I will never binge again. Here's why...

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Delighted to Meat You

Delighted to Meat You

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@jackiesmith-nq8in 3 ай бұрын
My mom used to say about alcoholics one drink is too many and 100 is not enough. I think it is true about any addiction.
@AnneMB955 3 ай бұрын
I agree Jackie. No alcohol for 9 months now. Cannot ever drink again or I’ll go right back to too much.
@southernroots3896 3 ай бұрын
@@AnneMB955Bravo Anne! Keep it up 👍 so proud of you 🎉
@suzannebethard8034 3 ай бұрын
I used to do all the same justifying and binging until I got diagnosed with breast cancer. Then I realized there is no hiding anything from my body-- I never want to hear that diagnosis again-- so it keeps me sugar/junk food sober. Even though a cancer diagnosis was awful, I'm thankful it turned me around.
@maryellennelson8243 3 ай бұрын
That’s me too!!! Cancer is a huge motivator!
@delightedtomeatyou 3 ай бұрын
wow, thanks for sharing!
@lf7065 3 ай бұрын
Ditto! The cancer is my "Why". Lion diet and wild caught fish only for me! 🙂🥩🐟💪
@butterflychaser4538 3 ай бұрын
Wishing you well and sending support and love for your journey. Carnivore is healing and I hope for your body it’s transformative❤
@butterflychaser4538 3 ай бұрын
@@maryellennelson8243you’ve got this!! You can do it and I hope you know people like me are cheering for you! Sending you good luck and wishes for good health! Carnivore is life changing for those of us with health problems.❤❤❤
@lynl8897 3 ай бұрын
You may not see yourself as brave and courageous, but you are. Most people will not take the time to analyze themselves and self-reflect honestly. I believe in you and your statement that you'll never binge again. I admire and enjoy your thinking out loud, because a lot of us have been there to one extent or another. You are such a lovely honest soul and I know you will succeed.
@delightedtomeatyou 3 ай бұрын
Thank you so much
@Christinesobsevations 3 ай бұрын
I second this …
@jennesset1102 3 ай бұрын
Whenever I comment please understand that I have a history that reminds me of yours. When I think of the dopamine/adrenaline rush that comes with a purge I remember the fear and shame as well. The closest association I have is that of a junkie. I felt like an addict. I WAS an addict. There was always that “last supper mentality” that accompanied a binge. And there was always the “switch flip” where decided to buy the items. The most healing thing for me was calling it what it was. Addict behavior. Lies, hiding, secrets, shame. I was a full grown adult playing cat and mouse games with myself and everyone else and I woke up feeling like trash. My conversion to Christianity and eating disorder healing came together. I couldnt hide my sins from the one who always sees me and that changed everything for me. I had to own it. I needed that higher accountability because I could always excuse myself. I got tired of being a sneaky liar. I had to own that my behavior was INTENTIONAL and that I wasn’t the victim. I was the perpetrator. I was the addict. Framed that way, I was motivated to change.
@carnivorerevolution 3 ай бұрын
Oh my goodness! This sounds just like me!
@MissesC47 3 ай бұрын
"I couldn't hide my sins from the One who always sees me and that changed everything for me,"...THIS though is so very powerful! A very powerful turning point! The power of God working in us and us being obedient to that power and carrying that submissiveness with us every single day of this life is precisely where the tide of any battle in this life turns. 🙌🏻
@courtneytruslow6913 3 ай бұрын
I love this!! Totally understand and agree. Only He can change us! He can do anything!!!
@jennesset1102 3 ай бұрын
@@MissesC47 amen.
@jennesset1102 3 ай бұрын
You ladies in the comments made me tear up. God changes everything.
@crimlaw24 3 ай бұрын
I’ve done this more times than I want to admit. I need to put this video on my playlist, so next time I want to eat junk and hid the wrappers, I’ll play this video instead. I really thought I was the only person in the world who binged in my car and felt like everyone was watching me in the parking lot. Then hiding wrappers. Thank you for being so honest in front of the camera.
@Christinesobsevations 3 ай бұрын
Same thing here
@missbuckeye 3 ай бұрын
This is the most important video you have ever done. This is going to help me tremendously!! Thank you so much for sharing your struggles, and more importantly, your insight. You are helping more people than you will ever know. 💜
@delightedtomeatyou 3 ай бұрын
thank you so much for taking the time to say that. I'm really glad you found it helpful.
@aliciasalvato3261 3 ай бұрын
This is important information. I see YT carno influencers promoting lmnt and when you use anyone’s link, you get the flavored packets and Therein lies the problem. My first weeks I learned the flavored lmnt caused me to binge primarily on sweets and cabs like Graham crackers. It’s a challenging lifestyle when you are the only one in the household doing it. Thank you for sharing and being honest to help others.
@arthurfonzarelli9828 3 ай бұрын
Yep those things are total scams I've been one of the first ones to say this about a year ago as I was drinking I'm left and right. Not only that you do not need electrolytes unless you're dropping weight tremendously fast. It's just an excuse we all use. It goes against everything they are preaching
@AnneMB955 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, my citrus flavour has 2 grams of carbs. I think it’s from the ‘natural flavours’ ingredient. Tricky when I want to go no carbs.
@_tripsa 3 ай бұрын
My father passed away due to complications from alcoholism. My mother is currently in the late stages of COPD, a lung disease she developed from smoking cigarettes for many years. I have also struggled with an unhealthy relationship with food and have had to be very vigilant about my intake. It seems addiction has touched my entire family in various ways. I find myself feeling a great sense of sadness that I am unable to have even small indulgences, like a single cashew or a piece of dark chocolate, that others are able to enjoy without issue. I know for my own health and wellbeing, I have to treat certain foods as if they are addictive substances that I simply cannot have any amount of. This is my reality, even if it's different from what many others experience.
@Gradual_Insanities 28 күн бұрын
I am exactly the same. Abstinence is the only way for me. I cannot moderate.
@U-R-Luvd 3 ай бұрын
Girl, you sound like me when I was in the middle of drug addiction with the hiding, sneaking, paranoia and also have done this exact same thing with food and hiding the wrappers and not afraid to lie about it! I am happy to report that the drugs are 7 years behind me and the food is still a work in progress. Have been keto over a year and carnivore for a few months now. I feel your struggle!! You can do this!! We all can !!!❤❤❤
@benjaminstegman2029 3 ай бұрын
Wow do I resonate with this. Binge eating has been a dominant feature of my food addiction as well. The opposite of addiction isn't sobriety, it's connection... With ourselves first and foremost, but also with those around us. This kind of honesty is brutal and necessary.
