Japanese below. Thank you so much for your visit to my hometown and I appreciate your warm words. My grandfather was a survivor of A-bomb, and I’m a third generation. He told me about what it was like on August 6th in Hiroshima, and he never would talk about his experience afterwards. It is a tragedy for sure, not only for Japanese but to all of us no matter where you are from. Thank you so much for sharing your experience. 祖父が被爆者の被爆3世です。 広島に来てくださって、暖かい言葉を嬉しく思いました。 祖父の存命中に1度だけ、当時の話を聞いたことがありますが、その後二度と語ろうとはしませんでした。辛すぎるから、と。 原爆は人種国籍問わず、人類にとって等しく悲劇をもたらすものだと思います。 思いや経験をシェアしてくれてありがとう。
When I was in elementary school, I was supposed to visit this place. But I fell ill and had to miss it. Later, I heard from a friend that it was a tragic and cruel place, and they felt sick. I thought I was lucky not to go, but now that I’m an adult, I feel like I have to go, no matter what emotions it brings.
I visited there with my family for the first time when I was like 14 years old. I was really shocked and felt really complicated emotion. I’ll visit again soon with my some foreign friends.
私は去年日本へ里帰りした時に広島へ行く機会があって原爆ドームに行きました。When I had an opportunity to visit there on home coming last year. 目の前にしたとたん、これまで学んだ事などが胸に響いて涙が溢れました。When I saw the memoriam dome, couldn't stop tear and fill the emotion on my heart. 心からもう広島長崎のような事が起きませんように願い、あす!I really hope no more Hiroshima Nagasaki in the future deep from our hearts!
Rest in peace, we’ll never repeat that… How difficult to keep that promise, it’s getting harder and harder. I could believe that much easier when I was a kid. Please give us your hands to keep it for real forever.