Kang Is Dead. Long Live Thanos (And Why He Deserves A Prequel)

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Savage Books

Savage Books

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@danieldosso2455 8 ай бұрын
The biggest misplay Marvel made was putting Infinity War and Endgame back to back. Phase 4-6 should have separated the two, so we get 5-10 years of dealing with the Snap, and allows Marvel to develop their next group of Avengers before Cap, Ironman, Banner, and Black Widow depart.
@HollowPhntm 8 ай бұрын
That really should’ve been the plan going forward; sucks how hindsight is 20/20 in this case. 😮‍💨
@SRosenberg203 8 ай бұрын
Oh man that would have been so much more satisfying
@Xcandescet 8 ай бұрын
becomes a logistical nightmare of cast aging, scheduling, and contracts
@danieldosso2455 8 ай бұрын
@@Xcandescet How so? Chris Evans was clearly done, you don't have to use him. RDJ showed up once or twice and moved on too. Hemsworth is still clearly going strong, though the marvel movies he's in are pretty questionable. They built Antman up to have some significance. I fail to see your worry. Also, the biggest movie producing company in the world can't handle a few contract negoatiations? That's some pussy shit.
@Demortalix 8 ай бұрын
Endgame isn't a strong enough concept to survive multiple years of cinematic build up. The ultimate conclusion to Infinity War's "unsolvable problem" was time travel, which already felt flimsy but would fall incredibly flat if we had spent years between IG and Endgame building up this secret way to fix everything. Beyond that, Endgame works because it's packaged as a big sendoff to the MCU characters that we've known. Passing the baton to new franchises before we even say goodbye to Tony or Captain America is just going to dampen the impact of Endgame's finale. I think a post-Snap world is a cool setting, but trying to introduce a whole new cast for us to care about already wasn't working. I don't think the answer is/was more cast bloat.
@ivanbluecool 8 ай бұрын
Thanos becoming a farmer is hilarious considering how he definitely doesn't understand how the food making system works with his snap basically causing a food shortage and starvation with how we see every world go to dust regardless. If you want an irl example it happens many times where the farmers get taken out and everything immediately falls apart.
@Mr_Case_Time 8 ай бұрын
And since much of what is eaten is alive- plant or animal- does that mean half of the food just disappeared as well?
@ivanbluecool 8 ай бұрын
@@Mr_Case_Time means he also broke the food chain as plants are alive if alien life is considered life so it's technically a life too Animals humans aliens plants all cut in half. By losing half the work force production will immediately stall aka starvation occurs. Dorkly made a joke on that to instead double food rather than half life which would lower food prices and lead to less people starving
@gianni206 8 ай бұрын
Really? Even with advanced equipment and double the land for farmers to own, as well as more federal money spent on agriculture, even with all that there’d still be a food shortage?
@LieutenantAlaki 8 ай бұрын
​@@gianni206That just makes it easier! Less farmers means losing one fucks us up even more than usual.
@ouchiegiverjr 8 ай бұрын
No one cares about that, what mattered was the intention behind him doing it, if you try to analyze what he COULD have done with the gauntlet, then it just shows the stones are mcguffins, they aren’t meant to be super critically looked at, they are plot devices
@ivanbluecool 8 ай бұрын
Honestly wish they never did the time skip. So much they ignore that breaks the entire story. No food shortages. Families breaking apart. People ending themselves. New families coming around when new love is found. Wars. Nothing. The snap was literally just that. We could have seen how people who were in a bad situation see Thanos as a hero for saving them. Like a kid abused by their mom or dad and they fade away and life gets better for them and then they return to see how pathetic they were. New power vaccums and such. So much potential for nothing to matter
@ThePiachu 8 ай бұрын
Yeah, each time we hear anything about the time skip makes me wish we saw a lot more of that time. Have a few movies in that period to show how bleak things are. Make us feel the characters being missing. Show us how nations came together and helped one another before the status quo snapped back...
@clydu91 8 ай бұрын
@Gadget-Walkmen 8 ай бұрын
That doesn’t “breaks the entire story” AT ALL in the slightest, it’s just missed opportunities that you wanted them to touch, and let’s be honest; they really couldn’t touch upon every single one of them at all, and they WERE touching upon a lot of stuff that happened because of the snap, bit by bit from each movie. Saying they didn’t is dishonest and a flat out lie, seriously!
