I Secretly Destroyed My Fiances Dead Ex-Wife's Things And He Doesn't Know r/Relationships

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Mark Narrations

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@crawdaddy2004 Жыл бұрын
You can tell how unhinged this person is by referring to Lorraine as the “ex-wife.” They didn’t get divorced; she DIED. 3:24
@Ocean_Monae Жыл бұрын
@therealmaizing5328 Жыл бұрын
Yes. Lorraine was Ale's late wife, not his "ex".
@shebakoby Жыл бұрын
a "Dead ex" would be if they got divorced, and THEN Lorraine died. But that's not the case and OP is an idiot.
@crawdaddy2004 Жыл бұрын
@@shebakoby I don’t think it’s about being an idiot. I get the feeling it was a way to create more “space” or decrease the importance of Lorraine in the readers’ minds.
@shebakoby Жыл бұрын
@@crawdaddy2004 this is also true, but the person would have to be really freaking stupid to believe the delusion that destroying innocent inanimate objects will help achieve her goal.
@maggpiprime954 Жыл бұрын
That first story was _brutal._ Absolutely devastating. ALSO! _Deceased 👏 spouses 👏 aren't 👏 ex's!!!_
@emcanet Жыл бұрын
That girl was pure evil. I couldn't imagine doing anything like that. How she still has friends baffles me.
@mariar2651 10 ай бұрын
Totally devastating, she's a monster
@silverink1824 10 ай бұрын
Totally agree. This is written from her perspective of insecurity and wanting to replace a dead woman. She chose the word x because that's how she views it She has no freaking clue how she scarred those children for life further than just losing their biological mother
@Leonard0F41G 8 ай бұрын
Either they are or you can’t remarry
@maggpiprime954 8 ай бұрын
@@Leonard0F41G Dead spouses are a whole other category. Their passing literally dissolves the marriage. They have passed beyond the earthly plane and all its social obligations. There _is_ no ex. It's where theology and philosophy meet.
@BruinPhD2009 Жыл бұрын
Just to be clear, Lorraine is Ale’s FIRST wife, not EX wife. To me, the fact that OP misuses that term is the beginning of every other heinous act that follows. A complete horror show.
@nyxnight638 Жыл бұрын
I was thinking the same thing!
@catherinecox573 Жыл бұрын
I think Lorraine's memory deserves that distinction; they never divorced. She was his wife until her last day and doesn't deserve to be called a mere ex as if things didn't work out. OP would have never got her chance with Ale if the first wife hadn't passed on. She's a horrible woman who can't even do the bare minimum to respect her partner's past.
@LunaMane Жыл бұрын
What do you expect from someone who sounds like she would unironically cause a scene at her partner's job if she found out he speaks to the women coworkers he has?
@meadowsong8560 Жыл бұрын
Whoa, that hadn’t registered with me that OP said that. You are so correct!
@marioncunningham5182 Жыл бұрын
That was my first thought. The op reduced Ale's wife by calling her his ex. Horrible woman! Calling the kids her's! They were never her's. She wasn't even their step mother yet. She deserves every bad thing that happened and will happen to her.
@ColdBloodedBastard Жыл бұрын
The deceased mother wrote letters to her kids that they will never get to read? Wow. That is evil.
@Shakera... Жыл бұрын
That's the part I'm stuck on. Truly sickening.
@annabethsmith-kingsley2079 9 ай бұрын
It doesn't say she wrote letters to her kids. Just that, 'letters', are part of her belongings. If she died in childbirth unexpectedly she would not have known to write letters to her kids in case she died.
@slothysoap4589 8 ай бұрын
@annabethsmith-kingsley2079 It explicitly does say there was letters for the kids they'd never get to read at 10:11
@bleh449 8 ай бұрын
I can't even fathom anyone willing to do something so disgusting. Truly sorry for OP, the kids, and deceased wife
@jasonclements9022 7 ай бұрын
I’d commit dv if someone destroyed the things I’ve saved for my kids that belonged to their mother, ngl. Losing her was already traumatic. I can’t imagine
@charitynordstrom5734 Жыл бұрын
Hope op 1 stays miserable forever. She stole everything from those children. If she couldn't handle things she should have left and found a man with less baggage
@thomasjoseph5876 Жыл бұрын
It makes you wonder how long it would have taken for her to destroy the final TWO THINGS that belonged to the dead wife and her fiance??? What two things??? The children, of course. Imagine how her mind would have worked the first real argument she would have had with the kids when one of them spouted off the old but common saying ...... "You're not my mother" Game over and the kids would have been found dead in their beds. Probably stabbed hundreds of times.
@tabeechey Жыл бұрын
Agreed, this is completely sick! Our son is an adoptee, and I'd give anything for even one gift or letter from his birth family. If you love a kid, you want to give them everything you possibly can, jealousy doesn't come into it.
@marshawargo7238 Жыл бұрын
I think she was a stalker from her freshman year in high school!😢
@swedishmeatball4382 Жыл бұрын
@@thomasjoseph5876 Don't forget that OP enjoy setting things on fire, so, stabbing and then a kid bonfire would have been my guess. Maybe with some dismembering thrown in because OP seem like the type.
@LunaMane Жыл бұрын
I agree with you in everything except the baggage part. Someone who loves another person with the utmost sincerity won't view their children from previous relationships or past memories they hold onto as baggage. So it's a bit unfair to refer to them as that. OP never really loved Ale, Basil or Birdie. She wanted to play house but she never cared for them. If she did she wouldn't have thrown away Loraine's things and would have bonded with those kids over memories of her. You can never replace a child's dead parent as a step parent. But you can become a new loved one. However that's never enough for people like OP. She wanted to replace Lorraine and make her forgotten. Now the apathetic, envious and hurtful attitude OP has? THAT right there is baggage. And NO ONE should have to deal with that.
@rooroolaboo Жыл бұрын
The fact that OP is more concerned about how people hate her than the pain she caused shows that she still has no idea how badly she fucked up and that is a major concern.
@rooroolaboo Жыл бұрын
I also want to add one thing to this. You KNEW the pain it would cause. It wasn't an "Oops, I went too far", you deliberately inflicted pain and suffering on CHILDREN because you felt your emotional needs outweighed theirs. That is not love at all. That is narcissism. You wanted them to love you and only you but you didn't love them enough to allow them memories of their mother. Get serious help before you attempt another relationship.
@TJDious Жыл бұрын
If Lorraine were alive I wouldn't be surprised to learn OP attempted to off her. She already managed the incredible feat of murdering a dead woman.
@soroh0062255 Жыл бұрын
What's this ?? The consequences to my terrible horrible unexcusable actions?!?! 😮
@ms.annthropic6341 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, her actions are pretty much inhuman - to permanently destroy not only mementos of his relationship with his late wife, but also gifts she’d given to her own children and photos they had together - I can’t even process the kind of straight up evil that would require, it’s DISGUSTING. I can kind of imagine being insecure and jealous enough to take down photos that were up in the house and put them in a box in the attic or something, which still wouldn’t be ok and would lead to a fight/discussion about how she needs to accept that the late wife/mother is still a fixture in their lives but maaaaaaybe they could scale things back a bit so she could feel like she’s more a part of their lives now, but to straight up destroy them so they can never be gotten back 🤯 The idea makes my blood boil, you’ve got to be an exceptionally bad person to do something like that with multiple items and stuff that belonged to the kids especially. Multiple items being a big factor because she doesn’t even have the excuse of something like “I would see this love letter on our dresser every day and once when they were out I felt so upset I tore it in half and now I can’t undo what I did and ahhh 😩”. It wasn’t an impulsive action that she wishes she could take back, she happily tried her best to erase this woman’s memory from their family just because she’s seemingly been obsessed with this guy since she was teenager - just Holy fucking fuck.
