Jordan Peterson & Gay Pride | The Question of a Creative God | Bro, are you afraid of a WILD GOD??!!

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Zen Confidential

Zen Confidential

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Intro: 0:00
Pride, the Cardinal Sin: 3:20
Pride or Ego in Zen Buddhism: 4:50
Vienna Pride 2024, a Grandpa Rant: 9:59
My Poorly Put but Nonetheless Important Question for Jordan Peterson: 17:12
This past weekend I returned from the Vienna Gay Pride parade to find…(insert menacing sound cue) Jordan Peterson (!!) in my social media feed lecturing me on how Gay Pride is arguably a celebration of the most egregious Cardinal Sin in Christianity.
We begin this video by looking at the word “pride” and its relation to the figure of Lucifer in the Bible, and then we pivot and unpack the Zen Buddhist equivalent of pride: EGO.
Is Gay Pride a celebration of ego? Possibly. From the Buddhist POV we could argue that if Gay Pride reinforces our clinging/illusory notions of I-me-mine, then, yes, it reinforces the ego in that instance; although clinging to an anti-Gay-Pride/Christian identity would amount to the exact same thing: ego reinforcement.
However, Gay Pride can also be an opportunity to drop your regular identity and try on a new “self.” A self that wears a rainbow thong, for example. Or a self that manifests in drag. A self that drops one’s identity as a boring normie and puts on five nipple rings?? Why not!!
Furthermore, pride can be an opportunity to send a message to the world: what happens in the bedroom between two consenting adults is neither the State nor the Church’s business!
So, depending on how one is manifesting/where one is coming from, arguably Gay Pride can be a negation or a reinforcement of one’s ego…methinks.
Listen, but we all know that Gay Pride has come to mean one thing: straight girls taking their tops off!! Yes, this video features a Grandpa Rant by yours truly wherein we compare Pride today with the Pride of yesteryear. This video closes with a good-faith question for the Jordan Petersons of the world:
I have a strong conservative side. And a strong liberal side. These two wings are always batting me on the head as they fight for flight within me. To the conservative side of myself and others, I say: where is the creative God in your religious certainty? Where is the God not of yesterday, but of tomorrow? The Bible and its Thumpers have the whole future mapped out, right down to the very end days. Really? God is that much of a hack? He planned this splendid, ineffable cosmos all out from the start and it’s just gonna unroll in a totally predictable and uncreative way?
Where in traditional religious practices and beliefs - and this includes Zen!! - is there room for creativity? For a God that changes, mixes things up, manifests that wild and unpredictable energy that seems to be behind, oh, a good 75-80% of all human experience?
Bro, why ya so scared of a wild God, bro?
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Пікірлер: 83
@ryanbrow 13 күн бұрын
Your videos are compelling to watch! You have all the qualities of an excellent teacher!
@zenconfidential25 12 күн бұрын
Thank you for saying that Ryan. I appreciate it. Maybe more like all the qualities of an unhinged monk on the run?
@jerryalder2878 8 күн бұрын
Thankful that I am still around to attend the Pride parade in my home city. I have gone on every parade since they started in 2010. A lot has changed since I was 11 years old and genuinely thought 'I am the only boy like this and God has made a mistake'. Still practicing dharma and not waiting around for the approval from 'senior members of the sangha' (eventually I left) or anyone else. Also very thankful to friends whether Buddhist or not who supported me through very difficult times.
@zenconfidential25 8 күн бұрын
thank you my friend.
@michaeldubeau9776 8 күн бұрын
I’m glade you are free to express what you believe to be true.
@sterlingpratt5802 7 күн бұрын
You talk about what I like to call "untamed God." We often want God to be gentle, benevolent, and to behave AS EXPECTED. That is a "tame God." But the Buddha was called the Tamer of Men. I think that the Untamed God is the God (or Buddha) who surprises us, who demands from us, whom we have no choice to follow. It is the one who is not tamed by us, but who tames us. CS Lewis always said of Aslan, that he wasn't an entirely tame lion.
@ErikDornes 7 күн бұрын
Why is pure and simple Acceptance so hard to practice sometimes...
@zenconfidential25 7 күн бұрын
Good question! Barriers and boundaries, maybe.
