Is Gen Z Too SENSITIVE? Reacting to Dr. Phil Debate - Unapologetic LIVE

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Amala Ekpunobi

Amala Ekpunobi

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A new Dr. Phil episode had Gen Z influencers debate Baby Boomers on cancel culture, the economy, and whether Gen Z is too fragile. Who do you think is right? Let’s get into it.
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@paulstewart9639 Жыл бұрын
Being a Gen Xer, I’ve been told “Ok Boomer’ by young people enough times that I don’t even think they know what a boomer is. They literally think It’s anyone older than they are.
@saviorself1164 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, but actual boomers arent much better because to them, anyone under the age of 30 is perpetually a millennial.
@queenstar9299 11 ай бұрын
I'm a millennial and look like a zoomer. I've been called a boomer 🤣
@yourmom69179 11 ай бұрын
Exactly! Morons. 🙄
@sebastianmosqueda5959 10 ай бұрын
Yeah, I've noticed that in comments too. I don't think a lot of the young people care to look it up. I see it used more for anybody who says something to them that they don't entirely comprehend.. Therefore they automatically think its just some outdated idea and shouldn't be valid in current times. (Just because of the fact you happen to be older). Sometimes I wonder if they would be more inclined to listen if it came directly from someone their age.
@jinx724 10 ай бұрын
You've missed the point of what ok boomer is and just to make light if this situation. THIS is such a boomer comment 😭
@tesswills2107 Жыл бұрын
I'm a teacher and I can tell you that teachers are definitely leaving because the kids won't listen. Somehow they don't see that interrupting the lesson is disrespectful, even when the teacher is saying, "Please don't interrupt me, it loses everyone's focus." It's also the parents, because many parents won't believe their child can do wrong. I had a kid cheat on a test and the parents were convinced that he didn't, so much so that they blamed me and said I was the reason their kid wasn't learning.
@Wonderlandgurl Жыл бұрын
Exactly. The generations that raised these kids need to take their accountability, too. Parents have gotten…delusional. They are wayyyy too enmeshed with their kids. It’s no wonder the kids can’t navigate life now.
@Olivia-bl8ez Жыл бұрын
Wow and I’d imagine mixing that parenting style with kids destroying their attention span on tik tok all day is a recipe for disaster. I’m in medical school and recently deleted all addicting apps off my phone (except for KZbin but that’ll come soon). And in only 4 days I noticed a huge improvement in my attention span. I couldn’t imagine the effect on developing brains.
@KnottyCeltic Жыл бұрын
Parents are definitely the source. If you raise your kid not to respect authority, they aren't going to respect a teacher.
@vorrnth8734 Жыл бұрын
Here in Germany too. My girlfriend is a teacher at elementary school and once she told a mother: "You can can defend the behavior of your kid now all you want. I am just glad that i am not its teacher anymore when it gets into its teens." The mother was shocked 😁
@claudiaarmah2389 Жыл бұрын
I am in the generation but I refuse to adopt their characteristics.
@dinosaurwoman Жыл бұрын
I gotta say, I LOVE that us GenXers are just flat out forgotten in interviews like this. We're popping the popcorn, crackin' a beer, curling up on the couch, and laughing our butts off at this spectacle.
@pamelaann3690 Жыл бұрын
Funny because we were forgotten as children too. 🤣🤣🤣Feral and to fend for ourselves
@Lilly-ud6qs Жыл бұрын
Gen Xers are the reason why so many confused young people are running around in todays world. That is your legacy.
@reluctantly_human77 Жыл бұрын
@bacchaed2430 Жыл бұрын
Yes. I can concur. 😂
@mynx6969 Жыл бұрын
Totally agree 👍
@izziegiordano3168 Жыл бұрын
"the negative side of being over accepting is that you accept bad ideas" Taylor was spitting bars with this one
@HairySweetMango Жыл бұрын
I swear 😮
@Canthavemybones 10 ай бұрын
Perfectly sums it up
@eamonia Жыл бұрын
I find her impression of Dr. Phil to be sexist, racist and culturally insensitive to Southern Americans. Which is precisely why it had me rolling on the damn floor. Too funny, girl. Never change.
@jeremyofdee3274 8 ай бұрын
And with that, her impression was soo close to what Dr. Phil actually sounds like. I have only heard him in scattered videos and still almost thought it really was him lol. (until I saw her mouth moving, sometimes I try to listen more than see in these vids)
@johnmaltz7165 8 ай бұрын
Better than that chick with the crappy southern accent in the new hunger games movie
@LGSW-mh2vz Жыл бұрын
Being gen z, i’m incredibly embarrassed by my generation, I find it hard to connect with anyone on a deeper level that is younger than 35 😅
@lieffian Жыл бұрын
Congratulations, your a millennial now
@LGSW-mh2vz Жыл бұрын
@@lieffian I’m not sure if that’s better or worse 🤣❤️
@lieffian Жыл бұрын
@@LGSW-mh2vz tell me about it, I’m embarrassed for my generation as well (millennials)
@kristopherhayes486 Жыл бұрын
I can relate (gen Z-- 22yrs old-- born 2000)
@LGSW-mh2vz Жыл бұрын
@@kristopherhayes486 I’m 21, but I’m also a mom (who actually got married), so it’s hard to find people I can relate to
@Badwolf0683 Жыл бұрын
Generation Z is mostly just overly privileged. The cancel culture, arguing online, "standing up" for causes is just their attempt (in general) to feel validated and recognized in society. It's why they pretend they care that they're "fighting" for others, but in reality don't. Gen Z tends to donate less to help. They don't care about how their words and actions hurt other people. Their in general more narcissistic than any generation before and even after. This is a generalization, however for many who are the outspoken "whiners" this remains true.
@InscentiveAdvice Жыл бұрын
Too true!
@Watermelon74 Жыл бұрын
A lot don't recognize their privilege 😨 I'm a gen z and I believe we all have it easier but they have to learn how easy their life is. "You are your own oppressor." -Me
@Kerastalise Жыл бұрын
Not All Gen Z are like this, myself included, but it’s embarrassing. We have it good, but we make up unwanted problems it’s so stupid
@dontheador6649 Жыл бұрын
Not all, of course, but I think you pretty much nailed it.
@introspective_af Жыл бұрын
This may be a silly question but how do I participate in super chat?
@conradsmith9441 Жыл бұрын
I'm technically gen Z (I'm 24), but I'm pretty disappointed in most people in my generation. I honestly think that most of our problems are our fault. I haven't used most social media (Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, Twitter, Reddit) for at least 5 months now and don't want to go back. Social media messed with my spiritual and mental health and I don't like what it did to me. I don't think most people should be on social media...its just full of lust, pride, hate, envy, and misinformation. Not to mention that I might say something on the internet on my posts that someone could potentially use against me or judge me by in the future.
@bobafrost7366 Жыл бұрын
Same, I'm Gen Z. I think it's been a long time coming from political brainwash from higher ups/elites. I remember playing Webkinz as a 1st grader, they were already pushing global warming agenda back then using children games & merch. And there were a few other places I remember seeing it, but they were fleeting influences in my life compared to the latter. I also started having adults around me try to pressure me into thinking I needed to break gender stereotypes with comments they'd make (since I was already tomboyish), when I'd previously never been made to feel that way by other children around me, boy or not. That would've brainwashed me to be an activist if I hadn't around 5th grade looked around & realized none of my peers treated me that way, it was my own perceptions making me think that way due to external influences trying to give me a victim mentality (not that I called it that back then), but I'm glad I was able to wake up when I looked around & realized those feelings were not my own & not how I was treated in reality by my peers or I would've internalized someone else's pov & feelings about the topic that didn't reflect my reality and that's dangerously rampant in today's society vs. actual victims.
@RachelJamesS_ Жыл бұрын
My husband and I are gen Z, he’s 25 im 23, and we’re pregnant with our first kid. I’m actively deciding to homeschool her because of all the chaos happening. We deleted all of our social media except KZbin a longggg time ago, and my kid will not be participating in it. I want her to just focus on her education, public schools are just now some form of daycare and I just really want my kid to not only understand what she’s learning but excel when she’s older. That’s all I want, but this who shit show happening really has me concerned with how future generations will play out.