@ms.annthropic6341 Жыл бұрын
I really hope they reach out to the grandparents to see if they maybe have copies/negatives of some of the photos they lost, or some similar ones they can put up in the house, like maybe the parents have some moments from when their daughter was a teenager and first dating her husband and they could let him have those, or some of her old stuffed animals from when the mother was little that they could give to her children, because Jesus Christ, I literally can’t even imagine anything more awful than doing all your mementos from someone you love who’s passed away 😭💔
@helenlewis2510 Жыл бұрын
Op in the 1st story is a legit psychopath
@One.DeSanctis. Жыл бұрын
Frighteningly so.
@rayzorkidd3991 Жыл бұрын
This is super disturbing this woman is insane.
@actuallynotsteve Жыл бұрын
This is going to be a true crime podcast in like a year tops. She gaslights him and was like "phew he believed me." What a piece of shit
@Mao-s6q Жыл бұрын
She’s definitely crazy, especially since it was planned. I can see how she gets pushed to a point. Especially if they keep bringing up the wife & what a harsh thing to be told I don’t want your kids just go get someone else’s sperm.
@momo382844 Жыл бұрын
She needs to be in prison.
@YourShadowKeeper Жыл бұрын
OP still referring to Ale's children as "my kids" at the end of her story made my stomach turn. They were never her kids, not because she didn't give birth to them, but because she never truly loved them. She was obsessed with being the only woman in Ale's life, and knowingly hurting those kids and the man she claimed to love is the only proof you'd ever need to know she never loved any of them. She was obsessed with Ale, to the point of hurting others to get what she wanted. I hope Ale's restraining order is granted. She is dangerous and his kids need to be protected from such a disturbed person.
@Animalgirl115 9 ай бұрын
This is an incredibly heartbreaking story for Ale and Lorraine’s family and I’m so glad that Mandy worked up the nerve to tell Ale herself knowing OP would never do it. But I think you’re absolutely right. You don’t have to be biologically related to someone to be their mom, but in order to be what I would consider is a true mom is to do everything you can to love and support your children as well as the people/things THEY love. A true mother would NEVER do something like this because they would know how badly it would hurt Ale and his kids as well as Lorraine’s family. OP wasn’t their mom because OP didn’t love the kids enough to even respect or value their feelings by destroying absolutely everything that belonged to Lorraine. And OP did all of this just because she was jealous.. It’s even worse that when seeing the sadness, pain, and grief that she caused them, OP literally preyed on her husband’s trust and used it to lie, gaslight, and manipulate him into believing she would “never” do something like that (which was what SHE stated anyway). A truly disgusting and despicable situation and I agree with another commenter who said that outside of violence/SA stories, this is the absolute worst step parent story I’ve ever heard.
@RawkLobstah88 Жыл бұрын
The end of Story 1 shows that she has learned exactly nothing. It's all about what she lost, all aboit how she's hurting. Not a shred of thought about the harm she caused with her actions. What a monster.
@testtickles7648 Жыл бұрын
My thoughts exactly! When Ale confronted her it was all about her. Then asking her friend "why" When her friend had already told her if OP didn't tell him, she would. Friend waited long enough and followed through on her promise.
@TonySamedi Жыл бұрын
@@testtickles7648 Seriously, the gall to ask "why?" Because it's LITERALLY the only thing any person with a tiny shred of decency would do!
@LunaMane Жыл бұрын
I wouldn't be surprised if the only thing OP "learned" was to not throw away as many things or to at least not tell someone she did it.
@TheScaletIbisNW Жыл бұрын
My exact thought. I mean for f's sake those poor children lost their mom, all of those memories, and another mother figure. Still all she can think about are the things she lost.
@errantwinds-up8uu Жыл бұрын
It also really bothered me that OP just glossed over the fact that Ale wanted a restraining order because she was still harassing them. Like LADY, GET OUT OF THEIR LIVES.
@nicksincredibleopinion Жыл бұрын
Outside of physical abuse or SA, story one is the worst step parent story I've ever heard. She deserves everything she's getting and more.
@YaoiChan18 Жыл бұрын
I would almost say it's worse, because destroying some stuff and emotional manipulation, no matter how important the stuff is will NEVER get any kind of reaction from the police unless it had high monetary value. Unless someone has the dedication to ENSURE this follows that bitch for the rest of her life, all she has to do is move and nobody will ever know what a trash person she is. A police record for child abuse? Being on a sexual predators list? Possible jail time? In some countries convicts lose the right to vote, they can't travel sometimes even within their own countries, many companies will not hire them and if they do it's for low paid grunt work, being on a sex offender list requires you to notify the people where you live about what you are, having any kind of record like that means CPS will be watching you like a lab specimen if you ever have kids of your own and you'll never be able to adopt or foster...the system makes it so the rest of your life can be suffering and frankly speaking she deserves to suffer for the rest of her life as thats what she did to those kids, her ex and EVRYONE who loved Lorraine in life.
@emmathereb Жыл бұрын
Why won’t people just leave dead people’s things alone? You’re not hurting them. You’re hurting the people who are still here. The people you claim to “love like your own”.
@dtester Жыл бұрын
Some people are just terrible. ☹
@LunaMane Жыл бұрын
Because they don't want memories of that dead person. People like OP act as if they're living in someone's shadow and want to take their place.
@happyzahn8031 Жыл бұрын
In this case, its not even a dead person's things. It's the cherished property of 3 people (dad and kids). She just stole and destroyed them. Like a theif who takes your car and wrecks it. Since she lied about it, she also knew it was wrong. She really needs therapy.
@Alberto-wu1mj Жыл бұрын
I think it is because they are possessive. They cannot share love, memories, or anything with the past.
@Raggmopp-xl7yf Жыл бұрын
In some cases it's to cause additional pain to the survivors. I've seen stories where a widow/widower remarries and the step-kids intentionally destroy the dead parents photos the surviving kids had saved. It's really pathological.
@vSpade Жыл бұрын
woo, go Mandy! bringing down the hammer of justice. it really takes a special kind of person to take a heinous act like that to the grave. hopefully, the ex -fiance and the kids can now move on properly.
@dimsufferer9951 Жыл бұрын
She asked Mandy “why” but Mandy warned her. Ale was going to get told either way
@booklightprojects7402 Жыл бұрын
Part of it too is that Mandy told her about her own experience with a stepmother and OP ignored that
@Call-me-Creeds Жыл бұрын
@@booklightprojects7402 ikr she still asked why but was told lmao
@cupofcozy708 Жыл бұрын
When I read the story I was confused at first why she kept calling her husband's wife dead ex wife. He never broke up with his wife, she tragically died. Just shows more and more this woman is psychotic. Glad everyone is shutting her out.
@MsSamiam2 Жыл бұрын
Yup. I thought the deceased wife was an ex as well until it was revealed she died during child birth?!!! OP needs serious help.
@pippo17173 Жыл бұрын
Ya this is just freaking crazy. Will say that the background on this video fits because it sounds like a horror story lol.
@beverlyarcher3744 Жыл бұрын
There are stories where op calls half siblings as step siblings
@Plaprad Жыл бұрын
@@beverlyarcher3744 To be fair, I have step siblings and half siblings both. Personally, we all call each other "Step-siblings". Just easier than trying to remember the position of who we're talking too. But honestly we only use step if it's applicable. I introduce them as my sister or my brother.
@therealmaizing5328 Жыл бұрын
@@Plaprad My dad was a widower with 4 kids when he married my mom, but she never called the 4 oldest her step-kids, and those of us who were born after my parents got married just refer to the 4 oldest as our siblings, even though they are technically our half-siblings.
@mustellar Жыл бұрын
I had a stepparent who destroyed my dead parent’s things out of insecurity and jealousy. It did NOT make me feel like they were a real parent and bring us closer. Whatever op suffers, it won’t be enough.
@norman9076 Жыл бұрын
My mom was 5 when she and her siblings lost their mother. My grandfather remarried to a widow 2 years later, and she did the same thing. My mom went to her grave at 88 not remembering what her mom looked like. She tried to find a picture but failed. It was hard to hear the pain she had when talking about her mom. Being so young she couldn't remember much....brings tears to my eyes to this day. I'm an old man now but will never forget this sad story. Jealousy is a horrible thing.
@Furzkampfbomber Жыл бұрын
This is far beyond jelousy, this is pure, unadulterated narcissim with a good dash of psychopathy.
