I've been living in Taiwan for 10 years by myself too, I know how you feel.. I won't tell you to "hold on" or that "everything will be ok" cause we all hear the same all the time, even if you're full of friends you will still feel alone... not that they don't love us, just that sometimes we need a different type of support... one thing I thank u is that you opened your heart like this, cause people like me can also know we are not "weird" for feeling depressed... thank you for sharing, I don't feel that down anymore.. 我們一起加油。
@gisellepan6698 жыл бұрын
想要滿足所有人的期待,不想讓大家失望,真的是會讓自己很辛苦的事情。 如果要說世界上有什麼不可能的事,“滿足所有人”絕對是其中之一! 希望大家能在做任何事情時,都能抱著平常心的心態。 也不要因自己的能力不達標而恐懼,很多時候,都是要能力與環境互相適應的。 其實哭出來是好的,也是一種情緒的宣洩方式。 我也是一個人在台灣,沒有親人,有時候也不想麻煩朋友,當下真的會很無力,不知道到底自己在這座島上堅持些什麼。你並不孤單,大家都在小小的堅持著,我們要變得更強!Be Strong!而人生最重要的,還是快樂!SO, BE HAPPY! DO WHAT YOU LOVE AND FUCK THE REST!
Janet, I don't know if you'll ever read this. But I really really really want to thank you for sharing this. You have no idea how relieved and comforted I am to see you be so vulnerable and open about this. I just moved to Taipei (also from the US) 2 months ago, and I suffer from chronic depression. It was incredibly disheartening for me to discover that there are no real mental health/psychological services in Taiwan. Unfortunately, the ones that do exist are incredibly expensive. My parents, like yours, are also native Taiwanese, and have been stigmatizing about my illness and remain largely ignorant about it (as are my siblings as well, despite how hard I've tried to get them to understand and empathize). It's disheartening to see mental illness treated as a taboo worthy of shame and ridicule in Asian culture. But thank you for being you. To be honest, you're actually one of my idols as well. I've been following you for a while, and you are literally working my dream job! I'd love to host my own TLC show! Perhaps I'll get to meet you one day. Who knows? In the meantime, stay strong and keep fighting! (I actually had a great day yesterday, the first lucid one I've had in months!) Best Wishes and God Bless! :)
快樂,是在重要的事情裡,看見自己的價值。 快樂,也是發現自己每一天都比昨天更好。 快樂,是重新提醒自己,自己的人生由自己掌握。 快樂,是偶爾放自己一馬,不再對過去的事情耿耿於懷。 快樂,是發現自己有「給」的能力。 快樂,是發現原來自己擁有的這麼多。 快樂,是發現你就是自己最大的支持者。 You really are not alone. 哭得出來是發洩好方法,去度過難熬的時刻,釋放完負面能量keep going
Thank you, Janet. You just pull me back from my little depression world. What you said is exactly what I'm been through, people see me as a positive person, no one can come into my heart because I'm always wearing a mask to face people. I don't want them to see the negative side of me. Almost every night, I'm so afraid of being alone, because I know the negative me is coming out, and I hate it. However, after watching your video, I can feel there are tons and tons of people like me, I shouldn't be alone, it is just a human being, sometimes we need to express our depression and sadness, not just being happy and smiley all the time. Cry even makes us feel better. Thanks for your video. p.s. you look gorgeous as always.
@alinelove27huang896 жыл бұрын
Chien Ro 我爱你
@yuchingtsai10588 жыл бұрын
Hi Janet, thank you for sharing this and put your vulnerability out there. I've recently gone through a series of incredibly similar situations. I believe we all do. Your words resonate with me deeply. Feel better. We are not alone. Much love from NYC. ox
@christiano04168 жыл бұрын
I love you Janet, and I think it's so brave and courageous of you to confess to the public that even you, the brightest and most positive entertainer in Taiwan, has suffered depression before. This is a strong message to most people who suffer the same, and it really breaks the stereotype that only dark and negative people suffer from this illness. You let us see the different side of you, which is also a message to the public that we should not ignore the gravity of depression and the possibility of its occurrence on optimistic people like you. Thank you so much. Your tears and confession won't be in vain, as it has hugely touched me personally. You are influential and lovable, and I hope you get through this very soon. Love you.
@Kamikaze12018 жыл бұрын
我也會這樣~我也很孤單~ 但看開點~每天提醒自己~妳/你很完美,很棒! 無時無刻提醒!哭真的是最棒的洩壓法! I agree.