@Dakiniwoman 3 ай бұрын
In listening to your story, I saw myself... I felt the same guilty anxiety you describe just while listening... It is such a hopeless feeling to be a carb addict and not be able to control oneself. I get so that I feel I don't even want to be alive anymore because I am so ashamed of myself. And I keep trying to be a strict Carnivore... Trying and failing...
@delightedtomeatyou 3 ай бұрын
I just learned this...you have to stop relying on being strict carnivore as a way to stop binge eating. You have to get to the place where you can stop binge eating even when you don't eat on plan...whatever that plan is. Ironically, if you can stop the binge eating then it will be so much easier to actually stick to your eating plan anyway!
@Christinesobsevations 3 ай бұрын
Same that’s why I gave up . Trying to be strict , plan , Count macros etc is actually leading me into binges . When I stop all of that & just eati intuitively anxiety & depression subsides . I’m not hungry as much & my weight is more stable , along with more energy. Still trying to find my way
@maryglover8283 3 ай бұрын
We hide things so as not to disappoint others. Thank you so much for being honest and telling us like it is. Don’t let any negative comments discourage you from sharing in the future. Many of us relate to this and need to know that we are not alone, and tomorrow is another day. Blessings to you !
@jessie9653 3 ай бұрын
I agree her honesty keeps me watching also we share the same birthday 😂
@delightedtomeatyou 3 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@delightedtomeatyou 3 ай бұрын
I hope you had a lovely birthday month!
@caradoxsee6792 3 ай бұрын
Wow, I found myself relating to everything you have shared. I think this is why I can’t even allow myself to have even a taste of something non carnivore. Laura Spath made an agreement with herself that she will allow herself a treat but it has to be carnivore. I like your idea of being prepared and also setting your mindset. And enjoying something non carnivore with people (so it’s not a secret), is such a great idea to make it more mindful and less self shaming
@kris1willis 3 ай бұрын
I never thought that food could be an addiction. I think it's harder to fight a food addiction because it is food and you can eat it in public. My final binge made me so sick, I haven't binged since then. When I start hearing myself come up with excuses, I distract myself physically or mentally. So far, so good. I pray for you and anyone else that suffers with binge eating. It's such a struggle!
@sarahmulka4369 3 ай бұрын
THIS IS ME! I binge but since age 15, I chew up and spit out my junk food, sometimes even the good food. Damn eating disorder! Friday I thought these cupcakes were extra, 10 of them , I was at work. I chewed up and spit out the, obviously some nibbles and you cannot.spit.out it all out, all.damn 10 cupcakes. Walked down the school hall, ashamed telling myself it is over, done, can't go back, be stonger nexr time...ONLY TO HAVE 3 KIDS ASK ME WHERE THE CUPCAKES WERE!!! SERIOUSLY, was told they were extras, but apparently not. Sure you.relate to telling the white lie, playing dumb, but these kids were obsessed. Said I had been old they were extra and had given them.away, still ashamed today about it. All that to say how much I appreciate and am.so grateful for you total honesty and transparency. You are such a blessing to me and your videos save me! Thank yoi
@delightedtomeatyou 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for your kind words. I'm so sorry about your cupcake experience. I honestly cannot fathom chewing up and spitting OUT. I would have wolfed them all down. But it doesn't matter. The shame is the same either way.
@anonymousavatar6144 3 ай бұрын
Binge eater and closet eater here. Didn’t become conscious of it until I was 57 years old. Maybe because I’m not bulimic or anorexic, therefore not as noticeable. I now control it by alternating OMAD/Fasting every other day. It’s cyclical. It’s all or nothing. Try to avoid sugar at all cost, but it does happen occasionally. It’s what works for me. I am a 64 year old female and it has been a lifelong struggle. The good news is that I am on no medications, have no physiological illnesses, 5’6” and stay between 138-150. Good for my age. Reducing stress by retiring, getting my children raised, limiting social situations (where there is usually unhealthy eating involved that triggers me), embracing/accepting/balancing my introversion and people pleasing personality has given me the time to focus on my health more! Even though I still work a side gig (to supplement my income), I really enjoy the freedom of retirement and being an empty nester! Something to look forward to!🎉😂🤗
@jennifercosta112 3 ай бұрын
Funny how words or a video come right when I need to hear the message. Yours Jen, came in loud and clear! And I will use those words to break down and deal with my similar binge habits. One thing I realized is my speaking and saying that I'm not a moderator. I am a true believer in the power of manifesting and I've been telling myself that. I am now choosing to put the positive energy in the words" I am a moderator" and " I am a person that does not binge" We can do this! Thank you for being you!❤
@bear5687 3 ай бұрын
I'm glad you've recognized where you are at. We are all pulling for you, love!
@fosfool3773 3 ай бұрын
My friend, who is very intelligent, once told me 'my body is my Temple' and also for myself I think ' If I cheat, I'm only cheating myself' ... I say this because thought modification and repetition can help correct behavior by changing mindset. It helps up front and if employed, can stop a bender after the LMNT or first 5 strips of bacon before one goes completely off the rails. It very much limits the damage done. Tell yourself- My body is my Temple and Cheaters only cheat themselves. I have found that very helpful to curb the damage done, if not to eliminate it entirely sometimes! 🤗 💕
@thequeensbudget 3 ай бұрын
This video couldn't have come at a better time. Six weeks carnivore and had a binge yesterday. I felt ashamed and guilty, eating in my car before going home. I cant tell you how thankful I am that you put this video out. THANK YOU! I like the key point of, you can have an ice cream in front of your family but you wouldn't order 3 of them and eat them in front of your family. Which is the difference between eating off plan and secretive binging. That made real sense to me, as I feel being 100% on this way of eating for the rest of my life seems pretty far fetched but knowing that I'm giving myself the allowance going off plan may happen when its inevitable and that's OK where as prior, I thought I need to binge once in a while to break the restriction (which makes me feel the guilt)
@delightedtomeatyou 3 ай бұрын
thank you for your kind words. I'm so glad you found some helpful gems.
