My Boyfriend SPIKED My Drink With BENADRYL...THREATENS To Do It AGAIN! r/Relationships

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@ZombieSazza 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1, run, just run, this isn’t just a “dump him” situation, this is a “your life is in danger with this man and you need to contact the police”. This is extremely abusive and actually terrifying, she needs to run NOW, he believes he can not only control your life, but he believes he can literally drug you,
@Callimo 2 жыл бұрын
Right??? Dude is a straight up sociopath. He will do *anything* to get his way. OP needs to dump him and never take a drink from this douche ever
@rhashawnsumlin4304 2 жыл бұрын
It's many parents would be in jail... remember what they used to do to us back then 80s 90s...and what about before that
@Callimo 2 жыл бұрын
@@rhashawnsumlin4304 Uh any medication, OTC or otherwise needs to be used responsibly. Your comment has "oh but a little brandy in their bottle is fiiiine" vibes. Our parents knew enough to keep us alive until adulthood, but they dropped the ball on a lot of things they were ignorant on. Now, folks know better and should DO better with the new knowledge we have.
@MissSimone02 2 жыл бұрын
@@rhashawnsumlin4304 um that's not an excuse, wtf? My mom was pissed that my grandma was putting benadryl in my milk so I would sleep at her house.
@Nyarlathotep_Flagg 2 жыл бұрын
Kinda shocking how you can realize your partner drugged you, and not be running as soon as he leaves your sight...
@manxiefeathermoon9888 2 жыл бұрын
Story one: to think she was overreacting? God. Women are raised to apologize and think we are overreacting when it's a dangerous and even deadly action
@jackblack3718 2 жыл бұрын
There's nothing wrong with apologizing, the problem is when people are conditioned to think controlling and manipulation are normal. The fact that the guy in the story wanted to move her an hour away from her family, refused to let her work and wouldn't even let her visit her mother all scream to me that he wanted her controlled.
@leafyishereisdumbnameakath4259 10 ай бұрын
​@@jackblack3718and the benadryl thing. That's a huge flag.
@jackblack3718 10 ай бұрын
@@leafyishereisdumbnameakath4259 That was the straw that broke the camel's back. But man, if it took that for her to realize things were bad, imagine all the shit that happened to this poor woman that flew under her radar.
@owl7072 2 жыл бұрын
This isn't just a "dump him" situation, this is a "call the fucking police because he's a danger to you and others" situation
@booboo7567 2 жыл бұрын
@sgtwhisker26 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah that boyfriends is a “hell no fucking run” on the relationship scale
@pansprayers 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I'm terrified for her for so many reasons. JFC. Wishes he could do it 'more often when she was *acting out* '?! Is this the first time, or just the time he owned it?
@owl7072 2 жыл бұрын
@@pansprayers judging by the way he said it, likely the first time he's done it but certainly wouldn't have been the last now that he's figured out how effective it is which is a terrifying thought
@pansprayers 2 жыл бұрын
@@owl7072 I dunno, I had something similar go on, and it was owned that way, too. Come to find out, it had been going on for almost three months. Sociopaths are really bizarre in how they present their admissions.
@addicted2mako 2 жыл бұрын
She whines and physically gets in OP 2’s way to get what she wants? My cat is less demanding than this woman when he wants food!
@TheZMage 2 жыл бұрын
Halfway through I became convinced OP was just legitimately talking about a house cat as a joke before I was reminded about the sex
@KCohere33 2 жыл бұрын
I can’t believe he massaged her fake two hours!
@krazycats564 2 жыл бұрын
She's gotta be a cat. Right? If I stopped petting my cat he would do this too
@TheZMage 2 жыл бұрын
@@krazycats564 I thought that at first too, but the spices and the sex talk make the cat thing less likely
@Original_Tenshi_Chan 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheZMage You say that like OP would be the first and only guy to chase down a cat or chicken for sex. DO NOT underestimate the depravity of humans...
@HoneyBakedHamlet 2 жыл бұрын
My ex tried to get me blackout drunk so that I would be more 'agreeable' once (yes, gross predatory behaviour, I know. Our love life was non-existant because he cheated and blamed ME for it).. well the joke was on him because that stuff has the opposite effect on me due to my spectrum disorder (coffee puts me to sleep) and instead of chilling me out, I was bouncing off the walls. He casually mentioned to my brother in law that he was trying to get me that drunk on purpose so that I'd have sexy time with him, but was disappointed that it didn't work out that way. Horrific, hey. Yes, I did leave him.
@Dawghome Жыл бұрын
Never heard of spectrum disorder! When I was in my teens I did try speed, which to be honest I could be speedy naturally, so if I took speed in that mood, it knocked me unconscious instead!
