Inside America's deadly gun culture | My America

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TRT World’s ‘My America’ takes us across the country to uncover some of the political, social and cultural stories often ignored by the mainstream media.
We travel to Mississippi where the state has some of the most lenient gun laws in the country as America reels from gun violence. We meet Lorenzo Neal, a pastor and gun violence prevention activist, Larry McCluney, an historian, Chuck Boyer, a firearms safety instructor and Nick Bezzel, the founder of the Elmer “Geronimo” Pratt Pistol & Rifle Gun Club.
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@rogerclark9285 Жыл бұрын
The right to keep and bear arms was not created under the Articles of Confederation. It was esconced in English Common law long before the American Revolution. Neither does the 2nd Amendment create that right. Rather it recognizes the pre-existing right. The Bruen decision did not "expand gun rights". It removed restrictions that had been imposed since the adoption of the 2nd Amendment in 1791. A CDC study found that there are over one million defensive gun uses per year in America.
@rkba4923 6 ай бұрын
Correct. Also, "restrictions" are "infringements" and are unlawful in the USA. Our OUTLAW GOVERNMENT has unlawfully infringed American's right to arms since, at least, 1934. Additionally, the SCOTUS has already ruled that an American's right to carry arms in public for lawful purposes is NOT dependent on the existence of the 2nd Amendment, nor service in a militia.
@firefly9838 8 ай бұрын
50 years ago our gun laws were much looser than they are today... yet crime and shootings are way worse today. So maybe these restrictions aren't doing anything
@agmsmith4079 Жыл бұрын
"I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery."
- Thomas Jefferson, letter to James Madison, January 30, 1787
@porthmeor1 Жыл бұрын
@agmsmith4079 Жыл бұрын
@@porthmeor1 ...“Good intentions will always be pleaded for every assumption of authority. It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
- Daniel Webster A speech delivered at Niblo's Saloon, in New York, on the 15th of March 1837, "Great Speeches and Orations of Daniel Webster", by Edwin Whipple, page 393.
@agmsmith4079 Жыл бұрын
@@porthmeor1 ...“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.” -Samuel Adams, State House of Pennsylvania Speech, Philadelphia, Aug 1st, 1776
@porthmeor1 Жыл бұрын
@@agmsmith4079 try stepping into the real world pal....
@agmsmith4079 Жыл бұрын
@@porthmeor1 ...I live in LA, I step into the real world of social decay, and unencumbered criminal freedom every day when I leave my home. In the past 7 days there have been 2 attempted kidnappings, a carjacking, 2 stabbing sprees, and about 15 armed robberies (including 3 follow home robberies) within 1/4 mile of my home!!! And I live in one of the safest parts of LA! I carry a gun, knife and pepper spray every time I leave my home. My kids lives and livelihood are too important to me to NOT protect them. Thanks to the LA county Supervisors, police response times in my part of LA are 45min to 75min from when you call 911. Nobody is coming to save you. You are on your own. I am prepared for that eventuality. Sounds like you are not.