@PointlessPeachesII Жыл бұрын
(Hugs) thank you for sharing this ❤️. Photos can never be replaced and I wish people can control their jealousy instead of destroying memories.
@ms.annthropic6341 Жыл бұрын
The fact that there are people like that walking around is mind blowing, pure freaking monsters. Put those keepsakes in a box in the attic if you’re really so insecure that you can’t bear seeing them, but to literally destroy them in an attempt to erase that person from their family is just sick.
@heatherv3417 Жыл бұрын
She’s a monster. Obsessed with this man since high school, trailed after him for years through his marriage and the birth of his children, got close to him after his wife died and then destroyed every hint that she’d ever existed
@TheArnaa Жыл бұрын
Story 1: just the title was enough to make me go yikes! Then Mark did the warnings and that yikes just got ten times bigger. ETA: OP is a massive AH and also a massive idiot. She’s jealous and resentful that she doesn’t instantly have the same relationship with Lorraine’s loved ones that took her years to build up. Lorraine is dead and buried and OP had all those future years ahead to become a beloved part of the family and her jealousy ruined it.
@LupusArgentum Жыл бұрын
It kinda feels like a shoddy fake story. The sentence structure is fine but there are way too many sentence breaks (periods). Reminds me of a story my niece wrote back in elementary school. Edit: Or maybe I'd just rather be in denial about there being any more hope for humanity...
@firefly19690 Жыл бұрын
I think it sounds like a story too. I really hope it is, because its awful.
@Batman-lg2zj Жыл бұрын
I don’t think it’s fake
@robertx8020 Жыл бұрын
OP needs to be burried ...what? she isn't dead? who cares..do it anyway
@Crystalthewolf1000 Жыл бұрын
I mean if it is real, he’s also not a great person. He literally married her to be a caretaker of Loraine’s children. And is still grieving
@christywhiteman4249 Жыл бұрын
The worst part is the letters for the kids being gone. They would have really needed those words of comfort she wrote throughout their lives. It breaks my heart that she tried to let her kids know exactly how much she loves them and they missed out on those things because of that evil, awful crazy step mother. I'm so glad she was found out and broken up with at least.
@Deedoof Жыл бұрын
Whether passed or divorced you *never* mess with your partner's past relationships. OP's only guilty because she thought everyone would be happy about erasing a person's existence. She needs therapy before considering any future relationships.
@LunaMane Жыл бұрын
If that's how you treat someone's memories OP doesn't need to be in a relationship at all. You can't expect to be the sole person in someone's life for whatever position, then destroy things related to another person to make them forgettable so you can "take their place".
@One.DeSanctis. Жыл бұрын
​@LunaMane Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! I do not understand people who want to remove everyone closer to their spouse from their lives. That type of jealousy is obsessive and can never be satisfied.
@drl5002 Жыл бұрын
And yet I've read other threads where reddit has said that it is weird and creepy that a person, particularly male is keeping things of their late wife and that they need to let go and get over their late wife. It's disturbing to read those stories and reddit take on them.
@Deedoof Жыл бұрын
@@drl5002 There's a difference between keeping mementos of your late spouse and occasionally talking about them, and having a shrine and comparing the new partner to the late one. This was normal family grief stuff. And gender is irrelevant; it's creepy to obsess over anyone alive or dead. OP said she didn't like Ale's wife when she was alive. She made the choice to hurt Ale, his kids, and their friends and family by throwing away heirlooms from a very loved wife. OP was obsessed with Ale and wanted to be "New Mom".
@tryingnottobeasmartass757 Жыл бұрын
OP in story 1 is straight up evil. Mandy did the right thing both in telling the family what OP did and in ending that friendship. OP is cruel, and that's one of the Reddit commenters said of her, she is wicked. There is no better word to describe that behavior.
@joshuapierce3085 Жыл бұрын
The truly sad thing about her in story 1 is she kept referring to Birdie and Basil as "her children". They were never hers and yet she is still claiming them despite one of them flat out telling her even before all that she wasn't his mother and never would be. She was delusional and was trying to force her delusion on her soon to be stepchildren. She definitely would have eventually resend Basil not accepting her as his mom.
@TonySamedi Жыл бұрын
Imagine if Birdie wound up looking like her mother. Can you just imagine hitting your teenage puberty years with your stepmom who is continually growing more and more resentful of you as you develop and grow to look like your actual mother? Mary probably just saved Birdie from a ton of self esteem issues and abuse of all sorts.
@MaryOnA898 Жыл бұрын
They weren't hers, but they were the closest she would ever get to having his children considering his selfish actions.
@stirrednotshaken4823 Жыл бұрын
@@MaryOnA898yep, Ale isn’t ready to be in another relationship because he can’t get over his first love. He doesn’t want to have children with another woman, doesn’t take pictures of OP and his children together, etc. He doesn’t see OP as part of his family and it will be a long time in the future before he accepts another woman as a partner and mother figure to his children. But that’s ok, it’s part of the grieving process. His only fault was getting together with her in the first place. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Now OP on the other hand…if everything bothered her that much, she should have just moved on to another man she could build a life with and have those children she wants. My mouth dropped when she started describing what she did with Lorraine’s things. How could you consciously destroy someone else’s memories that were being kept (out of sight too) for the children? Does she really think she could actually get away with it? Jealous over a stuffed animal that the child cherished from their own mother, who would still be there if she hadn’t died! Yea, this family definitely deserves better than the person OP is.
@LoveableNiki Жыл бұрын
@@MaryOnA898 Ale's selfish actions??? What are you referring? His vasectomy? OP wasn't specific when the procedure took place (unless I missed it). If it happened before the relationship, Ale cannot be called selfish. If it happened during, I still wouldn't call it selfish. I know some would. It's his body, his decision. It sounds like it should have been a deal breaker for OP, but she was so obsessed with him. You may not be referring to that though. It was the only thing I could imagine.
@LoveableNiki Жыл бұрын
@@stirrednotshaken4823 I didn't see it that way. OP never said Ale didn't want pictures with OP around the home. OP was complaining about the pictures of Lorraine. I know a few parents whose kids lost the other parent, and they all have pictures of the deceased parent up for the kids. All Lorraine's things that the kids didn't actively have possession of were put away. OP didn't express that Ale was still pining for Lorraine. OP was obsessed with Ale and upset that Lorraine existed ever. We are all listening to the account of an unstable person, so there's that.
@inamorata5855 Жыл бұрын
Story one is a true narcissist or psychopath. Not a drop of empathy, only concerned about herself. “I knew he wasn’t over her, I thought he loved me.” Complaining about being insulted. Blaming her husband telling her son the horrible thing she did as the reason why he hates her. Like a “well what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.” I grew up seeing that behavior. I know a Cluster B when I see one.
@Louves192 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: I can't get over her username. "goodbye honey" is probably what she said when she threw away all the items that belonged to Lorraine. It also sounds like she "preyed" on Ale as soon as Lorraine passed away, "helping" him with his loss.
@ThatgirlL18 Жыл бұрын
Agreed! It’s like she kept tabs on his life and made a move at the first opportunity. Didn’t they start dating a year after she died? How quickly did she contact Ale after his loss? She is a calculating monster.
@shylavender Жыл бұрын
I noticed that too. She’s truly SICK! I doubt she did honestly “feel guilty” like she said, more like she was just feeling like she was getting closer and closer to being found out! Didn’t feel guilty enough to tell them the truth herself! I’m glad her friend told them. It’s what she deserves
@LoveableNiki Жыл бұрын
If Lorraine had not passed in the manner she did, I'd suspect OP.
@andysixxstalkerangeloftrag5833 Жыл бұрын
I was literally thinking the same thing. I kept looking at that user name and feeling absolute disgust. She said she'd been liking him so it would not surprise me if she'd been stalking and waiting.
@brenscott5416 Жыл бұрын
​@@shylavenderexactly what I was thinking, she waited until her "rival" wasn't in the picture so she could swoop in and replace her. The thing that proves this to me more than anything was how she immediately wanted to be the kid's mother without ever thinking about how the kids felt and how mad she was that ale had not wanted more bio kids. She took it all personal without thinking for even a second about others around her. She deserves worse than what she got in my opinion
@romiimaggi9624 Жыл бұрын
This woman is a legit pyschopath. The stalker killing keeping the widower kind.