@ivanbluecool 8 ай бұрын
@@Gadget-Walkmen "oh yeah the snap happened" is basically all that they do. Just mentioned it doesn't mean a single thing the second snap could have happened a week later and nothing changes as nobody is affected Again I just made all my points and you by not showing me one example of a major affect of it all just proves my point Hulk got kids to take a selfie with him in endgame. Endgame of all things. The story after the snap. So many things should be happening but everything is the same. 5 years can't restablelize anything things would have shifted so hard Get the rose blinders out of your eyes and actually think for a second. It's a massive break in story and an even bigger plot hole they never fill Also yeah your description sums you up perfectly.
@ivanbluecool 8 ай бұрын
@@ThePiachu honestly helping each other wouldn't happen. I could see third world countries at war and first world counties shut down or slow down with all the products being slower thanks to half the work force. Riots. Vigilantes. Gangs etc at worse. Shelters. Deeper religious believers and adoption if a kid lost his parents at best to show humanity struggling
@ThePiachu 8 ай бұрын
As cool as a Thanos prequel would be, it wouldn't solve MCU's big problem of "where do we go next?". Too many of the current MCU shows and movies are just spinning their wheels or rehashing comic book plots rather than adapting them. It would be nice to see some more villains that could handle more focus on them. Perhaps Ultron would've been a good choice since the actor was killing it in the original movie...
@WatchWithSubtitlesRS 8 ай бұрын
To me, when you talked about Joker movie and your idea for a Thanos prequel, it made me think of how Lex Luthor and Clark Kent in the tv show Smallville are the great examples of the type of character study of how fictional characters become who the audience knows they are destined to be.
@gonaye1 8 ай бұрын
Loki screaming “TELL ME” to Odin in the first Thor, and Wanda telling Vision “what he is” before he is ‘undone’ were moments that deeply moved me and made me care for their characters. Exploring Thanos’s character would be interesting, though your examination of the successes of Loki and WandaVision makes me think the Thanos prequel might work better as a miniseries, rather than as a movie. I’d personally love to revisit Thanos as a character if it means we get to see more of the planet Vormir. It was such a beautiful, desolate planet and I think the planet’s setting helped make some of the best scenes from Infinity War and Endgame even better.
@Zxykary 8 ай бұрын
Would love a prequel that ends with the destruction of Xandar. Not being able to see that on-screen (particularly when it could've been a good setup for Nova) is my least favorite aspect of Infinity War.
@thereccher8746 8 ай бұрын
I needed this. I wanted to remember how good the MCU use to be.
@chaoticneutralsheep 8 ай бұрын
Honestly don't think the Loki show unpacked the character at all as someone who's been a fan from the start, they forgot he's a Frost Giant that went on a self hating genocide and forgo the role Thanos had in the NYC invasion when he's the reason Loki's even on Earth with an infinity stone. These major plot points were never mentioned because just as the writers didn't watch Wandavision to write MOM the writer here also didn't watch the Thor movies and perhaps not even the Avengers. That was a deliberate choice because season 1 was a recreation of the writers old script; The Worst Guy of All Time (and the Girl Who Came to Kill Him). A woman named Dixie hiding in apocalypses sent to kill an old power hungry narcissist called Barrett that's attracted to her, with an officer horrified by what he's seeing. There's a use of time travel and the narcissist is redeemed by the power of love, actually just go read it. It's really impossible to unpack a character if you haven't seen what they were previously in and the last few writers for Marvel have been weirdly proud of not doing the research and letting all the new work fall apart, along with their rule of never hiring anyone that reads the comics. Loki had all the cards to fix the MCU problem, instead of making the TVA good guys and putting all the eggs in one basket for Kang it should have made the TVA a legitimate threat and introduce far more villains, perhaps the reemergence of Thanos considering Loki's ties to that and the introduction of Dr Doom following the comics. There's so many different ways to raise the stakes for new heroes to meet, instead the Loki show turned the infinity stones into paper weights, got rid of free will from past phases and said Thanos is a basic grunt the TVA can take down easy without any powers. All it did was leave the character at another rehashed sacrifice point except now it's a complete dead end when it could have been the reboot of the franchise.
