My Boyfriend's Friend Is Clearly Into Him And Is Rubbing It In My Face r/Relationships

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Mark Narrations

Mark Narrations

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@chaseashley6775 Жыл бұрын
“Welcome back to Bark Narrations” My dog: finally something I can listen to!🐾
@bartvansliedregt5482 Жыл бұрын
Hahaha that's a good one! Thank you for making me laugh :)
@whims6278 Жыл бұрын
🤣 I really really needed a laugh this morning, so I appreciate this comment lol
@kaitohkid7229 Жыл бұрын
@katalex8 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: I wonder if OP's bf's friends ever apologized to OP and her bf
@dollface2907 Жыл бұрын
the funny part is I have a hunch the ex friend wanted to be the gf and when op got with him and he friend zoned her she sort of lost it
@VesnaVK Жыл бұрын
@@dollface2907 a hunch? That's the entire story.
@WobblesandBean Жыл бұрын
Of course not. If OP was smart, she'd run.
@robertx8020 Жыл бұрын
@@WobblesandBean great advice /s Let the AH GF win!!! I bet you are great in keeping realtions going /s
@coreymartin6486 Жыл бұрын
@@WobblesandBean what in the world???? You really shouldn't be giving out relationship advice. Is this the exbestfriend or somebody else like her?
@coreymartin6486 Жыл бұрын
I was once à cliche clueless boyfriend who had girl bestfriend....whom did things viewed as flirting in front of my gf. Looking back? Yeah, I was a dummy. Kudos to the boyfriend in this story....he recognized on his own that the bestfriend was manipulative, untrustworthy, and emotionally unstable AND he made an appropriate réaction of ending the friendship. Frankly, the face time call when the girl "apologized" but in the same breath said she didn't do anything wrong is a huge red flag.
@Uneclipsed Жыл бұрын
I would looove to hear Ellie announce her opinion on nurses in front of her medical staff. I know the medical system is elitist as a whole, but to be so openly condescending towards the people who have the most face time with patients and do most of the physical medical care is a whole choice.
@wikiwoof9590 Жыл бұрын
That makes me think of that episode of scrubs where all the drs had learned their lesson to never cross the nurses lol
@bunnyslippers191 Жыл бұрын
@@wikiwoof9590 My bro in law is a retired physician. He started out in Family Medicine and that was back in the day when Family Practice included Obstetrics. One night he was on call and I heard his end of it. It went something like this: "She's crowning? Well, I'll try to get there in time, but I don't think it's possible. I'll be there as soon as I can, but I'm sure you can deal with anything that comes up. See you soon." He then put on his shoes calmly and walked to get his coat, made sure he had his keys, and was acting as if nothing was wrong. I asked him why he wasn't rushing and he said, "The woman is in labor with her 4th baby, waited too long, she just got up to the OB floor, isn't even in a room yet, and she's crowning in the hallway. There's no way I can get there in time and I'm not going to drive like a maniac and possibly get into an accident. It's not going to help anyone if I die or kill someone else in an accident on the way to the hospital. Those Labor and Delivery nurses are great and it's not going to be the first time they've had to deliver a baby," and he walked out the door. He got to the Ob floor about 15 minutes after the birth. Both Baby and Mama were fine and Mama apologized to him and the nursing staff for being silly and putting off leaving for the hospital because she really wanted to see the season finale of her favorite TV show.
@jackchop1576 Жыл бұрын
There are plenty still like that. My regular doctor refused to keep me on two of my psych meds that my psych APRN prescribed. He made an off hand snark about "nurses being able to write prescriptions" etc and only saw what the psychiatrist I had prior to the APRN as "valid". Even though he had me on both of those meds too.
@whims6278 Жыл бұрын
@@jackchop1576 doctors can be the worst. Some of them are just egotistical know it all a holes that think their opinion is the end all be all. They don't take patients experiences into consideration and think they know better than the one living the pain
@sylviajones6745 3 ай бұрын
I've heard stories about doctors who say things that Op's friend the doctor said. Boy oh boy, the nurses did nothing to help out that Dr. He bitched to a senior physician and got told you did it to yourself. Apologize and be a bit more humble.
@sergioromanomunoz8155 Жыл бұрын
Story 1. Dude is a keeper. He gave the friend the chance she didn't deserve, but acted when necessary. Most of the time we are either clueless or too afraid of being controlled. Also, OP did exactly what should have been done. It's textbook healthy relationship, IMHO.
@HighPhoenix1754 Жыл бұрын
This. Even when he didn't understand OP's side, he still took in the fact that his "friend" was making his GF uncomfortable, and stood his ground. Tried to be reasonable, but the moment it became apparent that she was toxic af, beyond the reasonable pale, he dropped her. BF sounds like a reasonable dude who wants to see the best in everyone, but isn't afraid to cut the cord if they prove they aren't on the same page as him.
@johnpauljones9310 Жыл бұрын
@@HighPhoenix1754 That relationship is doomed to failure. She thinks she "won" him, like h's a prize she took home with enough skee-ball tickets. She went on the internet and told everyone he's a "dummy". That's not a healthy start. Good news is that when he finally realizes how vapid and shallow his GF is, he'll break up with her and seek out the girl who was there for him as a friend when his father died. That relationship has potential.