@nbailey-bc9qw 3 ай бұрын
If I have a binge, which isn't as often since starting carnivore. it is only carnivore foods I eat, but too much as I am disabled & cant exercise much. I had biliuma when I was about 40, am 70 now. It sounds like I used to be like, hiding food & eating in secret. I had councilling after my dr diagnosed what was wrong with me. The councilling helped me a lot. One of the things I learnt was dont beat yourself up if you eat more than you should. Start again from the next meal to get back on track. Also learned that when I binge I am punishing myself no one else, I had to change my mindset to love myself & take care of myself. Be kind to yourself & keep on Carnivore. Xx
@vkdpjjkk98 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for your brutal honestly. You have no idea how good it is to know I’m not alone. We’re in this battle together. ❤
@delightedtomeatyou 3 ай бұрын
I'm on my computer, not my phone so can't do emojis. Image a whole bunch of hearts here!
@Christinesobsevations 3 ай бұрын
But does it HAVE to be a whole battle ? Can’t we simply eat real whole food ? For me I go * strict * for weeks , months , but that voice gets even stronger and stronger the more clean I go . I’m not prepping for a body building contest , or for a lean body . I’m not obese & I lost all of that weight years ago eating whatever I wanted . I feel like going this route made my life worse . I ask myself is it better to just eat a few meals a day of whole food or is it Better to eat a ton of fat all the rest of my life . 🧐😞
@beautifullifesageg.3951 3 ай бұрын
I’ve recently realized that my binge eating was related to my ADHD. I had been seeking dopamine and finding it in food and the hunt/and then catch of something fun to eat. Just knowing that helps me gain a new perspective.
@butterflychaser4538 3 ай бұрын
I didn’t know ADHD can intertwine with binge eating?
@owensfolx 3 ай бұрын
Love your honesty. This absolutely could have been a day in my life, a couple years ago!
@katiecastellanos1484 3 ай бұрын
I really do appreciate you sharing these moments in your life! I struggle with binging as well. No one around me really understands my issues so it’s great to have people like you to help me figure out what to try next. We can conquer this!!
@melissabriggs628 3 ай бұрын
You are so incredibly strong for sharing your experiences & challenges. There are so many of us who can 💯 relate and I hope we all are able to heal & overcome 🙏
@Johnsoncrna 3 ай бұрын
Wow, what an epiphany! Sounds like a life changing reframe.❤
@delightedtomeatyou 3 ай бұрын
@user-fz8kn9kn2m 3 ай бұрын
I can relate to your story so much. Been carnivore 4 years. Tried flavored LMNT and caused cravings/ binges. When i only use unflavored electrolytes im so much better.
@AnneMB955 3 ай бұрын
I think the ‘natural flavours’ ingredient might have multi dextrose which is worse than sugar. I tried to ask the company but they didn’t get back to me.
@LowcountryMan 3 ай бұрын
I am very proud of you sis! I also suffer from binge eating and I relate very much to what you're talking about. I restarted carnivore last week and I also made a decision about my eating disorder. Thank you for sharing and putting this into HONEST words.
@Court.17. 3 ай бұрын
Hi. Only want to give my 2cents. I am a Registered Dietitian (RD) and would encourage you to see an Outpatient RD specializing in eating disorders. Your story and each detail you gave is, dare I say, textbook of the Restrict-Binge eating cycle, a Hallmark characteristic to different eating disorders. I think you would gain some great knowledge and understanding to venture through this 😢 as it's one tough beast to accomplish alone. Wishing you the best 🙏❤️
@monalisaancaszekely1645 3 ай бұрын
Buna ,ma regasesc in experienta ta foarte mult.Si eu sunt dependenta de zahar. Dupa 2 luni de carnivor am gustat o prajitura si nu am reusit sa ma opresc de 30 de zile. Acum dupa ce am vazut acest video inteleg mai bine ce se intampla si cu mine si sunt hotarata si eu sa revin la carnivor .Iti doresc mult succes si te imbratisez cu drag din 🇷🇴 Romania!😊❤
@iarpak 3 ай бұрын
Incredibly poignant video. Really made me pause and fully focus on what you were saying. I'm 54 and my "start" was when my mother died when I was 17. It's been a non-stop struggle to eat right ever since. I also have psoriasis. I also have joint pain in my feet, raised heart rate and feeling hot if I eat junk, especially in the latter half of the day. There is so much to this that is psychological in nature and I really appreciated how you explained your decision. It's such a vicious cycle: binge, feel guilty, binge again to "feel better", etc. Thank you for sharing and you have made me really think about how I to strategize and move forward with my own journey. Wishing you the best and listening to the quiet confidence in your voice, I believe you really have turned the corner. Upwards and onwards!
@malzimus 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing the raw truths of your journey to also help others.
@jac1797 3 ай бұрын
Kelly Hogan said that she learned she could not even have one pinch of a sweet taste. It's interesting that the element sweet taste started it probably.
@delightedtomeatyou 3 ай бұрын
The thing is that I will certainly have a sweet taste at some point in my life. I have to stop using that as an excuse to binge.
@jac1797 3 ай бұрын
@@delightedtomeatyou good for you! I know what it's like to finally hit that wall and say enough is enough. You can do it!
@crys_tlyaw 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for your transparency. I relate totally
@travismorrison904 3 ай бұрын
Don’t be too hard on yourself!! We all screw up sometimes. If it makes you feel any better I ate a whole digorno pizza and a whole bag of Cheetos last night after a strict 120 day carnivore run. I don’t know why or what I was thinking but what I do know is once I started I couldn’t stop. I’ve been struggling to gain weight on carnivore maybe that was is the back of my mind or something. All autoimmune issues returned this morning when I got up but I did it to myself. Like you I realize it and own it, never again!!
@vanillaghetto 3 ай бұрын
I would have added a bottle of red wine to that, and felt even worse in the morning!🤣
@olivia8979 3 ай бұрын
My comment is a bit off track from what you are saying. I do hear you and understand where you are coming from. And I think what you said makes a lot of sense. I just have a little tangent to go down. Maybe pay extra attention to how you feel after different sorts of workouts. A lot of us on keto/carnivore are a bit moderate in the amount of exercise we get because it can cause more hunger and it can cause more stress on the body and thus a rise in cortisol. That could end up being part of a chain of events that lead to the desire to eat too much and/or the wrong foods. So I am just saying pay attention to how you feel on those days and maybe there is a certain threshold of exercise that contributes to pushing you ever the edge.
