Least Wrong About COVID? (w/Dr. Marty Makary)

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@chickenfishhybrid44 3 жыл бұрын
You're joking right? The origins of Covid doesn't matter? We need to know what happened so we can stop it from happening again. It's not about the blame game. We need to have a discussion about gain of function research and if we should be doing it at all and if so how it should be done.
@MK-ih6wp 3 жыл бұрын
Theyre covering for fauci
@leahlyle 3 жыл бұрын
YES! And why politics was more important than finding out the truth!!
@ci5030 3 жыл бұрын
It completely matters. If it was lab created, we need to know what functions were added via genetic manipulation and for what purpose. Perhaps there are pathologies which have not yet become apparent. Latency perhaps? We should hope it was a lab created virus. A virus created in nature doesn’t come with data in lab notebooks and step by step instructions.
@chickenfishhybrid44 3 жыл бұрын
@@ci5030 exactly. This late in the game there's not necessarily as much to be gained.. but understanding the precise origin can help with future treatments, vaccines etc. It can clue you in on how you would expect it to evolve and mutate.
@lmdeboom 3 жыл бұрын
@@MK-ih6wp How so? It does not matter how it comes from when you have a President who is incompetent, people die. You can blame China but if you are not ready for the pandemic, people die. It means he cannot handle China. The country has a weak defense. All countries got the same virus but why the US had it worse? Incompetent President.
@craigshaw8125 3 жыл бұрын
Wanted to bring to light another travesty in the Pandemic. Border states to Canada have shown great compassion in offering extra or unused vaccines to Canadians. Even set up process where Canadians travelled just across border, were given vaccines and returned to Canada. Canadian government has put in place regs to basically eliminate this. Limited media reporting on this. If government can't supply vaccines they shouldn't be denying their citizens.
@toddr3644 3 жыл бұрын
Yes, this happened here in Montana, where Montanans and Blackfeet tribal members were offering free vaccines, and it was deemed non-essential border crossings. I swear, I hate government and public officials. Canada was trying to quarantine these poor people after they got a vaccibe, too, which is just nuts. I want this border open. Were you aware of it happening elsewhere, too?
@laurensargent9471 3 жыл бұрын
What? I spent Saturday evening with a Canadian who just travelled here for her 2nd dose (outside-she was being very cautious). Did this door just slam shut?
@pattilamb1295 3 жыл бұрын
Yes ... slammed shut by our Canadian Feds, likely due to the glaring spotlight on their incompetence! This was happening on the Alberta/Montana border as well as the Detroit/Ontario border but was deemed "non-essential" & cancelled!! The Canadian Government should be embarrassed & ashamed that they’ve let its citizens down YET AGAIN!! They should be on their knees, thanking the USA for doing what they’ve failed to do for so long!!! It should be about saving lives, not about politics!! I was so grateful to be part of this awesome experience ... sadly more will remain unvaccinated & more vaccines wasted due to government bureaucracy!! Shameful!! [Gives a whole new meaning to "oh, Canada"!!] We are still living with a full 14-day mandatory quarantine for any possible exposure and/or travel!! I WANT THIS BORDER OPEN, TOO ... we need to see our families!!!!!!!!!!
@craigshaw8125 3 жыл бұрын
@@laurensargent9471 Problem is that there were clinics right at the border which allowed vaccination and return without quarantine for 14 days . Currently claimed that travel to US for vaccination is not deemed essential travel therefore you would be denied entry.
@gerrytaylor5137 3 жыл бұрын
Our Incompetent Canadian Prime Minister strikes again......first a failed mutual agreement with the PRC to co-develop a Covid 19 vaccine...now this! Pathetic!!
@lisagoodman4345 3 жыл бұрын
Man I loved this talk with Dr Marty SO DANG MUCH!!
@chickenfishhybrid44 3 жыл бұрын
On the subject of "China phobes" I believe most people have no issue with Chinese people, the issue is with the Chinese government/CCP. I realize that it can be hard to be sure of people's intent and criticisms can easily be confused but I think it's important because that type of talk has been used to silence people who were trying to speao out about the lab leak hypothesis needing to be on the table from the beginning.
