Johnny Depp, Amber Heard, and Being Normal

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Ro Ramdin

Ro Ramdin

2 жыл бұрын

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@roramdin 2 жыл бұрын
This video was sponsored by Wren- Offset your carbon footprint on Wren: The first 100 people who sign up will have 10 extra trees planted in their name.
@DB-wg4jo 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this one
@eloisegerard1888 2 жыл бұрын
Bich are you from Seattle? Can we get cupcakes or something?
@rootbourne4454 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this. I felt like I was losing my mind seeing all the social media reaction to this trial like it was some spectacle. This video is greatly needed.
@needlekind5280 2 жыл бұрын
I just signed up- thanks, Ro! Together we planted 10 more trees! ❤
@JeanPaulBeaubier 2 жыл бұрын
Ro, I really admire you as a creator and while this video certainly has a compassionate take on things, this comment section is so full of wishy washy nonsense opinions and hand-wringing from people who don't seem to actually be following the trial that it's honestly infuriating to read. Perhaps my greatest take away on all the meta commentary about this trial's coverage is this: if you haven't watched the trial yourself to form an opinion, then shut the fuck up to be honest. These past 6 weeks of official coverage from traditional and MSM sources has been nothing but cowardly, biased coverage of what is FREELY available for public view. Perhaps the most infuriating comment I have read in response to this video of yours is someone saying that they don't think that court trials should be open to the public, which is absolutely antithetical to some of the political opinions you've expressed on this channel (socialism/communism/democracy). It's pretty hilarious to me that this is the kind of reaction to your content that is garnering. Maybe it's because I don't use Tiktok, and therefore I don't see a bunch of teenagers being immature about the trial, but there is a net good in having it televised; a net good in allowing the public to see what is happening in the trial and to separate it from the gross mischaracterisation that has occurred in MSM/traditional media coverage of the trial.
@cherry_tonic 2 жыл бұрын
the way that people are talking about this real life domestic abuse case as if it is just a show and then make fancams of Johnny, like this case being so public is horrifying
@glidee4671 2 жыл бұрын
ok 😂
@mephimeph 2 жыл бұрын
yes, it’s genuinely disgusting to see jokes and memes made about this case which we don’t know the full story of. taking sides on a case like this is so strange to me.
@tsquare852 2 жыл бұрын
@glidee4671 2 жыл бұрын
@@mephimeph bros tryna act like amber turd might possibly be innocent tfym bro 💀
@TheLily97232 2 жыл бұрын
The Internet broke people sense of decency
@annabelle2889 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like we’ll never learn from all the women who’s careers and lives were destroyed by public shaming and harassment, like recently we’ve been interrogating and condemning how we treated people like Britney Spears and Monica Lewinsky but it just keeps happening
@vlogily8043 2 жыл бұрын
Don’t worry we’ll have hindsight, so it’s all good ha ha ha yay……..
@SanDesigns 2 жыл бұрын
I agree. Change takes time though, I feel like we are moving in the right direction, most of the time. ❤️
@yennefer440 2 жыл бұрын
People love a villain. Makes them feel better about themselves. I mean we could even use Amber as an example. I don't like her and think what she has done is deplorable. However some people will go out of their way to insult her, degrade her or use it as an opportunity to be misogynist.
@SanDesigns 2 жыл бұрын
@@yennefer440 I love this comment. I think you're absolutely right as well.
@mentholnewport 2 жыл бұрын
Difference is Amber is an awful person and bringing this up in reference to her is genuinely putting down abuse cases
@rategg4407 2 жыл бұрын
The point you made about people jumping to worship Depp out of this impulsive desire to see a male celebrity accused of abuse “win” and the woman “lose” after seeing so many celebrity men be guilty of abuse was really good and one i hadn’t considered before. I really hate that this case has become a “team Johnny” “team Amber” thing when this is two people’s real lives and relationship and trauma. Thanks for making a video about this in a sympathetic and nuanced way
@user-vy2hz6fl6x 2 жыл бұрын
It was an excellent point, many people forgot their biases. As a slight fan of Johnny Depp, I had to neutralize myself when looking at this case.
@winterwentmissing 2 жыл бұрын
none of this makes sense to me. why can't we just watch the case and form our own opinion? you don't have to put your opinion out but why can't you just watch the case? from what I've seen of the case amber has been caught lying many times and all her witnesses are bailing on her. All of Johnny's aren't. Sure this could be that her witnesses are afraid of backlash from supporting her but if she were really abused don't you think they wouldn't care about backlash? don't you think her witnesses would want to show the world the truth? I agree with this video for pretty much every case of DA but not this one because there's already evidence. There's no evidence that Depp has never abused her but there's awful evidence for Depp having abused her. We can't prove anything about this case, we don't know anything that happened but Amber does and Johnny does. Perhaps you should listen to both of them? hmmmmm no I'll choose to not and assume assumption... is... the... problem... don't fucking assume, look at the evidence
@sensitiffly 2 жыл бұрын
@@winterwentmissing you are too invested in this case.
@winterwentmissing 2 жыл бұрын
@@sensitiffly lol yeah. it autoplays when I'm doing hw or playing games so I know a lot about it.
@GirlDo3 2 жыл бұрын
@@winterwentmissing She had a witness just today? And all of Johny's witnesses are on his payroll. Also he has been caught lying multiple times too but social media won't broadcast that it doesn't get views and it doesn't align with the narrative being shoved through our screens on every single plateform.
@EZOnTheEyes 2 жыл бұрын
If I hear one more Edgelord make a "Poop on the bed joke" I will have an embolism
@sjjoker4724 2 жыл бұрын
@watsername 2 жыл бұрын
Well maybe heard shouldn't of shat on the bed? like seriously that's a disgusting and low move.
@EZOnTheEyes 2 жыл бұрын
@@watsername you clearly did not listen to the monologue of the video if thats your hot take
@GirlDo3 2 жыл бұрын
@@watsername It's impossible to rationalize with people like you. I don't think you can even conceptualize the idea of using critical thinking at this point. You have missed the point of the video and regardless of this video, there is far more evidence that points that it is highly unlikely, just as the UK judge has stated, that Amber has defecated on his bed.
@ajiththomas2465 2 жыл бұрын
@@watsername Honestly, one of the things that blackpilled me about the whole Depp vs Heard lawsuit situation which was pointed out to me by Xanderhal in one his streams which is that when people take sides in shitshows like these, they often selectively accept all the facts of the case, in order to appease their confirmation biases. You see this especially with the people who are against Amber Heard. So many people like to blindly accept the claim of Amber Heard, the psychotic bed shitter. But what they don't acknowledge is that the very same source that alleges Heard has having shat on Depp's bed also alleges that prior to that, of Depp domestically abusing Heard, throwing stuff at her, and roughly grabbing her hair. To be specific, the source which is _The Guardian_ article "Johnny Depp trial: how the judge ruled on 14 alleged assaults": ---- 13. Los Angeles, April 2016 Heard claimed Depp had arrived late for her 30th birthday meal, drunk and on drugs. After her friends left, he threw a magnum champagne bottle at her, which missed, smashed glasses and grabbed her hair. The next day faeces was found on the couple’s bed. The judge concluded Depp had “assaulted Ms Heard as he had done on previous occasions when he was stressed”. Of Depp’s claim that Heard, or one of her friends, had deliberately defecated on the bed, the judge said it was “highly unlikely”. ---- Funny how the hordes of people who love to shit talk about Amber "Psychotic Bed Shitter" Heard never mention about the preceding events that lead up to Heard allegedly shitting on Depp's bed, namely the domestic abuse she faced at Depp's hands. Seriously, which of the two scenarios sounds more plausible and likely, the idea that Amber Heard shat on Depp's bed out of psychotic spite or that they she did it as a response to the domestic abuse by Depp earlier that evening? No one actually contextualizes that because of course, that would go against the women-hating narrative that they've so gleefully gobbled up and regurgitated. Sure, they may claim that they're doing this because of "the lack of support for male abuse victims", which is a cause that I also certainly support, but I don't profess to being as moronic as to believe that 99.99% of the people claiming this actually gave a single damn about male abuse victims before the Depp vs Heard situation and even after this fiasco is over. The biggest reason why people side with Depp is because he's a famous actor who played a lot of iconic roles that people remember. That's pretty much it really. They don't care about the cause of male abuse victims, they only care about this specific rich famous celebrity one. After the whole situation is over, a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of people will actually try to support male abuse victims. For the vast vast majority, it's just concern trolling. To clarify something, I am not taking either side of the Depp vs Heard situation. I do not give a single flying fuck about either individual in this lawsuit. If they were to both die of spontaneous combustion tomorrow, I would still not give a fuck about them. A quantum supercomputer calculating for a thousand years could not even approach the number of fucks I do not give about either Depp or Heard. There are so many other, far more interesting and valuable situations that merit more actual public concern and outrage than this bloated monstrosity of a public lawsuit case that has monopolized the public's attention for the stupidest and most vapid of reasons. From what I can gather, Heard seems to be an unpleasant, toxic individual who I wouldn't want to ever meet or be acquainted with. And on the other hand, I don't buy the whole "Johnny Depp uwu" narrative that other people blindly believe and gobble up. Before this whole situation, I remember plenty of stories of Depp being an obnoxious _prima donna_ actor who was very hard to work with on set and I have no reason to believe that that magically changed now. I think both Depp and Heard are two miserably toxic, abusive, mentally-ill rich dumbfucks who should have never gotten together and while their relationship is mutually abusive and toxic, I would say that Heard is the more abusive one in the relationship. *My main source of contention with this whole pointless bullshit situation is the intellectual cowardice and dishonesty that the vast majority of commentators, particularly the pro-Depp and anti-Heard commentators, display when they downplay and omit damning facts that contradict the black-and-white narrative of Johnny Depp being the pure innocent uwu victim that they want to push. If both sides of this case were shown honestly, warts and all, I wouldn't be so annoyed and blackpilled with the situation.*
@NoahSamsen 2 жыл бұрын
always speak your mind Ro, we got your back. this absolutely needed to be said and thus far no one's said it as cogently or empathetically as you have here
@NoahSamsen 2 жыл бұрын
also squid ganggg🔥
@roramdin 2 жыл бұрын
squid ganggg 🔥
@sarahismyalias4672 2 жыл бұрын
The two above me are legends.
