You probably dont give a shit but does anybody know of a method to get back into an instagram account..? I stupidly lost the login password. I love any tips you can give me.
第二次,大概17:00,9/7月 2020: * 当你要打开门的时候,过了一会儿看好像看到一颗大树,蓝天白云,然后湖边。*不过,这整个过程,我没有unconsciously(应该中文是不为其然的) 看到任何东西。所以我觉得我这次看到的东西,应该都是幻想来的。因为我记得我那个时候有那么一点点焦虑,而且看到的东西,都是我用大脑对自己说“快点看到的东西”,“为什么什么都没有看见”之后我才看到的。 *不过就在我这个过程重复的时候,有一瞬间(1秒这样子)我感觉到有人握住我的右手。这个感觉十分清晰,真的是非常非常十分清晰!!!所以我完全不觉得是我的大脑造假的!! * 当她让我们换到一个时间的时候,我好像有那么一瞬间,看到的是黑天,然后有1秒是一个黄色的的士。好像还写了TAXI不过这个不是十分确定。这个跟之前的理由一样,都不是unconsciously看见的,都是有那么一点点慌张,所以我怀疑是我大脑想象的。噢,对了,那个之后我好像还看到了一点黄色灯。就像是一排车,晚上,然后你会看到的灯光。 *然后!!!那个之后的重头戏又来了!!!这次我两只手都感觉到了一点点压力!!!右手重一点!!! *这次大概就是这样子,我31:50就停了,因为我爸爸回来了他在我楼下,然后我听到他手机的声音,跟广播内容差不多啦,思绪有点被打乱了所以就停止了。 *而且我感觉我那个时候有点慌张啦,呼吸好像变重了而且也是对我看不见东西有点慌张。反正就是是乱了很多😂 Edit:刚才忘记写了,也是蛮重要的!!!就是我停了之后,右手有麻的感觉!大概维持了2-4秒 -----------------------*At one moment I can feel someone holding my right hand, after she said think about a different time the feeling became more intense, even some feeling on my left hand too but mostly on right. Stop at 31:50 because my dad came back he is on the floor below me and I can hear the sound coming out from his phone. I think when I just walked into the door I saw a tree then some mountains. Idk if it is my imagination because maybe I’m forcing myself I see sth as I didn’t see anything right away when she told me to open the door and I was quite desperate. Oh I think I also saw a lake after seeing some mountains. Ok, after she told me to change it to different time, it looks like it’s night time, then I think I saw a taxi for like 1-2 seconds but then it disappeared. I think the feelings on my both hands started after that. OH AND YES, EVEN WHEN I STOPPED AT 31:50, THERE WERR STIL TINGLE FEELING ON MY RIGHT HAND! ( not quite sure abt the left hand bc I cannot remember now but I’m like 70% sure there wasnt any tingle feeling on my left hand after I stopped) * I did NOT see anything unawarely which is why I think the lake, blue sky etc are based on my imagination. *BUT THE FEELINGS ARE on my hands REALLLLL!!!