This Sleep Paralysis Horror Game is Terrifying - Silent Still

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Welcome to Silent Still! This is a Sleep Paralysis horror game which is something you almost never see. And OH BOY am I glad that I've never had sleep paralysis because this seems truly terrifying. Let me know if you've ever experienced this!
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@BagelTheBagel 9 сағат бұрын
I used to get sleep paralysis regularly years ago if I slept in a certain position, and while I've never experienced demons or entities alongside it, the struggle of not being able to move no matter how much I try is terrifying enough. Congrats on 1 million subs!
@corneliali7747 8 сағат бұрын
Same! I get sleep paralysis when I nap midday. No monsters, just I cannot move, and I struggle to breath. It's like my body is in hibernation mode but my mind is awake but can't control it.
@erikvanaltena4444 6 сағат бұрын
Yeah this, it was a temporary thing, lasted a few months for me. You can breathe and your eyes may be open but not much else. I find it especially gnarly when you're very hot under the blankets because you do feel that and it's horrible not being able to escape from it.
@Gleamoir 9 сағат бұрын
I haven't experienced sleep paralysis myself, but my sister has been suffering from it for several years. From what she's told me, there are two types. One is normal sleep paralysis, which feels like a heavy weight on your chest or neck that prevents you from moving or screaming for help. The other type, which I won't say what causes it to avoid disagreement, involves being completely awake and aware while seeing things like black figures, jumping at you and grabbing your hands or legs. She says that when they let her go and she gets up, she can still see them shrinking away in her vision even with lights on.
@juraha511 9 сағат бұрын
had the 2nd myself for around a year
@theworldsperson5705 9 сағат бұрын
My sister suffers with that too but she wont talk to me about it 😔 i feel a bit of closer reading this. And sorry about your sister!
@joshuamw93 8 сағат бұрын
I have had sleep paralysis for over 10 years now and for me what I have come to to the conclusion to is that while your experiencing it your almost never actually awake. Also to my knowledge there are not really any types of sleep paralysis in the sense that you either have one or the other. Anyone who suffers with sleep paralysis can experience all types (there are more than two), just one type, a combination of multiple types or experience most/all of them (like myself).
@merwila5663 6 сағат бұрын
wow i wish the best for your sister hope the dreams stop
@Cerulean13 4 сағат бұрын
I HAD THAT SECOND TYPE ALOT. i always just thought that it was my anxiety which lead to me having a nocturnal panic attack. i'm not sure if it is considered sleep paralysis, but those suck.
@stan2139 9 сағат бұрын
I never realized you were even close to 1M, the fact that you haven't changed from about 50K which is when I started to watch your videos, I never watched your sub count, you're still yourself and that's amazing! Congratz
@girigiriboy0124 10 сағат бұрын
I experienced sleep paralysis before, every night for like weeks. Not that I see "something" but the feeling of not being able to move and not being heard when you think you've been shouting at the top of your lungs (in reality your voice is muffled) is SCARY. And on top of that, I heard a belief here (from old people) that if your bed is adjacent to a door, in your sleep, you will be dragged to a "coffin" (the door)/ to death because a door is like a link between this world and the underworld. After I heard that, I changed the position of my bed and after that, I didn't experience it again. Now that I'm a medical student, I learned that extreme tiredness can also cause sleep paralysis. I want to think this was what happened to me before ಥ‿ಥ and not some creepy ghost dragging me to death.
@adrix5521 10 сағат бұрын
I had sleep paralysis once. Thankfully I had my eyes closed, so I didn't see any terrifying creatures, but I couldn't move, it felt like I was attached to the bed. I couldn't open my eyes, it felt like they were glued shut. My chest felt very heavy, like something sat on me. Everything lasted around 10 seconds, the longest 10 seconds ever. Then it was all gone, in a blink of an eye everything was back to normal.
@simpleanticheatllc 10 сағат бұрын
i've seen demons before
@rousrouslan4023 9 сағат бұрын
Lucky i had sleep paralysis like 5 times it was scary for the first time but then you get used to it and just force yourself to wake up and wash my face with cold water cause if i don't then it repeats waking up and sleeping paralysis cycle
@grandvoid6940 2 сағат бұрын
@@adrix5521 If your eyes are glued shut, you could have experienced sleep paralysis but inside of a dream.
@adrix5521 2 сағат бұрын
@@grandvoid6940 I knew I was awake, just couldn't move and open my eyes
@grandvoid6940 2 сағат бұрын
@@adrix5521 Usually that type of sleep paralysis can happen in a lucid nightmare.
@kelseyluby7678 8 сағат бұрын
I’m sooo happy I found insym’s channel! I LOVE watching horror games, because I can’t play them much myself without getting really messed up nightmares. But if I watch someone else play it’s fine, and I really like that we get as much of the story of the game as we can.
@kingzav3s5689 10 сағат бұрын
I had sleep paralysis and it was incredibly terrifying. I remember randomly waking up and no matter what I did I could not move. It felt like something was pressing its hand on my face I kid you not. And I just remember seeing these like abstract shapes in the dark. Not like silhouettes but kind of like static from a tv but it had actual shapes. I was so scared because all I could do was move my eyes around. I tried to move my mouth and call for help but I could not. I just layed there in the dark. Then my brother came out of his room and I tried calling for help again but still couldn’t. Still felt fingers pressing on my face. Then I just remember with every fiber of my being forcing my arm to move and a bit after that I remember I let out the most pathetic scream for help ever (literally Tina from bobs burgers). then I told my brother what happened when I could get up.
@Unknown733t 10 сағат бұрын
Congrats on 1m subs Insym, love your videos!
@SaberCaliburn 7 сағат бұрын
I've heard stories of people experiencing sleep paralysis and it's a nightmare. Just imagining the things they go through and think they see but can't move to investigate, is quite the fear factor in itself. it's so scary and can be panic-inducing.