@danacarter9147 Жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry that happened to you.😔
@necilya 2 жыл бұрын
True story in the news right now: A woman in her 50’s, who was married to her husband for a long time ( they have a 30 year old daughter) just discovered that her husband was drugging her and passing her around to strangers so they could sexually abuse her. How did she find out? Well the man was caught trying to take pictures underneath girls skirts. The police were called and instead off just letting the court deal with it like they usually do, they decided to go to his house and checked his computers to see if he had more photos. That’s where they found videos of his wife, unconscious with different men having sex with her. The wife had no idea and no souvenirs. They think it had been going on for at least 2 years. The wife was actually feeling weak but doctors couldn’t tell why. The men who were participating knew she was been drugged. Some of them did the same to their wifes. They were firefighters, police officers, healthcare workers, post officers, students all type of background. He also used to film his daughter sleeping. They found no video of them abusing the daughter. It’s just horrible. Who can you really trust? Think really hard before you marry someone and never let your guard down. It doesn’t matter man or woman. They both can be evil and manipulative.
@brianaschmidt910 Жыл бұрын
Jesus. Literally, please Jesus, ask your heavenly father to send hellfire to singe the evil off the face of the earth?
@vanessasorth4449 2 жыл бұрын
I love how the brother started running to her before finishing talking. That shows how good her support system is.
@Alissandre_Iskander 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1: wtaf? If he admitted to drugging her with benadryl, who knows when else he could've drugged her to get what he wanted! That's frickin' horrifying!
@ButtonsCasey 2 жыл бұрын
Is she sure it's Benadryl? I ain't never had that happen with that medication. I bet it wasn't no Benadryl. It makes you drowsy, but that affect don't last hours like that.
@danacarter9147 Жыл бұрын
Worse than horrifying, that's abuse!⚠️
@owl7072 2 жыл бұрын
Story 2: "You can just say no" Op says no and she throws a hissy fit and becomes more demanding than my cats when they want treats. Princess has never been told "no" before and she's not gonna start today.
@Jamlf 2 жыл бұрын
I was wondering on that comment. Did the person read the whole story or just read the title and responded.
@ashh4929 2 жыл бұрын
Seriously! Like he did say no, several times! Where the hell did people miss that?!
@sharonconnolly3820 2 жыл бұрын
Tell her to pack, , grow up and think of someone besides herself. It is physically draining to massage someone over an hour and you can damage your mental health.
@leegraves8878 2 жыл бұрын
He's going places she isn't. It is kind of like the girl on tik tok that complained about cleaning up the mess from construction of a house for her to live in then getting divorced. Her lucrative hair salon assistant job will surely afford her a new house.
@shammydammy2610 2 жыл бұрын
He needs to kick her out.
@Unstoppable_Unicorn 2 жыл бұрын
I want her to tell his parents about doing this once she gets proof. (The first story) if they don’t see the big deal then she knows where he got it from. If the parents are as freaked out they can help her get her stuff back.
@Manhandle730 2 жыл бұрын
Ok so I guess you’re a child or thereabouts. Unless you let them, parents are powerless to do anything about their adult child’s behavior. Sure most normal people don’t want their parents seeing them in a bad light. Do you think a terrible, abusive sociopath cares about that? Even if they kind of do it still won’t be enough to really do anything if the crazy person doesn’t want to. Parents aren’t law enforcement, they are just parents.
@Unstoppable_Unicorn 2 жыл бұрын
@@Manhandle730 how on earth does my valid opinion indicate how old I am? And honestly if my adult child was behaving like that I would want to know because depending on how much of an influence they are in their child’s life they could also alter their will and go no contact with their own child. Or at least try to get him some help. It’s important someone in his life knows what kind of man he is to hold them accountable to his actions and potentially watch out for any future gf or spouse so he doesn’t just spin his own tale about what’s going on to them. You obviously don’t come from a family oriented environment for you to discount a parents influence in their adult child’s behavior. That’s not my fault.
@Manhandle730 2 жыл бұрын
@@Unstoppable_Unicorn ok kid nice try insulting my family but sorry that was just lame. Ok I’ll put this in as simple terms as I can. I you are dealing with bad person and the bad person is an adult you won’t have much luck by telling on them to their parents. This only works with children. Many times it still won’t work since the parents end up being bad people as well. If you have a truly terrible person but they have good parents that is still not going to do anything because the person is truly terrible. The reason I can tell you are a hold is for one - you think being a tattle tale to the parents will do anything. Secondly, you were very offended by my calling you a child. Nine times out of ten only children get offended by someone saying that. You want to be respected as an adult. Sorry I guess, stop having juvenile opinions.
@FelisTerras 2 жыл бұрын
OP 1: This. Is Assault. I don't know how the laws are in OP's country, but here, drugging a person is considered assault. Now that she's safe, she should get proof and sue the living daylights out of that sorry excuse of garbage.
@brandi5126 2 жыл бұрын
Story 2: That's nice that her dad likes to cater to his wife but that doesn't mean everyone else wants that. Glad op handled kicking her out in the legally appropriate way. Girl gave me a headache and I don't even know her.
