Don't Believe in Noah's Flood? You Might Have a Case of Geological Myopia

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Is Genesis History?

Is Genesis History?

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@cptcosmo 27 күн бұрын
I think it has more to do with people being very comfortable in their lives of sin and they do not want to hear the truth...
@brunobastos5533 27 күн бұрын
what truth
@bulldogma99 26 күн бұрын
Sin is a transgression against divine law. There doesn't appear to be any divine law givers. Therefore, sin is a moot word.
@alimctaven7417 20 күн бұрын
@@bulldogma99 Sin is lawlessness.
@bulldogma99 19 күн бұрын
@alimctaven7417 Lawlessness, aka, breaking the law, to act contrary to law, failure to obey laws set in place by governments. No need for the word sin.
@briananderson1246 18 күн бұрын
@@brunobastos5533 The ☀️ne we'll be dealt by
@bobharrison7693 17 күн бұрын
Our small bible study group invited Dr. Wise out to Whidbey Island about 25 years ago. He stayed about a week and spoke several times. He is the real deal and we enjoyed him immensely.
@edisontrent618 28 күн бұрын
The proliferation of confirmation bias amongst the geological community has been as disaster for science for so very long, especially with all that dating methods that base their initial values on suppositions based on their original biases. Thank you for fighting against it.
@DiscipleofJesusChrist-t2p 28 күн бұрын
The most logical answer to that is rebellion to authority and wanted to live without accountability.
@chadamongmen5223 28 күн бұрын
Ah yes, another global conspiracy
@warnerchandler9826 28 күн бұрын
​@@chadamongmen5223Chad on the case, eh?
@warnerchandler9826 28 күн бұрын
​@@chadamongmen5223Confirmation bias doesn't require any outward conspiracy. It is simply seeing only what you expect to see and NOT being open to (at least, certain kinds of) skepticism that would let you self-correct.
@vikingskuld 28 күн бұрын
​@@chadamongmen5223 well you sound like a perfect example of what he was saying about bias lol.
@WadeWeigle 28 күн бұрын
I share everything I can find that Dr. Wise puts out with my family. He’s an excellent source of knowledge and he’s usually animated when speaking about how you can see God in his wonderful creation.
@fletcherlewis 27 күн бұрын
Because he is a creation driven geologist who's scientific integrity is flawed because of his belief? Do most geologists agree with him?
@anvilbrunner.2013 27 күн бұрын
That's daft .There'd be wiser than him, out chewing grass.
@garyb6219 26 күн бұрын
I feel sorry for your family.
@voiceofreason162 26 күн бұрын
​@fletcherlewis Not if they want to keep their jobs, not get published, not qualify for grant money, not have their names in prestigious journals, not keep a roof over their heads, not eat, and not if they want to be invited to leave fellowship bodies. If those were the conditions for getting into university, most students would deny their own mothers just to get a seat at the table - or not get an education. It's called peer pressure. Bit like the Hollywood thing: deny God, drink blood, swear allegiance to Satan, you'll get a glittering career. Stand alone, expect the full weight of Hollywood against you. People get thrown out all the time for finding evidence they weren't supposed to find. Or get careers stomped on after they do. There are over 30,000 scientists worldwide you won't find on those "acceptable" lists precisely for that reason - they broke the silence and published at great cost.
@blackholesun9068 24 күн бұрын
@@fletcherlewis proof of your claim. Need your refutation of his presentation, how can we trust a random person spouting non substantiated claims.
@nofearnow8190 25 күн бұрын
I asked an ardently atheist coworker how he could believe that nothing created everything. He quickly replied, "it's been reproduced in a lab." I then asked, "in a what?" He said, "in a lab". I asked again, "in a what?" He said, in a la...." The light dawned on his face; a "lab" isn't "nothing"!
@ryannoe86 17 күн бұрын
@@nofearnow8190 also, it hasn’t been reproduced in a lab.
@ryannoe86 16 күн бұрын
@@CuriousCattery love the guy but no. The atheist here is saying that "nothing created something" and that has been recreated in the lab. Its impossible to do that. It's just a bold lie.
@stevepierce6467 15 күн бұрын
There was nothing in my head. Then I started thinking and everything appeared to me, clear as day!
@waltergilpinjr9041 15 күн бұрын
The Big Bang Theory does not say the universe started from nothing, that is what theist say.
@genome616 15 күн бұрын
Been an Atheist does not mean you have the knowledge or answers, Atheism is simply a lack of belief meaning Atheists can come from any background, culture or education system, there are no common ties other then a lack of belief in a God so asking a question and not getting an answer demonstrates little in your point here. In answer to your point, we can demonstrate particles of matter popping in and out of existence from nothing and measure the effect, so to the educated Atheists like myself we can actually show you, this Lab analogy is a poor attempt at mocking, the lab is simply a structure to perform the experiment in his case, it bares no link to the experiments and the controls it is under. The hard part of that question is defining nothing, when we say nothing we often mean the vacuum of space but even the vacuum of space is teaming with particles and energy, it is the fabric of spacetime where the word nothing really has no meaning so the whole premise of the theist argument about the universe coming out of nothing is flawed until you define nothing on a quantum level and also includes many theories where we did spring out of other multiverses etc which also render the nothing argument mute.
@131maymay131 28 күн бұрын
Love when science supports the evidence! Love it when scientists follow the evidence and lets it tell the story. Great presentation! Thank you!
@The-DO 27 күн бұрын
Young Earth = Flat Earth. Pure nonsense
@garyb6219 22 күн бұрын
His "science" is wrong. He twisted and generalized it to fit the way he wanted it to.
@stevepierce6467 15 күн бұрын
You got it wrong; evidence is what supports real science, not the other way.
@byteme9718 12 күн бұрын
It doesn't, this is why the science community don't take Wise seriously.
@131maymay131 10 күн бұрын
@@garyb6219 in what way is the science wrong? Please provide a substantive response.
@billbingham2430 26 күн бұрын
Most “experts” and/or “academics” will do anything to deny the biblical record of the world deluge catastrophe.
@christopheespic 25 күн бұрын
They don't need to do anything. They just follow the evidence. Sorry that it shows that the biblical flood is a myth.
@jackiepowell7513 18 күн бұрын
Same in archeology
@christopheespic 18 күн бұрын
​@@jackiepowell7513I highly doubt so. They just follow the evidence and don't care about your god.
@SugoiEnglish1 16 күн бұрын
@@christopheespic What about the evidence in this video? LOL.
@jamgill9054 16 күн бұрын
They don't 'deny the biblical record'. There just any evidence to support the flood story. Also, if the flood had happened the way apologist say, it would have destroyed the world (the heat problem). Also, use a little critical thinking. The boat was on the water for nearly a year. Every plant and animal not on the boat would have been dead and gone. Yet a dove shows up with a mature olive branch and they knew where the bird got it from? How could Noah possibly know that the ENTIRE world was flooded? Also, if the flood killed everyone in the world at the same time, why haven't we found a common layer of the bones of humans and animals all mixed together on the same layer around the world? Why didn't any other culture in the world notice the flood? No, the story falls apart with the most basic questions being asked. This is why it isn't a part of academic study. You are of course welcome to write a paper and present testable evidence. Just remember to leave out the magic parts because magic isn't real.
@Brood_Master 28 күн бұрын
You're being far too kind. Sure, there are many that just blindly believe the so-called experts. However, many more choose the myopia as an excuse to deny God's existence...
@RoseSharon7777 28 күн бұрын
The bible teaches a flat earth, yet 400 years ago people chose to believe the "intellectuals". Instead of believing our senses and proof in front of our face. People refuse to comprehend that the deception is indeed STRONG. God warned us about the changing of laws and times by the beast.
@micheleh5269 27 күн бұрын
In "Already Gone", Ken Ham claims that (at Christian colleges) Theology majors are More likely to believe in old earth than Science majors. Strrong evidence that is kept suppressed
@jamgill9054 27 күн бұрын
As former devout Christian, Noah's flood is just one of the reasons I no longer believe. In so much that this story is based on earlier regional stories, it also would have resulted in the destruction of the planet given what apologists claim. Ask yourself simple questions. Like, how could they possibly have known that the ENTIRE world was covered in water? Doesn't it make more sense that their ENTIRE world was the immediate geographic location in which they lived flooded? Taking all the animals, that they owned, onto a boat to save them from a flood in an area prone to flooding makes more sense, yes? Given the physical world, the logistics of such a story are untenable. Do yourself a favor. Go look into why this story is parable and not factual. Doesn't mean you lose your faith. Doesn't mean you shouldn't believe in God. It means you look at God's world with your eyes open.