@kjay0315 8 сағат бұрын
I've had it a few times in my life but I didnt know it had a diagnosis and that a lot of people experienced it until this game.
@akaban1874 4 сағат бұрын
I've been watching since 300- 400k. Your Phas videos brought some life into the time of the Covid lockdown!! The day has finally arrived! Congrats on the 1 Million Subs!!
@sonicexer1856 9 сағат бұрын
I have had sleep paralysis twice. The first time I saw my bedroom door slowly open and a shadow in the hallway outside. I eanted to scream or move my body so badly but couldn't. The second time I didn't see anything bad, but heard it. I had my back facing the wall, from which I then heard scratching, like fingernail scratching. And I couldn't move. Both paralysis lasted for like 3 minutes.
@czray. 8 сағат бұрын
I had sleep paralysis like 2 times. The first time, it feels like i am in the middle of the road, like floating on the centre. i know i am on conscious, but i can't move my body or speak. I tried to speak that "someone wake me up, please" like that after 5 mins i able to move and the second time happens at noon i slept due to tried after some hours i woke up but i can't move anything or speak. I can hear my mom and dad speaking, but i can't move my body that was hella scary dude.
@fluke5464 9 сағат бұрын
From my own experience, just as Insym said, it feels a lot like a dream, thats why it's usually shadows, because you don't see them, your brain is just aware of someone being there. Similarly I've never heard anything concrete, it just feels like somebody talking while you are not paying attention or not understanding the language. I can usually move my fingertips and with that I try to crawl my hand and drop it from the edge of the bed, which wakes me up completely.
@joshuamw93 8 сағат бұрын
I have had sleep paralysis for over 10 years now and in the beginning wiggling my toes or like you said dropping my arm or leg from the bed worked. However from my experiences the more I used a certain technique to wake myself up the more it became less effective and harder to do, It has definitely been an everlasting battle.
@rkom1147 6 сағат бұрын
Congrats on 1 MILLION subs!! Most of the time, when I had sleep paralysis, I was super exhausted so I'm thinking my body fell asleep before my mind did. A couple of times I remember feeling and seeing someone staring at me. Super creepy. Most of the time, though, it's just feeling stuck in bed, feeling like I can't move or breathe properly, trying to yell for help and struggling to wake up.
@mladikipe 9 сағат бұрын
Well I have sleep paralasys very often nowadays. Every single time It's the same pattern but different things going on. I am laying on my bed and I can see everything in front of me but I cannot move my body, standard thing. It's always some creepy things like shadows or something like that and whenever they get close I start to hear frequencys louder and louder. When I wake up my heart is bumping like crazy and obviously I cannot fall asleep again in some time, besides that my head hurts like hell too. One time I was laying, couldn't move myself and saw my brother sharpening a knife and till this day It's still in my head the sound of knife sharpening. Alright so I wanna take a look at the video and see how did they remake sleep paralasys into a game. Congratulations on 1 million brother, remember back then when you used to play old phasmophobia, you made me and my friend buy the game and we had so much fun especially when we were scared to play old asylum and we saw your ways and followed through every single trick u had especially the word "show us". I am really glad you never changed and keep being that way, sending positive thoughts brother. :)
@RGGaming4TTV 3 сағат бұрын
Congratz on 1 million! it went a long way in the last 4-5 years since I started watching you!
@eargandonaa 3 сағат бұрын
First congrats on the 1 Mill subs, I used to get sleep paralysis regularly years ago, i read that it's normal that a person suffer from sleep paralysis at least once in your life, but most of the people don't remember it, cause it happens early in life. Sometimes is very regular and there are different levels, most of the time you just can´t move or speak, but there are other when you see, hear and feel other things. I've got some where i really felt like something wanted to hurt me. The problem is that sometimes it so scary is that people don't want to fall sleep anymore. 😟
@peeteryeet7773 10 сағат бұрын
My wife had sleep paralysis and lucid dreams while she was pregnant with our first child. I get chills every time I think about it or tell others what she went through. Just absolutely terrifying. She would wake up at night and be completely stuck while only able to look around. Our doorway is to the right, and standing there was a short black figure of a person. No details, just complete black. It walked by the foot of the bed around to the left of my wife laying down where she couldn’t see it. It would then start breathing on her ear and neck. When she described the breath as ice cold and she felt it move her hair I got insane chills. Still do today. Then she would wake up Other times she would be laying on her side and feel this ice-cold breathing behind her on her neck. All while still on the bed. She’d also have night terrors where she’d be half asleep but be screaming in a cold sweat while spazzing out on the bed. Says she doesn’t remember what happened, but my guess is with that paralysis. So happy she doesn’t have that anymore 😅😂. Keep up the grind insym love your vids!!!
@CameronSalazar2113 10 сағат бұрын
I would feel scared to fall asleep.
@mortya-4207 3 сағат бұрын
There's about 3 sleep paralysis in my personal experience, 1. Eyes close but, you feel presence and pressure all over you limited movement, with the slight screeching noise. 2. You see it all, dark figures and unable to move they'll even interact with you. 3. Controversial, but paranormal experiences. I use to live in a home where we had occasional sight of a little girl in white, one time when I had sleep paralysis I woke up with a heavy pressure on my back since I was sleeping on my stomach, facing the wall... where there was a shadow of a lil girl sitting on my back and laughing at me as I tried to break free. When I eventually did I went to sleep with my brother.
@hina354 10 сағат бұрын
Congrats on 1m man! Love your videos🎉
@asogee5198 10 сағат бұрын
A Insym video right as I come home from exams, loving it.