@vongalt 3 жыл бұрын
Here's the UK government & drug companies agreement (Med_icines and Health_care products Regulatory Agency, M_HRA ), requesting help from Big tech companies to use AI to document any content that speak about co vid vasvine ad_verse reactions (severe life threatening ill_nesses that develop afterwards long term), because they predict the volume over months/years will be too high for their legacy system. The government expected lots of sick people developing illnesses long after the cov_vascine jabs. MHRA ted.europa.eu/udl?uri=TED:NOTICE:506291-2020:TEXT:EN:HTML&tabld=1 The NIH started the cov_id vasx trials (April, '21) to evaluate severe life threatening illneses that develop after getting the vascine with 2/3 being women w/history of all,ergies. The experiment will only monitor for 7 days before reporting its findings regarding the safety of the vacsines to the public. Is 7 days enough time to evaluate long term safety? www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/nih-begins-study-allergic-reactions-moderna-pfizer-biontech-covid-19-vaccines#:~:text=The%20Moderna%20and%20Pfizer%2D,a%20history%20of%20allergies. See all 227,000+ USA ad_verse reactions (new ill,nesses/death after getting vasc), change the search field "Vacsine Types(Dis eases)" to "Cov id-19". www.medalerts.org/vaersdb/findfield.php Harvard case study that only 1% adverse reactions reported to V_AERS. www.congress.gov/106/crpt/hrpt977/CRPT-106hrpt977.pdf Check out the UK's cov_vaxc database for ad,verse reactions. It's their version of VA_ERS in the USA. yellowcard.ukcolumn.org/yellow-card-reports Here's the European Economic Area disclosing that the world is undergoing clinical trials for the cov id vaxs. lbry://EudraViglanceCovid19VaccineAdverseDrugReactions#2fcf4c14342a992b594c91ee5a925df1975d607c The governments duped big tech to censsor/delete/bury/cut view count/hide all content against cov vasx hesitation. Facebook whistleblower advises how the algorithm's AI deletes people's post/comments about cov vasx ad_vers reactions by parsing out "keywords" (which grows). It happens on other platforms as well. odysee.com/@daveswildcamping:0/Facebook-Whistleblowers-LEAK-DOC Zuck's been duped. odysee.com/@Pistol:3/Facebook-CEO-Mark-Zuckerberg-Takes-%E2%80%98Anti-Vax%E2%80%99-Stance-in-Violation-of-FB-policy:5 List of censsored doctors are not anti-vas, just against the cov id vasx mass trials. They have to go to right-wing, unpopular media just to be heard. They're desperate. Lots of political cognitive dissonance on ALL sides, and its jeopardized critical risk vs benefits. 2008 Noble Prize Doctor for sequencing HIV/AIDs, Dr. Luc Mon_tagnier who sequenced cov id-19 was on French TV saying the virus has HIV snippets in it, which is why it's lab created. He advises against cov vax. lbry.tv/@debunkingcops:1/luc-montagnier-hiv-nobel-prize-winner:d Prof. Dr. Luc Mon_tagnier puts his Noble Prize and life work on the line coming out against the mass vascination pro_poganda. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luc_Montagnier Virologist, Prof. Dr. Dolores Ca_hill & over 150,000 censsored doctors worldwide in the World Doc,tors Alliance explains that the cov id shot is m_rna gene therapy which in the animal trials, killed 50% of the subjects and the rest suffered extreme long term adverse effects, which caused more deaths over years. Do not participate in the mass vacc propagand.a. www.bitchute.com/video/c1DRCF2YbnQV/ Dr. Dolores Cahill's exemplorary credentials. www.biotechpharmasummit.com/index.php/companion-diagnostics-biomarkers-2019-speakers/dolores-cahill/ Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche. His whole career is making vaccine, including for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. His credentials. www.geertvandenbossche.org/ Dr. Pierre K_ory who spoke to US Senate Hearing Committee about iver_mectin to successfully treat cov id19, but story is buried for cov vasx. odysee.com/@yabba:e/COVID-19-Cases-Plummet-in-India-as-They-Distribute-Ivermectin-and-Hydroxychloroquine:f rumble.com/vbqlmp-dr.-pierre-kory-speaks-about-ivermectin.html Dr. Michael Y_eadon, former P_fizer Vice President & Chief Scientist of P_fizer Pharma_ceuticals speaks out against cov mass vasx. kzbin.info/www/bejne/m5zZeXlrbbCdepI Dr. Charles H_offe. vaccinechoicecanada.com/in-the-news/open-letter-to-dr-bonnie-henry-from-bc-physician-re-moderna-vaccine-reactions/?fbclid=IwAR3cxP-MaRW5xHS6mi7fU-nG33Jwb1oVU41U-P__rl2A2BIDi48xImb_PJs OB GYN, Dr. Christiane North_rup whose been on Oprah 10 times giving health advice. vaccinefromhell.com/shocking-testimonies-of-viral-shedding/ Adult Care Nurse, Tamika M. M_orrow in Bloomfield, Michigan. FB/YT deletes her posts @patient's ad_verse re@action f/vasvine regarding blood cl_ot, auto-imm_une, heart attacks, death, etc. odysee.com/@Frank_Stoic_Castle:f/Michigan_RNP_Tamika_Morrow_Sharing_Info_About_mRNA_Jab:c Here's Dr. Ch_etty of South Africa who treated over 4,000 cov_id patients (no deaths) with safe, cheap drugs/methods and he says you don't need the vaxc,cause this is easily treatable. Docs worldwide are being cessored for giving alternatives to the vasx. Mexico gives out iver_mectin in-home care kits to its citizens, but the sensorship prevents people f/knowing solutions other than vax. kzbin.info/www/bejne/rYWrqqNrqqatecU COPY/PASTE EVERYWHERE!