@safiahhinton529 Жыл бұрын
Dude same had to remind myself I’m not like theses crazy people just born at the same time 😅 why everyone so crazy and mean
@lin-1223 Жыл бұрын
29 millennial here- just deleted all my social media as well a few weeks ago and tv.streaming platforms (Hulu, Netflix, Disney, HBO). I’ve kept my KZbin, I will never go back to TikTok, I do still have my instagram and Facebook but I only allow myself to go on one day a week and that’s if I feel like- I mostly like to see what’s happening in friends and families lives. It’s so incredibly toxic, there’s so much hate, and after spending time on those platforms I have only felt worse. It has also messed with my spiritual and mental health but now I feel so much better. I don’t want social media to be a part of my everyday life. I have lived before it existed and life was great and I can live without it now and life can still be great.
@BigFaceTwenny Жыл бұрын
​@@lin-1223Dropped social media almost 2 years ago and don't regret it whatsoever. Life's a lot more rewarding when you just focus on the world and people in front of you.
@wolfiegirlxox Жыл бұрын
I have a friend who is a liberal and one time it came up in conversation that I was conservative and we had an actual nice discussion about it. We are still good friends and even if we disagree we can still talk and be friendly to each other. I really wish other people could do that.
@thedriedge24 Жыл бұрын
I found it interesting when Amala mentioned that it seems like people don't actually WANT things to get better. Which reminds me of something I read recently from a psychologist. In the book she spoke a lot about emotional addiction and how some people can seek out or create chaos because that was their emotional baseline growing up - so things going right or being calm feels unatural or unsettling. That's way oversimplified of course, but the general idea seems connected.
@lyhopkinz Жыл бұрын
We did this; we gave everyone a trophy for showing up instead of letting them fail and understanding it is okay to fail and not be good at something. You can find what you are good at and win at it.
@janetdesmith8125 Жыл бұрын
..and what kind of carbon 🚗 footprint 👣 🤔 did all those unnecessary trophies leave?
@Jackjohnjay Жыл бұрын
This is way bigger than participation trophies.
@terri639 Жыл бұрын
Well it isn't just that. We also protected the heck out of them and babied them. Then we also took away bullies. So no one told them they were annoying AF. So they are out there dancing on TikTok and instead of feeling shame like the rest of us would...they think it's great. This is the result of helicopter parenting and "safe spaces" and letting everyone think they are entitled to their opinion...even if you're not old enough to drive yet. There is no discipline anymore...even in schools. My friend is a teacher in the US. They just pass kids...even the ones that don't do their homework. Otherwise he has to fill out a lot of paperwork on why he's failing some kid and the school board gets involved.
@gregorypozzo5693 Жыл бұрын
That's a surprisingly solid Dr Phil impression you got there, Amala. Well done! 😆
@engelapunt7090 Жыл бұрын
as a gen z representative I just want to add that this is not a generational problem but a cultural problem, I myself live in a community where hard work and good character is rewarded and thus find myself often looking at my fellow peers in disgust. I was raised in a household which taught Christian values and encouraged me to think of other before myself,(tolerance was a key concept). By placing my focus outside of myself I grew less self-aware and less sensitive to how other perceived me, because that's all it was a perception. But honestly I think I would have turned out just like all my peers if it wasn't for the fact that I grew up in a healthy home environment. I shudder to think how I would have grown up as if I was raised in a household where you are forced to always think of yourself because no one else will. Just imagine not having a support network to fall back on? What kind of mindset would you develop if you only saw the worst side of people? You would start to see yourself as a victim and every body else as the villain.
@OlivePittsOnDesk Жыл бұрын
That is a great insight, but on the flip side I can't help but feel anyone can wallow in personal failure. My nieces and nephews are pathetically entitled and narcissistic because they had TOO MUCH support. The more they were given, the weaker they became until now they can hardly function.
@treyemory9725 Жыл бұрын
Yes! I feel the same way. I'm gay but I will vehemently deny being part of the LGBT
@michelleAL894 Жыл бұрын
I think there are more factors than this. I think what you said is a factor or can be a factor but I also believe that many other things can play a role as well. I had a wonderful Mom and she was there as much as she possibly could be but she was not healthy and couldn’t be very active in things I was apart of. More times than not I was out with friends and family making my own decisions. She would have reeled me back in had I been making bad decisions that she was aware of but for the most part I kept her out of the loop and was left to figure out life on my own. She also passed when I was 21. My Dad is an alcoholic who lives in another state. For a while I did consider myself a victim of my circumstances and life. A stranger told me that life is pretty simple if you try to do right and you stay focused you will eventually have a good life. If you give up and do bad then that’s where my life will remain. I thought the guy was a nutcase. I didn’t agree that life was simple. Now that I have my little family and we own our own home. I realize what he was saying. He wasn’t saying there wouldn’t be hard times he was just saying work for it and do good and eventually you will get there or sit and complain about my life blame others and stay stagnant. I didn’t listen to the knowledge he offered me because I had to learn on my own. Everyone is different for so many different reasons.
@ohthelovelypoems Жыл бұрын
@@treyemory9725 LGB without the T is a growing alliance.
@polives Жыл бұрын
@@ohthelovelypoems nothing against the T, and actually LGB on it's own makes a lot of sense because LGB are sexualities. When you bring the T in it becomes about gender, and trans people can be straight, therefore confounding the entire things. It's either LGB and then everything else - T, Q, N, I, etc, or everything lumped into one umbrella which has led to the ridiculously long and mashed up LGBTQI+
@SquirtlePower809 Жыл бұрын
Small correction- the Dixie Chick's actually did experience cancel culture from the conservative community. They pushed to have them removed from all radio stations, they did have Walmart and others pull their albums, and they did try to stop many concerts, etc.
@Fashioknitsta Жыл бұрын
Agreed. Their concerts were cancelled, they received death threats and their musical careers were derailed for over a decade. The difference being that it was news cycles rather than a social media storm.
@biancaxsmith Жыл бұрын
And on top of that.. It has come to light in recent years that they actually had a point in some of the things they were saying.
@biancaxsmith Жыл бұрын
And on top of that.. It has come to light in recent years that they actually had a point in some of the things they were saying.
@voiceofreason466 Жыл бұрын
As a Gen Z adult , I sometimes wonder if we gained a victim mentally because we secretly feel guilty for how much easier our generation had it then others. I grew up with a grandfather who is from the Silent Generation who told me many stories of how hard it was to grow up as a child . I wonder , if hearing these stories from our older generations over the years , we've created this subconscious guilt that we've had it easier . And because some of us have this guilt we tend to wanna be in that category too . "We'll we've had it bad too. We've had this , this and this " I will be honest I have no degree whatsoever in psychology and have no evidence to back up this view point . This is simply just a question of mine .
@inuandkagome4eva Жыл бұрын
I wouldnt call that guilt. Id say theyre jealous and want to be victims and have suffering
@makaylaforbes6719 Жыл бұрын
It's counterproductive to carry guilt over having things easier than your grandparents. The better way to deal with that would be to be thankful for how much easier things were for you, honor your grandparents by remembering their stories and learning from them, and don't be afraid to admit you need help if you find yourself in over your head in any kind of situation. There will always be someone who was at some point, been where you are, and willing to help you cope if you're not sure how to. Old people may not know everything, but we been there. Discussion of ideas without censorship, keeping an open mind is how innovation happens, and not only that, it's how we have survived as a species and a society.
@johnnybear1230 Жыл бұрын
I actually think there could be something to that idea (I'm a psych major)! It definitely wouldn't be the full explanation, but it could be a contributing factor in why people have grown up to have a victim mentality. Telling someone, especially a minor, that they have it easy is going to make that person defensive because it's honestly kind of demeaning and disregards all issues as fickle matters. Basically, it would give the same energy as "toughen up and deal with it," which is the worst way to handle anyone's emotions in most cases. Then what tends to happen with defensiveness is people will try to prove why the other person is wrong. In this case, it would look like the younger person saying all the issues they have to face. If that is a mentality that is triggered often enough, it will then become permanent in how one thinks; that person would not want to feel belittled again and would thus constantly feel the need to be push against those comments even when they are not present. That would then lead to the victim mentality of "everything is terrible for me." Now, if you considering how easy it is to hear those kinds of comments because of social media and the internet, it would make a lot of sense as to why so many people have this mindset. Disclaimer: The second paragraph is a bit speculative. I haven't learned or researched the prolonged effects of that kind of defensiveness, but it is based on similar ideas in psychology (such as the idea behind a growth mindset) and also what I have personally seen and experienced.
