⬇️⬇️English recipe follows ⬇️⬇️ 薑汁撞奶: 材料: 鮮奶 黃薑仔或老薑 處理: 1. 薑洗淨,連皮磨碎。 2. 揸出薑汁。 3. 用碗量鮮奶放入煲內,一個人一碗鮮奶。 烹調: 1. 開始煲鮮奶,用最慢火。 2. 慢慢轉中慢火,在煲鮮奶的時間內,不時搖晃煲內的鮮奶,令熱力均勻。 3. 一般滾至煲邊起微煙,開始有小泡的時候,就是80度,亦是熄火的時候了了。 4. 碗放入微波爐,微波30秒。 5. 攪勻薑汁,然後放入碗。 6. 倒鮮奶入碗。 7. 用碟冚住,等4分鐘,等至凝固,就可以了。 Ginger milk pudding: Ingredients: Fresh milk Yellow ginger or aged ginger Preparation: 1. Rinse ginger, blend with skin. 2. Squeeze ginger juice. 3. One bowl of milk pudding to one person, put into the pot. Steps: 1. Boil up milk at low flame. 2. Turn to medium~low flame, shake the pot during boiling milk making the heat even on the pot. 3. Small bubbles come up around, that is about 80 C, it is time to turn off fire. 4. Put bowls in microwave oven, heat up for 30 seconds. 5. Mix ginger juice well, then pour into bowl. 6. Pour milk into bowl then. 7. Cover up the bowl by a plate. Milk will be condensed after 4 minutes. Serve.