@SirArthurTheGreat 2 жыл бұрын
@@sarahismyalias4672 The two legs
@abigailhayes7910 2 жыл бұрын
noah is here omg
@brodoswaggins3475 2 жыл бұрын
God this is so validating. I’ve been honestly quiet about my opinion on this whole situation because I feel like I’m so far in the minority that I’m like, gaslighting myself into thinking I’m a bad person for not being unrelentingly on Depp’s side
@qwitchyy 2 жыл бұрын
Same friend 🖤
@whygilbert 2 жыл бұрын
gaslightling yourself is such a good way to put it. like i have to convince myself how to feel.
@samthemander 2 жыл бұрын
@vg7524 2 жыл бұрын
@kali.8608 2 жыл бұрын
I didn’t even realize I was gaslighting myself the same way until you put it into words. Seriously, thank you.
@mryshkh 2 жыл бұрын
I do believe male victims deserve more attention and compassion. Which is why it's interesting that the "what about male victims" crowd around this case conveniently forget about the men Johnny Depp has drunkenly assaulted, most recently in 2018. All of whom were subordinates / had less power than him, IIRC one was a security guard while others were crew members .The most recent guy Greg Brooks lost his job after refusing to sign a declaration saying he wouldn't sue over the assault. But it's more convenient to side with the famous millionaire who got to keep his job afterwards.
@mobwatch8119 2 жыл бұрын
Absolutely. The crew member he allegedly punched twice in the ribs was fired, while nothing happened to Depp. People forget he's heading to court over this soon. They would find some way to spin it, but regardless.
@anthk.4846 2 жыл бұрын
You mean just like how feminists are quiet about lesbian domestic violence having the highest ipv it goes both ways.
@LordDomielOfElysium 2 жыл бұрын
But you can’t ignore that her story just didn’t line up, you still need to focas on the facts especially when they are so fricken obvious.
@friedtofufan 2 жыл бұрын
@@LordDomielOfElysium way to say a whole lot of nothing lol
@LordDomielOfElysium Жыл бұрын
@@_kirb_ amber is a terrible person, did you even watch the damn trial?
@robinchirps1775 2 жыл бұрын
Wow people are mad about simply saying even if Heard is wrong or a liar or an abuser, we shouldn’t be misogynistic or simply say outright everything she says is a lie… People don’t Earn the right to not face bigotry. Bigotry towards criminals, yes all criminals, is still bigotry and is still wrong. Also. The verdict hasn’t been called yet. We have not seen all the evidence yet. When the verdict is reached you can use it then. But don’t act like you’ve already gotten it all figured out.
@victorsmith11 2 жыл бұрын
Robin out here chirping facts (sunglasses face emoji; sunglasses face emoji; sunglasses face emoji)
@SaVanityVan 2 жыл бұрын
The "verdict" is irrelevant, it has nothing to do with if she abused him or not, nor if she's even lying about being abused. This is a civil defamation case, aka all about semantics and loopholes, and to get a guilty verdict the plaintiff would have to prove damages, motive, and malicious intent, and every single juror would have to vote guilty or it's an automatic toss out. Depp almost certainly will lose the case, but him doing so would not change that she is his abuser and as of yet theres not a single shred of proof that he ever abused her, and many lies on her part in her quest to prove he did. And genuine question, what misogyny are you referring to? I've been following this case, and the wider situation, for years and I've not seen anything I'd consider misogynistic? Unless we're just calling anyone being against Heard, mocking and memeing her etc. as misogynistic because she's a woman, and the people doing it are predominantly male?
@robinchirps1775 2 жыл бұрын
I’m well aware-verdict still means something. People are using this case as an end-all be-all even now, which still stands to me as a point of contention as not all evidence has been covered and there hasn’t been a verdict. If it’s enough for you, fair enough, I’m not saying you can’t form opinions. I really hope you’re engaging in good faith because if you think all I’ve said is “Heard is a woman so she cannot be abusive” you’re not going to hear anything else. Read posts about Heard, but remove her name and all preconceptions on her character. It’s all about specific language and characterization. To ignore how this case is being used against other victims, and to smear the #MeToo movement (which wasn’t exclusive to women but it is the common perception of it), and to ignore the hate groups like MRAs, incels, etc. who have come to support Depp but don’t actually care about justice, is to remain blind. Groups supporting him doesn’t mean Depp endorses them, but it does mean these people are actively in play when it comes to the online meme-ifying of the case. At the end of the day, bigotry is still bigotry. People don’t lose the right to not face bigotry. If people are jumping on this case as a way to say all women victims were lying about their abuse or assault (and this IS happening), that’s still misogynistic on their part even if Heard is an abuser. It’s not about defending Heard, it’s about defending women coming forward about abuse.
@mariannecasey4211 2 жыл бұрын
@@SaVanityVan To say that there is 'not a single shred of proof' that Depp abused her is just wilfully ignoring the facts of the case. Depp lost the UK libel case against the Sun because the newspaper was able to substantiate 12 out of 14 claims of abuse Heard made against him and thus justify their designation of him as a wife-beater. Keep in mind too that the odds in this case were heavily stacked in Depp's favour because, unlike in US defamation cases, the burden of proof fell on the defendant (The Sun) and not him; still he lost. It's pretty obvious that the treatment of Heard is rooted in, perhaps subconsciously in some cases, misogynistic beliefs. The language used to denigrate her is often loaded - phrases like 'bitch', 'gold-digger', etc. - terms that would never be used against a man in her same position. Her every action inside and outside the courtroom being hyper-analysed for some shred of evidence that would point to her lying, whilst Depp can act however he wants without question is a misogynistic double-standard. Heard smiles briefly while speaking to her lawyer - a Freudian slip. Depp and his team laugh consistently as Heard recounts her sexual abuse - no big deal. Heard sniffles and wipes her nose on the stand - she is snorting cocaine. Depp snorts and wipes his nose - again no big deal. Even outside the individual treatment of Heard, this case is being used widely on TikTok, Twitter, KZbin, etc. to discredit all female victims and the entire MeToo movement - simply because Heard is not the perfect victim everyone wants.
@hannahbrown5465 2 жыл бұрын
@@SaVanityVan I’ve seen comments like “hell has no fury like a woman’s” and shit like that and I’m thinking damn, misogynists are using this to generalize all women
@migoreng7789 2 жыл бұрын
i just wish the court proceedings weren't open to public. the amount of "jd is innocent she's a liar" videos i have seen from people i was subbed to ... i'm appalled. i grew up with abusive father who is just too charming and charismatic for anyone to believe me, i learnt to cope with it by treating the abuse like a character developement arc in a bad 90s sitcom. i talk about it in a very casual manner, so i had therapists tell me i'm hard to work with because i don't "act like a real victim". domestic abuse is a complex issue, anyone making memes or "epic own" tiktoks ... get fucked.
@SpookyStag2015 2 жыл бұрын
I hope you're doing okay now. I'm sorry that you went through that❤
@annabelle2889 2 жыл бұрын
Depp’s team pushing for the court proceedings to be open reminds me a lot of the trials of OJ Simpson and Adolf Hitler, both pushed for the trials to be open as a strategy to win public favour, unfortunately it was pretty effective both times
@SanFranFan30 2 жыл бұрын
@@annabelle2889 From what I know he and his team intentionally had the case set up in Virginia so that the trial would be a spectacle on purpose, which is pretty fucking disgusting considering he was doing just fine and this is supposed to be defamation suit about his reputation being damaged when it wasn't really. Like "oh no you didn't get to be in the third shitty Harry Potter spinoff" so sad what a prick.
@HeavenlyEchoVirus 2 жыл бұрын
In Canada, courts don’t even have photographers, and the culture around trials here is so different. Like in the US child murder trials literally get turned into entertainment. It’s really just crass.
@JHjh88 2 жыл бұрын
This comment. The therapists can fk off too. 'You don't act like a victim'- Do they think we walk around weeping into a tissue? No we learn to reel off the various things done to us in a robotic fashion. Sending you solidarity. ❤️
@rachelsiminski9717 2 жыл бұрын
In 10, 15, 20 years, we are going to look back on this case and be so ashamed over how it was treated and how we treated Amber. Also, in light of the recent news that Kylie Jenner takes 3 minute private jet rides, I'm honestly dead sick of being told that we are not doing enough to save the environment. Its not our fault and it never will be. It will always be the people in power.
@hiero306 2 жыл бұрын
From people SHIPPING Johnny with members of his legal team to them fabricating these wild theories about Amber snorting dr*gs PUBLICLY while on the stand is why I chose to avoid the case all together. Its actually terrifying how little ppl care about others outside of the entertainment they can draw from their traumas. Its also disgusting the way some ppl use this case as their own personal power fantasy against women. It's scary as hell
@soyamsharma343 Жыл бұрын
Johnny is innocent
@VinVin_31 Жыл бұрын
@@soyamsharma343 Don’t know don’t care.
@user-tw3rh9po4t 6 ай бұрын
>From people SHIPPING Johnny with members of his legal team FUCKING WHAT
@trinifernandez8870 2 жыл бұрын
This is oficially the only Johnny Depp Amber Herd content I'm willing to consume.
@wooogie672 2 жыл бұрын
princess weekes has a good video on this case and related to true crime in general
@sjjoker4724 2 жыл бұрын
Yep. KZbin has become a very strange place these last 2 weeks
@tmaposa2229 2 жыл бұрын
Princess Weekes has a great video on this topic too.
@harper.jackson 2 жыл бұрын
Everyone is reading into every little thing she does, I remember there was a point in the trial where she was talking with her lawyer and smiled at something they said. Everyone was so quick to jump down her throat about "slipping" or "faking", and it was for expressing one slivver of joy throught the relentless hours everyone has spent sat in that court room.