@bradIeyyy Жыл бұрын
come and take em 😎😎😎
@lawsontroya Жыл бұрын
That's not exactly true. Federal law requires a background check. Also if you do a private sale, I'd be wary of such a transfer, it would behoove the parties involved, to involve an FFL. Reason being that the form 4473 can be filed and a background check be performed on both parties. If not, the seller might be selling you a stolen firearm(felony) and you could be selling a legal firearm to the buyer who may be a criminal(also a felony). Don't know about you but I am not going to jail on someone's word alone. I worked hard for my FFL and no one will take it from me even if they are persons known to me. So if someone wants to buy my guns or I want to buy someone else's, I will let them know we will be going to the gun shop. If they don't want to go, then there is a flag that just went up. They are more than likely criminals. The fact that I own guns, means that there are 47 guns off the street which will not be used in criminal activities. Just think about that and let it sink in. Your statements are misleading. You say "firearms" and "state". There was a time when you could buy a rifle or shotgun to hunt with, along with the ammunition. No questions asked. So? On the same token a "real long time ago" you could purchase a handgun the same way. I am 60 and I remember those days. Now all "firearms" are used in crime, rifles, shotguns and handguns. You say "state". What exactly do you mean? The state of Delaware, or the state as in the government as a whole? You must qualify your terms before you throw them out there. You also point out "mass shootings". Does that take into account the LEOs once on the scene? I find your writing or reporting or both disturbing since anyone who watches this rag, will get the opinion that there are no laws in place to stop criminals. Nothing could be further from the truth. Just one last thing. If you carry a gun, you better be willing to take a life. While you may argue that a criminal thinks nothing of taking a life, those of us who carry with a permit and have gone through the trouble of getting a permit, follow laws, period. I have never had the misfortune of taking someone's life, and hope I never do. Yet I will still carry just in case. I do not look forward to that day. There are others, I'm sure, who do not feel this way. Criminals for sure. What we need is to address those who use guns in crimes and get them off the streets. The guns are not the problem. It is those who use them in their crimes. If you run my background check, I'm confident you'll not find a record. But my word is not good enough. There we are. I don't think it is political, more than it is criminal. These bad people commit the crimes. The Christmas Parade victims from last year, don't care that there was a serial killer loose driving an SUV into a crowd. Nor do they care that it could have been done with a firearm(take your pick). They just know that there killer who took from them a loved one. That their loved one is just as dead, no more, no less. So as I have been saying the criminal must be held responsible, accountable and integrity must come into play at some point. We are all accountable and responsible to someone or something and have integrity. We must act on it at some point.
@Dread_Pirate_Homesteader Жыл бұрын
No thanks 4473 should be disbanded
@lawsontroya Жыл бұрын
@porthmeor1 Жыл бұрын
So much delusion
@nitewatchman1576 Жыл бұрын
You live in a commie state what can I say.
@espojespo5 Жыл бұрын
Dude you're a delusional dbag. I live o the MS Coast and it's a disaster done here. Guns everywhere and everyone trying to act all hard. I feel way less safe than ever did in Boston.
@Ace1000ks19751982 Жыл бұрын
If you live in the USA, you need to own a gun. There are many reasons to own guns here.
@denbel426 Жыл бұрын
I don't own any
@Ace1000ks19751982 Жыл бұрын
@@denbel426 You must live in a safe area.
@Zhangzhi123 Жыл бұрын
Your city is failed the reason why everyone need a gun
@proud_tobe_texan2890 Жыл бұрын
Exactly proud Texan gun owner here
@proud_tobe_texan2890 Жыл бұрын
@@denbel426 always glad to wear the blue stripe flag but you can't always count on them to get there before someone gets to you
@rustyshacklford245 Жыл бұрын
Blaming gun culture for gun crime is absolutely insane
@startrekmike Жыл бұрын
Is it? I mean. Let's first be clear here. The term "gun culture" isn't really the same thing as "gun ownership". One can own one or more firearms without really being involved in today's "gun culture" in the same way that one can be into punk music without actually being part of the punk sub-culture. When people talk about today's "gun culture", they are talking about a subset of gun owners who have either willingly or have been convinced to step into a scene that treats firearms, accessories, and even tactical/military style gear (plate carriers, vests, and the related equipment you would have attached) as if they are a sort of brand focused fashion scene. All the while, you have various companies involved in making/selling firearms and gear that have increasingly been focusing their marketing towards glamourizing not just the image of "the heroic operator" but also the sort of (for lack of a better term) "mission focused mindset" where concepts like home and self defense are turned into a consumerist nightmare of expensive AR builds and social media clout via instagram photos. On top of all that, you have the various very rich, very, very well connected special interest/lobbying groups (like the NRA, the Gun Owners Association of America, etc) who represent the firearms industry not just by trying to block any sort of discussion politically about firearms safety (at least not unless it suits them as it did when the Mulford Act was put in place) but also by politically radicalizing members via intentionally misleading/fear mongering statements, newsletters, and mailers. This is where we get to the part where gun culture starts to show up in gun crime. Now that we have talked a bit about the systemic side of gun culture, let's explore it from