@emilywyatt9340 27 күн бұрын
How about theological myopia. Everything has to agree with a man made Iron Age book. Science is ignored in favour of rehashed ancient Middle East myths.
@anthonyb27 27 күн бұрын
@@jamgill9054 You say it doesn't mean you lose your faith or you shouldn't believe in God. Is it ok to believe God created the world and universe? Or that a virgin conceived? Or that Jesus was raised from the dead? If we can believe these things, why can we not believe in a global flood?
@bufordghoons9981 28 күн бұрын
Geological Myopia, the same as Biological Myopia (faith in Common Descent) is due to these: "He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart; that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them." --John 12:40 "In whom the god of this world [Satan] hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord;" --2 Corinthians 4:4
@cptcosmo 27 күн бұрын
@xploration1437 24 күн бұрын
@garyb6219 22 күн бұрын
Why is quoting from a pretend book always supposed to stand in for facts? I don't get why bible thumpers do this. Quoting from a book doesn't make it so. Quote from Lord of the Rings if you want, it means about as much.
@bufordghoons9981 21 күн бұрын
@@garyb6219 Noah's flood is a fact, the evidence overwhelming that the entire earth was once covered with water whose height was higher than the mountains. It is interesting that the thickest glaciers are the same depth as most of the highest mountains. All people have an Authority concerning the origins of life and historical events. The atheist relies upon science (so-called) textbooks that are ever-changing, such as the once touted "science" of Phrenology and the medical "science" of bleeding and leeches. The bible is not a "pretend book" as you pre-suppose, it is a truthful and accurate account of 1) The creation of living things 2) historical events such as Noah's flood, kings of empires like Babylon and Assyria, as well as prophesying the coming of Jesus, the messiah who is the Son of God who takes away the sins of the world. The Lord of the Rings does not have architectural nor geological evidence whereas the bible certainly does, as Prof. Wise has competently demonstrated.
@Cipherhood 21 күн бұрын
@garyb6219 do u not see the irony in the fact that your entire belief system is based on books from random scientists in the last 300ish years and the majority of which you yourself haven't even personally heard of nor read but believe to be absolute truth without question and then for seemingly no reason want to argue the ideas of others as wrong with out cause nor purpose when your belief system is entirely juxtaposed too and says his is false. so why ultimately would you have feelings on the matter if what you believe is true.
@klpittman1 Күн бұрын
When I was cutting sandstone blocks for the foundation of my house, I let all the spoil accumulate where I was doing the majority of the cutting. Some of the cutting required sawing and grinding. Other cuts were simply made by breaking with a hammer and chisel. Larger pieces were broken down with wedges. I simply rinsed the cut blocks off with a gardeb hose before placement. Afterwards I had a certain amount of cleanup to do and the larger pieces were loaded by hand. The sand and dust however where i was using the hose had formed a concretion and this was simply from the residue and water. No cement or mortar was anywhere near where I was cutting. This was an area a little over 10 ft x 10 ft and i had to bust up the layer of sedimentary rock that had formed under my feet. Over the course of a few weeks, the sand and powder had reformed into a layer of stone two to three inches thick on top of the grass. I would have used that as well if not for the grass sticking to it. Under the right conditions with repeated wetting and drying, sandstone will form pretty quick.
@Victor-xs7gf 28 күн бұрын
Thank you, Dr. Wise. Excellent presentation as always 👏🏻
@micheleh5269 27 күн бұрын
I remember going to New Mexico and seeing, from elevation, an area that looked like an enormous drainage gulley. It stood out. And I knew
@guygifford 28 күн бұрын
I grew up on the Beaches of Washington State, playing in the sands as the tides drained out, and flooded in. I have done many many experiments in my childhood, which "experts" don't do until they've already wasted many years of their lives, and then they do very narrow experiments in their artificial world of labs ... also fun, but missing the other things which happen when water floods, surges, and drains away. As one flies out of Albuquerque NM Westward bound in the morning from the airliner, one can look down, as ascending and see that all of the terrain below was created on a gigantic scale using the same water effects of quick flooding and erosion, creating the same features which I created many times as a child with buckets of water, or trapped dams of tide water on sandy beaches. When driving from Zion NP, UT to Las Vegas, again, the features are massive flood effects, and likewise from Las Vegas to Barstow, CA. Across the earth, at the base of dormant past volcanic mountains which reach the seas and oceans, one can see how the water has carved away their sides and even under-cut them, as evidence of how shortly ago these mountains were formed and eroded. There is much evidence of rock continuing to be formed in only decades, with man-made objects entombed in recent rock, such as the pick-axe. On a mining cave tour in South Dakota, we were told how stalactites took immense quantities of time to be formed, yet I could see on the wooden roof supports growing stalactites which were inches long, grown in just 50 years, rather than the millions of years the experts declare. Since cement requires only hours to become rock, is there any wonder that making rocks without human help takes only a few decades, instead of millions of years. Nearly everywhere across the world, human eyes can see the signs of catastrophic floods, greater than any regional flood that mankind has ever seen, and for centuries after Noah's flood, before the land became covered over in places by great forests, Noah's flood results were easily seeable by every human, but not so strangely, humans prefer to live where plants cover-over the obvious signs of Noah's flood, since plants provide food for humans, but barren rock does not. We, in our myopic, near-sighted, survival level mindset, don't naturally look at the "big-picture", until we reach adulthood, when we seek education, which is just brain-washing by Darwinian geologists, biologists, and social scientists. As a small child, I thought that everyone older knew more then me, which was true; but only after many decades of study, and far later than I should have been told, I learned that most teachers and professors had just average intelligence, and that what they taught as truth was being taught by them as a parrot repeats words that he has heard, or a monkey can be trained to repeat the many steps of basic brain-surgery which a human taught him, but neither has the knowledge and discernment needed to prove what the parrot says or recreate from nothing the advanced steps of brain-surgery. Likewise is true of most professors at universities, these days; they have nothing but "wrote" words mimicked from someone else, with the exceptions of those of the so called "hard" sciences such as mathematics and chemistry; this is not to say that the persons don't have the ability to use discernment, but rather that they don't as a rule.
@brunobastos5533 27 күн бұрын
@hansweichselbaum2534 26 күн бұрын
Well done! Should be sufficient for a dissertation, and start learning Swedish, because the Nobel Prize is waiting for you.
@jonathanrussell1140 26 күн бұрын
What a load of rubbish
@GusShredny 26 күн бұрын
@@guygifford : Judging by the above moronic replies to your piece, no doubt from eminent evolutionary scientists, you are on to something.
@jimbean2589 25 күн бұрын
Until the American people start waking up to the reality that they have been lied to about so much on so many subjects, it is impossible for them to wrap their heads around this stuff!!
@htos1av 27 күн бұрын
Thank you Dr. Wise for your teachings that others won't do. The truth prevails!
@The-DO 27 күн бұрын
What if: Others don't do this lessons because they are pure nonsense Is that a possibility?
@byteme9718 12 күн бұрын
Wise has no concept of truth just have you have no concept of morality.
@HisSon316 28 күн бұрын
You gave the BEST lecture on Noah’s flood! Your excitement of the subject was enjoyable to watch. Bless you, brother.🙏🏼😁👍🏼
@HisSon316 28 күн бұрын
… that lecture was several years ago. I still watch rewatch it from time to time. Good to see you that you are still at it.
@galenstevenson918 28 күн бұрын
Always enjoyable to learn from Kurt Wise!
@The-DO 27 күн бұрын
To learn what? How NOT to interpret the Bible?
@byteme9718 12 күн бұрын
Kurt Wise has nothing useful to teach
@dk3062 20 күн бұрын
I appreciate your tone and attitude throughout the talk. So many Christians adopt a knowing, mocking tone while speaking against the current science. It doesn't help their cause.
@beestoe993 4 күн бұрын
Have you read some of the trolls replies in the comments? "Knowing, mocking tone"? Yea right.
@dk3062 4 күн бұрын
@@beestoe993 what do you mean?
@BilboBegginz 28 күн бұрын
Thank you for this excellent presentation! I always enjoy listening to Dr. Wise speak. He makes learning about geology interesting!
@icanreadthebible7561 28 күн бұрын
"Find the facts that agree with your feelings. There can NOT be a God because then I would have to obey Him." If He created everything, then He owns everything, and He can make the rules, not me.