@JustBricky 10 сағат бұрын
@thundercreeper96 3 сағат бұрын
I have experienced sleep paralysis when I was a little kid, around 8/9 but I still remember it vividly (currently 22), basically I slept with a night light on the floor and my bed faced the door to the hallway, when I went to sleep I kept seeing two white eyes staring at me from the end of the hallway, I remember how I wanted to get up and turn on the lights but I never did, although I'm pretty sure I never got up because I was scared the eyes would attack me if I moved, I never actually realized I couldn't move, I just kind of refused to because I was scared. I don't remember how long I've had that for but it should be less than 1.5 years. and I never knew that what I experienced was sleep paralysis until I read a post on Facebook about it with my mother and I told her "uh, this sounds just like what I had when I was little" around 3 or 4 years ago. Edit: grammar
@TheMegaMarshtomp 8 сағат бұрын
My dad always likes to tell the story of a sleep paralysis-like hallucination he had when he was a kid. In the middle of the night, he looked across the room, and on the other side of the room from him was a human sized cartoon villain (he often likened him to Beast Man from He-Man) walking in place... MENACINGLY. That memory has tormented him all these years.
@EVE_Sairun 4 минут бұрын
Had it happen to me a couple of times in life, heard someone talking to me through the sleep first, was actually terrifying. And second time had horses stampede through me, never forget the sensation... you have to be SUPER tired for that and deprivated for some time for a healthy person to experience it :/
@BeastRedAsh 47 минут бұрын
Okay this game is absolutely terrifying! It deffinitely triggered some memories of personal experience :D But I wouldn't say, that paralysis takes THAT long to go away, it's somewhat a minute, like with any other nightmare, before your brain finally throws you out from the dream. Though with stuff unfolding slowly, or just being there and present - very accurate. I personally tend to have two types of sleep paralysis. First one is the classical "You can't move and there is some type of shadow/demon in your vicinity". You can't turn around, yet have 360 degrees vision (you are still sleeping, btw, eyes not open, yet you imagine your surroundings clearly, it also can be a different place, not only the room you are in), can't scream, can't move an inch of your body, all you can do is just watching a scenario playing out in front of you. It can be a shadow, staying in front of your window, a slowly opening door with a hand, sticking out of it, auditory presence in the room, physical presence and shifting weight in your bed, or even a goofy demon being as close as sitting on the head of your bedframe. At one point brain seems to have enough and that's when you can finally scream. I find swearing at monsters being the most effective in terms of driving them away, lol. The image can linger for few frames after waking up, like a light being ingraved in you eyes after looking at a bright lightsource. Sometimes these shadows try to scooch themselves under furniture instead. But that's just afterimage of our dream. The second type of sleep paralysis is absolutely exhausting and tend to happen multiple times in a row under the night. Basically the same gig, you can't move, but there is nobody, no threat, just an unexplainable URGE to wake up from this catatonic state, like an itch you can't ignore. But you can't move. What happens, that it takes painfully long time to start moving your body, be it just rocking back and forth, or moving a single digit, inch by inch, then the whole arm, half of the body, whole body, until you finally wake up. When it stacks multiple paralysis of this type in a row, the result of the night is such an exhausting mess, you waste so much energy on trying to wake yourself up. I assume, both states happen due to the same reason - brain phases out from its usual sleeping cycle and becomes extremely active, whilst the body is still in deep sleeping state, when all the movement is shut down. The only difference is the terror - either you see stuff, that scares you, which allows to wake up quickly, or there is no terror and you kinda have to force yourself out of this situation manually. I actually prefer seeing some creepy stuff instead of being left alone and catatonic XD
@gemmanova10 4 сағат бұрын
It’s absolutely terrifying. I used to ‘see’ the demons when I was younger but now it’s just frozen still and I’m screaming for hours. I hope you never experience it
@theletterc616 8 сағат бұрын
I've had numerous experiences with sleep paralysis, mainly due to sleep apnea. The combination of the two has made me see some wild things. Faces in the dark, feeling like there are people surrounding my bed, distorted voices right in my ears, and they are normally followed and/or preceded by super vivid intense dreams. Some of the most terrifying things I've ever experienced.
@dezsir2863 8 сағат бұрын
The old phasmo singing brought back some good memories, I remember hearing that singing for the first time from down the hallway of asylum. I still prefer this singing, feels more haunting, creepy, sad even.
@kokos5772 5 сағат бұрын
I've had a lot of sleep paralysis, the first ones were very frightening, especially when you don't know anything about it and you don't expect them. They usually occur for a couple of days in a row consistently once a year. In my case, they started because of stress and lack of sleep, and sometimes because I sleep too much. They're not scary anymore, but it's still unpleasant and anoying. the main thing is to understand that the more you try to resist the worse it gets, in such situations I just lie down and try not to move or think, realizing that I will wake up soon.
@dimitrafox_srt8545 5 сағат бұрын
I get sleep paralysis like once or twice a year and I've learned 3 things. One: I don't open my eyes it's only going to get worse. Every time I did open my eyes I was seeing scary things so I try to stay calm and keep my eyes closed. Second: Yes, I CAN'T MOVE A MUSCLE, not even a flinch, I can't even breathe so it's extra scary, BUT!! The only part of my body I can move and helps me break free relatively quickly (like within 10-15 minutes, cause usually it takes a long time for me to wake up completely although for some people it's for like 5 minutes, for me it's much longer) so, that body part is my big toe or both sometimes! And apparently many people can!! It was a hack I learned online and it works almost for everyone (but if you try it you should be gentle because you can get a cramp and it's gonna be painful and terrifying at the same time 😅). Third: I can't speak but I can groan of some sort if I try too hard, so if someone is awake I have a chance to alert them to help me. Although the game is not accurate, for me at least! I've never seen myself (or heard of anyone seeing) the lights go off and on. Usually I'm seeing something stationary like something at the end of the bed looking at me smiling very wide or beside me or in front of me and it feels like I have a boulder on my chest, unfortunately it hurts too. I do get a very foggy vision though with black around "the frame" and sometimes I hear weird things like someone whispering or I'm feeling someone touching my hands and legs. It's very freaky to be honest. It's like something is close to me and messing with me but it's not actually there so when I gain control over my body I just go back to sleep if I can.
