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Lee’s mental state.

Lee’s mental state.

2 ай бұрын

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@JohnOfChernarus 2 ай бұрын
You seem like a really genuine guy, wake up tomorrow and try to have a healthy, positive and restful day, enjoy the little things like a cup of tea and dinner. Go to bed early. Turn the day after that into another positive healthy day, before you know it you’ll be flying and the sun will be out. You are worthwhile fella, trust me on that 👊🏻
@valleyman-mentalhealth 2 ай бұрын
@johnOfChernarus Thank you very much for that wonderful compliment. I really do appreciate that. You seem like an awesome person as well. For saying them brilliant words thank so much. Yeah I know exactly what you mean. I went for a little walk with my eldest, daughter earlier to feed the horses. And it was an amazing walk. Thanks brother for your awesome message that was a strong one which I really appreciate. I pray you are all good healthy. Keep in touch my friend. 🤝🏻👍🏻
@user-kt5ij2sj8t 2 ай бұрын
You ever thought about doing kick boxing, or hitting the gym? I found the NHS absolutely useless for mental health, loosing myself in fitness wasn't a quick fix but after a good few months to half a year I definitely improved. I still have days when I don't want to be here, but I make sure I continue to train. The training helps me sleep better as well.
@valleyman-mentalhealth 2 ай бұрын
@user-ktij2sj8t I used to basically lived, in the gym for years. Always there without fail. But one day I just stopped, and I could not get the feeling back. To go to the gym again. I have started walking a little bit. I ain’t able to go far because of injuries on my spine. But I am walking so that better than nothing I suppose. Yeah I’m finding the health services crap, as well. I lost 6 stone in three months about 6 years ago. But to do that now with my spine the way it is. It will probably take me 6 years now. Realistically I want to get my head in a good place before. I start anything because I’ve jumped into something in the past and just stopped it as quickly as I started it! Thanks for you kind comment buddy a really appreciate it. I pray that you have a good and peaceful. Time ahead. Cheers buddy..🙏🏻👍🏻
@afroinness 2 ай бұрын
Hope it gets better for you Lee. If talking on here helps keep at it
@valleyman-mentalhealth 2 ай бұрын
@afroninness thanks for your lovely message. Honestly it means the world to me. Yeah I am going to keep talking on here. I’m not good at all this thumbnails stuff. But I learned myself to read, to it shouldn’t be that hard. Thanks again. Brother hope your well to. 👍🏻
@darkraft1020 2 ай бұрын
Everyone says it, and it is true - Exercise is the key. But what good is a key, without a door to open or a place to go..? Every man needs a journey.. For it is the journey that gives our lives meaning. You see; 'The journey' is the story that you tell yourself - The 'Where you came from', the 'What you went through', along with the 'what you overcame', and the 'where you are going'. A man without a clear journey moves from moment to moment, without clear direction, and all of it without meaning. So I cant tell you what your story is. I don't know your journey, or what you came from. All I know is my own story, and my own journey - And for me, that is overcoming everything. It is pursuing self mastery. So yes, that is gym, exercise, fitness, discipline etc, but it is more than that - It is to overcome my past. To overcome my mind. To master my mood. To grow in a way that the external no longer affects me as it once did. To find all that strength, and all that is needed from within. And by doing this, it then gives me meaning and purpose - as it is all a part of my journey. And if I am wrong, and it is not about the journey - Then why do films, and books exist?... A film that starts at the end, would make for a very dull experience.
@valleyman-mentalhealth 2 ай бұрын
@darkraft1020 very good point. We’ve all got our own journeys to conquer. And overcome the past traumas. That have scars us for life. Your journey sound similar to mine. Brought up hard, and told to hide your feelings. No fault of my grandparents. They knew no different. But yeah a man has to have direction in life, or it’s mean less? Why be here at all. Yeah I fully understand what your point is Definitely. Keep exercising and keep your good work up. And thank you so much for you brilliant message. Like I said I’ll keep saying it really means the world to me. All these different insights on life is awesome for me. So thank you brother. 🤝🏻👍🏻
@lisaharrison2197 2 ай бұрын
Plants some seeds, look after them,, watch them grow, it will help you. It always helps me.