@BloodShed4REAL 2 жыл бұрын
I bet you the Exgf's dad is a bit limp noddle like the ones you see in cartoons (the 'yes dear' type). The guy is a threating as wet cardboard.
@SnowyWolborg 2 жыл бұрын
Her father clearly raised her with the "happy wife, happy life" expectation. The ex-GF doesn't want a partner, she wants a slave.
@Vipre- 2 жыл бұрын
The irony of the dad saying OP wasn't the "stand up" guy he thought because OP wouldn't "lie down" to be walked on.
@faeriefire78 2 жыл бұрын
God forbid the psycho in the first story has a kid and thinks it's okay to shut them up with a little something extra in their sippy cup.
@autumalex4846 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1 is terrifying. I’ve never been in this situation thank god but I’m always scared this would happen to me at public outings.
@danacarter9147 Жыл бұрын
Terrifying, AND heartbreaking.💔😔
@TheZMage 2 жыл бұрын
Story 2: is he dating a house cat? It sounds like he’s either dating a house cat or doing a joke post where he describes a house cat like a girlfriend
@iamhungey12345 2 жыл бұрын
I have been thinking about doing the latter one day, with the post being in the cat's POV.
@paden1865able 2 жыл бұрын
My cats behave much better than she does.
@rickhernandez7666 2 жыл бұрын
Hmm, you're actually right: a pampered house cat. Except the part about sex - that would be weird. My cats have all been better behaved than this princess, even the worst of them.
@stephjovi 9 ай бұрын
😅That makes sense. I let my cats treat me that way. Anything the way they want only what they want in return. But a human? No way
@MorganVsTheInternet 2 жыл бұрын
Holy hell, she's not just using him as a damn massage service. She's nagging him and withdrawing affection.
@Konachn4ever 2 жыл бұрын
Right!?😒 Who the hell does she think she is and like he said she said her hands hurt after five minutes?😡 WELL HOW DOES SHE THINK HIS HANDS FEEL AFTER TWO HOURS!?🤬
@SnowyWolborg 2 жыл бұрын
This is a perfect example of how a lot of parents mess their kids up by allowing them to think what passes for normalcy in their household is how the majority of society thinks. The ex-GF has no clue that this literally _isn't_ what "couples" do.
@sister_bertrille911 2 жыл бұрын
Big thumbs up to OP1's brother, who was out the door to get her the second he heard her story.
@Chantal_P-v4x 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1 - Oh my gosh! This is absolutely horrifying, and such a huge red flag that surely it's visible from space. What if it was;t just Benadryl (as though that isn't bad enough,) but something much more dangerous. Anyways, drugging someone to avoid 'dealing with them? No, no NO! Not good and get out NOW. OP is certainly not overreacting or overthinking on this being concerning. It's assault!
@markedwards3647 2 жыл бұрын
My first impulse would to be to ask if anyone else knows, then hunt and shoot and melt the weapon. Second, reasoned plan would be to arm myself, get a confession recorded, and tell the police. He may not presently be a serial killer (thought he may be), but he will be if he is not rapidly and permanently disabled. Punishment would be inappropriate.
@pansprayers 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I have a kid that's allergic to Benadryl (super rare, but there it is). This would have literally killed him. That, and a situation that I went through with an ex-partner have me really concerned for her.
@pansprayers 2 жыл бұрын
@@markedwards3647 so, you're willing to do a bunch of provable, illegal crap and waste your freedom over something that someone did that unfortunately would have a hell of a time catching a case? Not smart to give into those impulses, and fuck your own life up, life isn't a FPS game. I've been where OP is. You leave, get yourself safe, and hope for the best, because sociopaths aren't worth your weird little fantasy's real world consequences.
@fineartpottamus9020 2 жыл бұрын
@@pansprayers hmmm so a weak bloodline
@danacarter9147 Жыл бұрын
@kaykay8855 2 жыл бұрын
Story 2 and the update: op’s ex (and her family) needs to learn that relationships are built on compromises. If she wants to cater or taken care of then she has to be willing to take care/cater to op. People will be singing a different tune if the roles were reversed.
@J_e_s_s 2 жыл бұрын
I totally agree. She's ridiculous.
@Original_Tenshi_Chan 2 жыл бұрын
What are you talking about?! Did you even read the story?? _Clearly_ she was trying to compromise, he just wouldn't meet in the middle! I think she offered him a pretty good compromise; He does want she wants, and she accepts him doing what she wants! It's _obviously_ how mature, healthy relationships work! /sarcasm. LOL. Seriously though, that 30 year old woman needs to seek therapy, because no part of her behavior is normal or healthy.
@rickhernandez7666 2 жыл бұрын
I think if the roles were reversed, it would be a 1950's American ideal. The very thing that women having been fighting against for decades.
@SnowyWolborg 2 жыл бұрын
@@rickhernandez7666 Exactly. Did you notice how this woman is COMPLETELY dependent on a man's effort? She isn't satisfied unless she's being catered to while giving nothing back.