@citezensane4413 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly. Millions of Chinese Americans are here because they escaped the murderous communist regime.
@Fosvis 3 жыл бұрын
@@vongalt BRAVO
@allablr5765 3 жыл бұрын
You just spoke my mind. CCP not the people. No one I know would say it's peoples fault. Also people of this country are so oppressed by CCP. That party also silenced us, not only the people in the country. And we don't think they are powerful. Interesting.
@gso1279 3 жыл бұрын
I actually don't think it's that hard to tell where people land on this, if words matter then words matter. Chinese Govt, CCP are clear indications that people are critical of government and not individuals. ALSO, it is 100% idiotic to NOT condemn CCP and the chinese govt they are literally committing genocide. But we have our blinders on because we are too economically tied to them, that's a very sad fact. This situation sucks.
@kennetik61 3 жыл бұрын
This Dr. Makary is amazing. After he spoke the truth they came after him- AND HE IS STILL STANDING! He is actually one of the few real heroes! Oh and ZDOGG you've been so helpful too!
@arkaniandude 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you ZdoggMD for the unadulterated scientific truths as always, and for being Alt Middle! I'm a Family Doctor from Malaysia and I've been watching your videos for the longest time. It took me forever but I've finally gathered my guts off the floor and started my own Medical KZbin channel too (only posted 1 video so far with close to zero likes and zero comments). We need more medical Alt Middle voice leading the way in communicating kindness to combat misinformation. Been thinking of joining the Supporter Tribe but being in a different time zone means I can never catch a Live Video anyway... Maybe some day. Cheers!
@arkaniandude 3 жыл бұрын
@@keywee849 oh no I've been injected with the US military bio weapon twice... What should I expect to happen? Been about 3 months now. Pray tell
@arkaniandude 3 жыл бұрын
@@keywee849 Oh that's so scary... How long after taking this vaccine did the tens of thousands die, or the 100 thousand become disabled? Am I to expect my hands to fall off any time now? How much more time do I have?
@Seattleintegrity 3 жыл бұрын
Since when has any medical treatment/ intervention not had unintended consequences? It’s rare. Please include that in your risk assessment of vaccinating children. It’s not a non factor.
@21blacky 3 жыл бұрын
you should check the Israel report by Doctors4CovidEthics which shows the increase in deaths in the 20-30s age group, in line with the pfizzer vaccine uptake. Vaccines work but the adverse reactions and deaths are easily covered up by authorities. The risk vs risk for vac/covid is very clear for the at risk and older age groups, but for the younger age groups it's definitely not clear cut
@lmdeboom 3 жыл бұрын
Another conspiracy comment here.
@jason_108 3 жыл бұрын
@@lmdeboom Maybe not. Have you looked into it enough to say so? I'm no tinfoil hat but it is imo anti-science & anti critical thinking to brush any possibility off the table without really looking into it. Remember when the lab leak theory was laughed at as a conspiracy theory? derp...
@21blacky 3 жыл бұрын
@@lmdeboom no just something i came across, not a conspiracy. It’s the fact astra zeneca has been pulled in UK, first for kids, then under 30s, then 40s and then under 50s because it became to apparent that the risks and side effects were becoming to common. We do not have widespread use in these groups on Pfizer and to think it’s definitely safer than astra zeneca is naive, time will tell :)
@RNerin921 3 жыл бұрын
Proud Z-Pac supporter here (RN from New Jersey)!!! ZDogg, ALL of your videos are always so enlightening and for that, I thank you for everything you do and for all of your hard work pushing for healthcare 3.0!! I bought and read Dr. Marty Makary’s book when it first came out and read the book in one day! I could not put it down! For anyone who thinks that they understand the culture and business of medicine, READ THIS BOOK!!! Dr. Makary, I truly respect and admire you and your tenacity! Thank you for everything that you do!! #zdoggmd #thepricewepay #supportertribe
@mdhen4 3 жыл бұрын
When people say science, they mean their side of political science.
@melanieeccles9602 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly - these two sound like very bad comedians auditioning for a low budget comedy act. This is a serious subject and they just mostly joke around. If you want me to take "science" seriously then enough with the comedy.
@BoysLikeMeee 3 жыл бұрын
@@melanieeccles9602 Well, maybe you should watch Dr. ZDogg's more serious videos? 😁
@vongalt 3 жыл бұрын
ZDogg YT doctor pushes vaxx cause he's paid. odysee.com/@LearnTheRisk:0/PRO-VACCINE-DOCTOR-ZDOGG-MOCKS-FATHER-OF-CHILD-KILLED-BY-VACCINES:b
@gso1279 3 жыл бұрын
@@melanieeccles9602 yeah, you're coming in at the last minute to comment. he's been seriously covering the issues for over a year.
@ce3547 3 жыл бұрын
We "Conspiracy nuts" could have told to who what where and when months ago because the first story broke by independent Chinese journalists whom also went missing.