@valleyman-mentalhealth 2 ай бұрын
@Lisaharrison2197 That actually sounds like a really good idea. Basically tell myself something happened in a different way to the way it actually happened. That’s is some fine advice Lisa. Thank you very much, for that I really appreciate it. It’s mean so much to me you take out of your day to comment on my post. Thanks you very much. 🙌🏻🙏🏻
@zanderman004 2 ай бұрын
Ah, mate.. I've been struggling very badly for a long time as well. The NHS mental health is largely one big practical joke at this point, that's gotten way out of hand over the last decade in particular. Keep the faith and all the very best to you.
@valleyman-mentalhealth 2 ай бұрын
@zanderman004 I pray your good brother. I know what it is like to suffer in silence, without help from the people who are supposed to help us and get paid for it. But as you said the system has been failing for years now! Right under our noses. It will come back. After it was set up for this kind of thing. My faith is what is keeping me going. Sometimes i get lost and I pray. And I find clearness in my mind again for a bit. Thank you for your lovely kind message. All the best to you as well. Like I’ve said to a few of others keep in touch. If no one wants to help. Let’s help each other. 🙌🏻🤝🏻
@Craig_Gaitskell 2 ай бұрын
Hello Lee, if you work for a big company, there is an organisation called Validium that you can get help from through your employer. They have trained professionals that you can talk to, it can be over the phone and I think they can also do face to face appointments. Or maybe you can talk to the Samaritan’s? Exercise is very helpful for the mind and reading or going for walks is good too. Stay well and I hope you can get in touch with someone professional soon.
@valleyman-mentalhealth 2 ай бұрын
@Craig-Gaitskell no unfortunately, Im not employed. Due to a crushed vertebrae. On one side crumble on the other side, plus two herniated disk, and they protruding. The operation the doctors want me to have. Is why to risky? For me I’m only 37 and there is a massive chance that I want walk coming out so, I said if my legs are going to stop working it’s on my terms, not there’s. I try to do what I can, but as I’m get older, it’s getting worse. Plus this mental health I’ve got going on. Talking to you about this now, honestly I’m super proud of myself how far I’ve come from that, person who wanted to just end his life every day for 20 odd years. Thanks Craig brother. I hope to speak to you again on here.👍🏻👌🏻
@Craig_Gaitskell 2 ай бұрын
I’m so sorry to hear about that Lee and I can only hope and wish the best for you. Perhaps the Samaritan’s will be able to offer you more help than I can give. If there are any interests that you have, you could try to immerse yourself in those. Me personally, I love going to the cinema by myself and watching movies, I find that a great distraction from my life. I know dark thoughts are very intrusive and take a hold of you, but there is light too. Sometimes you can keep them at bay by saying in your head “They’re just thoughts, they’re not actions.” It is probably more useful for anxiety, but I thought I would share that with you. Take care buddy and I know it’s easy for me to say this as people say it all the time, but it’s true, if you were not here I’m sure there’s plenty of people that would miss you and that would leave a pretty big hole in their life. Stay strong Lee, I look forward to hearing from you.
@valleyman-mentalhealth 2 ай бұрын
@@Craig_Gaitskell thanks Criag, I appreciate that. It’s been hard on my body and mind. But like you said there are always dark times. But light prevails always. And I will look into the samaritans. Because any help is better than no help. Yeah definitely there would be a few members of my close family that I wouldn’t want to hurt. Like I’ve hurt myself over the years. But what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger yeah. Thanks again Criag. I appreciate you a lot buddy. You seem like a very awesome person. That Im pretty sure we’d be friends. Well I’ll leave you go know. Take care my friend. And we’ll, speak soon. 🤝🏻👍🏻
@AR-ey1ur 2 ай бұрын
I've very serious health problems, but physical, not mental. For me the best decision was to avoid "healthcare"/doctors like fire (whenever possible) and try to find ways to help myself. Surprisingly, even though my health problems are very serious, some simple things helped tremendously... This is very counter-intuitive, because you'd think that for serious health problems you need cutting edge healthcare and medicine. What kind of mental problems do you struggle with specifically, buddy?