@whoisthegaucho 6 күн бұрын
Gay pride ain't like it was when I was young! A self that drops one’s identity as a boring normie.. Or someone who adopts the the identity flavor of the week. "I just wanting to be different like everyone else Mom!" Being a boring normie is the new outrageous
@zenconfidential25 6 күн бұрын
man then I am OUTrageous!!
@jerryalder2878 5 күн бұрын
It is still very rare and 'outrageous' for two guys to walk hand in hand in my home city in the UK. It doesn't happen much as to do so causes a lot of straight people to be 'triggered' resulting in verbal abuse or worse. The city holds a huge Pride parade and its nice to see friends holding hands but that soon stops as the event comes to an end and people start going home. For people who are visibly trans the situation is worse.
@richbriones-colman7252 4 күн бұрын
Normcore; extremely edgy fashion trend involving looking really normie
@jerryalder2878 4 күн бұрын
Yes indeed. Stepping out in anything other than 'normcore realness' in this part of town would not be condusive to my physical safety.
@tinadeemc8728 6 күн бұрын
Just finished sesshin to find both Jack AND Brad have put out videos to refill my head with thoughts! What more could a girl ask for? 😂
@zenconfidential25 6 күн бұрын
welcome back to the human world, may your reentry be swift and gentle!!
@tinadeemc8728 6 күн бұрын
@zenconfidential25 well, sesshin did nothing to change my juvenile sense of humour because my initial thought on your response was "that's what she said"! 🤦‍♀️
@christiangraulau8107 Күн бұрын
1 How do you know the women were straight? 2. I don’t think corporations supporting pride should inherently evoke suspicion, because corporations would also support racial equality 3. Overall JP is conflating the idea of pride as a sin with the pride celebrated during pride month. It’s kind of laughable how he makes such an obvious mistake
@dr.jeffreyzacko-smith324 8 күн бұрын
Straight folks infiltrated the gay bars in the states in the 90’s … but that’s an odd Pride parade you have there … and I’ve been to 30 of them all over the states and a few in Europe. In any event, all labels, ideas, ideologies, beliefs, assertions and arguments dissolve when faced with Zen. “The whole universe Shatters into a hundred pieces. In the great death There is no heaven, no earth. Once body and mind have turned over, There is only this to say: Past mind cannot be grasped, Present mind cannot be grasped, Future mind cannot be grasped.” ~ Dogen Zenji
@zenconfidential25 7 күн бұрын
Dogen nails it again.
@yvyvyvyvyv 5 күн бұрын
thank you! :) I want to hear that anti-capitalism rant. 13:10
@zenconfidential25 5 күн бұрын
some day… some day.
@Teller3448 Күн бұрын
Both Sides-ism would mean embracing both extremes or opposites. The Middle Way means rejecting both extremes.
@jerryalder2878 13 сағат бұрын
Not sure what you mean. Is being bisexual the Middle Way ? Asking for a non binary friend.
@joelgrahn 3 күн бұрын
The god you talk about is discussed in Open Relational Process theology
@Teller3448 Күн бұрын
What is it that sees the self for what it is?
@hiddenobserver8447 7 күн бұрын
A deep and honest look.
@zenconfidential25 7 күн бұрын
Thank you!
@skrrskrr99 8 күн бұрын
I don't think there is room for a different type of god for these people. They are too attached to the idea that their concept of god is from god. They don't want to face the reality that their religion is a human creation that has been modified by humans drastically as time has passed. Ironically, over time, things slowly change, and 1000 years from now, people will no doubt claim their new version of Christianity is the true version and from the same god.
@zenconfidential25 7 күн бұрын
I wonder if all our religions will ever be around in 1000 years. Won't we have "GodChips" in our heads by then? ;)
@stoiclogos7284 7 күн бұрын
Truly, this is one of the dumbest comments I’ve read. You think you have religion figured out, do you? You think you understand how the Bible was changed? You must have a perfect working historical & archaeological knowledge of all the manuscripts. You must know ancient koine Greek like the back of your hand. You must have studied all religions and compared and contrasted all of them meticulously over several years. You literally don’t know what you’re talking about, so why even speak?
@zenconfidential25 7 күн бұрын
As a matter of fact, I even know ancient koine Greek like the back of YOUR hand.