@jeppekibsgaard 52 минут бұрын
I was feeling so stressed for a prolonged period that I started experiencing sleep paralysis roughly three times a week for a couple of months. Mostly I would feel like I was awake, but couldn't move. I usually kept my eyes closed because I didn't want to watch what was going on, but I could hear sounds and feel things around me. Usually, I would try to scream and move, resulting in my body suddenly doing spasmic movement and my breathing going crazy when I woke up. My girlfriend would sometimes hear me whine quietly, and she would push me to try and wake my up. That stuff is scary af. It's not dangerous, it's just really scary. If you're starting to experience it, try to figure out if it's stress-related. Mine certainly was.
@Zaphlow1229 7 сағат бұрын
I experienced sleep paralysis when I was around 12 years old. I was sleeping next to my grandmother when I woke from a dead sleep while I could move my eyes and look around but I couldn’t move. Laying there on my back while this dark figure would tickle me nonstop , I would look over at my grandmother trying to scream but couldn’t. I remember it perfectly.
@cassshay 54 минут бұрын
Am absolutely so happy and proud for Insym! He puts in the work for his subs, and he deserves so many more!!! Love you Insym! Keep up the badass work!!!
@hydrae404 4 сағат бұрын
When I experience sleep paralysis, i just close my eyes so I don't see anything creepy and try to move till i get out of it. But it gets more terrifying when I hear nonstop rapid whispers.
@Oh_Hael_No 8 сағат бұрын
My friends used to tease that I was "bad at sleeping" because I used to have every single sleep disruption you could have 😂 Night terrors weren't fun, but sleep paralysis was the worst. Most times I would wake up to a person crouched next to my bed brushing their hand over my face, or someone standing in the corner of my room, but the worst time was when someone laid next to me in bed and stared with a huge smile on their face. Weirdly once I started ADHD medication all the sleep problems went away 😵‍💫😵‍💫
@Brawaru 3 сағат бұрын
Had sleep paralysis numerous times because they often happen in depressive episodes (sigh), nightmares as well. Basically, when you go to sleep, your brain kinda has this protective function that it completely disables your movement. If you get awaken from a sudden jerk trying to fall asleep, it's because this function has not fully engaged yet, and your body automatically reacted to you relaxing, confusing it for a fall. It's also reason why people sometimes walk in sleep-this function doesn't work for them. Sleep paralysis is kinda like a bug: you just sleep like normal, see some dream, and then maybe something happens in dream (for me it often happened in nightmare dreams), and you get knocked out of sleep into an illegal state (isSleeping - true, isAwake - true). However, this movement lock doesn't disengage properly at that moment, and often, your brain is still in this semi-dreamful state. You then try to move, and realise that you can't. Like, nothing happens at all! And, uh, you can't move your head either. You will be very unlucky if you are in a semi-dreamful state and face the room or ceiling when you wake up like that, because not only you are fully terrified that your body is no longer under your command, your brain will also start misinterpreting all sensory information including visual one, essentially making a dream out of reality. It will try to imagine your worst fears, because our brains are super good at recognised patterns. Random noises become screams and hisses, anything that might look like a figure, will look like one. One time I woke up like that, my brain misinterpreted double light switch in the corridor (that has little red lights when it's off) for a demon that has slowly opened my room door and was approaching me. I couldn't move, and when I tried to scream, I could only let some air out, which barely produced any sound. This is absolutely horrifying. The good news- your brain will eventually realise you are not asleep anymore, and you will find the way to command your body again. Suddenly there is no demon anymore, there will be door that didn't move a slightest bit, and there's light switch. That spooky shadow? Ah, that's just your hoodie hanging on the cupboard. Remember that you are likely only partially in dream state, and your consciousness is already kind of there, so the best advice-try to realise (yeah, that's hard!) that this is a sleep paralysis, and remember how it works. Don't succumb to fear. Try making small movements with fingers on your hands and toes, usually this works right away. From there you are likely to exit this state really quickly by continuing moving. Also, the more this happens to you, the more you get used to it. For me sleep paralysis now feels more like an annoyance or just interesting experience rather than something as horrifying as it was first few times. Imma be honest, the dreams where you leave your body and look at your own self in bed are far more terrifying :p UPD: oh hey, they showed out of body nightmare! You are right to think that this is not sleep paralysis experience though, maybe something that will knock you into it when you ran away from monster (rather than waking up like character did).
@Kendrin9 4 сағат бұрын
I will admit, I love to listen to Insym while going to bed. It's weird, because he has chaotic energy that should usually keep your attention, and his voice is just.. y'know. It's a voice. But for some reason, listening to him play Phasmophobia (of all games) helps me feel calm and go to bed. You do more for us than you know Insym, we're eternally grateful. Long live Sleepsym!
@remyallen7332 6 сағат бұрын
Not sleep paralysis, but I've had hypnopompic hallucinations, which is when you have brief hallucinations right after waking up (they can also happen right before falling asleep). So basically, it's sleep paralysis without the paralysis part. I've seen spiders, which is the most common, but I also saw a figure right in front of me a few times. When I saw the figure, I jumped back to get away, but then I realized what was happening, and I just stared at it and even put my hand through it until it went away. Strange how the brain works sometimes.
@theepic1751 10 сағат бұрын
FIRST NEW HORROR VIDEO AFTER YOU REACHED 1MIL SUBS 🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤ LOVE YOU INSYM, YOU MAKE GREAT CONTENT ❤ Edit: Also the first vid since Insym got his new cats
@Spooky_Platypus 10 сағат бұрын
I’m having a stupid busy week. Can you catch me up on the cats? I haven’t seen that yet. ❤
@theepic1751 10 сағат бұрын
@@Spooky_Platypus He posted a picture about them in community tab on his yt channel, they’re super cute! ❤️❤️ Def can’t wait for them to appear in some streams or stuff like that
@Spooky_Platypus 10 сағат бұрын
@@theepic1751just looked omg they’re precious!!! And Thank you! ❤🎉
@Solstace_ 10 сағат бұрын
Didnt he say he's getting the cats next month?
