I translated many Japanese reactions to the Assassin's Creed Shadow trailer into English.

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2 ай бұрын

Sono un giapponese che non è in grado di parlare né giapponese né inglese.

Пікірлер: 473
@user-bh7gl9eq4f Ай бұрын
海外ニキのアクセスあるからグーグル翻訳でもいいから英語でコメ書いてちょ。 SNSやってる人は動画張っつけてくれると嬉しい。拡散しとくれ
@neko38cat Ай бұрын
@radiolike1888 28 күн бұрын
@user-bh7gl9eq4f 28 күн бұрын
@user-eu2vr6oe7l 変な人だからコメント消すね~wwバイバイ~♪
@METAKI1000 17 күн бұрын
@@user-bh7gl9eq4f 勝手にXに貼った後、許可必要だったかなって思ってたらコメント見つけて安心した。
@RocoPwnage Ай бұрын
To any japanese reading this, we hate this game too. It was made by idiots for idiots.
@milianhuurinn Ай бұрын
あなたたちの国はどうしてそのバカに支配されているの? まともな人は娘を人質にでもされているの?
@user-xh4tg9nw3d 25 күн бұрын
We must put an end to the political correctness trend.
@macha012 24 күн бұрын
@samial1733 24 күн бұрын
@@macha012 good work soldier
@MORikungamer1989 23 күн бұрын
As you know it!
@screwheadredhorn6817 28 күн бұрын
Cultural plagiarism is not about Westerners wearing kimonos. Cultural plagiarism is declaring that this game is based on historical facts.
@pacapacaZ 24 күн бұрын
Just it.
@MeDo-1456 23 күн бұрын
その通りです。 普段私達の文化に親しみ、触れてくれる事自体はとても喜ばしく思います。 しかしこれは違う。我々を足蹴に自分達を誇示するレイシスト達の悪意が透けて見えるこの扱いには怒りを覚えています。
@YN-du8tn 15 күн бұрын
日本人として常々「文化盗用への批判」が腑に落ちなかったのですが、 「文化盗用」を元々の英語では"Cultural plagiarism"と言うのですね。 "plagiarism"の意味を調べたところ「盗作」「剽窃」「盗用」「偽筆」などとなっていて、「なるほど」と思いました。 「剽窃」「偽筆」ならばわかります。 今回の件は日本語の感覚では「横領」「簒奪」「乗っ取り」がしっくりきます。 「盗用」という訳ではピンと来ません。
@zephyr8072 8 күн бұрын
Assissin’s Creed has never been based on historical facts.
@hayate_ewing Ай бұрын
If "Assassin's Creed Shadows" is not cultural theft, what is? And they are even altering history. How can you guys be so duplicitous and so unconcerned?
@AlphACH Ай бұрын
Theft or not, it's all entirely made up... They don't even have due diligence or don't even care. I think Western weebs know more about Japan than the entire UBI team. Unfortunately, it seems that Ubi, as well as many western media, just pushing their 'image of Japan' into the work, even if it's not even close to the minimum acceptable level...
@adoomuser2166 17 күн бұрын
But. It’s fiction
@lreadytaken 16 күн бұрын
​@@adoomuser2166 The problem is that the director said the game was historically accurate
@adoomuser2166 16 күн бұрын
@@lreadytaken yeah Ubisoft is just dumb now. They made up so much bs to say why yasuke is in the game
@lookglacial6325 7 күн бұрын
​@@adoomuser2166フィクションだと理解しているなら、誰も Wikipedia を書き換えたりはしない
@kan-neko Ай бұрын
@user-jr4fc9me3v Ай бұрын
作るのはいい 今まで通りファンタジーでやれ 二度と史実とのたまうな
@takehirosato9432 Ай бұрын
公式に書いても消される… これは完全に日本人の意見無視してるね
@kansi1615 29 күн бұрын
下手に取り繕うおうとして 何回も火に油注いでますからね。
@user-bz8xy7jf3y 25 күн бұрын
@UP3UP 25 күн бұрын
英語で書いたのはけされなかったけど、自分より細かく日本語で長文でかなり正確な突っ込みをして500GOODもらってた人のコメントはきえてたね。 多様性とかいいながら、今はもう翻訳機能もあるのに、わざわざ削除するってのもUBI差別的だね(皮肉) 日本のアトラスは、英語のスパムコメントすら放置してるのにw
@kiyokiyo8434 23 күн бұрын
At first, many Japanese people accepted Yasuke as the main character favorably. However, UBI stated that "Yasuke was a samurai," which was a false piece of information, as historical fact. This statement has angered tolerant Japanese people. UBI should have simply said that it was "fiction." I hope everyone will understand that. sorry Google Translate
@user-cd8fi8sg3t 9 күн бұрын
ubi "We're releasing a new game set in Japan!" Japanese "Great!" ubi "The main character is a real-life black man named Yasuke". Japanese "Why isn't the main character Japanese? Well, as long as it's interesting. ubi "Yasuke is a legendary samurai who has been passed down through history. Japanese"That's not true. But it is only a fiction, so I will allow some exaggeration. If you say it is fiction. ubi: "It's based on historical research and is faithful to the historical facts. Japanese "What? ubi "We were looking for someone who could be our samurai, that is, someone who could be our eyes who is not Japanese."(Discrimination against Japanese) Japanese "Whaaat?" ubi for Japanese "Oh no, of course it's a fiction." ubi for non-Japanese "Yasuke is a legendary samurai! Japanese "Are you kidding ?" ubi "Please take a look at this" (ubi proudly shows images and concept art that shows no respect for Japanese culture, such as mixing up the seasons, allegedly using illustrations and family crests without permission, reversing kimonos and Buddhist statues (which changes the meaning), etc.) Japanese "have nothing but a part to correct." Crazy person: "There were legendary black samurai in Japan!" Japanese: "There is no record of them." Crazy person: "Japanese people are hiding the glorious history of black people! Japanese people are racist! Japanese "Eh..." (confused) Japanese "Hey ubi, please correct to the whole world that this is not historical fact but fiction." ubi " You are racists. We condemn you and I encourage the rest of the industry and players to denounce them,too." (Pretending to be a victim) Japanese "I'm going to get serious" (Unprecedented anger)
@Iscream7274 6 күн бұрын
@cbtowers4841 6 күн бұрын
Good summary 😂
@mookiedt 5 күн бұрын
Should of been Nobunaga Oda as the protag with Yasuke as DLC
@ghostcreeper243 5 күн бұрын
Japanese: Hroshi… get the zero
@user-xb6mj7vr8c Ай бұрын
If UBI had said, "This is a fantasy work," most Japanese people probably wouldn't have been upset. After all, Japanese people love fantasy works. But when they say that Super YASUKE, which they created, "faithfully depicts historical facts," it makes me angry, as it feels like they've tarnished Japanese history and culture.