@bean9786 2 жыл бұрын
THANKYOU!! I saw a post somewhere about this exact thing and I'm so glad to see someone else uncomfortable that this woman isn't allowed to smile with out getting accused of being a liar
@inthedriversseat928 2 жыл бұрын
Whilst Johnny and his team have laughed their way through the entire trial so far, even when Amber was describing being violated with a vodka bottle, but when he does it it's okay because "that's how some people deal with trauma". Not sure why they weren't reprimanded by the judge, but I have a good idea.
@priyashekinah 2 жыл бұрын
Right? There's this other video where this person asks why she's there, and she's trying to carefully word it (because she's in a courtroom) and she says how this is painful because she's reliving this again And all the comments are like comparing her to kristen Stewart's acting, or saying that she's victimizing herself , it's so gross how much they're reading into it
@risky_busine55 2 жыл бұрын
I've seen so many people posting videos like "what amber Heard's body language says" or "testimony analysed" and it's some random person reading shit from like a Wikipedia search or something
@mynameisuju 2 жыл бұрын
I saw someone say she was eating in the court room to take breaks to think of her next lie. I... If that's all it takes to call women liars, CHEWING FOOD, then damn.
@angelah5995 2 жыл бұрын
FINALLY someone is talking about this. I keep seeing videos like “Johnny Depp being funny in court” and stuff like that, and it felt so icky. They seem like the same format as like “Harry Potter being sassy complication” and it is so unethical and tone deaf to treat this court case like a movie with black and white characters instead of something very serious and nuanced.
@robyn9172 2 жыл бұрын
so well put
@killjoy6090 2 жыл бұрын
All I've been recommended for weeks is compilations of Johnny's funniest moments and "proof" that Amber is faking everything. It's so gross and hard to avoid and I'm glad there's content like this out there that is critiquing the way people are handling everything regarding the case. Super glad I finally watched one of your videos, this was fantastic and I'm definitely sticking around to watch more. Wren also sounds pretty pog
@whygilbert 2 жыл бұрын
not to sound elitist, but this is one of the reasons that I try so hard do avoid celebrity gossip/drama. it's so tribalist that all the facts just get muddled up and I can't even try to form an informed opinion, because I have to sift through all the fandom BS to figure out what ACTUALLY happened.
@tugger 2 жыл бұрын
you could try watching the trial
@whygilbert 2 жыл бұрын
@@tugger how many days of the trial have their been? i’m not going to watch 5 weeks of legal proceedings just to figure out who’s a good or bad person. it’s infinitely easier for me to just avoid either of them altogether.
@river_brook 2 жыл бұрын
@@tugger I think the issue is less "it is hard to get the facts" so much as "it is way too easy to consume a bunch of shitty gossip instead of the facts"
@Purplesquigglystripe 2 жыл бұрын
It really does seem best to stay out of anything like this and not make any kind of public comment that might influence others. I always roll my eyes when randos on Twitter insert themselves into the middle of these kinds of accusations as if they know more than the people involved. But yeah, you don’t miss out on anything by ignoring this stuff or by not having an opinion.
@resident-evil-jerma5389 2 жыл бұрын
hey, just so you know, using the word tribalism like that can be upsetting to Indigenous people. sectarianism or factionalism would probably be better to use here.
@jaiminwatson8159 2 жыл бұрын
Seeing things about this has triggered my brother deeply. He was in an abusive relationship for years and to see either side memed makes him so uncomfortable. This is fucked from any side and I appreciate you making this video.
@hail1660 2 жыл бұрын
I feel the same, it’s become incredibly hard to see people make memes about abuse - it’s so clear they have never endured abuse of this magnitude, because if they did, they’d know it’s not laughable.
@carolinepeers4291 2 жыл бұрын
I hope your brother is able to avoid most of the horrible stuff online and offline about this. Im fresh out of a relationship eerily similar to AH and JD, the public opinion on it has absolutely destroyed me, and I'm literally terrified of going to court in a few months and being treated just like AH. It's an absolute disgrace that so many people making light of this are claiming to be DV survivors themselves.
@IvoirePunk 2 жыл бұрын
I can relate. As someone that was in two differently abusive (one physical and one emotional) relationships it hurts like hell to see memes being made of assault stories and pain.
@custom4095 2 жыл бұрын
Your brother should get off the internet. It’s not that hard to just log off
@GirlDo3 2 жыл бұрын
Like how can these people act like this then have the audacity to claim they care about victims
@pastelmetaknight 2 жыл бұрын
i remember seeing a livestream where 2 reporters were literally giggling about all of the Johnny Depp character costumes they saw worn by supporters outside the courtroom, it just had the darkest, most surreal energy
@catloaff 2 жыл бұрын
Bless you for making this vid. It just felt so disturbing to see MenToo and MePoo were trending or TikTokers getting 100k+ likes for saying that Amber's assault story is their sex fantasy. Do you guys really try to hold Amber Heard accountable or just hate feminism and wanted Heard to be epicly owned and humiliated? Manson is also trying to sue his victims afaik, I'm gonna be sick
@espeon871 2 жыл бұрын
@genericname8727 2 жыл бұрын
This is disturbing. I didn’t even know about this stuff going on
@doodledapz4775 2 жыл бұрын
Never seen this side of the internet before but thats disgusting
@ninanano 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, he’s sued Evan Rachel Wood defamation and Depp’s fans are supporting him because they’re friends.
@friedtofufan 2 жыл бұрын
@@doodledapz4775 please god tell me how you are avoiding it
@SpookyStag2015 2 жыл бұрын
I haven't been keeping up with this trial because I value my sanity and don't wish to subject myself to the wretched cultural miasma surrounding it, but I hope that anyone who was hurt in this case just heals and gets their justice, however that ends up looking. I know nothing about these people, but they're people, not characters, and it's the most surreal shit to see all these vultures treat a deeply personal case like this as an episode of their favorite TV show. All I can think of is the idea of a bunch of corporate media producers like Netflix and Hulu racing to buy the rights so they can capitalize off this shit. Makes me sick.
@83croissant 2 жыл бұрын
They could wait a few years to capitalize off the re-evaluation of the case like with the Pamela Anderson sex tape movie or the Clinton Lewinski tv show
@XdjwolfX32 2 жыл бұрын
Me too, this is literally the only video I've watched on the trial
@anewplasticidea 2 жыл бұрын
@@83croissant i doubt it. the rate at which scandals in ~society~ are able to produce work is insane. after the travis scott thing a documentary was made extremely swiftly. after the rust thing (baldwin accidental manslaughter that happened due to many negligent and disgusting factors) there was a 60 minutes interview that was uploaded to hulu (i understand 60m is CBS...i think or whatever channel on US TV) and i think a doc may have come out about it? the reason why these shows are coming up now is basically timing, the pandemic, and an interest in white women's storytelling which is pretty troubling. but they really do not give a shit but i'm sure it will be "nuanced" the issue is even needing to publish that and do a production of it in the first place.
@user-ck2kk9oo8k 2 жыл бұрын
It's okay to have an opinion on this case, and it's fine to say that Heard did something wrong, or that Depp did something wrong. But it's weird that we are making memes and jokes about this. Even if some parts seem ridiculous, its acoùrt case, and they both clearly need help, however this turns out. If Amber is lying, Depp has been abused and she can't be doing very well in herself. If Depp is lying, he has abused Amber and he is most likely not very well either. However this goes, someone is a victim. It's not funny.
@zoeprice798 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve thought about this with the Sienna Mae situation too. Imagine not being able to go on the internet without seeing people joking about this life ruining ordeal you’ve endured. Regardless of the victim you are hurting someone
@zorro...... 2 жыл бұрын
@@zoeprice798 wdym "regardless of the victim" in the case of sienna mae? i feel like that was the most cut and dry thing ever. if even that case we can't agree on with regards to who the victim is, i'm a bit concerned i guess
@zoeprice798 2 жыл бұрын
@@zorro...... Sorry, I had kind of switched topics by that point, that’s my adhd haha. No, with sienna Mae it is undeniable who did it, I was just using that as an example of another dv case that’s been memed to death
@CagedLeo 2 жыл бұрын
On top of being a talented creator in general, Ro is an incredibly gifted writer and eloquent speaker. Love seeing their channel grow!
@MikasRhetoric 2 жыл бұрын
I agree!!!
@goofiestgal 2 жыл бұрын
huge vouch. she always makes the most nuanced takes very easily accessible. it’s really an artform
@sawyerblossom7244 2 жыл бұрын
This was... heavy. And it was a lot. But it was necessary. As an anecdote,, I want want say that my father was abused by my biological mother before I was even born. She was a woman who did terrible things, and I'm incredibly grateful that my father was the one who got custody of me growing up. My father has followed the trial. He doesn't know what happened all those times, just like you or I don't. But he isn't vilifying Heard for what she has or hasn't done while putting Depp on a pedestal. In my father's opinion, neither of these celebrities deserve his praise or his hatred. And I agree. It would be easy for me to look at Heard and see the woman who ruined my life while I was still in the womb, or any other woman I despise for that matter. But Heard isn't my mother, and Depp isn't my dad. They are both people who I don't know, and the situation is one I shouldn't pass judgment on when I don't know the full story.
@neb1167 2 жыл бұрын
@StrawberryCrush2000 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah I've seen a truly disturbing number of comments claiming Heard is lying because "I was abused and never acted like X" or "my abusive ex acted exactly the same as Y" and it's like... I feel like I shouldn't have to explain that that's completely irrelevant to these two people that none of us know??
@GirlDo3 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for understanding the importance of not projecting your own situation on other people's cases. Every case is different and it's too easy to use a case like this as a scapegoat.