@cookie_creations2162 9 сағат бұрын
​@@Solstace_ Yep
@soyuzsovietsky 8 сағат бұрын
I have narcolepsy so I suffer from sleep paralysis often, but it’s more annoying than scary. I’ve never had any hallucinations or anything, I just have nights where I fall asleep, get sleep paralysis (which for me feels like I can’t breathe and my chest hurts, in addition to the paralysis), then have to focus intently on getting unparalyzed to wake up, try to go back to sleep, and get sleep paralysis again. This happens sometimes 20-30 times a night and it’s so frustrating when I have to work the next day.
@naitepitome607 6 сағат бұрын
I've been experiencing sleep paralysis since I was a child, recently , it traumatized me not to sleep again. - Earliest I can remember is I can see a shadow running whenever i have sick, I don't know if it is a dream since I was very young. - Next, I am able to explore our house in different filter ( very insidious -like) but very empty inside, not until you go out and there are shadows with red eyes looking back at you. - By the age of 20, I am starting to experience being awake in my sleep and able to see my surrounding but cant move at all , It is terrifying; you can't speak, tried to shout but nothing came out. This is also the stage where a shadow is always standing in the edge of my peripheral and one day it held my hand, it felt so heavy, dragging you with the feelings of misery and despair. - Recently in my 26, still having sleep paralysis, no shadows just cant move and shout... but my last one , made me dead inside, since I cant wake up that time; I am stuck in multiple hundreds of loop that I am trying to wake up but can't to the point I accepted that I am gonna die there in that stupid dreamstate; I cried and shouted multiple times. I was heard once by my sister, and it is the loudest scream I made during sleep that made them rush to wake me.
@Cerulean13 4 сағат бұрын
i had sleep paralysis over my aunt's house. i was sharing a room with my dad and younger brother. after an hour of trying to fall asleep, i looked over to see that they were both sitting up completely straight, dead still. they were both just staring at me, in the darkness of the room, watching me. i was frozen and couldn't do anything but stare back. i jolted awake to see that they were both laying down, asleep. hell no
@zachb2967 9 сағат бұрын
CONGRATS ON THE 1 MILLION INSYM! Thank you for brightening so many people’s days!
@Unknown22885 10 сағат бұрын
I think I got extremely lucky, I had it one time and I only had audio hallucinations. I heard footsteps run up to my door a few times, and a bunch of whispering and scratching but I didn’t see any figures
@comfi4816 6 сағат бұрын
Used to have sleep paralysis for each night everyday for like a month. Lot of times i just cant move, other times i feel like im hallucinating and all my senses are amplified, the smallest noise would make my eardrums feels like bursting.
@gothsnowangel06 7 сағат бұрын
Due to being a highly sensitive person myself, I pretty much constantly see shadow people, however at some point when I was 15-16, I used to experience sleep paralysis at least a few times a week. For me the most common one was definitely something standing or crouching down by the side of my bed. Nothing'd happen besides what you could call a very intense staredown.
@JeeJee 8 сағат бұрын
I still have sleep paralysis on the regular, I've gotten so used to them, that I can forcibly wake myself up, I can also make incoherent voices during the sleep paralysis that can make my mom and dad come wake up me, most of the cases I've either told my body, oh man it's a sleep paralysis again, and then I fall back asleep, or I move my toe or my finger and eventually you wake up your whole body, I've noticed that I am always very thirsty after waking up from a sleep paralysis.
@celeste00 14 минут бұрын
I'm not quite sure if this counts as sleep paralysis, but this is my experience lol. I remember turning to my side while I was sleeping and immediately feeling like something was wrong, I felt so much heavier and stuck to my bed, couldn't move at all and I remember thinking "oh fuck, is this sleep paralysis? I hope I don't see anything scary when I open my eyes". When I opened them, I saw an enderman from fucking Minecraft just staring at me. After a few seconds it disappeared and I was able to move again, the first thing I did was laugh because out of all the things my brain could've shown me, it chose to hallucinate an enderman lmao
@hademers2 6 сағат бұрын
I can count the amount of times I've experienced sleep paralysis on one hand. One night it happened to me twice in a row. Both times it seemed like a was in a grey, foggy copy of my bedroom. Like a thick heavy mist just rolled into my room. The first time I 'opened' my eyes and saw a tall, lanky humanoid creature leaning over my legs from the side, looking at me, standing still. I stared back at it and the shock made my body jump and it woke me up pretty quickly. It felt like I just transitioned back into reality. The second time I thought I was awake and I felt hands all over my upper body. As you can guess, that shook me awake pretty quickly as well. However that lingering sensation of those hands on my body stayed for a few seconds, as if they really had touched me. I'm not sure if those two experiences were back to back, or if I slept normally in between. Your perception of time in such cases just completely vanishes. Safe to say I wasn't going back to bed anymore that night. It's crazy what your mind can do and how vivid hallucinations can be. I can still clearly remember every sensation and image. Both times I was in a daze but also felt very much awake, as if you're observing from outside your body. I must've watched a horror movie the day before or something because it seemed like there was a theme. Don't recommend. I still feel uneasy thinking about it.
@itskhro 9 сағат бұрын
1m, absolutely wild. Its been years and years now since Phasmos initial rise to fame, I dont have the time to full-watch everything you put out but you still seem to be the same. Good. Staying true and doing what you have fun with SHOULD be what streaming and youtubing is about and its refreshing amidst all the drama elsewhere. Congrats on 1mill.
@JynxedTea 3 сағат бұрын
I get terrifying nightmares and sleep paralysis if I sleep on my back. As much as its comfortable, i feel so vulnerable sleeping like that.