@Marlboro-kz7yx Ай бұрын
@user-dl3hr4sy4f Ай бұрын
True. Ubi is trying to sell fantasy as historical fact. Their goal is to mislead game players about the truth and deceive them about history. There is nothing wrong with selling fantasy as fantasy. The problem is that they try to replace fantasy with actual historical facts. You have to distinguish between fiction and reality.
@loudradialem5233 Ай бұрын
Even if they said it was fantasy, you should still be mad. They are saying that they like Japanese culture, but not the Japanese men that built the Japanese culture.
@yourdissapointeddaddy2057 26 күн бұрын
@@user-dl3hr4sy4fhow? All there games are works of fiction, they say this in all their Assassins creed games at the start of the game.
@haruhidaso 26 күн бұрын
@@loudradialem5233I’m Japanese. If they say this is fantasy, we won’t be mad at all. After all, no one has problem with Nioh where you play as white character slaying Japanese Yokai with flaming sword. If Yasuke beat up Japanese mythical monster while breakdancing, I promise you Japanese will love it.
@subhajitmajumder1107 10 күн бұрын
I am from India and I can say without a doubt that Japanese people should be angry. I mean why would someone go and medle with a country's culture and mythology in such a spiteful and derogatory mannner. Cultural history is and always will be the root of existence of a country. Meddling with such a thing is criminal and immoral.
@SaintKines 4 күн бұрын
Are you new to video games?
@horio-tr1bv 26 күн бұрын
xではブロックして意見をないものとして見ない事にしてんのか あのねUBI、日本では消したら増えるんだよ
@JACKY-MAN Ай бұрын
そもそも日本のアサシンっていったら忍者だろ 弥助を主人公として描きたいなら、信長からの極秘任務を請け負う忍者として描けば、歴史上で何も記録が残ってないことと整合性が取れる 当時に黒人が侍として戦場で戦っていて、それが史実なら記録に残ってないわけないんだよな
@user-cc5lp5rz7d Ай бұрын
そのへんからもいかに適当に考えたかわかるよね 整合性以前の問題というか…… 戦でもないのに甲冑姿でうろつき回って……
@user-wgypoqwgag 28 күн бұрын
@user-oh9gf7qf3k 26 күн бұрын
@@user-wgypoqwgag そこはファンタジーだからさ… それこそ大して整合性を考えたりすらしなかったって事なんだろうね。 ポリコレが出来れば良くてそれ以上深く考えることなんてなかったんだろうよ
@christmassuy84 26 күн бұрын
@@user-wgypoqwgag日本だとお前のようなババアがいるか、だけど イギリスじゃ高身長のホームズが老婆に変装してるから、ヨーロッパ的にはあり
@user-cc3zy5ox5e 25 күн бұрын
@user.hsaaki Ай бұрын
このコメント達を読んで勘違いして欲しくないのは 黒人が嫌いとか、弥助が嫌いとかそういう訳じゃないってことだよね。
@sagattaru Ай бұрын
@user-nf8rx2ng8x Ай бұрын
日本人差別をやめて欲しいってところ 文化盗用もやめて欲しいってところ 時代考証軽視も甚だしい 雑な仕事よな
@obikoBIS 27 күн бұрын
@user-pm5ve8tj8t 26 күн бұрын
フランスに置き換えるなら フランスて奴隷いたよな? ↓ じゃあゲクランやジャンヌ・ダルク、ナポレオンの功績も奴隷の功績を奪った可能性があるよな?この時の奴隷といったら黒人だよな? ↓ フランスの歴史上の偉人の功績は黒人から奪ったものです😊 これは歴史的事実です 反対する人はレイシストです みたいなものだと思うんだけど
@user-ln9jn9ms9c 25 күн бұрын
@lkjhpoi943 Ай бұрын
AIが翻訳しにくい自由すぎる日本語を翻訳してくれてるのありがたい。 こういうのが嫌で真田さんが立ち上がったんだよね、ってコメとか、彼らの差別の償いを日本人がさせられていると感じる、ってコメ、ほんとそう。これなんだよ、私が感じてる違和感。
@lkjhpoi943 Ай бұрын
@toraitomaru 26 күн бұрын
白人、黒人に関わらず「白人・黒人間の差別は問題があるが、アジア人への配慮は必要ない」と思いこんでいる一部の人がいる。 このゲームは他国や他人種に対するリスペクトがまったくない。 先だってのアカデミー賞授賞式のやりとりもそうだけど、ここまで他国の文化を踏みつけにしておいて「荒れるとは思わなかった」なんてほざくのは日本人、引いてはアジア人を透明化しているからで、許されることではない。
@hanamo4391 Ай бұрын
@nkteu4758 Ай бұрын
博物館とかが「歴史別捏造」と抗議し、織田家の子孫が「家紋が逆さまは許せん」といい、関ヶ原鉄砲隊が「肖像権の侵害」だといい、農協JAが「稲作舐めんな」、刀剣専門家が「右差しなんてねーよ」とかとか・・。 そんな感じで騒いでほしいな。
@Blackagle-tailfeathers 26 күн бұрын
@user-ef3sy1od2j 25 күн бұрын
@UP3UP 25 күн бұрын
厄介なのは、日本の専門家や似非専門家も、「ロマン」と「承認欲求」で、嘘に加担しかねない部分もあるんだよな~ それこそ、真面目な学者はいそがしいだろうし、メディアに出てる怪しい歴史タレントきどりとかロマン連呼して、弥助を資料もなくロマンとやらで美化してたことむかしあったからな~ 「司馬史観」の悪影響で、歴史好きにそういう似非歴史好きが、割と混じってる。 さらに、ポリコレ側にこびるやつらは、もっとそれより歪んでると考えると、どれだけ酷いかって話だが。
@likam5636 7 күн бұрын
しかも怖いのはその前のカニエとカーダシアンがまだ夫婦だった時に日本に来てコンビニで商品買いまくってこれらのコピー商品作って売るみたいなことを平然とSNS上で言ってたんだよね 当然批判殺到でコピーの件はなくなったけど 別件でカニエが日本のデニムが質よくて人気だからってアメリカで売るために岡山のデニム会社に沢山のデニムオーダーしたのに 作らせるだけ作らせて商品代金3000万以上いまだ未払い舐め腐ってますわ 有名人が来日して日本好かれてるって喜んでる場合じゃない何しに来たんやって位やらかして帰る人もいる
@hage-maguro Ай бұрын
Rest assured. It's not popular in Japan either. no fans for a work without love.
@siddheshpillai3807 16 күн бұрын
Good stay that way
@user-fm6fk8eh2r 24 күн бұрын
「白人の侍はOKで、黒人の侍はなぜ拒絶するのか」みたいな間抜けなことを言うヤツがいるけど、問題はそこにはないんだ。 一番の問題は、メーカーがこの弥助が史実と言い張ってて、尚且つインタビューで「日本なんざ共感も理解も出来ない」とも取れることを口にしてることなんだよな
@garudanathanael5257 11 күн бұрын
And like it or not the truth is the actual first non-Japanese person who truly became a Samurai and admitted to be it is a white European male named William Adams 😂 The wokeys just can't get any smarter.