@HighPhoenix1754 Жыл бұрын
@@johnpauljones9310 tell yourself that if you want. I disagree with what context has been given. Have a good one.
@Rage_Harder_Then_Relax Жыл бұрын
@@HighPhoenix1754 I agree with John paul Jones actually
@HighPhoenix1754 Жыл бұрын
@@Rage_Harder_Then_Relax you're free to
@bunnyslippers191 Жыл бұрын
Ellie is going to be that doctor who is disliked by all the nurses on the pediatric floor because she's condescending to them. I hope she isn't one of those doctors who refuse to listen to the nurses when they try to tell her they are concerned about patient so and so because of symptoms X,Y, and Z, and not really happy with symptoms A, B, and C, either and a patient gets much worse or, gods forbid, dies because she refused to consider what the nurses were seeing.
@nicolefernandez8357 Жыл бұрын
Adults go of a hill kids go of a Clift- one of the most important things to keep in mind in healthcare, that follows listen to your nurses and hospital techs 😂
@FinnishLapphund Жыл бұрын
Last story: Since Ellie thinks their friend only became a nurse because she's too dumb to become a doctor, I suspect Ellie have also been saying things about OP only becoming a veterinarian, and not a doctor, behind OP's back.
@ladyonthelake8866 Жыл бұрын
That's not a valid insult though. It's way frickin' harder to get into Veterinarian school than Med. school. So it's actually more impressive.
@Famous_Athlete_Hashimoto Жыл бұрын
@@ladyonthelake8866 I was just about to say the same thing. I considered doing pre-vet med in undergrad, and I had a rude awakening when I saw firsthand how difficult it was to get into vet school. Almost all of the students applying to vet school would also apply to med schools as a backup plan. I repeat, they applied to med schools as a BACKUP PLAN
@schwagecko5589 Жыл бұрын
I remember this brilliant poster in a vet clinic. It says when you're sick you go to people who specialised in a particular area of medicine and listed a bunch of the different specialists gp, cardiologist, physiotherapist etc. But when an animal is sick they go to the vet who has to do everything. Plus their patients can't tell them what's wrong.
@stonefox2546 Жыл бұрын
@@ladyonthelake8866 You and I know that. Ellie doesn't sound like she does.
@CaulkMongler Жыл бұрын
@@Famous_Athlete_Hashimoto on top of the fact that veterinarians, I find, get less respect overall in comparison to doctors. *and* they get paid much less, so obviously vets are doing it more so out of the kindness of their hearts rather than the money.
@QueenSucho Жыл бұрын
My mom has been an ER nurse foe over 20 years. Here's what I've learned in that time plus my time as a CNA. CNAs do the nurses jobs, nurses do the Dr's jobs, Dr's come in handy once in a blue moon. But when you have a floor of nurses busting ass to keep people alive, and a Dr asleep down the hall, Dr's have no right to talk down to nurses
@kp2223 Жыл бұрын
I'm not going to lie, I've had many nurse friends say that the dr is there to sign off (prescriptions/orders/malpractice) and nothing more
@madhatterknight Жыл бұрын
You should use the "My name's Bark" on pet tax Tuesdays! 🥰
@TemporalOnline Жыл бұрын
@femboy__bunny Жыл бұрын
“I’ll let you have that blooper” made me giggle out loud! Thanks mark 💖
@KellyLoom1s Жыл бұрын
Bark is so generous to let us keep it!
@BitterSimplicity Жыл бұрын
Shouldn’t let Poppy write his script, lol
@femboy__bunny Жыл бұрын
@@BitterSimplicity Poppy thinks of her papa as “Bark” not “Mark” and it makes it’s way into the script! 🐶
@Konachn4ever Жыл бұрын
@@femboy__bunny Poppy's favorite Channel to be subbed to is Bark Narrations!😂
@normaowens7340 Жыл бұрын
No, no, he is now Bark.
@juliearmfield2634 Жыл бұрын
Every single hospital, clinic or nursing home would absolutely collapse without nurses and nurses aids.
@GrayTimber Жыл бұрын
Story 2: god I hate doctors like this. Nurses are deserving of respect for their work. They are underpaid and overworked. Medical school can be rough, but her rich parents made it possible for her to not only drop out of college and be fine, but switch to med school after. Then her mom used her connections to get her references. That is a handout. Like. Definitively a handout. She would not be where she is without that monetary backing. And looking down on nurses as being somehow inferior is disgusting. God, that annoys me. Nurses do so much of the work I have worked in 3 different hospitals, it's the nurses constantly running around getting shit done 😑
@dandotvid Жыл бұрын
Story 2: OP DID give Ellie her due. That comment's author didn't read the post correctly. Edited to fix the weird wording haha
@isthataspider7410 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, saying that OP should be nicer is dumb considering Ellie always had a leg up AND undermined the nurse's hard work. Screw her, lol.