@ajiththomas2465 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly, one of the things that blackpilled me about the whole Depp vs Heard lawsuit situation which was pointed out to me by Xanderhal in one his streams which is that when people take sides in shitshows like these, they often selectively accept all the facts of the case, in order to appease their confirmation biases. You see this especially with the people who are against Amber Heard. So many people like to blindly accept the claim of Amber Heard, the psychotic bed shitter. But what they don't acknowledge is that the very same source that alleges Heard has having shat on Depp's bed also alleges that prior to that, of Depp domestically abusing Heard, throwing stuff at her, and roughly grabbing her hair. To be specific, the source which is _The Guardian_ article "Johnny Depp trial: how the judge ruled on 14 alleged assaults": ---- 13. Los Angeles, April 2016 Heard claimed Depp had arrived late for her 30th birthday meal, drunk and on drugs. After her friends left, he threw a magnum champagne bottle at her, which missed, smashed glasses and grabbed her hair. The next day faeces was found on the couple’s bed. The judge concluded Depp had “assaulted Ms Heard as he had done on previous occasions when he was stressed”. Of Depp’s claim that Heard, or one of her friends, had deliberately defecated on the bed, the judge said it was “highly unlikely”. ---- Funny how the hordes of people who love to shit talk about Amber "Psychotic Bed Shitter" Heard never mention about the preceding events that lead up to Heard allegedly shitting on Depp's bed, namely the domestic abuse she faced at Depp's hands. Seriously, which of the two scenarios sounds more plausible and likely, the idea that Amber Heard shat on Depp's bed out of psychotic spite or that they she did it as a response to the domestic abuse by Depp earlier that evening? No one actually contextualizes that because of course, that would go against the women-hating narrative that they've so gleefully gobbled up and regurgitated. Sure, they may claim that they're doing this because of "the lack of support for male abuse victims", which is a cause that I also certainly support, but I don't profess to being as moronic as to believe that 99.99% of the people claiming this actually gave a single damn about male abuse victims before the Depp vs Heard situation and even after this fiasco is over. The biggest reason why people side with Depp is because he's a famous actor who played a lot of iconic roles that people remember. That's pretty much it really. They don't care about the cause of male abuse victims, they only care about this specific rich famous celebrity one. After the whole situation is over, a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of people will actually try to support male abuse victims. For the vast vast majority, it's just concern trolling. To clarify something, I am not taking either side of the Depp vs Heard situation. I do not give a single flying fuck about either individual in this lawsuit. If they were to both die of spontaneous combustion tomorrow, I would still not give a fuck about them. A quantum supercomputer calculating for a thousand years could not even approach the number of fucks I do not give about either Depp or Heard. There are so many other, far more interesting and valuable situations that merit more actual public concern and outrage than this bloated monstrosity of a public lawsuit case that has monopolized the public's attention for the stupidest and most vapid of reasons. From what I can gather, Heard seems to be an unpleasant, toxic individual who I wouldn't want to ever meet or be acquainted with. And on the other hand, I don't buy the whole "Johnny Depp uwu" narrative that other people blindly believe and gobble up. Before this whole situation, I remember plenty of stories of Depp being an obnoxious _prima donna_ actor who was very hard to work with on set and I have no reason to believe that that magically changed now. I think both Depp and Heard are two miserably toxic, abusive, mentally-ill rich dumbfucks who should have never gotten together and while their relationship is mutually abusive and toxic, I would say that Heard is the more abusive one in the relationship. *My main source of contention with this whole pointless bullshit situation is the intellectual cowardice and dishonesty that the vast majority of commentators, particularly the pro-Depp and anti-Heard commentators, display when they downplay and omit damning facts that contradict the black-and-white narrative of Johnny Depp being the pure innocent uwu victim that they want to push. If both sides of this case were shown honestly, warts and all, I wouldn't be so annoyed and blackpilled with the situation.*
@TSDTalks22 2 жыл бұрын
It’s crazy to me that this trial has simultaneously made this situation even more complicated and nuanced than it’s ever been in the public eye because of information has been revealed, yet at the same time the most black and white, detached from reality content regarding this whole very real and very serious situation has been a direct result of the trials relevancy. You can scroll on Twitter and find audio of amber heard describing her own (alleged) sexual assault , closely followed by a ten minute “Johnny depp funniest trial moments” compilation set to wii shop music. How are those both realities that coexist?
@user-ld6th3vw8e 2 жыл бұрын
ive had to unfollow creators because of the bizarre way they've reacted to this trial. it feels like so not our business and everything you said about me too is ringing so true
@mobwatch8119 2 жыл бұрын
I read a couple of articles; the trial was big business for so many channels. They got thousands of subs just by calling Amber names.
@hyenaferrell8784 2 жыл бұрын
i want to say that even when someone may be "lying", there may be some truth in there. when i was in high school i told my parents i had been raped at school. (never named names, kept it very vague, and yes it was a half lie) the real truth was that i had and was being sexually abused by my grandfather, but had no idea how to tell my parents or anyone else about what was happening, and was scared about the consequences of telling my father that his father was actually a monster. i had no idea what his reaction would be, and i was scared of how it would effect his relationship with me and his relationship with his father. i also loved my grandfather somewhat, despite all he had done to me. all i knew was that i needed help and there was a reason my mental health was at such a bad state. lying about who had done these things seemed like the only option.
@farahwork2552 Жыл бұрын
that makes so much fucking sense. insightful truly
@PforPanthera 2 жыл бұрын
I've seen a lot of people treat their obsession with following the situation as some way of supporting male victims of abuse. Like to a certain extent, I can understand that but treating the situation like entertainment and making memes doesn't really make me think it's all that much about supporting male abuse victims. It's also just kind of weird because a lot of these people are like "Oh Amber Heard should have to face what famous men who abuse their partners face" and it's like, oh you mean almost nothing happening to them? Like sure some celebrities have faced actual consequences but most of the time it just gets kind of ignored. Just a lot of these same people probably barely react to hearing that a woman was abused but suddenly this is the most important thing on the planet. I do actually care a lot about male abuse victims. Their experiences get downplayed and laughed at but treating it like a spectacle certainly doesn't help anyone.
@AT-vp8qw 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I remember ppl making memes about Rhiannas abuse back during the whole drake situation, and he still has a career. Sure, he faced a lot of backlash, but not much consequences came from it.
@Jukajobs 2 жыл бұрын
yeah, and a lot of actual victims of abuse and rape who are men are being ignored, people like terry crews and anthony rapp (spacey's victim) never got as much attention as johnny depp
@Lilyanna298 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly, but when people bring up men who Johnny has assaulted in the past they say “They deserved it” or “That’s not the same”. Yeah you really care about abuse towards men!
@aliciad270 2 жыл бұрын
@@AT-vp8qw *Chris Brown
@lordoftheducks332 2 жыл бұрын
As soon as I heard that the trial was going to be televised, I just prepared for the worst. I haven’t got a fucking clue whose idea it was to do that but televising court trials is NEVER a good idea, especially if it’s a domestic abuse trial. And even though I was prepared, the response to the trial is so much worse than I expected it to be.
@genericname8727 2 жыл бұрын
Depp’s side pushed for it to be public, from what I’m aware.
@MeganMegandaughter 2 жыл бұрын
@@genericname8727 I have a theory that depps not in it to win it (it being the actual trial) but is actually aiming to make a fiasco to win public favour. That's not to say he's guilty but instead has a good PR team
@genericname8727 2 жыл бұрын
@@MeganMegandaughter I agree. That seems to be what a lot of people believe. Honestly, I don’t think he’s got a good case anyway. It’s a defamation trial and defamation cases in the US are notoriously hard to win. Regardless of who’s right or wrong in terms of the facts, I don’t think he’s got a good legal case from what I’ve heard, and Heard’s side hasn’t even finished making their case. My guess is he’ll lose then she’ll lose her counter suit, but either way he’ll have gained public favour from many. I think that’s the main goal.
@lordoftheducks332 2 жыл бұрын
@@genericname8727 Yeah, my best guess is that it's a publicity stunt meant to reverse the public perception of Johnny Depp, even if he loses the lawsuit. And it pretty much worked. Most of the people I've spoken to (who lack self awareness) have put Johnny Depp on a pedastal for how charming he was in the courtroom and make fun of Amber Heard and her lawyers for being incompetent. It's another performance.
@brain_apostrophe_t 2 жыл бұрын
People miss the person they thought Johnny Depp was 10 years ago, and now they've found a way to pretend that is and always was that person. He was never that simple sexy innocent person, good or bad, no one is that person. People missed loving him and his characters and now theyre willing to ignore just about anything to continue loving him and his movies
@bobsburgers8497 2 жыл бұрын
Watch the trial
@lauren0313 2 жыл бұрын
@@bobsburgers8497 her watching the trial isn’t going to change her opinion lmfao
@oinkoink4407 2 жыл бұрын
johnny isn't a perfect victim, we know.
@lazilylapis676 2 жыл бұрын
I can't even express the deep frustration I feel when people bring up this trial like it's a joke, or it's just two characters, these are real people with a real case of abuse. I'm so tired of hearing people near me joke about it and I have to call them out every time on how shitty this behavior is. It's not a joke
@dokiepkosa 2 жыл бұрын
I see a lot of parallels between Heard and my own mother. Simply, my mom went to jail for domestic violence LONG before my dad ever did, even tho he had almost killed her in front of me and my siblings an innumerable amount of times. She was not a perfect victim, and I thought lesser of her for it for a long time before I went to therapy and took the time to rebuild my relationship with her. The things that people say about Amber Heard are the same things my family continues to say about my Mom. Seeing this situation play out only reminds me of how much further we have to go
@smoli2000 2 жыл бұрын
@@aniya2633 umm this person just shared something pretty intimate and complicated and your response is to make it about yourself and claim narcissist. you could have done that on your own individual comment, respectfully.
@nm9688 2 жыл бұрын
It's called DARVO
@GirlDo3 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like this might be why Lili Rose doesn't express support for her dad. She must be conflicted.
@ViCiousSnek 2 жыл бұрын
@@GirlDo3 She has, and said her father was the kindest man she knows. So did all of his past relationships. They’re all on his side. That should tell you something about his character.
