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@叮叮噹噹親 Жыл бұрын
@sweetfriend2311 ай бұрын
Edmonton have vi train that goes to directly to Toronto cost less to fly to Toronto. Where as Calgary cost more to fly to Toronto.
@HKer_In_Canada11 ай бұрын
good for you
@davewong4834 Жыл бұрын
Such an old, run-down house, I hope the price is quite reasonable. A perfect DIY project. Another reminder: the Spruce Meadow Christmas Market is open this week, every Fri, Sat, and Sun until Christmas, it is worth making a trip. Heritage Park is also open every weekend until Christmas, an old-fashioned Christmas experience. For beginners, COP opens in one week for skiing, close to the city.
@HKer_In_Canada Жыл бұрын
It looks like they're planning to tear it down as they're building another house on the same lot
愛民頓,最好夾硬你想參加嘅festival時間嚟. 好少人會講幾個好介紹嘅景點喺 Fort Edmonton park 同埋愛民頓出邊 Devonian botanical gardens. 兩個都係好打卡嘅地方。 如果你下次有機會,因為你鍾意同狗狗行山,我提議你去河邊行。好多人喺夏天跟住條河踩單車散步。 如果你睇地圖係好長sw to ne. 我諗Calgary可能都有。講起食嘢,我留意呢幾年新食店鍾意集中喺Windermere, West Edmonton mall,whyte ave或者南區。
@HKer_In_Canada Жыл бұрын
@ekit218 Жыл бұрын
@@HKer_In_Canada 剛剛諗起一個仲好嘅介紹。通常唔係local同埋大部份華人都唔知係去St Albert farmers market. 你哋就要check Google啲時間。係加拿大夏天最大嘅Outdoor market。我哋鍾意去陳熱鬧。 正式嚟講唔係Edmonton裏便,反而黐住Edmonton嘅衛星城市st Albert. 個Market地點啱啱黐住St Albert 嘅河邊公園我哋鍾意帶我隻狗去嗰度散步,但係Market就唔可以帶狗。 sorry好似講得太多😂
@HKer_In_Canada Жыл бұрын
Thanks for all these wonderful suggestions! ❤️😍It'd be very helpful for us and other audience~
@ekit218 Жыл бұрын
@@HKer_In_Canada 我想調返轉問你,你知唔知Calgary 有冇啲小人講不過係local 人知啲好景點?通常我哋Edmonton 落嚟食嘢之外,唔知做乜。Shopping 就到到差唔多。主要嘅目的地喺Banff 停喺Calgary入油同食嘢。 我自己就搵到去 Glenmore park, Chestermere lake 同埋 Mahogany. 有一次諗過揸去Dinosaur provincial park不過太遠. 我想收集idea 因為夏天會有家人過嚟加拿大。
@HKer_In_Canada Жыл бұрын
actually people say Heritage Park is better than Fort Edmonton, maybe you can see for yourself~ Our lifestyle is very active so we're always out in Kananskis and Banff, to go hiking, camping and stuff.
@churay3147 Жыл бұрын
$100 per night 真係好平,屋外環境terrible,成間爛屋,咁都可以做Airbnb,屋主頂瓜瓜,好嘢👏!Edmonton 比較Calgary 冇潛力,但視乎你既工作及經濟能力,你倆咁outdoor,Calgary 真係比較適合啦!
@HKer_In_Canada Жыл бұрын
haha we do appreciate Calgary more after spending time in Edmonton 🙈
The photos they posted were not that bad, we did not expect it to be a newly-renovated house or anything, but a lot of the things would not be acceptable to many people. I didn't leave a negative review or complained to AirBnB at all, describing something as being negative objectively does not mean I was complaining.