@B-fq7ff 8 күн бұрын
Jack I love your content but frankly, JP isn't worth giving a second thought. His argument about pride is totally disingenuous! Have you ever heard him criticize people who are "proud" of their children? I haven't! All JP is doing here is expressing his homophobia in a (relatively) subtle and indirect way.
@zenconfidential25 8 күн бұрын
Good point about pride, JP, and kids. thank you.
@juanluiscadenasdellanobajo1610 7 күн бұрын
just an ad hominem accusation... Please refer any parade in which kids are exposed to adult´s genitals and sexual behaviour with the motto "Pride of our Children" and maybe JP will say something. In any case he has spoken on pride (not just lgbt) many many times.
@B-fq7ff 7 күн бұрын
@@juanluiscadenasdellanobajo1610 🙄
@urbanslamal4900 7 күн бұрын
Thank you for this wonderful video that resembles so many of my own thoughts about this topic. I myself came (for me) to the conclusion that this whole movement has a least the potential to rattle identity and that is a good thing. On my way back home from work a couple of days ago I was thinking to myself if there was any difference in being an "ordinary" heterosexual cis-male or a transsexual lesbian with a penis and penetration phantasies. And I figured, I didn't know... My own little don't-know-mind was at action there and I found it quite refreshing... 😂
@zenconfidential25 7 күн бұрын
Thanks my friend.
@jethrobradley7850 8 күн бұрын
As long as people are just-being-egotistical (and not trying to multitask) then it's all good 😉
@fhoniemcphonsen8987 7 күн бұрын
Tricksters never go for the top spot in a devine hierarchy or for the Supreme One and Only, so no creative flexible g-d for you. Also the father of lies don't need no wayerboy.🙃
@zenconfidential25 7 күн бұрын
Great point, the trickster hovers at the edges, baby!!
@SpiderMan-od3kr 8 күн бұрын
The sexuality dogma that's being rammed down our throats seems to be about disrupting norms for the sake of disrupting norms. Pedophilias become "minor-attracted". Criticizing violence against women is "kink shaming". So much of it seems to be about attachment to sense desire and identity.
@zenconfidential25 7 күн бұрын
Does sexuality dogma include heterosexuality dogma? ;)
@Ope_itsadam 7 күн бұрын
The only people I know of that are trying to rename pedophilia as "minor attraction" are conservatives making bad faith arguments
@zenconfidential25 7 күн бұрын
Yeah, I haven't heard that term over here in Europe. Maybe there's a German word for it! ;)
@SpiderMan-od3kr 7 күн бұрын
​@@zenconfidential25 That's an interesting question because these ideas have specific philosophical roots. In the West, sexual values come from Abrahamic religions. At the time these texts were written, homosexuality was closely associated with exploitation where the receiving partner was typically a slave or a child. Before modern medicine, sex outside of marriage was extremely dangerous because of risks of disease and pregnancy. The modern ideas of homosexuality would have been unknown to them. They also probably couldn't conceive of a life where your preferences were important. Monogamy was an innovation of Christians which prevents wealthy men from hoarding women. The wisdom of this practice has been seen around the world. I've read some of the Left Wing doctrine. Some writings of Fanon and some from Foucault. If you haven't read these authors, you should so you can know what you are signing on to. At least read the chapter "On Violence" in Wretched of the Earth. It is quite eye opening. They are morally repugnant. Foucault himself has been accused of serially raping Algerian children which isn't surprising to the way he wrote about children's sexuality. Several other of his contemporary French intellectuals were arrested for sex with children. My bigger problem is the autocratic way these gender ideas are being enforced. The slightest critical comment can get you blacklisted from the arts or academia. In many Buddhist Centers in New York City you will find yourself unwelcome if refuse to kiss the ring. It is often suggested that traditional sexual norms are simply there to oppress people, but actually they make a lot of sense. While it's not wrong to question those fences, you should me mindful on what's on the other side. Maybe the hazard no longer exists, or maybe you are about to leap over a cliff.
@zenconfidential25 7 күн бұрын
Thanks, there's a lot here. You said, "My bigger problem is the autocratic way these gender ideas are being enforced. The slightest critical comment can get you blacklisted from the arts or academia." Is this still going on over there in the States, or is the vibe shifting? Be interesting to see what comes next culturally.