@WomenDontfindmeattractive 8 күн бұрын
​​@@garudanathanael5257 but they tell you it's wring whitewashed
@QuaestorL Ай бұрын
That was informative, I've seen people from both sides, but even in a robot voice i can feel the indignation from the japanese people's comments. Thanks Ubisoft.
@yaoya808-54 Ай бұрын
@yourdissapointeddaddy2057 26 күн бұрын
@user-et6qr7im9e 9 күн бұрын
I can't remember a game that the Japanese have been so repulsed by.  I respect UBI in a different way for angering the patient Japanese and uniting three countries that don't get along: Japan, China and Korea.
@m.o6256 Ай бұрын
@canned_tuna0 29 күн бұрын
刀で首を切るのは非効率的だという事はギロチンを発明した首切りの専門家であるフランス人が良く知っている事でしょう。 The French, the decapitation experts who invented the guillotine, would know very well that decapitation with a sword is inefficient. (DeepL翻訳)
@Onimaru_yuan 25 күн бұрын
It's okay. As long as you tell the world, "I'm just using the names of people from history, and the story part is all fantasy." For example, if Masamune Date wields six swords, a horse flies in the sky, or Nobunaga Oda is transformed into a woman, as long as it is a fantasy work and interesting, Japanese people can enjoy it. UBI should honestly say, "It's hard to research about Japanese Samurai, we don't know their culture, and we don't want to study them, so we made a westerner (black) the main character." Why don't you just say that? After all, they don't know anything about Japanese people or Japanese culture (and don't want to study it), and they want to be poly-colored, so they decided to use a Westerner (a black man) who is just right. This is very disrespectful to black people. Really.
@user-cc3zy5ox5e 25 күн бұрын
日本人が激怒していることが海外に伝わる動画を作ってくれて、本当にありがとうございます! 今のままでは日本人同士の内輪議論で終わってしまうと感じていました。 英語が出来ないことがこんなに悔しかったことはありません。
@Yung_Fettuccine 18 күн бұрын
Don’t worry. We know the game is trash
@rei_1249 23 күн бұрын
だめだ Twitterでこの動画黒人にリプライ共有しても日本人じゃないとか言うてくる
@Channel-d6w 20 күн бұрын
どんまい その行動力は素晴らしいコトや
@mercuryhg6242 16 күн бұрын
@pjdkdmtn 9 күн бұрын
@likam5636 7 күн бұрын
@@mercuryhg6242 実際にBLMの時に黒人側に立たないならあなたは黒人じゃないってぶったかかれた黒人沢山いるから平常運転 LGBTQ側に立たないLGBTQも然り 結局見た目や人種カテゴリー関係なくポリコレた意見に同意しないと実力行使や暴力ふるう化け物相手にしてると思って対策するしかない
@GermanEnigma 28 күн бұрын
How could UBI make a good game when they don't respect the Japanese people and their culture? They are just using the Japan setting to make more money for themselves. They couldn't care less what's the rest of the world's perception of Japan after playing the game as long they get their profits.
@user-xh4tg9nw3d 25 күн бұрын
We must put an end to the political correctness trend.
@SaintKines 4 күн бұрын
So did Team Ninja. They were just smart enough to say "based off historical..." instead of initially trying to claim historical accuracy.
@dove4149 27 күн бұрын
弥助を主人公にするのも、日本をファンタジックにするのも構わない。 でも嘘をつくのはよくないよUBI。 畳を直すと直近のインタビューで言っていたけど 畳を直す気があるならもっと他の部分にも目を向けたほうがいい。 おかしいと言ってた畳のシーンに写ってる信長の着ている服の家紋も逆さだ。 もちろん問題はビジュアルだけじゃないけどね
@user-lj7bp5jw9f 26 күн бұрын
最初から「この物語は全てフィクションです!ファンタジーです!」と言ってれば、BGMが中華風だろうがヒップホップだろうが、神社に線香立てようが、信長が亡くなった本能寺の変で名誉の為に殿と共に切腹or戦死を選ぶこともなく、お情けで逃げ延びて寺に預けられた弥助がどう描かれようが、 「またいつもの海外の人から見たなんちゃって日本か」 で済んだ。 ポリコレに怒ってるのではない。 UBIやIGNが 「これは史実を元に作った!」 「専門家が我々には居る!」 「日本人は受け入れている、弥助が伝説の侍である事を!」 「"私たち"の目になれる侍が居た!日本の侍じゃなくて黒人だ!」 「弥助には謎が多いから色んな要素を私たちは盛り込む事が可能だ!」 と、自分達で日本の歴史を軽視している、尊敬なんかしていない、歴史をちゃんと調べてすらいないのに自分達は悪くないような言い方をしている。 それに怒ってるんだ。 礼儀知らず。相手に敬意を示さない奴。 自分達の価値観を勝手に押し付けておきながら、その見方は日本では違うと言えば 「差別だ!」 と言って日本人の話を聞かない。どちらが差別者か。 リスペクトの欠片も無い奴らは大嫌いだ。 弥助だからではない。人種なんか関係ない。 日本人同士であろうが、日本人は基本的に相手の気持ちを考えなかったり、相手にリスペクトを持たない奴が嫌われるんだよ。 それを理解してほしい。
@帰ってきた梅 Ай бұрын
@user-pc5lo3sb9l 29 күн бұрын
抱え相撲の取り立て士分は日本人でもあり得るけどな。 そういえば黒人が相撲してる屏風あったよなたしか。沖田畷で有馬晴信の軍に黒人がいたり。 脇差、扶持、私邸まで与えられた小姓弥助と信長の交流は、たった一年で終わったけどさ。本能寺があったから。
@user-oh9gf7qf3k 26 күн бұрын
平民は侍になれないマ? 平民は侍になれないマですか?? へ〜〜勉強になります。
@ガンマ2 26 күн бұрын
@@user-oh9gf7qf3k このチャンネルもそうだけどネトウヨパヨク系のチャンネルは都合悪いコメントはすぐ消すから。 ここも定期的にコメント減ってる。
@user-lv8sm3nz9i 26 күн бұрын
​@@user-oh9gf7qf3k戦国時代の侍=貴族だと思ってください。そのため、平民から侍になる事は基本的に不可能です。 例外的に、法外な金額と引き換えで養子に入ることがあった程度ですが、それも違法行為なのでそれ相応のリスクを飲んでくれる相手じゃないと話にならないのです。平民が末席に加わることすら非常に困難なものを、自分の家すらない黒人にできるかと言えば?ねぇ?