@Triggernyar 9 сағат бұрын
I had one instance that I could call sleep paralysis, but it sorta wasn't. I was young, and I remember 'waking up' and looking up at my tall dresser. I think on some level I knew I couldn't move, but I don't remember trying to move either. I remember watching a scene play out on top of the dresser with weird moving shapes. It was like I was watching a stage-play from the nosebleed seats, but rotated so I was lying on my back. I couldn't hear it, but felt like there had to be some audio. I definitely remember the "something's wrong" feeling, but I think the mild hallucinations were attention drawing enough to keep me from getting scared. It very much felt like I was dreaming without the sleeping part. While I never forgot it for being such a novel experience, I think I only mentioned it as a dream and didn't think too much of it. Many years later and I learn of sleep paralysis, and this... fits the description, and I count myself lucky that it was such a mild case.
@altheadiras4754 9 сағат бұрын
Activated my google assistant all three times 😂
@leothepuppp 6 сағат бұрын
when i was around 10 i was very afraid of aliens and SOMEHOW i fell asleep, then woke up but couldn't move, it was only once and i slowly started seeing how a big ass shadow glowy creature thingy started to aproach me around the corner of my room it's till this day (i'm 26) one of the most scary experiences i've had in my entire life till this day and this game embodied that, pretty cool!
@H31ntz-s7r 2 сағат бұрын
I had sleep paralysis once and I saw my short grandma standing like 2 feet tall with the face like in that Granny horror game and she was staring into my soul. I was watching it for a solid minute just wondering what was happening as my brain felt that there is nothing to worry about so I couldn't even emotionally panic. But when I woke up in the morning I just realised what happened that night.
@Solstace_ 9 сағат бұрын
Dude, thats a GREAT concept for a game! I hope they expand furthur on this sort of idea. Gave me chills!
@WeebTrashTM 4 сағат бұрын
I used to have sleep paralysis quite frequently a few years ago. Probably twice a week. While i never had any hallucinations of like seeing demons or something. I have however seen distortions of my room and senses. Like my ceiling was the consistency of water and was wavey and my bed felt like it was on water floating and my body felt like it was rocky to the waves. (TIPS FOR SLEEP PARALYSIS) the easier way to snap out of it is try to move your pinkys first. Its much easier to move your pinky than the rest of your body during sleep paralysis. No idea why but ever since my doctor told me that it helped tremendously!
@francisselorio6024 8 сағат бұрын
Man, my sleep paralysis was grim. I'm just laying in the bed while seeing a mask guy casually using a knife around my neck to behead me.. I still feel my neck feels like its been chopped off..
@Tomislav_111 9 сағат бұрын
Congratulations for reaching 1 million subscribers!!! You deserve it man, all of it 👍🤘
@tokimisu 7 сағат бұрын
I've been having sleep paralysis since I was maybe 10 years old. It's totally random and has nothing to do with stress (at least for me). That being said, I don't understand how anyone can open their eyes during the paralysis. I can't open my eyes or speak, but I can make a distressed, whiney groan (I don't want to say moan because people see that word as sexual more often than not). When the sleep paralysis starts, my mind is fully awake and I know exactly where I am. Sometimes I hear demonic sounding jibberish, but it doesn't sound like it's a being in a room. It sounds like it's in my head, but also in my ears. Since I could never open my eyes, I've never actually seen any figures during any of my episodes. If I try to go back to sleep too quickly after getting myself out of the paralysis, it starts again. I usually need to fully wake up and walk around, or browse my phone for a few minutes to reset and make the paralysis not happen again. I know it sounds crazy, but this is the way I've experienced it since I was little and I'm in my 30's now.
@jeffpulohanan9226 5 сағат бұрын
i feel like im the only one that knows when I will experience a sleep paralysis. Somehow it always happen if i try to get back to sleep the moment i wake up in the early morning. Even if at that point I know i am just dreaming, it still instills intense fear in me whenever something happens.
@Dumbsourplum 9 сағат бұрын
I had sleep paralysis once years ago, it was terrifying and I still remember researching for days afterwards and reciting steps to get out of sleep paralysis to myself right before bed each time, sleep paralysis happens when your mind is awake but your body shuts down thinking "we sleepin" and you can't move, then Rapid Eye movement like what causes dreams, can make you see stuff, I think first you're supposed to close your eyes so you don't panic more, then try to wiggle your toes or maybe one of your toes, basically small easy to move body parts, the goal isn't to move your whole body eventually but instead break the paralysis your body is stuck in, imagine it like being in a fragile but strong sheet of ice, if you break through one part the structural integrity shatters, it's like that, you're meant to tell your body "HEY DUMBASS WE'RE AWAKE"
@angelserenade 7 сағат бұрын
Hi Insym! Congrats on reaching 1M subs! Wow, what a milestone! I did some digging about the game. This game was done by SolitaryStudios, a Filipino Indie Game developer. Oddly enough, I kinda had the suspicion that the developer was a Filipino when I read the dialogue and the mention of traffic and the 'toxic working environment'. My Filipino senses are tingling and I am in tears hearing the Rick Roll music LOL. I mean, does it matter? For some, maybe no, but as a Filipino myself, I am quite surprised that a Filipino-made game is this enjoyable and quite good! I really glad you enjoyed the game. I haven't experienced any signs of sleep paralysis, only nightmares. I hope the developer would continue to produce more games like this
@Eeeeezra 9 сағат бұрын
Yes, I have had sleep paralysis. It has always been more common for me when I would take day naps. I can move my feet and "open" my eyes. I can see my surroundings in a dream like state. I had it once during the night, and my chest felt heavy, and it felt like someone was breathing in my ear. Typically, it's just really annoying and uncomfortable for me, and I try so hard to get out of it by moving my feet around (which is a lot more difficult than you think) 🙃 I'm grateful that it hasn't happened to me in a long time, though.
@VenatrixOoriana 9 сағат бұрын
I had sleep paralysis once about 1.5 years ago. My eyes opened but I couldn’t move my body at all. I didn’t have a visual hallucination, but I did have an auditory one! All of a sudden I was hearing ghostly voices surrounding me, as if there were 100 voices. It was incredibly creepy, but because I know about sleep paralysis I wasn’t too freaked out, so I used rational thoughts to convince myself that it was okay 😂 eventually I just closed my eyes until I could move again.