@PaleHorseCompany Жыл бұрын
I realize like 80% of ESH commenters seem to be people who think they would in all interactions with people be this stoic claim person all the time. But I’d bet my bottom dollar if it happened to them they would react the same way of not worse
@DBG-fh7io Жыл бұрын
I hate how the subreddit blames victims of abuse and calls them doormats, but also call people the asshole/ehs whenever someone stands up for themself.
@sadtitties222 Жыл бұрын
@@PaleHorseCompany Too true! I've been saying this for quite a while. These commenters are only "calm" and "rational" behind a computer monitor/phone screen. It's easy to be so when you are not thrown into a real life situation and are interacting with real life people. Reddit truly thinks real life is a sitcom where everyone knows just what to say and always has a clever and sarcastic comeback against bullies and abusers. I just know some of these people probably have to hold back angry tears when they are confronting people who mistreat them offline. Calm and rational my butt, lmao.
@sealbean9990 Жыл бұрын
@@PaleHorseCompany I love reading those dumb ESH comments because it's so funny when they say "you should've said this!" and then proceed to write down the most unnatural interaction ever lol
@nathanhinman9069 Жыл бұрын
Story 2: The privilege is kind of a red herring, the problem is Ellie is an arrogant AH. The nurse friend may have had just as much backing to become a doctor or not, the fact is she CHOSE her profession as much as Ellie did. Ellie is a snob who needs to learn some humility, privilege may have played a role but it is Ellie as a whole that is a jackass. This is the same mentality that people use to look down on, belittle and demean people working in the service industry.
@DBG-fh7io Жыл бұрын
The privilege is also relevant though
@maddison5154 Жыл бұрын
The privilege is relevant.
@LadyJoolree Жыл бұрын
I understand what you mean. It is possible to have the privilege, but also acknowledge it, be grateful for it and yet still be a good person. Ellie is an arrogant AH who hasn't yet been humbled by the Universe. It'll happen, I just hope she learns her lesson without it having to be repeated too many times, or come at other people's expense.
@janet6421 Жыл бұрын
The sad part is just how common arrogant A-Holery is in young doctors. Especially when dealing with veteran nurses who have have been treating patients longer than the Dr has been alive. When I was a nursing student I saw this first hand. Nurse was changing a patient's dressings from abdominal surgery and sniffed the wound. Nurse told new Dr that the patient had a perforated (small hole in) bowel (large intestine) and needed to go back to surgery. Dr dismissed nurse, "YOU aren't a doctor, you aren't qualified to make that call." Nurse put an order to keep tabs on the patient's temperature and watch for signs of infection because there was nothing else she could do. 2 days later, the patient had a fever and an infection caused by the perforated bowel. The patient had to be on antibiotics for a few weeks but was fine otherwise. Doctors treat wounds and nurses treat patients. Hopefully this was enough to make AH young doctor respect the nurses' experience and observations.
@kp2223 Жыл бұрын
@@janet6421 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯
@diannamacdonald3716 Жыл бұрын
I’d like to see Ellie set up a very complicated IV. Nurses are able to do this easily because of their training. Doctors have different training and stay far away from those set ups. I was a doctor’s practice manager for years and the doctor appreciated his whole staff for the skills we brought to the practice. He spoke highly of the nurses he dealt with at the hospitals as well as our office RN and MA.
@hazeltulip Жыл бұрын
Push rates, I only know one push rate. 😂 the things they DON’T teach at med school
@stephanien6237 Жыл бұрын
Any doctor (and pediatrician no less!) who does not see the value in their nursing partners is a crappy one.
@tricorvus2673 Жыл бұрын
Amen hallelujah. Was a carer for my parents 28 years. Saw doctors leave the room and the nurse literally saved a life. The things (and people) they have to put up with. Nothing but the highest respect for nurses.
@shizanketsuga8696 Жыл бұрын
People who are just friends with you because they want to get in your pants are not friends, and there is _a lot_ of that energy in the female "friend" from story 1. When the mask dropped it was clear that she wasn't a misunderstood nice girl but a "nice girl". Wouldn't be surprised if she was already seething since OP got together with her boyfriend after "nice girl" had put in "all the work" of being there for him when he mourned his father.
@nativewarmask9861 11 ай бұрын
Your comment confuses me a little bit, are you saying that you are sympathetic to the female best friend, or to the girlfriend? I'm just kind of curious.
@shizanketsuga8696 11 ай бұрын
@@nativewarmask9861 Unfortunately I don't remember a single detail of the story in question after 11 months, but going by what I've written I was siding with OP who seems to be the current girlfriend of a guy who a friend (or rather a "friend") had been interested in before.
@jbgra2566 Жыл бұрын
Poppy: "finally the human has a decent name!"
@julietaestamo8880 Жыл бұрын
Story 1. OP should ask her BF why he and his friend did not date since she is clearly into him.
@azucenam.178 Жыл бұрын
He said so himself he sees her as a sister. You can’t go from seeing someone as family to I’m sexually attracted to them. It’s not that easy
@Ann_Wall-Chiasson Жыл бұрын
Every time I had to find a new doctor's office, it was always the nurses who put me at ease before the doctor came in to meet with me. They really do keep the hospitals and doctor's offices functioning.