the perspective of the participant. First and foremost, let's get one thing really clear. The traditional notion of "gun culture" as a sort of Andy Griffith Show flavored outdoor sporting thing is VERY outdated. The modern "gun culture" is personified by adults in their 20's and 30's who got into the gun interest pipeline via a combination of watching War on Terror news broadcasts (and the growing right-wing extremism that was happening at home), playing War on Terror inspired first person shooters that put laser focus on the branding and high-end gadgets/accessories involved in modern firearms, and online communities that (to put it bluntly) outright fetishize firearms (specifically based on price and military provenance) and encourage the purchase of not just said firearms but also uniforms and other wearable gear. These communities are the big issue for two reasons. The first is that they essentially provide firearm/tactical gear companies (via easily manipulated social media influencers) to reach vulnerable teenagers and young adults. If these marketing efforts were just for buying cool guns and accessories, that would be one thing but because the firearms scene is so deeply wrapped up in political rhetoric and ideology, you start to run into problems. The second big issue is where things really get bad. Since online communities seldom (if ever) really exist in a vacuum, it is inevitable that a firearms community online will lead users towards more politically charged content. What might start as someone getting into a Instagram or Facebook group about firearms has a very, very good chance of turning into that person getting into one of the various "Chan style boards" or other similarly radicalized, ultra right-wing communities with little to no effective moderation. This is really where the rubber meets the road when it comes to "gun culture" directly connecting to gun crime. One need not look to hard to notice that a alarming number of shooters in the past decade or so have had deep, very overt ties to hard-core right-wing firearms communities online. You don't need to do deep investigative journalism to find that a lot of these shooters were deeply into various firearms related KZbin influencers and the products/lifestyle that they peddle. Since firearms have become such a deeply partisan topic, it was inevitable that modern "gun culture" would adopt some of the most extreme, most radical aspects of the right-wing. There is a reason why groups like The Proud Boys, the Oath Keepers, and other similar groups are also so very obviously, so very deeply into the firearms consumer "fashion scene" (for lack of a better term). That scene is where they are most likely to find new, vulnerable members. Again. I need to make this clear. We are not talking about gun ownership taking the blame for gun crime in itself. There are plenty of firearms owners and even (perhaps more old-school) enthusiasts who are simply not in a position where they will get radicalized. The problem is that the current gun culture (as defined by teens and adults in their 20's, 30's, and even early 40's) is built on some pretty alarming foundations of rampant "fashion" level consumerism mixed with very extreme online political/ideological rhetoric. We need only look at some of the recent mass shooters to see how that particular iteration of gun culture directly contributes to the crimes they commit. It isn't subtle. It isn't something one needs to look very hard to find. It is right there as bold and visible as a "right wing death squad" patch on a mass shooter's tactical vest.
@twombonu Жыл бұрын
@@startrekmike From my point of view as a European who lived in America for 50 years now, trust me when I say: guns are an integral part of American life. If you don't like it, move to China or North Korea, and enjoy!
@startrekmike Жыл бұрын
@@twombonu You clearly missed the point that I constantly repeated throughout my reply. The problem isn't gun ownership in itself. There are plenty of people in this country who own firearms that do not let that define their entire personality and don't get radicalized by carefully crafted gun lobby campaigns, firearms and tactical gear company advertising, and even some of the more extreme, more overtly militant gun enthusiast communities. The problem isn't guns. It was never just guns. The problem is the modern consumer, political, and ideological culture that has been built around firearms. The problem is the people who base all their social and political views around firearms related rhetoric and how that rhetoric tends to reach points where it inspires paranoia or even overt violence. The person who just has some firearms for sport or protection isn't really the issue. It is the person who has been so twisted by firearms/tactical gear marketing, gun lobby fear mongering, and ultra-right wing rhetoric that they have let it consume them and that is when they become a serious risk to themselves and others. Frustratingly. While certain politicians like to shift all firearm crime blame to other factors, they are also the same politicians who intentionally gut any program meant to address those other factors. Mental health is a good example. Every time there is a mass shooting, Republicans come out with a lot of talk about how "it isn't guns, it is mental health" but when you actually look at how they handle mental health funding and support, you will find it was all just words to please the gun lobby and not much else. Again. To make this INCREDIBLY clear. Gun ownership in itself isn't the problem. It never was. The problem is the culture that has been built up around them. The hyper-aggressive gun enthusiast crowds that are pretty much just recruitment grounds for right-wing extremism. If you want to pretend that it isn't a problem, that is your right. One need not look very hard to see exactly what I am talking about and if gun owners want to have anything even remotely close to solid ground in this issue, they need to acknowledge that there are problems with modern gun culture and confront those problems head-on.