@voiceofreason466 Жыл бұрын
@@johnnybear1230 omg thank you so much , for this!!! Def no education background on my end so this was very helpful !!!!! Thank you so much for sharing your educated input on this !
@Blahblahblahblahblahblahblah1 Жыл бұрын
As a 25 year old gen z and sociology major, I definitely don’t think it’s guilt. The bigger issue is that they don’t feel guilt over these things. It’s just a culmination of our history. With the older generations facing harder times in life, they also had easier and cheaper access to college and buying a house. There’s no denying that we are living in a time of super high inflation, expensive schooling costs, distrust of the government from past history, and a super unstable economy. People go bankrupt over a medical emergency, or forgo marriage and children because of the extreme costs associated with it today. I think gen z ultimately feels hopeless about their future’s and instead of channeling this into a growth mindset, it’s been channeled into a victim mindset because they see that growth is incredibly hard in todays world. Not that it hasn’t always been, but previous generations just channeled it differently. No generation has had it easy but as someone whose main job is analyzing society, this is a very complex situation in today’s world. I’ve recently begun to distance myself from the left because it’s gotten too much for me, and I have a feeling I’m not the only one who will do this.
@ItsTaniya Жыл бұрын
As a gen z black girl, I’m proud to say I’m not like the rest of these kids😭 today’s kids believe socialism is good🤦🏾‍♀️ just embarrassing
@renalda010 Жыл бұрын
As a fellow gen z girl, these people are crazy 😬
@ayarriba9093 Жыл бұрын
Same here, I'm so sick of this madness and will be fighting against it til I die.
@TaylorAmelia Жыл бұрын
@adararelgnel2695 Жыл бұрын
I'm also gen Z! I'm married, religious Jewish and have 2 babies so far. We are so unique lol.
@Midnitethorn Жыл бұрын
I am a young millennial and a lot ifus jump on this bandwagon too. It's weird to see and experience the newer/younger generations,I wonder how much if it is just us being bored of being desensitized, so we make all this drama.
@lorrylane69 Жыл бұрын
Too true. I definitely feel it about cancel culture. In the past we just boycotted and did not support what we did not like. “I don’t like it, I’m not going to enjoy it. Just because it’s not for me doesn’t mean that it’s not for anyone.” Now with fragile Zoomers it has become “I don’t like it so it should be cancelled entirely so no one can enjoy it. And the person responsible needs to be fired and not eligible to be hired for anything else ever again.” Those that fit into this Gen Z stereotype are ridiculous!
@LarissaDawn Жыл бұрын
They only want to cancel people who don't serve them. Not people who actually need to be de-platformed, which directly goes against freedom of speech
@Cheryskul Жыл бұрын
It's definitely a savior complex lmao
@iFParasit Жыл бұрын
Its a lack of outside validation since they did not have to grapple with realityvtheyre shallow personalities. So they need to fill that with THE MESSAGE so they can feel good because ppl repeat what they repeat. The moment u make them face reality their whoke world crumbles apart. Sadly if reality and your worldvirw are to far apart u become depressed
@Sunflower8587 Жыл бұрын
I'm passive aggressive. I protest with my wallet. For example, movies. When someone on Tik Tok said Black Panther: Wakanda Forever is not for White people, I said ok. Message received. I spent my money on Black Adam instead. Love The Rock...who doesn't insult fans. He is the man. If I was thinking about going to see a movie but then an actor insults people for not going to see it, calling them -ists, etc. that has the opposite effect on me. I refuse to see that movie now. They act like we owe them something, but we owe them nothing. They are in the business of entertainment. Their job is to help people, their customers, forget the monotony of their lives for awhile. If we aren't into the subject matter they are presenting, we're not going to spend out extra spending money on their movie. We're going to watch something that does interest us and support people who understand that. Would they honestly give their money to a company or actor who insulted them? Neither do we.
@maschaorsomething Жыл бұрын
In the past? Things were cancelled ALL THE TIME in the past.
@introspective_af Жыл бұрын
There are bad apples in both generations but I think pitting the generations against each other is just another distraction & reason to fight amongst ourselves as citizens instead of focusing on the problems the “people in charge” are creating
@justinbieltz5903 Жыл бұрын
You mean like the trans movement, or critical race theory, or providing medical care to children (mental or physical), or forcing children to have to learn about sex in elementary school… she is fighting the problems the people in charge are creating. Maybe you haven’t seen the news but she’s fighting the current people in charge. But yeah lol
@introspective_af Жыл бұрын
@@justinbieltz5903 I love Amala. I’m not talking about her. I’m talking about the fact that Gen Z hating Baby Boomers and vice versa is a waste of everyone’s time. Gen Z, Boomers and everyone in between should focus our energy on the bullshit the people in charge are doing
@justinbieltz5903 Жыл бұрын
@@introspective_af no you’re right. Makes sense. Sorry if it came off as attacking you. But you’re right
@sigmar4564 Жыл бұрын
Actually Gen Z is the result of declining parenting over the last 60 years
@introspective_af Жыл бұрын
@@justinbieltz5903 haha you’re all good my friend. 🙏
@katemelanie346 Жыл бұрын
It's the parents fault. I was making dire predictions about this generation 15 years ago when I first started working in early childhood. The parenting style was so weak and permissive, the parents were so frightened of setting boundaries and their children were so selfish and dysregulated, because almost nobody bothered to expect or teach them better. I was apalled at how mainstream permissive parenting had become and at the behaviour of many children i cared for. It didn't take a genius to figure out that this was not going to end well when they became adults.
@bobbibruce3533 11 ай бұрын
I have been teaching for forty plus years and I can tell you my supervisors have changed student grades, told me to lower the bar, and did everything on the planet to avoid conflict or hold anyone accountable for their behavior.
@konaqua122 9 ай бұрын
I've taken care of my niece for like years even before she started walking. When she first get to school, the first thing I said, "If someone slapped you, punch them in the face. if your teacher or their parents would get mad, tell me and I would defend your action." Years later, her classmate started harassing her. A few days after, my niece socked her in the face. Weirdly, that girl's parents never reported the incident. I was excited to go to the school. After that, the girl never touched my niece again. That's how you take care of a bully.
@jeremyofdee3274 8 ай бұрын
Discipline needed more than a "think about what you've done" and because abuse in our gen became wildly known so quickly many parents were afraid to do that(fear is no excuse btw, have the guts to raise a child right). Just led to children who expect greatness without input.
@Purplelemon5033 8 ай бұрын
Agree no resilience, emotionally dysregulated, no boundaries,everything has to be instant gratification. I swear TikTok is causing brain damage to the youth. Kids literally can’t concentrate for more than a few seconds because they’re used to short videos. Explosion in autism and adhd literally every other kid has it. A lot of them probably have personality disorders but in the uk personality disorders are not diagnosed till the age of 18 as they don’t want to label a child too young so comes under the umbrella of autism until they come of age. In the hope that tharapy etc will turn them around. Work in kids mental health and the difference in just the last few years is astonishing• we used to have maybe a few paracetamol overdoses (i think it’s called tylanol in America)a week and a few drunk teens, self harming but mostly superficial now they cut to the bone and are hanging themselves jumping off bridges.
@imperialsecuritybureau6037 6 ай бұрын
Which is worrying, because if it’s that engrained, they may never really correct course - their personalities will be forever maladaptively formed unless they have some later awakening
@chaneykane3828 Жыл бұрын
As a naturally sensitive person, learning to deal with adversity was the best thing that happened to me. It changed my life for the better and we shouldn’t be robbing the younger generation of learning that valuable skill.
@polives Жыл бұрын
I'm so glad I've found this podcast because as a late millennial, I have a lot of Gen Z online friends and the way they communicate and the amount of shaming they direct at me for daring to ask questions, look to science for varied views and answers on issues was honestly starting to make me doubt my own personality. And I'm a forensic psychologist with a decade of experience in applied psychology under my belt. Don't even get me started on the utter ignorance and disbelief my so-called online friends display of my knowledge and experience when they themselves bring forward that they have this or that mental health issue that they can't overcome.
@poissonpuerile8897 Жыл бұрын
Never get between a sad, weak soul and their precious self-diagnosis!
@megancellucci3869 Жыл бұрын
the mental games these people play - they want you doubting yourself. None of them seeks actual truth - they've been taught to live "their own truth." Thanks Oprah...