@帰ってきた梅 26 күн бұрын
@@user-oh9gf7qf3k ごめん安土桃山時代はなれたらしいわ、間違ったった 戦国時代のうちは身分関係なくなれたらしいな、全時代通してある程度の身分が必要なもんだと思っとったわ
@user-rr9um5if8t Ай бұрын
The game creator asked the Japanese why they were unhappy. I ask those who are watching the comments: Wouldn't you be unhappy if people said, "Dr. King was able to carry out his cause only because of the help of brave white people, and he could never have done it alone"? Let me put it another way: "Thomas Edison was an incompetent who couldn't have invented anything without stealing ideas from black people. This is a historical fact." If it had been promoted as a completely fictional story, it would have been accepted. The problem is the arrogance of trampling on the history of other countries and other races.
@sonyblank1487 Ай бұрын
Yeah, all that's happening with a lot of people all over the world and all throughout history. In regards to UBI, it's all performative and driven by "focus tested groups" to maximize profit, supposedly.
@user-rr9um5if8t Ай бұрын
@@sonyblank1487 Through this game, their thoughts become apparent in a paradoxical way. 1) Japanese people don't matter. They're all yellow anyway. Right? 2) There's no history of black people, right? So we have to piggyback on other history. Right?
@user-bz8xy7jf3y 25 күн бұрын
In this case, it's just a matter of saying that Dr. King was actually Japanese.
@UP3UP 25 күн бұрын
@@sonyblank1487 Even in Japan, a kind of propaganda organization specializing has been formed to pressure government agencies and companies and to have a negative influence on legislation. There was a man who accused such an organization of improper use of public funds, but he was pressured by dozens of lawyers and bashing reports in the media and on TV. It is said that what happened in the U.S. will happen in Japan in a few years. Decisions made by the U.S. Congress will have a negative impact through the internal regulations of the U.S. branches of Japanese companies. As for the Japanese government, it is at the mercy of the US Democratic Party, and the Japanese vulgar gossip magazines start bashing any politician who crosses them. Some politicians used to endure it...but now they don't exist. Those familiar with Japanese politics will know who I am talking about. Even after his death, he continue to be bashed with the stigma of lies.
@nicksonleslie7366 16 күн бұрын
😂😂 black people are being cooked for no reason, nun of the developers or anyone involved in the making of the game is black 🤣🤦
@user-qo3jo1yl4f 11 күн бұрын
当の日本人でさえ自作の時代劇に「史実に忠実」とは滅多に謳わない 作劇上の脚色や過剰な演出は避けては通れないし、それらの改変込みで「史実に忠実」などと口が裂けても言えないだろう まさか日本と無関係の海外のゲーム会社がその言葉を使うとはね 驚いたというか、呆れた
@hin-mei4835 Ай бұрын
@YN-du8tn 15 күн бұрын
「嫌だ」とかいう気分の問題なら愚痴こぼして我慢するだけなんで…誰も「47RONIN」を真面目に批判する気にもならなかったでしょ…あれも東洋風ファンタジーとか忠臣蔵の改造とか好きにやれば良いとは思ったけど「日本!江戸時代!赤穂!」って実際の時代と土地をわざわざ宣言してたのはやめときゃいいのに馬鹿だなと感じた。 嘘を嘘として楽しむ事と嘘をホントと勘違いして喜ぶ事は区別しないと。
@pxa9113 Ай бұрын
I am angry about this game. This is a falsification of history. Do you have any respect for Japan?
@sake4469 12 күн бұрын
The opposite signature of Assassin's Creed Shadows is being done online. It's Japanese, but people from all over the world can participate. Everyone who loves Japan, please join us.
@XV098 Ай бұрын
thank you for your hard work and dedication into compiling this I'm glad we overseas fans are not the only ones bothered by the fact that they chose a samurai as the main character instead of a ninja
@tebasakitori7135 24 күн бұрын
I am Japanese. The Yasuke stands as a sort of miscellaneous servant of Oda Nobunaga, whose name only appears a few times in accurate primary Japanese sources. He was just a rare race at the time, and Nobunaga only recruited him because he liked him a lot personally, and he is not counted as a Samurai, nor did he actually do any such work again. And this is clear from their names, as any Japanese person was not allowed to use the surname unless they were of samurai or higher status at the time. In fact, at Honnoji, where Nobunaga died, even someone of Yasuke's position was allowed to attend the tea ceremony by Nobunaga's insistence, and Yasuke was taken along to show his power to others. Akechi, who killed Nobunaga because he was not actually a samurai, took Yasuke under his protection and politely sent him back to the Jesuits, where he had been. It is therefore common to interpret Yasuke as having left Japan from then on. Please don't call inaccurate information as historical fact. And please don't rush to make things up on the surface because the Japanese are angry, only to reword it as fantasy for the Japanese. The Japanese people are hundreds of times more angry than you think. I will draw the same content in Japanese, just in case someone asks about the Japanese. 私は日本人です。 弥助は日本の正確な一次資料では、名前が数回出てくるだけの織田信長の雑用のような立ち位置です。 当時珍しい人種だっただけで、信長が個人的にかなり気に入り採用しただけであり、侍とはカウントされていませんし、実際にそのような仕事もまたしていないのです。 そして、その事は日本人であれば誰でも名前から見て、当時侍以上の身分でなければ、苗字を使う事を許されていない為分かります。 実際信長が亡くなった本能寺では、他者に弥助のような立場の者すら、信長のゴリ押しで茶会に出席させられる権力を見せつける為に弥助をつれていき また、実際侍ではないため信長を殺した明智は弥助を保護し、彼の元いたイエズス会に丁重に送り返しています。 その為以降は日本を離れたと解釈するのが一般的です 不正確な情報を史実と言わないで下さい。そして、日本人が怒っているからといって、あわてて表面上だけでっち上げ、日本人にだけファンタジーと言い換えるのもやめてほしい。 日本人はあなたが思っている何百倍も怒っています。
@fakestranger1883 17 күн бұрын
Thank you for the information. once I see this, the game looks immature and just put everything all they want, and just for a profit (as some of the others). I think SBI massive movement just became too far, Uugh..!!!