@TJM-q7c 27 күн бұрын
I simply obey him because the mess I made was an earth shaking disaster. I had no problem believing I was a sinner. It was a little hard to think Jesus would love such a rebel.
@avafury4584 27 күн бұрын
Oh, I believe it. I believe that everything in God's word is true. ❤✝️
@The-DO 27 күн бұрын
Learn to read it then. If you are YoungEarther/FlatEarther it means you are NOT doing a good job
@stevepierce6467 23 күн бұрын
You actually stated the truth. By including the words "I believe that..." at the beginning, it makes your statement utterly true.
@wilmerdavis9688 26 күн бұрын
A lot of similar evidence is given for the Eye of the Sahara having gone through a similar type of event. I totally agree with your theory.
@valerieprice1745 28 күн бұрын
Great presentation. I really enjoy your detailed explanations.
@jenndavin 28 күн бұрын
Dr. Wise is my favorite flood scientist. I have a geologist as an older brother. I've heard the old earth, long process evolutionary model all my life. It's great to see the well thought out counter to that argument as food for thought and debate. Thank you.
@garyb6219 22 күн бұрын
If the bible said the Earth was 500 years old he'd find a way to make that fit. If the bible said the Earth was a million years old, poof, he'd find a way to make that fit. Actual science says there is only one age.
@danhoff4401 18 күн бұрын
Exactly Gary, he has a prior theological commitment and that keeps him from engaging honesty with the data. It's sad really because he's a sharp guy. Every time I see one of these pop up it's just like look at all that wasted potential.
@byteme9718 12 күн бұрын
Wise gave up science at a young age. Science doesn't begin with a conclusion and then set out to prove it. This is what deluded theists do.
@pomegranatepip2482 Күн бұрын
Well thought out??? lol.
@jimmywright5054 28 күн бұрын
dr wise hello and thank you for another wonderful video great stuff ! and very well done ! i enjoy a lot ! being very much a believer myself i really appreciate all your work and effort and videos
@frankbell4884 17 күн бұрын
What does this geological process discussion have to do with the impact to the southern Indian Ocean about 2900 BCE that formed a 29 km diameter Burkle crater, a tsunami that was about 1.5 km high when it impacted Western Australia. Going north it was funneled between India and the Saudi Arabian peninsula to go over the Kuwaiti-Iraqi desert to reach the south of the mountains of Ururat. There, at Mt. Nisir is a sanctuary built to the prophet Noh whose boat landed there. The Mosque in the town at the bottom of Mt. Nisir is dedicated to the prophet Noh (Hebrew spelling). In Ajerbaijan is a mausoleum to the Prophet Noah.
@gregwilkin6565 28 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing. :)
@samburns3329 28 күн бұрын
Any creationist who wants to be taken seriously needs to demonstrate all the geologic formations shown in this video and all the sediments deposits worldwide *were formed at the same time by the same event* only 4400 years ago. Not that they were formed by many separate local events over the last several hundred million years as the evidence indicates.
@appaloosa42 28 күн бұрын
Are you listening? Global distribution of sequential sedimentary layers is explained elsewhere.
@steventhompson399 28 күн бұрын
I wonder how Iceland and Hawaii formed so fast after the flood? Aren't they mostly igneous rock, where's all the flood sediment? Lol Noah's flood is nuts people please stop lying to children about history and science
@appaloosa42 28 күн бұрын
@@steventhompson399 the continents rose as water drained off… and mountains grew. You need to watch the entire Flood series, and Mountains After the Flood. TMI for one short lecture.
@roblangsdorf8758 27 күн бұрын
​@@steventhompson399A great deal of volcanic activity happened after the flood. It generated the aerosols needed to keep the earth cool so snow could last after it fell from hypercanes. When the oceans cooled down, the needed evaporation dropped off, leading to the glaciers melting.
@brunobastos5533 26 күн бұрын
@@appaloosa42 where i live there are none sedimentary rocks now how you deal with that
@samburns3329 28 күн бұрын
Actually the reason geologists don't accept a global flood only 4400 years ago is called *intellectual honesty.*
@The-DO 27 күн бұрын
Are you sure about that? Are you sure YEC is not a wild cult?
@danhoff4401 18 күн бұрын
​@@The-DOI think it's a conspiracy theory not a cult. There's a decent amount of theological diversity within YEC with the commonality being a literal interpretation of Genesis.
@The-DO 18 күн бұрын
@@danhoff4401 YEC and Flat-Earth are based on secret knowledge, so they should be classified as cults (can they be both conspiracy theories and cults at the same time, I think so, yes)
@gernymariegrnnestad444 17 күн бұрын
Dr. Wise is correctly showing that North-America has been flooded. But don't blend that with the local flood at the time of Noah, it happened in todays Takla Makan desert. That aerea is a perfect spot for inundation, due to the huge mountain ranges around. The problem is that christians have been tought that the world is 6000 years old, but thats just back to the time of Adam. The earth is very old, Gen 1:1 'In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth'.
@cllewis1 16 күн бұрын
@@danhoff4401 *literalistic
@jeffbybee5207 28 күн бұрын
How did the surface of the earth not melt if radioactive decay was happing a milion times faster?
@mirandahotspring4019 28 күн бұрын
Their god was blowing on it to cool it down?
@therealreasons9141 28 күн бұрын
@@jeffbybee5207 how do you cool down a nuclear reactor? Submerge it in water.
@vikingskuld 28 күн бұрын
I don't buy there was any rapid decay. You ever see the Proton Labs Z-pinch experiments? They were working on fusion and when they made the isotopes like they use for dating methods. The parent daughter elements ratio was like what we see today.
@sammcrae8892 28 күн бұрын
@@jeffbybee5207 off topic. But also covered in the video. If you examine the sedimentation rates for the major Land masses and the large river deltas, if they had been doing that for billions of years, they would have filled up the oceans long ago. The earth can't be more than several thousand years old.
@ksbrst2010 28 күн бұрын
​@@sammcrae8892Zirkon probes withvUranium Lead tell you something different and there are multiple different materials that allow you to determine the conditions and verify your age.
@bpuryea 26 күн бұрын
How did you miss this? The WA Ice Age flood wasn't a single event. They estimate it was somewhere between a dozen to thirty plus foods over several hundred to thousands of years. The ice dam formed somewhere in the Cabinet Gorge where the present day Clark Fork river flows from Missoula, to lake pend Oreille, and on to the mighty Columbia river and eventually the Pacific Ocean. This should be sufficient evidence to explain the differentiated radiometric dating in the rhythmic layering.
@sciencerules2825 26 күн бұрын
Don't confuse the sheep with scientific facts.
@bpuryea 26 күн бұрын
@@sciencerules2825 This particular fact reinforces the feature he was talking about by explaining that catastrophism is still the method of deposition and the number of floods over a relatively short period of time geologically speaking could account for the variance in the radiometric dating.
@sciencerules2825 26 күн бұрын
@@bpuryea Wrong. The speed at which a geologic formation develops has zero effect on any radiometric dating of the formation. Did you even bother to think that through?
@bpuryea 26 күн бұрын
@@sciencerules2825 yeah, too bad you havent.
@sciencerules2825 25 күн бұрын
@@bpuryea OK, I read your statement wrong. I though you were talking about speed of formation affecting radiometric decay rate, not the actual measured date determined by radiometric means. My bad.
@garylshelton2463 20 күн бұрын
I saw a presentation on Mt. St. Helens by the late John Morris many years ago now. Morris started off his talk by showing slides of aerial views of the Grand Canyon. After a few slides he stopped for effect and told us the slides had all been from Mt. St. Helens and not the Grand Canyon. The Washington State volcano damage looked just like the G.C. It was only just not as big. ICR scientists in 1985 standing on the edge of rock cliffs that only five years earlier had been mud right after the eruption was convincing. Amazing and very interesting to see.
@pomegranatepip2482 Күн бұрын
Except, geologically they are totally different, so the whole comparison is absolutely pointless and some would say, dishonest.
@garylshelton2463 Күн бұрын
@@pomegranatepip2482 Mr. Morris was a trained geologist by degree. So I don't know what you mean by being geologically wrong. At Mount St Helens it was a basically fast forming sedimentary rock. And that was the implication for the Grand canyon. The ICR scientists were standing on top of Rock cliffs that 5 years earlier had been pure mud. So the rock formed awfully quickly.