@twombonu Жыл бұрын
@@startrekmike Gun ownership is not the problem, it never was. And yet you talk way too much about firearms to make me believe that the issue you care most is social or political. You're not fooling me, I was not born yesterday. If you dislike America so much, I suggest you move to North Korea. You'll love it out there! No gun violence, no gun lobby, no freedom, no good food, no good lodging, no religion, no drugs, no money (except for the political elite). Have a nice trip, and a nice day.
@startrekmike Жыл бұрын
@@twombonu It is interesting that your first response is a aggressive "You should move to another country" routine. Do you seriously believe that one must be 100% on board with modern gun culture in order to live in the country? Are you so blinded by political radicalization that you can't see how absurd that is? Your response tells me that you are not really reading what I am saying and if you are, you are clearly not understanding it at all. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that you choose to yet again repeat the tired, well-worn "If you don't like it, leave!" rhetoric. Still. maybe you can explain (in detail) how having serious reservations about modern firearms culture (and how that feeds into political extremism) somehow translates into "hating America". I suspect you will just say "You should just live in North Korea" or some such nonsense but maybe you will actually choose to make a substantive reply and surprise me.
@thanosthanos4029 Жыл бұрын
Indian Muslims should learn something from them ...
@denbel426 Жыл бұрын
You dumb right as an American Muslim
@thanosthanos4029 Жыл бұрын
@@porgstew3657 how to defend themselves
@huck6 Жыл бұрын
Just look at what happened in Venezuela after they gave up there guns
@khaledali-di9mt Жыл бұрын
This is the American Dream in action.....
@johnhoffman5844 Жыл бұрын
Firearms tourism is a growing business
@mrwilliams6626 6 ай бұрын
We don't have a deadly gun culture we have a Deadly mental problem in the united states
@ltdc426 7 ай бұрын
When WE finally realize that ‘murder culture’ is more to blame than a non existent ‘gun culture’ then maybe WE can make progress.
@SargNickFury Жыл бұрын
If you are uncomfortable with armed citizens, then please move elsewhere there is an entire world available to you to be victims of tyrannical government. if you want to have a slave mentality go to one of those countries. However I, my neighbors, and indeed my entire state would sooner go to war then lose our second amendment rights. It is the right that secures all others. Almost EVERY home in TN has a fire arm, and yet gun crime in my area is very low, and so are home invasions....meanwhile Chicago with the toughest gun laws are killing fields. You can't make guns just go away, American citizens have more fire arms then all the worlds major militaries including our own combined. It's a number most other countries can't wrap their minds around. The only thing you would do is force guns underground, disarm honest people...and make criminals of honest men just like prohibition did. More gun control is a recipe for civil unrest and violence.
@ffarmchicken Жыл бұрын
Same in North Dakota. Your consider weird or from California if you don’t have a gun.
@SargNickFury Жыл бұрын
@@ffarmchicken ..and as my old SWAT buddy said, your on your own to save your life, we only come to clean up.
@wilcoxdaniel9825 Жыл бұрын
This is absolutely idiotic. If you'll have guns to be safe then what from?
@SargNickFury Жыл бұрын
@@wilcoxdaniel9825 What is idiotic is the question. Take your pick, history books, nightly news, or common sense to get an answer.
@user-sk7zc1fc5u Ай бұрын
You will not be able to stop the U.S. military with a .223 or 9mm. That's a joke. And if gun owners open carry, all that does is intimidate on-gun owners many of who are afraid of guns and then those people try to pass legislation to confiscate guns.
@seanberthiaume6909 10 ай бұрын
Glad I live in West Virginia were there are basically no gun laws just don't commit a crime w/a gun DUHHH!
@imposit Жыл бұрын
Gun for love in America
@ohnoeehiddengemamardanial793 Жыл бұрын
This Is America 🎶🎶🎶 - Childish Gambino
@neonnoir9692 Жыл бұрын
A pathological, violent culture has nothing to do with responsible citizens. They need to fix their community.
@johnathandaviddunster38 Жыл бұрын
American school children should wear bulletproof clothes
@johnathandaviddunster38 Жыл бұрын
A billion GUNS BY the end of the CENTURY in the u.s.a
@Betelgeusewaitforit 4 ай бұрын
At this stage forget gun control.. you need ammo control...