@dylanarmstrong9328 Жыл бұрын
Nothing sucks worse than having to cut loose a close friend, especially one that's been with you for years and through hard times. I can't blame the bf for giving her a second chance but I'm glad that as soon as he realized she was being toxic that he cut her off because it needed to be done.
@iamalbertwesker2 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: I wanna know what happened with the friends the jealous ex-friend manipulated onto her side TBH
@HuckleisMyHoney Жыл бұрын
I've been the girl from story one but with different circumstances. I was shunned by my then bfs friends because there were rumors that I was controlling him and whatnot even though they all sparked from me playfully telling him to go to bed when he was complaining from a headache. Just some people started to add more the rumors. It's a really shitty isolating feeling tbh. Everything is resolved now tho so it's (kinda) good.
@DrawciaGleam02 Жыл бұрын
Sigh, I'd honestly cut my losses in such a situation. Because you're blamed for ruining longtime friendships if your partner starts setting boundaries. I'd just let her have him. Most especially if there's background like helping the partner through his father's death.
@copercurlz Жыл бұрын
Okay the blooper was really funny to me. Nice to meet you Bark 🤣 As for the first story, I hope OP's boyfriend truly cuts that friend out. She was very toxic and couldn't see past her own wants. She wanted the BF and didn't care if she had to break hearts to get him. He's better off without her, but it's hard to get rid of someone like her. I wish the best for them.
@littleolmee Жыл бұрын
S1: If his other friends refused to listen to him about what actually happened & apologize to OP & BF he probably needs to toss the other friends too. S2: ESH except for the nurse friend. They all worked hard, and they all deserve to be proud of what they were doing. It's not a competition. It's an AH move to diminish the work others did & bad-mouth people. That goes for both Ellie & OP. OP sounds like she's salty about all Ellie got handed & once Ellie showed her AH with bad-mouthing the nurse it just all came rolling out.
@stellamccoy5259 Жыл бұрын
OP wasn't deeming Ellie. OP was telling the truth. Amazing how people either can't or won't see the truth.
@lunahix4815 Жыл бұрын
Personally, OP, should do one of two things: 1: dump him Or 2: Call her and put her on speaker, with the BF beside her; and ask her if she outright had feelings towards him. Let him hear straight from the horses mouth.
@keplersdream901 Жыл бұрын
She'd have lied about it (like she did in the update). I would have dumped him the second that she started the rumor mill. Men continue to ignore shit like this until they get dumped a few times. Then it's "buT wHy WoN't ShE fUcK mE????" Relationships shouldn't be about drama, and OP will inevitably learn the hard way. They will eventually break up because he doesn't understand about boundaries AND OP's a people-pleaser.
@Azulakayes Жыл бұрын
The friend is one of those weird 'nice girls' or 'I am not like other women'.
@amandasunshine2 Жыл бұрын
@@keplersdream901 if he heard it from her, which she would confess if she didn't know he was listening, I think it's hard for him to deny
@Uneclipsed Жыл бұрын
This much drama 6 months into a relationship ain't worth it. No way would I stick around for someone who isn't seeing the the signs and whose entire social circle hates me for no reason. She can have him.
@robertbishop5158 Жыл бұрын
Listen to the damn post before sticking your foot in your mouth.
@KellyLoom1s Жыл бұрын
“My name’s Bark”-🤔🤭🤣😂🤣
@sherryluu518 Жыл бұрын
The first story. My then boyfriend, now husband had two girls that were really good friends with him. I had no issue with that. I was even excited to meet them. Both of them had boyfriends at the time. Well, the first meeting, it was going well. Until we had dinner together. One of the girls, started eating off his plate. Even grabbed his beer to take a drink of it. I was so uncomfortable. I didn't even know what to say. When it came to saying our goodbyes. That same girl was telling us how she met my boyfriend and she called him her soulmate. Okay, extremely awkward. Second time hanging out. One of the girls broke up with her boyfriend. Now this girl, I really do like. She's kind, considerate and she genuinely seemed to have a good heart. Well, we went out for froyo. The same girl who claimed my boyfriend was her soulmate, decided to say my boyfriend was the other girls boyfriend and how they should go home together. I stayed quiet until my boyfriend and I were headed home. I told him, that was so disrespectful of her and her comments make me feel so uncomfortable. He told her to stop. Boundries were set. A month or two goes by, she starts sending him snapchats of her in bed, just giggling. I said okay, we are having a nice dinner and this is unacceptable. He removed her from everything and her and I talked. I told her how I felt disrespected and she played innocent and said she never disrespected me. How I was exaggerating. My boyfriend cut ties with her after that. Sometimes friends develop feelings and she definitely did
@marychoppins8140 Жыл бұрын
🤣🤣🤣 I can’t stop replaying the intro. Thanks for the laughs Bark. Sending love to you and Poppy. ❤️❤️❤️
@helar2574 Жыл бұрын
Story 2: First, any doctor who looking down at nurses would get rude awakening at job, i heard some examples from my doctor friend. It's not pretty. Second, med and law school is a WORK, if you really want to be good doctor/lawyer, you need constant study, any distraction equal to loosing scores on exams, especially if you want some more demanding specialities. So without some financial help you just wouldn't survive. So while Ellie did get med degree it mostly wouldnt be possible without parents help/guidance
@jennilynne1977 Жыл бұрын
The looks one gets in a Walmart when you bust out laughing because "my name is Bark" is in your ear. Thanks for that Bark, I mean Mark. 🤣😂🤣💖 I hope everyone is having a great day/evening/night! Peace, hugs and love to you all!
