How to Wear Hanfu | Sheer Fabric Hanfu (豎領對襟紗衫) from the Ming Dynasty

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Five Thousand Years

Five Thousand Years

5 жыл бұрын

In ancient China, it was quite common for men to be bare-chested during the summer, but of course this was not the case for ladies. So they would wear less layers and sheer fabric hanfu inside of their homes.
This video will give you an in-depth view on the history of Shuling Duijin Shashan (豎領對襟紗衫 sheer fabric parallel opening shirt with standing collar)
Hanfu, meaning Han Chinese Clothing, or as I'd like to call it Han Couture, is what ancient Chinese people wore for thousands of years.
Traditional Chinese Clothes changed from dynasty to dynasty and there exists hundreds of variations.
Hair accessories from FlyinJewelry:
Ginkgo flower hair comb -
Czech bead lotus hair pin -
Facebook: Five Thousand Years
Instagram: Five_Thousand_Years
Cinematographer: Jimmy Xie

Пікірлер: 73
@Noblebird02 Жыл бұрын
It's worth remembering that in the Ming dynasty they didn't have synthetic fabrics, so this would have been made with handspun gauze, in either cotton, silk, linen or ramie. It would have been very breathable and not polluting the way synthetic fabrics are. Thank you for such an informative video and your clear and precise explanation of the terminology
@rayemooney6341 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for making these videos! I love traditional Chinese clothing and it is hard to find detailed information about it.
@Warrendoe 4 жыл бұрын
Wow I so wish I’d been able to dress like this in hot much more flattering , cool and comfortable than much modern Waeternised clothing.
@omaronnyoutube 3 жыл бұрын
I can tell that the origin of the kebaya trend, which began sometime in the 15th century in the Malay / Indonesian Archipelago. It is possible that the Ming hanfu petticoat was introduced to Malacca, Sumatra and Java through Admiral Zheng He (Cheng Ho).
@BloodyWiccaG 5 жыл бұрын
Love your videos! I'm from Portugal and its really nice of you to make english videos!
@jacoabtweed789 3 жыл бұрын
@Gelicidiad 4 жыл бұрын
The flowy nature of the sheer fabric is one of my favorite things about hanfu! I haven't seen many examples with an upright collar before, so this was very interesting to see! I noticed when you showed the back, the embroidery of the ginko leaves would pass the middle back seam. Do you know how this would be done? Would the back seam be sewn first and then the embroidery? or would the embroidery be done separately and then matched?
@lionelharmon9541 5 жыл бұрын
Another video Great ! I do look forward to your videos because I know we are all going to learn so much. I like the details and historical facts you provide about how ancient people dress think and live. Practicality is at the heart of fashion and weather. You do such a good job researching your subject presenting your findings by wearing them. It makes a lasting impression for us all us seeing you here and help us to really understand Hanfu in its many forms. Thank you for making this
@MsFancia 5 жыл бұрын
I would love to see how do you wear hanfu for Court from 'Nirvana in Fire' I want to know how to wear those belt that extend in the front which is full of beautiful embroidery.
@mooncake4371 3 жыл бұрын
Ally, I need you to continue to make more videos😭 I love your content!
@matrixiekitty2127 3 жыл бұрын
What a beautiful garment! Such a pretty blush pink fabric, and must feel so nice in the summer!
@antonina0zuzanna 5 жыл бұрын
那么漂亮的衣服哦😆😭我也想穿🥰 Thank you for this video! It's really interesting to see how it's layered. The shakes look quite simple but so elegant at the same time. I think I'll try do make such a skirt 😁 it would be nice to see a tutorial on sewing some Chinese clothes 😉✂️
@peterbayjespersen9410 5 жыл бұрын
With the rise of China, maybe China will cease imitating Western dress styles and return to clothing "with Chinese Characteristics"? Of course such things are up to China, but I feel that were this to occur (perhaps by wealthier people and very popular people taking up these styles so setting examples which others might follow) it might be a wonderful thing for the world, both in terms of fashion influence, but also in just setting an example that every culture might feel more free to return to their own cultural styles of clothing. Who knows, the West certainly has had some pretty wonderful clothing styles too, before the advent of the modern suit, and in such a worldwide atmosphere, might feel freer to reconsider some of its own history.. ?