@pomegranatepip2482 Күн бұрын
@@garylshelton2463 Mount St Helens post eruption was not fast-forming sedimentary rock. I quote an article on this comparison “Unfortunately for this idea the authors aren’t comparing like with like. The debris fields around Mt St Helens are made up of rocks & gravels, ash & mud, & the remains of pyroclastic flows, sitting loosely atop each other - they’re not compacted or consolidated. All this is sitting on steep slopes, pretty much unprotected by any plant cover (particularly immediately after the eruption sequence), and in an area where the average annual rainfall is about 3m for year - a recipe for some pretty impressive erosion. The Grand Canyon is different. This significant geological feature cuts through layers of limestone, sandstone, shale and metamorphic granite, a mile down to the Colorado River, arranged as shown in the following image from the TalkOrigins website” So yeah, anyone who compares the two is simply talking hogswash. If you try to erode through actual rock, it’s a lot more difficult than trying to erode through a pile of mud and stones that were once rock and are now unconsolidated. As for “ICR Scientists”, well, that’s just laughable. These people are not scientists. They are liars. They try to manipulate science to a given outcome. They are totally dishonest, and the best thing they offer us as humanity is a little bit of a giggle at how indoctrination can destroy a person’s ability to distinguish between reality and fiction.
@ericcox6764 28 күн бұрын
I love your content, but you pretty much ruined my experience with most of the other geologists... And that's perfectly fine with me!! As a believer, I find it hard to listen to many of those in your profession. I didn't realize that geology was such a young science.
@DiscipleofJesusChrist-t2p 11 күн бұрын
Atheist scientists had originally said that humans broke off from ape-like creatures 2.5 million years ago. And that modern man evolved from that humanoid about 250,000 years ago. Well, even if we assume that humans have ony been on the planet for 10,000 years, when the alleged agricultural revolution started and being extremely conversative. Only doubling the world's population every 150 years (currently the population doubles about 40 years), *after 150 years there will be 4 people, after another 150 years there will be 8 people, after another 150 years there will be 16 people, and so on* This rate is actually very conservative. (we have records of a Russian woman in the 1700's who gave birth to over 60 children). I am taking into account *disease, plagues, famines, natural disasters, wars, and reverse birth to death ratio at various intervals.* Way before the discovery of penicillin in 1928. We have records of women from the 1400's giving birth to 10 children on average, let's say only 5 would make it to old age for the factors mentioned above, so 2 children per couple every 150 years for 10,000 years it is extremely generous. Calculating these numbers, there would have been averaging close to 100 doublings in 10,000 years. The world’s population would be whopping figure of the # 1 followed by 30 zeros. Check it out: 1,000000000000000000000000000000. You can still wipe out humanity a couple of times more and the numbers still don't add up. *Think about this in 1912 when the Titanic sank. The world's population was only a little over 1 billion people. Fast-forward 100 years and we are 8 billion. And we have had world war I and world War II in between (70 million people died). In 1945-46 around 140,000 people died as a result of the bombing of Hiroshima, Plus the worst influenza plague the world has ever seen, which happened 1918 (50 million people die)* Still In the last 100 years alone we can see a population growth of 8 times its numbers. *Now, let's look at this other also very conservative math:* If we start about 4,500 years ago (time of Noah's flood, only 8 people survived). After about 30 doublings, which is about 4,500 years, the world's population would have reached about 8 billion people (4,500 years ÷ 150 years in between births = 30 doublings // 8 exponentially doubled 30 times = 8,589,934,592 people). Just more or less what we have today. Give or take a few millions due to the negative factors mentioned above. Yes, some Christians and many other religions believe in some sort of evolution. But this is only because they have been influenced by this indoctrination since they were children. *Math doesn't lie. We can see how man invented the a theory of his origin to try to do away with God’s moral laws. We have lied about our origin, our history. And the studies of archeology, biology, anthropology, and so on. We even rather believe in panspermia (aliens from other galaxies). We are very ready to accept anything but God. BTW, religion is also man's made. For God there's only two religions good and evil* There's gonna be people regardless of their educational level that because of their cognitive biases can look at these facts and will still want to continue their merry-way without having any accountability for their actions. Today's world population is over 8 billion in about 25 years we will be over 20 billion. The world's economy will collapse. *REPENT OF ALL YOUR SINS. JESUS CHRIST IS COMING BACK VERY SOON. YOU DON'T WANNA MISS LIVING IN A GLORIFIED BODY WITHOUT DEATH AND SUFFERING ON A NEW EARTH*
@lindaellison899 28 күн бұрын
Wow! so, it seems the ancient prophets meant exactly what they said about the cyclical dotl when earth shifts to line up with ''the Master when He returns from His long journey!''
@gubjarturnilsson4591 23 күн бұрын
The problem with accelerated decay is heat. As the Alpha and Beta decay happens it releases quite a lot of energy that heats up the environment. How do you account for this energy release?
@sciencerules2825 23 күн бұрын
It's not just the heat which is a huge problem for creationists. Cramming 4.5 billion years' of radioactive decay into 1 year would release enough deadly alpha, beta, and gamma radiation to fry every living thing on the Ark 1000X over. 😮
@fromthebeginning6064 21 күн бұрын
It's called: Blind leading the blind
@Mark-ec3lp 17 күн бұрын
Correct, the geologists are blind, and leading other geologists.
@sandrostudio 6 күн бұрын
Geomorphology differs from rock geology (see diagenesis). Many geomorphological events occur instantaneously or nearly so, allowing humans to observe and measure these changes in a much shorter time frame than a lifetime. This is evident both on land-through phenomena like floods, landslides, debris flows, beach erosion, and sedimentation patterns-and underwater, such as in the case of turbidites. In desert environments, the impact is even more pronounced: rare rain events and storms can rapidly alter the Earth's surface. I'm not sure what this man learned during his geological training. A sedimentary rock such as a sandstone or a limestone might include rapid depositional events, but all the same, it takes millions of years for a sedimentary deposit to become a sedimentary rock.
@paulandrews2235 28 күн бұрын
Looking through the lens of the Bible can correct the Myopia!
@joedavenport6156 27 күн бұрын
There is noting in the bible about optics - The Earth is 4.5 BILLION YEARS OLD
@brunobastos5533 27 күн бұрын
or worsen it
@bulldogma99 26 күн бұрын
Looking through the Bible lens produces a kaleidoscope image that tricks the imagination.
@spicyroads 26 күн бұрын
Like looking through rose colored glasses
@ron88303 23 күн бұрын
@@joedavenport6156 I would bet most so-called believers actually agree with you (and me).
@leonseymore263 6 күн бұрын
If you go to Mlilwane Nature Reserve in Eswatini, you will find bright red mudwalls next to the rivers up to 5 meters high. These red ravines are not even layered. The red mud all came down in one swoop. You will find the fossils of large trees next to the ravines. If you travel from the Highveld to Eswatini you frequently encounter signs of this red mud next to the road, covering the deeper gray soil layers. In my opinion it was not just water that destroyed habital earth during the Noah's flood, it was mud. The mud destroyed life here in Africa, and also covered cities with mud, removing any evidence that anyone had stayed there.
@fredbuchwitz9031 17 күн бұрын
People in Asia and Egypt had no idea that they all drowned. This guy needs reeducation.
@Mark-ec3lp 17 күн бұрын
Read the Bible and then study the fossil record, and history, you will maybe realise the flood did happen.
@simonf7367 15 күн бұрын
@@Mark-ec3lpso, they did or didn’t die? When were the Egyptians building their pyramids?
@avgejoeschmoe2027 28 күн бұрын
Love your lectures Kurt. Wish we could get you out to our Church for a big Creation Conference
@daveolafsson2017 27 күн бұрын
Sunday School ended for you many decades ago … please grow up …
@The-DO 27 күн бұрын
He still learns science from children books. That's why he's a Flat-Earther/Science-Denier
@jerrypete8670 3 күн бұрын
Love your lecture. Just east of Reno, Nevada you can clearly see ripple marks ( we refer to as high water marks). They can be seen on both sides of Highway I-80. Hard to estimate but I-80 from Fernley, Nev would have been 200 - 300 feet underwater. The Native American living there tell the story of the Great Lake Lahontan. These high water marks can be seen for miles as you travel the highway. How far south the water extended is beyond hard to determine, as you said without an aerial survey. Great presentation thank you.
@ZenWithKen 28 күн бұрын
Denying the evidence against a global flood just to keep a book accurate, is an insult to humanity. It happening or not also have no affect what so ever on your god existing. It's just utter ignorance that people continue to follow this path.