@mercurialmelody Жыл бұрын
Seriously, a real bunny boiler.
@bittersine2356 Жыл бұрын
​@@mercurialmelodybunny boiler? I mean she is insane I'm just not sure what you mean by bunny boiler
@romiimaggi9624 Жыл бұрын
​@@bittersine2356 it's a reference to Glenn Close's character in Fatal Atraction. She's a psycho mistress who wants to kill the wife, and in one scene, she boils the bunny pet owned by the little daughter of the husband
@bittersine2356 Жыл бұрын
@@romiimaggi9624 Aahh. Big yikes
@lorey2818 Жыл бұрын
Mandy is a top tier person, good for her for not letting her “friend” get away with something like that. She’s 100% better off without her in her life so this seems like a total win. Everyone can get ride of her sad existence in their lives all at once
@CocoCece08 Жыл бұрын
Mandy is the true MVP!
@piranhaplantX 11 ай бұрын
Honestly, she probably isn't even a top tier person, considering her friend group. But she definitely found her limit, and this might have been a moment that awakened her to her poor choice in friends. Lol
@LayfonDragnia Жыл бұрын
Honestly, I have zero sympathy for the op in story one, possibly even less than zero. They got exactly what they deserved and I don’t think any human language can express how disgusted I am with their actions.
@robertx8020 Жыл бұрын
She is still alive so she didn't got what she deserved
@errantwinds-up8uu Жыл бұрын
Yup. I hope she gets therapy and becomes a better person, but I'm not exactly counting on because holy moly that was EVIL.
@TheScaletIbisNW Жыл бұрын
She deserved worse than. What she got. She manipulated that whole family. It's bad enough what she did ro her ex, but those poor kids.
@335chr Жыл бұрын
There is no curse in Elvish, Entish or the tongues of Men for this treachery
@WhitneyDahlin Жыл бұрын
‼️Yeah what an evil woman. She KNEW from the beginning that Lorraine would always be the love of his life. So why did she even marry him or start dating him to begin with?!?! If the guy I was dating straight up told me he didn't want anymore kids because he wants his dead wife to be the only mother of his children but I can go ahead and use a bank I would dump him immediately. I'm not saying what he's feeling is wrong obviously OP is the evil one in this story. What she's done is unforgivable and unjustifiable. But he isn't a saint either. He shouldn't have dated so quickly after losing his wife he shouldn't have got involved with this woman when he wasn't over his wife. That was extremely wrong of him to lead her on and basically settle for her because the woman he really wanted he couldn't have. Obviously it doesn't justify anything OP did she should have just dumped him like a normal person. But because she chose not to she CHOSE to be a monster instead she deserves far worse than what happened. I hope her family and friends do the right thing and tell every future man she starts dating exactly why her engagement was broken off. I feel bad for whatever man is tricked into being in a relationship with her. Most of all I feel terrible for the innocent kids who did literally nothing wrong. Those poor children have now lost two mothers. He never should have introduced her to his kids so early for this exact reason. What's the rush why were they rushing into getting married so soon after his wife's death anyway
@penelopelane5753 Жыл бұрын
Second story: I can promise you that OPs sister is child free because she’s had more than enough of parenting her younger brothers when she was just a child herself. At least that’s the case for me and I had FOUR younger brothers.
@amethystanne4586 Жыл бұрын
Story 1 … if Lorraine passed away while they were still married, she would be his deceased wife, not his ex-wife. I wonder if Lorraine’s family has pictures of her? Copies could made and given to Basil, Birdie, and their Dad.
@CatLoverX74 Жыл бұрын
I was thinking the same thing. Surely her family must have pictures of her
@MorningRose370 Жыл бұрын
Hopefully. But they'll never be able to replace the keepsakes. The stuffed zebra, the knife, the antique horses.
@carolroberts4614 Жыл бұрын
It's the zebra that hurt me the most! This op is beyond disgusting, but why take a soft toy that a small child can't sleep without? A monster.
@Jace_the_mace Жыл бұрын
It wouldn’t matter if they did because this psycho would destroy them again.
@Sandstimes Жыл бұрын
@@Jace_the_mace it sounds like they're getting a restraining order (the fact that they are going that far definitely tells me op is continuing to do a lot of shit she left out) so if she tries she can at least get locked up for it
@ShandorDavies Жыл бұрын
I lost my husband last year and my daughter is too little to fully understand, but there are toys of his that have been put away for her when she's older. The thought that a future partner would deliberately destroy my husband's memory is abhorrent. First OP deserves everything she got and more.
@LadyMarigoldWithers 9 ай бұрын
I’m so sorry for your loss 😢
@ShandorDavies 9 ай бұрын
@@LadyMarigoldWithers thank you ❤️
@AndyyWithAY Жыл бұрын
I knew it would be bad on the title, but she's an actual monster. She is not fit to be with a man who has a past or anyone honestly. You claim you love these children and this man, but you did this vulgar thing. You seem too hung up on having bio kids, for that alone you shouldn't have stayed. Leaving for that valid, what you did in no way valid
@orchidoxs126 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, she should've left but that's nit what she wanted. She wanted a "perfect" life with ale. A life that excludes the late wife.
@marshawargo7238 Жыл бұрын
AND she kept calling her "his ex"! Widowed Isn't Divorced!!!
@llcdrdndgrbd Жыл бұрын
Like, she had a torch for this guy since high school but then he got married and had two kids, shouldn’t she have moved on and gotten over him and started a fresh relationship where there wouldn’t be this kind of insecurity? She’s not wrong for the insecurity but she’s absolutely horrible for what she did
@josephedward7534 Жыл бұрын
Story 2: As soon as he said that his sister babysitting them was "not exactly a tremendous hardship," I knew he was the AH. By the time his post was done, it was obvious that OP is an ungrateful, entitled, selfish brat. As for the parents, it sounds like they were just trying to make the best out of their bad circumstance, and recognized that it was unfair to their daughter.
@timon6759 Жыл бұрын
You seem to be forgetting the fact that they're paying for their mistakes at his expense seeing as their taking money from him and his brother's inheritances.
@Sandstimes Жыл бұрын
@@timon6759 except the money wasn't theirs before, they were never entitled to an inheritance at all. The parents chose to split it this way, they didn't yoink money away that already belonged to them bc it didn't belong to them
@timon6759 Жыл бұрын
@@Sandstimes their still treating their other kids unfairly. It's why I believe that everyone sucks.
@Imolos Жыл бұрын
⁠@@timon6759 Lol unfairly? Only one who was treated unfairly was OP’s sister. OP and his brothers could be a normal kids and teenagers but sister wasn’t able.
@wimsylogic65 Жыл бұрын
​​@@timon6759Have you ever been the eldest Raising your siblings? The younger siblings are being entitled brats, If they're upset over this. They got to be kids. They got to have a childhood. I think it's great the parents are doing this. Most parents don't even do that. Most parents don't even acknowledge or appreciate what they did to their older kids that raised their younger Siblings.
@73shay93 Жыл бұрын
Story1: How OP wrote this out and thought this was remotely okay is crazy. She literally tried to erase his deceased wife’s existence out of the family’s memory.
@happilyeverafter7703 Жыл бұрын
Why do you think she did it anyway? She didn't see anything wrong destroying the keepsakes, what makes you think she sees anything wrong about posting her shit on the internet?
@73shay93 Жыл бұрын
@@happilyeverafter7703 True I’m just glad Mandy stepped up.
@samiulhuda4001 Жыл бұрын
these are the women who will complain about men being abusive when her face is caved in
@mirandanils5114 Жыл бұрын
@@samiulhuda4001there’s no excuse for physical abuse or violence. OP’s ex did the right thing by dumping her. Not a great take.