@GirlDo3 2 жыл бұрын
@@ViCiousSnek False. Have you even listened to Amber's witneses? A lot have confirmed he's a violent paranoid jealous man including his bestfriend of a couple decades, his close friend of like 10 yrs, his agent, his finance guy, his ex fling, etc.. Tell me you don't follow the trial without telling me you don't follow the trial. Of all the witnesses, only people on his payroll have witnesses on his behalf which 2 of them have confirmed they saw bruises on Amber and his therapist said they were mutally abusive but he instigated the abuse. His finance guy confirmed his employees were all making 7 figures salaries and his ex bestfriend said all these people enabled him because they wanted to keep their jobs and were around Depp for money.
@s...5885 2 жыл бұрын
if i see ONE more twitch incel or tiktok of a guy sitting in a dark room with led lights and no furniture laughing at Amber crying I will lash tf out
@laurel__ 2 жыл бұрын
I didn't follow the court case but I have been complacent in believing Depp innocent, Heard guilty. I'm a victim of domestic violence. I am a woman. Consider me checked, Ro. I can't believe the view I just adapted from society. It is deeply misogynistic. Appreciate your perspective.
@virigorn 2 жыл бұрын
Can't wait for the posts in a few years that are like "we're ALL at fault for how this trial was treated
@mobwatch8119 2 жыл бұрын
I doubt that will happen anytime soon. Too many people are making bank by blatantly ignoring evidence. They'll try to keep the status quo for as long as possible. I can only hope the verdict is a rational one and that before society moves on to the new craze, all the lies and distortions are brought to light, to show the true character of most content creators.
@katrinam6795 2 ай бұрын
​@@mobwatch8119I saw a few posts in this fashion this week
@kitmakin289 2 жыл бұрын
As a survivor of domestic abuse who has been in a situation that has even been recorded by those working to help survivors where I felt backed into a corner and lashed out in an abusive manner as a means of self defence against abuse it really has been killing me watching all the hate toward Heard as if there are no possible deeper issues that could be at play despite it being a recorded behaviour. That it might be carried over from her past. That we don't know because we weren't there. I'm not excusing what she has done, neither did Ro, but asserting someone's humanity shouldn't be seen as defending bad behaviour anyway.
@GirlDo3 2 жыл бұрын
Like the 《incriminating》 evidences against her are all out of context and when I listen to the audios she sounds tired, distressed and defeated. The same way I sound when dealing with someone who is unreasonable and devoided of accountability. To me it's clear it's reactive abuse.
@kitmakin289 2 жыл бұрын
@@GirlDo3 There's actually a thing many abusers do where they "create a context" as it were and back their victim into a psychological and physical corner so that the victim lashes out physically first to give the abuser an excuse for physically responding which they can then excuse with the "look what you made me do" thing.
@GirlDo3 2 жыл бұрын
@@kitmakin289 Yes exactly! I don't think people realise how narcissists are very emotionally intelligent and good at manipulating situations and vilainizing their victim. It's sad to see people fall for it as I often criticized how eveyone was over using the word narcissist as a buzzoword, but when it comes time to spott common narcissist practices like this, suddenly people are oblivious..
@bobsburgers8497 2 жыл бұрын
@@GirlDo3 the evidence against her was not out of context. Please watch the actual trial
@GirlDo3 2 жыл бұрын
@@bobsburgers8497 omgg haha it's so obvious you haven't watched it. Watching it through a biased JD fan side is not watching the trial. You have to watch the actual 20 something days..yes thos 7-8 hours videos dw there are long breaks it's not actually 7-8 hours and u can watch it sped up.
@bkppppppp 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this I feel like I’m going insane the amount of vitriol thrown at this woman, the memes, the jokes. The painting JD as some squishy sweet innocent doe is wild. No matter what happened, which we will truly never know, domestic violence and sexual assault are never something to laugh at. Even if you hate Amber so much and think she hurt Johnny then why are you making light of something you think he suffered? You may want to hurt Amber for some odd reason, but all this does is hurt victims and embolden abusers.
@bleusles 2 жыл бұрын
I agree! It feels inappropriate to laugh at JD making light of the situation if you feel that he’s the true victim - if that’s his trauma he’s laughing at, why is everyone else laughing? Especially if you’re not in the court room experiencing the court case first hand? I hope we get to a place after the case is over where everyone can agree that the situation was nuanced and difficult and deserved a lot more respect than this. Memes on an abuse case, regardless of who’s side you’re on, is really unnecessary. It’s important to remember that people who have been abused in relationships are watching all these reactions, and sometimes making decisions about coming out based off the reaction of their community. Also, v true. People NEED to stop painting celebrities like little babies instead of adults who’ve done a mix of good and bad.
@Fabsocialism 2 жыл бұрын
Phenomenal thoughts as usual
@user-vy2hz6fl6x 2 жыл бұрын
I love your channel! You’re phenomenal
@megamuffin1012 2 жыл бұрын
should’ve known you would be the only person with a good take on this situation. People making fan cams out of a real life trial with real life consequences is just gross
@indicadogboy 2 жыл бұрын
if you liked ro's take on this I also recommend you watch kuncan dansters video on the trial, he also talks about how celebrity culture is harmful when talking about certain issues like this
@woolzem 2 жыл бұрын
This is the first video... the first... anything. I watched. That defended her. I found more. I ... I went through what's happening. It doesn't matter that she's a celebrity. I went through a public shaming in the army after I was abused and had to report it. I lost everything. I don't know how or why I'm still here. I have intense PTSD and it's being triggered really badly. I want to thank you again for this video because I don't know what state I'd be in if you hadn't been the first brave person to say "this isn't okay or normal" and I love you for that. And I love you. Thank you. I'm frozen today and I don't know why and all I see is my husbands worried face. And I watch this video, it helps. Thank you
@roramdin 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your words. You made me tear up- I'm glad this video is offering you some comfort, and I hope you're well.
@farahwork2552 Жыл бұрын
I love and respect YOU!! Im a fellow survivor, im glad your here. and guess what you comment helped ME! im sorry you had to go through ANY cruelty babes, im so sorry. I believe you with all my heart. - a fellow woman
@dancershan 2 жыл бұрын
Not enough people seem to admit "I don't know what happened " in situations like these. I really appreciate your thoughtful commentary regarding this issue.
@IvoirePunk 2 жыл бұрын
I made a comment on another video about this situation and remained completely neutral and just said the jokes were disgusting. I was called a humorless and bitter woman. (I'm non-binary). Just being NEUTRAL in this situation gets people hurling misogyny at you. It's phenomenal. Forgive me, a DV survivor, for not finding it all hilarious.
@smalltimer 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video. Before it I was under the “mutual but Heard was worse”, but now realize that all the pro-Depp propaganda has clouded my judgment. Thank you for challenging this idea.
@TMThesaurus 2 жыл бұрын
I don't understand how you could possibly believe that it was "mutual but Heard was worse." She's accusing him of rape. Did you just decide that she was lying about that but telling the truth about everything else?
@lookitskatiex 2 жыл бұрын
@@TMThesaurus I know I’m not who you asked, but I got caught up in a reflex of “Maybe I am being sexist to not side with him when the evidence she is lying/abusive is so strong.” My initial reaction was to side with her but so many people were posting cherry picked aspects that I bought it and got “lost in the sauce,” but I realize now after this video add the video Princess Weekes did that I’ve fallen prey to misinformation. There will absolutely be a backtrack of what happened in a few years and I know my progressive friends will act like they were always on her side. In the end, it was my fault for not doing research and not listening to what Amber said.
@ViCiousSnek 2 жыл бұрын
There is no “pro-Depp propaganda”, it’s called the truth. Back in 2016-17, I’d not call it “pro-Heard propaganda” when she was the one whom all believed. Not everything is propaganda. It’s Heard being finally held accountable.
@acoelomate2984 2 жыл бұрын
the way people have been discussing this case has been absolutely whack to watch. i try to avoid it but my god; i don’t even know too much about who’s in the right all ik is that the people who are obsessively picking apart every detail need to… Not do that and just let the case go the way it does.
@Natalia-ex8xi 2 жыл бұрын
I hate how it’s almost unavoidable to see that mocking/viral content about it. People I follow and random accounts (like one for cute cat content of all examples) are why I’ve seen those tiktoks making fun of the situation
@maddiedoesntkno 2 жыл бұрын
The thing is, the case isn’t even about who is “right” or who hurt/abused whom. It’s about whether or not Amber’s op-ed lost Johnny work or damaged his good name. That’s it. The legal system is not at all concerned with the rest, just whether or not it harmed Johnny’s reputation and income.
@bobsburgers8497 2 жыл бұрын
@@maddiedoesntkno no, it is about who abused who because a huge part of the suit was whether the statements were true.
@ratk1ng.0 2 жыл бұрын
FUCKING THANK YOU JESUS CHRIST Like oh my god people have sensationalized this and I wholeheartedly believe that people (particularly men) are weirdly thrilled to get a chance to say "hey men have it bad too" which is fucked up like I cant say what happened but thats why I wont say what happened like some people try to. Its so hard to hear the way people have talked about this situation like I feel like its so muddled and honestly should NOT be this public because its only making things worse and like I want to support victims but when its so unclear and I dont know these people personally I really hate the thought of picking a side because if Im wrong it could be so harmful that its not worth participating in
@dusundavarfreohr3491 2 жыл бұрын
Also there IS something to be said about the wealth and power of these people. Like, obviously, I support due process and justice like a sane person. It's just that I'm supposed to care about these insanely influential, mad rich individuals that honestly don't productively add to the discussion around violence and abuse whatsoever, and I really don't. I'd much rather elivate voices that aren't heard in the first place, have similarly or more valid points to bring forward.