@Nmaslow1974 3 жыл бұрын
I love Marty’s vantage point. Thank you so much for bringing him back. I watched all of the interviews he did on local Fox News stations. And he stayed the course when the whole thing was politicized and I sensed he was talking ‘across the aisle’ with that audience and I found it really respectworthy
@karenhorton8610 3 жыл бұрын
LOVED this! Ordering the book now! Thank you! I am an RN x about 40 years-so many things I would love to make better & have always felt overwhelmed at the prospect of really making a difference. So grateful for you & your guest-hope we can all join in!
@bluedragonfly5 3 жыл бұрын
Big pharma vs ivermectin!
@cindybogart6062 3 жыл бұрын
This is such a great interview/ discussion. One of the best!! Thanks for this. So much truth is spoken here. Very refreshing. 💫. It’s nice to laugh after this covid stuff.
@thinktwice888-p4d 3 жыл бұрын
Listened to this on 1.5 x and it was epic. Cheers Z Dogg and Marty McFly. Champion pow-wow.
@layton3503 3 жыл бұрын
Amazing the amount of information presented, when two intelligent adults have a conversation.
@safarigirl40 3 жыл бұрын
They used the half dose in each vial to make up full doses in the UK.
@HealeRx21 3 жыл бұрын
Did the CDC perform any kind of nation wide serological data banking of antibody surveillance/prevalence? If not, why not?
@onetwothreeabc 3 жыл бұрын
Why not? Because it'd be hard to convince people to take the vaccine (and pharma will lose money) if we found 50% of people has got the infection.
@sandylewis8897 3 жыл бұрын
There you have it -- 0.6% chance of reinfection after having covid. Stop ignoring natural immunity!!!
@monykalynf3604 3 жыл бұрын
Dream panel with Zdogg in about 3 months-Dr Gandhi, J-Bat, V-Prad, Dr Mak (Makary)-discuss pandemic as whole, good bad ugly-Break it up into a couple hour segments if need be
@patriciaperkins4252 3 жыл бұрын
Just got Doc Marty's book. I loved this show, admit some bias as a Hopkins alumna! Great to hear so much joy and laughter. Thanks, ZDogg!
@rjbiker66 3 жыл бұрын
If masks work so well please explain the spike in cases in Taiwan? The golden child in this pandemic.
@spu00trb 3 жыл бұрын
Taiwan actually gave up pretty much everything except border controls a while ago because their border controls were working so well. However, they became highly complacent and gave up on all internal controls. No masks, no testing etc. They weakened a few controls on aviation crew, a sick pilot went to a hostess karaoke bar, and blam, cases in the community. Then they didn't test anyone even with fevers and loss of smell because they were so confident in their border controls. Thats the problem with disease, as the people highlight in the video. Natural immunity does work. So if noone in your community gets infected thats great, but you are a powder keg until you get vaccinated. You also need more vaccinations, because natural immunity occurs in the people most likely to get infected, blocking key transmission paths (IE, bus drivers, hostesses at karaoke bars) and so on and vaccination derived immunity tends to focus on the oldest who are most likely to get sick.
@gen-X-trader 3 жыл бұрын
N95 and p100 along with n100 work great. I have worked in hot rooms and never was infected. Why some of you chose cloth...well that was just lazy
@Asptuber 3 жыл бұрын
@@gen-X-trader The cloth masks are good for being comfy and easy, you can get everyone on the bus or the grocery store to wear them quite easily. For *source control*. Easy way to keep those random sneezes and coughs contained and not flying all over tens of people. That said, I'm so done with it.
@tactileslut 3 жыл бұрын
So now we should be jobless AND homeless?
@aqha1276 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for helping me through the pandemic. I always drop your name in covid discussions and encourage people to view your content.
@LilCraftyNook 3 жыл бұрын
I have shared his amazing stuff ad nauseum but never got any comments!!?? 🤔
@Colette. Жыл бұрын
This video popped up on my algorithm again recently but I watched it the first time around. It would be interesting to see an update covering the same talking points. It would make for an excellent exchange given what we now today. Impartial review is the path to discovery. It is refreshing to see any willingness to discuss data that does not support a political or social narrative.
@babsdaughter58 3 жыл бұрын
This is epically excellent. You even expressed my favorite truth, “food is medicine”. Honest, sad, and it feels good to laugh when we can. Thank you, ZDoggMD and Dr. Makary. Listen on Locals to avoid the ads!!
@sammyg4159 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your book Dr M. I worked for a health system in a family clinic. They would “fire” patients for unpaid bills and they were unable to be seen until they paid. They sent them to collections which is a huge hit on your credit. It’s bull**. I was horrified. The rural, non profit healthcare system I now work for does not do this. Huge discounts for uninsured patients. The Dr’s work closely with billing to help the patients. No collections. It’s better for my soul to work here.