@valleyman-mentalhealth 2 ай бұрын
@AR-ey1ur I’m so sorry that you have physical problems, not mental health problems. Like me. And I pray you get the help you need. Yeah I have found that doctors can be not helpful at all on times. I’ve been diagnosed with a psychotic personality disorder, borderline schizophrenia. Since I’m 16 years old. And it’s like a light switch with me. Sometimes I’m good. And others, i want to hide away. And not see one person. I personally think that I’ve got other things underlying. Because of the way I am. And the way I used to be. Im finding that talking to people like ourselves. With mental, and physical problems, is really helping me. So thank for your kind message. I pray 🙏🏻 that you get all the help you need. And I wish you all the luck in the world. Stay strong buddy.🤝🏻👍🏻
@valleyman-mentalhealth 2 ай бұрын
@americanpatriot6484. Thank you so much for your, response I really appreciate. That it’s nice to know that there are some really good people out there, like yourself. We have over here whats called. The NHS the National health service. And the tax system pays for is well it’s supposed to! But it’s a failing system. I guess we both in the same predicament on other sides of the pond. I sincerely wish you all the luck and goodness, and health to come your way. Because you seem like a very awesome person. Take care too. 👍🏻
@rodeoruz 2 ай бұрын
My gender (male!) needs indivduals who set an example like yourself, because you "open up" with your emotions and you TALK! Talking is a vital apect for those that are in the midst of a metal health struggle.
@valleyman-mentalhealth 2 ай бұрын
@rodeouz I hope all is well. And if me talking out helps, well I’m happy with that. Because I’m a person that still needs help, and if my talking out about mental health helps your gender male. I’m happy. Because everyone deserves to have some happiness, in life. Thanks for your message. It’s means a great deal to me. And if I can help in anyway. I’ll try my best. 🤝🏻👍🏻
@rodeoruz 2 ай бұрын
@@valleyman-mentalhealth Thanks for the kind words also. The trouble is men more often of not bottle things up and that is worst possible thing to do. I understand your predicament and have empathy for it, there is one major positive from this however and that is you are appearing on KZbin and talking because of it, silence on mental health issues is the worst possible thing. I'm glad that people like yourself make an impact!
@valleyman-mentalhealth 2 ай бұрын
@@rodeoruz 100% my grandfather was from 1945. Born just before WW2 ended, and he brought me up because of circumstances with my mother that I don’t want to go into. Because I’ve forgiven her. But I can’t be around her, or talk about it. Anyway? My grandfather & grandmother. Intervened and brought me up for he! And he was the kind of guy you would expect from them days. Lovely guy but don’t you dare show your feeling. That’s not a man thing. So I always bottle my feelings up, from then on. He taught me to fight, every Friday and Saturday we’d have fight club, in the back garden. He would set it up for me and my mates. As soon as one of us hit each other to the ground. He’d say right the next two. Don’t get me wrong I actually loved it. Because as I’ve said before, I was always crazy from a child. So it was brilliant to kick and get the stuffing kicked out of myself? But I thought it was just had high energy? Being a skinny little kid. But since I’m 16 years old. I noticed that things in my head were not right, this stuff should not be entering my head. But like I said in earlier messages. The doctors diagnosed me with serious mental health issues. And I started using drugs & drink to block out. The voices in my head. Not realising, that it was making things worse not better. And as I’ve said there was definitely an, intervention into my life. Because my life changed for the better. So I pray that you and your gender male. Gets the help you guys need. Because as I’ve said everyone deserves to be happy. Not matter what background we come from or race we are. We are all people with different situations. That needs different help, in different ways. I hope that has help a little more. And like I always say reach out I’ve you feel so. I’m here. Like you guys help me.❤️🤝🏻
@andrewblack525 2 ай бұрын
I find reading good things helps, try " change your thoughts change your life" Dr Wayne Dyer, if you only read for 10 minutes a day and even if you dont think you are absorbing it, still read it and your subconcious will absorb it. Stay strong Lee
@valleyman-mentalhealth 2 ай бұрын
@andrewblack525 I listen to dr Wayne dyer, on here about two months ago. God rest his soul. He seemed like a very intelligent and beautiful person. I felt uneducated to listen to him. Because I didn’t have much schooling. But what I heard him say was brilliant. Thank you for you brilliant message like I tell everyone it really means the world to me. God bless you.