@NeroTheDarklord Жыл бұрын
Story 1 makes me sad. Why are there people like this, that only show support and kindness to someone because they have ulterior motives and want to use the support they give now to later claim "You owe me."
@k3upikachu Жыл бұрын
BARK 🐶 I'm dieing Edit: the petty advice on the first story is cracking me up. I have definitely done that before and it's very effective 😂
@SilverstreamPJ28 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: I'd have broken up with him so fast. Cannot deal with all this bullshit drama.
@anelbegic2780 Жыл бұрын
Even if he shows no fucking interest in this girl at all, talk about going nuclear for something that isn't effecting your relationship that badly yet.
@SilverstreamPJ28 Жыл бұрын
@@anelbegic2780 nah, if he's friends with someone like that, he enjoys the attention. Plenty of fish in the sea ✌🏼
@anelbegic2780 Жыл бұрын
@@SilverstreamPJ28 So him feeling wanted is bad but you feeling jealous or insecure is ok when it comes to breaking up even if he is doing nothing with all this attention he has, talk about double standards. This reminds me of the stereotype that women can't take another women looking at their man with anything other then friendliness at all.
@SilverstreamPJ28 Жыл бұрын
@@anelbegic2780 you're projecting lol, I'm not the one in this clusterfuck of a relationship.
@anelbegic2780 Жыл бұрын
@@SilverstreamPJ28 No, I am just applying your logic to one a man would have where getting female or male (sexuality matter in this case) attention gives him a confidence boost almost all the time. Then you come along and think he is too chumy with a women who is not yourself and you dump him, prefrebly after telling him why. The only conlusion I can come up with is jelousy and insecurity, how else am I suppise to view it exactly? All the signs point to jelousy and insecurity, especially if the man shows no romantic or sexual interest in said person giving them the attention.
@sarahjaneuldricks6729 Жыл бұрын
I'm pretty regularly messed up from chronic conditions and can safely say I've met hundreds of staff and nurses that I'd trust with my life but only two doctors who I feel safe with. Ellie is setting herself up to be one of those doctors where all the patient/caregiver has to say their name to someone and they'll immediately know they're about to hear some quality shit talking
@KE-hr4sb Жыл бұрын
S1: I could swear there's a further update to this one, where he changes his mind yet again, goes back to his friend, and ends up dumping OP.
@laica01 Жыл бұрын
Did he? I thought it was her the one that dumped him, not the other way around.
@KE-hr4sb Жыл бұрын
@@laica01 I don't remember who dumped who, but I remember thinking OP celebrated "winning" too early.
@BerryTrekkin Жыл бұрын
I looked on OPs profile and there isn’t anything further. However, I do remember another Redditor with a similar scenario where the boyfriend took the friend back. The boyfriend eventually made his own posts about regretting losing his GF (she ended up dumping him) and he didn’t know how to get rid of the friend. He remained friends with her out of guilt because of her mental health issues and he thinks he needs to save her, if I remember correctly.
@jameslove8507 Жыл бұрын
@@BerryTrekkin yeah I know the story your talking about different people but he lost all his friends and his girl because he wouldn’t set any boundaries or simply cut the friend with issues out of his life even though she was clearly ruining his life and now he’s sad because he lost everything.
@PrincessLioness Жыл бұрын
@@KE-hr4sb Yeah, w remember the story you’re talking about. In that case the female friend wasn’t in love with him, but was just toxic and mentally drained.
@paulastiles5507 Жыл бұрын
Story #1: Woof, that ex-BFF sounds really toxic. At least OP and her boyfriend are on the same page (and OP was very smart not playing into those games). Since he had a big Come to Jesus moment, I have a feeling Crazy Pants let it all hang with the boyfriend in private and showed him all the colors of her toxic rainbow. It's probable she's always been crazy, but he let some things slide because she'd "been there" for him after his dad's death, until it became too obvious. His friends are morons.
@carlrood4457 Жыл бұрын
I think the best thing she did was simply state her concerns and let him set the boundaries. No ultimatums. It showed her where he stands. Make a polite effort during the "second chance". Let the "friend" bring out the bad guy.
@DrawciaGleam02 Жыл бұрын
"but he let some things slide because she'd "been there" for him after his dad's death" As soon I heard that, I was all, "OP is on thin ice here even though she's right to be uncomfortable." I mean, romcoms would use a moment like that as the defining reason why BFF should be the one the guy should marry!!
@MrBuns-yi2hk Жыл бұрын
Story 2 is a clownshow. "Don't downplay my accomplishments!" She screeches while downplaying the accomplishments of others.