@robfisher3790 3 жыл бұрын
OMFG! I feel like I've found a new home. Follow the facts, the evidence, and the science. Be pragmatic about your decisions and don't be afraid to be wrong. Correct and adapt. Thank you for this channel. Keep it up.
@chuckbecker8735 3 жыл бұрын
I love the entertainment and content quality of these fast paced shows. Excellent work.
@RonnieD1970 3 жыл бұрын
Many of the anti-vax/vaccine hesitant use cynicism not skepticism in their "question everything" process.
@suras8984 3 жыл бұрын
Many people who have taken every vaccine except this one are now being called anti-vax and it's shameful!
@RonnieD1970 3 жыл бұрын
@@suras8984 I agree. And I separate the terminology from anti vax --> vaccine hesitant to make sure they are not conflated. Totally understsnd hesitancy and have no problem with it. Its the 'anti vaxxers' who are thr ones cherry picking data, furstive fally driven, poisioning the well on any and all vaccines to create fear and capitalize on hesitancy.
@cpjds1 3 жыл бұрын
That accidental, synchronized laugh at 1:02:25 😂
@joanhampton2378 3 жыл бұрын
Yesterday I called the state employees "health" insurance company ( my secondary) and asked them when I was going to be rewarded for going to great effort and my own expense to stay well. They only had to pay a pittance about 5 years ago for a broken metacarpal. Her lame answer, was , well there are diagnostic tests. Joy, joy. Available to the sick or well. I still consider it a gift to myself to keep myself well and avoid their clutches !
@barbaraspradlin270 3 жыл бұрын
This was a very awesome video and humbling to watch! Much respect for both of these amazing doctors! Keep up the good fight and keep pushing for better health overall!
@The_Angry_Angiographer 3 жыл бұрын
Marty is awesome! I just bought the audiobook.
@richardhannigan3543 3 жыл бұрын
Again why dont you have the FLACC alliance to discuss disinformation about ivernmectin
@ConvergingPerspectives 3 жыл бұрын
I love this. Maybe my favorite video you’ve ever done. Way to converge perspectives on these divisive issues through simply understanding the nuance of reality.
@JCResDoc94 3 жыл бұрын
44:20 neither are an accident. & thats true w other drugs too, as you no doubt know. & as for the j+j pause: not bad for pfizr/moderna (& etal pipeline nanoparticle products). where as a single dose would have killed the "miracle narrative" of the mRNA/nano story.
@kevind4830 3 жыл бұрын
You need to come to Canada where doctors and nurses are being threatened with disciplinary action and being disciplined for asking questions and speaking out against what they see.
@davidlittle6621 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for what you are doing. I wish more doctors would talk publically about "healthcare " being more than tests and pills. I've been talking about this stuff for years.
@morgantaylor517 3 жыл бұрын
Public Health is about selling drugs and vaccines, point blank. I read that thousands of children die daily of dehydration from diarrhea caused by unclean drinking water, seems more logical to focus on THAT rather than pharmaceuticals but there's no money to be made there.
@brianpower1305 3 жыл бұрын
How would they know the stats on flu cases?? If not testing.
@catherineobrien1764 3 жыл бұрын
Right On, Dr Mackery!!! Thank you, for the amazing work you do!!
@suzanneceresnik2808 3 жыл бұрын
I just found your channel and I am so glad I did!! I am an R.N. who left after 20 years due to back surgeries. You say so many things honestly the same way I say it, passionately. I, similar to you, can’t understand how some people can be so gullible and dare I say stupid. You say it in such a way though that I have to laugh. This is a good thing bc in our current climate laughing doesn’t come easy alot of the time. You are so knowledgeable and put my mind at ease and I appreciate this so much. Thank you.
@JayCaseGT500 3 жыл бұрын
@zdogg MD, thank you.
@kevinpheley574 3 жыл бұрын
The vibe is real with you two. Awesome!
@dramaturge231 3 жыл бұрын
Love your Shaggy Z-pack parody idea! Warms my heart how you meld your loves of music and medicine. 🧡💛💚
@annemc8930 3 жыл бұрын
Great show! Seriously where were you guys 12 years ago when I was a burned out pediatric nurse practitioner- I left my career as a PNP, where I was no one had any skin in the game or common sense. I’d had enough. And I don’t miss it one bit. But I’m gonna read your book!
@ussncc1701d 3 жыл бұрын
Within the first ten minutes we hear "everyone wear masks" to "the winter surge is going to be bad." Genuinely curious: Why would we have expected winter to be bad with 90%+ of the population masked? Now that masks are waning, can we look back and assess effectiveness?
@georgesockett3316 3 жыл бұрын
all over the world..they did nothing
@thelogicaldanger 3 жыл бұрын
Because we knew people were selfish and wouldn't mask. Which is what happened, even with mask mandates, they were never enforced and only 30-60% of people consistently wore them (on average, a few places had close to 90%, but other places had close to 0%>
@thelogicaldanger 3 жыл бұрын
And we have looked at mask effectiveness, over 70 studies show masks work, many specifically looked at Covid. The few countries with essentially 100% mask wearing-vietnam, South Korea, Taiwan, had extremely few cases and deaths.