@ah5721 10 ай бұрын
Time to get some new online friends.
@thenextcountry 10 ай бұрын
@@poissonpuerile8897 💯
@christine9615 Жыл бұрын
Gen-Xer here...and I am so glad I belong to a generation that learned to suck it up without whining about every tiny slight. We even learned to suck it up when life really truly sucks. I learned to let stuff go and move on. Life's too short to sweat the small stuff and in the end almost everything is small stuff.
@luv2eatpuss79 Жыл бұрын
our parents called us soft and slackers, Just sayin
@christine9615 Жыл бұрын
@@luv2eatpuss79 lol 😆
@takenby_cj Жыл бұрын
i always like gen-X. my friends were and are gen x, my teacher was gen-x. i grew up with gen x. there's a lot wisdom and how they look at problem. and what i like most is the chillin' side of them. my parents are boomer so it's always in strict and panic mode ; but the work ethic is amazing, i can't even touch their standard.
@AJ-pi9qh Жыл бұрын
Personally as a gen z kid raised by gen x parents I think I grew very close and respectful for my parents I saw them struggle and survive many issues made by politicians growing up. This is why I hate boomers because in my eyes those people made selfish horrible decisions we will have to face as they die off.
@christine9615 Жыл бұрын
@@AJ-pi9qh you are absolutely right about that. They have created a political and educational system that is so far removed from normal, everyday people.
@dennis.the.menace Жыл бұрын
”My feelings are hurt” is not a real thing, its a state after a reaction to something you thought in your mind, based on something you heard, read or saw. A ”feeling” cant be hurt.
@CareBlair222 Жыл бұрын
I feel hurt makes more sense.
@JoFa876 Жыл бұрын
We have gone so far left that even a left leaning liberal, such as myself, has been left behind. It's gone from reasonable to insanity in a very short amount of time.
@Tipper65 Жыл бұрын
I’m so tired of the “if you’re not with me, you’re against me” mentality. Thank you for always promoting open dialogue. I loved the comment by the Gen Zer who appreciated the easy access to information. I wish more would feel that way. I feel our education systems are failing us, and the lack of general and basic knowledge in young adults is scary.
@ga-eul21 Жыл бұрын
Gen z: the generation of playing pretend so hard that even the adults start to play along
@SquirtlePower809 Жыл бұрын
This is terrifyingly accurate
@sydnifrancis1503 Жыл бұрын
my generation sucks. I worked at Bob Evans as a dishwasher and the number of compliments I got from management was honestly very telling. Washing dishes is not rocket science, but apparently that was a little too strenuous for some people. I work at Giant Eagle now putting produce out and we are severely understaffed because they keep hiring teenagers who work for one week, find out they have to do actual work and can't just sit around on their phones, and then leave. There is no work ethic.
@Construction_Girl Жыл бұрын
It’s the same in the care homes right now. We are getting people who don’t want to work and think it’s appropriate to be sitting in a corner in their phone. It’s not just the zoomers though, work ethic seems to be going out the window these days 🤦🏻‍♀️
@diane4488 Жыл бұрын
That has been my impression, judging by some young carers I've had. It's so sad, because they will have such a bland, dreadful life. 😐
@erinlafave3438 Жыл бұрын
Many gen z’s are lazy at work. They stand around talking or come in late to work. They complain about others work ethic. They make fun of co workers too, then try to throw the person they bully under the bus to try and justify their behavior.
@erinlafave3438 Жыл бұрын
I’ve seen young managers who are lazy. And talk back to customers. They get away with it too.
@vertiibhabie3616 Жыл бұрын
Thank God I was two weeks away from being a Gen Z
@kaylar.8126 Жыл бұрын
What do you consider the cut off line?
@pineappleonpizza395 Жыл бұрын
Wat 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
@vertiibhabie3616 Жыл бұрын
@@kaylar.8126 I thought it was 1996 last time I checked
@Ghalion666 Жыл бұрын
If I was just 1 year older Id be gen x. Instead I barely made being a millenial. Doh! Funny thing is I never had friends at school my own age, they were always at least 1 year older, no joke. I know thats just coincidence but its an amusing one.
@christine9615 Жыл бұрын
@delphi-moochymaker62 Жыл бұрын
The bearded guy is 100% correct. I have been studying and using CBT for over a decade. The thought distortions in Gen Z match the table of cognitive distortions and irrational beliefs to the letter. Engaging in those cognitive distortions leads to a miserable life for anyone.
@persephone342 Жыл бұрын
I’m mixed race and growing up in the late 70’s through the 90’s wasn’t easy. I faced plenty of rejection and that only made me fight harder. I was determined to give the finger to those who told me I was nothing. When I wasn’t hired or accepted into a program, I contacted the interviewer to ask why and I took constructive criticism well. I also sent handwritten thank you notes either way. I usually received an invitation to join their company or program the next time around without even applying. Don’t underestimate beautiful stationary and handwritten notes. Those that bitched and complained went nowhere. Their parents were narcissists that raised narcissists. When they grew tired of their own shit, that’s when they were ready to hear honest constructive criticism and suggestions. Many will go out of their way to help someone who humbles themselves. Not false humility or feigned helplessness, but rather someone who has taken an honest inventory of themselves- failures and strengths. I believe Gen Z has some extremely brilliant individuals in their ranks. I’ve met many. However, those individuals are willing to learn and contribute for the betterment of their careers and their lives. Being loud and disrespectful will not gain you friends or respect from others. Also, I’d fire your ass and you can threaten me all you’d like but I actually know the law and how it works. I’m not going to fire you because of your views or disruptive attitude. No.. I’m going to fire you because of your lack of work ethic, absenteeism, failure to comply with your job description, and being intolerant to the views of others and racist overstates towards anyone on the basis of ethnicity, race, or gender. If you believe that being a BIPOC, LGBTQ, Christian protects you, it does not. I’m black and Jewish and talking shit about white, straight men and privilege will get you a pink slip fast. I’d fire a white supremacist who openly mocked Jews and POC in a fucking heart-beat. I’d fire employees for talking shit about Republicans or Democrats because that creates a hostile environment for everybody. I don’t discriminate when firing people. Talk shit and find out. If I catch you cyber stalking your coworkers on company time… you’re out. So please don’t come to my office and tell me so and so attended a Trump rally, Pride, BLM rally or any other event that has nothing to do with your employment directly. I would highly encourage all of my employees to use social media intelligently and keep their place of employment off their profiles. Use the privacy features and protect your loved ones from your activism. If I get calls from people wanting me to fire an employee for being bitchy or not politically correct, I’m going to call the cops on the callers and file charges for harassment. I’m not going to police my employees for their internal feelings or beliefs. As long as they do their job, treat others with curiosity and respect, and follow the code of conduct established for my company then we’re good. Welcome to reality!!
Жыл бұрын
You sound just like my auntie lol
@megannoe2057 Жыл бұрын
If only you wasn't a dying breed here in America. You have a great moral and ethical code that our younger generations are more often than not, lacking. As you stated, not every youth is coddled and uneducated, but a unprecedented number of youth today lack responsibility and self awareness. It's a shame but it's also absolutely terrifying for the future of our country.
@royalty.of.the.kingdom Жыл бұрын
This was a super long comment actually worth reading, most realistic I've seen anyone be on the comments section. Thank you.
@persephone342 Жыл бұрын
@ Thank you! You’re auntie must be a very wise and sassy woman! ♥️
@persephone342 Жыл бұрын
@@megannoe2057 Thank you! I’m absolutely terrified by the lack of informed and responsible youth expected to be tomorrow’s leaders. They are going to suffer needlessly because their parents and other responsible adults have utterly failed to prepare them for the future. I can only hope that someone wakes them from Never-Land before something happens that they can’t return from. What really pisses me off are the companies/corporations and politicians encouraging an environment that lacks responsibility and real consequences. These are the very same people that will do nothing to help them in the end. So while Gen Z champions the belief systems of these “woke” corporations and politicians, they are actually sabotaging Gen Z’s ability to be successful. And who are they going to expect to bail their failing institutions and businesses out when these poor children wake up from the nightmare they call their life? Taxpayers. I’m all for fighting a righteous cause, but virtue signaling isn’t that call to to action. Those of us who are responsible adults are going to be punished by the “social revolution” of bad actors. I can only hope that more people wake up before the America we grew up in becomes a socialist nightmare. Most socialist societies are going belly up and their citizens aren’t even aware their countries are nearly bankrupt. European countries love to criticize Americans and our government, while being blissfully ignorant of the state of their governments.
