Leopard Wrasses....care and husbandry

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@trevor852 2 жыл бұрын
Followed everything in this guide when getting a blue star and she is still doing well 6 months later. Thanks for the video.
That's great!!!!!!! So glad she's doing good for you!!!! 😁
@CaylorsReptilesAquatics 3 жыл бұрын
Beautiful tank and fish! Impressive collection. I have a few yellow and 7 line wrasses. Thanks for sharing
@Messier87_M87 Жыл бұрын
The melegris is my favorite, I rescued one from certain death at a small, local pet store a couple months back. This fish was very malnourished and highly stressed, it was being held in an aquarium with a fresh water aquarium stone bed. The owner of this shop sells a lot of freshwater and knows very little about salt water. I’ve unfortunately seen a lot of poor marine fish being sold here. I was very surprised to see this fish being sold for only 30 bucks, so I took the chance on it. I was able to get it eating after two days with Artemia and mysis. It is now nice and fat, I find this fish loves to eat multiple times throughout the day. I hear a lot of people do not have luck long term with these fish, but I have my fingers crossed 🤞🏻. Thanks for sharing your tank!
That's great! 😁
@fishwhistler7224 3 жыл бұрын
THAT was a GREAT vid......Thank you so much ,,,,,( LOVE your entrance way too)
Thanks!!!! 😁
@rohankrishna95 3 жыл бұрын
beautiful tank
Thanks! 😁
Hi there! That is a Earmuff Wrasse. A deep water species, unfortunately not seen very often in the trade, at least by me. LOL! They grow to about 9 inches or so. I have had mine for a couple of years, so they are slow growers.
@KS-rj2sb 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you . I just got one and he is hiding. Hope he comes out .
@Katrina Shah....Good for you! He will come out! Have Good frozen food ready! Keep me posted! 😁
@tonycloseukreef3799 2 жыл бұрын
Hi love your channel bought my first blue star leopard wrasse ( female ) she hid in the sand for five day's came out of the sand today 26/02/22 hopefully she will eat
Yea! Good for you! Keep me posted!
@santiagoalmonte7211 3 жыл бұрын
When I first got mine, she went under the sand and used to come out around 5 am every day for like 2 weeks.
I love Leopards....one of my favorite groups of wrasses!
@insanity4224 3 жыл бұрын
Deep enough sand is super important. I had a blue star for nearly a year and it did great until it out grew the sand bed depth and smashed itself to death trying to bury itself before I was able to get more sand :( beautiful fish, so peaceful
Absolutely right! I have about 3 inches in the back and that slopes down to a inch or two in the front.
@mikeydee7815 3 жыл бұрын
Beautiful!!! You’re from Canada right?where do you get your wrasses
Hi there! Thanks a bunch! I am from the US. I get all my wrasses from the same LFS.
@dimossaraglis40 3 жыл бұрын
i bought a female meleagris about 3 weeks ago.She came out like 4-5 days after introducing to the tank. My problem is though that she only eats my ocean nutrition spirulina flakes and nori.She has copepods in the tank but i don't know if the spirulina will be able to sustain her diet.Beautifull tank by the way.These anemones are dope!!!
Thanks! It's great news your Melegris came out. Keep trying Mysis and if possible try to get some LRS Reef Frenzy. Great food to get a leopard eating!
@dimossaraglis40 3 жыл бұрын
@@WRASSEREEFCHANNEL ok thanks for the info mate!!!
@MrMsm333 3 жыл бұрын
Love your wrasses. Question: Are two of your blue stars transitioning to male at the same time? their colors look different from the smaller female (smaller female has more red than the other two). I thought only one will turn male and the rest will stay female, but seems like even with other dominant wrasses (of other types) in your tank, two of them are turning male?
Hi! Good observation....all three were bought at different times. The last one the smallest was actually a male when I put him in. He got harassed by the other two, but he was tough. He shook it off and turned female over the course of several months. The largest one I have had almost 4 years. The middle one 3 years. When the females are small they have more red, than as they grow they get more orange on them. Neither of them are turning male yet. I think the larger one will turn eventually.
@Coral-reef. 2 ай бұрын
Hey my friend what lights are you using ???
@rrrreefer9721 3 жыл бұрын
Can you to a video on compatibility across the wrasses. Some fairy get along while some don't. Same with leopards etc
Sure thing! I will be happy too! 😁
@qjumal5813 6 күн бұрын
What corals do you have in that tank? They are really cute
@qjumal5813 Thank you! I have Candy Canes, brain corals, torches, Hammers, frog spawn, Duncans, montis, gonis, chalices, and a few others.
@richwright2280 3 жыл бұрын
Loving the tank ! You got a lennardi in there ?
Hi there! No Lenardi but he is on my list. I haven't seen one of them in a long time. I also am on the lookout for a large yellow tail Tamaran.
@richwright2280 3 жыл бұрын
WRASSE REEF CHANNEL I think we are all on the lookout for him 😉 seen a few here in the uk recently ! Keep up the awesome content !
@@richwright2280 Thanks a bunch for your support!!!! Hopefully once things calm down and gets back to normal, we will see more Wrasses in our fish stores! 😁 Stay safe over in the UK!!!!