@andrewblack525 2 ай бұрын
@@valleyman-mentalhealth I had little to no schooling too Lee but we all have our own power to learn, There was a time when wayne dyer knew very little, the largest of mountains are climbed one step at a time m8,
@valleyman-mentalhealth 2 ай бұрын
@@andrewblack525 you are very right, my friend. I’ll try and listen to him tonight. With my earbuds. And try and let my, like you said subconscious take it all in. Because he seems like a powerful man with words that could break down a wall. God bless him and his family. Thanks Andrew I appreciate you more than you now brother. I’ll say it a million times if I have to. Thank you for you kind words and lovely messages. You guys on here are helping me more than you know. So a mega thank you. 🙏🏻 🤝🏻👍🏻
@andrewblack525 2 ай бұрын
@@valleyman-mentalhealth ❤
@matttora106 2 ай бұрын
I hope you get the help you need, start reading self help books and start training strength and conditioning, eat a healthy diet 💪 you can do this never give up
@valleyman-mentalhealth 2 ай бұрын
@mattora106 thank you very much for you kind and thoughtful response. I really like that. Thank you brother. I will try my upmost to give my all to my recovery. Cheers brother. Really appreciate you message awesome brother. 🤝🏻👍🏻
@matttora106 2 ай бұрын
@@valleyman-mentalhealth a few books I can recommend, 1-the mountain is you by Brianna wiest 2- the comfort crisis by Michael Easter 3- 12 rules for life by Jordan Peterson. I never read when I was younger once I started reading I found out what I was loosing knowledge is strength for fitness I know you have had some injuries from another video start off with stretching,walking and step ups, and build from there stretching really helps strengthen ligaments and tendons don't go hard ease into it and always get a clear check from a physio or doctor
@valleyman-mentalhealth Ай бұрын
@@matttora106 sorry for the late reply matt. My youtube on my phone has problems showing me comments. I've listened to Jordan Peterson on Joe Rogan Podcast. He was the person that, had me to change my diet, from junk food to meat, and it doesn't solve everything, but it helps. I've already started to take short walks. thank you so much for the brilliant advice, and thank you for helping me. In my time of need. Thank you very much buddy.
@cream7507 2 ай бұрын
Never give up
@valleyman-mentalhealth 2 ай бұрын
@cream7508 Not now I want brother my kids need father. Thank for your comment. Cheers brother. You take care too. 👍🏻
@owent1166 2 ай бұрын
If you can afford it go private. I went private to a psychiatrist working for Bupa. It was a short consultation and then he gave me a prescription to help with sleep. No guarantees you’ll come away from that appointment with a solution but it may help to alleviate some of the suffering. You’ll likely be waiting a millennium to get an appointment with a Psychiatrist on the NHS. Remember there’s always online support services such as the Samaritans and Mind that can help point you in the right direction. Best wishes, stay strong!