@MissesC47 3 ай бұрын
This is so very true! I have had to realize this myself. I have always been a push myself to the limits in workouts, work out every day, etc type of gal. After studying my habits and effects of habits for almost a year on carnivore, I had to accept the fact that I needed to scale back and moderate my workouts a little and then my responsive hunger scaled back too. It's still a heavier hunger on the days I do weight training as opposed to cardio only days, usually about an hour after I finish the workout. I started keeping pocket power pucks in the fridge so as soon as I finish my workout I have two of those little pucks and the fat/protein in them help the crazy hunger subside. I have also changed my eating times so that it accommodates eating within that hour window when I finish working out and I always have carnivore foods prepped and ready to heat and eat to make it very easy.
@Christinesobsevations 3 ай бұрын
Yes !!! Working out more makes me More hungry . It’s leading to a chain of events where I’m Now listening to my body and I feel SO Much Betever simply because I’m listening to its needs .
@user-yc7iw7ti8z 3 ай бұрын
I’m so proud of you! I know how hard it is to talk yourself out of a binge. I get everything you said. Try taking back your power and not being accountable to Matt on what you eat. My husband wants the best for me but he never gets involved negatively about what I eat. I hold myself accountable not him, it’s not his place. It’s your body you make the decisions. I can’t relate to ever single word you said in this video. God luv ya, and we are always here for you. ❤️
@dianesexton2697 3 ай бұрын
I hear you Jen, self sabotage why do we do it, I ask myself that every time I do it. Thanks for sharing.
@carnivorerevolution 3 ай бұрын
I do it too!
@jessie9653 3 ай бұрын
​@@carnivorerevolution😢 me too
@tatsianabishophudymenka7955 3 ай бұрын
Jane, I did it with alcohol! I was 24 and alcoholic! Drinking and hiding from my boyfriend, from my mum, I poured vodka into small glasses in the kitchen cupboard and drunk them throughout my day! And my boyfriend had no clue why I am getting drunk when there's no alcohol in the house!
@delightedtomeatyou 3 ай бұрын
And now?
@tatsianabishophudymenka7955 3 ай бұрын
@@delightedtomeatyou i am sober for 17 years, but I traded my alcohol addiction to sugar addiction, caffeine addiction, then to butter addiction. I reckon butter is better then alcohol, but still it's good to be free and don't have any crutches , so I am working on it! Carnivore for a year now with some slips here and there. You are very brave to be so vulnerable! I think you have to be very strict as I do, I can't have a sip of alcohol or one bite if sugar as I will go downhill, or and I don't drink any caffeine, so no sip of tea or coffee for me! Full abstinence is a key, as you know. Keep as posted, 🤗
@BellavitacreativeNet 3 ай бұрын
I used to do what you did on a binge. I feel like you are making it about the food you like (carbs, etc.). I fully believe that the reason you are binging has to do with anxiety in your life about your circumstances (whether it be spiritual, emotional physical, or all three). It took me years to figure out that I was driven to binge due to anxiety about a plethora of things in my life. Please consider that. I only share this because I think it’s the elephant in the room. You are putting a lot of pressure on yourself. Sending you hugs and thank you for being so vulnerable.
@Christinesobsevations 3 ай бұрын
Agree . I do this to myself until I “ pop “ then the binge ensues . I eat until I’m sick . I’m doing an experiment letting myself have whatever I want . I want to see what happens . I have no desire for junk , just fruit , salad , chicken& potatoes. I done see a problem with it . Eating copious amounts of fat is putting a huge toll on my body I feel awful . It’s insanely expensive too because I eat all the best meats .
@k41418 3 ай бұрын
My emotional eating is due to my anxiety as well. That's why eliminating foods or diets never work bc they aren't the root issue.
@Christinesobsevations 3 ай бұрын
@@k41418 I could relate … however i am really sad that I can’t stick with it 100% I did and had great results…but somewhere along the way I lost my way . Driving anxiety is back worse than it was . My body freaks out , my sense of calm went away . It’s weird I feel out of control off carnivore because I do let sugar back in
@k41418 3 ай бұрын
@@Christinesobsevations look up the dare response they actually have a program for driving anxiety. It's a different approach on anxiety that makes alot of sense. They have an app too that is helpful.
@searlearnold2867 3 ай бұрын
I've dropped LMNT in favor of non flavored, home made recipes that I found on KZbin. I like the convenience and taste, but making it myself keeps me intentional and on track. It's the forcing of habit change that's helping me from binging. Conscience accuses or affirms depending on what you're doing. I prefer the affirmation from hard work than the guilt when the conscience accuses before, during and after a binge.
@EatBeefBeHealthy 3 ай бұрын
I feel you on that binging. I had forgotten that I use to do that eating 3 different ice cream dishes at one time and in private. Since carnivore, that's history for me. If I do binge, it's more meat or cheese. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and I believe that you'll succeed.
@tayebehshalmani6157 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing this, Jen. Of course, a lot of us can relate as it shows in the comments. Binge eating is addiction and should be treated like addiction. It's not "ridiculous" (even though it might sound like it is) and it's something that cannot be taken lightly when it comes to dealing with it. The strategies could be different for each person. But the first step is to recognize that it's an addiction and we play a role in keeping it under control. It's also important to recognize triggers and find other ways to regulate emotions. Therapy with the right person could be helpful, too.
@sophie.v. 3 ай бұрын
You are such a strong wonderful woman! I could never be as brave as you and be this honest on the internet. I have said many times that I can relate to you. I appreciate you sharing your story ♥️♥️♥️
@TeleBass1 3 ай бұрын
Thank You for Sharing this with everyone! We all have some kind of issue that we need to deal with. Everyone may have a different issues, but we all struggle with them. I struggle with stress and when I’m stressed, I binge eat and drink too much. I have a double issue to deal with, but I think when you can recognize the issues creeping back in, you can cut them off immediately. To me, this is the first step in controlling the negative issues in our life. It takes time and practice, but it is worth it. Forgive yourself, correct the issue and move on with your life. Never Give Up. You’re doing Great!!! Take care, Randy
@delightedtomeatyou 3 ай бұрын
Thank you so much Randy. And best of luck to you!
