Marvel's Spider-Man 2 (RSG Review)

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7 ай бұрын

Is this Trash or Pass?
Is this the BEST Spider-Man Game?
Hey guys, thanks for watching the video. I hope you enjoyed. This was a very important game. I like marvel. I like spider-man. I am not an npc. That's all I gotta say.
My speedster videos are the most viewed videos which is awesome but in a way bad. Just because theres nothing more for me to say and dudes think there is. I have to take an expansive step forward instead of just extending an idea. Not only because I try to be more artistic but also because views. A random video on David from cyberpunk edge runners isn't gonna get views.
But anyway about Peter. No charisma peter. Beloved Dude. Respect. Just kidding. No disrespect to Yuri but he should go back to voicing last of us npcs. Because he has not given one convincing performance with insomniac. But respect to spider-man ps4 fans, I'll honestly let you guys have this.
Spider-Man Fans can't believe they just waited 5 years for a 15 hour game

Пікірлер: 57
@RSG200 7 ай бұрын
See you guys in 5 years so we can find out what happens to green goblin and carnage in another 15 hour campaign
@CookieTwoStep 7 ай бұрын
See you then
@trippymartian8847 7 ай бұрын
Must be an optimist, I was guessing 6-7
@rumbazumba3189 7 ай бұрын
Carnage is probably gonna be a dlc
@Squeezebox1738 7 ай бұрын
the most disappointing aspect about this game was that there was ZERO Uncle Grandpa content within it. Insomniac, WHAT ARE YOU DOOOINGGGGG!?!
@ty-yel 7 ай бұрын
30 hours to complete? Not even close, it took me 16 hours to platinum. Also I feel like you overpraised the gameplay in terms of mechanics. It's essentially the same as Miles Morales in terms of how abilities work with a couple new changes, although I agree it was streamlined with the gadgets and abilities being easier without having to use a wheel. For me they didn't really innovate the gameplay for combat that much, swinging was more fun and felt better for sure, and stealth was still super uninteresting. Bosses were definitely the highlight of the game and I do agree that there should have been more side content and bosses besides the main story.
@RSG200 7 ай бұрын
On some level I think me praising this game's gameplay is also me praising the last games. I jsut could not stand the weak ass sound effects in the last games. Not a lot of people would have that problem but this is the first time I truly enjoyed the combat. Even if most people probably wouldn't see the difference. I thought the stealth has always been useless and I don't really see innovation as anything important to a game's quality. But yeah I gave the game a 7 so I would consider to be a pretty good game. Even if it is super short
@shuunobotenzo1992 7 ай бұрын
U being frl? Combat was a big improvement from the first games combat and the it was already good. Don't get how much more yall want them to add
@trippymartian8847 7 ай бұрын
Yeah I only play this for the gameplay and vibe That’s why I straight shot the story asap so I they would stop taking me into wack cutscenes in the middle of me swinging around the city
@plooche 7 ай бұрын
Thank god someone else is saying this my biggest problem with this game was how they did venom if al be honest he felt like a one note villain his entire character wasn’t venom it was basically Carnage especially with the alien invasion and taking over New York which is something Carnage has actually done and venom only had subtle indications of a feather personality from his fight banter with Miles and even then you don’t know if it’s a Harry, who is actually saying it. And his dislike of being degraded to being called a thing which to me felt like the bare minimum. Tom Hardy’s Venom had more character than him. I heard someone’s video were they theories that Peter corrupted venom with his pent-up anger but it felt more matter of opinion the fact.
@jaxxpool9630 7 ай бұрын
Insomniac Venom did have some character though. Let me name some examples. He picked up Peter's obsession of protecting New York and took it as his own. He got jealous of Miles for taking his host away from him. Lastly, he sets out to make Harry's dream in healing the world a reality, but in a more unnatural way. Venom even took some of Harry's traits like wanting Peter to join him and feeling like he wasn't good enough for Norman. The real issue with Venom is that he should've had more screentime or at least more lines of dialogue.
@edgaramos4337 7 ай бұрын
We needed this
@Centinym 7 ай бұрын
Yeah, I figured that the characters and interaction would be the weakest link and that would seep into everything else. We're here for the Spiderman. The melodrama in comics has always been weak though. They have opportunities for legit drama (clone saga, uncle ben, secret identity, gwen and captain stacy's deaths) but for some reason it always goes back to meaningless conflict with side characters. For some reason they think they can fix this by adding more characters to orbit Peter rather than change how they explore Peter's life. He's SPIDERMAN, he has one of the most well known rogues galleries and origins in comics, how hard is that to make interesting?
@kinoman4875 7 ай бұрын
Idrk if you’ve read rhe comics but the main strength of spidey back before OMD has always been his personal drama. Whether it is his beef with eddie and venom while venom was a sort of anti-hero, The conflict between peter and harry while he was the green goblin, gwen stacy hating spider-man but loving peter and the fact that in his teen years peter has always been a bit of a jackass
@Centinym 7 ай бұрын
@@kinoman4875 Disagreed. I'd say that the over-reliance on it is what held his comics back and comics in general. It's why him and MJ break up every couple years for the last 60 years. The root of every problem Spider-Man has as a character can be traced back to the same constant petty drama that adds nothing to the story and is only there so the writer can shoehorn a new conflict to put on the blurb on the front of the next issue.