@tatum5000 Жыл бұрын
What's confusing is that Gen Z is the most sensitive generation, but they have not gone through any of the struggles that the Baby Boomers and other generations went through. They have had a cake walk compared to other generations, but they are more sensitive and weak.
@mary-janegreen1513 Жыл бұрын
Thats probably why they are so sensitive. They have no real issues so they need to make them up for attention.
@proudamericantrucker1559 Жыл бұрын
Not for long. It's all going to collapse
@tatum5000 Жыл бұрын
@@mary-janegreen1513 That's actually a good point!
@tatum5000 Жыл бұрын
@Brianna Jenell I'm a 93 baby...and I definitely agree with your comment!
@tatum5000 Жыл бұрын
@@Enoo-Wynn The fighting and chaos during the civil rights movement...the President was assassinated...Civil rights icon MLK Jr. assassinated...the start of the Cold War and drills where students had to get under their desks to learn what to do if a missile was fired...the Cuban Missile Crisis...boomers were the ones drafted in Vietnam...the Watergate scandal messed up everything for a long time...Boomers are known to have the worst illnesses out of all generations and are also known as the Suicide generation. And those issues are all politically related...they don't include the household customs Boomers were raised up in.
@captainawesome5561 Жыл бұрын
I witnessed a “pumpkin carving engagement” once! My boyfriend at the time and I were with his family to carve pumpkins and all of a sudden his older sister started screaming when she took the top off her pumpkin. We all thought she cut herself but it turns out, her boyfriend had put the ring inside the pumpkin. Now they have a house and 2 kids so I guess pumpkin based engagements work out?
@thesaviorvsevilqueen1218 Жыл бұрын
That’s so cute à proposal ! Well done to them ! ❤
@kmac892 Жыл бұрын
All I heard is what I've been saying for years. Parents are to blame for their lazy weak minded children.
@georgieleigh6282 Жыл бұрын
^THIS! I've seen so many comments blaming the actual kids. But why are the kids the way they are? Parents influence. Children don't learn from nowhere.
@sporkfaceman Жыл бұрын
Sure blame other people for your problems. Pathetic.
@tita7308 Жыл бұрын
@@georgieleigh6282 now they learn from the leftist teachers who are indoctrinating them.
@Hope-LW Жыл бұрын
You forget, children spend more time at school, with their peers and teachers, than they do at home with their parents.
@toddles9 Жыл бұрын
This generation is much more child-like than any preceding generation. This whole 'stop being mean' idea is something ten-year olds might say.
@kyotoai Жыл бұрын
"We just want to be heard..." But you DON'T want anyone who disagrees with you to be heard. That's the problem.
@TheAlabastard Жыл бұрын
I've just discovered you because of a friend's share. You are a special breed of awesome. You pissed me off while forcing me to think. You earned my subscribe.
@loveandlive05 Жыл бұрын
I am in my 30's and was hired as a manager at a place. The people I was managing were the majority in high school. It opened my eyes to how working with Gen Z will be. Most of the young ladies identified as lesbian but had boyfriends. When I asked why was that they said because it was easier for them to make emotional connections with woman then with men but if they happen to find a man they can make an emotional connection with then they would date the man. Two of the girls were non binary. It was very interesting listening to their point of view as well. I was really open to learning and they were eager to teach me. But at least once a week one of these young people would have a melt down. I chalked it up to them being hormonal but we even went as far as having one of them throw a complete tantrum In front of the manament team. She threw herself on the floor and started kicking and yelling and was slapping herself in the face all because we wanted to correct her on some mistakes she had made with some customers. For example her yelling infont of customers and using inappropriate language. Her saying that the food was not good in a loud voice and discouraging customer from purchasing certain items just because she did not like them. We told her if she had any concerns she needed to come to management and not express them to the customers. Once she had her melt down the management team ended up apologizing to her and they continued to walk around eggshells with her as not to upset her.
@MBelle-sl4nw Жыл бұрын
Record her tantrum and fire her ass. People like her contribute to a nation.
@TaylorAmelia Жыл бұрын
I need to laugh at how crazy they are 😂 lesbians with boyfriends 🤣🤣🤣
@proudamericantrucker1559 Жыл бұрын
That person shouldn't have even had a chance to act like a small child all, fired on the spot. Sorry not sorry. Grow up
@persephone342 Жыл бұрын
I would have fired her ass. Walking around on eggshells for a grown woman that disrespects customers and her coworkers isn’t how you deal with a bad Apple. You throw the bad apple out so it doesn’t contaminate the other apples. And calling themselves lesbians while having a boyfriend?? How many actual lesbians have these girls interacted with? Most lesbians I know would call those girls straight! Lol!!
@thesecondderivative8967 Жыл бұрын
Lesbians with boyfriends 😂😂😂😂
@MzMaryK606 Жыл бұрын
I want to say that I love your channel!!! Thank you for being so real. You are a inspiration to women ♥️♥️♥️♥️
@caldwela Жыл бұрын
My 8th grade daughter's principal looked straight at me and said "failing a core class won't stop her from passing." I had to restrain myself from asking her, "do you hear yourself? She can fail a CORE class and still pass?"
@eily_b Жыл бұрын
Yes. This is what happens when generations go by without any hardship. People lose their focus and get nuts over nothing.
@christinamccall6450 Жыл бұрын
The comment "are they failing" to the teacher complaining about cell phones really pissed me off. It's not about that. It's about basic courtesy and respect. This is a perfect example of the entitlement of gen z.
@jamesplymire5342 6 ай бұрын
@jasperrester2264 Жыл бұрын
No one mentioned safe spaces and trigger warnings, which are just solid proof of how sensitive gen z is.
@pathacker4963 Жыл бұрын
The only spaces were under our desks when we ducked and covered.
@AJ-pi9qh Жыл бұрын
Yes but those things were put into place and taught by millennials and boomers. Gen zers were still in high school when things like transgenderism became a thing? We are not the generation teaching this crap. And I hold the teachers more responsible and then my fellow impressionable gen zers
@Durzo1259 Жыл бұрын
@@AJ-pi9qh But the teachers who push this ideology aren't representative of boomers and millennials. They're a tiny minority who used their insane ideology to brainwash a far more significant majority of gen-z. The cult of wokism is a massive crowd of gen-Z-ers run by a tiny group of millennials and boomers, so gen-z is still in total the generation of neurotic snowflakes.
@hellbound9136 Жыл бұрын
They are a more fragile generation, whether the young man with the full beard, and huge earrings wants to admit it or not. This is a generation of subjective truth, because they fear objective reasoning. Their level of fragility is quite scary and if this trend continues, there's no hope for the other generations to come.
@persephone522 Жыл бұрын
Omg I love that you guys hit on the grade thing. My children (in HS) had 4-5 opportunities to redo each assignment if failed or just didn’t do. So wild!! When I was in school, if I failed or didn’t do an assignment all I could do was do better next time.
@RachelJayne92 Жыл бұрын
That’s nuts. When I started hs, (2005) the pass line for tests and assignments etc was 75%, and one attempt. By the time I graduated (2010) it had been lowered to 40%, and you could have multiple attempts. No wonder we’re all getting so dumb and sensitive.
@ambertowne4670 Жыл бұрын
I just found this show! I really enjoy listening to Amala she is so intelligent and sounds like she has done a lot of research. Thanks for making the show and speaking up about these issues!❤
@shelleybeek2181 Жыл бұрын
I’m a boomer and use my phone constantly for research. Any time a question about something arises I can look it up right then. I’m frequently amazed. I grew up in a time when we called the reference desk at the library if we couldn’t find the answer in our encyclopedias or textbooks. I actually thought that was a cool thing to be able to do. It was an after hours thing and you could get help with your homework.
@Mysteriuminiquitatis1998 Жыл бұрын
I’m a gen z and that still sounds pretty cool to me. Though it’s not as fast as looking it up online, it still sounds pretty cool. My generation does have it easier but I think a lot of things now taken for granted and we are too impatient and overstimulated.
@shamiekabertram5222 Жыл бұрын
Ask rose
@Dragonblaster1 Жыл бұрын
Me too. No spotty teenager knows more about tech than me.