@robinronin 8 ай бұрын
While I did love and enjoy Loki for what it was (especially S2), I do agree that I wish there was more of Loki’s old lore explored. Plus, the change in him felt a little abrupt and the infinity stones being worthless and revealing the timeline was predetermined did just throw the value of earlier movies down the drain. Like, Tony died from those stones to save the world. Now he’s an irrelevant mortal who played with some paperweights and died. It just leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Some changes to the Loki script to change the importance of infinity stones + Loki lore would have made Loki great without undercutting literally everything else 😬 Edit to add: And MOM just pissed me off, I HATE that movie. WandaVision began to redeem her for making a small town suffer, and MOM just threw that out the window and made her a monster on multiverse level scale. Ugh. Also, didn’t know about that other script you mentioned of The Worst Guy In The World. I’ll look it up!!
@Sui_Generis0 8 ай бұрын
14:50 I was wondering why Wanda was acting so differently, it ruined the movie for me and now I know why
@raftonoli 8 ай бұрын
Thanos being my favorite character ever, I agree with every single word you said. But putting my bias aside, Thanos has the right amount of gravitas to give him a movie about his rise and steps towards his bloody crusade. Seeing him for the 1st time on screen was a dream come true, but giving him a movie could surpass that realized dream. Thank you, Savage Books, for your analysis and input. ❤ Now make it happen!!!! 😆
@Stiffman1 8 ай бұрын
I'm sure it's been said, but the snap itself is criminally ignored from a story perspective. As is the morality of undoing it in Endgame. You could have some compelling low budget series starring lower level superheroes who survived trying to deal with it. So many possibilities ignored.
@ivanbluecool 8 ай бұрын
Prequel would just be being dumped by death itself for not being extreme enough. She'd say "only half? come back when you get rid of everyone and maybe I'll think about it"
@HisShadow 8 ай бұрын
The Marvel Universe has come to it's narrative end. The whole universe was a beautiful journey to reach End Game as the greatest WTF moment in the whole tale and Infinity War was the perfect conclusion. All the characters that built the universe are either dead or retired. Its best to end a story on a high note than it is to just keep pumping out sub-par stories that simply don't carry the weight of the originals.
@iainronald4217 8 ай бұрын
I'd like to see a conversation between the older version of Prince Zuko and Thanos. Imagine that Zuko, suddenly racked by an unknown fear, has secluded himself on a volcano to meditate. He vows not to leave until a guide presents themselves and shows him the way out from it. After fifteen days, a portal opens up to the spirit world and a guide does present himself but it's Thanos. Another son of royalty with radical ideas that left him banished by his people, forced to double down on his ideals to prove his worth to his own people. But, Zuko chose redemption while Thanos chose to become a warlord to prove his idea to be correct. I think there's a rich conversation to be had.
@NighttimeNubbs 8 ай бұрын
Wording as Thanos thinking himself the hero in the prequel now has Thanos Handsome Jack stuck in my head.
@Fists91 8 ай бұрын
"augh, these pretzels suck. I'm going to destroy half the pretzels in the universe to increase the average quality of pretzels"
@hyperion3145 8 ай бұрын
​@@Fists91 The spoon story but it's with Vision
@primal1233 8 ай бұрын
The Marvel cinematic universe is basically dead
@phantomslay5612 8 ай бұрын
Is that some kind of joke?
@spritvio639 8 ай бұрын
​@phantomslay5612 If it is, it isn't inaccurate.
@juanrodriguez9971 8 ай бұрын
​@@phantomslay5612since when something true is fun?
@joshuacollins9316 8 ай бұрын
Yeah…no it’s not lol it would need to lose a whole lot more money for a long time to be dead.
@gianni206 8 ай бұрын
Ironic how their only entry for next year is… Deadpool 3, a sequel of a completely different franchise and universe.
@seanmcgrady8688 8 ай бұрын
Thanos had his own movie. It was great.
@wangbot47 8 ай бұрын
Your The Marvels financial math forgot the marketing budget which is usually about the same amount as the actual budget. They didn't lose 70 million, they lost 350 million
@GAdmThrawn Ай бұрын
I noticed this lack of consistency as far back as A:IW. When Black Panther's sister questioned and downplayed Banner's and Stark's ability on creating Vision and applying the Mind Stone, the writer should've put in for Banner, "Because...we didn't. That was Ultron."
@alex4833 8 ай бұрын
You make some good points. Thanos is a well-written and complex character. I love the MCU, but most of the antagonists aren't great IMO. I'd like to see a Thanos prequel too. I also agree with your thoughts about having well-developed, character-driven stories (and concur that Thanos prequel could provide a model for that). Nonetheless, I agree with robertstryjak1973 also. The MCU has had too much content out too quickly. As you indicated at the end, they are pushing so much out - and it's been quantity over quality. The stories are too rushed. I think the Eternals is a solid example of this. It probably should've been a TV show instead (and a show with at least 10-13 episodes that are well paced) - or a series of films. Instead, they introduced too many characters and didn't have enough time to fully flesh out the characters or the story. So many of the shows have inconsistent pacing also. I really hope they slow things down and take the time to develop the characters and the story. Given that there are fewer shows and movies next year, it looks like they might be applying this lesson (I hope so). Happy New Year :) Hope you have a great year.