@noahvanderelst5897 2 ай бұрын
Not going to happen
@Betelgeusewaitforit 2 ай бұрын
@@noahvanderelst5897 Sir, I actually do not have a real understanding of the USA democracy but I think there's a clause which provides Right to bear Arms to all it's citizens. To a certain degree it's justified.. a large landmass with not a very high population.. So I am an Indian, before 1952 my family owned arms and ammunition as well.. but after the constitution came into effect there was a choice, either get a proper licence or surrender the fire arms.. we surrendered what we had. Rationale behind it was that the state now was responsible for the safety of all citizens.. we are densely populated nation so it worked out mostly. But in the US and we have family there too.. at least 200+ as of now.. we are actively worried about the mass shootings and maniacs with access to weapons. We don't know of a solution but this needs to be addressed and somewhere it needs to start.. at least for large cities where there's ample police and law enforcement agencies. I actually understand the gravity of your comment when you say Not going to happen.. and it's your fundamental right.. I guess I am just hoping that there comes a day soon when mass shootings become a thing of the past.
@noahvanderelst5897 2 ай бұрын
@@Betelgeusewaitforit Good day, Sir. First and foremost, I wish to convey my agreement that the cessation of mass killings is indeed imperative. However, I harbor reservations about the approach that entails stripping the rights of law-abiding citizens who have never transgressed. The vast majority of us are entirely ordinary and lead blameless lives. Yet, time and again, we find ourselves penalized due to the actions of the 1%-a majority of whom acquire firearms unlawfully or due to law enforcement's hesitance to act. I advocate for a proven approach. States such as Utah, Idaho, New Hampshire, and Vermont boast minimal restrictions on firearms and have yet to witness firearm-related mass atrocities. Remarkably, their per capita firearm fatality rates are lower than those of most European nations. What explains this phenomenon? They share a common denominator: easy access to healthcare, robust social security, quality education, and employment opportunities. These elements preemptively deter individuals from resorting to criminal activities. It is, unequivocally, the only viable course of action. The momentum behind gun control has long been established. The majority of Americans possess firearms, and amidst the Covid pandemic, an increasing number of citizens have come to realize that relying solely on the government for protection in perilous situations is a fallacy. Furthermore, the judiciary consistently leans in our favor. Realism must prevail!
@Moose_King_05 Ай бұрын
​@@Betelgeusewaitforitsimple question for you. How many governments have turned against their own people? How many have stripped away their peoples rights? How many governments have brutalized, killed, genocided, massacred, and oppressed their own people?
@agmsmith4079 Жыл бұрын
Molon Labe
@AKHKCZplus Жыл бұрын
Only several states require a license, or registration to buy firearms. But, private sales could use some work.
@lawsontroya Жыл бұрын
I have had to have some form of certificate in order to purchase a gun in every state I have lived. In Michigan where I bought my guns and carried, and in California where I got my permit to carry and purchase ammunition, as well as here in North Carolina where I will carry again. No matter if you want to buy a gun or carry it or even buy the ammo in some states, you'll need a certificate of sorts. So don't worry about that. I think we should have capital punishment. You'll argue what if they are innocent? What if they are? If you were not caught, you would have nothing to worry about. If you are guilty, it is just a matter of time. This way, if you want to rob a bank you will never get away with it. You'll be put six feet under. No doubt about it. Then the next guy who wants to, will say, "Let's go knock off that bank." And then, "Wait no let's re-think that!" So commit a crime, die! Or what we have now, commit a crime, go to jail, wait around till trial, go to trial, wait for sentencing, appeal, appeal again, finally serve your sentence, time off for time served, die of old age in prison, after you get your degree. Which do you think is a deterrent? God gave us the gift of life. The state can take it from you.
@StrawHat83 Жыл бұрын
According to FBI statistics, less than 2% of guns used in ALL crimes (not just gun violence) were purchased through legal private sales. Instead, criminals typically buy guns from other criminals. I've purchased several firearms from friends or online ads. Why would we stop law-abiding citizens from buying and selling guns when criminals are still going to buy and sell guns from each other?