@Ookamikage13 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: Did that jerk of a friend of Op’s boyfriend even apologized to Op? What a load of horse shit that they’re sorry. And it shows how crappy all the friends sided with the jerk friend.
@ladyv5655 Жыл бұрын
1st Story, OP should see if she can record some of the things friend has been saying to her.
@sckanersfofolle Жыл бұрын
My mom used to be a medical student (ended up dropping out after a few years) and was baffled by how doctors were treating nurses, especially since nothing would be done without them.
@alec5803 Жыл бұрын
Eillie needed a reality check. Eillie also need to understand how each job in a hospital is just as important as a doctor. From the hospital Janitorial staff all the way up the hospital CEO. If Eillie was working in a hospital & disrespected the nursing staff like this. It could play out so many ways. Eillie would've been fired a few times.
@heathermiller5765 Жыл бұрын
"My name is Bark" Yikes, that's ruff lol 😄
@cats1900 Жыл бұрын
The blooper was great. There are many times at work I mistype my name. I catch it but how embarrassing to misspell ones own name!
@AndyyWithAY Жыл бұрын
I'm waiting on my friend to get back home so I can have my massage. She's a professionally trained masseuse. Good friend to have.
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 Жыл бұрын
Ooo nice
@EluneAnzu Жыл бұрын
"Bark" should make a re-appearance if there's tree law stories tbh
@hothotheat3000 Жыл бұрын
1st story: that girl thought this was a romcom and she was the main character.
@lonewanderer8743 Жыл бұрын
Reddit always has such unrealistic responses. No one talks the way they expect you to respond. Especially some of the responses in that nurse story. People expect you to think up, revise, send it by HR then respond.
@utha5034 11 ай бұрын
Story 2: OP didn’t disparage Ellie’s hard work. The post specifically states that she knows Ellie had to work hard, etc. (and it IS possible, Ellie wouldn’t have succeeded without the references her mom helped her with, or if she had to worry about finances while doing undergrad, maybe her grades would have been worse and therefore not got into med school, or maybe she might have failed medical exams, etc due to financial stress, if she didn’t have the financial freedom provided by her parents, etc. We’ll never know. What we DO know though, is she thinks she’s “better” and “smarter” than a nurse, purely because she’s a doctor. That’s just ick behavior.)
@abowlofsangria3412 Жыл бұрын
That person who said ESH forgot the fact that Op did say all of that. Just in fewer words. And frankly, I can't respect someone who can't respect the nurses and CNAs
@sciencenerd218 Жыл бұрын
Maybe Poppy barked just before the moment you said your name 😂
@persephoneszeliga Жыл бұрын
Omg I’m cracking up🤣🤣🤣 “Hello, my name is Bark.” It’s very kind and though of you to give us that blooper. I love it! Have a great day darling.
@soulreaper1981 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: the boyfriend should go to his male friends and tell them the femalfriend try to hook up with him. That should clear up all the confusion
@BraveryWing26 7 ай бұрын
I am so glad the boyfriend come to the conclusion the "Friend" in the first story was nothing but a jerk and ended the "friendship" all on his own. She was so awful.
@danisonice. Жыл бұрын
There's actually a possibility that the friend isn't into him but still competing to be the more important person in the boyfriend's life
@Nylak-Otter Жыл бұрын
Story 2: I made it into vet school on my own with no student debt because I got a ton of scholarships and I worked full time while I was in school, and still volunteered and had a bunch of extracurricular activities. I still dropped out of the vet program to become a glorified dog trainer, because vet med was repetitive and boring, and being a behaviorist was wildly unpredictable and intellectually stimulating, and I actually got to work with the animals and change their lives in a different way. A lot of people go into nursing because they want to work with people and the day-to-day challenges and changes, not just study anatomy, procedures, medications and disorders. Nursing also requires social skills, which, trust me, is an asset that a *lot* of physicians can't master. They're two completely different experiences.
@janabug68 Жыл бұрын
Story 2: Any doctor who disrespects a nurse, pisses me off and is a redflag to me.
@alma5147 Жыл бұрын
I am studying to be a nurse and I am furious. It is hard work studying and working is even harder from my experiences. Doctors could not survive in the medical field without nurses, nurses assistance, ambulance personell, etc. and that's just the truth.
@GBunnyG Жыл бұрын
God, I'm glad to hear that last update on story 1. Last time I heard it, the last update wasn't in there.
@bitterrenegade Жыл бұрын
Hello Bark!!! Today, I am listening while trying to do some homework… you’d think that adulthood would make schoolwork easier, but nah. It does not.
@DemonAngel Жыл бұрын
S1- I had a situation like this. I texted my guy best friend and my husband and I got a little uncomfortable with how he had acted at a party. I said that for now we just not need to hang out. Instead of you know apologizing or even saying "okay that's cool" he went off on me. Like full on. My husband kind did that "see?" Look. It they are your friend, like a real friend, they will want to fix it. Not blow up and spread rumors. Which is what my ex friend also did
@rhubarbfranco4395 Жыл бұрын
I don't personally think it necessary to preserve ones feeling while they are actively demeaning another. She deserved to have her hard work undermined if she's going to have a narcissistic viewpoint like that.