@rishabhanand4973 2 жыл бұрын
What do you mean "singing a different tune"? Did you not read the replies? None of the commenters are on her side
@rmhartman 2 жыл бұрын
"this is just what couples do" her family life was twisted couples are a partnership. ah. yep, daddy dearest explains it all
@videofan1010 2 жыл бұрын
The dad is the weirdest part if this whole story.
@despinasgarden.4100 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1: OP, this s is exactly the kind of man mother's tell their daughters to RUN AWAY FROM!
@vallybae7827 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah! This is insane
@Ospyro3em 2 жыл бұрын
Story 2- so girlfriend was raised as a spoilt, entitled brat. That makes sense
@QuentinExE-bx6wx 2 жыл бұрын
My question is how did he JUST realize
@SnowyWolborg 2 жыл бұрын
@@QuentinExE-bx6wx She only let it out when she moved in. Basically, she lied about her expectations going forward in the relationship until she thought she had OP brainwashed.
@Manhandle730 2 жыл бұрын
@Ospyro3em 2 жыл бұрын
@@Manhandle730 You can say Spoilt or Spoiled, they're both correct. Spoilt is just the UK (albeit old) spelling, so no need to correct me
@Manhandle730 2 жыл бұрын
@@Ospyro3em If thee so wishes to endeavor for thine speech to sound as though ye harken back to thee days of olde, then from this day henceforth ye will need to be of thee most strict adherence to this rule, all speech whether it be spoken, written or typed on the future electronic communication devices, shall be written as one would when living in those long ago times!! So decrees his highness, The King of all Internettes!!!
@JasperCatProductions 2 жыл бұрын
Massage girlfriend is being absolutely awful. You said no, that’s enough, her sitting in front of you whining? Yeah I wouldn’t want to be in a relationship with this selfish person. Just leave the room, walk out the door etc. Stop being used by this person.
@videofan1010 2 жыл бұрын
She's a jerk. I don't know her and I don't like her.
@user-et5nq1ih6d 2 жыл бұрын
1st thing op needs to do is call the police and report him, get a restraining order . People like him will only escalate in the abuse he's psychotic to think that this in anyway is ok OP RUN NOW!!!!!!!
@pansprayers 2 жыл бұрын
They aren't going to be able to do anything without proof, unfortunately. Benadryl is largely OTC, and has an extremely short half life in a blood test. Unless he admits to it in writing or on a recording, they can't do anything really. That's best case - being gaslit by the cops is a very real thing I've personally had to deal with, and THAT was when I tested positive for being slipped GHB by a familiar person.
@mariegarside8830 2 жыл бұрын
OP needs to leave. Anyone that drugs you is dangerous.
@tigernotwoods914 2 жыл бұрын
@@pansprayers that’s likely sad as it is but at least there would be a report. At the very least this would make a paper trail or this. Better than not reporting at all.
@pansprayers 2 жыл бұрын
@@tigernotwoods914 they didn't even take a report on my case, despite my begging. But yes, please, explain to me how this works, because nothing is a better look than thinking you know better than someone who's been through this.
@tigernotwoods914 2 жыл бұрын
@@pansprayers damn. That’s why I say FTP. I believe you 1,000,000%. Sadly these dirty pigs would rather get the easy rest and push their drug war and whatever nonsense to get as many arrests as possible as opposed to actual public safety. Even straight up predators get less time than drug offenses more times than not. I hope you’re out of that situation in any case. I hate abusers.
@MsUnamusedNerd 2 жыл бұрын
STORY 1: *RUN RUN RUN RUN* First of all wanting to drug your partner to get them to leave you alone is messed up on so many levels it just screams “I want to be in control“ Not to mention what if he tries other stuff than Benadryl? He can accidentally kill OP because he wants her to control her. Hearing Opie describe her life with her boyfriend about how he will threaten to cut off her phone and all that stuff if she does something like stay at her moms for a while, he is a sociopath and wants to be completely in control over her. She needs to get the hell out of there!
@danacarter9147 Жыл бұрын
I agree with you 💯%< this 1st story is definitely a precautionary tale!
@khaavren3 2 жыл бұрын
The first time someone brags about drugging me is the first time he gets his ass drugged and left naked in the front yard. screw that! that's totally abusive and a huge violation
@mariegarside8830 2 жыл бұрын
RE: Boy friend who drugs OP Run ! Run far away ! Report his actions to the police. This man is a danger to others
@AIBot929 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1: Oh oh no, Run 🏃🏽‍♀️💨 run fast he is abusive. Drugging her, threatening to lock her out of the house, discouraging her from getting a job, owning the house, and not wanting her to stay with her mom 🚩🚩🚩🚩 I'm glad she left and her brother was on it
@Tyggs42 2 жыл бұрын
Man. I usually hate this term, but it applies in that last story: (ex)girlfriend's daddy is WHIPPED.
@bonefetcherbrimley7740 2 жыл бұрын
Pussy whipped as hell.