@mnbr6884 5 жыл бұрын
Same here. I do hope that the Hanfu Movement will inspire other cultures to reclaim their traditional clothing. Speaking of Western styles, have you heard of this British dude who goes around in Regency era clothing? Saw a video about him the other day.
@MissCaraMint 3 жыл бұрын
@@mnbr6884 Oh that guy is pretty cool. He's a professional regency tailor too right? I would love to go back to some traditional Norwegian things also. I just NEED a bunad. Though I find myself wanting to wear other cultures styles as well.
@mnbr6884 3 жыл бұрын
@@MissCaraMint Ha, I just googled the bunad! Thanks for the info. You learn something new every day.
@lildinosaur8856 3 жыл бұрын
Be honest nobody actually wears “western style dress” anymore ... people mostly just wear what I would consider *lazy style clothing* meaning T-shirt, jeans , sweat pants ex ex ... Traditional western style dress is actually very complicated like petticoats, corsets, pantyhoes , suspenders , ascots , top hats , lederhosen , kilts ex ex ... and even westerners ( with the exception of plaid skirts for women ) do not wear these traditional things any more ... People only wear these Lazy fashions because i mean lets be real look at how many layers and rules and like how fancy she has to do her hair and such to lol its a lot easier to slip on one T-shirt and one pair of jeans then it is to go through everything she’s going through every day .... lmao not to mention these things like tshirts can be mass produced quite easily unlike what she is wearing and also you could have multiple outfits and it not be very expensive many people don’t even want to wear the same shirt twice in one week in public imagine how expensive it would be to have so many different outfits that look like that outfit she is wearing ... No I really do love the outfit she wears in this and I would love for it to be acceptable for people to wear them even outside of China and for those of non chinese blood to be able to enjoy the fashion as well like it is with traditional western fashion ... like if a little girl of any racial background wanted to dress up like a Chinese princess instead of a British princess. Because right now the only traditional costume other races are allowed to do besides their own bloods is Western and I would like that to change ... because a lot of these fashions are really pretty and I would love for everyone to be able to enjoy them ....
@peterbayjespersen9410 3 жыл бұрын
@@lildinosaur8856 really ? better get a reality check, eh? Suits are still everywhere.
@harrietlyall1991 2 жыл бұрын
Lovely to see you taking up your brush and composing a piece of writing ✍️ , so cultivated and refined, just like a true, well-bred lady of the Ming Dynasty! 🐲
@ohung5891 2 жыл бұрын
i glad a video about hanfu if Shun Dynasty survival
@SoulfullyOriginal 3 жыл бұрын
Very lovely garments.
@Layren96 3 жыл бұрын
Hi I would love to see some videos like this but for men, how to wear hanfu for men!
@lordkent8143 4 жыл бұрын
Ally, what's your favorite dynastic hanfu? I personally prefer the Ming because of its graceful simplicity.