@YN-du8tn 15 күн бұрын
私は他の多くの日本人同様に英語が不得意なのであなたが後半に記述した日本語の文章しか読んでいません。 何が言いたいか、読み取れる範囲では同感です。 「読み取れる範囲では」と書いたのは、正確にどういうつもりで書かれているのか自信を持って判断できない箇所が全体的に散見されたからです。 要するに日本語の文章としておかしいのです。 仮に小学生だとしても国語の評価は低いだろうなぁと感じます。 喋りながら次の言葉を探しているようなカオス感があります。 対面会話であれば、言葉の間や抑揚が発言意図を補ってくれるので比較的伝わるかもしれませんが、読ませる文章としては一文の中での情報の出し方の順番がゴチャゴチャです。 貴方は日本国籍を持っているかも知れないし両親またはどちらかの親が生粋の日本人かも知れないし幼い頃に日本で育った期間があるのかも知れませんし今も日本で暮らしていて日常のコミュニケーションに於いては目立った不具合は無いのかも知れません。 が、このように「私は日本人です」と宣言してから日本語として読みづらい文章を書かれると、「非日本人が日本人を騙っている」ように見える可能性が少なくありません。 そのような疑いを受けた場合、「この主張をしている人物は日本人ではない」と思われ、更には拡大解釈として「日本人はこのような主張をしていない」とまで曲解される危険性があります。実際に、意図的にそのような曲解と決めつけにより批判意見が拒絶されているという報告も目にします。 つまり逆効果です。 不自然な日本語文章を書くくらいなら、あなたの最も自信のある第一言語で記述し後は機械翻訳に任せる方が賢明です。
@tebasakitori7135 14 күн бұрын
​@@YN-du8tn 仰っている意味はわかります。 これはコメントを見た海外の方が本当かどうか上記の日本語をコピペしてに翻訳にかけた場合を想定し、英語にと辻褄が合うように敢えてずらして書いていました。 なので不自然に見えていても仕方がありません、そして日本人のコメントより英語のコメントの方が見てくださる方が単純に多いのも理由です。 日本語がたどたどしく怪しく思われたのなら不安にさせてしまい申し訳ありません。 これからは日本語で書いていきたいと思います。ご忠告ありがとうございます。
@randomstranger_3 10 күн бұрын
Just saying, if Egypt can sue Netflix for Cultural Theft, so can your people. Never forget that.
@YN-du8tn 8 күн бұрын
@@tebasakitori7135 意図は理解しました。 英文を併記する事自体には良し悪しがあって一概にどうと決めつけられませんが、英文を併記するのであれば猶更、日本語の文は日本語としてこなれた形に直したほうが良いと思います。 英文併記をやめるのであれば、翻訳した際に主旨がねじ曲がらないような書き方にするのは次善策として有効だと思います。
@dove4149 27 күн бұрын
弥助の戦い方は野蛮だ。 べつにそれ自体は良いかもしれない、よく比較されるツシマの仁だって、蒙古に立ち向かうために誉を捨てて野蛮な戦い方をした。 でも弥助は? あいつは正義だのなんだの言っておきながら、戦う相手のことなどまるで考えちゃいない。 頭を踏みつけ、無意味に首を切り落とした。 この弥助にはたとえ相手が悪人であったとしても、正義の名の下に…とか叫ぶ資格はない。 人間に刃を振るう責任も苦しみもわかってない 民に尊敬されるような侍を作りたいなら、民に恐れられないような戦いを弥助にさせるべきだった。 民は弥助を恐れないばかりか頭を下げてる。これは不自然だ 当時の日本で肌の黒い大男が信長の家紋がついた甲冑をフル装備で暴れてたらどう思われる?怖がられるだろ!! この発言が差別的だと思うか?差別的だから、描写しないのか? もしそうなのだとしたら 歴史的な正確さをゲームや映画で描写することは全くできなくなるだろうな。 恥を知れ
@UP3UP 25 күн бұрын
「自分たちを奴隷にしたキリシタンに対してぶつければいい」のに、なんで日本人相手にやてるんだよっていうツッコミどころ。 キリシタンを放置して、日本の民の解放・・・いかにも欧米のポリコレ勢力がやりそうな歪んだ差別意識と責任からの逃亡。 欧米リベラルの偏見と無学による「日本の封建制度批判し説けば、先進的ぶれる歪んだ思想」が、根底にあるのだろう。 自分たちの奴隷の歴史をごまかしながら、アジアの支配制度だけ批判しとけばいいという歪み。
@MORikungamer1989 21 күн бұрын
こんなデタラメなゲームを作るな 日本人を舐めるな
@MagcargoMan 14 күн бұрын
Samurai were allowed to murder civilians if they even perceived they were being insulted by them. Doesn't sound like they were righteous to me.
@takeru-0292 Ай бұрын
How could UBI be so corrupt? "It's based on historical facts! They're saying out loud that they're doing a lot of things wrong with Japanese culture. I wish they would learn from Ghost of Tsushima and SHOGUN. If the game is like this, most Japanese will not buy it.
@user-yx44b06 Ай бұрын
About 10 years ago: A hidden coffee shop in a back alley with a reputation for delicious food. Now: A chain store with many young, unsightly employees serving low-quality, unpleasant food and coffee.
@takeru-0292 Ай бұрын
@user-bh9rx5kc3w 29 күн бұрын
約『10年前まではインディーズゲームの名作だったけど今じゃ経験の足りないポリコレ従業員だらけで品質がガタ落ち』 こんな感じかな?
@YN-du8tn 15 күн бұрын
@@takeru-0292 機械翻訳した後は再翻訳して意味が再現されてるか確認してから発信しないと駄目だって幼稚園で教わらなかったのか
@takeru-0292 15 күн бұрын
@@YN-du8tn 返信きたのを翻訳したらおかしくなったんやで わかりづらくてすまんな
@ergpodot Ай бұрын
長文でお気持ち表明しようと思ったけど、 I was going to write a long winded complaint. 読み返してあほらしくなったわ。 Then I read it back and felt stupid. 言いたいのはこれだけ。 So all I want to say is this. ファンタジーならファンタジーと言え。 If it's fantasy, call it fantasy. 史実なら史実と言え。 If it's historical fact, call it historical fact. 史実を元にしたファンタジーならファンタジーと言え。 If it is fantasy based on historical fact, call it fantasy. 想像を絶するバカもいる。 Some of them are unimaginably stupid. 嫌いなものは嫌いで結構。 If you don't like something, don't mind if you don't like it. 日本が憎いなら日本が憎いと言え。 If you hate Japan, say you hate Japan. ただし誠実であれ。 But be sincere. (DeepL翻訳)
@deshidratar-metauranocircita 28 күн бұрын
Having a boxing match with the pope in the sistine chapel is definitely historically accurate as well
@ShiroiKatana Ай бұрын
As a British person who has lived in Japan, has a Japanese wife, and has come to understand the etiquette and societies of both nations, it's bizarre to me to see how obsessed some Americans are with "race", judging people by the colour of their skin, and putting everyone into groups of "oppressor" or "oppressed". Of course, we know that these American leftists/race grifters like to attack white people, who they see as some kind of enemy. While Japanese people are not ethnically "Caucasian", I have heard these race grifters refer to Asians as "white adjacent". This means that they see Japanese and other East Asians as on the same level as white people, and therefore as "privileged, oppressors" etc. I wonder if this is why they feel comfortable criticising Japanese-developed games for their character designs and replacing Japanese characters, whereas they would complain if someone did the same regarding games developed by or featuring characters from "oppressed" groups.