@brianaschmidt910 Жыл бұрын
That's what we refer to as a simp
@alyzu4755 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1: Op should run. Straight to the police. File a report. This if terrifying! She needs to call her mom & tell her the situation. And she needs to GET OUT! He's cutting her off from all her support systems, and is making her reliant on him. Update: Good for her brother! So glad she got out of there! Story 2: GF needs to be EX GF. Stat! And SHE needs to grow the eff up and comprehend that "No" is a complete sentence.
@pansprayers 2 жыл бұрын
She needs proof to get anything taken seriously, unfortunately. The cops aren't going to do crap without it.
@alyzu4755 2 жыл бұрын
@@pansprayers True, but the report will be on file, so if he pulls that stunt again there will be a record of him doing so.
@pansprayers 2 жыл бұрын
@@alyzu4755 they wouldn't even take a report on my situation despite my begging, and that was GHB, and he admitted to doing it multiple times. So, you were saying?
@alyzu4755 2 жыл бұрын
@@pansprayers That sucks! I'm so sorry!
@fcold9402 2 жыл бұрын
1. It is not "messed up" it is freaking illegal.
@BonnieThebunny7051 2 жыл бұрын
Story one: put Benadryl in his drink and then run away and block him on everything
@rubymeaddle 2 жыл бұрын
Nah. Arsenic
@amandab8433 2 жыл бұрын
I've been with my husband for over 33 years, and married for over 26 years. We have a wonderful, happy, and very loving relationship. What we both learned early on was so compromise, share, and look at things from not just our own perspective, and that kindness goes a long way. I am a licensed massage therapist, and even I wouldn't want to give my spouse 2 hour massages several days a week. Not that he would ever ask me to, and whenever he does ask for one he also gives one in return. The girls parents really set her up to be quite selfish, and she'll either learn that a happy relationship is not only taking but also giving, or else she'll have to learn to be alone.
@Questor-ky2fv 2 жыл бұрын
Second story: Good news! Do check it with a lawyer to be sure, but when your now ex GF moved out, she basically evicted herself, unless you let her move back in. By moving out on her own ahead of time she terminated her tenancy, and any tenancy rights. Going forward, change the locks immediately, and if your ex Gf has to come over to pick up the rest of her things, make sure you have a friend or relative present while she is there, just in case she starts to cause trouble. Congratulations on dodging a bullet by breaking up before you got too deeply involved!
@eph2vv89only1way 2 жыл бұрын
Story 2: The gf is acting like a narcissist. The pattern goes Step 1) love bombing - acting like the perfect partner and soulmate until they have you trapped. Step 2) Start to make unreasonable demands and/or devaluing the victim once they have you trapped, usually with a marriage, baby, or moving in. Step 3) The devaluation worsens and other abusive tactics are added. Step 4) The abuse usually but not always becomes physical. There may also be isolation and/or cheating. Step 5) The victim becomes a shell of their former self. Last step) There is some sort of discard. Either the victim wises up and leaves (best case scenario), the narcissist finds someone else and leaves, or someone ends up dead (usually the victim, but the victim may also be forced to kill in self defence). Actually, this also seems to apply to the first story, too
@addicted2mako 2 жыл бұрын
Oh I was so hoping for an update to the first story!
@rmhartman 2 жыл бұрын
he SAID he wishes he could drug you more ?? LEAVE!!!
@Avrysatos 2 жыл бұрын
Hi! I was a massage therapist for nearly a decade. Do not make your untrained partner give you a massage if they do not want to, they do not know how to use pressure properly to not exhaust themselves or hurt themselves and possibly you! in the long run. And yes we can give 2 hr massages, but most of the pressure comes from our legs and gravity, that's how our hands don't get tired so fast.
@beegee1960 2 жыл бұрын
The scary thing about the Benadryl is that if you don’t even remember falling asleep and slept so soundly for so long means he must have used a LOT of Benadryl. A couple of Benadryl might make you sleepy and help you fall asleep and generally is not a dangerous thing. BUT it seems to me he used a lot more than that. Does he even know if you have ever used Benadryl? What If you were allergic to it? Sounds very careless and irresponsible at best and dangerous and controlling at worst. What an awesome brother you have. Made me tear up at how quickly he responded to your call for help.
@browniewin4121 2 жыл бұрын
1) Save any proof if you can, but get out immediately, go to the police and file a report, this is in no way ok to do to someone.
@emilycolbert2852 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1 - if that is all he's doing. But who's to say that he won't spike it with something else next time.
@chits28 2 жыл бұрын
2 - No is no and she doesn't understand that. If she's 'getting in his way' Or doing anything in protest of a 'no', she's abusive. Run for the hills. If her future lovers ask for 'testimonials', tell them all about these red flags and everything that went down. Tell all your common friends about this, name & shame her at least verbally.
@nimisilverbird1239 2 жыл бұрын
Nta. He drugged you. He says he will again. How many times has he done it before? That is abusive.