@LoriDRBlake 3 ай бұрын
Today is my second day back on my diet after an on and off binge session of several weeks. I was happy to see your video. I don’t know if I can ever say that It’s my last binge until it’s been a long time. I’m a sugar-holic. I love the carnivore diet and I’ve gotten so much out of it when I am strict, but even when I’m close, it’s good, but the last week or so wasn’t even close; a lot of guilt and remorse. And worse, stomach problems. I wish that remembering the outcome was enough to prevent me from starting in on a binge. Today with my stomach problems I think I might have some leverage. Or not? Be strong and carry on!
@rebeccamcclellan5284 3 ай бұрын
You are very brave to share the details of a binge. You were conscious of how you felt the entire time hoping you wouldn't be caught. That brings shame. The drive to have a food that satisfies a physical need like sugar does is definitely like an addiction. People that drink Gatorades all the time, always go to the same burger place, crave french fries from the same place, they are addicted. There are chemicals in the foods that are created to make it addictive. Food scientists that work for the large corporations have to come up with The Sweet spot, balance between fats and sugars and that goes directly to the place in your brain that gets hit the exact same way as cocaine. I wish you the best, but if you binge again, use it as a learning and do self-reflection just like you did here. Life is a process of change. At least you recognize the need to change as most people don't.
@Christinesobsevations 3 ай бұрын
Agree … but we can also take the weight of meal prep and counting to eat regular whole food too . For me I can’t do gluten or sugar period but naturally occurring sugars and carbs why not .
@ruthlamour5917 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for being so vulnerable! I hope you do not binge anymore. And i hope and pray that I follow in your footsteps!
@delightedtomeatyou 3 ай бұрын
I hope so too!
@Gradual_Insanities 28 күн бұрын
I have been wrestling with myself and obsessing over a family get together in a couple of weeks and whether I’ll eat the food there (carbs and desserts I should think!) or whether I’ll stay carnivore on the day. It’s like someone heard me as your video came up in my suggestions! Thank you for your honesty, you could have been talking about me, I have all of the same behaviours, and hearing you recognise your behaviour and own it is really helpful. This is the first video of yours I’ve seen, with perfect timing, and I’m now a subscriber. Thank you so much! 🥰
@AngieFromDownUnder 3 ай бұрын
G’day Jen OMGosh, that’s me! I’ve been there, I’ve done that! As you say, the anxiety in the moment, the shame and guilt afterwards… NOT good! I remember driving to a friends house for dinner, and pulling into a drive through on the way, and scarfing down burgers before I got to their house… NOT good! What I do now is something similar my mum did to quit smoking - when I want something, I’ll delay the gratification saying to myself, if I still want it tomorrow, I’ll have it. It’s not often I still want it. Also, if I end up buying said item, I’ll make sure I buy just 1 (not the cheaper bulk buy) so I’m limited to how much I have. Then I have it at the end of the day with my last meal. That way I’m not craving all day for more sugary, processed “food”. Good luck with your resolve, food addiction is a bitch!! Angie from Down Under 😊
@Threadsandjars Ай бұрын
My birthday is May 17. Happy belated birthday. For me, no matter what I want to change I think it to death it seems, BUT when I commit, I commit, period! I even say it aloud and fully put my whole self into the commitment. Be healthy, stay safe and many blessings, Morgan
@nancyj621 3 ай бұрын
Jenn, Thank you for sharing. Have you ever come across the work of Bitten Jonsson? She has a program to quit sugar and ultra processed foods. Also, you might look into the Quit Sugar Summit. They put it on twice a year and everyone there has experience with addiction. I’m happy for you that you are done with binging. ❤️
@marilynclair4963 3 ай бұрын
I haven’t grasped the concept of binging. Like now, I haven’t eaten since this morning, eggs and bacon, and I don’t feel hungry. But I know if I Skip supper, I will be hungry later and the moment I put something in my mouth, it’s like fireworks go off and anything goes. If I eat a couple of beef burgers, it will make me think later, what can I have now. It’s a never ending battle. Not having food on my mind is my blissful moment. I just can’t keep it going.
@delightedtomeatyou 3 ай бұрын
Been there.
@user-fv5ms4sz8e 3 ай бұрын
People suffer from what's called Pica. Pica is most often seen in children eating dirt or pregnant women wanting ice cream and pickles. This is a subconscious signalling system that urges your mind to eat. Pica is a survival mechanism and can only be silenced by adequate amounts of minerals. You probably need to cut out all the spices and increase your Redmond's Real Salt. If this doesn't silence your inner voice to eat, then you will either have to incorporate organ meats, seaweed and kale, or take nutrient dense supplements; like a super green powder.
@nancyj621 3 ай бұрын
Interesting that you mention pica. I actually had pica because I had extreme iron deficiency anemia. I would alternate between sweet food, salty food, and ice. Once my iron stores came back up I never had pica again.
@user-fv5ms4sz8e 3 ай бұрын
Liver a few times a week is a good iron strategy, but some clam varieties are really high in it as well. Never eat any seafood raw and especially so for shelled fish. Always eat smoked clams, oysters, etc.; not doing so is a fast way to pick up harmful parasites.
@porterhousegirl 3 ай бұрын
Do you truly enjoy the company of your boyfriend and friends? I find that when I’m spending time with someone I don’t necessarily enjoy (it’s not that I dislike them but I don’t have a deep connection with) I tend to dissociate and I find myself think about binging on something. I’ll allow myself to binge. Because it’s more satisfying than hanging out with the person. Also, out of all the things you can binge on …. You choose Hersey’s chocolates?! They are eww lol!! For me, I don’t find shame in binging because I’m open about it. I just don’t have anything at home to binge on. And when there’s some kind of food item that’s for someone else, I tell myself “I had more than enough to nourish my body today!” And I decided if I want to eat more, my activity levels need to match. So now I’m more active and it’s so much more satisfying to see my arms get muscular than binging on crap. I’m telling you, DO TAE BO!! ❤
@arthurfonzarelli9828 3 ай бұрын
LMNT are not good for you nor do you need them. It took me months to learn this. I was obsessed with them and tried to come up with every excuse too use them. The reality as you do not need them at all
@connieleary5827 3 ай бұрын
New here ... girl your honesty is wonderful and will serve you well! Your an inspiration!!!!!