@silverlaine143 3 жыл бұрын
@@thelogicaldanger But is this due to the masks or other factors like their very efficient contact tracing? I believe the latter.
@chrisemery914 3 жыл бұрын
Winter is worse because we stay inside in poorly ventilated accommodation. Even with masks the virus spreads with long exposure inside.
@formerfundienowfree4235 3 жыл бұрын
How about a treatment protocol for people who are sick with covid before they reach the stage of needing hospitalization? Anything on that front? Dr Peter McCullough.
@theladymirage 3 жыл бұрын
Very lucky to be where I am in California when it comes to educationfor my kiddo, where she was only out of physical in person school from March to the end of the school year and then for most of November/December during winter surges.
@michellemcdermott2026 3 жыл бұрын
our son too in Pa
@merrittorius 3 жыл бұрын
I get what he said about understanding the origin, but it does matter so we can learn from our mistakes especially when we are funding that type of reaearch which may have lead to the outbreak.
@superstacyrenee1 3 жыл бұрын
Excellent discussion here. More of this is needed!!!
@zapphoddbubbahbrox5681 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks to both of you for this. Most of these discussions are depressing as hell. Certainly not you two! Only thing missing was an _updated_ discussion of drugs to _treat_ Covid/long Covid. Ivermectin. More and more studies are showing it to be 72-90 percent effective as treatment (stage dependant) and a ~90 percent success at prevention as prophylactic.
@laurenmcclure1627 3 жыл бұрын
so.. get rid of interqual and milliman criteria and make MD's learn to think instead of telling them what to do so the insurance companies will pay. I have not seen any MD's hold anyone's hand since 1982 and it was an OB/GYN-- and those who do ?? they are kicked out of the hospitals for not doing what they are told
@marybethseaman9359 3 жыл бұрын
Love this on so many levels - vaccine, pricing transparency and asking hospitals to stop caring for patients and then harming them financially with frivolous lawsuits. Ironically, had my adult daughter harmed during a procedure, but because she’s a student with no income, she has little to no recourse and the hospital is strictly trying to CYA vs. giving her answers to what “actually happened”. Keep doing what you’re doing, I share your name & message as often as I can.
@karinahampshire8144 3 жыл бұрын
This was very enlightening. I have learned a lot. I have been very concerned to take the vaccination. This gives me more to think about.
@wallihaley5194 3 жыл бұрын
@@keywee849, The vaccines used in the US don’t use the chimpanzee adenovirus, you’re thinking of the Astrazenica vaccine. Read more about it here. www.health.gov.au/initiatives-and-programs/covid-19-vaccines/is-it-true/is-it-true-does-the-oxfordastrazeneca-vaccine-contain-animal-dna
@AshleyStuart 3 жыл бұрын
Loved this interview with Dr. Makary so much! The first dose strategy has worked very well for us here in Saskatchewan too. New cases are down significantly. Hospitalizations are also going down now as well. Dr. Makary along with a few docs here in Canada that I follow on Twitter sharing their thoughts on the first-dose strategy is what made me think that maybe our government wasn't making a mistake when our government announced they were doing the first dose strategy. Also I loved Dr. Makary talking about getting better access to vaccine to increase uptake. One of the reasons why I think Saskatchewan is one of the leading places in Canada for doses per capita is because of using drive through and walk-in vaccination sites.
@kennethhodge7953 3 жыл бұрын
(Pronouns: supporter of the Zpack Tribe) I checked online but did not see details supporting "business professor." MPH, maybe. What I am seeing is at least a rudimentary understanding of Economics. One thing that is sorely missing in most medical and political discussion is the Economist mindset. Dr. Makary seems to bring at least some of it to the table.
@CCB249 3 жыл бұрын
No one said "Penguins" transmitted Covid, they said "Pangolins"! Totally different animal. Pangolins are endangered and the chinese use them for chinese medicine.
@georgelouis5352 3 жыл бұрын
I love your views, and your efforts. One day you will find a GOLD shiny coin with the words "ROUND TUIT". ZDOGG I'm G'Dawg.I ROAR! You are a good doctor, even though you are questionably crazy.
@ronnijoll4838 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for speaking your mind
@marcschaeffer2032 3 жыл бұрын
Makary was right about several things …. hundreds of thousands of deaths, the benefits of masking, the effectiveness of vaccines and the urgency of everyone being vaccinated. He was DEAD WRONG about “herd immunity by April,” and declaring the end of the pandemic when this was recorded in late May 2021.
