Very informative video, thakn you! One tip I thought to mention is when you're driving and talking you really don't need to constantly look down at the camera, focus on the road. It's also very disruptive and jaring the way you turn your head back and forth every couple of seconds. I mean no disrespect I just thought I could provide helpful criticism.
@kevinmccann9279 Жыл бұрын
Too bad they only made about 1,700 of the GS460s (I've heard them referred to as the Lexus Unicorn), I've owned one for 3 or so years and it is a truly impressive car. It also gets better mileage than the RX350 which I also own. Both vehicles are 2008 models and look and perform like new. I think this review was probably made when Lexus introduced the 3rd generation models.