@valleyman-mentalhealth 2 ай бұрын
@owent1166 I can’t afford to go private. I would love to do that? I think I’m not articulating, if that’s the words my feeling properly to the GP? Because I’m not that educated, and don’t like to be around other people. Only family and family friends. On times and. If it weren’t for my kids. I probably not be here. So I’m trying to, use them as my spanner to stay here. Thanks you so much for your advice. I wish you all the best too brother. People like you guys are the ones that help people like me.. thanks again 👍🏻
@owent1166 2 ай бұрын
Hey pal, I hear you, it sounds like the GP isn’t hearing what you are telling them. I recommend booking an appointment and taking a person you trust to your appointment with you (maybe a family member?), I’ve found in the past that gives additional weight and the other person can help explain what problems you face which then the doctor is likely to take more seriously. I’d go into the appointment having written down in advance what I want to tell the doctor, why it’s important and what I would like as an outcome from the appointment (e.g. ‘Doctor I am suffering mental health issues, in the past I have been diagnosed with xyz and presently my mental health is in a poor condition and I’m asking for help. I would like to see a psychiatrist to discuss possible solutions to help with my mental health. I would be grateful if from this appointment I could take a step forward to meeting that goal and if not could you provide clear written reasons why not. Thank you.). Remember you can always book an appointment with a different doctor or if that practice is not being good to you then you can always move to another doctors surgery. Have you also tried bypassing the doctors and going directly to your community mental health clinic? It may be worth giving them a call and explaining your situation. They may be able to help and progress things forward. Take care pal
@valleyman-mentalhealth 2 ай бұрын
Yeah for sure. She ain’t hearing me! And I wouldn’t have thought of that, to take someone with me that actually, sounds really good. Thanks brother. For giving and taking time out of your day, to speak to me. And trying to help I appreciate you more than you know.🤝 I’ve tried to bypass the GP? But nothing! I’m going to try, what you said. Take someone with me to make sure I’m getting my point across. And I’ll write some things down. Thank you so much. Honestly now brother. I wish you all the best. And all the luck for you. Good advice. And not just because of your advice, because your are a great person. Cheers brother. 👍🏻
@Steven_McCrae 2 ай бұрын
Awrite bud am on the same boat unfortunately at the moment , I’ve not been able to apply for beneft since nonones willinh to help me , I know it gets you down bro from one stranger to another just hold on a little loner and see what happens tomoro you knever no Ps sorry for my shit spelling man , take care brother 🙏
@valleyman-mentalhealth 2 ай бұрын
@Thatawkwardmomentuf Hiya buddy, don’t worry about spelling. I learned myself to read and write. So these full stops and the others things I don’t even know if there in the right place lol. Brother like I’ve said. Sod the health system. Reach out anytime. I’m suffering. So let’s take the suffering and half it. I said earlier that god has definitely intervened in my life. Because of this shit life I was living drugs drinking the clock around. Just living like an idiot. Being horrible to people I love trying to kill myself on a daily basis. So I definitely think god has help me. And I know he can help you to brother. Thanks for your awesome message man. It mean the world to me. And you take care to brother. Reach out anytime.🙏🏻🙌🏻👍🏻
@americanpatriot6484 2 ай бұрын
I pray you get the help that you need. Keep doing your videos since they seem to be a good outlet for you. I'm guessing you have universal healthcare. Your situation would be a pretty good indicator of that. I'm American and so many of us are trying to make sure we don't get taken over by that. When we call into our doctor's office, we immediately get recordings that say "if this is a mental health crisis, press this number". Our system isn't perfect either, but I can't imagine what you must be feeling. Take care.