@gaillthompson 3 жыл бұрын
Great episode. I have been on what feels like a one person battle against the medical system that has turned all patients into numbers. I constantly challenge the status quo where I am able. I am SO happy that the profession is thinking about the current dehumanization of medicine and the imperative to change it. I was just informed that Medicare will NOT pay for seniors to have full physicals. Therefore, I can only be treated for symptomatic disease. It seems to me that seniors are in the same need of identifying diseases at early stages, prior to overt symptoms. If there is anything lay people can do, please let us know. Thank you so very much for your speaking out.
@JodiGirl2269 2 жыл бұрын
The enlightened disrupters in health care have been working on revolutionizing care for over a decade. See direct care practices - Lowers cost dramatically, overall better for patients and physicians.
@JoanDefenbaugh 3 жыл бұрын
It's already "invented." N.D.s need to be able to bill insurance!!!! I'm paying for my own holistic care. We have 2 types of medical insurance. Neither insurance covers my holistic oncologist appointments, tests, labs or medical equipment.
@snowps1 3 жыл бұрын
I am loving your guests these days!
@ronaldjones996 3 жыл бұрын
Fantastic! May have to trade in my hardback copy of The Price We Pay.
@caribarnes6587 3 жыл бұрын
The accidentally synchronized laughs - I love it!
@shengloongtan229 3 жыл бұрын
Didn't age well for herd immunity by summer but it's informations and sincere and I love it :)
@jacque850508 3 жыл бұрын
Amazing intelligent conversation.Thank you Doctors way too cool.
@cathipalmer8217 3 жыл бұрын
I think you need to remember that teachers don't live at school. They spend the whole cold/flu season catching infection after infection from their students, and carrying those infections home, and just accept it as part of their lives. But now you're expecting them to willingly carry home covid? To their families? And you get all shocked when they kick back? You shouldn't be.
@wednesdayschild3627 3 жыл бұрын
I hate when doctors say something is pure hereditary, like heart disease or mental problems. What do I do with that, get new parents? I hate too much antibiotics, tranquilzers...too much allergy med, unnecessary procedures.
@Puukko79 3 жыл бұрын
Not generally a fan of your show, just not my vibe, but so glad I tuned in to this episode. Very educational and love the role modeling of humility.
@toddr3644 3 жыл бұрын
I work very closely in mental health with a large adolescent population, hearing their darkest life stories. I never saw gender dysphoria until the past 2 years. This is almost purely a cultural thing, often in those with a history of trauma, in children seeking some identity that must be respected or something that will get a parent's attention. The harm being done by this gender confusion political push is potentially irreparable. I have had isolated 13 and 14 year old girls wanting to chop their breasts off, and when asked what that would mean to them respond, "I don't know." These are kids who never questioned their identities until this year. What on earth are we doing to ourselves, and what on earth are we doing to our children?! These kids, like all of us, need to love and accept themselves as they are and as what they can be.
@Mikefngarage 3 жыл бұрын
LOVE IT WHEN YOU SAY about antivaxers "even though their logic is DILLUSIONAL" ......Right on the money.
@CricketsMa 3 жыл бұрын
Superb show! Thank you.
@Subeffulgent 3 жыл бұрын
I thank God for you guys this is the best comedy amidst the truth I've heard in a very very long time keep up the good work and may God bless you and your families
@louisenyberg8952 3 жыл бұрын
time of this broadcast?
@sherriochsner7699 3 жыл бұрын
Will the new version of The Price We Pay be released on Audible?
@jenniferharrington4694 3 жыл бұрын
You guys are the best... so much fun amongst the great information 👍
@ballboys607 3 жыл бұрын
Watch out, I heard that Facebook doesn't like this guy. I think that's supposed to mean something.
@Frip36 3 жыл бұрын
When 2 people are having too much fun, not enough oppositional stances are being taken.
@GlobeHackers 3 жыл бұрын
I don't think the identity thing is endemic yet. ("Identity Thing" is whatever is fashion-driven.) However, trends in the U.S. tend to spread virally.
@dfantelli 3 жыл бұрын
Such fantastic contrast between the two shirt button strategies!!
@kimphillips2542 3 жыл бұрын
My brother that lives in Taiwan sent me some masks. I very much appreciated him doing so.
@ase2201 3 жыл бұрын
@kimphillips2542 3 жыл бұрын
@@ase2201 Remember, there was a mask shortage in the US when Covid first appeared
@4everyoung24 3 жыл бұрын
At 54:00 I am a nurse practitioner, where do I sign up for this? Seriously, wellness medicine? Preventative medicine? Whatever the hell you call it, I want to be a part of it. I just want to help people. Also, don’t be shitting on Atule Gawande, man. 😂 Song parody idea for breast cancer awareness is The Way We Were but instead of memories as the opening line-maaaaammariiiieeees.
@sazzlepop321 3 жыл бұрын
Yay you’re back I missed this!
@Aliz56 3 жыл бұрын
Amazing chat thank you thank you!! Also Hi to Tom your old producer when you mentioned him I realized I miss him. -Z pak out
@michaeljessupracing8454 3 ай бұрын
Is paxlovid a good Covid drug in your opinion for a early symptomatic 83 yo white female fully vaccinated
@deathlogic1 3 жыл бұрын
just wondering if the doctors or nurses forgo their pay for taking care of someone? If not, are they not "profiting" of the sick?