@ratk1ng.0 2 жыл бұрын
@@dusundavarfreohr3491 True like nothing they have done about their own case has been productive because it's so "no you" which is a childish way to use it and like also I guess I also dont even know how much they are perpetuating it themselves but it really kinda feels at least in Depp's case that he is kind of trying to rally people towards him rather than focusing on healing which is childish, but also I dont see anyone doing that for Amber Heard and maybe there's a legitimate reason for that, but it feels very much like I said before like a "see, man good woman bad" thing and shit I just dont like the way a case like this is being used against women who are clearly in the right just because one woman may not be so clearly in the right
@starboyonyx 2 жыл бұрын
this genuinely pushed me to change my mind about this whole thing and step back. not that i ever made any posts about it, or talked to anyone about it, but i did see johnny depp as a hero. ive changed my mind. thank you
@SeeMeRolling 2 жыл бұрын
Me too. I did have some doubts yesterday, though, before watching Ro's video. I was thinking about how all the witnesses and Depp's exes claim they never witnessed him doing any kind of ab*se... It makes me uncomfortable because it doesn't mean he never ab*sed her... and there are people that are powerful enough to manipulate the court like that... what if those people are protecting him? Who knows...
@SeeMeRolling 2 жыл бұрын
Also when I watched her testimony about when she punched him at the top of the stairs it seemed very genuine
@SeeMeRolling 2 жыл бұрын
I definitely feel bad for coming to a conclusion so quickly, shaming Heard and treating this as entertainment
@Naranylla 2 жыл бұрын
The whole twisting and exploitation of this case has made it worse for women and sa survivors, but also people with personality disorders. I haven't really seen many people talking about it, so I'm making this comment. Amber Heard was recently diagnosed with Borderline, and Histrionic personality disorder. As Ro talked about in the video, people aren't treating this case in a humanely way, they are seeing it in black and whites. And they often use her recent diagnosis's to "back up," their claim. Specifically people with BPD are stereotyped as being abusive "psychopathic," monsters. Because of this stereotype, and the mob's perception of Heard, the stigma around personality disorders has gotten worse. I just wanted to comment this, because most people don't even know personality disorders exist, or at least beyond the stereotype that all of us are abusive; the mob mentality against Heard is making it worse. I don't think I could say anything better or add onto what Ro has said, so apologies if this seems somewhat unrelated to the actual video.
@michaelkenner3289 2 жыл бұрын
I think that's a very relevant point to make and I'm glad you brought it up. It's a real problem with some of the coverage of this case.
@sleepyqueer 2 жыл бұрын
i had no idea about this, thank you for sharing. the stigma around personality disorders and even within the medical field is just... saddening and disturbing don’t even begin to describe the feelings
@junipermuniper 2 жыл бұрын
people treating her having BPD/HPD as "proof" that she's lying and abusive makes me fucking sick. as well as just general misinformation spread about those disorders becuase of this case. I saw someone on "team depp" say that HPD is a form of extreme narcissism which just isn't true?
@asscretin3158 2 жыл бұрын
It's pretty fucking disgusting especially because every time I look up "BPD" this trial is brought up. The public media is helping to further stigmas against people with personality disorders along with assholes on social media. There already was stigma against histrionic and borderline personality disorders and now there is even more although having these disorders makes it so fucking hard to live from day to day. One of the most painful mental illnesses to have is Borderline Personality Disorder and yet it will be stigmatized over and over.
@nm9688 2 жыл бұрын
She wasn't officially diagnosed at all. Dr Curry only met her for 12 hours, meanwhile her therapists who have seen her for years disagree completely. Dr Curry also signed a document saying she would say Amber had personality disorders and made false allegations, before even meeting Amber.
@MaiaTries 2 жыл бұрын
This video is everything I’ve been wanting to say about this topic. As a survivor, it has been horrifying to see the public reaction. At the end of the day, this situation just makes survivors more afraid to come out with their stories. It’s been extremely disheartening. Thank you so much for this.
@emm_uhh 2 жыл бұрын
Two things that came out of this case that made me very uncomfortable. 1. People treating this case like a sport and the fan cams. 2. People not understanding how our court system works.
@gangstarmama 2 жыл бұрын
it’s especially bad on tiktok. i saw an edit of someone shipping johnny with his lawyer like what???
@PeanutForBrains 2 жыл бұрын
YES, FINALLY, SOMEONE WITH A REASONABLE TAKE ON THIS CASE! I'm so sick of YT recommending me "Johnny Depp owning X" or "proof of Amber lying" videos, ugh
@garydoq 2 жыл бұрын
Once you argued Amber's side, I'd knew I'd get triggered if I finished this video. And I pushed on because I wanted to hear what you had to say. And I guess I just want to say that this is perhaps the most raw and blunt view of what ab*se is actually like that I've seen on the internet. Things aren't always the victim and the evil guy. These relationships are so incredibly complicated. My sister was my ab*ser, for as long as I can remember, for maybe all of 10-15 years before she went away to get better. During that time, I hit back, I insulted her, I got angry, I yelled, I even started fights sometimes. I wasn't the little angel getting ab*sed by the devil. There was still a power imbalance, I hit to get her away, she hit to hurt me. She is still the ab*ser and I am still the victim. Our relationship is so tangled and confusing and weird, and if I ever told just a random person our full story, they could react in any number of ways. I'm a male presenting person, and technically older than my sister (we're twins). I know how people could react to me telling them that I tried to defend myself. All these comps and idiot bullshit I've been seeing has been making me sick. This couple, who most people know absolutely nothing about, are having their deepest bones bared to every little nosy busybody who glances at the trial for five minutes. Here's my advice to people who are invested. read the case transcript. Don't listen to it, or watch it, don't read the news. Go get yourself a fucking law degree, and then read the transcript. Because the only people who should be forming opinions about this case is the jury. Great video as always Ro.
@Daemonussy 2 жыл бұрын
God. I relate to this too much. My sister was also abusive to me and I was also not a perfect victim. Thank you for telling your story.
@norrona5923 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for pointing that out. I thought this video missed that point of view. Victims of abuse do the abusing themselves because things have been normalised or they have a strong desire to fight back. As a man, I think Depp thought he “let a woman rule him” they’re very possible anxieties of male victims, and he fought back to “equalise things”. I don’t think Amber was the victim and hit him only in self-defence. I don’t even think she hit him out of frustration over his substance abuse. I think she hit him to control him, and I agree, he said messed up things to her, but it’s her false accusations of purposeful physical, sexual and emotional abuse that are horrid.
@gayclown69 2 жыл бұрын
Absolute queen. Ro, thank you. Thank you so much for putting this out there. These are extremely important points to make and think about. Ignoring and invalidating one sides traumas while Mercilessly Defending the others doesn’t make any sense, and treating a trial about domestic abuse and assault as entertainment is absolutely disgusting. I am so glad that you have said something about this, and I truly hope that this gets out there to every single person who is treating this situation as you have pointed out in your video. You’re wonderful.
@ailsabinge 2 жыл бұрын
You just spoke my mind. It's crazy because there are so many DV and r*p cases against women who never got justice. But I have never seen that much outrage and support. This case was a perfect example of what kind of misogynistic world we live in. It's soo refreshing to see someone with common sense.
@SpecialInterestShow 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, you're right, the internet has acted as if it's some... Show. Some fictional movie. But no, this is a real abuse case. This level of parasocial is fucked and needs to be addressed. Thanks, Ro. This isn't a goddamn sitcom episode, it's a real life abuse case. It's kinda sad that they made the case public. It's really disappointing to see how people have reacted to it. I mostly avoided info about it cause yeah, I figured "I literally don't know enough about this situation and I'm not in the mental state to- nor do I want to- watch a whole abuse trial" and so, I shut the fuck up about it and tried not to make assumptions either way. All I know is that the situation seems too complex and personal for anyone who wasn't involved in it to truly understand.
@polymphus 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this. I've found a lot of the conduct around it really gross, I'm not saying she's innocent, I'm not saying ANYTHING about ANYBODY'S guilt or lack thereof, I just feel like maybe we should treat it like a DV case instead of a fandom dispute.
@mynameisuju 2 жыл бұрын
A creator on this platform who has talked about her abuse before, who speaks frequently about how abuse is not something to play with, has a video with the title "How Johnny Depp DESTROYED Amber Heard!". And all through her comments are people dissecting every inch of Amber's being, her breathing, her blinking, everything, while hoping for "justice" for Depp. This is a person who literally spoke against their abuse on this platform and got dragged for it by the very same creed of people that she is now among praising the DESTRUCTION of Heard. I was subbed to this person for so long cus i thought at least with experience comes perspective, and i swear it hurt to see that it didn't.
@mobwatch8119 2 жыл бұрын
According to Prof. Sam Vaknin, being abused reduces someone's empathy, which makes a lot of sense. Comment sections are full of people saying they are DV victims and "don't believe her testimony", because of all of the above. What these people have done was project their mistreatment onto her and identify with JD, painting him as a victim and nothing more. One would hopefully have empathy for both individuals, but we see it doesn't work that way.
@littlegayfriend 2 жыл бұрын
I think I know who you’re referring to and yeah it really disappointed me when I saw the first video go up. Didn’t unsubscribe cause I hoped it was a one-off but then the one with that title got posted and I didn’t even watch it before unsubscribing. And it really sucks cause I enjoyed her content, so it’s just really disappointing overall
@HillsAliveYT 2 жыл бұрын
@@littlegayfriend I was in the exact same boat, I was subbed to her for a while and thought she had good takes so hoped it was a one-off. I was disappointed to be wrong but it is what it is, and I don't want to be subbed to anyone who would absolutely eviscerate someone's every move when talking about being sexually assaulted and abused even if they think that it's untrue. The fact that so many people are willing to jump on a bandwagon for a few hundred AdSense bucks and validation from an internet mob is cringe, and I sincerely wonder what these people will think when they look back on their behavior in a few years.
@ShoddyContent 2 жыл бұрын
Genuinely refreshing to hear my own thoughts spoken by someone else and so eloquently. Whether or not you think one or the other is worse, it's so wild to see Amber being so vilified on social media. Amber Heard may never see your cool meme compilations, but your friends who may have gone through legit DA/SA before will.
@gm.8805 Жыл бұрын
it’s really annoying how depp supporters say “people only believe amber because she’s a female” which isn’t true, but they only believe depp because their fav actor played a pirate. depp has also admitted to violence against amber, but it’s still not mutual abuse because mutual abuse is a myth.