@angelathompsonmack3583 3 ай бұрын
Thank you I needed this
@paulsimmons4064 3 ай бұрын
I hear you. It's not about what you eat, or how much you eat. Here's the simple fact that works for me: when there is insulin in your bloodstream, your body will NOT - CANNOT - use fat reserves. Eat a Thanksgiving meal, or pop a single raisin into your mouth (or flavored LMNT), insulin comes rushing into your bloodstream and will stay there for hours and hours. So the trick is to put as many hours between putting anything in your mouth. I eat once a day - a big meal, mostly carnivore, but always throw in something for dessert, over a half-hour period, then I go 23 and a half hours before I eat again, which gives the 8 hours for the insulin to clear from my system and and 17 and a half hours for my body to consume body fat.
@truthbomb333 3 ай бұрын
Food is a mood stabilizer for some of us. It is grounding. Balance is the key and it is a life long journey.
@jessicapatt4204 3 ай бұрын
You might want to read the books The Diet Cure and The Mood Cure by Julia Ross. She explains how we may be missing and deficient in certain amino acids that we need for serotonin, endorphins, etc., so we emotionally eat to get that hit our brains need. She has helped many people with eating disorders and drug addiction by supplementing with certain amino acids like 5-HTP, gaba, etc. I struggle exactly like you do, so I'm going to try this, that way i don't have to white knuckle it. I'll report back to let you know how it goes!
@angelathompsonmack3583 3 ай бұрын
You are blessed your Man keeps you accountable❤❤
@Christinesobsevations 3 ай бұрын
I wonder if he had any eating anxiety like you do jen , I know when I watch my son eat , he does so just wonderfully , and he doesn’t eat super healthy either . But he moderates , & gets on with his life . Me , I’m a wreck each meal and I get sick because I know deep down it’s not what I want at the time . When I say , wow I’d really love a nice sandwich, stuffed with veggies & avocado. What’s worse ? Telling myself I’m a sugar addict For enjoyment of a clean Ingredient sandwich OR shoving fat down my gullet and feeling cruddy all day , worry about glucose and ketones . It’s exhausting.
@MyLifeRefining 3 ай бұрын
I’m grateful for your honesty, accountability, and transparency. I’ve myself done all such things mentioned. I always felt like a drug addict, and realized at some point I AM a drug addict, because all things considered, it’s a chemical intake, a corresponding brief “high”, and a cycle of use and dependency to chase it. I will forever be a drug addict having to make the choices DAILY to keep sober. Some days I fall short, more and more days I choose sobriety. Hoping some day I will someday be able to choose sobriety unwaveringly and till death. For me, sobriety is a healed mind, not what I eat. Loading with beef and eggs at the front end of every day has been HUGELY helpful in keeping a sober mind throughout the day. Bacon is delicious, but it doesn’t get my mind to a sober place and help it stay there for the day. In the evening if I want something sweet I try and have a couple brown butter bites to see if it will pass until bedtime. Most of the time it does, sometimes it doesn’t, but I make myself eat whatever it is I choose in front of my family so I’m doing it “in the light”.
@smurf786able 3 ай бұрын
Your video really was like I was speaking. Funny how much Binges are like an Addict. It’s too bad we don’t have a Sponsor to call, although that only works if we call them. Just like carrying around a Protein bar only works if we eat it and tell ourselves that’s it. And it’s easy to look back and realize you were chasing the “Protein Dragon” so to speak. I appreciate your vulnerability in speaking about your struggles, it’s easy to be on the outside saying:”just eat carnivore “. It’s way harder on the inside to deal with that strong childish monster saying seductive sweet promises to you. Thankyou for your videos!
@ErinCRN 3 ай бұрын
Jen, I wonder if the thrill of sneaking and hiding it is part of the issue? Listening to your story, I zeroed in on the majority of what you were saying was more about the thrill of sneaking and not getting caught? Does that make you feel alive? It reminds me of people who steal and some sex addicts-the thrill of getting away with it and all the sneaking around. You didn’t do this the year you were carnivore and you were not with your boyfriend. Now you are together and you are sneaking and experiencing these thrills of hiding it from him.
@Pilarfitvegas 3 ай бұрын
Exactly 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 love this mindset The all or nothing concept never worked for me ❤❤❤ It’s a choice to binge and I don’t want to so if I go over my macros, eat non Carnivore etc, it doesn’t mean I have to binge . Its ok if I’m not perfect 🤷🏾‍♀️ If I have to do something secretive or in shame, it’s not worth it 🙌🏾 Great video Jenn
@eh-zl5cc 3 ай бұрын
I have so much sympathy for you. In the binge eating clinic and OCD clinical, patient often describe similar feelings as you said in the video. I just want to mention the following (not persuading you to try it): there are effective medications to reduce binge eating tendency and intrusive/impulsive behavioral drives. You could choose to use them for a short period of time while trying to initiate and implement cognitive and behavioral modification. All the best!
@carolynroney1938 3 ай бұрын
Great comment ✨ what medications specifically? Something I’m exploring
@user-fv5ms4sz8e 3 ай бұрын
I found that to control binge eating, you need to eat something solid and a large enough portion to take time to digest. If you are a one meal a day person, then eat a really huge meal. A two meal a day person, eat a large meat each meal. I honestly think that eating breakfast is a big mistake, because you aren't exploiting the fast you were on during sleep. Get up, take a shot of apple cider vinegar, brush your teeth and mouth out with baking soda to neutralize the vinegar, drink a full glass of water, use the little Wrangler or Wranglerette's room, then go on a brisk walk or do squats. Resist the temptation to eat anything until you reach lunch, then either ingest a huge meat or two large meats meals. If you absolutely have to have a snack, slam a protein or supergreens power shake. Once you reach your upper 30s in age, incorporate digestive enzymes or consume fermented foods. Fermented foods are okay at any age. 🤗
@belindaray721 3 ай бұрын
This resonated so strongly with me.This behavior describes me and my binges. I would actually hide my packages inside dog poop bags so no one would even think to touch them in the trash.
@delightedtomeatyou 3 ай бұрын
I have definitely pulled the dog poop bag trick as well.