@JosephGenther Жыл бұрын
Gen-X sees technology as tools. Phones in hands of young kids is harmful
@DckTrcy Жыл бұрын
We dialed a # for the correct time to set our wind up Timex watch
@zach8644 Жыл бұрын
The problem with his take on information is that millennials experienced the ease of information first, and only half of us turned into pathetic turds. Besides, it was an older generation that developed the internet, so a lot of generations know how to use technology.
@LarissaDawn Жыл бұрын
There's no debate. Yes, EVERYONE is too sensitive.
@nightflurry410 Жыл бұрын
Agreed- I can't say anything without having to dance around a topic. So i just stopped caring tbh. If they got butthurt, i decided to just stop being around them-...
@danika7894 Жыл бұрын
@@nightflurry410 exactly. i’m not gonna change my beliefs to make someone more comfortable
@LarissaDawn Жыл бұрын
@@nightflurry410 Fr. They're offended? Not my fault. If they can rant and rave, we can speak rationally.
@sookiebyun4260 Жыл бұрын
I am very happy that I discovered your channel! I am also a Liberal turned Conservative.
@TheUnhousedWanderer Жыл бұрын
As a bisexual man with mental health issues, I used to identify heavily with those things and was always unhappy. After doing way too much LSD one night, I realized that I was forcing myself into a certain behavior by identifying as these labels. I gave myself very little room for improvement. Stuck in a box, as the cliche goes. I'm Gen X, watching from the sideline as Boomers, Millennials, and Gen Z blame each other for everything. We need more Gen X influence in the world, but we're too old for social media influencing, and too young to have any influence in the real world.
@jaqenhghar2970 10 ай бұрын
I'm pretty sure you Gen X'ers are part of the fray. You guys definitely look down on us Millennials when most of the blame should actually go to Gen Z's and Gen Alphas.
@redwolf92 Жыл бұрын
Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.
@solidflyer286 Жыл бұрын
And times are going to get very very hard over the next few decades
I completely agree Instant gratification through electronics and promotion of narcissism in social media Everyone wants to be a millionaire but nobody wants to work for it People want free everything, handouts, and have excuses for everything. They want everyone to feel bad for them making poor choices.
@a.walters123 Жыл бұрын
Amala, PLEASE cover the “Mahogany” collection for black people. I went to get a birthday card today and the section for black people took up half the entire aisle. I don’t say people of color, because its specifically black only, and I’m not sure why they need a separate genre as cards contain words - which are applicable to every skin color. Ironically, it’s owned by Hallmark, yet people of color are buying this stuff thinking it supports the black community 🤦🏻‍♀️
@1tommyday 10 ай бұрын
It's just segregation of cultures all over again. Not good
@Charmedish Жыл бұрын
As a millennial, we know we are too screwed for this world and argument. We’ve basically bent over and accepted that we’re all flucked 🤡
@breeward4068 Жыл бұрын
Talking about mental health. I’m 18, a “zoomer” at the video called it and I hate how we view mental health in this day and age. Don’t get me wrong I love that we’re more aware of it and there’s a lot more acceptance and help available to those suffering. I myself suffered from depression and anxiety. I still have my bad days but I hate how it’s become glorified, almost as if it’s the popular thing to do. to say “I have a mental health disorder, now everyone walk on eggshells around me and only say what I want you to say.” It seems everyone is screaming from the roof tops what’s wrong with them like it’ll earn them points. I know when I was in a dark place I didn’t want anyone to know, hid what was happening inside me for years before I got help. My mum used to tell her friends she’d “lost” me (metaphorically speaking) and I just don’t understand how people can be so vocal about everything that’s wrong with them but refuse help when it’s offered. It’s insane to me how a generation can be so open minded and accepting but still be completely closed off and unaccepting at the same time.
@danika7894 Жыл бұрын
i got diagnosed with BPD last year. and those symptoms were literally haunting me for years. even when i was little. i am not proud of it it’s not exciting or cool it’s embarrassing and hard. and now people on tiktok seem to be faking their disorders it’s just really scary why would u want a disorder that affects your life and the people around you you’re so right
@TigerRoseable Жыл бұрын
I think it was 2020 when there was an explosion of people on TikTok, mainly teenaged girls and young women, claiming to have MPD - Multiple Personality Disorder. In 2021 there was another explosion of those claiming mental illness; this time it was Tourettes. Mental illness, to those faking these disorders, has become a fashion accessory and just another checkmark on the board of their victimhood hierarchy. In the 1980s or 1990s, friend groups developed anorexia or bulimia. It's truly sad, and takes away from the respect and care due those who are ACTUALLY suffering.
@djjaysky9071 Жыл бұрын
you are a millennial
@aschmum Жыл бұрын
~ 17:35 It’s not just Gen Z! It’s literally everyone - myself included (millennial). I’ll chat with my coworkers and someone will “wonder” something that has a definitive answer. For example, “I wonder how many miles apart the US and the UK are.” And then everyone will guess the answers while shuffling through their iphones music library. Sooo many times I’ve burst into laughter once I realize we’re a bunch of dumb people with smart phones.
@dustyfuller5632 Жыл бұрын
@infjjedi3335 Жыл бұрын
I have 2 Gen z’s. And yes. But I have a theory My husband and I are Gen X who were raised by rough neck, grab your nuts kind of boomers because we felt neglected and on our own we’ve in turn coddled and over loved and protected our kids. 🙄😞 I kick my own ass everyday and I’m trying to change it. ❤
@opalightorro375 Жыл бұрын
I agree. It was awesome being out in the world til the street lights came on, or trusting pretty much anyone, but with that came other dangers that isn't often discussed.
@akashajones6079 Жыл бұрын
Parents need to find somewhere inbetween those two extremes.
@SpiceGhouls Жыл бұрын
I think the problem is not so much a surplus of sensitivity but a lack of resilience. Being sensitive and caring about others and your own needs is a good thing, but when you lack resilience it leaves you unable to cope/function when anything slightly negative or inconvenient happens and makes you unhappier than the situation can justify.
@CollaborativeVODS Жыл бұрын
The GenZ people start every sentence with "I feel". Where the boomers often start with "well I think"
@gigilarigi3132 Жыл бұрын
For me, I think “Zoomers” like you all are the best representation. You’ve got common sense and you listen, even if you don’t agree, and form logical, informative discussions instead of stomping your feet, sticking your noses in the air, and saying we’re just “wrong” because we’re old. That’s the heartbreaking thing that Millennials and Gen Z does…the ageism. Not like we were any better because it always seems to come down to who had it easier. No generation has it easier than the others. They all create problems for the next. We all had issues that were a product of that time. So thank you for not blaming us for all the problems you face. 🥰
@Bonnie-or6nj Жыл бұрын
I love how that lady thinks they will be ceos 😆 you can't be weak and get to that level. You either have intestinal fortitude or you don't.
@Bonnie-or6nj Жыл бұрын
@Intergalactic Dust Bunny the real world will hit them hard. This is a global society. They will be fired and someone who isn't a giant baby about everything will be hired.
@ivy3723 Жыл бұрын
I was born in 1997, idk what that makes me but I feel this. I have a diagnosed personality disorder, since 2020 especially I’ve spent more time focussing on how “bad” my mental health is than anything else. I bought into the idea that my whole life should revolve around the label, it’s ok that I’m mentally ill, I don’t have a job, I still live with my parents etc. I had full time employment since being 17, until covid, it’s insane to me how in 2 years I’ve regressed to living like a teenager primarily because of this mindset that frankly is everywhere in this generation. Once I realised this, I’ve actually made proactive steps to get out of this bs and *do* *something* with my life.
@Construction_Girl Жыл бұрын
Bravo Ivy. It’s that mentality that sets you apart from the rest. Keep doing what you are doing and don’t let anyone put you in a box. We all have so much more to give if we can just embrace life and keep reaching for our goals 💜 You got this 🤜🏼🤛🏼
@proudamericantrucker1559 Жыл бұрын
God bless you and good for you for actually critically thinking about how this mentality is harmful to your life. You can't fix a problem until you recognize it.
@solidflyer286 Жыл бұрын
Building your identity around a particular thing is never a good thing. I know new mothers who build their ID around being. A baby wearer or breastfeeding or whatever. Then when that phase in their life ends they can’t cope and this is true of any single issue identity. You’re doing great getting through this.