@kinoman4875 7 ай бұрын
@@Centinym last 60 years? My man mj and peter constantly breaking up has only been a problem for the last 10 years exclusively because of modern spidey runs. And spidey’s interpersonal drama is what made rhe character, it’s literally half the reason he became more popular than other marvel heroes and made him stand out. His superhero adventures has always affected his personal life and that made for some interesting dynamic between him and his loved ones/villains who are involved with peter parker, take that away and what different is he from someone like captain america or iron man
@Centinym 7 ай бұрын
@@kinoman4875 Pretty sure it has been a thing for longer, though the nature of the break up has never been quite so... egregious? If you can cite their first break up by issue and date I'll concede that I misspoke on that detail. I'd argue that the drama of small spats is *not* what kept people interested in Spider-Man. The core of his struggle is the pull between responsibilities. The drama is just a negative consequence, not the core appeal. No one *wants* to see Peter get yelled at. No one *wants* to see him struggle with money - they want to see how he makes things work. A mistake a lot of writers seem to repeat. It's like saying you like the weight of death in a narrative so the writers misunderstand that and start snuffing out characters because "that's what people want to see". Same thing here. The petty arguments are nothing more than obstacles for out protagonist, centering the character *on* the petty struggle or being overly heavy handed with melodrama is just misery porn. You get what I'm saying?
@kinoman4875 7 ай бұрын
@@Centinym what you said was…actually what i mean in a way. Yeah people wants to see peter’s interpersonal drama but the thing that makes that drama good isn’t because it happened but because peter overcomes it and becomes a better person after it. Like how him and flash thompson buries the hatchet and becomes best friends, him and eddie having a good (while conplicated) relationship with one another and him being able to balance his work and life making it so that his relationship with mj works.
@jaxxpool9630 7 ай бұрын
Okay I don't mean to sound disrespectful, but there are a lot of problems with this video. I'm specifically referring to your claims that Insomniac's Spider-Man stories have lazy writing because the characters quote on quote explain their feelings instead of showing them. I seriously do not understand why you see this as a problem since what you're criticizing is just dialogue and has nothing to do with the logic of the plot or characters. I'm gonna use the scene where Peter lashes out at Harry and MJ for example. You say it's forced because Peter is explaining what he's feeling instead of showing, but your context isn't very strong. I mean, Peter didn't even start the argument to begin with. MJ literally confronted him and tried to warn him that the symbiote is changing him, which made him angry and he believed she's getting in the way of him being a hero. How else was Peter supposed to react? Should he just ignore MJ and leave the room? That would be very weak and would just make him look passive. This scene helps establish why Peter isn't letting go of the symbiote and how it's taking a hold on him. Speaking of which, I need to argue that the symbiote didn't just make Peter evil. It did bring out something in Peter and built off of that. The symbiote started influencing Peter when he was searching Connor's house and saw photos of Connor's family, etc. He starts to feel angry that Kraven turned Connors back into a monster just for sport, which he would naturally feel without the symbiote. So Peter understandably wants Kraven to pay for that and the symbiote suppresses his sense of knowing not to cross the line of morality. Peter later starts to feel like he can protect the city better with the symbiote, which is why he lashes at his friends because he thinks they're getting in his way, which takes us to the fight between Peter and Miles. I don't understand why people are not getting this. Another thing is that you don't always need a main character to change or learn something in order for a satisfying story. You can make up for that if the character is interesting from the get go and makes you want to root for them. This goes for the Batman Arkham games too. Even though the only game where Bruce Wayne undergoes character development is Arkham Origins, he's still interesting in the other games and is impacted by what he experiences, especially after Arkham City. One more thing is I have to, without trying to be rude, once again address how inconsistent your standards are when it comes to writing. You keep saying that Insomniac's Spider-Man doesn't have good writing, yet you give The Last of Us Part 2 a free pass for how poorly written it is. Some examples are Joel's death happening because of contrivances that goes against his character, the ambigous debate of the first game's ending being invalidated and the reasoning for Ellie letting Abby live when it instead should've encouraged Ellie to kill her. It seems you let this slide because it's subtle, but you have to realize that subtlety has to be nuanced. You can't just create mysterious tension or shock value for the sake of it. You have to think about plot logic and character consistency. It's why The Last Jedi is disrespectful to the legacy of Star Wars. Showing over telling isn't always the best option for a story. Sorry if I typed too much, but there's just so much I had to break down.
@ethanjohnson3642 7 ай бұрын
The haptic feedback doesnt get enough praise
@greencaffeineupsb1728 7 ай бұрын
I've noticed a certain aaa games constantly have the player characters gibber gabbering about gameplay hints and stuff in the environment. Sad to see they gibber grabber about their internal feelings too. Gets annoying haha. Also I haven't played the spider man games but does anyone know whether this game touches on the weird venom symbiote origins? Like with the demon sword dragon guy and how the spider symbol on venom is really a dragon??