@kimmoj2570 3 жыл бұрын
In here we extract 6-7 doses from single Pfizer vial. Never ever just 5. Technique for 7 was developed already in first week of vaccination program in january. Atleast vials from Belgian factory make that possible.
@MK-ih6wp 3 жыл бұрын
Don't you need a special syringe to get that extra dose
@kimmoj2570 3 жыл бұрын
@@MK-ih6wp They are eliminating the air space in needles, using normal needle sizes. Standard procedure here. Sorry, following video from Finnish Government site. There is no english language version i suppose. dreambroker.com/channel/fic9g19j/thlyxd15
@kimmoj2570 3 жыл бұрын
Ofcourse if rest of world actually gives more than 30 mcg in one 30 mcg dose, we in Finland are cutting the vaccinated short by 15% volume. We just hope that Pfizer-Biontech actually KNEW how much they are injecting in test cohort. The practice here is removing any sloppiness reserve in administration. ... to put that extra to benefit of next tier of people allowed to have vaccine.
@reginawalsh3430 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for all John Hopkins work on gain of function,, we now have the results, a full lock down and economic meltdown!! Where would be without you!
@paular.g7190 3 жыл бұрын
Truth! You're so right....and funny how Marty hasn't mentioned EVENT 201
@magikme033 3 жыл бұрын
Great information, thanks as always 🌕 Bless you.
@lyndamclaughlin9855 Жыл бұрын
Why did the companies making the vaccines put such a wasteful dose in the vials? Makes them more profit.
@patrickhafner778 3 жыл бұрын
😂 Physicians Who are comedians! I love it. Keep up the good work.
@JCResDoc94 3 жыл бұрын
*59:30** pts can have some responsibility for themselves; under tx of pain isnt better.* but sure. & yes, even purdue - of all the things these companies need to be dragged for, opiates & selling naloxone for them is not the one to die on.
@JCResDoc94 3 жыл бұрын
*11:40** kenoath. ppl think they run analyses to check, re-check labs, make sure certifications on factories are up to date - yeah, NOPE!* . Ppl also think that is what _peer review_ is you know? i am not joking.
@davidmorrill2943 3 жыл бұрын
Being banned by social media IS A BADGE of HONOR
@JCResDoc94 3 жыл бұрын
*1:03:50** convinced of lab leak* (im open to it...idk how long it took to find a sars1 animal? it was multi yrs. but it is not crazy. never was. & it is funny how quickly this became mainstream, even from tony. the anti-china sentiment is a genuine concern. & anti-china sentiment from state isnt crazy either. & it is a danger for all GoF funding. & that concerns me.)
@imanujakku 3 жыл бұрын
It’s took 4-5 months iirc to find the sars1 in civets and 9 months to find the mers in camels. It’s possible it jumped directly of course but there’s been no covid found in the animals either and while I think animals can get it they are not particularly susceptible which is some of thinking that has lead people back to the lab leak hypothesis
@JCResDoc94 3 жыл бұрын
@@imanujakku well, covid is the disease but i know what you mean. & true sars1 & mers were found wi only a handful of months, ive heard numbers even shorter than that. ive also heard some (very pro GoF, sure, but honest actor) scientists say to never find the intermediary would not be out of the question. but they are also bunker card level in the field types, that personally need security cleared virus in their work. so it is hard to tease apart. it does look as tho the closest virus is ~20yrs worth of mutation clock away - & maybe that is leading back to the lab. idk if that is WHY we were so suddenly back here overnight. when go back a few weeks and accounts are being deleted for mentioning it. & ive read the WHO, CDC, [translated] Wuhan Lab & IntelComte full reports; nothing new is in there. & nothing as reasonable as even what you have suggested here either. also the same investigation team is on it, and they wont have a bar of it. which could mean a lot of things, or nothing. but it feels very political, and that concerns me. & even if they find a folder that says *"human bio weapon folder for c19: do not read"* - im _still_ concerned about the funding implications in that scenario. at best it is some downstream trade war caper w china. i also cant get anyone to name any time there was clear benefit directly from GoF work: tho definitions are key thr again. & what is a benefit/harm. & what about blue sky work. idk. im not sure this one gets an answer. but the furin cleavage site seems largely misunderstood. idk. i need more time w this one. so thats a lot of writing i could have just left at idk. gr8 cmt. JC
@mojorayjones 3 жыл бұрын
Good intelligent discussion by doctors I can understand and respect.
@laurenswift9368 3 жыл бұрын
It does matter where this originated. The government can't lie about one thing- the origin- and expect people to believe other things like "get vaccinated- it will help"... The truth from the top down will help trust
@JoanDefenbaugh 3 жыл бұрын
Someone please explain how the efficacy % is proven.
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