@moritakaishida7963 8 ай бұрын
Even better idea. The MCU should just end already
@Siderite 8 ай бұрын
I think the only scene for such a story as you propose is the What If...? series. If not, it has to be animation. Because even with the insane CGI budgets of Marvel movies, they never used CGI for storytelling, just unexplained wide shots of alien planets and explosive inconsistent physical fights. As you yourself noticed, Invincible did it right.
@TheMadSicilian 8 ай бұрын
@cpob2013 8 ай бұрын
Titans being immortal makes Thanos arguing for death a lot more reasonable. Cutting lives short is universally reprehensible but most people understand and accept the concept of inevitable mortality. You have your time and then you pass on to let others have their time. If thanos' home rejected a moderate mortality and came to a critical point of complete collapse it would burn a conviction deep in him that all peoples must be culled or else they will collapse too. It's like a perverse form of Spiderman's great power great responsibility motive taken to the nth degree
@AugustRx 8 ай бұрын
Living a 1000 years isn't immortal just comparatively longer
@ryandebruys2762 8 ай бұрын
My idea: Titan was destroyed by Galactus and Thanos was helpless to stop it. He kidnaps the silver surfer, initially to stop galactus, but soon realizes this wont work. He calculates that Galactus will destroy all civilizations in 10,000 years, but destroying half of all life will starve Galactus out in 1,000 years. The surfer then justifies his actions to thanos as moral, before learning that thanos recently destroyed his homeworld. He then calls upon galactus, who explains that he thinks of lower life forms the way we think of ants. He quits Galactus and escapes from thanos. But it wouldnt be a thanos movie - itd be a silver surfer movie. Oh yeah, and bc the snap didnt work, the threat of galactus enters the equation
@sramspoker 8 ай бұрын
Kevin Fiege downloads rocket money. Ascends, becomes a financial genius, and heralds Marvel Studios to be the most profitable company in the world.
@savagebooks7482 8 ай бұрын
my plan all along lol
@reggierooster3676 8 ай бұрын
Dude mad gains 😮 keep it up love your gym work man 😊
@anubia-bastet8825 8 ай бұрын
Personally I felt that they wanted thanos to be a sympathetic character but at the same time a sadistic villain and the moments written around each clash harshly for me. As a result thanos doesn’t come off as a well written character.
@jobobminer8843 8 ай бұрын
1:16 - you make the point that contemporary audiences wanted something new but I don't think the anti-hero or the evil-superman is a new idea
@LieutenantAlaki 8 ай бұрын
That sort of thing was already overplayed by the 90s, and the original idea goes back so much further.
@Bw899804 8 ай бұрын
Better Call Cull (Obsidian)
@xTraexEdge 8 ай бұрын
I honestly think the MCU should have taken a break after Endgame. While I love the idea of a Thanos prequel, I don't think it solves Marvel's problem. The build up that they're on is too chaotic and doesn't seem to have been planned very well. They've hit the comic book problem where there is too much going on at once. Like do you really want to read an Echo tie-in comic just to understand what's happening in the main Avengers comic? Probably not. Although, it's hilarious that Thanos has set the standard of a villain and no one seems able to match that.
@afronautilus 7 ай бұрын
This idea is fascinating! I loved The Infinity Gauntlet comics when I read them waaay back when. And though definitely too fantastical for the "realism" of the MCU's storytelling, I always felt that the Thanatos that the comics Thanos character embodied got short shrift in the MCU films. I wonder if a prequel would be a way to pull some of that in. Maybe not the literal embodiment of him falling in kove with Death but a metaphorical "love of Death". One that infects and pervades his personal life, his politics, and philosophical outlook that drives him to becoming The Mad Titan. I also think it would be an interesting contrast to DC's Jor El, examining how a figure on a similarly doomed planet could turn to evil given an obsession with Death and a autocratic Machiavellian outlook. Zero-sum absolutism versus hope.
