Z Japonska, lepení...lepidlo používané v tomto procesu se nazývá sokui. Vyrábí se hnětením bílé rýže a vody. Jeho zvláštností je, že má silnou přilnavost a nepřitahuje vlhkost, a i když se dostane na čepel, nebude mít žádné vážné nepříznivé účinky. Dá se také snadno odlepit použitím určité síly. Bílou pochvu můžete snadno vyčistit a opravit (pochvu rozdělit), když se porouchá. Po nalepení svažte pochvu po celém obvodu provázkem, počkejte, až zaschne, a znovu zkontrolujte, zda nejsou nějaké skvrny. Moderní lepidla by takto nefungovala. Je přísně zakázáno používat chemická lepidla, i když je plášť prasklý. Shirasaya se stává nepoužitelnou. 日本より、糊付け・・この工程で用いる接着剤を続飯(そくい)と言います。白米と水を練り合わせて作ります。特徴は接着力があり湿気を呼ばず、刀身に付いても重大な悪影響を与えないことです。また一定の力を加えると簡単に剥がすことができるので。白鞘の掃除や狂いが出たときの修繕(鞘割り)が容易に出来ます。糊付け後は鞘をぐるぐるに紐で縛り乾くのを待ち、再度、当たりが無いか調べます。 現代の接着剤でしたらこのようにいきません。鞘が割れたからといって化学接着剤を使用するのは厳禁です。白鞘が使用不能になります。
@katanamaking26066 ай бұрын
V zemích, jako je Japonsko a kde je vysoká vzdušná vlhkost to funguje dobře. V střední Evropě rýžové lepidlo příliš vysychá a lepený spoj se stane křehkým. Pro shirasaya je to použitelné. Není žádným způsobem namáhaná. Pro saya, používanou na cvičení je takový spoj slabý. Pro restaurátorské práce je použití lepidla z rýže pochopitelné. Pro meče na praxi považuji moderní lepidla za stabilnější.
@zhaeretrances81536 ай бұрын
Can you make a naginata blade for your upcoming video?😊😇
@katanamaking26066 ай бұрын
I plan to. Naginata and jumonji yari. I just don't know when it will be. I have to prioritize orders. There is no naginata among them yet.
@user-fn1xc4bo6m6 ай бұрын
hello mr wolf, do you offer courses at your forge? is there a way one could sign up for one?
@katanamaking26066 ай бұрын
There is such a possibility. The price is 2500 CzK / about 110 Euro/USD per day. Accommodation and food are included in the price. If you want to make a blade and take it away. plus the cost of the material. It is necessary to agree on the date and duration of the course.
@user-fn1xc4bo6m6 ай бұрын
@@katanamaking2606 Thank you! I live in Bavaria, mostly in the Bavarian Forest currently, not far from the Czech border. I would really love to make a very long and very wide Hira zukuri Wakizashi if that's possible for a beginner, although I have experience in making amateur koshirae for small knives and making mono steel tanto. How long would you estimate this process to take, just estimating.. I would want my wakizashi to be about 53-57 cm nagas and 3,5-3,9 cm motohaba. thanks again also for your great videos!
@katanamaking26066 ай бұрын
@@user-fn1xc4bo6m It depends what you want to see. It takes one day to make steel. Including preparation for the package. Folding process the next day. Third day of forging and tempering the blade. We can skip making the tamahagane, I have several kera ready. Polishing to arato stone one day. Final polishing three to four days, for hira zukuri wakizashi. Koshirae about 4 days. It all depends on what you want to see and do.
@user-fn1xc4bo6m4 ай бұрын
@@katanamaking2606 Thank you for the information and sorry about the late answer. I am currently a student at university and at this point im not able to pay on my own, but I think definitely in the future if you still offer workshops, I would love to take one. thank you so much
@oneshotme6 ай бұрын
PLEASE turn on the caption (translated) so we can understand what is being said.. For those of us that like your channel like your channel but don't speak the language. Thank You
@katanamaking26066 ай бұрын
I need advice on how to do it. I am IT illiterate.
@yamato4566 ай бұрын
Making wakizashi fealse
@voterfraud4creepyjoe606 ай бұрын
Is that Czech? I think I recognize it
@katanamaking26066 ай бұрын
yes, Czech
@BatangasArmory6 ай бұрын
Ease allow captions so we can understand you. 🙏
@katanamaking26066 ай бұрын
I need advice on how to do it. I am IT illiterate.
@BatangasArmory6 ай бұрын
@@katanamaking2606 I think it's on the settings, I also don't know how to do it. 😢
@ПавлоПашковський-е3ы6 ай бұрын
Бажаю здоров’я! Що це за шкіра яку Ви використовуєте на руків’я?