@Mad3bunny Жыл бұрын
This is the mindest of a monster
@pxel64 Жыл бұрын
The amount of disgust I felt for OP in story 1 is insane. I can't believe she felt absolutely no regret after she initially destroyed things that were irreplaceable and priceless. I probably would have spoken up sooner, but I'm glad Mandy exposed everything when OP wouldn't. Also, feel somewhat disgusted that she has any friends left. No good person would look at what OP has done and decide to stick by her as a friend. It would make me wonder if she's always been this vile. I hope she lives the rest of her life with this guilt, remorse, and regret. I hope she gets the therapy so she obviously needs and come to realize how truly disgusting what she did is. I also hope she leaves town so the family never have to see her again and be reminded of what she ripped away from them.
@babybookworm003 Жыл бұрын
Because a narcissist only cares about themselves. The whole update was me me me op didn’t even care to understand what she did and she only feels guilty cause she was told on
@Main07vega Жыл бұрын
unless those "friends" stay around to retell this story to any and all future people in OPs life. then im fine with them staying "friends"
@pxel64 Жыл бұрын
@@Main07vega yeah I can understand that. I just know I'd never be able to, wouldn't stand to look at her face lol
@kateworkman921 8 ай бұрын
I wonder if Mandy waited because she wanted to see if OP would stop talking about Lorraine in such an awful way. Because that's one of the things that was told to the ex-fiance - how OP would talk about her. I can't help wondering if OP had just completely shut up about Lorraine, would Mandy have still come forward? Or would she have figured, "Okay, it sucked what she did, but it's out of her system now" and not said anything?
@paperkay Жыл бұрын
Second story: I always love it when people get punished for being successful and industrious. My own mother told me to give my share of the inheritance to my sister (who never worked a day in her life and wouldn't piss on our father if he was on fire), because "I didn't need it" - because I worked like crazy so that my husband and I could live like human beings (there were times when we didn't even have enough for food. My mother wouldn't give me 10 bucks. because, you know, someone needed to pay for my sister's bills and parties.) The first story, though... I have nothing. That horror of a human garbage doesn't even get it.
@deppnut1 Жыл бұрын
Last story, I would have laughed at how genius an idea it was. If he wanted OP to ride with him, he should have started her off at a beginners level and gradually worked up to more difficult rides. She could also use the ebike for difficult rides and the other one for easy rides.
@LadyMarigoldWithers 9 ай бұрын
This! She wouldn’t be able to keep up with a man if she was at peak fitness anyway, guy is a douche. I had an ex that would get in a mood when I couldn’t keep up with biking and I wasn’t enjoying it. When I suggested he just do it on his own as I preferred to slow down and actually enjoy the scenery he moaned saying he wanted us to get fit together (neither of us were unfit to start with). No. He wanted to do what HE wanted with no consideration for me. That was one of several red flags. Glad I got rid! I go paddleboarding with a guy fairly regularly, if he wants a real workout he goes with another male friend as I will be completely knackered trying to keep up and not enjoy it. When he wants to take it easier and chat or just enjoy being outdoors I’m there, works out nicely.
@sunnimoberly4845 Жыл бұрын
I could not be happier that op lost everything, she got everything she deserved.
@rogerrabbit80 Жыл бұрын
There is one thing I find worrying. At 12:42 OP says that "a few of my friends are still with me." How? What kind of whack-a-doodle supports destroying the photos and belongings of the kids mother because she was "a little jealous"? That echo chamber is just going to validate OP's opinion of her actions and allow her to convince herself what she did "wasn't that bad." That's going to keep her from getting the help she obviously needs.
@shylavender Жыл бұрын
@@rogerrabbit80THIS! That’s exactly what I thought!
@LunaMane Жыл бұрын
The most shocking part was that OP actually admitted that her jealousy was what made her lose everything. But she has no right to say that Basil and Birdie were her kids. They never were from the moment she threw away Lorraine's mementos. That's not something you say "My bad" about in a half-arsed apology and take someone to Wendy's for to patch up. Thank God Mandy had the courage to tell Ale the truth. I do believe OP would be a danger to the kids. What if Birdie grew up looking like a spitting image of Lorraine? If she could throw away such irreplaceable things it wouldn't be a stretch for OP to resent Birdie and call her ugly. And Basil would have most definitely been turned into a momma's boy in all the wrong, wilful Oedipus Complex ways. And Ale would've been OP's hopeless simp. If you can't accept that you won't be an all encompassing figurehead in someone's life then you don't need friends - nevermind a fiance and kids. Such an awful story all around. OP is one rotten bitch. I hope Ale, Birdie and Basil find something of Lorraine's to hold onto.
@mimi.dixon.b Жыл бұрын
Yeah I think jealousy is a natural feeling to have in that situation- a relationship that ended in a death will always be viewed in idealistic terms and it’s difficult to have your relationship compared to that/always have the reminder that if they were still alive,you wouldn’t be the first choice…that and I think that op is resentful that he didn’t want to have any kids with her only his deceased wife….that said, most people are probably decent enough that they wouldn’t have taken the immature lashing out behavior route as a result of those feelings
@emcanet Жыл бұрын
I get why he didn't want to get her pregnant. His wife died in child birth. Its got to be hard to "do that to" his new wife. My child birth was difficult and my husband was so distraught, pledging to "never make you go through that again." So my take comes from that experience.
@HaliaStone Жыл бұрын
This is gonna be an unhinged one. If I was in Ale’s shoes I’d 100% be going to jail the second I found out what OP had done.
@thomasjoseph5876 Жыл бұрын
I find this story disturbing and IF it is real, which I doubt, but if it is, then she needed therapy long ago. Since she had no issues destroying EVERYTHING that was the dead wife's stuff, even some of it that were both the dead wife's and her fiance's stuff with the exception of TWO THINGS, what would stop her from destroying those final two things in the future???? What TWO THINGS are still left that was the dead wife's and her fiance's??? The two kids of course.
@jackwatt8988 Жыл бұрын
Really? Because someone destroyed some items you'd abandon your children?
@cyndib511 Жыл бұрын
​@@jackwatt8988I'd bury her so far out in the woods, no one would ever find her.
@marshawargo7238 Жыл бұрын
​@@thomasjoseph5876 My first thought was I Hope that this is Just A Story & not really real!!!😢 It seems like she was almost a stalker from the first time she met him in high school!
@ophilianecr Жыл бұрын
​@jackwatt8988 really? You dont have the intellectual or emotional intelligence to understand why this is more than "destroying a few items"??? Wow, if that's the case, you should really get some help for that. It's pretty GLARINGLY OBVIOUS why this is more than just being a little jealous🤦‍♀️🤨. It's a person who no empathy, no impulse control, no compassion for the people she "loves". Shes a terrible judge of consequences and doesn't think or consider future impacts, or the way her actions have all kinds of implications for her and others. Someone like her doesn't have a guarantee that she wouldn't hurt the kids just because she can't handle the fact they're not hers. I mean, her fiance doesn't want more kids, so how else would she get them unless she gets rid of them.... I mean really? Where's your critical thinking?🙄
@stillvisibletoallusers Жыл бұрын
Love how shes tries to minimise her actions by saying Basil hates her because Ale told him what happened. There wouldn't havr been anything to tell had OP not been a horrible person.
@dodgyyoutuber9560 3 ай бұрын
It’s all Ale’s fault lol
@KittenUndercover Жыл бұрын
Inheritance story: don’t look at OPs comments unless you like feeling stabby. He’s just as entitled and obnoxious and he refuses to accept his judgement.
@sampa2nyc Жыл бұрын
Story 1: What OP did was unforgiveable. When her fiancé basically told her he didn't want to have any kids with her she should have simply broken up with him.
@miceltusav88 Жыл бұрын
Hmm... you changed your tune rather quick... didn't you defend her in a reply thread on here? Something about how the fiance said something "horrendous"?
@sampa2nyc Жыл бұрын
@@miceltusav88 No I did not. I wasn't defending her. I stated that what he said was horrendous (which is a fact) and also stated that what she did was unforgiveable. Two things can be true at once. I went over this with another commenter already so I will not be repeating myself.
@jessicaolson490 Жыл бұрын
He likely didn't want to make another person pregnant because the last time caused the death of the person.