@themoonflowerfaerie 5 жыл бұрын
So beautiful :) I really loved the entire outfit and your information. Do you have any suggestions on where to purchase good quality clothing similar to the ones you have in your videos? :) Thank you
@yuluoxianjun 5 жыл бұрын
汉服店铺整理 ●高端成品店:明华堂,南朝,双玉瓯,时样厅,天衣坊,平江宝织,小嫏嬛馆(葑溪草堂),古月今人,汉客丝路,秦风无衣,云想汉服,子衣明堂,枫天阁,瞳莞,雪映移城,沉香画舫,朝露之城,华夏粹,怀谷居,桑缬,竹里馆,鹿苑听松,清辉阁,春拾记,绣春坊,京渝堂,残夜阁,沉香屑,经年汉服,月蝶飞坊,司南阁(风熏堂),锦瑟衣庄 玉帛云礼 天星轩 黼秀长安 ●白菜成品店:重回汉唐,华姿仪赏,如梦霓裳,月寒阁,踏云馆,兰夜心,芷兰汀,月阑珊,荷衣汉服,銮钗记,子夜歌,绮罗朱阁,云汐小筑,青莲堂,久梦引,家家妈妈汉服店,栖月小铺,浅画青杏,天韵馆,薜萝汉服,清荷衣坊,汉服风流店,莞语轩,流烟昔泠,砚池荷声,观止茶舍,煜书长安,南风汉韵,清风衣阁,汉服林,如盈衣坊,绮罗香,小邾烟雨,新荷汉服,晴光回雪阁,清兰阁,沙沙锦祥轩,江南桃花家,卿心阁,尽雪殿, 花间赋,露葵熙春,云水暮聆,三千锦,沫上晨曦,家有萌汉,妙音缘,玺儿制作 ●来料店:墨舞云袖,玉白菜,簪花阁,九度一,锦城云乐,璃烟斋,久梦引,栖月小铺,欧米小铺,粉装玉琢,闲云清烟,一蓑舟,香留醉,云叶阁,汉服风流店,一念居,锦城云乐,窝在大明湖畔,五柳田园居,云霓阁,青嗣轩,铭善坊,疏影居,霞月映雪,青衿衣坊,听梦织云,月夜飞逝,家有萌汉,由卿,泠风阁,枫天阁 醉心源 ●神速工期店:佛伦汉服,踏云馆,绛云,洛云衣阁,凤翥斋,莞语轩 ●靠谱版型店:古月今人,谦茉,月夜飞逝,小嫏嬛馆,沉香屑,青苔雨馆,璃烟斋 ●手推绣定制:周生画骨,筱绣阁,景仅绣坊 ●手绘定制:芷兰汀,初四小铺 ●布料店:二木家,青丘夜雪,四挡布行,重光布业,布足为重,大汉布庄,布可诗意,玉猫小阁,绫罗小铺,执子家,三弄居,幽风馆,痴情司,栖霞坊,一念居,东京梦华录,醉花言,热水瓶,古素汉式生活,宠之有理,唐风流韵,绿萌子的杂货铺 ●绣花贴:领绣刺绣手工厂 ●汉子:佛伦汉服,古月今人,今人重华,洞庭汉风,怀谷居,鹿苑听松,明华堂,寸香草舍,控弦司服务社 ●汉元素店:清水溪汉初古风店,月到风来阁,鲸鱼糖元素铺子(京渝堂旗下),鹿韵记(汉尚华莲旗下),九天服饰馆(华姿仪赏旗下)
@themoonflowerfaerie 5 жыл бұрын
神羽洛 I appreciate your response however I cannot read Chinese. Thanks though 🙂
@miragecollins8518 3 жыл бұрын
神羽.洛 哇啊 谢谢你啦!!
@mnossy11 5 жыл бұрын
You are the epitome of gracefulness! So inspired by these videos :) I’d like to order some hanfu from taobao but I’m not sure how to ship to Canada... do you need a Chinese card to order?
@FiveThousandYears 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you! I just use my American credit cards on Taobao. They charge a 3% fee for every transaction and make sure your cc company don't charge you for foreign transaction fee on top of that!
@anacarolinarocha1842 3 жыл бұрын
What do you think of girls from other countries who wear Chinese clothes?
@PeterXiao1 3 жыл бұрын
Perfectly fine
@anacarolinarocha1842 3 жыл бұрын
@@PeterXiao1 i'm feeling better about that now
@toBe8ere 5 жыл бұрын
I love these videos! Do you also wear modern hanfu or fusion hanfu?
@FiveThousandYears 5 жыл бұрын
I mix and match hanfu with modern clothing. Some hanfu items can be very versatile.
@antonina0zuzanna 5 жыл бұрын
Five Thousand Years, I'd love to see how you wear and match Hanfu with modern daily clothing 😀
@tiredcatman7381 5 жыл бұрын
I love so much these Chinese clothing, but I could never wear them in daily life because I'm really weak to the heat
@johncane1654 5 жыл бұрын
Actually i don't think it was that bad. In ancient china they had separate clothes for different seasons like we do today like winter clothes and summer clothes. Both women and men would wear translucent silk clothing to keep cool in the summer. But also hanfu (chinese clothing) by itself is cool. Its very loose and free flowing and consists of layers of light soft pieces of clothing which i would assume is much more breathable and comfortable to wear than the stuff we wear today like jeans. I would assume wearing traditional chinese clothes would feel almost like wearing pajamas.