@nitewatchman1576 Жыл бұрын
Not really.....IT IS CALLED FREEDOM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@rkba4923 6 ай бұрын
Government has no lawful authority to regulate private sales only "commerce," and even then, SUBJECT to the COTUS. In other words, they cannot lawfully use their power to regulate commerce to violate any of the restrictions or stipulations in the Constitution. Furthermore, the .gov has NOT been enumerated any power whatsoever to DISarm Americans, only to ARM them; and, is specifically ENJOINED from "infringing" or "abridging" (14th Amendment) their RIGHT to ARMS in ANY WAY WHATSOEVER!
@jasonleee9401 Жыл бұрын
Sheet look up the naturalization act of 1790
@jesusofnazareth3507 Жыл бұрын
A very well described documentary
@denbel426 Жыл бұрын
No no no
@johnathandaviddunster38 Жыл бұрын
Was the second amendment the biggest mistake in american history??
@rkba4923 6 ай бұрын
Absolutely not. One of most brilliant observations in mankind's recorded history.
@kamalaalkishiyeva1582 Жыл бұрын
People shouldnt walk with free deadly guns, where are their government?
@dvrmte Жыл бұрын
Government is restricted by a Constitution that has a Bill or Rights. We can keep and bear arms and the government cannot infringe on that right. That way if the government becomes tyrannical, we have an ability to take down the tyrants and install a government that suits us. You speak like a slave.
@kamalaalkishiyeva1582 Жыл бұрын
@@dvrmte in Azerbaijan no one can walk with weapon. Even our police cant use weapon without permission of their head. Only in army, soldiers can use weapon against Armenia or against other state if we see danger. You can walk freely in the streets in the midnight, no one will touch you. You can sleep in the street, again no one will touch you. It doesnt matter you are man or woman
@dvrmte Жыл бұрын
@@kamalaalkishiyeva1582 In America, the main reason for the 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear weapons isn't self-defense. It's to give civilians the power to take down a tyrant or tyrannical government if necessary. The government should fear the people, not the reverse.
@kamalaalkishiyeva1582 Жыл бұрын
@@dvrmte it depends from the situation. If government is doing discrimination against you, then you can do smth. For exmp, in Iran local Azerbaijanis see discrimination because their nation is Turk. From this reason, I think that, our own government should send weapons to Iranian Azerbaijanis. And by this way, fighting against government they can create free the Turkish Republic of Southern Azerbaijan in Iran, like as the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. I support that type of actions with weapons. But Im against another types of actions
@kamalaalkishiyeva1582 Жыл бұрын
@@dvrmte In all cases government fear from people, with weapons or without weapons. If there is democracy in your state, or there isnt democracy in your state. If you go to Russia, you can undertand that why Putin is in power. Some people cant love him, but most love. From this reason he can do what he want. In all cases kingdom are being belong to people, from outside you cant feel this. But be sure, if majority dont like anyone, that anyone cant be president so long. The end of Saddam Husein, Bashar Assad and so on
@sawsanfawzyali1540 Жыл бұрын
No sound!
@coldogno7 Жыл бұрын
criminal and psycho can easily obtain submachine gun
@Jeremy_Meeks Жыл бұрын
That's a lie nobody can own a machine gun
@dvrmte Жыл бұрын
@@Jeremy_Meeks You can own a machine gun as long as you can afford it, have it registered, pass a background check, and open yourself to inspections by the BATF. You can own SAWs, artillery, APCs, etc., as well. Most people can't afford them. Just look on YT for "EPIC Machine Gun Night Shoot at the Knob Creek Gun Range". Get some? LMAO
@albertnoble2727 Жыл бұрын
@@Jeremy_Meeks a semi automatic gun isn't so different
@LCreeper575 Жыл бұрын
@@Jeremy_Meeks Legally it’s very difficult and expensive, but illegally you can make an open bolt direct blowback SMG in something like 9mm pretty easily. There’s also a black market.
@Dread_Pirate_Homesteader Жыл бұрын
Everyone should
@glennlee6274 Жыл бұрын
Perhaps if criminals wernt allowed to have guns,wile honest citizens are dis armed due to the fact that they ARE honest it wouldnt be that way...
@twombonu Жыл бұрын
I am not even American, and I appreciate the "gun culture". A man with a gun is a citizen, a man without a gun is a subject. Many people in Europe found out the hard way.