@vitterling Жыл бұрын
Story 1: I am fairly sure OP is literally insane. This degree of delusion and lack of empathy cannot be normal, there must be some kind of disorder at work here. The fact that she couldn't understand, and still doesn't understand fully, the severity of what she did, tells me she doesn't think she really did anything wrong. This is entirely unhinged and she should get therapy yesterday.
@LittleImpaler Жыл бұрын
I just see an immature person.
@doomguy9049 Жыл бұрын
​@@LittleImpaler She's definitely immature, but she's also quite vicious and obviously delighted in her cruelty until it was revealed and the consequences became real to her.
@vitterling Жыл бұрын
@@doomguy9049 Exactly. She still isn't sorry for what she did, only that she was exposed and got punished, but she doesn't seem to quite get why her actions got that strong reaction from the people around her. That is way beyond mere immaturity, even if she definitely is that too.
@BeckyTheBullet 8 ай бұрын
I would say she's a sociopath. the description fits.
@marilynbartlett1850 Жыл бұрын
OP is evil. I relate to this story on a certain level - when my mother passed I had agreed with my stepdad that I would arrange for my kids be (toddlers at the time) to be cared for so I could drive down there, nearly four hours away, and go through her things. But he got rid of it all and moved two hours away inside of a month, before I had a chance, and went to live with the woman he'd apparently been having an affair with while my mother was going through treatment. I also found out he had sold a lot of my mother's belongings at a yard sale before she died. I lost so many things this way that had been my mother's from when my bio father was alive. It was like he wanted to erase her. I am still sad all these years later. None of it had any real monetary value; it was just memories, things that connected me to people that were gone. So my heart goes out to Ale and his kids. They'll carry that loss in their hearts forever.
@moshigal156 Жыл бұрын
Jfc taking such drastic measures to destroy sentimental items from a deceased parent isn’t a “mistake”, it’s unhinged! OP deserves every bit of the backlash she’s receiving for this, and very likely the only way she’ll be able to escape it is if she completely starts over. I’m talking cutting contact with everyone she knew, moving FAR away, deleting all her social media, changing her number, and maybe even legally changing her name kind of starting over. What she did was absolutely vile and if where she lives is one of those places where everyone knows everyone, she will NEVER know a moment of peace there again. If she does decide to uproot and completely start over, the first thing on her to do list should be going to a therapist to work through her issues. For her own sake, I kind of hope she does because this lady needs SERIOUS help.
@Cael_Dereck Жыл бұрын
OP in story one is a monster. She didn't just destroyed the keepsakes of Lorraine, she destroyed memories. It's way worse.
@grinningweirdo4888 Жыл бұрын
‘I’ve lost my fiancé, my kids and my friends’ I love a happy update
@brookew2403 Жыл бұрын
Shoutout to Mandy in the first story! She saved those poor kids from having an evil stepmother.
@michaelwoods3651 Жыл бұрын
Story 1- first off, he’s a widower. She’s not an ex. Op took the train to crazy town! Those were treasured items from the kids mother. That’s terrible that you took away their mother’s memory. I suggest op starts packing up because when Ale finds out, it’s over.
@errantwinds-up8uu Жыл бұрын
In the second story, I actually DO excuse the parentification. Of course it wasn't fair to OP's sister, but the parents were working two jobs each just to make sure their kids could eat. It sounds like they genuinely had no other options. Also, OP is a dense dick for downplaying what she sacrificed.
@MrJpaynebb Жыл бұрын
The parents, the family actually was in a tough financial situation. It's not an excuse for the parentafication just an explanation. The sister being the oldest took on a childcare role she wasn't suppose to. That 2/5 inheritance is their acknowledgement and attemp to payback something for her hard work and sacrifice. Of course to OP it was no big deal because he didn't have to do anything to help the family. He got all the benefits without any of the work.
@jedimasters1462 Жыл бұрын
​@@MrJpaynebbWhat could op have done to help much? He was too young to either get a job or even stay home alone. The best he could do was behave, don't cause trouble and keep things clean. Op probably feels like he and his brothers are being punished for not being able to help much. The parents should have first not talked to their children about the will. If they wanted to, they shouldn't have said that it would be equal shares before saying that the only daughter was getting twice as much because she helped them during a time when no one could really help it being needed. Instead they should have kept the money portion completely equal, yet give the sister the house or something. Getting the house, she could sell it, keep it and rent it out or possibly move in. They should have spoken to her privately first to find out what she was comfortable with before talking to all of them.
@krystalfloods6197 Жыл бұрын
Exactly this. They had no choice.
@morgantrias3103 11 ай бұрын
The fact they recognise that it was unfortunate and tried to give her something in return is head and shoulders above a lot of parentified kids.
@maranathaschraag5757 9 ай бұрын
Exactly! The parents are trying to offset this very needed situation. She might not have done a lot of physical whatever. She could not go out with friends. Could not go to events, dances, etc. She couldn't play sports or extracurricular activities. Instead, she was trapped ar home with three (apparently ungrateful) brats
@mracula1667 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: I am always confused on why people call and yell at someone on a friend or family member’s behalf. This is the one time I get it. OP deserves to suffer the reality of exactly who she is. I’m glad this happened before they got married.
@NopeScope14 Жыл бұрын
I have a sinking feeling that OP is Ale's creepy stalker for years now. Since Middle school? Girl ew, no, move on. Then suddenly the wife passes away, OP swooped in like a damned vulture
@MsTemptation Жыл бұрын
S1: Thank goodness that one of her friends has a conscious and told op’s now ex fiancée the truth about what op did. I’m happy that he dumped this psychopath. I feel sorry for any other male that op becomes obsessed with because it won’t end well.
@AllezVous222 Жыл бұрын
@miceltusav88 Жыл бұрын
​@@AllezVous222 does the grammar nazi wanna go to Poland next?
@FreeToWaffle Жыл бұрын
The letters to the kids being destroyed will sit with me for a long long time 💔 OP finishes the story all about herself. Horrible, delusional person who needs serious help.
@TheBirdManOfAzkaban Жыл бұрын
Story 1: what OP did should be a crime. What she did... she shouldn't just be in jail, she should be buried under it. She destroyed those 2 children for her own ego. She'll thankfully never know just how much damage she has done, because hopefully she will never darken their lives again. 😞
@kp2223 Жыл бұрын
Technically it is a crime, destruction of property.
@errantwinds-up8uu Жыл бұрын
One of the things that bothered me in the update is that she glossed over the part where Ale wanted a restraining order because she was continuing to harass them. Yikes.
@TheBirdManOfAzkaban Жыл бұрын
@@kp2223 True, but I'm thinking more specific to the abusive nature toward the children. Destruction of propery, with such little financial value, is barely a slap on the wrist.
@kp2223 Жыл бұрын
@@TheBirdManOfAzkaban While I agree with you, allowing the law to put sentimental and emotional value on things greatly affects many other laws .
@llcdrdndgrbd Жыл бұрын
She could be hit with a lawsuit for emotional damages but sadly I think the payout would not be worth the cost and time nd stress of filing such a lawsuit
@LightSage89 Жыл бұрын
I have never felt so glad for an OP's lies to be brought to light. She deserves every ounce of the backlash she is getting from her social circle. OP is a psycho.
@Amy_The_unbearded Жыл бұрын
Story One: this goes beyond insecurity. Op is absolutely psychotic. Insecure over mementos of someone spouse who is no longer LIVING. Get over yourself. I hope the husband finds out and leaves her crazy ass.
@loralunafantasy Жыл бұрын
Ale's first wife was DEAD and this woman tried to kill her further by erasing her memory. She didn't just hide or toss her things, she took the time to cut apart letters and stuffed animals and then smiled about it. Good on Mandy for telling Ale. It can't be easy finding out someone you trusted is a heartless monster.
@Tokuijin Жыл бұрын
I hope the first Op gets dumped because that's just cruel
@NiMissNi Жыл бұрын
I feel so bad for everyone in the update (except for OP, she's not human for that shit)
@JSainte17 Жыл бұрын
The audacity to call them “my kids”, ESPECIALLY after that. And because she said “for those calling me names” I already know she wouldn’t come clean.