@adam7802 8 сағат бұрын
I experienced this absolutely traumatising thing as a kid that I am not sure what it was, but here it is... on 3 different occasions between about the age of around 8 and 12 I would wake up suddenly, and in front of me was an angry woman, probably around the age of 25-30, in Victorian age attire. They are screaming angrily directly into my face and each time I instantly pulled my duvet over my head and cowered there, completely frozen, once I've done this it's gone completely silent but I simply can't move out of what I felt was pure fear. Can't yell or anything. And I would be stuck like that until I fell back asleep and woke up the next day. As you might guess from the age range, it stopped when I hit puberty. From reading the comments I guess it isn't sleep paralysis, but I've really no idea what this was if not...
@Kami3Kaze 10 сағат бұрын
Mine went like this. I was asleep but woke up too fast. To my surprise, someone had broken in and was starring at me while I couldn't breathe. He then pulled out a big knife and started creeping closer and closer to me. I started screaming, but no sound was coming out as he got closer. He just started laughing. Now he's standing over me and brings the knife to my throat and slits it. Now I feel like I'm actually choking to death. Then I fully woke up. It was a messed up situation.
@Cerulean13 4 сағат бұрын
10:20 from experience, it's a 'every once in a while kind of thing'. i usually get them when i'm sleeping over someone else's house or if i by chance fall asleep on my back. not sure if this is factually true but i hear that you are much more likely to have sleep paralysis if you fall asleep on your back.
@Mrcatguyy 7 сағат бұрын
Idk if this is sleep paralysis or not but sometimes (like once every couple of months or so) I "wake up" but its INCREDIBLY hard to move and my lower half is paralyzed so I try to drag myself out of bed with my arms and when I hit the floor I teleport back into bed and it's so jarring. It's more annoying than scary.
@spidowolf6481 6 сағат бұрын
My first sleep paralysis experience was during my first year of college. I felt anxiety all over my body and had the fear that if I moved, I could die. Not only that, but my body was already stiff and I couldn't move. My eyes were closed the whole time, but it felt as if I opened my eyes internally, as I stared the "demon" into its face before finally waking up. Cool experience! 😎
@LovelyyAngie 10 сағат бұрын
congrats insym on the 1 mil love your videos 🎉🎉🎉
@shielddwarf6802 10 сағат бұрын
Grats on the 1M! Fun video as always!
@CageNightwind 4 сағат бұрын
Sleep paralysis happens when you wind up waking up between sleep cycles.. During REM sleep, your muscles relax and can't move.. Sleep paralysis occurs when your mind is partially awake but your body is still in REM state, which is why you can't really move. It can last For my part I've had it twice in my life.. Once when I was young after a nightmare about giant demon rats; I woke up and couldn't move. I looked over and saw a more "normal" sized demon rat crawl into a hole in the wall that didn't exist.. Then I was free from the spell and could move. The 2nd time was early 20s or late teenage years, I don't know what I dreamed about but there were weird whistling/whirring sounds coming from outside my bedroom window. I couldn't move, obviously so I started getting paranoid that it was a UFO or something and they had me frozen... I could do nothing but lay there and let my anxiety ramp up til it ended. At this point I didn't know what sleep paralysis was yet.
@SoenKaiArt 41 минут бұрын
I've had sleep paralysis so often when I was stressed, I made a whole ass 10 volume manga series about that topic. XD
@lilly.flower5370 8 сағат бұрын
Congrats on one milion Insym absolutely deserved!! Its been so incredible to see your growth and i couldnt be happier to have been here for it!
@RagefaceYoshi 7 сағат бұрын
My one experience with sleep paralysis was in my teens. I was laying on my stomach with the right side of my face on my pillow facing towards a wall. All I remember was that I had this overwhelming sense of dread like something was looming over me. At that moment it felt like something was trying to possess me (I didn't know about sleep paralysis back then) and I had to fight with everything I had to move my body to fight it off. It was the most bizarre experience. After about 5 minutes of pushing as hard as I could to move myself, I suddenly jolted upwards as my arms pushed me up off of the bed. And almost immediately I felt better. It was really scary even though I didn't see anything, I definitely felt like something was there, pushing me down. I don't sleep on my stomach anymore lol
@jcgl-ue5jr 3 сағат бұрын
I had a sleep paralysis once, where i was fully awake but i couldn't move at all, my head was pointing at the floor when that happened, i saw half the lower-body of my wife coming to me, and sitting on the bed, like i even felt the pressure of the bed as she sat down, and since i couldn't move my head i was not able to see the upper-body, but the weird thing is that my actual wife was at the kitchen when that happened, and when i gained conciousness again, my actual wife was coming back AGAIN from the kitchen to the bedroom, it was a very weird experience, like if the thing i saw was a doppelganger or something.
@Interlopus 10 сағат бұрын
As someone who’s been watching your channel for a few years now congrats on 1mill subs! Enjoy that play button you earned it.
@highlysuspicious6417 6 сағат бұрын
From my experience. I often get sleep paralysis because of OVERFATIGUE and the lack of sleep. The solution for sleep paralysis was simple. DON'T WAKE UP SO SUDDENLY.
@insomnia9952 5 сағат бұрын
I keep getting sleep paralysis on regular basis still, I usually keep slipping in and out of consciousness during it aswell. I sometimes encourage myself to fall deeper into the sleep because I'm so scared I see something that isn't there, but luckily mine are very rarely ones with something scary happening, outside of the terror from not being able to move ofcourse. I've had sleep paralysis of a girl sitting on my chest before, making it difficult to breathe which freaked me out really badly, but that was years ago.