@Skye_Writer 4 жыл бұрын
How pretty!!! I would LOVE to have just the skirt to add to my own wardrobe, but all three pieces together are DIVINE. Somtimes I think I was born into the wrong time and culture. If I could wear Hanfu without being accused of appropriating someone else's culture, I definitely would. It's so pretty and flattering, I love it.
@mackintosh7683 2 жыл бұрын
Could you layer a short jacket style under the most outer garment? I'm really wanting to sew an outfit of hanfu and I've been researching for a couple months, I'm scared to mess up, I still want it to be historically accurate 😩
@TheTechCguy 4 жыл бұрын
How one can remember this on top of everything else that's knowledge in the world is beyond me. I actually can't! Lol.
@newtoatheism5968 3 жыл бұрын
What if you don’t have sheer but still want to make a hanfu skirt? Is a hanfu skirt basically long strips sewn together?
@heigaav 3 жыл бұрын
where do you get the clothes?
@infinitypika 5 жыл бұрын
Where do you get your hanfu from? It's quite hard to find it in America, I see a lot of qipao options though.
@FiveThousandYears 5 жыл бұрын
I order mine online from China and ship them here. I've only seen qipao or cheongsam being sold in Chinatown.
@juscuzisayso 5 жыл бұрын
@@FiveThousandYears is there a specific website youd recommend?
@yuluoxianjun 5 жыл бұрын
汉服店铺整理 ●高端成品店:明华堂,南朝,双玉瓯,时样厅,天衣坊,平江宝织,小嫏嬛馆(葑溪草堂),古月今人,汉客丝路,秦风无衣,云想汉服,子衣明堂,枫天阁,瞳莞,雪映移城,沉香画舫,朝露之城,华夏粹,怀谷居,桑缬,竹里馆,鹿苑听松,清辉阁,春拾记,绣春坊,京渝堂,残夜阁,沉香屑,经年汉服,月蝶飞坊,司南阁(风熏堂),锦瑟衣庄 玉帛云礼 天星轩 黼秀长安 ●白菜成品店:重回汉唐,华姿仪赏,如梦霓裳,月寒阁,踏云馆,兰夜心,芷兰汀,月阑珊,荷衣汉服,銮钗记,子夜歌,绮罗朱阁,云汐小筑,青莲堂,久梦引,家家妈妈汉服店,栖月小铺,浅画青杏,天韵馆,薜萝汉服,清荷衣坊,汉服风流店,莞语轩,流烟昔泠,砚池荷声,观止茶舍,煜书长安,南风汉韵,清风衣阁,汉服林,如盈衣坊,绮罗香,小邾烟雨,新荷汉服,晴光回雪阁,清兰阁,沙沙锦祥轩,江南桃花家,卿心阁,尽雪殿, 花间赋,露葵熙春,云水暮聆,三千锦,沫上晨曦,家有萌汉,妙音缘,玺儿制作 ●来料店:墨舞云袖,玉白菜,簪花阁,九度一,锦城云乐,璃烟斋,久梦引,栖月小铺,欧米小铺,粉装玉琢,闲云清烟,一蓑舟,香留醉,云叶阁,汉服风流店,一念居,锦城云乐,窝在大明湖畔,五柳田园居,云霓阁,青嗣轩,铭善坊,疏影居,霞月映雪,青衿衣坊,听梦织云,月夜飞逝,家有萌汉,由卿,泠风阁,枫天阁 醉心源 ●神速工期店:佛伦汉服,踏云馆,绛云,洛云衣阁,凤翥斋,莞语轩 ●靠谱版型店:古月今人,谦茉,月夜飞逝,小嫏嬛馆,沉香屑,青苔雨馆,璃烟斋 ●手推绣定制:周生画骨,筱绣阁,景仅绣坊 ●手绘定制:芷兰汀,初四小铺 ●布料店:二木家,青丘夜雪,四挡布行,重光布业,布足为重,大汉布庄,布可诗意,玉猫小阁,绫罗小铺,执子家,三弄居,幽风馆,痴情司,栖霞坊,一念居,东京梦华录,醉花言,热水瓶,古素汉式生活,宠之有理,唐风流韵,绿萌子的杂货铺 ●绣花贴:领绣刺绣手工厂 ●汉子:佛伦汉服,古月今人,今人重华,洞庭汉风,怀谷居,鹿苑听松,明华堂,寸香草舍,控弦司服务社 ●汉元素店:清水溪汉初古风店,月到风来阁,鲸鱼糖元素铺子(京渝堂旗下),鹿韵记(汉尚华莲旗下),九天服饰馆(华姿仪赏旗下)
@renmoore5395 3 жыл бұрын
Is there a specific time that its okay to wear hanfu? Or can it be worn daily? I mean, I'm not Chinese. But I do enjoy hanfu.