@Ospyro3em Жыл бұрын
Story 1- even now, OP doesn't understand what she did wrong. She asked Mandy "why did you tell him"... seriously??? And "I thought he loved me". He can love you while grieving this awful loss - you just got selfish, greedy and jealous OP! Go get some serious therapy before you even consider getting into a new relationship.
@pippo17173 Жыл бұрын
I'm glad one of her friends finally realizes how horrible this is. Her family, especially mom ans Das must be kicking themselves not picking up and stopping this jealousy trait from forming.
@blackofelia Жыл бұрын
He didn’t loved her , he even said he want only L to carry his kids which would be big no for anyone new. Also op stick around and make him love her because she was there during everything it was forced attachment
@shaetoons3602 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: Op is a disgusting person and got exactly what she deserved. Its so disturbing that she could watch her ex fiancee breakdown about his ex wife's belongings along with causing the kids more unnecessary grief all because of her own selfishness and jealousy. Story 2: YTA Op's sister had to give up her own childhood to help raise op and their other brothers. Her getting a large sum of the inheritance is the least she's owed. Story 3: I'm glad they communicated about in the end but Op's fiance was the AH. Op found a good alternative to share his hobby and spend time with him but he still found a reason to complain about it.
@katewatters2674 Жыл бұрын
Literally read “dead ex wife” and was like 😅 this is gonna be badddddddd! An ex wife is alive so he is a widowed husband
@dtester Жыл бұрын
I know, Right? If they were still married when she died I think so that's just a "wife" that passed on.
@throwawayaccount9150 Жыл бұрын
Whenever I hear stories of someone throwing away a dead loved ones belongings, it hurts to my core how evil someone could be to DELIBERATELY DO THIS. I still recall how when we were cleaning out our garage, my family accidentally threw my grandpa’s tool bag he gave me before his passing in the dumpster. I panicked and dove in there to get it back with their help and they all profusely apologized for not realizing what it was. The stepmother doing this with FULL INTENT is vile and doesn’t deserve this family
@PinkMarshmallows Жыл бұрын
By the title alone, the OP is a psycho/sociopath. Good Lord! Why the fk would anyone do that?! Edit: I'm soooo glad that the ex tossed OP where she belongs, on the streets.
@Rose-yt5hi Жыл бұрын
The crazy thing is how many people like this exist-off the top of my head, there was the boyfriend who destroyed the T-shirt from his girlfriend’s dead best friend, the wife who told her husband she couldn’t go to his ex-wife’s/best friend’s funeral after she died of an aneurysm in front of him, the dude that destroyed his wife’s ring from her previous husband who died young, the boyfriend that destroyed his girlfriend’s memorial candle of her dead sister… So many unhinged people walking about, looking normal until they let loose the floodgates of their insanity on their unsuspecting victims.
@Pennyadodumuss Жыл бұрын
@@Rose-yt5hi I heard all those too! My word!!
@nousernamesarevalid Жыл бұрын
Story 3: Has OP thought that perhaps his sister doesn't have kids because she already raised her siblings? Has OP thought that if parents stayed home instead of sister that there may be no inheritance? Has OP thought that maybe sister has made more sacrifices that he doesn't even know about?
@veronapaisley6915 Жыл бұрын
Story 2: Inheritance is a gift NOT an entitlement.
@peanutbutter6465 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: Girly should've left the moment she became jealous of a dead woman instead of destroying every memory of the first wife. Some people are capable of living with the fact that they'll never be the first in their partner's life, clearly she isn't one of them and there's nothing wrong with that but torturing yourself and staying with the man and eventually destroyed all the priceless memories of her is just damn cruel she should really seek out for help because this is an insane behaviour imo
@readscapedreaming4928 Жыл бұрын
The thing is, she was always jealous of the wife. I fully believe if the wife was still alive Op would have made a pass at Ale. I also think she forced/manipulated herself into Ale's life. It is good that he was 100% sure he wanted no kids, because if OP became pregnant with his child, something tells me Birdie and Basil would have been miserable. Their love for their deceased mother could not then be overlooked.
@rednecksamurai Жыл бұрын
What really ticks me off about the op in the first story is she is still trying to be the victim in the whole narrative
@Lestaticate Жыл бұрын
Story 1: It’s one thing to lose precious memories from acts of nature, or from a home burglary, but from someone you opened your heart to, trusted with your life, brought you into your family and loved unconditionally … OP was set on taking her secret to the grave, too much of a coward to own up to what she did. Her ex bestie Mandy had to step in and expose her for the monster she was. (Good on Mandy.) I feel horrible for Ale, his children, family and circle of friends. It’s like they lost Lorraine all over again, and OP has the audacity to still refer to those children as her own- she’s not a mother. What OP did was cruel, selfish and unhinged, and I hope this memory haunts her beyond the grave.
@phoenixsky6124 Жыл бұрын
2- regardless of what she did while watching her brothers, if she didn’t do it the parents couldn’t work their multiple jobs. She also wasn’t free to come and go as she chose.
@k_grim8064 Жыл бұрын
Speaking as someone who lost their mother at the age of five, the first OP is a selfish, unstable monster. I have zero sympathy for what she lost as a consequence of her actions. She deserves it all.
@Russman67 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: Just the setup of the story had me cringing. This woman has been obsessed with her fiance for years and was threatened by the memory of a dead woman to the point where she hurt him and his kids. I can't think of a level of karma that would be severe enough for this. Evil Fucking Stepmom.
@jessicapalmer3455 Жыл бұрын
That first story!!!! I'm still reeling. It was so far past normal. Like, how? Why would it even be a thought in Op's mind to do such a thing? ...I didn't even truly hear the last two stories lol. I may have to re-listen to the later half. 💙💙
@dtester Жыл бұрын
Wait, unless I missed it they were still married when she died. She is not a dead "ex-wife" she is a dead "Wife". That was just another tiny thing to show how messed up the OP is.
@robertx8020 Жыл бұрын
yep, OP sees no difference between a dead wife and an ex
@StellaJoachin-r2k Жыл бұрын
Why are people making such a big deal about the title whether dead or not they arent married any more, hes married to someone else now u make it seem as if, if she suddenly came back to life now they would still be married.
@dtester Жыл бұрын
@@StellaJoachin-r2k It's because you normally don't strip away the title upon death. Saying "dead ex-wife" will be misunderstood to mean that they got divorced before she died. The proper way of saying it is "dead wife" or "dead first wife". I feel the OP is trying to "lesson" her husband's first wife in her head and its very disrespectful.
@StellaJoachin-r2k Жыл бұрын
ye thts wht u feel like and it does not really matte shes dead what importnce does she hold in there marriage? none so shut up both are at fault here and the husband or wtv is more at fault how do u string someone in a mrriage you know ur not ready for? and the wife yes ur pissed and i understand ur anger but u really shouldnt have destroyed smth important to them like that.
@carolcarol9982 Жыл бұрын
You know, it would only have been a matter of time before that woman started punishing Ale and his kids for not loving her like they did Lorraine. Mandy may have saved someone's life.
@thecrebain6760 Жыл бұрын
I didn't think after the first story anything else could make me mad today, and here we are at story 2. Entitled brats those brothers are.
@actuallynotsteve Жыл бұрын
Mandy is real one, that takes some stones. Even if it took her weeks, she did what was right. Respect.
@immortalsofar5314 Жыл бұрын
First rule of a contented life: don't do anything you're not proud of. Second rule, two people can keep a secret if one of them is dead. Third rule, own your mistakes, do everything you can to correct them and never expect forgiveness.
@jakeand9020 Жыл бұрын
But she IS proud of what she did.
@immortalsofar5314 Жыл бұрын
@@jakeand9020 Only in a roundabout way. She tells everyone else but tries to hide it from those affected. That never works.