@ablindinglightthatnolonger8379 2 жыл бұрын
As a woman that has come to the realization of how much my internalized misogyny has impacted some of my actions and ways of thinking, I have to admit that I too used to be a full believer of J*hnny's story back in 2019. I am truly ashamed of my biased way of thinking regarding this case back then. Even though I don't think the people that I might have hurt directly because of my stance will ever read this comment, I apologize to all the people that have been impacted by it due to my behaviour that has encouraged a toxic and ignorant environment for everyone. I am proud to say that I've been outgrowing that way of thinking for the past few years and that moving away from the culture and environment that encouraged and heightened my behaviour has helped me to analyze it from a healthier perspective. I am still actively educating myself and just trying to be a better person every day. I am sorry.
@ablindinglightthatnolonger8379 2 жыл бұрын
I still find it disgusting how this all situation has become an internet phenomenon and it has been ridiculed to the point where both experiences, A*ber's in particular, are being the subject of such filthy popular scrutiny. The "memefication" of this case has shocked me since the beginning of the phenomenon and I just don't get how it can be normalized to such an extent, just because they are celebrities.
@ViCiousSnek 2 жыл бұрын
It’s not internalized misogyny. You were right back in 2019, and you should stick to that. This case is not against women, it’s against abusers, like Amber Heard. Please don’t change your mind.
@ablindinglightthatnolonger8379 2 жыл бұрын
@@ViCiousSnek you don't know what the implications of my believes were tho. I've never explained in my previous comment what my stance on this case was, nor that's what I want to do with my comment. The fact that I believed J*hnny doesn't explain the significance I was giving to my stance and the consequential behaviour. What I meant to say was that my biased believes caused me to see this case in a very bidimensional way and blindly catering hate towards certain people rather than understanding it as something I'm not personally involved into. Believing more one side or the other, I don't think that is the main issue. The dangerous toxic behaviour lies in the disrespectful way you are treating somebody you don't know personally and who has done nothing to you. Also please don't disregard my personal growth. My misogyny can't be defined by this specific case alone. Doing so, you disregard my years of maturing and the way that the harmful mindset the society I lived in has damaged me.
@bobsburgers8497 2 жыл бұрын
@@ablindinglightthatnolonger8379 they weren’t disregarding your growth, or saying why you picked the side that you did. They were just saying that Johnny is the victim and amber is the abuser
@smammy9581 2 жыл бұрын
I have seen videos of people so excited and hyped up to be attending this _domestic abuse hearing._ It's insane to me
@naoree 2 жыл бұрын
Maybe I'm being unfair, but I can't shake the feeling that true crime content makes people less sensitive to those topics. The idea of listening to real horrible tragedy because it's "entertaining" is something I cannot wrap my head around. But if it's not uncommon to do your laundry while listening to description of assault, murder, etc, I feel like it would change how people react to those concepts and words. How they perceive them on an unconscious level. Of course, I'm not saying if people are into true crimes they lose empathy and turn into cold blooded assholes, not at all. It's a very complicated topic and there are so many nuances. And if you're listening to content like that, I'm not saying you should stop and that you're a bad person. I'm more uncomfortable with the company producing content like that (again, uncomfortable, please don't think I'm saying a true crime podcaster is awful and should be harassed)
@IvoirePunk 2 жыл бұрын
Princess Weekes actually just did a video talking about how this case response is related to true crime thinking
@naoree 2 жыл бұрын
@@IvoirePunk oh thank you for the recommendation!! I'll definitely check this video
@IvoirePunk 2 жыл бұрын
@@naoree You're welcome ☺️
@naoree 2 жыл бұрын
@@IvoirePunk just watched it, what a great video. Very emotional watch, but worth it. Thanks again for recommending it
@indigovertigo2266 2 жыл бұрын
love this comment, i consume true crime material myself and it doesn't calm me but rather serves as a warning as someone who's been susceptible to abuse and been in dangerous circumstances before. it also has served me as someone simply interested in the human psyche and grappling with understanding it, however whenever I've had conversations about cases with friends I've realized how desensitized everyone seems to be, it's incredible upsetting at times and makes me feel like I'm the one with something wrong when the topics and descriptions of things are too graphic. this trial carries over in the sense that it's the same mindset that people have for true crime, that it's "just another day" or "not as bad as (XYZ)" it's very unsettling. what i think makes these things worse is that a lot of creators don't objectively take an empathetic or compassionate approach towards victims/families of victims. all in all I'm appreciative of this comment and this video.
@genericname8727 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve watched a bit of coverage on the case, and since then I keep getting recommendations for memes and videos mocking Amber or just being generally very weird. Also, people seem to be forgetting this is a defamation case. They keep talking about her going to jail and stuff. People seem deeply confused about what this case is actually about. Abuse allegations are obviously significant to it, but people seem to think this is a criminal trial when it’s just not.
@Jukajobs 2 жыл бұрын
yes, and a lot of people are completely unaware that there was a similar trial in the UK a few years ago (which depp lost)
@rachelk.1921 2 жыл бұрын
THANK YOU. Yes to everything in this video. I think the idea of Amber actually being a victim is uncomfortable for people to come to terms with because she's not the "ideal" victim, and the fact that she fought against her alleged abuser makes people question their preconception of what a survivor of abuse looks/acts like. Why does someone need to be a saint in order to have their side heard? Their allegations considered with equal weight? The media rarely covers Amber's evidence and testimony, the amount of times JD and his witnesses have been caught contradicting themselves on the stand, the unethical diagnosis prepared before even meeting Amber, the audio with evidence that JD beat Amber, the clear substance abuse and money mismanagement issues, their shared therapist saying that it was JD who introduced violence into the relationship, etc. The media is clearly swayed by social media opinion rather than wanting to inform compelling evidence on both sides. EDIT: I also want to say that it's clear Amber and Johnny hurt each other - both verbally and physically. But a lot of the infamous audio clips of Amber are taken out of its full context. Adam Waldman got thrown off the case for leaking out of context audio to buffer Johnny's rep. The audio about "no one will believe a man about abuse" is from the middle of a conversation, where she'd just been sharing how scared she was he was going to kill her beforehand. When he talked about his finger, and how he'd go to the media if she shared her abuse, she THEN talked about how no one would believe him since there's a huge difference in their size, etc. I'm all for people hearing out both sides (NOBODY but them knows what happened) but the lack of context to everything blows my mind.
@rachelk.1921 2 жыл бұрын
Also, the Milani cosmetics thing disturbed me. It shouldn't surprise me that they wanted to jump on a PR opportunity, but it did. Amber's lawyer never name dropped Milani or that specific palette, but the brand went ahead and created a whole cutesy Tiktok about it anyway "debunking" the lawyer. Peoples need for a viral video is outpacing their desire to be an empathetic, critical thinking human being.
@cara1663 2 жыл бұрын
Not to mention if you listen to the audio, there's no obvious 'a' in her statement about believing him - it sounds like a "oh man" kind of way when you listen to it. Ive even seen reports and comments inserting "a white cishet" to the statement to make it seem more malicious.
@anna.phylactic 2 жыл бұрын
@@rachelk.1921 not trying to take a side, but this actually isn’t true at all. Amber’s attorney actually specifically held the palette during her opening statement, and repeatedly pointed to it saying that it was the exact palette Amber used to cover up her bruises Everyone deserves quality legal representation and Amber clearly hasn’t gotten that
@mitchj.2357 2 жыл бұрын
@@anna.phylactic I believe the brand was scratched off when the prop palette was being shown to the jury.
@GirlDo3 2 жыл бұрын
@@rachelk.1921 Milani cosmetic's motive behind backing Johny is the same reasons as corporations when they support black people in Febuary and the lgbtq in June.
@gingerkid1048 2 жыл бұрын
The important context to the tape of her admitting to hit him was that he was crushing her toes with a door she was trying to close on him to get away from him. Which you can’t really blame her for. That edited audio was leaked by JDs Russian Oligarch supporting lawyer who got kicked off the case for doing just that.
@littlebimbopeep 2 жыл бұрын
You never miss, I wish I could show this video to everyone I’ve argued this with. Acknowledging women can abuse men too is important- but routing that argument in misogyny is all I see happening. I don’t know what to make of the trial, I agree it’s so disgusting witnessing the ‘memeification’ of someone’s domestic abuse trial. Laughing at the misfortunate events that took place, like what another commented said about the bed incident is just so detached I can’t begin to understand how society is going to ever move forward and become more accepting and proactive with dealing with this real life threat. I’m sure this is worded horribly I just need to acknowledge that this was yet another beautifully worded video, Ro. I hope this video reaches a large audience and gets through to some people xoxo
@evasage14 2 жыл бұрын
OH MY GOD thank you so much for making this video, I honestly have been really disturbed by the way people are treating this case. As if it’s a tv show, that it’s as easy as putting a 💚 for johnny and 💜 for amber it’s all so belittling and reductive the 4 million signs on the amber heard petition vs the 100,00 something on the brett kavanaugh one, rlly put it into perspective for me. people (esp. men) don’t want justice for domestic abuse or for it to be taken seriously in regards to male survivors. they just want an excuse to merciously rip at and tear down a women and that happens to be amber. like u said-the refusal to even hear ambers side of things, feels like there is a veil of misogyny to it all your last question rlly nails home the complexity of this situation and the questions we NEED to be asking our selves. thank you for talking about this with the severity it deserves!! also thank you for sharing your friends- Alexis’s gofundme,, i hope they’ll be okay!!
@henrysmith8603 2 жыл бұрын
this all needed to be said, this trial has really highlighted how disgustingly parasocial the internet is capable of being in situations that absolutely dont need it. there never should’ve been cameras in that courtroom to begin with. just want to throw out there because i dont think it was addressed very well in this video but i can say from personal experience that a huge contributing factor to the response this trial got is that many men who have experienced abuse from women (myself included) saw this as a W for us. it is all too common, especially in a heteronormative environment, for the experiences of abused men to be erased, questioned, ignored, or ridiculed. i can definitely say that the results of this trial gave me a visceral sense of retribution because the public eye recognized that men are capable of being victims of abuse. I think a lot of us who got that feeling rode the high a little too far, and I’m glad that this video was able to ground me and bring me back to humble reality. I still feel validated and comforted that people can recognize abuse of men, but now im seeing how people can use that as just another excuse to diminish the experiences of women and harbor more disbelief in all victims of abuse. so thank you for making this video and reminding me that as an abuse victim I should always have the best interest of other abuse victims in mind and the way ive been thinking about this trial was, in fact, the opposite of that.
