科学有一个基本的假设:光的速度最快,而且在所有参照系中都不变. 科学必须是: 可观察,可重复(统计有意义的), 可预测的。 However, now physicists are trying hard to detect the dark matter in order to prove the theory of dark matter and dark energy 然而,现在物理学家正在努力探测暗物质,以证明暗物质和暗能量的理论
Einstein’s special relativity E=m*c^2 time L deduce E*L=ch=2*3.14*g*m^2=(2*A*137.036*pm*c^2)*(4*3.14*A*137.036) deduce E=chR=me(c/137.036)^2/2=13.6*e, R=1/L=1/(4*3.14*A*137.036)=10973731 for light spectrum of electromagnetic wave, ch vacuum energy include QM, SR, GR, all constant, force of nature.(c=299792458, h=6.62607*10^-34, g=6.67408*10^-11, m=2.17647*10^-8, pm=1.67262*10^-27, A=5.29177*10^-11, me=9.10938*10^-31, e=1.602*10^-19, pm*c^2=0.938*10^9*e)