@ophilianecr 2 жыл бұрын
When I met my now husband, he had a roommate (woman) who was really gross, smelled so bad, (her room was noxious just opening the door). This woman waited for him to get drunk (he'd just left a toxic relationship), and when he was too intoxicated to think properly, she'd coerced him into sex. He had told her he wasn't interested in anything, but this gross bitch would not care. She encouraged him getting wasted, to take advantage of him, almost nightly. When I met him, she became so jealous to the point she actually said to me, "You can't date him, I've got dibs". Well, too bad for her, because I laughed in her face. My thoughts were "Watch me, bitch. He's nobody's property, and I'll revel in your jealousy." Anyway, it's been 12 years and that sad predator had to settle for a guy who didn't commit to anything but an open relationship. Looks like everyone else had dibs on her partner except her anyway. 🤣😂😆😁
@krystinreives7776 2 жыл бұрын
Story 2: I’m happy that the OP of this story got out of this. I mean if people maybe into these types of relationships good for them. But I think in other peoples eyes these types of relationships would be considered parasitic or parasite based relationships one person seemingly leaching or benefiting off of someone else without ever trying to pull their weight or making it mutual while actively hurting the other person in more ways than one but not having a care in the world and it’s sad that this crap can happen both ways whether you’re a man or a woman being expected to cater to someone extraneously without being given the same care or respect in return and that person just getting upset or doing anything they can to keep you catering to them and it’s sad honestly
@thesamuraiman Жыл бұрын
Story 1: Ayo, WHAT, that's one of the biggest red flag possible. Run.
@theresadeflitch8397 2 жыл бұрын
Assault? Abuse? Benadryl? Time to get a lawyer
@theresadeflitch8397 2 жыл бұрын
What if he decides anti freeze next time. Get the hell out
@videofan1010 2 жыл бұрын
Oooook. We can't just drug people because we don't like what they're saying or doing.
@pkbarton8466 2 жыл бұрын
This is his warning to you. He has no upper hand. This is abuse. Run sister run. This will get no better please take yourself away from him. Do not let him suck you back in leave your stuff do not go back. Stuff is stuff your life is what you are and should be keeping safe. When I got out I lost everything but I had my children paperwork and was safe.
@barbaragarb9453 2 жыл бұрын
@florenceshuler8114 2 жыл бұрын
Run girl run.. That was really crazy.
@BlastFromThePastTheGoodOldDays 2 жыл бұрын
He decided he would drug her because she wouldn't do what he wanted? that is messed up OP should get out of there and call the police. If he thinks there is nothing wrong with drugging someone to get his way? What happens the next time OP decides they're not in the mood for physical intimacy? will he drug them and just have his way?
@heididietrich9800 2 жыл бұрын
Boyfriend drugged her? Leave him. That is dangerous to do. He threatens you with cutting off the phone when you want to see your mom? You need to leave him.
@mercyjokes2d696 2 жыл бұрын
Motto of the story is Never Let Anyone Mistake Your Kindness as Weakness.
@kathydurow6814 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1: Now that she's out, she needs to get a restraining order and also be aware that it's in the realm of possibilities that he turns up where OP lives with a lethal weapon, especially now that he's lost his control over her. Or nearly as scary, stalking behaviour etc.
@Dawghome Жыл бұрын
6:39, as I was listening I was thinking of 'The Stepford Wives', films! Basically he 'Micky Finned' you, I think it derives from men getting drunk in pubs or bars & having their drinks spiked and they are then kidnapped while unconscious and come around on a ship and have to 'earn their keep'! Yeh, if I'm ever near something twisted like this I 'make like a crab', and gently and carefully escape knowing other stuff or things can be replaced, getting out with my life intact is the victory! Glad you reached out to Reddit.
@elsaflood6393 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1. What are you waiting for OP? ARSENIC? RAT POISON? Don't just sit there enjoying being a victim
@MsDMS1988 2 жыл бұрын
Oh hell no! Story #1--RUN!
@ttrev007 2 жыл бұрын
Not only is that its scary controlling its dangerous. This is a RUN situation. Go to a shelter if you have too.
@leafyishereisdumbnameakath4259 2 жыл бұрын
22:40 is the father was a mother, you'd say she's in an abusive relationship and needs help but if it's a father "THAT'S GREAT THAT WORKS FOR HIM"
@cheshirewitch7560 2 жыл бұрын
Story 2 - I on occasion will ask my partner to give me a back massage, or relieve pressure in my tailbone (I have arthritis in my L5 vertebrae), and sometimes he's just not up for it (although he'll usually do a quick pressure relief for me because it takes like 2 minutes to do). When he looks like a confused panicked mouse because he doesn't want to directly say no, I always make a joke, laugh, and remind him that it's ok if he didn't want to, that I was asking with the expectation of accepting any answer, and that cuddles will do me just fine. I appreciate when he gives me one, but I am NEVER entitled to it, nor do I expect a yes whenever I ask. And of course, if he asks I usually give him one too, or a real good back scratch, but I also know it's ok if I'm not up to it and I can say no as well with no hard feelings. Also, we always watch something we both enjoy during massages so its not boring.