@deusarlenu6185 3 жыл бұрын
@@WRASSEREEFCHANNEL im about to get my blue star leopard wrasses Tuesday should i get 1 or 2 ?
@PhiCongDoan7587 2 жыл бұрын
Beautiful tank!!! Can I ask you on what order you had the fishes put in your tank? I would love a list of your stock list and the order you got them in. I love wrasse too!!! And the colors!!! And that Earmuff is my favorite but also hard to find even for my LFS.
Hi there! Thanks! My stock list is: 3 Leopard Wrasses (2 blue star, and 1 Melegris), Earmuff Wrasse, China Wrasse, Anampses Twistii Wrasse, Midas Blenny, Passer, Lemon Peel, Multi Color, and Flame Angel, Purple, Sohol, and Blue Hippo Tang, Picasso Triggerfish, Fijian Blue Spotted Puffer, and 2 Skunk Clowns. I added the wrasses at various times when I had my old tank. I believe I added the leopards first but at different times, the China Wrasse, and Twistii after that. Purple Tang was added first years ago, the. Sohol Tang, and a few weeks ago the hippo. Passer Angel was added 3 years ago, then I added the Lemon peel,, a few weeks later the flame, and multi color. The Midas Blenny some time in there. The newest additions are the blue spotted puffer, and baby Picasso Triggerfish. Hope that helps!
@PhiCongDoan7587 2 жыл бұрын
@@WRASSEREEFCHANNEL wow!!! Your list is alot bigger than I thought. I have a question for you... so I recently got a Pyramid (Zoster) Butterfly fish! Beauty btw, and it got ick prob from shipping then it wiped out half of my stock. So now I only have 2 pj cardinals, a watchmen Goby, yellow coris wrasse, and a purple tang. Do you think if I wanted to add peaceful fishes again would you think the purple tang will pick on the new additions?
@@PhiCongDoan7587 Thanks! Sorry about loosing a lot of your fish! I think you probably will be ok adding fish, as long as they aren't a similar color, shape, etc. Like mine won't stand for a powder blue, brown, any Zebrasoma Tang, etc. But didn't care about angelfish, wrasses, Blennies, Sohol, or Hippo Tangs. Also didn't care about puffer, or triggerfish. Let me know what fish you decide on. Pyramid butterflyfish are beautiful!
@PhiCongDoan7587 2 жыл бұрын
@@WRASSEREEFCHANNEL thank you for your advice! I will let you know!!! Keep sharing your experiences with us KZbin! Btw, can I get your name? Thank you again.
@@PhiCongDoan7587 You are welcome!!!! I will absolutely keep doing more videos!!!!! 😀
@EIY_Kumar 3 жыл бұрын
nice video.. I've just build my first saltwater tank...running for 4 months.. have one cleaner wrasse... that's doing well.. should I buy a leopard wrasse now or wait for a few months or maybe a year ??
Hi there! Congratulations on your new tank! I would give your tank a few more months of maturity before getting a leopard. Make sure you have a couple of inches of sand in your tank. Also for best results if possible get him from a LFS , instead of online. Make she he is actively eating as well.
@EIY_Kumar 3 жыл бұрын
@@WRASSEREEFCHANNEL okay.. thank you for the advice.. will follow them
@Dan_wiles Жыл бұрын
Have had a pair of blue star leopards (bipartitus) for nearly 3 years now and one has only just transitioned to male and is now persistently harrassing and chasing the other one round the tank :(. Am hoping they figure it out soon or one will have to go for their own safety lol.
Hi there! That's cool you had one transition to a male. I understand what you are saying....hopefully they will work it out. In my experience it usually is 50/50 with wrasses. Good luck, and keep me posted on what happens. 🙂
@pK-wy7rb Жыл бұрын
How do you train them to get off live food?
Thanks for the question. Mix some frozen mysis and add it the same time you add live foods. They will learn to accept the frozen food. It may take a little time, but not long.
@jetli3352 3 жыл бұрын
Hello what is the size of your tank? Is that an angel fish? So happy i found your channel. Iam a wrasse lover as well but iam completely new. I would like to keep 1 to 2 Pairs of leopard wrasse. And red coris. And Melanarus And 6 line wrasse. Would keeping them in. 200 gallon. Please help with is tank size ok or need bigger. 2nd medication and quarantine . and putting in tank stock order or all at once. Thanks
Hi there! My tank is a 200 gallon. That is my Passer Angel. A 200 gallon would be fine with the wrasses you mentioned. If you can add the pairs of leopards at once if possible. Make sure you see them eat at your LFS. Mine were not added at the same time, but there was some initial aggression. I used to have a six line years ago, but when he matured he became extremely aggressive. So I had ro take apart the whole tank to get him out. Luckily at the time I only had a 80 gallon. So just be aware of that. My Red Coris Wrasse I raised from a inch to almost 9 inches. I left the lid off for a bit by accident and he jumped last Spring. I was so bummed. Just a heads up on the Red Coris you won't be able to set any corals in the sand. They did in the sand all day. Even heavy corals they will flip over, including large heavy clams. I am not a fan of QT, so I never QT any of my fish especially wrasses. I find that leopards especially are sensitive to a lot if meds, and they can't handle low salinity very well either. I hope I answered your questions. If you need anymore help please let me know! 😁
@7h0m4s 7 ай бұрын
My lfs got 2 blue star and a black leopard wrasse and I was thinking about grabbing them 3. Would you think they can work or would I just be better with 2? Or would 1 of each be better? Will one still turn a male? I did see them eat today.