@shirankedo-ib8uv Ай бұрын
Brits should not comment on this game but on the disrespectful behavior of a British man at the Yasaka Shrine in Kyoto, where he attacked a Shinto woman who was worshipping and reprimanded him, calling her a "right-wing racist." Right now, the Japanese are extremely angry at the Brits. The Times also reportedly stated that while it's fine for British people to play at the shrine, the woman who reprimanded them is abnormal. You are well aware of this uproar, aren't you?
@rigariga 28 күн бұрын
Hypocrites don't seem to be satisfied unless black people are in a "poor position" all the time. Are you getting some money? It's Asian discrimination, but the opinions of us Asians are ignored because they don't make money.
@darknesswave100 17 күн бұрын
As a British person you have no right or place to put Americans all in the same boat. Worry about your own problems instead of lumping an entire country in together like that. All you had to do was put some Americans but that one brain cell didn't think about that
@angkear6267 8 күн бұрын
@@shirankedo-ib8uv This is so irrelevant, you are racially targetted him using an incident as a backdrop linking it to his ethnicity. Nothing insightful given. No comment on the controversial nature of the topic. Nothing relevant at all about the game and topic. This whataboutism is embarassing.
@shirankedo-ib8uv 8 күн бұрын
​@@angkear6267Brits in Japan are united in attacking this Japanese woman with false rumors. This stems from British nationalism, exclusivism, and racism. We are waiting for one of them to feel shame, sincerely apologize, and restore the honor of the UK people.
@tuhika7781 17 күн бұрын
Translated at DeepL. We are not angry that a black man is a Samurai. PS: If Yasuke was really a samurai, he should have had a last name. It should be "family name + name indicating status + Yasuke". Basically, it is impossible to call a samurai by his first name. Japan is a family-oriented country, and the survival of the "family" comes first. Therefore, we sometimes adopt children to preserve the "family name" rather than the bloodline. We are angry because UBI is trying to spread false Japanese history to the world. If they had said from the beginning that it was fiction, no one would be angry. If it is fiction, it doesn't matter which ethnic group is set as the Samurai. If it is fiction and you call the history of another country "historical fact," that is tantamount to invasion." This is modern colonial policy. The UBI is once again using blacks to wage a proxy war against Asians. I feel sorry for them. from Japan
@rato2461 Ай бұрын
@user-uk2jl4et7i 14 күн бұрын
@user-ly7ge9eq3b 13 күн бұрын
@likam5636 7 күн бұрын
@@user-ly7ge9eq3b 残念ながらつべは既にそっち側って確定なんす… ニコ動戻ってきてほしい
@user-ro1zs8vt8l 22 күн бұрын
@user-bt8xk6wm7o 11 күн бұрын
@user-rr2zv5xk2o 10 күн бұрын
侍ではないとはいえこんな描かれ方ではあの世の弥助も可哀想だ 鬼を狩るのは創作物ではいつも侍 この哀れな出来の悪い鬼を 侍の子孫である我々日本人成敗してやる
@WomenDontfindmeattractive 8 күн бұрын
@777kddi777 Ай бұрын
@TheRedRaven_ Ай бұрын
I’m from USA, many of us support you in this protest.
@-tark-4102 20 күн бұрын
Engraçado, eu ouvir muita gente falando que os japoneses estavam adorando o novo AC shadows, parece que era apenas mais uma mentira
はい。誇張なしで、日本人の中にAC shadowsが好きな人はいません。
@hachikou_orz9876 17 күн бұрын
Does anyone think that Japanese people are happy to be slaughtered by black people? He's an incredible psychopath.
@user-qi4pe4ex2u Ай бұрын
@kamicop1234 7 күн бұрын
なるほど ナポレオンは黒人だったんだな。最近事実を知ったよ
@user-gj7ze6ri5m Ай бұрын
桜は春、ススキは秋 同一画面上に置いて何を表現したいの?
@Shark-gawrgura 28 күн бұрын
@user-gj7ze6ri5m 28 күн бұрын
@@Shark-gawrgura おお、これが、多様性か・・・!
@UP3UP 25 күн бұрын
たぶん、あまり考えずに、ツシマでやってた「オープンワールドの地域ごとの個性ために、木々の色や空気感の季節感を表現してた演出」を よくわからずに、「季節ごとの特徴や差異すら理解しないままごちゃ混ぜにして、同じ場面にごちゃごちゃにまじりあってる気持ち悪いセンスのないUBI」が体現されてしまってるw これを対馬でもやってた!といってUBI擁護する愚か者たちも、くそみそ一緒にするセンスのないおバカさん。
@user-fx9iv8wh9f 16 күн бұрын
@YN-du8tn 15 күн бұрын
@@Shark-gawrgura 季節が同居する多様性か。 なるほど、「多様性強要」の抱える問題点を端的に風刺していて上手い。
@user-ly3ph3ip5h 16 күн бұрын
@user-jt2ue9qv4i 19 күн бұрын
薪をくべろ 炎を絶やすな
@tommy_de_paora Ай бұрын
@himikoko6338 25 күн бұрын
UBI will use Yasuke to destroy Japanese culture. This is unacceptable.
@ken-rm1sp 23 күн бұрын
The Japanese word for an incident that results in criticism from a large number of people on the Internet is called "flaming". Ubisoft has been throwing firewood into the fire so that it will never be extinguished. We hope that the fire will continue to burn until the release date.
@user-zu8jn1fj4w 19 күн бұрын
@Cyberium 13 күн бұрын
If Yasuke was white, Ubi would not even consider him as a protagonist. They picked a man without historic merit only because he's black.
@SaintKines 4 күн бұрын
Team Ninja based Nioh off of a white Samuria
@Cyberium 4 күн бұрын
@@SaintKines Your point? Does Nioh belong to Ubisoft? Is the game from 2024 where SBI’s influence is vast? There are plenty of games using foreigners as protagonist in old Japan, but the focus of topic is on Ubi and their current motive.
@SaintKines 4 күн бұрын
@@Cyberium what is their current motive? Other than money as usual.
@Cyberium 4 күн бұрын
​@@SaintKines Long answer. For starter, Assassin Creed as a series was known to be faithful towards the history and culture of where each story takes place, while utilizing the natives to tell stories. AC: Shadow, however, had broken this rule by bastardizing the Japanese culture during Sengoku period. Many elements, from architecture, seasonal traits, custom, emblems, etc, were all wrong. Instead of doing their research, Ubi created a fictional Japan where they just dumped all popular aspects of Japan into it, aiming to satisfy Westerners' fantasy of orient. Yasuke is no different. He wasn't a samurai, and had done nothing significant during the Sengoku era. While his blank slate makes it easier to tell a story of growth, Ubi team advertised him saying, "We want our own samurai," to tell a foreign perspective, which is like jumping the shark from the AC series as a whole. People can only conclude that Ubi's motive wasn't being respectful towards Japanese culture, but appropriating it as a platform to fulfill recent trend of DEI, and to avoid criticisms from SBI.
