richardsoderkvist6383 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you guys for your input for your good information and good advise. God bless you guys keep up the good work Amen.
@michaelpender4484 Жыл бұрын
The translation of Hell is Sheol is a place of death for the righteous and the unrighteous, until the new world. We were meant to live on earth in God's kingdom, not the devil's. That's why this place sucks. Porn and lust is an evil thing however, that will never bring peace or strong spirituality. Keep seeking and you will find x
@moralesministries 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent podcast!
@rushadmickennzi7871 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing this to the world, i am watching this from the Republic of Congo.. May God bless you'll.
@UltraXPGaming Жыл бұрын
God bless everyone, please stay strong 🙏
@psubba72 Жыл бұрын
God bless
@rolandkertesz4196 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@Nanosuit37 2 жыл бұрын
Thank for you this. God keep you.
@Dion-rz3fz 2 жыл бұрын
I really don't have good answers, and I appreciate the heart of the men putting this video on, but sadly I don't see how it really helps anyone. Of course if your trying to live the Christian life you don't want to watch porn. However pornography is in the mind! When a young man is maybe around 12 yr. old, and starts gratifying himself he doesn't need dirty pictures or videos! His mind is a full fledged porn theater! Anyone with an active creative imagination can think of all kinds of graphic pictures or sexual situations during self gratification. This is probably where most sexual perversions or fetishes come from. Gratifying oneself while thinking of them all through the teen years when they are not old enough (by society's standards) to marry. So from the age of 12 to 20 there is a good 8 yrs of programing ones mind toward all kinds of sexual fantasies. And of course its too humiliating for most to discuss this with a parent or preacher so the boy just continues it. So I agree watching this smut that is so pervasive now is a huge sin, its WAY to simple to assume that somehow not watching it is going to solve the problem of immoral sexual thoughts in the mind. This begs another question. If one has had perverse or immoral sexual thoughts for many years, developed during self gratification, how is just having a wife going to necessarily stop them? After a while maybe when boredom sets in a man will probably resort to the fantasies he had before marriage in order to complete the marriage obligation. Secular therapists who try to help people who are having trouble with sex due to boredom always say to increase the fantasies. But that can easily get into sinful territory if the fantasy would be sin if acted out in real life. So it's a very very complicated problem. I do think bouncing ones eyes, Covenant Eyes, etc..etc.. are all good things, but imagination is stronger than any of those things. Have you ever noticed what happens when you purposely try to stop thinking about something? THE THOUGHT GETS MUCH STRONGER! So aside from just prayer, prayer, and more prayer, not sure what the answer is. I would also think it would be embarrassing to keep failing with an accountability partner also. Seems like most just wouldn't admit it to them if they had failed again.
@koketsomzimba470 Жыл бұрын
God bless you guys.
@cillian9057 Жыл бұрын
@Marquies_Terry Жыл бұрын
This is so true
@kevinmetzger4136 Жыл бұрын
What a great video
@tommyvasilev5012 Жыл бұрын
thank you.
@tessiemontoya6034 Жыл бұрын
Thank you brothers for all your good teaching
@ellestinajumbe2516 2 жыл бұрын
great content..just that the fact that you keep talking while the other is talking is a bit disturbing sometimes. one person at a time works better
@patriot7681 2 жыл бұрын
Are we not as human being suppose to be attracted to the female body
@GBNTV 2 жыл бұрын
Hey! That's a great question. God designed humans with sexuality and attraction. But He also designed those to be expressed only in marriage, which He created it to be for only man and woman.
@sk8nchill52 2 жыл бұрын
@@GBNTV guys…. I get that you are trying. You are being vulnerable and putting these podcasts online. Great. That’s more than I can say. Please get the book Unwanted by Jay Stringer. He’s a ordained minister and counselor and wrote the best book I’ve ever read on pornography and addiction. It will blow your mind and HIGHLY educate you on the realities of sexual addiction.
@everydrei6130 2 жыл бұрын
@alg11297 2 жыл бұрын
Okay geniuses the Supreme Court defined Pornography is a case so old I learned in it law school 40 years ago. "The work, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interests, and lacks scientific, literary, and social merit (Roth v. US 1957). Your definition includes everything including advertising, comedy routines, most television shows, and many movies. It's been around forever. The first photographs were of naked women, the first silent films were sexual acts, and the internet made it all available to everyone. Pray all you want. Everyone living has seen it. But the consequences? Does sex ed in school help? Or just making chastity promises work? (Hint: it doesn't).
@patricj951 2 жыл бұрын
It's hilarious that christians are more addicted to pornography than unbelievers. Don't you understand that the reason is the unhealthy purity culture in fundamentalistic churches? The strong fixation on sin and condemnation of the sexual desire, which is natural, have caused a lot of problems for many christians. The condemnation of masturbation, which is not even sin in itself, gave me severe depressions. The joy I first had about waiting with sex until marriage was totally destroyed. I had never earlier been much interested in pornography, but the strong condemnation and depression made me a porn addict. So how to stop watching porn? Stop put condemnation on people for their natural sex desire. Stop being fixed on sin! It results in the opposite, because the strength of sin is the law! Stop preaching man made bids!
@thedynamicsolo4232 Жыл бұрын
Well, then we should just turn it all loose. I mean, it is shame and a sad fact that it is true. However, most people surveyed will say they are Christians just out of default. How many buddhists, taoists, jews, muslims are abusing porn? It's just Christians admitting to being addicted? So, we just let porn run loose? No, we are finding out how terrible the consequences are. The emotional and spiritual damage it lays on men and women and children. Watching this is not a victimless crime either. They mention its not just two adults engaged in an act. There are many facets to this sin. Its not just conventional missionary sex with a man and woman, its homosexual, beastiality, youngest possible. It is a sick industry that needs to be restrained. God knows the damage it was doing from the time we fell in the garden.
@markhaagensen3604 2 жыл бұрын
This is the same content that keeps people trapped in shame. The way you talk about porn as evil is the same tune that has been played for centuries. Stop talking about it like you are above it! And your click bait title doesn’t even answer the question! That suggests to me that you are not really interested in helping people. Just getting more viewers.
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