Yes all three will work! One can still turn male, but it may take time. It is great they were eating. Check out my recent video of my female blue star Leopard that turned male. Let me know how it goes!!! 😁
@7h0m4s 7 ай бұрын
⁠@@WRASSEREEFCHANNELthat’s awesome. I just saw the video. How do your 3 blue stars behave? Do they all swim together or they all kind of do their own thing? I’m gonna try to set up an qt tank asap but I Got the lfs to hold them for me. I’m torn between getting the same kind or 1 each right now 😅
@7h0m4s They did swim together....but unfortunately I lost the female in the tank leak!
@josephg.8919 3 жыл бұрын
The midas doesn’t go after the leopard wrasses ???
Hi Joey....nope midas leaves leopards and all my fish alone. I wouldn't add another blenny with him though.
@josephg.8919 3 жыл бұрын
@@WRASSEREEFCHANNEL did you add the Midas after the leopard wrasses ? Or before ? I only ask cause my Midas is aggressive as hell & he goes into the sand to make his home & I know the leopard wrasses live & sleep in the sand & there kind of similar shape so I figured it might be a problem but that’s good to know, thank you 👍
@@josephg.8919 The Midas came after the leopards, but I have had several Midas Blennies in the past that were there before leopards, and never caused a problem. I would be surprised that they would harass a Leopard. Wrasses are a whole lot faster than Blennies. Each fish is different, but in my opinion the odds are in your favor if you want to try a leopard.
@josephg.8919 3 жыл бұрын
@@WRASSEREEFCHANNEL good to know ! Thanks my man, Now is the matter of finding one 😭
@@josephg.8919 You are welcome! Check your LFS they should be able to order you one. I just saw several blue star leopards at my LFS yesterday! 😁
@Moondoggy1941 Жыл бұрын
My friend gave me a Melarus Wrasse, he was very aggressive in his old tank, I told him that he would be fine in my tank, I have deep sand bed, and 2 large fish, my Clown Trigger has never shown once ounce of aggression to any fish in my tank, He wants to KILL the wrasse, he has not got over it in 2 weeks. So my other tank much smaller a 25 gallon tank it has 1" of sand but mellow, it does have 3 shrimp, will the wrasse eat them?
Sorry about your fish issues. A 25 gallon might be a little small for the Wrasse down the road so keep that in mind, as far as your shrimp it is about a 50/50 chance he will eat your shrimp. I have had so mme wrasses that don't touch my shrimp and others have.
@Moondoggy1941 Жыл бұрын
@@WRASSEREEFCHANNEL Thanks for the getting back, so far I have my Wrasse protected, he is under a coral magnetic shelf, and rock on both sides, there is not way for the Trigger to get him, the Wrasse still ventures out but has a safe place to go. I am shocked the Clown Trigger just went mad with this fish, My Wrasse is a a good eater as well. Maybe it will work out, right now he is in a 120 gallon tank, with plenty of safe places.
@Moondoggy1941 Sounds great! Wrases are fast and active, he should be ok with the trigger. It may take a bit to work things out. 😁
@Moondoggy1941 Жыл бұрын
@@WRASSEREEFCHANNEL I had an AHT he killed one of my Blood Shrimp because it came out of its hiding, the other one was smart he always hung with my PT, every time the Tusk would try to get the BS, the PT smacked that Tusk, he never got the second one.
@moereefer 3 жыл бұрын
I had many wrasse there my favorite but I got a new tank and it’s been up for 2 years every time I put a wrasse it will go in sand never see again even a cleaner wrasse
@deusarlenu6185 3 жыл бұрын
Umm i dont know what to say i have a tank with a lot of wrasses and the most ive had them hide under the sand is 4 days. Guess im luckyL
Wow...that's a bummer! Where do you buy your Wrasses from? If you buy from a LFS do you see them eat first? Also how are you acclimating them to your tank?
@@deusarlenu6185 Hi! I would get two. It is much easier adding them at the same time, than at different times like I did. That's if you want more than one of them. It is pretty cool have two or three of the same kind of Leopard Wrasse. Let me know how it turns out!
@deusarlenu6185 3 жыл бұрын
@@WRASSEREEFCHANNEL thanks, but i have another question should i get 1 or 2 if im looking to get a male bluestar leopard wrasse? I already have a red coris wrasse and a couple kinds of halicores wrasses around 4 or 5 inches im not sure if it will change if they turn male. Appreciate any info
@@deusarlenu6185 Hi! Getting a male blue star already turned make shouldn't affect any of your other Wrasse species. If you get two make sure though and get only one Male and one Female.
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