@gg_sam7847 8 ай бұрын
You should watch the video I believe is called "why you always fight God's in Japanese games". I think the end message can give some insight to what's happening here
@michaelofbuhl1315 8 ай бұрын
“Why do you always kill gods in jrpg’s?”
@BossRedRanger 8 ай бұрын
MCU Thanos is an idiot compared to the comics version. I have no clue why anyone would want to see more of him. Mind you, Thanos is my favorite comic villain ever. I have enjoyed Thanos as a character since the early 90s.
@SoulKnightKing 8 ай бұрын
I dont carehow bad the writing for Multiverse of Madness was. Elizabeth Olsen was brilliant as Scarlet Witch. She shoulda won an Oscar for it! 🏆
@gianni206 8 ай бұрын
Infinity War Thanos: I only murder because I have to Endgame Thanos: lol just kidding
@zynga726 8 ай бұрын
The reason Marvel is pushing out so much content so fast regarding of quality is because Disney+ needs a lot of content to keep subscribers watching. The amount of low quality content is hurting them. A catch 22?
@MrLeFilipfloppyvelarde 8 ай бұрын
AMC+ doesn't have saul or breaking bad because they don't have the streaming rights. AMC+ and the streaming craze didn't exists at the time they did contracts with Netflix. But when those deals are over, amc won't let those 2 escape ever
@KittyMeow1984 8 ай бұрын
Yeah, no. Nice pitch and all, but prequels are the last resort of the creatively bankrupt, and where franchises go to die.
@TheMadSicilian 8 ай бұрын
@josemanuel8375 8 ай бұрын
There's already a book named Thanos: Titan Comsumed. I think your pitch is a GREAT idea and Marvel should def. do it and draw inspiration from the book. It would be great if it was directed by someone like Guillermo del Toro 🍻💪
@obara7366 8 ай бұрын
Great video as always, bit at sone points I got distracted because i recognized the lullaby lofi covers of anime songs. I will always recognize Asian Kung Fu Generation, and i spent too many hours crying over AnoHana to not recognize "Our Secret Base"
@Tanath 8 ай бұрын
I'd be all for a Thanos prequel like you described but I'm disappointed in you blaming it on good characters trying to be and do good. Whether the story is good is in the telling. I'm tired of the reverse: bad guy main characters I can't root for doing bad things which undermines the drama since I don't care about what the MC wants and want something which isn't going to happen (MC fails and gets what they deserve).
@TheNeraum 8 ай бұрын
You're absolutely spot-on with the multiverse saga just sitting on the tropes that the infinity saga built. Every great thing in this new section feels drastically different, WandaVision was truly an omage to sitcoms, Loki feels buddy-cop detective show half the time, No Way Home was the last genuinely good straight superhero film, and that relied heavily on nostalgia (it was good don't get me wrong). Why wasn't the Black Widow movie a bondesque spy thriller? Why did Quantumania have to resort to a buncha fight scenes when he could've gone hard sci-fi, new civilisation contact kinda thing, like classic Star Trek. Secret Invasion almost hit the spy show vibe, almost. They needed more and I'm so glad somebody else gets it
@VictorHugo-iz7qw 8 ай бұрын
KZbin recomended your invincible video and I am impressed on how you verry easily dissect and explain major factors of story telling,that I never notice before, you got yourself a new subscriber, great work man, really loved it. Also, damn you're hot, SRSLY god job, and you voice is the cherry on top, makes your videos even better to watch
@tedarcher9120 6 ай бұрын
Marvels cost not 70 million, but 170, because cinemas take half the films earnings
@fitzofpassion 8 ай бұрын
I was going to say that Thanos already got his movie, Infinity War, but you acknowledged that right away. I don’t disagree with you, I’m just full of fear. Disney has fumbled so much recently, and I don’t want to see this great villain (and I appreciate him even more after your thoughtful analysis), I don’t want to see this great villain nerfed or simplified to the point of idiocy. I don’t want to see a Thanos prequel because I don’t trust them.
@katrinakrystal9779 8 ай бұрын
I know it’s a video game, but I think Borderlands the Pre-Sequel tried this very same thing. They created one of the best villains of all time, introducing us to him while he’s full bad guy mode. (Borderlands 2’s plot) Then they told his story from the beginning, what he went through to become who we saw before. The Pre-Sequel was… sorta weak on character development (in most peoples opinions) but I can’t judge it cause I’m bias, I just want more handsome jack.