@manxiefeathermoon9888 2 жыл бұрын
Story one: take that shit to the police
@richa16x 2 жыл бұрын
2 videos a day? Damn you're on a roll! *Love it!* I've seen every video on your channel. :3 (Except a hour long ones because those are stories you already told ^-^'' )
@lunerwerewolf 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1: run! Run don't walk get out get out now. If you have pets take them and anything else you love and run
@mommieminnesota3108 2 жыл бұрын
Ummm 🚨🚨🚧🛑 that's so not ok runnnn...and don't look back!!!
@damiandobson239 2 жыл бұрын
The guy who was forced to do massages. His girlfriend sounded like a cat in a human body lol
@untiedshoelaces2588 2 жыл бұрын
Story 2: Wow! Dad had been estrogen-boarded into total submission. He's the kind of man that even simps look down on. Feel sorry for him, he's lost. I will light a candle in his name.
@datumzinememories 2 жыл бұрын
2 hour massages? What in earth speak up and make boundaries and if she mean nags physically harass you or verbally go back to the boundaries and lines in the sand.. Or make a way to leave the relationship. Seriously sounds like some abuse going on. I been in one sided relationships they are not healthy. What happened people blur love and care with sacrifice to abnormal levels. This is red flagsss territory.
@DarkRelm22 2 жыл бұрын
@amberleeannalee1999 2 жыл бұрын
Chemical restraints are illegal AF. I’d charge him with it.
@WobblesandBean 2 жыл бұрын
OP 2: Get out of that relationship, _now._ Edit: thank god.
@treco2583 2 жыл бұрын
Story 2: OP caves when gf resorts to the silent treatment because he can’t handle it?!?! Uh … he can’t put up with silence??? I love getting the silent treatment. 😂🤣
@carolroberts4614 2 жыл бұрын
There's different kinds of silences! The angry silence is horrible and completely different to a peaceful silence!
@heididietrich9800 2 жыл бұрын
This guy's girlfriend is selfish. Wow. Op has to do EVERYTHING to compromise but she has to do nothing? What a princess. I can't imagine living with that.
@HubiKoshi 2 жыл бұрын
"I don't know what to do." RUN! RUN FAST AND RUN FAR! Holy shit, that edit before the update. It's so bizarre that she doesn't even seem to realize she is in an abusive relationship. Story 2: Huh now we know where the GF got it from, her mother enslaved her father so she thought she could do the same with her boyfriend.
@flamelily2086 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1 OP needs to run, I wouldn't want have a relationship with someone who drugs your drink whenever he wants to control you.
@Mscrimsondragon 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1...dont even have to hear the story to know thats assault. Call the cops and file a report. What he did was inexcusable and criminal.
@toyairy7612 2 жыл бұрын
I absolutely love the brothers response. i have seen my brothers in similar situations and i can just see the jaw flexing for the entire ride out there and the killer look in his eye. i have been scared to death my brothers would end up in violence because it would be to the death. it never did that i think these controlling idiots are in reality very frail and need to dominate a woman in her most vulnerable to feel like real men.
@GlucoseGuy 2 жыл бұрын
"It's different because I'm fond of massages and you're not" - Oh yes, I'm sure OP despises getting physical attention, and that's why she doesn't want to go longer than 15 minutes. Yeah, again it's all about her. He says imagine how my hands feel doing 1-2 hour massages. And her focus is that he should put up with it because she likes massages? Whereas her hands bother her, so she shouldn't have to because he doesn't enjoy them as much... that's about the dumbest argument.
@wheelsndealz 2 жыл бұрын
something someone said in the last story was wrong. It's not that relationships have to be 50/50. If you're constantly trying to make things 50/50 you're not gonna last. Cuz you're gonna be biased to yourself and think you're giving more. You see all the good you do but only half the good the other does. And it's reversed for the bad things. In the end it's not about what IS 50/50 it's about how even things feel. Someone can be a natural giver and give more and be happy with it. But if they're with a taker, eventually they may feel resentment. It's a personal balance and the best relationships are filled with both givers. That way you're both giving 100%, so that half that you don't see kinda evens out. Even better if you're paying attention, noticing, and appreciating the little things that might have been missed. Of course this is coming from someone that married/divorced a taker and didn't realize it until way later.
@tigernotwoods914 2 жыл бұрын
Divorce is 50/50. Marriage/relationship is 100/100.