@yibaibashimu6223 28 күн бұрын
Is the "Heat Problem" reflected in the research going on at Mt St Helens? What evidence, if any speaks to rapid cooling OR contrary to it, in the new rocks formed at the eruption sight and affected areas? It's the radio active decay affected significantly?
@graemeross6970 24 күн бұрын
2:50 Q. Why didn’t the consequences of one volcanic eruption change geological principles? A. because it was one eruption. Volcanology and geology are well understood. Catastrophic events do occur, but they are localised. You can’t extrapolate these conditions to change whole world geology. 4:00 Graded bedding. Big long spiel here about timescales for sedimentation. So what. If you want to find the time a particular sedimentary layer formed, radio date an igneous rock above and below and interpolate rather than speculate! 26:00 Now he’s suggesting that a flood, which he has not shown to be global, will accelerate radioactive decay. This is nonsense and would have to break the laws of physics. The heat generated would vaporise all water then go on to melt the earth’s crust. That would be a catastrophic event! 35:00 Sand nowhere near a beach. Perfectly natural geological explanation. Go look it up. He is looking at current maps, without considering how the continents drifted away from Pangaea. Basically forty minutes of the same old stuff that has been refuted numerous times by mainstream science.
@Hadoken. 23 күн бұрын
@@graemeross6970 Yup. It’s strange how these “Drs” and their following think they have a “gotcha” while at the same time they ignore the fact that the Bible isn’t even translated correctly from Hebrew and Greek, the meaning changing radically in many instances. Yet to them, one event created a similar looking result (because that will corrode and compress quickly, erasing it) whose results are understood supposedly negates all the rest as if we don’t know why it doesn’t. Even from a religious view the fact that these Jesus freaks do all this and try to diminish natural processes to a design demeans the idea of a devine creator, turning a god into a kid playing with plasticine, instead of a complex, creative mind that works one idea that cascades into this infinite variety we call the universe. If there is a god, I think the second option is much more awe inspiring than the first.
@timboslice980 23 күн бұрын
Yeah im a catholic and i take it to be a much more localized flood. It’s def not a worldwide flood, the evidence you provided completely refutes it. Also we wouldnt just find a few geological anomalies, the whole planet should show evidence for this. Now arguments from silence aren’t usually good but in this case, the evidence should be overwhelming in favor of a global flood if it did happen. It would be literally impossible to hide the evidence for it happening, whereever humans explore, they should see it. I think for me, the biggest gap in the evidence is the runoff…. Imagine that much debris from literally the surface of the planet, washing into the oceans and there being no trace of it. As for a local flood concept, the area of turkey where this happened in scripture is right in the fertile crescent and was known to be prone to earthquakes, mudslides, and evidence for this is at multiple archaeological sites like gobekli tepe, carahan tepe, and others. I feel like biblical literalism is kind of silly. Even the church fathers knew the day night cycle came from the sun so it being created on the third day is obvious poetic language. You have 3 days of creation and then 3 days of adornment. It’s meant to poetically represent god creating the universe but not meant to be a historical account of a catastrophic event that wouldve caused extinction of nearly every species on the planet. The ark is likely a preservation of righteousness and all the good things in the world. The flood probably was a local catastrophe and if noah was a real person or a representative of a people that survived, the story is meant to teach us right and wrong, punishment and god’s power to do so. The catholic church is free to take this literal or allegorical but i think if youre going to engage the scientific facts you have to consider the flood being a local event.
@garyb6219 22 күн бұрын
Western Nebraska contains the largest dune field in the western hemisphere. It's nowhere near an ocean.
@danhoff4401 18 күн бұрын
​@@garyb6219no where near a current ocean. It definitely was an ocean. I grew up in western SD and have a small collection of marine fossils.
@garyb6219 17 күн бұрын
@@danhoff4401 Yes, that's what I meant.
@tonysurber9111 27 күн бұрын
I did the soil and water in a mason jar experiment with my second son who is now 25 years old, back when he was about nine. Formed quite a few layers within a week. 😊
@robertmccully2792 28 күн бұрын
So students are taught to believe in long term, that can not be viewed. And to disregard that which can be viewed. Typical atheist view of life.
@JackSparrow-uh7zv 16 күн бұрын
Yes that's why they always come with the same arguments that already have been debunked. And remember, the sole purpose of an atheist is to reject GOD regardless of proof, otherwise he would be agnostic.
@robinharwood5044 7 күн бұрын
The evidence for the flood shows that Zeus, Prometheus, and the Olympians are the real Gods, and Deucalion was a real person.
@chimmy___ 5 күн бұрын
What ev ver 🙄
@robinharwood5044 5 күн бұрын
@@chimmy___ Yes, that’s the best way of dismissing a point without thinking about it.
@chimmy___ 5 күн бұрын
@@robinharwood5044 I've thought about it for years.
@robinharwood5044 4 күн бұрын
@@chimmy___ And all your thinking led you to realise that evidence of a flood supports all flood myths? The Christian is trying to say “You should believe what the Bible says about God because it tells a true story about a flood.” I can equally well say “You should believe what the myths say about Zeus because they tell a true story about a flood.” And then there’s Enlil …
@colonalklink14 28 күн бұрын
To have everlasting life you absolutely must trust in the person and finished work of Christ alone for salvation ❤️ this means that saving repentance is turning from unbelief to belief. You either believe that Jesus paid your sin debt in full or you don't.
@jerseyjim9092 27 күн бұрын
How does one believe in something with zero evidence. Ancient writings by ancient men copied numerous times and compiled into the Bible and called the word of God.
@MaskedMarble 20 күн бұрын
A few issues... 1. Radiometric dating of rocks shattered by earthquakes would not be altered by the earthquakes. The earthquake would not change the elements from which the rocks are made. So radiometric dating cannot be used to date an earthquake event. 2. I can find no mention elsewhere of a boulder whose diameter is greater than 1 mile in diameter. I have to treat this as an unsubstantiated claim. Normally we would call something like that bedrock. 3. Multiple references are made to the radiometeic dating of sedimentary rock in this video, without an explanation of the specific types employed. But logically, sedimentary rocks cannot be dated radiometrically, for their sediments are necessarily older. If you are dating the cements that hold the sediments together, those minerals would have also been suspended in the flood waters, so unless there is a mechanism to reset the radioactive clocks of these minerals (such as the demonstrably false presumption from potassium-argon dating that newly solidified volcanic rocks contain no occluded argon), then they cannot be dated to the time when the sedimentary rocks were cemented together.
@donrico5122 10 күн бұрын
Radiology assumes constants back in time so is invariably a guess - Bible and supporting evidence talk of waters above the atmosphere in the thermosphere which a) limits radiation levels making all measurements far too long and b) provides source for most of the deluge.
@Dulc3B00kbyBrant0n 28 күн бұрын
God bless yall
@discmasterscom Күн бұрын
You know what' blows my mind... it WILL BE ACCEPTED by this time next year... I wonder how many can guess why? 🙏
@samuelrodriguez9199 27 күн бұрын
If God's word declares it, I believe it.
@brunobastos5533 26 күн бұрын
where is word
@Kebekwoodcraft7375 26 күн бұрын
You’re god didn’t right anything it been right by humans, why god didn’t do his self ? 😊
@brunobastos5533 26 күн бұрын
@@Kebekwoodcraft7375 because of reasons
@samuelrodriguez9199 22 күн бұрын
@@Kebekwoodcraft7375 what have human beings righted that God has not?
@byteme9718 12 күн бұрын
@@samuelrodriguez9199 Polio, TB, Measles, eyesight defects, the ability to survive in harsh environments on a largely hostile earth, How many more examples do you need?
@petermorelli7123 27 күн бұрын
Shout out to Randall Carlson for really getting people to start seeing this massive flood theory
@fadya3901 27 күн бұрын
Randall Carlson isn’t talking about a world wide flood. There is no evidence of a global flood. The ark is a myth.😊
@wkrapek 28 күн бұрын
Oooookay. New Earth Creationism is back on my radar. I’ve been giving the old earthers the benefit of the doubt for decades and every time I turn around they’re scrambling to explain something weird. *No amount of scrambling’s getting them out of this.*
@PatrickKQ4HBD 28 күн бұрын
This series isn't meant to change your mind.
@thomasmaughan4798 26 күн бұрын
"No amount of scrambling’s getting them out of this." Out of WHAT?
@wkrapek 26 күн бұрын
@@thomasmaughan4798 That’s there’s no possible explanation for this other than a flood. This is *completely* unanticipated by their model.