@TriciaT2407 23 күн бұрын
Last story: NTA All three worked hard to get where they are. The difference? Ellie had options due to the solid financial support she got. The nurse didn't. In fact, if the nurse had Ellie's kind of support, she'd be a doctor too. Never try to out someone else's candlelight to make people focus on yours. All it does is make people see the flaws in your candle.
@leaflet1686 Жыл бұрын
Oh, wow all his friends just believed that girl over BOTH OF THEM!?
@erasus0307 Жыл бұрын
I'd love to hear this story in reverse. Where the girlfriend would drop a male friend that was in to her. You always hear of boyfriends willing to drop a female friend to make their girlfriend happy but not so much in the reverse.
@paulastiles5507 Жыл бұрын
Story #2: MDs like Ellie used to enrage my mother (who was a nurse for 37 and a half years - she always added the half) and had a Master's in Nurse Midwifery. Nursing school is *not* med school for stupid people. They are different jobs requiring different skill sets. There are some great nurses out there and some truly dim doctors. Ellie sounds like one of the latter.
@VesnaVK Жыл бұрын
Story 2: ESH. Both of them believe that doctors are smarter than nurses. The only difference is that OP thinks there are some smart nurses, but they just didn't have the opportunity to go to med school. Also OP is too polite to say it to their face. I didn't hear any commenters point that there are lots of really smart reasons to want to be a nurse, not a doctor.
@luciferandassociates9255 Жыл бұрын
Can you please tell me how "You got handouts, you don't get to talk about other people." Equal to "I think doctors are smarter than nurses?" Because I don't see it.
@s6r231 Жыл бұрын
Hey Bark!! Last story is definitely an ESH.
@MsTemptation Жыл бұрын
S1: I'm sorry but I couldn't date a guy this clueless. I realize that people who are close to certain situations have a harder time seeing how they're being manipulated, but come on for goodness sake. A real friend wouldn't try to monopolize your time or spread lies about your relationship. Jealous people who are emotionally invested in you only do crap like that. Op's boyfriend knew but just assumed that by keeping this chick in the friend zone; she would eventually back off. His friend sounds like the "nice girl" version of a nice guy.
@vincentwhitehead Жыл бұрын
Story 1:op’s bf is a shiny spine having keeper
@devinphillips5425 Жыл бұрын
Story 2: This whole story reminded me of those 90's parents who smacked their kids for hitting another kid. Basically, The doctor friend belittled the nurse friend's achievement. So, OP belittled the doctor friend's achievements after saying not to do that? I thought we got passed the "do as I say not as I do" teaching lol
@adamryan977 Жыл бұрын
I can imagine Bark as a Golden Retriever.
@stevenfrost3469 11 ай бұрын
Story 3: ESH Ellie is entitled, but so is OP, for diminishing Ellie's accomplishments.
@stephanien6237 Жыл бұрын
Ellie is really entitled and her pathetic attitude denigrating nurses (you know, who presumably Ellie would work with daily as a pediatrician). She anyone who has to put other people down to feel good about themselves has some serious personal issue. If she were happy in her life she wouldn’t cast stones on anyone else for pursuing a fantastic career!
@vivianwalters1329 Жыл бұрын
I just finished painting a kobold miniature for dnd! Also painted some orks for Orktober. Thanks for the video Mark! :)
@dustysimpson7864 Жыл бұрын
S1- Tell BF to take care of it. You don't have to deal with her.
@shizanketsuga8696 Жыл бұрын
18:16 This has me rolling my eyes _hard._ While the commenter is _technically_ not wrong that OP could have worded her objection to her friend's behaviour better this is the most masturbatory write-up of that criticism possible. Nobody talks like that, and between grown adults it's hardly ever necessary to cushion your criticism with outright smothering amounts of reassurance, to the point that many people would find the suggested tone just plain patronising. And the worst part is that the gist of the message is pretty much what OP said, so the commenter must have tried really hard to both-sides and issue that didn't need to be both-sided just to be extra-special and give an ESH.
@buttslapper6969 Жыл бұрын
God, imagine what ellie will say about some of her patients if she has the balls to talk down a nurse
@natsukifan8736 Жыл бұрын
Tbh in story one before opening the door I would have put the phone into recording and recorded her and send it to his friends
@OZARKMOON1960 Жыл бұрын
#1 - The OP had the best approach - let the BF see this awful person for what she really is. Maybe now his friend group will realize that it is the ex-friend who was manipulative and controlling, not the OP.
@DrawciaGleam02 Жыл бұрын
I hope so, but I'm not optimistic since the girl helped the BF after his father's death. Most people would say that action ALONE means that she should be chosen over OP. It's also why the friend group is mad in the first place! It's all too easy in this scenario to find oneself being made the scapegoat for breaking apart a group of longtime friends if complaints about an opposite gender friend are made.
@utha5034 11 ай бұрын
Story 1: what about his “friends” who believed her lies?