@user-sk7zc1fc5u Ай бұрын
I don't carry a gun wherever I go. Don't need it.
@twombonu Ай бұрын
@@user-sk7zc1fc5u Don't be so sure.
@user-sk7zc1fc5u Ай бұрын
@@twombonu Even if you have a gun, are you sure you could kill another human being? Forget the movie crap here. Cops, SWAT, military, etc. have to go through special training before they can kill. If you read "On Combat", by psychologist, Army Ranger Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, you might learn from the stories of LE's as they tell their stories of having trouble killing. Just look this guy up. He teaches LE's and military across America. I don't need a gun carried on my person wherever I go and my homes has locks. If someone breaks through my front door at night and comes in my bedroom where I am sleeping, he could kill me but that's only if his vest can stop a 150 grain 30-30. I won't know about the killing part until it happens, but I have had enough tactical training to make that possible.
@deckape69 Жыл бұрын
The government will have to regulate the gun and the people
@dvrmte Жыл бұрын
"The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." That's a quote from our Bill of Rights. Our Constitution was designed to put limits on what the federal government could and could not do. "Shall not infringe" are the key words. The main reason for the citizens to have guns is to protect against an over-reaching, tyrannical federal government. The Framers of the Constitution intended it to make the government fear the people, as it should be. Infringed defined: 1) actively break the terms of (a law, agreement, etc.). 2) act so as to limit or undermine (something); encroach on.
@deckape69 Жыл бұрын
@@dvrmte Must be 18 to buy gun not in constitution, must do background check to buy gun not in constitution must not be a felon to buy gun not in constitution and you nerve to talk about infringement of a persons right. But the constitution says nothing about BUYING a gun and you missed that point 100% We can regulate GUNS
@dvrmte Жыл бұрын
@@deckape69 None of those actively break, undermine, or encroach on the 2nd Amendment. A felon is deprived of many rights including voting in many states. You lack common sense. Your logic is retarded.
@denbel426 Жыл бұрын
Over our dead body
@proud_tobe_texan2890 Жыл бұрын
Big gov= bad, individual state power= good states rights need to be upheld
@billikash2591 Жыл бұрын
@johnbrazelton6130 Жыл бұрын
Bruh...So the slaves that picked cotton "Had nothing else to do" after industrialization? Dear God y'all LOST!
America is going to be worst day by day. Dengerous
@bp814 Жыл бұрын
I can see that from your sentence structure and spelling...
@johnathandaviddunster38 Жыл бұрын
Yes 20 million guns sold a year
@rkba4923 6 ай бұрын
Yes, please stay away. Thank you.
@armymedic1859 Жыл бұрын
Turks mind your own constitution and your own business.
@tipinesctm9831 Жыл бұрын
I could say the same about you Americans. Americans mind your own business and don't interfere in the politics from foreign countries
@TheOsmanly Жыл бұрын
Your stollen country is a jungle with a jungle constitution no wonder why Americans behave like Age stone people.
@exhinduwatchpeacefulhindus6545 Жыл бұрын
Umursamıyorlar bile 😪
@albertnoble2727 Жыл бұрын
What are you on lmao
@auntbutton905 Жыл бұрын
Maybe you should wait until the US stops interfering in other countries business before you tell people from other countries to but out. Being a hypocrite is never a good look.
@auntbutton905 Жыл бұрын
"Or, as they teach in the schools, the Civil War", he says. Surprised he didn't use air quotes. Now why would that be a point to dispute? Interesting that he also said "the 21st century interpretation of the Constitution. Someone actually admitting that the interpretation has changed. But because they feel emboldened and that it's no longer necessary to pretend that they don't understand what the true meaning of the 2nd amendment was, and the intent of the founding fathers when they drafted the 2nd Amendment. So the "originalists" aren't sticking with the original meaning or interpretation. Originalists are liars and corrupt anti-America Americans. We all know, and have always known that to be true, of course. They've been lying through their teeth about their understanding of the 2nd Amendment. Republicans should all be exiled for being enemies of the State, the Constitution and all true Americans.
@Lobsterist Жыл бұрын
Please see (here on KZbin): Mr.gunsandgear Grandthumb Brandon herrera Colion noir
@StrawHat83 Жыл бұрын
Yes, yes, yes, and yes.
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