@Fists91 8 ай бұрын
TPS didn't really go far enough back to show us his origin, it was more of his "mask off" (lol) moment as a heap of stuff with his family already happened by the time he's on Helios. If you don't count lore added in 3 it's much more ambiguous but even just on 2 and TPS I felt there was a lot of context missing.
@HydraulicDesign 3 ай бұрын
Man Wanadvision was almost transcendentally awesome, until we left the dome.
@Peta813 8 ай бұрын
What Savage is saying is true but has no one noticed the anime theme songs in the background. Makes the truth soumd truer 😌.
@va1korion 8 ай бұрын
Why do images of Chronicles of Riddick come to my mind? This idea also iterates on your latest video on How worldbuilding improved Omniman, so kudos to you.
@samuelbattershell3413 8 ай бұрын
13:02, Expect, that's not the Loki we movie goers got to know, it is a different Loki from a different time line, sure he might be a great Alternate Universe take, but he's not the Loki movie goers cried over as Thanos struggled him to death
@LPSlight0 8 ай бұрын
Hmm let's see how this goes
@kylesams7971 8 ай бұрын
Dude no more prequels. No more story about the stories fucking story.
@annaaquitaine4225 8 ай бұрын
Been seeing this sentiment a bunch, frequently and rapidly. Seeing your comment just put an exclamation point on it. And frankly, as someone who always got bored fairly easily with media, I hope this take gets more popular.
@joshuacollins9316 8 ай бұрын
It’s all the same story.
@kylesams7971 8 ай бұрын
@@joshuacollins9316 let’s just hit the high notes then and skip the nonsense.
@lukaslambs5780 8 ай бұрын
Thanos in endgame was ruined tbh. He was PERFECT infinity war. I understand that Endgame wasn’t thanos’s movie the way infinity war was. Endgame was about the heroes. That said, they didn’t have to assassinate his character, they could have just given him less of a role in the story.
@spiderneil 8 ай бұрын
Retuning to Thanos is living in the past. For better for worse the MCU has to move forward. Personally, I think Doom is a far better antagonist than Thanos in the comics. Marvel just has to bring that menace and dread to big screen.
@Kursor17 8 ай бұрын
Prequel would have to be at least a film trilogy or a limited tv series run. There's too much Thanos backstory to fit into one film.
@sapaulgoogdmen9542 8 ай бұрын
I mean honestly I don’t think he needs a prequel I think they just need to move on. Let these actors go do other things. Set them free from having to stay in shape. Just grab a new line up and scale everything back. Idk I’m 25 and I’m tired of prequels and sequels. The story was over so let it be over. Allow people to make up stories in their heads and argue with friends again. Everything doesn’t have to be endlessly explained. I don’t need to know why his last name is “Solo”
@samuelbattershell3413 8 ай бұрын
The major problem with the subversion of the Paragons is that it has been replaced with, well for want of a better term, nihilism. And this is true because, your pitch is to give a movie to a delusional mass murderer who thought he could save existence by destroying half of it. Heck even your praise of Better Call Saul and even Breaking Bad. I can see why you want variety, but at the end of the day we need Paragons.
@hidinginmycaropeningpokemo9006 5 ай бұрын
I watched the Marvels & was genuinely surprised at how much I enjoyed it. Don’t get me wrong, it was by no means spectacular, but it was an easy 6, maybe 6.5 out of 10. I think the quality that has been achieved by the MCU negatively impacts the films that aren’t supremely impressive. I mean, when you actually think about it, the marvel films that were actually spectacular are few & far between. Iron Man Captain America 2 GotG Infinity War I would say they’re the cream of the crop, everything else varies from not quite as good to pretty terrible. The Marvels was ok, better than the first Captain Marvel film I’d say. Having said that, that’s just my opinion, & everyone is entitled to their own
@robertstryjak1973 8 ай бұрын
I strongly disagree. While the current state of the MCU is absolutely "too much, too fast" I don't think Kang was the problem in and of himself (unlike his actor). The core problem of the present day MCU is the same that has plagued comics books (specifically Marvel and DC core continuities) for decades- event fatigue. When all you get are massive hastily put together events and nothing else the characters have no space to breathe and nobody cares about them. MCU needs to slow down and remember what made it so impactful which is storytelling that combines narratives of individual heroes with (mostly) a consistent build up of an overarching story in the background. Also I want Doctor Doom, not more Thanos. The Mad Titan had his time in the spotlight now it's time for Doom to show all those lesser characters who really is the greatest genius in the multiverse (and it's not Richards!)!