@user-iw7bl3hj1r 7 күн бұрын
Too much identifying as this or that. I (or you) am not a this or a that, and that is what Buddhism teaches. The LGBTQ+(etc.) movement has gone overboard with identity obsessiveness and a lot of people are very confused and not exactly sure how to label themselves - as if labeling oneself is even necessary. Interesting video, thanks.
@zenconfidential25 7 күн бұрын
I WISH I was just a this or a that...
@WaterReflection 11 күн бұрын
15:30 You mean "a celebration of the fluids" 😜
@zenconfidential25 11 күн бұрын
Well that's one take!! And a good one, I might add.
@charlesrosenbury231 7 күн бұрын
There are so many problems with your presentation that knowing where to begin commenting. I guess I will start is the assertion of other which you then attempt to denigrate. As I do not find myself identifying with your assertions, I find your attacks upon those assertions meaningless. But your poetry is great.
@zenconfidential25 7 күн бұрын
always great to get some constructive feedback, thx!
@Teller3448 Күн бұрын
Gay-parades are really just vanity-parades at this point. If it was really a parade celebrating homosexuality then the people on the floats should be performing homosexual acts in front of the the public knows exactly what they are applauding. The very next day, there should be a gratitude-parade where all the gay people celebrate the fact that their parents were NOT gay...and were thus able to give birth to them.
@vicious9864 7 күн бұрын
correction, what could be more selfish than a body that god let you borrow for you to do whatever it pleases you for your own ends? Our bodies do not belong to us.
@zenconfidential25 7 күн бұрын
Interesting POV. Danke.
@babamcrielly8804 8 күн бұрын
I call it Pride/Overcompensation 🏳️‍🌈 because that is what it is. People trying to overcompensate for their inherent shame.
@zenconfidential25 7 күн бұрын
What are they ashamed of?
@eliasfuhrmler2564 7 күн бұрын
Shame isn't inherent, guilt is. Shame comes from other people. Guilt says, "I did something bad." Shame says, "I am bad." Shame is a perception about ourselves heaped upon us by others. Your disgust, your hatred, your confusion, heaped upon LGBTQIA+ because you do not want to feel it. Ergo, an entire group experiences YOUR shame.
@babamcrielly8804 7 күн бұрын
You are sounding pretty ashamed there😆
@babamcrielly8804 7 күн бұрын
​@@zenconfidential25Making an idol out of sex.
@zenconfidential25 7 күн бұрын
I can think of worse idols!
@jjuarez83 8 күн бұрын
God is perfect so why would God need to "change with the times"? I see the idea of pride as what "I" want regardless of it being right or wrong. I would love to drink all day long, eat junk food, and lust over as many hot women as I could but then what kind of world am I creating for myself (if you honest not a good one). Like you hinted, modern "Pride" days are a social flex, which I don't care for. I don't see Catholicism really as restrictions as much as bringing about order (and so much more).
@zenconfidential25 7 күн бұрын
I doubt you actually want to drink all day and eat junk food and lust after hot women, all of that sounds kind of boring. Interesting idea about Catholicism as bringing about order. I think it did that for me when I was a kid definitely. :-)
@jerryalder2878 7 күн бұрын
Having met LGBT people from various backgrounds it is clear that prejudice against them has caused unnecessary suffering. That prejudice maybe from religious or cultural attitudes. Friends from West Indian, Catholic, Irish traveller, Muslim and Jehova Witness backgrounds have described their various experiences. Prejudice from Buddhists no longer surprises me.
@eliasfuhrmler2564 7 күн бұрын
The LGBTQIA community does not, in general, feel pride in "what 'I' want" but pride for having finally succeeded in the fight for marriage rights, to visit our spouses on their death beds, to (hopefully) not be bullied, harassed, stalked, verbally or physically assaulted, or unalived simply because they exist and someone saw them existing. Gay Pride has zero to do with "me" and everything to do with "us". If you can't understand the pride a minority feels when they are granted the rights others enjoy, you lack empathy.
@eliasfuhrmler2564 7 күн бұрын
​@@jerryalder2878my grandparents were southern Baptist and made sure to tell me I was an abomination and headed to hell every time I saw them at a family gathering from my 14th year (when I came out) until my 40's.
@zenconfidential25 7 күн бұрын
I think you make a good case for what gay pride, at its core, means to so many people.
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