@CensorshipVictim Жыл бұрын
Story 1 YTA: I think that OP had been carrying a torch for her crush for soo long that it blurred the lines between reality and fantasy. Also, there were red flags that she missed (he didn't want anymore biokids, obsessed with his ex, etc) and her ex fiance missed all of OP's red flags (obsessed with him and his kids, resentful of his dead ex wife, pushing to be mommy to his kids) This whole relationship was a ticking time bomb from the beginning 😮‍💨
@juanhaines7295 Жыл бұрын
Story 1 just from the title I knew it was over. How evil to destroy their last things they have of their mother. Plus the op knew why.
@CGossRunnn Жыл бұрын
This is one of the most evil, selfish people I've ever heard on reddit. How does a person write this and realize how horrible of a person they are? She deserves to be alone
@Erebus04 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: OP jealousy controlled OP but instead of being a grown up acts like a child Update: OP is a coward and got exactly what they deserved and if theirs a hell, they probably will be tortured with this
@hothotheat3000 Жыл бұрын
Notice how she got mad at Mandy and asked her why?! WHY?! OP YOU DID THIS!!!!!! Justice for Mandy!!!!!
@crem-crem4070 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: based on the story title I thought it was an accident but knowing OP was so hateful about it and did it with planned intent is horrifying. Op is a narcissist in the most horrifying way
@melissar4612 Жыл бұрын
S1: Lorraine is not an EX wife. She is his LATE wife. OP is insane. Literally insane. She's a stalker.
@julianamendes8802 Жыл бұрын
Story one made me genuinely sick to my stomach. What kind of vile creature does that to the people she claims to love? I'm so mad for the kids and their father. 💔💔
@justinecorrington4106 Жыл бұрын
I had a feeling one of the friends would tell eventually, yep. Story 2: his sister really didn’t sacrifice anything… wow.
@Kirby-zp6cg Жыл бұрын
Story 1 before update: I just want to say that that’s not his deceased ex wife, that’s his LATE WIFE.
@Netherdrop Жыл бұрын
The first story just repeatedly had me go "OOF" at everything she brought up... There's so much to unpack here, I don't even know where to start. Good on Mandy for doing the right thing and telling Ale what a terrible person the OP is. Even now it's all about how OP has to suffer the consequences of her actions and how poor she is. Also the bit about Ale wanting to get a Restraining Order makes me wonder if OP really just went to her friend and was the "poor victim getting harassed" ever since or if she just kept trying to talk to them... She seems like enough of a nutcase to think that would actually work.
@cheskydivision Жыл бұрын
Op is nutz and op’s fiancé did not loose his ex wife. That was his wife! The fact that fiancé hasn’t figured it out is dense if dead wife’s stuff is the only stuff missing.
@spikeoramathon Жыл бұрын
I suffer from low-self esteem; a simple mistake can send me into a spiral of self-loathing. I am constantly haunted by the feeling that I'm not good enough, don't try hard enough, and am not doing my part for the world. Well, now I can bookmark this first story and round back to it when I feel down, and feel just a little bit better about myself in knowing that I'm not the monster this woman is. WHO DOES THIS AND CAN LIVE WITH THEMSELVES?!?! She got what she deserved, imo.
@ianesgrecia8568 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: Tell me you are a psycopath without telling me you are a psucopath Story 2: The entitlement of OP to even TRY to downplay sister participation. And she didn't EVEN WANTED THE PART. The reason she is child-free is probably because she already spend all her childhood babysitting you all Story 3: BIGGER ENTITLEMENT THAN STORY 2. He first basically force OP to participate on principle to want company. She see a problem and them SOLVES the problem with the E-bike so she can KEEP COMPANY. And he STILL COMPLAIN? WTF????
@carlrood4457 Жыл бұрын
He wants a WORKOUT PARTNER, not someone to take a leisurely ride through the park with. The e-bike defeats the whole point.
@FrozenCampbellSoup Жыл бұрын
@@carlrood4457if he wants a work out partner he shouldn’t have asked someone at a beginner level. I’m glad the two resolved it but holy moly
@AdrielDoesGaming 5 ай бұрын
OP in the first story is a cruel and heartless monster for destroying the memories if the husband's late wife
@ineedhoez Жыл бұрын
Story 1: In a weird way this story is a perfect representation of the consequences of not loving yourself enough to walk away. All she had to do was say that not having kids of her own, with her mate, is a deal breaker. First of all, I think that no single woman who wants children should get into a relationship with someone who already has children. Let single moms and single dads date each other. She should have walked away as soon as he told her that he had a vasectomy and was unwilling to attmept to reverse it. Her lack of self-love made her decide that this was the best she could do. Now, she is literally turning into the evil stepmother. Those children are suffering for her resentment abd frustration with their father. Just learn to walk away.
@MaryOnA898 Жыл бұрын
You hit the nail right on the head. His selfish actions should've been a deal breaker, but she put her love or obsession with him over her self-worth. She deserves a man who would give her children and prioritize her and not make her live in the shadow of his dead partner.
@FinnishLapphund Жыл бұрын
Exactly. There's nothing wrong with saying I don't want more bio kids, but he basically said he could've considered having more if only L had been alive to birth them. What a mess of a relationship.
@stirrednotshaken4823 Жыл бұрын
He should not have given OP hope of a relationship because he clearly is not ready for one and may never be.
@GC-iq9fd Жыл бұрын
i'm so glad you mentioned this. yes, she is the ah, but we need to recognize that he is also in the wrong for stringing her along, he's not ready for a relationship, telling her that he wants to have only lorraine's children and she can get a sperm donnor is vile, it's triangulation at worst, but i dont want to be too harsh on him cause he's grieving.
@slytherinlibrarian3501 Жыл бұрын
​@GC-iq9fd That's the biggest problem with all of these stories, though. The grief, the loss of someone so tragic and young is so obviously overwhelming, that no unrelated third party without stakes in the situation will hold a widow/er accountable for playing pretend at being ready to move on. The living spouse holds their new partner against the deceased and refuses to admit it so the new partner keeps trying only to be mired in pits of jealousy. If there had been anyone willing to call out Ale's behaviour, OP might have had the support and perspective to attempt saving herself before she became an absolute monster. We've seen it before with the man who destroyed his wife's ring from her deceased husband. In their case, she lied to him about her real reasoning behind refusing to celebrate Valentine's Day, so when he hoped to try because it meant something to him to do so, all anyone saw was his disrespect and disregard of her anniversary with her first husband; something he had not been told. OP stopped being a victim when she took matters into her own hands to 'rid' herself of Lorraine. Absolutely. However, the fact that no one thought to question whether Ale was ready and his dynamic with OP placed her on the path. It was 100% her responsibility to walk away from it though.
@DerekScottBland Жыл бұрын
Story 1 - even though OP ends with "over my stupid jealousy," it's obvious that she still doesn't understand just how much of a monster she is.
@debdoug4136 Жыл бұрын
I hope the husband in the first story finds this post and runs.
@TriciaT2407 Ай бұрын
He already got rid of OP.
@DarlingAshes Жыл бұрын
Story 1: WOW!!!! I knew it was going to be bad based on the title alone but I was NOT prepared even with Mark's warnings. OP is UNHINGED!!!! I am so glad Mandy came clean and that Ale removed himself and the kids from her. Just the fact that she didn't seen anything wrong with what she did until she was hit with consequences....and even then!!! I am massively side-eyeing the friends that stayed with her. I would have been GONE!
@jessicarichards6796 Жыл бұрын
OP in story one is disturbed. I feel so bad for Loraine’s family. Their step mom took their mementos from them.
@sandeesandwich2180 Жыл бұрын
S1: OP did something really horrendous. But I don't know how she stayed with Ale in the first place when he said things like "I will never have bio children with anyone but my late wife." He was not over his late wife and maybe never will be. Instead of destroying things that belonged to the children, she should have just noped out of there long before.
@amethystanne4586 Жыл бұрын
Story 3 … I read this at Reddit this morning. OP’s partner is really something, isn’t he? “….. gliding up the hill…” that made me chuckle too. One of the commenters talked about getting a recumbent bike and how fast they could go without too much effort. Another commenter mentioned having one too, and having to be conscious of how fast they were going because of speed limits in the town they live in.
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