@cjkalandek996 8 ай бұрын
The question you brought up about why Thanos felt the best way to save his home was to wipe out half its population? In the comics, Thanos was an Eternal or, at least, of an Eternal lineage. Yet, his appearance was the result of a Deviant mutation. And after seeing the MCU film _"Eternals",_ his proposal to save his home makes a lot more sense. If it's still canon that he's an Eternal, he's probably the first one to essentially take the red pill and rebel against his orders from the Celestials. His home planet was most likely destroyed by the birth of a Celestial when it reached the ideal population number. So, if all of that is true, a Thanos prequel may be irrelevant.
@MaxRavenclaw 8 ай бұрын
Where did you get the background music for this video? I'm sure I'm hearing cute, simplified versions of anime music I recognize, there was some OPM and some Demon Slayer in there, I could swear.
@Blackfox2602 8 ай бұрын
Wanda Vision is basically Madoka Magica Rebellion, but they're afraid to go all the way.
@univeriseman8008 8 ай бұрын
Kang only exist to spam the multiverse. Thanos has a preque novella but its not cannon
@noahoxley9146 8 ай бұрын
Savage books looks savagely swoll
@digitaldevil696 8 ай бұрын
I suppose you know better as a writer and an editor, but I really don't think that MCU relied on the classic heroism/superman/paragon trope all that much. If anything, it already started with the subversion of it - the Iron Man movie. I'm not saying that it didn't do a good job with it, but Tony Stark is anything but a classic hero, and I think it was mainly him who have paved the way for how the MCU characters are written and presented: cocky, arrogant and sassy became the part of the formula. The only classic hero/paragon/superman-esque main characters were Captain America and Spider Man, who both, ironically, explored the classic Superman concept better than the Man Of Steel. The exploration of Cap's personal integrity was really done great both in First Avenger and Winter Soldier. IDK about the rest, but I'm experiencing not a superhero fatigue, but the subversion fatigue. I'm tired of the whole "evil superman" thing, with the Boys and Invincible being exceptions because they actually do a good and nuanced job. I think that the MCU has outlived itself, and the only thing which remains is the corporate greed trying to squeeze the cadaver and milk it for what it's worth. The MCU needs to either reinvent itself from the ground zero or end.
@kyleevans5806 8 ай бұрын
Disney is for movies/t.v. shows what EA has been for video games the past 30 years.
@xXphrenzyXx 8 ай бұрын
Who made that outro song? That joint is fire 💜
@David.Andrew 8 ай бұрын
By doing just a little research on the Jonathan Majors case will make you realize how off-putting that "turd" comment was.
@HAVIN_aBLAST 8 ай бұрын
If this is the old Marvel i'd be on board with the idea. But with what they're doing with their established characters now i'd just rather they left him to his former glory.
@freya002YT 8 ай бұрын
@josephs.4813 8 ай бұрын
16:01 is this outro music Your Lie in April?
@jacobjones9050 8 ай бұрын
I really disagree and think if they announced this it would feed into all the issues everyone has about not being able to produce any new stories. IW was Thanos movie, we don’t need another black widow
@bybrittanyjohnson 8 ай бұрын
But savage books…why do you think a thanos prequel would work? What in that silly little editor brain that you have believes that this would actually be something that people would want?
@daniellegustafson3381 8 ай бұрын
Even in the comic books, the Thanos origin stories aren't ever as popular as the stories of Thanos after the Gauntlet. They won't be able to do a Thanos prequel without going further I to the Eternal mythos and story because Thanos is a mutated Eternal. You didn't do any research at all did you ?
@samuelbattershell3413 8 ай бұрын
12:34 Yeah, just going to say it, Black Panther and the novelty effect, it's objectively worse than most of Phase 3 films, mainly because Civil War starts with Ta'Challa already as The Black Panther. I liked it, but it's really nothing worth writing home about. As for No Way Home, it's simple pandering
@vpeakfiction 8 ай бұрын
Something interesting I started to think from your take, I think the issue is not 'where to go next' or 'choosing to be the next big villain.' Very important but something that would the watchablity of these individual movies. These movies needs to do better job establishing a foundation in the settings/world more. These movies do not feel grounded anywhere or in anything. What help ground Marvel is stop trying to tell new stories, and build off the stories not told first of all. The time during the blink, Titan destruction, and Spider-man in New York. They leave meals unfinished and never re-explored. Minimizing their scope and focusing the settings would help. Like the The Marvels should have been solely based on Kree planet. Having the team have interact with planet to save it the way the people wanted, something like that. They have the characters zipping around, and the settings is barely interacted with or they fly in at critical point in setting, so we are never grounded in the conflicted. Another example Thor's 4th movie based solely in city of the Gods. Stay with Zeus and all the Gods, showing more Gor fighting the Gods and the interesting setting of the golden city. Some Gods joining Thor in the fight. It's too character driven sometimes which leads to recycled stories. The characters have zip around for this character reveal (big actor reveal). Marvel needs to start using the world/setting as a character.