@bojapanese1207 21 күн бұрын
@user-zo1js4uq8v 16 күн бұрын
It is not that the film is criticized because it features a black man. It is that the film adapts his identity and presents it to the world as if it were true to history, and that a Japanese samurai would not have made such an impression. The use of a photo of a Japanese private businessman in the concept art without his permission was also highly controversial. Let me say again, the Japanese are not discriminating against blacks. There is no doubt about that.
@user-zo1js4uq8v 16 күн бұрын
とにかく言いたいのは、日本人は黒人が主人公である事に批判的ではなく、UBIが弥助をあたかも伝説の侍であるとし、それが史実だと世界に発信したこと、文化盗用、著作権侵害、アジア差別などの発言をしたのが火元だと言う事。 黒人を差別してるわけじゃないんだよ。
@Verse84 7 күн бұрын
Imagine if Ghost of Tsushima 2 got announced right before this game releases.
@lewis8775 6 күн бұрын
That would be so good lmao
@lollmaonice 6 күн бұрын
they should make ghost of tsushima go on sale at AC shadow's release date lmao
@Asoeee 14 күн бұрын
I have loved Japanese culture for many years, and I am as pissed off as they are
@9r349 Ай бұрын
Yasuke is Nobunaga's pet, never a hero. He died before he learned Japanese.
@oktusprime3637 Ай бұрын
He was his employee. Stop spreading misinformation.
@PikachuPolice Ай бұрын
​@@oktusprime3637slave not employee...
@LukeHartman-ro7hl Ай бұрын
​@@oktusprime3637 that's what he said. No misinformation was spread.
@oktusprime3637 24 күн бұрын
@@LukeHartman-ro7hl he said he was a pet, which is bullshit and a blatant attempt at diminishing his role. Yasuke worked for Nobunaga. Don’t be disingenuous.
@LukeHartman-ro7hl 24 күн бұрын
@oktusprime3637 Nobody but the fantastical afrocentrists are being disingenuous. The guy was an ornament. He was not what they are trying to rewrite him as. Foreigners were not taken kindly in Japan at that time.
@dove4149 27 күн бұрын
専門家と作ってるとかインタビューで顔出しで喋ってるくせに、弥助の刀の使い方もめちゃくちゃじゃねえかよ。 せっかくモーションもグラフィックも新作AAAタイトルとして素晴らしい出来なのに、開発者がイキってんのはかなり悪印象。 そしてそのことに開発内部の中で誰も声を上げず、指摘もしていないように感じる。 だったらあんなインタビュー公の場で公開しないよ。
@Seiyan5050 21 күн бұрын
よろしければキャベツの人という方の動画を翻訳していただけないでしょうか? これが1番相手方に効くと思います。
@user-sl3cw3pp5k Ай бұрын
自分のコメントあって草 ほんといいシリーズだったのに…
@kisforknight 9 күн бұрын
The noble Assassin's Creed has fallen, Became the Thief's Greed.
@maho0701 Ай бұрын
@00yorkshire36 Ай бұрын
日本人が漫画やアニメやゲーム で弥助を史実以上に持ち上げて 大活躍させてるから ほら、日本でも黒人侍弥助を受け入れてるじゃないかって言われてるよ。 日本でも面白ければなんでもいい って言ってる人が少なくないのも 事実。
@user-ck3xi5ew9k Ай бұрын
@@00yorkshire36 それらは初めからフィクションとして作ってるってのわかってるからなあ… 史実であるなんて言い出すなら受け入れられないでしょ? ゲームの話じゃなく、史実としてどうだったかって部分が荒れてる訳なので UBIがこれはフィクションですって言ってるなら問題ないんだけども
@user-lk7vw9np6c Ай бұрын
@user-34dxkwq9za Ай бұрын
クレオパトラも黒人や! おばあちゃんが言ってたしな!
@Aino_ura 26 күн бұрын
@pjdkdmtn 9 күн бұрын
@Iscream7274 6 күн бұрын
@Taka-qm7qi 25 күн бұрын
Assassin's Creed Johnny Somali
@user-hg9fv4mo5t Ай бұрын
❝This work of fiction was not designed, not developed, and not produced by a multicultural team of various beliefs, sexual orientations and gender identities. ❞ ゲーム開始時に流れるテロップはこう変えるべきだね。
@user-qc6cu8wm2b Ай бұрын
現代版の『アサシン クリード ジョニー・ソマリ・エディション』のようなもの It's like Assassin's Creed : Jhonny Somali Edition on modern days 🗿
@user-et6qr7im9e 9 күн бұрын
It's rude to compare him to Little Boy, who is a willing hater. Yasuke was a missionary slave when he was alive, deprived of his freedom and When he dies, he's feted by the Samurai of Diversity and forced to slaughter the Japanese. Yasuke is a victim. He's just a plaything for the whites and the righteous of the time.
@samial1733 24 күн бұрын
Good video because woke people are claiming these are fake comments
@elderjose9662 2 күн бұрын
this remember me when they make assassins creed 3 have a level that take place in brazil and they received a lot of backlash either because of how sterotyped and even ofecive that level was and also because they portrait brazil in the worst way possible and ubi even ask sorry for that, look like this guys don't know how to portrait nothing that aren't european and they still think like imperialist europeans, you know there's a reason why there's a lot of stealed treasures from another countrys in europe lol!
@akasa8jp Ай бұрын
Everything is so messed up. The mysterious claim that Yasuke was a samurai, unheard of by the Japanese, seems trivial now. To the Japanese, this is another fantasy world, perhaps a parallel world in another universe. ISEKAI😂
@METAKI1000 18 күн бұрын
@user-fz3xr3uq5r 8 күн бұрын
I'm a university student studying history. I've loved this game for a long time. But UBI betrayed me in two ways.
@TOMIGA621 27 күн бұрын
I'm Japanese, but don't UBI care that black people are portrayed as shadows? In Japanese, the word shadows is used in a negative sense, such as " a person who cannot appear on stage.'' It's a word associated with slavery, so I don't understand why they chose Yasuke.
@kywry486 26 күн бұрын
@OiWhiskey Ай бұрын
This is DEI/ESG it took the west, and it's coming to the east. これはDEI/ESGです。西洋に広まり、そして東洋にやって来ています。
@marvel1601 18 күн бұрын
ゲームのキャラに怒りを覚えることはあったけど作品そのものに怒りを覚えたのは初めてだわ これもポリコレなのか?仮にそうだとしたら1人の黒人のために蔑ろにされた日本人や文化はどうなるんだよ、それこそポリコレで解決してくれよUBIさんよぉ
@user-pg1oi1nb2q Ай бұрын
本当にロシア人の監督と記者にディ○○ー監修して欲しいわ スターリンバンザイと言いながら🐭と🐿がダンスを始めるから
@user-wr3rp3wi1k 24 күн бұрын
@Iscream7274 6 күн бұрын
@InferiorPotassium93 Ай бұрын
@hihijetstar 29 күн бұрын
他の動画と違って海外コメント多くてやっぱり外人には英語じゃ無いと届かないんだなと。 風刺の効いたやつとか面白コメント拾った動画見たい。 フランスに行かずして差別体験できたぞ。っていうの好き😂 「なんちゃって日本」で育った海外の人からしたら違和感のない日本像なのかな?制作途中で気づかない程になんちゃって日本が「普通」なんだろうか?