@tinydancer7426 2 жыл бұрын
The problem comes when you give and give and give and the other person just takes and takes and takes and doesn't give anything. Been there and when I spoke up about not getting anything in return, was berated for "keeping score", "expecting too much" (something/anything is too much?", "wanting to be in charge" (?, where did that come from), etc. So, I just stopped to make a point. You want breakfast? You know where the kitchen is. You want your clothes dropped off at/picked up from the cleaner? You know where the cleaner is. You want a steak for dinner tonight. You know where the store and the kitchen is ..... you fed yourself before we started dating, I assume you remember how to do it. I just stopped. I decided to take my life back. I decided that I would no longer schedule my evening college classes around what he wanted to do (like the bowling league) ..... sorry, can't do both. Boy did he have fit over that one. Sorry, I am taking my son to a variety of colleges he is interested ..... not sorry it means I am not here for dates ..... and no, you are not welcome to come with us. It was a breath of fresh air and so freeing when I took back control of the 24 hours in each day and no longer feared that a grown adult was going to throw a hissy fit because he believed that what I wanted to do with my life and time was cutting into "his time". So, I just started living my life again as I chose to live it. It was a bitter pill that he had to swallow if he wanted me to share any of my time with him. It was so freeing to not have a concern as to whether he was going to throw a hissy fit because of how I wanted to spend my time.
@wheelsndealz 2 жыл бұрын
@@tinydancer7426 yeah. Find yourself a giver. It's always a rough wake up call when a giver realizes they're the only one giving. I never confronted her about it but funny enough, she left saying she was the one giving more. That I took advantage of her. But it wasn't worth arguing over, or so I thought cuz now she has everything.
@Bijecarli 2 жыл бұрын
Op2's ex is going to be a habitual ex girlfriend with parents like that. No man in his right mind is going to keep such a one sided relationship.
@morgansmith9533 2 жыл бұрын
Holy crap that’s scary Op should press charges
@pearldragon6508 2 жыл бұрын
Story 2 - Something tells me that gf is gonna be 45 and saying 'why don't I have a husband yet? What's wrong with men?' I guess it's hard to find good serfs nowadays 🤷‍♀️
@SnowyWolborg 2 жыл бұрын
The only way she's ever going to get married is if she ends up finding a guy with a fetish for the kind of lifestyle she leads.
@carolcarol9982 2 жыл бұрын
"My boyfriend basically roofied me, am I somehow TA because of this"?
@SJM3187 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1 reminds me of that parody commercial where they spray children and they go to sleep with the caption “Problems asleep Silence is Deep”
@Helmaron1538 2 жыл бұрын
Story one. Dump him. If he does this to you what else will be do. And how much worse!
@252stardust 5 ай бұрын
S2: If the girlfriend saw no wrong in what she was doing/expecting, and thought it was completely normal because that relationship style was what she saw her parents have, then she would have acted that way from the beginning and not just after she moved in.
@johnniekilgore9413 2 жыл бұрын
Get out!!! You are in danger !!! Get away from him as soon as you can. You are in danger from him. Do not trust him for anything. Get somewhere safe.
@iamhungey12345 2 жыл бұрын
Benadryl...nostalgic. With that said, yikes and the OP should run for her life.
@emilybarclay8831 2 жыл бұрын
Both of these OPs need to run immediately
@RockinTheBassGuitar 2 жыл бұрын
As a former massage therapist, a 2 hour massage is a MINIMUM of $120. That's for each. She just needs to go to a professional if she wants a massage.
@luissantiago5163 2 жыл бұрын
First one is a horror story. Jeez that's how dudes get killed in their sleep in their 60s after 40 years of being an abuser.
@DragonflyandTheWolf 11 ай бұрын
If someone ever admitted to drugging me like the boyfriend did, I would just say, "Oh." Excuse myself and then run like the effing wind. I would text them about it later to see if I could get them to admit via text that they did it and then turn them into the police.
@mbyerly9680 2 жыл бұрын
Battered women organizations are a HUGE resource for not only getting out of a dangerous situation but surviving financially afterwards. They can offer everything from shelters to lawyers who will work pro bono.
@jackblack3718 2 жыл бұрын
The first story is so terrible because there were so many glaring red flags. The very fact that he was making her move an hour away from her family and she didn't even realize that was a problem is so bad in and of itself.
@shannonbullock2202 Жыл бұрын
Story 2: OP's gf is going to end up back at daddy's house after EVERY bf she moves in with. Daddy will eventually see that his baby girl is a selfish spoiled brat and SHE is the problem. No one with an ounce of self respect are going to last longer than OP'd in a relationship with her.
@FRIEDFISHPLZ 8 ай бұрын
1st story… damn that’s one hell of good lawsuit
@valzeppelin5153 2 жыл бұрын
Massage: Everyone, if a partner does this. Tell them you will give them a massage for the same amount of time that they give you one. If they try the whole forcing you to rub them thing, they are being aggressive/controlling. They know you will give in if they do it long enough. Don't give in.
@shootingcomet082 2 жыл бұрын
Story 2 sounds like someone tried to teach their kid how to treat a woman right and it got twisted.
@andrekerrison3367 Жыл бұрын
Story 2 - Just tell the father that if he wants to be the king simp to his wife that's totally on him. But a real relationship is about give and take. Not take and take and take and TAKE until there's nothing left to give. The nerve of some people..
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