@BepisBee Сағат бұрын
i had it for years i always saw spiders or giant bees (i hated spiders and when i was little there was a giant beehive under my floorboard amd i could hear them in the day ) so ig my brain stuck to that i actually got over my spider fear from seeing them and forcing myself to calm down
@ThisTrollIsForYou 8 сағат бұрын
Why am I feeling like Ive seen this already before?
@user-xs5hd4cl8g 7 сағат бұрын
That's why I never open up my eyes during any sleep paralysis events..
@AllYourConcerns 9 сағат бұрын
I have had sleep paralysis 2 or 3 times one of them was mild that's wy im insure if it's 2 or 3 times, and it just like what people describe you are literally awake but you can't move an inch and you feel so heavy and you chest feels so tight, if you have ever had a stroke before( hope not) it feels close to that, also you hear yourself in your head screaming but no voice or sound comes out, for me i have never seen any figures or heard any voices, just felt trapped and semi dead, the first time i had i thought i was actually dying lol, the reports saying they see figures or hear things are probably just hallucinations because of fear that takes over you and due to severe burst of shock your mind trys to make sense of it by playing this tricks on your mind, it's terrifying the first time but the second time for me i was just like this again and waited it out.
@esmaeriva 6 сағат бұрын
As I do streams on twitch at nighttime, my neighbors sometimes write me via messenger when they hear me talking/laughing/singing and then they give me a rating how entertaining my commentary was :D sometimes they just join the stream as viewers xD
@wei_fii 8 сағат бұрын
I've experienced sleep paralysis for about a year now i think but its really, reallllllllly rare and LUCKILY i don't see demons or weird figures. I just "notice" a presence nearby (like hearing breathing or footsteps) and for some reason I'm under the impression that its always one of my family members lmao which is why im never scared! One time i had a feeling someone was like hovering around me in the air. Super weird outer body experience mixed within cause somehow i knew it was an old lady even though i was lying on my stomach face down. It's also literally the weirdest feeling cause i can feel the moment my body starts freezing up and sometimes my eyes are like halfopen i think. One time i saw my dog and tried asking her for help and i think it worked cause i remember her raising her head and looking at me! I pray it stays innocent like that ngl!
@KormitTheFrag 5 сағат бұрын
Every time I've had sleep paralysis it has been in the form of auditory and visual 'hallucinations' (i've never had chest tightness or anything, which is funnily enough the origin of the term nightmare iirc). all i can say is its such a cool experience, though it doesn't feel right to say i hope everyone gets to experience it for themselves xD there was one time i remember being scared enough to just hold my eyes shut and keep telling myself its not real (which is so out of character for me, i think it is the result of genuine fear, but i still kinda regret not just sitting through it to see what happens).
@yukito-kei 8 сағат бұрын
i regularly experience sleep paralysis unfortunately and have hallucinations that accompany it, mostly seeing shadows and hearing voices. it was really scary the first time i experienced it when i was 10 but its kind of just an inconvenience now LMAO. pro strat to get out of paralysis is to focus on wiggling your toes or fingers, idk the science behind it but it works for me and its made the episodes a lot shorter!
@OGKhuri 2 минут бұрын
i did have sleep paralysis once in 2019 , since i never listened about it , it was the most scary thing to feel. My experience was waking up it was daytime arroun 12:45 pm , my room had sun light , but i couldnt move and in the corner of the room there was 3 tall grey figures or things staring at me with no faces at all , but as soon i noticed them in the corner of the room and tried to yell or talk i couldnt move or talk or yell , next i had one of those grey figures next to my bed with both hands on it , i felt my chest like someone pushing me against the bed like if someone is trying to hold you against it so you dont move , closed eyes , and arround 30sec or 1min later there was nothing on the room plus i moved and my heart was like crazy like in a panic situation. never had it again , but its a weird and scary thing to have or feel its worst than having a nightmare where you run or get stabed or killed stuff like that because you wake up and thats all , in this situation you see things that look real or feel real but you cant do nothing and you know you are awake.
@Frogg-YT 9 сағат бұрын
I've never had sleep paralysis before but some nights I wouldn't sleep at all for hours fearing it
@user-bo5fr3qw5x 7 сағат бұрын
I've had sleep paralysis for as long as I can remember. I don't get the demon stuff like other people, my brother does though. My most terrifying experience is when I had it and my blanket was wrapped around my face which I must have done in my sleep and when I had my sleep paralysis episode I couldn't move and I couldn't breathe because of the blanket being wrapped around my face. It was really scary I ended throwing out a massive punch when my body finally woke up because I was trying to move so badly that the minute I got my ability to move back my arm flung into the air.
@ToniTechBoi 7 сағат бұрын
Man, sleep paralysis is a bit**. I have it "in waves". most of the time it's just normal but some times I suffer from it, it's everytime you get close to sleeping, realize you're in the paralysis stage and pretty much wake yourself up again. I Iearned REAL quick to just close my eyes and focus on breathing (mostly because breathing is really difficult) and let it pass.
@TJThomas116 10 сағат бұрын
Congrats on 1 million subs!!!!!! You deserve it
@Zecce 7 сағат бұрын
Once I had sleep paralysis, I woke up and couldn't move, just open my eyes. I saw a dark figure standing in my doorway. Nothing else happend. I don't know how long I was laying there, didn't feel like long, then I blinked and somehow I could move again. The figure was gone. This was the only time I ever experienced that and I hope I'll never again.
@Zecce 7 сағат бұрын
I want to add, I knew before that sleep paralysis exist. And even tho I knew it was just that, it still creeped me the fuck out.
@monsoonite 10 сағат бұрын
I've only had SP once and it was hilarious after a second 😭😭 could still hear my music
@HorrorGamerSam 9 сағат бұрын
congratulations on the 1million subscribers!
@BlackMamba-18 2 сағат бұрын
Congratulations on one million subscribers insym!!! 😭♥️♥️♥️
@reginaveselova894 7 сағат бұрын
Congratulations on 1m!!! 👏🏻👏🏻
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