@PeterXiao1 3 жыл бұрын
The hanfu shown in this channel were typically wore by noble women that had servants. So yes, they wore these daily, but not by working class women
@renmoore5395 3 жыл бұрын
@@PeterXiao1 thank you!
@tayuli4190 5 жыл бұрын
What are those type of buttons on the jacket called?
@FiveThousandYears 5 жыл бұрын
子母扣 direct translation would be mother-child buttons
@tayuli4190 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much!
@AlyceMalyce 2 жыл бұрын
I need to know about the camisole, I wanted to make some undergarments for my bjd so she'd have some to wear under any archaic chinese hanfu I order her....
@higashirinchiah1013 5 жыл бұрын
Think the Malaysian Overseas Chinese "Peranakan Kebaya Labuh" may have originate from this dress
@higashirinchiah1013 5 жыл бұрын
You should explore out of China where other Chinese have landed and explain their dresses too 😉
@mnbr6884 5 жыл бұрын
Pretty sure the kebaya labuh is Malay though I heard that the kebaya has Chinese influence. The nyonyas tend to favour sheer fabrics, which might be why this hanfu reminds you of nyonya clothing
@higashirinchiah1013 5 жыл бұрын
@@mnbr6884 I'm not a historian, so I am not so sure of the exact origin. Some sources said it originate from Indonesia , Arab or India as well. Perhaps you can check out some old pictures of the peranakan kebaya labuh. There are many variations of kebayas. this version is the one I am referring to, as you can see, it has many similarities to the collar, cutting etc to the Ming Dynasty dress. And coincidentally, Chinese started moving to Melaka from the Ming era too. If only I have evidence to back myself up but this can just be purely coincidental
@mooncake4371 3 жыл бұрын
I noticed that too! My grandmother is Nyonya and often wore kebaya. She always looked beautiful in them. My grandfather was born in Malaysia, but his family came from Fujian.
@zeiitgeist 3 жыл бұрын
@@higashirinchiah1013Indonesia has more than one type of kebaya, kebaya encim which is the Chinese one you see nyonyas wear, it is also very similar to Song Dynasty fashion styles
@user-ou5qt9ew2i 5 ай бұрын
@ambivalentdisaster673 4 жыл бұрын
I would love to wear something like this but am worried these days about being accused of cultural appropriation. I think people accuse you even if your intentions are that you love and enjoy something. Everyone is different and some could handle the negativity easily but I am not like that, unfortunately.
@shry2247 4 жыл бұрын
Don't worry about being accused of cultural misappropriation,actually Chinese mainland people do not have such a concept..As long as you don't deliberately publicize that it originated from other civilizations when you wear Hanfu, no Chinese people will mind that friends from other countries try to wear Hanfu.
@dinghuang4639 3 жыл бұрын
if you have some chinese friends, ask them to wear hanfu together with you. That can be a start. When you get more comfortable, you can wear hanfu alone in other situations. As a Chinese myself, I can say Chinese people in general won't mind you wear our traditional clothes. You probably would get more compliments than accuses. ;)
@paulphelps7809 4 жыл бұрын
Yes, I like. Nature has cyclic patterns; at a right time civilization will return.
@VS-nh1qp 4 жыл бұрын
fank you!
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