@amyfarrell8799 3 ай бұрын
I used to binge too but I did it in front of people and didn't worry about what anyone thought. My goal was to stay relaxed and enjoy thet food. Eventually I was able to stop all binging just be accepting g and loving myself. I also improved the quality of my food gradually. That really helped too.
@user-wr2ho8hc5b 21 күн бұрын
Whenever I feel I have this thing beat that’s when I fall again. I decided I have to take it a day at a time and go to the Lord instead of food. The last time I binged which was 8 days ago I was coming off a month long derailment and gained 15 lbs back. I love your videos cuz I relate and it IS so difficult but you are strong to post and I revisit this video frequently because I relate. Hopefully you are going strong !! ❤
@ketochic81 3 ай бұрын
I was struggling with this exact same thing recently!! Stress brings it on for me too. I needed to see this today thank you for sharing your story **hugs**
@Lanashmeyshmey 3 ай бұрын
Jen, I am so proud of you for getting to this realization. I'm kind of a hard ass, but I think we really limit ourselves and what we're capable of, and most of the time solution is radical accountability! There will always be "reasons" (excuses) we can make for our behavior but that doesn't ever lead to change. If we want something to change we have to decide to do it and stop making excuses. It sounds like that's where you are right now. I fully believe in your ability to find freedom and discipline, stop making excuses for yourself and conquer your binging once and for all! You are worthy of the self-control and discipline that this will require. And you are more than capable. Thank you for being so vulnerable with us, I really love your channel and your personality and I find so much inspiration in hearing your stories. You absolutely have got this!!!
@blondestrainger 3 ай бұрын
You are so beautiful no matter what your hair and makeup are , You tell us from your soul and that is awesome. I have been binging for longer than you have been breathing and it is an addiction. I follow you as I see so much similarities in our journeys. Thank you for your honesty and have a wonderful Day !
@snowfleece 2 ай бұрын
You're the only carnivore who's talking about this issue. It's a really tough one for some of us. I was really doing well for about 4 months ketovore but started to feel a constant fatigue. It wasn't even a craving, just a constant fatigue that started making me desperate to function. After a couple weeks I broke down to have carbs just to feel a little energy again. Im not sure why it was so long into being disciplined that my body seemingly couldn't function without carbs. Ive had the hardest time staying motivated again, but my body is slowing turning all of my autoimmune issues back into full force, so I really do have to try again. I'm on day 5 removing carbohydrate, and just pulling out of keto flu. One thing im doing differently is I have read The Diet Cure and I have the amino acids ready. These include some that help with the low energy when it hits, as well as other symptoms that lead people to binge according to this author. According to her my fatigue makes perfect sense and I need to supplement certain amino acids until my brain can start making them again. I really hope this is the solution to stay on a diet that my body needs!
@CourtneyLuna 3 ай бұрын
Thank you sharing your struggles ❤ you’re definitely not alone
@pi8506 3 ай бұрын
I've been following you a bit, and want to say how proud I am of you! Listening to your story today, put a smile on my face, because you finally realized, no one forced you to do the binging, and hiding the junk food, but you. All through this video, I was thinking, what or how you would feel, if your significant other was or did what you yourself did, in this video. The added stress you put on yourself hiding, and sneaking around. I was stressed for you. Lol I've been thin as far as I can remember. I could eat anything and everything until I was stuffed and never gain any weight. Until menopause hit. I've been on carnivore for 2 wks now, and I'm doing good. I've lost a bit, which is even better. I still crave my bread, and potatoes, and definitely pasta dishes, but my cravings stop when I look at myself. I'm not on the pure carnivore yet, and I don't know if I will ever be. My fresh veggies and fruit are in my plan. I'm talking gr. beans, spinach, radishes etc. I'm glad you realized you are not going to binge again. If you do, just think of all the stress you went through, in sneaking around your loved one just to eat your junk food. You've got this! I believe in you! God Bless
@joytolan8321 3 ай бұрын
Jen, SOOO thankful for your public disclosure as its SOOO many of mine and others struggle!!!! This sharing was SOOO important and necessary to hear so that we can self reflect, process and move forward towards healthy mindset and by default caring for our whole self and regain control and mental and physical health!! I THANK YOU JEN for being brave and transparent girl💝
@laureln56 3 ай бұрын
Does your boyfriend watch your videos? Just curious as to his reaction at all the sneakiness. I’ve done the same thing many times in my 74 years but I’m a blabbermouth and always confess to my husband (of 56 years) what I did and he just hugs me and tells me he loves me just the way I am and I’m good for quite a while till that one day….right now we are both doing ok on carnivore but if I really crave something I shouldn’t have he is all too willing to go to the store and get it because then he gets a treat too! He’s an enabler big time but it doesn’t happen very often these days and we both really enjoy your channel.
@delightedtomeatyou 3 ай бұрын
My boyfriend doesn't watch anything I post. Your husband sounds like a gem
@d.wilbur5164 3 ай бұрын
@@delightedtomeatyou That seems off to me. How interested is he in YOUR life? Your channel is public, I'm sure he knows about it, but no interest in watching? Seems very off.
@laureln56 3 ай бұрын
@@delightedtomeatyouhe is a gem. But he’s also an enabler if I’m out of control and want food that I shouldn’t have because he wants me to be happy! So I have to be careful what I ask for, haha. If he had a KZbin channel you can bet I would be watching! 😎
@markvann3754 3 ай бұрын
Great video! You are strong!!! ( and don’t need the makeup! Thanks for sharing!
@erincarter6380 3 ай бұрын
Did you share this with Matt? I just adore you, Jen, and am rooting for you. You got this. ❤
@delightedtomeatyou 3 ай бұрын
Thank you friend. He doesn't watch my stuff ever. But I might ask him to watch this one sometime.
@Wannaloom 3 ай бұрын
Also wondering was the anxiety all you or that Matt would be upset? Who is Matt? Husband?
@BrainOverBingeCoachJulie 2 ай бұрын
Sending you tons of support! You can absolutely do this and change your brain!!
@laurie2355 3 ай бұрын
I binge on Atkins bars and keto cookies. Feel like crap afterwards, tell myself that was the last time, I’ll be better tomorrow. But yeah… I’m having my kidney removed in 2 1/2 weeks. As soon as I got my surgery date (it’s been almost 2 years waiting ) I went back to strict carnivore. My only vice now is La Croix. Thank you so much for sharing your story, let’s me know I got this. Cheers
@diamondk67 3 ай бұрын
My downfall is bakery cupcakes with buttercream. I almost stopped at my favorite bakery yesterday and got one but I was in a hurry and told my husband I would be home quick so I didn't. I totally understand the problem I have but I always end up caving about once a month.