@thomasmaughan4798 26 күн бұрын
@@wkrapek Of course there was a flood. Floods are routine events. What is less likely is covering the entire earth to a depth of Mount Everest, with the single exception that an olive tree appears to have been unharmed. Global warmists assert that if all the ice melted, the sea would rise about 100 meters. That would certainly flood some lowlands. Baghdad is 35 meters above sea level. But of course, a magical God can do anything, including creating enough water to cover mount everest, and protect an olive tree, and then vanish all that water. but if that's going to be the argument, then what is to say we haven't actually been created yet? This is some sort of practice run? Or maybe we were created five minutes ago complete with implanted memories of having viewed this youtube channel?
@niaralosusa 21 күн бұрын
@@wkrapek…it is “unanticipated” because it is impossible. When you plan a vacation with your family do you “anticipate,” and plan for, aliens from the planet Xeronos to greet you at your destination? No, you don’t because it isn’t going to happen.
@Reelworthy 21 күн бұрын
Thanks for your patience and work
@philharris5848 27 күн бұрын
I always find it highly amusing when people tend to believe in science until it contradicts their extreme religious beliefs. Then attempting to cherry pick parts of scientific evidence only to come up with a hypothesis that none of the world experts in the field agree with.
@bulldogma99 26 күн бұрын
Or, he is willing to teach what the college demands he teach if he wants a paycheck. That and he must play the part, on and off stage.
@GusShredny 26 күн бұрын
@@philharris5848 : So what did he say that was wrong?
@jonathanrussell1140 26 күн бұрын
​​@@GusShrednyMt St Helens was a massive volcanic eruption , localised in effect. Not a flood. Pretty simple really.
@philharris5848 26 күн бұрын
The consensus of world experts in geology and geography say a flood of the entire planet to the depth quoted in the Bible is totally impossible. Biologists have said that Noah's Arc would only be big enough for the food of 2 junior elephants for a year. Also expert boat builders made a large scale replica Arc and tried to sail it, but they couldn't stop it leaking. Apparently wooden ships can only be built up to a certain size because wood flexes and causes them to sink. There are of course a huge list of other problems, but I think you get my point.
@garyb6219 26 күн бұрын
Like cherry picking parts of the bible to believe or not believe. Whatever the current consesus is on the bible, that is what is preached. And you want to be taken seriously?
@yakonpetzinc7451 19 күн бұрын
El problema, en el otro lado, es que el Mabbul, o Diluvio, no es necesariamente un evento geológico o natural. Algunos creyentes, que no hallan la forma de separarse de los conceptos del método científico, quieren ajustar las dos narrativas, la bíblica y la científica, pero el objetivo final es validar la ciencia y sentirse relativamente a sus anchas, considerando que la ciencia objetiva es un derivado de la literatura bíblica. La tentativa está muy bien intencionada, pero no es necesariamente lo que quiere explicar la Biblia.
@RedLotus42069 23 күн бұрын
How did the Kangaroos get back to Australia after the flood..... they walked from the middle east to south Africa them swam to Australia?
@garyb6219 22 күн бұрын
Excellent point. And all the animals found only on certain islands and nowhere else. How did they return? Waverunners.
@niaralosusa 21 күн бұрын
@@RedLotus42069 …remember, also, that there were only two of them so they both would have had to survive that 10,000+ mile trek across deserts and oceans. I’m also interested in how the two deer mice made it to North America and how the two sloths made it back to South America.
@KenJackson_US 21 күн бұрын
Back to? There was likely only one continent before the flood. Ocean levels were much lower during the ice age after the flood so it was not such a formidable challenge as it is today.
@KenJackson_US 21 күн бұрын
@@garyb6219 There is not a single scientist who documented what he saw happen. Not one. All we have is the historical account in Scripture, and even it's not clear. So "likely" is the best we can do.
@goody8839 20 күн бұрын
@@KenJackson_US *There is not a single scientist who documented what he saw happen.* Millions of scientists have documented the evidence they've seen showing what happens. Creationists have come up with some sad sack claims over the years but "if no one saw it then it didn't happen" is quite possibly the lamest.
@paulpaul8953 8 күн бұрын
Say, where can I learn more about the boulders 'a mile in diameter' mentioned after the 38 minute mark? Any articles or a videos? Thanks
@franklinford9875 28 күн бұрын
The speed of sound is faster in hard materials, like rock.
@littlewink7941 28 күн бұрын
The speed of sound is in air. You have no speed of sound in rock.
@aneyesky 19 күн бұрын
I am convinced that Mt StHelens’ aftermath proofs were there for the taking , if so called experts wanted it-most didn’t want to look because it would ruin their attempt to ignore creation, and the possibility of a much younger earth. Great Video.
@vladtheemailer3223 18 күн бұрын
Its been extensively studied and only creationists think that it demonstrates a young earth.
@TheParadoxDestroyer 28 күн бұрын
I just want to know how Noah kept the dinosaurs on the Ark from eating all the rest of the animals.
@appaloosa42 28 күн бұрын
Because maybe God didn’t send adults, or maybe no carnivorous types at all. Remember He destroyed the earth and animals because of the violence( sin). Maybe God didn’t create dragons/ dinosaurs, maybe they were creatures corrupted by aliens/fallen angels?
@jerrybessetteDIY 28 күн бұрын
They were babies
@mirandahotspring4019 28 күн бұрын
I'm more concerned about the termites...
@randallhansen9166 28 күн бұрын
Most were vegetarian to start with the nat I re ov the flood conditions caused them to also go into a hibernation type mode even meat eaters can survive either vege dieg been proved
@charlesortenzi5983 28 күн бұрын
Genesis 9:3 Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things. - King James Bible Before the flood, the animals and mankind were herbivores. Genesis 1:29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. Genesis 1:30 And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.
@deecairoli2523 12 күн бұрын
Thank you Dr. Wise. You have great examples to prove creation science to the masses.
@byteme9718 11 күн бұрын
Wise is regarded as a joke in the scientific community and no proper university would employ him. "Creation science" is an oxymoron but he doesn't speak to the masses, he speaks to the poorly educated, feeble minded, gullible fools who will never question him. This is precisely how Islam works as well so you're no different to Muslims.
@djsarg7451 27 күн бұрын
Day is not the same as 24 hours, not in the past and not today. The earth is not about 6,000 years old and the Bible does not teach this. Hebrews 4:9-10: "There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his." This tells us that the 7th day Each believer are to enter into day 7. Also there no "evening and morning" for the 7th day. As day 7 as not ended. Biblical Hebrew has a limited vocabulary, with fewer words compared to other languages, such as English or Spanish. This means words often have multiple meanings determined by context. Day - yom is commonly rendered as day in English translations, but the word yom can be used in different ways to refer to different time spans thus literally is: Sunrise to sunset Sunset to next sunset Time period of unspecified length. (long time span ). We use the word day the same today: In my grandfather’s day cars did not go very fast. I work the day shift. (Both are not 24 hours) Deuteronomy 33:15 and Habakkuk 3:6 "ancient mountains". Gen. 2:4 “in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens” The events of day 6 can not have happened in 24 hours. Creationism does not equal young Earth. There are many Old Earth creationists.
@Mark-ec3lp 17 күн бұрын
Wrong, in Hebrew the word Yom applies to a literal 24 hour period. In the days of creation the word Yom is used in the original Hebrew text. Also, why do some people have such an issue with creation being 24 hours for each day? Nobody says Jesus was dead for 3000 years, it was 3 24 hour periods, or was he in the wilderness for 40 days and nights, or 4000 years? Come on, it's clear that when Genesis reads there was a morning, and an evening, it is a typical day. Your idea about days of creation being longer throw out all the dates in chronology and prophecy too. God can do anything except lie, He is demonstration how wise and powerful He is by making such an amazing creation in just six LITERAL days.
@djsarg7451 17 күн бұрын
@@Mark-ec3lp Leaders who reject parts of the Bible that do not fit their worldview (YEC) are not leaders. Leaders who make personal attacks on others who disagree with their worldview (YEC) are not leaders. Rejects: Hebrews 4:9-10 Deuteronomy 33:15 and Habakkuk 3:6 Romans 5:12 Romans 1:20 Psalm 19 1-4 Leviticus 25:2 and Exodus 23:10-11
@jamiek1714 13 күн бұрын
Many are biased against the truth. Thank you for this.
@byteme9718 11 күн бұрын
The truth being what exactly, nonsense about a god?