@juanrodriguez9971 8 ай бұрын
I don't think a Thanos movie is going to be good considering how everything else is, making a Thanos movie is just giant fan service.
@TiMoThY211991 8 ай бұрын
I don't especially think that a Thanos prequel would be successful at this point. And unless it was such compelling cinema that it becomes a must watch, personally I would probably give it a pass like I did the Marvels. This would not be the best direction to go in in my opinion.
@wendyanna507 8 ай бұрын
@Calebgoblin 8 ай бұрын
The MCU is dead, but your gainz are very much alive
@karolchruzik1919 8 ай бұрын
Loki has been 300% husbando-fied by his TV show, I dare say he's bottomed as hell in all of phase 4-5. Just saying, exploring protagonist Thanos wil have ramifications 😳
@soccerandtrack10 8 ай бұрын
Ptsd warning if reading 1st then watching.
@thatoneguyyouknow9136 8 ай бұрын
How about Thanos is thinking of a way to save his people when a hooded woman makes a comment like if we had half as many people we would be fine then when Thanos fails the same woman come and says that the whole universe is like this he leave and she is revealed to be Vanessa (Morena Baccarin) from Deadpool, turns out she is Lady Death. Boom Death send Thanos out and links Deadpool to mcu proper. Also explanes why her role in Deadpool 2.
@mbirotte318 5 ай бұрын
Infinity war was his movie
@DigiMyst 8 ай бұрын
I'd be down for a prequel if they brought back the IW and Endgame writers, but I don't really trust Marvel to make good movies nowadays
@THATGuy5654 8 ай бұрын
Do we know if they're scrapping Kang, or just recasting him? Because I actually respect the potential of the villain they've set up. I know it would suck for the only recastings the studio ever did to be two black men, but I personally think it would be worth it. (Dear God, imagine if Black Panther hadn't been as big a hit.)
@robinronin 8 ай бұрын
It’s still uncertain, for as far as I’ve seen. However, I personally think that scripts for future movies have already been in the works for a while, so they would have to scrap a lot and start over to entirely erase Kang, and I doubt they would do that. It would make more sense from a financial standpoint to recast Kang 🤔
@UnburntDragon 8 ай бұрын
@@robinroninI mean the end of S2 Loki seemed like it could have been the end of Kang
@Schumi89 8 ай бұрын
Lol had to pause and backup the video cause I got distracted with the Demon Slayer music. 😅
@misterbxiv 8 ай бұрын
What’s the song around 10:30, I recognize the tune but can’t place it
@DGreen951 8 ай бұрын
A turd that's a really good actor 🤷🏼‍♂️ lol, I mean if we leave our personal bias out of it. Kang was great, just the writing around him was bad. But anyways. I've been thinking about this for a while. I would love a "what if" movie about old man Thanos from the comics. That would be amazing
@zachkeenankacey4945 8 ай бұрын
@shadowclaw8607 8 ай бұрын
They don't write good movies anymore. Marvel has proven that. A prequel would be cool but Marvel will botch that up
@albertoparolin7170 8 ай бұрын
you had me until loki and wandavision...
@overheaven8875 8 ай бұрын
Could tie the notion of thanos trying to save a dying planet to a prospective Doom trying to save a dying timeline/multiverse thematically if you wanted. that's just the mental connection I had watching this. great video as always!
@HectorT52 8 ай бұрын
Could be cool when you put it in paper but eternals was also a super cool concept but since it was in the disney umbrella it didn't exploit its potential. Also taking nwh as an example of suberting the marvel formula must be a joke, it is the same formula you described + more cameos
@z01k1 8 ай бұрын
where will I find that Erased music
@maa3563 8 ай бұрын
Nice muscles
@absta1995 8 ай бұрын
Tbh Wanda vision is very bad. I have it a 5/10. Doctor strange multiverse whatever is also pretty terrible. Not sure why people rate them but I think it's a lack of experience with good films
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