@michaeloleary1066 2 ай бұрын
Hello, don't know you but if you dont mind me saying, the health service is here to keep you I'll, reduce your medication or better still fuck it out the window and really listen to the taught pattern in your head,everything comes in waves
@valleyman-mentalhealth 2 ай бұрын
@michaeloleary1066 I don’t mind you saying your opinion at all brother. I’ve been struggling long enough now. To know that you’ve got to help yourself because they want help us. Thinking about it as you’ve said it, you might be right. Because when something happens that’s good you’re only happy for a bit, and back to ohh there we are. You are onto something here brother. Thank you so much for taking the time to message me. I really appreciate it brother. God bless you my friend. 🤝🏻👍🏻
@gilliangriggs6526 2 ай бұрын
Find a good church. Many have outreach programmes. Turn to Jesus Christ. Ask Him: Are You real? (He is) Let Him transform your life. I had neuro and mental health issues my whole life, culminating in being on a locked ward trying to starve myself to death. Now everything has changed. I'm forgiven, loved, know peace that passes all understanding, and life is good. Every blessing to you 🙏
@valleyman-mentalhealth 2 ай бұрын
I’m in the process of the lords change. My life was much worse than now. I was on my way to death. With taking drugs, drinking alcohol around the clock. And one day. I met this woman who I’ve know since I’m 14 years old. We end up getting together have three beautiful children. And it changed me for good. And the only way that could have happened to someone like me is. The intervention of God. And I pray every night. For thankfulness gratitude and everything that’s in my life now. but like I said, I still get really bad problems that one day I pray will go away. Thank you so much for you message. I know I say it you all but I mean it from my heart. And I pray you get all the blessings you ask for thanks so much. 🙏🏻
@gilliangriggs6526 2 ай бұрын
So good to hear. Wonderful testimony. Glory to God! God is gooood! . 🙏
@valleyman-mentalhealth 2 ай бұрын
@@gilliangriggs6526 Amen 🙏🏻 Gillian, you’re one of gods light workers. 🙏🏻
@paulcurrie1843 2 ай бұрын
Hiya Lee. Why is it you want to see a psychiatrist? And how come they won't give you medication? Stay strong bruv
@valleyman-mentalhealth 2 ай бұрын
When I was 16. I was diagnosed with a psychotic personality disorder borderline and schizophrenia. Didn’t even give it a second thought back then until, i started trying to end my life on a regular basis. And I thank god. Every night that all the attempts, I done on my own life never fell through. They want to give me medicine that makes me like a zombie all day, and I’m not having that I’ve got kids to help bring up. And I want them to remember me as their hero. Like I think of my grandfather who brought me up and my late grandmother. Thanks for your comment brother, I really appreciate it 👍🏻
@digs1223 2 ай бұрын
Have you seen the GP and tried A&E?
@valleyman-mentalhealth 2 ай бұрын
@digs1223 yeah my GP. Keeps fobbing me off for some reason. I haven’t been to A&E. because last time I done that they sectioned me!
@user-kt5ij2sj8t 2 ай бұрын
This is the default advice everyone gives, honestly the NHS are pretty much useless for mental health issues from my experience, I just felt judged the whole way through. They are all so disassociated with mental health, also you're so vulnerable when you're struggling with mental health, if you open up and you don't connect well with the person who is suppose to 'help' it can actually cause more damage. In my experience, hiking, going to the gym, kickboxing was faaar more helpful than 'therapy' or the NHS mental health nurse.
@digs1223 Ай бұрын
@@valleyman-mentalhealth If it gets too much go to A&E, if you get sectioned they'll monitor you and sort meds/treatment. Maybe not what you want but sooner or later it may be what you need in order to get better.
@valleyman-mentalhealth Ай бұрын
@@user-kt5ij2sj8t Yeah i feel judged by my GP. And I’m like who the f do you think you are. It’s torture for us sufferers. Not only are we going through stuff that half the population, would never handle they feel the need to make us look even worse than we feel. Thank you so much for the message buddy. I really appreciate it. You guys help me out a lot, the advice you guys give to me is better than any doctor. I hope all is well, with you. Cheers brother. 👌🏻
@user-kt5ij2sj8t Ай бұрын
@@digs1223 Being sectioned can be traumatizing, also some people respond poorly to medication, there was a young lad in Glasgow who took his life after being on anti depressants because it can sometimes make people feel worse before they feel better. The clinical approach to mental health doesn't work for everyone and can make some people worse. My mental health was FAAR better before therapy, and before seeing the NHS 'mental health nurse'.