@WhizzingFish12 Жыл бұрын
Read Jordan Petersons 12 Rules for Life. Seriously. It's a very practical guide to getting your feet under you and engaging with the world in a way that makes you feel worthwhile and gives you purpose. He's so popular for good reason (and the left hates him for it)
@opallang3587 Жыл бұрын
I have often thought that boomers and gen z are actually very similar. This also reminds me of a great saying from my childhood on how to cope,with sensitivity that we all experienced at times . The saying is “ I’m rubber and you are glue,what bounces off of me sticks to you “.
@lorifish3027 Жыл бұрын
The Dixie chicks got flack bc they went to Europe on tour and said they were ashamed their president was from Texas. And they were ashamed of America. That’s why there were cd burning parties bc they insulted the bulk of their fan base as country music stars.
@Angelina6518 Жыл бұрын
I remember that incident, seems like ages ago.
@kdj703 Жыл бұрын
Marren Morris lost a huge part of her country fan base in one fail swoop just a month ago....
@JennySEJ Жыл бұрын
I don't really care for the labeling of different gens, it's just a way to cause seperation. I would say, that the sensitivity shown here comes from being raised by generations, sometimes many generations, of traumatized people, it doesn't matter what we call those generations because it all boils down to one thing; either you find a way to deal with your generational trauma and actively end that cycle, or you claim victimhood and keep breeding trauma. Nowadays it's very clear to see who can deal with life, and who aren't yet equipped.
@LopsideMakes Жыл бұрын
Gen Z isn't "too sensitive", they aren't sensitive enough! They have fragile egos, and can't really feel anything at all.
@liaml.e.5964 Жыл бұрын
Gen Z isn't too sensitive. It is outright weak. Torn down by the slightest inconvenience, defeated over the smallest occurrence.
@williamhogge5549 Жыл бұрын
You guys may be a little too young to remember, but the problem everyone had with the Dixie Chicks was not their opposition to the war, but that they were in another country (UK) trashing the USA on stage. Their unpopular opinion just made it worse.
@tomjackson4374 Жыл бұрын
What's happening now is not new. Nations and Empires have a life cycle just like humans and this nation is in steep and serious decline. We have raised several generations to be weak and dependent. Now those traits are coming to fruition. Also when the decline starts it almost never reverses.
@karriu4769 Жыл бұрын
The Dixie chick thing was huge. Back then radio was still bigger than stream sites, and they weren’t played on radio waves, their sales took a massive hit etc. For it’s time I would say it’s close to cancel culture. The difference is how easy it is to go deeper into someone’s career with the internet.
@jacobfoss7783 Жыл бұрын
I'm Gen Z and I double down on "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger." I think "what doesn't kill you is a gift to be treasured. Wear your scars with pride!"
@haggiesm Жыл бұрын
There's a huge difference between fragility and sensitivity. You can be sensitive to certain issues without being fragile and easy to offend.
@sophielesher8002 Жыл бұрын
I’m so passionate about this as a recent college grad… I don’t necessarily regret getting my degree and all, but the systematic brainwashing and lack of care for real student education was remarkable. and most everyone is just a sheep that plays along and has no idea. and it got significantly worse when everything went online for “covid”
@tita7308 Жыл бұрын
Congratulations on coming out of it unscathed.
@seanchan4478 Жыл бұрын
Twitter culture and Karen culture are so damn similar, and I find it funny that neither side sees it.
@lorifish3027 Жыл бұрын
I noticed Gen Xers aren’t apart if this conversation…you know why…bc we ROCK! We’re the best generation! 😎
@PaisaSteve Жыл бұрын
We would just tell them all to stop being fucking babies.
@GenuineLhachwen Жыл бұрын
We are the middle child generation lol
@awsome182 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, but wasn't it Gen X bringing up GenZ? I mean... most GenZs have GenXs as parents.
@tomashildebrand2279 Жыл бұрын
Gen x here -69. Both my kids born gen z early 2000s. None of them even near the desciption of a gen z person except the thing about having to put in hard work for good results. It all changed during covid restrictions and they had to stay home. Lost all conception of hard work when they couldnt go to school. Both of them have really good values conserning colour of skin or sex preferrences, never even raised an eyebrow who or what a person was except good or bad, depending on the persons actions. Good gen zs can com from gen xs. @Lori Fish we rock!!! Although we are called the lost generation, dunno why though.
@GenuineLhachwen Жыл бұрын
@Tomas Hildebrand I think we are called the lost generation for a number of reasons. One being we were the first latchkey generation. Most of us came home after school to empty houses using our own keys. Up to that point most generations had a mom or some other relative in the home. We were also one of the first that had the boobtube as a babysitter. Another first with widespread divorced parents/single parents. We grew up with the shifting of morality as well as the shifting expectations of what place men and women had in a household and the world at large. This is my take, at least, on the nomenclature.
@Its_Asteria Жыл бұрын
I wonder what would happen if we just turned social media, news, internet, etc off for a day or two. Only things being operational being communication between hospitals and emergency services, and phone cell lines and messaging. That's it. I want to see what people do, and then what happens when it's all back online again
@wenzday14 Жыл бұрын
Gen Z and the Baby Boomers need to team up think of all the things that we can accomplish together❤
@ah5721 10 ай бұрын
Nawits more like the cool aunties and uncles in gen x and millinials who will save the day because we know how f'ed the world is . We know how to use tech but remember time without it.
@Healing.Tortruer Жыл бұрын
I blame the single parent households and lack of a father figure.
@dontheador6649 Жыл бұрын
Because there aren't any struggling single fathers out there... smh.
@TigerRoseable Жыл бұрын
@@dontheador6649 the behavioral issues are more prevalent when a father isn't present. Also, courts are extremely biased towards mothers, so women are awarded sole custody far more often than men. It's not right; it's just the way it is (this absolutely needs to change). Fathers tend to be the disciplinarians of the household so, without them, children are likely to grow up with too much coddling and not hearing "No." nearly enough.
@dontheador6649 Жыл бұрын
@@TigerRoseable I agree with you 100%, Barbara. And thank you for adding the proper context.
@vintage1950 Жыл бұрын
My mum was mentally ill and a single mum, with 7 of us. We are all working with our own homes etc. can’t keep blaming it in single families.
@TigerRoseable Жыл бұрын
@@vintage1950 unless she was widowed (or, heaven forbid, raped), she made a choice to have 7 children out of wedlock, or with a man/men who weren't responsible enough to stick around. I see that as an issue. Your family is fortunate that you all became successful. However, there's a definite need to emphasize marriage BEFORE children. Children NEED both parents. Yes, some manage and are successful otherwise, but that's the minority, not the majority of cases. Without a responsible man for a child, especially a son, to look up to, the likelihood of that child ending up in jail or prison greatly increases. It's not even the single parent homes that are at fault; it's the culture that is creating those situations that is the problem.
@rockstopsthetraffic Жыл бұрын
>justifying shutting people out of society for expressing their opinions >"But we just want to be heard! We will be heard!" I don't think they see the irony.
@jacksyoutubechannel4045 Жыл бұрын
That is a hell of a reframing of what happened with the Dixie Chicks. *_Nine days_** before the Invasion of Iraq,* just one day shy of 18 months post-9/11, the Dixie Chicks took the stage *in London,* and announced to the crowd: "Just so you know, we're on the good side with y'all. We do not want this war, this violence, and *we're ashamed that the President of the United States is from Texas."* There are so many American mores violated in that simple little summary, and there are few times in American history those mores were held more closely than the first two years after 9/11. They expressed shame about the Commander-in-Chief, and what many fiercely patriotic members of our _volunteer_ military were about to deploy to do, and they did it on a public stage in a foreign country. The worst part was that it wasn't even some principled stance. They issued an explanation, then an apology almost as soon as the backlash started. They really saw themselves like old folk artists, speaking out against Vietnam. (It's telling that the comment was given immediately before playing an anti-Vietnam cover song from their 2002 album.)
@sweattfq7136 Жыл бұрын
You nailed it. There was a real reason why country fans were outraged.
@robwkris Жыл бұрын
If many consumers individually decided not to consume the product/service of a certain person/business, even for a political reason, that is grass roots and NOT cancel culture. However if those people worked actively to target that person’s/business’ source of income or platforming so that others don’t even have the option to support that person/business, that IS cancel culture.