@cpaul9269 Жыл бұрын
Story 1 - @~1:40 - "I got so mad I couldn't talk to my boyfriend about it". Barely started this story, and there's that. Whaaaa? That's exactly when you DO need to talk to your SO in ANY relationship. Moving on - the boundaries OP mentions seem more than reasonable to me, but she has to work with him on those things, and he has to buy in or it will not work.
@Detector1977 Жыл бұрын
Yay, I love the whole "SO has a long term friend of the opposite sex". Even if there are endless amount of examples you are "insecure" if you object to it....
@saralee6710 Жыл бұрын
I'm a doctor and nurses are the backbone of medicine. What is she speaking about. Becoming a RN is not easy, and nurses are far more patient facing than doctors. When I worked in the hospital, I made rounds. Meaning, patients are more of a clinical file for doctors. We try to figure out what the ailment is, and how to fix it. Rounds allow us to check-in on the patient for their input, and treatment efficacy, but we are only there a brief while before returning to view results and nursing reports. The nurse is the person who is there with you to help you remain comfortable and advise us on your complaints, progress or simply to make you comfortable during stressful times. It isn't that we do not care, it is simply that our job requires more clinical focus, and we tend to have many patients we need to develop treatment plans for. I could not do this without nurses, so she sounds insane. Many nurses only wish to be nurses, because that is what they enjoy. It has nothing to do with the ability to become a doctor, as the leap from RN to NP is not far, just not desired by everyone. Be kind to your nurses, as they are there for you. I am just trying to keep you alive, but I do not have the ability to focus solely on you. Also, if she really feels that way, I am a Virologist MD with a PhD in epidemiology, and she's a pediatrician, which is a General Practitioner for children. Should I say she has no real specialty? That would be rude and insulting, because no matter what path we choose, the goal is wellness. She should not be in medicine, if she does not understand the importance of everyone, from the orderlies to the CMO. I know doctors like this, and they are a disservice to the medical field, because they see themselves atop of it, instead of a part of it. Sorry for the phone rant, and any typos, it simply irritated me to hear.
@norcimorci Жыл бұрын
These videos have such a simple concept. But just seeing a new one is out makes me excited. And the intro makes me genuinely happy. It's something about Mark's voice and personality. It's comforting. Hope you never disappear from the platform Mark!😀
@riley6740 Жыл бұрын
I’m an older lady and I am so thankful that I was oblivious to men around me that actually looked at me or even if they said little things, I was blissfully unaware. To me. If someone didn’t point blank ask me for a date, I was clueless. I certainly wouldn’t have been aware of any girls being a certain way with a guy I was dating. I do have a bunch of letters that were left to me by various men I dated, and I had no clue what I meant to them. So sad that I wasn’t aware before we stopped dating.
@tkb5726 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video, Bark! 😂Love the channel!
@pugsabi Жыл бұрын
Time to start a Bark's Narration channel where I go around critiquing the local fauna.
@VesnaVK Жыл бұрын
Bark Parrations and his doggo Moppy
@authormomma9542 Жыл бұрын
Also, listening while trying to organize my craft are and I'm making things soooo much worse. If anyone sees me trying to buy anything craft related, please slap my hands and tell me to craft with all the stuff I have at home!
@LillyianPuppy Жыл бұрын
You can both work hard and acknowledge your privilege. Some people are born on third base and go through life acting like they hit a triple.
@teragram38crows49 Жыл бұрын
That last story: Ellie shouldn't have been so disrespectful to nurses. It is a great accomplishment to become a doctor, but doctors and nurses are absolutely essential to each other in order for any medical establishment to run smoothly.
@johnchristopher4341 Жыл бұрын
Story to she never demeaned Ellie's achievement she only brought to Ellie's attention multiple to of headstarts compared to their friend
@krazycats564 Жыл бұрын
Great video Bark. Love it
@VoltaicNebulae Жыл бұрын
I shall love and cherish this blooper that you have given me. It shall sit in my brain and I will take very good care of it for as long as I remember. Unrelated question, what was I writing about again?
@heathermiller5765 Жыл бұрын
With a name like Shade Wolf I would hope you could cherish it lol 🐺
@VoltaicNebulae Жыл бұрын
@@heathermiller5765 Bork bork
@LisaApril Жыл бұрын
Stories one and two: Finally, good wins out over bad without too much long lasting bullshit. Story three: I know a veterinarian who took two more years of school and became an MD. This lady who is a veterinarian can also become an MD if she wants. Maybe she loves animals more than she likes people who knows? Maybe she’s not aware and doesn’t care...
@TheSouthernSun Жыл бұрын
I’m here for the internal commentary 😂
@coolkidlatay7988 Жыл бұрын
Should’ve done this video on Tuesday so it had pics of pets when you said “my names bark”
@AndyyWithAY Жыл бұрын
My name is bark 🤣🤣. Friday be like I'm so tired I don't even know my own name. Relatable!
@yobabycolin2933 Жыл бұрын
@jennilynne1977 Жыл бұрын
It doesn't have to be Friday for me to be so wore out I don't know my own name. Lol
@thecrebain6760 Жыл бұрын
Bark Narrations is one of my favourite channels! : )
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