@JFK1611 2 ай бұрын
Romans 10.9 KJV
@valleyman-mentalhealth 2 ай бұрын
@JFK1611 are you referring to the Bible Bible?
@WalkwithRonin 2 ай бұрын
The Bible helped me ✌️
@valleyman-mentalhealth 2 ай бұрын
Thank brother. I’m starting to see that. The lord is helping me and I’ve not long noticed. I’ve got the new and Old Testament. Which I shall start to read. Thanks you for your brilliant message. God bless you brother.🙏🏻🙏🏻
@WalkwithRonin 2 ай бұрын
@@valleyman-mentalhealththe devil attacks Gods best soldiers in many ways he can. I’m still on my journey but what changed for me was how relatable the Old Testament was like every struggle in modern day I could relate in the Old Testament , a smart man learns by his own mistakes but a wise man learns from others, I’m still on my journey I’m trying to become the wise man now and walk with Jesus 😇🕊️put on the armour of God everyday brother and watch what happens . You got this man ! 😜🥳🙌
@valleyman-mentalhealth 2 ай бұрын
@@WalkwithRonin I’m still on my own journey with god. All my family think I’m going mad. Because of my mental illness. And I’m taking about god all the time? But I feel vibrations, and see-through people by the way they act around me. That’s. Not coincidence if you get what I mean. Keep in touch my friend, I’d love to see how we both are in 6 months-two a year. Stay safe, and god bless you brother.
@WalkwithRonin Ай бұрын
@@valleyman-mentalhealth how you been fella still keeping up the good fight 💪
@valleyman-mentalhealth Ай бұрын
@@WalkwithRonin I’ve been better in the last two weeks than I have, for the last two years my friend. Thank you so much for asking. I’m trying my best to keep up the fight brother. I have to talking to all you lovely people on here, has made one massive difference in my life. As I said not long ago. Talking to you guys on here make me see light at the end of the tunnel of darkness. Thank you so much for you comment brother and checking in I really appreciate that. No this is stuff money can’t buy. Cheers my brother. God bless you.🙏🏻🤝🏻👍🏻
@jesusislord-ht1nj 2 ай бұрын
Ask Jesus Christ to help you it worked for me
@valleyman-mentalhealth 2 ай бұрын
I do every night, and I think it has worked because the life I was living back then, to the life I’m living know Is so different. But I’m still struggling with the rage of my crazy mind. Thanks for your comment brother. It does really mean a lot to me.👍🏻
@jesusislord-ht1nj 2 ай бұрын
@@valleyman-mentalhealth you're welcome God bless you
@catweasel3515 2 ай бұрын
It is showing on the outside brother. Talk to me
@valleyman-mentalhealth 2 ай бұрын
I pray it is brother. Because I’m trying my best this side to stay. Like I said in a comment above. I pray every night to the lord. To thank him for changing my life. But the struggle is still so hard. 100 M.P.H brain running. Is a dangerous things. Thanks for your you come brother, i really appreciate it. It means a lot to me. 👍🏻
@catweasel3515 2 ай бұрын
@Lee-valleyman Try to remember what really matters mate just take it oneday at a time, You cannot stress over things you can't control. Love from Australia
@valleyman-mentalhealth 2 ай бұрын
@@catweasel3515 that’s one of the things I’ve put into. My new way of thinking? Take one day at a time. The past is gone forever, and the future is never promised. The only moment is right now. And that’s all we have. I lived in the past for so long. Trying to keep my grandmother alive. But I didn’t realise that at the time it was useless. Shes gone forever. And I know that she wouldn’t want me to be like this. After her parting from us. Thanks for your message. It really means a lot the world to me. You guys on here, have took me from on the edge person. Like life losing edge. And helped me with your talks, and different experiences. plus all your wisdom, I’m thanking you all. You’re all really good people. Thanks for the love from Australia. It’s love from south wales back to you brother. 👍🏻
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