Rosso Is Low, Lower,Lowest Thieves Country.From ZearTo Leaning,Stylan,Non Of Like Che Na.Because,Not Many Moon Ago Son Of Kingge Khon Slavery The Slavic For 250+ Years.Always Afried CheNa(Chinese).
Really appreciated this concise and thoughtful introduction of that part of history, which I have never got chance to read about. I think we all agree that the impact of that history is still being felt today. Thanks again 天豪老师!
In 1885 the Qing tried to negotiate with Russia an outlet to the Sea of Japan. Because the Russians had designs on Korea and wished to have a border with them they refused to let the Qing have a port at Posyet Bay. Instead Russia unilaterally drew a border 15 km from the sea along the Tumen river with Korea.