@Christinesobsevations 3 ай бұрын
Same … then I get severe anxiety with it because it’s a dangerous game eating all of this high fat day after day then adding sugar to the mix . It’s an inflammatory storm in the body . This has been my pattern Binge - then eat tons of meat to “ silence “ the sugar cravings. Get super sick from trying to smash the sugar cravings from all the meat . Get sick and meat aversion so I fast . Get worse cravings , panic , no energy & back to binge . Gaining weight now from all the heavy meat & then sugar . When I eat the way I truly want to , the scale goes down . I’m not hungry , I’m not anxious about the strict eating plan . I have way more brain space , life gets easier . I can’t sustain this way of eating . Deep down I know I can’t .
@mikemitchell4400 3 ай бұрын
I had like two paragraphs written and deleted it, just want to say thank you for sharing! I was looking for some encouragement yesterday because I was struggling for a few days and found your video, although it was about you struggling, it reminded me that being on a health journey Takes constant effort, and there’s gonna be highs and lows, thanks again you are helping many people by sharing your journey! Have a great summer! Oh, and since everyone else is giving you advice! Lol next time, when you feel like you need a break from being so strict, make some carnivore ice cream, grab a mission, low-carb wrap, and do something fun with it, grab some protein chips! I think that’s what I’m going to do when I’m ready to snap for some pizza and french fries! 🤣🤣🤣
@llong0267 3 ай бұрын
Im 63 and can relate to that closet eating, horrible, sugar-craving binging behavior that started when i was a teen. My ex-husband would check garbage and shame me. 😱Took me years to get over that mindless , destructive eating. I became aware/ awake to this in my 30s. Weight gain didn't occur until the menopause stage in my 50s, and i found myself heavier than I'd ever been at 218#. I maintained 180s in my late 40s, so anything over 200 freaked me out, and my metabolism slowed to a snail by age 53. Took me five, slow years to lose 80#s. But I stuck to it and got down to 131 by 2019. I put on 15#s intentionally because my skin looked horrible and saggy. I just found carnivore 4/8/24 . I wish i had found this WOE earlier. My goal is healing, and I see so many positive changes happening, and I love it. My inflammation has calmed down, and i feel so satisfied. I have no desire to eat crap that harms my health, but it took me years to figure it out.. Stay strong.🙏♥️♥️🙏 There is light at the end of the tunnel, and yes, being prepared is key! Thanks for all you do.
@t3hfluff 3 ай бұрын
Hearing you talk about the justifications and hiding the evidence really shows how bad an addiction can be. I've been there. Now I'm being more active on understanding i have to deal with consequences of my actions, health wise, emotionally, spiritually.
@maureenatsali7903 3 ай бұрын
I think you are very brave to talk so openly about your binge. I also struggle with binge eating (and sometimes purging) so I relate - painfully so.
@christinemeldrum9698 3 ай бұрын
This is very inspiring and eye opening. Thank you for being so open and honest
@backpackbible5766 3 ай бұрын
I love this! Your honesty and vulnerability.... most of all, I love the way that you are changing your thoughts. I've been struggling to return to my carnivore lifestyle since finishing the Appalachian Trail, where I picked up so many carbs again. I am encouraged by you to stop making the excuses and stop sabotaging my health. Prepare for the tantrums!!! Love it.
@delightedtomeatyou 3 ай бұрын
Yes, ignore those tantrums!
@donnap753 Ай бұрын
Thank you for being so courageous and I can so relate. This is so important
@annmarieleishman1569 3 ай бұрын
You are helping me so much. Thank you. I have been binging carnivore. Binging, carnivore. I'm starting over today, so THANK YOU.
@jamiehaynes400 3 ай бұрын
Your amazing reflection and vulnerability in this video actually made me emotional. Wow! Thank you so much for sharing! This is so important. 🙏🏻
@paulalaird272 3 ай бұрын
I was concerned about you in a very recent video when you said you were jumping back on carnivore but would keep the element drinks for your workouts. I too feel like sweet tastes can trigger me so hard sometimes. It’s weird, sometimes they don’t but mostly they do.
@delightedtomeatyou 3 ай бұрын
On the one hand I can see how a sweetened electrolyte drink can trigger a binge for me, but on the other hand I'm not willing to let any urge cause me to binge again. Binge eating is still a decision (that's what I learned from this experience) and I'm simply not willing to make it again.
@tammimesce6537 3 ай бұрын
What kind of a man are you living with? You have to HIDE the fact that you are eating snacks? Jen, that is not good. When I got married way back in 1987, I was bulimic. I told my fiancé (we were strict Christians and did not sleep together or live together before we got married), that I struggled with an eating disorder. I wanted him to be in full possession of the facts before he made a commitment to me. He still wanted to marry me and wanted to help me through it. When I would have the urge to binge, he would hold me, super tightly, and talk me down from it. He didn't berate me or shame me for what I was feeling. And there were times when I fell, and I was honest with him. He still supported me. Eventually, I got pregnant which was a huge help in my healing. The baby growing inside me was more important to me than bingeing, and I knew I had to eat healthy for my son. My next son was born three years later. I never would have healed without my husband's help, understanding and patience.
@lisamartin1546 3 ай бұрын
It’s not about your partner shaming you or not being supportive. It’s about our own shame that you don’t want to be found out…by anyone! The shame and guilt eats you alive! I so admire Jen for being open about this. She just described my binges. ❤️
@andrewgraybill7920 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing. Love your videos. Stevia usually does not induce cravings but Raspberry LMNT has “natural flavors” which could have been hundreds of different craving inducing ingredients. Thanks again. Not a big fan of the background music unless I’m trying to doze off…😀
@delightedtomeatyou 3 ай бұрын
I hear you on the music. Sorry about that.
@TheCrystalCort 3 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for your honesty I know it must be so hard but you help so many. ❤❤❤
@carnivoredietmike6078 3 ай бұрын
You can do this Jen!!
@ahpeters 2 ай бұрын
This inspired me so much all week. I hope you are doing well
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