@nya132523 күн бұрын
Janet 這個影片在2024還持續鼓勵我,憂鬱的自己沒關係❤謝謝妳當初上傳這個影片 I’m not alone thank you
Cheer up ! 自己也是平時很樂觀,很愛笑的人,但是就像你講的有時還是會難過,傷心。我今天也突然莫名的發脾氣,不開心,有哭了一下,哭的當下回想了很多事情,很想回家不想面對一些事情,然後覺得自己是一個人,孤單的。然後睡了一覺,問題事情還是存在的,在偶然下,看到你的影片,覺得同病相憐,然後受到很多你的鼓勵 I'm not alone ,加油!一起加油!抱抱,拍拍
在你身上我好像看到了自己! I'm not alone XD. 一開始覺得自己會哭是不是有什麼問題,過了幾年才懂原來這是釋放壓力的方法之一。因為哭完,特別是自己一個人的時候盡情大哭,就好像清完宿便一樣,爽哈哈哈哈!!!整個人就回到原來的狀態;-) 每個人消化壓力的方式,就像人的個性不會完全一樣,用自己的方式過生活~Jenet 加油~ go go go!!!
@DanielleYen8 жыл бұрын
Hey JANET, I'm totally understand how you feel about lost. I have the same feeling all the time but I'm not strong as you Coz I always share my trashes to my friends and family. I just wanna let you know you are NOT alone. I really like your personality and met you in person one time in Taipei before. You r very friendly and talkactive! It's okay to be depressed and rebuild yourself. I'm sure that your family would def support you no matter how far they are. Sending my blessing and love for you. Please remember we r all over here! 👍💪💪💪❤️🙌🙌🙌😎
hi Janet, its heartbreaking to see you cry like this. ive known u since a long time ago watching your travel documentaries and fun taiwan. ure pretty, talented and funny. u bring laughters to my family. i really hope that whatever issues ure having now. Life may not be always awesome, and exciting but even in the centre of a storm lies a calm spot..meet ppl who makes u truly happy because you have a choice...know that we're all here to support you. just talk to us.. lots of Love, Kit
Thank u, Janet! I understood that I don't need to blame myself because everyone will suffer depression at some moment. Thank u for cheering me up! "It's just a moment, it will pass"
Hi, Janet, I am a foreigner in Taiwan, and I also have nothing and nobody here, sometimes I get depressed too and I feel just like the way you do now, you will be ok darling , the sun will come out soon :) HUGS
@chendarwin198 жыл бұрын
Even when you are in this depressed moment,you still strive to give others strength ! Thanks you very much and cheer up for you too!
不會給你意見,也不會跟你說加油 因為知道你已經很盡力了,辛苦了! 你做的很好了~give you a big hug ~
@sonetwlove20078 жыл бұрын
please remember that you're amazing, and it's always okay for you to be yourself and reveal the true you. remember that there's always be your fans and your family, your husband, there's always some people that you can help you, get through this, cheer up , you're very brave to talk this in public, and people like me really appreciate this
Hi Janet, I suffered from depression as well (actually, I should put the sentence in present tense). I know how you feel. Those sad feelings come from nowhere and they are overwhelming. I learned a lot from depression. Perhaps, we treat other person nicely, but we demand "the person - myself" until perfection. Too harsh, right? Now I interpret it as my body sending me the messages and telling me that it needs my attention. Then, I slow-down my pace, listen to some relaxing music and draw zentangle to calm it down. It works, I enjoy spending quality-time with myself now. Thank you for being so brave to let us know that we are not alone. And you know what? You are not alone as well.....(hug)
@haesuerae26758 жыл бұрын
I can completely empathize with you. Thanks for being so brave. 今年,我患上了焦慮症和憂鬱症。我也像你一樣是個完美主義者。我們同樣也是high-achievers, 從小我們常常聽到周邊的人說”你怎麼那麼聰明?“或”你拉琴怎麼那麼好?“ 不知不覺,他們的話已變成一種毒。我們因此對自己的要求特別高,為了證明我們的確是”高才“。The expectations that we set for ourselves are often too high. And we struggle our whole lives to create an illusion of the perfect human specimen- bubbly, optimistic, sociable, intelligent... But it takes such a great toll, and before we know it it becomes a dark force. And because of how we think people view us, we're afraid of showing our weaknesses even though we are hurting and we are lonely. As time progressed I became more depressed and helpless. Why was this happening to me? It became so bad to the point where I had to start taking meds. I didn't dare tell anybody for fear I would be judged- "How could YOU of all people have an anxiety disorder?" Hence, I'm so grateful for your video 謝謝你那麼勇敢地站出來討論這個話題,分享你的經歷。So many of us are fearful about the stigma surrounding depression and other disorders but they are actually much more common than we assume.
It's 2021 now, I am still grateful for how Janet willing to share this with everyone who are fortunate enough to watch this video, this sharing also helped me once, I am truly grateful for Janet, how a great, powerful, selfless woman. Many thanks to Janet, and stay happy, healthy, with physically and mentally.