@danielsnyder2288 24 күн бұрын
There was a flood in Tennessee last week so there must have been a worldwide flood last week!
@dnaturalblues 22 күн бұрын
A major shift in a persons mindset is actually exciting but can have its pains.
@adamrspears1981 28 күн бұрын
Where did Noah put 2 termites? a wooden cage😂
@KenJackson_US 27 күн бұрын
I'm not certain, but I don't think Noah took insects, at least not intentionally. Some surely hitched a ride. Others could have survived on floating mats of vegetation and debris, of which there were surely many.
@adamrspears1981 27 күн бұрын
@@KenJackson_US noah's flood never happened.
@KenJackson_US 27 күн бұрын
@@adamrspears1981 Then how do you explain the continent-scale fossil-bearing miles-deep hydraulically-sorted layers (strata) of sediment that cover the whole earth if not from the worldwide flood? (Did you watch this video?)
@adamrspears1981 27 күн бұрын
@@KenJackson_US How do I explain fossils scattered through out the globe? Oh boy, you picked a toughy.......hmmm, let me see......oh I know! There's fossils everywhere because life's been on this planet for millions upon millions of years! Next question...
@KenJackson_US 27 күн бұрын
@@adamrspears1981 I asked about *sediment.* You answered about the fossils from the flood. Tell me about the *sediment.*
@canoeman1961 26 күн бұрын
Can you site your evidence for the accelerated radioactive decay far in the past ? Having worked with half-life equations and implications for accurate measurement, I have never seen a deviation that would even come close to suggesting that decay rates slow down with time. The only component that slows down is the creation of decay products, as with each cycle of 1/2 life decay, only 1/2 of the material remains to decay further.
@danhoff4401 18 күн бұрын
They can't. I went looking for that once upon a time and that's when I learned about OKLO natural nuclear reactor. We know the decay rates haven't changed for 2 billion years on the basis of analysing that natural experiment.
@wesleycolemanmusic 28 күн бұрын
All the atheists saying there is no evidence of the global flood are on KZbin shorts, meanwhile...
@Dulc3B00kbyBrant0n 28 күн бұрын
bring on the empty claims
@warnerchandler9826 28 күн бұрын
Are you implying that science is best communicated in 30 second videos over long form videos? (Trying to understand your point.)
@wesleycolemanmusic 28 күн бұрын
@@Dulc3B00kbyBrant0n It's just what I see...
@wesleycolemanmusic 28 күн бұрын
@@warnerchandler9826 I don't think you can understand much in 30 seconds.
@kevinkelly2162 28 күн бұрын
@@wesleycolemanmusic I don't think you can learn much if you think you have all the answers.
@colbyking6068 27 күн бұрын
What about the three layers that cover the entire globe? Explain that... Redbed, Grey clay, and black fall out. The Triassic Era
@stevepierce6467 23 күн бұрын
No biblical flood. There are plenty of ancient places around the world never disturbed by a great flood. I refer you specifically to Ashfall Fossil Beds State Historical Park in northeast Nebraska. Fossils are just as a volcanic eruption left them 12 million years ago.
@edwardlittle6544 22 күн бұрын
What about the idea presented off a large flood through the Grand canyon such as just explained? I don't know the first thing about the science here but in your opinion was it explained accurately? Other evidence and other areas obviously need to be considered like what you bring up but do you have any comment on the content presented here? Without considering a biblical narrative, just the facts as they stand?
@cs77smith67 22 күн бұрын
Wait ✋️ let me ask, can a tree 🌳 live for millions of years?
@stevepierce6467 22 күн бұрын
@@cs77smith67 No, a tree cannot live for millions of years, but the trees you see today are all living descendants of some forms of plant life from a million years ago.
@cs77smith67 22 күн бұрын
@stevepierce6467 so tell me if this fossil record of millions of years as you say is true, why is there proof of a tree growin through all the fossil record?And it's still alive to this day?
@stevepierce6467 22 күн бұрын
@@cs77smith67 I am a bit confused by your question. The oldest confirmed living tree is about 5000 years old, but there are some where local tradition claim as much as 9000 years. These all have fossilized ancestors that go back further. There is a tree they call a "living fossil," called the gingko biloba. It has proven fossilized ancestors going back about 200 million years. There are other long-lived trees which have fairly long fossil histories. But I do not know of any present-day tree that has lived for millions of years. The nickname "living fossil" refers to the fact that the gingko has changed little over the millions of years and that the present plant is quite similar to its fossil ancestors.
@FineFreddy5 26 күн бұрын
Your work is a great service. My eyes have been opened and now I see and understand.
@Vinimarshall450 26 күн бұрын
Many things wrong with noahs flood ,chinese calender is older , no records of flood in aisia or europe on bibles timeline , caves and caverns around the world showing ancient drawings thousands of years old , massive caverns as big as towns under volcanos , all would be filled up with debris and skeletons but there not 👍
@markb3786 26 күн бұрын
don't be ruining the narrative with facts and logic
@ChasOnErie 23 күн бұрын
@RobertA-oi6hw 12 күн бұрын
The problem is, we've been filled with the secular narrative of history for so long that it's hard to see past it. God helps us day by day to see past these lies. It takes awhile but step by step He leads us through. What a good God we serve.
@byteme9718 11 күн бұрын
Why does god give children cancer, or as in the case of the flood, commit mass genocide of all species?
@samburns3329 28 күн бұрын
35:00 There isn't a continuous layer of sandstone stretching across all of N. America as his drawing shows. That is a really silly creationist misrepresentation of the actual data. N. America does have isolated pockets of sandstone but they were deposited at different times in the last 500 million years and they certainly are *NOT* contiguous.
@TheOtiswood 28 күн бұрын
@samburns3329 "creationist misrepresentation of the actual data." You better look at the data again and again, then maybe you will stop misrepresenting the data. Or as it looks like are you just here to scoff at Noah's Flood? If you don't believe God's word that's all you but why discourage others?
@appaloosa42 28 күн бұрын
And you were there?
@animaladventures14 28 күн бұрын
@samburns3329 No, you’re incorrect. There is indeed a continuous layer of sandstone stretching across the North American continent. It’s at the base of the Sauk Sequence, which is one of the five megasequences in the geologic record.
@samburns3329 28 күн бұрын
@@animaladventures14 You're full of it. Find me a reputable scientific source which says or shows a *continuous* sandstone layer across all of N. America.
@howardf5264 28 күн бұрын
@@animaladventures14 the basal sandstone of the Sauk sequence is called the Tapeats, but this is a formation name and the individual beds of sand do not extend that far. Stratigraphic analysis from the 1940's showed that this unit is time transgressive. That is it was not all deposited at a single time.
@BildgesunderWorte 13 күн бұрын
The problem is that all these global processes are so complex, that every worldview can get it's data out of it. So to get the true worldview we have to start with simple and very easy to find puzzle pieces to look in which direction it leads. And if you just start with truth first, atheism is out of the options already. Intelligence of ancients makes it concrete and population growth and life expectancy completly undermines an evolutionary worldview. But these 4 fields are very solid because we have testable, written records of eyewitnesses and unimaginable stuff already found and still waiting to be found in the earth of our ancestors. We can't just change the history.
@samburns3329 28 күн бұрын
It never dawned on this guy that maybe *HE* is the one with geologic myopia and the other 99.999% of all professional geologists are actually correct. Talk about a lack of self-awareness.
@haydenwalton2766 28 күн бұрын
hilarious, isn't it ? or maybe just really sad
@appaloosa42 28 күн бұрын
Or maybe HE is right. Makes more sense to me than the mainstream explanations.
@beestoe993 28 күн бұрын
Lack of self awareness? The man has multiple PHDS, and your credentials are?
@haydenwalton2766 28 күн бұрын
@@appaloosa42 there's no account for some people's sense, I suppose
@mirandahotspring4019 28 күн бұрын
Pure cognitive dissonance! Sad that a one time scientist will toss aside all scientific evidence to protect his belief.
@fabios.253 5 күн бұрын
This is much older than the bible, same story was found in sumerian texts. But who help the human and teach him how to construct the boat is called Enki.
@chimmy___ 5 күн бұрын
The Sumerian texts might have been written before The Bible but the oral traditions go back to Noah and the Bible account is the most accurate.
@fabios.253 4 күн бұрын
@@chimmy___ Its you opinion, based on your religion. The fact is, its not. Dont forgot that Abraham was born in UR, an SUMERIAN city. Thats were he came from.