@edupe6185 6 ай бұрын
They don’t tell those venom details, but at the end venom grows wings at least 🤷‍♂️
@roderick8167 7 ай бұрын
Yeah Harry is definitely pissed that Peter was acting like a a**hole to him but I chock it up to Harry not saying anything back to Peter when he's cussing him out because if Harry says anything seriously crazy back to him then Peter might fold his ass in seconds, this isn't regular happy go lucky Peter this is say something crazy and I'm tossing your ass out the window Symbiote Peter 😂
@MONSTARks 7 ай бұрын
i think u registered some moments wrong or tried to dig a bit to deep except for the mj fight that bih beat my ah for 30 plus mins then got the audacity to say everything is about me, ofc it is im the face of nyc tf
@sattire7694 7 ай бұрын
I swear if miles and girl spiderman become the main focus instead of Pete that’s just rude
@studybuddy2745 5 ай бұрын
But u have to agree the story was rushed,mary jane one shotting trained hunters whereas peter and miles are having a hard time with,and kraven's absurdity of killing all spider man villains off screen except scorpion and instead should have hunted spidey in the first place since he defeated all of them? What we needed is more venom and a proper fleshed out plot with more spider man missions and proper character arcs for both peter and miles since we waited 5 years for this? Overall it was ok and waiting for marvel spider man 3
@JMPT 7 ай бұрын
Spooky Nice🕷️🕸️🕷️
@LightOfMyLife227 3 ай бұрын
@InspirationalBacon 7 ай бұрын
You gotta remember that insomiac is a progressive studio so things like talking about theyre feelings in the fight is gonna happen.
@Baedor_pazzo 7 ай бұрын
@ntsakomathebula4840 7 ай бұрын
when Kraven died i was like yep thats it, wrap it up, but the game pulled me back when Venom said to white spider-man "This is where we became best friends, and now its where we become brothers". Gut reaction was "that's theatre right there!" I'll admit that immediately when peter started talking in the fight, a glaze of cringe festered into me ears, however best way to play the game is muted or with the fifa 12 soundtrack on
@CrocsFortress 7 ай бұрын
Good luck with the comments,games got a large fandom and hatedom already.
@kinoman4875 7 ай бұрын
Compared to some of the other dogshit reviews either sucking this game off or shitting on this game relentlessly with barely valid criticism (like the review from griffin gaming). I’d say rsg has to have one of the better reviews where he actually explains his points and make actually good points about the weakness and strengths of the game
@CrocsFortress 7 ай бұрын
@@kinoman4875Yea,this is a valid review,one of the better ones I seen.
@lingricen8077 7 ай бұрын
where are these comments? looks like you made an ass of yourself
@popjack-ir2zi 7 ай бұрын
while i love this game, i feel sony rushed insomniac to release this game,
@edupe6185 6 ай бұрын
The fact that the game didn’t have new game plus kinda proves it. They’re at least gonna add it in the December update, but I’m sorry for the people who already bought a physical copy 💀
@pgrdebates9060 6 ай бұрын
Bro ain’t no way you just said the boss battles where challenging💀 the boss battles in these games are horrible. They are easy, no uniqueness to them whatsoever and don’t even feel like a boss battle. The boss battles are definitely one of the worst parts of these games
@edupe6185 6 ай бұрын
Did you actually play it? If you don’t respond, I’ll be pretty sure you’re just a hater. This game isn’t perfect, but it’s far better than the first.
@pgrdebates9060 6 ай бұрын
@@edupe6185 I will respond. I played both and really enjoyed both. But both of them have terrible non challenging boss battles, terrible stealth and the story modes are way too short. Other than that the games are great but those are my only big issues with the game.
@Vleaso 3 күн бұрын
@@edupe6185you never replied to their response, you must be a hater
@agreatmanlookingtotheright 7 ай бұрын
if this guy gives the game a 7 out of a undefined limitt it must be more fun the Arkham City.
@delanguirand9573 7 ай бұрын
@GOLOY685 6 ай бұрын
I thought that was funny
@lingricen8077 7 ай бұрын
Terrible game, which isnt a surprise because its a zoomer game (like 99% of all content because zoomers are anti-inclusive) zoomers ruin everything
@edupe6185 6 ай бұрын
Zoomers? That’s the worst argument of the week 😂
@cycle3773 7 ай бұрын
THIS is why Starfield will win GOTY
@Micheybomber 7 ай бұрын
@Mal-go5dl 7 ай бұрын
That shit look mid as hell
@shuunobotenzo1992 7 ай бұрын
Not even nominate
@JulianHill-xd4bt 7 ай бұрын
It’s just a fun lil game to turn your brain off yknow
@lautaroescarlon7501 7 ай бұрын
Yeah so a 7/10
@Kessekom 7 ай бұрын
This is why gamers deserve less than nothing.
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