@dusky6484 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for making this video. I'm sick to death of the memes and fandom-esque battles. It's okay to not pick a side and not speak on things we're not qualified or not informed about. Social media's response to a DV trial has been absolutely disgusting.
@-chloe-8728 2 жыл бұрын
i was watching a tiktok live the other day (yes i know) and there were literally comments saying “comment 💜 for team johnny and 💙 for team amber!” as if it was team edward or team jacob. the livestream had NOTHING to do with the trial either. it’s honestly disgusting.
@salomelodyy 2 жыл бұрын
thank you soooo much for putting this into words. Even as a feminist I couldn’t exactly point out what felt wrong about the situation, but you’ve shown it clearly: abuse and violence will never be justifiable showbiz prompts
@lexdeedrick2980 2 жыл бұрын
You know? Good on you. I felt like with everything going on that I was firmly in Depp's corner, but your blunt, rational honesty does hit home - thank you, for stating the obvious in a way we all needed to hear it. We're all human, in the end.
@SnowAfterFire 2 жыл бұрын
I had a similar "discourse" online just last night, on a post asking people if they had signed the petition yet. I said pretty much what you did although not as eloquently. People don't want to hear it. They don't want a discourse, they will actively fight and insult you if you say anything that makes it sound like Amber Heard should be treated equally, fairly and that neither party is blameless, that the public can't possibly know the truth or that the evidence presented by Depp is irrefutable.
@ViCiousSnek 2 жыл бұрын
That’s because there is no nuance, no discourse to be had. Not everything is black and white, but not everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt either. And with all that’s happened-Heard does not deserve any nuance.
@Paula-zt9ol 2 жыл бұрын
I always appreciate your nuanced takes, Ro. Thank you for this video, and sharing your unique perspective, as always.
@kinsey7894 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this!!! So many people are misinformed and think “amber is pure evil, Johnny is a king” like... it’s waaaaay more nuanced than that!!!
@woolzem 2 жыл бұрын
I had to read the comments to know if this was safe to watch 🙃 I was made an example of after being forced to report my abuse in the army. I lost my career, my reputation, my car, my apartment, and custody of my daughter. I don't speak to any of my family now. I'm going to start the video
@penis2020_ 2 жыл бұрын
my mom called her ex friend an amber heard last week bc they got into an argument in palm springs it’s unfortunately pretty much the same story as johnny depp & amber heard (his name is clay siegall hes actually in seattle) and despite the cops witnessing bruising on her and a witness also calling the police my mom is convinced shes an “amber heard” this trial is so damaging for women its insane
@fruityblue9784 2 жыл бұрын
I really appreciate you putting this out there. I have been feeling these feelings and didn’t want to get told that I was a hypocrite... because how has the world been so jaded where they want to pay more attention to Johnny’s jokes on the stand than the absolutely horrible things he’s said... like I don’t care what someone does to you. I’ve never seen a victim say those types of things... it’s scary. I’m not saying he’s not a victim but I don’t think he was innocent like people keep screaming about.
@LunaWitcherArt 2 жыл бұрын
Sometimes it feels like a useless fight, y'know. People have been like this since forever (i.e. the ending of Princess Weekes most recent video on the matter, showing the girls that were attending Ted Bundy's trial); it's just more in our faces now because it is happening online and we are constantly online. I'm glad you're calling out this behavior as the disgusting inappropriate crap that it is, but I'm at a point in life where I don't see the reward in trying to instill any change in any scale bigger than my own personal circle.
@chag42 2 жыл бұрын
This video helped me realise that I've sort of just been mindlessly consuming peoples' opinions on this topic without giving myself time to reflect on what's being said by people (some of which may have even had ulterior motives.) While I have been mindful enough to not publicly post anything about it, I have had in depth conversations with friends where I feel I believed one person was entirely right while the other entirely wrong. I feel as though being terminally online has both given me the ability to think on what people say before I form my own opinion, and more recently, completely destroyed it. The last statement really resonated with me as I have seen a lot of people become less and less believing of the victims in these situations where the perpetrator of the abuse has been a very well-liked male singer/actor/other prominent figure in the media, which has like you said, is very damaging to movements involving those who have been dismissed/ignored after coming out about abuse. Keep doing what you're doing, stuff like this helps more people than you may realise!
@maddieb4459 2 жыл бұрын
One creator I really appreciate throughout all of this is Dr. Kirk Honda - he started talking about the subject just through reacting to the forensic psychologist since he has experience in the field, but he continued to cover portions of the trial and his commentary has helped to really humanize the subject as well as illuminate some of the procedural workings of the nature of certain jobs within the courtroom. We will likely never know what truly happened, but the entire situation is heartbreaking nonetheless.
@avar.3768 2 жыл бұрын
thank you so much for this video. i've been feeling like i've been going crazy listening to the online discourse around this trial and how horrid and mysogynistic it all is. also - about amber heard's past abuse allegation - the girlfriend she was detained for allegedly abusing has come out publicly to state that there was in fact no abuse and that the police deliberately misinterpreted the situation for what she suspected were prejudiced reasons.
@persephonehades7547 2 жыл бұрын
Geez I needed someone to say this. The amount of legit misogny in a lot of the comments below those videos just makes me feel unsafe.
@NiGHTSIntoMemes 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like it's important to bring up that this is specifically a defamation case. A lot of people have been taking Johnny winning as proof that Amber was the actual abuser, but in reality all it means is that the jury found her guilty of "defaming" him. When you combine that with the fact that Johnny was found guilty of 12 out of 14 abuse allegations, and still is, and it's...kind of chilling, in all honesty. It really just feels like it sends the message of "yes he abused her, but no, she shouldn't have discussed it."
@gregerzwamp1948 2 жыл бұрын
What you're doing is really important and it makes me very happy to see people like you and Kurtis Conner speak up about the attitude around this court case, and I hope this help people stop and think about their actions. Thank you!
@lauren0313 2 жыл бұрын
Where did Kurtis speak up on it? I’m just curious.
@GirlDo3 2 жыл бұрын
Kurtis talked about it??
@Kleoath 2 жыл бұрын
I've been trying my best to avoid this whole trial for exactly the reason you say. It's a common random topic at my work and it always makes me really uncomfortable seeing everyone unanimously hating on Heard. This whole thing is fucked up and should have been dealt with away from the public eye and let the news hit once things were finalized. Due to the massive popularity of the trial I would not be surprised if public opinion has an impact on the jury. People are picking sides of a domestic abuse case based on memes and clips. The whole thing is gross.
@xtelevat0rsx 2 жыл бұрын
I needed to hear this. Thank you for giving me a new perspective.
@holly5048 2 жыл бұрын
thank you for voicing this. I agree with you complety. The sheer amount of youtube videos by actual news channels memeifying the trial and the reactions is so gross. I had to start clicking the “not interested” buttons just to get them out of my feed.
@nokl9861 2 жыл бұрын
I think this really stems from the fact that the trial was televised. Which turned it into a dystopic reality TV show. From my knowledge most other countries don't even let photographers in court rooms...
@Grebnedlo 2 жыл бұрын
I can’t stand people treating this like it’s the latest hot fun drama, it’s a toxic relationship
@everfluctuating 2 жыл бұрын
i really wish this case wasnt so public. public court proceedings of celebrities just end up being treated like reality shows, which is just. fucked. when we're talking about breaking the law and harming your domestic partner. this is not a sports game where theres a winner and loser and its all in good fun, its domestic fucking abuse. thanks for the video, ro.
@temp_unknown 2 жыл бұрын
This whole trial is so triggering because of how people are treating it like the next tiger king.
@twinklinggiraffes2660 2 жыл бұрын
Ro, this is an absolutely phenomenal video. I've been trying to avoid coverage of the trial for my own mental wellbeing but have nevertheless received a ton of pro-Depp information from friends. It never quite sat right with me and I just didn't have it in me to articulate exactly why. Thank you for providing this space, for saying what I couldn't
@gabby.maya11 2 жыл бұрын
Yes. Thank you for saying this. People need to hear this. I’m so disgusted by the way people are acting about this case
@kaitlyn5866 2 жыл бұрын
this situation has been rubbing me the wrong way since the beginning. thank you for talking about this with sensitivity, something that's been severely lacking thus far.
@airconditionednul 2 жыл бұрын
i personally think people shouldn’t have gotten as involved in this case as they have while they are celebrities something like this should not be sensationalised
@TheAbigailDee 2 жыл бұрын
There just isn't nuance ever. And sometimes the loop just keeps closing itself. Thank you for this video.
@meganmacdonald1137 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video. As a victim of abuse and someone who struggled to have my case seen what has been happening with this case is completely sickening.
@rainbow-dam 2 жыл бұрын
It’s so interesting seeing how sites like Reddit has treated this case. Pretty much every top post, every day, all throughout the past month or so is some out-of-context clip of the trial or meme trying to make either Depp look saintly or Heard look monstrous. For a website that loves tout itself as progressive, it seems to love taking pretty hard stances against women if they potentially messed up, regardless of the other sides messed up, too.
@mobwatch8119 2 жыл бұрын
Most attitudes are performative online. For these people it was sufficient to identify a victim in Johnny Depp; they could postulate from that perspective and put all their energy into it, still using the right-sounding words such as justice, to elevate themselves. They don't care much about accuracy, fairness or empathy.
@jimmybuggin 2 жыл бұрын
Someone cosplayer Hack Sparrow and stood out in the hall during the case, this whole situation has to be a South Park Episode, I can’t believe that people actively behave as horribly as this.
What's the Johnny Depp / Amber Heard Case About?
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