@MarkOBrienmarkspage1 28 күн бұрын
@johnizitchiforalongtime 12 күн бұрын
Great tutorial, not only decades, but millions of years. Continental drift, volcanos, earthquakes and bombardments of space materials of ice and other minerals. Floral and fauna of all types from times past. Plus no one thinks it was of intelligent design.
@Mr.SharkTooth-zc8rm 16 күн бұрын
Do you believe in Noah's Flood? You might have a case of Geological Myopia. - There, I fixed the title for you!
@tzgardner 22 күн бұрын
When talking about Geological Myopia, I think of the following Bible passage . . . 2 Peter 3 "Above all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. They will say, “Where is this ‘coming’ he promised? Ever since our ancestors died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.” But they deliberately forget that long ago by God’s word the heavens came into being and the earth was formed out of water and by water. By these waters also the world of that time was deluged and destroyed."
@byteme9718 11 күн бұрын
A fan of fiction I see, just like Wise.
@garyb6219 26 күн бұрын
This is beyond pathetic.
@DustinKillyact 25 күн бұрын
@@garyb6219 yes your right to go through all this trouble to justify a magic sky daddy that killed everyone while putting animals on a boat that never existed is pathetic
@jpoppinga8417 25 күн бұрын
When your channel name is "Is Genesis real?" This is a text book confirmation bias.
@__Tazzzo Күн бұрын
Multiple floods have occurred over thousands of years, making the idea of a complete global flood seem nonsensical. People in ancient times were often separated by vast distances, sometimes even hundreds of miles. If a group found themselves on high ground and looked around to see nothing but water, they would naturally believe the entire world was flooded. Their understanding of the planet's size was limited, which influenced their perception of such events.
@RayVRoberts 27 күн бұрын
Do you even have a conscience ? What a scam...
@KenJackson_US 27 күн бұрын
Mile wide boulders? Seems like that kind of thing could be independently verified.
@michaeldiaz2439 26 күн бұрын
Excellent video and I likd in the comments how some people say this could have been aI local flood? Well God would have just told Noah and his family to go to higher ground. Or a different area. Also many different countries and native peope in all areas of the globe have a great flood story in there traditions and stories of eight people on a boat. Which is why I starting studying more into Gods word.
@mirandahotspring4019 28 күн бұрын
It will never NOT be hilarious that there are educated adults who believe Noah's flood actually happened! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@beestoe993 28 күн бұрын
It is the epitome of ignorance to dismiss the glaring evidence of Earth's catastrophic past. The present is absolutely NOT the key to understanding the past
@AnachronisticAffliction 9 күн бұрын
Why do I have to keep coming to creationists for real science??!? Thanks for the video, well done. Another explanation for the flood is told by all cultures over this plane.t Native Americans recall a time when a mountain of water several miles high was dragged over the continent. The patterns outlined in this video deal with that flood and not the deluge. The deluge appears to be an earlier event. This video's evidence was apparently caused by a close encounter with Venus(yes I know sounds insane, but people also believe a man in the sky caused a flood because humans messed up....). Factor in plasma physics and electromagnetism and you now have a scientific explanation for what happened that also lines up with history. Out of curiosity I notice that this channel ignores P waves and the electrical aspect of geology? A lot of the geological problems in this video disappear once you incorporate all this new science. Either way, thanks for the video. This stuff is amazing
@travissimpson7829 28 күн бұрын
It's mathematically impossible for 8 people to care for several thousand animals. They wouldn't have enough time to feed them, let alone clean up the poop and provide veterinary care. Does that really seem plausible that 2 of each animal swam across oceans to board the ark, then swim across the ocean again after the ark landed? Use your brain 😅
@PragueMom 28 күн бұрын
@@travissimpson7829 do keep asking questions and examining the evidence
@Brood_Master 28 күн бұрын
Consider this... If God is who he claims to be. Then you're saying that the God who created the entire universe, the earth, and all the life on it in 6 days, out of nothing is incapable of seeing to the needs of 8 people and a few thousand animals... Did you listen to what was said about the Mazula flood and the grand canyon? The evidence is there. You just need to try to see past the myopia...
@kevinkelly2162 28 күн бұрын
Are you saying the Epic of Gilgamesh is not true?
@kevinkelly2162 28 күн бұрын
@@Brood_Master Are you saying that a being so intelligent that it created the universe when it wanted to teach people a lesson could come up with no better strategy than to kill everybody?
@Victor-xs7gf 28 күн бұрын
If you actually cared to know the answers, you'd go to their website and read the articles explaining how this was possible. But you're probably lazy, or just don't care, and would rather leave the usual copy and paste atheist comment.. 🤦🏻‍♂️
@simonf7367 15 күн бұрын
So, I’ve got a few questions. What about snow ice layers showing no flood. Dendrochronological sequences showing no flood. Trees older than are older than when the flood is mean to have been, that are still alive now. Coral reef growth rings which are older than the flood. Varves in lakes which have tens of thousands of years of summer and winter with no flood destroying these sediments. The pyramids, built by Noah and his descendants, or survived the flood? Why is there no absolute dating method that shows a catastrophic event at that time?
@PerryMarshallScott 14 күн бұрын
Numerous geographically dispersed cultures that have existed across the time span asserted by outfits like Answers in Genesis have no record of what is being claimed here.
@missouritravelers 27 күн бұрын
Nice try but it is still a myth
@garyb6219 26 күн бұрын
The biggest myth is the bible.
@Leo-e5f7y 24 күн бұрын
Is it possible your reasoning powers are mythical?
@missouritravelers 24 күн бұрын
@@Leo-e5f7y i can assure you my reasoning is sound
@NCSLIM1 23 күн бұрын
@@missouritravelers if there is no creator then your reasoning comes from the firing of neurons in your brain and totally void of actual thought. Moist robots can’t reason, which was Darwin’s dilemma. Logic and reason is another sign we are formed in the image of our creator.
@missouritravelers 23 күн бұрын
@@NCSLIM1 believe in creator defies all logic and reason
@thadofalltrades 19 күн бұрын
This is what I don't understand. How do geologists explain this massive sandstone deposit formed? The amount of water needed is astronomical.
@goody8839 19 күн бұрын
They formed slowly over several hundred million years. No need for astronomical amounts of water, just regular sand deposition like we see now over a very long time.
@freeforester1717 27 күн бұрын
Doug Vogt's interpretation vis a vis this aspect of the Nova event is strengthened by this evidence. Diehold Foundation, series 4; watch them all, your government has. Then consider S4488, and why they amended it a couple of weeks after Vogt contacted them to inform them of certain aspects they had overlooked. From that, you may surmise that he knew that they knew that he knew that they knew that he knew more than they did. RIP Doug Vogt
@manuelteixeira2496 21 күн бұрын
It's better to acknowledge that one is limited instead of looking for a theory of everything. The Darwinian evolution of species is an example of such.
@arkangeln910c8 14 күн бұрын
In the youtube channel Desert Drifter, the author explores deserted areas of what I suppose is Utah. He shows canyons deserted, arid places, canyons with capricious shapes and majestic cliffs towering over those eroded canyons. One feature that attracted my attention is a very thick layer, of several dozen foot in thickness, very homogeneous, apparently (seen from the video) made of sandstone. This thick layer (i insist, one layer in thickness) is on top of the cliffs, whereas below you can see many, many layers of deposition material that looks different, and also, much more thin than the top layer of sandstone I mention. This is amazing. Because i saw another video, by another explorer, who visited canyons in what I suppose it is Montana or Idaho. And Lo and behold, the VERY SAME thick sandstone, on top of other layers, of about the same thickness, several dozen foot, over multi layers below, shown in the wall of the cliff. And this layer of homogeneous material (one color, no evidence or more layers, just one!) is on top of the cliff. This means it is geologically more recent than those thin layers below. I thought: what kind of cataclysmic event caused the deposition of such huge amount of material? The layer is for everyone to see. In front of your nose, and yet nobody seem to notice it. I hope the author of this video will read my comment and give his opinion, because I believe nobody has yet studied it (IMHO, I am not a geologist).
@toddrodgers5108 26 күн бұрын
I thought this was a great video . Great information. Thank you . Blessings
@charlesvickers4804 26 күн бұрын
I e often wondered if there was not as much water on the planet before the flood. What if it was a moon size ice comet that dissipated in the atmosphere and greatly and suddenly increased the amount of water on the planet.
@oliverjamito9902 28 күн бұрын
Sincere conversations = Sincere answers
@The-DO 27 күн бұрын
btw Young Earth = Flat Earth, both 100% science-deniers
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