@UP3UP 25 күн бұрын
翻訳機能や字幕で英語ついてても、それを設定する手間をかけない、使い方分からない外国人多いからね地味に。 翻訳機能あるからつかうだろ!っていう感覚や知性が日本人が想定してるより無いタイプが多い。 逆に、それをできるひとたちは、既にある程度、この問題でUBI擁護側のウソなんて何周も先まわりで理解してる知性の高い外国人だろうしね。 実際、英語のチャンネルでも、BADのほうがGOODよりおおいよ。ブラウザのアドオンでみてみるといい。 バカも多いが、そうじゃない賢い外国人はゲーマー層に多い。特にゲーマーはUBIやゲームメディアへの不信感が強い。ある意味、日本人よりも。
@user-su8vp7mr3u Ай бұрын
@takeru-0292 Ай бұрын
@user-oc6ii5eu4u 10 күн бұрын
Shame on you UBI
@capscaps04 29 күн бұрын
I have never been that interested in Assasin's creed games, but the assasin's creed games has been a garbage video game serie for a long long time. The "quality" of the context or characters been like this in these creed games is not something new to me. I really hope the developers hit rock bottom with this new one and stop releasing more garbage.
@jakto.1814 4 күн бұрын
@user-yy2dn8xg3n 25 күн бұрын
The mistake is "this is true to the historical facts" and professing their own fabricated fantasies. I agree with the comment in the video, "UBI making fun of black people in a roundabout way. I like black people in spite of their painful history, because they have many great people and a great culture. But when I saw Yasuke() slaughtering all the people who looked smaller and weaker than him in the demo movie, I was disgusted. It's just bullying the weak. Yasuke likes to bully the weak? Are they the kind of people who relish being told that they are of low humanity who relish such things? We are strong! huh? UBI are just say they should be happy that white people have made you the main character (Yasuke = a little guy with a cause, but who is a jerk bully the weak) in a popular content! from higher perspective. There is no respectfor black people and japanese. Play it and you'll see how fun it is? I wouldn't want to buy a game that makes me feel so bad just for a glimpse. I think the series of events related to this game might trigger a sense of racism. I think Most Japanese are less discriminating than Westerners, but if we or our culture and history are taunted to like this extent, I will have a bad preconception about them.
@user-mrusen 9 күн бұрын
フィクションと公表すれば全て終わる フィクションであれば主人公は黒人侍のヤスケって言っていい。ただし、ほとんど不明な弥助を勝手に設定を盛り込んで史実と言うのは違う もしエリザベス女王が黒人で戦場を駆け抜けて○したのは史実だ!って会社が言ったら怒るだろ? それぐらいヤバイことをUBIソフトはしでかしているし、肯定している人はもう一度考え直して欲しい。 黒人を大事にするのはとても良いことだがここまで来ると侮辱しているようなものだ
@NOconverT_Ri6ht 24 күн бұрын
ずっとシージやってても思うけど、ubiは本当にプレイヤーの目線に立たない 1回潰れればいいよ
@aa-jw5nz 22 күн бұрын
If it was set in Japan, I wanted a Japanese person to be the main character. I guess from a foreigner's point of view, they don't want to control an Asian.(;;)
@user-wz1wt9hn2l Ай бұрын
Activists of would-be-racism happily ignored the rulesof this series game. formerly white people and Hollywood had led doing anAsian or Japanese downplay but now add to that black people joined it too.
@inflamor Ай бұрын
Well, they once tried that thing when person of colour was released as a quasi DLC, it was called Assassin's Creed III: Liberation and it didn't go too well. But it was 12 years ago. Now they don't even pretend with their intentions and forcefully shoving goyslop down your thoats. It's not about sales and what you would like anymore.
@jaxsun2924 5 күн бұрын
To JP bros, Ubisoft is no more. All thanks to Sweet Baby Inc agenda
@Gunslinger962 21 сағат бұрын
I agree with all the comments in this video, AC used to be all about historical accuracy, it used to be a way for people to relive and experience key events that happened in a culture/region. Now they only care about making woke games
@randomorc9493 6 күн бұрын
Play it if you want to experience PURE FANTASY Japan. IT IS NOT historical fantasy Japan. It's PURE FANTASY.
@atas2561 Ай бұрын
If it was a modern era and the protagonist was a black guy, it would be understandable and make sense unless he was used for propaganda.
@fayedavies3086 12 күн бұрын
Ezio Auditore da Firenze was the best one he was like family we watched him be born we watched him grow live his life and watched him die I don't think there will be another one like that
@controvert7218 Ай бұрын
I have played many Samurai/Feudal theme games from Japan and I think Japan have more than enough Samurai games to completely ignore this. This game is a perfect example of why you all need to think very carefully when listening to certain Western consultants and journalists, because many of them are activists not people who love games and Japanese pop culture. They want to change Japan just as much as they want to change their own Country and mine too. They are constantly attacking, smearing and stigmatizing your games and entertainment. They often lie to you about what customers want and they purposefully do wrong translation and completely rewrite script to change the characters completely and sometimes butcher your games. Why even bother to play Japanese games when everything is strongly Westernized and every bit of Japanese pop culture is removed? This is why Chinese Gacha games have caught up, they use anime style and they kept things Chinese and even included some Japanese pop culture references and those are what made Japanese games popular to begin with. Lastly, they demand that Japan make games that have "accurate representation" and to have "acceptable expression" otherwise might offend some people. Well? Look at what they are doing to defend a game that is anything but accurate and borderline offensive to the native population of Japan! They go as far as to edit Wikipedia to change your History! It only matters when they are offended.
@TheRedRaven_ Ай бұрын
I’m sorry the Canadians did this to you.
@rigariga 28 күн бұрын
The first advocate of the theory that Sakanoue Tamuramaro (坂上田村麻呂)is black was also Canadian. Now, black archaeologists use it, and samurai advocate stupid things such as black origin, and treat Japanese people as racists, distorting the history of Japan. Is there any political movement in Canada? Obviously, it is fueling the conflict between the Japanese and the black community.
@user-hb7el3rt8b 27 күн бұрын
@user-if4tb9wu4q 7 күн бұрын
It was the French who offended the Japanese by calling them " racist ".
@user-ce4tg7mw5g Ай бұрын
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