@evrettej Жыл бұрын
Let me get this straight.......As a child you can have a surgery to "change your gender" but you still have to be 21 to drink alcohol responsibly? Make that make sense
@encahill Жыл бұрын
As a Gen Xer (who also got saddled with crippling college and mortgage debt) .. you guys give me hope for the future.
@katelync84 Жыл бұрын
A non-binary person at my job recently got promoted to a position above me. I could tell they were already mentally ill but I feel like the responsibilities that came with the new position are making it much worse and she takes it out on the whole team. I want to bring it up to my boss but I don’t want to come off as rude
@kerrylewisRN Жыл бұрын
I feel badly for you
@Sound7heWarCry Жыл бұрын
Anonymous google review on the business?
@vintage1950 Жыл бұрын
If it is effecting work/team, you have to. Or take the person aside and have a chat, if that does not work, write the events down in a letter/email and send to your boss.
@josearmando726 Жыл бұрын
Record that person and show your boss
@danika7894 Жыл бұрын
there’s a non-binary person at my new job that keeps talking about their top surgery literally multiple times a day. and how they wanna keep their nipples and stuff it makes me really uncomfortable i get that their excited but i’m new and i don’t wanna hear that from someone i just met
@Deutritium93 Жыл бұрын
Later born Millennial here, born in 1993. I’m practically a boomer in a lot of Gen Z’ers eye’s. I only say this because I’ve been labeled as such by a few online (mostly TikTok and they have stated their age’s) anytime I have either challenged their view’s over certain political or social issue’s or just did not agree with them. Of course it followed with all kind’s of “buzzword’s” with their insult’s at me, nevertheless though! Of course it isn’t just Gen Z, plenty of people my age and even older are so fragile in their view’s that they absolutely CANNOT fathom how or why anyone would either disagree with them or even challenge their beliefs.
@jocec3283 Жыл бұрын
Normal people : "I think..." GenZ : "I feel like..."
@1tommyday 10 ай бұрын
And notice how often they saw " I feel like..." One guy said "I feel like" 5x within 15 seconds of speaking.
@bekstalasch1543 Жыл бұрын
my skin is very sensitive to the sun! Cancel SUN.
@lindaw8084 Жыл бұрын
@jaydub7386 Жыл бұрын
I was born in 74. I don’t know what generation I fall into, and I don’t care. Life's hard on earth; I never complain about how I had/have it. I use that energy to adapt and move on. The best advice I got from my mom would be everyone has pain; everyone has their challenges. You’ll either rise or fall in life. The falls are what make you arise. I think it is dangerous to whittle down who a person is just based on one thing, whether it be race, sexual orientation, gender, or age. THESE ARE DIFFERENCES THAT WE HAVE MADE INTO DIVISIONS! These divisions we made are called racism, sexism, genderism, and ageism. I’ve met great people that would be considered baby boomers, and I have met terrible people that are baby boomers. I have met incredible people that would be regarded as millennials or generation Z. I think that it’s hazardous for us to categorize/stereotype people. All of this breeds division and hatred. If we continue to do this, how will we move forward as a functioning society?
@CheleBoxy Жыл бұрын
Some of these young people expect things to be handed to them (or way easier) is because too many adults gave out participation trophys and told them they are "amazing" for doing bare minimum, mediocre performance. I wanted to give all the fun, fancy things to my kids (all adults now), but I understand the VALUE of struggle, sacrifice, & "making do". I wanted to equip them to be able to appreciate the good times & to be resilient in bad times. I love my children very much and am proud of the adults they are now.
@TheSteelOne Жыл бұрын
Its funny that we barely ever here from my generation Gen X . Its almost always about boomers, millennials and gen z. We are just sitting back with our popcorn 🍿 watching the insanity lol 😆
@taekookworld2241 Жыл бұрын
As a Gen. Z myself, I just feel very concerned about the future of the country I live in because even in my school the kids don't show any concern for their education and when they approach the real world they don't know what's going on. And another problem that they're not seeing is that our generation is gonna be the next to lead this country so if they can't get themselves together we're not going anywhere.
@everope Жыл бұрын
To be fair I think one can be sensitive and resilient at the same time. Not the same as fragile.
@gregorypozzo5693 Жыл бұрын
No, I'm a little older, and I remember the Dixie Chick's getting shut down, threatened, and shit on quite hard for saying they were ashamed Bush was from the same state as them. It was harsh; they went through the early 2000's version of canceling, no question.
@brookemoore2445 Жыл бұрын
I stumbled across your Ulta/Dylan Mulvaney episode and have since gone down a rabbit hole of listening to your podcast. Love it 🙌. I wanted so badly to do something like this on YT but don't know anyone who wants to sit and talk long format about politics or current cultural issues with me 😥 lol. But I thoroughly enjoy your content, it's right up my alley! So thanks for being confident enough to have these discussions during this era of extremists 🤯
@jaykknight2248 Жыл бұрын
"they wanna talk about mental health" no. The people she's talking about absolutely do not want to talk about mental health unless the discussion is "mental health is beautiful and perfect 💖"
@jonathanhathaway7796 5 ай бұрын
I went back to college in my late 50's. After a big Biology exam a classmate asked me what I got, so I told her that I got a 96. She said that she got a 70 and that she was really glad because that's what she was shooting for. I said, "why don't you shoot for 100?".
@jadehidalgo3437 Жыл бұрын
This is I think possibly my favorite video ever… I think I might actually share/ watch this with my 15 year old- whom over the last few months I feel like I’m almost in a constant tug of war with… between me,& the “woke” crap that’s influencing him outside of our home. & not because I’m trying to force my personal beliefs down his throat- but just because I’m trying to get him to actually THINK,& not just follow certain ideology he hears & sees that’s popular or trendy. Since he was a small child pretty much he’s been someone who was quick to pitch in & help- I can remember after a hurricane when he was 4 he was outside helping with the neighbors cleaning up our street & picking up debris from our houses- he went through childhood talking about the different things he wanted to do when he grew up, things he wanted to be- etc, and in the past few months there’s been a shift (not just in regards to this) so much so that I felt it necessary to reach out to outside sources.., it’s now a struggle to even pull him out of his bedroom (& I get it- I was once a teenager too) but this is to an extreme. He no longer talks about “what he wants to be when he grows up” or all the different things he wants to do & achieve, & now when those topics are brought up he’ll actually say things like he just wants to do whatever allows him to have a certain lifestyle that involves the least amount of effort/ work. What happened to finding things you enjoy or are passionate about.,, he’s always been a really good student, & this year so far he’s had the worst grades ever- & don’t mistake what I’m saying, I don’t demand my children be like this perfect A student- but I do expect they be the best version of themselves,& at the least live up to their capabilities. I requested a meeting with him, myself,& his school counselor-& when grades & school was brought up he said “it doesn’t matter”. As long as he technically passes & moves on it doesn’t matter. Your scores are meaningless- your grades are meaningless- the effort you put in is meaningless- & it’s all pointless … none of these things have any value, & as long as you pass- which has gotten pretty easy to do, it’s all good. So the sense of pride & achievement he use to feel when he knew he did well on a test because he put in the work & studied and earned it, suddenly means nothing. Wanting to reach a place in life where you’re successful in society and have a sense of accomplishment, and being genuinely happy within yourself-& knowing you got there because you worked for it is just I guess meaningless…? This is just one aspect. But when he was 13 he could ask me a question or my opinion & we’d sit and talk about it.. recently if a certain topic gets brought up I’ve noticed he will shut it down immediately- and there’s even been a couple times where based off one sentence he’s replied to me or one of his siblings with saying things like “that’s racist/ you’re racist” or things like “oh so you’re …. Phobic, or oh so you hate this then- you’re that then” without actually listening or considering what’s even being said,& regardless of that fact that you’ve lived with me your entire life and know I’m none of those things.. it’s like he strictly goes off these ideas & rules he hears, regardless as to weather or not the person or situation he’s applying it to he know it’s not true. Ok I feel like I’m starting to ramble and veer off.. but point is this is a great video, wonderfully done- it touches some really important topics and I think does so in a critical, unbiased, respectful way. And I think it would be a good tool to have in the box - not to get him to think a specific way but just to get him to THINK.
@caliconservative20 Жыл бұрын
This is my favorite afternoon show! Love your take on life and your intellect.
@dabidibup Жыл бұрын
I’m a not Z 🤣
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